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Show Must Go On

pairing: secret softie!park jongseong x reader
genre: high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
synopsis: When you told the waitress to give your compliments to the chef, you didn't expect the chef to come out and thank you personally, and you really didn't expect the chef to be your classmate Park Jongseong. Realizing how bad this could be, he has you keep it a secret. That shouldn't be too hard for you to do he thinks, but you're full of surprises- and slip-ups.
before you read: character profiles | sunghoon series
warnings: language, extreme fluff
word count: 3k
taglist (open): @ancnymcnzjy @melancholy-z @lamin143 @soobinbunnie5 @benny1989fredd @bbsantc @jimmiwuwaiting @blindmortal @seongiewon @yuyita-rosier @kkathy101 @justandloyal2961 @jjongstar111
note: part 2 of my and scene! series, loosely based off en-drama.

Entry 003: 03/06/24
When you said you’d keep your promise, Jongseong didn’t expect you to be so bad at it, especially after you acted so heroically weeks before.
“Why do your friends keep coming to my family restaurant?! Not only that, every day more students come in after school, what ever happened to keeping your mouth shut?!!” Jongseong complains as you two are currently paired for badminton in today's gym class.
“I didn’t mean to!” You frown, hitting the birdie across the tiny net. “I brought my leftovers for lunch last week and Kazuha saw so I gave her a bite and she told everyone how amazing your food was!”
Jongseong lets out a long sigh as he misses and you get a point, he grabs the birdie from the ground while massaging his temples. He doesn’t know if he should just take the compliment or duct tape your mouth shut.
“Fine, just don’t do it again! Just yesterday Sunghoon and his girlfriend had a date there.” He reveals. Luckily Sunghoon is super in love with his girlfriend, he can’t take his eyes off her so he didn’t even realize it was Jongseong’s mom who took their order.
“If Heeseung or Jaeyun came to visit, I can’t imagine what would happen.” He mutters, serving the shuttlecock to your side of the court. Heeseung especially had a way of inhaling food like a vacuum. His hunger never settled and with Jaeyun to support him, the restaurant might actually be in danger.
You suddenly giggle, shaking your head at his antics. “You’re overreacting,” You playfully roll your eyes, rallying with him.
“Plus, it’s not my fault your food’s too good!”
This time Jongseong feels his heart clench, and he trips over his own two feet in an attempt to swing at the birdie. He lands flat on his stomach, his face burning with both pain and embarrassment.
“Jongseong!” You rush to his side, kneeling down as your face contorts into a look of concern. “I’m fine.” He lies, sitting up.
You let out a breath as if you were relieved, extending a hand to help him stand. Jongseong feels the heat from his face extend to his ears and back of his neck as he takes your hand, gripping it firmly as you pull him onto his two feet
“Are you always this clumsy?” You laugh, shaking your head as you walk back to your side of the court.
“I’m not! It was an accident.” He argues, arms crossed now. He hears you laugh, it’s music to his ears. If he had a choice, he’d listen to you laugh forever, for the rest of his life-
Suddenly a pair of hands grab him firmly by the cheeks, and he’s jerked to the right, where he’s suddenly faced with you. Your brows furrow together as you observe him, your faces mere centimeters away from each other.
“What’re you-!” He chokes, trying to pry you off of him. But you don’t let go, instead you scream.
“Blood! You’re bleeding! Jongseong your nose is bleeding!” Your hands are still firmly clasped against his skin as you freak out.
Jongseong pulls out of your grip, hands cupping over his nose. His entire face is burning 100° from your touch.
“Teacher! Jongseong’s got a bloody nose!” You shout as you wave down the gym teacher. Dazed, Jongseong doesn’t register what’s going on until you grab his hand.
“Come on, we’re going to the Nurse’s office.” You decide, dragging Jongseong across the gym to the exit, in front of your entire class to see.
Jongseong swears he’s fainted and fallen onto the wooden floor of the gym, and is currently hallucinating this entire situation. To not only be able to grab your hand, but to have you tenderly hold him?! He was on cloud nine.
He lets you pull him through the twisted hallways of EN-High, arriving at the Nurse’s office in no time.
You swing the door open in a hurry, brushing hair out of your face.
“Ms. Nah! Ms. Nah?! Dang I think she’s making her rounds.” You click your tongue as Jongseong makes his quick escape to the sink, rinsing his bloody face with clean water.
“Let me see,” You tug the hem of his shirt, and Jongseong has to physically fight the urge to spin around and pull you into a hug with that one gesture.
“It’s not bleeding anymore.” He coughs, finding it hard to keep eye contact as he slowly turns back to you.
“Let me see please.” You repeat yourself. He sits down at an empty cot, allowing you to make your own observations. You situate yourself between his long legs, focused on his face as you gently cup his cheeks for a second time.
You don’t seem phased at all as you sternly look over his injury. But Jongseong on the other hand feels as if he might die if you get any closer to him. Your face was already dangerously close, all he had to do was lean in and your two lips would connect-
“Doesn’t look broken, good.” You step back and let go of him, and while he’s glad to be able to breathe again, he feels secretly disappointed he’s lost his chance.
You nudge him to move over and once he does, you plop down beside him on the cot, even laying down to rest. You let out a big long sigh as Jongseong copies you, his gaze already falling onto your perfect side profile.
Your eyes are closed, and your lips are turned up slightly into a soft smile. Your hair surrounds you like a veil, and your lashes flutter slightly as you take in a deep breath. As the sunlight shines through the window, donning you in golden hues, he’s reminded of how grateful he is to even be in your presence.
You were the living, breathing, goddess that is the Sun, and he was the quiet and lonesome Moon who longed for you faraway.
Fated to be together, forever apart.
In Jongseong’s mind, you were a fantasy brought to life, someone who changed his life for the better, giving it new meaning and wonder. You two have only known each other for less than a month, yet he craves your attention more and more.
After you’d pushed him into the kitchen that one day, you routinely visited him and his family’s restaurant, claiming you were here to get some studying done whilst you scouted out any potential students from school who might recognize him.
Even after a long meeting with the rest of the student council, you always wore a bright and happy smile when you two made eye contact. You loved to wave him down and point to your favorite booth just to let him know you were there.
And Jongseong loved to stop by your table as soon as he could to drop off some treats, whether it be a slice of cake, a bowl of soup, whatever he delivered you would take graciously. “It’s on the house,” He’d tell you shyly, just for you to giggle and tip him anyways.
Jongseong savored seeing you like this, your warm and bubbly self. This side of you that no one but him knew, and he liked it that way. This secret between you two was a blessing in disguise, he thinks.
As if you could read his mind, you suddenly open your eyes and turn to face him, catching him in the act.
He holds his breath as he swallows thickly, Jongseong feels vulnerable as you observe him. He’s never had someone look at him so intently and not have any idea what they were thinking.
Then suddenly you lean in close, your soft hand reaching out to him.
It’s as if the world slows down, your movements sluggish as Jongseong tries his best to calm his heart.
Holy shit, this seriously can’t be happening right now.
For some reason he’s scared. Of what? He has no idea, but he squeezes his eyes shut anyways, and hopes for the best.
He feels your gentle fingers graze his cheek, and Jongseong clenches his jaw. You were so much bolder than he was-
“An eyelash fell off,” You suddenly interrupted his line of thought. Jongseong blinks his eyes open in confusion. “Huh?”
You sit up, tucking your hair behind your ear. Your gaze is focused on your right hand, your index and thumb pinched together as you hold something.
“Look, one of your eyelashes fell off, it’s so long,” You show him. Jongseong sits up as well and truth be told, you’re holding a tiny little eyelash hair.
“Oh,” He coughs. You chuckle and hold it up to his lips. “Make a wish, blow it.” You instruct.
He makes a face. He wasn’t a kid, you know? These kinds of things didn’t actually work, they were a waste of time and were silly. How could he possibly do something so childish in front of you?
But your earnest eyes deceive him. There was no way he could ever tell you no. Not if you looked at him like that.
So without arguing he closes his eyes one last time, and quickly puffs out a small shot of air, sending the little eyelash flying out somewhere in the room. You giggle and clap your hands together, smiling at him like he’s won a grand prize.
“What’d you wish for?” You ask curiously as you two are walking back to the gym to rejoin your class.
That we fall in love.
“Nothing.” He shrugs. You scoff at him and playfully nudge his arm. “Come on, I won’t tell, I’m good at keeping my promises, you know that!” You tease.
Jongseong only stuffs his hands into his pockets, taking long strides to get ahead of you. He turns back to you with a playful smirk.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t come true,”

“Son! Guess who’s here!” His mother sings as she struts into the kitchen, she’s got a teasing look in her eyes as she passes by him.
Recently whenever his mom got like this, it usually meant one thing: You just arrived and were waiting for him.
Trying to remain calm, Jongseong ignores his pink cheeks and sticks his head out the kitchen window, happily finding you sitting at your booth as radiant as ever. You’ve got a workbook open as well as your notes, and you’re busy explaining something while Jungwon carefully writes down-
Wait- What the- Jungwon?!
What was he doing here?? Why was he with you?! This wasn’t making any sense!
Before he can think straight, Jongseong finds himself marching over to the booth, arms crossed as he approaches.
“Oh, hey Jong-”
“Jungwon, what’re you doing here?” He interrupts you, all of his attention is on his best friend, who looks very amused.
“Just going over some council stuff with Y/n,” The younger boy shrugs, smirking at Jongseong. He was doing this on purpose.
“Really? Or did you come for some curry?” Jongseong glares behind his smile. Jungwon chuckles. “Now what kind of friend do you think I am?”
Jongseong rolls your eyes, of course Jungwon came for the food. He’s been curryless for a couple of weeks now, he was probably having withdrawals.
Your giggles suddenly remind him that he and Jungwon were not alone, and that he very much embarrassed himself in front of you. He instantly stands up straighter, clearing his throat as he looks off to the side in order to hide his face.
“W-What would you guys like to order?” He coughs, pulling out a notepad and pen. “You know my usual,” Jungwon shoots him some finger guns, while he scribbles down his order. “Surprise me this time,” You hum, resting your chin on your palms as Jongseong smiles.
“Coming right up,” He nods, before making a brisk exit back to the kitchen.
He lets his dad make Jungwon’s curry in order to make yours: dongchimi guksu. He’s noticed you have a preference for noodles and soup, and what better way to fight the summer heat than a bowl of cold noodle soup with kimchi?
He starts by cooking the noodles, and while they boil he chops the water kimchi and cucumbers thinly for garnish later. Luckily, his mother and him had pre-made the broth that morning, so it was perfectly chilled in the fridge. He scoops out a serving of soup, adding kimchi broth for some spice.
After rinsing out the noodles, he places them delicately inside the serving bowl, adds the broth, and with the most care in the world, he gently lays the garnishes on top. He finishes with a half sliced hard boiled egg on top.
“Looks beautiful,” His mom spooks him, looking over his shoulder. “Just doing my job,” He says, but of course she knows better.
“What about mine? I worked hard too,” His dad jokes, presenting his plate of curry to his wife. “I don’t think Jungwon will care too much for the presentation if it’s just going into his stomach.” She chuckles.
“Is it ready to serve? I can take it,” Jongseong speedily grabs the plate and sets it on his serving tray. “Don’t drop it.” His dad winks as he exits the kitchen.
Jongseong scoffs, and makes a swift beeline to your booth. There he finds you (and Jungwon) waiting for him eagerly.
“Wow! This looks amazing!” You gasp as he sets your bowl down, spinning it to the perfect angle for you. “I have to take a photo,” You pop out your phone, and immediately snap a couple of pictures of the divine meal in front of you.
Jongseong admires you, he loved how excited you got about his dishes especially. It warmed his heart seeing you enjoy a meal he made, you were so precious and genuine. If he could, he’d cook you every meal for the rest of your life-
“Ahem. My food.” Jungwon frowns, eyeing his slightly cold curry still sitting on Jongseong’s tray.
“Oh, sorry, here.” He places it in front of his best friend haphazardly. Jungwon rolls his eyes and grabs his utensils. As he digs in, you also finally decide to eat as well.
You grab a pair of chopsticks, and carefully mix in all the ingredients, your mouth is salivating as you do so.
“This weather is perfect for dongchimi guksu, thanks so much!” You grin up at him. Jongseong swears he could have fallen to his knees from that alone.
You create the perfect bite: noodles, kimchi, and cucumbers all in one. You happily slurp away, chewing with the most adorable smile Jongseong has ever witnessed in his 17 years of age.
“This is so good! Every time!” You clasp your hands together as you shoot heart eyes to your bowl, making him laugh. “Glad you like it,” He grins. “I’ll let you guys eat, I’ll be back in a bit.” He bids before leaving.
You and Jungwon are both silent, giving him a pair of thumbs up as your mouths are too full.

Jungwon is long gone, and the sun is setting outside, yet you’re still here.
The restaurant is surprisingly slow, but it was also a Monday, so it made sense. Jongseong was technically finished with his shift, but he found himself making you a special dessert.
A secret menu item, a Japanese style parfait. He’d decorated it with ice cream, sponge cake, fresh fruits, granola, and even syrup and cookies. Despite it being a simple dessert, he’d made it with his whole heart and soul.
With a brave face, he braces himself outside the kitchen, trying to act casual as he approaches your booth.
You’re busy doing your homework, you don’t even notice him until he sits down beside you.
“Oh, hey,” You smile, scooting over to make room, while simultaneously clearing up the table for him.
“Hi.” He swallows thickly. “I made you this.” He presents the parfait, setting it down.
You gasp, a hand covering your face in shock. “Do you like it?” He asks meekly, scared of your reaction.
“Do I like it? Jongseong I love it!” You squeal. “This is so pretty! I love parfaits!” You coo, automatically getting your phone out. As you take some photos, Jongseong sits with rosy cheeks, his smile never leaving.
“Try it,” He urges, and you instantly scoop some into your mouth. With a satisfied hum you lean back into your seat. “This is the best parfait I’ve had in my entire life.” You sigh.
“How many have you had?” He laughs. “Just this one, but it’s the best.” You admit, making him shake his head.
“You should have some too, here,” You scoop some with your spoon and face him, opening your mouth slightly as if to instruct him to copy.
Were you being serious right now? You wanted to feed him?! With the same spoon?!
“Just kidd-” Before you can swipe the spoon away, Jongseong leans in and catches it, taking a bite of the parfait.
“It’s pretty good,” He nods. “We should add it to the menu.” On the outside he’s nonchalant, he acts as if he could care less. But internally, he’s freaking out.
Not only did he steal your bite, he shared your spoon, you guys indirectly kissed. This was a dream come true.
Trying his best to seem normal, he glances your way. And what he sees surprises him.
Your cheeks are completely red. Your eyes are wide open, mouth slightly ajar as you stare not at the spoon, but his lips.
You quickly snap out of it, though still disturbed, you just nod your head and scoop back into the parfait preparing for another bite.
But just as you’re about to eat, you pause. You’ve noticed it too.
You close your eyes and confidently take the bite, before suddenly setting the spoon down. “I have to use the restroom.” You say a bit awkwardly. “Okay,” Jongseong nods.
You excuse yourself and flee down the hallway. Jongseong watches you disappear before sighing and relaxing against the seat.
His eyes naturally fall back to the spoon resting on your napkin, and he immediately feels his face, ears, and practically his whole body, heat up. Deciding he needs to get back to work, he stands up to take refuge in the kitchen.
His lips tingle as he smiles to himself, your lipgloss tastes like strawberries.

Entry 002: 23/05/24 | Entry 004: 21/06/24
Show Must Go On masterlist | and scene! series masterlist | kpop masterlist
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Idk if you do requests but I loveee the recent heeseung text post. Could you do one for idol!jay but with reader and jungwon ganging up together cuz I can totally see that happening or enha finding out that your bias is a different member
Here you go xx hope you like it!!
Enhypen Jay as your boyfriend
Warnings; mentions of drinking, petnames, slight angst (if you squint) reader and Jungwon teaming up on Jay (lmk if I missed anything)
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PAIRING. Park Jongseong x female reader. GENRE. contemporary romance, drama and angst, University romance WORD COUNT. pendingg WARNINGS. brief mentions of overdose and heavy substance abuse, it's not graphic, I just thought I would mention it. cursing, and alcohol consumption. DISCLAIMER. This was inspired by keshi's song Angostura. I take credit for this story because it I wrote it with my imagination. characters used are just for the story and may not be how they are in irl. SUMMARY. Y/N never expected her junior year of college to be anything but routine—long nights in the research lab, endless pre-med coursework, and keeping her social circle small. But after an unplanned encounter with Jay, a reserved yet enigmatic student stuck in General Chemistry to fulfill a lab requirement, her carefully structured world starts to shift.
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the campus courtyard, where different student organizations had set up their fundraising tables, calling out to passing students in an attempt to secure donations.
Faaiya adjusted the sign at her table for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Build-A-Bouquet – $8”
Underneath, in smaller text: All proceeds go toward funding STEM outreach programs for local elementary schools.
She exhaled, rubbing her hands together to warm them. It had been a long day, and she barely had the energy to keep up her usual fundraising pitch.
Still, she forced a polite smile as a pair of students approached, quickly helping them pick out a bouquet of white daisies and sunflowers.
Then she heard them.
A familiar trio.
“Why are flowers so expensive?”
Jake’s voice—loud, confused, and clearly not meant for discretion.
Faaiya closed her eyes briefly before forcing herself to look up.
Jake, Sunghoon, and Jay stood a few feet away, unmistakable in their presence. They weren’t the type to blend into a crowd, whether they wanted to or not. Dressed in varying degrees of casual disarray—Jake in a hoodie and joggers, Sunghoon looking effortlessly put together despite wearing the same black jacket he always did, and Jay, hands in his pockets, posture loose but observant.
Faaiya sighed. “Are you actually here to buy something, or are you just here to stand around and question the economy?”
Sunghoon smirked. “Little bit of both.”
Jake, ever the instigator, grinned. “We were just walking by, and Jay was so interested in your fundraiser that we had to stop.”
Jay didn’t react to the comment, but his gaze flickered briefly to Faaiya, as she crossed her arms. “Uh-huh. Sure.”
Jake drummed his fingers against the table. “So, how does this work? We pick, or do you?”
“You pick,” Faaiya said flatly.
Jake immediately turned to Sunghoon. “Dude, we should build one for you.”
Sunghoon scoffed, stepping back. “Absolutely not.”
Faaiya exhaled. “It’s for charity, not matchmaking.”
“Charity?” Sunghoon repeated, raising a brow. “Sure.”
Jake ignored him, turning back to the table with exaggerated interest. “So, what flowers would Sunghoon like?”
Sunghoon sighed. “I don’t want flowers.”
Jake grinned. “Yeah, yeah. That’s what they all say until they receive some, and suddenly, they have feelings.”
Faaiya rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Jay, who had yet to say anything.
“Are you just here for the show?” she asked.
Jay’s lips quirked slightly. “Maybe.”
Jake finally made his selection—a chaotic mix of marigolds, baby’s breath, and a single red rose. Sunghoon looked like he was physically restraining himself from making a comment.
Jay, meanwhile, reached into his pocket and pulled out a bill. He placed it on the table without hesitation.
A twenty.
Faaiya frowned. “I don’t have change.”
Jay tilted his head slightly, like he was amused by her response. “That’s fine.”
Jake let out a dramatic gasp, clutching his chest. “He’s donating?” Sunghoon shook his head in mock disbelief. “Didn’t think I’d see the day.”
Jay ignored them, instead gesturing lazily toward the flowers. “Pick for me.”
