#hey tms WHERE IS MY BOY
rainymeadows-art · 3 days
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damn guys the cast of Investigations 3 looks awesome
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littlenimart · 2 years
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i can’t believe that this is how the Like A Dragon Party canonically sleep every night
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greeniegaes · 3 months
JiuYuan au
Basically when SY goes into pidw SJ switches bodies with him! Cool fine whatever right? Not long into it they both discover they can see each other in their dream realms, which have collided into one.
At first it’s SJ being like “damn bro, you live like this?” And SY being like “damn bro, isn’t the sect so much nicer when you’re not being a cunt?”
Basically bickering until they realize the other isn’t that bad. SJ reads the webnovel and is like “this is fucking awful.” And SY just bonds over shitting on it.
As they talk and bond over a few years they start to actually kinda like each other like “wow maybe this guy isn’t awful *all* the time” and they get into a truce telling each other about their original worlds and stuff.
One day SJ is looking at old swords and finds Xin Mo, which shouldn’t be possible? Oh well, it is! And being the Rich Boy TM he is he just buys it from whatever museum or collector has it.
After a bit of discussion SY is like “what if you brought my body here and we swapped back to our originals?” And SJ is so game, he misses cultivation no matter how cool the modern world is.
So during the Jin Lan city arc they figure out how to swap bodies, SY immediately going into his but SJ accidentally getting stuck and being in a coma. Eventually when he wakes up he’s like “shit, why am I here…. Why am I naked?” And he escapes from Huan Hua palace only to get caught up in the fighting between CQS and Binghe’s people.
And Shen Yuan ex machina(+Xin Mo) come to take him away!
Obviously SQH is confused (that looks like the mushroom body but it’s not and he doesn’t know why it looks like that elusive third son of the shens) and LBH is even more confused because “hey now! That’s my sword! Why are there two?” And in the confusion SY fuses both the Xin Mos, purifies LBH, and gets the fuck out of there with SJ on his waist.
YQY: Shidi?! What’s going on, where are you going
LQG: If that man can control the demon sword he can’t be good, what are you doing!?!
SJ; this is my husband now
SY: we did not discuss that but sure (may as well because our consciousnesses are linked)
SQH never figured out what’s going on, JiuYuan go off and have a happy life on a tea farm and hunting monsters.
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evilminji · 1 year
Ya'll know our BELOVED? Little Baby Man?
The noodliest ghosty boy?
What if he WAS Baby? It wouldn't be the first time Danny's enemies plotting gave him offspring. Only this time it's not a clone! It's a proper GHOST baby. Like Lunch Box.
Who's the other parent I hear you ask?
Pretty human-centric view point there buddy, to assume Ghosts NEED two participants to make an offspring. OR are limited to two! Just cause Lunch Lady And Boxie are a couple doesn't mean that's the standard!
We lack data here! ASSUME NOTHING. *sciences harder in your direction*
*awkward cough*
*shuffles notes*
ANYWAY! The child! All it would really take is one(1) VERY poorly timed ambush attack. Imagine if you will, a cell. How does it multiply? While not even close, the simplistic images ARE pretty good as an explanation!
But isn't that just an ecto-clone? You say?
But THOSE? Are hollow bags of GOO!
No CORE! *slaps the chalkboard behind me*
However! If you wanted, say, a precious bundle off joy? Well, nothing can come from perfect void! You must contribute the building blocks of LIFE! And what are those, my students, in ghost biology??!
Two vital pieces! The Ectoplasm aaaaaaand? That's RIGHT!
A critical and ever vital part of ghost biological function.
Which, like every OTHER part of the body, is malleable. One could, say, make it smaller. Create part of a proto core. OR, should one be ALONE in this process, a FULL protocol.
Upon which, ectoplasm latches, builds, develops and grows. Becomes its own soul.
Now! Do Not mistake me! There is a WILDLY vast difference between the formation of a core and a shattered core. Between willing life and untimely second death. It is not, and never WILL be, easy to create the soul of a child. Tampering with your core is PAINFUL, dangerous, and leaves you WILDLY vulnerable.
There is a REASON Neverborn are so precious.
Buuuuut..... *pulls out a book labeled "Curses Though The Ages"* we must ALSO consider the famed Fenton Luck(tm).
Consider! Where would be the "safest" place to practice making clones of yourself? A place that's wide open. No one wearing white likely to take pot shots at you while your attention is divided in multiple places at once. No parents blowing up the basement at a delicate moment and leaving you trying to hide that extra arm for a week...
Maybe you forget... oh yeah... OTHER GHOSTS.
So there Danny floats. In the Zone. DISTRACTED. His core HUGE from all that recently Royal business as it tries to digest it. Feeling bloated. Trying to work off some energy, as it were. Then who should come along? Why, the universes BEST HUNTER of course! To say *gun powering up noise* :) HI :)
Like buddies DO.
Danny doesn't see him.
Danny is mid-split.
At his limit, honestly. Already made as many copies as he usually can. Is trying for ooooone moooooore..... when...
PAIN. Something cracks.
He loses concentration. Tries to curl in on himself.
Both 1.5 of him tries. He loses hold of the "clone's" Ecto. Somethings free floating leaving his chest along with it. Behind him, Skulker is freaking out. That was MEANT to be on opening volley. A gentle little "hey, come fight me". That crack sounded SERIOUS.
Danny can't breathe. It's like the portal all over again. He curls tighter and tighter. Feels the crown, which was not THERE until this moment, press down tight and gripping onto his head. Thrumming. And then... something feels like a muscle releasing.
His core is... smaller? He'd been watching its progress, it couldn't have digest so fast... how did it lose so much... mass...
Danny feels all the blood drain from his face.
He nearly died.
His... his soul... WHERE IS HIS SOUL?? That's a piece of him! A part of his SOU-!
He spins around... only to meet the eyes off a blearly blinking, noodlish, cartoon like gremlin with his color scheme. Who's floating along like they're in zero-g. Just... drifting in a slow circle.
They yawn at him with a mouth full of teeny tiny baby fangs. Then chirp.
That's his Son. He doesn't know how, he doesn't know WHY, but he somehow instinctively... just... KNOWS?
They blep.
Danny looks a Skulker. His eyes hold MURDER.
"You're paying child support."
"......yes sir."
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
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During a meeting with all the kings and the royal assistents TM
Mammon: I'm glad to see that everyone is present for the first time in years
Asmodeus: In my defense, being a father is difficult. Children are so time consuming and even when they grow up you still need to make sure they don't cut their own dicks off, DANTALIAN PUT THE KNIFE WHERE I CAN SEE IT
Belphegor: That's why I sleep all day. You can't make mistakes while sleeping
Asmodeus: Oh, trust me, if you want to you can. Where there is a hole, there is a way.
Leviathan: Asmodeus, you are trully the one demon whose mere existence is a mistake... you and Beelzebub
Asmodeus: Thank you, Leviathan. Glad to see that you're just as pleasant as I remember you being.
Lucifer sitting himself next to Beelzebub: Beelzebub I wish to discuss some important matters with you.
Beelzebub getting up and streching: Oh, wow, look at the clock. You're all great, loved seing you, but I really have to go. The sea is calling me.
Bael: No, the fuck you don't! You fucking bitch! COMR BACK AND DO YOUR JOB! Ughhhhhh, I'm so sorry he keeps doing this.
Gusion nodding in understanding in the background
Belphegor: If you open your mouth I'll take it as an invitation to pull out all your teeth.
Mammon: Anyways, today we are planning to discuss a celebration for MC's birthday. We have come up with some potential ideas.
Asmodeus: I'll take them to the human world.
Satan: Don't you fucking dare.
Asmodeus: What? If MC wants to see their human best friend again, who am I to stop them. I go in the human world all the time, I don't see what the problem is.
Asmodeus: Really now? And who are you to tell me what to do? You're not God.
Lucifer: Don't you dare use the Lord's name in vain
Asmodeus: Oh, I forgot we invited the mormon here. Excuse me, father, for I have sinned.
Lucifer hisses
Asmodeus: That's hot. Do that again, angel boy.
Gamigin: Hey, stop it!
Mammon: Please, stop. This isn't about our petty infighting. It's about MC.
Leviathan: It's simple. Mc will stay in Hades and I will make sure they get celebrated appropriatly there.
Satan: They will not! I already prepared the festivities for the birthday!
Asmodeus: I just say we all have an orgy and that's the birthday.
Leviathan: Why, is that how you wish Dantalian happy birthday? With his cock in your mouth? You backwards thinking heathens have no business being near another living creature.
Asmodeus: THAT'S MY SON YOU LITTLE BITCH! And you have a necrophile in your government. At least my nobles don't stick their dicks in a corpse!
Leviathan: He hasn't done that since last year!
Asmodeus: How do you know? Do you like watching it? And I'm the filthy one here.
All the kings start fighting while the nobles watch
Gamigin: S-should we do something?
Bael: No, this happens every time they're all here
Dantalian: And it's hot
Gamigin: ...I think I am starting to understand why Lucifer doesn't let you guys in the country.
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Inspired by that post about Thranduil being all defensive/protective over Gimli in Valinor:
We all know the head canon of Thorin being all "no nephew of mine even associates with an elf" BUT
Just imagine, in a world where all three Durins survived, and Tauriel saved Kili (again), and some other elf healed his and Fìli's wounds last minute.
Thorin saw both his nephews almost die before him, has LIVED through how the gold sickness twists the mind and perception of things, and after coming to terms with Bilbo's theft of the Arkenstone, he for a while questions EVERYTHING.
And yes, he totally has a dramatic phase of self pity, holing up in his rooms, drinking Elvish wine (cus thats all there is atm) and smoking Gandalf's pipeweed, and mourning how "everything i knew is a LIE" and "if elves can make such amazing wine there HAS to be some good in them" and "I almost got my boys killed I am such a failure boooohoooo", and after Bilbo kicks his ass out if depression (and a STRONG worded letter from his sister) he is like "okay FUCK y'all I have TRAUMA TM and will do WHATEVER I WANT!!"
So when Kili all shyly comes forward one day asking if Tauriel can please stay with them in the mountain because she's banished from the Woodland Realm he's all "OF COURSE she can stay, you do you my precious boy, if Thranduil is stupid enough to let such a great warrior go we'll stick it to him"
and BAM, Tauriel joins Dwalin in leading Erebor's guard, and Dwalin is torn between "excuse ME u want me to share my job with a pointy eared maiden?" And "holy hell that lass has fire can't show how impressed I am".
And Tauriel Takes No Shit even from her own boyfriend, so Kìli is forced to take his new responsibilities seriously because "I did NOT lose my home to live with a CHILD, Kili", and Fili gets dragged into the whole thing without really understanding what happened, but hey, his lil brother is happy so who cares really.
And whenever someone at council (like Dain) complains about an Elf in the mountain, Thorin goes absolutely FERAL like "are you saying I don't know what's best for this mountain I just won from A DRAGON?! are you suggesting that my perfect baby nephew has bad taste? Huh? Exactly, didn't think so!!!!" And is a protective Papa bear "listen Tauriel if someone gives you shit you SHOOT them. No, not killing them, but, you know, just maim them a little to make a point. Trust me I'm the king."
