#he’s just like Luigi except he’s mean
bowserphobia · 4 months
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itsamenickname · 2 years
I got a wholesome one-shot Bowuigi prompt for y'all lovely people: Imagine Luigi (and occasionally Bowser) asking each other questions as a way to get to know each other better, but the catch is while they're doing this, Bowser is annoyed and embarrassed throughout this one-shot because he's wearing Peach's wig while Luigi is braiding the wig that's on Bowser's head.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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YES! GOOD! I’m going to just going to analyze the whole dinner scene, because it’s one of my favorite parts of the movie. 
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Mario and Luigi walk in, and immediately the whole room lights up to greet them. Despite everything that follows, one thing is clear: The Mario Brothers are happy to see their family, and the family is happy to see them. 
The whole family confirms that they watched their commercial. Everyone except their mom insists the commercial was a bad idea, but the fact that they all watched it speaks to the fact that there is no indifference regarding Mario and Luigi’s dream. They’re eager to see where this endeavor leads, even if they think it’s going to end in failure. 
The moment Mario and Luigi sit down at the table, their uncles begin laying into them like it’s open season on financially struggling plumbers. Just full blown, no-holds-barred roast mode on their nephews.
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Mario is on the defensive, but he doesn’t get angry, he’s just trying to argue his side. Clearly this is typical behavior for Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur. They’re loud, overly honest, and obnoxiously confident in their opinions. Uncle Arthur, thankfully, has his wife to keep him in check. Uncle Tony, however, who is seated next to poor Luigi, is an absolute menace.
Luigi ignores all the teasing. He is only interested in getting food, but this is not an easy task. Tony’s verbal arguments are all directed at Mario, but Luigi is the one who gets prodded and shoved around, and that makes getting dinner next to impossible.
Luigi attempts to serve himself salad, attempts to ask for a roll, attempts to eat the mushrooms being put on his plate, and at every turn he’s either pushed away or talked over. He is clearly very soft spoken compared to the other men in his family, and never quite had the strength to stand up for himself... after all, everyone means well, they just lack self awareness. It isn’t worth the fight. 
Thankfully, Luigi’s mom comes to the rescue, and puts a bowl of soup in front of her boy. She’s the queen of the caretaker role, making sure all the loose ends are tied up and that everybody eats.
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But on the flip side, it’s interesting to note that once the uncles start tearing into Mario, Mario’s Dad serves him up a plate of food. He may have just been serving the person next to him because that was the polite thing to do, but I have a theory...
I think that this wasn’t the first night that Mario and his uncles went at each other. I think Mario’s Dad read the room, and figured that if Mario was going to spend dinner playing defense, he should at least remember to eat while doing so.
It also speaks volumes that Mario’s Dad doesn’t voice his disapproval until Mario asks for his opinion. Before then he avoids the subject and lets everyone else do the talking, but so long as he’s being questioned directly, he can’t help but be honest.
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“I think... you’re nuts. You don’t quit a steady job for some crazy dream.” This sounds like a voice of experience. Mario’s Dad has the figure of someone who has worked physical labor for a good portion of his life (look the size of those arms). He may have had dreams of his own when he was younger, but he had a wife and kids to worry about, and family took priority. 
Speaking of family taking priority: “... and the worst part? You’re bringing your brother down with you.” That settles it. The conversation has gone from a casual roast session to dead serious. The entire room falls quiet as Mario puts down his fork and storms off. 
“What’d I say?” Everybody at the table (except the niece, she’s long since checked out) gives Mario’s Dad different versions of the look™. Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur have the same “Jesus Christ bro, you didn’t have to go there” expression, and Luigi just looks hurt on Mario’s behalf. His Dad, however, is just confused.  
He didn’t get the gravity of what he said. His relationship with his own brothers– loudmouthed schmucks who call their own shots – is completely alien to what Luigi and Mario have. He probably knows Mario is protective of Luigi, but he doesn’t realize the depth of responsibility Mario feels for him. Anyone can see that Luigi is loyal to his brother, but Mario alone knows how loyal he is, and the implication that he’s betraying that loyalty is intensely painful. 
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I doubt Uncle Arthur and Uncle Tony truly relate to Mario and Luigi’s relationship either, but they’ve probably teased Mario enough to understand one thing: bringing Luigi into it is a line you do not cross.
There is a lot of love in the Mario family.
Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur are definitely the most insufferable of the bunch, but there is no malice in their teasing. While they are brash and overbearing, it’s all in good fun, and they get visibly uncomfortable when things go too far and someone actually ends up hurt. 
Luigi seems to take after his mother; kind, nonconfrontational, and happily invested in a supporting role. While his Mom cares for and assists the family, Luigi cares for and assists his brother, both emotionally and in his business ventures.
Mario, in the meantime, takes after his Dad, who appears to be the oldest of the three brothers. He doesn’t always think before speaking, but he isn’t constantly running his mouth like Arthur or Tony, and acts with the gravity of someone who bears a lot of responsibility. He doesn’t quite “get” his sons, but he knows enough to see that Luigi follows his brother everywhere, and Mario does not always think before jumping into things. Despite what Mario may believe, his Dad doesn’t see him as a “joke” so much as he sees him as an impulsive young man who doesn’t grasp the consequences of his actions. But Mario does understand the consequences of his actions, he just dreams big, and... thanks to Luigi... actually has the support he needs to pursue those dreams. 
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istadris · 1 month
So this is a weird idea, but bear with me because these are awesome.
Bowser is frustrated as he is running out of ideas to defeat the Mario Bros. Kidnapping, battling, even karting or tennis, there just doesn't seem to be a way where he could stop them from thwarting him. How could he inflict the most humiliating and final defeat on these two pesky plumbers...?
"I know!!!" Bowser suddenly exclaims, feeling very smart, "seduction!! Forget Peach, I'm going after the Bros this time!"
"Which one-?"
Here is Bowser's plan :
Seduce both bros separately
Make them fall madly in love with him
Lead them along for a while
Dramatically reveal the truth, causing a never ending rift between Mario and Luigi as each realises the love of their life has been cheating on them with his own twin! How could he! The drama! The anguish!
Step back and enjoy
Flawless plan, surely! And once Bowser starts enacting it, it actually seems to work! Before he knows, he's so busy planning secret dates with one brother without letting the other know about it, he has to tone down on the kingdom invading business.
Mario and Luigi are aware of the whole plan.
Even if the bros didn't tell each other everything, Luigi can't lie to save his life and Mario has no concept of discretion, so of course it doesn't take more than a couple of days to realize they've been dating the same (evil, Koopa-shelled) guy.
And. They're rolling with it.
"I mean, I feel a bit bad leading him along like that," Luigi says as he's chilling with his bro on a beach of Delfino Island, "but he kinda started it? Yet I wonder if we should tell him."
Mario only lifts his sunglasses to give Luigi his best "are you really feeling bad for the double-crossing villain who decided of his own free will to star in a soap opera" unimpressed look.
"But as far as preventing him from kidnapping Princess Peach goes, dates with Bowser is more relaxing than running through kingdoms and jungles."
Mario gives Luigi cheeky finger guns in agreement.
"Plus, It's not like he's a bad lover," Luigi admits, prompting Mario to nod appreciatively, "and it's nice to be spoiled for once."
(Does Peach know? My dears, she asks for ~*~details~*~)
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skulls-soul · 7 months
the idea of Bowser hiding in his turtle shell well confessing to Mario that he’s been dating his younger twin brother luigi is hilarious to me
Like just imagine
Bowser: umm well….(hides in shell)
Mario: SAY THAT TO MY FACE!!! (Punches and kicks shell
( in the background, you can see Daisy eating some popcorn every once in a while, handing it to peach who excepts them with one hand, while the other is patting Luigis back as he rests his face on the palm of his hand in embarrassment)
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cherryfennec · 9 months
what are some of your favorite Super Paper Mario headcanons?
I wasn't sure how specific you'd want those to be but I tried to think of a few that I personally enjoy/tend to apply myself!Includes spoilers.
Some general headcanons:
SPM takes longer than than a day/few days (maybe about a month or two)
Flipping into 3D is a nauseating experience and it takes time to fully adjust to it (especially for Mario, he never really managed to get over it).
Pure Hearts emit a comforting aura, a sense of warmth and calm, while the Chaos Heart feels like a thousand voices are whispering in your ear.