“Okay, demanding,” Faaiya mumbled. She hesitated before pulling together a bouquet—deep orange chrysanthemums, sprigs of rosemary, and white carnations. She wrapped them quickly, tying them off with a thin ribbon.
Jay accepted it without question, turning it over in his hands. Sunghoon eyed the arrangement. “You pick those on purpose?”
Faaiya shrugged. “It’s fall. Seemed fitting.”
Jake leaned in, still grinning. “And what do they mean?”
Faaiya adjusted the remaining flowers in her bin. “This is a fundraiser, Jake. not a show and tell of the meaning of flowers–.”
Jake groaned, cutting her off. “C’mon, Yunjin talks all the time about you geeking out on flower meanings so—”
Jay interrupted. “Chrysanthemums for resilience, rosemary for remembrance, and carnations…” He glanced at Faaiya, as if waiting for her to fill in the rest.
She crossed her arms looking away. “Purity.”
Sunghoon let out a low whistle. “Damn. Thought you weren’t thinking too hard about it?”
“I wasn’t,” Faaiya said evenly. “It just makes sense.”
Jay hummed, still turning the bouquet between his fingers, his expression unreadable, then tucked the bouquet under his arm, stepping back.
Jake pouted. “That’s it? No sentimental speech? No grand gesture?”
Jay ignored him. “You done?”
Sunghoon sighed, already walking away. “Yes. Please.”
Jake huffed but followed, tossing Faaiya a quick wink as he did. “See you around, flower girl.”
Faaiya rolled her eyes, watching as they disappeared into the crowd.
#ruby.·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·.writes#enhypen#enha imagines#enhypen x reader#enhypen oneshot#park jongseong#park jay#jay park#jongseong park#jay oneshot#jay x reader#jongseong x reader#jay enhypen#jongseong enhypen#enhypen au
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Pov: he is your classy boyfriend

#enhypen#kpop icons#kpop layouts#icons#twitter layouts#enha#engene#moodboard enhypen#jay enhypen#jongseong#jay icons#enhypen jay#jay moodboard#park jay#park jongseong#kpopedit#kpopidol#kpop#kpop moodboard#moodboard#moodboard aesthetic#aesthetic moodboard#dark moodboard#classy#elegant#luxury#old money#tumblr layouts#messy layouts#gg layouts
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𝙐𝙣𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮 | 𝙋.𝙅.

Pairing — Crush Best Friend! Park Jongseong x (F) Reader
Synopsis — You’ve always had a crush on Lee Heeseung ever since he gave you a note, also considering the fact he was one of the most popular boys in school. Considering being popular yourself, you just can’t seem to get his attention no matter what you do. So you decide to fake date Jay, Heeseung's best friend, to get Heeseungs attention. Despite thinking that Jay hates you, you go along with the plan, hoping that Heeseung will finally notice you. As the charade progresses, you found out Heeseung is attracted to people who are experienced. However, you’re a virgin. So why not ask Jay to take your virginity? No feelings will be involved, right?
Genre — Smut, High School au, Angst, Fluff
Warnings — MINORS DNI!!!, Cursing, Partying, One sided love, Crying, Drinking, Miscommunications, Jealousy, Break ups, Misunderstanding, Lying, Eating out, Breath play, Grinding, Hickeys, Slow sex, Phone sex, Fingering, Jerking off, Dirty talk, Humiliation, Overstimulation (f), Dom! Jay x Sub! Reader, Missionary, No protection (wrap it up), Aftercare, Receiving (m&f), Jealous sex, Making out, Doggy style, Spanking, Hair pulling, Orgasm Control, Rough sex, Name calling (Good girl, Babe, etc.), Choking, Multiple orgasms, Breeding kink, Blowjob, lmk if I missed any!
W.c — 16.8k
A/n — I had to rewrite so many of this because I wasn’t satisfied but I finally finished it! I never made a fic that has more than one sex scene so bear with me on that ^^ If you would like to be on the perm tag list, click here! Like, reblog, comment, etc.! Hope you enjoy! Not proofread!
Masterlist here!
The school courtyard was buzzing with energy as students milled about, chatting and laughing. You, being one of the popular students, were used to the attention and the constant buzz around you.
Today, however, felt different. You decided to take a moment for yourself and sat down on one of the benches, enjoying the brief respite from the chaos.
As you were scrolling through your phone, lost in your own world, a shadow fell over you. Looking up, you saw a guy you vaguely recognized from one of your classes. He was holding something in his hand, and he looked a bit teasing.
"Hey," he said, shifting from foot to foot, “This is for you."
You raised an eyebrow, curious, “From who?"
He pointed across the courtyard, and your eyes followed his gesture. There, standing with a group of his friends, was Lee Heeseung, one of the school's star basketball players. He was tall, with an athletic build, and a smile that could light up a room. Your heart skipped a beat as you took in his appearance. He was undeniably attractive.
The guy handed you a small envelope and quickly walked away, leaving you to process what had just happened. You looked down at the envelope, your curiosity piqued. Opening it, you found a simple note inside:
Hey, I noticed you sitting here and thought you might like this.
You glanced back at Heeseung, who was now looking your way. When your eyes met, he gave you a small, confident smile and a nod. You felt your cheeks heat up, and your heart leaped in your chest. You gave him back a shy smile and waved. It wasn't every day that someone like Lee Heeseung noticed you, let alone sent you a note and a candy bar.
For the rest of the day, you couldn't get Heeseung out of your mind. His smile, the way he carried himself, and the fact that he had gone out of his way to send you a note – it all made your heart race. You found yourself looking forward to seeing him again, wondering if there might be more to this unexpected connection.
That happened about a month ago. Now, you’re still here waiting for him to make a move, and yet he hasn’t. You thought he was just a shy guy which was probably why he gave you a note, but you smiled back at him. So wouldn’t that give him a hint?
You were sitting in the library, deeply engrossed in your studies. The upcoming exams were looming over you, and you wanted to make sure you were fully prepared. The library was quiet, with only the soft rustling of pages and the occasional whisper breaking the silence. You were so focused on your work that you didn't notice Kazuha approaching until she was right beside you.
“Hey, are you going to the bonfire this weekend?" Kazuha asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
You looked up from your books, a bit surprised by her sudden appearance, “I wish I could, but I can't," You replied, sighing, "I have so much to study for, and I really need to focus."
Kazuha pouted, clearly disappointed, "Come on, you need a break! You've been studying non-stop. Plus, it's going to be so much fun. Everyone's going to be there!"
You hesitated, knowing she was right. You had been pushing yourself hard, and a little break wouldn't hurt. But the thought of falling behind on your studies made you nervous, "I don't know, Kazuha. I really need to do well on these exams."
Kazuha wasn't giving up that easily. She leaned in closer, her eyes pleading, “Please? Just for a few hours? You deserve to have some fun too.”
Seeing your hesitation, Kazuha pressed on, “Come on, it'll be great. You can study all you want after the party. Just think about it – a chance to finally talk to Heeseung!"
You sighed, feeling the weight of your decision, "Alright, fine. I'll go to the bonfire," You said, finally giving in, "But only for a little while."
Kazuha's face lit up with joy, "Yes! You won't regret it, I promise. It's going to be amazing."
As the weekend approached, you found yourself getting more and more excited about the bonfire. You spent extra time picking out an outfit, hoping to make a good impression. When the night of the party finally arrived, you felt a mix of nerves and anticipation.
The bonfire was located at the beach. The ocean flowed softly together as the moon shone over the people. There was loud music playing and it was filled with people dancing and laughing. You scanned the crowd, looking for Heeseung. After a few minutes, you spotted him sitting down at the bonfire, talking to a group of friends.
You jumped when you suddenly felt hands around your arms, “You made it!” Kazuha squealed. You gave her a chimed smile.
“I did.” You replied. She grabbed your arm and took you to the bonfire where Heeseung was sitting and sat you across from him.
“I’ll be right back! Here’s a drink.” She said. She gave you a red cup and walked past people, disappearing into the crowd.
You sipped your drink as you scanned the faces illuminated by the flickering flames. Your eyes landed on Heeseung, who was sitting across from you, engrossed in a conversation with his friends. Despite the noise and the number of people around, he hadn’t seemed to notice you.
You decided to just look for Kazuha. You maneuvered through the crowd, your eyes scanning for Kazuha. The salty breeze carried the scent of the ocean, mingling with the smoky aroma of the bonfire.
As you rounded a corner, your attention momentarily diverted by a burst of laughter, you collided with someone. Your drink splashed out of your cup, drenching the front of a pristine white shirt. You looked up, your heart sinking as you recognized the face glaring down at you. It was Jay, and he did not look pleased.
"Watch where you're going," He snapped, his voice laced with irritation as he wiped at the damp stain spreading across his shirt.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, "Maybe you should watch where you're standing," You retorted, matching his tone with an edge of your own. It wasn't the first time you'd clashed with Jay, and it seemed like he always had an attitude with you.
Jay's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening, "Just be more careful next time," He said curtly before turning away, leaving you standing there with a mix of frustration and confusion.
As you walked away, you couldn't help but wonder why Jay always seemed to have it out for you. He was your crush's best friend, after all, and you couldn't understand why he always seemed so annoyed whenever you were around.
The thought lingered in your mind, adding a layer of complexity to the evening's events. The bonfire continued to burn brightly, but your thoughts were clouded with questions about Jay and his inexplicable attitude towards you. And how the hell Heeseung is friends with him.
You finally spotted Kazuha near the edge of the ocean, chatting with a few friends. Relief washed over you as you approached her, still feeling the sting of your encounter with Jay. Kazuha greeted you with a bright smile, but it quickly faded when she saw the look on your face.
"What's wrong?" She asked, concern evident in her voice.
You sighed, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening, "I'm just going to head home, Kazuha. Heeseung isn't paying any attention to me, and I just had a run-in with Jay. It's been a rough night."
Kazuha frowned, shaking her head, "No way, you're not leaving yet. I have an idea." Her eyes lit up with a mischievous glint, and before you could protest, she grabbed your hand and started pulling you back towards the bonfire.
"Kazuha, what are you doing?" You asked, trying to keep up with her determined pace.
"We're going to play Spin the Bottle," She announced loudly as you both reached the group. The chatter around the fire died down as everyone turned to look at her, "Come on, it'll be fun!"
You sighed, knowing there was no arguing with Kazuha when she got an idea in her head. Reluctantly, you sat down in the circle forming around the bonfire. Your eyes scanned the faces around you, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw Jay sitting next to Heeseung. He had thrown a flannel over his stained shirt, but you could still see the remnants of your drink on the fabric.
Jay's gaze met yours for a brief moment, and you quickly looked away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. Heeseung, oblivious to the tension, seemed excited about the game, his smile lighting up the night.
As the bottle was placed in the center and the first spin began, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and anticipation. As you glanced at Kazuha, her encouraging smile gave you a bit of comfort.
The game of Spin the Bottle was in full swing, and you watched as the bottle spun and landed on different people around the circle. Laughter and cheers filled the air each time someone was chosen, but so far, the bottle hadn't landed on you. You tried to keep your cool, but the anticipation was starting to get to you. Kazuha, sitting beside you, noticed your growing unease and gave you a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry, your turn will come," She whispered.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bottle slowed and came to a stop, pointing directly at you. Your heart raced as all eyes turned to you. Before you could react, Kazuha stood up and clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.
"Okay, since I started the game, I get to choose who she kisses!" She declared. A chorus of groans and protests erupted from the group.
"That's not fair!" Someone shouted.
"You can't just make up rules!" Another voice chimed in.
Kazuha held up her hands to calm everyone down, "Come on, it's just one time. Let me have this," She pleaded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Reluctantly, the group quieted down, and Kazuha turned to you with a knowing smile.
"I choose Heeseung," She said triumphantly. Your heart skipped a beat as you looked over at Heeseung. He met your gaze, and you saw a smirk slowly spread across his face. For a moment, you thought he was going to stand up and come over to you, but then he turned his head and looked at Jay.
"Actually, I think Jay should do it," Heeseung said, his voice filled with amusement.
The entire circle fell silent, and you could feel the shock ripple through the group. Kazuha's mouth fell open, and you were just as stunned. Jay, sitting next to Heeseung, looked equally surprised, his eyes wide as he glanced between you and Heeseung.
"Uh, what?" Jay stammered, clearly caught off guard.
Heeseung's smirk grew wider, "You heard me. Go ahead, Jay."
You felt a mix of emotions swirling inside you—confusion, embarrassment, and a strange sense of curiosity. Jay didn’t stand up and it seemed like forever.
Kazuha immediately tried to interject, "No, Heeseung, I really think—"
But before she could finish, Jay stood up abruptly, "I'll do it," He said firmly, cutting her off. The determination in his voice shocked everyone, especially you. Your heart pounded in your chest as Jay walked towards you, each step making you more nervous.
As Jay got closer, you could feel your palms getting sweaty. The room seemed to close in around you, and your mind raced with a thousand thoughts. Just as he was leaning in, his eyes locked onto yours, you felt a surge of panic. You couldn't do this.
Without thinking, you bolted up from your seat and ran from the scene. You heard Kazuha calling your name, but you ignored her, your feet moving faster than ever. You pushed through other group of people and sprinted to your car, fumbling with your keys in your haste. Finally, you unlocked the door, jumped in, and slammed it shut behind you.
Sitting in the driver's seat, you took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You didn’t know why you felt so nervous to kiss Jay. Maybe it was because of the incident? You weren’t sure as you started your car and drove him.
As you drive home, the city lights blur past your window, casting a warm glow inside your car. The hum of the engine is a comforting background noise, and you find yourself lost in thought about the day's events. The streets are quiet, and you feel a sense of calm as you pull into your driveway.
Once inside, you kick off your shoes and head straight to your room. As you settle down, you notice a missed call from Kazuha. You quickly dial her back, and she picks up almost immediately.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kazuha’s concerned voice comes through the line.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You reply, though your mind is still racing, “I just didn’t know what to do.”
Kazuha sighs softly, “Jay didn’t seem mad that you left, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
You pause, biting your lip, “Why would Heeseung want Jay to kiss me, though?”
“I don’t know,” Kazuha admits, “Heeseung seemed normal about it, but he left after a while.”
You nod, even though she can’t see you, “Thanks, Kazuha. I’m just going to head to bed now. Talk tomorrow?”
“Of course. Goodnight,” She says.
“Goodnight,” You reply, ending the call. You lie down, thoughts still swirling but feeling a bit more at ease. Tomorrow is a new day. You close your eyes, anticipation and confusion bubbling within you as you drift off to sleep.
The next morning, you wake up with a mix of excitement. After a quick shower, you pick out a cute but comfortable outfit, knowing you'll be out for a while. As you're finishing up, you get a text from Kazuha saying she's on her way to pick you up for a shopping trip.
When Kazuha arrives, you hop into her car, and you both chat about random things on the way to the mall. The mall is bustling with people, and the two of you dive into various stores, trying on clothes and laughing at some of the more outrageous fashion choices.
After a couple of hours, you both decide to take a break and stop at a cozy coffee shop. As you sip on your drink, Kazuha turns to you with a serious look.
“So, are you ever gonna shoot your shot with Heeseung?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.
You sigh, stirring your drink absentmindedly, “I don’t know how to get closer to him.”
Kazuha taps her chin, then suddenly her eyes light up, “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you fake date someone close to him? That’s like one of the top things people do.”
You blink, processing her suggestion, “Who?”
Kazuha rolls her eyes at your cluelessness, “Jay, duh.”
You choke on your drink in shock, staring at her, “I can’t ask that of Jay after that incident!”
Kazuha just shrugs, “Why not? You talk to Jay the most out of Heeseung’s friends.”
You shake your head, feeling overwhelmed, “Jay hates me.”
Kazuha leans back, a smirk playing on her lips, “He was gonna kiss you either way. Just try.”
You sit there, thinking about it. The idea is crazy, but maybe it’s just crazy enough to work. You glance at Kazuha, who’s watching you expectantly, and nod slowly, “Okay, I’ll try.”
Kazuha grins, and you feel a flutter of anticipation. You weren’t sure if this stupid plan was gonna work, but as Kazuha says, she’s always right.
After spending the day shopping and chatting with Kazuha, you finally head back home, bags in hand and a lot on your mind. Kazuha's words echo in your head: "Just try." You can't help but think about how crazy the idea is, but a part of you is curious about what might happen if you actually went through with it.
As you flop onto your bed, you decide to check your phone. There's a message from Kazuha with a link to Jay's Instagram. Your heart races as you open the app and see his profile. You feel a wave of nervousness wash over you, but you remember Kazuha's encouragement. Taking a deep breath, you decide to go for it. You hit the follow button and then, with trembling fingers, you start typing a message.
l/n.y/n: Jay, are you single?
You type, wincing at how blunt it sounds. But it's too late to back out now. You hit send and toss your phone aside, feeling a mix of dread and anticipation.
A few minutes later, your phone buzzes. You pick it up and see a notification from Instagram. It's a message from Jay. Your heart pounds as you open it, wondering what his response will be.
js_park_: What do you want
You pouted at his bluntness. This was gonna be harder than expected. You decided to just go along and get it over with.
l/n.y/n: I need your help. Like really bad. This may come out weird to you, but I need you to fake date me cause I have a crush on Heeseung and he just doesn’t seem to notice me and since your a good friend of his I was hoping you would go along with it. Once he likes me back you don’t have to talk to me at all or even see my existence! So what do you say?
He read it almost immediately making your heart skip a beat. About a few seconds later he responded back.
js_park_: I’d see you all the time then if you date Heeseung. So no.
You groaned stressed out. He was making this way to hard for you. You knew you couldn’t ask any of his other friends. Jake’s taken, and Sunghoon just straight seems like he doesn’t want no fake dating or a real relationship. You tried to think of another idea. That’s when you suddenly remembered something. You quickly texted back urgently.
l/n.y/n: I’ll get you that guitar you’ve been talking about in class.
js_park_: Cost a lot of money, but if you insist. So when are we starting?
You pumped your fist up in victory. You decided to just start as quick as possible and texted him the details.
l/n.y/n: Tomorrow. Pick me up first thing in the morning and we NEED to show PDA. I don’t like it either but if we need to get Heeseung attention then that’s what we should do. Oh and also, no kissing.
js_park_: Or, we could exchange numbers instead of texting here? It’s weird.
You rolled your eyes.
l/n.y/n: [xxx-xxx-xxxx]. That’s my number.
js_park_: Alright, text you tomorrow.
l/n.y/n: 👍
You took a deep breath in and out. All you have to do is just show PDA. Nothing too serious. And besides, no kissing will be involved, so you have nothing to worry about. Right?
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. Still groggy, you reach over and grab it, expecting to see Kazuha's name on the screen. Instead, you're surprised to see Jay's name flashing. Confused, you answer the call.
"Hello?" you mumble, rubbing your eyes.
"Hey, where do you live?" Jay's voice comes through the speaker, sounding wide awake and slightly amused.
“Jay? What?" you ask, still half-asleep and trying to make sense of the situation, "It's early," You add, glancing at the clock. It's barely past dawn.
"Yeah, I don't know if you knew, but I have morning basketball practice," He replies sarcastically, making you smile despite your confusion.
"Oh, right," You say, suddenly remembering, "Uh, my address is [123 Address Name]."
"Great, I'm on my way," He says before hanging up.
You sit up in bed, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep. Realizing you don't have much time, you quickly get dressed, throwing on your uniform and running a brush through your hair. Just as you're finishing up, your phone buzzes again.
Jay: I'm here.
