#headcanons   /   rao.
prodbyblush · 2 years
mitsuki mario aka Rao as bfie pleasee 😭💖
dating rao
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an: contains spoilers for the worst cross. read with discretion.
→ fem!reader
• with his well built and muscular figure, i say good luck in escaping from his arms during cuddle sessions. • most especially when you woke up first and you want to get out of the bed. even just one lift of your muscle, rao's eyes will immediately flutter open and you're being scooped back to bed. • house husband rao!!! but that's saved for another headcanon yes. • always has an arm around your shoulders or waist, but mostly around your waist! • prior to dating, he talks to Mercy a lot about you - gushing about how pretty you looked today with a new hairstyle or how pretty you looked smiling while with friends. • takes you to the orphanage of where he grew up and fondly recalls some of the memories. • not only is he very protective around children, he's very much protective around you as well. if anything, he detests violence and doesn't want you getting mixed up with suzuran's or his factions business. • not in the mood to workout with him? it's fine! he'll use you as his weights when exercising - cling on his back or have you underneath him when doing push ups, have you stand above his head when lifting weights and all! • he loves physical dates because it allows him to show you how strong he can be. like going out for a bowling and air hockey! • given his cold nature, he gives off as intimidating to others but he's a puppy through and through with you! fights are very rare and avoids conflict at all costs! but if disagreement arises between you two, then he'll try and understand where you're coming from. • doesn't get jealous too often. he trusts you and he trusts that no one from his faction will do anything bad or funny to you. but if anyone else in suzuran were to make a move on you, you best believe that he'll grab them by the back of their head and toss them away from your sight. • i honestly cannot help but say that rao is going to become a great and proper dad figure to his kid. as someone who's been abandoned the moment he is born, he'll never let his child / children feel like they aren't loved by him. • whatever ever he does, he always asks for your opinion. it could be asking you which between going to the city or to the countryside would you prefer when going on vacation, which ice cream flavor do you like best or do you prefer bathing with cold water or hot water. it also helps him get to know you more a little deeper in a sense! • has a whole album gallery of you on his phone. doesn't let anyone in on it. • his favorite spot to kiss you? the top of your head! have i mentioned it's because given his tall stature and he can't help but find your small height as cute size? now you know! • will never let you be the big spoon. • a dom. is very gentle and makes sure to put your needs on top of his. • calls you "baby", "babe" or "bunny". • prior to dating you, he doesn't have any dating experience. but he makes it a goal to always make sure you're happy and comfortable with him. • would probably be the first to say ily!
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
Headcanon: After Brynne and Hira adopted Ghata...
Hira: Ok, I just overheard Ghata in her room giving herself a pep talk and I think she's about to come out to us. So, no matter what she tells us, we have to be supportive.
Brynne: Of course, babe! Have you forgotten I'm bi and you're a lesbian? She could be gay, trans, non-binary, whatever! The point is, we'll love her no matter what!
Hira: Perfect. Ok, here she comes!
Ghata: Ma, Ammi, I have to tell you something important.
Hira: What is it, sweetie?
Ghata, nervous: Um...well...you see...
Brynne: C'mon, spit it out! You're a demon, remember? Be strong, girl!
Ghata: Ma. Ammi.
Both: Yes?
Ghata: I'm... I'M...
Both: YES-
Ghata: I'M A VEGAN!
Both: O_o
Hira: ...Well...that's great, baby-
Brynne: You're dead to me.
Brynne: Eggs, fish, meat. Does their taste and nutritional value mean nothing to you?!?
Ghata, on a roll: Also, I've been going to that vegan restaurant that opened lately.