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Some character specific headcanons:
Mario finds himself confused and lost more than he ever did in his life during this adventure. His usual confidence and grounded attitude are shaky because almost everything in these other worlds makes no sense to him, which is rather frustrating, especially at the beginning of his journey where he's completely surrounded by strangers and forced into the hero role. (Seriously, Mario couldn't even go home if he wanted to because he's stuck not on an island but between dimentions where he was TELEPORTED IN. There isn't really a door that leads to the Mushroom Kingdom.)
Peach's parasol is hardened by steel and enhanced by magic with a sharp tip at the end. She changed her heels to something more comfortable on the Flipside and put her hair up so it doesn't get in the way during travel and unavoidable combat.
Bowser takes his 'marriage' very seriously. He cares more about Peach than Mario in the team so when she's trouble he'll dash to assist her (he can run when he really wants to huh), but if the red plumber's in trouble he'll pretend to not see it or brush it off. (unless his lovely wife nags him about it).
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Luigi, after landing is the Underwhere, finds lots of stuff in his pockets that he doesn't remember squirreling away like firecrackers, bolts and a small screwdriver. He is in fact very confused.
Count Bleck isn't very emotional. Most of the time he only has one, sad and dull expression. Any type of larger emotion showing through means that you've REALLY pushed it to the extreme.
The minions know the kind person that the Count is deep at heart so they're not put off by his frown, except for Mr.L. A default reaction that the brainwashed soldiers get as a 'bonus' from Nastasia is the highest respect for the Count, yes, but also fear of him. The fear ensures that they are most obedient but it's more of a failsafe than anything. You can imagine how it looks when Mr.L, an exploding and tempered personality, runs around the castle causing havoc like a brat and then suddenly just FREEZES on the spot at the sight of Bleck.
On the topic of the quirks of Nastasias ability, usually a person only needs to be brainwashed once. HOWEVER due to a certain someone who likes to provoke the man in green and his subconscious she is required to sometimes strengthen the control on Mr.L as she doesn't trust the magician with keeping his mouth shut. At one point she directly orders L to actively stay away from the jester, even forcing him to follow her around when she works.
Dimentios poncho and hat are covered in glitter and his mask is porcelain-esque, also the idea of him being the "son of the magician". I just think this theory is quite fitting and I like the thought of him being actually 3000 years old. He's not very popular at the castle but everyone has a silent agreement to not bother him. He however bothers everyone and likes to stare. When he's intrigued he tends to tilt his head slightly.
Mimi enjoys designing clothes and tries to give fashion advice to her teammates (to absolutely no avail because who cares we're literally ending the world, we're evil and depressed blehhhh). She and Dimentio have an 'annoying sibling' dynamic and she wouldn't hold back against him in battle at all for all the times he's messed with her. She also enjoys filing her nails to be super sharp.
Nastasia is a very strict person who takes her duties seriously but she does have a side for fun. You just need to search for it a little.
O'Chunks likes to spar with Mr.L in his free time. Mr.L is in general one of the few people he can do this with since Mimi says that 'she doesn't want to ruin her dress over such a stupid thing' and Dimentio always finds an excuse or simply dissapears.
Post SPM headcanons:
There is little conflict with the neighbouring kingdoms after the void incident. Peach, Mario and Luigi use that free time to have fun and just relax after everything that happened. They need eachothers support for the time being.
'Team Bleck' still meets up often after everything and hangs out. They don't necessarily talk about the Count but it's nice knowing that there are other people who understand what you're feeling right now. *They've been trying to have a full group reunion with Luigi included for some time now. Things are a bit awkward among them but it's still nice when he agrees to come along.
Luigi inherits some of Dimentios mannerisms which shine through from time to time such as laughing patterns, hand gestures and a rather malicious looking grin... A bit more unrelated and physical change is that his hair tends to turn white when he's around strong sources of power. (Dream Stone and Dark Star levels kind of powerful ykyk maybe Super Star as well or stardust in general cause star child origins) and the eyes somewhat darken.
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He's also never really informed about the specifics of his Mr.L and Super Dimentio arc. Mario doesn't really want to burden his brother with something that was in the past and not a necessary in his eyes knowledge since it wasn't truly him.
The Chaos Heart isn't completely gone. It rests, slowly regaining power within it's host, accumulating all the scattered fragments like puzzle pieces. Try all you want but you can never fully get rid of chaos, it's an inescapable force.
I might gather up some more another time but I'd say that's it for now! You might've already heard some of these before but I hope it was at least a good read.
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localplaguenurse · 8 months
Playing a game with Pantalone but everytime one of you loses you have to remove one article of clothing and suffice to say you lost all your clothes rather quickly and now he's smirking on how shall he indulge in you this time
I thought this was a predator/prey situation at first, which would have been pretty pog, but then I remembered the dumb strip poker joke I made the other day and realized that’s probably what you were talking about-
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So that’s what I’m gonna write
CONTENT WARNING: Playing strip poker, no full blown smut but still suggestive. I might circle back to this in the future because I have ideas, but I’m not in a super smutty mood. Honestly it’s more silly than anything, but 18+ please. Also I have only played the Luigi poker minigame so shhh.
You hate this game, you don’t know why you keep agreeing to play it, and you hate that it was all your idea to begin with. It sounded like a fun way for you and your husband to spice things up a little, and in general seemed like a fun way to bond. Sure, you figured he’d win the first few times you played, but you weren’t complaining at the time. Surely, he wouldn’t win every time, right?
… Right?
You glare at your hand because you don’t want to glare at Pantalone. It’ll mean you have to look at his stupid smug grin over his winning streak. You see it every time he suggests you two play a few rounds of strip poker. Tonight is no different, and though you love his face so much, you cannot stand looking at him right now.
You don’t question if you’re losing because you have terrible luck or if you’re just bad at poker anyways. You know it’s both. It also can’t help that your husband is very good at taking chances and placing bets. He never makes a decision until he’s certain of the outcome and that it will work in his favour. You find this trait very admirable, except for right now.
“Darling, are you alright?” Pantalone asks, faux concern lacing his words. “You’re shivering a little.”
You’re currently hugging a pillow to your bare chest, both to give yourself some dignity, and because you’re nearly nude. “I’m fine.”
He chuckles. “Well, if that’s the case, have you decided what your next move is?”
“I-I’m still thinking,” you grumble, body cold but face burning hot. Truth be told, your hand is shit. The only thing you have going for you are two fives, and that’s it. That may as well be nothing with how your game has been going. Pantalone’s only lost the shirt, and you’re pretty sure it’s because he felt bad for you and threw that round. You don’t know what’s worse, him pitying you, or that he still decimated you.
You take two cards out of your hand and discard them, leaving only the two fives and an ace. You’re already certain you’re losing the round anyways, so you might as well see if you can get another ace, or maybe a five. Just something to make your hand better than being just above trash.
You pick up two new cards and place them in your deck. Let’s see, you had a five of hearts, five of diamonds, and an ace of spades. You’ve picked up–
No way.
You blink, trying not to let your shock show (your poker face isn’t that great, either). Those two new cards consist of an ace of diamonds, and a five of clubs. Holy shit. Holy shit. That’s a full house! The only way Pantalone can beat that is if he gets 4 of a kind, a straight flush or a royal flush. You actually have a chance! Not a chance of winning the game, Archons no, but you’ll be keeping your underwear on for a round longer.
You smile, and present your hand. “Full house.”
Pantalone’s eyebrows widen, and he smiles. “Oh, goodness! Look at you! You’re starting to get the hang of this now. That is very impressive, my darling.”
You cross your arms, giving him the smug grin he’s been giving you all evening.
He sighs. “That… makes this all the more painful, I’m afraid.”
You watch as Pantalone lays his cards down in front of you. Your eyes widen, and your jaw drops.
“... Absolutely not.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“Are you kidding me!?” you ask. “A royal flush?! No, no I refuse… You did not just get that!”
“I assure you, darling,” he purrs, “I got it fair and square.”
You glare at him and his cards. An ace, a queen, a king, a jack, and a ten of hearts. Of course it has to be hearts, too.
“Now then, I think you know the rules.”
“Fine, fine, you win.” You move the pillow from your chest and toss it at his head. It makes contact, which makes him laugh. “I know the drill.”
“My my, you make it sound like such a horrible fate,” he teases. “Sure, I may have won again, but I think we both know this will be… equally rewarding for us, no?”
