#honestly the dreams were my favorite part of the game back in the day and I was disappointed with the changes
trashootie · 1 year
Can you tell more about the deleted scene you mentioned under your "choking" piece? I've only played bg3 after full release, it sounds very intriguing. Also I am fascinated by your art like woah
Yes absolutely!
Basically the dreams is early access were very different, with the question asked during character creation being "Who do you dream of at night?"
This meant that the dreams were very personal with each character dreaming of someone important to them: Lae'zel about Vlaakith, Astarion about Cazador etc. So as a player you could make your dreams about someone from your ocs past.
I'm putting the rest under the cut bc I have a lot to say about this.
Your dreams were also very vague and to this day I'm not entirely sure how they were going to develop through the story if they remained as they were.
The character tells you that greatness awaits you and seems to embody temptation. Your relationship to them can be very different even with the fiew dialogue opportunities. I'll just provide a few screenshots from my ea playthroughs:
Dream 1
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Dream 2
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Dream 3 (you can make out but that's not where I went)
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The vibe becomes very intense and it really makes you interested as to where they were going with this!
Also let's not forget about all of the dialogue with your companions:
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Honestly I'd advice any fan of the game to check out an early access playhtough because A LOT has changed and there was so much interesting stuff in there
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luimagines · 1 month
Hey hey!!! Saw you opened asks- so I wanted to send my love and appreciation for everything you do💕💕
Maybe a reverse of “You Blurt Out Who’s Your Favorite” , where the chain accidentally say that reader is their favorite? Silly pining ensues. (You don’t have to do this as always. Have a good day 💕)
Sure thing, Anti! I hope you have a good day too! <3 :D
Immediate Reader, boys under the cut!
"I am the best!"
"In your dreams!"
"The greatest!
You snorted as the boys all ragged on each other. Typical sibling behavior.
They were all playing the game of 'Who is the greatest? Certainly not you.' And you were trying really hard to not make it seem like you were paying attention to their shenanigans.
"Well, Malon likes me more!"
"No way! I'm her favorite."
Screw it you're joining this.
"I am the favorite!" All eyes turn to you as you smirk.
"....I doubt that."
You laugh and cross your arms. "I have yet to be proven wrong."
"Well you're certainly mine."
Legend crosses his arms as he rolls his eyes. He sees the group look to him and huffs. "I mean, honestly- Hello? Have you met them? They're easily the odd man out here."
"Ok." You deadpan. "Rude."
"Which means-" Legend flicks your forehead non too gently. "-that you're not as annoying or willing to throw us all off of a cliff."
"That was one time!" Wild shouts from the back.
"Well regardless, I can trust them to get the work done with out having to pick up the slack." Legend admires the ring on his fingers, acting nonchalant about the whole thing.
Some of the boys all seem to shuffle nervously on their feet. they seem to know what he's talking about.
This catches your attention. "Wait- hold on. When was this? What happened?"
Legend grins, looking like the cat that caught the canary. "A while ago. You were too busy doing your part to notice that we had been left to get rid of the rest of the monsters."
That last part was pointed. And you don't think his bombastic side eye was helping matters.
Ok. So Legend was holding a grudge. That's good to know.
You cleared you throat and rubbed the back of your neck. "So... that makes me your favorite?"
"Especially so." Legend turns back to you. His expression almost changes in a full 180. Before it looked at if his glare could have set them all ablaze but now his gaze is almost... soft. Tender, even.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you're shocked that you're even beginning to feel flustered by it. "....Don't mention it."
"I haven't." Legend winks and you bite your lip, losing your nerve and looking away. "But I don't mind bringing it up that you've been most helpful."
"Ugh, gross, he's flirting." Wind groans and shoves his way between the two of you, breaking the moment in twain. "Get a room! We don't need to see it!"
"I wasn't flirting-"
"That wasn't-"
'Yeah, yeah..." Wind blows a raspberry, making some of the others boys snicker. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Thank you." You grin and happily start walking with a spring in your step.
Twilight seems to pause, letting his words sink into his head. The others rapidly catch on that he hadn't intended to say that out loud, but you seem none the wiser and actually quite pleased with this revelation.
You skip ahead and even go as far as to loop your arm with his. "I think you're pretty neat too, Twilight."
He coughs and rub the back of his neck with his free hand, letting you hold his dominant arm hostage. It's not like he's complaining. "I'm glad."
Hyrule snickers on the side lines and Twilight finds it in himself to send him a particularly nasty look. Over your head, naturally, so you don't see and don't get the hint that some of the other boy seem persistent to drop in his stead.
You drop your grip on his arm to hold his hand instead, swinging your hands together as you all walk. "Good to know that I'm the favorite over all."
"That can't be it." Legend says with a smirk on his face.
Twilight growls. "Shut it-"
"Twilight said so. You all heard it." You fire back, ignoring Twilight's words. "I am the favorite."
"Mhm." Time hums in agreement. "I don't see why not."
"Old man." Twilight stresses the nickname, pleading as wordlessly as he can to let the subject drop and let him live.
You finally look up to him with a tilt of your head. "Were you lying?"
Panic stabs his heart and he rips his hand away from you in shock as he tries to salvage the situation. Whatever it is he's trying to salvage anyway. "What?! No! Of course I wasn't lying! I think you're incredible!"
"Ok!" You grin as if nothing had happened and grab his hand again. "That's a relief. I wasn't going to say anything but you're my favorite too. So it all works out in the end."
Twilight flushes as you begin to drag him forward on the trail. "....I beg your pardon?"
"You're pardoned!" You start swinging your hands again. "Let's go!"
You trip over your feet and snap your head to face the old man who hadn't even bothered to look in your direction.
Surprisingly, it was Twilight who spoke next. "...Well that doesn't very fair."
Time snorts but comments no further.
Part of you wants to beam in joy. And to rub it in the rest of the boy's faces.
That's high praise coming from Time and you all knew it.
There's a sudden pep in your step as you keep walking forward. "Ha! I'm Time's favorite. Na nana na~"
Time smirks and watches you with an amused smile. Wind groans dramatically and launches himself onto Time's arm. "But come on! We're all cool and nice and how come I'm not your favorite?"
"It's not that you're not my favorite." Time explains gently, chuckles as he pries Wind off of his arm with a particularly rough hair ruffle. "It's that they-" He points to you. "-don't make it their life mission to give me grey hairs before my time."
"You don't need our help to get grey hair, Old Man." Legend teases.
Time swipes at the hero playfully, letting him easily evade his grasp. "I'm fully aware. And yet you all seem keen on making it happen."
You laugh, feeling more proud of yourself than you probably should. It feels good, even if there's a little voice in your head that's telling you Time only said you were the favorite to tease the other heroes. Even if that were case, you can't bring yourself to mind it. You can tease the others about it as well!
Twilight seems particularly put out and you make it a point to stick your tongue out at him out of childish pettiness.
Twilight catches on and pouts harder, sticking his tongue out at you in return- right for Time to clock him in the back of his head. "Easy, Pup."
"They started it!" Twilight cries petulantly.
"I'm ending it." Time gets a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Besides, I didn't hear them arguing with you lot about who was the greatest among you."
You put your hands on your hips. "I am quite awesome though, aren't I?"
Time sighs. "A mark of a true hero is humility." He flicks your forehead. "But yes- you are awesome."
"Awww... Sky, that's so sweet!" You put your hand to your heart and grin at the suddenly bashful boy.
"Ah- well... You're welcome."
Hyrule laughs and slugs him on the shoulder. "You didn't intend to say that out loud, did you?"
"Nope." Sky scratches the back of his head.
"That's ok." You pat his back, feeling a little better about your own ego. "I think that makes it all the better."
"...Right..." Sky smiles a little tensely, seeming a little more nervous than he's willing to let know.
"Wait-" Warrior raises an eyebrow. He says your name questioningly. "Who's your favorite?"
"Oh! Hyrule."
"Yup." You give Sky a wink while the other boys start rapidly firing questions. Not because they want to know why Hyrule, but they want to know why not them.
You know, like the children they are.
Sky relaxes a little bit when you walk forward to keep the attention of off him and onto yourself, giving him enough time to collect himself and then wonder if you wee serious or not.
So... you didn't technically help him despite your efforts, but you don't have to know where his head space is at.
"...You were serious, weren't you?" Hyrule says in a quite voice. "Did you mean that as in more than just being a favorite?"
"...So when I say I didn't intend to say that out loud-"
"Sky, oh my god."
"I know."
"You even looked them in the eye-!"
"I know!"
"....My condolences."
"Don't remind me." Sky groans, hiding his face in his hands.
Everyone freezes before all heads slowly turn to him.
Your jaw drops in total shock. Of all people to say something in this context, in that manner, he was would have been at the bottom of the list.
Warrior raises a cool eyebrow, daring to smirk as the cherry on top.
No body makes a move, almost afraid to break the tedious atmosphere around the group and once rowdy boys.
You clear your throat, garnering the attention for yourself against your wishes. You however, keep your gaze on Warrior. The son of a gun winks.
You flush and feel the need to clear your throat again. You were trying to be sarcastic and facetious. You weren't expecting a genuine response. At least you think he's being serious. The silence certainly doesn't help you get your nerve back.
"Moving on." Warrior turns on his heel and begins to walk away, leaving you all in the wake of his cutting sentence.
You try to meet the eyes of the other but they're all looking at you for your reaction instead.
You throw up your hands in a desperate attempt to get the attention off of yourself. "I didn't tell him to say that!"
"Of course not." Warrior has the gall to speak once more on the topic. "But that doesn't make it any less true."
"You-!" You shout, unintentionally being louder than you intended. "SHUT! Not a peep out of you!"
Warrior gets a gleam in his eye that spells trouble for you later. He grins even wider and blows you a kiss.
You have half the mind to throw something at him.
Wild leans up next to you and bumps your shoulder with his. You turn to him in a desperate attempt to hide your shame. His eyebrows dance in a knowing fashion and you give completely. Shoving the Champion as far aware from you as you can, you also begin to get a move on for the day.
The others boys laugh quietly around you, amused at the turn of events.
"I hate all of you."
"No you don't!" Someone gleefully calls back to you.
"Why don't tell that to Warrior?" Four teases.
You plan revenge on him specifically. Instead of following through with that however, you speed up to catch up to Warrior.
"Am I really your favorite?" You find yourself saying before you could stop yourself.
Warrior chuckled. "Of course. Have I ever lied to you?'
"Well..." He has a point there. You take a deep breath. "No."
"Well, there you have it."
"Are you serious?" Wind pouts. "I thought it was Time."
"Nope." Four puts his hands on his hips. "And unlike some people, I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I said it and I'll say it again. They're my favorite person here. Any one that disagree has to come up with some pretty convincing evidence to make me change my mind?"
You beam and feel yourself bubble up with happiness. You bounce on the balls of your feet and clap happily. "Yay! I'm Four's favorite!"
You turn to Sky excitedly, pointing in his face. "Eat it!"
He gives you a startled look before he starts laughing under his breath.
Four snorts and shakes his head. "Any objections?"
Most of the boys shake their heads, amusement twinkling in their eyes. Four grins as well and shrugs. "I guess we're done here."
You giggle like a maniac as everyone starts falling back into line, the conversation ending then and there with Four's declaration.
You on the other hand, feel like that you've gotten the ego boost of a life time. You're not entirely sure why. Being Four's favorite went straight to your head and elevated your mood to a whole other level.
"This is the greatest achievement of my life." You say, not entirely sarcastic as you wanted to sound. "I think I can die happy now."
"I didn't think it would make you this happy." Four noticed you bouncing on cloud nine. "Do you think I'm that special that it's so important to be my favorite?"
You pause and blush softly. A beat passes with all eyes on you and you decide to bite the bullet. "Of course I do. You're also my favorite person."
"Person?" Wild catches your slip up.
You snap your head to him and stick your tongue out. "Don't even start. I said what I said. I won't take it back."
You turn back to Four and see him giving you the softest smile. Your heart starts pounding in your chest. Oh. That's new. You finds yourself smiling back.
"Get a room!!" Warrior drops his hand to your head, nearly throwing you to the ground as he ruffles your hair. Twilight does the same to Four, ruining the moment.
"Hey-! Get off!" You shout and shove the hero away.
"Twilight, watch it!"
You snap your head in the direction of the voice and feel a wide grin cover your face. "Well thank you very much, Pirate."
You reach over and ruffle his hair roughly, playfully throwing off his balance as he yells and tries to fight you off without making it into a legitimate fight.
"Ok, ok, take it easy you two." Time steps in, taking your hand off of the boy with a light chuckle on his breath.
"That's it." You say, meeting the rest of the group with a wild gleam in your eye. You aim to start trouble. "Wind is officially my favorite too. The rest of you stink."
"Oh, come on. Be nice." Wild snickers, throwing his arms round your shoulders to shake you just as playfully. "We all have our good moments. Why does Wind get the sudden promotion?"
"Well you literally stink." You jokingly, pinch your nose and throw him off of you. "Come on, Wind."
You turn around, sticking your tongue out at all the other as they snicker at Wild's offended face. Wind was laughing loudly, happily taking your outstretched hand when you offered it.
"Let's go to the front of the group where all the cool kids hang out."
"Ok!" He giggles, swinging your hands together as you start to walk a little faster to get ahead of everyone else.
"Are we just going to let them get away with this?" Wild shouts, having his pride wounded by your throw away comment.
"I mean..." Sky shrugs.
"They're not wrong." Warrior snort, gently knocking the back of the Wild's with the heel of his wrist. "Maybe change your clothes every once and a while."
"You're one to talk." Wild grumbled, taking out his sheikah slate to look for something to wear. "I am not that bad."
You bite your lip to keep your amusement at bay and shrug as well. "If it's any consolation, Wild, you're not as bad as Twilight."
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to!" Wind calls out for you and laughs loudly once more, pulling you along before taking off in a sprint. You looked behind you to see what happened, only to see Twilight chasing after you both.
"Wind, run!"
"Rulie', you gotta warn people before you say things like that." Wild chuckles as he knocks the Traveler in the back of the head in your stead while you stood staring at the boy agape.
"Sorry." He blushes and rubs the back of his head. "I couldn't stop myself fast enough."
