#hm probably a good idea to have a tag for this fic
jewishdainix · 4 months
"Call me nervous system the way I'm panicking all the time"
–Grantaire in your newest fic, probably
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maulfucker · 7 months
This song is making me want to start yet another fic to never finish,, "Tell me... Where is your hideout? Who are we running from? I'm starting to think that you were right, and now I'm afraid of letting go of your hand...." Maul giving up on his Mandalore plan and deciding to just stalk Kenobi to tell him about his vision. Staying illegally in Obi-Wan's room because I love putting these guys in situations (and because Maul would NOT leave him alone until Obi-Wan actually accepted Maul is right, which he won't). Following Obi-Wan to Utapau and helping him escape after the clones attack, feeling equal parts vindicated and enraged (because he was proved right but Sidious still won). Them being on the run together....
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bonny-kookoo · 3 months
Green | Part 3
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What were you thinking?
Tags/Warnings: Rabbit hybrid!Jungkook, Fox hybrid!Reader, Single Dad!AU, strangers to lovers, Fluff, romance, angst
Length: ~3k words
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
You’re busy thinking about what to buy for dinner later, when suddenly, you feel a small hand tug on the hem of your jacket.
One look down, and you spot the by now familiar face of Jungkook’s little daughter, ears all folded downwards, eyes glossy with fear, and you instantly seem to snap right into a protective mindset, squatting down to her level. “What’re you doing here all by yourself?” You ask kindly, a bit surprised that she freely and almost eagerly clings to you, walking closer to have as much physical contact as possible- most likely to soothe herself. “Where’s dad, hm?” You ask further, and Minji just shakes her head, moving one of her hands to pick at her bottom lip. She then decides that you’re now her best bet, as she clings to you, making you think. “you wanna go sit in the cart?” You ask her, and she looks, before she shakes her head.
Well, you’ve not worked as a daycare worker for nothing.
So you pick her up, careful to make sure she’s securely placed against your hip, before you take out your phone to dial Jungkook’s number- just for it to not go through, signal too bad within the large store. “Let’s see..” you mumble, checking your surroundings before you move to walk closer to the exit, signal returning a little as you try again. Minji has calmed down by now, which surprises you- her attention now completely caught by your ear that’s closest to her, though she decides against reaching out for it, instead inspecting your necklace.
“I’m sorry, it’s not very good timing-“ Jungkook’s voice comes out of your phone’s speaker, panic clear in his tone as his daughter’s ears instantly move up and towards the phone in interest.
“I think I’ve got what you’re looking for.” You say, adjusting her a little as she giggles, visibly having relaxed now. “I’ll be waiting near the exit. I’m next to the ice cream section.” You say, and he hurries out a response, before he hangs up.
“I lost Sam.” Minji tells you quietly, looking for your reaction, as you watch her as well. You’ve not interacted much yet, but you’re honestly excited that she’s warming up.
“Sam?” You ask, and she nods.
“He.. wears like.. pants.” She explains. “that go like this..” she motions over her shoulders- she’s probably talking about overalls. “He’s a frog.”
Oh. She’s probably talking about a stuffed toy.
“Maybe we can look for him later. Is that why you got lost?” You ask, and she nods.
“Dad dropped him.” She explains. “now he’s alone.”
“I’ll track him down, no worries. Did you lose him inside the store here?” You ask her, and she nods. “You remember where?”
“There was big pots.” She explains. Jars, maybe? You’ve got an idea where she might have lost the soft toy. But before you can think about it much more, Jungkook’s boots can be heard, as he jogs towards you with his daughter in your arms. Minji doesn’t seem to see the severity of the situation at all- happily waving towards him, as if she didn’t just give him a heart attack.
“Jesus Christ, thank God you found her. Minji!” He scolds, and you want to tell him to calm down first before lecturing her- but you’re not in any position to do so, rather leaning down to set her onto her feet. But the sight of her dad all upset makes her shake her head, eagerly clinging to you, trying to climb back onto your arms by pulling on your jacket as best as she can. “you can’t run off like that!” He continues, while his daughter begins to cry into your chest, hiding away in shame. You share a look with him and he sighs, clearly getting your message as he calms down, letting his adrenaline slowly pass.
“Let’s go find Sam now, hm?” You ask her, wiping her cheeks as she nods, before she looks over her shoulder at Jungkook, who seems confused. “Her stuffed toy. She said she dropped it somewhere in the store-”
“No, dad dropped him!” She whines towards you, and you laugh, nodding.
“-YOU dropped him, and now we’re gonna go find him.” You say, getting up to put her in your shopping cart, having her sit down instantly. Jungkook follows quietly, still slowly working on relaxing again, while you look through all the different areas of the store, always on the lookout for something on the floor maybe. But there’s no sight of it- either someone has already picked it up, or it got kicked beneath the large shelves somewhere.
Jungkook is getting ready to call it quits, when you suddenly move away from pushing the cart, looking under one of the larger display shelves, something poking out there- and surely enough, while incredibly dusty, that seems to match the description the little girl had given earlier. “Hm, I think he needs a bath once you all go home though.” You laugh, dusting the poor toy off before you give it to Jungkook.
Minji reaches for it, but you carefully pull her hands back. “Sam is a little dirty right now. I’m sure you can have him back after he had a good scrub at home though.” You reassure her, and she nods, eagerly watching where Jungkook puts the toy now, visibly suspicious of her father now that he already lost her little friend once before.
Once the little runaway is back in the car and safely buckled into her seat, Jungkook sighs, door closed. “Thank you. I’m sorry I got so riled up-” He starts, but you shake your head.
“It’s understandable. I didn’t.. Want to overstep any boundaries by telling you what to do- and at the end of the day, it’s not my place to speak against how you act towards her.” You explain, and he shakes his head.
“If this is supposed to work, we’ll have to work together.” Jungkook disagrees. “I do agree that.. We should keep our steps slow and steady, but she’s going to be just as big of a part in your life as she is in mine, if we want this to work.” He offers, and you nod.
“She was.. Really touchy.” You say. “I was a bit overwhelmed.” You admit to him, and he laughs.
“It’s a good thing though?” He says. “You’re just too charming to resist. Seems like I’ll have to look out for potential competition.” The bunny hybrid laughs. “I might be able to handle my daughter falling for you, but that’s where I draw the line.” He playfully threatens, and you laugh along, giving him a kiss to say goodbye.
But as you walk back to your car, Jungkook calls out to you again, a hand waving you closer as he opens the door to where his daughter is sitting. “What’s wrong?” You ask, stepping closer-
“You need to say goodbye to me too!” Minji says, with the most adorable pout towards you, little arms crossed, before she reaches for you.
And of course, you take that chance to hug her.
You’d be a fool not to.
His apartment looks pretty nice, now that you’re seeing it all in daylight- and without the burdon of believing that you’re ruining a family.
According to Jungkook, Minji is currently staying with Jimin again- to give him a day off and offer him some time to spend with you, able to put his whole focus on you. However, you notice that he’s awfully.. Uneasy almost. As if there’s something on his mind still.
“Are you worried about Minji?” You ask, as he sits down on the couch next to you, phone placed on the coffee table. His face shows that he’s caught off guard- and so you elaborate. “You just seem a little distracted.” You smile, encouraging him to talk about whatever is troubling him- and he sighs, before he breaks eye contact with you.
“It’s Minji’s mother.” He admits, and at that you become a bit less relaxed as well. “She’s not-..” He sighs, turning towards you to hold your hands. “I don’t think she’s interested in me particularly, but even if she was, trust me-” He presses, “-my feelings for her have long died. Or rather yet, given to someone else who will take way better care of them.” He tells you.
“Bold claim.” You try and ease the air, with only minimal sucess however. “But, if it’s not you- what does she want then?” You ask.
“She wants to.. See Minji.” He explains. “I’m not sure why- but I’ve got no right to tell her no, you know?” He tells you, and you nod. After all, she’s still her mother, and has every right to see her daughter.
Though it does make you uneasy. What if she was to show Jungkook how she’s overcome whatever might’ve made her so upset with her own child years ago? What if he realizes that he can indeed have this happy little family he was hoping for when he got with her from the start? He might not feel it now, but surely, a connection between parents must run deep.
“I mean.. Minji deserves to know her mother.” You agree, trying hard not to let the way Jungkook’s ears droop and face falls at the second you slip your hands out of his get to you. You feel terribly selfish in this moment- you're not his daughter’s mother, nor will you ever be. Of course you had fallen into the trap of hope for just a second, but at the end of it all, Jungkook will most likely be better off with a prey hybrid, a bunny just like him who can make the little girl feel more comfortable.
What were you even thinking? The second she’d go to school, she’d be the talk of the school with her weird, scary predator-hybrid mother.
“Hey- I promise you this won’t change at all how I feel about you.” He tries to reassure you, and you can feel your heart crack a little at the softness of his tone. “We don’t even know how it’ll go. And Minji already likes you a lot.” He says.
“Jungkook..” You start, but he shakes his head, hands on your cheeks now to make you look at him. There’s a certain sense of determination in his eyes- but you can’t help but feel like this confidence in this whole situation and its future is terribly one-sided.
“No, listen to me.” He urges. “Give it time. Trust me. Let it all just.. Grow at it’s own pace. I already know that what I feel for you is genuine love, and I hope that you can develop feelings like that towards me too.” Jungkook tries to soothe your worries. “And Minji will love you too. Just be patient, okay?” He requests, and you nod, though he can see from the avoidance of eye contact and the way your ears are still turned downwards, that it’s not quite getting to you yet.
So all he can do in this moment is kiss you, and hope that at least for a little while, he can make you believe.
Even if he himself, has his own doubts, deep down.
Its quite funny how things can suddenly change.
One second it feels like you’re living in a dream- everything around you appearing to fall right into place, like the world has decided to grant you your happiness and biggest wishes as a reward for staying strong for such a long time. And then, all of a sudden, the floor is ripped from underneath you, leaving you with no ground to stand on, destined to drown in both uncertainty and confusion.
You shouldn’t feel this upset. Yet everytime your sketches of the little frog family stare back at you, it feels like they’re mocking you, and no longer representing wishful thinking of a younger version of you.
You feel out of place. But have you ever been a part of that space you now feel exiled out of in the first place? Most likely not, now that you really think about it. If anything, you’d been a visitor. A mere spectator, watching from the sidelines, never invited to step any closer than the boundaries set. And the worst thing about it all is, that Jungkook was wrong. You don’t have to develop any feelings for him-
You already have, knowing that it would be a waste.
When Jungkook calls, you’re sure you know the reason already. He probably wants to know what he did wrong, what he can do to fix it, and you won’t be able to give him an answer to that, because you honestly don’t know if this should be fixed at all. Maybe its for the best. Just imagine. His former partner might’ve developed a longing to her biological child now, and once she gets closer to her, she’ll get closer to him as well. Old feelings might be reignited, past memories filling up hearts until you’re long pushed out of his heart, no longer needed.
What were you thinking?
You decide to accept his call, realizing that you can’t avoid him forever- and the moment you do so, his voice can be heard over the speaker, another one in the background you recognize must be his daughter. Is her mother there already?
“I know what you’re doing, you know?” He says, and you feel oddly put on the spot. Yes, you’ve been ignoring him for days by now, and yes, that’s probably very petty behavior- but you can’t help it. You don’t want to stand in between them, and quite honestly, you also don’t want to force him to choose one or the other in the worst case scenario.
“...well, that’s good then.” You try and shrug it off- but he sighs.
“Not really, no.” He denies, before you can hear Minji say something- though its too quiet to really make out. “Yeah, dad’s talking to her right now.” He answers, and you dread whats possibly about to happen. “Sure, come here- there. Now you can talk.” He starts, before you can hear her more clearly.
“Are you angry at me?” She asks, and your heart breaks at the prospect of her thinking that you might be upset at her- because you’re not. You’re not even upset at Jungkook, or any of it. You’re upset with yourself, if anything.
“No, of course not.” You answer because of that, trying hard not to get emotional. “I’m just.. Busy.” You attempt to justify yourself, hoping that that might be enough for the little girl to let go of it. But she doesn’t.
“Are you angry at dad?” She asks now, and you sigh, before you deny that as well.
“No, I’m not angry at your dad either.” You tell her. “I’m just.. A little upset with myself. But you don’t have to worry about that.” You attempt to reassure her.
“Dad can make us pancakes!” She suddenly chirps up. “With ‘nanas. He makes them when I’m sad.” She explains her reasoning as to why he should cook you food of all things, and you cant help but feel the way her innocent actions and thoughts seem to get to you. “Can you do that?” She asks away from the phone, and you assume she’s most likely looking at her father.