You roll your eyes. “Easy for you to say, champion strip poker king…”
“Oh, my little darling,” he coos in such a patronizingly sweet voice, “where’s the fun in being such a spoilsport? Don’t you enjoy playing with me?”
“I do, but it’s just frustrating that you’ve won every game we play.”
Pantalone laughs. “Then I suppose you’ll have to get good, as people say. Now, about my prize...”
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batneko · 1 year
A "wicked enchantress" is running around inflicting people with fairy-tale-inspired curses. Peach's castle gets hit with a Sleeping Beauty curse, and the usual solution doesn't work so Mario and Luigi go chasing down the enchantress.
They catch up easily enough, but she blasts Mario with a spell that turns him into a wolf in a red hoodie. Luigi has just enough time to think "wait a minute, Little Red Riding Hood isn't about a curse," before he's zapped with a "Cinderella" curse. He's stuck in a green ballgown and masquerade mask that won't come off.
Of course, that doesn't bother him much, and turning Mario into a wolf only gave him natural weapons, so they kick the enchantress's butt for a few rounds before she runs away.
Meanwhile, Bowser's castle was hit with a Beauty and the Beast curse... while Bowser wasn't home, meaning Junior is now stuck as a beast and honestly having a great time. The servants are pretty unhappy though and it'll be a pain having Junior shed all over everything (and privately Bowser feels bad he wasn't there to protect everyone, plus kissing Junior's newly-fluffy head didn't break the curse which makes Bowser terrified that he doesn't fully love his son and really is as selfish as people say) so he sets out to find whoever did this and rip them apart.
Soon thereafter he runs into what appears to be a princess with very cool taste in pets, and can't resist turning on the charm.
Luigi would have cleared up the misunderstanding right away, except Bowser is so bad at being charming that it loops around to actually being charming. Telling him who he is after flirting back would just make things awkward and maybe get Luigi set on fire. And Mario, despite lacking thumbs or proper vocal chords, is making it extremely clear that he doesn't approve of Bowser and "Princess Emerald" getting too close. Better to cooperate until they find the enchantress and high-tail it out of there as soon as she's defeated.
Unfortunately it turns out the curse still follows Cinderella rules, so at midnight the ballgown disappears and Bowser finds out after all. He's just as pissed as Luigi was afraid he'd be. There's some fire breath tossed around. But he's more embarrassed than anything else, and the fact that he's the only one without a curse (and that the "dog" is actually Mario) cheers him up enough that he decides to stick it out as part of the team.
He doesn't admit that he'd really started to like Princess Emerald in the afternoon they spent together. She was nice. She listened to him. She laughed at his jokes. And he can admit he's got a thing for big blue eyes. The fact that all those traits are the same whether Luigi's in a dress or in overalls is not one he wants to think about.
(The curse affects Luigi from noon to midnight so he still gets mornings to look like himself. Honestly it wouldn't be bad at all except a ballgown isn't very practical and Luigi's mildly offended that the curse also shaves him.)
So they go on, Bowser tries not to flirt, Luigi tries not to fall for his flirting, they both fail and wolf!Mario suffers.
Eventually they do catch up with the enchantress (probably after a lot of other curse-induced fairy tale shenanigans) and try to fight her. The gang is winning when she suddenly blasts Bowser with something that seems to kill him outright. Luigi, devastated, kisses him before getting up to keep fighting.
The enchantress sees this and goes, "Eewww!"
Turns out she's a little girl who got her hands on a powerful magic artifact. True Love's Kiss didn't break any of the curses because she's seven and kissing's gross! Now that they know she's a child (and that Bowser is just sleeping like Snow White) Mario and Luigi are reluctant to fight at full strength. Instead Luigi distracts her with his pretty pretty princess accessories, so Mario can dash in with wolf speed and steal the artifact.
Bowser is extremely confused when he wakes up, saying something about a weird dream he had, but all the curses are broken and everyone can go home. Problem solved. Definitely no lingering feelings and awkward secrets.
Definitely nobody is going to keep thinking about that teary goodbye kiss when Luigi thought Bowser was dead...
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channel-eclair · 1 month
Who is the Luigi archetype of every major Nintendo series? - An Essay
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I love Luigi, I love Nintendo, and for some reason I want to go on a mental quest to determine who the "Luigi" of every Nintendo series is.
What does it mean to be a "Luigi"?
Usually the second most important character in a series, but can often be less important. Also works well if they're a player 2 character
Parallels or connects to the main protagonist in a few ways shapes and forms
Could be green. Not necessary but it is bonus points if they are green.
And without further ado, let's begin!
The Kirby Series
This is one that is very debatable. Many might say Bandana Dee, which makes a lot of sense! Often player 2, looks similar to Kirby, not as important as the main protagonist and antagonists..
But honestly? I am kind of leaning towards King Dedede.
When you think of Kirby, the second character most people think of behind Kirby is Dedede. He is like Kirby's shadow, Kirby's parallel.. but he is NOT a villain in modern day Kirby. Dedede is not the Bowser of the Kirby series.
King Dedede being royalty could also have him be compared to Peach.. but Dedede's immense amount of playable roles make him feel more in line with Luigi to me.
I think Dedede is the second most important Kirby character; and with his parallels to Kirby's moveset, I honestly will crown King Dedede as the "Luigi" of the Kirby series
Plus, the best Smash game already knows whats up!
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Pokemon Series
It's Eevee. 100%. It's Eevee.
Pikachu is the "Mario" of the Pokemon series, the beloved mascot.
Eevee is the parallel of Pikachu, beloved and different but always second behind Pikachu. The two mirror each other excellently, and Eevee really just feels like the perfect Pokemon to call "the Luigi" of Pokemon.
I will say, Mimikyu fits nicely as a ghostly doppelganger (and I think Luigi would totally have one on his team), but purely from a brand and gameplay standpoint, it is Eevee.
Animal Crossing
This is a bit of an odd one, but I'm going to give it to Isabelle.
In many forms of promotional material, the face of Animal Crossing flipflops between Villager and Isabelle. I geniunely think Isabelle is more iconic and known at this point, as Villagers are so customizable yet the right amount of plain that they're often not seen as a character (unlike say, Inklings, who are super customizable but have such unique designs they stand out a lot)
However, Villagers ARE the player character. Not to mention Isabelle is only in two of the five Animal Crossing games! I would say that despite her popularity, she is only the second most important character of Animal Crossing.
Also she wears green. Luigi!
And now after mentioning Inklings, here we are at Splatoon!
If Inklings are the Mario of the series, I'd say Octolings are the Luigi, I guess? They aren't enemies anymore so Octolings aren't really a Wario (even if DJ Octavio's the Bowser of the series more or less)
However I want so badly to point out that the Squid Sisters are basically a parallel of the Mario Bros. Callie is "Mario" and Marie is "Luigi". This doesn't make sense with the pattern I've established but I wanna throw Marie into consideration here too, as the possible Luigi of this series.
And if the "Mario" of the series is Callie... maybe Inklings are, uh.. the "Yoshi" of the series, since they're a species? Hmmm..
Fire Emblem
So FE is an interesting one because it has SO many different casts. And honestly; there's not really a definitive "main cast". Like Marth is the face of the series, but his OWN game is not that popular compared to other and greater entries. Fire Emblem is a lot like Pokemon where every game is a new cast, but Fire Emblem's first cast doesn't hold onto the series as much as Gen 1 of Pokemon does (except Marth)
For Marth alone, I'd say Merric is the Luigi. He's green, Marth is the Mario, Caeda is the Luigi.
For the Binding Blade and Roy, I'd say Wolt is the Luigi. He's green, Roy is the Mario, and Lilina is the Peach. This one is also kinda funny considering how forgotten Wolt is in this trio, compared to the other two.
For Awakening, I'd actually argue Robin as the Luigi, as Chrom and Lucina really take over as protagonists. Also I just kinda feel like Robin and Luigi have a lot in common. They were both vessels to become final bosses with Grima and Dimentio, they both use electricity, they both kinda sleep a lot with Dream Team, idk! I think they'd be friends
For Three Houses... Claude, maybe? Amidst all the main intensity in 3H, Claude kinda sits back and goes his own path. He's not as beloved as Edelgard or Dimitri but has his fanbase, and if Edelgard and Dimitri are the "Mario, Peach, or someone else" then Claude really just feels like a Luigi to me.
