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coffeebanana · 5 months ago
So, I really wanted to write the Adrinette hug scene from the London special. Or, more specifically, I wanted to write what would happen if it went on a little longer and the scene hadn't cut right away. And really, this is the beginning of a oneshot that will have a second scene—because I also want to explore them talking about what happened. Talking about the version Adrien knows, at least—but I'm sharing this scene now because I really like it and I'm incapable of keeping words to myself.
Even after everything, crashing into Adrien’s arms felt exactly the same. It was the same gleam in his eyes as he ran towards her, the same hitch of his breath as he cradled her head oh so carefully. He even smelled the same—which was silly of Marinette to notice. 
It had only been two days; of course he smelled the same.
But it had also been a whole other lifetime.
A stutter of air warmed Marinette’s cheek but sent shivers down her spine. Adrien’s fingers curled gently into the fabric of her blazer, pulling her in closer just as she wondered if it was time to pull away. And as fast as the relief of seeing him had come, the guilt roared back in. Her heart pounded in her ears, each beat louder than the last.
Would he be holding her like this, if he knew what she’d done? Considering how he’d reacted to Bug Noire’s news, Marinette didn’t think so.
Yet there was no going back now. She’d chosen this path, dark and thorny though it may be. Because at its end there was the light she needed like oxygen. There was the happiness she valued more than her own.
It would all be worth it, so long as Adrien was okay. And she’d make certain he was okay.
That all started with this moment, though. With the air her soul gasped for, yet couldn’t quite find. As Adrien’s breathing grew heavier, he crushed her tighter into his embrace. His collar bone pressed painfully into her cheek, and still she daren’t let go.
She let her hands roam upwards, fingers tethering themselves in his hair. And again, she was pulled closer—with no space left to go until she rose up on her toes. And then it was her throat she found pushing into his shoulder, forcing the lump that was lodged there to rise to the tip of her tongue.
It tingled, like any good poison, demanding to be expelled.
“Adrien. I’m… I’m so…” Sorry.
She couldn’t say the final word aloud; it would have come out as a sob. And she couldn’t cry right now, not when she was meant to be comforting him. So she pressed her lips into a tight, thin line, swallowing back the urge. 
Swallowing back the guilt.
It put up a good fight, expanding and writhing and practically choking her all the way down. But no matter how fiercely it burned, she couldn’t let it out. She hid her face in Adrien’s neck, not sure which of them had started trembling. Maybe it was both of them. Maybe they were one and the same now, their fates inexorably stitched together after bursting apart at the seams.
Maybe it didn’t matter who it was. Maybe they were both doomed.
Rising higher on her tiptoes, stretching up to her last nerve, Marinette twisted to press a kiss to Adrien’s cheek. It tasted of salt.
Unable to hold herself up any longer, she fell back down to the balls of her feet. She pressed her face into Adrien’s chest until his breaths finally evened out. Until he remembered how to stand on his own two feet.
He stared down at her as he pulled away, smiling weakly even though his lips still wobbled. And she did her best to smile back. She kissed his fingers and helped wipe his tears.
It’ll be okay, she told herself. Everything will be okay.
She was a liar now, after all.
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aidanchaser · 3 months ago
47 for Spotify wrapped— love square hurt/comfort mayhaps?
this is perfect bc your injured ladrien left me ravenous and now i'm in a mood about it
47. Doubt Comes In by Anaïs Mitchel / Hadestown Original Broadway Cast
Doubt comes in The wind is changing Doubt comes in How cold it's blowing Doubt comes in And meets a stranger Walking on a road alone
He wants to tell her she can trust him, to promise he'll always be there for her.
But he can't. Because he hasn't.
Her back is as impenetrable as any fortress, with spots like danger signs. His hand might as well be reaching for the moon.
She won't look at him, but the truth spills out between bitten off breaths, secrets stilted by stifled sobs. Her words strike as if they were her yo-yo, hurled with each exhale, recalled with each intake.
Desperately, suddenly, as if he could interrupt her and undo her tale, he gasps—“Plagg, claws out!”
It's you It's me
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passionfruitbowls · 1 year ago
HELLOOOO KAYLA IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!! :D i’m sending lots of good halloween vibes your way 👻 here’s an excerpt from a fic that i started for ladynoir july two years ago (i think?) but never finished/posted for some reason - the prompt was ‘heal’!
“Ladybug, can I ask you something?” Chat said suddenly as she continued to clean his wound in silence.
She bit her lip and thought hard for a few seconds, then nodded slowly.
“Okay.” She replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Do you want to know why I fell in love with you?”
Ladybug’s body immediately went rigid, her grip on the cloth tightening slightly. Chat noticed her change of demeanour, and when she didn’t say anything he carried on. 
“It was because of your selflessness, your determination, and your ability to see the good in others. You bring out the best in me and make me want to keep on trying, even when I feel like giving up. If it weren’t for you, Ladybug, I don’t know where I’d be.”
By now she could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes, and when she spoke her words came out in broken syllables with hiccups in between.
“But what if… what if I’m not all of those things? What if I’m just a klutz who messes everything up and is always on edge because I’ve got so much to lose?”
All of a sudden Chat turned around and shuffled towards her; judging by the way he flinched, he was desperately trying to ignore the sharp pain in his back. Glossy blue eyes met shimmering green as he reached out and tilted her head upwards to look at him. 
“Ladybug, you are all of those things.” He said with a warm smile before his hands came to rest on her shoulders.
“Everything I just described there… that’s all you. Not just Ladybug you, but the girl under the mask as well. I’m sure of it. I don’t need to know your real name to know you, my lady. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and I love you for that.”
Ladybug sniffled and eagerly took one of Chat’s hands in hers.
“All of me?” She asked, now smiling.
“All of you.” He whispered softly, his free hand coming up to wipe a stray tear from her cheek. 
Before Chat could say anything else, Ladybug leapt forward and pulled him into a tight hug, burying her face into his neck.
“I love you too.” She murmured against his skin. “So much…”
Sighing happily, he pressed a quick kiss to her temple and hugged her back. 
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 9 months ago
1 for loveydrien and 11 for snekmouse!
Hi Kayla! 🩷 thank you for the ask! (the relief I felt when I saw that neither prompt required writing, so I can continue my procrastination fjaksjfdkljf)
1. Give a 5-word summary of this chapter/fic.
Adrien tries to transform. Fails.
2. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
There's a scene that I keep picturing in my head where the two of them dance (maybe to a... familiar song 👀) that I am excited to write!