“I can, but I don’t know if that would make her happy.” Jungkook answers. “Sometimes people just want to be alone, Minji.” he explains to her, and its quiet for a moment, before she speaks again.
“But in the book-” She starts, collecting her thoughts while she speaks. “-in the book, when the mama-frog was sad, the dad-frog and baby-frog made her a cake together. And then she was happy again.” She recites what she must’ve pieced together from looking at the most recent book’s pictures. It’s not quite accurate to the story written- but the message has clearly been conveyed, despite her inability to read.
It’s not about how much you can offer another person- its the act of even just trying to give what you can that counts the most, even if its just silent comfort, or a cake made with leftover ingredients you found.
“Minji-” Jungkook starts, but you cut him off, unsure where you take the bravery- or stupidity, depending on the viewpoint- from.
“Lets bake a cake then.” You say, before you can back out again. “All of us, together.” You propose, and from the sounds of it, the little girl is more than on board with the idea-
Though it’s Jungkook’s voice that catches you most, as he speaks to you in a tone thats both warm, and holds so much more than just gratitude for a moment. Probably because he realizes that this is more than just a simple step towards the two of them- it's your war of telling him that you want to try this, even if it fails.
So his voice is soft, as he speaks.
“Thank you.”
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littledollll · 10 months
Call me your angel
Lucifer Morningstar x human!reader
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A/n: i love fics that just randomly come to me. In this case I was scrolling through the Lucifer tag like a starved animal (realized I’m practically the main user of it btw) and came across this post by: @masscared-star and immediately thought of some cute sort of intimate conversation scene simply because of that beautiful back-facing drawing. So this is whatever that idea was! Beautiful art btw!<3
Again special thanks to @pebbleswritessometimes and @v3nusxsky for helping me brainstorm and with the general writing process as always.
Warnings: Lucifer’s a little closed off, aludes slightly to sex (barely), non-sexual intimacy, slight insecurity, Lucifer suffering bc of their own mind.
“…you look so pretty..” Lucifer’s attention was captured by your barely whispered words. They were lost in their own mind, always thinking about something, there wasn’t a moment they lived without so much running through their mind. So much you would probably never know.
‘You know enough’, they said. ‘You know what you have to. You know what you really want to.’ Though it wasn’t quite true. You’d never know enough about them. There wasn’t an amount you could know about them without wanting for more.
You wanted to study each and every part of them and their complicated mind. You wanted to understand and feel whatever they did. To feel tethered to this wonderful being. But you know better. And so do they. There is a price to pay with that much knowledge, with all that power.
Maybe in far into the future, you’d finally know everything about the devil, maybe you could have a sliver of understanding for all of it. But for each thing there is time, unlimited time at that. So you had no rush. Lucifer felt comfort in knowing that.
The feeling of your warm hands wrapping around their back and just over their stomach made a slight shiver run through their body, their wings fluttering at the contact.
Your chest pressed against their back, wrapping them in a familiar and warm embrace. And in that moment you felt every running thought leave their mind as they relaxed into your embrace. Their ever-powerful wings rested against their back, against you.
“I wouldn’t know what it feels like.. I have my fair supply of never-ending thoughts. Insecurities and such. Curiosities mostly.”
Immediately, they knew you were observing them. Reading their behaviors. You already knew, or at least had an idea of what was on their mind.
“It’s not all that different from yours then.. no, not truly.” You nodded, they continued.
“Curiosity brought me here.” You disagree. But arguing that would be pointless, you have a thousand times before. “Why do you humans wish to know and have an explanation for everything? The universe is so grand and complicated... sometimes I wish I knew nothing.”
That’s a hard sentiment to combat. You say nothing, letting their statement be just that. “We think we deserve to, maybe. Is it wrong to wonder about everything that was and brought us here? We all want to know about different things, mostly anyways. I wish to know all about you.”
“You deserve to.”
Their statement leaves you confused. Didn’t they just argue we really shouldn’t? That it’s foolish for a human to want to know and understand everything. “I don’t think we d-“
“No. You deserve to. But I fear knowing everything might cause more harm than good. I do not wish for you to understand my wretched mind. But I wish to offer you understanding… does that make any sense?”
Their hands meet your own, feather light touches trace your forearms and each hand, each finger even. Like they’re just admiring you. As if they hadn’t a thousand times before. As if they hadn't a few moments ago. Their hands wrap around your own.
You nod again.
“I’m not in the dark about you… I don’t feel as such either. Maybe it’s my human brain making me want to know it all, hm?” They playfully scoffed, amused by your behavior towards this topic.
“There is vast knowledge that lives in me. Greater than any human mind could ever comprehend. Greater than even I can truly understand. It certainly feels like a burden. But you welcome it and me with open arms, why?”
That idiot. How can somebody so smart be so stupid all at the same time?
“I don’t think you need a map to understand why I love and accept you, angel.” That made them pause. You felt them suck in a breath, and their heart just- stop. Granted it was something they did for your comfort, the devil doesn’t truly need a heartbeat. So there was no concern for their health, but fear for wondering if you went too far.
“..I call you my devil so often, I-..” you wished you could see their face now, it would give you a bit of an idea on how to continue. But you’d have to guess and trust you know them enough to know how they felt in that moment.
You felt a soft squeeze in your right hand, before their thumb began to gently caress the back of it. It made you sigh in relief. “I feel as if you’re my angel, in a way that is very personal to me and no one else.”
That felt nice, hearing your soft words, understanding more or less what you meant by it. “I like it... you may continue calling me that.”
“Call me your angel.” They spoke almost shyly, even through what you would often call their ‘fancy’ way of speaking (a habit you’ve also picked up after so long with them). It was thoroughly amusing to you.
“And so I will, my angel.” They felt the words whispered against their skin, something was oddly comforting about it, Lucifer wished to relish in it forever, bathe in the feeling of the warmth of your love. But that was no far fetched dream, this was it. That warmth was you. That warmth was theirs for all eternity.
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disasterbuck · 20 days
FanFic Ask Game
So I saw this post (linked above) and decided to answer all the questions instead of just reblogging and waiting for asks. Enjoy getting to know a bit more about me as a writer!
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I love how fluffy it generally is and how my fics always have a happy ending 🥰
😐 What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
I don't think I'm embarrassed about my writing? Maybe sometimes I'll write a kiss that feels a bit cringe?
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
'the heist wip'. Inspired by the episode Ocean's 9-1-1, I wanted to explore what situation could make them ACTUALLY turn to crime. I had a vague idea of a woman's dog being kidnapped by her abusive ex, and Buck gets all obsessed over it and eventually asks the rest of the team to help him break the dog out or something. idk. I don't have a solid enough idea and I feel like it would end up being a long fic which I just can't commit to atm. (If anyone reading this is inspired by this idea, feel free to write it!! But please tag me if you do! I would love to read it!)
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
... I don't think so?
Yeah I've just had a skim through and can't find anything that I would never share if I managed to finish it.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Ooohhh, I love getting comments on ALL my fics but I guess if I had to choose I'd probably go with Friends Don't (8.5k) because it has a special place in my heart.
✏️ Do you write every day?
Not strictly, but most days yes.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
"Back to my point," Chimney said once Hen's laughter died down. "You two are codependent. I bet you couldn't even go a day without having to touch each other."
Buck's face flushed a darker shade of red.
"Yes we could," Eddie argued, suddenly stubborn and confrontational. "We could go a week."
"You wanna bet, Diaz?" Chimney asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
After a quick glance to communicate with Buck, Eddie nodded and said, "You're on. What are the terms?"
don't say his name wip
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I wrote 4 drabbles exactly 100 words each!! It took quite a bit of editing and revising but I'm really happy with how they turned out! You can read them here if you're interested: buddie month | four drabbles
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
fhdskjfhs I HOPE NOT 😅
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
I don't really have a preferred time of day?
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
Yes. And no. lol
📊 Current number of WIPs
............................ 104 🙈
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
Depends ENTIRELY on the person. But generally yes. This does not equal letting them read my fics though lol.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Hm, good question. Maybe Athena?
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
Uhhh I don't know. I feel like I'm constantly learning about writing and just generally trying to improve in all areas.
📚 Do you read your own fic?
YES ALL THE TIME. I looooove reading over my fics. Makes me so happy!!
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
Writing kisses. Or endings. Both. Every time Buddie are about to kiss I tend to abandon the fic for a while lmaoooo and then whenever I have to wrap it up it takes me 3-5 business days.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Up for anything. All I've got for it so far is this:
Buck: No, I mean it. I'm up for anything. If you can come up with something I won't do you win. But I'm telling you right now I never back down from a dare.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
fhjskfh I hate research. My deepest dive is whatever happens in the show. I'll rewatch or maybe read wikis to make sure I get show details accurate but anything else? I'm making that shit up bestie 😅
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
🙈 sweet, emotional, aaaaaand heartwarming? idk
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
I don't have headcanons about my own work! Everything is canon! They're my works! My reality! YOU can have headcanons about my works lol.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
Of my own or someone elses?
Of my own fics, I love you (4k) is my fave.
Someone else's, the first that comes to mind is The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) (43k) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels uggghhh it is chef's kiss!! Fake dating my beloved! 💕
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
Lazy Mornings (1k) for being so freaking adorable 🥰
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
I think it's fairly equal? But maybe a bit more time writing, because a lot of the reading I do is of physical books rather than fic.
taglist because there's a sneaky snippet hidden above:
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @smolfunpenguin
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
@specialbrownieeater @blue-winged-boy @bucks-daddy-issues @lightningmcqueer8
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
p.s. I'm updating my taglist, check out the info on this post
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afterdarkprincess · 4 months
I love you (it’s ruining my life)
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Pairing: Sami/Jey Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,372 Summary: Sami and Jey realize they're in the same hotel and meet up.
Third and final part to the i love you (it's ruining my life) series!
fic inspo started with @motherknuckers forever grateful for this idea 🥰
tag squad: @feelschicken @harmshake @elementaldoughnut12 @southerngirl41 @imabillyami and @jeysbvck
AO3 Link
Part One - am i allowed to cry?
Part Two- fuck it if i can't have him
Sami feels himself go still in the bed.
It’s gotta be Jey texting him. The Jey who he just used in his dirty fantasies to get off in a fit of desperation.
Dare he look?
He didn’t respond to Jey’s first text, as touched as he’d been by the gesture he really didn’t know what to say. He’d resigned himself to maybe just giving the message a like in the morning, but now…
He really should flip the phone over, close his eyes and go to sleep. His alarm will go off sooner rather than later, and Kevin is unbearable whenever he tries to sleep in. He’s already pushing it with the late hour.
But his curious hopeful heart can’t resist.
Juicy Uce 3:04am- “You still up? Can’t sleep.”
Sami rubs a hand over his eyes. He’s gotta be seeing things, there’s just no way- except somehow when he opens his eyes the message is still there.
His heart feels like it’s beating out of his chest. This makes no sense,
His feet hit the floor, fingers tightly clenched around his phone as he makes his way back to the bathroom, shutting the door to block out the mocking noise of Kevin’s snores.
He takes a moment to splash some water on his face, trying to calm his heart rate.
Sami taps his fingers against the countertops anxiously, staring at Jey’s contact open on his screen. How on earth is he supposed to respond to that? What does he say? “Yeah I’m up plagued by thoughts of you?”
He sighs out a heavy breath, scratching the back oh his neck. If he’s gonna risk talking to Jey like this he might as well break all the floodgates.
He presses the call button with his thumb.
Jey tilts his phone to see the screen, and he’s surprised to see an incoming call rather than a text reply.
His palms start to sweat. He’s alone in the room, he has no real reason not to answer the call.
Fuck it, why not?
He accepts the call and hits the speaker button, letting the phone rest against his chest, cool glass against warm skin.
The call connects, and for a moment there’s just silence. Jey begins to suspect that maybe Sami dialed him by accident. Maybe he rolled over onto his phone or something, this was such a bad idea…
But then.
“Jey? Um, you there?”
Sami sounds unsure and nervous, but just hearing his voice puts Jey’s mind at ease.
“Yeah!” He catches himself, too eager, too energetic for the late hour. He clears his throat. “Yeah, M’here.”
Sami sighs on the other end of the line and he tries not to read into that too much. “Good, good.” He pauses again. “So…what’s up?” His tone sounds cheerful but Jey’s not buying it.
“Dunno, Sami. You called me.” He can’t help but smirk at the ceiling when Sami makes a noise in protest.
“Yeah but- you texted me!! You said you couldn’t sleep!”
Jey laughs, probably louder than he should in the quiet of the room. “M’just fuckin’ wit you, Uce. Chill out.”