Also worth mentioning is the "Christmas Cavaliers", the pair of red and green knights in almost every Fire Emblem game. I like to joke and call them the Mario & Luigi knights, but they're just not important enough characters to be "Mario" and "Luigi".
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Thanks for making this one easy Pikmin, it's Louie
(To properly explain to non Pikmin fans reading this: Olimar and Louie are somewhat named after Mario and Luigi, with Louie being the second playable character in the series!)
The Legend of Zelda
So.. I saved the series thats always by the Mario series side for last. I wanted to do it first, but I saved it for last because honestly??? This one is a doozy
Link is "Mario", Zelda is "Peach", Ganondorf is "Bowser". It is set in stone and easy, that part I got.
But... that's the trio. That's the main part. That's it.
Who, uh, who's Luigi..?
I initially thought Midna or Fi or Navi.. but wouldn't those companion characters be more akin to Cappy and FLUDD and the Luma in Mario's hat?
Beedle comes to mind cause he always shows up, but I dunno- he's just a shopkeeper? Maybe he's a candidate? But that just doesn't sound... right.
Dark Link is "Wario", alter egos. Tingle is "Waluigi", both joke characters more or less.
If I used the logic for Callie and Marie from earlier, then it'd just be Ingo from Ocarina of Time who's blatantly based off of Luigi.. but the issue is, saying Marie is "Luigi" works because its debatable if Inklings are the "Mario" of their series. Here, Link is 100% the "Mario" of the series, meaning that it wouldn't make sense to say Mario is Talon and Luigi is Ingo because then who would Link be????
But.. who is "Luigi".... where is the "Luigi" of Hyrule..?
I looked up anything I could about "who is the Luigi of Zelda" but alas, literally nobody has asked this question nor do they want an answer and so I was left with nothing but more questions.
I honestly consider maybe even like... a different colored Link, like in Four Swords and Triforce Heroes?
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ITS YOU!!!!!
Allow me to explain: Link is green. Mario is red. Link is the "Mario" of his series. In Four Swords/Triforce Heroes, you have other colors of Link as other players (red, blue, and purple. at least purples in four swords)
But Link is already green.. so what if you put Mario's color ON Link?
Then there we go. Red Link is Luigi by way of parallels.
So there we go: Link is Mario, Zelda is Peach, Ganondorf is Bowser, Dark Link is Wario, Tingle is Waluigi, Midna/Fi is Cappy/FLUDD, we could keep going on like saying Daisy is Hilda since Hilda is a parallel Zelda!
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And yes, I know that Ravio is near identical to Nabbit (even Miyamoto himself commenting on this!) However, I feel like Nabbit still lacks a solid role and story in the Mario series that could really tie him down. On the flipside, Hilda is basically the Daisy of TLOZ due to paralleling the main princess. I feel like the connection of Ravio and Hilda connecting back to Luigi and Daisy gives Luigi enough of a connection to Ravio. If Nabbit is the "Ravio", then who is Daisy's Zelda equivalent?
...I have no idea what I'm saying.
ANYWAYS by all means if Nabbit takes Ravio, I resort back to Red Link as the Luigi archetype.. but for the sake of making it simple, both Ravio and Red Link will be marked down as Luigi archetypes.
And there it is. For all 9 of Nintendo's main series (according to My Nintendo's store pages and various Nintendo advertising), there is the Luigi archetype. Luigi lives on in every bit of the wonderful world of Nintendo.
Maybe the real Luigi was the friends we made along the way. Thank you for reading.
Final "Luigi Archetype" Summary
-Ravio / Red Link (Zelda), Isabelle (Animal Crossing), Octoling / Marie (Splatoon), Eevee (Pokemon), King Dedede (Kirby), Merric / Wolt / Robin / Claude (Fire Emblem), Louie (Pikmin)
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eggcats · 1 year
Bowuigi fic where the entire reason Bowser spends all his time kidnapping Princess Peach to marry her is because the first time he kidnapped "Princess Peach" it was actually Luigi and they had an actual connection.
Like, the first time Bowser does his whole "kidnap the princess" scheme, he's intending it more as a show of force to take over another kingdom or negotiate terms of trade or something. (Not saying he's Right, but hey he was trying as a new monarch.)
So he shows up, and is like "Surrender to me the Princess, or I deploy my troops and destroy your toads!" Like an ultimatum or something.
So! In a panic, Luigi and Peach swap outfits and they go into disguise as each other. (This ultimatum gives them the time to pull this off.) Peach so she can escape and rally help to rescue Luigi, and Luigi because they don't know what Bowser intends and they don't want Peach to be in any legitimate danger. (They've literally never met Bowser before this, who knows what he's going to do!!!)
Except! Peach!Luigi and Bowser never get to determining terms of trade or anything, because they start talking and hit it off. Peach!Luigi meets Jr and Bowser sees how good "she" is with his youngest kid, and now suddenly Bowser IS thinking of marrying her and making her Jr's mama.
Bowser even says a cringe-corny pickup line to Peach!Luigi and while Kamek is facepalming in the background, "Peach" is blushing and laughing at it, enjoying their banter.
By the time Mario shows up to rescue "Peach" all "her" and Bowser have done so far is have dinner, say cringe flirts to each other, and play house with Jr. Literally nothing was accomplished except Bowser thinking he has a girlfriend now.
(Luigi might have forgotten that he probably shouldn't flirt with the dude kidnapping him, especially not dressed as someone else. Listen, he's under a lot of pressure and Bowser made him dinner and introduced him to his son, sue him.)
Luigi then assures Peach that Bowser wasn't doing anything mean or cruel to "her" and that he's actually pretty decent, all things considered (he did still kidnap her, after all.) So now they know that the next time Peach is captured (for real this time) they still, obviously, need to rescue her but it's not a critical life or death situation.
Except the next time Bowser shows up, he just tries to talk to Peach. But she won't even listen to him or give him the time of day! So! He kidnaps her, hoping that doing the same thing as last time will reignite their chemistry, but nothing he does works! She's not even that interested in talking to Jr this time around!!
Obviously Mario did something to make his Peach no longer like him! How dare he!
And so, the "kidnap the princess and marry her" schemes arise, because Bowser KNOWS somewhere in there Peach still likes him, he just has to remind her! If she spends enough time with him she'll come around!
More drama is that sometimes Bowser will kidnap Peach!Luigi again and they hit it off fine, so Bowser KNOWS his plans are working!! Peach does actually like him, he's just not trying hard enough.
Luigi doesn't even think HE'S the cause of all this Bowser drama because, like, of COURSE Bowser would want the princess? She's a princess? He doesn't realize that the ONLY reason Bowser wants the princess is because of him. (Luigi in no way thinks he's special enough to have caused all this. This could be in part because he doesn't know that "marry the princess" was never even Bowser's original scheme.)
Maybe one time during a kidnapping Bowser will lament to the real Peach about what changed since the first time he kidnapped her? They had such a connection! And Peach has to reveal to Luigi after the fact that, hey, I think I'm getting kidnapped because Bowser has a crush on you? What did you SAY to him???
Who knows what turn of events will eventually reveal the truth on who he actually connected with, or how he handles it.
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luigisblueoveralls · 1 year
First Time 🔥
Luigi x Reader (NSFW)
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Summary: Luigi wants to take both of y'alls relationship to the next level but is very shy about it. You help him out with it.
(Y/N)= Your name
(S/T)=Skin tone
(H/C)=Hair color
Notes: NSFW, you help a virgin Luigi with his first time, fluffness and smutness ensues.
"Hey honey can come and see how this tastes?" Luigi asked you while he was cooking dinner for the both of you.
You got up from the living room and walked to the kitchen. Luigi intently watched as you tasted the delicious tomato soup he was making on his cold and rainy night. You nearly fainted by how good it was.
"Oh my goodness, Luigi. This is delicious!"
Luigi's face turned into absolute happiness and joy. Him knowing that his cooking was delicious to you made him so happy. Nobody else's opinion mattered but yours.
"A-Are you sure? Does it need more salt?" Luigi asked.
"Lui," You started as you got close to Luigi, calling him by his nickname you have given him, "it is delicious and perfect the way it is. Just like you."
You leaned in close and gave Luigi a big smooch on his cheek, making his face blush red.
"You're so kind to me." Luigi said as you went and sat back down on the couch.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" You reassured Luigi.
