#he's so fucking racist
sephirajo · 1 year
I really really hate James Cameron’s Avatar series.  I really hate that racist POS is popular.  I hate that white people make indigenous people into aliens and then talk about how they didn’t fight hard enough to live, obviously.  It’s right up there with Road to el Dorado for things i fucking hate that gringos fucking love for no other reason than being racist shitbags.
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bixels · 5 months
Cozy Glow is such an interesting litmus test for die-hard bronies. I was checking r/mlp to prep a post and there’s a discussion post about how she deserved what she got and. How do I tell bronies that children should not be tried as adults. How do I tell bronies that psychopaths and sociopaths deserve human rights and treatment and support. How do I tell bronies that cruel and unusual punishments are bad. How do I tell bronies that the death penalty is wrong. How do I tell bronies that a ruling body should not have absolute say over putting someone to death, least of all a 6-year-old child.
These are all my recent google searches.
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the-crooked-library · 2 months
what I learned from season 2 of IWTV is that a distressingly large amount of people cannot tell the difference between a consensual BDSM dynamic and assault/abuse, nor do they know anything about how kink actually works
it’s not unhealthy for Armand to be submissive or delve into maître/slave kink dynamics. in fact it’s something people do to explore and get past their traumas all the time irl. additionally, he is like five times older and more powerful than Louis, he wasn’t being forced to do anything, nor could Louis ever actually force him. the kink was probably the healthiest aspect of their relationship, what fucked them over was a jumble of commitment issues, a lack of trust, and eventual murder - which is something that would cause problems in any relationship ever, no matter how vanilla.
the Point of the tragedy is that they were on the precipice of something happy, but Louis hesitated for too long and Armand couldn’t recognize when he was loved, and the kink had nothing to do with it, for fuck’s sake. Louis wasn’t abusive and it’s not bad or wrong for Armand to want to be a sub -
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alevens · 5 months
these specific type of zolu jokes? funniest shit ever
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sprimpfriedrice · 3 months
White dungeon meshi fans sound like this to me:
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It's extremely fascinating and frightening to me how hateful some of you people are towards shuro, a man who is clearly depicted as japanese, (a man who could look like me or literally any member of my family in real life) for being a normal, complex, and flawed human being.
Why do you single him out for getting frustrated with and mad at laios when chilchuck and marcille do the same literally all the time? What's the difference between them and shuro?
Why do you feel the unnecessary need to protect these white women from a japanese man?
Do you expect that this japanese man is inherently going to have some kind of ugly negative quality that has not been once hinted at canonically? Do you know what that's called? Because i do and it's fucking racism.
You people get scared the moment a character that is a person of color isnt a quiet little model minority or a sweet mammy archetype. You grasp at your pearls the moment they are revealed to have complex personalities and histories; when they feel negative, big emotions that are literally part of the human experience. Or god forbid, when they show romantic interest in a pure, helpless, little white woman.
And when a person of color stops behaving good and docile the way you want, when they decide that theyre not going to put up with a situation that makes them uncomfortable or miserable or RIGHTEOUSLY FURIOUS, they become the bad guy. As seen countless times in the medias demonizing depiction of the Black Lives Matter protests and even of black people who get punished for just living their lives. It happens so often i shouldnt have to reiterate it to you but it somehow keeps flying over your head.
And when that dirty, conniving, perverted, slant eyed, buck toothed, stumpy little japanese man understandably snaps at the white person you guys are projecting onto and all you see is this:
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So dont be surprised when i say that id rather kill myself than entrust the safety of my oldest aunts and uncles or my youngest cousins with any of you who act like this. Im terrified of what could have happened if people like you worked at the facility that my great grandmother lived out her final years in. Would you have seen her as a wild animal that needed to be subdued too when she had one of her many dementia-induced violent episode?
