#holt hyde imagines
fr4nkie0stein · 2 years
Jackson/Holt with a s/o who got turned into a monster headcanons? :0
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde with a gender neutral s/o who got turned into a monster headcanons
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Warnings: none that I'm aware of
Jackson would be so worried for you and would be all over you like there's no tomorrow
He'd have so many questions, like how did you turn into a monster in the first place? What was the last thing you remember before this happened? Are you hurt in any way? How do you feel about all of this?
Holt would be a lot more chill about it (on the outside lol, on the inside he's freaking out just as much as Jackson) and thinks it's pretty rad that his s/o can now experience what it's like to be a monster full on
Assuming you were a human (or 'normie') beforehand I think Jackson would probably feel a little upset at not having someone who he could relate to anymore over not being a monster and stuff
He would never outwardly tell you this though, so you're most likely going to have to coax it out of him once you realise he's upset
Please reassure him that just because you're a monster now your opinions on him haven't changed, poor boy needs it
Holt would welcome you to the monster world by doing what he does best: throwing a party and being the DJ at said event lmao
Depending on how you got turned and whether or not you can get transformed back, they'll offer to help you get back to your normal body if that's what you want
Jackson would be worried about the side effects if you decide to stay a monster, but both him and Holt would be supportive of your decision nonetheless, no matter what you choose
♡ Send in more requests here ♡
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shadow-yato · 6 months
Jackson and Holt: The implications of their transformations
In the diaries, it’s revealed that Jackson and Holt’s trigger used to be night and day, before changing.
Regarding the transformations, imagine how terrifying it was for Holt’s parents that he just. Ceased to exist for no discernible reason, before learning the trigger can change.
What was the first night Holt wasn’t triggered like? What was Jackson thinking that he just one day, was able to stay up past sunset. Did he notice his parents panic? How long did they keep up the facade that everything was fine before revealing the existence of Holt?
And what did Holt think, who when finally triggered again learnt that suddenly days went by? And that his existence is determined by the battery of his phone?
Jackson and Holt’s concept gets terrifying when you think a bit too much about it
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ludoka · 5 months
*Gasp* Henry Jekyll from Monster High became a monster to escape the suffocating human society!
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mewhenidraw · 1 year
love these guys
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jekyll2life · 2 years
I imagine that if Jackson/Holt ever got to meet Movie!Frankie, they would both absolutely adore them
Jackson would be absolutely fascinated by them and all their parts. He’d actively ask them questions and listen as Frankie infodumps about the various famous people that make up their body, nodding along to every word. 
Jackson: “So you’ve really got Alan Turing’s cerebral cortex in there?” Movie!Frankie: “Yep! And, I’ve got some of Einstein’s brain parts in there too! Ooh! And! I also carry some of their memories! Did you know that *bla bla bla...*”
And he’s just letting them go on and on and on, all the while just thinking about how amazing and interesting they are. Not just because they’re made from the parts of several different geniuses, although that’s certainly a plus, but also just because of how enthusiastic they are to share things about themselves. The unique way Frankie’s brain works and all their habits are mesmerizing. To Jackson, Frankie is fascinating. Full stop. 
Holt, on the other hand, honestly couldn’t care less about who Frankie is made out of. It’s not that he doesn’t care. He still listens to them infodump from time to time. It’s more that he just doesn’t know who a lot of those people are (aside from the really, really famous ones of course). Holt’s more interested in Frankie themselves, specifically how they are just new to everything. He’d take the opportunity to show Frankie all the most fun places he knows and watch their face light up as they experience everything for the first time ever. 
Movie!Frankie: “What’s an arcade? I’ve never been to one before?” Holt: “It’s a place where you go play video games! And after that, I know this great place we can go to karaoke and belt some TUNES!! And after THAT, we gotta drop by this party! And I can show you how I tear up the SQUEALS OF STEEL!!! YEEEAAAYEAAHHH!!!!!
The point I’m trying to make here is that even if they’re not quite the same Frankie they remember, I think Jackson and Holt would still love them just the same. 
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rentumblsstuff · 3 months
Hypothetically…. NPMD Monster High AU……….
Pete: A poltergeist. Peter Geist just wants to be invisible but he’s constantly getting into mischief with his friends that draws too much attention to himself!