Thank you so much for the ask! <3
Ask game
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flightfoot · 4 months ago
Any fic recs of Adrien dealing with the fallout of finding out his dad is hawkmoth?
Oh yeah, this is a popular plotline and tends to lead to some great fics!
Bubblegum Soul by @wehadabondingmoment
"The impulse to throw away his ring, to slam it on the ground and watch its metallic splinters chap away at his soul, got more tempting by the second. Maybe, for a moment, he would learn what it meant to be alive." (Or: Hawk Moth has been defeated and Adrien is suffering more than ever. Armed with unhealthy coping mechanisms and the knowledge that he apparently isn't human, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery.) (Except that his father isn't quite ready to give up just yet.)
Poor Adrien. His father's defeated, but that doesn't mean that he's alright. Dealing with finding out that he's a sentimonster via his father attempting to order him around... that's harsh.
And it doesn't help that while he gets one ring back pretty quickly, he doesn't realize that he has a second amok...
If you like angsty sentiadrien fic, this'll be right up your alley! It's M-rated, but I'm not sure why. Maybe because Adrien's just kind of in a bad headspace?
Disintegrated Pancakes by @scribeofrhapsody
Adrien had started expecting the family breakfasts. He had NOT been expecting his father to collapse in the middle of one.
I’m shocked I haven’t seen more of this sort of thing, with Adrien finding out his father’s Monarch via seeing the Cataclysm wound. I love that Alya gets involved in this, being the person Adrien runs into after fleeing the room, and then Adrien getting to talk things out with Gabriel and Nathalie. Thankfully Gabriel is at least not completely incapable of being reasoned with here, or things could have gone worse than they did. It’s a nice little read, though with an ambiguous ending (at least at the time when I write this).
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one-by-one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch’s defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn’t expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father’s statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
If you felt unsatisfied with Adrien being left in the dark about Monarch, with Ladybug lying about Gabriel being a hero, this is a great fic to read. Marinette’s breaking down keeping this secret, seeing people treat Gabriel as the hero she told people he was, until she finally snaps and has to do SOMETHING, has to tell SOMEONE the truth. 
Which Chat takes pretty well! He knows how persuasive his father could be, and he’s mostly just relieved at finally hearing someone say that Gabriel wasn’t a hero. It’s still a lot to cope with though.
Of Crisp Days and Crispier Cakes by @scribeofrhapsody
Gabriel wants to not be sick. Adrien wants to make a cake. Nathalie wants a chill birthday. Maybe they can help each other. Maybe it’ll be a disaster.
So this starts off as just the cute fluff fic of Adrien and Gabriel attempting to make Nathalie a birthday cake that the summary indicates, but soon evolves into a more action-filled drama fic when Gabriel makes the terrible decision to akumatize a cashier while sick… a cashier who happens to be in the same shop as Nathalie and Adrien. Who are willing to put their secret identities at risk in order to save each other.
After Irritation Do Us Start by @scribeofrhapsody
It was the most difficult decision of his life, but Gabriel did it. He let go of Hawk Moth. He moved on from Emilie. Now, all he wants is to enjoy life with his son and new wife. Unfortunately, a certain nephew of his seems to be determined to unearth what Gabriel needs to remain buried.
I love this look at what could have happened if during the season 3 finale, Gabriel had decided enough was enough and given up on being a supervillain, moving on with Nathalie instead. How much better things could have been if he’d just decided to stop - though Adrien still wouldn’t be happy to discover why Hawk Moth had suddenly stopped attacking.
Oh yeah, there’s an OC here called Gerald who Adrien’s puzzled by, since he’d never heard of this guy before the past year. At the end of the story you find out why he’s included in the story. It’s not a major thing, but it is kind of funny and fits well with the rest of the story.
Family by @unecoccinellenoire
“You know,” Nino grins, “if you need advice on being a big brother in a year or two I’m sure I could help.” The bottom of Adrien’s stomach dropped out. — Adrien struggles with the concept of his father and Nathalie having children.
So this is a world where Adrien and Marinette managed to defeat Gabriel, taking his Miraculous, with them giving him an ultimatum: they won’t out him as being Hawk Moth so long as he doesn’t cause any more trouble and does right by Adrien. Gabriel does, in fact, move on finally to Nathalie, giving Adrien a lot of mixed feelings to deal with. He still loves them both despite everything, but he’s also angry at them and he definitely does NOT want them to have children, both because he thinks they’d like any biological child they had more (he’s also harboring guilt from indirectly being the cause of his mom’s death), and because frankly, they screwed up too much with Adrien for him to want them to inflict that on another child.
And then there’s also Adrien dealing with the realization that he’s a Senti on top of that and wondering why he and Felix look the way they do, what Emilie’s reasons were.
It’s mostly just Adrien getting to talk things out, navigating this emotionally fraught situation he finds himself in now that the dust is settled.
and I thought I heard you sing by @into-september
When Hawkmoth has been defeated and unmasked, Marinette is left with two problems and no solutions. First, that Adrien is further out of her reach than ever before, and no-one can tell her how to get to him. Second, that Cat Noir is far more troubled than she knew, and the only thing she can do is wait for him at the place they agreed to meet.
It’s your classic “Hawkmoth’s defeated and taken into custody but that means Adrien’s in for a rough time” sort of fic. Everyone’s worried about Adrien and wants to give him what comfort and support that they can, but he’s being hidden away from everyone (which I mean, honestly that’s a good move), so that’s not really possible. Plus, Ladybug’s noticed that Chat’s having a tough time in his civilian life, which worries her.
If only I could break free by megetstoread
It started with Adrien being upset about going away, but led to a lot of revelations.  
Another Sentiadrien fic here! After telling Adrien that he’s being sent to London, Gabriel takes advantage of Adrien being distraught to akumatize him. Luckily Ladybug’s right there and deakumatizes him before he can even do anything, but it shakes both her and Chat, leading to her allowing him to tell her a lot more about his home life than usual, and for her and Adrien to investigate to see whether there might be more to Adrien’s inability to stand against his father than just psychological abuse.
The Parable of the Caller by @nemaliwrites
A week after Hawk Moth’s identity has been revealed, Adrien finds himself with nowhere to go, nothing he can do, and worst of all, strange gaps in his memory he can’t explain. In a stroke of luck, he stumbles upon a burner phone filled with voicemails from one of the Saviors of Paris: Chat Noir himself, who disappeared following Hawk Moth’s arrest.
But with each new voicemail Adrien listens to, he’s forced to confront the fact that there might be some kind of connection between himself and Chat Noir — and discovering it might leave him more broken than before.