I will not apologize for saying that i find it deeply disconcerting to see so many of you happily posting hateful vitriol or even about committing acts of violence against a man that looks like me, solely because he was experiencing his humanity
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butwhatifidothis · 25 days
I need the people who look at posts talking about Wyll's treatment in both the actual game and especially the fandom and respond with "but i don't like him and I think he's boring" to know that shutting the fuck up is 100% the better option 100% of the time. Him being the only origin character to not have at last 10 hours of content and the existence of mods that literally whitewash him and his dad - among everything else wrong with how Wyll is treated - are not suddenly okay because you, personally, as an individual, don't find him interesting, and your personal individual feelings about him are irrelevant to the issues surrounding his treatment in the bg3 community at large, so like. Stop barging in with your unwanted, unhelpful opinion
#not 3h#wyll ravengard#being daring today and using a non FE main tag because holy shit is this one of the most annoying things fucking ever#had to rant about this because it happens ALL THE TIME in the bg3 fandom i swear to god#person (usually a black person or someone otherwise nonwhite): I think Wyll should have been given more content individual to him#some fuckwit: but he's boring!#person: I think Wyll should have been given more autonomy as a character and not have everything about his arc be up to the player#fuckwit: but he's BORING!!#person: I think it's strange how antagonistic we the player HAVE to be towards Wyll many times especially compared to the other companions#fuckwit: BUT HE'S BORING!!!#person: I think it's problematic that Wyll is constantly connected to his abuser in promo material when no one else is connected to theirs#fuckwit: WYLL IS BORING THO!!!!#person: I think it's unfair to people who like Wyll that bugs that have been around for multiple patches are only now getting patched#(while characters like Asta/rion get even more content on top of already having a shit ton)#fuckwit: BOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIING!!!!!#person: I think the fandom treatment of black Wyll fans who want more Wyll content is racist#fuckwit: HE'S SO BORING!!!!!!#person: People making mods that turn Wyll white/have you beat up *only* Wyll/give Wyll's content to white characters is racist#fuckwit: BUT HE'S SOOOOOOOOO BORING!!!!!!!#like holy SHIT shut the fuck up. that is SO not the damn point.#Fandom Be Normal About Characters of Color Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (FAILED) (I ENDED UP BEING RACIST???)#go back to eating Asta/rion's toe jam or whatever the hell his fans do jesus fuck
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sergle · 5 months
I love to hear what people say about Youtube Drama* but it's SO tacky when it gets so offbase that the posts people make start to be about completely off topic infighting within the Watcher fanbase
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somnesca · 1 year
Yes, the novel Dracula does start with only the purest expressions of love — but already, that love is challenged, as things are not quite the same as they would be at home.
I am talking, of course, about Bram Stoker and his love of trains.
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catharusustulatus · 8 months
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This is insane to me: https://t.co/WslCOnBtJU
They didn’t even call him. How the hell is he supposed to be explained out of the show? Jonathan’s best friend, who drove the gang all the way to Indiana? He’s just…gone? Not even being killed off - just not invited back. What!?
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pomodoriyum · 5 months
idk i dont think we give hickey enough credit for jumping on the bomb that was about to be the whole manson / irving conflict to de-escalate it.
like manson had just shoved (?) irving (MAJOR no-no, since irving outranks him. also you cant hit your coworkers)and irving was threatening to lock manson in a room alone in the dark with dead men over an unspecified amt of time, because manson expressed being afraid (dangerous to admit!!).
obvs irving is projecting his own anger at himself onto manson here, but it’s especially not ok to do that to manson of all people, who reads to me as someone who’s mildly intellectually disabled. you dont do that to your coworker, or your subordinate, and you certainly dont do that to someone who may not be capable of defending themselves in the same way you can attack them/defend yourself. it’s a complete abuse of power, and it’s fucking sick. irving i dont care if you hate yourself and youre stressed!!! dont be a dick!!!!
like yeah, it’s to hickey’s benefit to reassure manson (hes already read crozier’s little note, and i think hickey’s probably disturbed by francis’ previous plans to leave, shaken that francis believes they need rescue, plus being flogged is not reassuring about crozier’s mental state or sense of control over the crew, and while i dont think hickey is really consciously planning mutiny yet, it’s definitely something his subconscious is chewing on) but there’s definitely a sense of hickey saying, ‘oh fuck this shit i am stepping up and interfering with this’. which is something he’s demonstrated before, and was flogged for it. like, christ. give the man some credit for calming manson down, and giving him actual tools (lantern, safety in distance, ‘guarding’ the others) to cope with his fear.
