#he was not being abused like i was; the boys were safe
arlo-venn · 1 month
tw: csa
I'm sorry for losing it a little over a relatively tame anon message that was really only expressing care for Arlo; it included a word that was used frequently by my aunt who abused me, and I'm specifically here trying to uncover more memories about that situation so that I can heal from it. I faced abuse and severe neglect at home by my sister and my parents, and sometimes I would be sent to live with my aunt to lessen household tensions because my parents didn't want to deal with figuring out how to get my sister to stop torturing me and attempting to murder me. My aunt was the only source of warmth and love that I had. but it wasn't healthy; she was obsessed with me and she was grooming and sexually abusing me from before I could remember, making for a very complicated relationship. I developed a severe dissociative disorder that I do not talk about, and I'm here trying to find a path to cohesion. I'm also extremely sensitive to having the worst assumed about me despite my track record for not being the worst, for other reasons, so it was a double whammy at the worst possible time.
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heartburstings · 2 years
i know we joke and point out how different things would have been if jason came out to sister chantelle instead, bc there is so little support in his life and the only one who knows His Truth TM is peter, but...
he's Really good at playing his role. peter was picked out as gay when he stepped in for diane during rehearsals, showing he's memorized juliet's lines as he does the choreography with jason, even finishes his lines For him. and yeah, it's obvious, so chantelle has him stay after rehearsals, but.
the thing is, jason was still able to pass as straight. he was Literally the romeo to peter's juliet and, perhaps because he was romeo from the start--due to his popularity--it was inconceivable he could ever reciprocate what peter felt for him.
the thing is, peter did not choose to come out to sister chantelle. he only chose his mom, and also matt as a technical bonus. he did not seek out support--only wanted to stop lying to the people he loves and is close with. he got her support anyway.
jason did not choose to come out--it happened for him. he then chose to come out to father flynn, who i assume was not at rehearsals amd did not hear bc why would he be at rehearsals. begged and cried for support and did not receive. sure, he got a speech about how the church would be his spine, that he could work past it, but that kind of support is a rejection.
so i have to wonder... if matt never walked in on jason and ivy, had never callously, carelessly outed jason--
--would anyone other than peter and matt even know, without a doubt, with absolute certainty, that he was gay?
#wynn speaks#bare: a pop opera#this was supposed to be abt a post about how if peter was casted as white and jason as...not then the pressure to fit in and play a role#would hit that much harder esp w the contrast to how much easier it is in comparison for peter to come out than it is for jason#and i think it would help make it less tempting to blame jason for not wanting to come out with peter. for being a coward#peter as a fool bc he doesn't get it he doesn't get how different it is for jason#jason as a coward because he fears the worst if he can't assimilate#matt who would be implied to be vaguely racist bc of this now sorry bro. but it happens#like even if matt were a moc. well first of all he can still he racist 2nd of all if theyre the same its funnier#matt is so jealous of how proud everyone is of jason he's like BUT I HAVE ONE LESS DISCRIMINATION POINT THAN HIM!!!#anyway i think people are too ready to shit on jason for wanting to stay closeted for a myriad of VERY GOOD reasons.#and i think too many people let peter slide a la push woobification for pushing jason to come out with him.#like yes live ur hashtag truth and all that but also you need to be safe#the coward vs the fool. neither of them are right but neither of them are wrong either#but some ppl are acting like if jason just agreed to come out like a good jock boy everything would've ended up roses#and idk... that grates me#i'm not saying peter should be demonized or painted as a villain or whatever.#but peter wasn't perfect either? and he does have regrets it's like right there in no voice#but at the same time maybe peter deserves a little demonization. as a treat! <- TBIS IS A JOKE. I SAY THIS BC I THINK IT WOULD BE FUNNOE#world where jason is woobified instead and ppl call peter abusive for pressuring him tobg. Djsbd sjksbsjsbx dbdbd djsk i can't say it#anyway sorry it's final's week i'm going insane sorry as if i can help it.#these tags weren't supposed to spiral i was supposed to save these thots for a separate post. oh well#bare analysis
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sunderwight · 3 months
SV fic where Luo Bingge discovers that Shen Jiu had a long-lost half-brother or something, and subsequently decides that he's going to infiltrate the minor sect which this "Shen Yuan" belongs to in order to get close to him and then indulge in revenge fantasy 2.0 when it inevitably turns out that Shen Yuan is like Shen Jiu (i.e. a horrible abusive scum teacher).
So Bingge uses some magical object or technique or other, makes himself look like a scrawny 12-14 year old, then puts himself in Shen Yuan's path in hopes of convincing the man to take him on as a disciple. The idea being that after Shen Yuan abuses him, Bingge will be justified in reenacting his Shen Qingqiu Revenge Arc again and maybe finally feeling some closure about the whole thing.
Yes, this is a very deranged plan. No, no one is going to tell the emperor of the three realms that. Bingge also wants it to be clear that this has nothing whatsoever to do with his recent escapade in an alternate universe, except that he was inspired to find Shen Jiu's relative as a consequence of that. But he's absolutely sure that this guy is going to turn out just as rotten as his brother, given the opportunity. That is definitely the only reason he is doing this!
Flash forward about four years. Bingge's retainers are begging on their knees for him to actually come back and do some administrative work. The harem is running itself at this point and they're all very terrified of the situation with Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing (i.e. ruling with lesbian iron fists) and whatever the heck Ning Yingying is up to (no one is certain but it's something). The outer provinces are rebelling. Mobei Jun's somehow found another weird human surnamed Shang to cavort with, except this one is basically running admin for the entire northern kingdom now and no one's even sure if they're fucking or if it's some kind of mind control situation or what.
Bingge is annoyed. He doesn't have a good explanation for why a bunch of demon lords would be showing up on the doorstep of Tiny Cultivation Sect to beg him for anything. They're going to spoil his cover! And they're interrupting his schedule! It's already four o'clock and he hasn't started on Shizun's dinner yet! Shoo! Get lost!
Anyway, eventually some of his demon followers get desperate and dramatically kidnap him. Shen Yuan is horrified and grieved when it seems that his precious disciple, so like white lotus Luo Binghe from the novel, has been captured by demons. He tries to track the assailants down, but they've covered their tracks too well. In the end, there's only one path left to him to pursue: taking this matter to the protagonist!
Yes, the protagonist! Because the thing is, Shen Yuan noticed the similarities between his disciple and the book character he so admired. Not only that, but he did manage to glimpse Bingge one time from afar. It wasn't anywhere near to a real interaction, but it was enough for him to notice the strong resemblance between the protagonist and the mistreated little lamb who showed up at his doorstep. A resemblance for which there can only be one explanation:
Shen Yuan's disciple is one of Binghe's kids!