"Wait- hold up." You find yourself saying. "....You mean it. Like... really really, you mean it. You wouldn't react that way if you didn't."
Hyrule coughs and bite his lips, bravely meeting you in the eyes. Goodness- you didn't think you have a thing for him but that particular expression has all cylinders firing off in your brain at once. You didn't even know he could pull that kind of look off. And he's not even trying!! It's not that kid fo context!
"Yup... I uh-... Well, there's nothing wrong with admitting it, right?"
"Rulie' I thought we had something." Legend dramatically put his hand to his heart, falling with his full weight onto the other hero. "The betrayal is deep Hero of Hyrule."
"Get off of me!"
"Just twist the knife deeper while you're at it!"
You snort and quickly cover your mouth with your hands, horrified that sound escaped you so easily.
It catches Hyrule's attention easily.
In an attempt to clear yourself of the embarrassment, you lean heavily in your bravado and wink at the hero in front of you. Hyrule manages to throw Legend off of him but he suddenly can't look you in the eye.
Hey- it was to save yourself from the embarrassment, not him.
"Of course there's nothing wrong with it." You find yourself saying. You continue to lean into your bravado and put your hands on your hips. "You're my favorite too, Link. So don't worry about it."
"Wait, really?" He looks up back to you, with a light dusting of pink over his cheeks.
"Um- they said Link." Warrior throws his arm on Hyrule's head, using it as a head rest. "Clearly they meant me."
"They did not!" Wind jumps on Warrior's arm. "They meant me!"
You start laughing again and when your eyes meet Hyrule's once last time, you wink again for good measure.
You both know who you meant.
"Whoops, did I say that out loud?" Wild laughs awkward, bringing his hand to the back of his neck. He scratches it, worried about how all of the people in the group turn to look at him.
"Yes." Sky tilts his head, trying (and failing) to keep the smile off of his face. "Yes, you did."
"My bad." He coughs, clearing his throat in the process. He does nothing to clear the blush on his face.
"Really?" You whisper, feeling your heart swell.
Wild bite his lip, turning on his heel. If he was trying to play it off and be inconspicuous, he's doing a horrible job of sweeping it under the rug. "Of course. Now- where were we?"
"No nono no no-" You grin wider and begin to chase the resident wild child. "You're not running away from this."
He actually takes off in a sprint.
You squawk, as do some of the other boy in the group before you decide to call his bluff and chase him as well. "Wild, get back here!"
"No, I'm good!" He shouts over his shoulder.
You nearly stop as you process your words before you decide to pick up the pace. You don't respond at first, too focused on closing the distance. You watch the hero as he runs, watching the steps he takes to copy them and not trip over the unfamiliar terrain.
He's not familiar with it either, but he seems to assimilate to any climate faster than anyone else you've ever seen.
Until he starts to slow down and looks behind him to see you running at him at full speed.
The scream he lets out is nothing short of comical and the brief second it took him to process and react to what he was was enough to allow you tackle him.
It doesn't work. He's too strong to be knocked over that easily but an attempt was made.
You laugh, feel as light as feather and very much out of breath. "Am I really your favorite?"
"Why did you chase me?!"
"That doesn't answer my question." You smile cheekily.
Wild pants and puts his hands on your shoulders, pushing you away from him so that he could look into your eyes. "...Yes."
"Perfect!" You kiss his cheek and start to run back to the group before either of you could get into trouble. "See you back at the group!"
"....What does that even mean?"
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chlorinecake · 1 year
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Restless Nights w Enhypen ! ⩇⩇:⩇⩇
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༯ pairing: bf!enha x snoring s/o ☁️
༯ warnings: cavity inducing fluff, language, a lil crack
༯ wc: less than 200 words for each member
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니키 | Niki - Once you and Niki started sleeping in the same bed together, it was game over for you about three nights in when he ~discovered~ your snoring habit. The menace in him couldn’t help but record your noisy fits, just in case he ever ran out of things to tease you for 🤭 He even nicknamed you “piglet” the next day 😭 You’d feel a lil insecure about it (at first) until asking him what he meant by it, and he’d simply show you the video, holding back his laugh… He’d use his height advantage against you as you desperately tried reaching for his phone to delete the video 🤧🤧 “NIKI IF YOU DON’T DELETE THAT SHIT, I’M NEVER SLEEPING WITH YOU AGAIN!!” He’d drop his arm immediately, handing you the phone. “I’m sorry,” he’d whisper, pulling you in for a hug.
정원 | Jungwon - Usually, Jungwon is a VERY LATE sleeper, so there are nights when he doesn’t mind your snoring as much. However, if he’s really tired and in need of some quality rest 😪, your snoring can be somewhat of a hinderance to him. So, he researched methods that might aid your noisy habit. Meditating or simply listening to calming music with you before bed soon developed into more than just an anti-snore scheme, but a part of your nightly routines 🥰🥰
“I’m so tired, Wonie, can we please just go to bed?”
“Right after we meditate first.”
“But why,” you pouted.
“It’ll help you sleep better, ____. Just give me 10 minutes, and afterwards, we can cuddle.” After that offer, you’d happily oblige, and sometimes, end up meditating in each others presence for even longer than planned.
선우 | Sunoo - Some nights, Sunoo finds your snoring cute, while other nights he finds it ANNOYING AS HELL 😩, so it really depends on his mood. One night, he was so fed up with it that he plugged your nose while you were sleeping, just to laugh his ass off when you wake up wheezing 💀 until you look at him like “😤” and he makes up every excuse 🪦
“Go back to sleep, honey, you probably just had a bad dream.”
“Fine, the truth is, your snoring was annoying the hell out of me, so I tried to cheer myself up by letting the intrusive thoughts win. My apologies.”
“Look, I promise I’ll never do it again, baby 🥺.”
“What?” Those were his final words before you’d initiate a revenge tickle fight, tiring him out before you both fell back to sleep, snoring together this time 😴
성훈 | Sunghoon - Honestly, Sunghoon isn’t bothered by your snoring habit at all. He GETS his beauty sleep 💅✨💋, regardless of the earthquake occurring on your side of the bed 🥴 The only time he’ll tease you about it is if you snore ~excessively~ right after intimacy 🙈 He’d wake up the next morning and trace lazy shapes on the small of your back, admiring your EVERYTHING in the moment of silence before saying some cheeky shit like:
“Was it that good, baby?”
You’d wake up at the sound of his voice, groggy and confused.
“What’re you talking about, Sunghoon?”
“Last night, silly. You were snoring like a beast, so it must’ve been fabulous.” You could feel heat rush to your face, both out of embarrassment and affection ☺️☺️
제이크 | Jake - As you came to learn while dating him, Jake is a softie at heart 🥹🫀🍬 He finds your snoring habit SOOO endearing. Sometimes, he likes to think of the different animals your snores remind him of 😑, but his all time favorite snores are the kitten purrs you make while nuzzled against his chest, making his heart thud like a whole ass drum!!! He can’t wait to update you the next morning, telling you how cute you sounded/looked in your sleep 😌 He also DEFINITELY took a picture or two 👀
“Baby, guess what! It’s really important,” he’d say in his adorable Aussie accent, shaking you from your slumber…. at 5am 🫠
“Yeah, what is it Jakey?”
“You looked really pretty while you slept, and your snores sounded saur freaking cute, and I love you, and I also can’t wait to sleep next to you again TONIGHT, and-”
제이 | Jay - Jay absolutely can’t STAND your snoring! He’s pretty big on physical touch in a relationship, viewing cuddle sessions as a form of ~life support~ in most cases. Though, he simply has a very low tolerance for the noise you make, especially when he’s tired 🥱 The poor guy ends up sleeping on the couch during most of your snoring fits so he doesn’t wake up cranky or disturb you with his tossing and turning 😭😭 It’s honestly for the best 💝
“Jayyyy,” you call from your shared bedroom.
By now, he knew exactly what you wanted whenever you called his name like that.
He picked up his pillow and blanket from the couch, meeting you on the mattress.
“Cuddles?” You’d ask, tugging at the hem of his shirt.
“Always 😏”
희승 | Heeseung - Knowing Heeseung, he’d probably be snoring right on with ya. He’s a ~vocal~ man in his waking life and it’s not very different when he’s asleep either. His snores aren’t as loud as yours, but he sleeps like a baby through your noise anyways 😌 Heeseung believes snoring is an indicator that one is catching up on some well-needed and deserved rest, so he’ll likely NEVER complain about it 🫶🤗
Hugging you from behind, he’d pull you closer the second you tried to escape his hold.
“Heeseung, I need to pee,” you’d whine, squirming in his arms.
“What if I miss you while you’re gone?” He’d ask you, pouting.
“I’ll come back as soon as I finish, okay?”
“Ugh, okay,” he’d answer, only for you to come back two minutes later and find him smiling into your pillow, drifting back to sleep.
૮˶- ﻌ -˶ა⌒) thanks for stopping by! make sure to check out my bookshelf for more fun reads! 🎂
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toasttt11 · 9 months
first hat trick
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Carter ran a hand through her sweaty hair as the cameras were on, turned towards her in the locker room.
“First off Congratulations for your big night.” The woman reporter, Kate smiled at the younger girl, who had just made history becoming the first woman to play in a NHL game not only that but her first ever game she scored a hat trick.
“Thank you.” Carter nodded in appreciation, playing with the three pucks in her hands, all of the pucks she shot into the net during her first ever NHL game.
“How does it feel to have made history tonight.” Erika questioned Carter.
“Uh, honestly it hasn’t really set in, i mean to me i’m doing what i’ve been dreaming of since i was kid and i’m not doing it to make history, i’m doing it because i love hockey.” Carter explained honestly not even thinking about the fact she made history more focused on the fact she actually accomplished her dream.
Kate smiled before letting many other reports ask Carter many questions, before asking Carter the last question, “Alright last question for the night, we know your brothers Quinn and Jack both gave their first NHL goal puck to your parents, what do you plan to do with your pucks?”
“Ah, yeah you know of course i’m gonna give one of the pucks to my parents, i mean i wouldn’t be here without them. And uh you know Quinn has been a really big part of my NHL career so far and tonight with the three assists he had on my goals so it feels only right i give him one of my pucks.” Carter smiled slighty as she finished talking to the reporters, not seeing Quinn waiting for her and his smile when he realized she wanted to give him her puck from her first NHL game.
“Hey Cart.” Quinn smiled at his little sister who just had an insanely good night especially for her first ever game. He pulled her into a hug rubbing her back gently.
“Hi Quinny.” Carter smiled relaxing in her big brother’s hugs, Carter having always loved Quinn’s hugs.
“You did so well.” Quinn proudly mumbled to his baby sister kissing the top of her head.
“Thank you.” Carter slowly pulled away from the hug putting her hand in pocket grabbing one of the pucks form tonight and handing it to Quinn, “Here. I couldn’t really of done this without you so.”
Quinn smiled accepting the puck into his hand, “Thank you.” He slid the puck into his pocket before throwing an arm over Carter’s shoulder, “Come on what do you want for dinner?”
“Hmmmmm. Sushi and Pasta.” Carter cheekily grinned looking at her brother.
“Why did i know you were going to say that.” Quinn let out a fond laugh knowing Carters absolutely favorite foods is sushi and pasta and she would eat every day if she could.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
It’s me I’m back with Lesson 34 spoilers below. (including the hard lesson)
I always try to write these posts shortly after finishing the lesson so that it’s like… my immediate and unfiltered thoughts lol. Sometimes I change my mind about stuff after I see other people’s interpretations of things. So if you were wondering why I’m taking the time to write this at 2 am, that’s why. I totally forgot about the lesson during the day due to the whole Thanksgiving thing.
I feel like we got SO MUCH BARB in this lesson?? He was barely in it. But we had other characters talking about him and that honestly makes me happy, too. Probably because I like when they give us some perspective into his character.
Belphie. We were actually playing the role of Lilith in his little Celestial Realm dream sequence, right? And then at the end it’s all but we’re not siblings.
Listen. I just think that Belphie has a lot of unresolved trauma surrounding Lilith and I really don’t feel like having MC play hide-and-seek with him in a dream is going to be enough to help him move past it. Enough to make him want to help MC? Maybe. But I dunno.
However, I also think I probably shouldn’t expect anything more intense than that from an otome game. They were just trying to give us SOMETHING to explain why he was cool with making a pact.
WHICH WE FINALLY DID. With Beel, Belphie, AND Levi. I get Beel & Belphie doing theirs at the same time, but I’m still a little baffled about why Levi waited so long. There probably isn’t a reason, but who knows maybe they’ll surprise us with something lol.
Ah. Lucifer.
This was my favorite part:
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I love Mammon, he always just says exactly what he’s thinking (unless it’s how much he loves MC lol).
But we all knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, right? We knew Lucifer would be last. We knew that Lucifer would be the most difficult one to make a pact with. Remember what happened with him last time? Of course he doesn’t want to make a pact with us now. We’re likely going to be going through some kind of long drawn out drama that will eventually lead to Lucifer giving in and making a pact with us.
However, I found both Solomon’s and Diavolo’s reactions to this absolutely hilarious:
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Can the two of you take this seriously, please?? I know you both find Lucifer highly entertaining and yeah, I'm usually laughing at him most of the time, too, but I need that pact to get back to where I'm from, thanks.
But we’re only on Lesson 34. So I think we still have plenty of time to make a pact with Lucifer, learn the truth about Nightbringer, and return to our timeline (or have the timelines merge or whatever nonsense they’re gonna do).
I’m still hoping for all that to get resolved by the end of this season lol.
Now, I found this exchange from Belphie’s Celestial Realm shenanigans especially interesting:
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Assuming this is accurate to what actually happened when Lucifer was still an angel, this means that the angels knew Barbatos. They know him by name, they clearly think he’s a big deal, and they’re surprised that he’s agreed to be Diavolo’s butler.
I was always under the impression that the demons and the angels didn’t really know much about each other. But now I’m wondering if maybe Barbatos had something to do with the end of the war that happened before the Celestial War. The one that was between the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. I have no reason for thinking this other than the fact that as angels, Lucifer & Simeon clearly know him. And what else would they know him from? Though I suppose anything could have happened lol.