And once Kili and Tauriel have their first child Thorin constantly kidnaps the kid and has them in the forge before they can even talk because "need to keep up that good old dwarven influence".
Anyway I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
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astr0exe · 7 months
ong i feel like im bothering you with my requests 😭😭😭 but if you still do reqs can i suggest FTM bratty pillow prince R with any cod character? maybe some overstimulation n character eating R out?? if you don’t want to do it its completely okay! Hope you have a great rest of your day/night 🫶🏼
not bothering me at all ml🫶🏻💐 have a good day/night yourself and hope this lives up to what you hoped !!
tw : tm!reader (swollen dick is used) , brat reader, overstimulation , slight degradation (?) , lots of praise , squirting , aftercare , no actual sex
bratty!reader with a Soap who is smitten and soft until he snaps.
bratty!reader who lounges around in one of Johnny’s camo shirts and a tiny thong, talking back and being rude. “But Johnnyyyy, I’ll do it later, pinky promise” you mumble, not even paying attention to the man in front of you too engrossed on your phone, your legs kicking in the air behind you as you go back to ignoring your boyfriend.
bratty!reader with a Johnny who just sighs shaking his head, trying to be nice and calm, his patience decreasing every second you ignore him. He finally has enough of your tone and attitude and just picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
bratty!reader who gasps and struggles before getting a swift spank to the arse, a hard one at that, making you whine and whimper at the pain. Johnny still not saying anything as he just marches you to the bedroom. Basically throwing you on the bed before pushing your hips against his as he straddles you, staring down at you with narrowed eyes “I’ve ‘ad enough of you’r attitude bonnie..” he sighs running his hands over his face, shaking his head “I ken wha to do with you boy.”
bratty!reader who huffs and rolls their eyes pushing against Soaps strong body “Johnny.. get off I’m boreddd” you whine huffing again, still pushing your small hands against his large muscles. Johnny just closes his eyes, “Bonnie.. stop being a brat..” he mumbles, trying to figure out a way to get you to be his good boy again:(
bratty!reader who LAUGHS in Johnnys face. Johnny’s face hardens as he basically glares down at you his hands working down your body slowly, his grip tight and unforgiving as he reaches your hips and thighs, not caring for the possible bruises that may form, Johnny will kiss them better tomorrow he thinks to himself, but tonight? tonight you are getting treated like a little slut.
bratty!reader whos eyes widen when Johnny comes face to face with your drenched pussy, pulsing and quivering around nothing, your thighs being sticky from your arousal dripping down them as well, making Soap laugh at the fact you get off on pissing him off. His tongue nudges your swollen dick, taking it in his mouth as his hands come to rest on your inner thighs which he lets wrap around his head.
bratty!reader who moans loudly from their sensitive dick being overwhelmed by Johnnys soft mouth and impressive tongue, you moan and whine, writhing around to the point where Soap has to hold down your hips, glaring at you to be still and nipping at your sensitive thighs before diving back into your sopping cunt.
softdom!johnny who mumbles praises into your pussy “good boy there we go.. not so bratty now hey doll..” his words inaudible but the vibrations that hit you were so strong your legs started shaking around Soaps head. Your legs clenching and unclenching in the same rhythm that Soaps tongue is dipping into your cunt, Soap won’t come up for air until you cum on his tongue.
bratty!reader whos mind blanks as soon as Johnny’s tongue prods your drenched entrance, you have no thoughts.. no words.. all you can do is cling to Johnny’s sweat drenched mohawk and squirt over his face, your juices filling his mouth as he moans happily, his eyes rolling back at the taste.
bratty!reader who tries to push Soap away after you come down from your orgasm, but to no avail. You whine and moan loudly “Johnnyyy” is all you can say, your legs trembling around Johnny’s head as he smirks into your pussy, he’s decided on your punishment. Overstimulation.
softdom!Johnny keeps eating you out and sucking you off like a man who has been lost in a desert and he has finally found water, your juices running down his chin as his nose nudges your overly sensitive cock. All you can do is whine and moan, your hands gripping the sheets with white knuckles, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your shouts become more high pitched.
bratty!reader who can’t even speak as you cum again, just drenching Soap even more pushing against his head exhausted, needing to stop as you black out due to your orgasm.
bratty!reader who wakes up completely cleaned up with Johnny next to you, playing with your hair softly mumbling praises. When he realises you have woken up he grabs you the cold bottle of water along with the bowl of fruit that was on the bedside table.
bratty!reader and softdom!johnny who end up just putting on a disney movie, cuddling. Falling asleep knowing you are safe within his arms
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james-is-here · 7 months
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𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘭...
Waah!: The boys reaction to realizing they yelled at you when you have past trauma with yelling.
Ya-hoo!: Mn in this had a "Military" childhood, Dad treated him like a soldier and was always yelling at him whether it be commands or verbal abuse.
Yay!: Is it obvious what I'm using to label the start of my fics? lol. Anyway, Waah! is the summary. Ya-hoo! is a brief explanation or backstory, and Yay! is authors note. I need a fourth character noise for Warnings...Oh yeah! will by warnings. (Also, if you haven't got it yet, Waluigi, Mario, Peach, Luigi)
Oh Yeah!: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Trauma Triggers, The boys are unintentional dicks, Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, mentions of Blood, British Cigarette slur in Changbin's,
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𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷 (598 Words)
The door of your apartment slammed shut, making you jump. He knows to not slam doors but you put aside your slight annoyance for him forgetting when you hear him muttering. You shuffle out of your room and head to the living room where you can hear the mutters more clearly. Something about a missing track and being behind a day since they had to re-record some lines.
"Hey, Channie..." You said softly as you gently crossed your arms. You may be a strong tall boy (tm) now but Chan was starting to scare you a bit. "I-I got us food...Wasn't sure what your wanted but I got your fav-" "Mn, Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled, turning towards you. "I saw the damn food but if you payed attention to your damn phone, you would've known that I ate with the boys." "Ch-Chan...Stop. Now." Your voice wavered as your eyes began to water. "Who are you to tell me to stop?!"
The phrase made you flinch, the flash of your father about to hit you after you told him to stop yelling at your siblings made you stumble back into the wall, bumping into the side table, knocking over a vase that shatters as you slid down the wall, your hands coming up to cover your head as you beg your father to not hurt you.
The moment "Appa, No, please!" left your mouth, Chan's anger and stress from the day immediately went out the window when he realized what just happened. "Shit, Shit, Mn, I'm sorry." He swore he'd never raise his voice and seeing you like this, curled against the wall shaking, crushed his heart. "Mn, hey, jagi, can you hear me?" A sob is all he gets in reply and he sighs as tears build up in his eyes. His eyes catch the glass around your leg and he notices that you landed on some of the pieces, a few small blood patches on your sweats. He knows he needs to be gentle but he can't let them get worse as he kneels in front of you to try and move you off and away from the glass. You fight against him, your hands trying to help you crawl away but your right ends up in the glass and you cry in pain this time. "Ah, shit." Your eyes snap open to first see your hand, then the glass around you. "I-I'm sorry, I-I'll clean this up." You go to stand but Chan stops you. "No, No, N/n, let's patch you up first." "B-But I-I have to clean with the wounds...t-to be tougher." "Mn, babe, look at me." You do so slowly and finally meet his teary gaze. "Ch-Channie..." A new set of tears fall and Chan scoops you up the best he can to get you away from the mess.
"I'm so sorry, N/n. I didn't mean to yell at you, I know better, I shouldn't have taken my stress of the day out on you, I am unbelievably sorry." His hug was tight as he cried into your shoulder. "I promise I won't do that again, I promise to be more aware of how I'm feeling. I'll make it up to you, I'm sorry." You shake in his hold but slowly you melt into him, his faint cologne and tight grip calming you down as you wrap your arms around him as well. Although your leg and palm stung, you were grounded enough to know that both of you were comforting one another in that moment.
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𝓛𝓮𝓮 𝓚𝓷𝓸𝔀 (950 Words)
Minho asked you a few days ago if you could meet him at his place so the two of you could finally spend time together after what felt like an eternity since the last time you saw each other.
You arrived a few minutes before him and hastily set out the food you brought, homemade from your sibling you visited a day prior. His cats surrounded you, watching you curiously as you get the food out. When you were done, you smiled at the cats before making your way into the living room and sat on the floor, Soonie crawled into your lap as Dori sat in front of you and Doongi was happily purring next to Dori as you pat his head and scratch his chin. Pausing your pets on the cat in your lap, you pull your phone out of your pocket to see if there's any updates from Minho. Five minutes ago is a message saying he's almost there and Fifteen minutes ago is a message asking if you could feed the babies for him. You're quick to remove Soonie from your lap and stand up, gathering their dishes and food when the door opens but you jump when it slams shut.
"Mn?" His tone was firm and you felt a little scared but kept in mind that he just came from either the studio or the dorms, he must've not had a good day. "In here!" You call out. "I brought my siblings home made Kimbap and Pajeon for dinner. I also picked up-" "Where's their food?" "O-Oh, it's right here." You smile gently when he reaches your line of sight. "I'm just filling Dori's-" "I sent that twenty minutes ago." "I-I know, and I have the bowls right here, just give me-" "Why didn't you do it when I texted you?" "M-Min, it's not a big deal. Look, I have their bowls." "Not a big deal? You're starving them." "Oh come on, Minnie, you're being overdramatic."
You kneel down and set the bowls near the cats before standing up and turning towards your boyfriend. "See? Now they're fed." You sassed, going to walk past him to go to your food when he blocked your path. "Minho, what is wrong with you?" You snapped. He suddenly grabbed your wrists and you whimpered at the tightness. The backbone you gained over time from your childhood was suddenly out the window as fear crept up your spine. "O-Ow, Min, you're hurting me." "I don't care. I asked you to do one simple task and you blew it off."
Tears gathered in your eyes as your thrown back to the one night you didn't do the dishes, too busy trying to finish an important, grade-on-the-line school project, and your dad came home to see the half filled sink. He had grabbed you, dragging you into the kitchen. You complained that he was hurting you and that phrase was uttered before he threw you in front of the sink, you had a bruise on your side for a week.
The tears finally fell as you squeezed your eyes shut. "M-Minho, please stop, I'm sorry I didn't feed them earlier." "Why are you crying? There's no need to be crying, you don't have a reason to cry." He shoved you backwards and you stumble into Soonie's food bowl, spilling his food as he jumps away as another memory flashes, your father said the same thing when you cried after seeing him shove your mother to the ground. You whimper quietly, stuttering as you shrink in on yourself. "I'm sorry, Appa, I'll do better, I'm sorry." Your eyes open to see the food at your feet and you silently kneel down onto both of your knees to clean your mess.
Minho was frozen, mulling over his thoughts before he sighs. He realized what happened, the night prior he slept at the dorms and was so happy he'll get to see you the next day but he had woken up with a nasty headache, fighting through the slight throb in his temples at practice and at the studio. This was his fault, twenty minutes really wasn't a big deal to get mad over but he was tired, annoyed, and in pain, he just wanted you and his babies and when he saw them without food, he just broke. He sighs as he gets on the floor with you, picking up the food with you. When all of it was back in the bowl, you suddenly picked it up and hastily walked back to the kitchen.