Brynne, dramatically: OH, WHY DON'T YOU JUST RIP MY HEART OUT-
*Brynne then got a two hour parenting lecture from her wife*
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Random Okami headcanons that exist cause of my own delusional fanon rapid fire
Waka has been around serving Himiko's clan for well over 200 years, but he disappears so often(Likely trying to keep Orochi at bay at the moon cave and perhaps in hopes Ammy would eventually return)that citizens don't even realize it's the same guy(I mean they didn't even realize Rao wasn't really herself like???? They dense)
Rao kinda gets a little vindication at Ninetails because now it has to deal with the gawking of literally every man in a 2 mile radius FOR 2 MONTHS that she delt with for almost over 20 years at that point(my version of Rao is almost 30)
Also on that, Rao didn't move on because she wanted to keep an eye on Ninetails, but also because she wanted to be there to help Amaterasu figure things out when it came time Himiko died.
When Himiko died Rao was the person there for her when her soul was freed from the orb after puttinf her soul into it, I like to think she also waited for Himiko.
Himiko followed Waka around a lot as a kid, he was very emotionally distant cause he knew what would happen to her as an adult but of course he got attached and became a big brother figure of sorts for her.
The reason Rao even became regent really was because Himiko a. Really trusted her judgment, Rao was more around the public than her and b. Himiko really really really enjoys having Rao be around so often and while she had valid reason to picking her she also really likes the excuse to have her around so much.
Everyone close to Himiko and Rao(so not many people)know about her relationship with Rao and honestly, don't really question it. The emperor, her father kinda expected such, they're so close. Waka KNEW they'd end up together before they did. Himiko's handmaid, the one that's there everytime you go up to see Himiko, helps Rao sneak in to see Himiko or Himiko out to see Rao.
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hazellevessque · 2 years
If the Potatoes were in Camp Half-Blood
(Sorry if someone has done this before—)
Daughter of Zeus
Everyone either idolizes her or thinks she is stupid
Really good at Capture the Flag
Like, scary good
Has been banned from singing at Campfire because she cannot sing to save her life
Lied about her mortal life a lot when she first got there but eventually stopped
Somehow bagged the leader of Aphrodite and everyone is shocked
Even she doesn’t know how she did it
Daughter of Hades
Works at the infirmary
Everyone thinks she was blessed by Apollo because she’s so good at healing
She hasn’t, she’s just smart
Hated her powers until Aru said, “YOU ARE THE DAUGHTER OF THE GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD!”
Everyone wants her on their Capture the Flag team
Tired because she has to take care of all the Potatoes (who end up in the infirmary a lot)
Also a daughter of Zeus
She and Aru have the cabin spilt in half with duct tape
Aru’s powers involve lightning more while Brynne’s involve wind, like Thalia and Jason
Purposefully gets punished so she can work in the kitchens
Everyone loves when she gets punished because it means dinner will be good tonight
Beats everyone in training
Child of Aphrodite
Leader of Cabin 10
Got Shadowfax from his dad, and a Hepheastus kid made it enchanted
A lot of campers have crushes on them, they mostly ignore it
The Apollo kids blast music and he acts like he hates it but secretly vibes to it
Unanimously got voted lease singer of the campfire
Son of Apollo
In love with the scary daughter of Hades
Purposely gets hurt and gets sent to the infirmary so he can see Mini
Mini loves hates it
Always plays music at campfire
Annoys Aiden all the time
Didn’t scrap food into the fire on his first night but got in trouble and now scraps food every night
Also a daughter of Apollo
Leader of Cabin 7
Half sisters with Aru on the mortal side
All the campers love her
When a kid gets in trouble she’s always able to soften their punishment
Picks strawberries in the field
I genuinely do not know who would be her and Nikita’s godly parent so we’re skipping that
The Oracle
Spends a lot of time in arts and crafts area
The person who gives all the new campers tours
Gave all the Potatoes friendship bracelets
Hangs out with the Aphrodite kids
Gives everyone fashion tips
Flat out refused to wear the orange t-shirt but wears the necklace for sentimental value
Used to give new campers tours until she made a kid cry and the position was given to Sheela
Daughter of Ares (because shapeshifting)
Was bullied by the Cabin 5 leader (Navdeep) for a while until she stood up for herself
Hangs out with the Potatoes now
Dating Brynne
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autumn-equinox-04 · 2 years
imagine the friendship between aru and mini's brother (let's call him raj, short for yaduraj)
like it's canon that raj loves teasing/playing pranks on mini, and aru literally lives for mini's annoyed face
imagine the pranks, the jokes. they are partners in crime.
