#horsies go fast
vanilla-blessing · 2 months
qb's top 5 anime of 2023
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This list is coming out in July 2024 because I needed to finish mygo first and also I needed several more months to write it that's my excuse
#1 Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - ROAD TO THE TOP
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In order to explain why I put a gacha mobile game anime adaptation in the #1 rank I need to explain why Uma Musume Pretty Derby had a bad start. There was a flash of wild inspiration in the core concept, that this is a place where real world racehorses are, instead of awkward animals, awkward two-legged girls who do a victory song and dance when they win, and it accommodates this absurd gimmick in every part of their setting with humorously large phones and earmuffs and carrot burgers, but it lacked the confidence that this premise was funny enough on its face and frequently dumped dramatically less good comedy on top of a basic sports anime formula. There was a spark of something fun there, but it was ultimately covered up by too many bits that were tedious and unremarkable, and the anime didn't stand out from other sports anime in execution. Thankfully, Uma Musume Season 2 got a strong upgrade in animation and began to prioritize the simple but effective drama of competitive running, building a more coherent narrative around the real-life events that happened to these horses. Most importantly, it took itself more seriously (which is much funnier) and steadily accumulated memorable moments and running bits, then paid off everything in the bombastic final episodes that sprinted to the top of my 2021 anime list.
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Uma Musume: Road To The Top further refines the formula of Uma Musume Season 2 into four lighting-quick special episodes with no wasted time and even more commitment to the bit that anime girls yelling their heads off while running is simultaneously thrilling and really, really funny. Road To The Top is pure gas the whole time, entirely composed of over-the-top highlights, and utterly confident that it can go as hard as possible on tragic drama and ferocious action, buoyed by the fact that all of this is inherently hilarious no matter what they do.
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The 2024 horse movie Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA seems to have inherited this momentum and accelerated to ludicrous speeds, so it's my most anticipated anime and I need it as soon as possible. There's something to the fictionalized drama Uma Musume as a franchise has built on obsessively accurate results of horse races that is compelling in its authenticity, enabling Studio KAI to capture the feeling of the messy but true stories that get passed down naturally and retold among fans of any sport, but starring anime horse girls with profoundly stupid names. This is the highest compliment I can give in the sports genre.
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None of this bizarre franchise should work on paper, but it does anyway, its momentum keeps growing, and it shows no signs of slowing down.
#2 BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
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BanG Dream MyGO!!!!! doesn't come up in the first page of results of any anime database when you start typing the title, it's something like the 4th or 6th entry in the BanG Dream gacha mobile game anime franchise, none of the other seasons are particularly notable aside from putting SANZIGEN on the map as one of the two rock-solid CG anime studios; the point is nobody really expected a lot from this show. MyGO!!!!! has the same core staff from the other seasons, it even shares some of the same characters as other seasons (although it's intended to be watched standalone). However, despite everything being stacked against it, MyGO!!!!! forced its way into many top 10 anime lists by word of mouth, where it was praised widely for its exceptionally powerful writing and lyrics, strikingly competent CG animation, and unique style that could only be pulled off on a TV schedule by a team that was supremely confident in their ability to execute the previous two things.
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The personalities that make up the titular wildly dysfunctional band range from deeply unpleasant to generally infuriating, but MyGO!!!!! strikes a careful balance, endearing them as people without giving an inch in portraying how frankly awful they are to each other. Seeing these messy, manipulative musicians clash, break up, and unwillingly come together again over the course of the season reaches heights of drama I've rarely seen before, it's as though you're watching a house made entirely out of tires burn down.
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The way the show's tangled relationships converge around the immovable object Tomori, who's inability to read a room or pick up on signals just so happens to cut through their collective drama like a hot knife through butter, is such a compelling way to utilize a character unambiguously on the spectrum that I haven't stopped thinking about it and I'll need at least a few more watches to fully appreciate. She's the X-factor that makes the entire show work and episode 3 rigidly forcing you to inhabit her first-person worldview isn't only a directing stunt uniquely suited to CG, it's a blunt declaration of the core mission of MyGO!!!!!.
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Halfway through 2024, everyone's talking up different band anime about girls who are more than friends, but MyGO!!!!! will be known forever as the definitive band anime about girls who are closer to mortal enemies.
#3 Pluto
Pluto's my favorite manga and the anime took so long to come out we thought it was fake. My only major complaint is that the CG is unmistakably strange and evokes the feeling of observing an alternate history of animated special effects development that is more goofy and endearing than bad, but it's a consistent distraction from the all-timer material.
#4 Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Totally unexpected drop on Netflix in the middle of a season, this caught me off guard and handed me a full platter of New Scott Pilgrim which I didn't know I was ravenously hungry for.
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#5 Oshi no Ko
I adore the manga for Oshi no Ko, especially the more sicko it gets, but the anime is objectively better thanks to smart pacing decisions, an unreasonably powerful character designer, and better planning than most seasonal anime (everyone knew this would hit like an isekai truck so they just didn't stop after S1). S2 is airing now and it's already powerful in the ways I just said.
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Heavenly Delusion and Apothecary Diaries were also pretty good. Expect my next 2024 anime list in 2028 - friend of the show qb
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thefrogman · 17 days
Froggie's Mailbox Adventures
I have been wanting to tell this story for a while now. This all happened right before my birthday and then I got sick for 4 weeks and didn't have the energy to talk about it.
So let us take a trip into the recent past to hear a tale of woe and triumph with a bunch of extra woe interspersed throughout.
It all began on the 4th of July.
Some neighborhood rascals ruined my old mailbox with a baseball bat.
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They also destroyed my brand new mailbox sensor that lets me know when there is mail so I don't have to make multiple trips to check.
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(Ring replaced it for free, so that was nice.)
Originally, I was going to hire someone to replace the mailbox. But I was not having much luck finding someone who could do that specific task. (I've been having trouble finding help in general due to living in a supposedly "dangerous" area.)
So I decided to try and install the mailbox myself. And I had no idea how much of an adventure that was going to be...
My first step was tearing off the old one to see how it was mounted.
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I got some paper and a sharpie and noted where the holes were. And, of course, they didn't line up with the new mailbox.
Which is a really nice mailbox. I mean, it is solid. Check this bad boy out and please don't notice the dirty clothes lying on the floor in the background.
It is always so tempting to save a few bucks and get the cheaper thing, but I am so glad I splurged on this. It looks nice. It functions well. It has magnets. And I don't think it can be baseball-batted without some instant karmic retribution from Newton's third law.
My next step was to get a new mounting plate. And even though I try not to go to Home Depot because it is run by a bunch of conservative religious bigots... I went to Home Depot.
I was a little nervous about leaving the house at the time because I was still struggling with my heart issue (which I think is mostly resolved now). I was trying to be very careful about how much I exerted myself. I really didn't want to have an episode while I was out and about.
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After searching for a while I discovered they had a mounting plate and a pressure-treated mounting board. I could do wood or metal. And they were located on completely opposite ends of the store because of course they were.
I had both items in my hand and I did that thing where you just keep staring at something hoping a useful thought will pop into your brain. I had no clue which one was better for my needs. There is surprisingly little information regarding mailbox installation on the internet. YouTube really let me down on this one. I was just kinda winging it and solving problems as I went along.
I stared for for a little while longer and no useful thoughts happened.
I was tired of staring so I just said, "Fuck it" and made an executive decision.
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Then I almost passed out in Home Depot.
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I spent too much time walking around that gigantic monstrosity of a store and my heart started beating super fast and my legs felt like jello and I started getting quite dizzy.
I was in rough shape.
So... I had a little lie-down next to a wall of tape measures.
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I just stared up at them thinking about all of the things I could measure.
I could measure a dog.
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Or a horsie.
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Or a horsie the size of a dog.
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Then I thought, "Ooh, that one has lasers! I NEED IT."
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My brain was not functioning at 100% in that moment.
After about 10 minutes of thinking about lasers and things I could measure with lasers, my body seemed to reboot and I was able to get up. Thankfully no one saw me and thought there was a dead body in the aisle or something. But that was still embarrassing all the same.
Once my heart slowed down I was able to pay and make it out to the car. I headed home and saw one of the most unusual sunsets of my life. The sun was dim and a shade of orange I have never seen in nature. It was like, cheeto orange. Not only that, it was a perfect circle with a super crisp outline. It didn't look real.
I tried to get a picture of it but when I looked at the picture later, the camera didn't capture anything like what I saw.
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This is the best approximation I can manage. But it still doesn't do it justice.
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I was hoping I could get home in time to grab my real camera and capture this strange setting sun, but it dipped below the horizon just as I pulled into my driveway.
I then started problem solving how to get the new mailbox in place with the items I purchased. And I was on a deadline because I have no clue what happens when the mailperson arrives and they don't have a mailbox to put the mail in. Do they just throw it on the ground? Do they get to keep the mail? Are they going to use all of my grocery coupons?
And for some reason, my post office does not keep a consistent delivery schedule. I've been trying to figure out a pattern for weeks and they just seem to come "whenever" and that is about as close as I can pin it down. Which is why I got the mailbox sensor.
Due to my near fainting episode in Home Depot, I was in no shape to be handy, so I was trying to think of a temporary solution to put the new mailbox on without properly mounting it. At first I was going to just wrap it in packing tape a bunch of times. But then I noticed I had a bunch of string. And I decided that was a more interesting solution... for reasons? My brain was still not doing well. But when I tried to tie the new mailbox to the post with the string it failed miserably. And I realized the packing tape wouldn't work either. The mailbox did not sit flat on the post and it wiggled. However, because I tried the dumb string method, I discovered this wiggle issue and it actually helped me figure out how to mount it.
I gave up for the night and decided to hope I could install the box in the morning before "whenever" happened. The next morning I started drawing dots on boards and comparing my old holes to my new holes and measuring clearances. (Measuring without lasers like a chump.) I needed to elevate the mailbox in order to mount it and that's when I thought to combine the board and the plate. I could screw the board into the old holes and then create new holes in the board for the plate to attach. And the plate lined up with the holes in the bottom of the new mailbox.
It was a pretty big brain moment for me and I felt like I just solved quantum physics or something.
You're probably pretty confused because you are not as smart as I am.
Here is a diagram to help.
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The board mounts to the post arm. The plate screws into the board. The mailbox screws into the plate.
Or just use string.
Also, how fortunate was it that I stared for all that time and got frustrated and just bought both things?
My next problem was that my drill wouldn't fit inside the mailbox and I couldn't screw the screws in place. So I drilled pilot holes in the board so I could manually screw in the screws with a ratcheting right angle screwdriver.
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And the only reason I had one of those is because I use it as a fidget toy. (I like the clicky sounds.)
Another lucky happenstance!
I tried to prepare as much as I could in my garage before dragging all of my tools to the end of my lengthy driveway. I brought along my dad's old rolling walker so I'd have something to transport everything.