Minho's eyes followed you, watching you dump the bowl before pouring new food back into it. "Mn-ie..." He stood when you came back in. A gentle hand on your bicep, he takes the bowl, setting it down for the mewling cat at his feet before placing his other hand on your other arm to turn you towards him. "Jagiya, I'm sorry." He bends his knees to try and look at your eyes, tears gathering but not falling. He sighs again, standing up straight and wrapping his arms around you. He didn't say anything, he just cradled you, rubbing your back as you let the tears fall and soak his hoodie. You could tell he felt bad, gentle kisses placed on the top of your head and a couple on your cheek or hoodie-clad shoulder while he swayed the both of you gently. You take a step to try and push yourself further into his hold, wrapping your arms around his middle and his arms tighten around you. "I love you, Mn...I'm sorry." You sob into his shoulder, burying your face further into his shoulder. "L-Love you, M-Min..."
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓫𝓲𝓷 (635 Words)
You knew Changbin had a bad gym day and you did everything to cheer him up and make him feel better. You made him your noodle recipe from your mom that he absolutely loves, you drew him a warm bath when he texted a small ‘Almost home’. You sent him a quick message saying you love him and can't wait to see him but he didn't reply. Today must've been really bad, hopefully your little set up in your dining room will make him happy.
When Changbin came home, you smiled, finishing up dinner before walking out of the kitchen to greet your boyfriend, but as soon as you reached the entryway of your home, the air shifted and you realized that your Binnie was in a really bad mood as you made your way to the front door. “Hey, Bin.” “Hey.” “I, um, I drew you a bath…a-and I made your favorite recipe from my mom for dinner. It's ready when you finish your bath.” “Thanks.”
You wring your hands together before taking a stuttery inhale. “Y-You okay, Bin? I-Is there anything I can do…for you?” “No, you can't do anything.” “Excuse me?” “You can't do anything.” “Binnie, you don't mean that.” You give a weary smile and hesitant chuckle. “You just might be stressed and tired-” “Now you're suddenly aware of how I’m feeling? How would you know how I’m feeling?” “Bin-” “Stop, just stop.”
He shoves past you, his built shoulder shoving you into the wall and your left hand lands on the wall to stop yourself from colliding with the wall as you turn and watch Changbin walk away. “Bin, hey-” “I just told you to stop! Like I said, you can't do anything, you can't even listen properly.” His voice was rising the more he spoke and he turned back to you, taking slow steps towards you.
“Changbin, stop taking to me like that.” Your eyes grew glossy as you tried to hold in your tears. “Why are you crying? You're so pathetic.” “Changbin!” “Don't yell at me, you don't have a reason to yell at me!” Suddenly he's grabbing your arm and pulling you from the front door entryway to push you into the livingroom. Unfortunately, you managed to trip over the corner of your rug and you landed on your side at the same time your head connected to the side of the coffee table. You yelp in pain, feeling as if you were fifteen again when your dad found out you had a boyfriend, furious that his son was a ‘Weak Fag’ and ‘pathetic’ as you collided with the wall next to the television.
The tears fell and you let out a sob as your head pounded. You reach up to your temple and pull your hand back to find some blood, looking back up to see Changbin still standing there, staring, still angry as if he didn't realize what he just did.
You got up with shaky legs and ran to the bathroom, aiming to patch your wound but the first thing you do is slide down the door with a sob and pull your phone out, calling the first contact that you manage to navigate to. Meanwhile, Changbin tossed his hands up when you ran to the bathroom, amused that you ran away from him, still not aware of what just happened.
A few minutes later, the still unlocked front door was pushed open and he got a small glimpse of Felix rushing to the bathroom before Chan was slamming the door closed and pushing Changbin against the wall. “What the fuck-” “What is wrong with you?!” “What?” “You know he has abuse trauma, why the fuck did you do it?” “What do you mean?” Suddenly, Chan slaps him, and gestures to the room. “Look around, Changbin.” There's a few blood droplets next to the coffee table, staining your messed up rug from when you tripped, Felix trying to get you to open the bathroom door, and on the dining table were dishes ready for dinner. What really brought Changbin to reality was the number two balloon and what looked like a custom banner saying “I love you, Binnie, Happy Two Years.”
Your guy's anniversary…
(I'm ending his here but if a pt.2/continuation is wanted, I'll get it to you :)...)
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𝓗𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓳𝓲𝓷 (1083 words)
With the couple years you guys have been together, you had finally gained courage to suggest that Hyunjin moved in with you. Not like move in physically, he still lives with the boys at the dorm, I mean you let him claim your guest room to be another art studio for him. It was already your own little work space but you donated the bed, cleaned it up, reorganized, and got new furniture to surprise him with it for your one year anniversary.
Now, most of your home is covered in paintings that he's made. Either permanently or just to get it out of the room. He was with the boys when you were cleaning around, your last room of the day being the studio. You didn't do much, knowing how Hyunjin likes his things where he puts them, the most you did was put blank canvases together in the corner and put things back where you knew they belonged and knew your boy wasn't using the item anymore.
You were moving to your side of the studio when your foot slips slightly and you notice a brush of his. It was still usable but the handle was messy and slight warn and the bristles were beginning to fray. Looking at his desk, you see the other brushes which seem to be in the same state. You didn't think about it to much before smiling, biting your lip to keep the grin from spreading too wide before making your way to a set of drawers next to your desk, a collective catch all and your lucky that he's never opened the bottom drawer which contains new brushes. Black handles with a gold metal holding clean brown bristles, custom made with a little engravings on them. "Forever my prince" and "Hwang No.1". You've had them for a while, waiting for the right moment to give them since whenever you brought up the topic, he'd say the ones he has are still useful but it wasn't about just replacing his brushes, one of the brushes engravings was "Ln Hyunjin." You finally were going to propose.
You collected the old brushes and moved them to the long drawer on your desk to hide them, throw them away later. You then got an unoccupied small white vase and placed the brushes in like a bouquet before writing and small note, a simple 'Just because gift ~Mn <3' that you place next to the vase. You would've given them physically but you had some errands to run with your sibling, that's why you were cleaning, killing time.
After running errands, you came back and heard small muttering in the studio, smiling when you see his shoes before it falls when you see the slight disarray your living room was in. "Damn it, Mn, what did you do with them?" You heard him huff. What did you do? Walking down the hall, you see a few of your new brushes for him and your chest grows tight. "Jinnie?" "Mn! Where are my brushes?" "D-Didn't you see I got you new ones?" "I didn't need new ones, Mn! The ones I had are ones I'm use to." "So because you didn't want to try out the ones I bought you, you throw them on the floor?" "Mn, I didn't need new ones to begin with! If you listened to me, I wouldn't be yelling at you!"
"If you listened to me, I wouldn't have to punish you!" Your dad yelled a day after he said "Listen closely, you don't say a word about what I did to mom, I won't punish you for not cleaning the truck like I told you to do." The same day you gave in and begged your teacher that day at school to help save your family. You just wanted away from that man, you didn't want to be near him anymore but when the cops showed up, he lied, and when they left, let's just say you missed a week of school due to some bruises and your father didn't want to get caught. That's when you realized he only cared about himself and how people see him.
"I-I'm sorry...Y-You always get m-me gifts, I-I was just returning th-the favor..." "Well, you didn't have to. Now where are they?" "I-In m-my desk..." You suddenly felt like a little boy again, you felt small, confined, trapped. You wipe at your eyes with the bottom of your palm, sniffing as you watch him kick the other brushes away. "J-Jin?" "What?" He snapped. "I-I'm sorry, J-Jin-nim, I'm sorry." Chocking back a sob, you step back and run out of the room. "Jin-nim?" Hyunjin mutters to himself confused before his eyes widen, looking at the brushes before the ones in his hands clatter to the floor and he's chasing after you. You were forced to call your father Mister Jin.
Your shoes were missing and your front door was open. "Shit." He quickly slid his shoes on before running out the door. He could see you not that far away as he was quick to catch up to you, wrapping his arms around you to stop you from walking farther. "Mn, Muse, hold on." He turned you around to face him, a hand on the side of your face to gently guide your gaze up to him. "Mn, I'm sorry." "What?" You blinked a couple times before you realized it was Jin. Your Jin. "Hyunjin?" "Yeah, it's okay. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I didn't mean to get rational, I-I don't know what came over me, I should've just asked." "Y-You didn't even see the brushes...Did you?" "N-Not really...I-I really am sorry."
You reach a hand up to his, leaning into his touch before you remove his hand and walk back home. When you return, to pull him to the studio, picking up the fan brush with his name. "This is your last name." "I know." You pull him further into the studio but he stops to look at the other brushes as you move to your desk drawer, reaching to the back to pull out a ring.
You turn around, admiring Hyunjin for a moment before walking over to him, placing a gentle hand on his elbow to get him to look at you before smiling when his eye catches the ring instead. "Mn..." "I know you...just yelled at me and I have so many problems but...be mine?"
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Got carried away with Hyunjin's but I'm a writer who loves details but sorry this took so long. Ended up making this two parts cause I didn't know what to do for the maknae's cause my brain thinks they're too precious to hurt someone but I will think of something. For now, I hope you...enjoyed? It's kinda weird to say I hope you enjoyed this since it's a trauma fic 😬 N E WAYS, I just hope it's okay.
Tagging @lakee-jakee and @belladonna6-6-6 who commented on the original post of me asking if anyone wanted this. It do finally be done :)
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azziebaddy · 1 month
The Acotar Boys: Pet Familiars Headcanons✨️💖
@prythianpages thank you for inspiring me hehe
Rhysand: Black Cat
-Probably names it's something like 'Onyx' 'Frosty' 'Jet' 'Noir Sr the 3rd'
Likes to snuggle into his lap whilst he looks over reports 🥹
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Cassian: Pitbull
'Mr worldwide tm'
- immediately adopts him on the spot after seeing him in the alleyway behind Rita's.
Helps comfort him after training sessions because he deserves some snuggles too 💖
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Azriel : Ferret
'Come back here you little shit'
-noodle boy found Azriel when wondering the wild fields of autumn court. He got so transfixed with his shadows he jumps into his pocket.
Azriel gets secretly upset when he can't bring his familiar on a trip because it's too dangerous. His shadows whisper
'Friend where friend where friend where'
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Helion : Shrimp
'Hey have you ever met my friend Shrimp'
-he's got so much Riz that one day he bought a shrimp to see if he could charm a woman with it
Ended up bro-ing with the shrimp too hard that some days he just doesn't feel like going to the club, instead building a little sanctuary for his new familiar
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Eris: Snake
'Sssssssoo lassssstttt ssssseeeaassssssonnnnnn Diiiooorreer'
- his snake is an ancient familiar that understands the hardships Eris faces. He decides to accept his new bond with Eris after judging that his designer outfit is worthy enough to have them hang round his neck
The dogs guard the Court; the snake guards the future High Lord.
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ac-schryver · 6 months
Mama, I killed Adam! Angelic knife to his back Mama life’s just begun~
Alastor grunted lowly as he entered the east parlor of the hotel. He could feel Lucifer’s eyes boring into the back of his skull. Across from Lucifer sat Heaven’s delegation lead by a man only two inches taller than Lucifer with brown hair but the same agitating face.