Yes, he had it figured out since fairly early on. Not only was there a resemblance, and not only were their dispositions quite similar, but also the boy showed a lot of signs of some demonic heritage. Shen Yuan was just working up to broaching the subject, partly because he had been trying to avoid any direct or even indirect interactions with the emperor, and partly because he... became somewhat reluctant to part ways with his student. Sue him! He got attached! And anyway, he knew how missing child plots usually went. There was probably someone in the harem who was out for his disciple's blood, and it wouldn't be safe to send him back into that mess until he was strong enough to look after himself.
But as is inevitable, the plot seems to have reclaimed Shen Yuan's student all on its own.
He just... needs to make sure that it isn't a tragic outcome. It seems it falls on him to make the emperor aware of his son's survival, and subsequent peril, and help launch a rescue!
Which also means approaching Luo Binghe in person, which he knows is very risky indeed, due to his connection to the infamous Shen Qingqiu! He'd been avoiding the protagonist at all costs for that exact reason.
But if it's his only hope of rescuing his disciple, he will simply have to take the risk, and hope that enough time has passed that Luo Binghe doesn't read too much into a shared surname and a passing resemblance. Or that restoring the emperor's long-lost son to him will be worth seem lenience for the crime of being connected to Shen Qingqiu. Maybe if he's lucky, he will even be allowed to continue visiting his disciple! (Ha, yeah right! More likely, Luo Binghe's going to take his head for hiding his own kid from him for so long!)
Anyway, cue Luo Bingge running around swapping between his Emperor and Disciple forms, dramatically trying to orchestrate a situation where he can fake the emperor's death and go back to the sect with Shizun as his disciple, or something, only for it all to blow up in his face because Shen Yuan keeps flinging himself between Bingge and potentially fatal threats that could plausibly kill him???
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theconstantsidekick · 1 month
klaus got sober, finally got sober but was made a germaphobe. he was ridiculed for finally having his shit together but having weird coping mechanisms for it. then he was made to spiral again and then killed off. he got his life on track, was an exceptional uncle/second parent to his niece and then they made him sell his body for drugs and inevitably killed him off as a junkie.
luther, who was the leader, who was smart enough to be an astronaut could amount to nothing without his powers except from being a stripper. he had absolutely nothing and no one, even sloan was ripped away from him and then he, too was killed off. lonely and unaccomplished.
ben was brought back, finally alive, granted not the same ben but he wore the same face and he had a family who could annoy him into shape but he stayed a dick, became a apocalyptic monster and credited for the destruction of all the branching timelines, and died as a monster that he was so afraid of becoming.
alison got her happy life but couldn’t sustain it. her husband left her but at least she got to have claire and for that i can give credit but she remained codependent on klaus to be her passion project that made her feel better. she never learnt why that was not healthy and then died without her daughter.
diego had this beautiful life, a family that called him their own, three kids and wife who called him darling, and love and then he was made to fuck it all up because of some obsession with the CIA, in service of a romance between his wife and brother because the creator thought an old man needed some romance. he wasn’t even shown saying goodbye to his kids.
lila left behind her assassin ways, she stopped being batshit crazy and ultra suspicious to settle down with a man she genuinely and wholeheartedly loved and trusted, only to throw it all away because his younger (and yet much older) brother found her a timeline with strawberries. she was made to give up her kids, her family, her happy fucking life when all she ever wanted was to not be alone.
viktor got dealt the worst hand, always. he was abused vehemently by his father and ignored and relegated due to no fault of his own. he was made to feel ugly and broken and small but then he realised that his family loved him even if his father didn’t. he got a chance at being normal and he took it, only for it to be stripped away from him so that he could sacrifice his life for a world that was never kind to him. he was made to reconcile with his abusive father and then promptly erased out of existence.
five. my dearest boy, young man, old fool, five. he survived an apocalypse after another. fought tooth and nail to keep his family alive and well and dedicated his entire life to make sure of it. only for all his efforts to be made futile and his snark to be mellowed. he made it his life mission to keep the world safe and his family safe only for all that to be stripped away from his character and made into a lovesick fool who abandoned them during the final battle to mope about his brother’s wife not liking him back.
there were so many character assassinations this season, GoT writers would be proud of dear old steve.
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genderqueerdykes · 5 months
if you are a trans man or masc, masculine nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid or other gender non conforming identity, masc gay, a bear, a butch, stud, or boi, or other masculine queer person and don't feel welcome in any queer spaces, you're not alone.
the communities both irl and online have become EXTREMELY hostile toward mascs and men to the point of straight up excluding us and changing their wording to justify their violent exclusion. from renaming nonbinary spaces to "femme & them" and "she+" spaces, to telling men & mascs that they would "Scare" the women and "nonbinary" folks just by being there, as if masculinity and manhood are inherently traumatizing to be around.
masculine and male nonbinary folks have it so hard- most nonbinary spaces are almost definitely women's spaces who also conflate womanhood with nonbinaryhood, and often times just view nonbinary people as confused women. we are not inherently traumatizing to be around: masc enbies need places to go. we are still nonbinary and still trans and still queer for fucks' sake
nonbinary has never and will never mean femme or woman-adjacent inherently. nonbinary means what it means: people who don't or refuse to adhere to the gender binary, regardless of what side it is. masculinity is included in this, femininity is not the only way to be nonbinary.
masc queers do not have to bend over backwards to try to be more feminine and thus "less threatening" in order to have places to go. that's dysphoric and just inaccurate to a lot of queer folks' identity and presentation. it blows my mind because it makes no sense, anyway, even within the gay community, hypermasculinity has been present and even sought after by some people who find it very attractive, twunks, hunks, bears... but between the periods in queer history people started viewing masc gay leathermen and kinksters as the ones who were responsible for spreading AIDS and thus removing them from pride parades,
AND the lesbian separatism moment picking up to remove butches & male & masc lesbians from lesbian spaces identity, paving the way for modern rdical femniism, we've only entered a downhill landslide of hating men and mascs and ultimately trying to erase us from the queer community entirely.
the queer community is not the "women & femmes community". the queer experience is broad and vast, it includes a wide variety of masculine and male experiences, as well as genderfluid, multigender, completely ungendered and other gendered experiences. the lesbian, trans, bisexual, nonbinary, gay and general queer communities aren't the "safe place to hide from men & mascs community" like estranged rdfems and terfpilled trans folk like to tell you they are.
this is the QUEER community and it includes ALL forms of queerness, masc, femme, butch, male, neutral, bigender, neutral, and all. he/shes and he/hims and he/theys and he/its and so on are just as much of a part of this communities as she/hers and they/thems. you can't cast a blanket of "inherently abusive" over all men and mascs and one of "inherently abused/incapable of being abusive" over all women and femmes because that just traps you in a fantasy land that doesn't exist AND it prevents mascs and men from getting the help, resources and community they NEED.
men & mascs are hurt and abused by women & femmes every day and we refuse to speak about them because we live under a white cisheteronormal patriarchy and have complaints about how that functions. the complaints are legitimate but assuming that all men and mascs are oppressing all women and femmes and that women can never be oppressive is a false as hell narrative that actively damages people.