“Oh,” Sami giggles, and the sound warms Jey’s heart. “Oh okay. So… can’t sleep huh?”
“Yeah- I don’t know, tried to work out to get tired but no dice.”
There’s another pause before Sami finally responds. “Jey- hm. I mean, you know I’m always here for you but uh… why did you text me tonight? I sorta thought that you hated me now.”
He flinches, his chest aching at Sami’s words. It’s his own fault, he’s given Sami no indication to think anything else of him as of late.
“Just been thinkin’ bout you a lot tonight. I-“ He swallows thickly. “I’m sorry for how things went down between us. How things gotta be now.”
Sami’s gut reaction is to protest, to argue that Jey does have a choice, that their path is not set in stone.
But it feels like a moot point now. He’s said it before, and surely he’ll say it again. And really is that what he wants right now? To fight? It’s not what Jey needs to hear either.
“I’m sorry too. I know… I know this isn’t easy for you.” He bites at his lip. “Been thinking ‘bout you too.” It comes out rushed and half mumbled. Might be a blessing, maybe Jey didn’t hear him.
“What was that last part, Sami?”
Of course he won’t let him off the hook that easy.
“I uh- you’ve been on my mind tonight, that’s all.” He can feel the blush blooming across his face. Jey certainly doesn’t need to know exactly what he was thinking about.
There’s a tiny noise on the other end of the line that was so quiet he almost thinks he imagined it. Then Jey coughs.
“So uh- listen, this might sound crazy, but we both up right? What hotel you in, uce? Maybe we can get some waffles or sumthin?”
Sami’s heart feels like it can’t possibly beat any faster. “Drury Inn, off the highway.” He responds in one breath.
“Shut up,” He hears a smile in Jey’s voice, familiar and dear. “Me too- you alone?”
He shakes his head as if Jey can see him. “Nah, surprised you can’t hear Kev’s snores honestly.”
Jey laughs, “Wanna get outta there? We can talk in my room.”
“Gimme the room number- I’ll be right there.”
Jey paces the floor in his room after the line goes dead. He’d given Sami his room number. Sami was coming to his hotel room. Alone. In the middle of the night. This was such a bad idea.
The late hour was making him think stupid thoughts, that had to be it. Because the way Sami had sounded when he said he’d been thinking about Jey- well he dared to hope for a moment.
Two soft knocks come from the door, and Jey pauses, pinches his nose and takes one big breath to steady himself.
He crosses the room in a few strides, opening the door. He’s here. he’s here.
Solid and real in front of him stands Sami Zayn. He’s swimming in a hoodie, and Jey prays that it’s not Kevin’s.
His face is an unreadable mystery, his smile not quite reaching his eyes in the carefree manner he’s used to seeing, but it’s better than the pained looks of anguish that Jey’s become unfortunately accustomed to over the last month.
He’ll take what he can get.
“Ey man, c’mon in.”
Sami nods and enters the room. The door shuts behind them and the sound causes Jey to wince.
It’s a double room, Sami sits on the undisturbed bed precariously and Jey mirrors the action.
They don’t say anything for a moment, but Jey can’t take his eyes off him and Sami’s eyes stare back just as intensely.
“Fuck this,” Jey stands suddenly and gets into Sami’s space.
Sami stands, and he can’t stand the face he’s making, like he’s prepared for a fight.
He doesn’t get out another word, Jey’s hands are on either side of his face, careful, so careful not to hurt, just to hold.
Jey doesn’t think, doesn’t allow the doubts and the everything to cloud what he’s feeling right now. And all he wants to do is kiss this silly man in front of him.
So he does.
The short walk from Sami and Kevin’s room to Jey’s gave Sami just enough to begin panicking.
There was a sick feeling, guilt from earlier bubbling up in his stomach and washing over him like waves.
He stared at the door for longer than he should have. He tries to find his bravery again. Jey wouldn’t have invited him over if he didn’t want to see him. Though Jey also didn’t know all the dirty things that Sami things about, maybe he would reconsider if-
Sami banishes the thought with a quick slap to his forehead, girds his loins and knocks on the door.
A moment goes by, then he hears Jey’s footfalls from within before the door swings open.
Hearing Jey over the phone had been one thing- now being in his presence, seeing him like this in the flesh? Sami fights to smile, keeping his mouth shut for fear of what might come tumbling out of his mouth if he actually starts talking.
The light is low in the room, he shuffles to the free bed opposite the one where Jey had clearly been trying to sleep- this was such a bad idea. This was such a bad idea.
Jey sits across from him, and just looks. Just looks at Sami, staring with those beautiful doe eyes that have plagued Sami’s dreams and waking thoughts for months. He can’t fathom what is face is doing, he fights for neutrality but, but then Jey is standing- god his lovesick guilt is all over his face, isn’t it? Jey’s disgusted with him, ready to throw him right back out into the hallway with a new set of bruises for his troubles. Sami stands, breathing Jey’s name, a half-hearted plea for what he doesn’t even know.
But Jey does something he would have never expected.
His hands find both sides of Sami’s face, softly cradling him in their warmth. He’s so close suddenly, face only inches away from Sami’s own, and he can smell the sweet coconut scent of Jey’s body oil.
And then…
Jey is kissing him.
All of the noise in Sami’s head goes completely silent. He can’t think, can’t move, can’t breathe because Jey is kissing him and it’s everything he’s imagined but better because he’s real and solid and here.
By the time Sami processes what has just happened, Jey is backing away with panic in his eyes- why is he moving away?
“Jey, wait- please!” He’s across the room, as far as he can physically get, pacing and avoiding Sami’s eyes.
But Sami won’t let it end like this, no when he’s so close to getting what he wants. He’s become an expert at understanding the enigma that is Jey Uso over the last few years, knows how to read his body language that is just as complex as any of the other languages Sami knows.
And he can speak it back.
Sami launches himself across the room, catching Jey off guard, crowding into his space, pushing him against the wall.
“Please don’t run from me again,” he barely gets out before smashing their lips together.
Jey melts underneath him, all the tension bleeding out of his body before he starts kissing back ferociously.
They kiss like they fight, a messy violent dance, semi-choreographed with some slight improvisation along the way. Their noses knock together, their teeth clash. It’s visceral and it’s perfect.
“I’m sorry-“ He gasps for breath between bouts. “I’m sorry I didn’t respond at first- it was like I was dreaming all over again.”
Jey laughs hot breath into Sami’s mouth. “Oh so you been dreamin’ ‘bout me huh?”
Sami laughs a little maniacally, grabbing Jey’s curls and biting at Jey’s lower lip. “Oh you have no idea.”
Jey’s hips jump against his- too much, not enough. “You know this- uh, ah- this ain’t what I had in mind, invitin’ you over.” He kisses Sami again anyway. “Wanted to talk-“
Sami wraps his arms around Jey’s waist, pulling him back towards the bed keeping him close, afraid to let more than a few inches come between them now.
He turns them around before they reach the bed, letting Jey fall back into the rumpled blankets before climbing over him, breathing hard as he catches his breath.
He sees the evidence that Jey is just as affected by their actions as he is, his dick throbbing painfully in his briefs.
“Okay- we could uh- talk now, or uh-“
Jey cuts him off with a kiss before grinning. “Later, Sami. Tryin’ to kill me here?”
Relief floods through him and he drops his weight to cover Jey completely with his body and connect their lips once more.
Jey’s mind can’t quite keep up with everything that’s happened, but he’s certainly not going to question anything.
Sami had led him to the bed, now held himself up overtop of Jey, bracketing him on all sides, and Jey can barely think beyond the throb of his dick in his sweats.
Sami looks nervous again- the way he did when Jey let him into his room, that faraway haunted look that he hates to see mar Sami’s features. He promises that they’ll take later, and that’s enough for Sami to smile again
Jey kisses him, with more depth and fervor than before, his lips parting to let his tongue dart out to taste Sami’s lips.
He runs his tongue over the bitten rough texture like a balm, like maybe he could cure Sami of the habit with his touch alone. A foolish thought. Sami lets him in, breath mixing between their mouths until they breathe and move as one.
His dick becomes impossible to ignore, spurred on just by the friction against Sami’s thigh.
Jey comes up for air with a plea, “Clothes- Sami, please.” In any other context he would be embarrassed by the tone in his voice, but he doesn’t have a spare fuck to give right now.
Sami moves, pulling him up by the arm. Jey yanks his own shirt over his head and yeets it in the general direction of his bag. He smiles like a shark and grabs Sami’s shirt by the collar and tears it from his body.
“Hooollly shit,” Sami says, but Jey’s eyes are glued to the rise and fall of his chest and the blush that covers his exposed chest. He’s seen Sami shirtless a million times, but never like this, never where he could touch. He puts his hand on Sami’s pec, letting his fingers brush through the soft hair before his thumb brushes against a puffy pink nipple. He rubs a slow circle and listens in fascination as Sami’s breathy moans get higher in pitch.
Jey thinks he could stay just like this for hours, but his dick throbs for attention and there are so many other things he wants to learn.
He lets up on his assault to Sami’s left nipple, and shoves his shorts down to free his erection at last, and Sami’s eyes go wide.
“Jey- are you, we don’t have to do anything like that tonight- I want you to be sure…”
He fights the desire to rolls his eyes. “I look unsure to you, Sami?”
Sami laughs, full and warm, letting his forehead fall to rest against Jey’s. “Guess you got a point there- I’m just, I’m so happy.”
The smile on his face is irresistible, and Jey has no choice but to kiss him again, running a thumb over Sami’s cheek.
When he has the ginger good and distracted, Jey darts his hand down to divest Sami of his shorts too.
“We even now,” Jey grins.
Sami giggles- somehow now being here with Jey, naked as the day they were born, he feels light and free. Like all his worries are miles away where they cannot touch him.
“Jey, kiss me please.” He breathes, and his request is fulfilled when he gets an armful of Samoan lips-first invading his space.
They fall backwards, tumbling into the sheets. Jey’s lips brush against his, sweet, addictive, each kiss leaving him craving another, wanting more.
He licks into Jey’s mouth, savoring the taste of him.
Sami does his best to catalogue each sensation, committing all of this to memory. Each sensation, the way Jey smells and tastes, the soft feel of his skin.
He detaches from Jey’s mouth with some difficulties and moves to kiss him anywhere he can reach, licking under the line of Jey’s beard before moving to his neck. He nips lightly at Jey’s earlobe, just next to the gold hoop he wears.
Jey lets out a broken moan and it’s music to his ears. “Let me hear you make that sound again.” He sucks the earring and the sensitive lobe into his mouth, feasting on the noises it brings out of his lover.
Their dicks slide together, slick with precum, and Sami can’t help but lean into the sensation. He holds onto Jey, tightly gripping a thigh and shoulder as he rocks their erections together, starting a steady pace that feels like heaven.
“Jey- fuck, feels so good, you feel so good-“
Sami’s silenced by Jey’s mouth on his, delving in as they grind against each other.
One of Jey’s hands snakes down to wrap around both of their lengths, holding them together in his wide grip and adding to the friction.
“Gettin’ close, Sami.” Jey breathes into the small space between their lips.
Sami fights for each delicious breath. “Ah, me too. Wanna feel you.” He joins his hand with Jey’s, spurring them both towards the edge.
He can feel Jey’s muscles tighten, feels how he’s effecting this man that he’s longed for, ached for for so long. It’s enough to swell the hot pit of desire and send him shattering in release.
Jey groans beautifully and his cum joins the mess on their hands.
Before he can really think about it, Sami pulls their hands to his mouth, letting his mouth wrap around Jey’s fingers, lapping up their combined release.
Jey’s lips part, staring at him in wonder. “Fuckin’ hell, Sami- you tryin’ to kill me?”
Sami licks at his lips after he deems their hands clean, and can’t help but giggle, sending Jey into a fit of laughter with him.
They collapse into the bed, Jey’s arms wrapping around Sami as he takes the position of little spoon.
Jey buries his nose into Sami’s disheveled curls and lets out a long sigh.
Sami threads their fingers together and kisses the back of Jey’s palm.
“I can’t stay here tonight.”
Jey sighs again. “I know.”
“And I can’t just abandon course now, as much as I want to. Can’t exactly come back to the Bloodline- and Kevin…”
Behind him, he can feel Jey tense up. “What’s that fool got to do wit’ it?
Sami turns over to look him in the face. “Jey- you know it’s not like that with him. But he is my friend and I’m sure he won’t be thrilled, but that’s beside the point. Jey- we’ll have to fight each other. And I don’t know how often we’ll even get to see each other.”