“Wow, talk about a pretty face,” Michael giggled. “Too bad about those, 8, 10?, murders. Heaven would have had a field day with you, handsome.”
“Michael, brother dear, is please refrain from flirting with the busboy,” Lucifer ground out, with a pout
“It was 15 murders actually,” Alastor spoke as he lowered himself into a chair watching as the other elder Seraphim flinch at his admission. “They tasted lovely once I turned them into andouille and boudin.”
“You’re not feeding us that are you?” Lucifer asked.
“Of course not, my King!” Alastor’s grin turned feral. “Don’t worry you pretty little head! I respect our dear Charlie too much to soil her palate that way, but I can give you a taste if you like.”
“Oooh kinky!” Michael chirped.
“Michael, sir, please!” Sera hissed.
“but it is!” Michael whined.
“Your saintliness ain’t so bad,” Angel grinned.
“Not so bad your self, doll!” Michael flirted back.
“Michael, please!” Sera hissed.
“That would be my cue to leave,” Alastor chuckled only to fall back down into his chair by a yank at his neck.
“Where do you think you’re going?” A purple snake demoness with heart patterns down her tail marched into the parlor, heels clicking, blue hair wild. “I told you to watch over Lucifer and Charlotte, not get killed fighting my stupid ex husband, who’s here now! Hi, Luci. Now get your skinny ass over here so I can fix you again!”
“EVE?!” Lucifer asked, then whipped around to Alastor. “You sold your soul to Eve?!”
“Hush! Do you know how stubborn this man is? Had to make a damn deal to let me heal him seven years ago and to make him rest!” Eve hissed and poked at Alastor’s face. “Asked me to stitch that smile to his face too!”
“Hey, girl!” Michael grinned. “How are the boys?”
“Michael! They’re good, invested in something call the Immediate Murder Professionals? It’s going well!”
“Abel and Cain are invested in I.M.P.?!” Sera gasped and the groaned.
“This has been so productive! When do I get to meet Lottie?”Michael asked. “Dad and I have a present for her!”
It’s either Eve or Roo and boy do I want the Mama’s boy to pick the Mother of all Moms! Also I’m tired of mean Michael! I want chaos gremlin who’s Tired TM and just wants to visit his brother and niece also art of Michael and Eve, how I think they look until official art
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yurislotusgarden · 1 year
Relationship hc's
ʚїɞ Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ This is just part 1 as I'm gonna write hc's like this for more characters
ʚїɞ word count: 1581
ʚїɞ why are hc's the longest thing I have written yet?
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used, reader's gender is not specified in any way
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ཐིཋྀ Our local clingy cockroach mf
ཐིཋྀ He always tries to be touching you
ཐིཋྀ Holding hands or pinkies, side hugs, back hugs (he won't miss a chance of burying his face into your hair, shoulder, or neck) <3
ཐིཋྀ Speaking of neck kisses. He loves them (both giving and receiving), especially if you jump at the feeling or are ticklish there
ཐིཋྀ Protective. Not to the point of it being overprotective but it’s very easy to see this man would die for you if he had to he very much has to stop himself from going back to his old ways when someone even tries to hurt you. Even worse if it’s done directly in front of him
ཐིཋྀ He’s possessive but not to a point where it’s overbearing or controlling. He just doesn’t wanna lose you
ཐིཋྀ If you work at the agency there's no peace for you :)
ཐིཋྀ He tries to get your attention by doing absolutely ANYTHING
ཐིཋྀ Man doesn't let you do paperwork. Stealing pens or the papers themselves, moving your chair randomly, and forget about ignoring his antics unless you wanna deal with his whining
ཐིཋྀ "I'm dying 'donna!" "I'm gonna die if I don't get it" <--- Dazai whining loudly while either lying down on the couch, floor, or on his desk
ཐིཋྀ "I'm working Osamu" <--- You, who’s been listening to that for the past 20 minutes
ཐིཋྀ You would be able to ignore him longer if the brunette didn't straight up pick you up from your seat and move you over to his desk to put you on his lap
ཐིཋྀ The whining stopping and him actually doing something can go from not waiting and picking you up, which would be like 2 minutes to like 20 minutes, to literally dragging you out of the agency.
ཐིཋྀ Good luck getting up from his lap or when cuddling because this man has a grip of steel
ཐིཋྀ If you don’t work at the agency and are a civilian, the agency would find out about you 2 being together… at some point
ཐིཋྀ You guys would wait a few months to see if the relationship has a chance of lasting and once yall are sure the other ain’t going anywhere not directed at Dazai I swear, Dazai would come up with some way to reveal it in a way that leaves the ada confused as hell and you 2 laughing
ཐིཋྀ It would be probably one out of these 3:
ཐིཋྀ The first option, randomly seeing you out in the city while he’s walking with someone and coming up to flirt with you in Dazai style TM
ཐིཋྀ He probably would do it while he’s out with Kunikida and Atsushi ;-;
ཐིཋྀ I swear Kunikida would get an aneurysm and Atsushi would change into a statue the moment they process your words
ཐིཋྀ Like the moment you say that you’re dating Dazai and aren’t some unfortunate soul who the brunette decided to flirt with, Kunikida is down on the sidewalk and Atsushi looks like someone told him he’s an alien so well the poor boy believed them
ཐིཋྀ The ada asked you if Dazai pays you or if you’re held hostage by Dazai because they can’t believe someone is willingly dating the bandage-wasting machine
ཐིཋྀ “Blink twice fast right now if you’re in danger” ←- definitely not Yosano
ཐིཋྀ “Hey!” ←- and totally not playfully offended Dazai
ཐིཋྀ The second option, updating personal/employee files (2 possibilities here)
ཐིཋྀ It really depends on how long was the relationship hidden, and whether yall are just dating or got goddamn married by the time either of those 2 possibilities (I am not putting getting married in secret past this guy)
ཐིཋྀ One possibility would be the emergency number
ཐིཋྀ Dazai getting hurt happens, and every time the injury is on the more serious side, Kunikida has to look if there’s an emergency contact in the files knowing Dazai has barely anything written on the paper, so imagine his shock upon seeing a number being actually written down
ཐིཋྀ When did Dazai do it? Poor Kunikida has no idea but it’s there now so he’s calling (he perfectly knows it can be another prank and the number may lead to a pizza place or something)
ཐིཋྀ So you got called (Kunikida had to take a minute to realize Dazai’s got an actual emergency number now) and then came to the agency in a hurry, per Kunikida’s request
ཐིཋྀ They probably wouldn’t ask who you are to Dazai at first, after seeing you worried. But after that when Yosano told you his condition and you calmed down? Bombarded with questions. Dazai aint getting out of them either after waking up
ཐིཋྀ And the third option, Kunikida going through employee files and seeing Dazai has ‘married’ on the marital status-
ཐིཋྀ So here would be the typical “There’s no way *you* are married”. Dazai would, of course, act offended because “What do you mean no one would want to marry me Kunikida-kun?!” and would either show his ring and call you to come to the agency or only show his ring to others and leave them in mystery for some time
ཐིཋྀ Jesus, I went off track, this was meant to be relationship hcs (may write one of the 3 ideas tho)
ཐིཋྀ Anyway
ཐིཋྀ He’s so soft and careful with you because he thinks he will scare you away (he won’t) :(
ཐིཋྀ He WILL take you to Oda’s grave at one point, as well as tell you about his past, even if not everything, you still know more than most people
ཐིཋྀ If Dazai’s not at the agency when he’s supposed to and you want to find him? The best option is to look wherever his little ‘bella is! He’s most likely with you (read: clinging onto you like a koala)
ཐིཋྀ Wearing anything of his is an invitation to touch you in his eyes
ཐིཋྀ Whether he steals your clothes depends simply on whether they fit him (even if tight) or not
ཐིཋྀ PLEASE wear his clothes, and do domestic shit with him. He’s falling in love all over again every time. He literally melts inside
ཐིཋྀ I don’t think it depends on when you met dazai, you know Chuuya in some damn way. If you met while he was in the mafia then knowing Chuuya is obvious if talking about how, but after Dazai left the PM, it depends on whether you work at the agency or not
ཐིཋྀ If you’re a civilian, it was most likely a chance meeting, like while you and Dazai were out on a date, or randomly out of the apartment/house for like shopping or something
ཐིཋྀ If you work at the agency, really possible it was because of a mission
ཐིཋྀ Changing the topic, I wouldn’t let this guy into the kitchen let me tell you. Unless you want something to be on fire (he once burned water and it was the most confusing thing you have ever seen. You both still just don’t know how he managed to achieve that but you never again let him cook when you’re not in the kitchen for even a minute)
ཐིཋྀ Use his shampoo and/or body wash and then proceed to wear anything of his, I dare you. You will have a Dazai-looking puddle on the floor the minute he realizes what you did
ཐིཋྀ I was about to write jealousy hcs but with how many ideas I have on that topic, I will just write another post for that
ཐིཋྀ Remember his look from Dead Apple? He saved that suit and that’s how he looks on some of the dates -the ones paid for with Kunikida’s money-
ཐིཋྀ On the other hand, most dates etc. are really casual and cute. A picnic in a more isolated place, sitting there until the stars come out, mini dates to cafes, library, arcade, or even just a peaceful walk around, during the day and at night under the night sky
ཐིཋྀ Yes, he buys you flowers, there’s no schedule whatsoever, so you can never fully predict when he is going to have a bouquet in his hands or not when visiting
ཐིཋྀ If you’re a foreigner, he’s so learning your mother tongue to some degree (depends how hard it is but probably will end up quite fluent in it after some time)
ཐིཋྀ He can shit-talk people even more with that, and he wants to flirt with you in your own language at one point
ཐིཋྀ“You’re so pretty ‘samu”
“‘bella, Japanese or another language I can understand please”
“But I like this more than a normal conversation tho”
“...I’m pretty sure you just disagreed”
“Maybe I did, pretty boy”
“I’m confused. You are either cussing me out or complimenting me.”
“And you shall stay in mystery forever.”
ཐིཋྀ ^ One of the convos yall had before he started learning (if it’s a language he doesn’t already know)
ཐིཋྀ You wanted to confuse him to have tease material for later
ཐིཋྀ You succeeded
ཐིཋྀ I hc that he and Chuuya learned different languages from Kouyou for work so get ready to be flirted with in a language you don’t understand most likely
ཐིཋྀ Kisses are either really damn soft that make you melt or are greedy ones that make you want more. No in-between with this mf
He very much uses the needy kisses to tease and/or frustrate you
ཐིཋྀ He loves you I swear, you will never notice just how much he does. When he says you are his reason as to why he’s still alive he very much means that :(
ཐིཋྀ Speaking of, the suicide attempts get rarer with the passing days. They happen, but not as much anymore <3
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Notes, comments, reblogs are greatly appreciated &lt;3
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
I call this the Highlander Au! >:Dc There can Be Only One! (Unless he REALLY enjoys the process and the world stops going to shit for like... FIVE god damned minutes!) (The second is sadly unlikely)
Tim? Fully Cis gendered male. Not terribly ATTACHED to this, physically, but certainly identifies as Male and has a male body.