Steph: Mummy cause she’s gotta keep family secrets UNDER WRAPS ;) and in MH the DeNiles are also a powerful family so having the Lauters be mummies is just so…
Richie: Freshwater monster!! He wishes he was a Ningen from the western Pacific but actually he’s just from Lake Michigan lol he loves swimming and sushi and you can tell when he’s dehydrated when the blue on his hair starts to turn brown!
Ruth: Frankenstein’s monster. Kinda a given with FrankenRuth. I imagine she’s constantly altering her body parts to try to be as attractive to others as possible. The bolts are on her temples and her headgear attaches to it
Grace: Vampire. It’s funny because she doesn’t get to touch a cross AND Angela is Italian so no garlic for Grace :(
Max: A Jekyll and Hyde type creature. I imagine his Jekyll side is the Max we see in the Waylon place, and The Jägerman persona is the Hyde, and the Hyde half is easily triggered when he’s overwhelmed or intimidated and is hard to control. Not necessarily kept at bay without music like Jackson and Holt, but hey what are you gonna do, amiright?
Brenda and Stacy are definitely werecats that roll in the same pack, Jason is a fellow vampire, and Kyle is a werewolf which is part of the reason Max wouldn’t let him date Brenda
Talk about being a literal monster lmao
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inuiiwonderland · 4 months
Imagine twisted wonderland characters with a monster high! Yuu:3
Like Venus Mcflytrap! Yuu
Rebecca Stein! Yuu!
Holt Hyde! Yuu
Deuce Gorgon! Yuu (I think a deuce gorgon! Yuu will be so cute with vil! Maybe because it gives me deuce and Cleo vibes:3)
(Also I’m working on chapter one of twisted captivity!!)
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strangewallflower · 4 months
Just to annoy you, imagine Jackson and Holt manage to go back in time to just before Henry drinks the potion for the first time and because Jackson is so upset about not fitting in he stops Jekyll from drinking the potion.
Idk man.
Poor Holt.
And then Jackson goes back to his timeline and when he has a stressful day at school because everyone even frankie and deuce are like 'bitchhh? Normie?? Tf are you doing here???' so he goes to his comfort monster, Holt, only to realise he's not there and he'll never see him again and he goes and looks for heath WHO ALSO DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE. (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are Jackson's grandparents and heath's his cousin, same grandparents if I've got it right) When he goes home he asks his mum about it and she's 'what the hell? Who????'
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idleglowingpixels · 9 months
I was rewatching Monster High: The Movie (2022) cause the sequel's coming out next week and upon rewatch, the fucking signs that Komos was actually Hyde's son not from the writing but from the COSTUME DESIGN for him was so striking to me that I'm pissed I didn't realize sooner.
Not only does he have the glasses, sideswept bangs and general human appearance of Jackson (minus the horns, I think in this universe Komos's mom was like a centaur or something, would explain why he's still so human-looking besides the horns), but there's nods to Jackson and Holt specifically all throughout his outfits in the movie.
(Also for the sake of ease I'm referring to the teacher as Komos cause typing Hyde Jr. or something constantly is gonna drive me nuts)
First, there's his main outfit which we see across the film as well as in promotional images, and YOU CANNOT FUCKING TELL ME the posing for his promo pic wasn't an intentional nod to Jackson LIKE LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!
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The main thing that strikes me is the inversion of the yellow/gold and blue with Komos's tie and shirt, also the fact the colors are significantly desaturated in comparison to Jackson's flashy yellow and blue. My interpretation of this is that it's representative of the bad-guy/villainous interpretation Komos represents, in comparison to Jackson/Holt which seem to be a rare good-guy/positive interpretation of Jekyll and Hyde. It's like, yes this is the Jekyll/Hyde guy of this gen, his outfits are nods to G1 but is otherwise an entirely different character than Jackson/Holt. Which I mean, I do respect the writers for not having Komos be this gen's Holt Hyde and just as "Hyde's son," I feel like separating the two (three??) characters is and was the best decision. Just two different interpretations of the "descendant of Jekyll and Hyde" thing.
Another part of the decision to go with Jackson's more traditionally nerdy or professional type of fashion style is interesting to me. Komos does not want to be perceived as his Jekyll half, he wants to just be Hyde, hence why he refers to himself as Hyde's son not Jekyll and Hyde's son. And yet, it's like he can't deny his human Jekyll side. To be honest Jekyll's only referenced a few times in the movie (which okay, Hyde's the monster half, I get that, but you'd think he'd be a little more important yeah??) so it makes sense they're focusing on Hyde more but I did find it an interesting decision.