“So I’m saying this will be difficult as long as you remain with the Bloodline. Jey, you know how I feel about it-“
Jey lays his hand gently against Sami’s face. “i know, Sami. I know.” He shakes his head as he speaks. “It ain’t easy to leave your own family neither, but-“
“I’m willin’ to try. You been right, ‘bout a lot of things. Can’t stand the way Big Uce been acting lately. And Solo been damn near brainwashed, does whatever Roman says.” Those big eyes stare into Sami with full force as Jey takes Sami’s hand again, returning the gesture by kissing their combined palms. “N’ I wanna try this with you.”
Sami’s chest feels ready to burst. “Really? It’ll be really hard, we’ll have to keep things secret for now, until you’re ready to leave- are you sure?”
Jey nods, “It’ll be worth it. We gon’ figure it out.”
He feels his eyes getting heavy, it has to be close to morning at this point, and he really needs to get back to his room before Kevin wakes from his beauty sleep.
“We will,” He murmurs, letting his forehead rest against Jey’s again. “I should go.”
Jey steals a quick kiss.
Then another.
Sami giggles. “Jey!”
“C’mon, not fair.”
“Wut?” Jey’s grinning like a mad man between pecks.
“You’re killing me here, Uce.” Sami pushes at his shoulder playfully.
Jey ducks in for one more but he makes a face. “Ugh no, you can’t call me Uce no more bruh.”
Sami can’t stop laughing. “No Uce, but bruh is okay?”
“Yeah bruh,” Jey’s smile is just infectious, but Sami rolls his eyes dramatically.
“I’ve changed my mind- you’re weird actually.” Sami pulls a frowning face, but he can barely keep the act together.
“Really?” Jey’s head tilts and he looks like a puppy and Sami can’t handle it.
“No,” He can’t help but kiss him again, and Jey wraps his arms around his neck, pulling him in again. for a longer kiss. “No, Jey! I have to go, for real.”
Sami breaks them apart, soft smile never leaving his face as he extricates himself from the bed. He looks around for his shirt as Jey just watches him from the bed. He’d burn the whole world down to keep this expression on Jey’s face, but.
“Are you sure?” He pauses with his shirt in hand. “Are you sure about this? I mean you know I want you to get away from Roman, but you don’t- I mean am I worth all this?” Sami worries at the skin of his thumb.
Jey frowns, sitting up to take Sami’s hand in his again. “Yeah, Sami. You are, for real.”
Sami feels the tension bleed out of his shoulders. He has no other option than to trust Jey, and for better or worse, he trusts Jey implicitly.
The expression on Jey’s face changes, and he looks down at their connected hands.
“I’m in this Sami- I’m tired of lyin’ to myself all the time, pretendin’ none of this matters. I been thinkin’ bout it a lot actually- and I’m serious about this, ‘bout me and you.” He still doesn’t look back at Sami’s eyes. “Are you?”
Sami takes Jey’s chin in his hand, tilts his face so Jey has no choice but to meet his gaze. “I am, Jey. It scares me how much sometimes.” He drops a kiss to the worry lines on Jey’s forehead.
Jey nods, “Okay- yeah, good. You still got my number right?”
Sami tugging his shirt on and shoving his feet into his shoes, nods. “Yeah, I’ll get in touch whenever I can get away from Kevin. Maybe I can talk it out with him in time, get him to understand. He can be a pain in the ass, but he means well.”
“Whatever you say,” Jey makes a face. “But Jim just as bad, and Solo been watchin’ me like a hawk since I been back.”
He nods, and shoves his hands into his pockets. “We’ll figure it out- we will.” He takes another step toward the door, and Jey gets up suddenly.
“Wait, Sami-“
“Jey-“ His hands are on Sami’s face again, and he crushes their lips together.
“I love you,” Jey’s eyes are wide, staring at Sami as he tries to process the words that he said. “Not like my brothers, not anymore, hell maybe even not back then. You ain’t gotta say it back, I just…”
It feels unreal, like the mirages that plagued him earlier, but Jey is real, solid beside him. Being vulnerable in ways Sami couldn’t have imagined.
He rubs his thumb against the soft skin of Jey’s cheek, uses the momentum to card his fingers through Jey’s hair soothingly.
“Jey, I’ve loved you for… I don’t even know how long at this point. I couldn’t stay in the Bloodline, I wasn’t strong enough to endure what Roman put us through, not like you. But you were the reason I stayed as long as I did. It broke me to leave you there alone, if my hand hadn’t been forced…”
Jey brushes their lips again. “No use thinkin’ bout it now.”
Sami nods. “But if you’re worried I’m not in this as much as you, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I love you Jey, so much that it’s kind of ruining my life.” He laughs in spite of himself.
“Well at least we on the same page with that,” Jey smiles and Sami can’t help but feel hope. That maybe somehow all of this will end up okay.
He kisses Jey one more time. “I really do need to go,” He checks his phone in his pocket, it’s nearly 4:30 in the morning. “I’m gonna hate myself in a few hours.”
“Me too,” Sami sighs. “Plus I gotta go deal with Kevin’s snoring.”
Jey raises one eyebrow. “You sure you ain’t wanna stay here?”
“I don’t know what would be worse, the snores or an interrogation if I’m not in bed when he gets up.”
“Fair- he can be uhh… loud.”
Can’t argue with that. He nods, “Yeah, that he can. Okay,” Just one more kiss can’t hurt. “I’m gonna go now.” One more brush of lips.
Jey steps forward toward the door, giving Sami no choice but to walk backward as they exchange short pecks. “Gotta get my hit here, Sami.”
Sami grabs the handle of the door, and gives Jey his best “serious” face. “Goodnight, love.”
Jey smiles a big cheesy grin. “Night, Sami.”
The door shuts, leaving him with the image of Jey’s toothy grin to warm him all the way back to his room.
Jey stares at the closed door for a long moment after it closes behind Sami. He sighs, just trying to process everything.
It’s late, and he really will hate himself when he has to get back up in less than 2 hours. He heads back towards the bed, turning out the lights before crashing back onto the bed.
He catches a faint whiff of Sami’s scent still on the sheets and fights a wave of sadness that threatens to wash over him. Sami loves him, they’re going to make this work. He has to be okay with missing him.
Jey checks his instagram reflexively, swiping through stories then his feed. The clock mocks him and his barely open eyes, and he’s just about ready to put his phone down and go to bed.
h. uce 4:35am- ily, go to bed lol
He tap backs the heart emoji, and puts his phone on the bedside, and lets himself drift off to sleep.
Hope you enjoyed!!! I really enjoyed writing this series 🥰
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coffeebanana · 7 months
WIP Reblog Game
Ooooh this one looks fun. Thanks for the tag @kasienda!
I always feel like I see the same games going around and for the most part I've played them before and I feel like I have nothing new to say, so it's exciting to find something new!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
everything i know (brings me back to us) - post-s5, post-adrinette break up ladrien fic
This Fire Won't Sleep Through The Night - alyanette princess/knight AU
Entangled - established ladynoir, post-hawkmoth angst, chat's ghosting lb. NSFW
Probably Not The Best Idea - ladrien roommates fic
Say Something - ladrien to prpr hurt/comfort in the aftermath of a sentireveal and gabe-is-hawkmoth reveal
I know I haven't updated Ladrien Roommates in almost a year and Say Something has been nearly as long but aksfbkdsjb I swear they're still on the list. Quite frankly it might take me a while to get back to Say Something though, because I'm just...very stuck. And I keep rethinking the next few chapters.
Also, Happier--my Adrigaminette WIP--gets an honourable mention in the priority list because I SWEAR I'm going to get back to it at some point 😭
Okay I'm super excited about the arc that the next chapter (which with a little luck may be posted today...) is going to set into motion. Especially because I don't think anyone quite knows where precisely I'm going with it...hehehe
Hm. I have one heart-to-heart scene I have planned for a few chapters from now where Ladybug gets to know Alya a little better and maybe starts to fall for her a little...
Looking forward to the next chapter!! Like, all of it! The thing is, I feel like I need a good chunk of time to really FOCUS on writing it. And I'm still navigating balancing writing time with my work schedule.
There's a little arc that will pop up in the chapter after next where Ladybug has trouble sleeping...and naturally there's no better way to fix that than for Adrien to invite her into his bed 👀
There is a conversation between Adrien and Kagami in the next chapter that was one of the reasons the length of this fic got out of hand 😂
Okay, I think I can find 10 new people to tag... @celestialtitania, @ck2k18, @saiikavon, @mostmagical, @monpetitchattriste, @heartfulselkie, @liiinerle, @hueynomure, @rosie-b, and @wehadabondingmoment
[I'm just now noticing--because apparently when i copied the title over i did NOT read it--this says WIP REBLOG game...which maybe means I was supposed to reblog the original post akjfbskjd. but uh. too late now I'm about to post this 😂]
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WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @loki-is-my-kink-awakening (two weeks ago but), thank you 💖 Currently in a writing slump so don’t have any active WIPs to share (beyond a vague list of bulleted ideas).
But thought I’d use the opportunity to share a scene I cut from one of my fics last year. The scene didn’t fit with the story but, hey, I find it silly and cute so I wanted to share it.
No pressure tags to @dewdropreader @lgwilt @blackbirdofasgard @mirilyawrites @dreamycloud @queen-of-meows @mimisempai @rins-love-wins and @loki-is-my-kink-awakening (right back at you!)
Mobius and Loki have wrapped a mission with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts…
Mobius took a sip of wine and looked at the dark blue ocean below him. The view was gorgeous. Maybe he should get that infinity pool for their vacation home Loki was always going on about. The god would definitely be demanding a remodel after seeing Tony Stark’s home now anyway. 
“That was a clever trick you pulled today,” Pepper said, coming to stand beside him. “How did you know to bait Slattery with an unfinished Shakespeare manuscript?” 
“Oh, I know you probably can’t tell from my youthful glow, but I’m a lot older than I look,” Mobius chuckled. “I’ve run into a few Trevor Slatterys in my time. They’re surprisingly opportunistic. Figured besting Shakespeare would be too hard for him to resist.”  
“Hm, I see Loki’s not the only clever trickster around. You make a good pair. I imagine he keeps you busy.” 
“You have no idea.”
“Tony thinks you make a good pair too. Although, he thinks it's because you’re opposites.” 
“You don’t?” Mobius asked, turning to face Pepper. 
Pepper shook her head. “No. I think you make a good pair because you’re more similar than you appear. You give him hope that things can be different, see the good in him he doesn’t see himself. And, I suspect, he does the same for you.” 
A contemplative silence filled the air between them. Mobius looked towards the horizon. The stars were only just beginning to appear in the purple twilight sky. A billion worlds in this timeline, safe because of their actions today.  
“Well then,” Pepper continued, “shall we see how our boys are doing? I’m a little nervous leaving them alone so long.” 
“Loki won’t hurt anyone.” 
“Oh, it wasn’t him I was worried about.” 
The pair made their way downstairs to Tony’s workstation where, sure enough, they found the two embroiled in a heated argument. 
“No, stop. Don’t touch that!” Tony swatted Loki’s hands away from some odd-looking contraption on the table before them. 
“I’m not going to break anything,” Loki huffed. 
“Says the guy who destroyed half of New York City.” 
“I’ve already apologized. Twice! Now, will you just-” 
“Ack! I said no touching!” 
Loki rolled his eyes and stepped away. He raised his hands in mock surrender before he flicked his wrist. In a flash of green magic, a piece connecting two parts of the invention fell and was replaced with a glowing piece of metal from across the room. The machine buzzed to life. 
“There,” Loki sighed, “see. It works.” 
Tony gazed wide-eyed at his invention with a cock of his head. “Now that. Hm.” He looked down at his tablet. “I hadn’t…. These readings… How did you do that?”  
“You Midgardians have such a narrow view of science,” Loki grumbled. “I simply harnessed the power within the system you built and re-routed it through a more malleable conductor. Without the restraints, the energy can flow more freely, giving life to itself, creating an indefinite loop.” 
“Huh. That… that works.” 
“Obviously or I wouldn’t have done it. Where I come from, magic and science are one and the same, and I happen to be an excellent mage.”  
Tony glanced back at his tablet once more before he returned his gaze to Loki. His eyes glistened with barely restrained excitement. “Okay smartass, how would you fix this?” 
Tony steered Loki to the back of the room where a suit labeled Mk 22 took a few unsteady steps and collapsed in a heap of metal. Loki tilted his head in eager curiosity and began to work. Magic swirled around him while he murmured explanations to Tony who seemed to hang on every word. It wasn’t long before the two were lost in their own world, debating and testing theories far beyond anyone else's understanding. 
“You’re right,” Pepper chuckled beside Mobius, “they are cute together.”  