enough is enough. this mindset is hurting people. it's leaving masc and male queers to be estranged, harmed and even dead. i care about you if you're being affected by this mentality and these behaviors. you deserve community, safety, and a sense of belonging, you do belong, even if we struggle to form our own spaces due to unjust hatred. we will do our best to band together and keep each other safe. we must
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liketolovexx · 6 months
James Potter is easily the biggest of the three. He’s just so muscular and strong, but in a soft way. He’s got a soft layer of fat protecting his muscles, and I imagine he’s very freckled too. Not sure why. He is the epitome of a golden retriever boyfriend. He likes being the big spoon, and has an INCREDIBLE weak spot for getting his hair played with. Like, it’s literally orgasmic to him. He grew up with everything. Love, money, etc, etc, so he’s probably the touchiest (at first), and is all over you from the start. Also, I think he often forgets his strength and squeezes u too hard and you’ve gotta be like “uh.. Jamie..? You’re.. you’re kinda squeezing-“ and he just puts an arm over ur mouth like “shut up, baby. Sorry. Love you.” He’s adorable.
Remus Lupin is just a normal sized boy, and runs hot like a radiator. Honestly. He doesn’t even need all those knitted sweaters and warm coffee because he just is the embodiment of autumn warmth. He’s littered with silver scars from his lycanthropy, so when u see him naked for the first time, he’s so self conscious. He’d have his arms wrapped around himself, shielding his scars from your view, and you’ve got to prize his hands off of himself. “I’m sorry.. i know they’re not.. appealing.. it’s…” and you’re just like “woah, rem, what? You’re fucking beautiful.” You say that, and he’s yours. He’s not used to love like James is, but he’s probably the one to start getting cuddly. I imagine it’s winter and he’s reading in the common room, and ur shivering because by some miracle the fire isn’t on. He looks up from his book, admiring you for a while and then lifts up his sweater. You SHOOT underneath it and basically curl up like a cat against his bare chest. I repeat: HE IS SO FUCKING WARM. You’d probably have an ‘eternal sunshine of the spotless mind’ moment with him at the start of your relationship though. You know when Clementine is saying she always thought she was ugly and Joel starts kissing her and saying “you’re pretty, you’re pretty, you’re pretty…” yeah, you’d be Joel and he’d be Clementine. But once he’s comfortable, he’s a fucking fiend. You’ll never be cold again, trust me.
Sirius Black is skinny and pale. Like a vampire. Endearingly. I imagine he has a nose piercing and an eyebrow piercing, and he’s all tattooed up. Will DEFINITELY get your initial on his abdomen or collarbone in swirly penmanship. Sirius will act like your best friend even when u two are dating. Bless him though, he’s so used to being hurt and abused by those that are meant to protect him that he can’t trust you at first. I think the first time he came to realise you were different is when you asked him what happened after winter break at his parent’s house, because he was being really quiet and flinching a lot which is unlike him. You cornered him in the common room when no one else was there, and asked him “hey, Siri? What’s going on, man? Tell me.” He insisted, “I’m fine. I swear, sweetheart.” You went to tuck his black curls behind his ear but he flinched, which shattered your heart. You said “Sirius, please. I need to know you’re okay, because I need you safe.” And hearing that, he broke down into your arms. From then on, he’s always in your arms. He adores comforting you, because he’s a big brother himself and so he has the instinct, you know? But man, does he fucking adore being in your arms. He WILL curl up beside you wherever you’re sitting or lying, and is always rubbing against you. He always says “I can’t help it, babe, it’s just the dog in me.” Which he seems to find HILARIOUS. Oh yeah, and he literally can’t sleep unless you’re the big spoon or his head is on your chest or in your neck. He likes to feel safe and protected for once, and you do that for him to no end. He’s THE 70s rocker stereotype, and he loves having matching nail polish with you. You’re best friends as well as lovers.
Sorry for yapping to no end guys!!!
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obsessedwrhys · 1 month
hi baby, you can make an hcs of the characters from The Boys with a Harley Quinn! readers?? With all characters including Soldier Boy
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ᯓ★ looots of goofy shit, dark humour, gore, sensitive topics (abuse, toxic relationships, etc), toxicity, reader is fem!!
ᯓ★ Characters included (I couldn't do everyone so I just did these guys, I know yer kind missy 👴): Homelander, Black Noir (Old and New), Butcher, Soldier Boy
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He's honestly so fed up with you.
Sure he loves watching you mess with people but he does not like it when YOU DO IT TO HIM!!!
"Quinn!" He'd shout for your name and you'd open the door to see him standing outside your room. You laugh when you see him covered in ketchup. One of your many pranks.
"What?? You needed the upgrade for the suit cupcake" You smiled all innocently.
That being said you LOVE pulling pranks on him.
Whether if it's putting hair dye in his shampoo or stealing his suit so he wakes up searching for it.
It's just your favourite thing to do.
There have been times he's tried to kill you due to his rage but it takes every cell in his body to stop himself because he knows that he's not able to do that.
Because why? Because he thinks you don't even deserve to be killed by him directly.
You disgust him that much.
He just wishes that you weren't such a pain in his ass.
If the pranks weren't bad enough that it had him double checking every item he uses, AKA worsening his trust issues. You've also came up with nicknames to mock his superhero status.
"If it ain't the flying dick!" You'd address his entrance to everybody the moment he walked in the meeting room.
Just imagine him suddenly stop and standing at the door like 🧍‍♂️
If you wanna know more nicknames, we've got captain narcissist, america's buttplug and sperm cell.
Trust you are never sent on safely planned missions, only the ones he knows are highly dangerous in hopes of you dying...
There was this one time he sent you on a suicide mission and he was all proud of himself, but just as he thought he finally got rid of you, the elevator door slides open to reveal you, some fabrics of your clothes were ripped and there were bruises all over your body but it didn't seem to bother you.
"What's up toots?" You'd smile even though your nose was bleeding. That's when he looked down to see the head of the guy he asked for you to assassinate.
Who also happened to be one of the most protected men in the nations by the way.
Like how the fuck did you do it?
You're not even an ACTUAL supe!!
Regardless, he has his respects for you but really why WONT YOU LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE.
You once did that during a meeting and the sight of him yelping as his body jumps was unforgettable!!
You're JUST like a bee addicted to its pollen. P.S, he's the pollen.
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He.. doesn't... understand you??
Why do you enjoy showering him with love??
You say it's in your nature but why do you always ask to be carried around the tower??
And why does he obliges each time??
Apparently how your mindset works is that you find extremely deadly things to be adorable.
In this case, he's the extremely deadly thing.
With his silent nature, you just NEEDED to get a reaction out of him.
You tried tickling him or making him sneeze but he always just stares at you in confusion.
You can't see his face but you can tell he's giving you the "What are you doing?" Face.