raj and aru become honorary siblings. like aru jokingly calls him bhai, (or anna for fellow south indians!!) and he gets very protective over her- questioning her about boys, threatening to fight anyone who looks at her funny, etc.
idk it just gives me Feelings
(also brynne and raj?? raj canonically likes guys- imagine them helping each other with coming out to their respective parents/guardians??)
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Small Aruden things that I neeeed in my life
Aiden carries stim toys with him everywhere for Aru (I’m Ive Said this before but it’s so important)
Aru has posted exactly one (1) YouTube video, titled Homemade Swedish Fish and the last thirty seconds are just her dancing to Single Ladies while Aiden eats them all
They both suck at sleeping unless it’s with each other. Then, they’re out for the next twelve hours in slumberland.
I know I’ve talked a bit about what Aiden has in his purse (I might do a what’s in his bag later) but… after spending so long with the Pandava sisters, he’s carrying around pads and tampons at ALL TIMES. Midol and Advil, too once Aru tells him that she gets cramps.
When they move in together,Aru cooks breakfast and lunch, and Aiden is in charge of any and all snacks. They work on dinner together, though Aiden typically takes charge for that.
Their music tastes line up perfectly, but Aru’s such a musical theatre kid that every once in a while a song from Heathers or In The Heights will show up in the slew of car jams.
I promise there’s more I‘ll just add later
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Potatoes inside jokes
the potatoes inside jokes:
Just randomly talking about winning a war (everyone else thinking it’s metaphorical while they are just laughing their heads off)
Headcanon Aiden had voice cracks throughout SoD, that would be something to tease him about every now and then.
Calling him wifey in no context
I always imagine Aru being like “so like, y’all. Remember that time we crashed a wedding?” (Yes reference to chapter titles) and then them just like, reminiscing and then the parents looking at them with smiles. The rest of the people are looking at them with horror.
Rudy’s magnificent title, the Costco-Boy.
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parrotxx · 1 year
I was playing Minecraft earlier so I thought maybe I would share some headcanons about the Pandavas (+Kara) playing Minecraft :]
Aru is literally just playing pranks on everyone. She starts wars. She lives for the drama. She drops potatoes into everyone's inventories while they're afk. She kidnaps pets for ransom. Aru is chaos incarnate. Her house is probably a tiny cube made out of wood with just a bed, furnace, and crafting table, but I could also see her having some sort of underground base. She keeps no pets, but as I said before, she kidnaps some for ransom. She's rich from it.
Mini is complaining a bit about the scientific inaccuracies and for a period of time she begged for Education Edition before being bribed to stop with diamonds. She is strangely good at gathering materials and likes it because it's an easy mindless task she can do while thinking about other things. She keeps a parrot named BB (since there are no pigeons in Minecraft) but he is the group pet and anyone is free to vibe with him for a while.
Brynne is a PVP god. And a PVE god. Literally just a Minecraft god, in fact. She will beat the crap out of mobs. If you challenge her to a fight, that is a mistake. She will destroy you. She raids villages. She's made at least 10 iron golems to guard her house. She's also insanely good at water bucket clutches for some reason. She carries the Potatoes. If you get lost, she will find you and help you get back to your house. If your pet dies from a zombie attack, she will smite the zombie that killed it and find you a hundred new pets to choose from. Full enchanted netherite. She also has a horse. No one knows why.
Nikita and Sheela are just building. Niki is great at building because she has super good taste and Sheela is just vibing. They built like half of the stuff in the server. Sheela has like 1000 pets, 80% of which are axolotls. She refuses to kill a single animal. Niki has a pet cat named Sparkles with a magenta collar that is treated to the finest luxuries (a stack of fish per day). He also has his own room in Niki and Sheela's shared house.