“Huh, what was that Pep?” Tony asked. 
“What are you two talking about?” Loki interjected. 
“Oh, did I show you their wedding photo?” Mobius asked, fishing his TemPad out of his pocket. “Adorable.” 
He pulled up the photos he’d saved from Timeline 465281 and passed the TemPad to Pepper. 
“Mobius, whose wedding photo?” Loki repeated while he and Tony approached hesitantly. 
“Aw, Tony! You’re so happy, look!” Pepper shoved the TemPad, equipped with the wedding photo of Loki Odinson and Tony Stark, into the Avenger’s face. Tony’s complexion grew worrying pale while Loki’s face took on a distinctly green hue. 
“I’m sorry,” Tony began in a choked voice, “but in what universe-” 
“Universe 465281 apparently,” Pepper supplied, scrolling through more photos. “You two get your puppy to be ring bearer?? How cute is that?” 
“Might I inquire the location of the nearest restroom?” Loki asked. “I suddenly feel the urge to vomit.” 
“Nope, not in my restroom you’re not," Tony said. "Actually, I think it’s time for you to go. You’ve overstayed your welcome.” 
“For once we are in agreement.” With a poof of magic Loki was dressed back in his standard TVA suit. He straightened his tie. “Tony, I say this with the deepest sincerity, please try to keep out of trouble. I'd really rather not be called in to save you again."
“Right back at you, Bambi,” Tony quipped. 
“Ugh, I’ve already told you,” Loki seethed, barely restrained magic sparking at his fingertips, “I don’t like that-”
“Okay, let’s go.” Mobius steered Loki towards an already open timedoor. “Pepper, Tony, a pleasure. We’ll keep an eye on your timeline for a few days. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll cross paths again."
“Yeah, no. If I have any luck at all, see you never. Buh-bye now,” Tony finished. 
Mobius and Loki stepped back to the TVA. Mobius turned laughing, ready to apologize for keeping the information about Timeline 465281 a secret, but found himself suddenly wrapped in a tight hug from the god. 
“Oof, hey there Lokes. I know I get jealous sometimes but, trust me, I’m not concerned at all about you running off with-” 
“Are you okay?” Loki interrupted quietly. He pulled back with an examining gaze. “What do you need from me? I know today was difficult for you.” 
Mobius’ heart softened at the compassion on Loki’s face and he pulled Loki in for another hug. His headache had long since subsided but his brain was still foggy and he felt more exhausted than he had in months. 
 “I’ll be alright. Thank you Loki. Thank you for seeing what I have a hard time seeing myself.” 
Loki tightened his arms around Mobius and laid a kiss to his brow. “I’m just glad I was there to help you today. You are there so often for me, please don’t shut me out anymore. I want to be here for you. We all want to be here for you; you’re not alone anymore.”   
“I know.” 
The TemPad in Mobius’ pocket gave an obnoxiously loud trill. He’d never heard that sound before. Mobius flinched and pulled it out of his pocket, what was going on now? He let out a soft chuckle of surprise when he saw the message that flashed across the screen. 
728 hours worked. Caseload for Agent MMM5313 frozen. Mandatory vacation required. 
“Well,” Loki smirked, looking over his shoulder, “I see B-15 is putting her Deputy Director privileges to good use. You’re not going to try and argue with her on this, are you?” 
“No,” Mobius laughed. “I’m not. She’s right. I could definitely use a vacation.” 
“Well then Director,” Loki hummed. “Where shall we go?” 
“You know… I was thinking you might be right about a remodel to our vacation home. What do you say we give Stark a run for his money and see who can make the best Malibu beach house?” 
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steddieunderdogfics · 6 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: MISSBERRYCAKE! They have six fics posted to AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and five of them posted to the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by Missberrycake:
When the Sun is High (I'll Meet You in the Woods)
An Act of Grace
If I Loved You Less.
The Wonder
"I'm nominating missberrycake for a spotlight because I've loved a number of her works that I think have been underappreciated. Her pieces can be quite melancholy, but I think are really lovely and always leave me feeling content. She writes dialogue and characters in a very believable and layered way. I first came across her after her most popular fic, though I think she's done some fabulous ones since!" -- anonymous
Below the cut, Missberrycake answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Ooh, I have a long and storied past with shipping and, while I've been a Stranger Things fan since the start, I hadn't really picked up any shipping threads until S4. I think Steve and Eddie have a great mix of that jock and loser dynamic and enemies to lovers vibe that works really well - but also the ending to S4 was really ripe for some good angst storytelling. A little reminiscent of Stucky or Reddie.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Hm. I'm not sure. I am a sucker for time travel, but I don't think I've red too much of that. Probably slow-burn - I just love being frustrated!
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Well … according to my most used tags on Ao3, it's AUs and Time Travel, and Friends to Lovers shows up there as well, which all sound right. I know that I'm enjoying a book or show or whatever when I think, I need to write and AU of this!
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Ahh! That's too hard - I have a lot of bookmarks for fics I love! It’ probably a battle between Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree and standing up the dead by heartofwinterfell. The first is so gah, you know? So romcon. The latter, I love the concept. Even though it's Max-led, Eddie is fabulously done in that fic, for sure.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Not really - ideas tend to swoop in when I'm not actively thinking about it. I have had a niggling little thought about a folklore esque cryptic came back wrong story, something creepy, you know. But we'll see!
What is your writing process like?
Overly organised! I'm a planner, so I need to know what the ending is before I start - I will generally map out acts and scenes and character arcs before I write the first sentence, which I think helps me immensely so that I don't have to do so many edits later.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I'm sure I must do, but I don't know about them. I guess - I'll tend to write all my dialogue in a scene first as a but of a template and then fill in the gaps.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Oh, when I've finished for sure. The only time I've ever abandoned a fix was when I posted as I was going on a schedule and it really killed the enjoyment of it for me - too much pressure on timing and the lack if ability to go back and fiddle with things.
Which fic are you most proud of?
I'll stick to my Steddie fics, so it would have to be An Act of Grace, for the Bigbang. I adore that fic, honestly, and worked really hard on it. I think it came out almost exactly how I wanted it and I was so excited when posting finally arrived!
How did you get the idea for An Act of Grace?
It was two things, really - firstly I had watched ‘Howards End’ with Joseph Quinn in and fully needed to see Eddie in the similar time period, I could not get it out of my head - the idea of a servant Eddie and aristocratic Steve came to me pretty quickly after that and was too perfect. Also, though, I wanted to do something with a distinctly English vibe to it (I am English!) - I sometimes feel a bit at sea writing USAmerican characters and settings, so something more familiar I though might work better for me.
When writing When the Sun is High (I’ll Meet You In the Woods), what was something you didn’t expect?
For it to be so popular, actually! Particularly as it was being posted. It's my most popular Steddie fic by a country mile and I'm really fond of it - trying to get a version of Steve and Eddie who had a history to work with canon was a fun challenge.
What inspired If I Loved You Less?
Well, its an Emma AU, so Emma! I was watching the most recent film adaption and NEEDED to write it, but I also loved Clueless growing up, so putting a modern twist on it made the most sense to me. The placement of characters in that story was very fun!
What was your favorite part to write from Blackbird?
The tree decorating scene, for sure. I love that part of Christmas myself, so I had a great time adding in little bits and pieces from people I know and traditions they have.
How do/did you feel writing When the Sun is High (I’ll Meet You In the Woods)?
Gosh, it feels like it was so long ago! I was just excited to get something out into fandom, I think, and to become part of the community.
What was the most difficult part of writing The Wonder?
Ooh, probably knowing that it wasn't going to do very well? 😄 I completely love that little fic, so to kind of keep it contained to just Eddie and Wayne - even mostly Wayne - was tricky. Sometimes less is more!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Hm. In the epilogue of An Act of Grace, Claudia gives a little speech about Steddie. I think I like that a lot for the way it kind of sums everything up so nicely. A bit of a snapshot of them as characters.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Nope! I've taken a bit of a break from writing at the moment, buy I've been at it for 13 years, so I'm sure I'll be back at it in the future.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Just to say thank you to whoever submitted my name! It's made my month, probably!
Thank you to our author, Missberrycake, and our anonymous nominator! See more of Missberrycake's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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silverskye13 · 6 months
I've been meaning to ask about this because I love love LOVE your writing but aren't really very deep into the hermitcraft fandom....
would I need to know anything prior to reading your hc fics? I've heard very many good things about redstone and skulk and I want to read it , but I dunno if walking in clueless is a good idea...
Oh. Hm. Well. I'm maybe not the best person to ask this, ironically. I have a hard time differentiating between actual common knowledge and fandom osmosis common knowledge. My thoughts under the cut because this might get long, but here are my, I guess, fandom initiation thoughts on my fics, for anyone curious?
Redstone and Skulk:
I think it can reasonably be read with little-to-no prior knowledge of the fandom. I do a decent job of explaining what the story is about, since most of it is original worldbuilding with (mostly) original characters. It's a mirror world, where in the main world death doesn't exist, but in the mirror world it does. All the mirror world characters are the bad parts / evil twins of the main world characters, and how they cope with that varies (and is sometimes explicitly stated). The first few chapters do a decent job of establishing this information, and I've had a few people mention RnS was either their first delve into hc fandom, or they had never been in the fandom and read it anyway because it came recommended by a friend. This signals to me it would be about like reading a sequel to a book series. You're clearly missing some establishing character stuff, and maybe some setting stuff, but you're not missing enough to be completely lost.
[basic knowledge of Minecraft mobs and game mechanics would definitely do you good, but that goes for all of these].
Monsters Splitting Hairs:
I personally think you can jump into this with no prior knowledge. All the characters are loosely based on the hc members they're named for personality wise, and place names [Octagon, Horsehead Farms] come from builds the players have made. Just about everything else is my personal world building though. The only upper hand knowing about HC will give you, is maybe cluing you in to who/what the different monster characters are before they're revealed [a la Rendog, who walks around with dog ears on his MC skin, is very obviously a werewolf in the fic.]
This fic is unfinished, and while I plan on finishing it eventually, it isn't being actively updated, and probably won't until RnS is done. It does have a lot of words on it though.
Hound's Tooth:
You need to know a lot of information to go into this one. Not only do you need to know a decent amount about the HC characters, knowing about both 3rd Life and Last Life is also kinda necessary, since the crux of the character motivation is Doc angsting over Ren doing Last Life after 3rd Life fucked up all his friends so bad the first time. Also, you need to know a decent amount about the early Octagon plotlines in s8 of Hermitcraft, the different adventure mode trial rooms they did.
This fic is finished.
Everything else I've written are ficlets, little one or two chapter deals. Anything tagged "RnS fic", you should probably read RnS before reading. Most of the others you need specific information for, since they're generally addressing topics that I had /just/ watched an episode for at the time, and I was responding to an idea or plot point being brought up. Anything with "Hels" or "Helsmet" in the tags or title, know it's about the mirror world and the evil twins.
I hope this helps?
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queen-of-elves · 1 year
Armitage Hux x reader - Modern Office AU + some background Reylo
Summary: You have been working for First Order for years now slowly giving up on the idea of your dream project ever gracing your presence until it finally happened, however, there is a slightly cold and rude problem, other team leader Armitage Hux. 
REQUESTS ARE OPEN (And I'm begging you to send me some)
A/N: There is not enough classic fanfics for Armitage and almost zero AUs so I am here to satisfy the bitches, it’s me, I am the bitches
+not betaread so be kind
Words: 5.8K
Warnings: some swearing probably, there is always swearing in my fics, talking about f themself cause corporate life is annoying, some inappropriate thoughts
Tags:@l0stinth3nightsky @this-harl0t-shant-be-unalive
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Everyone in the company knew how mean and bossy Armitage Hux was, even if you were from a completely different department, but this project was going to pull you in his inner work team and it terrified you to get first hand experience with him. You heard plenty of times how he made new interns cry and the older ones want to commit a suicide. So you weren’t exactly thrilled at working with him even on a project you have literally dreamed of since being accepted to work for the First Order company, the most prestigious company among prestigious companies. The project required two different departments that almost never interacted which also didn’t help.
You were ready for the first meeting between two departments, each under the supervision of completely different people and personalities, to be just a horrendous trainwreck. But Armitage Hux being the team leader of the other one? You didn’t have to be some kind of prophet to know this was going to be painful just to watch. Even though you were anxiously expecting disaster to occur in the first meeting, the sunshine side in you just had to shine through. So you had an exceptionally good morning, you were on time, had a delicious bagel and the sky was sunny, therefore there was no chance of Hux fucking up your day.
