#helluva boss critical reblog
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thesupernaturalhouse · 4 months ago
(This is a helluva boss critical psot so, feel free to move on)
So I've watched Bojack Horseman, it's a good show, I've also seen deep dives, and i guess HB takes some inspiration from the show so I just gotta say....S2 Stolas is just a worse written version of Mr. Peanut butter
Doing grand gestures to make himself feel good even if he knows the other person won't like them, diane told PB multiple times she hated grand gestures and was uncomfortable with them and he kept doing them, and he still gets upset and confused when she doesn't like them.
Stolas needed months to have his feelings sink in and propose the crystal yet didn't give Blitz a single minute to do that same after he thought it was fake. He didn't do this big gesture for Blitz, he didnt take in account Blitzs feelings, he did it for himself to feel good. And when Blitz responded, rightfully, negatively Stolas got upset. Though unlike PB Stolas doesn't even try to talk to Blitz about it and sort it out.
Jumping from one relationship to another almost immediately after a break up, one even during his divorce proceedings, and of course the cheating. Which Stolas cheats on Stella and jumps to the succubus at the party when Blitz is struggling to comprehend snd figure this all out.
Another comparison is the fact they run circles around the truth. Like in the fracking episode, diane and Mr. PB are in a fight, she asks him to drop out of the race otherwise she's gonna ahve to post an article about him
He keeps running circles around the problem and not addressing the truth. "I hear what you're saying and I will try to be more conscious of your needs" despite the fact it's not about anyone's needs. It's about how he lied and it is physically hurting them. They can't touch the sink without getting 3rd degree burns
Kinda like how Stolas runs circles around the truth with the full moon deal. He acknowledges the relationship/deal was bad....but he never actually apologizes. He ignores the real issue in all this
He doesn't even let Blitz have a few minutes to think and have it sink in depsite having and needing months himself! And instead of talking about it, he leaves and then throws Blitz out when Blitz makes really good points.
He actively avoids the issue, like Mr Pd with Diane
Unlike PB and Diane though, where neither are in the wrong and they just werent right for eachother. Stolas and Blitzs relationship and zatolas' actions actively back up Blitzs thoughts and feelings on their relationship
And the thing is, is that it makes for an interesting chracter, Mr peanutbutter is interesting and great, i mean we love him for the complex character he is.....but it doesn't work for Stolas because his self unawareness is seen as an excuse and something to make him more sympathetic, not a problem
Unlike Mr peanutbutter where it IS a problem and it's shown as a problem and is addressed, it's why near the end of the show he relaizes that he IS THE PROBLEM and ends up happily single taking a break from dating to actually learn form his past relationships where as before he'd jump to relationship after relationship to avoid having to deal with being alone and with his thoughts
It's character growth. But Stolas won't have that because he's gonna end up with Blitz with none of his past actions addressed. Or if they are, they'll be watered down, probably retconned like s2 has been doing. Which isn't good.
Tldr; Mr peanutbutter and Stolas have some similarities, but where as Mr peantubutter is specifically written to be self unaware so that he can grow as a chracter, Stolas gets his self unawareness used as an excuse so he WONT have to grow. Ultimatly making him a worse written version of Mr. PB
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starbound-rewrite · 13 days ago
pages should drop once a week! Feel free to read it over there, or stick around here for monthly updates of 3-4 page batches!! I really hope you all enjoy this story, it's my first foray into comics so I can't wait to see how i grow and improve!!!
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fizzy0bloom · 2 years ago
how to fix s2ep 2:
well that ep was something for sure
My grip with it is that Loona and Octavia barely had any time together till the end, and it felt bland for me, and the plot lines are just all over the place.
and, of course, blitz and stolas.
1: Just Loona and via having fun no need for the other plot lines :
Just like the title said, it just intrudes on Loona and Octavia's having quality step-sibling time and getting to know each other better. simple and short 
2: Same thing, but loona and via get more time but -:
So a fight ensued between loona and moxxie  loona is lazy; m&m are calssit again, and then showing blitz trying to fix it but ending up with him trying to groud her, so she storms off because her father sided with them then her (she doesn't hit him but just screems and hits the door), which left blitz rethinking what he did and what m&m did. (Loona isn't incoont, but she felt bad because her father sided with Calsist.)
Meanwhile, octavia is trying to talk to her mother and father, but they are busy bitching with each other. and Barly told her anything or take her to her magic lessons (I couldn't think of a better step up, sorry), she felt neglectful again. after they promised to care for her again 
So she ran off—not to the earth yet. (Loona and Via follow each other on Instagram or whatever they call it there.)
Loona is outside, smoking or drinking. and open her account and see a new post by via venting, or maybe she's online and posted something, idk. So loona thinks to herself that she didn't immediately know her future sister and that she and her may share the same interests. Maybe she wants a new friend. So she messages her and asks her to meet and have fun.
via agree, since she doesn't have anything to do. 
They both start to talk sh*t about their situation. and other stuff; they are both on the same page. Loona then asks her if she has ever seen Earth. and was surprised. She didn't go 
yk what happens next :) Let's say they are having a blast there hehe with a cute montage of Loona being a big sister to her 
Meanwhile, Blitz got worried because his daughter did not answer his calls after talking with m&m about their classism and promising them that he would work on Loona's behavior.
He then notices that the book is gone! then called stolas 
They both agreed to ignore what happened before and focus on finding their kids while m&m stayed in the office or helped, but they didn't get much screen time.
They found them with Stolas magic later on. because Blitz called him late (Loona is an adult too, so he wasn't that worried).
They have an awkward time, but then Loona expresses her feelings to her dad, and they begin to talk 
For Via and Stolas, Via only said sorry for going out and got home fast, leaving her dad confused.
Stolas Look at Blitz and tell him to be more careful. next time 
(Btw, they all have their human disguises too, just to remind you )
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fannishcodex · 10 months ago
mygod the speedrun i've done with catching up on helluva boss after losing track of it during the 1st half of s1. going from, over a span of a few months:
-"hmm yeah sure i think i like stolitz"
-"wait why is this all about stolas. what about blitz. a ship is 2 characters. this feels way too focused on just stolas. and it seems to be...blaming everything on blitz now? when i'm pretty sure stolas still did worse, and is on the side of holding too much power in the power imbalance of their relationship. the show's not addressing this at all."