Kara also likes to build. Her house is gorgeous and is also immune to Aru's pranks because she set up boobytraps everywhere. She only fights with a trident. She refuses to go into caves and/or have a basement. She exclusively strip mines. Kara has many pets in various enclosures, including two cats, a dog, a parrot, four foxes, and several axolotls. She keeps a diary with a book and quill, except she filled up all of the pages in the first one so now she has 7 (and it's still going).
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Hi, how are you today? Hope you're doing good and have a great day/night/morning/evening/etc. wherever you are!
Could you please write some Aruden/Hirynne/Mindy headcanons or a fanfic? I'm not picky, I'm just so deprived of TPQ content :,,) Thanks a lot!
keep in mind I haven’t read the books in a while so some things might be inaccurate
Brynne and Hira are stupid. We know this. So when they tell the Potats they’re dating everyone’s like “yeah we already knew” because they were so bad at hiding it
anyway they make a lot of desserts together, especially cream puffs because those are Hira’s favorite
for her birthday Brynne made her a bunch of them with different flavored creams
one time Brynne walked in on Hira doing Just Dance with Nikita and Sheela and she almost melted
speaking of giving each other things, Rudy gives Mini little earrings with skulls made of amethyst
She thinks it’s very sweet but then talks with Rudy about the constant gifts and how it doesn’t mean they’re dating and everything
They do work it out and he ends up taking her on a date to a paint-your-own-pottery place
it turns out Rudy is also very good at painting! All his work is very shiny but it’s very detailed
Aiden has this fuzzy blanket at his house that Aru always steals whenever she comes over. It will be the middle of summer and you’ll see her walking around his living room wearing it like a poncho
Aru finds out that Aiden never had a stuffed animal as a kid so she takes him to Target and they spend five hours there looking for a stuffed animal. And by that I mean Aru is picking out several at a time, tries to choose between them, and then gives up and re-enacts scenes from Lotr with them
Aiden is surprisingly very cuddly! Whenever they watch a movie or something he always leans on her shoulder and it’s very cute
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verybadatcardgames · 1 year
Sightshipping for 001?
Also answering for @over-roaming-waves, who was curious.
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when I started shipping it: Back in 2017, I started drafting a fic about their adventure in Egypt trying to hide the God Cards. It was really supposed to be a drama/humor fic about Isis having a constant headache and finding Pegasus to be an annoyance (because I personally found Pegasus to be an annoying character at the time), but as I kept writing, I really fell in love with both of the characters and imagining how their personalities would clash and complement one another
The adventure fic was up for a while, but I yanked it offline not long ago. The story is undergoing revisions and I want to redo it as a comic because I'm a masochist
my thoughts: Do you like to read novels?
I have so many thoughts, but for the sake of the ask, I will try to keep it short.
I really like the idea of them being so set in their plans pre-series and not really being amicable at the start, the both of them so committed to their pasts and their Items that it blinds them from seeing any alternatives from their personal life scripts. Then both their plans go up in flames (Pegasus loses Duelist Kingdom and Seto shows Isis the grim fate she believed in is not infallible), they both lose their Items, and with Atem crossing into the Afterlife, they're no longer tied into the Great Game. So now they have this freedom to explore the future and what the world has to offer, but there's also uncertainty and powerlessness in not being able to foresee what is coming, not knowing what other people are thinking, and not knowing what to do next.
And somewhere in there, I like imagining them going from business acquaintances to friends to lovers.