And then there was all of this:
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What does it MEAN?! (Obviously I chose the second option for MC's dialogue, which increased Barb's intimacy.)
Barbatos my true love. Why did you give MC a real piece of paper from your grimoire? He’s always been cautious, always keeping MC at arm’s length, and now all of a sudden it’s here’s a piece of my grimoire? There is NO WAY he doesn’t have all of the build up from the OG. I can’t believe that he would actually give MC a piece of his grimoire if he had only just met them at the beginning of Nightbringer. So I’m tacking this on as additional evidence that Barb knows all.
Also can we just appreciate Lucifer in 32-A? All his brothers are completely out of it and he single-handedly motivates every one of them back into action.
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It sure worked, huh? Do you think the credit card is in the freezer yet?
It was everything. I LOVE the Little Ds. I LOVE them hanging out with Diavolo. I LOVE that Barbatos couldn’t accompany MC because Diavolo requested some fancy human world dish. This entire hard lesson was *chef’s kiss*
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GOD I love Barb's knowing look and Dia's little frown. I love them so much it's almost painful lol.
Okay that’s all I’ve got to say about this lesson. In general, I enjoyed it. They coulda played up Belphie’s yandere tendencies a bit more. I felt like his change of heart was rather rushed, but they really can’t put him through the therapy he needs. I don’t think the lessons are long enough for that.
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behoright · 11 months
I am going feral for jealous possessive andrei
Cant wait to read it
the bane of my existence, the object of all my desires - a. svechnikov
i'm sorry this wasnt even planned but it has to be done like.....
warnings: yall know I write disgusting smut like... gross, dirty, nasty - includes but not limited to unprotected and semi public activities, dirty talk, mentions of sweat n blooood. just nasty shit. also its bad writing get over it! word count: 3.5k
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nothing like a day off to watch your boyfriend work
 he would never say it explicitly
but andrei loved it when you spent all day around him
you both knew how crucial it was to have your own lives
and your own friends and jobs and hobbies
but he couldn't lie
when you spent all day around him, he would go crazy
there was something about you 
something about the way you moved
when you thought no one was watching or nobody cared
the way the air in the room would change whenever you walked in
and he had noticed it before
how everyone around would
adjust themselves, cough awkwardly or give him glances
part of his burning for you was just that
knowing how much you were valued 
not because how you looked necessarily
even tho he found you stunning
it was because of your essence
enthralling everyone around you
and it wasn't beyond him that that factor called for
a lot of attention
which he had been giving to you since day one
since the day he saw you and he knew no one else could have you
the cling to you the need to have you didnt come from any lack of security
it came from simple desire
indisputable and ever present, to the point where
everyone had to pretend not to see it
the intensity repelling any and all grossed out friends and teammates
he had tried, truly, at the beginning, but there was no way to dissimulate
if he had melted in presence of past women, he lit up in yours
and so far, there were no signs of slowing down
ever since he could remember, andrei never had any breaks
no way of slowing down, of letting it breathe
it was one of his biggest peaks but also downfalls
skate faster
shoot sharper
push harder
until his legs gave out and even then 
crawl and claw if he needed to get everything
every single thing he wanted
and he wasn't afraid to admit it
never arrogant, but always honest
the house, make it bigger
the car, flashier
his mother’s wrist, shinier and heavier
more wins, more
more of
you. as well
in quality always before than in quantity
get the best, and give yourself fully to it
invest everything you have in it and simultaneously squeeze every drop of pleasure from it
he wasn't ashamed
or apologetic about it
it was one of the things you loved most about him
and it did wonders for your relationship
so today, despite it being a relatively easy day
no traveling, no game, just practice
(which took all day for andrei, obviously)
you decided to spend it being clingy
your boyfriend's favorite word
he loved to see you watch him
it helped him focus more stay more present as he felt you closer to him
and sneak around to see you
come to the glass
give you a puck
take an extra long lunch (and nap)
it was the day of his dreams honestly
you grabbed your things as he was the last man to leave the ice
seats around you empty by now
made your way towards him
right after he was done, just how he liked it
always right after a game, a practice, a trip
there was nothing better than to see your face immediately as he was done
he didnt want a second to breathe or clear his head
all of that was done with you
the sound of your shoes echoing in the halls of the arena
matching rhythmically your heart pounding within you
every step matching every contraction, every rush of blood sent through you
you knew the walls and corners of this place like the back of your hand
the sound of muffled music waltzing around from afar
as others began their afternoon workout, you knew andrei had just finished his skating
at times it seemed like
there was no way to calm yourself down around him
but it had never been nerves you thought
wanting and needing for each other
sweat clung to him as you approached him in the empty locker room
it had been such a domestic experience by now that you knew when to be there and when to know it was only him
like clockwork
and he loved it
every time he thought about it, a smirk would adorn his face
you stood at the entrance of the room, placing your shoulder tenderly against the doorframe
a smile forming on your lips as you saw his body shift
pretending that he didn't hear you, that he didn't know you were there
but it was so simple to see the sculpture of his shoulder twitch 
stretch in the most minuscule way, letting you know he could feel you
it was like 
a magnet
no matter how far you were, if you were in the same vicinity, the polarity zapped you both
pulled you in always
the closer, the more intense the energy became
you stood still, the two of you immobile in the silence 
it seemed like forever
the aching growing stronger
both unrelenting in your posture
but he knew
he always knew you'd give in first
you noticed, in your attentiveness, the slight tremor that rolled through his back body
slight, but noticeable
you had become an expert by now at concealing your worry, letting andrei take care of himself
but it was still there deep down
had he pushed himself too far today?
was it finally the day he didn't listen to his limits?
unconsciously, you stepped forward
and taken aback by your own actions, the smallest gasp leaving your lips
he turned his head just enough for you to see his profile, a thick eyebrow arched in 
rude awakening almost
the tightening of your chest prevented any words from tumbling out, the feeling only deepening as he turned to face you fully
immediately meeting a newly formed gash on his chin
your eyes darted as you tried to remember when you could have missed this
you were there almost the whole time he was on the ice
“you see? this is why i need you always here.”
as he broke the silence, a small drop of blood began to pool at the surface of the cut
“what happened? i didn’t even…”
you failed to finish your sentence, shock, and anticipation mixing underneath your rib cage as he began to step towards you
walking slowly, molasses dripping in every movement
“imagine how bad they treat me when you are not here, Ки́са”
he muttered, his voice low, as he threw a scarlet-tinted towel on the floor
“if it was up to you, i wouldn’t leave you ever.”
you smirked, raising your chin in defiance when his walking came to a stop
you could always see the enjoyment on his face whenever he played these games
his feet planted firmly a few inches away from you
more than a couple of steps, but close enough to feel his heat
the musk that emanated out of him after getting off the ice
the mix of the cold environment and the rough maneuvers created a scent you could never find anywhere else
“what can i say? i am happiest when you are around.”
the corner of his lips pulling, smugly tugging up
there was something about the sincerity and vulnerability of his statement
combined with the way he delivered it
with that shit eating grin
the fuckboy esque aura of his appearance
oh, andrei
your boyfriend and his erotic, slow burning, sexual standoffs
“you know I can’t do that”
you replied tenderly, snickering at your own thoughts
he looked down, placing his hands on his hips
a drop of sweat hitting the ground as he inhaled deeply
a slight rasp finishing his exhale, his lungs still reflecting the hazardous workout
it took all the strength within you not to move
you had learned to view andrei as
an animal
a feline
you could open the door, but they would come in whenever they wanted
always taking his time
knowing that he could feel the neediness seeping out of you
it was consistently on his terms
you clenched your fists and let them go, leaving imprints on your palms 
waiting desperately for him to 
do something
look at you
move towards you
the less you got lost in yourself, however,
the more you could him crumbling inside
his fingertips white, pressing deeply into his skin
his chest beginning to heave
“yeah, you like to come back to me, eh?”
your face dropped, the tone of his voice melting you
seeing your defenses come down
your breath deepen
had him on the edge of it all
yet, he was wise enough to have a sliver of self-control
but never for long
you couldn’t 
say anything
he had officially turned it from simmer to high
not causing an immediate eruption but 
the heat pooling all that desire together
and you knew it would rip out of you both forcefully once it was consistently kept on high
“what happened, baby?”
his accent was thick as he faked concern, almost mocking you 
all you could do was open your mouth, but 
nothing. not one word
he walked over to you, degradingly normally in his stroll
no different than as if he were approaching a cash register or clerk
as if he hadn't spent who knows how long toying with you
loosening your joints with every single dedicated action since you walked in 
he stopped dangerously right in front of you
close enough that 
another bead of sweat fell again
this time, hitting your own nose
he loved to see you like this, practically panting in front of him but paralyzed
he knew he couldn't show it yet
not yet
it was purposeful but not planned, at least he didn’t think so
every single moment he played it by ear
responding to your state second by second
“how do you guys say here?” 
he muttered, voice ever lower now,
“cat has your tongue?”
the taunting tensed your face
your eyes piercing his, intensely, as your jaw clenched
not yet
one second
a couple more beats
he thought
before breaking and grabbing the back of your neck harshly enough to 
make you lose your balance
but it didn't matter
his hands strong enough to 
have you
hold you
and his plump
bitten and red lips
meeting yours
both of you inhaling
not deeply, but suddenly
overhauled by the adrenaline, the endorphins
his teeth catching your lip at the end of the kiss
just slightly
biting off some of that surface skin
his expression, completely different when you guys pulled away
eyebrows furrowed, face scrunched up in what could have been mistaken for frustration
eyes stuck on your lips
as he dived in again
so powerfully that it stung at first. it hurt from smashing his face against yours
tongues not fighting
but ramming against each other
every single millisecond
his insides moist and slippery from the hours of skating
and spitting on the ice
sticky more than anything
sticking to 
your tongue
your teeth 
your lips
so aggressively as he explored your mouth
he pulled back just as hard
whiplash in your neck
the gasps the only thing filling the room
“you did not answer.”
he says, matter of factly
much to your confusion 
“answer what, andrei?”
you ask, his hand firmly planted and keeping you from approaching him again
“cat has your tongue?”
he says, as serious as ever
“andrei, it’s a sayi-”
“let me see it.”
he interrupts
“open your mouth, y/n.”
your breath hitches for the millionth time as you realize what he meant this whole time
your body betrays you, your mouth slowly opening against your will
you can see 
trembling in his breath 
as you do what he ordered
his gaze unable to pick a place to 
focus on
running all over your face
your big 
doe eyes
only he got to see this submission in your look
your tongue glistening before him
he moves his other hand to the front of your throat
placing it gently but securely in the crevice where your chin meets your neck
he was
covered in sweat
before you could try to 
check any other place
to see it glint and glimmer
in one swift motion
bends down and licks your tongue
his meeting yours 
right against yours
so deeply that you can feel his tastebuds
his ridges
through the thick saliva
as he does it over and over again
so feverishly, so fast 
in the mess of it all
in the middle of your storm
you taste it all
his spit, his sweat
droplets of blood that snuck inside your mouth in his ferocity
the mix metallic and 
piercing through every layer of your mouth
every layer of you
the rush of it
the tension that you both held in as he kept space between your bodies except for 
such a sacred place. Your mouths
more and deeper
making a mess out of you 
moans evacuating your system 
unwittingly, just the way he likes it
as he switches from licking to
fiercely kissing 
not your lips, but your tongue
open-mouthed and sloppy 
a trail of your mixed spit uniting you every single time he pulls away
beginning to groan 
his grip shaking from holding back
swallowing every single one of your moans
his back straightening up as he pulls away from you breathless
watching you pant and 
inevitably he can't help but
untidyingly spit into your mouth
the thick glob of you 
mixed with every part of him. His blood, his sweat
landing on the plains of your tongue
clear dribble threaded in with pleasure and cerise 
finally coming to a stop
“боже мой”
oh my god
he whispers, his lips glistening
you stand there, frozen together
heaving in synchronicity
before he spins you around 
so quickly that the world around you doubles for a second
before you realize your feet 
your body, in midair
his strong forearms holding tightly to your midriff
before he places you in front of his locker
you can feel 
cold perspiration hitting the top of your head from his chin 
as he slithers his hands down your arms
creating a road of damp goosebumps on your skin 
interlacing his thick, calloused fingers with yours
the pruned skin of his palms coming in contact with the top of your hands tenderly
guiding you to grip the slats above his locker 
the cold, metal bars becoming slippery with the dampness that had accumulated in your grasp
andrei lets go one hand for just a second
sloppily raising your skirt to reveal your ass
holding back from ripping your underwear off with one simple gesture
instead moving it to the side
placing it securely over the curve of you body
letting him access all of your vulnerable parts
you can hear the fabric ripping off of his hips just after
as the tip of his cock
already slicked with precum 
hits you, releasing from the tight grip of his boxers
he places himself right at your entrance
his member sizzling against you
andrei’s fingers begin to explore 
up and down your cunt
you moan, sharply
“you know I take care of you, принцесса”
he answers, his cheek pressed against the side of your head
you could feel your hair sticking to his damp skin
“i’m already wet, just, please.”
you start to plead, looking down in defeat
“i can feel, baby. just let me feel more.”
you could hear the entertainment in his voice as he kept his touch feather light
up and down 
circling your clit, spreading your juice on every inch of your vulva
even moving the tip of his cock, which kept pressing steadily at your entrance, to dip his touch inside
not fully, just slightly
“let me have what I gave you.”
he mutters, unable to keep his cock from twitching as the words leave his mouth
you knew him, and how he asked for things in his fashion
immediately, opening your mouth as his hand moved back to your front, swirling his fingers around the inside
“such good girl.”
he drawls out, scooping some spit from the back of your throat
a slight gag sending shivers down your spine
and placing it inside you, finally giving you an ounce on relief with his two fingers
“you see? now you already have me inside you. before I can even fuck the shit out of you right here.”
he teases, his accent shining more than ever in his cursing
the way he slightly mispronounced every word made your body loose even more
“you know if I am home, I spit in every single one of your hole.”
he whispers, bending down so you can take in every word from the shell of your ear
“andrei, please.”