You take a deep breath and head outside, finding Jay's car parked in front of your house. You walk over and open the passenger door, sliding in.
"Morning," You say, still a bit dazed but excited.
"Morning," Jay replies with a grin, "Ready to start the day?"
You nod, giving him a tired smile. Jay starts the car, and you both drive towards the school. The early morning streets are quiet, and the sun is just beginning to rise, casting a soft glow over everything. You can't help but feel a little nervous but also excited about this unexpected start to your day.
When you arrive at the school, Jay parks the car, and you both get out. He leads the way to the gym, where you can already hear the faint sounds of basketballs bouncing and sneakers squeaking on the court. As you enter the gym, you see some of Jay's teammates warming up and chatting.
Jay turns to you with a teasing smile, "So, are you gonna give me a hug goodbye?" He asks, clearly enjoying your embarrassment.
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you step forward and give him a quick hug. As you pull away, you hear Jake's voice ring out, "Since when did you guys start dating?"
You glance over and see Jake looking at you both with wide eyes, and Heeseung is there too, watching intently along with the rest of the team. You quickly say goodbye to Jay, avoiding Jake's question.
"Bye, babe," Jay says jokingly, earning a narrow glare from you before you turn to leave.
As you walk away, you hear Jake ask Jay again, "Seriously, dude, what's going on?"
Jay just pats Jake's shoulder with a knowing grin, "Don't worry about it," He says, leaving Jake and the others looking dumbfounded as he jogs over to join the rest of the team for practice.
You walked to the school doors, your heart racing with embarrassment. The plan to make Heeseung notice you has officially begun, and you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what will happen next.
Later that day, you finally have a class with Jay. As you both settle into your seats, you decide to fill him in on the rest of your plan.
"So, here's the deal," You begin, pulling out your schedule, "These are my classes, and I need you to walk me to each of them."
Jay groans, leaning back in his chair, "Do I really have to do all of that?"
"Yes," You insist, "I pass by Heeseung a lot between classes, and he'll definitely notice if we're always together."
Jay rolls his eyes but eventually relents, "Whatever," he mutters, clearly not thrilled but willing to go along with it.
As the class begins, you find it hard to focus. Your mind keeps drifting to the plan and how it might play out. Will Heeseung really notice? And if he does, will he care? You glance over at Jay, who seems more interested in doodling in his notebook than paying attention to the lecture.
Despite his nonchalant attitude, you can't help but feel grateful that he's willing to help you out, even if it means going through the motions of fake dating.
The rest of the class passes in a blur as you continue to mull over your thoughts. By the time the bell rings, signaling the end of the period, you've resolved to stick to the plan and see it through. You gather your things and look over at Jay, who gives you a small nod.
"Ready for the next class?" He asks, standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
"Yeah," You reply, feeling a renewed sense of determination. As you both walk out of the classroom holding hands, you noticed a lot of students whispering and looking at you guys. This was gonna be a lot tougher than you thought.
Jay walks you to your next class, and just as you're about to enter, you spot Heeseung walking past. Your heart leaps when he gives Jay a friendly smile. Then, Heeseung looks at you, and for a moment, everything seems to slow down. He nods, and you manage to return a nervous smile, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
Jay leaves with a casual wave, but not without giving a knowing smirk. You rolled your eyes and headed into the classroom, still replaying the brief interaction with Heeseung in your mind. You try to focus on your work, but your thoughts keep drifting back to that smile and nod. It feels like a small victory, a sign that your plan might actually be working.
When the bell rings, you gather your things and head to the cafeteria for lunch. You spot Kazuha sitting at your usual table and quickly make your way over to her.
"Hey, Kazuha," You say, sliding into the seat across from her. "You won't believe what just happened."
She looks up from her phone, curiosity piqued, "What happened?"
You recount the events of the morning, from Jay walking you to class to the moment with Heeseung. Kazuha listens intently, her eyes widening in surprise.
"I'm shocked Jay actually followed through," She says, shaking her head in disbelief.
You laugh, “Yeah, well, he's doing it for a guitar. But I'm definitely going to get on his nerves with this."
Kazuha chuckles, "Just make sure you don't drive him too crazy, We still need him for the plan."
You nod, feeling a bit more confident, "Don't worry, I won't. But I have to admit, it's kind of fun seeing him so annoyed."
As you both continue to chat and eat lunch, you feel a sense of anticipation building. The plan is in motion, and with a little luck, Heeseung will notice you more and more. For now, though, you're just glad to have Kazuha by your side, sharing in the excitement and uncertainty of it all.
After school, you meet up with Jay, so he can drive you home. As you settle into the passenger seat, Jay starts talking about a party Jake is hosting that night.
"Hey, there's a party at Jake's tonight. Do you want to come?" Jay asks casually, glancing over at you.
Before you can answer, he adds, "Heeseung is gonna be there."
Your heart skips a beat, and you quickly say, "Yes, I'll come."
Jay nods, a small smile playing on his lips, "Great. I'll pick you up at eight."
He drops you off at your house, and you head inside, already thinking about what to wear. Knowing you take a while to get dressed, you decide to start getting ready right away. As you rummage through your closet, you text Jay to ask if Kazuha can come too. A few minutes later, your phone buzzes with his reply.
Jay: Sure, she can come.
You feel a bit more at ease knowing your friend will be there. You call her up and tell her and she says she’ll be there.
After what feels like an eternity of trying on different outfits and experimenting with your makeup, you finally settle on a look that makes you feel confident. Just as you finish, you hear a car horn outside.
You grab your things and head out to find Jay waiting for you. He looks up as you approach, and you notice a flicker of surprise in his eyes.
"Do I look okay?" You ask, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious.
Jay gives you a once-over and nods, "You look fine," He says, though there's a hint of something more in his tone.
You smile, feeling a bit reassured, and hop into the car. As Jay drives to the party, you can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Tonight could be a turning point in your plan, you could only hope.
You and Jay finally make it to the party, and it's packed with people. The music is loud, and the atmosphere is electric. As you step inside, you see Jake making his way over to you. He dabs up Jay and then turns to you with a big smile.
"Glad you guys made it!" Jake shouts over the music.
You smile back, feeling a bit more relaxed. Jay suggests getting some drinks, and you follow him to the kitchen. As you chat and sip on your drinks, you suddenly spot Kazuha across the room. You wave her over and give her a big hug when she reaches you.
"Where's Heeseung?" Kazuha asks, glancing around.
You shrug, genuinely not knowing. Jay chimes in, "He might be in the living room."
"I'll go see," You say, eager to find him.
You make your way through the crowded house, but there's no sign of Heeseung in the living room. Just as you're about to turn back, you bump into someone. You look up and see Heeseung standing right in front of you.
"Oh, hey," He says, looking a bit surprised, "Where's Jay?"
"He's in the kitchen," You reply quickly. Then, thinking on your feet, you add, "I was just trying to get some fresh air.”
Heeseung nods and says, "Follow me."
Though you're unsure, you decide to follow him. You glance back, knowing Jay and Kazuha are waiting for you, but curiosity gets the better of you. Heeseung leads you through the house, and you can't help but wonder what he wants to talk about.
Heeseung leads you through the house, weaving past groups of people until you reach a quiet balcony. He gestures for you to go out first, and you step into the cool night air. Heeseung follows and sits down on one of the chairs, and you take a seat next to him.
He takes a sip of his drink and then looks at you, "So, what made you wanna date Jay?" He asks, his eyes searching yours.
You feel a pang of nervousness but manage to lie smoothly, "Oh, you know, he was always a handsome guy. And because we had a connection with the class we both chose, and it just felt right."
Heeseung hums thoughtfully and takes another sip of his drink, “Have you and him already had sex?" He asks casually.
You choke on your drink, coughing a bit before managing to say, "No, no, we haven’t."
He chuckles softly, "I knew it."
Confused, you look at him and ask, "Why do you say that?"
Heeseung leans back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips, “Because," He begins, "I can tell when Jay has sex with someone, he gets more clingy to them if you know what I mean. And to you, he stays quite far, and yet almost close. Unless, you’re a virgin and taking it slow?"
Your heart races as you try to process his words. The plan you and Jay concocted to make Heeseung notice you seems to be unraveling right before your eyes. The night air feels colder, and the anticipation of what Heeseung said hangs heavily between you.
But not only were you thinking that, you were also thinking about Heeseung referring you as a virgin. Which, he is not wrong. You are a virgin, and you aren’t really proud to say that in front of him for some reason. You couldn’t help but question wether Heeseung liked virgins. So, you decided to fuck it and ask.
“Do you like virgins?” You questioned, your voice tinged with curiosity. Heeseung averts his gaze to you. His narrow eyes making you nervous, but he just scoffed.
“They’re alright. I guess it could be exciting in bed, teaching them what to do. But I prefer an experienced person. Because they know what they're doing in bed, and that’s a turn on.” He replied. You felt your mouth parting. Heeseung liked experienced people. And you were nowhere near experienced. You haven’t even had your first kiss.
You slowly nodded your head, “That's interesting.” You muttered and sipped your drink.
Heeseung let out a low chuckle, “So are you a virgin?”
You gulped harshly and stared down. You felt the air getting hotter and that’s when you decided to just lie, “No. I already had sex with someone.”
Heeseung whistled and leaned in closer to you, “L/n Y/n already had sex? Wonder who if it’s not Jay.” He joked. You let out a nervous laugh.
Before you could say something else, the glass door slid open revealing Jay. He catches you and Heeseung on the balcony, his eyes narrowing slightly, "I've been looking for you," He says, his gaze shifting between you and Heeseung, “Am I interrupting something?"
Heeseung smirks at you before standing up, "No, not at all," He replies smoothly, "I'll leave you two alone." With that, he walks back inside, leaving you and Jay alone on the balcony.
You remain quiet, the weight of the conversation with Heeseung still fresh in your mind. Jay looks at you with concern, “Are you okay?" He asks gently.
You force a small smile and nod, "Yeah, I'm just tired. I think I want to go home."
Jay nods understandingly, “Okay, let's go."
You both make your way back through the house, saying goodbye to your friends. You stop by Kazuha and tell her, "I'll text you when I get home."
She nods and waves, "Drive safe!"
As you and Jay get into the car, the silence feels heavy. Jay starts driving, and you suddenly blurt out, "Jay, about Heeseung..."
He glances at you briefly before focusing back on the road, "What about him?"
You hesitate, unsure of how to express the confusion and emotions swirling inside you. The plan to make Heeseung notice you has taken an unexpected turn, and you're not sure if you can ask Jay a personal question. You finally took a deep breath and faced Jay.
“Can you take my virginity?”
Jay slams the brakes, causing the car to jolt to a sudden stop. He stares at you in shock, his eyes wide, “What?" He says loudly, making you flinch.
You take another deep breath and repeat, "Can you take my virginity?”
Jay takes a moment to process your words, then tells you, "Wait a second." He pulls over to the side of the road and turns to face you fully, "What's wrong? What did you and Heeseung talk about?"
You bite your lip and explain everything to him—the plan to make Heeseung notice you, the unexpected feelings that surfaced, and the confusion you're feeling now. Jay just stares at you, taking it all in. He sighs deeply and says, "You should wait for the right person."
You shake your head, feeling a surge of determination, "I want it to be with you, Jay."
Jay thinks for a long minute, his expression serious. Finally, he asks, "Are you sure?"
You nod confidently, "Yes."
"When?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Today," You reply firmly, "Come inside my house."
Jay takes a deep breath and starts the car again. The drive to your house is filled with a charged silence, both of you processing the gravity of what was just said.
As you pull into your driveway, you feel a mix of nervousness. Jay parks the car and turns to you, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, you both step out of the car, heading to your door.
Jay follows you inside your house, and you both take off your shoes and jackets, placing them neatly by the door. Jay glances around and asks, "Before we do anything, is your mom home?"
You shake your head, "No, she's on a business trip."
Jay nods, seeming to relax a bit. "Are you thirsty?" You ask, trying to break the tension.
He shakes his head, "No, I'm good."
You lead him up to your room, and he takes a moment to examine it, looking at the posters on the walls and the books on your shelves. You sit on your bed, feeling the weight of the moment.
Jay turns to you and asks, "Have you changed your mind at all?"
You look him straight in the eyes and say firmly, "No."
Jay nods, taking a deep breath. The room is filled with a charged silence, the air thick with anticipation. He moves closer, sitting beside you on the bed, his expression serious and thoughtful.
“You said no kissing, right?” He asks. You slowly nodded your head, but his lips did look kissable right now.
“Then this is gonna be somewhat awkward then.” He admits. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck.
“J-Just start somewhere, please.” You whisper. Jay cursed and wrapped his hands firmly on your waist. You closed your eyes, waiting for him to do something.
You gasped when you suddenly felt his soft lips on your neck. It started off slow, his lips moving along your neck, giving it pecks here and there. You leaned your head more back to grant him access.
You felt his lips form a grin before he opened his mouth and gave you a gentle bite on your neck, giving it a soft suck. You let out breathy sighs feeling him getting a bit harsher and pushed you back. His lips never leave your neck.
He sucked all around your neck and jaw. You wrapped your legs around his waist and bucked. He let out a growl and pushed your hips back making you whine. He faced you and lowered his eyes to your lips that were parted. God, did he want to make them plump and red.
Instead of doing it, he went to your chest and kissed it. He slowly traced your back before unzipping the back of your dress. You felt nervous and urgent, lifting yourself up a bit to let your dress come off. You took the straps off revealing your bra and underwear.
You shyly bit your finger as Jay stared. You couldn’t help but feel his eyes wandering around your whole body like hands. He suddenly lifted a hand to fondle with your breast making you let out a gasp and eyes closed shut. His other hand rubbing your cloth core.
You moaned and squirmed against his hold, trying to get away, but he held you down.
“Just relax pretty.” He whispered in your ear. You nodded your head although your breathing was saying otherwise. Jay felt your wet pussy clenching around nothing making him chuckle. You really were urgent.
He unclasped your bra revealing your perky breasts. He leaned down and flicked his tongue against one of your breasts causing you to grip his soft jet black hair, “ah- jay!” You cried out.
The flicking soon turned into sucking harshly. You snaked, not knowing what to do yourself. He gave attention to the other one by fondling it.
Your breathing was ragged and breathless. Your eyes were teary, and he didn’t even put his dick in yet. You guessed you now knew what Heeseung meant by experienced people who are better in bed.
Jay lets go of your breast and leans over your cloth pussy. He planted soft kisses and put your legs over his shoulders, pulling you softly against his body. He moved your panties to the side revealing your slick pussy. You tried to close your legs in embarrassment, but he forced them back open.
“Don’t be shy now. You wanted this, remember?” He teased. You let out a quiet whine. It all went too fast when you suddenly felt a hot wet sensation licking your pussy slow. Your eyes rolled back, feeling Jay's tongue going deep in your pussy and sucking on your bud. Your moans could no longer be held back, letting them out freely for the neighbors to hear.
“J-Jay ah- wait!” You cried out feeling your orgasm coming faster than you anticipated. Jay didn’t stop, feeling your pussy tighten and open and before he knew it too, his tongue was getting covered by your juices. You shook lightly and jerked when he flicked his tongue on your bud teasingly.
He latched his mouth off your pussy and licked his lips while staring at you breathing deeply. Jay loved the view, your hair messy, eyes teary, mouth agape with saliva trailing down, mascara streaks on your cheeks. He wanted to ruin you more.
As he took off his shirt, you noticed his body was pretty toned. You’d have to ask him later if he workout often. He took off his pants with his boxers finally revealing his dick. You gasp at his size. Is that even gonna fit? You gulped nervously.
Jay noticed your face and smiled, “It’s okay, I’ll go slow. For now.” He said. You nodded and slowly put your hand on your pussy, opening your folds to let Jay see your hole.
Jay's eyes widened at your sudden confidence for a second before his eyes turned dark, “Someone getting confident? I should lower that.” He mumbled. Before you could ask what he meant, he leaned over you and positioned his dick at your hole and slowly pushed in.
You felt the air get knocked out your lungs and immediately wrapped your arms around his neck. You squeezed around him tightly making him hiss, “Shit, relax will you?” He complained.
“I-It’s not my fault you suddenly did that!” You snapped, still feeling pain. Slowly, you tried to relax your breathing and soon enough, he was fully in.
You let out a ragged breath feeling him in you. He felt so big and you felt so full. Jay watched your face, making sure he wasn’t hurting you in any way. He knows he’s big.
“M-Move.” You panted. Jay nodded even though you probably didn’t see him and slowly he moved. He kept a slow steady pace, watching your every move and facials. He saw your eyebrows furrow and you lolled your head back.
That’s when Jay started going at a faster pace and soon you both were moaning and panting against each other. Both of your bodies are sweaty and sticking together. The sound of skin slapping, the bed creaking, and your unison moans were heard all over your room.
Jay gripped your waist and lifted his upper body up, leaving you to clench your sheets as he thrusted up into you. You felt your eyes roll back feeling his mushroom tip hit against just the right spots.
Jay groaned, feeling you squeezing around him. He felt his orgasm coming quicker than usual. Probably considering he hasn’t had sex in a while or your pussy just felt too good. He thinks it’s the second one.
You felt your orgasm coming and whimpered, “I-I think I’m c-cumming- hah!” You moaned and shut your eyes. Jay let out a breathy laugh and slowed down his thrusting, going harder and deeper. And that’s when your orgasm came.
You let out a silent moan feeling him still thrusting into you hard. You squirmed harshly and overstimulated before he took out his dick and stroked it on your stomach, his cum spurting out on you.
You both panted at the intense orgasm before Jay got off your bed and went to your bathroom. He came back with a washcloth and slowly cleaned you up. Your breathing calmed feeling him lay beside you and rubbing your back softly.
“I can’t believe we had sex.” You said. Jay snorted and leaned on his hand.
“You’re just now thinking that? I can’t believe you wanted me to be your first.” He admitted. You stared at him before giggling. You both soon started laughing together.
You suddenly felt your eyes get droopy and yawned. Jay noticed and smiled, “You can sleep.”
You pouted, “Are you leaving?”
He shook his head, “I can stay a while longer if you want me too.” You nodded and cuddled against his warm body. He held your waist, seeing your eyes finally closing and hearing soft snores leave your mouth.
He slowly leaned in, but stopped. He has to stick with the plan. He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly got off your bed, putting your blanket over your naked body. He got dressed and gave you one last look before softly shutting your door.
The next morning, you wake up with a start, realizing you're late for school. You quickly grab your phone and call Jay. His groggy voice answers, confirming he also overslept.
"Hey, you awake?" You ask, still feeling the remnants of sleep.
“Yeah, just woke up," Jay replies, his voice thick with sleep. You giggled hearing his tired voice. You heard a slight hum from him.
“We’re late Jay.” You said, not sure if he knows. It takes a few seconds before he finally understand and curses, saying he’ll pick you up soon.
You quickly get dressed in your uniform, noticing a slight soreness from the previous day. You get a text from Jay and you rush outside to find Jay already waiting in his car. You hop in, and he gives you a sympathetic look.
"Rough morning, huh?" He says with a small smile.
"Yeah, you could say that," You reply, buckling your seatbelt.
The drive to school is quick, both of you silently cursing your luck for waking up late. Jay pulls into the school parking lot and parks the car, "I'll see you later," He says, giving you a reassuring nod as you head to your class.
You walk into your classroom, feeling the eyes of your classmates on you. Your teacher looks up from her desk and says, "You're late."
You feel a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you mumble an apology and quickly take your seat. You start to work, trying to focus on the lesson and ignore the feeling of everyone's eyes on you.