Both of you have been together for almost three years now. You first met when your pipes in your house had broken and you had to call the Mario Brothers for help. They fixed your plumbing no problem and you even gave them a hefty tip due to their help and them willing to come at the very last second. Afterwards though, you had bumped into Luigi in public one day and well one thing led to another and the two of you became great friends. The two of you talked on the phone late at night till three in the morning or sometimes till the sun was rising and were attached to the hip. It wasn't long before Luigi confessed to his big brother Mario, which you have hung out with a few times and you both were cool with each other, that he had feelings for you. Of course Mario told Luigi just to tell you how he felt. Easier said than done. Mario was already in a relationship with his girlfriend Peach while Luigi had never been in a serious relationship before. He confessed to you one night on the phone as the previous day rolled into the next day. You were left so stunned that Luigi thought he ruined everything and started apologizing repeatedly. You had to reassure him and help meddle his anxiety that you did indeed feel the same way. That was nearly three years ago. And you both are happier than ever. Except there's one thing missing. Intimacy. It's always on both of their minds. You want Luigi to make the first move, and Luigi wants you to make the first move. They just haven't said it to each other before.
Dinner was eventually ready and he served both you and himself, but made sure you were served first before him. He always made sure of that. Luigi cares about you so much and loves you so much. He wants you to be first for everything.
"Oh thank you, Lui." You thanked him as he handed you your plate.
"Of course, my love."
Just hearing him call you my love always filled you with euphoria. You loved him so much. You wanted to take it to the next level, you just weren't sure if he was ready or not. As you both ate the delicious dinner Luigi cooked for the both of you, you thought of the right words to say to Luigi. You didn't want to scare him off or startle him by asking.
"Hey Lui?" You called to him.
Luigi looked up at you, letting you know nonverbally that you had his full undivided attention.
"So um we have been together for three years now. And you know I have been thinking long and hard about this but why don't we try and take it to the next level?"
Luigi eyes immediately went wide and his face turned beet red. You immediately regretted what you said.
"Oh I'm sorry Lui I didn't mean-"
"Mean to w-what?" He stuttered.
You can tell he was very flustered by your question. So flustered that he started to sweat.
"Well if you aren't ready then you aren't." You attempted to reassure him.
"W-Well that's the thing. I have been waiting for you to ask that."
You mentally facepalmed at what Luigi said. This whole time he was wanting to do this but never said anything.
"Honey! Why didn't you say anything to me?"
"I uh, w-well you see I don't know how to do that sort of thing. You're my first serious relationship you know." Luigi explained to you in a very flustered tone.
You then realized the reason why Luigi never said anything till you did was because he doesn't know how to do it.
"Luigi you still should've said something. I can very well teach and show you how." You reassured him lovingly, resting your hand on top of his.
Luigi stared at you. You can tell his heart was racing as well as his anxiety over this.
"But if you aren't ready then I can wait longer for you. I want our first time to be a magical moment." You reassured him as you scooted closer to Luigi.
Luigi just stared down. He was trying to figure on what to do. He wants this next level of relationship with you. He just wasn't sure if he would be any good or if he'd mess up too much.
"Besides, it will be your first time. It won't be perfect. Trust me. My first time wasn't perfect I can promise you that. And also you'll have your very own teacher to help you with that." You winked at Luigi when you said teacher, making him sheepishly chuckle.
Luigi thought about it for another moment. He just didn't want to mess this up nor the moment not be good. That's what made him anxious the most. But at the same time, he wanted this. He wanted this bond with you. Just the thought of you laying in bed, with him standing over you, with no clothes on instantly got him aroused, but he didn't admit to that. In the past he has accidently walked in on you changing by pure accident, you had a bad habit of not locking the door when changing, and has caught a glimpse once or twice. And he won't admit to it but after those glimpses, let's just say he had to lock himself in the bathroom for a minute or so.
Luigi then turned his attention back to you, and he had a reassuring smile on his face. You could read that his face was full of love and care for you. Whenever it was your turn to cook, he would wash the dishes for you after you were done cooking, even if you insisted. He would describe you with words such as stunning and gorgeous. He would always open the door for you and let you in through first, no matter where y'all were at. You would wake up to him soothing and calming you down if you were having a nightmare. And so so much more. He says it all the time, but you were truly the best person to ever come into his life.
"I do want this. But you have to promise to help me, okay?"
"I promise." You promised Luigi, reassuring him.
Luigi then got up and immediately started cleaning up the kitchen as quickly as he could and he came back to you.
"Well shall I take my lady up to the bedroom?" Luigi said, making you laugh.
You know he is trying to be smug and it was cute. You thought he was cute all the time no matter what but he was the cutest right now. You let Luigi come to you and ever so gently wrap his arms around you, hold you tight and lift you up out of the chair with your head leaning on his chest.
"I'm not going to drop you, (Y/N). I promise." Luigi reassured you as he took you to both of y'alls bedroom.
He then gently sat you down on the bed and went back to the front door to shut it. Luigi came back to you, standing in front of you. You can tell he was waiting for your commands and on what to do. His face turned beet red as he laughed sheepishly.
"U-Um..so." Luigi stuttered with an embarrassed tone.
"What's up, Lui?" You asked him, seeing his nerves get the best of him.
"D-Do you want me to take your clothes off?" Luigi stuttered, asking for your approval.
"I mean if you really want to then go for it." You were trying to let Luigi go at his own pace and be as patient as you possibly could and it was only cause you were so excited for this moment.
Luigi nodded as he approached you. You were sitting upright on the edge of the bed as Luigi got closer to you and started pulling your shirt off. Your shirt was halfway off when Luigi screeched to a halt. You looked and noticed that Luigi was looking down at your breasts, with a super dark red blush covering his face. You had forgotten that you haven't been wearing a bra this whole night. He was staring in awe with his eyes wide open as well as in embarrassment with that blush covering his entire face.
"Ah um I'm sorry." Luigi apologized as he pulled your shirt off and tossed it to the side.
"For what? Admiring your girlfriend?" You asked him making him feel flustered.
"Well you know they say it's rude to stare." Luigi mentioned.
"Well in this case, I'd be offended if you didn't stare." You half joked with Luigi making his blush become a dark red.
He was so red that he looked like one of those old cartoon characters who would get so angry their faces would turn red. But in this case it was cause Luigi could barely hold himself together. And you noticed that he was covering himself down there with his hands.
"What are you hiding?" You questioned him slyly.
"Uh, uh nothing. Nothing at all!" Luigi jolted with embarrassment, covering his crouch up some more.
For some reason, Luigi felt so embarrassed for not only rudely staring at his girlfriend but also now that he was super hard that it was poking completely through his shorts.
"Luigi, that is nothing to be embarrassed about I promise." You reassured him.
Luigi didn't say anything as he removed his hands from down there. He was indeed very hard. Just from seeing your breasts fully for the first time had him very aroused. So aroused that he was worried that the slightest movement would make him cum in his shorts.
"Are you okay?" You asked him.
Luigi nodded as he started taking your shorts off. You can tell he was being very delicate and gentle, taking in every inch of you as he was seeing a new part of yourself for the first time. Your (S/T) glowed as he ran his hands down your legs and thighs. It made you aroused instantly. Eventually Luigi got to your underwear and removed it. You were now fully naked in front of Luigi and he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. You were so beautiful in his eyes. More prettier than any other woman in the entire world.
"Y-You're so beautiful, (Y/N)." Luigi said as he started placing soft kisses on your legs and thighs.
His long mustache tickled you a little with every kiss he made but you were loving every single moment of this. This moment was full of bliss and love between the both of you. Once he was done he looked back up at you with a twinkle in his eyes. A white twinkle in his beautiful blue eyes that you loved looking into all the time.
"What do you want me to do next, love?" Luigi asked you.
"I believe it is your turn to take your clothes off." You mentioned, "it ain't fair you know that I'm naked and you still got your clothes on."
Luigi awkwardly chuckled as he got up and started undressing in front of you. You watched intently as your handsome boyfriend removed all of his clothes. He eventually was done and was sheepishly trying to hide himself from you. You looked and noticed how big he was. He wasn't necessarily very long but he was thick. Probably a good five inches. Luigi noticed you staring and got even more flustered.
"Don't hide, Lui. Come here." You encouraged him to sit next to you.