The office building was huge but not exceptional among the other skyscrapers littering the city, molding it into cement block maze. The windows provide enough clearance for you to see the busy people already moving around in the offices above, you even noticed some of your own team members anxiously waiting for your arrival while preparing the rest of the documentation for today's team meeting. 
You knew you were ready, your team also knew but that didn’t put to rest the anxious little monster growing inside your stomach. Still, you put on your best brave smile and entered the lobby, greeted the receptionist Clara and continued down the hall to wait for the elevator. Beeping your employee card on the scanner, to let you proceed to the elevator, put you right back into your morning routine, well, just for your coworker and a sort of subordinate, Rey bombard you with questions in the waiting line. 
“Did you hear it?” Her voice sounded an octave higher than usual or maybe it was just your tired brain not used to loud sounds yet, nothing a good old coffee couldn’t fix in minutes.
“Hm?” Your brain was still too tired to properly answer and so you only mumbled an acknowledgement to her question. Slow sips of your latté seemed to clear your mind a bit, thank god for sales like bagel plus free coffee at the local cafe otherwise you would be unusable these days.
“You know what I mean.” You were sure if you were to meet eyes with Rey, she would pierce you with that intense gaze. 
“The merge.” There was no merge, so far you weren’t even aware of any cuts in finances for this year or the one to follow. Whatever Rey was talking about was most likely just a bunch of bored employees gossiping and conspiring together, nothing major, nothing serious. This realization calmed you down even though The Merge sounded quite apocalyptic.
“I can assure you there is no merge, especially not between our two departments, Miss-” A voice interrupted but it did not intend to finish that sentence as if the owner was too busy to learn Rey’s name at all. He turned his attention to you, measuring you over, his calculating glare went over the ink stained hands to your low set black heels with that tiny cut on the left side you were so desperate to hide with black marker.
Armitage Hux waiting in front of the elevator for your arrival was definitely not on your list for today. He looked like a pristine image out of some magazine with men’s suits, his deep blue shaded suit with silver cufflinks perfectly paired with an expensive looking watch he was now checking printing itself in the back of your brain forever. Quite a nightmarish image of a handsome man with such a cold and cruel demeanor.
“You are both late. Meeting room 3 in 5 minutes.” And with that he was gone again, like a ghost, maybe he is a ghost of this building, stackup nitpicking cold monster that was stabbed by his tired employee centuries ago and now has to haunt the rest of you. He didn’t even turn around making you puzzle if he was truly addressing you.
“What’s going on?” Whisperyelled Rey, her wide eyes scanning the surrounding as if Armitage was going to pop up from the corner to remind her she has now 4 minutes left to be present in the meeting room.
“Trouble.” You simply answered your bewildered friend, there was no better answer to it after all. The morning you dreamed of was slowly fading into a nightmarish mess but at least you had now caffeined your brain enough to proceed to normal functions. Plus your team had your back, there was nothing to be afraid of except Armitage Hux and he was simply a man in a suit. Just an ordinary man in a tailored suit with a stoic expression.
And you were right, the team really had your back but Armitage definitely didn’t, he was mean and bossy and nitpicking and just so fucking insufferable. However, the meeting ended with both departments and their leaders arriving at a consensus, not a happy one. It almost reminded you of those messy divorce screaming matches in tv shows, except this was veiled in professionalism and formal language.
Of course your suffering didn’t end just as did the meeting, he was probably a sadist, prolonging your pain with his “Word?”. You were sure it wasn’t even a question, it was just an order for you to follow him straight to his office.
Armitage Hux’s office was neat as it can be, if it weren’t for the few scattered papers on the desk you would guess this was one of those exhibitions of furniture in Ikea. Well, even the Ikea display has more personality, some fakeass photos of happy couple/family. His office is neat until it’s bare, devoid of indicating anything about the owner’s personality. 
That’s kinda sad.
“Listen, I know that the project is not top notch of the quality it could be but I think we have a solid plan we can now expand upon.” You had to win this argument, you wouldn’t let him defeat you over a project you so desperately wanted for years. So, if he wanted to fight you were ready to bare teeth at this twig in a suit. 
“Oh, and before you say it’s-,” you couldn’t even finish before he interrupted you, “acceptable.”
 “What?” You blurted out, completely stunned by his remark. Did Armitage Hux, after all that tousling about in the meeting room, admit the plan your team created is acceptable. Yes, there were few changes happening after the “discussion” of both teams but nothing you have not foreseen already that also didn’t mean you were happy with said changes. But consensus between two completely different departments is everything the leadership asked for.
“The proposal is acceptable, I don’t understand why I should be doubtful, so far you have only proven to be a valuable asset for the company.” Armitage was always the epitome of professional and now he was complimenting you. He was complimenting you, right? Maybe you had too much coffee, maybe you had not enough coffee and maybe God was spinning on his chair and laughing at you up in the sky.
“Oh, thanks. I will take it as a compliment, even though you sound like a formal email impersonator.” Gosh, did you really just say that to him? There was a cold sweat pooling down your back, anxiety ranking up. Was he going to yell at you for such a statement, what you have heard so far it wouldn’t be unusual for him to yell at people over smaller things.
“I don’t.” His expression could be only described as a deadpan expression. It’s actually kinda funny, not entirely scary. He doesn’t laugh, noted, but you do and you also make people laugh and so you set your new target.You almost look around to see a hidden camera or an entire camera crew as if in The office. And while you amused yourself in your mind Armitage sported back his expression to emotionless stare before turning his attention back to the documents on the desk. 
“You do.” A small laugh escaped your lips at that moment and with his attention divided elsewhere you took it as an ideal time to run away exit the situation and also the office.
But before you could escape this storm of a man, he had to add. “Until the next meeting I expect you and your team to finish said plans.” And with that the conversation and mess of a morning comes to an end. However, there is still a lot of time for unexpected surprises before the day ends.
And so it began, the little you running circles in your brain over the thoughts of your new co-leader, the cold redhead slowly sneaking in your head again and again. It helped the clock to tick faster which was a good thing but the constant train of thoughts disassembling every part of your interaction with him over the time was like a cold shower every single time.
The last time you checked the clock read 5 minutes after 8pm and with that you started to pack your things ready to head home, have little dinner and continue with the paperwork over a random kdrama playing as a background noise. And as you bid everyone goodbye you noticed Armitage’s crouched figure in his office, going over some even more boring paperwork than was the one waiting on you at home. It was probably true, the first one to be in the office and the last one to leave that was Armitage’s schedule.
And so you set your mind on a new plan, a horrible and cruel plan to ruin your late morning and exchange it for an early cold shower wake up and speed walk to a cafe not only for your favorite bagel but also a special delivery of coffee.
God, what am I even doing this early?
When the alarm buzzed you were around 100% sure you were making a mistake. Waking this early should be a crime. No, It is a crime. Especially when you were a busy little bee like you always are and spent the whole night until 3am working. But part of you knew it was going to be worthy, today was the day you were going to crack that tough ice cold exterior of Armitage’s facade.
If waking up this early wasn’t a mistake the cold shower definitely was but in all honesty you were just afraid you would fall asleep on the bus, so cold shower it was. In the end it was kinda worthy, you got your favorite bagel without having to wait in long line; got another free coffee, you had no idea if the sale was still on or if you just looked so terrible they felt sad for you and just had to give it to you; you also got Armitage his coffee and as a big finale you were on time, actually very early overall. 
The office was ruefully empty. And there was no Rey to talk to, you knew she wasn’t going to be in the office until 9am but you still hoped even she would find the idea of early start amusing. In reality you expected to get laughed at when she finally decides to grace the office with her presence.
You might have felt alone in the empty corridors of the building but it was not so empty after all. The curtain might have been drawn but you could see a slim light escaping in between them from his office, the artificial light was definitely not sunshine. 
He must have stayed up all night.
Mustering courage you knocked on his door before waiting on an invitation to let yourself in. It was useless, there was no sound coming from the office and so you knocked again and then again. Realizing he was not going to answer you decided to open the door and check up on him anyway.
He was sleeping on his desk with his suit jacket over the chair behind him and loose tie around his neck. The dress shirt slightly crumpled at the edges, his red hair tousled around and neck craned in such an uncomfortable position you were sure of his incoming back pain.
“Knock, knock.” You tried to say softly, just lightly waking him up but instead you groaned, your voice still not comfortable from no use this morning, startling him awake.
“I-” His form jolted, eyes flying open and searching the room for the culprit of his rough awakening. Blue eyes finally gazing upon you, Armitage looked boyishly handsome that morning, it was not just the wide expression but the state of disarray you found him in.
You decided against speaking, part of you afraid your blushing form would say something stupid, the stupid thoughts of the redhead not leaving you alone. The, almost like a cardboard, coffee cup made an uncomfortable noise once you pushed it on the table toward its owner, making the moment even more awkward.
He took a slow sip, still not fixing his hair or attire and part of you wished he never would, it suited him and you probably liked it even more than it actually suited him. 
“How did you know what coffee I drink?” His voice still hoarse and laced with sleepiness painted your cheeks even more crimson red. God it made you imagine things, you didn’t even know from where the thoughts were coming but there was somehow no way to stopping them. Your view of Armitage Hux completely shattering and rearranging itself into a different image.
“It's just black coffee, Hux, I assumed you would like black coffee, you are like the embodiment of black coffee.”
“Thank you, that's very considerate of you.” His lips touched the cup in a cautious move before he took a sip, trying to hide his small smile but you noticed it, you definitely noticed it and you knew you won. You won Armitage Hux over with a simple gesture of kindness.
”Was it a compliment or?” You wanted to laugh and you wanted to see more of a happier Armitage from now on. You felt like you got closer to Hux at that moment, a possible friendship started to blossom between the two of you. 
“Who knows.” Shrugging, he moved on to finally fix himself a little, smirk still apparent on his lips complimenting his tired stare. In that moment you wanted to experience more moments like this and you sure were going to try.
Finally it was the day the board would either accept the project or deny it. You couldn’t sleep for two days prior and even before that you slept only around 15 hours in a week, you felt almost dead. Both of you, Armitage and you, were now staring at your notebooks, ready to receive the final answer to your now weeks long struggle. 
Armitage's notebook beeped, a notification sounding off, sending you flying across the desk almost into his lap, not even considering it could be a completely different email or even personal thing.
You and Armitage got closer, just as the both of your teams, over the weeks you spent on this project, countless nights together in the office seemed to harden your relationship even more. You had fun, Armitage was not only a hardworking perfectionist and handsome man, he was also very funny, like ridiculously funny in your opinion.
The email was long, like unnecessarily when it comes to formal corporal emails but the end of it was just so promising. Both of you skimmed over the words, searching for the phrases denied. There was none, the only thing in the end it contained was so sweet and wanted approval for your project, relieving you both of disappointment.
You were not sure who was the first, if you or Armitage, but now the both of you were jumping as high as you could while clinging to each other, a victorious hug. It could take only seconds or minutes, you squealing and Armitage yelling, hugging each other and jumping once again, but when it was over, the embarrassment in both parties was apparent. 
Anyone could come into this office at any time, it was not uncommon for most of the higher ranking employees to just not knock and barge in and if they saw the team leaders of the current biggest project in the company disheveled and out of breath, who knows what they would think.
There was a common understanding of this premise and so the following actions were understandable, while you tried to smooth your skirt down, Armitage did the same to his hair and also his tie. He was still out of breath and a bit flushed, his look of happiness making you warm again.
“You should trust your guts more.” And again with his disheveled appearance, this man was going to be the death of you for sure. And while he was busy sporting himself back into his usual calm and perfect form you had to admire how far the both of you have come. 
“Trust my guts? Armitage, I have a crippling anxiety.” Wholehearted laugh clawed its way out of your throat, making him smile. “That’s like the worst advice ever.” You continued still giggling like a little girl with your cheeks starting to hurt from all the happiness flowing inside you.
“I tried.”
“I appreciate it.” You gave him a small shy smile, your cheeks were still too warm for you to completely concentrate. “Thank you.” You whispered in the end.
“You are welcome.” Nodding fondly over this conversation, Hux gave you a smug expression, which you have completely missed because you turned your attention back to the documents you had to prepare for the next meeting.
“Even though you should be the one thanking me for my amazing advice.” Armitage chimes in, relaxed expression kept in place while he slightly nudged you in the ribs.
“Was it a joke?” Your face morphing into a shocked amused grin, you turned to him, observing the man momentarily. “Did Armitage Hux just make a joke?” You were not aware that Armitage Hux, the cold hearted redhead, could joke but you liked it and hoped it would stay like this for a while.