I absolutely adore this fic, it’s a fantastic character study for Adrien! Basically in this universe, Ladybug and Chat Noir talked about who should be Guardian, with Chat eventually convincing her that he should be the one to take it on, primarily due to the whole “the Guardian gets amnesia about Miraculous-related matters” situation, and wanting to protect Ladybug from that. Then he finds out Gabriel is Hawk Moth, they take him down, and he relinquishes the Miracle Box and his guardianship to Su Han - all without having a Reveal with Ladybug, since well, he’s not in the greatest shape mentally at the time.
It’s a real treat to see Adrien’s thoughts and feelings about one of the Heroes of Paris leaving him all these voicemails, treating him like this close friend for reasons he doesn’t understand, and just seeing Chat Noir as this outside person. He’s got a very different viewpoint on Chat when looking from the outside than he would from the inside, with being able to see his heroic and good qualities far more easily when he doesn’t know that he is Chat.
Also Marinette’s struggling in the background of the fic with the loss of her partner and guilt over sending Adrien’s father to prison. It gets touched on at various points, and you can tell that she’s having her own story off to the side that we’re just not entirely privy to, what with this tale being told entirely from Adrien’s perspective.
drowning (in plain sight) by @buggachat
Everybody had expected Monarch's defeat to be a moment of triumph. Nobody had expected Gabriel Agreste, unmasked and mind frayed from continual abuse of the miraculous, crying out to all who would listen and making Paris certain of one thing:
His son, Adrien Agreste, is one of his sentimonsters.
And now he's missing.
Nobody can find him— not even the superheroes, and not even his closest friends. But Marinette, Nino, and Alya aren't ones to give up so easily. They'll find him, no matter what it takes.
(But, geez, would it kill Chat Noir to lend a hand?)
I’m sure everyone saw this one coming. If there’s one thing buggachat’s good at, storywise, it’s capturing raw, tumultuous emotions, frantic breakdowns as the characters desperately try to navigate bad situations. This was a real treat to read, as I’m betting most people reading this will agree, given just how popular the fic has been. It also has a ton of fanart, both by buggachat and by random fans, if you go looking for it (there’s a drowning in plain sight tag which I’d advise perusing). 
Not a Monster at All by @book-sandwich
Adrien Agreste overhears a conversation he shouldn't, and a revelation sends him falling onto the terrace of the only person he can trust: his good friend (?) Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Takes place sometime after the first two episodes of season 5!
As you can probably guess from the title, this is a Sentimonster Adrien, Monarch takedown fic. Adrien’s going through a tough time, and Marinette’s just trying to be there for him as his whole world’s collapsing around him. Unfrotunately, they still don’t know what the object is, or how likely Gabriel would be to control Adrien if he hinted that he knew the truth, which leaves Adrien in a precarious position - still not having done an identity reveal doesn’t help matters.
It’s a really solid fic for the genre, though since it started up before the later parts of season 5, there are a few things that don’t match up with the canon information we obtained later on. 
Under Oath by @eoscenes
In the aftermath of Hawk Moth's defeat, Ladybug finds her heart torn between her schoolgirl crush and her superhero partner ― who returns, after an unexplained hiatus, more irresistible than ever.
Gabriel Agreste is unmasked, and Paris rises up in the aftermath.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng must weather Paris' anxious protesters, ravenous reporters, a scattered team of judiciary investigators, and her conflicting feelings for two different boys. In the eye of this storm is the elusive Adrien Agreste, the primary witness in his own father's trial, who might just hold the secret to finding the Peacock Miraculous.
(If only she wasn't in love with him.)
Meanwhile, locked away in Le Grand Paris hotel, Adrien grapples with his responsibilities to a city that can't decide if it hates or loves him. Keeping his daytime persona and Chat Noir separate entities becomes even harder when Ladybug, whom he has finally decided to get over, starts visiting him at night, determined to figure his secrets out.
(If only he wasn't in love with her.)
When an unknown figure returns with the Peacock Miraculous, Ladybug and Chat Noir will have to save their city once more — or lose each other trying.
I love how this fic shows Adrien just breaking down over the reveal of Hawk Moth’s identity, he’s in a Very Bad Place for a substantial portion of the fic, and being a suspect and witness in the case does NOT help. It’s got the most detailed “Adrien suffering the consequences of the backlash to his father’s prosecution” plot that I’ve seen.
Still, things get better with time, slowly, gradually. It’s not all at once, or a completely linear road, but he’s got his friends, even after everything.
run boy run by Anonymous
Nino was sprawled on the floor of his room with Alya when his phone chimed, in the quiet of a premature autumnal sunset. It was one of those lazy evenings that had become rare lately. Contrary to popular belief, he and Alya could get studying done when in the same room, and he was elbows-deep in late assignments, which meant his phone was on Do Not Disturb, which meant the notification could only have come from one person. ADRIEN 🐈: cmoe ove rnow ADRIEN 🐈: like riggt now ADRIEN 🐈: plag NINO: that is literally incomprehensible NINO: wait is that you plagg ADRIEN 🐈: mov faster
So this is a “Adrien finds out that his father is Hawkmoth and consults with Nino about what to do” fic, with Nino throwing Hawkmoth off Adrien’s track, though inadvertently at his own expense. Love Nino’s perspective here, and I always enjoy a good Hawkmoth-takedown fic!
When the Morning Comes by @into-september
Gabriel Agreste has been unmasked as Hawkmoth, and the girl who was fighting him all these years turns out to be Tom Dupain's daughter. And standing between them is Adrien Agreste with his life in shatters that Tom Dupain has no way of piecing together. But baking is at least a place to start.
I love how this not only digs into Adrien’s character, but Tom’s as well, especially how both of them have been estranged from their fathers. I haven’t seen that come up much.
missing person (at the window) by @coffeebanana
Adrien expected to spend another night staring at the ceiling and ignoring his friends' messages, as he'd done every night since his father was unmasked as Shadow Moth. But when Ladybug falls through his bedroom window, he gets a little more than he bargained for.
This Distance Between Us by @coffeebanana
After defeating Monarch, the search for the Peacock Miraculous brings Ladybug and Chat Noir to a hotel room in London. But it's hard to enjoy the victory when Ladybug can't figure out why Chat's been so quiet, why he seems so sad. How's she supposed to help if she has no idea what's wrong?
This is a great Sentiadrien fic, with Chat freaking out about it and feeling like he’s not worthy of Ladybug’s affections, but not telling her what’s actually wrong because he thinks she won’t want him anymore if she knows. Of course, he’s wrong about that. Also there’s a pretty intense confrontation with Felix, pissing Chat Noir off is a bad idea.