-"why IS this all about stolas why does he get like 2 lament songs in and outside of the show when blitz's story actually seems way more *traumatic and should've received equal or more focus from the start of s2."
-"yeah didn't the show start with blitz. shouldn't he really be the most central character. shouldn't he be on more level ground with his love interest (or his love interest is actually more supporting and doesn't get more focus than him)."
-"...tired of stolitz now."
-"but also blitz/striker is + would've been more interesting. heading to AU land."
-"......there's actually a lot of missed potential in hb. more reason for AU land."
just over a span of months. at least with it pretty much being a speedrun, i didn't necessarily get too invested in waiting for canon and i'm actually fine with picking the show apart for more interesting AUs that keep occurring to me. and i've seen older fandom stuff from when it was just s1 that really interests me, that's still fun and better than canon. AUs and rewrites of the show just keep popping up in my head now. and it's not the first show to disappoint but spark neat AUs for me, i've been here before...i might be getting a little numb to it. i might have less energy to get mad over it. i can break down where it disappoints, and then just dart over to AUs.
(*blitz's trauma: violent death of mother in a fire; bestie maimed in said fire and he essentially blames him for it; sister apparently blames him for death of mother; likely abusive dad [even if focused on emotional/mental abuse, neglect]; born as member of a marginalized group with a large power imbalance stacked against them; somehow gets the blame for the fire that killed his mother and maimed his bestie when it seems like it really wasn't his fault and that it was a horrible accident, but apparently all affected parties blame him for it and he blames himself--and then eventually his transactional deal for the sake of his business in a world that limits his options pretty much backfires and leaves him used as an unhappy sex toy, with all of s1 pretty much building on that no matter what retcons happen later)
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helluvapurf · 1 year ago
forgot i was still doing this ask meme for a sec my bad lol
13. worst blorboficiation
Do you mean in terms of canon portrayals, or fandom-wise? Hmmm... if we're just talking canon here, then... weeeeell- >>
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-Now before anyone freaks out, no I don't "hate" Stolas... at most I'm honestly just kinda... "neutral"-feeling whenever he pops up on screen these days 🤷‍♀️
Concept-wise, I do like the idea of Stolas being this seemingly aged, powerful figure among the Ars Goetia... struggling to balance his twisted desires with his family/royalty responsibilities. Often getting lost in his own head to focus on anyone but his personal joy/fantasies-
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...but at the same time, not too far gone that he can't reel it back in-time to eventually realize his mistakes, and try to do whatever he can to fix it (no matter how successful or not those attempts be-):
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It was unique, compelling and overall made Stolas an entertaining character from the initial HB pilot to the end of S1. Making me super intrigued of how this crooked, broken bird could eventually grow and learn from all that happened into S2...
...aaaaand then "The Circus" & onwards just... idk, decided to do away with all that to make Stolas more like an innocent, pure-natured soul all along... who never meant to come off like a selfish jerk 'cause he's just soooo lonely & sad, having the sweetest of intentions all along~ 🥺🥺
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and its like... usually I don't mind giving sympathetic/tragic backstories to explain why they behave the way they do in the present-day... but with how S2's been framing things with Stolas atm, any and all mistakes he's pulled in the past has become the fault of other people's doing?
Stolas & Stella having a cold, loveless marriage that ended in him getting caught cheating (+Stella hiring a hit on him because of said cheating)? ...Well then clearly thats all Stella's fault for being a raging harpy from birth, so bitch got what she deserved when he dumped her ass, haha~
Stolas having a demeaning, belittling view on Imps (even around Blitz a few times in S1)? ...Well then that clearly was just the fault of his eeeevil dad Paimon, pushing the idea in his son's head from his kid years (who was so pure at heart enough that he wanted to bow to Blitz, when they met, awww~).
Stolas not being the most attentive father to Octavia, ignoring her feelings over & over? ...Well then clearly thats all on Via for not being grateful for the big, noble sacrifices Stolas put into loving her (esp as she apparently only exists to be a “precautionary heir” from his toxic marriage), and the fact that he's trying should be enough to forgive all his faults as the best dad ever~
Stolas being a pushy creep towards Blitz during their S1 dynamic, stepping over boundaries despite Blitz's clear discomfort? ...Well then that's clearly all on Blitz for being the one who put the moves on Stolas first, who was just a flustered bean from the start wanting to reconnect with his old buddy & gained true feelings overtime... why can't Blitz see how much Stolas loooooves him~? :ccc
...Aaaaand yeah, idk about yall but ehhhhh- I just couldn't really get into that angle the more I watched S2 :/. Not to say that Stolas’ last couple appearances were bad, per-say ('cause I did find his sassiness to Striker while kidnapped + his reading-enthusiasm with Ozzie's contract pretty funny)... buuut to make a long story short:
Shady, morally gray Stolas who needs to work on himself >>>>> Sad baby boi Stolas who did nothing wrong ever
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wizardyandcheesesammich · 2 years ago
There are some real tagging issues with the HB and HH fandoms in here.
I don't know if it's because the fandom is so relatively new or the huge audience it attracts or just plain bad luck but like.
It's basic courtesy to not use the main tag for hate posts, c'mon.
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joblrcensus · 6 days ago
welcome to the 2025 JOblr census results!! 💗💗
before we start, you can take a look at last year’s results if you want to see how things changed :)
this year we managed to gather 153 responses, so a little less than last year but i thank you all nonetheless for participating it means a lot 🫶
soooo let’s get the stats party started
general questions
Did you take part in the JOblr census last year?
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Happy to see you all 49.7% again, and a warm welcome to the 50.3% joining in! :D
Which continent are you from?
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Just like last year, it’s no surprise that the majority of JOblr is European, with a total of 80.4%. The continents that follow are North America with 11.1%, Asia with 3.9%, Australia & Oceania with 2.6% and South America with 2%. We still haven’t gotten anyone from Africa.
Which country are you from?
Because it was optional, this question was answered by 130 respondents out of 153. Exciting things have happened since last year as we got 4 new countries in the ranking aaaand a new leader 👀
So let’s take a look at the top countries in JOblr 🥁…….