Class went by fast as you quickly pack your stuff and heading out the hallway only to bump into someone, “Agh! Sorry! I wasn’t looking-“ Your eyes widened seeing Heeseung.
He gave you a knowing grin, “Someone looks like they didn’t get good sleep last night.”
You blushed and shook your head, “I just stayed up late studying! T-That’s all!” You ranted. Heeseung chuckled and leaned near your space, feeling his hot breath on you.
“It’s okay to be honest. I know what you did.” He said before leaning back, walking past you. You stared into nowhere where he was just at, your eyes wide. Does he really know? Did Jay tell him?
As you looked around you finally caught a glimpse of Jay walking towards you, “Hey, sorry for the wait. Jake was nagging-“
“Did you tell Heeseung what we did?” You ask, feeling nervous. Jay eyebrows furrowed.
“Uh, no? Why?” He replied. You shook your head, ignoring his question. You say never mind as you both head to your next class. You were now hoping Heeseung was just joking.
Class went by smoothly with Jay by your side. Both of you partners for an upcoming project. When it's finally lunch, you meet Kazuha in the cafeteria. She takes one look at you and asks, "Are you okay? You look like you're constipated."
You glare at her, feeling a mix of irritation and embarrassment, “Gee, thanks for the concern," You reply sarcastically. You then let out a sigh, “Don’t freak out, but I had sex with Jay last night.”
Kazuha raises an eyebrow for a few seconds before yelling, “You had sex with who?” She shouts.
It catches you completely off guard. You can't help but let out a yell, drawing the attention of nearby students hearing you guys yell, “Shhh! Be quiet!" You hiss, trying to calm the situation.
"Why?" Kazuha asks, genuinely curious.
You lean in closer and whisper, "It's because of Heeseung."
Kazuha's eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, was it good?" She asks, a smirk forming on her lips.
You nod, a small smile playing on your face, “Yeah, it was really good."
Kazuha chuckles, shaking her head. "As expected of Jay," She says, and you both burst into laughter.
As lunch comes to an end, Kazuha turns to you and asks, "Hey, do you want to hang out at my house after school?"
You smile and nod. "Yeah, that sounds great."
After school, you find Jay near the parking lot and tell him, "Hey, I'm gonna ride with Kazuha today."
Jay nods, looking relieved. "Good, I have basketball practice and didn't want you waiting around for me."
You smile and wave, "Bye, Jay. See you later!"
You head over to Kazuha, who is waiting by her car, "Ready to go?" She asks with a grin.
"Yeah, let's go," You reply, hopping into her car.
As you drive to Kazuha's house, she mentions, "There's gonna be a basketball game soon. Are you gonna go?"
You hesitate for a moment before saying, "Maybe." In truth, you know you're definitely going because Heeseung is playing. But as your mind wanders, you also think about Jay and quickly shake off the thought.
Once you arrive at Kazuha's house, you both decide to make cookies. The kitchen fills with the sweet aroma of baking as you mix ingredients and laugh about the day's events. After the cookies are in the oven, you settle down in the living room to watch some romance movies.
You both get completely absorbed in the films, crying at the sad parts and cheering at the happy endings. The evening flies by in a mix of emotions and laughter.
By the time the cookies are ready, you both enjoy the warm, gooey treats while discussing the characters and plot twists. It's a perfect way to unwind and forget about the day's drama, even if just for a little while.
As you and Kazuha were gossiping, Kazuha asks you a question that catches you off guard, “So, you and Jay huh? You like him?” She asks. You stare at her confused.
“What are you talking about? I don’t like him.” You say, although for some reason you felt your heart race. Kazuha grins and playfully pushes you.
“Then why out of all people would you want him to take your virginity?” She adds. You thought for a moment.
“Because, I don’t know. I just felt comfortable with him.” You admitted. Kazuha stares at you for a moment before nodding.
“You like Heeseung, not Jay.” She said. And for some reason, that statement felt weird to you.
Before you could speak, you suddenly felt your phone vibrate and curiously looked at the caller ID. It was Jay. You answered while laughing at what Kazuha said about his photo you saved of him.
“Hey, what’s up?” You ask while taking a bite out of your cookie.
“I got done with practice. Was just wondering if you need a ride back home.” He admitted. You let out a hum and looked over at Kazuha before answering.
“Yeah that’s fine.” You beamed.
“Alright, send me the address and I’ll be on my way.” He spoke. You said okay and hung up.
Jay arrives at Kazuha's house and you give Kazuha a big hug and say, "Thanks for today, it was so much fun! See you later!"
"Anytime! Bye!" Kazuha waves as you head to Jay's car.
You slide into the passenger seat and start chatting about your day, "Kazuha and I made cookies and watched some romance movies. We cried so much at the endings!"
Jay listens attentively, a small smile playing on his lips. Suddenly, he reaches over and swipes something off your lips with his thumb, “You had a bit of chocolate there," He says, licking his fingers, "Next time, make some for me too."
You blush, feeling your cheeks heat up, “Okay, I will," You mumble, a shy smile forming on your face.
The rest of the ride is filled with comfortable silence, and soon enough, you arrive at your house. You turn to Jay and say, "Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow!"
“Anytime," Jay replies with a wink, "Goodnight."
You giggled and stepped out of the car, heading inside, your heart fluttering from the unexpected moment. You gripped your shirt. What is wrong with you?
Once you came inside, you decided to take a shower to relax. After finishing your shower, you wrap yourself in a cozy towel and head to your room. Just as you're about to get dressed, your phone rings. It's Jay calling. You quickly answer, "Hey, Jay. What's up?"
"Hey, are you going to the basketball game tomorrow?" He asks, sounding eager.
“Yeah, I am," You reply, smiling to yourself.
"Great! Maybe we can hang out after?" He suggests. You giggle how happy he sounded.
"Sure, sounds fun," You say, feeling a flutter in your stomach at his idea. As the conversation continues, you both start chatting about random things, laughing as he talks about Jake and Sunghoon play fighting at practice.
Suddenly, a memory of what happened in your room with Jay flashes in your mind, and you can't help but blush. Your words start to stumble, and you stutter, "Um, uh, yeah... funny, um..."
Jay's tone shifts to concern, “Hey, what's wrong?"
"N-nothing," You quickly reply, trying to shake off the embarrassment.
There's a brief silence on the other end before Jay says, "Is this about your bedroom?"
His words shock you, how the hell did he know? You then responded a little too fast, "No!"
Jay chuckles softly, "You sure? You sound pretty flustered."
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, "I'm fine, really.”
Silence was left on the other side, you nervously gulped, “Jay?”
No answer. You felt nervousness creep on you. Shit, what if he found it weird that you were thinking dirty? As you were about to say something, Jay cut you to it.
“Do you finger yourself?” He suddenly asked. You felt your breathing stop.
“W-What?” You ask. Jay let out a low breath. You could tell he was holding himself back. You weren’t sure from what though.
“I said, do you finger yourself? When you’re alone at home.” He asks again, but adding on. You felt your cheeks heat up and twirled your hair nervously. You wouldn’t say you do, but you thought of it more than once.
“N-Not really? I-I mean I think about it, but I don’t do it.” You admit. You heard a chuckle in the other line.
“Why not do it now that I’m on call with you?” He suddenly said, you blinked. He wants you to finger yourself, while he’s on call with you?
“How does that work?” You mumbled. Jay hummed and you heard rustling on the other line, as if he was getting comfy.
“Simple. You just finger yourself while I’m on call with you. Either you just do it alone, or I can guide you through while saying stuff to you. I might jerk off though.” He states. You thought for a moment, how is that simple? You’re gonna finger yourself on call with him? And he’s gonna jerk off? It’s already hard enough to talk through calls.
Jay noticed your quietness, “You don’t have too. It was just something to occupy ourselves-“
“Okay. I’ll do it.” You shyly said. Jay made a noise, as if he was surprised you actually said okay before he chuckled.
Jay's voice comes through the phone, "Are you on your bed right now?"
You glance around and realize you're still standing by your dresser, “Uh, no, not yet," You admit, feeling a bit flustered.
"Go to it," He instructs, his voice gentle but firm.
You walk over to your bed and sit down, the soft mattress sinking slightly under your weight, “Okay, I'm on my bed now."
"Good," Jay says, a hint of satisfaction in his tone, "Now, I want you to lie down and relax."
You feel a wave of nervousness wash over you but comply, lying down and staring at the ceiling, "Alright, I'm lying down."
"Perfect," He continues, “Now, I want you to close your eyes and just listen to my voice. Let me do all the talking, okay?"
You nod, even though he can't see you, "Okay," You say softly, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
“I want you to take deep breaths, remember how I felt against you that night.” He spoke softly. You let out a anxious sigh and remembered that night. How his tongue felt against you. His hands move so smoothly against your skin. His lips were plump and soft when he was kissing and sucking your neck.
Slowly, you lower your hand to your pussy and softly rub your bud. You let out a gasp and let out a quiet moan. You heard a sigh coming from Jay and heard ruffling against the line.
“W-What are you doing?” You breathed out, still rubbing your bud.
“Mind if I jerk off?” He casually said. You bit your lip and nodded before you replied yes. You cursed at yourself for being distracted. You heard the pants of Jays unzip fast and heard a soft hiss.
“What do I do now?” You muttered.
“Now imagine me between your legs, use your fingers and rub your folds. Then add a finger in. You can do that, yeah?” He breathed out. You let out a high moan listening to what he’s saying.
You rubbed your folds at a natural pace, feeling your juices squelching. You're sure Jay can hear because you heard a low groan from him and hearing skin slapping of his balls and his hand.
You imagined him laying on his bed, one phone in his hand while the other is wrapped around his hard dick. His body starts to sweat as his breathing gets uneven.
You shoved a finger in your hole and arched your back, letting out a pained moan. You forgot how tight you were. You slowly relaxed your breathing, remembering Jay’s voice when he told you too. Soon you started feeling pleasure and started fingering faster.
You forgot Jay was on the other line until you heard him letting out moans himself and hearing squelchy noises. You bit your lip and panted feeling an orgasm coming.
“J-Jay, want you in me.” You whispered. You added a second finger and cried out.
“F-Fuck! Yeah, want me in you? Want my dick to ruin your tight pussy?” He snapped. You nodded your head frantically even though he couldn't see you and came right on your fingers. You then heard Jay cursing one last time before hearing him breathe in and out unevenly.
After a few seconds you let out a giggle, "You were really good at this," you murmur, feeling a bit shy.
"Really? It’s my first time having phone sex," Jay replies, his voice filled with warmth and lust. Your eyes widened a little. You were his first phone sex? You felt a bit of pride knowing you were his first before chuckling.
“For some reason that makes me happy to hear.” You admit. You heard Jay chuckling and heard a yawn.
“If you’re tired, go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You mumbled. Jay hummed before saying bye and hanging up after you said bye. You laid in bed staring at the ceiling. You can’t believe you had phone sex with him.
The next morning, you were already dressed for school. You twirled a little to make sure you look good. With a small smile, you grab your backpack and head out the door, making your way to Jay's car.
Jay is leaning against his car, waiting for you with a playful grin on his face, "Morning, sleepyhead. How'd you sleep after our little chat last night?" He teases.
You feel your cheeks heat up as you remember the night before, “Shut up, Jay," You mutter, trying to hide your embarrassment.
He just laughs, clearly enjoying your reaction, "Come on, let's get to school."
The drive is filled with light banter, and soon enough, you pull into the school parking lot. As you step out of the car, you suddenly spot Heeseung standing near the entrance, looking around as if he's waiting for someone.
You exchange a confused glance with Jay, who just shrugs, "What's Heeseung doing here?" You wonder aloud.
Before Jay can respond, Heeseung spots you guys and walks over to you guys, "Hey, I just got here and thought I'd walk to first period with you," He says, looking directly at you.
You feel your heart skip a beat and your face flushes, "O-Okay," You stammer, before Jay has a chance to say anything.
Jay raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment, simply giving you a knowing look. The three of you start walking together, and you can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As you walk, you catch Jay's amused expression out of the corner of your eye, but he remains silent, letting you enjoy the moment with Heeseung. What you don’t know though, is the swirling jealousy he feels too.
The school day flew by in a blur. Classes with Jay were the usual mix of teasing and casual conversation, nothing out of the ordinary. Lunchtime with Kazuha was also routine, filled with chatter about assignments and weekend plans. Before you knew it, the end of the school day approached, and you and Kazuha started getting ready for the basketball game.
As you enter the gym, the familiar sounds of sneakers squeaking on the floor and basketballs bouncing fill the air. You spot Jay practicing with his team, his focus intense. When he notices you, he breaks into a wide smile, and you can't help but smile back.
But then, out of the corner of your eye, you see Heeseung staring at you. His gaze is intense, almost as if he's trying to figure something out. The moment your eyes meet, he quickly looks away, leaving you feeling puzzled and a little flustered.
"Hey, the game's about to start," Kazuha's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You turn to her, nodding as you push the confusing encounter with Heeseung to the back of your mind. Together, you find your seats and settle in, ready to cheer for the team.
The game was in full swing, and it was hard to tell which team would come out on top. You and Kazuha were on the edge of your seats, cheering enthusiastically along with the other spectators. Every basket, every pass, and every block were followed by shouts and applause from the crowd.
The score was tied, and the tension in the air was palpable. Jay was on the court, focused and determined. Every time he got the ball, the gym filled with excitement. The crowd roared, and you and Kazuha were no exception, shouting his name and clapping vigorously.
Finally, in the last few seconds of the game, Jay received the ball and, with an impressive maneuver, scored the final point. The sound of the whistle marked the end of the game, and the gym erupted in cheers. Your team had won.
You jumped out of your seat along with everyone else, clapping and shouting with joy. Jay, drenched in sweat but with a triumphant smile, looked over to where you were. He raised a finger, signaling number one, and you smiled back at him, feeling incredibly proud.
After the game, the gym began to empty out. Some people left, while others stayed behind to talk to the teammates. You noticed Jake and his girlfriend chatting near the bleachers. As you were watching them, someone suddenly jumped from behind you, making you jump in surprise. You thought it was Jay, but when you turned around, you saw it was Heeseung.
"How did I do?" Heeseung asked with a playful smile.
Out of kindness and sincerely, you responded, "You did amazing." Your heart leaped when he smiled at you, his eyes lighting up with genuine appreciation.
"Jay's in the locker room changing," Heeseung informed you.
“Okay," you replied, feeling a mix of emotions.
Heeseung seemed like he was about to ask you something, but before he could, Jay appeared, interrupting the moment.
“Hey, ready to go?” He asked. Heeseung closed his mouth and offered a grin to Jay. You nodded your head, but also confused about what Heeseung was gonna say.
“What were you gonna say Heeseung?” You said. Heeseung stared at you but then shook his head.
“Nothing. Have fun you two.” He teased before turning away and leaving to his other teammates.
You look over at Jay and shrugged. You both walked out while saying bye to the team. As you guys walked to his car, you couldn’t help but feel happy that they won.
“You guys did amazing! I mean especially with you! You did amazing out there Jay.” You smiled. Jay stared at you for a second before facing you. Your smile faltered a bit. Is he okay? You watched as he slowly started leaning in. You didn’t know what to do, but slowly, you closed your eyes.
And yet, nothing came. You opened your eyes to see that Jay was backed up and just stared at the ground, “I’ll drop you off home.” He spoke before going towards his car. You watched frozen. Were you actually gonna let him kiss you?
The car ride was filled with an awkward silence, both of you thinking about the incident where he almost kissed you. The tension was palpable, and neither of you knew how to break it.
When you finally reached your house, you turned to him and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah," He replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
"Congrats on the win, one more time," You added before getting out of the car.
"Thanks," Jay said, giving you a small smile.
You shut the door behind you and let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in. You made your way to your room, your mind racing. As you lay on your bed, you couldn't help but think about your feelings for Jay.
Maybe it was because you guys had spent so much time together recently, or maybe it was sex. Whatever it was, it had you feeling confused and unsure about what to do next. It didn’t matter though. You liked Heeseung and only Heeseung. Jay is just there to help.
It was getting dark when you were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. Groggily, you reached over and answered it.
"Hello?" You mumbled, still half-asleep.
"Hey, were you sleeping?" Jay's familiar voice came through the line.
"Yeah, I was," You replied, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party tonight. Since we won and all," Jay said, sounding a bit excited. "This time, Heeseung is hosting it."
You thought about it for a moment, considering the invitation. The idea of seeing Heeseung again made your heart race a little, but you also felt a bit nervous about the whole thing. After a brief hesitation, you decided to go for it.
"Sure, why not," You said, trying to sound more awake and enthusiastic.
"Okay, I'll pick you up soon," Jay responded, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
You hung up the phone and quickly got out of bed, heading to your closet to find something to wear. As you got dressed, you couldn't help but think about your feelings with everything. Maybe the party won’t hurt.
As you finished getting dressed you got a text from Jay saying he was here. You grabbed your jacket and headed to his car. The drive was filled with chatting about random things.
Once you and Jay arrived at the party, the atmosphere was buzzing with energy. As you walked inside, you saw people dancing to the music. You turned to Jay and asked, "Do you want to dance for fun?"
"Sure," Jay replied with a smile.
Both of you joined the crowd and started moving to the beat of the music. You felt carefree and happy, enjoying the moment with Jay. Jay grabbed your waist and moved with you. You felt your heart beating faster and stared at him before smiling.
After a while, Jay leaned in and said, "I'm going to get some drinks. Do you want anything?"
"Okay, thanks," You responded, and Jay walked away toward the drinks table.
You continued dancing, letting the music take over. Suddenly, you felt someone behind you. Turning around, you saw Heeseung, which made you jump a little.
"You scared me!" You exclaimed, placing a hand on your chest.
"Sorry," Heeseung said with a grin, "Do you want to go somewhere so we can talk?"
You glanced around, looking for Jay, and told Heeseung, "I'm waiting for Jay."
"Oh, you're with Jay? I thought you guys broke up or something cause he’s with another girl," Heeseung said, pointing towards the drinks table.
Your eyebrows furrowed before you look over. There, Jay was standing with a cup in his hand, but another girl was talking to him. She laughed and touched up his arm and he let her. He seemed to be laughing too. For some reason, you felt a pang of hurt in your chest upon hearing that. Still, you nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."
Heeseung led you to a room upstairs. As you walked in, you looked around, examining the space. It was a cozy and well-decorated room.
"This is my room," Heeseung said, watching you, "I never let people in here. You're the first."
You felt surprised and a bit special hearing that, wondering what Heeseung wanted to tell you in private. So, you sat next to him.
You took a deep breath and turned to Heeseung, feeling a mix of curiosity and nervousness. "So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
Heeseung looked at you intently, his expression serious, "I wanted to ask you something," He began, "Are you and Jay really dating? Because it looks real, but not real enough to me."
You felt your heart race at his question. You were at a loss for words, trying to find a way to cover up the fake dating situation, "Uh, yeah, we are," you stammered, but Heeseung's piercing gaze told you he wasn't convinced.
"I can tell it's fake," He said softly, stepping closer to you. You stare down. You then felt a hand come up to your cheek, "If your relationship is not real, is it okay if I do this?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Before you could respond, he leaned in and kissed you. You could taste the faint hint of alcohol on his lips, and your mind went blank, not knowing how to react.
Just then, the door swung open, and you saw Jay standing there, his eyes wide with surprise, "Jay, I can explain," You blurted out, panic rising in your chest.
Jay held up a hand, cutting you off, "It's fine," He said, a strange look in his eyes, "You finally got him." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving you and Heeseung alone.