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But also so I'd have something to sit on while I was installing the new box. Then I wouldn't have another heart episode and need another lie-down.
Seriously, how big is my brain?
I am like the smartest person alive.
So I got to the end of the driveway with all of my tools and my board and my plate and my templates and I realized something was missing.
The new mailbox.
I am like the dumbest person alive.
After a quick back-and-forth to retrieve the mailbox, I got started on my master mounting plan.
I screwed the board onto the post arm.
Then I screwed the plate into the board.
Then I lined up the new mailbox onto the plate.
But as I was doing this, I was kinda sticking out into the street a little bit. And usually that isn't a big deal. Cars can see me from very far away and they were just steering around me. But then two cars came from opposite directions at the same time and I was in a precarious position where I could not move. One car steered wide to avoid me, and for some reason, the other car decided not to slow down but to drive off the edge of the street.
And as they pulled this maneuver I heard a loud thump, followed by a loud pop, and then the sound of hissing getting farther and farther away.
Like a snake version of the Doppler effect.
They drove directly into this and popped their tire.
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On the one hand, I felt a little responsible and guilty. On the other, it is not my responsibility to fix the street. And on a third hand, that was silly driving behavior and perhaps they will see this as a learning moment.
After processing what just happened I got back to the task at hand. To my delight and surprise, all of my planning and problem-solving was working. Everything fit together perfectly. The right angle ratcheting screwdriver was screwing in the screws. And after I tightened the final one...
I had successfully installed a new mailbox, on my own, without any jankiness or tape or string.
Like, I did this legit proper.
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Tons of pure endorphins rushed into wherever endorphins go. (Again, I am very smart.) That feeling of accomplishment was pure ecstasy. I had no idea how to do this and in less than 24 hours I was basically an expert mailbox installer. I took some shots of my work on my phone so I could brag to Katrina, packed up all of my tools, and began to walk back to the house.
And... my heart started beating fast again.
And... I needed to have another little lie-down in the grass next to my driveway.
I stared up at the sky and was frustrated and proud simultaneously. A weird mixture of emotions. At the time I didn't know if my heart could be fixed. But thankfully I had my sense of accomplishment to temper my heart sadness.
And then I thought, "I should get a new address sign."
Epilogue time!
I got on Amazon and started looking up new signs. And I found one that was solar powered and lit up at night. So clearly I needed to have that one. My midnight food delivery people will never struggle to find my house again!
And it actually looked pretty neat.
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(My address is not actually four 0s, but you are free to try sending me something.)
The sign was very easy to read... if you were super duper close.
But if you were farther away...
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You couldn't actually distinguish the numbers. And it kinda looked weird next to the mailbox. And headlights made the numbers even harder to see. Which was the opposite of what I was going for.
So I opted to get a more traditional sign.
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(Please send items to the realm of nothingness. I am in the void.)
But this bugged me because the sign was a different size than the old sign and the connection points didn't line up perfectly.
It was at this point that Katrina started making fun of my perfectionism.
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But this wasn't perfectionism for perfection's sake.
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My Dad was having trouble fixing things around the house. And some other kids knocked over the previous, previous mailbox. And he found the strength to go to the store, get a new one, and install it all by himself. He was at the end of the driveway, attached to his portable oxygen canisters, and fixing one last thing for this house.
And I guess I just wanted to get it back to perfect. Because he never did any handyman task half-assed. He was a full-ass handyman. Always.
So... I fixed the sign.
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Perfectly balanced.
Again, feel free to send me stuff to 0000 Road.
I'm sure it will get here... "whenever."
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sdaedal · 2 months
Olympics equestrian cross country announcer, at Versailles, most elegantly: that's a beautiful jumper. What incredible synchronicity between horse and rider. Phenomenal movement.
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
Mikasa and Jean (post rumbling) babysitting.
Oh anon, this was a very fun one to write! It's a bit long, I hope you don't mind! 👀
When Jean and Mikasa learned about Annie’s pregnancy they were overjoyed. The recently married lovebirds made their announcement during dinner, where everyone had been invited.
Jean teased Armin to no end while Mikasa comforted Annie, making sure she was doing well. They were like family after all, the four of them alongside Connie, Pieck, Reiner and Levi. They celebrated all night long.
But no one expected their kid to turn out to be such a little brat. Well, all toddlers are assholes, but their little girl was spoiled to death. Both Armin and Annie wanted Iris to have the life they never got to have, so they gave her everything, from toys to clothes and infinite affection. They had been a bit too lenient. Too soft.
“For fuck’s sake!” Jean shouts, running around the living room with a butterfly net. “Come back here you little shit!!”
Iris is only one year and a half, but already has an attitude the size of a Colossal titan.
She refused to eat anything Mikasa cooked her and then, when they weren’t looking, escaped her high chair to roam through the house unattended.
“Jean, be careful!” Mikasa holds up a blanket, trying to capture the little monster.
Jean and Mikasa had offered to keep an eye on her for a few hours while Armin and Annie went away on a little trip. They REALLY needed a break from parenting, even for just a bit.
Both of them agreed to meet up at the Arlert residence to babysit Iris. It all seemed easy at the start.
“Got ya!” Mikasa says triumphantly, catching Iris in her blanket, wrapping it around her and lifting her up. She glances over at Jean, smiling, proud of herself.
But Jean really underestimated how difficult caring for a kid was. Especially while his and Mikasa’s relationship was still uncertain.
Yes. Uncertain. Undefined. Unlabeled. Were they dating? I mean they hugged before, once or twice. And their fingers had touched on some occasions. But Jean really didn’t want to push his luck, with Mikasa’s feelings toward Eren possibly still lingering.
“Haha, got ya you little fuck! You’re going straight back into your crib. No more play time.” Jean laughs, still panting from running around.
“Jean, you really shouldn’t talk like that around her.” Mikasa scolds him. “She’s a fast learner”.
“Of course she talks a lot, just like her dad” Jean crosses his arms. “That guy never shuts up!”. Mikasa nods, tickling Iris who giggles in return.
“Horsie!” Iris laughs, reaching out for some of Jean’s loose hair.
“Huh?! Not you too!”
Mikasa’s hand covers her mouth, muffling a few laughs. Jean lifts an eyebrow at her reaction and she turns her face away.
“No, Iris, my name is Jean. Jeeaann.” He repeats slowly, trying to get Iris to say his ACTUAL name.
Iris frowns, sticking out her tongue and turning towards Mikasa. She was a lot more fond of her than Jean. Mikasa was better at handling kids in general. She took care of Eren and Armin after all. And kids just gravitated towards her.
She was kind and soft. Had a lovely smile and a beautiful face. But she was also a badass, and could lift insane amounts of weights, including several kids at once. This is partly why kids gravitated towards her. She was like a superhero to them.
And given how much Mikasa had gone through, she was pretty much a superhero to Jean himself. Her scars were deep, too deep for kids to notice them. But Jean knew everything, he had seen Mikasa break and rebuild herself time and time again. He has no idea how she kept moving forward even after Eren’s death.
“I don’t think she’ll say your name anytime soon, Jean '' Mikasa adds, stroking Iris’s back. “It’s not exactly easy to pronounce”.
“And Mikasa is? She didn’t have issues saying that one!” Jean scoffs.
“I mean, she can’t say Arlert yet either. And her Reiner sounds more like ‘laina’ than anything” Mikasa moves to leave the living room and Jean follows her upstairs.
“True, I mean she’s still so small. But one day she’ll say Jean.” He smirks. “-Best uncle Jean-, to be precise”.
“But Connie’s her favourite uncle.” Mikasa opens the door to Iris’s room.
“For now. Give her some time and she’ll realise who the cool uncle really is!” Jean holds the door for her.
“I’m pretty sure she likes you the least.” She says flatly. “Even Levi’s higher on her list of ‘cool uncles’ and he made her cry the first time they met” Mikasa places Iris in her crib.
“Harsh” Jean pouts, passing Iris her favourite toy, a whale plushie. “So, who do -you- think is the coolest uncle?”. He leans against the wall, crossing his arms.
“Just so you know, I think all of you are very uncool” Mikasa tucks Iris in. It’s time she had a nap. “But if I had to pick, I think you’re the most fun to be around” she says softly while caressing Iris’ forehead.
“Oh?” Jean lifts an eyebrow. “Really? Well, miss Ackerman, I think you’re a pretty cool uncle yourself.”
Mikasa snorts. He always knew how to make her laugh.
“Very funny Jean.” She stands, pushing some hair behind her ear. “She’s asleep, we should let her be for a while.”
“Alright, we’ll check on her in a bit. Let’s take a break” and they turn off the light and leave the room, closing the door carefully.
“Alright, 30 minutes left.” Jean looks at his watch. “We’re almost done with her”.
They decide it would be best to hang out somewhere close by just in case Iris wakes up early, so they enter the guest bedroom next door. Mikasa rests on the bed while Jean falls into a comfortable armchair next to it.
“She’s a menace” Jean mutters. “So stubborn, just like her mom.”
“I don’t know, Armin can be pretty stubborn himself.” Mikasa chuckles, leaning back against her arms. “But she’s fast and climbs everywhere. I think she got Annie’s agility.”
“She’s pretty much a copy of Annie. They look so similar.”
There was silence for a while, Jean fiddling with his shirt while Mikasa glanced out the window.
“Thanks for doing this with me” she breaks the silence, crossing her legs on the bed.
“Of course, those hopeless dorks really needed help. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Armin so tired in my life.” he leans against his hand. “Besides, I like spending time with you” he mutters.
Mikasa smiles and shifts a bit closer to him, now facing each other.
“I like spending time with you too, Jean.” she pauses, playing with her fingers. “We should do it more often.”
Jean’s eyes widen. “You… you’d like that?”
“Yeah. You always make me laugh.”
“You do have a nice smile” Jean says, and Mikasa’s blush provokes his own. He takes a moment to reply. “And a nice…well… everything else”. Oh no, did he overstep?
“Jean…” she sounds serious, and Jean is about to get up and leave. But Mikasa stops him. “Stay. We need to talk”
“About what?” Jean asks, flustered. “I’m sorry, Mikasa. I said to-”
“No, you didn’t. I also…think you’re nice. Y-your smile…” her voice is small, like a whisper. “And everything else too”.
Jean is stunned. What was happening? Was Mikasa… flirting with him?? He must be reading between the lines.
But then she gazed at him with a spark in her eyes, rosy cheeks and furrowed brows in a way he’s never seen her do before and he can’t stop himself from leaning in and kissing her soft lips. They stayed like this for a second which felt like an eternity. But then Jean pulled away, covering his mouth. “I’M SO SORRY-!” He stands up, kicking the armchair behind him. Now he’s done it.
But Mikasa pulls him back down, kissing him again much more powerfully than he had done moments before and he loses his balance, falling over her on the bed.