That's when your bright ass thought of a plan.
A dumb and reckless idea... but hey! You have suicidal tendencies so this is fine!
You'd put yourself in danger on purpose just for him to always come rescuing you. He has lost many body parts when doing so but you could care less, you would give him those heart eyes as he carried you back to Vought in bridal style...
Just for the managers to lock you up in a small prison cell to prevent you from pulling more of these stunts.
Though they were never enough to hold you back.
Naturally there would be rumours in the industry if you two were dating and you never hesitate to push those rumours even more.
Imagine for a premiere for your movie, you'd walk on the red carpet in a dress with Noir beside you, still in his signature suit.
"You're looking real good tonight, handsome. I'm liking what I see" You'd say with your arm wrapped around his. He looks at you as you winked at him seductively.
Someone save this poor boy from your endless flirting.
Jokes aside, there has been times he's seen you in your lowest, like that time you trashed your room with your makeup melted from your tears.
Apparently you got rejected from a movie role you wanted to get so badly. Which was Mario but stupid Chris fucking Pratt got it instead.
Seeing the state you were in, he'd grab you by the shoulders firmly and make you sit down, then putting a blanket around you. He'd leave the room for a couple of minutes... to come back with a bucket of ice cream for you to happily snack on as you rest your head on his shoulder.
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"EW!! Get this mo'fuckin' bastard away from me!" Literally your words when you heard about the replacement.
Is a bit hurt by your disgust towards him??
But that just means he knows what he's doing right or wrong with this new role.
No because seriously everything he does, he would stop to watch for your reaction, most of the time you are never impressed.
Like how he killed those homelander fans to frame the starlighters. He'd hold the bat, his mask all bloody as he turned to see you, arms crossed, no reaction to his performance.
UNTIL at the end of season 4 where he began killing people within the company, that was what got you to start growing interest in his character.
Even though you're fine with him, for now, you really don't like it when he pushes things.
As in trying too hard to replace the old Black Noir. You just don't fw it 😡
"Hey! Hey! Harley wait up!" He'd call out for you while you ignored him and decided to speed walk away. Anyways, he manages to catch up with you.
"The team wants us to attend the premiere of your next movie together.. since.... y'know... we're rumoured to be dating??" He said and you had to stop walking to put your entire energy into giving him the most NASTIEST look. The second he sees you take a deep breath, he knew it was over.
"I ain't yer GODDAMN babysitter, and don't you think that for a second that wearin' the suit makes you my damn boyfriend, alright? I ain't here to hold yer hand and coddle you. I got better things to do than listen to yer constant whining and need for attention. So knock it off, ya copy-cat!" You'd point at him before walking off, hand on your hip.
You can bet that he asks Deep for advices on how to win your heart.
That's why he thinks making you fall for him is one of Noir's characteristics.
You love mysterious and threatening looking people? Okay gotcha.
You want hyenas for pets? Cha-Ching! Got it!
But seriously someone please tell him to stop before he gets his ass beat. He does not want that Brooklyn smoke.
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Ah great another crazy chick.
The only possibility to why you'd be apart of the boys is if someone vouched for you.
50/50 it's either Hughie or Frenchie.
Though surprisingly enough, you were the first to notice the symptoms of his virus. Like he could be fidgeting at the office and you'd point it out so casually that everybody turns to look at you in confusion.
Everybody thought you were crazy at first, it's to be expected, but the second his virus was confirmed to be lethal. Everybody has started to take you a bit more seriously.
Read carefully. A bit.
He finds your weapons fascinating though. Like how your gun has words engraved in it, your initials being the biggest. Not to mention the designs being the inspiration of poker cards.
"That must make you the clown" He once said when you whipped it out to shoot someone. You smile mischievously at his remark.
"Oh you'd better watch your tongue before I make you the punchline of my next joke!"
He likes you.
ONLY if you don't fuck anything up.
Sure you guys do argue a lot but theres also strange moments of understanding between you two.
There was this one time he found you alone in the office, your legs placed on the table and you were literally downing a bottle of alcohol. It was when he came closer that he noticed the bruises on your body.
"What the hell happened to you?" He said and you sniffed as you quickly wipe away the tears in your eyes.
"Oh, I'm just peachy, tough guy... Can't you see I'm having a little cry-fest over here after a lover's spat with my oh-so-darling ex-boyfriend. Yeah, he just looooves to use me as his personal punchin' bag, y'know? But don't worry 'bout me. I'll be back to my ol' crazy self in no time. Just need a minute to let the tears dry and the bruises heal"
For the rest of the night he'd stay to talk about how shitty both your lives are. You guys actually BOND over your past traumas.
The booze just making the conversation ever more fun.
Will go out of his way to take you to places for shopping or eating at a restaurant to make you feel better.
After understanding you better, he realised you're just a once normal person who became a psychotic sociopath after whatever the supes did to wrong you.
He may not show it to you but he really cares about you and would not hesitate to protect you despite how much he says he wish you'd just fuck off.
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You have to be some kind of masochist right??
He says the most disrespectful shit to you and you just squeal in excitement from it.
It's starting to weird him out.
Everything he does or say, you love to mock him, like he could be giving orders and you'd be at the back using your hands to mimic his talking like a puppet as you mouthed along and made faces.
But he has to say, he finds your insanity amusing. Because deep down, he sees a tiny bit of himself in you.
He calls you Looney Tunes. Why exactly? Nobody knows its for his own entertainment.
He's into older women but that doesn't stop you from flirting with him. He finds your efforts interesting.
"You're a tough nut to crack, Soldier Boy, but I'll get you to crack a smile eventually" You'd say and it'll be enough to have him grinning at you.
"You gonna tickle me?" He'd say, returning the same energy.
But that doesn't mean he's interested in you, he's just toying with you.
AND YOU KNOW IT. But apparently red flags just look like a go flag to you 🤷‍♀️
Despite that, if any other guy did the things he did to you, he would be fast to knock out the fucker. That's because he knows you value loyalty and he does too.
Everything aside, he really appreciates it when at the end where everybody turned against him you stayed by his side. Just imagine him driving the car while you're in the passenger seat singing your heart out to Cherry Bomb by The Runaways.
He'd simply shake his head with a smile on his face.
But the more relationship develops, he'd actually start to show you his softer side. Not soft side. Soft-er side.
Will literally lecture you into standing up more for yourself and stop being a doormat for every man in your life.
How ironic huh?
"You might act all tough and macho, but I see that big, marshmallow heart under there, sweetheart" You'd boop him on the nose that has him rolling his eyes with a smirk.
"You already said that. Are you a broken record or just dim?" He said.
If you stay obedient and don't push the wrong buttons, he might just keep you around.
