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skulls-soul · 10 days ago
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Ehehe I make more :3
Boo Luigi’s mustache hard in lineless… I tried 😔🫶
Trying my hardest to establish a good style for King Boo >:(((
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skulls-soul · 10 days ago
*🥀:Beauty and the Boo:🥀*
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Idk, but it looks good on them xd
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skulls-soul · 11 days ago
After watching this episode, my brain immediately thought of two things
One I would love it if the actor tried flirting with Morgan because I need a jealous Alex moment but also Just imagine Morgan putting on the mask.... I mean who says both can't happen?
I'm sure no matter whatever lighthouse comes up with it's going to be peak
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
!!! LISTEN !!! I need more Ohio and Barnaby content. I need more early relationship content. I need more Barnaby freaking out mainly because I've been watching Indiana Jones and MY BOY IS A SEDUCTIVE FUCK!
I've only watched two movies so far and I'm currently watching the second one and he's making out with the main girl and I'm just like????? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LAST ONE???
And so that has me thinking right. Like Ohio's supposed to be kind of based off of this guy. So imagine how many ex-lovers he has and the experience that he has because I'm sorry you're going to look at me and tell me that you don't want that
Riddle me this then and imagine with me Barnaby is sitting on the couch with Morgan and they're gossiping and Barnaby talks about how him and Ohio's relationship is getting more serious and he's honestly anxious And then Morgan makes a comment being like "I would be too with the amount of people he's seduced"
Barnaby asks him questions realizes that Ohio is not only a professor in the whatever University lighthouse calls it, but also an absolute mad scientist in the sheets????
JUST IMAGINE Barnaby absolutely freaking out because he's just like, Ohio is so experienced in relationship and he's been just busy with hero work and has only had the small intimate few
But now imagine with me. Ohio and Alex, they so happen to be talking about a similar thing AKA Barnaby's experiences in relationships and now purely because I think it would be funny
Ohio is also freaking out but for different reasons. Yeah sure. The bare Bones of it is their boyfriend's past experience with their lovers but he's concerned because so far Barnaby has been the one to break up with all of their partners and apparently and ALEX quotes " if Barnaby gave any of them a second chance they all would take it In a heartbeat and I would know cuz I'm the God of gossip"
And now Ohio continues to flip out because now he wants to know why Barnaby broke up with the people in the other relationships
Imagine he scares himself more because he comes up with a conclusion that winds up leading him to believe that he's bound to get broken up with, but it's actually not that conclusion at all and it's something completely else
Something simple too like Kotatsu didn't like them
Listen lighthouse if you're somehow reading this. I don't care about anything except whether or not if Ohio is as big as a hottie magnet as Indiana Jones was
I'm not on the discord so I would have no idea if this has already been talked about but if it has people please give me the tea
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
Imagine if Morgan did had the ability to teleport more than one person once a month if only they had a healthy lifestyle
You know how people usually make it in where certain powers will be limited all on the person energy levels and now correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think energy drinks and "the bl00d of my enemies" counts as something that the power can use
Is there a fan fiction that uses this concept already?
If so, drop the name in the comments. I want to read it, see if it's as funny as I imagine it
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
The best question in life is what triangle do you need for it to be the correct one?
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
Imagine a story of an immortal Like someone who is genuinely immortal And unharmable That person will go their entire life seeing the human race exists and at some point they're going to decide that their voice genuinely does not matter. Not because they want to see the world burn but because they're literally one immortal unharmable human being and hard to stay undercover and have a voice They've gone to many rallies and all that sort of things fighting for human rights and sometimes they go to a flat Earth rally just for the f*** of it They have a home that's a cottage in the middle of the woods and for the past several generations it's just been passed down to themselves At some point the government has to find out about them but also maybe not They're unharmable. They could hide in the bottom of the ocean for a few decades and then come back up They can't die. They can't get hurt. Literally the only thing that can kill them is if the universe itself imploded That will be the only thing that relieves their consciousness from this mortal plane But before that happens, of course the star the Earth. Our Earth that they live on explodes causing everything nearby to explode with it and so now they're this immortal floating in space forever going One direction until they hit something because at some point you have to hit something They know how to be bored. It's not new to them. They did once have to spend an entire decade under the ocean, but floating in space will forever be their least favorite thing because at least in the ocean they had a choice but with space they don't At some point they don't run into something. Something runs into them Which causes them to crash land directly into the closest planet since they were pushed in its atmosphere And by some saving Grace of a god This planet has intelligent life They're the first alien of their kind to be in this planet, of course, but they soon realize that they're not the only immortal because they find their best friend on this planet I imagine that the immortal is Aeroace because I want to
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
Uuuuuuuuuummmmm............ Masochism?