He pushes himself up on his arms. “Hey, what are y-” but she kisses him again, and again. Jean can’t think straight and before he knows it one hand is in her hair and the other one rests on her waist, playing with the hem of her blouse. How long were they like this for? Were they really…
“MAKING OUT?” Annie shouts, the door slamming open. Armin’s in the door frame too, holding Iris but covering her eyes. Her face is plastered in what looks like pie.
“WHILE IRIS IS DOWNSTAIRS, IN THE KITCHEN NO LESS!” She’s fuming, slowly making her way towards the bed.
"Fuck!" Iris giggles, and everyone goes quiet. Annie turns to glare at Jean and a shiver runs down his spine. “JEAN KIRSTEIN, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN”.
If Jean died right now, he’d be a happy man.
💜This fic is now also on AO3 !
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eternal-love · 3 days
Austin and Me
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
I was pregnant. Goddamn it. Look, I was married and I knew this would happen, just not so fast. I know that Lori was four years old but it was still pretty fast for me.
However I grew to accept it, now I was less lonely during my pregnancy. I had Lori, I wasn’t mopping the floor like I did when I was pregnant with her. I hoped it would be a girl, I wanted to be able to reuse all the cute clothes Lori used. But if it was a boy, I wouldn’t mind him looking like Austin. I’ve seen pictures of Austin when he was a kid, a baby if you will— he was the cutest baby you could ever see.
But it pained me, I wanted to be able to resume my career but I guess I had to wait. I spent days reading scripts that came in.
I wanted more challenging roles. My dream role was to play into a medieval drama. Play a Queen or a Princess. That would totally be fun, it was something I desired to do for a long time. I have played mostly in horror movies. I was a scream queen. But I wanted something more.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Lori called me, bringing me out my thoughts.
“Yes?” I responded, pinching myself as I felt like daydreaming.
“Horsie!” Lori said excitedly as she held her little gloves.
“Sweetheart. I’m pregnant you know I cannot—“
“But I want to! Please?” Lori gave me her cute puppy eyes and I could not resist her.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
I hadn’t spoken about this before. Remember our house? Strawberry Fields, well. It was in Rodeo Drive, fair enough— the land was immense. We had a stable with our horses.
My horse was named Dolly and Lori’s was Cookie. It was a small horse, and it was Dolly’s child. Our bond went beyond that of mother and daughter. Even our horses were mother and daughter. Austin liked horses too, that’s why he had his own— Whiskey.
I loved riding horses. Most of my life I grew up on a ranch with my grandparents. I knew how to treat cattle and how to treat horses. But I loved horses too much. Unlike having our dog, I felt like the bond with my horses was much more stronger.
I knew I shouldn’t be on horseback but Lori wanted to. So I took Cookie from her box stall and placed Lori on top of the horse. Getting her firm on the saddle.
I walked around with them, gently holding onto Cookie. Lori reminded me so much of me when I was little. That innocence one had when you were oblivious to the world surrounding you. I remember being her age, not knowing the economic situation my parents were going through, or their marriage problems. I began to wonder, if it’s really worth it growing up. If it’s really just the physical changes or if also your whole soul changed.
Because I knew that if my younger self looked at me now, she’d think I was the coolest woman she’d ever seen. And just because— she didn’t have a sense of what suffering was.
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Callum was in town, the man really thought Austin was oblivious to his once affair with Cynthia. Dumbass. He should’ve known. He accepted Austin’s offer to go to a bar.
Callum arrived with good face, smiling at Austin. They ordered their drinks. It was a cozy closed bar. Austin smiled at Callum as they both took sips of their drinks before he spoke.
“Listen, man. I know you’re sleeping with my wife.”
Callum almost spat out his entire swig, Jesus Christ above him would punish him once he time came.
“What? Mate, that’s a reach.” Callum laughed, sipping his drink awkwardly.
“You can’t fool me. You know? I was stupid back then before noticing it.” Austin could kill with the look he was giving Callum, really. “Did you enjoy screwing with what was mine? With— what gave me my beautiful daughter? I bet you loved the feeling of burying your pathetic dick onto her.”
“Listen. Okay. I did it, and as a matter of fact— I enjoyed every second of it. Sorry.” Callum said, putting his glass down, his finger gently tracing the edge of the cup.
They were both drinking the same goddamn drink.
“You know, she used to make me this drink every time we had sex. Uh— the sex was good.” Callum smirked. It took everything in Austin to not punch him, because they were in public.
“Watch it.”
“Why? It was good, you know if. You knocked her up once. You must absolutely know how tight she is.” It was like Callum enjoyed taking about it.
“I was here first. I took her first. You don’t get to come here and steal my wife just because you thought you could be fucking Robin Hood and help her out.”
“I couldn’t leave a wife out there feeling neglected. This is your fault, mate. You should’ve been there for her. I’m sorry she chose me as her company.” Callum smirked.
“She won’t choose you, you know? She’s too tied to me now that she won’t be able to even think about it. She’s pregnant again.”
Callum’s smirk faltered a bit but he kept his composure. Leaning in.
“Every time you kiss her, you will taste me too. You know? She gave me head many times. And every time you go down on her, you’ll taste me too. You can have her— I ain’t complaining about sharing.”
Austin clenched his fists before he slowly spoke, leaning in, whispering.
“You son of a bitch.” Austin slammed his fist on the table, catching the attention to himself but he was able to get it off him. “You son of a bitch.” Austin repeated before getting up.
“We can be a little threesome one day.” Callum said with a smirk.
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Austin came back to the house an hour later, I didn’t notice him coming. Until I heard his voice.
“There you are!”
I turned around from petting Cookie. I sighed, I thought I had a little more freedom before he came back. I couldn’t bear to look at him. Shame consumed me. Sometimes I felt I was too dumb. Why was I ashamed when he never felt ashamed of doing the same to me.
“My favorite girls.” Austin said, smiling at us. Lori immediately got excited. She loved her daddy.
“She wanted to ride.” I said, patting Cookie once again.
“I want a ride too…” He said, squeezing my waist then his hand traveled to my ass.
I was surprised that he was— horny. Damnit, I should’ve known. Every time he was like that, it was because he had thought about or SEEN Callum.
Next thing you know, he made me passionate love all night. I didn’t remember him being this gentle or sweet. He told me that he did his homework and investigated about pregnancy sex I didn’t know that he was doing this because he wanted me to stop TASTING like Callum, as if he could erase what Callum had once done to me. His hands, his smell, his taste.
Afterwards, Austin cuddled up with me. Kissing my shoulder and neck softly.
“You do love me, right?” He muttered to me. “More than him.”
I stayed silent. Of course I loved him, but I was used to him rejecting my love at times.
“Do you love me?” He asked me once again, sitting up and looking at him.
“What a stupid question.” I responded and he stayed quiet.
Now he felt self-conscious of himself. Perhaps I cheated on him because Callum was fitter, taller, more charismatic, better than him
It was a cold answer.
But now he knew what it feels like.
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UNI IS KILLING ME. I finished writing this at my English class.
Love y’all. 🫶❤️
I have another version of this but the character is different. But it has a MUCH MORE EXTENSIVE LORE.
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i-rate-horse-games · 2 months
rating Horse Life on Roblox
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i made a roblox account just to play this game, and i’m glad i did. this game is what Horse Isle 3 wishes it was.
gameplay: horse breeding!!! FAST horse breeding!! not limitless, but not paywalled! there are in-app purchases, but i barely noticed them the whole time i was playing. there’s little quests to complete in order to unlock the ability to tame cooler horse-like species, and while doing them you get a better feel of what the game is all about. there’s tons of coat variation, size variation, and there’s always the chance for spontaneous mutations to show up and grant your horse 10% extra speed, jumping ability, wings!? wings that have different levels to them, and at which level 3 allows you to fully fly around the map? the coat variations don’t seem to have to do with genetics, which is a little annoying when you breed a black and white horse with an Orange horse and you get a poor foal that looks like a moldy jack-o-lantern got trampled into mush. there’s a cosmetic challenge, where you try to breed a horse that matches the one on display, which i feel like is a challenge some of you guys would love!
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you can catch horses two ways, by lassoing it on horseback or by feeding it by hand, which presents you with a fun little minigame sorta like that locks task in among us that most people don’t like but that i love because i got rhythm muahahah. you can breed any two horses together, even horses that are different species, although the offspring will always be just one species and fertile. after you breed two horses together, your mare will only be pregnant for about four and a half hours, which you can just completely skip for free by feeding them whatever food you foraged while training your horse’s strength stats! and then you can just. Keep Going until you run out of food or stable space. and you can upgrade stable space and inventory space just by playing the game, for free! love that!
also, you can play as the horse, which makes for some funny interactions. i just tried to tame a horse who i think was a person because i couldn’t feed them and they kept shaking their head at me. but . i’m also not SURE that it wasn’t a wild horse. it was acting perfectly like a wild horse. oh man. no i think that was just a normal horse. but what if
between catching wild horses, breeding your own, and training them to raise foals into adults or just make your favorite mount even tougher, this game has a lot to offer! there’s a few NPCs to talk to every day to level up their bond, there’s giant statues and ruins that allude to a mysterious past, and there’s even a centaur ominously standing on the edge of the map, gazing out over the ocean. and the game isn’t even finished! recently it got an update that allows you to fish for kelpies (water horsies) with a fishing rod, making them slightly easier to find. there are a few buildings in town that have almost nothing in them but are clearly intended to be a saloon and a jail, so i’m interested in seeing where that goes! i’m also curious if they will ever fix the fact that if you walk into the ocean you just instantly plummet through the world & teleport back to town, or if you’re lucky (like mee) you’ll respawn underneath town on the secret Second Floor, which you can then fall from and get stuck in an unceasing loop, watching your home slip away from under your feet, your poor horse falling after you, over and over and over again. that’s just part of the magic, honestly, no complaints there. it was fun. i’ll do it again.
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also while i was playing, they launched an update that adds horse races! it's a fun little mariokart-ish loop that lets you lap your opponents, and winning gives you fun prizes! they called me the horse king in college
one small thing is that the in-game not-paid currency is in these horseshoe coins, but in the shop if something costs more than 1,000 coins, they’ll abbreviate it as… 1.5k $ .   dollar sign. that’s a little odd, but alright. when i was a kid I had an ipad for exactly 1 night before i accidentally spent $50 of my parent’s real money to unlock giraffes in a zoo game. i remember hesitating at the sudden shift from in-game coins to dollar signs, then thinking “surely this isn’t real money! nobody would spend fifty real dollars to buy giraffes in a zoo game!” and then i clicked it and got in trouble lol
playerbase: chat tends to stay pretty quiet, except for when two players who are already friends come online and use the global chat like their own dms. i saw many references to playing while in the car & someone bragging about staying all the way up until 10pm so safe to say most of these people are ipad kids. i was impressed with the amount of organization before one of the spirit totem summonings, an hourly event where players work together to win goodies. 