Maybe it's been all the near misses. The "all my friends fuckin DIED on my and I mentally spiraled like you wouldn't believe". Could be him finally reclaiming his life. Or yet another horrible mental spiral. Who knows!
But he's decided.
He wants to be a Dad. *sound of various Bats choking and/or dropping things*
Is even seeing anybody? Nope. How the FUCK is he gonna get a baby?! Oh, normal, Bat Paranoid fashion. Cloning tube. Same way Damian happened. He just needs to figure out the maternal DNA and he's golden. Figure out where to hide his tech to stop Villainous Baby Snatching Plots.
Because that's a very real concern.
No you can't talk him out of this. Timmy want himself a baby. Is already designing a nursery and studying child development books. Parenting manuals, getting those little animal onsies, lazer death grids to ward of Ra's ninjas. The works.
Bruce is off to the side, quietly having an aneurysm and choking to death on his own spit. Baby boy? Fatherhood? OFFSPRING!? Alone and not going to LET HIM HELP!? But why would he help!? Bad idea! But. But he needs to BE THERE to TAKE CARE of TIM and the future BABY! Aaaaaaaaa-!!!!!
It's a... "Fun" time. Dick is nearing a nervous breakdown. Bruce not far behind. Damians having Feelings(tm).
Then! At a Wayne Charity Event(tm)? Small glowing child. Looks alien. Is getting upset. People backing away IN A HURRY because they just watched this child WARP REALITY to turn the nearest table into candy.
Tim is there as the face of the family. A hero. Already feeling generally Paternal. Upset baby is Bad. So he goes in, dispite clear protests. Gets low and talks soothing.
But the alien Wants Her MOMMY!
And? Oh. Well there goes the protective amulets JLA Dark made for him. Now he's in an alien dress and? Very much no longer Cis. Guess he would have and DID inherent from his dad's side of the family, no boobs. Tiny. At least he got his mom's killer legs.
And the kiddo isn't scared any more. Since he "looks like mommy".
Except not even remotely, because she warps into being an HOUR later, looking for her daughter and is made of pure light. Thanks him. Doesn't FIX anything. And just leaves. Gee, thanks lady.
There were REPORTERS there. Tim Drake has tits now. Front page news. Great. Ra's is GOING to know and get WEIRD about it.
Tim shrugs. Off to Leslie we go, though. Check up time!
Yep. Full lady bits action. And, hey! Shiny new spleen! So that's nice.
It DOES change his plan though. He didn't, you know, collect any "samples" yet. But? Does... does he NEED too? He COULD concoct a story of "rich person hires mystic to get penis back" after going and getting magiced back.... OR?
He could have someone put a baby in him! *simultaneous Bat Choking Noises*
MUCH easier to defend. THEN he could be changed back, after the baby is weaned. The problem is who to trust? Ra's is ABSOLUTELY going to do everything in his power to get his seed inside Tim new puss. So a seed bank is out. And-
*hands slam on the table*
Obviously! We can't trust anyone outside this house! Villian plots and Ra's specifically! Bat paranoia! W-we will just have to make this sacrifice for you!
.....Weirdly intense, but okay.
Objection! Says Tim's newly no longer Dead team mates. Tim tried to CLONE Kon! OBVIOUSLY it should be Kon! And Bart! Bro Threesome! Let nature decide! (Then kid number 2 is the other Bro, is only FAIR)
ALSO a good point. He did have that promise, if one of them ever got turned into a girl. And a Kon baby WOULD be nice...
Shit! Grayson pulls "last of my legacy and I have so much to make up for" cards!
Is betrayed by his OWN FATHER (Bruce! How COULD YOU!?) Who plays "you saved me from the time steam and nearly died for me, let me help(emotional)" to devastating effect!
Cheating! Howls the Speedster! You're CHEATING!!!
And Tim stands there... kinda confused but finding he's actually Really In To This as people argue over how much THEY want to be the one to put a baby in him? He's never felt this badly WANTED. Desired.
He may not want to go through the whole "actually carrying a baby for 9 months then pushing one out" thing more then once.... but the fighting over him thing? This might be awaking something.
And, well, Kon already made a good point. Why try to control it? Let nature decide~
Everyone can help.
The argument stops dead. For all of the seconds before "who goes first?" Occurs to everyone.
Sadly for THEM, Bruce is a bastard willing to play dirty to get what he wants. And his house his rules. He goes first. After all, he no doubt smirks, none of THEM have the... experience, to handle a virgin properly.
He refuses to allow Tim hurt on his watch.
Got it? Good talk. Tim, with him.
Which is what leads to Tim clawing at the bed and begging like his life depends on it, soaked in sweat, hours later. As Bruce STILL gently, teasingly, RUTHLESSLY eats him out. Puddles worth of lube ruining the sheets and easing his way, as he works calloused fingers DEEP to find spots Tim didn't know he had yet. As they rub and tease and fuck against those spots so relentlessly it feels like Tim's coming apart.
He didn't even know he could MAKE half these noises.
His hole is so wet and sloppy, it's like it's given up. Like his body can do nothing but quiver and twitch under Bruce's hands. Given how big he is? Probably the point. Because he crawls up to loom over Tim like a giant. Presses kisses to his whimpering, sweaty face. And rocks into his exhausted body, filling every inch of him.
It doesn't even hurt. Something that big probably SHOULD for his first time, but Bruce isn't a legendary playboy for nothing. And it just fills and Fills and FILLS. Rubs against everything in a way that makes his toes curl. Makes him want to gasp and cling, even though he's so exhausted.
Bruce just shooshes him. Pulls him close. He won't have to do a thing. He can just cling to Bruce and feel good. Bruce is here. He's got you.
And it's the best thing Tim's ever felt. Forget masturbation, sex is AMAZING. Bruce rocking then thrusting then pounding into his body. Holding tight like something precious. Hammering his good spots still he sees stars. Til he's nearly sobbing, hiccuping, from how good it feels to have his insides all messed up.
Bruce fills him up. All gooey and warm. Picks him up and carries him to a clean bed to get wiped down and tucked in. Cleans up then joins him. Fills him back up and tucks him close. He feels boneless and precious. Sleeps like the dead.
Discovers sex with a puss is AWESOME.
Next morning, he's barely out of Bruce's room before Dick is scooping him up and dragging him into his room. Almost franticly bending him in half as he presses him to the bed, kissing the air out of him. Holding his face as he whispers filthy praise into his lips. Hips relentless as they slam home, pounding at just the right angle.
Like he's trying to make for YEARS of mistakes by pouring it all into pleasure NOW. Clinging tight and trying to fry Tim's brain with how good he can make him feel. Dick buries his faces against Tim's neck and rutts like he's making up for lost time. Fucking Tim through orgasms, spilling again and again, like he's determined to drain his balls dry and wring every last bit of pleasure he CAN out of Tim's exhausted body.
Tim has to threaten to hit him with an alarm clock to let him up. Tim wants LUNCH damn it. They missed breakfast. By a LOT.
But then work calls. Damn it. So he has to get dressed. Double damn it. And he does it, but refuses to be pleased about it. Resolves things. Even gets ahead on work. Only for DAMIAN to walk stiffly into his office. Sus.
The gremlin hands him a frankly VERY well put together report on why he, Damian AL Ghul... should be allowed to fuck a baby into Tim. He has brought along a slide show and genealogical report.
Damian does. He REALIZED some things about himself. When Tim was discussing becoming a Father. Using the same method as he, himself, was created. Went through a whole "go to the Kent farm and have a life change adventure" character growth arc, as you do. And? Now realizing that he potentially COULD be DIRECTLY involved in the Hypothetical Child's life instead of as an uncle?
He wants in. They could be glorious, combined. AND he firmly believes Tim will be a magnificent Mother. Let him Father your child.
It's a bad idea. Tim knows this. He literally JUST slept with Bruce yesterday and nothing good comes from sleeping with AL Ghul's. They Obsess. But? Fuck it. Maybe THIS is the thing that finally stops the Tim-Gremlin cold war and bring peace to house Wayne once and for all. He unbuckles his belt. Walks over to his resting room.
And Tim KNOWS, even as he's being urgently fucked into the fold out bed, that this is an AWFUL idea. No way in HELL, from the desperate and sloppy thrusts, clinging, panting and whines, is this NOT Damian's first time. He's utterly undone.
Pounding load after load into Tim because it feels too good to stop. All enthusiasm and no skill. Half the pleasure Tim's even GETTING is his own hand, relentlessly teasing his own clit. But? Oh. The feeling of being wanted so BADLY. Of cum, gushing and gushing into him. Knowing it's HIS hole that's so good, it's driving Damian incoherent.
He feels... sexy. It DEFINITELY does something for him. He may not be able to go back. Could see himself enjoying being a milf.
But of course. Business hours end. And he PROMISED! Is swept up by Bart for their threesome. Which, after several rounds and untold loads of near-no-refractary-period speedster cum dumped inside him? Is kinda spotty, in his memory.
All he knows for certain is he wakes up to his sheepish best friends, "Sorry we fucked you unconscious repeatedly" bribes, no voice, and a warm bath. He's also plugged up and FULL full of that premium speedster/half-kryptonian blend cum, because apparently his friend intend to WIN and nothing says victory like overwhelming odds. He'd call them fuckers, but they ARE and hold no remorse. He can't move.
Carry him you bastards.
When he asks where Cassie is, he learns she's apparently trying to harrass the magic users into a making her a temporary "turn me into a dude" amulet. Both as a gift AND so she can join the race for Father Of Tim's Baby. Huh. Interesting new options.
Obviously, throughout ALL of this, ninjas. Because Ra's has never wanted to smash so hard in his LIFE.
Instead, Tim is out here, on Jason's shitty couch. Getting lifted up and slammed down onto his cock. Called baby girl. Princess. Jason's never been harder. Already planning their kids graduation dinner and baby number three.
Tim feeling precious and taken care of and DESIRED. Like the young adult with a first shitty apartment he never got to be. Something so close to normal. Put a baby in him. Fuck him like you love him, like they do this every Saturday night, then eat pizza and watch trash TV. Fill him up.
And if course~ it's a VICIOUS game of Fuck The Tim keep away, up until one day he starts to show. Then Everyone is loving and coddling and in a "No I Am The Father" cold war. The birth is a nightmare, because Tim is slender and more scar tissue then not. But?
Adorable quarter-Kryptonian! With the biggest blue eyes and Tim's porcelain doll face.
Tim is NOT doing that again. Ffffffuck giving birth. And being pregnant! Granted, the EARLY part? He loved. He glowed. Getting pregnant was AWESOME. But later stages? God awful. Clone tube babies from here on out.
Absolute Devastation in the Tom Fucking Community. Babe no! You can't MEAN IT!
Woah, hey! He never said he'd STOP. "Getting Pregnant" is very, VERY enjoyable. He's just refusing to carry SHIT. Birth control for HIM. Scooping that slurry of "leave it up to Nature" out and storing it. Now... Kon stop being smug and hold your son.