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
reader never tells him though because alastors relationship with his mom is good and she doesn’t wanna make him feel bad whenever he talks about her and one day readers mom comes to the hotel and reader DREADS it and becomes snappy but readers mom wins everyone over (of course alastor too). So when reader explains that she doesn’t want her mom around alastor can’t understand why and reader feels betrayed its only later when readers mom shows her true colors towards reader. And reader of course bites back (or at least tries too)
So basically angst to fluff and SORRY IF THATS SO MUCH😭😭
👀 Mommy issues??? 👀
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Emotionally Abusive mother, Reader suffering, Reader gets grabbed a few times, Ambiguous ending for mama
Description: ☝️⬆️
When it comes to mothers, it's safe to say you and Alastor had very different experiences
His mother was full of warmth and kindness towards him, doing her best to build him up into a great man
She loved him greatly and it shows whenever he talks about her
But your mother?? Your mother saw you as fucking competition and always found ways to put you down, to make herself better than you
Well maybe she should be the one who was cooking the meals, getting your younger siblings off to school on time or making sure everyone had clean clothes
Just the thought of her made your stomach flip and your legs shake
She would put you down all your life while claiming it was so that you could be a great woman just like her, but not too great, you have to remember who the better woman is
Well now you're both in hell so-
You put as much distance between her and yourself as you could, living your afterlife without her influence
You even got yourself a handsome powerful overlord boyfriend and new friends to share your life with
Even though you're supposed to be in hell, you couldn't be happier
At least you were until your mother showed up at the hotel, her face full of faux worry and tears
"Oh my precious girl! This is where you've been hiding? I was so worried!!"
Before Charlie can even shut the door, your mother has already shoved her way inside and literally dug her claws into you, hugging you
It's all you can do not to throw up, smothered by her familiar scent and grip, hearing her voice again after all this time
"Now let Mommy take a look at you-oh!!! And here I was worried that you were starving! Good to know you've put some weight on those bones!"
And it's already starting-
And now she's crying and rocking you in her arms, cooing about how much she's missed you and how she's never letting you go again
Charlie and the others are just staring at the two of you, completely enraptured by your mother, like everyone always is
She loved being the center of attention
When you finally come to your senses you push her away and create some distance, disturbed by the worried looks everyone is giving her
"Mom, why are you here?"
Oh don't everyone look at you like you're the bad guy!! She's the one who's only here because she wants something!!
"Maybe I wouldn't have to come track you down if you would just visit your poor mother every once in a while...she never even calls me, you know!"
And now she's crying again, Charlie immediately going to comfort her while Vaggie gives you a dirty look
Fucking mommy issues much? Don't fall for this crap
"I don't want to visit you, so just leave-"
"Well now, who is this~?"
Alastor! Yes! He can make her leave! You turn to give your boyfriend a pleading look but your mother catches his attention first
"Oh don't worry about who I am.. just a poor lonely mother who came to see her daughter...but I guess I'll show myself out.."
Alastor doesn't have to guess who she's talking about, even in death you always looked like your mother
His smile gets surprisingly warm and soft, taking your mother's hand in his own in a disgusting display of affection that used to only be for you
"You're Y/N's mother? My my, I should've guessed! You must have so many stories of her from her life! I simply must insist that you say."
You feel sick but nobody notices, your mother already soaking up their attention and winning their hearts
So you turn and leave the hotel, unable to stand being in her presence any longer, you don't miss the smug look she gives you on your way out
You spend all day trying to avoid going back to the hotel until you're sure your mother is gone
You're more than disappointed to find her drinking tea with Alastor, the two of them laughing, her placing her hand on top of his
She always used to try and go after your boyfriends and that hasn't changed either
She hasn't changed
"Oh darling~! We hadn't realized you left! Alastor and I were simply having a moment~"
Alastor lights up when he sees you, only to be visibly confused by your troubled expression
"Y/N! Your mother was just telling me about her life before you! She was quite a wildcard back then!"
Your mother is practically drooling over him, rubbing his hand and winking
"I'm still wild if you ever care to find out!"
You've had it
You tug your mother's hand off of Alastor, forcing her to stand up and look you in the eyes
"You need to leave! Right now!"
And here come the waterworks again
"Y/N..! Darling, what did I do wrong? I'm your mother please don't throw me out like this!"
You just start pushing her towards the door and you slam it shut behind her, sighing in relief
That is until you look at Alastor's face, his smile seeming strained
"Y/N! You can't just throw her out like that, not only is that bad manners but that's no way to treat the woman who raised you!"
Raised you? You raised yourself!!
"Alastor, you don't know what you're talking about so please just stay out of it. You don't know what she's like-"
You're trying to stay calm-
"She's your mother, it's not like she's some evil creature-"
"So are you and I, my dear."
You try to put your foot down, tell him that you don't want her here but he's already opening the door for her and letting her back in
She looks so pleased with herself
He invites her to stay the night because of course he does, he would do it for his own mother so why not yours
You try not to give her the satisfaction of seeing you cry but your eyes are already hot and watery
"I-I'm going to bed..!"
Alastor calls for you, trying to resolve things then and there but the only response he gets is your door slamming shut
He goes to go after you but your mother stops him with a gentle hand to the shoulder
"Now now...let her cool off for a bit then I'll go make sure she's alright, a mother always knows how to cheer up her child~"
It feels like you spend hours crying in your bed, feeling so hurt that Alastor took her side over yours
Your mom isn't like his, she doesn't nurture, she just takes from you and bullies you
Later, just when you've about cried yourself to sleep, you hear the bedroom door open
"Not a chance, pet."
Now what does she want
"Why are you even here?"
Suddenly she pounces on you, grabbing your wrists tightly, eyes wild with fury she must've been containing this whole time
You don't even know why she's so mad at you, you haven't seen her in years-
"You think you're better than me now, is that it? Now that you're on your own, living in some fancy hotel, got some powerful boytoy, hiding behind hell's princess?"
As a kid, she seemed so strong but now you easily rip out of her grasp and manage to create some distance between you two
"I'm not hiding behind anyone! I'm just trying to get away from you!"
"Oh no no no, that's not how this works! I am your mother! If I have to be miserable and live in filth then so do you!"
"Why are you even here!?"
"Because it's not fair! I deserve to be here! Not some ungrateful little bitch who just happened to fall out of me!"
She lunges at you and you try to dodge her but she manages to grab you by your hair, yanking you back
You're about to start swinging when Alastor is suddenly there, watching the two of you in bewilderment
Then that bewilderment melts away into understanding, then anger
The radio sounds in the room are suddenly deafening, your mother letting go of you so she can cover her ears
You take the chance to kick her away, watching as she tumbles and loses consciousness from the impact
Alastor kneels beside you but you flinch away from him, still feeling hurt
"Y/N...I'm so sorry..." He does look properly ashamed, his smile a little watery
"Why didn't you just tell me that she was like this..?"
How could you even begin to start?? That you didn't want to somehow sour his opinion of mothers by telling him about your own?
That you didn't want him to feel guilty for having a mother who loved him while you grew up having to be a mother to your siblings because your own mom had none to give??