Once he did, you turned around to face him and immediately placed a big kiss on his lips, kissing him passionately. Luigi then wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer to him. Feeling your naked chest on top of his, made him shiver with delight. You could feel his slightly chapped lips moving in unison with yours as well as his mustache fluttering on your nose with gentle ease that it doesn't provoke you to be tickilish there. You and Luigi have never had this type of moment together until now. It was a magical moment. An absolute magical moment.
You pulled yourself away from Luigi, staring right into his eyes.
"How are you feeling?" You asked Luigi, checking up on him.
"N-Nervous, but also really good. You're so beautiful, (Y/N). Your body is stunning. The way your (H/C) hair just falls down your (S/T) skin just makes you glow. I have to admit if I could look at your body for forever I would." Luigi flattered you.
"Oh you flirt. You lover boy." You joked with Luigi, although you were very much flattered.
"Do you want to keep going?" You asked him.
Luigi smiled and nodded at you with reassurance. You could tell he was getting more and more confidence as they went on. You then crawled up the bed and laid down were y'all would normally sleep at. You didn't know if it was instinct or Luigi just knew, Luigi then moved towards you and was hovering over you. A sight you didn't think you'd be seeing. Luigi's face contuined to have that same dark red blush.
"You're so cute when you are flustered." You told him, making him chuckle.
"Well, its what I do best."
You chuckled in response to him as y'all went back to what y'all were doing.
"Do we have protection here?" You asked Luigi.
Luigi nodded as he left you for a second and quickly came back with a condom. You could tell Luigi was getting more and more nervous as you and him kept going. But that was expected of him. He slipped the condom on, and he shakingly got back on top of you.
"Relax, Lui. You're okay I promise." You reassured him, caressing his face.
"I-I know. I just..can't stop staring at you. You're so gorgeous. I never realized that you were so beautiful underneath those clothes." Luigi praised your body, making your cheeks turn rosey pink.
"Oh stop it." You jokingly said even though you were loving his praise for you.
It gave you a whole different feeling.
"So, um I just stuck it in?" Luigi asked you embarrassingly.
You can tell Luigi felt embarrassed asking these questions. He felt as though he should know this stuff already and shouldn't have to be relying on his lady to know how to have sex.
"Lui seriously don't feel ashamed. It's your first time." You continued to reassure him.
Luigi nodded in response. You then grabbed his dick which made him flinch a little but only from surprisement. You then helped him guide him inside of you and Luigi did a deep moan as he did so. Luigi was so sweaty already and shaking. You felt so good. So warm and good. It made him quiver intensely.
"You okay?" You asked him as you were getting used to his size inside of you.
You knew he was big but you didn't think you'd have to take a minute for your body to adjust to him.
"Y-Yeah, I uh, oh, (Y/N). You just feel so good." Luigi moaned to you which just turned you on so much more.
He hasn't even started thrusting and he was already just moaning from how good you felt. You could feel your body starting to relax and getting used to Luigi.
"Alright, Lui you can keep going." You gave him the go ahead.
Luigi placed his hands above your shoulders, still hanging over you, as his brace and he started moving himself in and out of you slowly.
"Oh, oh, oh my god."
Luigi deeply moaned from the feeling of you inside of him. It was too much for him but it all felt so good to him.
"Oh, oh (Y/N)!"
Luigi suddenly screamed out your name as he cummed hard. He caught his breath as he leaned his head onto your shoulder, feeling super embarrassed of himself. You were surprised by how quickly he came just from three thrusts but you weren't going to shame him for it. In fact, you took it as a compliment. You felt that good to him that he couldn't help but finish early.
"Oh God I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, (Y/N). I tried I really did to hold back but I couldn't." Luigi started hysterically apologizing.
"Luigi, stop. It's okay. It's only your first time I promise you that it's okay." You reassured Luigi as you made him look into your eyes.
You can just read that he felt shame and embarrassed of himself just for that action.
"Besides, I take it as a compliment. Did I feel that good to you?" You asked him, rubbing his chin.
"Uh well, yeah. You felt really, really good to me. I think I can go more another round just give me a second." Luigi told you.
The fact that you felt so good to him made you feel so good about yourself. You can tell Luigi still felt bad about cumming so early for y'alls first time doing this but you continued to reassure him as you could feel him start to get hard again inside of you.
"I think I'm ready again." Luigi told you.
"Well then, go ahead, big boy." You told him, making him flustered.
Luigi leaned down close to you as he began thrusting himself in and out of you softly and gently. He didn't want to hurt you or cause you any pain so he figured he'd start off slow to see how you feel. Just feeling Luigi go in and out of you, made you feel so much euphoria and made your whole body tingle. You wrapped your arms around Luigi's black and then wrapped your legs around your waist.
"Oh, (Y/N). T-That feels good." Luigi moaned referring to you wrapping your legs around his waist.
It made yourself tighten around his dick which felt so good to him. He could hardly wait. He wanted to jack hammer you because he was wanting to make you feel good but he held back. Suddenly, Luigi managed to thrust into the right spot inside of you, making you moan deeply into his ear.
"L-Lui. Right there, please." You begged.
"C-Can I go faster?" Lui quivered out.
He could hardly speak, this whole moment made him feel so euphoric and good.
"Yes. Faster please." You moaned as Luigi quickened his thrusts.
You gripped his back with your nails as the feeling of pleasure was beginning to fill your entire body. Luigi was going so hard and fast that the entire bed was shaking and smacking into the wall with every thrust. You were both so glad you didn't have any close neighbors.
"Lui, Luigi. Oh God, you feel so good. Don't stop please."
"A-Ah. Ah, (Y/N). Oh God, I need you. I need you. Hmmhm." Luigi whimpered into your ear.
You could feel your entire body start getting super warm and tingly. You could feel yourself getting close to finishing. It was such an intense feeling but it felt so good.
"Are you close?" You asked Luigi.
"Ah, ah, a-ah."
That was all Luigi could answer you with. You can tell it was all overwhelming Luigi a little bit but also felt so good to him.
"Oh, Lui. Lui! Ohhh!!" You screamed as you finished and gripped Luigi hard from the intense pleasure taking over your body.
You finishing causes Luigi to quicken and harden his thrusts. It didn't hurt you at all thank God he just couldn't hold himself back anymore after hearing you finish because of you. It made him feel so good.
"Oh, oh, oh God, (Y/N)!" Luigi shakingly yelled your name as he cummed for the second time. You could feel his entire body shake so intensely as he cummed and he continued to do so as he finished his orgasm.
The two of you laid there in bed in silence, both catching your breaths and coming down from the high you both felt from each other.
"Oh Lui. That felt amazing." You complimented him.
Luigi raised his head up to look at you and his eyes were wide.
"W-Was it really?" He asked.
"Of course it was. It was an amazing moment." You reassured him, holding his shoulders.
"O-Okay I believe you. I promise that next time I'll be better." Luigi promised.
"Oh stop being so hard on yourself Luigi. You were great I promise." You reassured him and he gave you a gentle smile in response.
The two of you laid there until you got an idea.
"How about we get in the shower and clean ourselves up?" You suggested.
"Yeah. That sounds lovely." Luigi said with a loving smile.
The two of you got out of bed as you both headed for the shower, still reeling in from the magical and blissful moment you both had with each other.
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I can do kind of a part 2 to this with the shower aftercare scene if y'all want! Also, my tumblr is glitched at the moment and I can reply to any replies at the moment even though they are turned on so thank you all for the support for the first x reader I uploaded of Luigi!
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thecraziness · 4 months
remember how i said i might make a "the gang plays mario kart" headcanons? this is it
i shouyld be studying for exams lol
each of them have their own *specific* character (except two bit)
darry prefers miis
soda and steve twin with yoshi or shy guy
johnny is luigi/mario
ponyboy is like link
dally is bowser
twobit doesnt have a special character
instead his goal is to choose the others fave
maniacal laughter
no auto accelerate
but darry uses autosteering
darry sucks
lots of powerups used
pony likes bananas a lot
steve= forgotten hero
gets in like 8th, gets a rocket and zooms ahead
darry, soda, and johnny lose a lot
dally= competitive
two bit doesnt really care just wants to mess everyone else up
dally: spamming the button when he gets a golden mushroom
everyone hates redshells
pony and twobit likes redshelling ppl
two also likes blueshells, but pony isnt as mean
soda likes battles but the rest dont really
*as a redshell chases them* "NONONONONONONONONO"
johnny chooses not to play when the whole gang is having game nights
bc he doesnt really know what hes doing
prefers to watch
really just lieks playing with pony
figuring out what has the best speed/ acceleration
dally gets second a lot, gets pissed and quits teh game
dally= rage quitter
pony too but not as bad as dally
fights can and will break out
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ryo-apologist · 6 months
Racer! Link
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Racer! Link x Reader
CW: Smut, Minors DNI, I will block your ass, author knows nothing about racing and it shows
AN: Yes, this is about that Link. The one with the elf ears, says "Hyah!". Yeah I'm a Linked Universe Nerd. Sucks to be y'all. Keep ya guessing on which fandom has my balls this week.