Next there's THIS OUTFIT which on rewatch made me audibly point like that soyjak meme like "THAT'S A REFERENCE TO JACKSON AND HOLT CAUSE OF THE YIN YANG DUAL COLOR SHIT"
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Red and blue are mainly Holt's colors, but Holt's signature outfit's shirt is also dual-toned, split through the middle.
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It's just with Komos, there's less of an emphasis on the yin-yang thing Jackson & Holt had in their interpretation of Jekyll & Hyde -- he's unbalanced in comparison to them -- hence it's not a black and white cardigan. Also, THE BOWTIE! Can't get more obvious with the Jackson nods than that.
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There's also this outfit I wanted to mention, the one he wears during the Founders' dinner toward the end of the movie. Notice It's fully red-toned, where his initial outfit was mainly blue-toned, and the cardigan showed the transition between. It's like at first, he's studious and mellow-natured with a bit of flare but nothing too crazy -- Jekyll. Then when he's wearing the cardigan, he asks Clawdeen about her research, almost insisting she provide him the information she's gathered because of his desperation to lose the duality going on with him. And finally, at the end, he takes the potion his father made, fully embracing Hyde and abandoning Jekyll once and for all.
That's pretty much all I wanted to mention regarding the outfits, but I remember when I first watched the movie, I was severely disappointed that Jackson/Holt were basically confirmed to not be making a return in this generation (or at least in the live-action films but I imagine it'd be pretty confusing to have two characters represent the same specific monster character in the same gen). They were a really underutilized character concept outside of Ghouls Rule, and I feel like especially with Clawdeen being half human in this version that they could've been friends or something!
Maybe Jackson/Holt could've served as the antagonist of the film in Komos's position, but not out of malice, moreso misguidance. Holt was kinda hinted at in his diaries to have depressive symptoms, it would've been interesting to explore that with how he might have low self-esteem because of his half-human-ness. Also, apparently Deuce in G1/G2 was half human too? Why did they get rid of that this gen??? I don't know why they keep shifting representation around at times.
Questionable decision making aside, I actually did enjoy this movie a lot. From an objective standpoint it's a DCOM-quality movie with average writing (except Frankie bro they were funny as hell in this movie), slightly more fashionable outfits than DCOMs, and a basic self-acceptance plot. There's several movies, including one or two in G1, with similar but better-executed writing and storytelling and similar themes. But DAMMIT I can't get enough of this movie when I see it. It's a comfort movie. :'D
I could go ON about the Jackson/Holt erasure all throughout this movie, especially with the rumors it was based off an abandoned movie concept for the two back in G1, but this post is too long already and I've distracted myself from my work enough. :'D If anyone on this side of Tumblr wants to hear that ramble, I shall ramble about it another day.
Also, HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!!! My Monster High AU is beginning this month with the main 5 ghouls' designs as well as a one-shot I've written. Maybe stick around for that if you want to idk! :D
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timelinemh24 · 4 months
Monster High Figurine Collection Diary Entries
Holt Hyde - In the Spotlight
Life became quite an adventure lately since I found out part of me is normal (and the other a nerd) and that I had to get used to daylight. [That’s easy for me! JJ.] I was so used to waking up after the sunset that, when my… I mean, “our” transformation happened in broad daylight; I thought I was dreaming or crazy. Imagine that: I suddenly find myself in Monster High with all these students staring at me in the middle of this crazy tune, and then the music stops, and I go back to sleep for who knows how long, and then wake up again in a similar weird situation. Mom and Dad finally told me the truth (took them long enough! [Tell me about it! JJ]) and explained what happened. At first, I was scared, but last Friday, I woke up in my own bed, with the alarm clock howling music loud enough to raise the dead. On the night-stand, I found a note from Jackson stuck on our iCoffin on which he already had hooked the headphones: “I uploaded Catty Noir’s latest album on the phone. Try not to screw up, O.K.? PS: Let me out for biteology class; we have a dreadful test.”