😭😭😭 tim getting everyone to come to dinner and they all think it was alfred and are like 'this was a great idea alfred! we should all get together like this more often' only for tim to cough and say well actually i called you all here, i figured you all deserved a heads up since i'm going to be undergoing some serious life changes. everyone's confused and then tim says he's going to have a baby.
immediate panic and some disappointment from bruce because he thinks this is a teen pregnancy and he expected better from tim only for tim to have to yell to interrupt everyone and say there is no 'girl', not yet anyway. he's just announcing that he's GOING to have a baby. they're not yet conceived and now the family is dealing with whiplash of how of course TIM would do something like this now they're sitting their listening to him talk about the ideal gene pool given tim's family has a history of mental issues and he's going into some very detailed things like nurseries and everyone just wants him to slow down because tim is still a kid!!! dick is older than him and even HE doesn't feel ready. so everyone is trying to talk tim out of it while tim insists he's ready, he's been going to a therapist for 11 months trying to deal with his issues so he COULD be ready to be a parent.
which of course baffles them even more because???? dick has been trying to get them all into therapist for years and tim just???? went??? on his own????
bruce is of course the least welcoming of tim's ideas of teen parenthood. because what about highschool, college? at least ONE of his kids has to go to college!
tim however says no, says his GED is more than enough.
bruce tries finding other angles, asking what if he just sets tim up with babysitting gigs? make him see kids aren't that great and tim just huffs and said he already did a bunch of babysitting and volunteering at the children's centers in gotham as part of his adoption application!
which ???? just stressed bruce out even more?! because tim had tried to adopt a baby first? but apparently got rejected because of his age, lack of partner, and lack of job which tim loudly says is unfair because bruce was in his 20s when he took in dick and HE hadn't had a partner or a job!
so the family is protesting, despertly trying to get tim to change his mind,,, then tim gets a womb and suddenly the protests die down VERY quick.
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enretrogue · 2 months
༝༚༝༚ = Black/POC Works ⎢ 24’ Fic Rec M.List
a/n: to all of my formula 1 authors, your work has gotten me through this summer semester and i thank you 🫡. what started as a curiosity, grew into a love for a sport i didn't know existed until a month ago and i love you all. (also i apologize for spamming y'all, pls don't block me 🙏🏽🩷)
Jude Bellingham
What Happens in Madrid⎢Stays in Madrid — @saturnville ༝༚༝༚
All Yours — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Centavito — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Yes, You Are — @plumppies ༝༚༝༚
Where it Began — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Unexpected — @bl00dst41ned ༝༚༝༚
Just Another Love Song — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Away From Home — @iguessweallcrazyithinktho ༝༚༝༚
Mykonos — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Godparents — @hypnotiiize ༝༚༝༚
Caught Out There — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Spinoff Eight⎢Do You Want a Piece of Me? [+ F1 Grid] — @ham1lton ༝༚༝༚
Safe Place — @calif0rnia-lovers ༝༚༝༚
Pardon My Emotions/I Should Probably Keep it All to Myself — @goldfades ༝༚༝༚
Aubade — @blueaetherr ༝༚༝༚
Hey There, Delilah [Hamilton!OC]⎢Part 1⎢Part 2⎢Part 3 — @emjayewrites ༝༚༝༚
Rekindled Flame — @angelmist ༝༚༝༚
I <3 My Boyfriend — @555sage ༝༚༝༚
Tumblr media
Upload 4: Overstimulation [DR3 + MV1] — @httpsserene ༝༚༝༚
DNF Therapy: The Grid Reacts — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Girls Just Wanna — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Upload 1: Corruption Kink [CL16 + MV1] — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Father’s Day!! — @23victoria
I Love You — ^
Heaven of Hell [LH44 + CL16] — @saintslewis ༝༚༝༚
Grid Graduation — @formula-nyoom
Texting Him “She’s busy bro” — @ham1lton
The Drivers Calling Reader Mommy — @costkappen
Brother’s Best Friend!F1 Driver Texts — @maxivstappen
Carlos Sainz
Mírame — @non-stop-imagines ༝༚༝༚
Haute Couture — @httpsserene ༝༚༝༚
You’d Be the Right Guy — @ham1lton ༝༚༝༚
Charles Leclerc
Wedding Night — @non-stop-imagines ༝༚༝༚
Red Braids — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Upgrade U — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Cute — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Floor Queen — @hookhausenschips ༝༚༝༚
How F1 Drivers/Personnel React to Their GF Posting Something Risky — ^ ༝༚༝༚
My Biggest Fan⎢ Karting Woes — ^ ༝༚༝༚
If We Were a Movie — ^ ༝༚༝༚
All Because I Liked a Boy⎢ Call It What You Want — @thisismeracing ༝༚༝༚
His Protector — ^ ༝༚༝༚
My Boyfriend Marc — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Sunshine — ^ ༝༚༝༚
King of Manifesting — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Medicine [ft. F1 Grid] — @23victoria
Who Is She?! [Hamilton!Reader + ft. F1 Grid] — ^
Summer Lovin’— @algae-tm ༝༚༝༚
Area Codes — @kcucumber ༝༚༝༚
‘Cause I’m That Bitch — @ham1lton ༝༚༝༚
A Family of Three⎢ Part 1⎢ Part 2⎢ Part 3 — @leclercqueensainz ༝༚༝༚
A Week Then Forever [Series] — @alwaysonf1 ༝༚༝༚
Pink + White — @saintslewis ༝༚༝༚
14:35 — @kyliansupremacy ༝༚༝༚
Oh Baby He Down Bad — @shurisasthmaticgf ༝༚༝༚
Ferrari’s Girl — @landitolover ༝༚༝༚
You Got Me Touching — @httpsserene ༝༚༝༚
Daniel Ricciardo
Handled — @non-stop-imagines ༝༚༝༚
Prettiest Smile in the Paddock — ^ ༝༚༝༚
One Day — ^ ༝༚༝༚
On Display — ^ ༝༚༝༚
HTTPSSERENE’s 2K Special⎢ Ep. 2⎢ Ep. 3⎢ Ep. 4⎢ Ep. 5⎢ Finale — @httpsserene ༝༚༝༚
Agora Hills — @algae-tm ༝༚༝༚
Fernando Alonso
Moneytalks!⎢Girldad! — @serpenttines ༝༚༝༚
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m00kieblaylock · 13 days
Hey 👋🏻
I have not been on here in I think 18 months-ish. Truthfully, 2023 was the most difficult year of my life. It’s completely surreal to be honest that it all happened, I couldn’t have written it if I tried. I think I’m still in a form of shock. I was in too much pain to write anything or even mindlessly scroll on this app, that has for so long been a comfort for me and where I got support from friends who I met or through joy I got from content etc.
Thing is, I lost my beautiful dog in the April who was my heart and shadow, who was my warmth and safe space. A week later I moved to a rural town which completely changed everything about my daily life. In itself it’s been a massive adjustment and identity and community and comfort is something I’m still figuring out. Then a couple months later my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. He passed less than three months after. It fucking sucked because I adored him and never got a proper goodbye. It all just happened so quickly.
A few weeks before he died. My other dog, a sweet and beautiful girl who was my boys soulmate went to sleep and joined him. She was a very special girl and I still fucking miss them both. 2023 was basically me getting my heart torn to shreds too many times so close together that it was too much to even believe.
I was the closest to leaving this planet than I’ve ever been before. While it was definitely understandable to struggle with life at that point, it was worse than that. I find it hard to explain but my depression and anxiety were completely untenable for me to even slightly function. I had the darkest times and while I’m proud that I’m still here it’s been a lot. It’s kind of a miracle to think about how bad things got.
I put a lot of hard work into multiple avenues of mental health treatments. I even had an initial round of TMS treatments - something I would definitely consider discussing with anyone who is interested. It’s been completely exhausting. I am taking far longer than I would have ever anticipated to be myself again after the past couple of years and I do get frustrated, but the road is still ahead of me. Recovery isn’t linear or black and white. So here we are.
I am slowly but surely trying to include more positivity in my days, so I really want to come back on here. I deserve that joy again. I need it, in fact.
So, I’m not sure who is still around, who’s read this far or what has changed, but anyone who wants to catch me up on your life or touch base etc - I’m here to enjoy this little space again 💕✨
Molly 🫶🏻
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So About the New Asides... (Christmas)
Here's just a random list of my thoughts. Just finished the video (What Makes the Perfect Gift?). And oh boy, do I have some THOUGHTS to share.
[I was gonna finish a Intruloceit Crime Boss AU fic thingie as a surprise for a mutual bc why not, but this has me in its grip]
[beware Drunk Character, btw]
Longest post ever, jfc.
Also, I know exactly which people to ask which pairings about. I know who to ask to talk about Dukexiety (@where-are-the-spooky-gays-2), about Intruality (@rataticaisdreaming), about analogince (@disneybrandautism), about Roman in general (@prodigal-explorer and @disneybrandautism), about Prinxiety (@logan-the-artist), etc. etc. etc.
I know people and what they love and their favoured characters. I encourage everyone to infodump and geek out in the comments bc this episode fed us all.
Spoilers below
the lil present animation for the title thingie? cute
Logan waking everyone up and hosting the Secret Santa this time, yusss
Logan is responsible and it shows
"11th hour of beauty rest" -> I love Roman, he's one of my favs
^not this specific line, but can I just say with all of the angst and insecurity and such Roman has, I think I have to add him to my Kin List of Sides that I relate to at some ungodly level (which also includes Remus, Virgil, and Logan. and maybe also Janus)
the pipline to being a Roman kinnie/stan has been WILD okay idk what to tell ya lmao
"master of all kinds of rhythm, except circadian-" yep relating to Roman yet again
Logan's lil pacing in his spot, I call that him stimming and no I don't take criticism on that
^new headcanon unlocked: Logan (like Roman) cannot keep still to a certain degree
Logan and Roman aren't as different as you'd think btw
Virgil being woken up/summoned only by the sudden burst of adrenaline is so canon that I cannot. I CANNOT.
Patton's and Roman's excitement for Secret Santa is everything to me <3
autistic Roman autistic Roman autistic Roman-
"things are a little different this year" -> yeah about that
Serious Grinch Moment(tm)
Logan knowing a lot of medical knowledge makes me think he could have a special interest about it, but that may just be my "autistic Logan go brrr" headcanon nonsense
^...did Patton just indirectly call Logan the Grinch?
^^heart grow in size, he says to Logan... hhhh, I feel the slightest bit of angst vibes from that
"I just stress" -> me core
Roman checking on Thomas, awwww <3
The way Logan sounded when he said Remus' and Janus' names + Virgil's and Roman's reactions to them coming LMAO
"You may all have your feelings about them" -> the way Logan said 'feelings' like it's a plague, mm yeah heheh
Logan is such a f*cking mom, never stop pls
Janus pops like already drunk and Remus pops up all excited, dear frickin god do I love these two specifically
Drunk Janus is my fav thing ever btw
"what's up bro" // "hey..." -> siblings siblings this is my sibling (/ref)
omg Remus just being excited to be there and be included and to hang with his bro, he is so happy to see Roman cause BROTHERS, oh lord creativitwins slfjalkfskafaalkf
"they were right where I left them... in a vat of human excrement" -> I stan him for a reason, don't judge me
^he speaks and I either laugh or relate to it. usually both (no I will not elaborate on what this implies about me lmao)
"courteous laughter" mm yeah
Logan stops Virgil's escape HA
"That everyone will be secretly trying to win at" -> Roman is right and he should say it
"I'm not sharing it with anyone, I'm just showing it off" -> Janus says about his largest wine bottle that he definitely already started drinking from
Patton gets so excited he gets lightheaded
Janus got Patton? heheh moceit nation RISE
^you'll see what I mean when ya watch the episode
^^not just because he got Pat but because of the actual thought and effort he put into the gift
"I thought it was the corpse of a sea lion, but Janus wouldn't let me shake it." // "No, I don't think so. It's too light."