UK - 17
Finland - 16
Germany - 15
USA - 12
Poland - 9
Sweden - 5
Australia, France, Italy, Netherlands - 4
Croatia, Ireland, Russia, Spain - 3
Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Romania - 2
Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Nepal, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Slovenia, Ukraine - 1
How old are you?
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44.4% of the respondents are between 18-25 years old, followed by 20.3% between 26-30 years old. 18.3% are between 31-40 years old, 9.2% are under 18 while 3.9% are over 40.
Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community?
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Unsurprising given the results last year, 77.8% of JOblr are part of the LGBTQ+ community, while 10.5% are questioning and 11.8% have answered no.
tumblr activity questions
When did you join JOblr?
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New question that I was very curious about. 65.4% of people joined JOblr after the Eurovision final, while 13.1% joined before it. 20.9% joined in 2024 while 1 person joined in 2025 (hello hello hope you enjoy your stay 👀!) No one joined before 2023.
How do you participate on JOblr?
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A majority of 80 people are mostly reblogging posts but sometimes making posts of their own, while 34 said to be active posters. We have a number of 22 lurkers and 17 who are only reblogging posts.
Do you post any of the following?
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Another year full of incredible content created by this talented fandom!! 🫶 Written content like fanfiction and textposts seem to be the most posted.
What other fandoms beside Joker Out do you post about?
Another new question, where I wanted to see which other fandoms are the people here interested in. It was an optional question, some people giving a general answer or naming a specific fandom. Answers varied from musicians, shows & movies, books, sports, actors, characters, ships, video games, content creators, musicals and so on. Here I gathered all the specific fandoms that got more than one answer in order:
Musicians: Käärijä (23), Joost Klein (7), Blind Channel (5), Kuumaa (4), My Chemical Romance (3), Måneskin (2)
Shows/Movies: Arcane (6), Supernatural, Merlin (4), Tatort Saarbrücken (3), 9-1-1, Critical Role, Dead Boy Detectives, Good Omens, Gravity Falls, Hannibal, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Julie and the Phantoms, Naruto, Star Trek (2)
Others: Eurovision (15), Hermitcraft, Life Series SMP (4), Dan and Phil, Formula 1, Sanremo (2)
joker out questions
How did you find out about Joker Out?
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A big majority of 85.6% found out about Joker Out through Eurovision, as expected. Still, some of the respondents had different experiences as 9 respondents found out about them through Tumblr or other social media, 3 through a music platform and to 2 they were recommended by someone. Some respondents chose the “other” option and included:
finding out about JO through Käärijä
general slovenian knowledge
TikTok videos with Bojan
Who from the current members is your favorite?
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If last year the first place had a clear lead, this year there was a close battle. Therefore, here’s how JOblr’s top looks like:
Bojan - 42 votes
Jan - 41 votes
Kris - 36 votes
Nace - 20 votes
Jure - 14 votes
What's your favorite album?
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Given the release of the recent album, I decided to include this question as well. Here’s Tumblr’s top favorite Joker Out albums:
Demoni - 89 votes
Souvenir Pop - 37 votes
Umazane misli - 27 votes
Have you ever been to a Joker Out concert?
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As opposed to last year where the result was more balanced, this time the concert goers have a clearer lead with 98 respondents having been to a Joker Out concert, while 55 haven’t.
For those who answered ”No” in the last year's survey, have you been to a Joker Out concert in the meantime?
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Out of the 99 who answered “No” in the previous survey, 48 answered to this question as followed: 19 have been to a Joker Out concert since last year’s survey, while 29 still haven’t.
If you're into RPF, which one of the most popular ships (according to AO3) is your favorite?
This was an optional question as well, where 135 out of 153 opted to respond to.
And oh my what a turn of events 👀 Let’s find out Tumblr’s top Joker Out ships:
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BoKris - 49 votes
Jance - 42 votes
BoJere - 29 votes
The “other” option was chosen as well and the following ships were included:
You reached the end!! Thank you again for taking part in this, hope you all enjoyed and do tell me which were your favorite or the most surprising parts 💞💞 See you next year, perhaps (?)
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imaginative-123 · 6 months ago
Why Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have a Misandry Issue Part 1
Edit: Minors do not interact, reblog or like my post bc I will block you.
A part of me questions myself if I have to make this post, but then I decided in my free time I finally let go of my doubts and have finally decided to make this post, bec deep inside I wanted to be honest with both of these shows how it depicts men including men who are part of the LGBTQ spectrum, the post will be me going in depth of the creator's shows, that includes the analysis and criticisms of Vivziepop's work.
This post will contain Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, R@pe, Power Dynamics/ Power Imbalance, Misogyny and Misandry.
If you are uncomfortable with this topic that I'm going to discuss, you can choose not to continue reading this post however if you are willing to continue regardless of the contents and sensitive topics that I'm going to discuss, please proceed with caution.
So first let's talk about Misandry, since this term isn't as well known as Misogyny, Misandry's definition is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex). However Misandry is a term I didn't recognize being used until this year when I found on Reddit that there are few posts and comments talking about it compared to Misogyny, and it surprised me why isn't this term isn't as talked about but then in my experience on Twitter and Reddit that there are certain subreddits and other comments denying that "Misandry doesn't exist."
To which I disagree while yes I'm a woman, I do see and experience Misogyny in online spaces including in real world and other women face thru issues like sexism, physical and emotional abuse from other men, r@pe, sexual harassment and etc., that still doesn't excuse being biased and ignore what men faced thru in real life, there are stories I've seen from other men who were drugged and also being physically abused by their ex girlfriend or other women, r@ped and sexually abused by the older woman or in this case an older man, I've seen a video before of a guy singing on stage only to get groped on his dick by a woman and she laughed at him and at the end he was shocked and left the stage from embarrassment, falsely being accused of sexual assault, toxic yaoi fangirls sexually harassing gay or straight men of who's the top and bottom, little boys being molested or raped by older people, families and that includes male and female teachers, telling Men to stop crying bec Boys can't cry, there is also a Twitter post from a woman wishing Male Suicide rates go up, there are few Twitter posts from Women wishing to abort male babies from existing, ignoring Male SA Victims and laugh at their experience bec they got "lucky" and wish they got into their place, Media that makes jokes about Male SA and etc., seeing these stories from men who experience that really made me feel sorry for them and I don't think they deserved that. Plus, this isn't me discrediting female victims I do also support them including male victims, in regards to r@pe just bec it happens to women it can also happen to men including people on the LGBTQ community and nobody deserved to be r@ped, I'm not an SA Survivor, but I'm so glad I didn't experienced it bec of how traumatizing and horrifying r@pe is, and also a comment earlier I've seen on Reddit is that Women and children r@ped and died from the hands of men, yes I'm not denying it definitely exists but doesn't mean we can ignore that it can happen to men including little boys in the hands of their abusers and murderers. Also my brother was physically abused by my father and my sister had to witnessed the abuse on front of her, my Mom and Dad were always fighting personal problems and I was also physically abused by my father before my parents separated and it took me years for my father to changed as a person before he died in Sept 5, 2016 due to Stroke. Plus this year is his death anniversary, I understand if there are children who can't forgive their abusive parent but for me my father proved to me that he can change as a person and I have already have forgiven him before he died.
