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nostalgicish · 1 year ago
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happy (belated) birthday to @heavilycaffeinatedsblog !
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sillyum · 3 months ago
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this is kinds ugly but kinda cute so whatever
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zukoshonour404 · 1 month ago
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koroart · 1 year ago
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Homosexual activities on this Friday morning
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batransacon · 1 month ago
Some things I’d loved to have seen more often in the marauders fandom characterizations:
Ravenclaw barty ( ALL owls, enough said)
Pandora NOT being crazy/ a sear (Luna 100% got that from xeno)
Regulus not necessarily agreeing with pureblood rhetoric but seeing that his family is safer with it and also more of his relationship w Voldemort ( he didn’t become the youngest deatheater on a whim )
Sirius being a black, he was a total troubled teen and honestly probably still didn’t feel much empathy for muggleborns. Also running away didn’t erase his entire life up until that point
James being a total dick. (Hate him)
Lily getting the love she deserves instead of her entire character being watered down to nothing without her husband (I’m looking at u jegulus vs jily bitches) Lily can be her own person even if James isn’t dating her!!!
Bellatrix black. Right hand WOMAN of lord Voldemort??? Pls I need her so bad
Snape being so similar to Tom riddle and Voldemort using that to his favor ( yet making a critical error in killing Lily)
Voldemort using his charm to seduce and win favor and then as his descent into madness thickens, he relies on his magic and their fear more and more for followers
I could go ON and ON about this but I don’t want this too long 🖤 pls discuss in the comments/or replies this is my favorite topic. (This is a safe space to talk abt ur niche headcanons for characterization within the fandom)
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quecksilvereyes · 2 years ago
something something to the great western woods i give you king edmund the just. the woods are deep and dark and the trees are so old that the size of them blots out the sun. the forest floor is dark and cool even in the height of summer under the worst of the sun's heat. something dies. something eats. something is born.
in the west lie narnia's lungs.
something something the telmarines gut the woods for lumber. until the forest floor dries up and the sun reaches burrows and nests and birthing sites. until the earth is spotless and the animals call to each other no longer. until venturing into narnian woods is no more than strolling into the carefully curated strip of trees by the castle.
until she breathes no longer.
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milevens are so silly when trying to disprove byler like
"ermmmm theyre delulu look at this one theory they made!!!"
girl. a good amount of the smaller theories DO sound crazy on their own. however you have to believe them ALONG with the main theories? acting like the main proof for byler is some girlie pointing out the fact that theres sunlight going into mikes closet in s4 is just not true and if thats all you know i can totally get why youd think were crazy but thats not all of it.
also if youre main proof that byler aint true is bc mike is straight and your using that to disprove the theories just get out dude 😭
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dogcatrabbitbirdfan · 1 year ago
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Anywayyy…. I stand by my canceled wife look guys he literally regrets it. Puh-LEASE.
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potahun · 7 days ago
!!!!!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!!!!!!!! HE BIGGER SPOON TOO!!!!!
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rubys-forest · 1 year ago
artist who's only drawn snatcher attempts to draw stan
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thelordofshrimp · 3 months ago
further details about your contestants if you want to make an informed decision:
the books: 9 500+ page novels
me: full time employed 100 page per hour reader, 3/4 of the way through book 1
ivf baby: soon to be out of school and not employed (till march) 60 page per hour reader, 50 pages into book 6
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crystalgastles · 5 months ago
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This is Jeff’s nightmare from after the flesh. It can be read as a stand alone so I’m posting it here , my slendermans influence is included in this so enjoy TW for regular Jeff the killer stuff and religious themes
My lungs tightened when I saw the wood front steps of my old church, the green carpet in the foyer supposed to replicate grass squished underneath my feet because of the years of warm Florida humidity, weather, and rain. The brown wooden tables on each side of this small room grew mold while the flowers inside the vase were dead and now filled with standing water. The pictures of the crucifixion hung above each one. I couldn’t bring myself to open the wooden doors.