I couldn’t help smiling when I grabbed the headphones and turned the volume up on the first song. Since I had a little time before class, I went to the Coffin Bean with Catty Noir’s clawsome voice in my ears. I enjoyed my first coffinccino and took the time to admire the city in the daylight. I got to school before the first bell and headed straight to the catacombs where I knew I’d find Operetta, thinking she would be surprised to see me, but it felt like a bomb when she told me the whole school had known about Jackson and me going back and forth for weeks. How disappointing! [For you or for me? JJ] On the other hand, she was astonished to hear I’d be able to go out more often. I think I could get used to the double life thing, as long as it goes like this. Hey Jackson, maybe you’re not such a dork after all. I actually think you might be alright. [Yeah… You too, Holt. I mean… Sometimes. JJ.]
Taken from Monster High Wiki
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Last night I was just thinking about how Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde are by FARR the WEIRDEST monster high characters. They are a WILD ride from start to finish.
To start off, it's a bit weird that the whole "split personality, one body" thing is passed down through the genes XD Does that mean their mom ALSO has an alter ego? Or did it skip a few generations??
Holt is a fire creature whilst Jackson is just a human, which leads into another point below.
They don't know each other exists, so to them, they just fucking black out at near random. IMAGINE HOW SCARY THAT MUST BE! THEY MUST THINK THEY GOT BLOOD PRESSURE ISSUE OR SOMETHING XD THAT WOULD BE SO WORRYING!
Their mom KNOWS and this "one" person, is actually two, right??? SHE NEVER TOLD THEM??? I feel like that counts slightly as child abuse XD your kids share a body, and black out at random, and you never tell them they got this weird condition?!
Do Holt and Jackson never buy anything? are they never like "huh, i don't remember putting up this poster in my room?"
They never actually need to sleep, cause they keep thinking the other half is doing it, and they just keep going perfectly fine XD
The family tree is just chaotic as fuck.
The things that cause them to transform are so wild, and random, and chaotic. XD and are implied to change. Sometimes it's music, sometimes it's lighting, sometimes it's temperature XD WHAT!
I love em, but GOD it's so weird XD
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fr4nkie0stein · 2 years
Holt Hyde masterlist
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None yet <3
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde with a gender neutral s/o who got turned into a monster headcanons
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shadow-yato · 4 months
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Vampire!Holt AU Comic
An irreversible change
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random-dragon-exe · 10 months
OK this mighty be a somewhat strange comparison but Krupp and Captain Underpants's transformation and dynamic is literally just Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde but in a different font.
Like that sounds strange but there's some similarities here:
They both suffer from having to endure a forced transformation into a different person.
Said person is the complete opposite of themselves.
(Krupp is grumpy and mean to kids/George and Harold while Captain Underpants is nice, cheerful, and treats them like friends/sidekicks)
(Jackson is studious, follows rules, and is dependable but Holt is rebellious, and unreliable)
When they're back, they don't remember anything that happened.
The only difference in this comparison is their age, the settings, and the circumstances as to why they have the ability to turn into their respective alter-egos.
And of course that Jackson and Holt are aware of each other, but Krupp and Captain Underpants are not.
Now I'm imagining an au where Krupp and Captain Underpants are aware of each other and they're struggling with trying not to turn into each other (when in teacher mode or superhero mode). Meanwhile they're trying their best to actually communicate with each other via leaving sticky notes and recording themselves to explain what happened when the other was gone.
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scootersscooter · 2 years
Nah bc imagine being Holt Hyde and experiencing little to no racism at Monster High until Halloween rolls around. You're brought along to get revenge on the normies who trashed your school, but suddenly your night goes horribly wrong your first real experience with racism is BEING FRAMED FOR A CRIME YOU DIDN'T COMMIT, POLICE BRUTALITY, AND PUBLIC EXECUTION
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jekyll2life · 2 years
Seeing as the Monster High live-action movie is going to be coming out in a couple weeks, I thought it’d be fun to share this concept I have. It’s basically an AU of the movie, where everything is the same except Jackson/Holt is the main character instead of Clawdeen. Would it be infinitely less marketable? Yeah, of course. But do I also think it would have been interesting way to follow the same premise and use the same plot points without changing the characters too much from G1? Also yes. 
Ideas under the cut! 
Note: I know there’s a leak of the full movie floating around somewhere, but I haven’t seen it yet. I’m planning on watching the movie with some friends the day it comes out, so maybe I’ll make adjustments to this post afterwards.  
The movie would start with Jackson giving the audience a little backstory on his family history. How his dad is a fire elemental and his mom is a descendant of Jekyll and Hyde. Growing up, he was the only half monster in the entire neighborhood.