~Darling XOXO
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☾ So, I hesitated writing this for a number of reasons, but I decided I don't care. Hozier has a new song, April has me face down in the mattress with how hard it's fucked me and I just want to write about a Link near and and dear to my heart.
☾ Mario Kart Link.
☾ He's just a silly lil goober who's always having a good time. Especially when I play as him because what is second place? He'll never know.
☾ I know, canonically, both are Skyward Sword! Link and Breath of the Wild! Link. I do not care.
☾ Because come with me, sinner, as we explore a whole new world. A world where Mario Kart isn't a silly lil game. It's an empire.
☾ Like Fast and the Furious (I think, idk I never watched any of them). OR like sk8 the infinity at S. I do know that one.
☾ There are real things at stake here. It's intense, and it's heavy.
☾ Here, give me a break while I do some worldbuilding here. Mystery blocks are still a thing, they work by magic idk, except getting hit by one of those things is devastating. It's why the newcomers don't last long.
☾ All the main screen players (Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Inkling boy, etc.) are high level racers. They are A-listed and the ones you look out for if you see them in the lineup.
☾ Including Link himself. He drives a motorcycle he named Epona, which he built himself from scratch.
☾ I spent a lot of time (three minutes) trying to figure out a clever nickname for him, and then I saw some of the names other people gave their Linksona's and, while there's nothing wrong with them, I quickly realized I was overthinking things.
☾ It's mostly a stage name, his name is Link and outside of the raceway, he goes by it.
☾ But, for shits and giggles, and point of discerning him from the others, I don't care. Call him ratchet, greaser, racer, cypher, tank, axel, sparks. I'm giving you all the freedom! Me? Personally? I'm going to call him:
☾ Neo- a combining form meaning “new,” “recent,” “revived,” “modified,”
☾ Great I gave you some background, let's get into the fun parts.
☾ Neo, where do we begin with you.
☾ Have y'all read A Court of Mist and Fury? You know Rhysand?
☾ He's Cassian coded.
☾ LMAO You thought.
☾ He's a fun, kind-of guy but when shit gets real, he can shift from zero to a hundred like that.
☾ He'll be laughing with a newbie, patting them on the shoulder, but the second that visor comes down, he's unrecognizable. He's an A-lister for a reason.
☾ He's infamous for taking shortcuts that are insanely dangerous. He's almost always bandaged somewhere, but not his pretty boy, play bunny face.
☾ So Cassian and Lightning McQueen.
☾ He's totally the kind to shoot a wink and a flirty wave, spend the night and then be gone by morning. Or have them escorted out by his Zelda in the morning, Tony Stark style
☾ He's a slut.
☾ Can you tell I like my men slutty?
☾ And he's such a....character in bed.
☾ He's a selfish lover, but make no mistake about it. His partner gets their end. That's right. I said lover. He's fucked bowser.
☾ I'm kidding
☾ No I'm not.
☾ He doesn't care who's in his bed. Man, woman, the funky others who say FUCK YOU to the gender spectrum /pos
☾ He'll bottom, top, switch it up mid-way through. He just like me fr.
☾But he's not lazy. Selfish, yes, but lazy? No. He's the best rider both on and off Epona, yk yk.
☾ And he has such a pretty cock too. A pretty flushed pink, circumcised with such a lovely vein running up the bottom of it. And while pretty, sorry his balls aren't much to write home about.
☾ They are dangerously sensitive though. Suck on them and run your thumb along the head of his dick and he'll whimper.
☾ He whimpers so nicely. God, when he's in the middle of bouncing up and down on you (artificial or organic both are good), and his own hands are running up his chest, plucking at his own pebbled nipples and playing with the piercings as his head is thrown back in pure bliss-
☾ He's probably sponsored by Monster Energy
☾ Has a sugar daddy FOR SURE. God wish I was HIM.
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pianokantzart · 7 months
Seeing @keakruiser making AUs in a bullet point storytelling format inspired me to take a crack at my own AU that I've been thinking about for a bit. What would happen if, in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, after Mario and Luigi are separated, Mario was the one who ended up in the clutches of Luigi’s eventual arch nemesis, while Luigi teamed up with some of his own close allies to go rescue him? Essentially The Super Mario Bros Movie, but with the brothers' roles reversed. So, without further ado...
The Super Mario Bros. Redux (Pt. 1)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 ________
The beginning is much the same as it was in the original Super Mario Bros. Movie until they are separated in the warp pipe, with two exceptions: 1. When their van breaks down, Luigi's first instinct is to take the tool kit and try to fix the motor (mechanic Luigi, my beloved). But before he can get a good look, Mario insists that there's not enough time, and heads to the job on foot. Luigi closes the hood of the van and follows him. 2. After Mario leaves the dinner table, the focus goes to Luigi's conversation with his dad rather than Mario holed up in his room.
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"What did I say?" "''You're bringing your brother down with you'?" Luigi asks, finally able to get a word in now that his uncles have shut up. "Why would you say that?" "Luigi, be honest. How much did that commercial cost? How many new clients has it gotten you? Huh?" "It's only been a day! And Mario'll figure something out. He always does." Luigi insists, taking his brother's plate of pasta and picking it free of mushrooms. "I just want to help him out along the way."
Pio sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You can't hide in your brother's shadow your entire life, Luigi. One of these days you're gonna have to man up and start making your own decisions." Luigi doesn't answer, he simply finishes removing the mushrooms from Mario's plate, and gets up from the table to deliver the food to his despondent brother.
After Mario and Luigi attempt to save Brooklyn, after they end up in the warp zone, and after they are ripped from each-other's grasp, Mario is dragged into an unsettling looking pipe surrounded by purple smoke and overgrown with gnarled branches.
Luigi flies onward, emerging from a pipe inside what looks to be another sewer, not too different from the one back in New York. No sooner does he regain his senses does he find himself dragged away by a powerful blast of suction. Flying backwards through the air, he stops suddenly as his back clogs the nozzle of a strange vacuum-like contraption being carried by a little old man.
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"Oops! Sorry, Sonny! I thought for certain you were gonna be a ghost!" the old man apologizes, releasing Luigi from the vacuum's suction with a flip of a switch. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small device that loosely resembles a hand-held vidoegame console, reexamining the numbers flashing on the screen. "When my readings showed that pipe 983 had suddenly reactivated, I thought for sure King Boo was trying to use it to send his band of ghosts to Sarasaland!"
Before Luigi could ask one of the thousands of questions on his mind, the old man introduces himself: Professor Elvin Gadd (E. Gadd for short.)
Luigi introduces himself in return, then asks about his brother. He tells the professor about their situation in detail, describing the warp pipe that Mario had disappeared into.
E. Gadd tsks sadly and shakes his head. He explains that particular pipe leads to "Evershade Valley," and though the valley used to be perfectly habitable, ever since King Boo shattered The Dark Moon nobody who has set foot in that land has ever returned.
"Wait, what do you mean? Who's King Boo?" Luigi asks "Well! You truly are out of the loop!" E-Gadd chuckles, "Then again... I remember how little I knew when I first arrived in this world." He continues to talk while leading Luigi through the underground, casually clearing a path for them with the powerful blowing and sucking functions of the vacuum. "King Boo is nothing less than the lord of ghosts! He is the master of illusions, the reigning tyrant of the undead, the loather of all living flesh, and– at the moment– the sole ruler of Evershade Valley."
This description unsettles Luigi. He retorts that if that's the case, he has to get to Evershade Valley as soon as possible. As frightened as he is, he's never been so frightened that he couldn't help his brother out of a tough spot, and he knows Mario would do the same for him in a heartbeat.