The main reason why I want to discuss Misandry bec it relates to Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss while I can see many posts discussing the main female characters and how they are handled by Vivziepop and I completely understand why the critical community have many posts and videos about that, the issues that happened with the male characters in regards to Misandry have few posts which is why I want to tackle it.
The next topic I want to tackle is the MLM or Gay Representation in the show Helluva Boss bec this also the main reason why I made this post.
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Vivziepop and her crew loved to boast and pride about their Queer Representation but as someone who watched the show, as a bisexual woman myself, the Queer Representation is just as shallow and a mixed bag to be honest, the reason for that is Viv's depiction of gay men is not only misandrist but also sexist on how they were depicted. But before we deep dive to the male gay characters on how they were depicted I wanted to focus on the term that is mostly being used on fictional gay relationships that is Yaoi. Yaoi is a Japanese term for manga that features sexual romance between men, specifically as created by and for women. In the West, yaoi is used more generally to refer to any anime, manga, fan fiction, that focuses on romance between men. Although to be fair, Yaoi from what I've seen can also be consumed by gay men, the main reason I brought up Yaoi is that because Viv's shows are being accused of stereotypes about gay men such as fetishization of r@pe, power imbalance, sexual harassment and etc. That's because Yaoi is a very controversial subject in the community where there are gay people who are split about the depictions of gay men in Yaoi and BL's, there are gay men who dislike the fetishization and that it only appeals to women but there are others who defend it as just fiction.
For me personally I don't think there's an issue with consuming Yaoi or BL's and I'm not saying women can't enjoy it, but as someone who is desensitized to the stereotypes that BL I consumed in my earlier teen years I can't just ignore the real issue, bec back then I used to be a proshipper, I used to defend artists who were being sent death threats and harassments from antis and I used to defend problematic fiction and ships and I always go thru arguments with people who don't like it, I was offensive and also not mentally well in the past but as of this year I no longer support Proshipping since I do not stand by that including my not so great behavior from the past, but that doesn't mean I will not stoop down to the same level of antis that will harass or threaten proshippers and I don't accept that. However just bec it's fiction argument, it still needs to be criticized for valid reasons, and also just bec Yaoi have stereotypes does this mean the entire genre is like this? No, there are other stories who don't fall into the same problematic stereotypes, but still sadly, Yaoi and BL is still controversial for continuing it's stereotypical depiction of gay men and it's also mostly present in Webtoons and Manhwas.
When I revisited GoatJesus' video about Examining the Yaoi ★ BL Genre where he as a gay man analyzes but also criticize Yaoi's depiction of men but also praises other shows for straying away from stereotypes and there are certain parts of the video that stood out to me that I will put here where GoatJesus talks about the main points about Yaoi. To which I edited 2 clips into 1 video.
Regarding the women who write BL or Yaoi's, I'm not against women who write that specific genre, nor I'm mysogynistic that women have no freedom to write stories, and I do believe that not many female authors fall into writing stereotypes about gay men, however this does not mean that I can't just ignore that other women and other most popular female writers who still write harmful views onto gay men and this comment under GoatJesus video sums up my main issues from that online article that was being discussed.
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The reason it's related to Vivziepop, bec Viv herself a female writer still falls into writing stereotypes about gay men and I will finally discuss on the subject of Helluva Boss first before Hazbin Hotel. The first characters we will going to tackle is Blitz, the main character and founder of IMP, and he himself is also confirmed to be Pansexual.
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I'll be completely honest, Blitz is an interesting character, he himself have relationship problems of his insecurities getting in his way and mostly the mistakes that he made to people whom he used to be closed with, and he usually acts as confident and arrogant and badass on the outside but deep inside he had issues, but the way the show tackles jokes that Blitz made is really uncomfortable most especially in Season 1 where he made rape threats to Moxxie and his wife Millie.
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That next episodes includes making demeaning jokes to Moxxie and let's not forget sexual harassment and invading space of the Imp couple.
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The biggest problem is that Blitz up until Apology Tour had never tried to apologize for making Moxxie uncomfortable and invading him and his wife's personal space, while yes it is true that Blitz himself craves for a healthy relationship that he sees in them that doesn't excuse his past actions. This is not only the issue I see in Blitz's character this is also how other characters also treat him like dirt. Let's start with Loona, Blitz was a caring but also overprotective of Loona bec he himself first discovered Loona at the adoption center for Hellhounds where he saw Loona fending herself against a male hellhound who tried to hurt her and she herself was alone and crying about how depressing her situation was, which thankfully Blitz with good intentions did finally adopted her and became her dad, throughout S1 Loona herself was like any other emo goth girl but for Blitz regardless of Loona's personality still loved her, this however changed in Spring Broken where Loona developed a crush on Vortex and that's where Blitz developed his overprotective tendencies to which when they got in the human world where Loona tried to start a conversation with Vortex until Blitz interrupted them bec he wanted to focus on the main goal of getting back their parking space from Verosika and that's where they both started arguing bec Loona thinks Blitz can't leave her alone and she told him he's not her real dad and she herself views as an adult, Blitz cannot control his overprotective tendencies and Loona tells Blitz she doesn't need him. Loona later tries to apologize but Blitz cuts her off and tells her to enjoy her break while he continues finishing his job, although after Millie defeats the fish monster they both came back in the human world, in Truth Seeker, Loona and Millie where willing to rescue the boys who were left in the human world and being abducted by the Dhorks and Loona was willing to help her team defeat the members of the Dhorks and Loona was given a kiss in the cheek by Blitz and he was proud of her for helping IMP to which she was embarrassed but still continues fighting. The episode that stood out to me is Queen Bee which is the last segment where Loona takes care of the drunk Blitz and was willing to let him rest after Blitz tells her his insecurities of his fear of dying but Loona reassures him she will be there for him.