Waiting series by @11jj11
First fic: Waiting
Every night Ladybug sat atop the Eiffel Tower, waiting for her partner.
Temporary Place To Stay by walkingonthestars
Caline Bustier hears the news. Caline Bustier worries about her student, whose father has just been exposed as Hawk Moth and arrested. Caline Bustier impulsively takes in said student. Caline Bustier does not know the half of what she's just gotten into.
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mlbigbang · 1 year ago
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2023 Ladynoir Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
This fic explores the aftermath of the season 5 finale and provides some badly needed hurt/comfort, lovesquare communication, and vandalism ; )
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
It tore at my heartstrings! It deals with a unique Ladynoir 'enemies' premise in a beautiful way
Let Me Count the Ways (aka Chat Noir's List of Ladybug's New Habits) by @sariahsue
Chat Noir thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a list of all the strange things Ladybug had been doing lately. It might help him to figure out what it all meant. There was the stumbling, the stuttering, the blushing. It had appeared out of nowhere. No, that wasn't quite right. It had all started when they were dancing at the gala, when she'd been so nervous that she tripped over the perfectly flat marble floor and smashed her face into his chest.
Like Smoke from a Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
It's hard to categorize this. Is this a ship or is it gen? It's strictly Adrienette because they're married. But pre-reveal. It forks after Kwami's Choice and asks the question: How would LB cope with LB and CN never getting their miraculous back after Kwami's Choice? But the story's title seems to indicate that this is kind of a "forbidden Ladynoir" fic because it's an allusion to the potentially devastating effects of "looking back" when you shouldn't. I've read this fic like a dozen times and am completely obsessed.
telepathy by @thelibraryloser
There’s a certain amount of telepathy created after several years fighting beside someone. It’s a mix of chemistry, history, and probably a bit of actual magic, and it comes down to this: Chat Noir usually knows exactly what his Lady is thinking. So, when a bike messenger hands him a three digit number written on a piece of hospital stationary, he knows exactly what Ladybug is asking him to do. He just can’t believe it. 
soft and sweet and much ladynoir! <3
A 'Super' Guide to 'Super' Dating by @mysticraven20
When Ladybug just scrapes into the top 10 of Paris’ favourite heroes list, she asks her partner and her best friend for help. After they decide she’s not personable enough, which in result, makes her unapproachable, Marinette goes out to try and become one with the public by writing her very own dating blog. As the blog turns into an overwhelming hit, Marinette finds herself in an awkward position, once again falling for the guy she’s always longed for; a guy who has started his own search for love following her ‘Super’ guide to ‘Super’ Dating.
I just love the idea of Ladybug writing a dating column as she tries to find love in the city.
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frostedpuffs · 4 months ago
sorry if you’ve gotten this ask too much lol but do you have any comic/fic recs? literally any genre i am running out
so i've had this sitting in my inbox for a while and i apologize, i don't really read fanfiction anymore simply for lack of time :< (which makes me sad bc i wanna read my mutuals beautiful writing but !!!! where is The Time these days. lol)
here are some fics i don't believe I've shared in a rec before! keep in mind these are all one-shots!
evil lipstick by @bittersweetresilience Summary: Toxinelle and Griffe Noire hang out in the bathroom of a concert venue.
Waiting For Our Happily Ever After by @coffeebanana Summary: Adrien wakes up in the hospital, unable to remember how he ended up there, wishing his father would leave, and wondering why his doctor is in such a weirdly cheery mood. But one question supercedes all the rest: where's Ladybug? If he's patient, she just might pay him a visit.
code blue by @wackus-bonkus-maximus Summary: Ladybug attempts to visit her husband in the hospital - if only she wouldn't keep being kicked out by security.
you don't even know me at all (but i was made for loving you) by @ladyofthenoodle Summary: They didn’t remember each other. The hospital told them there’d been an accident—brain damage—but Alya had told them the truth, later. Who’d they’d been to each other. What they’d given up, and why. But even with their memories of each other gone, Adrien and Marinette are still inextricably tied together—by law, by their social circles, and by their hearts. And in the apartment they share, there's only one bed.
A New Beginning by @fandomofone Summary: What happens after Marinette & Adrien return to their dimension after the events of the Paris Special? (The Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir) They've got to start somewhere... the dark street, right outside the bakery, in the freezing cold, seems as good a place as any. Nobody ever said that returning to life on the other side of the portal would be easy. For Adrien, things have taken an unexpected turn. After he finds out that Shadybug and his mysterious crush from the bakery are the same person, he’ll do anything to protect her from the Supreme’s wrath, endangering his own life if need be... Even if he doesn’t actually know her name.
also, even though I only listed one fic by each of these writers, I'd recommend all their fics. if you need more good fics to read that really pull you in, check them all out! they're really great. enjoy!!
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mostmagical · 2 months ago
reading year in review
posting this at the behest of @bittersweetresilience... 1-2 of my favorite fics that I read for each month of the year
I’m not tagging anyone in this other than mutuals who happen to be on the list because I DON’T KNOW. this is SCARY. I’m just a girl. what do I know about anything.
Graine de toi by MireilleTanaka (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ladybug and Chat Noir think they’re close, until they begin waking up in one another’s skin. AU: Adrien is homeschooled, and he and Marinette have never met
Body swap AND Never Met AU fic based loosely on Kimi na wa that lived in my head for ages. @blur0se sent this to me when we were just little baby new friends because she thought I would like it and she was exactly right because I loved it.
In Pursuit of the Uneatable by @nemaliwrites (Miraculous Ladybug
In a Paris where Lila weaves tales that blind the city, Marinette stands accused, isolated. Her parents' trust is shattered, her friends distant, and in battle, illusions blur the line between ally and enemy. As the shadows and uncertainty threaten to close in, Marinette finds herself turning to the last person who claims to be on her side: a boy in a white mask who calls himself a fox hunter.
This fic is so good and we are all blessed to have a chance to read Nemali writing… I feel awful because I still need to finish this fic but I think about it all the time. Nemali’s prose and Lila characterization, and just the general concept– AGH. Top tier.
never been in love by bittersweetResilience (Miraculous Ladybug)
Félix wonders if he has a heart. If he does, it doesn’t beat like that.
I love ace spectrum characters I love Sunny writing I love Sunny ace spectrum fic… Made me cry.
watership down by bittersweetResilience (Miraculous Ladybug)
“Of course we get along.” Emilie’s hand reaches over to slip into Amélie’s. As always, her fingers loosen as soon as Amélie has reciprocated the hold. She swings their hands in a carefree arc between them, looking into the woods ahead, relying on Amélie’s grip to keep them linked. “We’re soulmates. No secrets between us.” Amélie and Emilie, through the years. A non-linear narrative.