"Well! In that case I suggest you stick with me for a bit. And keep those tools with you." The old scientist gestures toward the tool bag Luigi had dropped on the ground in the mayhem, "I may have a few uses for them."
Just as Luigi comes to the question of where they are currently, Professor E. Gadd opens a sewer cover and leads him out into the middle of a big bustling coastal city in Sarasaland. Think the Daisy Circuit from Mario Kart, but way larger and more crowded (and missing the romantic statue of course.)
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Luigi struggles to keep up with the elderly scientist, who weaves his way effortlessly through throngs of turtle men, snake monsters, insect soldiers, giant sentient heads made out of stone, and a vast array of other strange and fascinating pedestrians.
"Stop your dilly-dallying, youngster!" E. Gadd eventually calls, getting fed up with Luigi's slow, bewildered pace, "I've got a meeting in The Birabuto Kingdom, and my train– our train– leaves in fifteen minutes!" "Birabuto Kingdom?" Luigi asks, allowing himself to be shoved along, "What's that? What about Evershade Valley?" "So impatient! Do you think I'd send you into such a place unprepared??? No no, first I'm going to perfect my equipment, then I'll help you find your brother."
E. Gadd purchases their tickets and they board the crowded 64 Express. Once seated, Luigi's eyes are immediately drawn toward the window. He stares out, deep in anxious thought as the train chugs along, traveling from the coastal city into a desert landscape.
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Then, we switch over to Mario. Standing up and dusting himself off, he looks around to find himself in the gloomiest place he'd ever seen... for the little he is able to see. There is a thick purple mist hanging in the air, and the path before him is shrouded in the branches of a forest long dead.
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Loudly calling out his brother's name on the off-chance he was somewhere nearby, Mario follows a light in the distance until he stumbles across a lone boo. More confused than frightened, and feeling a little sorry for the white specter shyly covering its face, Mario bends down for a moment to examine it, assuring "hey, don't worry! I won't hurt you, I'm just a little lost is all."
Suddenly, he is ambushed by a colorful trio of ghosts: a greenie, a slammer, and a hider. He tries to fight back, but every time he attempts to shove them off or swing his fists he phases right through them.
His attackers knock him around a bit until Mario succeeds in slipping away. Now in a panic, he continues rushing toward the distant light, far faster and more recklessly than before.
Eventually, he gets close enough to discover the glow was coming from the lit windows of an old mansion. He enters and – for the little good it will do – shuts the door behind him.
He wanders the halls for a long time, roaming from room to empty room, all the while haunted by the shadow of something following him. Something big.
At last, he reaches a towering portrait room. Unlike the rest of the mansion it is teeming with life, full of frightened faces pressed against picture frames, begging for help.
Mario is frozen in a moment of fear and confusion, but quickly snaps out of it. He rushes to the nearest portrait– an image of a strange little mushroom man– to ask what is wrong and what he can do.
Before the toad can give a coherent answer, the eerie presence that Mario had felt when he first entered the mansion casts a looming shadow over him.
He turns around and raises his fists in helpless hopes of defending himself. The candles of the surrounding sconces go out all at once, and in the pitch black darkness a cacophony of cackles fills the air....
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istadris · 11 months
A funny little Bowuigi idea :
Luigi never goe on adventures with Mario (shhhh let's pretend it's true here).
He hears about it and all but whenever Bowser's here kidnapping Peach he's busy elsewhere, or is sick, or is engrossed in a game to thr point of missing out on the huge dragon turtle battle right outside his window.
So when one day Luigi takes a stroll in the forest and Bowser lands right in front of him after a thorough kicking-from-the-flying-fortress-by-Mario, Luigi's reaction isn't "oh no, Bowser !!"
But "oh no, someone's hurt, I gotta help-a them!"
Bowser wakes up in a cozy little green bed (Luigi is STRONG y'all don't realize, he can carry a big turtle boi) with a guy who looks very strongly like Mario bringing him food and asking him kindly how he's doing.
Usually Bowser's reaction would be :
Roar in anger
Send everything flying
Burn everything that reminds him of Mario
Stomp his way back home
But as soon as he starts roaring, Luigi shrieks and shoves the entire plate of food in Bowser's mouth on reflex, which shuts Bowser up long enough to listen to the Green Mario babbling about what happened and he's so sorry he startled him (Bowser scoffs) and you shouldnt move right now your shell is cracked and do you have any family I could contact so they don't worry ?
And Bowser realizes.
This little guy. This "Luigi" guy." Who seems to be Mario's biggest fan given how he dresses and gushes about him.
Well, there's free food, his shell IS cracked and he doesn't want to deal with Kamek's nagging and everyone's pity after another failed plan back home.
Plus, once he's bored of the pampering, revealing the truth will be one hell of a mean prank to play on that guy.
So he gets comfortable and braces himself for some holidays being spoiled by a Mario look-alike.
...except he's cuter. Just a bit.
Bonus 1 : Mario doesn't come home right away because he's spending his victory vacation with Peach, and when he swings by, through a peerfect comedy of errors, he doesn't see "Luigi's guest" well or long enough to recognize
Bonus 2 : someone who DOES know Bowser (like Toad) visits Luigi to catch up on news, and the whole time they're sweating bullets while sipping their tea as Bowser is giving them the nastiest "go on, tell him, I DARE you" smirk.
Bonus 3 : Bowser didn't connect the dots about Mario and Luigi's relationship because he doesn't want to assume every guy with a moustache is related. Look at Wario and Waluigi ! Most of his own kids are adopted, after all!
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skulls-soul · 8 months
🧡💚Once again, imagine with me 💚🧡
There’s a mysterious figure that has been coming to the koopa castle recently
Everyone was very wary of the man who wore a mask and a cloak with simple, loosefitting clothing except any concerns of intentions from him was quickly dispersed once everyone found out that Bowser’s the one who brought him in one day, showing him around the castle proudly so he couldn’t possibly be an enemy no matter how suspicious he looked…right?
He was also terribly kind and soft-spoken, barely ever speaking, any louder than just above a whisper
The staff questions about the man shifted from why is he here and what does he want to who is he and how did Bowser find him?
Especially since they saw Bowser holding the mysterious figures hand, especially when Bowser would have brunch with him, requesting everyone even Kamek to knock on the doors before entering, just in case, if said, mysterious figure was with him.
After some time, people finally somewhat got a title, although everyone knew it was nothing but an alias since “Mr. L” is clearly not his true name
I was thinking about how most fan fictions had Bowser and Luigi being public knowledge to the castle’s employees and how cool it would be if Luigi was like this mysterious figure that nobody knew about because Luigi said how he wanted to keep the relationship a secret and Bowser said how he wanted to (insert excuse for the Weegee to go to the castle here( lol I couldn’t decide on anything))
so for a compromise, Luigi would go in disguise, wearing nothing of his usual clothing, except for his boots and color scheme
I can Just imagine all of the shenanigans
Bowser just wanting to shower Luigi with love and kisses but they can’t because they’re “ “in the library right now”” and there are too many people to successfully give him a proper smooch
Bowser’s at some point is like fuck it I don’t care there’s a mask in the way I’m gonna kiss you anyways or maybe giving Luigi kisses on his knuckles and honestly anywhere he can without revealing his identity
Or how about Luigi jumps on Bowser’s for protection because the Koopalings really wanna know who this mysterious man that’s dating their father is 
 Sometimes the castle cards can spot the hidden plumber, running away from the bundle of Koopalings 
Luigi is use to being in the shadows, so he’s subconsciously sneaky, which causes many of the staff to jump when he “ suddenly” appears
 imagine if one day Mario and peach go to Bowser’s castle because they were wondering what the fuck he was doing because he hasn’t kidnapped anybody in a hot minute only for Luigi to also be there but in disguise and mario was like “who is this” for Bowser to respond with “none of your goddamn business”
peach very politely, (as always) walks up to Luigi and just introduced herself  Luigi shakes her hand, but doesn’t say anything and only just shifts and shuffles to hide behind Bowser
Mario is looking at him like if he’s trying to decipher some type of optical illusion which just causes Luigi to cower behind Bowser, like a baby chick, hiding its mothers wings. Bowser (ever the wonderful boyfriend he is.) SCOLDS THEM FOR SCARING HIM!!! ( omg I’m dead, literally I’m having so much fun with this idea)
Imma call this au “ the koopa king’s hidden gem”
If you have your own thoughts or ideas for this and want to then by all means do share I’d love to hear them
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