this one is louder, your system alarmingly imploring for more 
your tone sending a jolt throughout his nervous system
allowing his guard down enough to groan suddenly and steadily
“you ask so nicely, Малы́шка”
your moan of exasperation relaxes as he finally drives his hips forward, his cock parting you easily and coating himself with muddle that you had become
you both tighten the grip that holds you almost perpendicularly
the bar underneath you letting you a creak just as you both exhale in pleasure
andrei wastes no time in beginning his thrusts
his humid hips slamming audibly against your ass as he moves his hand to your lower belly
pushing you back towards you even more
the grunting was unabating, jerking out of him every time he bottomed out 
at this point
you weren't even sure if you needed to be concerned about getting caught 
for a moment, you had gotten so wrapped up in him that you forgot 
the locker room
technically public
and on top of that, his workplace
it was hard to keep that fear in mind when the clench of his hands began to tighten 
right as he began to ram himself full force into you
his hard cock sending signals of delirious elation all throughout you
your sighs and moans harmonizing with his
he loved how expressive you were
it wasn't faked or exaggerated
he knew that everything that came out from between your lips was his doing that you just couldn't hold back
“andrei, babe.”
you moaned, failing to access any other part of your vocabulary
“i know, baby, I know”
he grunted out
the pit in your bellies, concurrently deepening
he couldn't stop, releasing all his tension with every shove inside you
“i know, let it out for me, yeah?”
he added
you knew you couldn’t last much longer
your thighs jiggling and trembling as you both surged and waved back and forth in unison, meeting the other’s flows
“oh, my-”
your orgasm jumped through you, your eyes squeezing shut as you clamped around andrei
feeling your ecstasy pool at the base of his cock and slowly began to dribble down his pelvis
getting caught in his pubic hair while you shook his his arms
your fingers gripping impossibly tight underneath his
it all made andrei sped up even faster
eliciting the sweetest sounds he had ever heard to rip out of your throat
your vision clouded by sweat and stars
the way your pussy clutched his member rolled andrei in his own exaltation
his muscles binding as he stiffened behind you, releasing all of himself inside your cunt with a groan that echoed throughout the locker room
your breathing stayed synced as you both came down together
worried that if you moved or let each other go that you would both tumble out on the ground
“you feel good, baby?”
he asked breathlessly, placing a sweet kiss on your temple
another drop of blood from the long forgotten gash accidentally splashing on your face
you nodded, turning around to find his rich brown eyes staring right into you
his thumb rapidly cleaning up your cheek
apologetic in his look and yet
still behind a roaring fire that never seemed to die within his gaze
“are you okay?” 
you asked, a giggle interrupting your sentence as you eyed his chin, now swelling more than ever
“I told you, I’m okay when you here always.”
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
So, I wanted to make this as an appreciation post for the fandom. Looking at all the reveals we've gotten in the last few days and seeing how much the world of TIG has expanded so quickly, I've been getting a bit nostalgic.
When I joined this fandom, it was August of 2022, barely a month out from the release date of The Final Gambit, the finale of The Inheritance Games. I found out about TIG at a random bookstore on a road trip and I had immediate interest (the hot tub scene sold me so quick). I was also still somewhat new to Tumblr back then but I wanted to see what the hype was here.
Back then, we were still in the Averyjameson vs Averygrayson era even though I'd say things were cooling down a bit. But, that's not my point. The community was getting ready for this; there were chapter reveals, theories, and oh, it was awesome. I was so happy to be part of it. And some of the people who made it a lively place back then are still here, but unfortunately, some have gone quiet. @averysjameson, @guppyclato, @lesbianator3000, @margolovescoffeeandbooks, and @cherryschaos, thank you for making my days back then. I know you may have moved on, but I thank you for the contribution you made at the time.
The only thing I will not miss is the toxicity that Averyjameson and Averygrayson fans plagued this fandom with and divided us so much. We had a lot back then to still savor, why did we have to do that to sour the tag when this series had so much more to offer than just the romantic subplot? There was a mystery at large and so many other characters to love. We only seemed to agree on hating Emily and the old man. Moving on, let's never do that again and if there is another love triangle, let's try being more mature about it. I know we can. If Gray, Avery, and Jamie moved on, so can we.
When we were told of The Brothers Hawthorne back in October 2022 and given those first chapters for the new book, I was over the moon. We were going to finally see the POVs of two favorites; Grayson and Jameson. I was so excited to see from Jamie's perspective, to get a mystery set in London and for him to solve it with Avery; it was an Averyjameson dream. However, come the actual release of the book and I was honestly so disappointed. I'm not sure why it didn't hit the levels it should have but I already said my piece on that and while I still have some disdain for that story, I look fondly at the parts I did love. And funny enough, I told myself Grayson's story will just have to do only because I was feeling sour over Jameson's plot. But low and behold, I loved it! It was deep, funny, interesting, and held my attention as if I was in TIG all over again and it hit more high notes than Jameson's. I may attribute that to the familial connections we see displayed there but it felt more rewarding and even if JLB still had more for Grayson's development, that didn't mean Jameson had to suffer for it. However, I'm hoping that this story here was a fluke and I'm putting my best foot forward in believing that maybe reading Averyjameson through Avery's POV again in Games Untold will give back that familiar feeling I've been missing for two years. I never said I wouldn't try again.
Now, we've entered a new era and this is a third for me; The Grandest Game and Games Untold. During this period, I met @hathorneheiress, my fanfic bestie, and a lot of my current supporters have been with me since TBH. I thank you very much for sticking with me by liking, reblogging, and commenting on my posts. You make my day in the same way I assume my content makes yours. I haven't said that enough and I don't think it will ever be. I'm happy that we're all still here now and going into this new unknown with our theories, headcanons, new characters, and plots. I'm sure it will be a blast. Thank you for giving me that feeling again these last few days; it felt like being with Avery and the gang, running through the House, finding another clue, waiting in anticipation what it reveals.
I hope that this next series is everything we hope for it to be, a new start for Gray, a chance to bond with the new characters we met in The Brothers Hawthorne, and an opportunity to make it feel like the hay days of the first book. I hope that Games Untold lets us relish that feeling with the original cast, to relive the good old days, to meet up with some old friends we haven't seen in a while, and to have that final hurrah that leaves us on the highest of highs in the best way possible. Maybe it'll make it easier to say goodbye to the ways it used to be and embrace the new storytellers but of course, with the way JLB leaves us hanging with every story she gives, who is to say that'll be it?
Thank you to everyone who makes theories, headcanons, fanfics, fanart, and so many other things that leave us wanting more. Thank you to everyone who showers that content with support in the form of likes, comments, and reblogs. Thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning, in the middle, and now. You all made this a special place. Thank you to everyone who made this community that way and continue to do so every day. I'm happy to be a small part of that. See you in the next post.
-Mystery Girl's Red String
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nostalgiclittlespace · 5 months
your post on regression grief hit me hard. i recently had a moment where for a couple hours i so vividly went back to when i was a kid, when it was the spring leading into summer during middle school and we all gathered in the open grassy field and played games. music played. the smell of the season was full of joy. ive been having more and more moments like this. the older i get and the more trauma i endure, the more i find myself having moments where i regress and cling to my tiger plushie and find myself talking a certain way. i go back to reliving these memories and its so comforting and simple.
Regressing is entirely new to me. i was told its something bad and “problematic”, so i was really scared when i started to put two and two together. do you have any advice for someone newly discovering this part of themself? (i know this is a heavy question so its okay if you dont!!)
Hi, friend ❤️❤️❤️ First of all, I have the impulse to say that I’m sorry for all the stress you’re under. While regression can be a very joyful thing, the side of it you usually see on the internet, it can also be that crushing, confusing grief. I hope some of what I’ll say can help.
First, I completely understand where you’re coming from. For me personally, regression is revisiting childhood because adulthood is hard and being a kid is just so much easier. Sometimes it feels like that’s the only safe place. Those memories are precious, and they are happy. (Some of my favorites are when I remember playing with my siblings, running around my backyard. Those were my favorite days)
My first piece of advice is that it’s okay to cling onto those memories and regress with them. It’s okay to have that bittersweet sting as you remember how simple life used to be. No matter who you are and what your situation is growing up is it’s own kind of trauma—suddenly being faced with responsibility and work, when it seemed only yesterday we didn’t have to worry about a thing. So, it’d natural to miss those easy times, and to wish for the, back. If that make you regress, then that’s okay.
I am actually fairly new to regression as well. I started trying age dreaming a year or so ago to try and cope with stress (with moderate success), but it wasn’t until the past few months that I’ve actually started to do regress routinely and consider myself a member of the community. I will admit that before I framed my regression negatively. I felt almost ashamed of myself for not handling my stress in a “typical fashion”. Which brings me to my next piece of advice. There is nothing wrong with regression. If you’ve been on this side of the Internet for long enough, I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I’m saying it again. Age regression is completely okay, it is a valid coping mechanism.It takes time to let go of those negative outlooks and preconceptions (believe me, I know) But you have Avery supportive, kind, and fun community agere, and we’d all be happy to help you however we can.
For me, the best way to get comfortable with regressing was to take baby steps. It doesn’t have to be grand gestures like decorating your bedroom as a nursery (tho if that’ll make you more comfortable, then go for it!) personally, I started small. Watching Disney movies. Sleeping with a stuffed animal every night. Coloring with crayons and coloring books instead of my fancy colored pencils. Eventually, it became natural.
However I would also like to point out that not all regression is sunshine and rainbows (unfortunately.). It’s also that space where we recognize our trauma through a child’s perspective, and that’s hard. It’s okay and normal for regression to be difficult or painful.
Nonetheless, it’s important to take care of those feelings. remember that you deserve this safe place.
I think the most important thing I can say is to indulge in it. Your mind will thank you. Personally, I’ve honestly been handling life so much better, recalling lost childhood memories I would have forgotten about, and just generally feeling happier since I’ve allowed myself to regress when I need to.
I hope some of this was helpful. Sorry if it was a bit scatterbrained. If I think of anything else, I’ll edit this later. And If you need anything else, whether to ask some more questions or just need a listening ear, I’m always available! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Lots of love to you, friend, sending lots of warm, happy vibes your way
-Marty 💙
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Hey there! Thanks for all your hard work. I wanted to send something that would hopefully be fun and a break from the asks. What are your fave cards for each character (and why if you want to explain)? :D
no problem :) and thank you for the break haha
this is kinda long bc of the amount of images so i'll put it under a readmore. note that my reasoning kinda ranges from "it's pretty" to <ramble about art>.
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Before Thinking About It (Live with memories)
This set is really pretty but Ichika definitely has the best card in it. I love the stars and the little fish things swimming about.
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Rainy Distance (First Star After the Rain)
No I do not care that this was her first 4*. How can people say the old sets are bad like have you SEEN the Stella set? It's absolutely beautiful.
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Because You're Our Dear Friend (Unwavering Feelings, Now Put Into Words)
This set is so pretty!! It’s one of my favorite perm sets. Honami's is definitely my favorite though because the twinkly stars really take it up a level.
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The Right Path for Me (Colorful Festival)
Shiho looks really cool in this one and I love the artstyle. I like the sign that just says "sign".
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For "Your" Sake (Let's Deliver! Hopeful Stage)
Another really good Year One set! I love the angel theming with Minori and giving her actual wings was such a cool idea. Faito faito Minorin!
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Perfect Premonition (Connecting Painful Hope)
I vividly remember when this leaked it was a big day for MMJ fans. She looks really cool in this card and I like the sort of rockstar aesthetic it has. Easily my favorite card for her
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To You Who Wants To Be An Idol (Colorful Festival)
One of my favorite cards in the game! The aesthetic is really cute and reminds me of pop art. I love the details on the eyes as well
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With the Feeling of Shooting a Thousand Arrows (Draw Your Bow in This White World)
I still can’t believe that this set is perm it’s absolutely stunning. Easily Shizuku’s best card, she looks so ethereal here
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Kaleidoscope of Footprints (Colorful Festival)
I love the colors and the art on this one. It’s really unique and definitely one of my favorite fes cards. Again I love how her eyes are drawn and colored.
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Past Excitement (Colorful Festival)
This is An’s most recent 4* with neon lighting i just want them back. Also the Nagi-inspired hairstyle ueueueueue
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The Reason Behind the Words I Was Told (Find A Way Out)
I love the emotion on this one like it carries really well. Honestly it’s not the prettiest or most interesting card ever but it resonates ygm. You can really feel his joy and passion in this one.
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Feelings That Were Buried (Colorful Festival)
Ough his fes is so good. The symbolism as well like music is really important to Toya and it’s a huge part of his life but he's keeping this specific part behind a curtain for now. The fact it’s in the part of his fragment sekai that isn’t as derelict as the rest- it hurts.
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Receiving Your Inspiration (A Sorrowful Farewell at the Curtain Call)
It was really close between this and Torpe but ultimately I chose this one. It’s really bright and warm compared to Rui's dark and cold and Nene's in-between and I think that's why it sticks out to me.
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An Irreplaceable Smile (Smile of Dreamer)
Yumekawa sets are always some of my favorites and this set especially. Imo this is also the most “Emu” card so far like it’s so fun and colorful and imaginative
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Dazzling Dream Stage (Colorful Festival)
Mary poppins nene!! Like I said with Emu this is probably one of the most “Nene” cards to me, she needs more stuff that has that classic musical theatre kinda vibe.
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The Right Words to Throw (At This Festival Colored By Twilight)
I think this whole set was really pretty but this one is probably my favorite from it. I like the references to previous wandasho events and looking at this after Curtain Call just hits different yk
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Flowerbed of Memories (Carnation Recollection)
Like I said with Akito this one is about the emotion. I think it captures the event story really well like if you have background context you can see all the connections to the Yoisaki family and Kanade reminiscing about that warmth.
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The Silence That Only You Know (Draw Your Bow in This White World)
I had a really hard time picking my favorite but I think I’m gonna go for her archery card as well. I already said it but this set is great and I love the details in the background of this card as well.
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Through Pain and Misery (On This Blank Canvas, I Paint)
I remember really well when this one leaked because it was around the time I started actively playing the game and I’m still in awe about it. It looks so good for a permanent card and we have never gotten another card like this.
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Making Chocolates With Children (The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?)
Not the most impressive choice but white day sets go hard. I love medieval/fantasy AU and this card is really cool. Also convinced that the artist does not know how heavy flagpoles are.