Heeseung looked confused, trying to process what Jay meant. But you couldn't stay any longer. You had to go after Jay, "I need to go," you said to Heeseung, rushing out of the room to find Jay and explain everything.
You rushed out of the room, your heart pounding as you pushed past people at the party. The music and chatter seemed like a distant hum as you focused solely on finding Jay. You finally spotted him near the exit, and you quickened your pace, calling out his name, “Jay, wait!"
He stopped and turned around, his expression unreadable. You caught up to him, breathless, "I didn't know what to do," You said, your voice trembling, “I didn't expect Heeseung to kiss me."
Jay looked at you, his eyes hardening, "Why are you so scared? Our relationship didn't mean anything," He said flatly.
His words stung, and you felt a pang of hurt. "Be honest with me, Jay," You demanded, your voice breaking, “Do you like me?"
There was a heavy silence as he looked at you, his face devoid of emotion. After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke, "I never did."
You stood there, stunned, as he turned and walked towards his car. You watched him drive away, feeling a lump form in your throat. For some odd reason, you felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you stood there, heartbroken and alone.
You wiped your teary eyes, trying to compose yourself before heading back inside. The party was still in full swing, but everything felt different now. You spotted Heeseung across the room and made your way over to him, your heart heavy with mixed emotions.
Heeseung noticed you immediately, concern etched on his face, "Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.
You ignored his question, your mind racing, "Heeseung, do you like me?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Heeseung looked at you, his eyes sincere, "I do," He said, "I really like you. And I want to make it official, if that's okay with you."
A small smile tugged at your lips as you nodded, "Yes, Heeseung. I'd like that."
Heeseung's face lit up with relief and happiness. He pulled you into a warm hug, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. But as he kissed you, something felt off. The kiss was gentle and sweet, but it didn't stir the emotions you expected. There was a hollowness, a sense that something was missing.
You pulled away slightly, looking into Heeseung's eyes. He smiled at you, completely unaware of the turmoil inside you. You forced a smile back, trying to push away the lingering doubts. For now, you were with Heeseung, and that was what mattered.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. Half asleep, you glanced at the screen and, for a moment, thought it was Jay. But when you saw Heeseung's name, you remembered giving him your number the night before.
"Hello," You answered, trying to sound awake.
"Good morning," Heeseung replied cheerfully, "Can I pick you up? I'd like to take you to school."
"Sure," You said, sending him your address. You got out of bed and started getting ready, but something didn't feel right.
As you brushed your hair and picked out your clothes, you couldn't stop thinking about how it would feel if it were Jay calling you. The idea of hearing his voice on the other line filled you with a mix of nostalgia and sadness.
Finally, you were ready and went downstairs to wait for Heeseung. As you waited, you couldn't help but feel that something was missing. The excitement and spark you felt with Jay weren't there. But you tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present.
When Heeseung arrived, he greeted you with a big smile and a warm hug. You got into his car, trying to leave your doubts behind and enjoy the moment. But deep down, you couldn't ignore the feeling that something just didn't quite fit.
Heeseung drove you to school, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the streets. As you pulled into the parking lot, you noticed students glancing your way. Whispers and curious looks followed you both as you walked through the halls. It seemed like everyone had heard about you and Jay, and now seeing you with Heeseung was stirring up even more gossip.
You tried to ignore the stares and focused on Heeseung, who was chatting with you about the upcoming day. His presence was comforting, but the curious eyes around you made it hard to relax. As you reached your classroom, Heeseung turned to you with a smile.
"I'll see you later," He said, giving you a quick wave before heading off to his own class.
"Bye," You replied, watching him go. You took a deep breath and stepped into the classroom, trying to shake off the feeling of being watched.
The morning passed by in a blur of classes and assignments. What surprised you is that you didn’t see Jay in your second period. You just assumed he didn’t wanna see you.
When lunchtime finally arrived, you were gathering your things when Heeseung appeared at your classroom door.
“Hey, do you want to eat lunch with me, Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon?" He asked casually.
At the mention of Jay's name, you froze for a moment. Your mind raced, but you forced a smile and nodded, "Sure, that sounds great."
You shoot Kazuha a text before following Heeseung to the cafeteria, your heart pounding a little faster with each step. When you reached the table, you noticed Jay wasn't there. Jake and Sunghoon greeted you both with smiles, but you couldn't help but wonder where Jay was.
"Where's Jay?" Heeseung asked, looking around.
Sunghoon shrugged, "I called him, but he said he didn't want to come to school today."
Heeseung seemed to brush it off, but you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. As you sat down and joined the conversation, your thoughts kept drifting back to Jay. Why hadn't he come to school? The question lingered in your mind, even as you tried to focus on the friends around you.
After school, you approached Heeseung and told him you were going shopping with Kazuha and that she would give you a ride. Heeseung nodded and smiled at you.
"Okay, I’ll call you later," He said, waving goodbye.
You walked over to Kazuha, who was waiting for you in her car. Seeing you, she frowned with concern.
"Are you okay? You seem a bit down lately, even though you got Heeseung in the end," Kazuha commented as you got into the car.
"Yeah, I'm fine," You replied, trying to sound convincing.
The drive to the mall was quiet, with Kazuha chatting about the latest news while you nodded distractedly. When you arrived, Kazuha followed you as you walked towards a guitar shop.
"What are we doing here?" She asked, visibly confused.
Without responding, you headed straight to the guitar section and picked out an expensive guitar that you knew Jay had always wanted. Kazuha looked at you with wide eyes as you paid for it.
"Why did you buy that?" She asked, still in shock.
"I promised Jay I'd give him the guitar he always wanted," You explained, remembering the promise you had made.
Kazuha nodded slowly, recalling, "You're a good person," She said softly.
But inside, you couldn't help but feel differently. As you both left the store, you felt the guitar in your hands, and a weight in your heart.
For the past few days, you had been spending a lot of time with Heeseung. Everything seemed perfect, but you couldn't help but notice how distant Jay had become.
He barely acknowledged you in class, and it felt like he was avoiding both you and Heeseung. The once warm and friendly interactions had turned cold and distant, leaving you feeling uneasy.
One morning, as you finished your first period, Heeseung approached you with a smile, "Hey, did you know it's Jay's birthday today?" He asked casually.
You nodded, feeling a pang of sadness, "Yeah, I know," You replied.
"Well, he's having a small get-together after school, and he said you should come too," Heeseung continued, watching your reaction.
You were taken aback, "He said that?" You asked, surprised. Given how Jay had been ignoring you lately, you found it hard to believe he would want you at his birthday celebration.
"Yeah, he did. He said it's fine," Heeseung reassured you, sensing your hesitation.
You were still skeptical but decided to trust Heeseung, "Okay, I'll come," You agreed, hoping that maybe this could be a chance to mend things with Jay.
The school day passed slowly, with Jay continuing to ignore you in class. The tension was palpable, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. When the final bell rang, you met up with Heeseung, who seemed excited about the party.
As you and Heeseung drove to Jay's house together, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. There was a part of you that was nervous about seeing Jay, but another part that hoped this could be a turning point. When you arrived, you were greeted by a few of Jay's close friends, but Jay himself was nowhere to be seen.
Heeseung led you inside, and after a few minutes, Jay finally appeared. He looked surprised to see you but didn't say anything. Instead, he just gave you a small nod before turning his attention to Heeseung.
The party went on, but you couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. Jay's distant behavior was confusing, and you wondered if coming here was a mistake.
However, as the night progressed, you noticed Jay stealing glances at you, almost as if he was trying to figure out what to say.
Finally, as the party was winding down, you decided it was time to give Jay his gift. Nervously, you approached him and handed him the case, "Happy birthday, Jay," You said softly.
Jay's eyes widened in surprise as he opened the case and saw the guitar, "You actually got this for me?" He asked, clearly stunned.
You nodded, "Yeah, I did. It's the least I could do after you helped me get Heeseung."
Jay looked at you, his expression softening, "I can't take this," He said, shaking his head.
"Please, take it. You deserve it," You insisted.
Jay finally accepted the guitar, his eyes filled with gratitude, "Thank you," He said sincerely.
You just smiled and went back to Heeseung, feeling a mix of emotions. Soon, the party ended, and as you and Heeseung were leaving, Jay called out, "Take care."
Heeseung gave Jay a hug, and Jay just gave you a smile. You smiled back, but deep down, you missed the warmth of the old Jay, the one who used to be close to you.
"Of course," You replied, trying to sound cheerful, "Happy birthday, Jay."
He gave you a small smile, and for a moment, it felt like things might be okay. But the distance between you was still there, and you couldn't help but think you had caused it in the first place.
The evening sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as Heeseung pulled up in front of your house. The car ride had been filled with comfortable silence, the kind that spoke volumes without needing words. As he turned off the engine, you hesitated for a moment before speaking.
"Do you want to come inside for a bit?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Heeseung looked at you, a small smile playing on his lips, “Sure, why not?"
You both got out of the car and walked to the front door. Once inside, you offered him a drink, and he accepted. The two of you settled on the couch, drinks in hand, and started talking about everything and nothing. As the conversation flowed, you couldn't help but bring up the question that had been nagging at you for a while.
"Heeseung, can I ask you something?" You began, your eyes searching his.
"Of course," He replied, leaning in slightly, his expression attentive.
“Why did it take you so long to talk to me?" You asked, your voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of sadness.
Heeseung looked taken aback for a moment, “What do you mean?"
"You know, before I started dating Jay," you clarified, “When we played spin the bottle.”
Heeseung shrugged bashfully, “To be honest, I’m not really sure. I was drunk and I was just saying whatever the hell. But I'm glad he didn’t kiss you.”
You giggled until you thought of another one, “It was cute though when you gave me that note."
Heeseung's face went from shy to confused, "What note?"
You got up and went to your room, returning with a small piece of paper, "This one," You said, handing it to him, "You gave it to me a few months ago."
Heeseung unfolded the note and read it, his brow furrowing, "I never gave this to you," He said, looking genuinely puzzled.
You frowned, "But a boy gave it to me and said it was from you."
Heeseung shook his head slowly, "I never wrote this."
A thought suddenly struck you, and you grabbed the note from Heeseung, examining it closely, "Wait a minute," You said, your eyes widening as realization dawned on you, "This looks like Jay's handwriting."
Heeseung's eyes widened in surprise, “Jay? Are you serious?"
You remember how his handwriting was when you guys passed notes back and forth in class out of boredom. You just didn’t look at the note for those past months. Everything suddenly clicked into place.
That boy that had given you the note, he was pointing at Jay, not Heeseung. Your heart raced as you pieced together the puzzle, feeling a mix of confusion and betrayal.
"It wasn't you," You whispered, more to yourself than to Heeseung, "It was Jay."
Heeseung reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry you had to go through that misunderstanding," He said softly, "But I'm here now."
You looked up at him, gratitude and warmth filling your chest. But at the same time, you couldn’t stop thinking about Jay, “H-Heeseung thank you, but the only reason why I liked you, was because I thought you gave me this note, and you liked me that long too.”
Heeseung's smile faltered. It was silent for a few seconds before he let out a sigh, “You like Jay, don’t you? All those times spent together really helped you find your one.”
“I guess I didn’t really know at all.” You muttered. Heeseung cupped your face, staring into your eyes. You could tell the sadness in his eyes.
“I don’t blame you for liking Jay, I blame myself for loving you too late.” He sadly smiled. You hugged him tightly, he wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his head in your neck.
As you stood there, the warmth of Heeseung's embrace enveloping you, you felt a mix of emotions swirling inside. Heeseung gently pulled back, looking into your eyes with a serious expression.
"You need to tell Jay," He said softly.
You nodded, understanding the weight of his words. Heeseung gave you one last reassuring smile before turning and walking away. You watched him leave, feeling a sense of finality.
Taking a deep breath, you pulled out your phone and dialed Jay's number. He picked up after a few rings, his voice laced with confusion, "Hey, what's up? Why are you calling?"
"Can you come over?" You asked, your voice trembling slightly.
Jay hesitated, "I don't think I should... because of Heeseung."
"We broke up," You said, your voice steadying. There was a pause on the other end, and then Jay spoke again, his confusion evident, "Wait, what? You broke up?"
"Just come over, please," You urged. You hanged up not wanting to hear him talk.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on your door. You opened it to find Jay standing there, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. Before he could say anything, you closed the distance between you and kissed him. Jay was taken aback but quickly responded, his arms wrapping around you.
When you finally pulled away, you looked up at him and said, "You were the one who gave me the note."
Jay's eyes widened in surprise, "How did you know?"
You chuckled softly, "Because only you would do something cheesy like that."
Jay laughed, the sound warm and genuine. How you missed it. "Guilty as charged."
Before you could say anything else, Jay leaned in and kissed you again, this time with more confidence. The kiss deepened, and soon you found yourselves lost in each other, the world outside forgotten.
The kiss became hot feeling , feeling Jay's tongue hot inside your mouth. You let out tiny moans when he began pushing you on the couch nearby. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to make the kiss deeper.
Jay broke the kiss and connected foreheads with you, both of you panting, “Been wanting to do that since we started this deal.” He panted. You smiled and pecked his lips.
“Surprised you didn’t wanna do it before that. But then again, you did hate me.” You teased. Jay scoffed and kissed your lips again.
“I didn’t hate you. Just didn’t wanna get rejected.” He admitted. You furrowed your eyebrows and rubbed his cheek with your hand.
“I’m sorry you felt that way. But you have me now, and I’m all yours.” You whispered.
“All mine.” He replied. He kissed along your jaw and sucked on it. You moaned softly and threw your head back.
He suddenly stopped leaving you confused before he flips you over in your stomach. He lifted your sweater up and off you. You arched your back, your ass hitting his groin. That earned a slap making you whimper. He then slowly slid your shorts off with your underwear.
You felt the cold air hitting your wet pussy and clenched. Jay fingers dipped easily inside you from behind causing you to arch your back while clenching a nearby pillow. His long thick fingers going in and out so smooth because of your dripping pussy.
You tried grinding down on them, but let out a sharp scream feeling your hair being pulled back, “You’re gonna take what I fucking give you.” He rasped out. You tried nodding your head, but couldn’t with the tightness of his grip on your hair.
He went a fast pace, however then went at a slow pace teasingly. You whined wanting him to go faster, “P-Please Jay!” You cried out. Jay didn’t listen to you and took his fingers out. You panted hard wanting to cum and being upset with the loss of contact.
You heard rustling behind you and turned your head back and saw Jay taking off his clothes too. You bit your lip, drooling over his dick. He stroked it slow and steady, “Ready?” He said. You nodded frantically and sticked your ass out more to him.
He gripped your waist and slowly, he entered. You both moaned in unison. He cursed feeling your hot walls engulf him tightly. You gasped for air feeling his dick fill you up.
He didn’t waste anytime and started going at a fast pace. You let out a squeal feeling his balls slapping against your pussy, adding a big amount of pleasure.
“Hah! Slow down J-Jay!” You wailed out. Jay chuckled and wrapped his hand around your neck, pushing your head down against the couch. You felt it hard to breathe, nonetheless it felt so good being manhandled.
“Pussy feels so good. Such a good girl for me~” He breathed out.
“Y-Yes! O-Only for you.” You moaned. Jay hummed, approving. And he’s never gonna let you go again.
You felt your orgasm coming, “G-Gonna cum! cumming, cumming!-“ You felt your jaw go slack feeling your orgasm. Jay didn’t stop. He continued fucking you through your orgasm leaving you shaking.
“You’ll be a good girl and wait? Gonna fucking breed this pussy till it’s full of my cum.” Jay groaned. You look behind you and gave Jay a seductive look.
“Please cum inside me.” You pleaded. That’s all it took before you felt warm cum filling you. Your eyes rolled back before you came again. Jay cursed and took his dick out, surprised you came again.
You panted heavenly and felt Jay wrap his arms around you, “Are you okay?” He asked, kissing the nape of your neck.
You smiled and nodded, “Just fine.” You responded. He chuckled and placed his head on top of yours. You both didn’t say anything else as sleep overtook both of you and soon you both fell asleep in each others warmth.
The next morning, you woke up on the couch, feeling a bit disoriented. As you rubbed your eyes, the memories of last night came flooding back, and a smile crept onto your face. You noticed you were clean and wearing fresh clothes, which made you wonder how that happened. Then, a delicious aroma wafted through the air, drawing you towards the kitchen.
You walked in to find Jay standing by the stove, cooking. He turned and saw you, a warm smile spreading across his face, "Hey, I hope you don't mind that I'm using your kitchen," He said.
"It's fine," You replied, feeling a surge of affection. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. Jay chuckled, clearly amused.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice light and teasing.
"You're warm," You said simply, resting your head against his back.
Jay laughed softly, "Well, breakfast is almost done."
You just smiled, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. This was a moment you wanted to hold onto forever.
After finishing the delicious breakfast Jay had prepared, you both cleaned up the kitchen together, sharing light conversation and laughter. Once everything was tidied up, you suggested watching a movie, and Jay agreed with a smile. You both settled on the couch, picking a movie that you both liked.
After the movie, Jay turned to you with a mischievous smile, "I have a surprise for you," He said, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
You tilted your head, feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion, "A surprise? What is it?"
Jay chuckled softly, "You'll see. Just get ready. Wear something comfortable."
You nodded, the anticipation building as you went to your room to change. After a few minutes, you returned, dressed and ready. Jay took your hand and led you to his car. The drive was filled with light chatter and laughter, but Jay kept the destination a secret.
When you finally arrived, Jay parked the car and turned to you with a playful grin, "Okay, now for the fun part," He said, pulling out a blindfold.
You raised an eyebrow, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, "A blindfold? Really?"
Jay nodded, his grin widening, "Trust me, it'll be worth it."
You allowed him to tie the blindfold around your eyes, plunging you into darkness. Jay took your hand again, guiding you out of the car. As you walked, you felt the ground change beneath your feet, from pavement to something softer. Sand. You couldn't help but ask, "Where are we?"
Jay only chuckled, continuing to lead you forward. After a few more steps, he stopped, "Okay, you can take off the blindfold now."
You removed the blindfold and gasped. Before you was a beautiful picnic setup on the beach. The very same beach where you had once spilled your drink on Jay, a moment that had been both awkward and endearing. The sight was breathtaking—blankets, cushions, and a spread of delicious-looking food, all laid out under the soft glow of fairy lights.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took it all in, "Jay, this is... this is beautiful," You said, your voice trembling with emotion.
Jay smiled, his eyes filled with tenderness, “Just like you," He replied softly.
You wiped away a tear, still in awe, "How did you do all this?"
Jay chuckled, looking a bit sheepish, “I had some help. Jake, Sunghoon, and Heeseung pitched in."
You couldn't help but smile, knowing that even Heeseung had helped out. You turned to Jay, feeling a surge of affection, "Thank you," You whispered, leaning in to kiss him.
The kiss was sweet and filled with gratitude. You both settled down on the blankets, enjoying the food and each other's company. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore added to the magic of the evening.
As you ate, you couldn't help but steal glances at Jay, feeling incredibly lucky to have him in your life. The surprise, the effort, and the thoughtfulness behind it all made you realize just how much he cared. And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the beach and the warmth of Jay's presence, you felt truly happy.
As you guys finished eating and now watching the ocean crashing together with a beautiful sound, you found yourself glancing at Jay more than the scenery. The warmth of his presence and the memory of last night filled your mind.
You couldn't ignore the growing urge to close the distance between you two. Taking a deep breath, you turned towards Jay, who noticed your gaze and looked at you with curiosity.