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they were shouting out directions to new players, suggesting which lassos to use, reminding everyone to turn off the Show Player Horses setting so that we wouldn’t lag and disconnect in the middle of the fight. when i neighed in the chat eventually people started neighing back. i only saw one person being slightly annoying and it was just kinda funny. there is a chat filter but i can’t tell if there’s any active moderation or anything. you do have the ability to report players, and that goes through Roblox, not the horse game, so that’s probably good. Internet Safety! also if you look up questions about the game most of what comes up are tiktok videos which is a first for me lol
graphics: pretty! low-polyish so it loads nicely but colorful and feels right for the setting. there’s just the right amount of Stuff in the world for it to feel filled but not crowded. whenever the day/night cycle or weather changes, the whole world quickly switches lighting effects, but not all at once. it sorta rolls over the map. but things that are far away look bluer! nice touch. love it
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music: a very short loop that got old fast, but it lets you turn off just the music in settings and still keep the lovely ambiance! i always really appreciate this setting. i wish splatoon 3 would let me do this. i play that game so much i have every battle track seared into my memory. but this isn’t really a part of rating a game lol i just like to mention it in case a game has really great music that i can add to my Horsey Time playlist. what the game does have is ambient bird noises which i LOVE. that’s a W from me
all things considered, i’m rating horse life on roblox FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS!
this is the first 5/5 horse game i’ve rated!! that puts it above alicia online which is kinda funny.
here’s me with the largest and smallest horses i’ve bred so far!
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side notes: why does roblox stop me from naming my player character “butch” but not “butchy”? no one else can see what i named it, it’s just so i can quick change faster. also, that means that their filter doesn’t search for words inside words, which isn’t a great system. also, butch is also a name? also, what’s wrong with butch? i did try playing this on my old 5th generation ipad to try and get the Roblox Kid experience, but my ipad wasn’t strong enough. it got a memory full warning before it crashed and felt concerningly warm, which it’s never done before, so that’s neat!
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swamp-chicken · 2 years
for the writing prompts, maybe ethubs with “you’re my happy place” “dont get cheesy on me” hehe - 👻
Sorry you waited a month for this LOL
happy place 2903 words // cw intoxication, alcohol use
Bdubs was fast asleep, dreaming of something pleasant like horsies or rabbits, when he was woken abruptly by a loud clatter. Bdubs was instantly wide awake. Bdubs’ clock, barely visible in the moonlight, showed it was past midnight.
The monolith was mob-proof, but Bdubs had still been surprised a few times. Once, he had been woken up by a rogue skeleton that must have snuck in a window. Now… he peered through the dark, eyes focusing immediately on a shadow closing in on him. Bdubs shrieked and flung a pillow at the creature.
“Agh! Bdubs, it’s me!”
Bdubs slowly lowered the second pillow he held at the ready. “Etho?”
The figure drew nearer, and yup, it was Etho, hair shining silver in the moonlight. He stumbled into Bdubs’ nightstand. “Ow.”
Bdubs frowned. “Um, what are you doing here? Are you okay?” Bdubs kept Etho’s bedroom in the basement clean in case Etho wanted somewhere to crash near spawn, but this was very much not Etho’s bedroom.
“‘M fine,” Etho said, “just wanted to see you.” He tipped forwards onto Bdubs bed.
Bdubs scrambled back towards the wall. “Are you… are you drunk?” No. Impossible. Bdubs had known Etho for years, and the guy—while he had no issue consuming massive amounts of caffeine—mostly steered clear of alcohol.
In fact, Bdubs had only seen Etho drink once before. An evening long, long ago, in another world with another group of people. A little server get-together. They had been much younger then, Bdubs still tripping over himself to impress Etho. His stomach had given a flip, then, when Etho had chosen to sit next to him.
They were sitting on the ground, a couple of nearby dirt-and-timber houses the only infrastructure in this newly-discovered world. Genny passed some beers to Bdubs, and Bdubs offered one to Etho just to be polite. Etho had always demurred in the past, choosing instead to quietly watch them all make drunken fools of themselves. Usually he would cut out early, when things started to get too rowdy, and went back to his base alone. That night, though, Etho had taken the proffered beer from Bdubs’ hand with a shy smile.
Bdubs grinned. “You finally joining us plebs?”
“It’s a special occasion,” Etho defended, cracking open the can. “New world and everything.”
It was a new world, Bdubs marveled. Unexplored, unbuilt, and Etho sitting at his side.
The conversation that night was winding, people making plans, making toasts. Bdubs quickly learned that Etho laughed more when he drank. Bdubs liked making his friends laugh, he liked entertaining them, but there was something special about the way Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side while he laughed breathlessly. Something that made Bdubs’ chest warm.
As the night wore on, Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side more and more heavily, and Bdubs increasingly began to put on a performance for one.
“Hey, are you two listening?” Guude’s voice snagged Bdubs attention.
He reluctantly unstuck himself from Etho’s side. “What’d I miss?”
Guude gestured around the circle. “We’re deciding who’s building the nether hub this season. No one’s volunteered.”
Bdubs glanced around the group, most of whom were sitting silently. He cleared his throat. “I mean, Genny and I worked on the expansion last season… If you really needed someone, I guess I could…”
Etho leaned forward. “I’ll do it,” he said.
Bdubs glanced at him sidelong. “Really?”
Etho shrugged, smiled at Bdubs. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
Bdubs found himself smiling back. “Yeah, it could be fun. I’ll help, too.”
Guude stifled a laugh. “Then that’s that. You guys are the nether hub team. Now you can go back to… whatever you were doing.” The group started chattering to each other again, a tone of relief in their voices.
Bdubs turned to Etho. “You know, they’re going to hold you to that. You can’t wiggle out of it by claiming you were under the influence.” Bdubs grimaced, remembering some past promises he had made while tipsy.
“I know.” Etho seemed unconcerned. “I really have been wanting to work on something big. A community project.” He hesitated a moment. “Something with you.”
“Aww,” Bdubs said. It took every ounce of his dwindling self-control not to leap to his feet and punch the air. Etho wanted to work with him. “Well, it’s going to be awesome. Got any building ideas in that genius head of yours?”
Etho settled back against Bdubs’ side. “Maybe,” he said, fighting a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“It’s gonna be so cool,” Bdubs blabbered. “I want to do something massive. Something with a dome? Like, a cathedral or something—”
Etho laughed, stifling a yawn.
Bdubs broke off. “Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around Etho. “Tired?”
Etho nodded into Bdubs’ shoulder. “Should probably go to bed.”
Bdubs stood, brushing the dirt off his pants. “Come on, then.” He offered Etho a hand.
Etho rose to his feet, stumbling into Bdubs as he did. He was maybe a little more drunk than he seemed.
Bdubs was, too. “I’ll walk you back to your house. Protect you from any creepers.”
Etho snorted, leaning forward into Bdubs space, so close that Bdubs’ heart skipped a beat. “Right, you’ll protect me.”
Bdubs straightened indignantly. “What, you don’t believe me? I’m a stone-cold monster killing machine. Creepers run from me, skeletons cower in fear!”
Etho was giggling helplessly. He pulled Bdubs towards him and it took a moment for Bdubs to realize he was being hugged. “I’m so glad I met you, Bdubs,” Etho said into Bdubs’ hair, voice curling with fondness.
“O-Oh—“ Bdubs stuttered, his heart suddenly pounding. “That’s very… You’re sweet.”
Etho pulled back and his eyes were crinkled into a smile, warm. “I think I can make it back on my own. Thanks for offering, though.” His gaze traced over Bdubs’ face, lingering long enough that heat rose in Bdubs’ cheeks. “Goodnight.”
Bdubs swallowed. “‘Night,” he replied, but Etho was already walking away.
That had been the first and last time Bdubs had seen Etho drunk. After that, he kept up with his old habits. Refusing drinks, leaving before things got too rowdy. But something had changed between them. The warmth that blossomed in Bdubs’ chest when he saw Etho, the answering warmth in Etho’s eyes. The nether hub that they had sunk countless hours into, that had turned out even more glorious than Bdubs had imagined.
It had been a good night.
And now here Etho was, lying facedown in Bdubs’ bed and very clearly intoxicated.
“N’mnk,” Etho said, muffled against the blanket.
“Come again?"
Etho wiggled forwards, swinging his legs on to the bed.
“Shoes!” Bdubs shrilled.
Etho huffed against the mattress and kicked his shoes off. They landed on the floor with a thud. He turned his head to the side, out of the way of the blanket, and tried again. “‘M not drunk. Cub had me test some new potions.”
“Right… potions.”
“I was walking by Keralis’s place, and he and XB invited me in, asked me to try Cub’s new concoction…” Etho trailed off, blinking into the distance. “Oh my goodness. Those were drinks. I am drunk.”
Bdubs laughed. “What, you didn’t know?”
Etho seemed a little dazed. “I was wondering why Keralis seemed so surprised when I agreed to take a shot.”
Bdubs choked. “They were shots?”
Etho glanced at Bdubs and cracked up.
“Oh, brother,” Bdubs snickered, unable to hold in his own laughter. “You need a chaperone.”
Etho squirmed himself further onto the bed. “Maybe.”
Bdubs smiled down at him. “I kept your place downstairs just how you left it. Want me to get you set up down there?”
Etho hummed noncommittally.
“Ah,” Bdubs said. “You want to stay up here so I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Etho giggled and wiggled closer. He was practically in Bdubs’ arms by now. “Yeah, that’s it.”
Bdubs heart gave a little thrill, like it did every time Etho came near. Right, a story. He cleared his throat with a dramatic flair. “Once upon a time there was a guy name Etho. He was an okay redstoner, I guess. Maybe even decent. Then one day he met Bdubs, who taught him everything he knew…”
Etho laughed. His face was very close. “I think I know this one.”
Bdubs wanted to smooth the hair out of Etho’s eyes but he kept his hands firmly where they were. One propping his head up, the other braced against the bed, almost curled against Etho’s chest.
“You’ll let me stay the night, right?” Etho asked, quietly.
“Of course.” Bdubs’ mouth was dry.
Etho’s eyes were shining in the dark. He reached out and cupped Bdubs’ face, hand warm. Bdubs was frozen, he felt pinned down by the featherlight touch of Etho’s thumb tracing the line of his cheek. “You always take such good care of me,” Etho murmured. “Thank you.”
Void knows you need it. The quip was right there, ready to be lobbed at Etho so the moment could be laughed off and Bdubs could roll over and go back to sleep.
Bdubs didn’t want to laugh the moment off. He nervously wet his lips with his tongue, Etho distractedly tracking the movement with his eyes. “Well, I care,” Bdubs said instead. A little too honest, a little too exposing.