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At Least, to Me (2nd Colorful Festival)
I love the victorian mad scientist look she’s bringing to the table. Also I like lore.
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Sending My Singing Voice (On This Blank Canvas, I Paint)
Another emotion card. Rin being the one connected most to Ena and the way she’s embracing the art is so !!! It’s such a warm card as well you can really feel the way Ena feels about her craft.
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Cheering For You (Colorful Festival)
The artists went all out for Kagamine fes the art looks so good. I don’t really have much to say about this one lol
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Chalkboard Cherry Blossoms In Bloom (Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings)
I love the colors on this one it looks so pretty; pink and purple palettes look so nice. Also leo/need with stars always a plus.
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Reassuring Warmth (Get Over It.)
Probably my second favorite perm set after archery. I love space/sci-fi themed things and this is probably my favorite from that set. The colors are really nice and I like the lore implications of her solar system model
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What Arrangement Would Be Good? (Draw Your Bow in This White World)
Shocker I picked archery again. What can I say, this set fucks.
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
the power of love, part 12 (steddie, steve whump, stobin fic)
Alternate ending S4: Steve has a habit of surviving near death experiences then getting sick for no reason. And Eddie and those fatal bat bites? After an impossible feat of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Steve, he’s mysteriously fixed. So, Eddie’s back to being banished, this time with Steve and Robin in tow. Eddie’s healing, but Steve isn’t… and life gets even more confusing, when Eddie develops feelings for Steve, which aren’t entirely unrequited.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 13
(also on AO3 here and as part of my steve whump fic series)
Eddie POV
To Eddie, there’s something way too police-like about the way Hopper escorts Steve to the Humvee. He even raises a hand to check Steve doesn’t knock his head, while climbing in the rear seat. Eleven gets in the far side of Steve, and Robin piles in on the near side. 
Robin shoots Eddie such a mean look and slams the armoured door. Left standing in the mud, Eddie gets it—subtle as a monster punch in his gut. Stay away from Steve.
“Let’s move.” Hopper motions urgently, and Eddie trudges over and gets in.
“You sure you want me riding shotgun? What with me being… Oh, I dunno, verified spawn of Satan?” 
Hopper drops his voice to a barely audible rumble: “Whatever game you two were playing last night, I don’t wanna know.” He doesn’t sound chummy. Not actively hostile either. “I promised your uncle I’d look out for you, if I could.”
Eddie inhales sharply: “You’ve seen him? He’s okay?”
“He salvaged your six-string after the quake. He wanted me to tell you.”
Eddie snorted; cannot deny it’d played on his mind. God, Wayne knows him too damn well.
Hopper fiddles with the switches on the spartan dashboard. “Not gonna say he’s okay, because nobody in Hawkins is. Our best hope is that the military pull out when they can’t find Eleven. We still have allies, acquaintances of Owens, though their numbers are thinning fast.”
“That who we’re running to?”
Hopper has some kind of plan, which he explains as he grinds into gear. They’re heading for a remote road, where these remaining ‘allies’ have arranged further transport. “Luckily,” says Hopper, “you guys were pretty much on route.”
“We can’t stay away long,” says Eleven. “I have to go back. I can beat One, with help from friends, and…”
Eddie peeps over his shoulder, sees her staring hopefully at Steve. Who is staring glassily ahead.
“Steve?” prompts Robin. “Anything you feel like sharing.”
“Will you gimme a break? Look, I got an idea about what’s behind all this. I don’t know how much sense it’s gonna make, so…”
Nothing could’ve prepared Eddie for what Steve discloses next. “I know how nuts this must sound,” Steve says. Eddie, like the others, is temporarily stunned speechless. “That I should be… That I should’ve drowned in that lake, when I was a kid.”
“The only thing nuts,” says Robin, who’s literally cuddling him from the side, “is that you didn’t tell us this sooner.”
Steve squirms. “Honestly? It only came together in my head in the past day or so. It was like a really annoying jigsaw puzzle, and jigsaws are basically my least favorite thing ever.”
“We need to figure this out,” says Hopper. “There was no gate open to the Upside Down in 1978. Doesn’t mean Steve’s powers, if that’s what you got, aren’t linked to the Upside Down, or the experiments at Hawkins Lab. If they are, doesn’t mean they’re all bad news. Look at El.”
“I guess.” The Humvee rocks and rolls over a particularly cavernous pothole, and Steve flinches hard. “In my dreams and shit, I see this trippy… I don’t know how to describe them. They’re like a ghost or something; also, not quite a ghost. Whatever, I got this hunch they’re behind it.”
“Could be some kind of water spirit,” says Robin. “Or even a goddess. Oooh, so the Romans worshipped this water goddess, Minerva, and the ancient Celts had Sulis—"
“Be serious,” says Steve.
“I am serious. In Native American religions, water can represent a link between life and death. I wish I knew more.”
“Not sure I wanna know any of this.” Steve peeps down at El, who’s not quit staring at him. “If this is your crazy-pants frenemy after all, now would be a really good time to tell me.”
She shakes her head. “No. If I sense anything, it’s good… soft… like Mama should’ve been.”
“Oh,” says Steve. “Can you, like, see them too?”
“Son-of-a-bitch!” bellows Hopper. The Humvee’s wheels churn uselessly in the sludgy ground. “Everyone out, apart from you.” He points at Steve. “You okay to take the wheel?”
Steve revs for about ten seconds. Eleven uses her powers to unstick the armoured vehicle, and nobody needs to shove. Trouble is, they get stuck again about ten minutes later. And again, five minutes after that. Soon after they next get going, there’s a loud metallic clunk. The Humvee chokes, splutters, and dies completely.
They all tumble out yet again, apart from Steve, who stays put, and nobody argues. Hopper props up the hood. “Munson, you any good with cars?” 
“Uh, hello?” says Robin. “My moms jumpstarts her Chevette every single day.”
That distracts Steve’s guard-dog. Eddie suffers a moment of agonising indecision then pops his head in the rear seat.
“How you doing?” Eddie knows it’s a stupid question. 
Steve shoots him a withering look, fluffs his messy hair. Eddie slides in beside then totally freezes up. He feels horrible about Steve’s arm in the sling, and as for the rest of it… 
HE DIED! On the other hand, I died too.
Yeah, how exactly does Eddie Munson fit into this beyond-freaky legend? He hardly gives a shit— he’s not the one seeing ‘ghosts’ and, worse, starting to resemble a ghost.
“Eddie,” whispers Steve. “I might need to get away.”
“Get away?” mouths Eddie. “What do you mean? From Hopper?”
Steve’s silence is answer enough.
“Granted, the dude’s packing heat,” says Eddie. And driving a freakin’ tank. "He’s not holding you hostage.”
“I know that. God, I’m so confused.” Steve’s stopped being grouchy or fighty. Which is pretty un-Steve, and scary in itself. He curls a hand over his eyes. “I feel like I’m being… I dunno, pulled in the wrong direction.”
A power chord of fear twangs across Eddie’s every fibre. “You want us to go back to Hawkins?” 
“Us?” Steve emerges from behind his fingers. “No. Hop’s right. You’d be arrested and I’d be… Ugh, I’m so goddamn sick of this. I want this all to be over, so we can… you know, fool around together.”
He reaches out, hooks a strand of Eddie’s now-totally-mad hair behind his ear, and sorta smiles. For a single damn fine moment, that smile sparks in his eyes; Eddie loses himself there, and their world is perfect.
Then Steve’s fingers drift away. Eddie wants to catch them, kiss them, promise he’ll do anything Steve needs. He’ll take down the whole damn US army, slay Vecna in a blaze of glory, even if he dies AGAIN trying, and yet… 
… Holy shit, he’s terrified of Steve! Scared that, if he touches him, he’s gonna crumble into dust, or…
“Earth to Eddie?” Steve waves in front of Eddie’s nose. “Have I added invisibility to my list of useless powers?”
“No. It’s just… I want this over too, so we can do, uh, yeeeaah, stuff.” Wow. Call yourself a lyricist, Munson? He’s rescued by a roar from the Hummer’s engine. That sleepwalker’s glaze returns to Steve’s eyes, and it feels way too much like another door swinging closed in Eddie’s face.
Although the dinged motor is fixed, the mud continues to be literally a pain in the butt. Nobody enjoys the bruisingly rough ride on the rock-hard, upholstery-free seats. 
“At this rate, we’re gonna have to ditch this piece of garbage and walk,” says Hopper.
“Jesus Christ, just ditch me already,” mutters Steve, who’s turned a disturbing shade of gray-green. Hopper doesn’t argue, which makes Eddie think he isn’t taking all that Steve says seriously. Which makes Eddie feel kinda sick, too.
What should they do? He wishes he could talk to Steve alone again, this time be less of a tongue-tied dipshit. That said, how can Steve go back to Hawkins? Right now, he can’t hardly walk.
They’re halfway across a patch of open land when they get stuck yet again. Eleven’s nearly as washed out as Steve, her nose bleeding. Hopper suggests they get the Humvee moving the traditional way.
“Shame about all that rain,” says Robin, as she, Hopper and Eddie pile out to push.
“Is that a dig?” snaps Steve, from the driver’s seat.
“Wasn’t supposed to be. Sorry. Sorry.”
They’ve barely put their backs into it, when Hopper squints into the air and curses louder than ever. A distant juddering noise reaches Eddie’s hearing.
“Oh my God,” cries Robin. “Is that—”
“Sikorsky search-and-rescue Hawks,” shouts Hopper. Yup, Eddie counts a battle-wave of ten or more. “Into the trees. Go, go, go!”
“What about our tank?” Eddie jumps on instinct to help Steve, who’s clambering out, seeming kinda dazed. Robin blocks Eddie’s path. It’s all a moot point, because Hopper’s already got to Steve.
“If they see it,” says Hopper, hustling Steve ahead of him, “chances are they’ll take a potshot.”
“I can crash them,” gasps Eleven. “Done it before.”
“Not a great idea, kiddo,” says Hopper. “They’ll know for sure it’s us, and throw everything they got into this part of the country. We’ll never make our meet.”
Eddie is scratched from head to foot by outdoor crap, before Hopper says, wheezing hard, “This’ll do.” They all get down in a bunker-like dip. Steve kneels beside Eddie, Hopper behind them. Robin shuffles around to crouch beside Steve.
“Do you hear that?” murmurs Steve to Eddie.
“Uh, yeah,” replies Eddie. “Evil empire TIE fighters, straight outta the Death Star.”
“Not them. A river or something. Loud. Like a waterfall.”
“Could be a giant bear taking a slash?” says Eddie, because life is currently so unfunny, he really might as well. And no, he can’t hear any water. Only the crescendoing approach of that airborne death squad.
“Bears have gotten so far down my ‘worry about’ list,” says Robin, “that that’s scary itself.” She picks a cobweb out of Steve’s hair. Steve, meanwhile, closes his eyes. He starts to tremble. “Uh, Steve,” says Robin, “what are you—”
“What d’you think I’m doing?” Bitchy Steve has returned, which Eddie chooses to find reassuring. “They’ll see the Hummer for sure. If I can actually do what you say I did—”
“It makes you sick,” hisses Eddie.
Robin bristles. “Since when did you care?”
“Will you both zip it?” says Steve.
Robin rubs his back. Eddie considers squeezing his knee, then decides against it. Hopper stops scrutinising the skies, brow furrowing: “What’s he doing?”
“Nothing!” Robin’s overwrought smile is stupidly guilty.
“Stevie?” prompts Eddie. “Is there anything we—”
“No, no. I remember this insane crackling. If I can get that going… Gnnng!”
“Anger helps,” whispers Eleven, from the far side of Robin. “What makes you angry?”
“A ton of shit! I can’t… Jesus, it feels like my head’s gonna explode.”
There’s a blinding flash, and a deafening thunderclap. Steve crumples forward, and Hopper grabs him by the scruff of his sweater before he hits the dirt. Eddie shrinks back, his own heart beating like it’s gonna bust outta his chest.
Steve’s now basically hyperventilating. “Ssssh, you did great.” Hopper gently braces an arm around him. “You gotta calm down. Breathe slower, nice and steady, huh?”
Eddie glances up at a bank of wispy grey clouds that hadn’t been there before. A few tense moments pass, the air palpably crackling with an electric tension. Then the noise from the choppers begins to fade.
“They’re turning around,” says Hopper. “Hawks can’t fly with lightning around.”
Robin’s shoulders sink with a relief Eddie shares. Steve, however, groans miserably. Hopper is still keeping Steve upright and asks, “You gonna puke?”
Steve scrunches his face and nods. 
“Stop goggling and get lost,” says Hopper to the others. Nobody disobeys. They’ve not gone a dozen yards, before Robin trips and falls on her face. As Eddie stoops to help her, she springs back up without aid. Far more shockingly, she throws her arms around Eddie’s neck:
“Oh my God, oh my God, I know the powers are awesome but he’s sick and I’m so scared he’s dying. What do we do? How can we help him? WHAT DO WE DO?”
All Eddie can do is press his cheek to her hair, and answer with an honesty that jack-knifes through his guts. “I don’t know, Robin. I haven’t a goddamn clue.”
Part 13
PS--In case anybody's worried... while there is plenty of trauma ahead, I only do happy endings ;)
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology @finntheehumaneater (thank you, thank you, thank you!) If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :) Reblogs, comments and likes also very much appreciated :) Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 13
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consistentsquash · 2 years
What are your top 10 snarry favorite fics?
Hiya! I feel like my top 10 changes depending on my mood. Snarry fandom has a lot of great fics. Sorry for slowness but life was kind of crazy.
I like fics with a lot of magic/whimsy/darker vibes. A big fan of canon divergence because Snape needs to live! Dubcon with bittersweet ending but also they need to be in love.
My super subjective top 12 which is going to change in like 5 minutes because I am a flake. It's going to be in two parts for reasons... also chronological because why not!
first part
A Bittersweet Potion by alchemia and bugland. This is like the only oldschool Snarry that works for me now because my reading tastes changed a lot. I got lots of bookmarked chapters I reread. Just love the fic. So crazy creative. Also crazy. This started in 2002 iirc.. So really, really old. WIP!