It's just word vomit at this point, but Alastor simply gathers you into his arms, tutting as he checks your scalp and fixes your hair
When he gets to your wrists where your mother grabbed than his smile turns positively venomous, giving your mother a deadly look
"What do you want me to do with her? Anything you ask..."
You're a little irritated that he brought her up, having been too relaxed by the feeling of his lips against your palm
"I just want her out of here..."
And that's all it takes, Alastor calls for Niffty and has her take out the trash, her scuttling out gleefully while dragging your mother
Niffty doesn't even care, she's just happy to have a new toy
You didn't realize how stressed out you were until it was just the two of you, Alastor rubbing your back soothingly
You don't know when you fall asleep but when you wake up Alastor is kissing the side of your face, looking as apologetic as he can be
You manage to convince him to apologize in morning snuggles and by the time you two come downstairs everyone else is awake
"Where is Y/N's mom?"
Not Niffty giggling and running out of the room
Alastor simply shakes his head and wraps an arm around your waist to hold you closer
"She is gone and won't ever be visiting again, I would like to ask that nobody brings her up again~"
Something about the way he says it manages to shut everyone up
Alastor takes you out to eat your favorite breakfast and spends the day spoiling you
He doesn't bring up the events of last night until the two of you are in bed, entangled in each other's arms
"You didn't ruin my opinion of mothers, you know."
"I didn't?"
"No, in fact, it sounds like you were quite the mother back in your day~"
Not his hand rubbing your belly
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OH MAMA THIS ONE TOOK ALL DAY! I hope you liked it!!
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spicyhamsamson · 2 years
I am. So fucking tired of Batman being portrayed as a bad parent and a toxic person. And it’s so goddamn widespread. Fuck, it might be as bad as the whole “Superman being a kindhearted Boy Scout is boring” take.
I get it, the man’s not exactly stable, he watched his parents get murdered in front of him and spent years of his life training to fight crime dressed like a giant scary bat, of course he’s not perfect.
But to say that Bruce Wayne isn’t caring, isn’t empathetic, to call him abusive…it just misses the point of who the character is to me.
Why do you think he fights crime? Yes, part of it is because he’s bitter and sad because his parents were cruelly ripped from him as a child, and he’s lashing out against the corruption of his city. It’s arguably the focus of his earlier years. But he learns to become more than that. He learns to bring hope, a chance to be better.
Harleen Quinzel is the Joker’s right hand lady, but she’s also a victim of an abusive relationship and a woman with a surprisingly strong moral compass and a love for animals, and wants to get better. That’s why we see time and time again that he has a noticeable soft spot for her, because he knows that she’s a good person at her core.
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Harvey Dent is a man who will decide someone’s fate on a coin toss(and a pretty inaccurate depiction of DID), but he’s also Bruce’s close friend who clearly needs help learning to live with his condition, rather than try to get rid of it, and someone who he still goes out of his way to visit, even after everything, because he recognizes he’s not just a criminal with a weird gimmick, he’s a man who is struggling with a condition that he’s mishandled his whole life.
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Victor Fries is a cold, emotionless man who will callously discard allies and blame them for being careless, but he’s also a man who’s either lashing out because he had the love of his life taken from him, or just desperate to make sure she isn’t taken from him, and is willing to do anything just to guarantee her survival. Of course Batman would understand, his whole life was defined by having people he loved taken away from him.
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Even the Joker, arguably one of the most morally bankrupt characters in all of fiction, is someone that Batman has offered a chance to. After the guy shoots the daughter of his friend, a girl he cared for like she was his own kid, and paralyzes her from the waist down, he tells the Joker that he doesn’t want to hurt him. He wants to get him help. He looks at this monster who has taken countless lives and says “You don’t have to be alone.”
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For fuck’s sake, he sat with Joe Chill in his last moments so that he wouldn’t be alone. Joe Chill, the man who murdered his parents, who took so much from him, the person responsible for all of the misery and suffering he’s gone through. And he sits with the man to comfort him while dies. Do you know how much emotional intelligence and maturity that must take? To comfort someone who arguably ruined your life?
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And you’re gonna tell me the man who did that would abuse his kids?
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That he’d hold up the young man whose death was his greatest failure, the boy he grieved, and say this?
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That he’d look his goddamn son in the eyes and say this to him?
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Why the FUCK do you think he took in Dick Grayson in the first place? It wasn’t because he saw the kid and thought “Ah. A potential soldier.”, it was because he saw a boy experiencing the same heartbreaking loss he had so many years ago, and wanted to make sure he didn’t end up as bitter and miserable as he was.
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Why do you think he smiled when Tim Drake presented him a broken watch for Father’s Day? Because he was just happy to see the boy alive and safe.
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The thing about Batman is that he wants to make sure nobody else ends up feeling the way he does. That’s not just about stopping a mugger so a boy’s parents aren’t gunned down. It’s about giving his loved ones the support and care that he couldn’t have, because it was taken from him. It’s about comforting someone who just went through a traumatic experience and letting them know that they’re going to be okay. It’s about going to someone locked away in a cell who thinks that they’re a lost cause and a burden to society and telling them that he wants to help them get better. It’s about EMPATHY and COMPASSION.
That’s what makes him a HERO. He’s meant to inspire us, to show us that we can have that same empathy for others around us, that we can turn our suffering into hope for a better future.
I just wish more people at DC would start recognizing that. But I might as well follow that example myself. Maybe through this struggle of having to see this hero mistreat the people around him and act like a grade-A jackass, people will start to recognize that missing compassion, and slowly but surely, it might come back. After all, what is this post, if not trying to bring attention to the matter in the hopes of fixing it?
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norrizzandpia · 9 months
Hiiii, could you do something with lando wanting to be protective of reader like her being afraid of something happening and him hugging her tightly to make sure she is safe w him 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
I need this man so bad and this just fueled that
Safe With Me, Love (LN4)
Summary: When a man at a club makes Y/n uncomfortable, touching her, grabbing her, Lando’s the first to stop it.
Warnings: attempted sexual assault, lando almost getting into a fight, verbal abuse, language, lando gets super angry, but major fluff at the end and all is well
Note: i am in no way trying to glorify sexual assault with this at all. What happens to a multitude of women around the world and incredibly disgusting, my heart goes out to all the victims of any kind of sexual assault.
There’s a loud boom from the speakers as Lando and Y/n sidle up next to each other in the dimly lit booth Max had secured for the night. Shot glasses and other drinks are scattered across the surface of the table, the majority of the liquid having been consumed by their friends who had tagged along. Max F and Pietra dance together on the floor while Oscar and Max V are left to grimace at the touchy exchanges between the couple left in their seats.
A dangerous hand high up on Y/n’s thigh has Max V gagging into Oscar’s shoulder, “When do you guys stop?”
Lando’s hazy eyes give him a quick glance before retreating back to his beautiful Y/n, “I don’t stop. She tries to make me, but let’s be honest, I never will.”