(also my constant daydream about Isis wanting to confess to Pegasus that she foresaw him getting the Eye ripped out of his head but didn't say anything back then because she didn't believe she could alter destiny with a warning but uh oh-oh no Seto proved you can change the future so she feels like utter crap that Pegasus nearly died and fears he won't want to talk to her again and the looming sense of dread and judgment haunts her; she's so scared he's gonna kick her to the curb when he learns she could have saved him so much grief if she had just said something
and she's so absorbed in the guilt of her past inaction that she doesn't realize Pegasus can plainly see she's torturing herself with all these thoughts so he reaches out and touches her hand and
ok I'll shut up)
What makes me happy about them: The possibilities--in the anime timeline. They're both alive and there is a chance something could happen. Daydreams and headcanons abound
What makes me sad about them: They stand in a room staring at each other for less than 10 seconds in the anime. Isis talks about wanting to "fulfill his wishes" offhandedly in the manga (by getting the God Cards back from her brother). The most dialogue we see exchanged between the two of them is in a GBA game
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Oh
Oh honey
There is not enough fanfic of this rarepair for that to be a thing
things I look for in fanfic: I dunno I have to look at my WIP folder
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Isis with her job and intermittent dates with Aileen Rao; Pegasus sober with his art supplies and comics
My happily ever after for them: Married with 5 kids but one of them is a daughter biologically fathered by Seto Kaiba after Isis and Pegasus have a heated threesome with him in Marrakesh. Isis and Pegasus know the kid is Seto's, but they don't tell him because it would make things complicated, but Seto does eventually find out at his daughter's 13th birthday party. Seto punches Pegasus in the face and tells him he isn't surprised Pegasus could be that cruel but he can't believe Isis hid the truth from him, which leads to Isis' oldest daughter resenting her because she believes she was the product of an affair, even though she wasn't, but the fine details were not disclosed as Isis thinks the news that Pegasus isn't her biological father was already traumatic enough and she felt it wasn't appropriate to tell her teenage daughter she was conceived during a passionate threesome
Like it all works out in the end when all their kids are adults with their own lives and it gets better after a lot of shit hits the fan but that's my future/next gen "happily ever after" headcanon
who is the big spoon/little spoon: It switches, but I'd say Pegasus is the big spoon 70% of the time. He likes to hug Isis to his chest and doesn't want to let go because she is warm and comfy
And he has PTSD related to this
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what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Morning, afternoon, and evening tea time--and movie night.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Virginia Danson from Magical Diary is a soft butch gendersport nonbinary lesbian with hyperactive type ADHD and a chronic illness who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
She's roommates and best friends with Ellen Middleton, an autistic omni lesbian anisomagiscien magiscifightic magiencetion magisciencegender genderqueer girl with PTSD and a special interest in the way magic and science interact who uses she/her and it/its pronouns!
Minnie Cochran is an autistic trans girl with anxiety and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns and exploring her sexuality in the wake of separating from an abusive boyfriend, and she's in a QPR with Jacob!
Minnie's roommate Pastel Rao is a pansexual pixibordaen pinkgender passerifaen faething faefaerian genderfae girl with hypersexuality, BPD, and HPD who uses fae/faer pronouns!
Raven Darkstar is an arospec bisexual trans vampyrgender stagevampiric ebonyfulic girl with ASPD who uses she/her and vamp/vamps pronouns!
Her roommate Suki Sato is an autistic quoiromantic asexual dragongender weirdgirl who uses any pronouns!
Barbara Solmaro is an autistic selectively mute amatopunk damselpunk acespec combootic roguian rebelburn ignidesolation latenightdrawic punkcutic trans girl who deliberately leaves her sexuality unlabeled, has ADHD and PTSD, and uses she/her pronouns!
Luke Phifer is a veldian nonbinary guy with an undiagnosed learning disability who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
They're roommates and best friends with Virginia's brother Donald Danson, a straight transmasculine guy with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
Donald and Virginia's older brother William Danson is an autistic femme kindligender girlboy brothergender shadowbi gay man with PTSD who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Jacob Blaising is an aromantic nonbinary boy who uses he/him and it/its pronouns, and it's in a QPR with Minnie!
Jacob's roommate and Luke's twin brother Logan Phifer is an autistic aroace nonbinary bluegender person who uses they/them pronouns!