Unlike in G1, this live-action movie AU version of Jackson grew up mostly with humans his entire life. 
He used to go to high school with other humans. But in order to do so, he had to keep his Hyde side, Holt, at bay. Unfortunately, there would always be a time where Jackson would inadvertently transform into Holt in front of others. Because of this, he would be ostracized by other students or be deemed dangerous by parents or teachers. As a result, he’s had to transfer schools a lot. 
He’s gone from human high school to human high school, and at some point he and his parents thought that perhaps Jackson/Holt would have better luck going to a school specifically for monsters. 
That’s when Jackson/Holt transfers to Monster High and we get to the beginning of the movie. 
 Imagine the scene right before the opening number: Jackson is standing outside the portal to go to Monster High, headphones around his neck. The music starts building up. As he walks into the portal, he asks aloud, seemingly to himself, “Are you ready for this?” He slides his headphones on as he steps through. On the other side of the portal, Holt steps out. He’s got his headphones on, his hair aflame, and he’s got the biggest smile on his face. “YEEAAYEAAHHH!!! I was born ready!” Cue opening number. 
The lyrics to “Coming Out of the Dark” wouldn’t have to change at all. Now, “out of the dark” refers to Holt no longer being trapped in the dark of Jackson’s consciousness. He no longer has to hide his existence or be restricted to only going out at night (”spending life in the shadows, creepin’ ‘round the corner”). For the first time, Holt gets to be the dominant persona of the body, and Jackson gets to take a backseat. 
And hopefully, now that they’re with other monsters, Holt/Jackson would no longer have to worry about constantly needing to transfer to find a place where they belong. 
At the start of the first chorus of the opening number, Holt busts through the front doors and sees all the other monster students dancing to the song. He fits right in. 
After the opening number, everyone goes back to their rooms (since in the live-action movie I heard Monster High is a boarding school now). 
In my experience going to college, people got to choose whether they had a certain gender preference for roommates or not. So for the sake of keeping characters together, we’ll just say Monster High runs under a similar system. Since Frankie is nonbinary, I don’t think it would be out of the realm of possibility that they would list that they don’t have a gender roommate preference. And so Frankie and Holt get to be roommates. :)
Then we get introduced to Clawdeen and Draculaura, who are roommates living in an adjacent room to Holt and Frankie. Clawdeen gets to keep her confident personality from G1. 
Things start looking bad for Holt when he, Frankie, Clawdeen, and Draculaura go into Mr. Komos’s class and the song “Monster Heart” starts (which references Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). And Holt’s just sitting there awkwardly thinking “Oh shoot, they’re talking about my granddad”
And so the rest of the movie is dedicated to Holt having to conceal the fact that he’s half-human. 
Which becomes more difficult than he anticipated because it turns out he’s not very good at school work. Since Holt’s been kept in the back of Jackson’s consciousness for so long, he doesn’t actually have much experience being in school. And so every so often, he has to let Jackson out to do their homework and keep their grades up. 
Speaking of Jackson, when he’s out there would be absolutely no music. Not even background music. This way the narrative would imply that all the musical numbers and dance sequences that happen are just in Holt’s head and not actually happening in-universe. Since Holt has to keep his headphones on and music playing 24/7, he sees the world through a musical lens. And so to contrast, Jackson’s world only has dialogue and heightened sound effects (ex: footsteps, paper rustling, etc.). 
I’m sure the live-action movie will have other plot threads aside from Clawdeen trying to prevent people from finding out she’s half-human-half-monster, so naturally this AU would follow those same or similar plot threads too. But I’m gonna wait until I see the movie to write those. 
The important part is that both Holt and Jackson would need to be instrumental to solving the conflict at the climax. 
The ending scene would be Holt walking to class with his newfound Monster High friends. After taking his seat, which is in the middle of the classroom, the teacher calls attendance.
“Holt Hyde?” Holt waves his hand in the air. “Here Teach!”
“And Jackson Jekyll?” Holt takes off his headphones, transforming into Jackson in front of everybody. Except this time, nobody is giving him dirty looks or suspicion. Now both of his sides get to be an ordinary student in a high school class. Jackson raises his hand. “Present!”
The class starts as the camera pans away. Roll credits. 
Now of course I understand there’s plenty of plot holes (namely how their last name wouldn’t just give away their identities). But like I said, this is mainly just a concept I’ve been thinking about that could have been interesting. If you got through this far, thanks for reading!
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