Without overthinking it, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. Jay's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but then he responded, kissing you back gently. Encouraged by his response, you deepened the kiss, pouring all the emotions you had been feeling into it.
Jay's arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer. The kiss grew more passionate, and you found yourself climbing onto his lap, straddling him. You continued kissing him, feeling the intensity of the moment building. Jay's hands roamed your back, holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let go.
You broke the kiss briefly to catch your breath, your foreheads resting against each other. Jay looked into your eyes, his expression a mix of happiness and something deeper. You smiled, and without a word, you leaned in to kiss him again. This time, the kiss was slower, more deliberate, as if you were both savoring every second.
The ocean and seagulls made noise in the background, but neither of you paid attention to it. All that mattered was the lust you felt in that moment, the unspoken feeling that Jay also feels. You continued kissing Jay, feeling a sense of rightness and contentment that you had never felt before.
You then broke the kiss again and suddenly went between his legs. Jay stares confused, but you just smiled innocently and stoked his cloth dick. He groaned and slowly threw his head back. You felt his dick becoming hard fast and played with the strap bands of his sweats.
You pulled them down softly with the help of him by lifting up his lower body. His dick slapped against his lower stomach. You drooled, staring at it and gently took it in your hands. He moaned and bit his lip. You gave it kitten licks before going to the tip, sucking it just a little, but giving it enough for Jay to want more.
You watched his expressions. His brows furrowed, his eyes hazed, hair still messy from last night, his mouth open and wanting to be kissed, his shirt sticking with sweat. You decided to stop the teasing and engulfed his dick fully. Jay let out a loud moan and held your head, trying to steady himself. You sucked it hard and slow making his head feel dizzy.
“Ah- Fuck! Have you done this before?” Jay questioned. If you haven’t, you're pretty good for a beginner. You looked up at him with those pretty eyes almost making him cum right then and there, but he held back. You tried shaking your head with his dick still in your mouth making him sigh feeling you bob against it.
You felt his balls tighten against your hands indicating he was gonna cum. Jay thrust up a few times making you gag before he finally came. Spurts of his cum going down your throat. He panted while still holding your head. You let go of his dick and wiped your mouth, “Did I do good?”
“You did amazing.” He smiled. You giggled and stood up. You watched Jay pull his boxers and sweatpants back up before grabbing your wrist making you lay right on top of him.
The only sound heard was the water splashing and Jay's heartbeat. You closed your eyes hearing it. It sounded so loud, and yet so calm. You couldn’t help but say those three words, “I love you.”
You felt Jay froze as he looked down at you. He then smiled and leaned to kiss you, “I love you too, pretty.” He said. You smiled back.
As you both continued watching the scenery, you felt a surge of happiness fill through your body. You loved Jay, since the moment he agreed to fake date you. You were glad that happened, unless none of this would have happened.
And as you looked at Jay once more, you knew he was the right man for you, and for the rest of your life.
taglist: @laylasbunbunny @umsivsworld @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @yoongisbaguetteshoes @enhypenlovre @melancholy-z @minghaosimp @dudewhoism @honeychocos @hearts4hee @tlnyjoong @1013club @yagsoobin @mrsjohnnysuh @heekilrvs @enhasrii @prettygurlnikittie @jakeswifez @yunhoswrldddd @seokseokjinkim @whateverhoon @noturmommasstuff @love4hee @ddeonuu4me @selleprotection @jenn-ieverse @babyy-bambii @nikiswifiee @rjssierjrie @sweetshinypuppy @moonpri @harukayoiiiiiiizzz @jayjw16enxp @aanniikkaa
#park jongseong x you#park jongseong x reader#jay x y/n#jay x you#jay x reader#jongseong x reader#park jongseong#park jay#enha jay#enhypen park jongseong#enha park jay#enha park jongseong#enhypen jay#enhypen jongseong#enha#enha smau#enha smut#enha x reader#enhypen#enha fluff#enha imagines#enha scenarios#enhypen smut#enhypen masterlist#enhypen scenarios#enhypen x reader#kpop fluff#kpop smut
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. . . MEMBERS: enhypen hyung line - heeseung, jay, jake, and sunghoon
. . . WARNING / TAGS: smut, 18+, afab!reader, breeding, creampie, oral (m!receiving), creampie, overstimulation, orgasm denial (sorta), handjob, sorta sub!jake and dom!reader (implied), squirting, aftercare. not proofread!
. . . A/N: and another post taken from my old account, though this time i actually wrote it. sorry it took so long. i wrote majority of it and it didn’t save, unfortunately. anyway, enjoy!

heeseung has an insane breeding kink. the second you tell him to cum in you, its like a switch goes off, gripping your waist with the most sinful moan escaping his lips. he loves filling you up and watching you take his seed, pushing it back in when he sees it spilling out.
“so fuckin’ tight, baby,” heeseung grunts, head falling back. “gonna cum soon.”
whimpers escape your lips as heeseung pounds into you. the lewd sound of skin slapping skin echoes the bedroom, bed shaking and hitting the wall. “p-please, hee… cum in me”
heeseung's eyes darken at your words. he grabs your chin, forcing your eyes to land on his. “hmm... my pretty baby wants me to fill her up?"
you nod, eyes pleading at you look up at heeseung. like a switch, heeseung pushes your legs against your chest and pounds deeper into you. you moan out, arms scratching heeseungs back as you try to ground yourself to something, the knot in your abdomen tightens.
"m'gonna fill you up so fucking good, baby," heeseung hisses, his thrusts getting sloppier.
your nails dig into heeseungs arm. "'seung... i'm gonna-"
"shit, me too, baby," heeseung's pace doesn't falter as your orgasm washes over you, legs shaking as you let out a loud moan.
with one last thrust, heeseung lets out a sinful moan, cumming right along with you. he fills you up, his white seed painting your insides and your name leaving his lips like a mantra.
heeseung looks down as his cum slowly drips out of your cunt. a fire ignites in him as he thrusts his cum back into you, relishing in the white ring formed at the base of his cock.
“h-hee, it’s too much-“ you cry out, clawing at his arms again as his thrusts increase speed.
“one more round, pretty. i know you could do it.”
there’s just something about cumming in your mouth that jay is obsessed with. the way you look up at him with your pretty eyes while sucking him off, the way you grab the parts of him your mouth can't reach, and the way you swallow every bit of him gets him seeing stars every time the two of you fuck.
jay's head falls back against the chair as your mouth moves up and down his cock, covering his mouth to muffle the moans leaving his lips.
he risks lifting his head to watch you. you look up at him, eyelashes wet from previous tears, and continue to bob your head. your beautiful, pretty, doll-like eyes looking up at him as you suck his cock had jay bucking his hips.
"you look so pretty, baby," jay whispers, "so fucking beautiful for me."
you hum in response, causing jay to shiver and groan. he curses, grabbing a fistful of your hair. "fuck, doll, do that again."
you oblige, humming on jay's cock causing a moan to escape his lips. jay tightens his grip on your hair, holding your head still as he thrusts into your mouth making you gag.
jay's breathing gets heavier as he mouth-fucks you, moans growing louder as he gets close to his orgasm. "you're gonna take it, right? take it like a good girl and swallow every last drop."
again, you hum in response and jay lets out another loud moan. "oh, f-fuck, y/n-" he bucks his hips one more time as he cums, his warm seed spilling into your mouth as you swallow it all.
jay pull out and watches his cum spill from your lips. he leans closer to you and wipes the cum from your lips with his thumb. "say ‘ah’, baby." you open your mouth as jay inserts his thumb in your mouth. you lick the cum off his finger and he smirks.
"good girl."
heaven to jake is cumming on your face. doesn't matter where it lands (and frankly, you dont care either), but just seeing your face full of his cum as he kisses you senseless could get him hard again, and again, and again. he could go multiple rounds as long as he gets to see his cum painted on your cheeks.
jake whimpers as he goes on to round two. your hands are around his cock as he lays against the bedframe, chest heaving.
"you wanted another round," you state as you slowly stroke him, the cum from his previous round dripping from your cheek.
"i-i know."
you smile. slowly, you begin to increase speed, stroking his red cock that's just aching to cum again. you slide your thumb over the slit and jake whimpers again, bucking his hips.
as you stroke him, you lean forward and press your lips to his. jake kisses you feverishly, the taste of his cum on your lips setting him aflame. you increase your speed and jake moans against your lips.
"baby, i'm gonna cum," he mumbles against your lips. you chuckle.
"not yet, jakie."
he groans, head falling back against the headboard. you pepper kisses along down his jaw and collarbone, biting and sucking the pale flesh as his moans increase in volume. you giggle again.
you kiss down his chest and abdomen, then finally, you plant a kiss on the head of his cock. he bites his lip, muffling a moan as you say the magic words. "cum, jakie."
without a second thought jakes orgasm hits him, ropes of cum painting your face like a canvas. jake closes his eyes as he rides his high, moans echoing in your room. as jake opens his eyes, you lick your lips, tasting the cum on your face. jakes head falls back again as he groans.
"you're gonna be the death of me, baby."
sunghoon is the king of aftercare, no doubt. which is why his favorite place to cum is your stomach. he loves leaving a mess on you, spreading it along your body, and fucking you again, the cycle continues, just so afterwards he could clean you up so well and take good care of you.
you've lost count how many rounds it has been. 2? 3? maybe even 4? you're unsure. but all you do know is sunghoon is fucking you like an animal in heat. your eyes are rolled to the back of your head, tears staining your cheeks, and the cum on your stomach already drying as sunghoon pounds into you for the nth time that night.
he groans, pulling your leg over his shoulder to fuck you deeper. a moan leaves your lips at the new position.
"hoon, it's too much..." you sob, clawing at the bedsheets.
sunghoon shakes his head. "last round, my love, i swear."
your chest is heaving as, again, your orgasm approaches. you frantically pull at the sheets as you feel the knot tighten. "sunghoon, i'm so close!"
with his free hand, sunghoon rubs your clit frantically while continue to pound into you. "come on, baby. cum for me." with a pornographic moan, you cum, legs shaking as you squirt on sunghoons cock.
"shit, baby. oh fuck!" sunghoon moans as you squirt on him. his thrusts get sloppier and he quickly pulls out with a hiss, stroking his cock as he releases onto your stomach. the ropes of white cum land on your stomach and sunghoon sighs and falls next to you in the bed.
a minute or so passed when suddenly, sunghoon gets up and goes to the bathroom. you smile, knowing whats about to come as you hear the bath running.
sunghoon returns, wet towel in hand as he cleans you up and places a kiss to your forehead. he lifts you up and leads you to your shared bathroom. sunghoon gently places you in the tub and kisses your forehead again as you sigh.
"you did so well for me, my love."
— © lhseungs 2025: do not repost
. . . TAGLIST: @sailoryuns @sickntrd @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @rayofsunshineeee
#enhypen smut#enhypen x reader#enhypen x reader smut#enhypen hard thoughts#enhypen#enhypen au#heeseung x reader#lee heeseung x reader#heeseung smut#lee heeseung smut#heeseung au#jay smut#park jay smut#jay x reader#park jay x reader#park jongseong#park jongseong smut#jay au#jake smut#sim jake smut#jake x reader#sim jake x reader#sunghoon smut#park sunghoon smut#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon au#heeseung#sunghoon#park jay#sim jake
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all yours | p.j
in which you make jay feel better after he gets into a fight.
pairing: jay x fem!reader
includes: m and f receiving oral sex, mention of fighting, big dick jay, unprotected sex, cumming inside (lmk if i missed anything).
“i can’t believe you, jay,” you said in dismay, pulling out your first aid kid from the closet.
“he was such a fucking asshole,” jay ranted. “douchebag had the audacity to say the shit he was saying and didn’t expect me to beat the shit out of him.”
you huffed, forcing him to sit on your bathroom countertop. you stood between his legs and started wiping the blood from his face while he continued talking.
“he was such a pussy,” jay scoffed. “could hardly fight for shit. needed his friends to back him up since he couldn’t throw a punch for the life of him. and i still beat him in a three versus one fight. embarrassing. honestly, i feel bad fo—”
“jay,” you interrupted, finally getting him to stop talking. “what did the guy even say?”
jay’s jaw clenched as the words repeated in his mind again, the words that made him angry enough to punch the guy right across the face in front of everyone at the party he was at.
“it doesn’t matter,” he grumbled.
“yes, it does,” you argued. “if it was bad enough for you to get in a fight then it does matter.”
jay sighed, speaking quickly when he said, “he was talking about you. disrespecting you. making comments about your body and how since you put out for me, then you’d put out for anyone. i couldn’t just stand there and not do anything, y/n.”
your eyebrows raised. you hadn’t realized that it even had anything to do with you.
“oh,” you said.
you rubbed some ointment over the spots on jay’s face where he was bleeding. he looked up at you in awe, still in dismay over how someone could say such nasty things about you when he knew that all you were was just a sweet, perfect girl.
“no one talks about my girl like that,” he said softly, reaching out to plant his hands on your hips and pull you in a little closer.
you laughed softly through your nose, placing a bandaid on his cheek.
“i’m not your girl,” you reminded.
sure, you weren’t officially dating, but it sure felt like it at times like this. you and jay were…something. not dating, but definitely not just friends.
in a perfect world, you would be dating, but it didn’t seem possible right now.
“i don’t care if you aren’t my girlfriend,” jay said. “you are my girl. you’re mine.”
“okay,” you whispered, your breath fanning his face.
“say it,” he demanded.
“i’m yours,” you said shyly. “all yours.”
jay pulled you in even closer and connected his lips to yours, completely melting at the feeling. he considered himself a strong, tough man, but if there was anything in the world that made him weak, it was you.
he entangled his fingers in your hair, lips moving slowly and carefully against yours, feeling you and tasting you.
you brought your hands down to his firm thighs, resting them there and slowly feeling the fabric of his jeans grow tighter and tighter.
he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing you against him. he disconnected his lips from yours, moving down to your chin and to your neck. he sucked on the sensitive skin there, leaving bruises right for everyone to see without a care. he needed everyone to know who you belonged to.
you gripped the fabric from the back of his t-shirt and started pulling it up until he pulled away from you in order to take it off all together, leaving him shirtless on your bathroom counter.
unashamed, you took a good look. you shouldn’t have thought he looked good like this. he’d just gotten in a fight but fuck, he looked hot. his lip was split and there was a cut on his upper cheek. he looked all around bruised and it was turning you on more than you would like to admit.
he suddenly stood up from the counter and picked you up like you weighed nothing, easily scooping you into his arms. you buried your head in his neck and inhaled his musky scent as he started walking to your bedroom.
once there, he laid you down on your bed carefully and pressed his half naked body down against yours. you slithered your arms around his neck, pulling him back down to your lips.
he was warm pressed against you, but you needed more. you needed to be even closer to him.
you trailed your hand down his bare torso before landing at his bulge, palming him over his covered erection.
jay sighed into your mouth, pushing his cock into your hand to get more pressure. you squeezed it, feeling the outline clearly from how hard he was.
it didn’t take long for that to not be enough, so jay sat up on his knees in order to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his legs, leaving him in just his black boxers.
you tugged down the waistband enough to release his cock, so hard that it stood straight up. it was long and absolutely the perfect fit for your mouth and hole, like you and jay were truly meant to be.
just looking at his cock and feeling it pulsate in your grip, you craved it in your mouth. plus the way he was looking at you starting to jerk it off made you want to suck him off even more.
you leaned down, holding the shaft as you brought the enlarged tip in your mouth, pressing it against your tongue.
“fuck,” jay grunted, immediately bringing his hand down to your hair to pull it back into a ponytail, keeping it out of your face so considerately for you.
you pushed him further down your throat, squeezing your thighs together at the comforting feeling of having him in your mouth. this was exactly you wanted, to be this close to him.
as you hollowed your cheeks and began gliding your mouth up and down his shaft, he started sliding your sweater up your torso until it was bunched around your neck. you were wearing a thin little lacy bra that barely covered your tits.
jay squeezed your breasts as he stared down at your sucking him off like it was your job. never in his life has he gotten a blowjob even close to the way you gave blowjobs. you seemed like you actually enjoyed it, sucking his cock. you put your all into it while the other girls he’d been with barely sucked it for five minutes, desperate to just get fucked by him.
but you were everything. you enjoyed having the tip of his cock nudge against the back of your throat. you enjoyed the taste of his salty precum dripping down your throat.
you looked up at him through your lashes, moaning around his length like it was pleasuring you to suck him off. this is why you were his favorite.
“shit, baby,” he moaned.
he pulled you by your hair off his dick, caressing your face with his thumb while you caught your breath. he looked down at you in awe, feeling so undeserving to have you treat him so good.
he laid you down on your back and tugged you pants and underwear down in one go. he spread your legs, staring at your pussy which was already wet just from giving him head. he couldn’t resist it, he just had to have a taste.
leaning forward, he licked a stripe up from the bottom of your pussy to your clit, gathering all your wetness on his tongue as he went.
“fuck, jay,” you moaned so prettily.
he lapped at your cunt, his tongue making a wet sound every time he flicked your folds. your body felt like it was engulfed in flames from the sensation of him eating your pussy.
jay gripped your thighs, keeping them from closing in and squeezing around his head. he looked so fucking good between your legs, you couldn’t believe it. his sharp jawline was accentuated as he used the muscles to lick your folds up and down.
he brought his clit into your mouth, sucking on the pretty little nub before releasing it with a pop and going back to licking up and down your soaked slit.
the bruises on his face were more evident now with the time that had passed and you felt bad, partly feeling like it was your fault. you tugged on his hair, pulling him away from your pussy and forcing him to look at you. you traced your fingers over one of the bruises.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, noticing the way your demeanor changed.
“does it hurt?” you wondered.
“no,” he lied.
his face was pulsating. you knew he was lying too.
he sat up on his knees and you joined him at his level, leaning in to his face to plant a soft kiss on each one of his bruises. he absolutely melted, leaning into your touch like you were healing his wounds with just a kiss.
“my sweet girl,” he whispered in utter dismay.
how you could go from getting head from him to kissing his bruises in less than a minute was beyond him.
“please fuck me now,” you whispered back.
and now you were back to being dirty.
jay smirked, pushing you back down onto your mattress. you two rid yourselves out of your remaining clothes until you were both entirely naked.
jay slid his hand up and down his cock a few times before deeming it ready to be inside you. he lined his dripping tip up with your eager hole and slowly pushed inside, feeling your warm walls envelope him.
your eyes were clenched shut from the same pain you always endured when jay first slid inside. he was just too big, but it was one of your favorite things about him. by that point, you two had been fucking each other long enough that you were used to the pain. it didn’t last long anymore.
once he was bottomed out inside of you, he rubbed your stomach, feeling the tip of his cock bulge against your pelvis.
“please,” you whimpered, raising your hips up in desperation.
“i know, sweetheart,” he cooed, caressing your soft skin.
he pulled out slightly before pushing back in, starting his thrusts slow. you threw your head back as he fucked you deeply. you could feel it so much, every time he pushed his cock in and pulled it out, the friction against your walls.
as his thrusts sped up, he brought his fingers down in between your bodies and started rubbing your clit, adding to your pleasure. you clenched around him already.
“feels so fucking good,” you cried, looking up at him above you.
“i know, angel,” he replied deeply. “you’re always so tight for me. so tight and so warm for me, yeah?”
“yeah,” you nodded pathetically, clenching around him again just from the way he was talking to you.
his pace was much swifter then, fast enough that the sound of his legs hitting the back of your thighs echoed in your bedroom. plus, you were moaning like it was your first time getting fucked by him, but it just felt too good every single time. his dick was too good, good enough that you wished you could be his girlfriend.