^...h- how does Patton know how much a dead sea lion weighs??
also Roman's reaction is basically "wut the f-"
"I might be mistaken, but I'm not." -> reason 39539 why I love Logan
"A BOX :D" -> Pat. Pat that's not everything.
^Janus being like "keeping opening the boxes" while pretending not to care, hehehe
^^"...you want me to destroy my new box?" -> all I can do is sigh, suddenly understanding why I may relate to Janus
^Roman's and Virgil's reactions, lmao
can I just say how much Ro and Vi are being the best of buds? like mm, platonic prinxiety is off the charts this episode
Remus' f*cking "whaaaaaaaa-" kills me
Janus just pouring wine into what's supposed to be a tea mug is funny to me
"but for Remus?" -> hey at least Roman knows his brother well enough to know an air fryer isn't exactly a Remus-typical gift idea
"someone they don't really know" but then Patton admitting he should get to know Remus better? hhhhhhh-
^intruality nation, we got fed, god damn
tbh a lot of pairings/ships were shown in some way or another, so I guess we ALL got fed today huh
"chicken fingers?" // "yeah!" // "human fingers" // "yea- hh, wha- wait-"
so many intruality interaction omg (my intruality moot is gonna be so excited, I can't wait to talk about this episode with him)
Remus is gonna experiment with the air fryer, ayyy
"I had Virgil" // "Ah f*ck-"
"with me own hands" -> I will never stop loving Remus
also Remus making Virgil a handmade gift? relatable and also aww, I imagine them as besties but in the dynamic where Virgil is kinda reluctant and Remus will never stop teasing whenever he can
^new headcanon: one of Remus' main love languages is 'i made this weird creative thing for you' and I only relate to him even more (essentially gift-giving but make it BETTER)
Mr. Fuzzy <3
Virgil knowing the inside joke between dork Sides- I mean dark Sides
^okay but just all the dukexiety and creativitwins and anxceitmus moments within seconds of each other in that scene is just aww
Virgil knowing what Remus calls his shower drain alfkjafksk
"I hate that I know that" -> reluctant bestie vibes
all of the analogical moments SENDS me because of how it plays out and how Logan felt hurt before realizing what his gift actually was, mm yeah aksfklsdfskfd
Virgil trying to hint subtly that maybe Logan should read it to see something, but Logan not picking up on the hints
^ngl took me the second watch-through to realize "oh he was trying to hint at him but he didn't pick up on it, like me haha"
^^do I kin Logan, you ask as if there isn't an obvious answer of YES
no wait bc the LOOK Remus gives Logan as he becomes more upset and literally encourages him to get angry and let his feelings out
^okay but why did Remus have to say it like that
Pat this whole episode says someone's name as if he's about to intervene/try to help the situation but then IMMEDIATELY says something about his box(es)
Virgil's sigh, lmao
Logan's passive aggressive sass sends me omg
Logan feeling like he needs to 'reevaluate' himself... hhhhh, the angst fics I could write from this moment alone dear lord
"I had Roman" // "Oh- oh, no-"
^idk why but Roman's reaction hurt me
^^like he doesn't have faith in Logan's gift-giving abilities? and how it seems most of everyone specifically has little-to-no faith in Logan's capacity for compassion/general emotions (except for maybe Janus and Remus, and Thomas bc he's been praising Logan for doing well during it all)
Okay but Thomas praising Logan? oh gawd, my heart-
^working on his relationship with the logical part of him, sfksalfkhskadf
^(he's so petty lmao)
Roman liking his present from him <3
^this reminds of the last Secret Santa they had when Ro made Lo a full-on fanfic of him replacing Watson and working with Sherlock and etc (headcanon: both the twins have their love languages involving their creative merits/talents because they're Creativity)
just generally speaking, gift-giving seems to be pretty high up there on everyone's love language list (in their own ways)
why is Patton not the greatest at gifts
^I take that back because he is putting thought into his gift-giving (though not a lot when it comes to Remus cause he doesn't know him well), though he tends to misread/misunderstand what they'd really like? ...is that a neurodivergent thing? cause like that's a little relatable actually
^^also lmao, I just realized the only people Pat's got as far as the series goes is literally the twins (so maybe he's just not sure how to go about the twins? cause like, he seems to know Logan and Janus and kinda Virgil pretty well, but he seems to struggle with the twins? or is that just me)
"because f*ck that asshole" -> love it when Logan cusses <3
then Remus' reaction, omggg (his lil "for christmas")
The genuine joy on Roman's face when sees Logan put Roman on the dollar bill is EVERYTHING, do ya know how much he gets to be happy? (not a lot, if we backtrack to the last canon episode in which Roman's entire worldview broke, but some of ya aren't ready for that convo yet)
sorry but seeing the now-rare joy on Roman's face, awwww
as soon as Janus speaks, Roman's smile drops and is replaced by upset, hhhhhh
^so the amount of angst fics I can make on that scene alone is very much a high number
Janus is so drunk, jfc (he keeps laughing and the filter is basically gone at this point)
"massive ego" -> see Jannie Boi, I think ya missing the part of him being The Ego and how f*cked up he already is but you keep making it worse & a part of me thinks you know you're making it worse because one of your Big Jobs is to actually protect and nuture the Ego but ya ain't doing ya f*ckin job and Roman's self-esteem and self-confidence seem to be dwindling every time you speak bc he knows ya gonna hurt him again for the millionth f*cking time
^I have a lot of Feels, okay?
"quite the unhinged jaw" -> I see what ya did there (literal snake man)
Jan pours more wine, oh lord here we go
this episode has both made very happy but also hurt me deeply all in one go
Why does Patton sound like he was about to actually defend Roman only to yet again comment on his boxes?
^why do I get the feeling this has something to do with the finale coming soon and also the angst arc that royality is currently going through?
I just realized the twins' spots are next to each other <3
^loving all the twins content this episode, exploring their brother relationship yusss
"yessss, full circle at last" -> He's so f*ckin drunk, oh my god
^he's literally holding onto the wall
also ayy, canonical that Janus hisses in his speech cause ya know. snake.
^the snake traits coming alive this episode
"such a sweetie going through all that effort" -> wait for it
he deserved it
Remus' amused "oh" as he enjoys the drama and Roman's passionate "YA GET A B*TCHSLAP, JANUS" is so f*cking delcious
Thomas being like 'what just happened-' as Jan gets slapped is funny to me
"it really is Christmas" -> H A
"won't even share the wine" -> Logan sounds so sad tho
I love how Janus was so impressed with the b*tchslap and how it was executed that he can't even be that upset about it
JANUS GOT PAT A GAG GIFT -> moceit moceit moceit-
^see told ya; Jan was thoughtful with it
"I was getting a bit too catty" -> being self-aware
Pat making a cat pun because of Virgil's hissing <3
Remus being like "nooo, the drama!" lmao
omg omg omg THE ANALOGICAL ENDING skfksfksjdfs
^I make it sound like it's one of many endings to a video game lmao
but srsly, Logan finally ready the newspaper to realize it's actual a puzzle for more puzzles and him being very happy <3
Virgil's evil laughter is legit just him being him, I love this character
okay but Vi knows Lo so well?? they're besties.
"Mr. Detective" from Virgil + Roman's lil smile as he watches Logan be happy with his puzzle(s) cause he knows how much Lo likes mystery (see when he made Lo that Sherlock fanfic) = prinxiety knows Logan very well and now I imagine analogince being a bestie trio of comfort and caring for their nerd
^Analogince has become something I didn't know I wanted until now lmao
"Oh Virgil" -> gay
"and you thought I'd just get you a newspaper" -> alfkjslafskfdslkfs I will never recover
aww Logan's happy smile! he's getting to be happy!!
"Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped" -> Remus, never stop being you
all the dukexiety content this episode feels my heart with joy because they're Brainrot to me
"how did you know-" // "we're you and also you're kinda easy to read"
^Janus taking offense to Thomas being easy to read bc he's Deceit and Self-Preservation, aka: the combo for Masking
"that's rude" -> idk why but the way Jan said that, it made me go aww
^he's so f*cking drunk at this point (props to Thomas (irl) for all the acting as a drunk character cause it was amazing and realistic as hell)
aww logince moment when Lo asks Ro to help him cause Creativity and Ro's smile
^(to be fair, there's a considerable amount of logince moments but this is the only one I pointed out as specifically logince)
can we talk about Nico's gift to Thomas? a necklace with a Ying-Yang charm and what looks like a rainbow charm?? symbolism heheheh
^many thoughts about the Ying-Yang cause balance and black-and-white mindset changing and etc.; but also the rainbow(?) charm cause GAY
Also, Nico Flores content!!
wait, is the endcard the moment when Nico and Thomas become serious? OMG GUYS Y'ALL, WAIT A SEC-
Janus End Card -> I laughed so hard
This episode was basically Growth, Angst, and Tumblr's Headcanons Get Confirmed.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Javier Escuella X F.Reader - It's never to late to repent (Part 6) 18+
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(Pictures found on pinterest/google. That one with Javier is mine. Collage made by me 🌺)
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Chapter six is online 🖤 thank you so, so much!! All of you, for your support. You don't know how much it means to me 🌺
Tag list: @fangirl-ramblings @rose-of-black-blood @livingdeadgirly @coaxium-captain-rex @12timetraveler @butterballchannie @charlesjaviersimp @ashethesimp @planetahmane @snoowply @sylum @noodle-tm @karmashatty @nadnad09 @lill2350 @slightlyexpiredyogurt8 @natnuszsstuff @boniscute @books-arebetterthan-boys @pedropascalluvr69 @blackrosegarden6 @sie-werden-nie-vergessen @inlovewithjavierescuella @red-dead-flowers @ezzythereal1 @livvnob @rayeee10101
If anyone of you want to be tagged to not miss the newest chapter, please let me know 🙏 And sorry again, if there are errors with the Spanish words. Please tell me if so. Thanks 🖤
👉Read Part 1 /Read Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Summary: Where happiness is, the devil is not far away. And he sends his demons to torment those who have found happiness...
Warning: Some erotic moments, angst and arguments
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Javier Escuella X F.Reader - It's never to late to repent (Part 6) 18+
You are very focused on your work. You carefully work on the sewing machine and give the fabric a nice pattern. The remaining part you would have to sew by hand, but that was the most beautiful part of your work. You had really developed a great passion for it and were making good money doing it. Javier had also gone about his work today. He had to travel to a customer in the town. For two weeks now he has been working to keep the client pleased. Javier was always pretty tired after work, but he didn't hesitate to enjoy the nights with you. He wanted to catch up on everything he had missed the last few years. He was also aware that the missed time would not return, but he made the best of it. In the last few weeks you had become very close emotionally, working together to deal with the pain of losing little Rose.