This fic is sooo good you guys. So good. GAH. Sunny writing + Sunny Amelie and Félix, and complicated family relationships, and pretty prose and WATERSHIP DOWN. It feels like a coming of age film in your head.
Season of Giving by The_Rabbit42 (Miraculous Ladybug)
As Christmas draws near, Adrien and Marinette want to find special presents to give their partner and… other partner. Combined with Adrien rediscovering what Christmas is without his parents, Marinette getting sick, and Alya and Adrien becoming closer friends, it's sure to be a memorable holiday.
Honestly, this year, March was one of my lowest months for a lot of personal reasons, and I happened to stumble upon this Christmas fic and it just made me feel better.
Maybe This Life by @coffeebanana (Miraculous Ladybug)
"Adrien's in the hospital." Woken in the dead of night by a series of frantic phone calls, Marinette finds herself boarding a bus from New York to Montreal instead of flying home for winter break. Not that she has a clue how she'll navigate living with Adrien—who definitely wants nothing to do with her since the break up—for the indefinite future. Adrien just wants to find the energy to convince Marinette he's fine—that she can leave. Because having her here hurts too much, and he's better off alone. At least, that's what he tells himself. They're an ocean away from home, stuck together in a one-bedroom apartment, in a city suffocated by snow. The distance between them has never felt so insurmountable. But maybe there's hope after all.
MTL fic… Sad, awkward exes fic. And CoffeeBanana writing. What more could you ask for in life…? So excited to see more of this unfold when Kayla is finally free from deadlines…
05 MAY
again. I didn’t do anything in May because I was 100%-ing ME3. and it ruined my life. (/pos) anyway. Mass Effect fic dump now
picture perfect (get your head out of the sky) by luffia (Mass Effect Trilogy)
The logic of attraction is awful, and realising you have a thing for your undead human best friend who technically outranks you makes it all ten times worse.
This is just so funny. Jack torturing Garrus by pointing out his attraction lives in my head forever. Perfectly executed feeling of Oh. and then Oh no.
Beating Like A Hammer by skybound2 (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Garrus doesn't know if she is real, or a hallucination, but when Shepard storms back into his life on Omega, he finds that he doesn't much care. He just knows that he's not letting her go again, not if he can help it.
Shepard staying with Garrus and sending the other two squadmates to close the vents during his recruitment mission. Who would I be if I didn’t have at least one Omega fic on here. Be real.
it makes sense that it should hurt in this way (that my heart should break – and my hands should shake – ) by calypsid (Mass Effect Trilogy)
When Garrus gets home to Palaven, he finds something in his luggage he doesn't remember putting there himself.
I cannot explain to you how often I think about this fic. It’s short and sweet— Shepard isn’t even really there, but it’s just a fic that sticks with me so entirely. I actually need to go back to it because I think I was still lurking in the fandom and I probably didn’t comment, which is an absolute crime.
the view between by @bbutterflies (Miraculous Ladybug)
Adrien is standing at the front doors of the mansion. It’s abandoned now, though it doesn’t look much different. It feels safer somehow. He hates himself for thinking it. Father was a hero. His eyes burn and he fights away the guilt. Father was a hero and it doesn’t matter what else happened before because he’s gone. All Adrien has of his parents is the twin rings on his hand.
I've only read a handful of Post-S5 fics, but I read this one and it hit sooo well. It’s so sad and haunting and such a lovely peek into Adrien’s brain.
大鱼 by bittersweetResilience (Honkai: Star Rail)
It feels like lightning, the thrust of the spear through him. The same lightning that crackles at his fingertips, that arcs up his spine, that dances over his skin like fireflies in those winedrunk memories. Bandaged hands and bleeding ink and a hundred thousand fragments of abundance and destruction. or, Jing Yuan lets go of these seven hundred years of dreams.
Well of course. I gotta. The Renjing character study of all character studies (I’m unqualified to say this). I love this fic because first of all, Sunny prose is always beautiful, and second of all, Sunny loves this fic. I love what Renjing did to your writing. I love that you started writing more fluff and AUs and reading Chinese fic, and I know this fic is a big part of the journey. I loved reading it.
Well. Fuck. by quondam (Mass Effect Trilogy)
When he least expects it, Garrus finds Shepard at the door of his apartment on the Citadel, looking for a place to spend the night. Set between ME1 & ME2. Prompt called for a fill on humor & sex.
This is my favorite Shakarian smut. I don’t read a TON of smut. But I love this one. SO much. Amazing humor. Post-ME1, pre-ME2, with a very in-character Garrus. And I love that awkward ME1 Garrus.
Marked Introductions by Feynite (Mass Effect Trilogy)
The words on Shepard’s forearm are… not in English.
I love the world-building in this fic and specifically the thought put into the turian language aspect. They even used phonetics… I cheered in my bed with my Bachelor’s degree. It’s actually bookmarked with a note that just says “LINGUISTICS” because I got so excited.
the light that throws itself on everything by @asukiess (Miraculous Ladybug)
the light that throws itself on everything, stretching twice, at dusk and again at dawn, agrees to stay, but only for a while.
This is it. The fic that revived my love of poetry. The reason I write fandom poems now. It’s everything… It’s the light… The light throwing itself on everything… Tragic. Gay. Poetry.
Observations Upon Waking by interventionsandlullabies (Mass Effect Trilogy)
A collection of moments in which Garrus wakes up and takes in his surroundings. Some better, some worse. Some best.
I adore this author’s internal monologue for Garrus so so much. Cathartic post-ME3 fic. A little sad, but then a lot happy.
Edge of Yesterday by @that-wildwolf (Mass Effect Trilogy)
The war is over and Shepard's still alive. Except she doesn't really understand what war everyone is talking about, or who half of these people are... The last thing she does remember is the Normandy blowing up over Alchera. Which apparently was a few years ago, and things had changed a lot during that time. She doesn't even know which bothers her more: that everyone wants her to be someone she's not, or that Garrus has been strangely distant ever since she woke up... TL;DR: Shepard survives but loses all her memories since her death in ME2. Shakarian angst and regular angst, all mixed up together into a nice hurt/comfort cocktail. Despite the scary tags this has a happy ending.
I think I’ve been pretty loud about how much I love this fic, but why not be a little louder. This is probably my favorite fic I’ve read this year. I cried so many times, stayed up so late reading some nights, and I still think about it all the time. Some of my absolute favorite tropes done exceedingly well, and just all-around wonderful character moments. And I even made a friend out of reading it, so I doubly win.