“you’re so fuckin’ wet,” he grunted. “i can barely keep my fingers on your clit.”
your arousal was literally spilling out around his cock, making your puffy clit almost too slippery to keep his fingers on. you wrapped your hand around his wrist and kept it against your pussy so they wouldn’t slip. jay groaned out at that, at how effortlessly fucking sexy you were.
jay started fucking you as hard as he could then, needing to make a complete mess out of you because you made a complete mess out of him without even trying.
he pounded into your pussy, drilling you into your mattress and all you could do was take it and whine like a cock slut. you did feel like at times, you were a slut for his cock.
“fuck yes!” you cried, nails clawing into his abs. “fuck me! harder, jay!”
he gripped the top of your headboard and fucked you impossibly harder, your entire body jolting with the effort he was giving. your tits bounced right in front of him and his cock twitched, warning that he could cum soon.
“fuuuuck, baby,” he growled, grabbing one of your tits in his hands and squeezing harshly. “love this dick, don’t you? tell me you love it.”
“yes, jay!” you yelled. “shit, i love your dick. oh my god, i need you to fuck me for the rest of my life.”
jay felt like he could black out. you were so perfect.
his abs clenched and he felt it coming fast.
“i’m gonna fucking cum,” he warned, his hips still slamming into you. “where do you want me, baby?”
“inside me!”
jay thought he actually did black out then.
he felt you clench around him suddenly, reaching your orgasm without even telling him. your eyes filled with tears from the mere pleasure of it.
“that’s it, baby,” he cooed, still furiously chasing his own orgasm.
“i love you,” you moaned out as you came around his cock.
jay let out a deep moan, felt his cock twitch one more time inside you, and then he was dumping his big load right inside your pussy.
“i love you,” he replied, holding you close to him as he released everything he had into you.
he came for what felt like a lifetime, intense and exhausting. as soon as he finished, he felt like he couldn’t even keep himself upright anymore.
he pulled out of you, watching the cum spill from your pussy and onto your sheets. he then laid down beside you, pulling you into his chest and kissing the top of your head.
“you’re perfect,” he told you, squeezing you tight and keeping you close. “i love you so much.”
“i love you more,” you mumbled tiredly against his chest.
a few minutes passed without either of you saying anything. he wasn’t sure if you fell asleep or not but he spoke up again anyway.
“i wish you really could be mine.”
wait the lore tho?? like why can’t they date!!! idk lowkey thinking of making this a series IDK GUYS!!!
thank you for reading <33
#enhypen#enhypen smut#enha smut#enha x reader#enhypen x reader#kpop smut#park jongseong smut#park jongseong#park jongseong x reader#park jay#jay enhypen smut#jay enhypen#jay x reader#jay smut#enha jay#jay smut enhypen#jay enhypen x reader
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ENHYPEN BF TEXTS — while you’re on your period
warnings | fem!reader, mentions of blood (obv), swearing and death jokes (again, the usual), nsfw in jakes (i couldn’t resist lmaoo), fluffy fluffy!! just enha being the greenest of flags
a.n | my first ot7 post!! once again this is purely self indulgent and just me coping with the fact i don’t have them to help me through my own :,)

#if i had a nickel for every time judah wrote a fic to cope with her period id have two nickels#which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice#enhypen#lee heeseung#park jongseong#park jay#sim jaeyun#sim jake#park sunghoon#kim sunoo#yang jungwon#nishimura riki#enhypen fake texts#enhypen fluff#enha fake texts#enha fluff#enhypen x reader
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dom bf!jay x fucked outf!reader - jay pounding into you so hard ENHA HARD HOURS (18+ MDNI)
Jay is relentless.
You don’t even know how long he’s been fucking you—all you know is that your body is shaking, your throat is raw from screaming, and your mind is so fucking gone that you can barely think. Every thrust knocks something loose in your brain, every snap of his hips sends you spiraling into something filthy and overwhelming, every word from his mouth makes you burn.
And he’s still not done with you.
“You feel that?” he grits out, slamming into you so hard the headboard slams into the wall, your body jolting up the mattress with every brutal thrust. “Feel how fucking deep I am?”
You nod, or at least you think you do, but it’s not enough for him. It’s never enough for him.
“Say it,” he orders, his voice low and rough, dripping with something dangerous. His fingers wrap around your throat, just enough to make your breath hitch. “Tell me how deep I am while I fucking ruin you.”
“F-fuck—Jay, you’re—” You can’t even get the words out before he pounds into you again, forcing another wrecked scream from your throat.
“That’s what I fucking thought,” he growls. “Can’t even talk, can you? Can’t do a damn thing but lay there and take it.”
His tie—the only thing left on his body—dangles between you, and before you can even think about it, your shaking hands grab at it, yanking him down until his forehead presses against yours.
“Fucking desperate,” he taunts, but his voice shakes, like he’s just as wrecked as you are, like he’s holding on by a thread. “So fucking needy for me, you can’t stand it, huh?”
You can only whimper, body arching, legs shaking from how deep he’s splitting you open, and Jay fucking groans, his fingers digging deep into your hips, hard enough to bruise.
“That’s my fucking girl,” he pants, his voice drenched in lust. “Taking it so good. So fucking tight, baby, fuck—”
You feel lightheaded, your body overheating, your brain melting into pleasure so overwhelming that your eyes blur completely. Your nails sink into his back, dragging down hard, and he hisses, rutting into you even harder.
“Fuck—fuck, baby—” His voice catches, his pace going messy, and you know he’s close. “Shit, you’re—” He grits his teeth, forehead pressing against yours as he slams into you harder, chasing his own high.
“You gonna let me fucking come inside you?” His breath is ragged, his voice a low, desperate growl. “Gonna let me fill you up, baby? Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect—”
You nod frantically, your whole body tightening around him, and Jay loses it, hips snapping into you, pace completely brutal, his breathing stuttering as he finally lets go.
When he comes, he lets out a deep, filthy groan, head dropping to your shoulder, fingers digging into your skin, his whole body trembling from how hard he’s fucking finishing inside you.
For a second, neither of you move.
Then he lifts his head, smirking, and thrusts into you again.
Your whole body jerks, a sharp gasp leaving your lips, but Jay just grins, dark and satisfied.
“Yeah, no,” he murmurs, rolling his hips slowly, watching the way you twitch under him, still sensitive, still wrecked. “Not done with you yet, baby.”
And then he starts again.
#enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen scenarios#enhypen fanfic#enhypen imagines#enhypen au#enhypen fluff#enhypen jay#park jay#park jongseong#enhypen smut#enhypen hard hours#enha x reader#enha smut#jay smut#jake sim x reader#enhaflixer: hard hours#park jongseong x reader#jay enhypen#jay park#jongseong#jay x reader#jay x you#jay x y/n#park jay x reader#park jay x you#park jongseong x you#jongseong x reader#jongseong x you#jongseong smut
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𐙚 bows
pairings : bf!ot7 x reader
synopsis : where he would let you put/wrap bows
lee heeseung - loosely around his neck
this is truly for your eyes only. you wouldn’t let him go out with it around his neck of course. he wears a lot of necklaces so why not give him a special necklace being the loose bow around his neck. now it could lead to other things..or just you two laying down watching a movie, you on his chest messing with the bow a bit giggling at your special privileges.
park jongseong - top of his guitars and wrist
for the guitars, jay went to play one of his guitars only to find them all decorated with bows on the tuning pegs and of course they’re like this because you snuck in a little earlier to put them all on cuz it felt like they were missing something. he didn’t mind of course, not even when you came in to watch him play and put the same pink bow around his wrist so it flows while he plays.
sim jaeyun - around his wrist or finger(s)
if there was something you loved just a bit more about jake besides him and his lips it would be the veins that run from his forearm down to his hands and his fingers. his skin is so soft as well..he’s too pretty. you’d alternate between putting a bow on his wrist or finger maybe even both if you can’t decide. it’s truly mind blowing how a guy can have such soft pretty skin.
park sunghoon - biceps
it’s one of two reasons why the bows are there. either he’s gone to workout and you put the bow there in case any girl tries to make a move he can easily use it to show he’s obviously not interested. now the other reason, which is mostly the reason, is simply because you can’t look away as it’s not too common he shows his arms so when he does..and he flexes them for you..in a tank top or pulls his short sleeve up a bit..now…
kim seonwoo - his hair as pigtails and clips
it always amazes you how incredibly soft his hair is. you love laying down with him or him just laying his head on your lap and you run your fingers through his hair so its only natural you had the urge to put bow clips in his hair. what stunned him were the pigtails you had done with little silk ribbon around them tied into bows. he was so relaxed he didn’t even realize you giggling while making them.
yang jungwon - his torso or waist
it’s unfair to you that he has a more snatched waist than you. his torso being the perfect v shape..ughh too perfect. you HAD to put a pink bow around his waist. the times you put it around his torso it always ends up slipping down to his waist and its the most attractive thing ever since his waist is smaller than his top half, the bow sits so loosely around his waist..you just faint right there. truly a blessing for your eyes only.
nishimura riki - around him completely
he really doesn’t know how he got into this situation. all he remembers is you running to him all happy and now your giggling while tying a silk pink bow over his arms around his torso, everything, completely caging him in while he’s sitting on your bed. you took many pictures of course trying to decide which one would be your new wallpaper, but truly he doesn’t mind at all. do whatever you want. he’s utterly whipped for you.
(note : a bit biased towards niki i love him sm sorry😓; but i would wrap them all completely tbh and also thank you so much for the love on my first post i love you all !!)
#enhypen#enhypen heeseung#enhypen jay#enhypen jongseong#enhypen jake#enhypen jaeyun#enhypen sunghoon#enhypen sunoo#enhypen jungwon#enhypen niki#enhypen nishimura riki#enhypen sim jake#enhypen riki#enhypen kim sunoo#heeseung#lee heeseung#park jay#sim jake#park sunghoon#kim sunoo#yang jungwon#nishimura riki#enha x reader#enhypen x reader#enha scenarios#enha imagines#enha fluff#enha#enhypen imagines#amoressb
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only if you say yes !

wherein: after years of friendship with sunghoon, he begins to get fed up of waiting for you to reciprocate his feelings, but is it really your fault when he's the one who denies them whenever he's confronted by them?
genre – park sunghoon x fem!reader, nonchalant!sunghoon, slight jake x fem!reader pre-relationship!au, fluff, angst, crack , warnings – death threats, cursing , masterlist
ー bonus scenes

i had to get rid of some slides bc there wasn't enough space, and then considered making this two parts, but that is lowk a lot of effort...sorry...
i feel like this would work a lot better as a series, but i'm not very good at updates and i have a lot of priorities these days
as always, reblogs and comments are loved and appreciated !
i hope you've had a great day/night <3
© jongsungs 2025
please do not share, copy or plagiarise my work on any other platform.

#enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen smau#enhypen angst#enhypen fluff#kpop smau#park sunghoon x reader#park sunghoon x you#park sunghoon fluff#park sunghoon angst#park sunghoon texts#park sunghoon smau#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon x you#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon angst#park sunghoon#lee heeseung#park jongseong#park jay#jake sim#sim jaeyun#kim sunoo#yang jungwon#nishimura riki#kpop texts#kpop fluff#kpop angst
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𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐧… 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐟𝐫-
#𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐌 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐉𝐀𝐘#jay#jay enha#jay enhypen#enhypen jay#jongseong#park jongseong#park jay#jay park#enhypen jay park#enha#enhypen#engene#kpop#k-pop#kpop fyp#k-pop fyp#source twitter#enha fyp#enhypen fyp#enhypen 02z#belift#enha jongseong#kpop idols#kpop icons#kpop bg#enhypen jongseong#250322#bangkok#goldenwaveinbangkok2025
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Love at First Bite

Pairing: Chef! Jay x Food Lover! Reader
Synopsis: Jay, a perfectionist chef, has no time for distractions, so when an ordinary guest like you barges into his world, eating like it’s your last meal, he becomes irritated. What starts as irritation turns into late-night kitchen encounters, and moments that leave Jay wondering if it was just the food or you all along.
Author's Note: Yes, I watched Attack on Titan. The idea was random because I suddenly thought of Sasha and Niccolo. And then I thought of Jay. So I put two and two together, and voilà! Most of my works are about Jungwon, but I also wanted to start writing about other members—so I started this. Happy reading!
Warnings: This story is a fun, lighthearted take on a food-loving character. No harmful eating behaviors are intended. It also contains moments of class-based prejudice.
Permanent tag list: @sol3chu @chlorinecake @13tter @jung1w0n @layzfy
Heavily based on Sasha and Niccolo from Attack on Titan.
The rich smell of seared meat and herbs drifted through the grand dining hall of Luminara, the finest restaurant in Korea. The chandeliers lit up, and the voices of high-class guests were heard. Jay stood behind the counter with his arms crossed, looking closely at the dishes before him. Each plate he sent out was a piece of art made with care and pride. He had spent years refining his craft, serving only the most elite patrons who understood fine dining. He didn’t cook for just anyone. Only those who could appreciate the delicate balance of flavors and the effort behind every carefully plated meal.
"Jay," the owner of Luminara approached him with a smile. “Tonight, we’re inviting a few special guests. Not our usual clientele, but a few people outside this city are getting a taste of real luxury."
Jay frowned and set down his utensils. "You’re letting outsiders in? What’s the point? This place was built on exclusivity."
The owner chuckled at Jay’s apparent irritation. "To remind ourselves what food is really about. You’ll see."
Jay scoffed. He didn’t cook for people who wolfed down meals without appreciating the craftsmanship behind them. He cooked for those who knew how to savor every bite, who understood the layers of flavors and the artistry in each presentation. The thought of common diners stuffing their faces without a second thought made his blood boil. But the decision wasn’t his, and as much as he hated it, he had no choice but to comply.
As the evening went on, the dining hall changed. Louder and rougher conversations replaced the usual calm atmosphere. The guests that gathered had a different energy. They weren’t dressed in tailored suits or designer gowns. They were ordinary people, eyes wide as they took in the grandeur of Luminara. Some gawked at the lavish decor, while others whispered excitedly, clearly unfamiliar with such luxury.
Jay watched with narrowed eyes as the servers hesitated before placing dishes in front of these new guests. He clenched his jaw as laughter echoed from a table near the center, a sound far too carefree for his liking. His gaze zeroed in on one particular diner who was already making an impression…and not in a good way.
You were excited and couldn’t sit still as you looked at the menu. When the server brought a basket of fresh bread, you eagerly dug in, enjoying the soft, warm rolls as if you hadn’t eaten in days. Jay noticed your lack of grace and restraint
This was pure indulgence.
"Unbelievable," he muttered under his breath while shaking his head.
Then came the main course: a perfectly cooked steak, truffle-infused mashed potatoes, and a delicate garnish. As soon as it was set in front of you, you dug in without waiting. Your fork and knife moved quickly, and you ate before the server left. Jay frowned when he saw this. This was precisely what he had worried about. His food was being consumed without any appreciation.
But then, something unexpected happened. You stopped eating, and your face changed into something gentler. Tears filled your eyes as you softly said, "This is the best thing I've ever eaten."
Jay felt embarrassed and looked away, frowning. "What an idiot," he said quietly.
For the first time, someone had shown pure joy from his food.
Sitting next to you, your friends exchanged looks as they watched you joyfully eat bite after bite, with tears still shining in your eyes. "Slow down!" one of them urged. "You're going to choke if you keep eating like that!"
You barely acknowledged them, too overwhelmed by the flavors dancing on your tongue. Between mouthfuls, you managed to blurt out, "This is—so—good!" before hastily swallowing and turning toward the kitchen. "Chef!" you called out with gratitude. "Thank you! This is the best meal I've ever had!"
Jay, observing the scene from afar, stiffened at the sudden attention. His ears burned red. "There's more food," he snapped. "Stop crying over one dish." His flustered expression only deepened when you eagerly nodded, grabbing your utensils to continue devouring your meal.
Despite his grumbling, Jay found himself sneaking another glance at you. Something about how you appreciated his cooking….so openly and genuinely…affected him deeply.
The restaurant remained open for drinks and light conversation as the night wore on. The kitchen, however, had officially closed. Jay retreated to his station, cleaning up and ensuring everything was in order before heading out for the night. The owner was still entertaining the guests, their laughter filling the otherwise quiet space.
But then, a sound of soft footsteps on the tile.
Jay narrowed his eyes. He wasn’t alone.
Peeking around the corner, he spotted you crouched near the counter, eyeing a tray of leftovers. Your fingers twitched as you reached for a piece of untouched steak. Before you could bite it entirely, however—
"What the hell are you doing?"
You froze mid-bite, eyes wide, as you turned toward Jay. His arms were crossed, and his face had an unimpressed scowl, but the slight furrow in his brows betrayed his disbelief.
"Uh… late-night snack?" you offered sheepishly while the stolen food was still halfway to your mouth.
Jay let out a sharp sigh and rubbed his temples. "Unbelievable. Don’t you have no shame?"
"I do!" you protested. "But look at this! It’s a crime to let food this good go to waste!"
Jay opened his mouth to argue, but then he noticed how you looked at the food, like it was some treasure. That same unfiltered joy from earlier still sparkled in your eyes, and damn it, it made something in him falter.
"Tch," he muttered. "Please… sit down properly if you’re going to eat."
Your face lit up. "Really? You’re letting me?"
"I didn't say that! Just—" He groaned. "don’t make a mess."
You grinned, eagerly settling into one of the kitchen stools. As you took your first bite, humming in delight, Jay crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, watching you.
"By the way, I’m y/n!" you said brightly as you extended your free hand while holding a piece of steak in the other. "Nice to meet you, Chef grumpy!"
Jay scoffed but hesitated before shaking your hand. "Jay."
You smiled and chewed happily. "You know, you’re talented. I think you might be the best chef in the whole world."
Jay’s face turned red. "Shut up and eat."
Weeks had passed since the night Jay caught you sneaking into the kitchen, and somehow, your presence had become a constant in his life. You weren’t just another guest the restaurant had invited once, and you kept returning. Sometimes, it was with the same group of people who had been asked that first night. Other times, it was just you, sitting at a table near the kitchen, peeking inside whenever you thought no one was looking.
Jay had no idea why the owner let you roam around so freely, but somehow, he always ended up dealing with you. At first, he acted indifferent, telling himself he didn’t care. But over time, he found himself watching how your eyes lit up at the sight of food, how you would hum in satisfaction after the first bite.
Tonight was no different. The dinner had ended, and the kitchen had closed, but the restaurant remained open while the owner entertained the guests. You, as usual, had eaten to your heart’s content…or so it seemed…until you suddenly groaned.
“I’m still hungry.”
Your friends turned to you in horror. “You just ate a five-course meal!” one of them whispered sharply. “Stop embarrassing yourself.”
“But I’m seriously still hungry,” you whined and pouted. “It’s not my fault everything was so good! I could eat forever.”
Cleaning up near the kitchen entrance, Jay overheard your complaint and sighed heavily. He really shouldn’t care. He really shouldn’t.
Yet, before stopping, he muttered, “Wait here.”
A few moments later, he returned, placing a plate before you. It wasn’t on the menu, just something he had made earlier and hadn’t used. “Eat this,” he said. “It was going to be wasted anyway.”
Your eyes widened as your eyes lightened up instantly. “For me? Really?” Without hesitation, you dug in, humming happily after the first bite. “Ah, Jay, you’re seriously a genius! This is amazing!”