Etho smiled. He pulled his hand off Bdubs’ cheek but shifted closer, Bdubs’ knuckles bumping against his sternum. Bdubs lifted his hand obligingly and then Etho was actually in his arms, smiling at him dopily. Bdubs stroked his hand down Etho’s back and tentatively dropped the arm propping his head up, lowering himself down until he and Etho were level, their noses almost touching. They made uncomfortable eye contact for a long moment.
At least, it was uncomfortable on Bdubs’ end, his heart rushing in his ears, feeling like he had just scraped off a layer of skin telling Etho he cared. Etho seemed completely at ease, however, his eyelids lowering with each second that passed. Bdubs snorted. Etho was falling asleep.
“Hey,” Bdubs said, wanting to get an answer before Etho nodded off, wanting to at least try and level the playing field. “Why did you come see me? Really.”
Etho’s eyes were mostly closed. “Bedtime story,” he said, and chuckled at his own joke.
Bdubs rolled his eyes.
“No—“ Etho’s voice was so quiet Bdubs had to strain to hear it, despite how close they were lying. “I told you, I just wanted to see you. You’re my happy place.”
Bdubs felt like he had been hit by a truck. “Don’t—don’t get cheesy on me,” he stammered.
Etho blinked one eye open, peeking at Bdubs face. He flushed at whatever he saw there, then resolutely rolled over, his back to Bdubs.
“Hey!” Bdubs whispered hoarsely.
There was an unmistakable smile in Etho's voice when he murmured, “Goodnight.”
Bdubs woke early, like usual. Etho was still passed out in his bed, snoring soundly. He had rolled back towards Bdubs in the night, tucking his head against Bdubs’ shoulder. Looking at Etho curled against him, there was a pressure in Bdubs’ chest that was almost painful. He didn’t want to investigate it too deeply
Bdubs decided to get up instead. He carefully dislodged himself from Etho’s embrace, dressing himself and dithering around his room. Etho didn’t budge the whole time. Bdubs stood in his doorway for an extra moment, watching Etho sleep, before remembering himself. Right, he had things to do today.
His first task was some inventory-taking. His storage was a mess by now, shulkers practically carpeting the floor of the monolith. He sorted through them until he found what he needed for his next project, organizing it as he went. After an hour there still hadn’t been a noise from the bedroom. Bdubs was a little concerned by now.
Bdubs had an old potion recipe tucked up his sleeve, one that had come in handy after many a late evening with good company and good drinks. He didn’t use it that much these days, but he could still brew it without much thought or effort. He was only a few minutes at his brewing stand. Bdubs stoppered the bottle and carried the final product upstairs.
Etho was still lying in Bdubs’ bed, covers drawn up to his nose. His eyes were open. He gave a guilty start as Bdubs walked in.
“How are you feeling?” Bdubs asked dryly.
“Horrible,” Etho answered. His voice was muffled by the blanket.
Bdubs snorted. “Here, try this.” He held the potion out.
Etho’s snuck an arm out from under the covers and snatched the potion out of Bdubs’ hands. He brought it close to his face, inspected the contents of the bottle with his brow furrowed. He glanced at Bdubs suspiciously.
Bdubs could have gotten offended by Etho’s obvious mistrust, but the vision of Etho in his arms, giggling and relaxed, was too fresh. He swallowed a laugh instead and sat at the edge of the bed. “Relax, it’s a hangover cure, not a special ‘concoction.’”
Etho, apparently satisfied by that explanation, uncorked the bottle and downed it with one swig. He grimaced at the taste, but Bdubs was no slouch at potion-making. A second later, Etho’s eyes widened. “Wow, that’s strong.”
Bdubs sat back against the bed post, crossing his arms smugly. “Now does Bdubs know his stuff or what?”
Etho sat up, tentatively, leaning against the headboard. The blankets pooled in his lap. He worried his lip, glanced towards the door and then back at Bdubs again. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
This was normally the part where Etho would be scrambling out of the room, calling goodbye over his shoulder, and Bdubs wouldn’t see him for a few weeks. But for some reason, Etho wasn’t moving from his spot on the bed. He picked at his fingernails instead.
Bdubs let the silence stretch awkwardly. He was curious where this might go.
Finally, Etho spoke up. “Did I… say anything last night?”
Bdubs bit down on the smile twitching at the corner of his lips. “You mean last night, when you broke in to my room?”
Etho pressed his lips together and nodded.
“Last night, when you climbed into bed with me?”
Stiffly, Etho nodded again.
“Yeah, you said something.”
“Bdubs,” Etho whined. His face was red with mortification.
Bdubs let out a bark of laughter and Etho glared at him. “You said cute stuff! Like how I was your happy place!”
Etho covered his face in horror. “I did not.”
“Oh, you did,” Bdubs grinned. “It’s fine, though! You don’t have to be embarrassed or anything.”
Etho groaned, his face still buried in his hands.
“You really shouldn’t be embarrassed, though.” Bdubs fidgeted, then spoke before he lost his nerve. “’Cuz I feel the same way.”
Etho slowly pulled his hands away from his face. His brow was creased, expression impossible to read.
Bdubs leapt off the bed, stomach clenching wildly. “Yup! So. I’ll see you later. Gotta get to work.” He turned to leave.
Etho lunged forward and grabbed Bdubs’ wrist. He blinked up at Bdubs, looking surprised by his own actions.
“What?” Bdubs asked.
Etho pursed his lips. “Bdubs… that’s so cheesy.”
“That’s what I said!”
Etho was just staring up at him, eyes wide. “You—“ he started, then cut himself off. His expression firmed. He rose to his knees and reeled Bdubs in by his wrist. Bdubs stumbled towards him, confused.
Etho was bracing himself for something, eyes darting around Bdubs’ face. And then, abruptly, he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to Bdubs’ lips.
Bdubs froze, heart knocking painfully against his ribs. This was… Etho was…
Etho drew back, scanned Bdubs’ face anxiously.
“Oh,” Bdubs managed to say, voice weak.
Disappointment flickered across Etho’s face.
Bdubs shook himself. Surely Etho didn’t think… Etho couldn’t think… Did he not know how Bdubs felt?
Bdubs scrambled. “No, wait, I mean… here.” Bdubs took a deep breath and smoothed his hands along Etho’s cheeks, watching Etho’s gaze soften. He pulled Etho towards him and kissed him gently. More gently than Etho’s kiss, at least. Not that it was a competition or anything.
Etho melted against Bdubs, the tension falling out of him, and then they were kissing in earnest; Etho’s mouth moving against his, hesitantly, but with more assurance after Bdubs gave an encouraging hum. They were kissing, Bdubs moving his hands to cup Etho’s jaw, tilting Etho towards him. Etho’s hands settling lightly on his waist.
Bdubs pulled back, chucking Etho affectionately under the chin. “There.”
There was a flush staining Etho’s cheeks. “What, that’s it?”
“Yeah, I got stuff to do,” Bdubs said with a smirk, rocking on his heels.
Etho narrowed his eyes.
Bdubs snorted at his expression, stomach fluttering. “I guess I could be persuaded to stay a little longer…”
Etho tugged Bdubs down on to the bed. “I don’t know why I need to persuade you, since I’m your happy place and all.”
“It doesn’t work like that! You said it first, so you can’t tease me without teasing yourself.”
Etho hardly seemed to hear him. He was staring at Bdubs mouth again, expression hungry.
“Oh, fine,” Bdubs sighed. He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I don’t have anywhere to be until… noon? Maybe? I’m yours until then.”
Etho pounced.
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raspberrysmoon · 5 months
tell me about your 5k golden treasure fic please 🥺
( @paranormaltheatrekid (oh fcku syd i just rememebred you dont like to be tagehd in non aks game stuff ia m so sorry) )
- so, mischa it is a fic!! its about two hatchetfield/starkid characters named eddie and charles. theyre gay 👍👍👍 (not canonically but. in my heart)
- its gonna be multichap? probably about 4-6 chapters by the end? probably about 7-11k words i hope but lets be honest. little lamb was supposed to be like a 3k word fic
- eddie has!!!!!! horses!!!!!!! oh how i love horsies. their names are tatiana and cheddar. tati is a full horse (5'6" at her shoulder) and cheddar is a pony! hes a little bastard boy <3 charles is not a fan of these horses. charles is scared of heights 👍
- they have sex befote they ever put a label on it. uhm. its not explicit (#asexual) but they DO and eddie actually was so drunk that he forgets abt it for a while. he does eventually figure his shit out but it takes a second <33
- the petname "treasure" DOES show up. i will die on this hill forever and ever. "good treasure" "my treasure" etc. you get the point
- eventually im going to get charles wine-drunk and im going to shove him face first into a crisis. a love crisis. this hasnt been written yet but i can see it in my brain
"oh, god. he's in love with eddie chiplucky. fucking hell.
calling it a crush is too juvenile, calling it love is too serious. he's out of words already. normally, he has a bigger vocabulary than this."
^ that kind of thing
- im basing eddies vocab and mannerisms after my dads side of the family. southern but we're in the midwest actually. hes southern but in the midwest actually. he says howdy and has that twang and i will DIE ON THIS HILL
- i am making charles immune compromised. argue with the wall. this bastard gets sick so fast. and probably also has huge dietary restrictions so try and help it. he gets sick several times in the fic
- oh yeah and the fic spans like six months of time. so. yeag. they have sex the first time like halfway thru. and the put a label on it like a week later. this part is the furthest i have written :]
- eddie gets a raise of about. 10k. by the end. he doesnt really make that much money guys. hes going crazy w this extra 10k a year he doesnt know whats happening
- neither do i. what the ehck am i saying anytmoer. is this ledgible?
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honeycrashed · 1 year
i want to hear the chess hcs!!!!
OKAY! If you're like a chess nerd and expected me to list down their favorite opening moves and stuff I'm so sorry I don't know the names. "Horsie go hehe and horsie go haha" , "average NPC move" , "OPEN UP THE GATES!!" is what I call some of the opening moves. I refuse to learn the names.
also like I'm a pretty mid chess player but I have some silly little headcanons for all stars anyways!
I like to think that all stars are all decent at chess and have a good win-loss ratio, generally understanding how the game works and stuff.
Kidou: He's literally the strategist of the field did you expect me to come up here and say yes Kidou Yuuto genius playmaker is bad at chess. that would be funny but no.
Instead, he always loses to Endou, no matter what. He often tries to bait Endou but Endou always missed the bait and just goes for the more obvious choices, revealing holes in Kidou's moves. it's very frustrating to Kidou but he appreciates Endou showing the faults in his plays, Even if Endou is unaware of it.
fave to go against:
-Atsuya, his fast-paced high-risks playstyle intrigues Kidou and he wants to see how fast he can keep up with him.