Change Starts With Today by ThatWildWolf (Mass Effect Trilogy)
From the records of Doctor Marta Domańska, professional psychiatrist specialising in trauma: 2188, one year since the conclusion of the Reaper War. Patient admitted to psychotherapy: turian male, 25 to 30 years old, shows signs of deep-rooted psychological trauma. Admitted to therapy after losing a loved one; patient classified as high-risk. Advised course of action: continue psychotherapy and monitoring patient's state. Prescribe mood stabilisers if needed.
I would be remiss not to include this. A lovely little companion piece to EoY with an amazing Garrus character study and a very lovable OC. Makes my heart ache all over again. Reliving the magic, really.
dreamt a cipher by @milkywayes (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Her own personal Noverian peak. That’s what it was supposed to be. Nothing but the discovery: no distractions, no comfort, no windows looking out—no familiar faces. But it's starting to look like her winning streak might have ended in that pile of Citadel rubble, if it ever extended that far to begin with.
Another fic that has been on my radar forever but I didn’t read until the end of the year. So sad, but also such great humor and such a compelling mystery that it all balances out perfectly. Wonderful world-building, incredible characterization, and honestly? Jealousy-inducing prose, it’s so good— so much so that I’m almost embarrassed to tag milky but I have to… milky deserves to know…
Tomorrow's Light by ThatWildWolf (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Garrus asked Shepard to move to Palaven with him. Things are looking up and rebuilding after the Reaper War is well underway, but loneliness and pain take their toll nonetheless. An examination of life and love in the wake of incredible trauma, of a galaxy torn apart and put back together, through the lens of two people. [Post-canon, Shakarian, equal parts fluff and angst.]
Am I the luckiest girl in the world that an EoY follow-up fic was published the month after I read EoY? I think so… This fic was lovely and cathartic and I love the way Wild gets into their brains…
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kasienda · 1 year ago
Fanfiction Year in Review 2023
I fill this out every year. It’s become a bit of a tradition for me. Allows me to reflect on everything that I’ve written and kinda think about where I want to go next. And I like it better from the ask games because I don’t have to wait for asks to come in and can compare my answers from one year to the next. ^_^
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
Displaced (Ladrien oneshot)
No Regrets (Ladynoir oneshot - smut)
You Don’t Have To Pretend With Me (Platonic Adrino oneshot)
Representation Reveal (S5 Adrinette oneshot)
Kisses in the Rain (S5 AU Love Square - technically multichapter, but it’s shorter than many of my one-shots)
Would Trust You With Everything (Adrino multichapter)
Just An Ordinary Girl (Marichat oneshot)
Love Remains (Ladynoir multichapter)
Spin the Bottle (OT4 with cour four - technically oneshot, but it’s longer than Kisses and has more kisses in it. Haha!)
2 Number of words written: 
Written: 166,114 words
Published: 151,018 words (more than twice 2022’s number!! Go me!!) 
Those numbers are incredibly close together because I haven’t been redrafting as much. Those numbers include six one shots, three completed multi chapters. And another four multi chapter WIPs saw at least one update.
And in another fun milestone! I broke a million words published on Ao3 just this last week!! (I've been writing fic since 2003 and everything I've ever written is on Ao3!)
3 Your most popular fic:
Not Part of the Plan - I suspect that this is mostly because being a teen pregnancy fic, it’s my most tropiest story this year. Haha! 
4 Your personal fav:
Aftermath - This story has usurped Right Behind You as my favorite. I’ve been able to connect to the raw hurt and grief in this story, and there’s something very raw and human about it that others seem to be able to connect to as well. I think it’s some of my best work, and that is also thanks to an amazing beta in @ladyofthenoodle who has lent her expertise in more than one way in making this one more true to lived experience. 
5 Your fav scene:
It’s so hard to pick a favorite!! I narrowed it down to my three favorites in no particular order. 
The last scene in Ch 5 Love Remains - Chat Noir give amnesiac Ladybug a geography lesson from space. It’s got Whole New World vibes, and I just loved the imagery of it.
Ch 4 of Aftermath - I’m particularly proud of Marinette’s panic attack when Adrien tells her she doesn’t have to keep coming over. Like it feels like it comes out of nowhere, but it just totally makes sense. And how it manifests and how she soothes herself (it’s not healthy, but it’s so GOOD!)
Ch 7 of Would Trust You With Everything - The scene where Chat Noir tries to tell Nino who he is, but inevitably doesn’t. And how Nino reassures him through all that. This scene feels so raw, but so heartwarming in light of Adrien’s fears. And I don’t know - it’s beautiful to me.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
I really struggled with Right Behind You this year, though it wasn’t for lack of trying! I had started out the year hoping to go back to an update a month here and I only updated it three times throughout 2023. 
This was incredibly frustrating because the initial drafts of scenes would come pretty easily, but I couldn’t seem to make them pop the way the earlier chapters did. The good news is I think I figured out what the issue was. Most of my writing this year has been speed writing. And a big part of that is just where I’ve been emotionally. I’m very very out of practice in editing and redrafting, which this story and Aftermath both definitely need. 
I’ve only been able to edit Aftermath because I’ve had a ton of help. (Thanks Noodles!) Sadly, it’s harder to find betas for rarepairs, but I have succeeded! (Thanks@coffeebanana!)
7 A line of writing you’re proud of: 
“She wanted to be there to see it. To see him.”
This line is way better in context, but I’ve made myself cry about three times with it. And I refuse to explain it because that would give its power away. Guess you’ll just have to go read Aftermath. 
8 A comment that touched you: 
I can never answer this question without mentioning several!! 
Would Trust You With Everything - this story had a ton of enthusiastic followers - way more than rarepair work usually gets, and I wrote this story right after my life fell apart and all the commenters here made throwing this story together just that much more joyful during a time when I REALLY needed it. (I'm looking at you, @bittersweetresilience, @bbutterflies @flightfoot @coffeebanana and so many others that I don't know your tumblr name!!!) Not Part of the Plan Comments - I added sex ed lessons to the end of each chapter here because there’s so much about fertility and pregnancy that people don’t know if typical pregnancy fics are anything to go by, and this seemed to inspire so many people to share their pregnancy stories!!! And these have been so cool because I’ve learned that these stories just don’t often have an opportunity to be shared. And it’s neat that this story with its accompanying lessons could create a space for that!! Aftermath comments - lots of people who have really struggled with moderate to severe depression have apparently felt very seen by this fic. And that a story that is essentially about two characters who feel very alone and like no one can understand can help people feel LESS alone and MORE understood is simply amazing!! I love this story so much!! AHH!! Here's one from @neurovascular-entrapta that meant a lot to me.