In Between Days by atrata. I really like this. A lot of things won't work for new readers because it was written before the books finished. But it's peak Snape before the big canon reveals and has a lot of ambiguity in his characterization. This is 2005 so you can kind of see their dynamic developing like the middle books.
Morior Animus by Vain. OMG. I read MCD but I don't normally reread it a lot. This fic though. It's got MCD but it's super beautiful and the premise of the fic is just incredible. snarry games fic. A lot of my favs are from that collection. A lot of fics in that time get super creative because the books were still going on. 2006 before DH iirc.
This Boy's Life by pir8fancier. This is my fav fic from the author. The fic is just ultra intense. So we get to see the whole Lily situation. I reread this one a lot. 2007.
When the Rose and the Fire Are One by @perverse-idyll. So this fic burned me out on Snarry. Especially on Snape characterization. Sometimes you just read a fic which says literally everything you wanted about the characters and you don't feel like reading that pairing again? So that was me with this fic. I just didn't read a lot of Snarry after this. also Snarry games. 2008
second part
part two of my favs are from more recent years after I got over that fic…
6. a certain optimism by @hippocrates460. The fic which got me back into Snarry bigtime! Love the Snape POV so much! It's kind of not that common in Snarry fics to get Snape POV. This one is brilliant. It feels like something from a different life, more now than when it had been decades since he’d last heard it. 2019
7. The Measure of A Man by @ac1d6urn. Gosh the intensity. I just. But also really healing and love the feels. Super cathartic vibes. I reread this fic a lot. It's got a great Harry characterization. One of the best honestly. A lot of Snarry fics don't really go into Harry. This fic is Harry's fic! <;3 2019
8. Close Encounters by @likelightinglass and bleedcolor - I am a big sucker for mysterious identity slow build and this is 100% that fic. Lots of classic tropes with ultra perfect execution! Kind of a comfort read for me honestly. 2019
9. Green Grow the Rushes, O by eldritcher - I am a big fan of magical worlds and imagery. Omg this fic! It's like a fever dream. Really lucid, really intense but also like a Van Gogh painting. Somehow plays it straight and also gets mythological at the same time. The fic that made me fall in love with reading aloud. Musical like whoa. There is only the moon and bright Venus to greet them. Severus heals Harry with song and spell. He fucks Harry until he is drained of fear and fury. 2021
10. Suspiria by @ripeteeth - A big fan of the 2nd person POV! Also unicorn rare. But omg I love it in this fic. It adds insane levels of intense for a pretty intense premise. You can really feel the mental spirals. Snape POV! Super ambitious and really, really delivers on that. Why does he look at you? Perhaps it’s in penance. 2021
11. Realisations by @titconao3 - A big fan of 1st person POV but it's like unicorn level rare now. This fic rocks the 1st person POV. Also Harry POV. I mean that's like 2x levels of ambitious :D But it works great. I really love this postwar setting and the pacing. Feels really organic. Oh, since then, I’ve had the biggest, most doomed crush on the most unlikely, the most unreachable man. 2022
12. Contempt by @danpuff-ao3 - Gosh. This is like Old school Snarry but like with really tight pacing. It sucks you in and you just have to go with it. It goes to some crazy places. Which is what I want from Snarry! They need to be crazy :D. Also the summary is literally Snarry ship manifesto Harry hates Snape, and he always will. (He will, won’t he?) 2022
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jinisnuggets · 6 months
ιт'ѕ ¢αℓℓє∂ кαямα
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ᵇᵃⁿⁿᵉʳ: @cafekitsune
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Your boyfriend, who was majoring in becoming a doctor… really couldn't take a break from his studies.
Although you were younger than him, you had already graduated completely and we're moving on to the next chapter of your life.
Yes maybe you were still listening to music on your headphones as you logged into Minecraft to play with some of your SO’s friends (which was honestly one of your favorite things to do), you still couldn't help but still feel like you really did take huge step forward now that the next part was finding a job to maintain yourself and move out of your dorm, having the freedom to create your own rules.
However he was just…
“I'm bothering you?” You heard your boyfriend say still looking at his assignments.
“I don't want you to take it badly- it isn't that you're bothering me but I feel like we can never hang out or go on dates anymore.”
“I know I'm sorry babe- I'm really trying my best, I promise once this is over I'll have more time for you.”
“Take your time! But just try to make a bit more time for our relationship, like lets get a us night where we can watch a movie or a drama... I don't know but let's do something.”
A slow smile formed on his face as he turned around to look at you, nodding softly with some of the most innocent eyes.
“I'll see what I can do.”
Leaving the room, you brought yourself to the couch which sat peacefully in the living room, slowly laying down and taking your phone out of your pocket.
The more you thought about it the more you realized you really were truly lucky to have someone like Juyeon next to you. For as far as you could remember Juyeon always had that reputation as a guy who was hard to date, not even because he played hard to get, but because he just naturally wasn't interested in having a relationship.
A man who was so focused on his studies and truly rarely felt affection towards anyone, it really did make a perfect combination. Truthfully you enjoyed all those qualities of the man who you often saw in your dreams, good human being, handsome, studious, and open to trying new things. He was someone who could easily be trusted even by those who had trust issues, like yourself.
The furthest memories of your crush on him went all the way back to middle school, when you were 13 and he was 14. You were never the type who just glanced at someone and declared them your hallway crush just so you could find a brand new one 2 days later… when you had a crush it was damn serious, and anyone who knew you would say the same thing.
Juyeon was one of those guys who had pulled you into their game of catch, and you weren't complaining because at the end of the day… it was you who won, which had a guaranteed winning percentage of 0% at the time, now that you were in your 20's you often laugh at your younger self.
You couldn't remember when things began going downhill in your relationship with Juyeon, all you knew is that it was during college, both of you played a part in that and no one could deny it. Although it upsetted you, you could never bring it up due to his busy schedule, so today that he stayed in the dorm in order to complete his work, you took the opportunity to talk with him about it, which didn't go as expected but at least it was said.
But you just had a gut feeling that nothing would change… and for some reason it just really bothered you.
You found yourself standing in front of his door, late but still early, you had to be quick because it was a school night, and you completely knew that after the first move was played there was no going back.. it was worth thinking if what you were doing was okay, but you just wanted to tell your lover that you really needed his attention and would do anything for it.
Bringing your eyes to the fixed person in front of you, you brought yourself to ask “Do you want anything?” as you held a glass of water above your appeared to be empty hand, taking a sip before placing it on his side table that was full of his folders and books.
To your surprise… well you didn't know if you could say that when you fully expected it- Juyeon was sitting on his bed, laptop on lap with notebook on his side.
“That's kind but no thank you, I am okay for right now. If you want you can come join me for some time”
You smiled and nodded as you realized your boyfriend hadn't forgotten and took into consideration what you had said earlier.
Maybe there wasn't a need to go so far..?
Juyeon focused on his laptop as you leaned on his shoulder, resting your arm on his waist and looking at the screen in front of you, you really were lucky to find such a green flag- however, the fact he prioritized his studies so much was bothering you… a lot more than you thought it would and part of you felt guilty for that… especially because he was so passionate about becoming a doctor and you limited that experience for him. You really couldn't help feel this way, but you always found a way to reason with yourself.
Before you realized, your body had acted for you and you had unconsciously closed Juyeon’s laptop and threw it to the side.
Glancing at your boyfriend who started at you with a confused stare, mouth opening as if he was about to make a comment on your behavior, you interrupted him before he could speak, “Don't you think that's enough work for today..? Babe..?”
Juyeon chuckled awkwardly before responding “Y/n- I can't rest until I finish my assignment.”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's response, slowly turning back to look at him with a bored and somewhat offended glare.
“Seriously Juyeon, what's up with you? You have a total of 4 years to complete and earn your degree! There's many people who have managed to complete it without an issue and no need to overwork themselves so much. Why can't you be like them?”
Juyeon slowly lifted his head to look at you as he noticed your angry tone.
“Look I'm sorry, I get why you're mad- I haven't been prioritizing you and I sincerely apologize for that. I promise I'll do better.” You heard him respond, although he had a bit of annoyance scattered around his voice, he truly was sincere and truthful.
That wasn't enough for you however.
“If you're gonna tell me that then start to prove it.”
You didn't intend your voice to sound so aggressive, but you definitely did put yourself on top of him with your tone.
“I promise I will- just give me time. Tomorrow I'll invite you out for dinner and I'll take you shopping.”
“Juyeon- I don't want any of that.”
Voice low and monotone, waiting for your boyfriend's response, who was lost looking into your deep colored eyes.
“Then what do you want me to do?”
Smiling, you slowly brought yourself closer to him, kissing him slowly, making sure to deliver all of your love through that one, simple, long kiss.
“What was that for-..?” He asked, with a small smile forming on his face as he laid down pulling you on top of him. If there was a better opportunity to carry on with your plan, the best time was to do it now.
“Listen Juyeon, I don't want you to spend your money on me... What I want is you.”
You couldn't hold yourself from topping him who looked so innocent at the moment. You sat him down on the bed and started kissing him, you knew he loved when you were the first to initiate a romantic moment, which caused you to slide your hands down his chest and into his waist which was proportionate to the rest of his body. Slowly traveling your hand to his stomach and massaging his abs, bringing your hand under his shirt.
“Shit- you're really doing something to me…” he said, with an out of breath voice as he groaned ever so slightly, slowly the feeling of his hardened bulge became more obvious.
You brought yourself down, wrapping your mouth around him and his pants, you could hear his moans becoming louder and his covered dick twitching.
“Fuck- I'm close…”
And those were the words you were waiting to hear, because at the sound of them you lifted yourself from his bed and walked down to the door as he stared you down with a visibly confused look on his face
“You're just gonna leave me like that?”
Responding, you muttered “It’s called karma.” as you opened the door, waving goodbye and goodnight to your panicked boyfriend.
On the way back to your room you just really couldn't help but laugh, how funny it was to see him get a taste of his own medicine.
Guess Karma really did exist.
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Being nosy :) 12, 16 and/or 43?
In response to this ask game: I'll give you all three! (Also, sorry, apparently i'm just not capable of giving short answers. It's either a lore drop or it's nothing - i have no in-between. Feel free to just read the tl;dr's! 12: Relationship status (TL;DR - In a relationship) After my fiance died in December of 2019, I was adamant that I wouldn't rush into moving on. I refused to allow myself to trauma bond with anyone, or to fall into anything less than the loving and gentle relationship I had before. It wasn't worth it to me to be with someone just because I was in pain and wanted comfort. And let me tell you, grieving during that first year of COVID was lonely beyond anything else. Being locked down with no community, no family, no support during the worst time of my life almost drove me to the brink several times. I did meet someone about a year after my partner's passing. And this person was wonderful in every way. Would have been a wonderful potential partner. They matched my energy, we got along so well. Honestly, in many ways they were my ideal partner. But, after a few weeks of just dating, I had to admit to myself, and to them, that I just wasn't ready. At that point in time I wasn't planning any tomorrows. Life was a day-to-day thing for me. And I just couldn't invite someone else into that. I didn't want to make another person my reason to WANT to live. I had to find that on my own. I wanted to find my own reason - outside of anyone else. Just within me. And, depressingly, if I did lose that mental health battle - i didn't want to cause anyone else the grief I'd experienced of losing a partner to suicide. I didn't want to continue a chain of pain like that. So I told this person that I wasn't ready and they were sad, but they ultimately understood. We're still really great friends to this day. After cut to 3 1/2 years later. 4 1/2 years since my fiance's passing. 4 1/2 years of hardcore therapy for PTSD, CPTSD, depression, grief, etc. Years of trying to find my reason. Trying to either reignite old or light new dreams and goals. 4 1/2 years of learning to laugh again, learning to dream again. Learning to love again. Learning to WANT again. I felt ready. I did all of the dating app stuff. (And lemme tell you, i took that shit seriously not at ALL.) And I met someone who saw my absurd humor and matched my ante. We've now been together for about 5 months. His name is Boyfriend™ and he is an absolutely kind man who treats me with the utmost care, respect, and consideration. He's willing to sit and listen to my broken pieces. He wants to be a part of this life in which I smile and laugh again. Who makes me my favorite soup when i'm sick and drives out of his way to deliver it. (Soup that hasn't been made for me since I was a little girl.) He understands that I come with and oversized semi full of baggage, but he's willing to respectfully support me while I continue to rebuild myself. I have a cheerleader in my successes and a partner in my hardships. I have no doubt in my heart that this is someone my previous partner might have handpicked from the universe.
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16: I’ll love you if (TL;DR - you gotta make me laugh, spreadsheets, and small acts of selfless consideration) You gotta commit to the bit. And I mean REALLY commit to the bit. My late fiance wrote a RESUME and PRINTED IT OUT to hand out to my FRIENDS. They APPLIED to date me. Wore a suit and everything.
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My current partner handwrote me personal letters and mailed them while he was abroad in Europe this summer, like he was a soldier away at war. He is currently watching all of Crazy Ex Girlfriend and is willingly submitting to an exam (with essay questions) by @vasilissadragomir once he's done. (he's on season 4 now) I once dated someone who wrote a 3 page essay about why George Washington was a fuckboi. with citations. in mla format. (including one fake citation that led to a website she MADE just to back up her claims. EVERYTHING was clickable and led to something else, including fake websites for the fake researchers. If you commit to the bit, I'll commit to you. Also? Spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are my love language. I'm a lady in the streets but a pivot freak in the spreadsheets. My late partner and I kept spreadsheets for EVERYTHING. We tracked all of the races I was running, which ones they were running with me, my training plan, how they would support me before/during/after each race. We kept a spreadsheet of grad school applications, due dates, requirements, etc, with working date plans and co-working time scheduled in, so I could support them by body doubling. We tracked all of the movies and shows we watched/were watching/wanted to watch. We tracked all of the activities, conventions, and trips we wanted to plan - we rated them after they were completed, kept itineraries, changed itineraries when something more fun popped up. We kept a spreadsheet called Dates & Dragons with a constantly randomized list of date activity/restaurant choices. Whenever we couldn't decide what we wanted to do, we'd roll a 20 sided die. Whatever it landed on - that's what we'd do. They even made a spreadsheet of all of the things they'd liked about me when we started dating and awarded each item points. Created a point system whereby I could trade said points in for baked goods.