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You know maybe Loona wasn't that bad to Blitz right? Right? Wrong, in the past I used to liked Seeing Stars bec of Loona and Octavia's relationship develop like sisters, yet this however doesn't excuse the problem on how Loona treats Blitz as she's suddenly violent and being abusive to Blitz for no reason like Blitz regardless of me not excusing how he treated Moxxie, but I don't recall him sexually harassing Loona nor talking about her body, all I remember is him trying to be a good dad to Loona yet somehow he's in the wrong for wanting Loona to be better and yet at the end get kicked in the nuts for no reason despite Blitz wanting to apologize to her because?
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That's not funny, that's insulting and it definitely regressed the development of Loona and Blitz father and daughter relationship in the first season. Loona however just like Blitz had never apologized for treating people in the wrong and the show somehow forgot about it and it just went back to normal. So anyways let's talk about Stolas, Stolas is by far one of the most controversial characters in the show bec there are people being split about his character, there are fans who loved him but there are haters who truly hated him, bec there are reasons the critical space is not fond or welcome of him, that's bec he has the power in the relationship bec he and Blitz were in a transactional relationship where Blitz is required to have sex with Stolas so that he can still borrow the Grimoire book to the human world for his business of killing people. The Reason there is a Power Imbalance comes from the fact that Blitz an Imp that is a lower class demon and Stolas is from the Goetia a higher class demon above imps and not only Goetias are also racists and looked down upon Imps with the exception of Octavia. This is the common trope that you may see in problematic relationships that also includes transactional relationships in Yaoi and BL's where the Seme has the power and masculinity in the relationship while the Uke is lower and have no agency of his free will and this is the equivalent of a heternomative stereotypes that is placed upon 2 men, while there are people who analyzed Yaoi said that it have Misogynistic tropes bec of hetenormative roles places upon men, I'd say in my opinion it's more Misandrist bec it doesn't view men in an actual gay relationship but in a lens of a straight person on how they view gay men. This is however in Helluva Boss the roles are reversed since Blitz is the top while Stolas is the power bottom, but let's be real if Stolas a Rich Goetia is the Top and have power in the relationship while Blitz is the bottom in lower class it would be much more controversial and people would see it more as sexual coercion. But bec the roles are reversed and why there are fans of the ship don't view it as toxic bec Stolas a gay bottom man was babyfied by the narrative that can't do wrong in the relationship and that Stolitz is just a misunderstanding of bad communication in a relationship when if anyone with critical lens would look deeper and see the relationship as problematic and there is a power imbalance in their relationship yet I found out that one of the fans of HB said that Stolitz is meant to be endgame by Viv, and I was like did Viv see nothing wrong in their relationship? The relationship was built from transaction, including Stolas sexually harassing Blitz in front of his daughter, was the result of cheating from his wife Stella as to why she was rightfully upset at her husband and it was retconned in Season 2 to make her a cartoonish villain with no depth compared to Stolas, and they were supposed to be canon at end? No thank you, Ma'am, Blitz deserved a better partner than Stolas or hell he could've fixed his relationship with Verosika since I found their relationship more interesting than Stolitz, yet Blitz was the one who should apologize to Stolas instead of Stolas taking accountability and not apologizing for looking down on him, sexually harassing him and having the power in the relationship. It's just frustrating to watch that not only diminishes the YT views of S2 compared to S1 but the relationship overtakes the premise of the show about assassination. Doesn't help the fact the show has the will they don't they kind of relationship where the show finds Stolitz to be romantic but also not romantic at the same just like how Viv and her writing staff view them.
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Now let's talk about Chaz, he's the character I truly hate on my first viewing of him last year when the episode was released, he's the embodiment of everything wrong with Helluva Boss with it's overused of sex jokes relating to male genitalia or dick jokes and sexual harassment, the guy was just only part of Crimson's Mafia and being both Moxxie and Millie's ex boyfriend. His only character was just being annoying, talks about how sexy he was, his dick, sexually harassing Moxxie and annoying Millie and we don't exactly know why they break up, and his music theme is annoying to listen to. It's even worse that he's Pansexual and just like the main male characters in the show where they nonstop talk about their genitalia like Blitz, I'm serious what's the purpose of his character anyway? He almost serves no purpose to the narrative unless it was just him marrying Moxxie so he can get into Crimson's wealth. I'll be completely honest I'm glad he died, I felt so frustrated to watch him, and unfortunately he had a cult fanbase dedicated to him and there are others like me who don't like him either. I feel like I'm questioning Viv's view on gay men is disturbing to be honest.
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Lastly, I wanna talk about Moxxie, my dear poor bisexual Moxxie, he was the character who was the the victim of sexual harassment, the butt of jokes, being humiliated for being in a healthy relationship with Millie that is being set in Hell. I do feel bad for how he was treated by the narrative that involves around SA, the show constantly makes jokes about Moxxie being SA by Verosika and her crew including Chaz and Blitz,
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Doesn't help the fact in which he was forced to marry Chaz when he's also forced to wear a Wedding Dress against his will and was being tied up and turned to a damsel in distress for Millie to saved him, I'll be completely honest, I have no issues with Moxxie being Bisexual, the issue comes from the fact that the female and male characters humiliate and SA him and was being forced to a feminine role against his will, it's one thing if a gay man wants to express freely his sexuality and I have no issue with that, men can express being gay and not be shamed for it. The issue was that Moxxie was being forced against his will and it was irritating to see him like that, the last time the show never humiliates him is when he licks Blitz Asmodeus crystal to help him to activate and go back to the human realm bec Blitz conveniently can't activate it himself. However this does not excuse how the past episodes treat him.