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9 Something that inspired your writing:
Grief and the need to feel things in a distant abstract-these-are-story-book-characters kind of way so I don’t have to feel my actual feelings as closely every moment of the day really kept me writing the whole year long.
10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
My writing has been really raw and messy this year, and I can’t keep tenses straight to save my life. But there’s something powerful about the rawness that I really like even as all the grammatical errors and the lack of effort on the technical side of most of my stories has driven me nuts. 
I am proud of myself for being able to get back into the big projects in these last few months after not being able to face them from April to October. And I’ve started participating in a few writing events here and there again in addition to working on my own pet projects. 
11 Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Well, I wanted to finish Not Part of the Plan in 2023, which didn’t happen only barely! So hoping the last chapter and the epilogue make it out within the next month. Once that’s done I think I want to try and make Aftermath and Right Behind You my primary focus projects this year. And of course, I’m sure new plot bunnies and writing events will take over my brain on occasion. Last year, I said I wanted my writing to become a reliable mental health tool for me again, and I’m glad to say that it definitely was that for 2023. I hope I’m able to use my writing this year to continue my healing journey. 
And maybe go and proofread all of the fics I finished in 2023 to fix all the inconsistent tense issues to prepare them for being bound eventually!
12 Anyone you would like to thank?
@jennagrinsoverml for being one of my oldest fandom friends! For becoming a real life friend for all that we haven't actually met in person. For all the times you vented to me and listened and sent me pictures of your family and gushed over pictures of mine. I'm lucky to know you!
@ladyofthenoodle - for showing up in my DMs, For being a most insightful beta, for dragging me into a larger community over and over again, for listening to both my real struggles and my first world problems, for being my friend!!
@thelibraryloser - I don't know how to put this into words. But I very much look up to you. For your resilience through difficult times - you are role-model for how to handle this world with grace and kindness. Thank you for your stories!
@coffeebanana - for being so enthusiastic in the creation process before and after! When I have a story that is getting no attention one comment from you makes it so it doesn't matter. You give me all I need.
@bittersweetresilience and @wackus-bonkus-maximus for just being so kind and enthusiastic and supportive of any idea I happen to be talking about in any given moment. I guess for enabling me. Haha!
@blur0se and @mila-beedoodling for sharing your ideas and inspiring me to create new things!!
@asukiess, @chocoluckchipz, @sariahsue, @miabrown007 for creating so many beautiful things and for being kind and engaging in so many conversations!
And now, I'm really nervous that I'm forgetting someone because this is the first time where I feel like I've had more than three fandom friends. Haha! It's a good problem to have I suppose. In general, thank you to the miraculous community for helping me to survive this year. <3 <3 <3
Happy New Year Everyone!!
I invite anyone who wants to, to fill this out! (Or something similar because I think it can be modified for artwork pretty easily). But if you do, please tag me, so I can be a cheerleader for all you've accomplished this year!
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carpetbug · 1 year ago
thank u so much autumn!! loved all three of those so much omg, so excited to see how happier goes :)
y’all should totally recommend me marigami and/or adrigaminette fics to binge read today
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teafig · 2 months ago
AO3 Reading Year In Review
I went through my AO3 history and compiled monthly WIPs and Completed Fics I loved in 2024!
Turns out I read a lot of fanfiction and have no good bookmarking system so this is mostly based off of which months I associate most with reading the fic even if it was published earlier, and I picked based on thematic representation of the month as well
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug and Honkai Star Rail
to be something you miss by asukiess made me want to throw up I was so upset. Also I loved it
WIP: lies of attrition by Missnoodles, wackus_bonkus Ladynoir angst and lying!!! The character conflict is so delicious
WIP: thirteen by okayanna I'm still haunted by this fic, the family trauma and passage of time and Emilie's whole deal its just, in my head all the time now.
WIP: watership down by bittersweetResilience After reading this I did go a little insane and check out my library's only copy of the titular novel and was the first patron to do so since 1991
all your ribs are still your own by isabugs  May was my Felinette month and this really sums them up
LEVITICUS 22:29 by asukiess, bittersweetResilience The people are making High Art and yes it is about miraculous ladybug
WIP: Probably Not The Best Idea by CoffeeBanana I love everything from this author and their Ladrien is top-teir everyone be quiet this IS Ladrien take notes.
i miss you, i'm sorry by Monpetitchattriste I love this concept and take on Catwalker
[PODFIC] to bring back the fire in her eyes by bittersweetResilience  and original fic: To bring back the fire in her eyes by NinaDove
The quality in writing and production is unmatched!!
浮生若梦 by bittersweetResilience Genuinly I was sobbing reading this, this is how I knew I was cooked and obsessed with Renjing
Silver Lining by faecakes Ratiorine fic, very soap-opera drama, funny and heartfelt classic fanfic tropes
On the Road by bittersweetResilience (translation of Sweetie_tianyang’s 在路上) So beautiful and SO RENJING and I want this as a book so I can hold it in my hands
Hmm ok now that I've tortured myself with this I will also tag some people to do a reading review (if you want to LOL this was actually way more work than I though it would be)
@bittersweetresilience @hartwign @mushu306 @ninadove @haplessheresy
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coffeebanana · 7 months ago
It's the expression on Adrien's face--the absolute shock that plays over his features as he's hoisted feet-first off the ground--that tells Ladybug she fucked up. But by then it's too late to change course. He's already hanging upside down in the alley, blinking slowly as her yo-yo string twists him slowly around to face her.
They lock eyes, and for a moment her heart drops. This is it. This is where he realizes what a mess she is, that he should want nothing to do with her. But then...
He bursts out laughing. Outright cackling, really--hard enough that his cheeks turn as red as her suit.
Or maybe that's just gravity making the blood rush to his head.
"This isnt--hahaha-- exactly what I meant," he chokes out.
Shame prickles the back of her neck. "I'm sorry! You said spiderman kiss, and...and...I panicked! It's been so long since I've seen that movie, and I forgot who was supposed to be hanging, and--"
He cuts her off with more laughter, and her mood shifts from anxiety--clearly, he isn't mad--to indignation.
"It's not that funny," she grumbles. Even though she's mostly just upset at herself for ruining the moment.
She's not even sure he hears her that time, but by the time he twists around to face her again, taking in her glower and the way her arms are crossed across her chest, his expression softens.