Oscar rolls his eyes and Max V throws back the rest of his drink. The two men get up and flee the area in a panic when Lando starts kissing her neck softly, knowing the boy is quite affectionate when he drinks. Y/n is a bit farther than her boyfriend on the drunk spectrum, making her more prone to accepting his PDA-filled advances. She snickers into his ear when his tongue lightly traces her skin and her hands dance in his hair when he whispers how much he loves her.
Y/n and Lando could not be more clingy when they’ve consumed alcohol. Everybody knows this. From the fans and media to their families, the couple has had multiple drunken exchanges where they were more than comfortable sharing how much their physical connection was just as strong as their emotional one.
“Have I ever told you how pretty you are?” Lando says as he pulls back, eyes roaming her face as his breathing turns shallow as if he’s completely taken aback by her beauty.
Y/n blushes, “Lan, if I had got a penny for every time you told me I was pretty, we would be billionaires just off that money, not even with your racing income. Pennies.”
Lando smiles at her as his head lulls to the side. Her back rests against the cushions of the booth while his is turned to the rest of the crowd, his entire front facing her with his hands on her hips, “Good. You should be told how pretty you are every second of every day.”
Her hand lays across his bicep as they look helplessly at each other, drunken smiles and breaths hitting the other’s face from the close proximity. In the midst of the deafening music, their moment is quiet and it reaffirms Lando in his idea that every day he would fall in love with his girl all over again.
His eyes are overwhelming and his look of love makes Y/n want to giggle and squeal, she needs a moment to herself. Lando’s face falls slightly when she mentions needing to go to the bathroom, “Let me go with you.”
Y/n stands from the booth and shakes her head at him with a light grin, “No, baby. I’ll be fine. I’ll be back in five minutes tops.”
He’s persistent, his hand clutching hers still, “No, Y/n. Stay.”
Puppy dog eyes and a pouted lip threaten Y/n’s plan to calm down from Lando’s eyes, but she perseveres.
“You wanna know the truth?” She pops her hip out and stares down at him, his body warming at her sassy position.
He nods, “Always.”
She leans down to his ear and whispers, out of slight embarrassment and the fact that she doesn’t want him to genuinely see the effect he has on her, “You’re making me all flustered and I need to regain my composure.”
When she pulls back, Lando’s mouth has fallen open slightly in a smile with his teeth sticking out a little bit from his top lip, “Oh, well… Then, go right ahead.”
She nods at him before he loosens his grip and she disappears into the crowd. His eyes try to stay on her frame, wanting to make sure she gets to the bathroom, but clubs are always packed and the moment her hand leaves his, his sight of her is lost.
He tries to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach.
Throwing away the used paper towel, Y/n exits the bathroom and is immediately slammed into a hard chest. She reels back, discreetly checking the stranger’s shirt for any makeup stains. When she finds none, she lets her natural kind demeanor shine through.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t see where I was going.” She gives, the man staring down at her in a way that puts her off.
He doesn’t say anything, just looks at her, but when she tries to move past him, his arm comes to hold her bicep.
“What’s your name?” He asks. Alarms sound off in her brain at his tightening grip, panic settling into her skin and suffocating her. He’s not much taller than her, maybe 5’6, if that. Though, with her short stature, he still intimidates her with the way he slightly towers over her. Lando would tower over him, she tries to tell herself.
Where’s Lando? Get to Lando.
His fingers on her arm don’t allow for that, however.
A smirk finds its way onto his grimy face as he repeats, “I asked you what your name was, sweetheart.”
Her eyes avert to the floor, “Uh, Y/n.”
Immediately, she knows she’s made a grave mistake. She’s not stupid, just completely lost at the way fear has enveloped her body. She knows she should never give out her name to strangers that grab her without her consent, she just is completely gone to the racing thoughts in her head.
“What a pretty name,” He speaks, grip relentless, “What’s a beautiful girl like yourself doing here alone?”
“I’m not alone. I’m here with my boyfriend and his friends.” She smiles, hoping that the mention of her boyfriend will scare him off.
Happy endings aren’t always guaranteed, though.
The man moves closer, his breath down her face, “Aw, how cute. Who’s your boyfriend?”
In a leap of faith at the power of Lando’s name, Y/n murmurs, “Lando Norris.”
The man keels over with laughter, his grip staying put on her arm however, “Oh, love, how sweet. Are you one of those fan girls that think they have a chance? Lando Norris would never go for someone like you. No offense.”
Offense taken, bitch, she thinks.
Trying to defuse the situation, Y/n lightly pulls at her arm, “None taken. If you can let me go, that’s be great.”
Suddenly, his hand has maneuvered her against the wall, his face right next to her neck as he breaths her in. Turmoil floods Y/n when his other hand comes to trace up and down her thigh, trying to hike it up to his waist but failing when she clamps her legs together.
He whispers in her ear, “Don’t be a bitch. Everyone at this club would take one look at you and know you’re an easy slut. Let me get a taste of what everyone already has.”
Her eyes drown in tears as she tries to seek out help as they rest right outside the bathrooms. However, as ironic as it is, the usual busy bathrooms are ghost towns in the moment a man tries to sexually assault her.
He finally gets her thigh to wind around his waist when his strength overpowers her body and Y/n is taken back to the moments when Lando would manhandle her in bed. What she used to think was the biggest turn on has now turned into something horrifying and painful.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” There’s shouting from the end of the hallway and the man invading her space moves off her in an instant. Her face whips around to meet Lando’s fiery one, his body stalking toward the man as Max V, Max F, and Oscar follow in tow. All four men are looking enraged, faces burning red at the scene they had just witness whilst Pietra turns around and bolts toward the front of the club. In her loud mind, Y/n knows it’s because Pietra is going to get security.
Lando reaches the man, grabbing the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the opposite wall. He screams in his face, “DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” He spits in the man’s face, “YOU’RE FUCKING DISGUSTING.”
Three burly men return with a distraught Pietra, pulling Lando off the strange man and immediately removing the man from the premises.
With the absence of him, Lando is quick to pull Y/n into his arms, feeling her melt into him. Nobody says anything as he holds her tightly, turning her away from the group so his back faces them and she can cry into his chest lightly with some kind of privacy. His hands clamp down around her body while she grips his shirt. There’s whispers of reassurance and love as he tries to soothe her nerves.
“Get me out of here,” She chokes out, letting her hands drift under his shirt to feel the warmth of his bare skin.
Lando nods as he kisses her temple, “Of course, my love.”
He leads her through the overstimulating crowd and out of the club where the man has been handcuffed and shoved into the backseat of a cop car. An officer approaches her as she’s curled into Lando’s body, asking her for a statement, but, with Lando’s credibility and fame, he speaks softly with the man and asks if he can get her statement another time.
“I think she just needs to go home right now.” He says as Y/n stays hidden in his chest.