But they opened for me. The inside was in perfect condition. No the inside was in a service. No I set this place on fire years ago. No there was my father standing at the pulpit, staring me down.
His eyes were angry but his smile stayed the same. I felt like a small child who spilled milk on the carpet when he spoke.
“My oldest has decided to join us today! Jeff, come sit by your mother. Looks like my prayers were answered today folks”
No. No. I cut him into pieces. His head stuck on the end of their bedpost. I remember his blood on my hands. The fat from his gut spilling when I sliced it open. I remember but he is in front of me. Angry.
I still sat beside my mother the woman I shot in the head. My brother on her other side looking at me with concern. I was the only one in here covered in dirt and not wearing slacks. I couldn’t make out what he was preaching about. Fear gripped my being as the rest of the church stared at me.
A tap on my shoulder
“Why are you so late?”
A whisper, someone so familiar it made me relax.
“Yeah dumbass you were supposed to be here at seven”
“Jane no no. Jane please go you can’t be here”
“I’m here every Sunday, what’s wrong with you?”
“Go. This isn’t right you need to go. Go.”
My voice was raised as I stood, back facing the stage my father stood on. The stained glass shone across her pale face and black hair.
No this isn’t right. Her eyes were black. Her skin was too smooth to white almost mask like, the only person in the whole congregation that wore black. Her smile twisted into something I didn’t recognize. This was not Jane. Not my best friend since childhood , journalist who wanted nothing to do with me Jane.
“Jeff sit back down now”
My father spoke, angrily through his teeth while I frantically looked for anything to set this place back on fire.
“You shut the fuck up!”
“Stop. All of you stop. Stop stop just.”
You poor thing.
You want this to end
I was with you when you spilled your first blood. I have watched you for years. You didn’t deserve this.
I hit my own skull, on my knees now, pulling chunks of hair out as a cried out.
“Make it stop! I’ve had enough!”
I found my lighter and ran. Finding the curtains that lit too easily. The wood of the church catching next as people ran out, screaming, some catching, burning up in flames and turning into dust almost instantly. until I was the only one left inside. My family now the corpses I remember.
I stood on the steps, covered in soot and sweat, my back facing the burning church.
You are bound to suffering because of the sins of your father
These people don’t deserve salvation. You deserve your penance
I am nor good nor evil I simply am and I am here to do what needs to be done.
This thing. That stood in front of me while I heaved, my face covered in tears and sweat. What used to be wings reached out like tendrils. Hovering over me while I shook like a small child. It’s one beady black eye blinking at me as it spoke. Not spoke. Echoed to me in a voice I couldn’t comprehend while I backed up onto the burning steps. Fire engulfing my legs. While it continued to move closer to me and I couldn’t back up any further.
Be not afraid.
I ran back into the church. My entire body now in flames like the burning embers of hell. The devil himself chasing after me as I fell onto the pulpit. It’s hand reaching out to grab my arm as it turned me around to force me to look at it.
I am here now as you run from me still.
Run then child
You can’t hide from me forever
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solei-eclipse · 7 months ago
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so fun fact. I originally had an idea for an ALNST spirited away AU (and a long list of other media I'm into in an ALNST AU)
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But after I drew these and looked at their little faces I simply could not bring myself to go any farther. These poor kids do not deserve that 😭 especially chihiro I was so hurt at the thought of anything bad happening to her that I scrapped the thought immediately
I was still interested in their post movie dynamic (specifically the bits and pieces we get of haku's past + the fact that chihiro forgets everything once she leaves the tunnel) and it lingered on me after I watched the movie
these ocs are just me trying to explore a different flavor of that dynamic + traits from a few other pieces of media that I enjoy
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countlessofvoids · 2 months ago
I stopped reading Chainsaw Man somewhere after the Fall devil arc. What the fuck is happening in the story right now
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valyrra · 1 year ago
Just a mere thought about Liu Kang telling you to meditate while you sit on his dick.
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