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This is the post I will make for Helluva Boss bec I have to rest and I will make a second post about Hazbin Hotel when I have time since there's a lot of stuff to unpack in another post. Just a reminder, this post I made have no bad intentions towards Vivziepop and her staff, this is just me a Bisexual Woman who consumes BL who was also being critical of the genre that I'm consuming and giving my personal and honest thoughts of Viv's depiction of her Gay men in her shows. Just a reminder if you want to comment on my post that's fine but I do not accept bigotry and homophobia, bec I might as well block you, all I want is a personal discussion of the gay representations being represented in the show. Thank you and Goodnight.
Edit: I just found out that there is a minor retweeted my post while I do understand that they are also critical of the show however my account says Minors do Not Interact since my post also tackles adult themes that is not suitable for minors and also I personally disagree with their views on Lucifer but regardless, if a minor sees this post please do not interact. Bec I might as well block you, I don't think an adult like me should be discussing adult stuff in front of minors in online spaces.
Update: This is the next post that lastly talks about Hazbin Hotel and Gay MLM Representation in Media.
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blitzwhore · 9 months ago
I just saw Blitzø get called Stolas stockholm victim I can't with this fandom anymore😭
😂 As outrageously incorrect and stupid as that take is, I'm going to go on a tangent here. I hope you don't mind.
I think every fandom has annoying people with awfully terrible takes in it. People with zero media literacy. People who hatewatch. People who think they're entitled to the exact show they would've wanted, which has nothing to do with the actual, existing show.
This is especially true for queer media, and especially true for queer cartoons. (Hi, yes. I was active in the Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Voltron, and She-Ra fandoms when those shows were airing, respectively. I've seen some stuff). Some people just can't handle queer cartoons, period. If the queer characters/ships are soft and wholesome, they're infantilising and boring, and if they're complex and nuanced and actually have conflict, they're abusive and problematic. You'll hear the same recycled arguments over and over again. Like, the shit some people are saying about Blitz and Stolas after The Full Moon? Is literally almost word-for-word what they said about Catra and Adora post-season 3 of She-Ra (and even at the end of the show).
Here's the thing, though! Those people and their bad takes are not what I want to think about what I think about a fandom. Those aren't the people I want to call the fans. They don't deserve that title. Not when so many other people are out there dedicating their time to making gifs and art and meta posts, and writing fic, and commenting/reblogging to show support, and sliding into people's DMs to scream and squee together about a thing they love.
At the end of the day, "fandom" is just a lot of people each doing their own thing. Which people you engage with and allow to stay within your line of sight will determine your fandom experience. Fandom can be a huge, convoluted, online space full of people who are constantly arguing with one another and whose takes make you unfathomably angry... Or it can be you and your 5 friends and mutuals who scream gleefully at one another in 2-note posts. You can't control what others post online, but you can control your engagement with it.
How? Well, here's what I personally do to avoid getting upset by people's stupid opinions online:
Filter 'critical' and 'anti' tags (eg. #anti stolitz #anti vivziepop #Helluva Boss critical #HB critical #vivziepop critical). Many people actually do tag their critical posts because they know it's the respectful thing to do!
If I come across a post that has one or more of those tags, obviously, I don't click through to see it under any circumstances.
If I stumble across a stranger's untagged post with hate/criticism that upsets me: I stop reading and BLOCK. Immediately. I don't look back. I don't finish reading. I don't engage. I just block block block. I <3 the block button, seriously.
If I feel my mind reeling from a bad take I just came across: I take a step back, close my phone, breathe, remember life is beautiful sometimes. Go back and watch an episode I really like. Clean my living space a little. Vent about it to a friend (but only if I really need to, because if not, I'd rather not dwell on it).
If I'm starting to feel the need to reply to someone's bad take (directly or via my own post), I instead make the decision to channel that energy into making fandom posts out of love. (I don't do this just with fandom. If I see something transphobic online, I usually react by reblogging a bunch of trans art or trans positivity posts on my main, for example). I like to think of it as putting some positivity out into the world to compensate for the negativity I just saw. So, for example, if I see someone shitting on my blorbo, I may make a silly post just saying how much I love blorbo. Or I'll make (or draft) a post about how interesting I find some of blorbo's actions. Or reblog another person's positive/interesting post about blorbo.
And finally, I stay the hell away from Twitter. Or at least, if I go on Twitter, I try my best to avoid any tweet that has text in it instead of just art. Even the people who have good opinions spend too much time arguing with the people who have bad opinions on there. I don't want to see people's bad takes! No, not even while reading founded and perfectly articulated criticism of those bad takes! So I just limit my time on Twitter. And again, if someone is putting bad takes on my TL (even if it is to counter them), I unfollow and block as needed.
All this to say, yes, it really fucking sucks to read the opinions of people who don't understand and who hate the characters and ships and worlds you love. Gosh it's the worst. But you can curate your fandom experience. You can focus on the things you can control. You have the power to decide if your fandom experience is draining or fun!
And because I don't know how to finish this, here, have a Stolitz kiss to heal you:
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We will keep winning and there's nothing the haters can do about it. 😌
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the-kryomancer · 10 months ago
Writing Commissions
My Ko-Fi
DM me on tumblr to discuss commission requests and pricing
500 word fic–$5
1,000 word fic–$10
2,000 word fic–$20
$5 added per additional 500 words
Prices are negotiable depending on word count.
I accept payment through Ko-fi only. I accept payment up front or upon completion of the commission
What I do Write
Gore (it depends)
Canon x Canon
OC x Canon
Canon x Reader
Self insert x canon
Self insert x OC
What I don’t Write
Pedophilia/Adults x minors
Dubcon or non-con
Self harm/suicide
Real people/celebrities
Sonas of youtubers
Hate propaganda
This is a nonnegotiable. Do not try to get me to write something I’m not comfortable writing
Fandoms I write for
Marvel comics/MCU
Arrowverse shows
Critical Role/DND
Star Trek (TAOS)
Star Wars
Prison Break
Mission Impossible
Detroit Become Human
Arcane League of Legends
How to Train Your Dragon
BBC Merlin
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
God of War (4 & 5 only)
Bridgerton (Netflix version)
Netflix’s Ragnarok
Stranger Things
If a certain fandom is not up here that you want me to write for, just ask! I’m willing to do research!