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Like I said. Commit to the bit. 💚🦕 Our life and goals together are still in those spreadsheets and I hold them dear to me forever. Finally, small acts of considerate affection. My late fiance used to wake up every day and make the bed with me. They didn't believe in making beds, said it didn't make sense - you were just going to mess it up again anyways. But they knew that it mattered to me. They knew that to me, it was important to come home to a neatly made bed. It made me feel good and feel a sense of peace to lay down on a neatly made bed. So they did it. I never once asked. They just always, always did. They'd bring my little rocks, or my favorite treats, or a sticker or pencil - anything if they thought i'd like it. They'd stop what they were doing in the middle of the day just to tell me that I was loved and they just had to make sure I knew it. They learned to say my name. In Spanish. Correctly. They wrote a list of everything I loved and everything I didn't. A list of my favorite colors, authors, musicians. A list of my clothing sizes and my general preferences. All so they could pull ideas from that list whenever they just felt like doing something nice for me. Love is a verb. And it's not always a loud verb. Sometimes it's as quiet as making a bed. Love is a verb and they're the ones who taught me that. (sidenote, Boyfriend™ is an absolute wonder at small acts of considerate affection. 12/10 at pebbling. 💚I'd accept nothing less.) 43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately This one is a twofer, i literally can't choose between them. Korra and Asami. Those two could spit on me and I'd thank them.
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stellar-solar-flare · 21 days
Okay I love your Steve fics to death but I’m so curious about your Tony fic you have in progress. Knowing you it’s amazing but I still would love a sneak peek into your brain!!
Thank you for the love for my Steve fics and for sending an ask! (Ask is referencing WIP Tag Game post.)
So, Tony fic is one of my favorite tropes aka fake dating! Information and an unedited 700-ish sneak peek under the cut.
TW: cheating on Reader (not by Tony), crappy friends, drunkenness, age gap (Reader is around 30, Tony is 43).
Reader is at a high-end night club celebrating her bachelorette, when she receives an email that has a picture of her boyfriend kissing his coworker in the car park of his job.
And turns out her friends knew about it.
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way,” Alyssa’s [the maid of honor] sorrowful voice broke through your thoughts. "I don't know who this woman thinks she is."
No. No. That was not the right reaction. She was not talking about Jennifer. [the woman he cheats with] She was talking about the message. Why was she talking about the message? Why was she mad about that? Your gaze snapped up to her face. Where was the shock? Where was the anger? Where were the threats that no one would ever find Tristan’s body? It was conceivable that Vanessa [the person who sent the email], who knew nothing about you would think this was okay with you but not Alyssa, not after knowing you since middle-school, not –
“But I’m sure she means nothing to him.”
No. No. NO. You swallowed the bile from your throat, trying to get some air into your lungs as the music around you seemed to swell into a cacophony that no longer made sense. It was one thing to be betrayed by Tristan but if –
“Did you know?” you spat.
“Look, hun, it’s –“
You stepped back as she was reaching to hug you. No. She didn’t get to touch you, not before she cleared up her words, denied that she’d ever known about this and threatened to come up with a plan to humiliate Tristan so badly he’d never crawl out of the hole he’d dug himself. Your mouth tasted like salt, and you had no idea why until you realized the tears were already falling. Alyssa folded her arms back against her chest and sighed.  
“Look, you guys have been together since forever. You have a good life. He cares about you, I mean, he’s giving you the wedding of your dreams and look at that ring,” Alyssa gestured toward your two-carat rock. “We didn’t want you to be upset, we were trying to… Everybody wanted to believe in you two, and yeah, he has his faults but honestly, with everything else... You’re living the dream. You’ve always been together. We thought this wouldn’t tear you apart, either.”
You didn’t know which part of that statement was the most fucked up. Who the hell was this woman? How could you… How could she… We didn’t want to upset you? Your brain was refusing to process it all, grasping for something concrete, something you could address.
“He wanted the fucking wedding to impress his buddies,” you said, almost like you were just now realizing the fact.
We. We. We. You thought about the three other women sitting at the table reserved for you, people you’d known since high school, people who’d seen the beginning of you and Tristan, people whose names you refused to know anymore because clearly, you hadn’t known them in the first place. Snakes. All of them. Some random lady you’d talked to once at a party had cared about you more than your best friends. And fuck Tristan and fuck Jennifer but your friends? Your friends, who had sat there making delighted noises at your fucking wedding dress fitting, knowing that your loving fiancé was probably somewhere chasing a skirt.
“Did everybody know except for me? Jesus Christ, how many of you he’s fucked?”
People closest to you were turning to look as your voice climbed, and on some other day, you would’ve cared, but the look on Alyssa’s face drove the knife deeper into your chest.
“Not me,” she said, finally, without meeting your gaze.
Apparently, it was possible that at some point, you ran out of ability to be shocked anymore. All it took was your entire life crumbling down around you. With a very deliberate movement, you set the drink onto the bar. Apparently, Alyssa took your blank stare and complete lack of reaction as a sign to keep talking, and honestly, some sick part of you was dying to hear this. If not for anything else, to spit it all onto Tristan’s face once you saw him again.
“You know how it’s always been with Tristan. Everybody wanted him, even back in high school. He could have anyone, but he always comes back to you. That means you win. That means you’re better than any of them. They don’t mean anything to him.”
So she finds out that both his status-oriented investment banker piece of crap of a fiance and her friends have betrayed her. The MOH calls the fiance, who comes over into the bar trying to get her to calm down and listen, and she throws her drink in his face.
Which is when Tony happens to come from the Avengers' VIP booth to the bar and sees that. He comments something along the lines of liking her style, and asking what's wrong.
She's a mess, so she spends the rest of the night spilling the whole sorry story, crying onto his shoulder, and drinking champagne in his VIP booth, and ends up in his house - absolutely nothing happens, since she's so drunk, but he wasn't going to abandon her and make her go back to the shared apartment.
In the morning, he gets her breakfast, and they come up with a plan: since his ex thinks he's all that shit, making money on the stock market, et cetera...
Then how about Tony showing him how a real rich guy treats his girlfriend. Obviously, it's all fake; Tony loves the drama and the idea of getting back at her ex this way, and she's in the mood for some righteous vengeance - and what's a better way to humiliate a status-focused idiot than to 'upgrade', so to speak.
It's all fake... Until it isn't.
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danganronpafan777 · 10 months
Rei x Reader (Part 1?) I’m in Love with the Antagonist!
A/n - Life’s been kinda rough, and I don’t think I’ll go back to writing requests just yet. I just felt inspired by the latest episode of I’m in Love with the Villianness (Hated the Lene and Lambert plot tho). Idk if I’ll make this a series.
DISCLAIMER - This story is heavily inspired by the anime/manga, I’m in Love with the Villianess. Literally the same kinda plot with diff characters, but no knowledge of the series is needed to read this.
“Incompetent! Are you dosing off right now? Honestly, I can’t believe a prestigious school like Hope’s Peak doesn’t give out entrance exams to be rid of nitwits like yourself.”
Rei’s harsh words echoed through your mind as you read them off her text window. Her dialogue wasn’t spoken aloud, only a single “Hmph!” voice bit accompanying her written speech. You liked to imagine her voice as stern and demeaning, adding a few of your own headcannons to it.
 Rei Mekaru was a girl who worked her way to the top, and looked down on you, someone she thought was nothing but useless and spoiled.
This girl was your escape from reality. The daily pressures of work and school, trying to socialize but not having anyone who shares your interests, and parents who only demand more and more. With life’s chains wrapped around your body, straining your every movement, your sole outlet of freedom was this silly otome game.
Funny enough, Rei Mekaru was not a love interest, but the antagonist of the story. In this game you could ramble about for hours, the MC was a student of Hope’s Peak’s 79th class, the Ultimate Baker. It may have been a choose-your-own-path type of game, but when your favorite character wasn’t a love interest, it felt a bit limiting. The love interests consisted of the nine boys in your class: Utsuro Maeda, his twin Yuki Maeda, Tsurugi Kinjo, Kinji Uehara, Yamato Kisaragi, Mitsuhiro Higa, Teruya Otori, Haruhiko Kobashikawa, and Kakeru Yamaguchi with specific events, affection levels, and cgs for each character. 
You had your favorites, but weren’t really interested in any of them. Instead, you’d comb through their routes to explore new dialogue and cgs with Rei Mekaru, who over the course of the game, ignores, humiliates, and tries to best the MC in every way. 
She was just so cute!! Rei may seem cruel, but she has a distorted view of the world, sorting people as competent and incompetent, thanks to her backstory of being abandoned by her parents and studying to keep herself off the streets. It was a shame for it all to be sidelined in favor of the love interests. 
Your eyes drooped, and you began to fall asleep to your favorite game for perhaps the hundredth time. But that was okay, the game’s background music and annoyed sprite of your favorite character was enough to keep you content, even after a rough day of being worked to exhaustion.
You were jolted awake by the sound of a hand pounding on the school desk you had been resting your head on. 
“Incompetent! Wake up! Have you not heard a word I was saying!?”
Rei looked pissed, now straightening her posture and glaring down at you.
“…Oh my god….”
You weren’t in your bedroom anymore. Hell, you weren’t even in your world anymore. You didn’t need to look at the classroom scenery twice to know you were in Hope’s Peak. And you wouldn’t, as the beautiful and familiar girl in front of you captured your complete attention.
Rei Mekaru was here in front of you. This wasn’t a cosplay or just a dream. The girl whose design, backstory, and character you loved so much was standing right in front of you, with her classic annoyed expression and her voice as irritated and angelic as you imagined. 
“…Do I have to repeat myself again?” She sighed, “You-...?”
Were your eyes sparkling? Maybe, you resembled your designable avatar, and was basically an anime character now. Were you shaking? Not a bone in your body could remain still, and you fought the urge to hug her right there. 
“You are amazing…” You breathed. 
“Wh-What..!? D-Don’t speak such nonsense!” Rei looked completely taken aback. 
You still couldn’t believe it. Not only were you in your favorite game, but you could do and say whatever you wanted! You could spend time with Rei! You could get close to her! And maybe even…!
You took a breath. She is a person, not an object. You couldn’t force herself into anything. Plus, this game is supposed to be centered around boys.
But with your knowledge of her future, her past, and her character…
You may be able to forge your own path.
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repo-net · 9 months
OMORI Rank-up Tier List #1: Main Cast
Alright, I've recently finished OMORI and I've given myself a bit of time to sit on it, think about the characters and how everything panned out. And hey, it's a pretty writing-centric game, I'm running a pretty writing-centric blog, so why not start with a short two-part series of appreciation posts for the game in the form of a tier list?
I definitely have a lot less to say about the side characters, so I won't be bothering giving them their own post, I'll be clumping them with the next one which is going to be a review of the locations/boss fights throughout the game that I was able to experience.
I'll note right now for anyone that this is the opinions of someone who finished OMORI about a few days after he posted this and only finished the true ending route (because as much as I love it, I am not willing to put myself through the game again just to go through and see the content in other routes when I can just look it up on YouTube), so this may change sometime in the future. I know for a fact that I was battling like hell with myself when I was ranking these six... anyways.
Obviously, spoilers are inbound, so if you haven't played OMORI and want to check it out for yourself, come back to this post later once you've completed it. If you're ready to look at whatever take this brain of mine has, then here it is under the cut!
Oh, and a few more messages before we get to the meat of it all - I'm going to be clumping and judging the characters with a combination of their aspects from both the dream world and the real world. While I obviously think that the real-world versions of the characters are the 'complete' arcs of themselves and the dream world versions are just watered down versions of them created by Sunny/Omori in their liking, I think it's worth bringing them up anyways since they serve as the background for each character before the horrible tragedy that hit them.
I also think that every single character in the main cast is written fantastically and are all at least A-tier characters in my heart, except for a select few in the top 2 that I think are more than worthy of being put into the S-tier if I were actually putting them into tiers instead of just ranking them.
Alright - let's do this for real this time!
#6 - Mari
You know how much it sucks having to pick a least favorite among a selection of things that you all really like? It's like me having to choose which of my kids I want to put up for adoption, blegh. Unfortunately, someone had to take this and begrudgingly, I'll have to slide everyone's favorite older sister here. I really hope this one isn't controversial...
So, here's the thing about Mari, right? In the perspective of a writer, I think she absolutely has the most going for her in terms of the amount of content you can produce for her in comparison to the rest of the cast. I think the sheer magnitude of possibilities and scenarios that you can write using Mari is pretty much endless, whether it be fluffy alternative universes where she lives or angsty, gut-wrenching punches of how not so great her time with Sunny ended. And believe me, that's just scraping the surface of what you can do with her!
Mari's a constant presence throughout the entirety of the game, whether it be in the form of Something looking over Sunny and Omori, being the support for everyone in the friend group as you go through the dream world, or her unfortunate death being the reason everyone in the real world turned out the way they did. And as much as I want to like Mari more, she's a very charming character and I think her relationship with Hero is one of the highlights of the game, I constantly find myself appreciating it (as a writer who enjoys angst) from Hero's side more because of how he responds to it. There just... isn't much for me to look at, honestly? Her dream world self is a sweetheart, bless her - but when we talk about how fleshed out she really is, there's not much for me to say other than what's already been shown to you in the story.
The best parts of Mari are in the symbolism scattered throughout the game in Sunny's subconscious and the short scenes we get of her throughout the game. I think I can attribute this to one of the criticisms I have of Omori; I really, really think Mari's character would've benefited from having more scenes of her failings (the pressure to get the duet with Sunny right; her perfectionist attitude being the reason he snaps being the fatal flaw that causes her death) actually play out instead of being left up to interpretation and details in the flavor text of the game.
Shit stinks. I really wish we could've seen that more- ironically enough, the imperfect side of Mari. Because the way I interpreted it, Sunny's motivation for playing the violin was so he could spend more time with Mari regardless of how much stress it puts on him and how much time it takes away from getting to chill with his friends. And when even that stops being fun for Sunny because of the pressure he feels considering it was the day of the recital and he still wasn't playing it perfectly, he lashes out and breaks the violin. In comparison, Mari wanted to perfect it cause... uhh, I dunno? Would sure be nice if we got more context on why she acted like that, considering the stark contrast of what she's like in the dream world...