Damien Ramsay is canonically bisexual and uses he/him pronouns, and he and William are exes!
Manuel Arias is an autistic wolfgender werecreature cuddleweren softdogwolfial artgender trans gay man who uses he/him and nya/nyas pronouns!
dni link
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ssj2hindudude · 11 months
Brynne Headcanon
*Aiden and Brynne watching Teen Titans*
Aiden: Hey, Brynne. Why aren't you doing that?
Brynne: Doing what?
Aiden: Being vegetarian.
Brynne: You have five seconds to explain before I beat you with the couch.
Aiden: Well, you both can turn into animals.
Brynne: Yeah?
Aiden: And the reason Beast Boy's a vegetarian is-
Beast Boy, on tv: Dude! I've been most of those animals!
Brynne: Oh, that! Yeah, it's because my people are already cannibals.
Aiden: Wait, what?
Brynne: Yeah, you know. Back in Bhima's time, Rakshasas would eat people all the time. Me eating meat despite being able to turn into livestock is basically a more tame version.
Aiden: Huh, never thought of it that way.
Brynne: Yeah...
Aiden: ...but you'd never eat me, would you?
Brynne: F*** around and find out, Ace Cakes.
Aiden: Hey, only mom gets to call me that!
Sorta part 1
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Okay thinking about Rao cause I mean ofc I am
But like teenage Rao having body dysmorphia cause as she's aging people are starting to gawk at her and mumble to each other about her cause of her body and sexualizing her.
And she just feels a lot of internal disgust towards herself cause she feels gross with her body.
I mean she's a teenage young girl being gawked at by adults I can only imagine she feels upset and conflicted. Like meat....
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hazellevessque · 2 years
Once, Brynne was at Aiden’s house without anyone else, and Aiden went to the bathroom and Malini walked in and said she made lunch,
Brynne said, “Thanks Mom!”
She then immeadietly felt bad and embarrassed and started apologizing over and over, but Malini had tears of joy streaming down her face and hugged Brynne.
Aiden then walked in and wondered what happened, but decided to not ruin the moment.
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I headcanon that Rao sees Beelzebub as the son he never had.
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domnorian · 1 year
Random Kryptonian Headcanon + some Lore™️: the Flamebird and Nightwing heroes of Krypton have always been avatars/“vessels”, with one of the two having some sort of connection to the House of El. The reason for this is because the House of El, as the direct descendants of Rao, are drawn to the future avatars. It’s more of a subconscious thing, and isn’t exactly foolproof, but there’s always been a connection either in the past or future.
Now, way the next Flamebird and Nightwing are chosen is a bit tricky. Potential avatars have dreams of either flame or darkness, growing more and more detailed as they age + as their potential grows. Meanwhile, the current Nightwing and Flamebird duo will have an instinctive call to their opposite: the acting Nightwing will find Flamebird-to-be, while the acting Flamebird will be the one to find the next Nightwing.
On Krypton, the heroes were blessed with the abilities of their gods to aid them in their duties. The Flamebird of course has light and fire: they can shine, and spew flames like no other. Said fire and light also have a purifying effect ala the Lass of Truth, and can burn even underwater and completely douse “lesser flames”; ie man-made/non-divine. On the flip side, the Nightwing can control darkness and shadows, and open portals. They also have a connection to the Phantom Zone, allowing them to monitor and keep track of things.
Anon, your brain is fantastic. It's really enlightening.
In my headcanons, all Kryptonian families are considered descendants of Rao so that would make it a bit trickier. I didn't want the House of El to be the only important family lore-wise. I wanted them to be like the Waynes on Earth, you know? Big deal family but not the only one.
Now imagine if the avatars were chosen amongst the poor and less fortunate Kryptonians? That would be scandalous. I can imagine the Church of Purity trying to hide them away or even assassinate them so it wouldn't be known by the population that avatars can be anyone outside the noble families of Krypton.
Yes, I like political dramas.
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