#hogwarts rant
miryum · 1 month
I had a thought—
So Hogwarts was founded around 990 CE, right? Up to when Harry attended, that gives us about 1000 years that Rowling didn't cover or explore. And that means 1000 year of troubles that I have questions about
1000-1300 CE: Okay, so like, medieval times. Can we talk about the sexism that would be here? How did the professors handle that? The girls would have to wear these horrid clothes and expect to have flying lessons? Or were flying lessons only for the boys? How much of Hogwarts was gender segregated? And the Holy Roman Empire was all the rage. That means ultra-Christianity. What if a kid from upper Scotland came in and worshipped polytheism? What then? Would the other kids have burned them or killed them?
1400 CE: This was when witch burnings/huntings were getting popular. I'm assuming that the kids were safe when they got to Hogwarts, but what about Muggleborns? If a guy dressed in robes came to this peasant's mudhut and said "your daughter's a witch!" you're telling me that those parents wouldn't burn their daughter at the stake? And yes, wizards/witches could easily hide their abilities once they graduated, but what if they had a kid that came out magical? How would you explain that your baby is levitating to the townsfolk? Or what if you married a muggle? Would you have to hide your identity your entire marriage? Would you have to hope your kids weren't magical like you? And what if you're a woman who then marries an awful muggle man and you know you're stronger than him and can kill him extremely easily in his sleep, but you can't because it's 1400 CE?!?!
1500 CE: We're getting to the Renaissance right now, okay? So all these kids are beginning to explore literal magic and you're telling me they didn't mix that with the new inventions of the era? Was Galileo or Michelangelo really a wizard? And if all these inventors/thinkers were wizards, who else? Magic has spanned all of time, apparently, so were the pyramids built with magic? (sorry, that was a small side tangent.) And then the Reformation came along and split everyone into different religions. Were there tensions among Catholic/Lutheran students? What about the teachers? What if a Lutheran fell in love with a Catholic at school? What then?
1600-1700 CE: Now lemme ask about social classes. How big of a problem was that? And I think we all know that this problem spanned much longer than just the two centuries I'm giving it. Imagine if a Dutch aristocrat's daughter was admitted to Hogwarts and "oh, it's just a fancy boarding school?" you tell the parents, "great! she can go" so then she gets there, all dressed to the nines with the ballgowns and big wigs and finds out she has to room with a peasant girl and an artist's daughter. Can you imagine?! And yes, maybe they would've become friends, but realistically, probably not. The daughter would demand her own room, but the headmaster couldn't do that, so what would happen? Would she order her new roommates to help her get dressed each morning? Would she look down her nose at them? Would there be different tables in the Great Hall for the upper class? I'm assuming that the professors would have different viewpoints concerning what their background was, so would the Dutch daughter be aghast when her professor (who used to be a blacksmith's apprentice) takes her down a notch and hits her in front of the whole class? And what would recreational activities be like? Yes, everyone would have the same uniforms during class, but can you imagine a guy walking up to you on a lazy Sunday dressed in his powdered wig and golden coattails with their weirdly high white socks and buckled shoes?
1800 CE: Slavery. We know that had to have been racial segregation, right? And even if Europe was all progressive and abolished slavery starting in the 1400s, some countries definitely still had slavery. And don't even get me started on America and Ilvermorny. Being a Southern belle and then having to take classes and eat in the same room from the same plates as someone that looks like the slaves your father owns? (What about the fucking Civil War?! Confederates and unionists in the same school?!) And I'm sure the same thing happened in Hogwarts! And I didn't even mention the Transatlantic Slave Trade in the 1500-1800s!! How did Hogwarts handle racism? If they just banned all non-whites from the premise, then they lost a large chunk of the next generation of wizards and witches. And those poor boys and girls they banned. Imagine having all these strange phenomenons happen your entire life and have no idea why or trying to hide them because you didn't go to Hogwarts and learned what they were or how to channel them!