-Gouenji, Kidou likes messing with him <3
Gouenji : Exception on the "win-loss ratio"; Overthinking too much in matches, which usually causes the opponent to find a simpler solution to his convoluted plan. He was so sure that his delicate process would work and if he were able to do it it would've looked so cool (Note that his exception only counts when playing against all stars/people he knows well. he still overthinks but his overthinking pays off most of the time.)
Gouenji likes to take his time making his moves which makes it tougher when they decide to do blitz rounds, he hates blitz rounds he always gets very shaky afterwards.(Part of the reason they tend not to do blitz rounds unless Gouenji insists on it or its Atsuya VS Kidou)
fave to go against:
-Kazemaru, Kazemaru doesn't take chess too seriously until it's a blitz match.
-Shirou, their playstyles match very well with one another
Endou : Exception on the "General understanding of the game"; Endou doesn't understand and chess doesn't understand him either. He has sketches of the chess moves he could make on the side since he's easy to forget what moves the pieces make. He has a general idea of it but it still manages to slip past his mind.
Despite this he has never lost against all Kidou ever, which makes him the unofficial reigning champion.
fave to go against:
-Kidou. he finds it funny how frustrated Kidou gets when playing with him, even if he is very lost on how to play.
He just loves it when All stars overthink their moves against Endou and Endou ends up winning, he finds it very funny and it's the reason he hadn't given up on understanding chess yet.
Atsuya: fuckieinfnekl ate the chess pieces /j
Genuinely very good at the game, loves blitz matches the most. Likes to play fast and swift, making very risky moves in most cases. Against Kidou he slows down a little to think about his moves more, One time the two got locked in a 3hr match, having to call it off for the day since it was getting late, but continuing it first thing in the morning.
fave to go against:
-Kidou, same reason as Kidou. He wants to see how fast Kidou can keep up with him, often taunting that he can't. it's all for fun though, is what they say, but the room smells like someone's going to die whenever they're against each other.
-Kazemaru, While Kazemaru CAN keep up with the speed, Kazemaru can't keep up with the moves at all times unlike Kidou. Atsuya still enjoys playing against him anyways.
Refuses to go against anyone but Kidou and Kazemaru.
Shirou: also very good, but he prefers slower games as opposed to Atsuya's fast-paced playstyle. Also less likely to take more risks depending on how the match is going.
faves to go against:
-Endou: his light-hearted playstyles make for calm matches, Shirou likes teaching Endou over and over again on how to play chess and is generally very patient with him.
-Gouenji: the right amount of pressure when being put against someone to play chess, otherwise Atsuya goes against them/Instructs Shirou on what to do.
Kazemaru: Most of the time just watches everyone else play while tallying up the scores/moves, But when he does play he's pretty flexible for all styles of playing. He loves playing blitz the most but doesn't mind slowing down everyone once and a while.
faves to go against:
-Atsuya: He likes the challenge Atsuya brings by making really risky moves and having to make up his mind on a move against it in quick successions.
-Endou: He likes attempting to find out what's going on in that brain of his, and while most of the time he succeeds against Endou, he never succeeds on finding his thought process.
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fandom-junk-drawer · 5 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 18
"Check this out! I can cast Igni!" Jaskier exclaimed, bursting into Geralt's room.
Geralt looked up just in time to see the tongue of flame Jaskier shot in his general direction.
"Oh calm the h*ll down, it's just a little bit of fire!"
"No, I didn't 'almost burn down your horsie collection!"
"Please! The fire was no where near it! The flame was maybe a foot long at most!"
"That's not even a curtain! It's just an old sheet held up by thumbtacks!"
"F***ing h*ll, Geralt, that stained, crusty thing deserves to be set on fire!"
"Don't 'Hmm' at me like that, I'd be doing the world a favor--!"
Jaskier gibbered, dancing backwards as a Geralt sent a controlled burst of Igni his way.
Geralt: *smug 'hmm'*
Jaskier flicked the lighter and sent another little jet of flame into the room.
Geralt scoffed at the small streak of fire. It was nothing compared to what he could do with Igni.
"Is that hairspray?"
"Yeah," Jaskier replied hesitantly, not sure where the conversation was going.
"Let me try?"
The hairspray and lighter were handed over, and Geralt sent a long burst of flame into the air.
The primitive parts of his and Jaskier's brains 'ooked' excitedly.
Oook! Make fire!
Ook! Fire! Fire!
"Do you have any more?"
"No, that was what I had left from when I went to that costume party."
Geralt made a disappointed sound.
A moment of contemplative silence followed.
"I know where we can get lots of hairspray!" Jaskier said.
Minutes later, both men were standing in the living room, armed with lighters and cans of hairspray. They whooped excitedly, homemade flamethrowers sending streams of fire into the air.
They chased each other through the house, somehow not setting anything on fire. There were a few close calls, where something got a tiny bit scorched, but it was nothing that couldn't be wiped off or hidden. Yennefer would never know.
And then Geralt's fire stream got a little too close to Jaskier.
"Hey, watch it, you daft b**tart!" *sizzle of return fire that almost burns Geralt's sl*t strands off*
"HhHmmM!" *fire*
"That was almost my face!" *more fire*
"You burnt my f***ing arm hair off!"
"It wAs aN AcCiDEnT!"
Jaskier squealed and ran as Geralt came at him, directing little bursts of fire at his a**.
He tried to leap over the back of the couch and landed a** up on the floor. He had a horrible flashback to the time Geralt had shot a nerf dart up his a**.
From the look on Geralt's face, he was remembering it too.
"Don't you f***ing dare!" Jaskier said, flipping over and raising his can of hairspray threateningly, just in case Geralt was Getting Ideas. He sent a burst of flame at him. Geralt stumbled back, and Jaskier twisted to his feet.
They circled each other cautiously, hairspray cans and lighters raised, poised. They sent little bursts of fire at each other, testing the other's defenses.
"What in Melitele's name are you f**kwits doing?" Geralt and Jaskier froze as Yennefer's shocked voice roared through the living room.
"Er, we're making flamethrowers...?" Jaskier ventured.
"Flamethrowers--! Are you stupid? Don't answer! I already know you are!"
"You're like two cavemen just discovering fire! Dumber than a box of rocks! A whelk has more brains than you--!" Yennefer paused, eyes landing on the cans the two imbeciles held in their hands.
"That's my hairspray! My expensive hairspray!"
Geralt took a surreptitious step away as Jaskier started talking. This was not going to end well.
"Calm down, Yen, you're agitating the snakes in your hair. Here, try taming them with some hairspray!" Then he activated his homemade flamethrower.
He also activated Yennefer's Mortal Enemies Mode. The angry witch lunged.
Jaskier saw the physical manifestation of Doom approaching. He threw the lighter and hairspray aside, and turned to run, but was not fast enough.
Yennefer caught him by the back of his shirt and wound up her arm. There was a loud, sharp crack! as she smacked him hard across his a**. There was absolutely nothing kinky about that slap. It was personal; pure righteous retribution.
Jaskier let out a sharp screech and fell to lie twisting in agony on the floor, holding his a**.
He wasn't sure if he had a spanking kink, but he was certain, in that moment, that if he had happened to have an undiscovered one, it had just been b*tch slapped right out of him.
Geralt didn't know what he was thinking, but for some reason, his brain screamed, "RUN!", so he did. Or, he tried to. He didn't get but two steps before he felt the burn of Yennefer's hand whipping across his a**.
Geralt joined Jaskier on the floor, too stunned to even 'Hm'.
Holy f**k, is that what Jaskier had felt?!
Godsd*MN! No wonder he was still laying on the floor!
Yennefer collected her hairspray, gave them both one last angry scowl, then swept upstairs, leaving them groaning softly on the floor.
"Is there a scorch mark on my a**?" Jaskier hissed in a pained whisper once Yennefer was gone. "It feels like there should be a scorch mark."
Geralt actually rolled over and looked, "No. Is there one on mine?"
Jaskier looked.
"F***ing feels like I have a welt!"
"Same. Tell me if I have one."
Geralt nodded, and Jaskier gingerly shimmied his pants down, whimpering as the rough fabric rubbed over what felt like raw skin.
There was a vaguely hand-shaped welt across both cheeks. Geralt swore it was glowing and that he might have seen a few wisps of smoke.
Judging from how bad his own cheeks were stinging, Geralt knew he had a similar mark.
Jaskier slowly started getting up, wincing and holding his backside. "Where are you going?" Geralt asked, as the bard began limping away.
Jaskier replied, "My a** needs some popsicles."
Geralt grunted back, "Wait for me, I need some too."
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bratshaws · 8 months
through the hourglass 336. brb x oc
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a/n: woop woop uwu (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
Nicole clung to her father’s neck as he carried her out of the carousel, little legs moving as Rooster walked towards Bea. the brunette looks up from the strollers where the twins were to smile at the two, “There you are, did you two have fun?”
“Nikki didn’t want to leave,” he tilts his head up at her, “Right Nikki?”
Nikki pouted playfully, nodding her head. "Horsies! More, Dada!"
Rooster chuckled, adjusting Nikki on his hip. "We'll come back, sweetheart. There's so much more to see. Right, gorgeous?"
Beatrice smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "Absolutely. But if you need a break,I’ll understand Roos."
“Well,” it was a bit hard to reply because Nicole was bouncing on his shoulders,using his hat as an anchor to keep her in place, “You know what, some sitting might work.”
Rooster settled down, Nikki still perched on his shoulders, while Beatrice sat down beside Rooster, leaning against him as they observed the bustling scenery around them. The castle loomed majestically in the background, and the air was filled with the joyful sounds of families.
Well some.
Nikki, still brimming with energy, pointed at various attractions, sharing her own commentary in a language only she understood. Rooster listened with a fond smile, his gaze occasionally drifting to Beatrice, who looked utterly content in this shared moment of tranquility.
"Do you think she'll remember any of this?" Rooster whispered to Beatrice, his eyes fixed on Nikki.
Beatrice glanced at Nikki, then back at Rooster. "Maybe not the specifics, but the feeling. She might not remember every detail, but she'll carry the essence of this day with her."
Rooster nodded thoughtfully, his fingers intertwining with Beatrice's. "Yeah, you're right. And how she just gave my shoulders a great workout.” this time she was trying to stand on his shoulders and Rooster just help her there “...this is nice."
“Yeah, you know, as a kid, I rarely went to parks.” he says softly, smiling fondly as he remembered, “We did go to parks, but it was…you know, the local stuff. Fairs though? Fairs were a must for my mom and I.”
Beatrice listened, her fingers gently tracing patterns on Rooster's hand. "What was your favorite part?"
Rooster chuckled, a nostalgic gleam in his eyes as he leans back on the bench. "The rides. Any ride that went fast or high—I was on it. Mom would watch, laugh at me. I felt like I owned the world when I was on those rides."
“She never joined you?”
“When I was younger.” he mutters, “But when she started getting sick she’d just watch, which I didn’t mind but, yeah.” his brown eyes follow a family of four wandering ahead of them, “It’s…ah, well, she did try the best considering what was going on.”