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also. sidenote. it’s been made very clear earlier that hickey is not supposed to be carrying heavy things. goodsir says this. hickey flinches when he sets that toolbox down. and then he goes and volunteers himself to help hold a dead body so that manson wouldnt be punished for being afraid. you know how much pain that probably caused him????? like literal, physical pain??? christ
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doberbutts · 6 months
Google: hello I recommend this show to you based on your interest in 1600s Japanese modern period dramas and animations
Me: oh actually this show is pretty neat, I like that the Japanese characters actually speak Japanese and not *winkwink* they're totes talking in Japanese but for the viewer's sake they're using English *winkwink* and from the sound of it traditional Japanese at that because this is sounding very antiquated and out of date compared to my rough knowledge of modern Japanese
Show: :)
Show: have 10 minutes of a character being tortured by being boiled to death in a large cast iron pot :)
Me: ...
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clericxhood777 · 3 months
I don't think that anti Damijon shippers know how bullshit the statement "Yeah, but you can't change their ages, that's not how canon work" really is. Because, yes, tf you can.
Logically speaking, by now, Bruce should be at least in his late 40's, Dick should be 34-38, Jason should be in his mid 20's, Tim isn't far younger than Jason, so he should be in his early 20's and Damian should be 16/17.
However, it's not like that, because of how it's written. So, yeah, and that would mean Damian is either a year or two younger than Jon. It makes perfect sense, but we all know canon is so fucking inconsistent.
If we worked with the logic that we can't change their ages, then let's address the elephant in the room that Babs was de-aged and lost her personality to date Dick.
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numberonepartyboy · 5 months
congrats to toshiro for being the first male victim of fandom misogyny
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autisticrosewilson · 17 days
So do you guys actually think that Jason's entire story, relationship to the others, and philosophy amounts to him being a rebellious teen who wants his dad's attention? Like are you 100% serious? I thought you were joking about that but too many of you are saying it with your whole chest.
And what the fuck is this "Bruce antagonizing Jason is fanon!" Shit I've been seeing? You guys are aware that a parent can love their kid and still be a shit parent right? I know you guys don't want to fathom the thought that maybe your blorbo might also occasionally have to face responsibility for consistently endangering children but let's not start being delusional now.
Bruce does love his kids, that doesn't mean that he hasn't hurt them. And I'd also argue that for the most part he feels in the right for it, and he's said multiple times that he believes it's for their own good, so you can't even argue that he's sorry about it. It's okay for you guys to admit that your PERSONAL INTERPRETATION of the character wouldn't do that but don't sit here and pretend that it's not a facet of the source.
