when did tarot receive the whole ~read your future, understand the universe~ thing when it was originally used in like, a card game
People have been divining with cards for as long as there have been cards, but we actually know the exact year someone published the first book about tarot divination. Jean Baptiste Alliette, in 1783.
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really terrifying how there were 22 martyrs (13 of them children) and more than 30 wounded from a North Gaza school being bombed by the iof and no one is saying anything. in a news story survivors said that there was a pregnant mother whose unborn child was ripped from her body because of the missile blast.
this is a daily reality for every family currently in North Gaza. on top of the medical siege (no polio vaccines have been granted despite rampant epidemic), high food prices (30x the price elsewhere), and the FOURTH consecutive day of bombing all of this has been normalized now
imagine going near deaf from the constant explosions of nearby bombings. every single hour of every day. imagine day-long communication blackouts, not knowing if you've just talked to your parents and siblings the last time. you ought to be uncomfortable this isn't something anyone should look away from
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It's suddenly getting chilly and the leaves are turning red! I'm so ready to snuggle up with my huskies and drink hot tea
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my brothers share special interests and my favorite thing to do is walk in a room and be like "hey guys can you tell me about the mariana trench" and then sit there for an hour while they both infodump to me about the ocean it's extremely entertaining
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not enough discussion about the gavins' complicated relationship with feminine-coded/beauty products, i don't think.
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Guy who has wandered through the halls and corridors of your body not with any special kind of love but with the untold intimacy of a contractor assessing the damages and potentials voice: right, so the main issue here is that the body is currently a temple, okay, and what we want is for it to be a home, cause temples are pretty and all and occasionally nice to be in if you're into that sort of thing but very few people would actually want to live in one. So what we're gonna do first is you're gonna take a look at what's here, the carrying walls and windows and all that, and you're going to come up with something you'd actually like to be alive inside of, and it's going to be a lot of work and it's going to feel strange and stupid and embarrassing but you're still gonna do it, because otherwise this construction site is fucked. And maybe what you want to live in is a skatepark or an anime-themed cat cafe or an esoteric library that has a dildo section for some reason, so it might feel like it's a downgrade from a temple, but it's actually the opposite cause the main customer for a body is you and the main customer for a temple are templegoers and maybe higher powers of some kind, - i wouldn't know about those, they never hired me, - not the temple itself, which is what you are, right, cause the body/mind/soul separation doesn't actually do anything, so what you're gonna do is look at the current layout and dig out whatever hope and ability to want you have and come up with a blueprint, and then my boys can actually get to work. Oh, and you have got to change the windows, it's drafty as fuck in here.
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talking to people recently out of prison: a do-and-don't guide
Don't ask, "How was prison?" (Answer: traumatic!)
Do ask, "What are you most looking forward to doing again now that you're out?"
Don't ask, "How long were you in for?" (Answer: too long!)
Do ask, "Is there any technology or pop culture I can help catch you up on?"
Don't ask, "How are you going to avoid getting back into bad behaviors?" (Leave the paternalistic bullshit to their PO.)
Do ask, "How's your support network? Do you have people helping you adjust?"
Don't ask, "Do you have a job yet?" (Their PO is asking them ALL the time, don't worry.)
Do ask, "Are there any opportunities I should keep an ear out for and let you know about?"
Don't ask, "Do you have an ankle monitor?" (And definitely don't ask to see it - no one likes to be gawked at.)
Do ask, "Do you have parole restrictions we need to accommodate when making plans?"
Don't say, "Hey, you shouldn't be doing that - it's against your parole!" (A lot of parole restrictions are bullshit, and they are an adult who deserves agency, even the agency to take risks.)
Do ask, "Are there any bullshit parole restrictions you need help working around?"
Don't ask, "Are you an addict?" (Not everyone in prison is, and they'll tell you if they want you to know.)
Do say, "If there's stuff you might get in trouble for, like empty alcohol containers, I can throw them away at my place."
Don't say, "It's probably best if you put your whole prison life behind you and start fresh." (Just because it was traumatic doesn't mean important experiences and relationships didn't happen there.)
Do say, "If you have letters from friends on the inside that you don't want your PO to find, you can keep them at my place."
Don't say, "You paid your debt to society." (Regardless of what they may have done, harm cannot be repaid through senseless suffering.)
Do say, "You are more than the worst thing you've ever done."
Do not ever ask "What were you arrested for?"/"What did you do?"/"Were you guilty?"
People are more than the worst thing they've ever done.
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Édouard Vuillard - Portrait de Kerr-Xavier Roussel (1930-35)
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Felicity Jones as Catherine Morland
Northanger Abbey (2007)
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One factor that influences the use of the labels “soft science” or “hard science” is gender bias, according to recent research my colleagues and I conducted.
Women’s participation varies across STEM disciplines. While women have nearly reached gender parity in biomedical sciences, they still make up only about 18% of students receiving undergraduate degrees in computer science, for instance.
In a series of experiments, we varied the information study participants read about women’s representation in fields like chemistry, sociology and biomedical sciences. We then asked them to categorize these fields as either a “soft science” or a “hard science.”
Across studies, participants were consistently more likely to describe a discipline as a “soft science” when they’d been led to believe that proportionally more women worked in the field. Moreover, the “soft science” label led people to devalue these fields—describing them as less rigorous, less trustworthy and less deserving of federal research funding.
Continue Reading.
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Downstairs  - Frank Gregory , 2021.
American,b. 1962 -  
Oil on canvas , 22 x 16 in.
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US-ians without health insurance would normally be able to get free covid shot access through the end of the year, but it was cut at the end of august to prevent a government shutdown.
If you, like me, are uninsured in the united states and want the new covid vaccine sooner than later, first please look into local resources/ nearby vaccine clinics/community health departments because they can offer low-cost or no cost vaccinations (albeit it may be a few weeks until they have covid shots on hand. they should have flu shots right now).
If you can’t wait, are high risk or living with someone high risk, and say “ok fine I will just pay” you can schedule a covid vaccine online at most pharmacies, but they are typically charging in the ~$190 to ~$200 range. Goodrx coupons exist (and I think so do other medicine coupon services), but searching for the correct current vaccines is unintuitive just searching “covid vaccine” will only retrieve coupons for earlier discontinued formulas. Instead, you need to search for “Comirnaty” (Pfizer’s current covid vaccine), “Spikevax” (Moderna’s current covid vaccine), or “Novavax” (for, of course, Novavax’s covid vaccine).
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Bitch daughter/Bastard son
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