Beatrice listened with her smile softening, her thumb gently caressing Rooster's hand. "Your mom was amazing, Roos. Even in tough times, she made sure you had those moments of joy."
Rooster nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, she did. She was my rock, just like you are now." He squeezed Beatrice's hand, which made his wife scoff softly and shake her head, ‘But, really, she was fun. She loved fairs, we’d always bring buckets of stuff, snacks, prizes, you name it.” he purses his lips, “You remember when we went to the park?”
“Which time?”
“When we first started dating and you erroneously said that candy apples are better than the caramel ones?”
Beatrice laughed, the memory playing vividly in her mind. "Oh, I remember that,you were so dramatic about it it was adorable."
"Well, I had to defend the honor of caramel apples. They're a classic, a timeless delight."
"Classic, sure. But candy apples have that extra crunch and sweetness," Beatrice countered, a playful glint in her eyes.
Rooster pretended to gasp in mock offense. "Blasphemy! Caramel apples are the epitome of sweetness!" they eventually ended up chuckling and laughing together, with Nicole giggling along even though she has no idea what they are talking about “...I just…felt so great that night. I mean, hell…I had you and…I guess–hm.” he purses his lips, “The thing is that, I always…see things with you.”
“Things that I know would make my mom happy. You are just…a great person Bea.” he smiles, “A great mom, a great partner, a great human being. You are the kindest person I know and you—you thought about this, this whole thing, not only for the kids but for me too.”
Beatrice's eyes softened, and she leaned in to press a tender kiss on Rooster's cheek. "Roos, you make it easy. You and the kids are my world. I want nothing more than to create moments that make you all happy."
Rooster smiled, a warmth spreading through his chest. "You've made everything brighter, Bea. I never thought I'd have all this." He gestured around them, encompassing not just the park but the life they had built together. “You know? I…kids? I’m a dad and I’m a husband and–”
‘You are about to be promoted.”
“And I’m about to be promoted.” he exhales softly, “...my career was the only thing I had a solid vision in…and then you came along and I’m…just so thankful for you.”
Beatrice rested her head on Rooster's shoulder, her fingers still intertwined with his. "You are going to make me cry.” and she playfully swats his arm, “You always do that.”
Rooster chuckled, his hand,still joined with hers, reaching up to wipe away an imaginary tear from Beatrice's eye. "No crying allowed in the happiest place on Earth. We're here to make joyful memories, not tearful ones."
Beatrice laughed, sniffling a bit. "You're just too sweet, is all.”
Rooster grinned, his heart swelled with happiness as he gazed at Beatrice. “You did bring that out of me.” he whispers, and she feels her cheeks heat up, “You did do that, you know it,right?”
“You've always had this sweet side, and I just happened to uncover it."
Rooster tilted his head,mouth quirking it up to the side. "Uncover it, huh? Does that mean you're my sweet detective?"
Beatrice laughed, swatting him playfully on the chest. "Consider it solved, LC. Case closed."
Rooster chuckled, his fingers tracing circles on Beatrice's hand. "Well, I must say, being married to you has been the sweetest adventure of my life." Rooster's gaze lingered on the grand castle. "You know, I used to dream about places like this when I was a kid. A magical castle, a family to share it with. And now, it's real."
Beatrice squeezed his hand, her heart swelling with affection. "Dreams do come true, Roos. And you deserve all of this and more." she looks down at her phone, “It’s almost time for the kids to eat, do you wanna go on ahead? We can find a nice place to eat, there are a lot of options.”
Rooster nodded, standing up from the bench. "Yeah, let's find a good spot. I'm sure the kids are getting hungry."
Beatrice checked the map on her phone, guiding the family toward a charming restaurant nestled in one of the corners of the park. As they approached, the scent of delicious food wafted through the air, heightening the anticipation from no one other but Nicole herself.
Or, it could be that she saw Ariel from afar.
A hostess greeted them and led the family to a table by the window, something that immediately grabbed Nicole’s attention as she scooted over to touch the glass and babbled happily to her parents.
Bea carefully moved the strollers so she could see the twins, then thanked Rooster when he helped her sit down, “Whew,” she laughs, “And they are just babies, imagine when they get older.” she was mainly referring to Nikki.
Rooster chuckled, taking a seat beside Beatrice. "We might need to grow extra pairs of eyes when they get older. The curiosity is strong with this one," he said, nodding toward Nikki, who was now waving enthusiastically at Ariel.
Beatrice grinned, watching the scene unfold. "Well, at least they're inquisitive and full of wonder. It's a good sign, right?"
Rooster nodded, his gaze fixed on Nikki. "Absolutely. I wouldn't want it any other way." he looked over at the twins, seeing that Aurora was awake and alert,while Gavin just stared, sleepily, back at his father, “...you need help feeding those two?”
Beatrice chuckled, "I think I've got the feeding routine down, but if you want to entertain Nikki, that'd be a great help."
Rooster grinned, leaning over to peck her on the cheek. "Consider it done. Nikki?”
Her head swiveled back to him, “Wanna help daddy choose lunch?”
Nikki's eyes widened, and she nodded energetically. "Yeah, Dada!"
As Rooster and Nikki delved into the menu, exploring the array of delightful options, Beatrice focused on the task of feeding the twins. She expertly juggled the bottles, ensuring that each little one received the attention they needed. Aurora, with her wide, curious eyes, eagerly accepted the bottle first, while Gavin, more laid-back, contentedly took in the surroundings.
“Aurora, easy,” for a three months old, she was holding hard on the bottle,”Honey, it’s not going anywhere.”
Rooster chuckled as he watched Beatrice with the twins. "She's got a strong grip, just like her dad."
"Must be a Bradshaw trait."
Rooster winked, "Definitely. Bradshaws are known for their strong grips and even stronger hearts." and her cheeks reddened even more.
Rooster and Nikki made their choices for lunch,well,Rooster did, Nikki just chose the most colorful thing on the menu. “I’m going to order for you,okay gorgeous?”
“That’s fine Roos.” she says, patting Aurora’s tiny back as she’s done, “Can I hand you Rory so I can feed Gavin? Can you handle those two?” she asks, nodding from Aurora to Nicole with a little grin.
Rooster nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Of course, I've got this. Team Bradshaw on duty."
Beatrice gently handed Aurora to Rooster, making sure he had a secure hold before turning her attention to Gavin. She couldn't help but smile as she saw the trio—Rooster, Nikki, and Aurora—engaging together.
Her husband had his upper body partially turned towards the window, arm hooked on the back while his other held Aurora to his chest, patting her back gently so she could burp. Meanwhile, his other palm was holding Nicole up as she pointed to the world around them through the window.
My god he was so attractive.
And with his cap backwards? Ugh, she didn’t think she could love him even more and yet she did.
Shaking her head quickly Beatrice focused on feeding Gavin. She exchanged smiles and coos with him, savoring the quiet bonding moment. The occasional glance toward Rooster with Rory andNikki filled her with warmth. 
Rooster, having successfully burped Aurora, turned his attention back to the table. "How's it going over here, gorgeous?"
Beatrice grinned, "Smooth sailing. Gavin's almost done, and then we can enjoy our meal together." she smiles down at him “Right buddy?”
Rooster nodded, his eyes gleaming with affection. "Sounds like a plan. Nikki, what do you think of the castle view?"
Nikki's eyes widened, and she pointed excitedly. "Big castle, Dada! Pwetty!"
Rooster chuckled, "You're right, sweetheart. It is pretty. We'll get a closer look later." he kisses Aurora’s head then, “She burped beautifully.”
With Gavin contentedly finishing his meal, Beatrice carefully lifted him, cradling him against her shoulder to burp. Rooster, still holding Aurora, watched the exchange with a soft smile. 
As Gavin let out a tiny burp, Beatrice grinned. "There we go, buddy. Good job." She glanced over at Rooster  “Both burped.”
“We really are just two saps to our kids,right?”
He smirks, “Honestly,I wouldn’t have any other way. Also how about we explore more of Fantasyland after this? There's still so much to see."
Beatrice nodded, excited about the idea. "Definitely. We can check out some more attractions and maybe catch a show or two. What do you think, Nikki?"
Nikki's eyes sparkled, and she clapped her hands. "Yeah!" she looks back, “Awiel?”
“We can see Ariel too,honey.” he smirks, “But first,mama and dada gotta eat because it’s going to be a day,huh?”
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may i ask your opinion on the giant horse and epona (if you have her) in BOTW? giant horse's canter is meant to be as fast/faster than smaller horses sprinting, and epona has four speed and that always felt SO fast to me, but then i love just trotting around like the game is an ambient noise video bc the thumpthump of horsie feet puts me to sleep and then i get annoyed by moblins ruining my scenic tour
I don't have the Amiibo for Epona, but four stars, while good, is not fast enough for my tastes. The big horse is technically as fast, or close to (five stars is slightly faster), but it FEELS SO SLOW OH MY GOD ARE WE STANDING STILL AM I SITTING ON A TREE TRUNK
Hard agree on the gentle riding about though. Hyrule is massive and gorgeous and I want to go hacking
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Tagged by @icedteaandoldlace for the 15 Mutuals, 15 Questions meme
Are you named after anyone? My name is a family name on my mom's side, though specifically I'm named after my mom's favorite cousin. Different spellings, though. I absolutely adored her growing up and I missed her very much when she moved away.
When was the last time you cried? Given the wasps in my house and the ongoing renovation work... yesterday, late last night. Stress crying sucks and makes me more stressed because I can't really control it. That said, I feel a lot better about things today.
Do you have kids? Nope, but I have a nephew. Very adorable. Recently got a new stuffed animal during a trip to a cave. A bat, named Bat-Bat. His dad keeps hoping to convince him to go with Bruce instead. :D
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes and no. It's situational, really. Who I'm with and what their tolerance for sarcasm is and what my mood is at the time.
What sports do you play/have you played? I played soccer and softball in elementary school. I was much better at soccer than softball but I didn't really enjoy it at the time.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? How they treat other people. I kinda suspect I'm a little face-blind so what people say and do make a bigger impression on me than physical appearance.
What’s your eye color? Green, except when they're blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings
Any special talents? Fanfic writing. :D But I can also do some pretty silly muppet voices, all the better to entertain my nephew with. Or do impressions of Golem from LoTR with.
Where were you born? A hospital in Kentucky, of the blue grass and the fast horsies.
What are your hobbies? Aside from writing fanfic, there's playing video games and whatever fun craft has most recently caught my attention. Sometimes paint by number, cross stitch, etc... and when my piano isn't blocked in by boxes (thanks, reno) I'll play that.
Do you have pets? I have a dog named Estelle. She's a terrier and minpin mix who loves snuggles, snacks, and chasing squirrels.
How tall are you? About 5'8"
Favorite subject in school? English class, though my computer science courses were a close second.