1900-2000 CE: Oh my fucking god. Where to begin? The style is drastically different from the 1600s. Now students are coming in with flappers dresses and their hair slicked back and everything and professors are like, "what the fuck?" Did the Yule Ball have different types of dancing? I'm assuming so. Were their more dances because the students loved it? And then the fucking Great Depression hits and now most students can't even buy the necessary textbooks to come to school. Most are needed by their families for work (AND ALSO!!! I didn't mention, but in medieval times, did parents even let their kids go to Hogwarts? They needed them to work the fields or stuff.) Then, growing anti-semitism starts up and some of the students are discriminated against because of their religion, just like back in 1000-1300 CE. The World Wars happen and what if a German kid (who's being indoctrinated and I can go on a whole other rant about children in Germany I swear, don't get me started because I will defend the kids until my last breath) is proudly wearing a swastika just like his daddy and then sees a Jewish kid and starts yelling slurs, just like his dad does? How many kids did Hogwarts save from concentration camps? Did the magical kids beg for the muggle siblings to come and stay at Hogwarts to save them from Auschwitz? Then there were hardly any boys for a generation because they were all off fighting a goddamn war! Things started to chill out for a while until kids came into Hogwarts wearing bell bottoms and tye-die and the girls were burning their bras and were the boys cheering them on or was there serious backlash? How much fucking weed was passed around in the 70s? (This is the marauder era btw.) Did the gay wizards/witches finally feel safe enough about coming out? Or were there too many people against them still? OR, did the homophobic people learn to be more accepting because they had to be? Because they were in the same classes, same dorms, same everything as gays? What about magic birth control? Or, was everyone too worried about Voldemort to burn their bras and come out as gay? How much did Voldemort truly influence the Wizarding World? And then Harry fucking Potter came along, the 90s happened and now, his kids have just graduated! I'm assuming Hogwarts has to have changed with technology, but how much? Do professors think magic is losing the battle to technology or are Muggleborns actually still more fascinated by magic than their phones (I'm assuming if you saw someone change from a human to a cat, that'd be more cool than a TikTok, but who knows?!) Does Hogwarts have WiFi and outlets? Or are kids forbidden from technology? And how did kids from the 80s-90s keep up with technology? Did they all just trapse down to a small town by Hogsmead and have to catch up with all the blockbuster movies there?
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Closeted Harry coming out to Ron after his breakup with Ginny and Ron just being like, “cool just don’t date one of my brothers”
Fred and George freezing and looking at Harry with nothing but absolute delight at the potential mischief.
Harry making eye contact with them, immediately understanding their intentions, and winking as he puts a finger to his lips, shushing them.
Ron following Harry’s line of sight and screaming “NO. NO. FUCK NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.”
Harry and the twins platonically flirting in the most obnoxious ways imaginable.
Harry showing up to breakfast in the Great Hall late with a different twins sweater on, looking debauched. One or even both the twins give him a salacious once over. Ron wants to sink into the floor and die.
Ron eventually gets used to this but absolutely loses it when the rest of his brothers send him their sweaters and flirt with him at the Burrow.
The Weasley boys sending flirty howlers to Harry just to send Ron spiraling.
Ron being so relieved when Harry dates literally anyone who isn’t one of his older brothers.
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ravenelyx · 1 year
Sebastian is the type to get random bursts of affection.
At the beginning of your relationship, he would suppress them, he'd be more reserved, scared to be too annoying, too clingy, too inadequate, too much. But eventually, he would relax — he would feel more at ease and gradually act on them more and more.
And one of his favourite activities is snuggling.
You could be sitting on the sofa, and he'd sit down too, and guide you between his legs, wrapping his arms around you from behind, and he would nuzzle your hair, your neck, your cheeks, eyes closed in bliss, and place very lazy kisses everywhere his lips can reach. Nuzzle, kiss, nuzzle, kiss, over and over again.
Or he would gently push you to lay down, and rest his head on your chest, face hidden in the crook of your neck so he can breathe in your perfume, lips brushing slightly on your skin, and he'd hug you like you're a giant pillow, and cuddle with you until he feels like he has fallen all over again. Because what's important to Sebastian is to feel you close, no matter how, no matter what.
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apicelladonna · 12 days
Do you think Albus’ students in the height of the fight against Grindelwald were like-
“Do we still need to hand in our final essay on Transfiguration in Professor Dumbledore’s class?”
“Or prepare for the test in DADA? Professor Dumbledore’s fighting Grindelwald tomorrow-“
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pleeborp · 2 months
Guys I’m actually crying right now I’m so sad all the time over how Harry’s abuse is never addressed
He was ABUSED guys and NOBODY ever talked about it
And can you just imagine Harry James Potter waking up that first Christmas expecting nothing and then Ron Weasley his FIRST friend telling him he has PRESENTS. The joy the shock that boy must have felt. But can you imagine for a split second he doesn’t believe him. Can you imagine for one second that Harry thought Ron, his first friend, could be playing a cruel trick on him. You think Dudley never pulled that shit on him? You think he was never given false hope that he had presents before?
Or how about the fact that Harry probably woke up every morning for what was probably his first four months at Hogwarts at least, panicked and rushed to get up to make breakfast for the Dursley’s only to realize he didn’t have to. Can you imagine the relief? The weight off his shoulders. Or even worse can you imagine the guilt he felt? He had been raised to cook for them every morning and you think it wasn’t deeply engraved in his mind that in order to feel some sort of acceptance without doing something for others? You think he didn’t try to do things for his friends those first months at Hogwarts, believing it to be the only way he’d be accepted?