If you really want to be harsh about it, Mari just ended up being a plot device for Sunny's own story, unfortunately. There exists a personality in there in the form of her dream world self; but it's angelic, too much so (which we obviously know why, it's Sunny's interpretation of Mari, a person who could do no wrong). I wish there was more about how Mari really was - as a sibling, as a girlfriend, and just as a person than the stories we get from the other characters that we have to fill in the blanks ourselves.
But hey, that's what fanfics are for, yeah? You go, Mari enjoyers. I love all of y'all. (Has been in the fandom for like no more than a week)
#5 - Basil
You hate to see it. Sorry, I know a lot of the fandom adores this boyo (I know a friend of mine does and I apologize in advance to you) and I do too, but I think it speaks volumes of how much I love this cast when a character of the floral lad's level can land himself in a spot like this. Man, why'd I put the two sweetest and kindest characters in the main cast at the bottom? I'm horrible, lmfao.
Ahh, Basil. In fairness, I think he has my second favorite design in the game only behind Aubrey from the real world, and if there's a character I'd want to roleplay as - I think my mind would go to Basil too, actually. There's so much good I can say about Basil that it makes me wonder; how in the world did he end up all the way over here?
Is it because of the horrible shit he pulled (seriously, how does a 12 year old come up with that? oh wait, my blog is nagisa shingetsu themed. nevermind, it's totally reasonable.) that he ended up here? Nope, heck I think he's way more interesting of a character because of it; seeing just how badly he was willing to protect his best friend and save him, only to create a rift between the two that becomes the focal point of the entire plot. That's good fucking shit right there. Love when characters have good intentions in mind and it just ruins their life.
The striking thing about Basil is that he has a very complete personality that makes him easy to latch onto; Basil is a kind soul with a strong sense of empathy and understanding of others, he loves photography and flowers, going as far as to have descriptions of his best friends in the wake of said flowers. He's a little troubled, hates fighting, but he's trying his best in spite of that to keep a smile on his face. He's a good boy and I think if you showed a normal person who knows nothing about the game the main cast, I think most people would say Basil's either the most interesting or their favorite character just by how nicely wrapped his presentation is when you disregard all the spoilery stuff about him.
Where it stops for me though is this - for someone who plays such an important role in the story and how the main conflict in pretty much 75% of the game is centered around him, Basil sure enjoys being absent because unfortunately, said conflict is the fact that he's missing. I'm not going to use this as a diss on Basil's character because it isn't his fault that he's pretty much required to be shrouded in mystery, and I don't even know what suggestions I'd have to improve it because you can't be showing Basil off too much.
But we're at a crossroads here. I think we didn't see Basil enough in the story, but at the same time... what could you do in OMORI that fixes that issue while also not overexposing him at the same time? Another unlucky spot that Basil's put in is the fact that some of the scenes where he's present in the real-world are overshadowed by another character capturing me more (Aubrey). It's not that there's a lack of him, but it's... ugh. It's so hard to explain.
It's tough. Because Basil's struggles is just so incredibly heartbreaking and I really, really do feel for him and just want to give the guy a hug after all that he's been through. Being driven to the point where you and your best friends are fighting each other, even gouging out his fucking eye??? It's horrific. I don't think the first thought that came to Basil's mind during the incident was 'let's hide this evidence as fast as we can', but more of a 'oh god, i need to save my best friend'. He's got so much weighing down on him.
At the end of the day, I don't even think Basil's underutilized. It just feels like he is, and I can't shake it off enough to put him above all the other characters here. Sorry, flower boy. I get the feeling you'll grow on me more as time passes, though.
#4 - Sunny
Hey, it's the protagonist! I usually put guys like you a lot higher than this, especially considering just how much I was rooting for you... and you did! So happy for you, my man. I'll forever be grateful I stumbled upon the best possible ending for the gang on my first and only playthrough of the game. Oh right, we should be talking about him instead of me. Sorry about that.
While some people like to consider Omori and Sunny as separate entities and prefer to rank them exclusive of one another, I'm personally going to take the other route and do as I've been doing with everyone else here; collectively using both dream world and real-world versions to judge the character as a whole.
And that plays the biggest factor me when it comes to ranking Omori/Sunny. Because I don't think Omori is a separate person from who Sunny is - I think Omori is an aspect of Sunny that formed as a result of the trauma that the incident with Mari caused. Omori is Sunny's coping mechanism, less of a shield, more of a wall; but I think the best word to describe him is a bubble that keeps Sunny's most horrific memories from resurfacing.
When I first played this game, I immediately found myself pretty attached to Omori because he was just a dry, quiet little guy who hangs out with his friends and might have some sort of mental issue to him. Who could resist such allure? But damn, if it weren't for the real world segments and how it all culminates into the final battle between Sunny and Omori... I think he'd be in Mari's spot. A character too reliant on flavor text to showcase their character, not really leaving enough of an impact for me to immediately think about them when I hear about the game OMORI.
But Sunny... Sunny, my beautiful boy. This poor fucking kid. Sunny is such an incredibly human character and I always found myself feeling pity for the guy, he's been dealt with such a horrible hand in the short time he's been alive, and yet despite me never going anywhere near the Sunny that went through, and having a very different personality from him; I can attest, he's very relatable. Just remind yourself that this kid pretty much tortured and isolated him for four whole years all alone because he couldn't get over the guilt that accidentally killing Mari gave him.
Four years is the amount of time between the start of the pandemic and today. Imagine never leaving your house, having no friends to rely on or talk to, constantly living in a fantasy world where you can do no wrong to hide yourself and cope, and dealing with at a worst case scenario was daily nightmares of your most horrible memory. Sunny's immediate reactions to anything that causes him distress is to block it out, and so; Omori, being his bubble, will do whatever means it takes to protect Sunny regardless of how much better it'd actually be in the end for him to finally accept the reality of what happened four years ago.
I don't normally mess or enjoy silent protagonists much because they're inherently kind of dull and usually end up falling flat. But along with Kris from Deltarune, Sunny is wonderful. It's just a shame that everyone after him are people I ended up feeling more connected to.
#3 - Hero
I honestly can't believe this man managed to win me over so hard that he'd place in the top 3. I kept thinking to myself while I was ranking the main cast: 'I like this character more than him, right...?'. But almost every single time, I remember something this goofy charm of a man did and I just sigh and realize I didn't appreciate him enough until after my playthrough and looked back on how so many of the things I liked about this game involved him.
So, here we are. At third, is none other than the world's most handsome man himself - Hero. I'm still wondering what his real name is if Hero was apparently just a nickname. Henry? That's like the closest thing I can think of off the top of my head. But let's address the elephant in the room.
I'll get this out of the way already. I'm perfectly aware that in comparison to everyone else, Hero doesn't get as much screentime or focus, heck; in the real world, he only shows up at the end of the second day and his most memorable moment for me was Kel telling us about what became of Hero after Mari's death when you go to her at the cemetery during Three Days Left. Flavor text. The very thing I pointed out to be why everyone before Hero is ranked lower than him. So how come he's up here...?
More than anything else, it's personal attachment. Apologies again for making this about me (pretty much every character from here is going to involve a bit of my personal life), but I have no siblings at all. This was kind of my fault, since I was so attached to my parents' love and affection that I didn't want anyone else taking that away from me. At the same time, I had three older male cousins who were the closest things to a big brother that I ever had in my childhood. They weren't exactly the nicest to me... but I always figured that was admittedly because of how weird I was as a kid anyways, so I don't hold that against them. I just wish I could've connected with them more.
Hero not only feels a lot more 'real' as a person to me in comparison to characters like Basil and Mari, not only cause I know people who handled the loss of a family member like he did and managed to hold himself enough and not go to the deep end. They're some of the most admirable people I know, and I look up to them a lot. Hero constantly wonders what he did wrong that Mari felt the need to commit suicide, but in the end; it's because he didn't do anything wrong. It's why I've always thought Hero's perspective after the good ending is the most interesting one and the one I always look forward to when I see how the writer executes it.
Not only does Hero get significantly more screentime than the characters before him in the form of the dream world, and feel much more alive than all the other dream world versions of the main cast, but he's much more flexible and allows for more wholeness in what I want to feel from a character.
What I mean by that is that Hero's personality and character opens more opportunities (and capitalizes on it!) so he can make me laugh, he can make me feel for him, he can be someone I can relate and struggle with, he can be someone I want to root for, and he's someone I can attribute to things I hold dearly to in real life.
He might not be the most complex or tragic (and considering what he went through, it goes to show just how bad shit gets in this game) character out there in a cast full of really deep ones, nor does he really stand out in the cast to some people...
But to me, he's everything I want out of a character. The only things that stopped him from being higher is that I was more compelled and struck by the next two.
#2 - Aubrey
Honestly? I thought Sunny would be a lot higher; in the spots that this one and the one after her would be, but I took the time to think about it and after some careful thought, I realized - yeah, I think these two are just more gripping to me and characters that I genuinely felt astonished by.
The dream world versions of the characters are husks. They're the idealistic versions of Sunny's friends and are characters that are only truly completed and finished because their real persona is so... amazing. And Aubrey...?
Out of any other character in the game, I think Aubrey benefits from the arc her real world has more than anyone else in this game. Because good god, this girl... I would've thought I'd feel more bad about the other characters, but I found myself constantly worrying about Aubrey because the circumstances that surrounded her was nothing short of poignant.
Could you imagine being in her position? You lose someone who's basically your older sister in a friend group that's more family than your own blood; because they're all deadbeats and your home life is unpleasant, to put it lightly. All of them start to drift off, for one reason and another, and it feels like nobody is even there to comfort you or give you a shoulder to lean on. But wait, maybe you do! Your childhood friend Basil, who's kind of nervous and seems pretty broken, but at least he's still there, right...?
And yet, from Aubrey's perspective, Basil ruined what was essentially the only physical memories they had left of their Mari. Someone she loved so dearly, desecrated like that... that broke her. For Aubrey, it felt like there was no one there that could understand her. And then, after four long years - suddenly, one of your friends finally decides to show his face, and this obnoxious, overly positive and reality-denying guy tries to act like you didn't just lose four years of your life wondering what went wrong and why she lost everything so quickly.
Wouldn't it feel insulting?
I don't normally like 'bully' characters (mainly due to my own childhood experiences with them), because they usually hit too close to home to me. I hate that I even feel like categorizing Aubrey as that considering we know the circumstances around her life. To make matters worse, she was probably the one I least cared about until her arc in the real world started and she completely blew me away.
Aubrey, whom I love the real design of and think she looks great in the real world - Aubrey's arc and character is something you learn to appreciate. It's something that you can only really 'get' when you remember the lesson OMORI tries to teach you in the first place.
And well, if you've played the game, then I need not explain any further. Let's move on to the guy in first.
#1 - Kel
A dork, kind of a dunce, but a champion. He is the catalyst for the true ending and is the reason the path to it even opens up in the first place. I'll concede this; characters that are complex like Aubrey, Sunny, and Basil are normally the characters you'd see as my favorites because I tend to value them more or just like their presence more.
But in any game; I really, really don't think I've ever seen a character archetype in the way that Kel's in who manages to not only be full of that childish endearing aura to him, yet flawed and so very, very real and human; who you can understand why other characters would lash out and get irritated at him, but also support him knowing fully well that his intentions are always for the best...
Kel is amazing. From the first interaction with him in the dream world, I was immediately hooked because of his stupid and goofy little humor that brings me to reminiscences of a simpler, more fun and youthful time in my life. I was worried that I might grow tired of him since; let's face it, dream world Kel does have shades of being just a tad one-dimensional. I was genuinely considering putting Aubrey as my favorite character.
And then I remembered the graveyard scene with Kel talking about his and Hero's story.
No scene in the game solidified my love for a character and made me want to do everything for them more than that did with Kel. Hands down, that is my favorite scene in the entire game and not a lot of moments come close.
Kel's kind of bad at reading the room, I think he's self-aware enough to know that he's stubborn and there are times where he's stepping into territory that should just be left alone.
Despite that though, it's because of his persistence that he succeeds. Kel might just seem like a positive and happy go lucky goofball (he is, tbf), but he had to deal with his own shit too. In response to Mari's death, Kel put on a smile and did what he believed Mari would've wanted him to do - he healed himself and got back up by making new friends, taking the time to worry about others, and try to get the friend group back together.
No matter how many tries it took. I seriously, seriously wonder just how much time Kel spent knocking on doors, asking his old friends if they wanted to hang out, yet always falling on deaf ears. I think the reason he's able to smile in spite of it all is that he just hasn't had the chance to mourn on his own. There are moments where the smile breaks for a bit; times like when Hero is the one that immediately gets rushed to by his parents while he's just left there when the two of them fought, or after Hero saves Basil after Aubrey pushed him into the lake, and he starts wanting nothing more to do with Aubrey, thinking that she's really changed until Hero manages to convince him otherwise.
Or worst of all, in the neutral ending... where Basil lets himself go and Kel cries, finally breaking down and unable to hold back the tears this time. He asks Sunny; 'why does this keep happening to us?' in the most heartbreaking sprite in the game. He's human and has a limit, just like everyone else. And it's so cathartic when in the good ending, Kel's efforts pays off in the form of Sunny finally overcoming his demons.
Everything I said about Hero being flexible and whole? Kel is that, but cranked to 11. I absolutely adore this boy and I want him to be happy, because he deserves the world and more.
Kel is my favorite character in all of OMORI. And with that, here's the formal image of the final rankings of all these characters.
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Whoo, that must've been a doozy. Sorry that got so long, and if any of my thoughts didn't make sense or are incoherent - I'm a lot better following up on things and adding to it rather than trying to formulate my own thoughts, because trying to think of stuff that people don't already say is pretty hard, eheh.
Anyways, that's my ranking of the main 6 characters from OMORI. Not ashamed to say how much I love all of them and this game, and I'm looking forward to the next time I find the energy to continue this series and divert the discussion from its core set of characters. Hope you enjoyed reading this!
Quick credit for the fanmade pic of real Mari: Some Mari portrait edits : OMORI (reddit.com)
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