Fandoms I do not write for
Five Nights at Freddy’s
American Horror Story
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
Once I’ve written the fic and sent you the link and it’s been approved and paid for, I’m okay with you posting it as long as you credit me as the author since it is a commission. If you would like it posted by me to reblog I’m happy to do so
Slots Available
1,500 or less words Slot 1 [CLOSED]
1,500 or less words Slot 2 [CLOSED]
1,500 or less words Slot 3 [OPEN]
1,500 or less words Slot 4 [OPEN]
1,500 or less words Slot 5 [OPEN]
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2,000 words Slot 2 [OPEN]
2,000 words Slot 3 [OPEN]
2,500+ words Slot 1 [OPEN]
2,500+ words Slot 2 [OPEN]
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warblogs17282 · 5 months ago
So, I've been talking with @akirathedramaqueen a bit and something that came up is that some of the antis/'critics' actually somehow think that Blitz's feelings for Stolas in s2 e8 and e9 came out of nowhere. (This version of the post with images will be posted in a reblog because IT'S GETTING SMITED OFF THE TAGS AGAIN!)
So I just want to articulate my thoughts on why I think that the people saying things like that are just wrong.
So, we've all heard of the phrase "show, not tell" right? We know that helluva boss does this quite a lot.
Let's start at s1 e5, just look at Blitz blush, listen to Blitz fumble up his words so much trying to explain that it's a quote "It's a transactional fucking, you see.". This combined with Moxxie and Millie reacting the way they do while Blitz is fumbling up his words trying to explain his relationship with Stolas to Striker, points to our first hint that the relationship is a bit more than 'transactional fucking.'.
Also, this implies that when Blitz goes to stop Striker from killing Stolas, it meant more to Blitz than just Striker 'killing Blitz's easiest lengthy ticket to Earth', it tells us that Blitz cared for Stolas' well-being.
Now, lets look at s1 e7, we see a picture of Stolas sleeping that Blitz took at some point. This further shows us that Blitz has always cared for Stolas.
Another thing that shows us that Blitz cares for Stolas is the ending of s1 e8. 'I dunno, jus- ...lonely... Die alone...' '*mumbling* Millie... Moxxie... Stolas...' The fact that Blitz says Stolas' name here just really tells us that Blitz cares for Stolas as well.
s2 e4, the infamous "He can get hurt?" line. The sheer shock, worry and concern for Stolas Blitz has in this scene also further points to the fact that Blitz cares for Stolas.
And hell, even s2 e6 points to Blitz caring about Stolas, which we can clearly see by the fact that Blitz's face drops when he says 'It's a novelty to him.', because as apology tour proves with this line 'Oh, sorry, this entire time I assumed the worst because I was convinced a prince could never love someone like me and I've let my self hatred stop me from apologizing to anyone I could ever care about!', Blitz's self hatred stopped him from properly considering the possibility that Stolas might care for him back, which is exactly why Blitz sighs and his face drops into this sort of sad look when he says that it's a novelty to Stolas. Blitz doesn't want it to be 'nothing else'.
It's really a 'I believe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy, but… also crave it as well.' type deal we're dealing with here. Blitz craves that intimacy, but cannot fathom receiving it, so that's why Blitz's face drops here. Which in my eyes, really convinces me that Blitz has had feelings for Stolas before s2 e8 and e9.
In conclusion: I believe that people pushing the argument that 'Blitz's feelings for Stolas came out of nowhere in s2 e8 and e9' are wrong.
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oc-tournaments · 11 months ago
This is a blog dedicated to running OC tournaments! A new theme will be decided every time, decided by the followers. The first theme will be chosen by me, and is as follows:
Note: Does not need to actually be a God! "God" refers to you, their creator, who enjoys putting them in situations.
To submit an OC, please read the rules below carefully before submitting!
I will be accepting fandom OCs and personal story OCS! However, for personal reasons I will not be accepting Harry Potter/Wizarding World, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss or Homestuck OCs. This rule is firm and will not change.
You must submit a description of your OC and why they're God's favourite punching bag for them to be eligible!
The size of the bracket will be determined by the amount of submissions we receive.
No real people/canon characters can be submitted.
Be civil! ANY hostility towards other people or their OCs will result in being blocked and banned from interacting with any tournaments. This blog is not intended to breed hatred, but to showcase people's OCs and to generate new likings towards them!
You may submit up to three OCs, but only one per form! You will have to name your Tumblr blog to submit an OC, but you can request not to be named in the polls.
Self propaganda is allowed and encouraged, but hate propaganda towards other people's OCs is not allowed under any circumstances.
Your character must have some sort of reference image. Picrews and other dollmakers are allowed, but faceclaims are not.
The closing date for submissions is May 30th!! Please reblog and share to any friends who may be interested in submitting an OC <3
And please bear in mind this is my first tournament blog, so be kind in any criticism you may have of how I run things.
Fill in the form below to submit!
Relevant blogs tagged for reach under cut! So sorry if you didn't want to be tagged, don't feel pressured to reblog <33
@tournament-announcer @variouspolltournaments @sekaicards @the-most-design-of-all-time @autism-rizz-tournament @ocquestionaday
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crooked-wasteland · 6 months ago
Do you think songs being diegetic can work if it’s tied to the world building in someway? Maybe something like Centaurworld where the characters literally live in an overly saccharine colorful world where singing and dancing are common things to do?
Tl;Dr: It is not the existence of diegetic songs that make Hazbin a bad musical. It is the lack of non-diegetic musical numbers and how it is treated within the story that is the issue.
Based on this question and the reblog of my post, I didn’t convey my point adequately. I had said I was going to expand on this topic more in the essay, but I see that the lack of in depth context resulted in the wrong message being expressed, so please allow me to try again.
First let’s address the reblog:
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To answer the question if Steven Universe does the same thing, the simple answer is no. To expand further, diegetic means that someone is literally singing. Non-diegetic is when a musical number is meant to be a figurative representation of emotions, inner thoughts, or events.
For the examples provided, when Jasper tells Sapphire to stop singing, Sapphire is literally singing and it actively plays a role in the story. Sapphire sings to let Ruby know she is okay and sets the groundwork to introduce her into the story in a manner that isn’t jarringly abrupt. That is an appropriate use of diegetic singing: it serves a story/character purpose. Whereas Stronger Than You, Garnet is not literally singing. It is meant as a representation of her feelings about her relationship and her rebellion against Homeworld’s customs on the matter. While we as the audience see her sing, Jasper does not. That is Non-diegetic.