Think even harder about how as the years went on and as he did more things for people it seemingly fed into those beliefs? How every time he saved someone, every time he did something for the school, everyone loved him for it? How Hogwarts was his safe haven, but even then they always expected something from him in return. And when they hated him, and he did something else to save them, suddenly they loved him again. You think he didn’t solidify in his poor, hurt mind that in order him for him to be accepted he had to do these things for the people around him?
Or even the betrayal he MUST have felt when he learned all of this was PLANNED. That he was raised and built and forged to be nothing else other than a hero for a society that always expected that from him.
That despite the fact that he escaped the Dursley’s, he would never be without expectations and responsibilities shoved into him from those around him.
Guys I’m so upset I just want to hold him. He deserved a loving, supportive home, where he should have had no expectations other than to be a child and to be loved. This is secretly a PSA that I fucking hate Albus Dumbledore for the pressure and the manipulation he put on Harry.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Also FUCK Jk Rowling
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myokk · 4 months
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“She’s tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me”😤😤😤
(Regency AU with Eloise and Sebastian inspired by my slow trek through Bridgerton these days & @bassicallymaestra ‘s AMAZING regency inspired art😮‍💨😇🙏)
#I just have a love of big regency dresses what can I say😔🙏#if you haven’t seen them yet this is a study of the GORGEOUS P&P illustrations from the 1890s by Charles Brock#they are all just so spectacular & I stare at them alllllllllll the time wishing I had an ounce of his talent🙏🙏🙏#so I do these studies to pretend even though I change some things😅😅 bc these studies is the best way to improve imo🙏#but I remembered halfway through why I rage quit trying to draw with my fountain pen a year ago😂😂😂#that thing is amazing for writing and I love it like a child#but drawing?! tbh I should have used my drawing ink pen but whatever#I woke up with a hankering to do some crosshatching (which I hate) in an attempt to get over myself#also!!!!!! when Mr Darcy says something like that it’s no wonder Elizabeth jumps at the bit to believe every awful thing she hears about him#it’s like Mr wickham’s dumb stories that nobody else in their right mind would believe#are speaking right to her soul. like OF COURSE that asshole from the assembly would do all of those things😤😤#he called me ugly so OF COURSE he would deny mr wickham his living😤😤#(I don’t blame her I would do the same🤝🤝)#ALSO why tf did he even say that when he’s clearly smitten from the beginning#I’m sure if he knew that she heard him he would simply perish from mortification#well thst is my p&p - inking horror - inspiration rant of the day🙏🙏#(I read p&p at least once a year & it is the only fanfic I really read😅😅😅)#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#eloise#eloise babbit#regency au
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dittanyinbloom · 2 years
MC: Sebastian! Please stop with this dark arts nonsense. You’re scaring the baby!
Sebastian: What? You’re with child?
Ominis, appearing out of the darkness unannounced: I’m the baby you absolute twat.
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a-usernamelol · 2 months
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it is always incredibly irking to me when I see a post with NPC characters and its like “for the (insert NPC) GIRLIES ❤️🥰💦” “For the LADIES 😘😍🥵”
Hi! 👋 Hello! 👋 GUY here! Gay trans MAN here!
Here’s some Ominis for EVERYONE because EVERYONE deserves their favorite character, and I’ll be posting pictures of other NPCs too ❤️
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bodhrancomedy · 2 years
Of all the hills, this shitty game is too much?
I mean, FNAF was a big part of my teenage years, but as soon as Mr C donated to anti trans shit, I dropped it. I loved Firefly, but once I saw the Confederacy angle and the Orientialism, it changed it enough it didn’t bring me the same joy again. Father Ted was a massive part of my childhood, but I gave that up when the writer targeted us.
I still read the wikis and o still sometimes watch them, but I don’t put my money down. It’s so easy. I appreciate it might not be for others, but it’s so much easier to not sink 60 quid into a video game that supports a bigot.
Like, it was such a basic request to support trans people and Jewish people and disabled people and POC. And you can’t do it? And have the gall to still claim ally ship?
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peppermintpolly362 · 6 months
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I just want to do a rant drop post about my second favorite Gryffindor 🦁 Leander Prewett.
Leander does not deserve how he is treated by the fandom!!!
I really do not understand why so many fans treat him terribly or always- ALWAYS place him as the bully or villian in their fanfics. Or the classic him and Sebastian hate each other not realizing that those two do not. Before running into the DADA classroom you can clearly see Leander, Ominis, and Sebastian having a civil conversation amongst each other.
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Apologies for poor quality- switch screenshot.
If you hate someone you won't be chatting or hanging out with them.