She narrows her eyes slightly in lieu of answering, and his lips quirk up--well, down--again.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asks.
It's obvious what he means--even without the way he puckers his lips somewhat obnoxiously. But he's earned a little teasing before he gets what he wants.
"I guess I could let you down," she muses, unable to hide a smirk of her own as she lets the yo-yo go slack for a moment.
She's perfectly in control the whole time, having calculated the exact distance she needs to let him fall to bring his lips level with hers. But he doesn't need to know that, and she can't help but giggle when he yelps in alarm right before she pulls the string taut.
"What's wrong?" she asks. "Did you think I'd let you fall?"
He shakes his head fiercely--which makes him bob comically from side to side. His grin's already widening again. "Never. But it wouldn't be the first time I fell for you..."
She huffs at him--partly in exhasperation, but mostly to try and hide the way that even when he's joking it turns her insides to mush. Still, she can't stay away much longer.
Just as his eyes are about to spin out of her sight again, she stops him. One of her hands cups his cheek while the other holds tight to her yo-yo string; she certainly doesn't want to drop him now.
She leans in slowly, stopping mere centimetres from his lips. "I think this is kind of fitting, actually."
He visibly swallows. "How so?"
"Because...you're kind of my hero."
His squeak of surprise vibrates against her mouth, tasting of chocolate and glee. She wastes no time before exploring what other sounds she can tease out of him.
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aidanchaser · 3 months ago
3, 12, and 30!!
Ah thank you so much <3 Ao3 Wrapped questions from this game.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Ohh had to look back and really think about it. Limiting myself to just from this year, probably The Butterfly Effect. I had not tackled a song fic in over a decade, and I had never tackled one in the specific style I went with for Butterfly Effect but I was really happy with it when all was said and done. It's a universe I still want to play in for sure.
12. How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
I don't normally PLAN like that lmao I write as the muse moves HOWEVER, intentions for next year include:
A Young Witch's Guide to Cats, Curses, and Courtship (my MLBB project)
Siblings AU - I'd like to do some oneshots in this project, but i'll say no more about what it is
We Can Be Heroes AU - exploring more of "The Butterfly Effect" story
And ofc finish Gunsmoke and Mirrors
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Probably my ability to make so much progress on my big bang fic with much more limited support than I am used to. My artists and beta team have been fantastic, and everyone in the discord is incredibly kind and helpful! But I'm really used to relying on those ao3 comments to push me through the next bit of writing, and I don't have that option with Cats, Curses, and Courtship! It's been a big stretch for me and I hope the work pays off.
TY friend for these asks <3 I browsed your blog for the questions to return the favor but did not see it, but I'd love to know what your biggest surprise was this year
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heartfulselkie · 1 year ago
WIP Game
Thanks @coffeebanana and @rosie-b for the tag, and thank you @kasienda for coming up with this new game!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
So I'm kind of cheating a bit with my choices here I guess since I have a lot of ideas but not so many actual active WiPs. So some of these aren't actually stuff that has been posted (or not posted in fic form) but they're all what my rodent brain is rotating right now.
Bell the Cat - Ladyblanc Knight AU. Enemies to Reluctant Allies to Lovers. Plenty of angst and trauma to be had in this one!
2. Sad Machine - Not currently available. I'm attempting aiming to have the fic more or less completed before I start posting. Futurist/Cyberpunk-type AU. No Miraculous but there's a dash of vigilantism and mysterious happenings to solve. And some questionable ethics (thanks Gabe).
3. Porceline Girl - Emonette and Badrien (post Paris Special) Oneshot that I'm hoping to finish soon. They're just angsty teens trying to figure out what is love how to be around each other.
4. Kaleidoscope - (not currently a posted fic so link leads to my tumblr tag) Kwami Swap AU with a dose of amnesia! Love Square is a mess in this with a Reunioned Ghostbug trying to solve all the problems. Adrien needs a coffee and a nap. Tikki needs a drink.
5. Citrus and Lavender - Enemies to Lovers AU with Chat Noir being deceived into being on Hawk Moth's side from the very beginning. The kids need therapy and Gabriel needs jail.
There's is so much I'm looking forward to with Bell the Cat, but with the upcoming chapters I'm excited about introducing some more characters into this world! And of course all the Ladyblanc banter to be had!
2. This is my little pet project at the moment that I am slow roasting in the microwave. There are so many things that I am foaming at the mouth for that I want to just spit the fic out onto ao3 already but I'm trying to go slow with this one.
3. I'm just excited to feed myself more Toxigriffe, even if its in Adrinette form. I have so many ideas for these two but this oneshot is the closest to being finished. I'm excited to have it done (soon! hopefully!)!
4. Another one that's been slow roasting for a bit. I'll admit I'm still undecided with how I want to post this - do I go full fanfic on ao3 with it? Or a webcomic-style on tumblr? Perhaps a hybrid of both? I normally go with writing for longer stories, but this AU really got its interest and following through my random comics of it. It's exciting to think about my options as I could really challenge myself with it (even if opting for a more webcomic style is terrifying in its own way).
5. We're finally reaching the point in the story where Ladynoir are trying to transition from stalwart enemies to shy and unsure partners. All sides of the love square are standing on bambi legs right now as things are very new and scary - but at least they'll slowly learn they have each other to lean on!
I think most of my usual victims have been tagged already - so consider this an open invitation to anyone who wants to do it! I'm tagging you! Yes, you!
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bittersweetresilience · 8 months ago
writing game ✍️
In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
thank you @ninadove and @coffeebanana for the tags <3
Wanting to die is something that clings. It creeps up on you, waiting for the moment when it’s least expected to strike. Then it becomes a shadow, always following. Then it becomes a habit. It recognizes your scent, and it is always hungry. Sort of like a dog, really, which makes sense, because Félix is sort of like a dog too, and it’s a dog-eat-dog world, that’s what his father always told him.
this is not actually the last thing i wrote either time i was tagged but both times they were honkai star rail so i went back to find the last thing i wrote for miraculous which was this unedited phone written fragment of a sentitwin week wip which i started last wednesday and then didn't progress since. CLOSE ENOUGH WE'RE FINE
@hartwign can have the actual last line good morning hart i love you
and passing this game to @mostmagical @isabugs @bbutterflies @teafig and hmm @spoiledlbleach and @socialiseisnotinmyname <3
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asukiess · 8 months ago
writing game 💌
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
thank you @graythegreyt !!!!! 🩵🥰🫶🏻
was outlining a fic….
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I’ll tag… @coffeebanana & @heartfulselkie @celestialtitania!!
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