From what I am seeing in both these questions, I failed to convey that competent use of musical theater utilizes both Diegetic and Non-Diegetic music.
In Hazbin and Helluva Boss, ALL songs are diegetic, as in all musical numbers are literally happening in the world. It is meant to be a joke when characters address the singing in the series, but instead it comes off as a mean-spirited, vapid criticism of musical theater as a genre. It also creates a disconnect when the world is designed to not have musical numbers as a norm, but then all the songs are diegetic regardless. In the effort to make all these songs diegetic they fail to delve further into the characters and their inner feelings in a meaningful way and shows a physical discomfort in doing so. Meanwhile, the story has to make excuses that don’t always make sense for these songs to happen.
I briefly touched on this when I mentioned the “Heightened sense of reality.” The example I can best come up with is A Goofy Movie. In A Goofy Movie, the world itself exists in this extremely heightened sense of reality. This is a film where Big Foot is real, cars can float, and Goofy literally survives an explosion unscathed. This is an absurd world that establishes that absurdity in a way where a song like On the Open Road can possibly be non-diegetic, but just as easily be diegetic.
Goofy starts the song by hearing sounds that are part of their world: the engine chugging, the pots and pans rattling, the keys jangling. The music is introduced diegetically, but then escalates to such a degree that it revels in the world that musical theater lends itself to. So when we ask if the song is diegetic or non-diegetic, it doesn’t matter. Because this sort of world building allows for a dead man to crawl out of his coffin to dance on the roof of a hearse in the middle of traffic. That just is the world we are in.
By Hazbin drawing attention to the song numbers being embarrassing, the show has established that we are not in a world where something like A Goofy Movie can take place. There is a sense of decorum that mirrors our own sensibilities in the world building that makes diegetic songs unnatural occurrences. That isn't to say that no character can diegetically sing in this sort of world, but that diegetic singing should be limited to those specific characters. Yet we have background characters singing along and it fails to set up an understanding of where the music is coming from.
Going back to Stronger Than You as a non-diegetic song, there is a different sense of heightened reality that comes from non-diegetic songs being interwoven into a scene. The level of suspension of disbelief that comes with not needing to question whether a song is or is not diegetic because the world has established music as a main component of its reality. Hazbin did the opposite in its effort to make fun of the idea of musicals in the first place and not incorporating music into the characters and their identities.
The issue I was trying to convey has nothing to do with the existence of diegetic songs, but how the world was never designed to support them, and the writers’ discomfort with breaking that boundary to elevate a scene to being partly metaphysical through the use of non-diegetic music.
And no, Moxxie's Bad Trip does not count as being non-diegetic. While it is taking place in Moxxie's mind, it is not representing anything happening in the story. Instead acting as a wholly different subplot about Blitz and Moxxie's relationship that has not been a part of the story until the Truth Serum was released. And by showing us that Moxxie and Blitz are actually not doing anything except tripping balls, that makes Moxxie's hallucination still diegetic to his reality.
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imaginative-123 · 2 months ago
Every fricking time
Edit: Minors do not interact, reblog or like my post bec I will block you.
Btw I'm not using f*joshi bec I found out it's a misogynistic term so I'll use Yaoi fangirls instead. Just a reminder, I know not everyone who uses the term knew it was sexist since people mostly used it for women who mostly consumes yaoi.
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Achillean men being sexualized is fictional. Yes the gay ship in itself is fictional just like the show itself. You know what's not fictional Yaoi Fangirls? Is the fact that there is SA being a thing in the show. This also reflects in real life but sure go ahead and say gay men being sexualized is fiction but let's ignore SA being played for laughs in Helluva Boss. Or how about the fact and say the criticisms you claim that we critics are unfamiliar with adult televisions tropes, which is blatantly not fucking true, the critics who criticized the gay ship including how gay men are portrayed in the show are based on gay stereotypes and toxic Yaoi and BL Tropes that feel like it came straight out of wattpad, Ao3, webtoon, manhwas and yaoi mangas, that Viv and her writing staff puts in her shows.
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Of course this isn't surprising.
How much copium and glazing these stans would make up things huh? Seriously how do you just ignore the sexism and misandrist writing of how her gay men are presented? Do these Stans just close their eyes and see no problem? I don't give a damn if she's Bisexual, or she worked with queer men or defense stans loved to use, the way she writes men felt like it came from toxic yaoi tropes and the sexism at times feels glorified. These stans don't want to acknowledge the issues of her show or Viv's behaviour, they just believe any critics doesn't understand her work whatsoever.
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Bc seriously I'll try my best to finish my personal works as soon as possible then I'll get to working on Part 2 of my essay bc I need to work on my personal life and a lot of stuff to do, bc dear me these stans are delusional man.
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helluverse-rewrites · 3 months ago
Okay. I caved. I did it
So I guess I should cover some things:
Despite rewriting the plot and characters, I will not be covering redesigns because I am frankly pretty bad at coming up with them. This will be about plot and characters only
This is a CRITICAL blog. Yes, I'm doing a rewrite but that's because I truly like the concept of these shows but the way it's written is not the best. So if you're a diehard fan of canon and will fight anyone who disagrees with you, don't go any farther than this
Speaking of which, this is solely for fun and I support nothing that Vivziepop has done (or any of her more questionable cast and crew) looking at you Ralph or whatever the hell your name is
Harassment of any kind will not tolerated. If I see you being hateful for no reason in the reblogs/comments or if you send in hate via inbox. I will block you immediately. You have been warned
Feel free to talk to me about the rewrite in my inbox! Or even share your ideas with me, I love listening to others' ideas about rewrites. Also if you have any concerns about how I portray any of the more serious material, don't be afraid to reach out
Edit: I'm starting a masterpost now!! I'm gonna keep adding on to it as time goes so they'll be more
Masterpost under the cut:
Helluva Boss
Rewriting I. M. P
Rewriting Ars Goetia
Rewriting the Sins
Rewriting Fizzarolli and Striker
Talking about M&M
Getting rid of Stolitz
Making Stritzø happen
Fixing Fizzmodeus
Hazbin Hotel
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