Now I wish I knew the source of the hatred towards Leander. Is it because he accused Sebastian of cheating? When clearly the dragon head incident was an accident and Sebastian was at fault for casting Bombarda in a classroom. And remember my fellow Slytherins, we use any means necessary to achieve our goal. So Leander is right about the "dirty tricks" comment. Plus if MC is a Slytherin he quickly apologizes and feels guilty for making that comment.
The summoners court- it's a game, a simple game and no reason to get upset at a NPC trying to teach you this mini game. To be honest, I am terrible at it, dueling being my forte. So I was happy to be losing against Leander giving me chances to practice when you cannot practice the mini game whenever you want. And when you beat him, he isn't salty or angry despite others thinking so..he feels ashamed that someone beat him at something that he was at least good at. Being part of a large family and having to live under his older brothers shadows, Leander struggles to find one thing, ONE thing that he can be proud of being good or great at. Imelda has talent in flying, Natty is skilled with charms, Sebastian is a champion duelist and Hecat's top student. Leander just wants to be proud of something he can do. Like we all did back when going to school and figuring out what we are good at.
So instead of treating this sweet Gryffindor like hippogriff dung, give him a chance, try to understand him and you will see that he is actually a good person who is just trying to find his place in the Wizarding world full of harsh expectations.
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purrlockholmesbooks · 21 days
Back to Hogwarts Day!
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Guess who's still upset about not having received their Hogwarts letter?
(I'm hiding in the corner thinking about the September first of the year I turned eleven, when I sat staring at the clock, converting my time zone to Greenwich Standard Time and realising that the train left without me at 11 o'clock in London.)
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Severus getting a prep cook job in Cokeworth one summer and picking up solid mf knife skills. Like those culinary school chopping videos. Just fast asf precise knife work and handling.
He gets back to Hogwarts and it’s just business as usual until he’s DEAD tired one day and is prepping ingredients in Slughorn’s class. He gets to something that needs to be sliced uniformly and is similar in shape/size to food he prepped at the restaurant and muscle memory just kicks into overdrive.
The whole classroom freezes and looks at him because idk if y’all know this but that shit is LOUD compared to hesitant knife work. It smacks the cutting board and has a way different rhythm than normal kitchen noise.
Yeah it’s a skill no one has encountered unless they have been back of house at a restaurant.
Severus is too exhausted to process that anyone is paying attention to him so he just keeps going. Ingredients? Prepped? Potion? Brewed with gusto, like he was born to do it. His brain isn’t online so he’s acting like it’s a dream and adds in some flourish and flair, a trick to catch a knife, a fancy stir to help aerate the brew, a crazy amount of multitasking just because he can.
Jaw dropping behavior.
Slughorn doesn’t know how to react honestly, and is spared needing to praise him considering Severus is half awake when he hands his potion to his head of house.
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ravenelyx · 1 year
Sebastian Sallow is the type of boyfriend who would randomly kiss your neck, not in a sexual kind of way, but in a "I'm going to make this so disgustingly wet and so unbearably ticklish that you're going to hate me, but I love hearing you giggle" kind of way
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sunflowerim · 4 months
Nick and Charlie would totally dress up as wolfstar for halloween atleast once.
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stxrsberkshire · 20 days
random rant but I actually love cedric diggory so much like yall could never make me hate him, he’s a sweetheart, a brave, kind, and smart boy who deserved better and just wanted to make his father and his house proud, so fuck voldemort and fuck pettigrew, also fuck jkr cuz I don’t think I could ever forgive her for killing him off
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fandoomrants · 7 months
No but I have so many questions about the wizarding world which always come to my mind whenever I think of HP. And every new question just branches into a couple of others.
Granted, some are answered and some are so largely fanoned that most people already believed it to be canon but still.
First of all, what do all these people do, like... I feel like you have a few options only. You can become an auror or work in the Ministry of Magic in general (but tell me, how many unoccupied positions there are?!), you can work in St. Mungo's or something, or you can be a teacher and basically... This is it. Yeah, we have people like Newt but I feel like not many are into these things and also, it's pretty dangerous, isn't it?
And another thing. Like, how do they learn some of the spells that are not studied at school? Okay, let's say pure bloods have someone to teach the but muggle born? Others? How do you know how to make a car fly or sth?
How there isn't some type of Wizard University?! Where one can actually specialise in a certain field, let's say medicine?
Also, can likee, everyone become a teacher? Because I feel like that's really the case... (Ok, I'm in fact a teacher and for a fact I can say where I work it's sorta like that too but it's not your typical school and these are schools that everyone from the country/region attends..)
Like, no degree, no nothing. Do they just check how good was the person at this certain subject or what? How dangerous they are? And people seeing how each time there's a new DADA teacher, lots of them dying or something, why do they keep applying?! Even if you don't know about the curse, why?
Honestly, I have so many questions about Hogwarts and wizarding schools in general that it can be a post on its own.
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