I absolutely love the slow Burn and every time lighthouse finds a way to make it seem like this will go on until they're dead genuinely brings me joy
It's like will they won't they but with two very big stubborn idiots
Plus love playing devil's advocate
Imagine if in S&D tier the reason that they have been having so much difficulty for figuring out that the other person is in love with them is not only because they're idiots, but because there's actively someone who's stopping them from falling in love with each other by making it seem like every love Arc they have was a dream
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skulls-soul · 2 months ago
Another wonderful, beautiful chapter That makes me just want to know more
If you're looking for light, read and don't mind the wait time. I 100% recommend taking a gander
The way that Luigi and King Boo Converse between each other is hilarious and is one of my favorite parts about the whole story
Chapter 5 of “You were someone to me a lifetime ago” has been posted on Ao3
Apologies for taking so long with getting it out but it’s finally here, enjoy!
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skulls-soul · 3 months ago
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why have i been disgraced
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skulls-soul · 3 months ago
Things I’m sure of:
1.Luigi has Rizz
2.Luigi has autistic rizz
3.Luigi doesn’t know he has any rizz at all
4. Luigi is a gender, no I will not explain
5. Royalty,especially loves this beautiful green bean man. The higher their standards the harder they fall for him, I don’t make the rules(Luigi is oblivious to this as well)
6. Mario also has rizz but it’s different, and it’s not so much that he doesn’t know it’s just not that important in the long run especially if you ship him with peach, who is immune but loves him anyway . They are in love.
7. Mario and Luigi love(fraternal of course)each other and will do anything for each other
8. Mario and Luigi are both neurodivergent.
9. Luigi is “mom” shaped
10. There is a Luigi Protection Squad and Mario is the president, he knows Luigi can handle himself but he’s always down to help him. The reverse is also true. Mario protection Squad with president Luigi
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skulls-soul · 3 months ago
LMAOOOOOOO IM DEAD but I 100% know what you mean
Imagine with me Mario knows exactly what Luigi‘s type in men are so when him and peach are talking Mario’s like “what does this bowser fellow even look like anyways” peach goes on to describe him as like 10 foot fire breathing turtle Mario starts asking questions like how would you describe his eyes
Peach:… I guess Stern and sharp
Mario: looking increasingly worried “does he have a deep voice like rustic”
Peach: starting to get concerned yeah??
Mario: I need to get to my brother!!
Peach: what? I mean of course we’re going to get your brother but you seem… Extra desperate
Mario: I can’t have my brother falling for tyrant
Peach: WHAT?!?! Mario what are you talking about.
Mario: “ tall! deep rustic voice! sharp AND stern looking man THATS TOTALLY HIS TYPE!! we’re lucky that he’s a real bad guy so it’s not like he’s going to do anything like caress Luigis face gently ”
meanwhile Luigi looking into Bowser‘s eyes as his chin is lifted up to make sure he doesn’t look away (oooh nooo hee’s hoooot!!!!)
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skulls-soul · 4 months ago
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Blue background version
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Flat colours
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This took me about 68 hours, I really love the sanding of this one and I hop I did her justice
@skulls-soul @brosif40
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skulls-soul · 4 months ago
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projecting my period cramps onto bowser
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skulls-soul · 4 months ago
Had to re-upload the King Boo's playlist sooo I give you guys the new ones
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skulls-soul · 5 months ago
Pregnant Pomni >:-3
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Golly im so glad that Pomni has rights
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