“I regret ever interacting with you.” You could see the slight smirk forming on Armitage's face when he spoke, unable to contain it. Since starting working on this project you and Armitage really got close, you would even call him your friend now. Yeah, he was still sometimes a cold prick but you could see the appeal of him. Handsome, smart and very passionate for his work with a decent sense of humor, Armitage Hux was definitely a catch. This project really opened your eyes when it came to him.
“You don’t.” Your elbow met what you firstly assumed would be a bony mass but in reality was well defined muscles under what you deemed was branded suit.
“I do.” He couldn’t fight the smirk off now. It was awfully obvious. The past you would probably be slightly horrified over the thought of Armitage Hux smirking. The picture of it being painted under the impression that he is obviously an evil corporate man. However, seeing him smirk now sparked something completely different in you. The silly picture of an evil man from a cartoon you used to hold in your mind when someone said his name was replaced with a charming looking redhead man in a suit with a warm aura around him. 
“Nah.” You felt silly, stupid and giddy over this man and how warm he made you feel even though everyone viewed him as a cold and mean man he never was. “You love it.” 
“Yeah, I do.” The stare he gave you made something carnal turn in you, it was not an alien feeling but with Armitage there was a new intensity to it. Red liquid heat pooled inside your belly under his loving gaze.
“I-I have to go and- inform the team, you know- so they like- know and- stuff.” You titered a bit, unsure how to continue such a conversation. Did Armitage Hux really make your heart skip a beat now? First he jokes and now he makes your heart flutter, the world truly is full of wonders
“Yeah, totally. I-” He seemed absentminded for a second, something you could hardly ever see on the young team leader’s face. Everyone might talk about his cold attitude but no one could deny how dedicated Armitage was to his work. Even though you weren’t from the same department you knew long before this project presented itself in front of you, that he was the first in the office and also the last one to leave. His workaholism seemed even more prominent with his quick responses to your emails regarding the shared project no matter at which hour you would send them. It was something worth admiring and fearing at the same time. And now you were the one stuck in their mind and still staring at him. 
“Hey, would you like- to go for a coffee or something?” His voice cracked in the middle, maybe it was trying to stop him from continuing but he still pushed through, the final bits of courage sending him past the finish line, finally asking.
“Your proposal is acceptable.” You tried to imitate his voice, those words as a reminder to the conversation you had with him after the first meeting.
“Thank god.” The relief on his face was comforting to see. Armitage was really keen to go out with you and it made you happy beyond anything.
Bonus little bits with Armitage’s POV:
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He really hoped he could avoid Ben this morning but luck seemed not to be on his side this time. Armitage and Ben have been friend-workers since they both started in the company. They actually knew each other even before since they both went to the same college. At first they were not awfully close, Ben liked to annoy the fuck out of Armitage while he was trying to enjoy his morning coffee, lunch or evening run. Basically destroying nice things he liked but somehow the two of them stuck together and formed a sort of friendship over some time. That of course didn’t change anything on Ben annoying him with every single ounce he had in himself, which was the exact reason he really wanted to escape him this morning. This perfect late morning, he decided to enjoy himself and to read in bed until it was completely necessary to go to work. He never did that but recent sunshine in his office seemed to brighten his life and mood all the time so why not to enjoy a slow morning, he was after all always on time for 5 years straight now.
Armitage could see Ben towering over the cubicles scattered over the big room on the second floor of the company building. Ben was currently laughing over something some brown haired woman said, Armitage recently learnt her name was Rey and Ben was incredibly fond of her. This information was obviously carefully and pragmatically locked down inside his brain to be used later if the time called for it.  
And so Armitage hoped he could silently walk down to his office without Ben annoying him so early in the morning, leaving him to reminisce about what today could bring him, especially if it was in the form of a cute co-leader he recently had the chance to meet. He was wrong, obviously, well not really, but yes, he was wrong.
The young redhead was correct when his thoughts browsed back to you and if you would be as cheerful in his presence as you were yesterday. What he however didn’t mean to summon was not only your attention but also Ben’s.
“Armitage!” And there you were, a sunshine smile and loud voice directing everyone's attention, including Ben’s, to yourself before they turned to see him.
He simply nods in acknowledgement without realizing his face was graced with a slowly spreading smile. Ignoring his previous distaste in morning conversation, giving her a small wave didn’t seem so annoying as greeting Ben.
“Well, well, well, who is trying to sneak by.” God, just his voice could irritate Armitage to death on most days but today it was exceptionally nightmare inducing.
“I wasn’t sneaking by. I was simply walking to my office.” He answers curly, not giving even a glance to Ben, his expression still souring into deadpan one.
“You should take your coffee with some milk, you are awfully bitter in the morning.” Ben sniggers, amused at his joke.
“You're the one who is quite giddy today. Did the board meeting yesterday go that well?” But Armitage is ready to fire back right at him.
“Nah, not really.” This finally got Ben to shut up and Armitage to go about his morning in silence.
“I didn’t think you were the type to go crazy over a woman.” Ben’s laugh is loud and childish, echoing on the open walls of the main hall between offices. 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” The look he gave to Ben was one of his favorites, offended and beyond believe irritated. It was a perfect illusion for him to uphold, ‘cause in reality Hux’s mind was in a midst of complete panic but still he kept on his killer pace to his office, maybe to lose Ben in the big space where the rest of the desk of their subordinates was located.
How much does he know?
This thought however, stopped Armitage in his walk, contemplating if he should address it more. And finally where he was sure his tongue wouldn’t twist itself in his mouth when he spoke of you, he turned around. 
“You talk like a cartoon villain, you know that, right?.” Ben’s tall form was not leaning on the side of one of the tables , his gaze partly fixed at his phone before it’s lifted to assess the redhead’s reaction. It was deliberate, it was all planned out, a humiliating and uncomfortable situation Ben could trap him in easily, to get all the answers he wanted.
Now he knew he couldn’t win against that ridiculous giant, this was always a losing game. If he took it too seriously Ben would admit to only be joking, trying to get a rise out of him, if he continued to ridicule or ignore his questions Ben would only tease him more, a truly lost game in Armitage’s eyes. “God, please go and do your job.” But still he could try to collect any advantage he could get his hands on, the advantage being taking everything and shutting himself in his office until the end of the day.
-collects all his things and gets up to leave
“I am working.” Ben’s cheerful voice still followed him, digging into his back in a teasing manner. “No, You are not!” Armitage was aware how his voice boomed through the office making some employees turn their heads over the ruckus but Ben was quite oblivious to his friend’s voice’s effect. He actually couldn’t help but laugh at his friend for moments still unaware of the attention he was given by his colleagues hidden among the various desks in that room. However, even Ben was deemed to notice the confused look he was given by one of the younger secretaries over the small cubicle wall.
“Sorry.” His hands flew up in an apology or a manner that reminded most of them of surrender, before he decided to lift himself up from the desk and proceed to an elevator. Ben of course caught a glimpse of her, so familiar brown haired woman who was already entering one of the elevators. Feeling his chance, Ben's quick walking, caused by his slight embarrassment from the situation prior, turned into jogging when he thought he was already out of sight for the rest of his colleagues.
“Hi.” The elevator was empty except for the said brown haired woman, she looked pretty, exceptionally pretty. Well, she always looked beautiful and so to level the playing field, Ben put on one of his charming smiles before he glanced her way.
“You should ask her out.” This was coldly stated in the midst of conversation about going for a drink since both of the men’s projects were going to finish soon. The sentence positively stunning Armitage into a statue with a cold sweat pooling slowly down his back while his dark haired counterpart continued to munch on his sandwich.
“Ask her out or I will.” This time those words were slurred between Ben finishing the prelast bite and attempting to stuff the rest of the sandwich in his mouth. Ben’s tall form was stashed between the seating area and one of the tables, he was crunched over but no one of it helped to not make him stand out in the crowd of eating people with his broad shoulders. Ben always towered over everyone, except over Phasma from accounting actually, but everyone else was a victim to his high stature. It was almost comical just as his words. Still, Armitage fumbled with his hands, dropping from one the document he was reading while not being able to control the other, his grip on the sandwich slipping until it unceremoniously slammed in his lap and into the napkin he thankfully unfolded on it.
“Ask her out or I-”“I heard you the first time.” Ben was used to Armitage’s cruel remarks or even interruptions but this was the first time he did so with such a vigor.
 “Why did you ask then?” There was a knowing smirk painted on his lips, the redhead falling into his trap one more time.
“I know you won’t ask her out.” This confused Ben greatly. What did he mean? The dark haired man adored teasing his pale friend on a daily basis but it was almost unheard of Armitage opposing him. He did attempt to oppose several times and it was not exactly as playful as Ben wished for, usually it consisted of Hux reminding him to get back to work and where is the fun in that? But this time, this time Armitage had something on Ben and he absolutely didn’t like it.
“Rey wouldn’t like that, would she now?” What was left of the knowing smirk on Ben’s face disappeared seconds after those words were muttered into the air between the two men. This time it was Ben who was left with red cheeks and ears, absolutely flabbergasted and fumbling hands with the wrappers of his now gone lunch.
Armitage didn’t even realize how organized you were but now that he had the chance to see inside your office he was lost for words. Who would have thought someone like you would have neatly organized folders with color marked projects and spreadsheets for time management not only for your team but your work.
“You are awfully organized.” He truly was in awe at how your space looked. 
“I expected to find a battlefield in your office but it’s- surprisingly tiddy?” He didn’t mean tiddy, he meant a perfect, absolutely and adoringly perfect environment for him to exist, something that almost seems to be made just for him.
“That’s kinda rude, Armitage.” He was not known for making a lot of people laugh, maybe Ben but it was more of a laugh at his own account, with you it was somehow ridiculously easy, apparently.
“I was complimenting you.” He objects, trying to defend his honor, it was not in his intentions to come off as rude as it might have seemed. 
 Again with the laugh.
“You should take it as a compliment. Organized people are h-,” he paused, gulping down his words until it weighed heavy in his stomach,”good.” 
“Good?” There was a suspicious smirk playing on your lips as if you knew what he wanted to say but Armitage almost sure you had no clue, you simply wanted to tease him a bit more.
 But God, what if you did catch his misstep? No, surely you didn’t. He gave you one more questioning look to make sure you were none the wiser. 
“Yes.” He had to clear his throat, to compose himself a bit by bit but there was an unbearable weight at his chest, almost too consuming. “For business. Organized people are known to be very reliable and hardworking employees.”
Yes, good. They are good. I totally didn’t mean hot. Because organized women are totally not absolutely hot. And I totally just didn’t realize it’s a thing for me. Ha ha. Please, act normal.
Armitage’s brain must have looked like a scrambled egg now, trying to unravel all his thoughts into a coherent solid state so he could function properly while unsuccessfully avoiding all his thoughts involving you and this office.
“Found it.” You held up a blue folder with a little yellow sticky note poking out of the main pages.
Oh, yes, the scripts for the main document, that’s what brought the two of you inside your office. That’s why he was now stuck between walls adored with shelves upon which sat dozens of cute plants. A complete opposite of his office but very cozy, it was obvious you decorated the room with a clear idea of making it a positive and comfortable environment. The purple sofa in the corner ideal for-
Yep, Armitage was fully aware he was fucked.
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room-on-broom · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tug by @marvellouslymadmim thank you so much me luv
Tagging @heathtrash @teapotteringabout @holdmecloser-gandydancer @womble1 @janetm74 @kiwi-cackles and YOU! and who else wants to do it! more questions under the read more
1. How many works do you have on A03?
48 (60 on fanfic)
2. What's your total A03 word count?
I've no idea, i messed up on my calculator and dont have the pactience to go back over it
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Stingray and Thunderbirds. and worst witch. its always worst witch
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Jabberjay-ded (128 vs 4 comments lol) Little Wizard, The Broken Hand mirror, Mildred's Monstrous Misadventures, (ah yeah witching kind!) and I saw Seven Idiots.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Fanfic.net dosnt let me reply any more??? but I do try to. even if its just a key smash and a thankyou. or if its an emoji spam i emoji spam back. I love those.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. The closest ones I could think of are Death's acquaintance and In grief we bake. I don't tend to do agnsty endings. even the sad ish ones are kind hopeful.
EDIT: JABBERYJAYED! I forgot!? litreally a hunger games fic ends up in devistation?? fool.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I couldnt narrow it down so top 2: I saw 7 Dogs and Christmas Cards
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Onlya few times in the past. two of those times were Worst witch ship trolls and just deleted them. one was my fault, i got uppity with an 'UPDATE NOW' comment and user just went a few my other fics being rude. againn deleted.