Dream job? I wanted to be an author as a kid, which I kind of feel like I've fulfilled by writing fanfic. I am a software engineer, which I do really enjoy... but I think dream job would really have to be librarian. A school librarian, perhaps.
Tagging @goldheartedchaoticdisaster, @fezwearingjellybananas, @shrinkthisviolet, @vexic929, @incorrectcoldflashblog, @gender-luster, @a-redharlequin, @ageless-aislynn, @terrie01, @hawkstincan, @stars-are-just-ghosts, @autisticharrywells, @violetteatime, @sophiainspace, @bottom-of-the-riverbed
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mamas-filly · 8 months
Oh my a would you rather? I simply must know them all
Big, thick, fluffy diapers or absorbent fitted diapers?
Big Thick, fluffy, clothes ruining diapers are for me, all the way
Cloth diapers or disposable diapers?
I think it definitely depends? But if we were avoiding leaks, its disposable without a doubt. But if we are encouraging leaks instead? Cloth are so so so much softer.
Sexy/slutty clothes with a diaper, or childish clothes with a diaper?
Sexy or slutty all the way! Having to wear childish clothes outside of those times is just a bonus
Too big for diapers but still needs them, or not big enough to be out of diapers?
Not big enough to be out of them, I just can't be trusted!
Sexy bras, demi-cup bras, soft sports or bandeau bras, or no bras at all?
No bra at all!
British schoolgirl/plaid skirt or Asian schoolgirl/sailor suit?
Really out of my wheelhouse on this one? Between what i've looked at so far Asian Schoolgirl would be better, if only because plaid has the wrong energy to go with diapers to me.
Lolita frills or overalls?
Frills though! All the way! Lace, pinks, puffy outfits! They're hard to get sized right (and EXPENSIVE) but I've always wanted something cute like that!
Knee socks, ankle socks, stockings, or tights?
Ankle socks with a pair of patent leather shoes, no contest.
Mommy/daddy roleplay or dirty uncle/babysitter roleplay?
Where does dirty mommy/ sister roleplay fall? Because that's where it's at.
Plastic potty or antique chamber pot?
Plastic, please just give me the plastic
Bottle-feeding or spoon-feeding?
For aftercare, nothing beats a bottle feeding, held close to where you can hear their heartbeat, suckling and losing yourself in the moment. For a scene though, spoon feeding, rough and fast and MESSY if I don't want to clean my face after, it wasn't good spoon feeding, in my humble opinion.
Forced masturbation, or no masturbation allowed?
Forced masturbation, even 10 days was getting difficult to manage with my low willpower 🙁
Hand-spanking, slippering, paddling, or caning?
There's a special intimacy in a hand spanking, even when i've previously earned a paddling (by the end I was wet in EVERY way) they warmed me up with their hands, which was so special.
Spreader bar, or tied to the rocking horse?
Tied to the rocking horse, Diaper long overdue for a change, maybe a wand on low, trying desperately to get some kind of stimulation, I could keep myself going for hours. Also its a horsie! I love those!
Shown off in front of everyone, or confined to a secret nursery?
I love being seen by everyone, but in a way where I am expected to be ignored, like if they choose to grope me or interact with me, its their choice, and their benefit, but i'm expected to go on otherwise, like a piece of furniture.
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helluva-family · 4 days
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Striker’s absence is rare, and Moxxie knows this might be his only chance to escape. His heart races as he kneels in front of Maddox, who’s happily holding onto his new teddy bear.
Moxxie: *Smiling softly, trying to keep his nerves from showing* Aww, that's a cute teddy bear you have.
Maddox: *Brightly* Teddy Bawr?
Moxxie: *Nods* Yeah, that’s right. How about you and I go for a walk?
Maddox: *Tilting his head in curiosity* A walk?
Moxxie: *His heart aching as he forces a gentle smile* Yeah, bud. Your... uh, dad... *Moxxie hesitates, hating the word ‘dad’ in reference to Striker, but he presses on* ...will be out for a while, so we can go outside.
Maddox: *Excitedly* Can we go see da horsies?
Moxxie: *Swallowing hard, his heart sinking at the innocent request* Sorry, bud. No horsies today. But it'll be a nice walk, I promise.
As Moxxie speaks, his eyes dart around the room, searching for anything that might help them blend in, stay hidden. He spots a worn, brown blanket folded on the edge of the bed and grabs it. Carefully, he wraps the blanket around Maddox, trying to cover as much of his son as possible. They need to move quickly, and they can’t afford to stand out.
Moxxie: *Tightening the blanket around Maddox gently* Keep this on, okay? We need to stay warm and quiet, little guy.
Maddox: *Cheerfully* O'tay, Papa!
The sound of Maddox calling him ‘Papa’ tugs at Moxxie’s heart, reminding him of everything he’s fighting for. He brushes a tear from his eye quickly, not wanting his son to see how scared he is. He takes Maddox’s tiny hand in his, squeezing it as they make their way toward the door.
Moxxie takes a deep breath, opening the door slowly, peering out into the empty surroundings. The Wrath Ring is as unforgiving as ever, with the harsh, hot winds kicking up dust around the dilapidated landscape. He knows the route well, having memorized it in his mind countless times, but this time... this time, they’re not coming back.
Moxxie: *Kneeling down to Maddox’s level, his voice low and serious* "Alright, Maddie. You have to stay really close to me, okay? We’re going on a secret mission. It’s just you and me, and we have to be really quiet and really fast. Can you do that for me?"
Maddox: *Eyes wide with excitement* Yeah! I’m a secret mission!
Moxxie: *Smiling, though his heart aches at the innocence in his son’s voice* That’s right. You're my little secret agent.
Maddox giggles softly, hugging his teddy bear tightly as they begin walking. Moxxie moves quickly, his eyes constantly scanning their surroundings, hyper-alert to any sign of danger. Every crunch of dirt beneath their feet feels deafening in the silence of the Wrath Ring. But Moxxie pushes forward, determined to get his son to safety.
After what feels like hours of walking in the oppressive heat, they reach the outskirts of the small town where they’ve been held. Moxxie’s arm, still bandaged from where he cut out the tracking device, throbs with pain, but he doesn’t stop. His mind is focused on one thing: getting Maddox as far away from Striker as possible.
Moxxie: *Whispering to himself* We can do this... just a little further…
Maddox, still wrapped in his blanket, clutches Moxxie’s hand tightly, his small legs trying to keep up with his father’s pace. Despite his exhaustion, Moxxie presses on, his body aching with every step, but knowing that freedom is so close. He can only hope that Millie, Blitzø, or someone will find them before Striker does.
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canidkid · 3 months
Summer Harvest Season
Been a while since I've posted writing! Classic little domestic peace agere oneshots,, my passion :3
Regressor!Johnny Abbot & CG!Meadow (oc)
Read the full thing under the cut!
! Contains some very very minor cussing !
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It was finally cherry season. The time of year both Johnny and Meadow looked most forward to. They prepared as well as they possibly could. Cleaning jam jars and pie pans, giving the kitchen an all new shine. Meadow had been writing down the progress of fruiting trees in the area for years, so she was dead set on the perfect time and place.
Johnny had asked early on if it were alright if he regressed at any point. He knew cherry picking was a lot more work than people liked to crack it up to be. And he didn't want to make it any more bothersome with his childish tendencies. Meadow seemed to take this as a personal challenge.
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"Alright, Johnny- boy! Sun's almost up to the Horizon, so we gotta hurry!" She pats her wicker basket, stuffed with countless other fabric bags. He peeks up at her from the ground, where he's currently struggling to tie his shoes. Meadow smiles softly. It makes Johnny shrink into himself slightly. "I'm sorry. I won't be much help like this all-all- ugh.." Johnny keeps his Gaze intently focused on the tips of his shoes.
Meadow kneels down next to him, wordlessly finishing his clumsy attempt at putting on his outdoor shoes. "You'll be a great help. I know someone who picks the best ever cherries for pies. And I believe I remember, he also taught me the jam recipe we're still using!" She turns her face toward him with a genuine smile, hesitantly returned by the other.
It was a rather hot day, summer seemed to have come in hard and fast. Everybody was grateful for the shade the forestry provided. Sterling plodded dutifully behind Meadow as she led the way through the twisty-turny foot paths. Johnny was still quite spooked by the whole horse thing - but Meadow had insisted the bonding would do them some good! Even if Meadow would be the one holding a lead rope the whole time. This horse-human triad was, as always, flanked by two of the woman's dogs. Stella trotted upfront, beside her master. Her fluffy, dual toned coat bouncing along with every happy step. Her brother Monty darted between his duties like a tricolor lightning flash. Check on Meadow, check on Sterling, check on Meadow's other weird pet, repeat.
Their trip to the fruiting trees wasn't a long one. It hardly took them far from the cottage. Past a lake and through a dense path of ferns, finally to the large clearing.
The field in which they stood was divided by a flowing stream of water. A very welcome sight to everyone involved. Meadow had expected Johnny to go down younger - but not at this speed! She caught a glimpse of the boy practically vibrating up on the draft horse's back. He captured her gaze, his smile brightening as he stuck one arm out to her. "Down Doe, down!" Meadow laughed, hauling her little boy back to solid ground. She barely got a second to look at him, before he immediately turned his attention to Sterling. He leaned in to him, whispering in the animal's ear as he patted his neck.
"You're a good horsie. Good horsie, Sterling! If Doe says you can't have cherries I'll get you some…but you can't tell her! But you have to be eeeeeeextra nice on the way back also!"
Meadow almost couldn't hold her laughter. They'd just gotten here, and he was already conspiring with her animals!! At least Stella and Monty were immune. They knew damn well they could get their own cherries. Both dogs had shot off to the stream almost immediately on arrival. Chasing each other through the grass and using the water as an out, or splashing one another with it - their high-pitched yips and barks disturbing the surrounding serenity as they played.
Meadow set her big basket on the ground. Clapping her hands to call everybody to attention. "Alright, kids, time to get some work done!" She picked a cloth bag from the selection she'd brought. "Anything you can reach, put it in the bag! But - and this is important - check any fruit for worm holes or signs of rot! We don't want that yucky stuff in our food." Johnny eagerly reached for his own bag, trundling behind Meadow like an excited puppy.
The heat was easy to forget when you were having fun. Not long after they'd begun to pluck their share of cherries, Johnny and Meadow had decided it would be much more fun to climb the trees instead of simply trying to reach lower branches. The dogs would not have let this slide, were it not for the fact they were unable to do anything but watch disapprovingly from the ground. Sterling had elected himself to be an active part of this endeavor, always positioning himself so his big head was between the branches. Johnny kept his earlier promise, slipping the old horse a sweet summer treat every once in a while.
I never continued with this fic thingie - maybe I will in the future! But I hope you enjoy how far I did get for now ! ! <3
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