It was getting later and later and you felt that your eyes slowly but surely didn't want to work anymore. You had planned to finish the dress today, but it was time to take a break. Your stomach was rumbling with hunger and Javier would be happy if he could have dinner with you. You stretched your tired arms and legs, got up from your chair and felt an unpleasant pain in your tailbone. It was probably not a good idea of yours to sit on your butt for hours without moving. "Ouch, ouch…." Yawning quietly, you made your way out of your office and headed for the kitchen. A glance at the clock told you that Javier would be here any moment; and you weren't disappointed. You heard the door and then the footsteps approaching in your direction. With a smirk on your lips, you waited for Javier and barely a few seconds later, you already felt his strong arms wrapping around your belly and his warm body hugging you from behind. "Mhm, mi rosa… hey…" His face buried into the crook of your neck and you sighed comfortably as you closed your eyes. "Hey, handsome. How was work?" "Oh, exhausting. My client demands perfection." With a warm smile on your lips, you turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck, sighing contentedly as you look into his face. Javier's hands run tenderly over your back as your body is pressed close to his. "Then we should make sure you can relax a little tonight," you whisper sweetly, giggling softly as you begin to kiss his neck. Javier instantly closed his eyes, enjoying feeling your soft lips on his skin. You knew exactly which spot to kiss to make him weak.
Javier couldn't help but let out a lustful sigh and he bit his lower lip, moistening his lips with his tongue. "Y/N…" "Mhm…" As you unbuttoned his shirt, you heard his breath tremble with arousal. You smile against his neck, sliding your tongue over his skin and purring softly. "Relax, my love." "Oh, it's taking everything right now to stop me from fucking you rampantly on this counter!" Again you laugh so seductively, knowing full well that you were driving Javier out of his mind. His hands gripped your ass tightly and you gasped in surprise as he pressed you against the dining table, grabbing your chin to kiss you hungrily. His hands grabbed the straps of your dress and he pulled them down somewhat roughly as his lips moved down to your neck and there he bit gently into your skin, making you moan softly. His hands gripped the bottom of your skirt, lifted your leg and he wrapped it around his waist as he pressed you down onto the table. Your eyes were filled with lust as you lay on your back, looking up at Javier as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it carelessly into a corner before bending over you again. His dark eyes were filled with hunger, with lust and your heart was beating like crazy.
You lay in the sheets, completely exhausted and yet so happy. You had spent hours making love in the sheets, enjoying each other's pleasure.
You lay completely relaxed on Javier's naked body, while his hands kept gently stroking your back. "I have to leave for Saint Denis next week, Y/N…" Saint Denis? Javier hadn't told you about that yet. "Really? Oh… that means you won't be there for at least a week?" "Yeah… I got a letter from my boss. He needs me there for a job." You sighed softly, but you could understand that Javier had no choice. However, you were proud that Javier worked so hard to support himself and to support you, too. "You know, Javi, I'm very proud of you. Really proud to say that my husband works hard for his money." Javier's eyes were filled with love as he looked at you and he stroked your hair. "Mi amor, you are a wonderful woman." With a smile on your lips, you leaned forward a bit to kiss him softly. "You know…" Javier sighed softly as he let his head fall back and stared at the ceiling. "It still feels awful to set foot in Saint Denis," Javier confessed. You couldn't agree more. You hadn't been involved in the robbery at the time, but Javier and Arthur had been stranded in Guarma at the time. It must have been a living hell for the men. You would never forget how badly hurt Javier had been when he had returned. You and Miss Grimshaw had saved him from having his leg amputated. His wound had been badly infected.
And they had lost Lenny and Hosea at Saint Denis. Hosea's death had been a great shock to you, because he had been a father figure not only to you, but also to many others in the gang. And Lenny? God, he had been so young. Had been way too young. The memories of Saint Denis were much more painful for those who had been present at that tragedy than for you, you knew that. "I know, Javier. It will always be in our memory. The beginning of the end…" "No, mi amor. The beginning of the end was when Micah joined us." "Yeah…" Wherever that piece of shit was, you hoped you'd never have to run into him again. And Dutch had better not cross your path again either. "Javi, let's not talk about the past. Let's leave it behind us." The young man smiled and suddenly turned with you so that you were lying under his warm body. With a contented sigh, you looked up at Javier, chuckling in amusement as you felt his hand on your skin. "There are more important things." "For example?" you asked with a cheeky undertone, biting your lip slightly as Javier's intense gaze slid over your naked chest. He playfully raised his eyebrows and then disappeared under the covers, making you laugh softly since you were a little ticklish after all. "Javier? What are you doing?" You got an answer pretty quickly as Javier made himself comfortable between your legs. You felt his dark hair between your thighs, panting in anticipation of what was about to happen. "Javier…" A sigh of pleasure slipped over your lips as his tongue slid between your labia, slowly and sensual. Closing your eyes, you let your head sink back into the pillows.
"But, Javi! You can't breathe like that!" With a soft laugh, you rip the sheet off him and he instantly looked up at you with a cheeky grin as his tongue slid pleasurably over your clit, circling it. "Oh, god… yes…" Closing your eyes, you let yourself fall back into the pillows once again, while Javier enjoys your sweet honey.
It happened a few days later, when you were harvesting some herbs in your garden, when you heard a wagon. You knew it could only be John and you were still terribly upset with him.
"Y/N…" "What are you doing here, John?" You walk past him, not letting him interrupt your work as he tries to talk to you, following your every move. "I… listen, I'm sorry…" But you didn't say anything, you were way too upset and you didn't even feel like talking to him. If John was angry with someone, he could get really venomous and that's what Javier had felt. "Y/N! Now stop!" "I don't feel like talking to you, John! Go back to your ranch! Javier will be here in a moment and I'm sure he's not up for you either." John snorted and gave up trying to talk to you, obviously it was no use. "It had to be said, Y/N!" That's when you pause in your actions and you look towards John, your eyes narrowing. "What?!" "I want him to know that he let you and your daughter down! He doesn't deserve your pity, Y/N!" "Pity?! You think I'm with him because I feel sorry for him?!" Shaking your head, you could slowly understand Abigail's reason for leaving John. There had to be a reason, after all. "Javier was taken from me because Dutch and Micah brought us all to ruin! You still blame him for that? That he chose the wrong side? Fine! But that didn't give you the right to tell him about Rose! Why did you do that, John?! Do you want to ruin everything?!" And you could see that John was struggling with the right answer, which made you watch him with a closer look to see if you were right in your suspicion.
"Look, I'm sorry, I upset you, okay? I just want to get this clarified between us, Y/N." "I'm not going to forgive you that easily, John. You cruelly told Javier that his daughter is dead. That was evil of you and very, very wrong!" You turned your back on him and were about to go into your house without another word, but John gently grabbed your arm and held you back from it. "Y/N, please…" John liked you. He really liked you a lot and he didn't like the idea of you continuing to be angry with him. "John, just go." "I care about you…that's all…" As he gently touched your cheek, you frowned, moved your face to the side, and John immediately withdrew his hand. You were not comfortable with his touch, he had seen that.
"Hijo de puta!" Suddenly Javier came running toward you and he looked pretty angry. He walked right up to John and hit him in the chin with a clenched fist, knocking him to the ground. "Javier! Stop it!" But Javier had already hoped to teach John a lesson. He had really resented him for what he had done to Rose. "What are you doing here, John?" You grab hold of his arm and instantly the young man calmed down, yet he couldn't help givingJohn a contemptuous look. "Are you trying to turn Y/N against me, John?" "You can fool Y/N, but you can't fool me!" You couldn't stand the two of them arguing, because it wasn't going anywhere after all. "Stop it! Both of you! You're acting like children! It's over! What was, is done and it's over!" It hurt you that the two of them hated each other so much. Once they had been like brothers and you wished that their friendship would revive. But that would probably never be the case.
Without another word, you went into your house and slammed the door behind you. The two men looked at each other with hatred, and just for your sake, Javier left John alone. "The day will come when I will make you regret your betrayal, Javier." Javier stopped at the door for a moment, his hand on the doorknob, his back turned to John. "I should have left you to die back then, John." Back then, in the icy snow up in the Grizzlies…
"I don't want to see John here anymore!" Javier was upset and he didn't like the thought of John approaching you. John would still convince you that Javier wasn't the right man for you, to keep you away from him and Javier wouldn't let that happen. "Javier, John is my friend. I'm mad at him too, but he only means the best…" You better not have said that, for Javier didn't like that at all and he looked at you, frowning deeply. "What? Are you serious, Y/N?" With a soft sigh you close your eyes, knowing you chose the wrong words. "Javier… I just meant that he's worried about me. And he wants to protect me." "Wow, okay, Y/N! He has to protect you from me? Is that what you're thinking?!" "Javier! Stop acting crazy! You know very well that I didn't mean it like that!" Was Javier jealous of Joh? There was really no reason to be. To you, John was nothing more than a good friend. "So I'm crazy? No, because I think this piece of shit wants to ruin everything between us! I've made mistakes, yes! But for God's sake, I've paid for it! I paid the highest price for it! Knowing that I failed as a father is the worst of all!" Javier was getting louder, and he was angry. Not at you, not even at John, but at himself. It would take him months, if not years, to process everything that had happened to him.
"I'm trying my best, Y/N! I don't need anyone trying to break what I'm building right now!" "Javier… oh, my dearest Javier. please…" Carefully you put your hand on his cheek, making him look at you and you could see so much pain in his dark eyes. "You know I would never let that happen. I know you… I know how much you're suffering. Please, try not to let your past destroy you. I beg you. Not now that I've found you again!" Javier slowly closed his eyes as he gently leaned his forehead against yours and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to yell at you…. it's just… Madre de dios… I don't know, I don't know myself what's been going on with me lately…" He buried his face in the crook of your neck and you held him tightly in your arms, soothing him as you gently stroked his dark hair.
"I think we got him; Javier Escuella." Three men stood not far from your house, binoculars in hand, they had been watching you all along. Men who had nothing good in mind and who knew exactly who Javier Escuella was. One of the men wore a full beard, had green eyes and was quite powerfully built. His name was Henry. Next to him stood a somewhat thinner, almost emaciated guy. He was missing several toughnesses, had straw-like red hair, and grinned dirtily to himself. He goes by the name of Sam. The last of the round was named Cole. The brain of the gang. He wore clean clothes, unlike his two comrades. Clean shaved and an attractive appearance. "Finally. After all these years. Angel Eyes will be very happy about this," Cole said. The men laughed quietly, unable to wait to give their boss the good news. "He'll tear him to pieces. We shouldn't keep him waiting long with the good news either." "Nah, we should hand Escuella over right away, Cole. And we'll divide his little whore between us." "We'll do no such thing. Angel Eyes said he just wants a report. After that, we'll see. You'll get your chance. In the meantime, you can go have fun with one of the whores in the saloon!" Cole pressed his binoculars into his hands before crossing over to his horse and mounting it. "Come on, let's ride back!"
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