9. Do you write smut?
write yes. post no. (not yet-!) :o
10. Do you write crossovers?
yes. Ive have a good half a dozen under my belt and a couple in the works.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
angain no not that i know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I would count @teapotteringabout @kiwi-collideoscope and Princess Sammi as , the amount i've bouced ideas about with them.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Mary Poppins and Bert. the OTP before i knew what the internet was.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Froot, SEASICK and Cherrytree Carol. plus a bunch of WW ones. I keep picking them up but i feel like they might be left on the shelf a little longer.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and character voices. I also love mixing humour in too, even just a little sprinkle into sad bits and I think i do that quite well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot bunnies. and not finishing current WIPS. Ive made a mountain of improvement on that frount but yeah posting chapters before before the fics even 50% done. To the point ive sequeals to fics that are only two lines of an epic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Massivise kudos who can do that. not my forte. The closest I've come is writing the odd burst of ASL and BSL for Unshackled and Chest Compressions, and a pinch of welsh for Lucretia’s Baller but as yet Hypothetical Birthday Cake.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Corpse Bride (2005). a sad little fic for a le sad victor van dort.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ever? Probably have to Mildred's Montorus adventures. but Your mother and Mine's got a special place in my heartjust cos family and the catharisis .
Thank you!!
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gingerlegacy07 · 1 month
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Thank you @morelikeravenbore for the tag! I love answering these kind of questions and I loved reading through your answers!
I know I'm hardly known here on Tumblr, but that's fine. For those of my followers who are interested and because I find it fun to do, here are my answers to the following questions!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 21 works. Most of them are oneshots or oneshot collections, but I also have a trilogy and a currently ongoing chaptered story.
What's your total AO3 word count? Uhh.. *checks* 429.608. Most of them are from the trilogy.
What fandoms do you write for? On AO3 I only write for the Hogwarts Legacy fandom. A long time ago I wrote for the f(x)/EXO/SHINee fandom on Asianfanfics, but I have deleted that account.
Top five fics by kudos? Oh, I'll have to look that up.. hm, alright:
1. In the Shadow of Sixth year (97)
2. In the Shadow of Seventh year (68)
3. A Naughty Collection - Hogwarts Legacy (48)
4. Sense of Touch (44)
5. In the Shadow of Summer (43)
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to respond to every comment, but I must admit sometimes I'm not able to respond right away and I might forget to, but I think I have responded to nearly every comment on AO3. I live for comments and am always happy when someone took their time to write one.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't like angsty endings, but "Happier" does have an angsty/unhappy ending. Together with "You look Happier". Both are oneshots I wrote to the song "Happier" by Olivia Rodrigo and "Happier" by Ed Sheeran respectively.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hm.. considering all that happens in my trilogy, I'd say "In the Shadow of Seventh year", which is the final part, ends the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics? Not really. Only on one, but I still think that must've been a troll. They hated Poppy, yet commented on a oneshot that was Poppy centric (literally her and Ominis were the only characters in it). Other than that, no. Not that I am aware of at least.
Do you write smut? Yes. Though I don't write it in my chaptered stories. At most I'll have it heavily implied or some non-explicit foreplay. For my trilogy I made two seperate oneshots to write the smut. That way I leave the choice to the reader if they want to read that or not. It's not needed for the plot anyway.
Craziest crossover? None.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know. It's despicable some people actually do that.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not for this fandom, but back in the day on Asianfanfics a couple of my oneshots were translated in Vietnamese and Tagalog.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but if someone would want to, I'd be open for it.
All time favorite ship? Ominis x Poppy or Poppinis. When I first heard Poppy tell us about her family my immediate thought was like: I wonder what Ominis would think of that? And somehow that got me into shipping them and now I'm obsessed in love with them as a couple. And fun fact: it was my shipping them that got me into writing again after not having done so in over 8 years.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a lot of ideas, but only few of those I have started on. I tend to delete WIP's that I don't want to finish and the ones I do want to finish, I'll make sure to finish lol.
What are your writing strengths? Good question! But I think I'm good with writing certain emotions/feelings to the point the reader gains empathy for the character... other than that I really don't know. I try to be consistent with updates, do my research (to an extent) and try not to make any continuation errors.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I am totally fine with that (though I probably will never write it myself), as long as the correct phrasing is used and that the reader understands (or at least gets an idea) of what is being said.
But I do think it reads easier when the writer uses Italics to underline when a character speaks another language.
First fandom you wrote in? F(x) (Kpop group) back in 2012.
Favorite fic you've written? Definitely my trilogy "Shadows of Love" that consists of Part 1 "In the Shadows of Sixth year", Part 2 "In the Shadows of Summer" and Part 3 "In the Shadows of Seventh year".
The first part was my very first chaptered fic and the fact that I didn't only finish it, but wrote two more parts (25 chapters for the 1st part, 7 chapters for the 2nd and 45 chapters for the 3rd) and two smut oneshots accompanying it has been a major achievement for me and it really is my baby.
Special shoutout for my friends on Discord who supported and inspired me to continue! As well as all the readers (silent or not) who made me want to keep powering through! I love all of you!
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Thank you for whoever it was that made up these questions! I had a great time thinking about them and answering! As well as look through the stats of my works haha.
Np tags for @writingannyred @mspegasus17 @sallowslove and @zetadraconis11
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genshinconfessions · 13 days
So I read a fic and got a vague fic idea which than evolved into this
So au where Scara isn't a puppet made by Ei and is instead Makoto, EI and Scara are triplets with scara being the youngest :3
Okay so perhaps sometime before the cataclysm him and EI got into a very heated argument over something which resulted in him secretly travelling to other nations to get his mind of it. When he gets to Sumeru he ends up meeting Rukkhadevata and actually ends up getting along with her, and over the next many decades to perhaps around a century, he becomes friends with her and soon ends up helping her with her plan of purging the forbidden knowledge
When the cataclysm happens, Rukkhadevata appoints him as a guardian of Irminsul before plucking off the purest branch and putting who would become nahida into his care. Once she does this, she goes about her plan as in canon and purges most of the forbidden knowledge, passing on the seat of Archon to Nahida
I imagine in this au, Scara takes care of Nahida for what is a month in the real world but is really for about a year in the realm of Irminsul (since I hc that time works funky there) he teaches her the very basics of being a god and a bunch of random things since he both isn't that good at actually knowing what the hell a god of wisdom needs as building blocks and he had just lost his older sister (Makoto) and his friend (Rukkhadevata) in a such a short amount of time so he is probably grieving a lot and thus isn't probably the best caretaker for what is essentially a child. So he decides to put her in the care of the sages, after all, those are her subjects so they should treat her with utmost respect! Then boom the rest of history goes mostly the same as canon but scara is essentially doing an Ei and locked himself inside Irminsul to grieve but maybe he does have a little bit of contact with others compared to Ei in the form of the aranara.
Maybe he uses them as sort of info gatherers, giving him the occasional updates of how the nation is doing and all that. I feel like he probably bickered and made fun of and with the aranara before Rukkhadevata exhausted herself and actually got along pretty decently with them all
Anyways I'll maybe add more to this later we'll see lol, also maybe I should put a anon tag for this stuff so all the fic and au ideas I've sent here can be grouped together... Hm...
If you're alright with that, can you maybe tag my Makoto and scara + my scara time travel aus as 🍡 please?
done and done! that sounds super interesting and i hope you do end up making it a reality!
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
@myfairkatiecat Thanks for the tag, sorry this took so long. (@sophieswundergarten thanks for the reminder 💕)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8 so far. It's not a lot, but I make up for it in length.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
417,645 💀
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively tmbs so far, but I plan on doing some Wolf359 fics when I (finally) finish the podcast. Sadly all my ideas are long. I'm sorry.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Since I have so few fics I'll just give the list:
S.O.S., by a lot. I'd like to thank the show's cancellation for my unexpected success.
The Oldest Siblings , mainly due to it's association with SOS (it's the prequel in the series)
Treat Them With(out) Mercy
Who You Were Meant To Be
A Joy To Obey and It Should Have Been Us are tied
The Boys Who Waited
Sirens of the Sea and Sky: dead last with 3 modest kudos. This fic is the equivalent of having a kid in a school recital who screams the whole time and knocks down the set. He might be a disaster, but he's my kid and I'm proud. This fic is ridiculous, but it makes me laugh anyway. I don't know how burnt out finals Bods came up with this, but by golly...she did.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! I think I've responded to every comment I've ever gotten (if not I'm so sorry please let me know). I appreciate every one of them, and I love talking about the ideas in my idea and the fics I write, so please know that every comment you leave totally brightens my day! 🥰
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. Right now "The Boys Who Waited" probably has the angstiest and most ominous ending, but we'll see what happens.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably "A Joy To Obey" since it's my main fluff fic with a nice ending. A great read if you like lighter stuff.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not yet. If I did, I'm not even sure what I'd do. Depends on the hate. I might cry. I might laugh, honestly. I don't think I'm nearly important, good, or noticeable enough for that so I might be a little flattered ngl (unless it was something vulgar or hateful towards a certain group of people then I'd delete and block the person). I'm sure people have read my writing and not liked it, but I think they just click away.
9. Do you write smut?
No, that's not for me. Especially because I'm writing for a children's fandom, I just don't think that's appropriate.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but I've done some AU's on tumblr.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Also this is a small fandom so if a fic of mine DID get stolen, it would be pretty awkward and obvious. Don't plagiarize kids.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honored if anyone wanted to do that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but that could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Why the MV Shortcut, of course! /jk
I don't really have a lot of ships I get super invested in, I prefer platonic relationships. If I think of one I'll let you guys know.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
You'll find out. (Don't worry about SOS. I promised I'd finish it and I intend to keep my word).
16. What are your writing strengths?
According to my readers, dialogue, characterization, themes, weaving multiple storylines together, and plot twists.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't write a short fic to save my life, and I can't edit to save my life. I also just publish my first drafts because I have no impulse control (sorry).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Funny enough I’ve done this, but only canon MBS dialogue where I've translated it directly from the show's subtitles. If I made an error, please let me know.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Mbs, and so far just mbs. Hoping to expand someday when I magically have more time (and finish Wolf359).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
SOS, just because of what a fun journey it's been.
Tags: @phtalogreenpoison @oflightningandstars @mvshortcut @sqenthusiast @itsgoghtime @amphibious-entity @mysteriouseggsbenedict and anyone who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do it (sorry if I accidently double tagged)
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randomyuu · 1 year
Hunting together ♡
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Alright. So. Hm.
How should I start this?
I love the fanfic this is based on. So… I drew the last scene in Chapter 1 :D (As I post this, it’s still in Chapter 1)
The fic is titled A promise in time by rizna. Please, pretty please, read the tags AND author notes carefully before reading! I can’t bear the thought traumatising any of you because you didn’t read the tags and the notes ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38933505/chapters/97368801
As usual, a bit of my thoughts below:
I really want to go on a rambling about how I love this fanfic, but we’ll go into ABO territory and I’m not sure if I want to do that lmao. But it’s really cute! Gojou being his bocchan persona, is beautiful. And I love how affectionate Yuuji is. I’m really weak for this Yuuji and just him in general :”)
So… about the drawing.
I am really sorry for all the history nerds who may have been inflicted physically by seeing this drawing ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I have never drawn kimono before, or at least never really seriously studying it before. And as usual, I just did a quick research on man’s kimonos in Edo Period and hoped for the best that I can trust the website. Haha what a mess :”D
The same goes for the bow and the ears, so… yeah. I don’t know why I make my life more difficult, but uh… I learn a bit, so… good for me? I guess???
At first, I want to make this full colour. Before I realise that I suck at colour theory and I just want to draw Yuuji hunting with Gojou aaaaaahhhh-
No, actually I think that’s not it.
It’s because the pose.
I can’t find good enough reference for the pose I have in mind—I tried to trace several similar poses, but it got weird because most of the poses use slim males, like, I need a bit of a muscle there, come on. So in the end… I just wing it after observing the references I got. The pose takes way too long to my liking, and this is caused by my lack of ability in perspective. I must say at some point I was internally frustrated, and that may have great influence over why I didn’t full colour the drawing. I don’t want extra stress haha.
And then the background came, and the stress was added in anyway lmaooo
It may sound like I was complaining, but it’s because of how I like the idea I have before drawing. I love the hunting scene so much—Yuuji’s so cool, Gojou finally acknowledged him and I squeal, Yuuji’s still so cool and now mysterious //gasp—I want to portray it as beautifully as possible. But alas ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
It’s interesting how I learn more about drawing through making fan art for fanfics. They never failed to push me outside of my comfort zone, and in return, I learn bit by bit about new things I otherwise would learn probably years later.
But yeah. Hopefully you enjoy the drawing, and this random essay I wrote! :D
Have a nice day!
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