#you can argue meta until you're blue in the face#but I can't ignore the ingerent abuse of Batman and Robin because DC is always drawing attention to it#Stephanie and Jason directly died because of Robin#Stephanie wanted to impress Bruce to live up to his idea of a sidekick and prove her worth#Sheila only sold Jason out when she found out he was Robin#Damians life certainly got worse when he became Robin/moved with Bruce#if you bring up racist retcons I'll kill you btw#how are we supposed to read children dying and being tortured and traumatized constantly#and just ignore that these are children#I can ignore the reality of child sidekicks in campy light hearted early comics#but if DC wants to deal with serious topic they're going to have to deal with some serious implications too#Also that post that's going around about “Bruce loves Jason and it's Jason who's causing all the animosity” is such bullshit#what the fuck are you even talking about#and let's not act like Jason is the ONLY one at fault and Bruce is just a poor loving father#is Bruce spreading that utter bullshit about Jason's death and who he was not an act of violence?#was he not the one to cast the first stone by disgracing Jason's legacy and using a version of him that never existed as a cautionary tale#and I know some of you are going to argue that with most of the kids there's nothing Bruce could have done to stop them#and this is the one time in which I will ignore all the very real ways that he could have#but I still think that in universe the characters have a right to be angry about it#Jason always since his debut as red hood been a vehicle for calling out Bruce#he's so heavily steeped in meta narrative because his run is when they started dealing with the real BAD cases#The Cult Garzonas onscreen murders were getting more common#AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT BEING ROBIN DIDN'T MAKE JASON'S LIFE WORSE#THERE WAS NO REASON TO MAKE HIM ROBIN HE COULD HAVE BEEN VERY HAPPY AS JUST A NORMAL KID#But Bruce made having a place in his home synonymous with being Robin because the narrative dictated it had to be#what was homeless orphan Jason going to do? say no?#it was basically coercion and it doomed him and he has every right to blame the adult that put him in that position#dc#bruce wayne critical#bat family
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i dont think striker and alastor are characters who are "precious senpais who did nothing wrong" i just don't think they're as reprehensible as valentino or stella. their actions aren't excusable, no, but they aren't near that level of abhorrent.
#helluva boss#hazbin hotel#satu's unpopular opinions#alastor hazbin hotel#helluva boss striker#comparing an asexual character to a rapist is one bad take but comparing a minority character to a racist abusive rich woman?#I get all four of these characters have unbearable apologists but Jesus fucking christ some of you are actually INSANE with your takes#on striker and alastor specifically like do you not ever realize how YIKES it is to compare the few ace characters to the SEX TRAFFICKER#OR SOMEONE WHOS IMPLIED TO HAVE LOST EVERYTHING TO ROYALTY ... COMPARING HIM TO THE ABUSIVE RACIST ROYAL LADY#WHO HE DOESN’T EVEN LIKE WORKING FOR???#She’s abused her husband in front of her child and she mocks the fact he dissociated during sex yet that's comparable to someone who#at his very worst he has been a hit man with sadistic tendencies but even then it's never been on the levels of sadistic like crimson#IM NOT EXCUSING STRIKER OR ALASTORS ACTIONS BUT CHRIST!!! CHRIST ALMIGHTLY YOU GUYS ARE SOMETIMES UNBELIEVABLE#“Alastor is completely evil” is possibly the dumbest fucking thing bc if u know any basic lore you know he at least gives a shit#About Niffty. About Rosie and Mimzy. He loved his mother. His father was an abusive piece of shit#Not excusing mass murder nor the cannibalism but its likely to note he probably only became cannibal in death bc already being mixed race -#- AND A SERIAL KILLER IN THE 30S? IN LOUISIANA??? HE WOULDN'T HAVE EVEN LIVED TO 40 IF HE WAS ALSO A CANNIBAL FJFJFJ#again I'm not excusing how he treated Husk in episode 6 or how he kills people bc obviously there's no context for the latter#And the former is ... EUGH#but also I saw someone say he'd be raping Husk if he wasn't asexual and to that I say fuck you#I /will/ say that he isn't gonna redeem! I don't want him to redeem lol! him being nasty is what makes him interesting#mostly morally black yet there's some grey in there like he has layers... how did he get there...#I just don't think he's Valentino’s level of bad#Striker I'm gonna be lenient on this time because some of you are actually vile comparing him to Stella or even Valentino#Actually stop comparing any character to Valentino that isn't one of the Vees bc holy shit that's so disgusting to read as an SA survivor
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utterdrip · 3 months
astarion being so conscious about what a big weird fuckin group the tadpole’d are like yelling at them hands fluttering about
“we’re conspicuous enough as this merry band of freaks! can you! be normal!”
[hard cut to astarion panting over the possibility of killing some githyanki scouts]
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