Jay cleared his throat as a faint pink dusted his ears. “Whatever. Just don’t complain about being hungry anymore.”
Your friends exchanged knowing looks while you, completely oblivious, happily continued eating. Jay wasn’t sure what was more frustrating,
How you ate so eagerly, or how he wanted to see that reaction again.
Time had passed, and somehow, you were still here.
Jay wasn’t sure when it had happened, but at some point, he stopped questioning why you kept showing up at the restaurant. It had become typical to see you hovering near the kitchen, making excuses to talk to him, sneaking bites of food whenever you thought he wasn’t looking.
At first, he was irritated. You were loud and shameless and had no concept of acceptable dining etiquette. But then, something changed…
Maybe it was how you reacted to his food as if every bite was the best thing you’d ever tasted. Perhaps it was how you always showed up with the same bright energy, never letting his cold demeanor push you away. Or maybe it was because, without realizing it, you had started learning more about him.
You knew that Jay had been cooking since childhood, that his parents expected him to be the best, and that he had spent years perfecting his skills. You knew he barely had time for himself, rarely ever sat down to eat his dishes, and hated when people wasted food. “You never actually enjoy your cooking, do you?” you asked one evening, watching as he wiped down the counters after a long shift.
Jay barely glanced at you. “I taste everything I make.”
“That’s not the same,” you argued. “Tasting and enjoying are two different things.”
He scoffed. “Not for me.”
You rested your chin on the counter while watching him work. “You know, I think I’m starting to understand you.”
He shot you a skeptical look. “Oh yeah?”
You nodded. “You act like cooking is just a job, but deep down, it’s more than that. You want people to appreciate your food but pretend not to care. You act like you’re all serious and professional, but you secretly have a soft spot for people who genuinely enjoy eating.”
Jay stilled for a moment, “Shut up.”
You grinned. “See? You’re blushing. I noticed it whenever your ears redden.”
“I’m not,” he grumbled and turned his back to you.
But he didn’t tell you to leave.
And when he caught you stealing a bite from a leftover dish, he sighed and slid the entire plate toward you instead of scolding you.
The restaurant was packed days later, filled with the city’s most elite customers. You sat at your usual spot, enjoying a simple dish Jay had grudgingly given you when the sound of elegant laughter caught your attention. At the entrance, a woman stepped in. A textbook definition of perfection. She was tall and graceful, dressed in a designer outfit that screamed wealth, and walked with the confidence that made people turn their heads.
You hadn’t thought much of it until you saw her walk straight to Jay.
She leaned in slightly as she spoke. Jay didn’t react much but didn’t brush her off either. Instead, he listened, nodding occasionally as she continued talking.
You felt so different…
You had never thought about it before, but seeing someone so poised, so naturally fitting into Jay’s world, made you feel… small like you didn’t belong here.
You stared down at your plate and suddenly lost your appetite.
“What are you doing here?” A sharp voice cut through your thoughts.
You looked up to see a wealthy-looking man sitting at a nearby table. His eyes narrowed in distaste as he glanced at your plate.
“I—uh, eating?” you answered, confused by his hostility.
He scoffed. “Do you even belong in a place like this? The owner lets anyone in these days.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks as embarrassment flooded through you. You weren’t dressed in designer clothes, you didn’t have the same effortless elegance as the other guests, and you certainly didn’t carry yourself like someone who belonged in a fine-dining restaurant.
Maybe he was right.
Maybe you were just a joke here.
And for the first time, you pushed your plate away. You suddenly didn’t feel so hungry anymore.
But before you could get up, a familiar voice interrupted.
“If you have a problem, take it somewhere else.”
Jay’s voice was colder than you’d ever heard it.
The rude customer was startled by his tone. “Excuse me?”
Jay didn’t back down. “They’re a guest here. If you don’t like it, feel free to leave.”
The entire table fell silent. Even the elegant woman Jay had been talking to earlier turned to watch the scene unfold.
Your heart pounded. You had never expected him to defend you.
The rude customer scoffed, muttering something under his breath before turning away.
You looked up at Jay, who still had that unreadable expression. But instead of saying anything, he picked up your untouched plate and placed it back in front of you.
“Eat.” His voice was quieter this time.
You hesitated. “But—”
“You like food, don’t you?” he muttered, “Don’t waste it just because of some idiot.”
Your chest tightened.
For the first time, Jay wasn’t just tolerating your presence. He was defending it.
The night air was cool as you stepped out of the restaurant. You were still feeling a little shaken from earlier. You weren’t sure why the customer’s words had gotten to you so much. Maybe it was because, deep down, you had already felt like you didn’t belong.
You sighed, hugging your arms as you stared at the street. It was late, and you’d have to catch a bus home.
“Let’s go.”
You turned at Jay’s voice, surprised to see him standing beside you with car keys.
He looked uncomfortable. “I’ll drive you home.”
You blinked. “Why?”
Jay scoffed. “Do you always question free rides?”
“Well, yeah. Especially from you.”
His jaw clenched. “It’s late. I’m not letting you take the bus alone.”
You stared at him for a moment, trying to figure him out. This was the same Jay who had barely tolerated your presence when you first met. And now he was offering to take you home?
A slow smile crept onto your lips. “Jay, are you being nice to me?”
His ears immediately turned red. “Get in the car before I change my mind.”
Giggling, you hopped into the passenger seat.
The drive was quiet at first. Jay kept his eyes on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel. You, on the other hand, kept sneaking glances at him. “You know,” you said, breaking the silence, “I think I like this side of you.”
He scoffed. “What side?”
“The side that cares.”
Jay clicked his tongue and shook his head. “I don’t care.”
“Mm-hmm. Sure.”
He exhaled sharply. “You’re annoying.”
“And you’re blushing.”
“I’m not—” He groaned, “I should’ve let you take the bus.”
You laughed, feeling lighter than you had all night. Maybe you didn’t fit into the world of fine dining and expensive lifestyles, but Jay was letting you into his for some reason.
And for now, that was enough.
The car slowed to a stop in front of your place. You unbuckled your seatbelt, stretching slightly before turning to Jay with a grin.
“Thanks for the ride, chef.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “Don’t call me that.”
You giggled. “Okay, okay. Thanks, Jay.”
He didn’t respond. Typical.
You opened the door but hesitated before stepping out. Maybe it was because Jay, despite all his grumbling, had gone out of his way to make sure you got home safely. Before you could overthink it, you leaned over and quickly kissed his cheek.
Jay froze.
You pulled back, biting back a laugh at how his entire body tensed up.
“Goodnight, Jay!” you chirped, hopping out of the car before he could react.
Jay remained in the driver’s seat and did not move for five minutes.
Then, slowly, his head dropped forward, pressing against his hand, while the other remained tightly gripping the steering wheel. Completely flustered.
The kitchen was silent. It was tense, almost cinematic kind, where something big was about to happen. You stood in the middle of the restaurant’s empty kitchen. You looked determined. The lighting overhead made dramatic shadows across your face. In one hand, you gripped a whisk like a weapon; in the other, a wooden spoon rested firmly against your palm.
Jay, dressed in casual clothes for once, an oversized hoodie and joggers, stood by the doorway watching you with the most unimpressed expression.
“…What are you doing?” he asked flatly.
You took a slow breath. Then, with all the seriousness of a battle-hardened warrior, you said:
“Let’s go.”
Jay blinked. “Go where?”
“To war.” You turned and grabbed an apron, tying it around your waist swiftly. “Tonight, I become a chef.”
Jay groaned as he was dragging a hand down his face. “Oh my god. No.”
“Yes.” You opened the fridge with purpose. Your eyes scan its contents. “I will cook. And you will teach me.”
“I never agreed to this.”
You turned to him. “You are my mentor. My guide. My—”
“I literally never agreed to this,” he repeated, but you were already gathering ingredients, your mind was set.
Jay sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He should’ve just walked out, gone home, and left you to whatever chaos you were about to cause. But instead, he leaned against the counter and muttered, “Fine. But don’t start crying when you ruin something.”
You grinned. “I would never.”
Fifteen minutes in, you were a wreck.
Tears streamed down your face as you aggressively rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand. You were sniffling so hard.
Jay squinted at you. “…Are you crying?”
You sniffled. “No.”
“You are.”
“It’s just—” You wiped your sleeve across your face, only to wince when the burning worsened. “Why do my eyes feel like they’re on fire?!”
Jay blinked. Then, very slowly, he pointed at the cutting board. “You do know onions make you cry, right?”
You stared at him while mouth slightly open. Then, in pure confusion, you looked down at your hands.
“…Wait.” You squinted. “Is that why?”
Jay’s jaw dropped. “You—you didn’t know?!”
You gasped. “I thought my body was just rejecting cooking!”
Jay dragged a hand down his face. “Oh my god.”
Still wholly clueless, you kept rubbing at your eyes…
with the same onion-covered hands.
Immediately, you let out a strangled noise. “WHY IS IT GETTING WORSE?!”
Jay smacked his forehead. “Stop rubbing your eyes!”
“But they sting!”
The realization finally hit you. You froze, hands still pressed against your face.
There was a pause. Then, Jay let out a soft, breathy laugh, barely audible at first, like he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. He pressed a hand against his lips. You could see his shoulders shaking slightly. The sound wasn’t mocking or loud… it was quiet, amused, genuine.
You frowned. “Are you laughing?”
Jay exhaled, looking down for a second before meeting your gaze again. “No.”
“You so are.”
Jay let out another chuckle before reaching for your wrist. “Come here.”
He guided you toward the sink, turning on the faucet. He didn’t say much, gently nudging your hands under the running water to help you rinse them off. His touch was careful.
“…You laughed,” you mumbled while watching him out of the corner of your eye.
Jay huffed softly and shook his head as he grabbed a towel to dry his hands. “Maybe.”
You stared at him. “You never laugh.”
Jay glanced at you, then looked away as he wiped his hands. “Guess you’re just that ridiculous.”
You pouted. “Hey—”
Before you could finish, he flicked a drop of water at your face, his smirk widening slightly.
For some reason, your face suddenly felt warmer than before.
You were stirring the sauce as brows furrowed in concentration. Jay stood beside you,
“Not bad,” he murmured, peering over your shoulder.
You perked up. “Really?”
“Mhm.” Jay reached over, his hand brushing against yours as he adjusted your grip on the spoon. “But you’re stirring too aggressively. It’s sauce, not a workout.”
You rolled your eyes but followed his guidance, stirring slower.
Silence settled between you, but it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable. The only sounds were the pot's gentle bubbling and the occasional spoon scrape against the pan.
Then, suddenly—
He hummed.
You turned your head slightly, only to realize how close he was. His face was just inches away. You could see the sharpness of his jaw and the slight curve of his lips.
Your heart stuttered.
“…You have flour on your cheek.”
Jay blinked. “What?”
You grinned. Before he could react, you reached up, swiping your thumb against his cheek. “There.”
Jay stiffened. His eyes flickered to yours, and neither moved for a second. He didn’t pull away. If anything, he leaned in, his eyes dropping to your lips for the briefest moment before going back up.
It happened so quickly and naturally that you almost didn’t process it.
A soft press of lips.
Warm. Gentle. Just a second, maybe two…barely enough time for your brain to catch up.
Then Jay pulled back,
You blinked.
He blinked.
Then, instead of scrambling for words or looking away, Jay exhaled softly. A small smile, barely there but real…tugged at his lips as he tilted his head slightly.
“Oh…” he murmured. His eyes softened as he looked at you. “What would I do if I never met you?”
For once, you had no words.
And Jay… Jay just kept smiling.
You both sat at the kitchen counter, and the freshly cooked meal was between you. For once, it wasn’t just Jay’s cooking. It was something both of you had made together. Jay picked up a spoon and scooped up a bit of the dish. You watched as he took the first bite,
Your fingers fidgeted slightly against your lap. “…So?”
Jay chewed slowly, eyes narrowing as if analyzing every flavor and texture. You swore he was dragging this out on purpose.
Then, after what felt like forever, he exhaled softly. “It’s… not bad.”
You gasped. “Not bad? Jay, that’s practically a Michelin-star review coming from you!”
His lips twitched. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Then, without hesitation, he scooped up another bite and held the spoon out toward you.
Your eyes widened slightly. “Oh, you don’t have to—”
“Just eat.”
Not one to refuse food, you quickly leaned forward, taking a bite.
The moment the flavors hit your tongue, your eyes lit up. “Oh my god—” You barely even finished chewing before eating at your usual speed before reaching for another bite.
Jay raised an eyebrow. “Hey. Slow down.”
You barely heard him, too caught up in how delicious it was. “I can’t! It’s so good!”
Jay sighed, shaking his head, but his expression had no real annoyance. It's something softer. Fond.
“…You’re one of a kind” he murmured, more to himself than to you.
You grinned at him while still chewing.
His ears turned slightly pink, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he chuckled and reached over, ruffling your hair gently before pulling his hand away. He shook his head. “Finish your food.”
And so you did.
Since that night in the kitchen, things between you and Jay had felt… different. Not in a bad way. Just softer. Warmer. He wasn’t as quick to roll his eyes at you anymore, and sometimes, you caught him watching you for no reason.
Today, the two of you had decided to hang out outside of the restaurant, outside of work. It was nothing extravagant, just a simple walk through a quiet part of the city, stopping by different food stalls because you couldn’t eat while out. As you happily munched on some street food, Jay suddenly cleared his throat beside you.
You glanced at him. “What’s up?”
He didn’t answer right away. Instead, he reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a small box, and handed it to you.
“Huh? What’s this?” you said, confused, while accepting the box.
“Just open it.”
You gave him a suspicious look but did as told, flipping open the box. Inside sat a small but delicate pastry. Something handcrafted, topped with intricate chocolate lettering that read:
“I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?”
You stared at it. Then at him. Then, back at the pastry.
And then—
You burst out laughing.
Jay’s face turned red in an instant. “Why are you laughing?”
You clutched your stomach, still laughing between breaths. “Because! This is so you! Instead of just saying it, you baked the question?”
Jay groaned and rubbed his face. “I knew you’d react like this.”
Still grinning, you looked at him. “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend, chef.”
Jay exhaled, his shoulders relaxing because he had been holding his breath the whole time. But then, he quickly narrowed his eyes at you. “You still have to eat that, you know.”
You picked up the pastry with a smirk. “Obviously.”
And with that, you took a big bite,
Answering him in the best way you knew how.
The kitchen was alive with movement. The clang of pots and pans echoed against the walls as chefs moved swiftly to prepare for one of the year's most meaningful events. Jay stood at the center, commanding the room with his sharp gaze and precise instructions. “Keep the plating clean. We need consistency across all dishes,” he ordered, scanning the line of chefs. “Timing is everything tonight. If one dish is late, it throws off the whole rhythm. Stay focused.”
He was strict, but only because he wanted everything to be correct.
And then—
He saw you.
Standing at the kitchen entrance, watching him with that bright, familiar smile.
His expression softened in an instant. His tense grip on his clipboard relaxed, and before anyone could say anything, he walked over to you and gently kissed your forehead. “You’re early,” he murmured, his voice losing its previous sharpness.
You grinned. “Figured I’d get a sneak peek of the magic before the event starts.”
Jay chuckled. “You’re lucky I’m making an exception for you being in here.”
You pouted. “I’m always the exception.”
He rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. “Let’s step outside for a bit before I get pulled back in.”
The two of you found a corner outside the kitchen,
“You’re amazing at this, you know,” you said as you watched him fondly. “You look so in your element back there.”
Jay sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s stressful, but yeah… I love it.”
“And I love watching you do what you love.”
He looked at you softly. “You always say things like that so easily.”
You shrugged. “It’s because I mean them.”
Jay exhaled and shook his head with a quiet laugh. “I swear, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
You leaned in, resting your head on his shoulder. “At least you’ll be well-fed.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Yeah… I think I can live with that.”
As the evening carried on, as the restaurant filled with guests and the kitchen came alive with the sound of cooking, Jay worked with a little more lightness in his heart,
Because no matter how busy or stressful things got, he knew that you'd always be there at the end of the day.
#enha jay#enhypen fanfics#enhypen ff#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#jay x reader#jay ff#jongseong x reader#park jongseong x reader#jay x y/n#enhypen jay#enhypen x female reader#jay x you#park jay x reader#park jay x you#park jongseong x you#jay imagines#jay scenarios#park jay#park jongseong#enhypen x you#enhypen x reader#enhypen fluff#enha x reader#jay enha#jay enhypen#jongseong park#jay fluff#park jay fluff#jay angst
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pairing: ot6 x reader
warnings: situationship, mention of violence, suggestive
— in which reader and enhypen are in a situationship…

#enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen x you#enhypen smau#enhypen texts#enhypen fluff#enhypen smut#heeseung x reader#jay x reader#jake x reader#sunghoon x reader#sunoo x reader#jungwon x reader#enhypen scenarios#enhypen imagines#enha x reader#enha smut#enha smau#enha imagines#enha scenarios#lee heeseung#park jay#sim jake#park sunghoon#kim sunoo#yang jungwon
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prompt: you intentionally rile him up to get him to be a little rougher with you.
pairing: park jongseong x f!reader
genre: oneshot
warnings: smut [mdni!!], unprotected sex (put a rubber on it!!), degredation, praise, p in v, pet names, provoked mean dom!jay, slight bratty!reader.
disc. lowercase intended. not proofread. @choisanswife this is for you shawty 🫵🏻😼
now it’s not like your sex life with jay wasn’t absolute heaven on earth, but some nights you wish he would be just a little rougher with you. so tonight of all nights, you decided it’d be a good idea to poke and prod at his nerves just to see how far you could take his patience.
“y/n, not now.” he uttered while batting your hand away gently. that only caused you to groan.
“oh, come on, jay. it’s not like i’m asking for much. it’s just.. you took so long getting me to cum that i felt like i was dying.” it was a dramatic statement on your part, but you could tell it was getting under his skin and that’s exactly what you wanted.
his brow darted up as he slowly turned to you, a slight mumble leaving him, “oh really?”
and the next thing you know? you’re bent over the back of the couch with nothing but your panties around your ankles and his cock buried deep inside you. there was nothing but the sound of skin slapping against skin and your pathetic whines of pleasure.
“this is what you wanted, right? to be my little fuck toy? hm?”, he grabbed you by your throat and pulled you up off the back of the couch, hovering his lips by your ear so you could hear every grunt that left him.
you nodded because that was all you could do. he was finally being rough with you and you loved every second of it.
your hand reached behind you to grip onto his waist because you wanted to feel him, wanted to let him now just how well he was doing. he knew that though. if it wasn’t for the way you clenched around him and the whimpers that left you then maybe he’d be a little curious, but he knew.
“f- fuck.. baby, i’m cumming-!” and that was all jay needed to relentlessly pound into you even harder than he was before, tightening his grip on your throat and wrapping a hand around to circle your sensitive bud at the same speed he was thrusting.
“go on, pretty slut, cum for me. make a mess on my cock.”
that was enough to push your over the edge, your body trembling as the coil in your stomach snapped and you came all over his cock just the way he wanted.
he looked at your slumped over figure with a chuckle, pulling out of you right as he leaned down to press a kiss to your temple, “let’s get you cleaned up, angel. you were so good for me.”
“i love you.”
“i love you more, darling.”
despite how bratty you could be, he never left you unsatisfied. never once and that was something you absolutely loved about him.
© leehsngs. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, or translate my works.
author’s note. i literally thought of this idea at 4 am due to personal experiences rip. this is also my first time writing something like this so feedback is very much wanted and appreciated! hope you all enjoyed!
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