Her cowering and shaking strikes a cord in the older man’s heart, “Yes, of course. That’s completely fine. Can I get your number so I can call later tomorrow? Does that work?”
Lando nods, “Yes, that’s perfect,” He lists off his number, the officer taking it down in his notebook. When the last number is drawn, he wishes the couple a calm night and retreats back to his partner.
Y/n tries to hang on to Lando as he tries to pawn her off into the passenger seat of his car. When her hands won’t unclasp from his waist, he leans down and meets her eyes.
His hand lightly rubs her knee, almost hesitant in not wanting to scare her anymore. He looks up at her before softly speaking, “I’m not going to leave you. I promise you that. After that, I will never let you out of my sight ever again. We’re just getting in the car to go home, baby. That’s it. I’ll be right next to you the rest of the night.”
She nods, looking down at her hands in the silence while Lando closes the door and jogs to the other side of the car, getting in.
The car ride back is quiet as Lando lets his hand roam over her thigh. Even though it’s a call back to what the man had done to her in that secluded corner of the club, she doesn’t feel fear or uncomfortable. All she feels is love and security as his fingers lightly trace over the moles and bumps of her leg. Lando’s hands, all of Lando, will never not be a safety net for her, she knows that.
Nothing could make her afraid of him.
He’s delicate with her as they walk to his apartment, an arm tightly around her waist as they wait in the elevator. When they reach his door, he sets her in front of him, between him and the door, as he unlocks it. When it opens, she walks in first and goes straight to the softness of his bed. She falls onto it, letting out a small groan at the comfort, before he catches up with her, his body looming over hers and smiling.
Her mascara must be running down her cheeks and her eyeliner must be smudged across the entirety of her face yet Lando’s face shows what it always does: the love he has for her beauty. Even in her worst moment, he thinks she is the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes on.
“Can I get you out of your clothes? Unzip your dress and take it off along with your heels?” He’s clear and precise with his questions, not wanting to throw her a curveball or something that gets misunderstood.
She nods with a small smile, but Lando stays still, “I need words, pretty girl.”
She blushes in the midst of it all, “Yes, Lan, you can.”
“Perfect” He states before letting his hand gently coax her to sitting position, gliding down her back as her zipper trails with it. When his hands shimmy her dress down her legs, he throws it across the floor, moving to her feet next. He kisses her ankles softly as his fingers work slowly to unbuckle the shoes. When he gets them off, his girlfriend left in a bra and underwear, he moves to the dresser a few feet away. She sits there, exposed, and, while she feels as though she should be on complete alert or scared, she feels at peace. She watches as Lando rummages through his drawer, seeking out his pajamas for her, and she feels nothing but protected and completely loved, accepted by the man before her.
When he returns, her favorite hoodie and sweatpants of his in hand, he helps her into them. When she’s cozy and dressed, he changes into his pajamas in front of her, almost as if he’s trying to put himself at the same level as her. She had undressed in front of him, he undressed in front of her. He didn’t want her to feel as though there was some sort of power dynamic going on, no matter how far that was from the truth of what she was genuinely feeling.
When they’re both comfortable, he leads her into the bathroom and sits her on the counter, his body between her legs before he wipes her makeup off and does her skincare for her. If she wasn’t so emotionally exhausted from the night, she would’ve showered him in praise and a bit of teasing for knowing her routine perfectly, with each step being very clearly memorized. But, this wasn’t an ordinary moment, so she kept quiet as he took care of her. They brushed their teeth together, Lando’s hand keeping its place on her hip in a simple reminder that he was there no matter what.
And when they reached his bed once more, falling under the sheets and heaps of pillows and blankets, Lando brought her into him once more. Her head snuggled into the crook of his neck and his hands trailing up and down her back, he whispered soft words in her ear.
“I love you.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
“You are my entire life.”
“I will always be there to protect you.”
His words seep into her skin just like anxiety had hours before during one of the worst moments of her life. Though, this time, instead of worrying what would happen happen next or who would come to save her, all she could think of was the soothing hands on her back and the calming words of the man she would never stop loving.
Lando was it for her, if she hadn’t known that before, she knew it now. As he continued to hold her, never once letting her go throughout the entire night, she found solace within him.
And when morning came, the dreaded phone call from the officer who sought out her statement, Lando sat next to her with his hand in hers and his unwavering support shining through.
There genuinely wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her.
He’d bury a body for her, kill for her.
Preferably, if she allowed him, kill the man who had touched her without consent.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
aaron hotchner x jacks nanny/babysitter
she’s got a crazy ex that stalked and threatened her so she moved far away to live a simple, under the radar life and started working for hotch. he knows her situation and does his best to look out for her, maybe she’s like a live in nanny ? neither of them is bold enough to make a move first until her ex finds her and hotch and the team race to save her. ends with love confessions and all the sappy stuff
could be a one shot or a short lil series i’m sure whatever you write will be amazing !
༉‧₊˚. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨-𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 || 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
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— pairing: aaron hotchner x plus size babysitter!reader
— summary: your new life as a live-in nanny was wonderful, and with your dark past behind you, there was nothing that could ruin this. but as they say, what goes around comes around.
— warnings: heavily detailed violence BEWARE, surprisingly light angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, physical hurt/comfort, mutual pining, abusive ex's :[, guns, and a horribly written action/fight scene (forgive me).
— wc: 1965
⋆ a/n: okay this is a heavy fic so beware once more, but aside from that this takes a fully turn! i don't really have anything else to say besides enjoy!
masterlist | AO3
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“Backpack? Check. Lunchbox? Check. Shoes are tied? Check.” 
You placed your hands on your hips triumphantly, a proud smile on your face as you examined the little boy. 
Being a live-in nanny came with being organizational and making sure that Jack was ready for school everyday without fail. It wasn’t like Aaron was super strict on you; he understands when you have your days where things are a bit out of place, but honestly it was a personal preference, and totally not because you have a big fat crush on the FBI agent.
You had been very skeptical about your babysitting position at first because of your ex who was absolutely bat shit crazy. It was a situation you had barely escaped from, and it had taken almost everything in you to get where you were now, so you were a little afraid of men in general. But Aaron was kind, and welcoming, and fatherly, someone that you felt safe with.
And then, you fell in love.
It had scared the shit out of you of course, but now it was a feeling that you welcomed with open arms, even if you couldn’t act on it. 
Your phone began to ring as you searched for the car keys, the contact name read ‘Aaron <3’.
“Morning!” You greeted with a smile as you picked up. “Good morning. How are you guys?” The older man asked. “We're doing just fine, as always,” You successfully found the keys. “How are things?” You knew better than to ask how he was, because if you had the kind of job that he did, there was no way you could answer positively. 
“We pretty much have everything we need, so we’ll probably be able to wrap this case up early.” 
“Oh Aaron, that's great!” You cheer happily and make your way back to where Jack was waiting for you. “You ready to go, little man?” Jack looks up at you from his toys. “Is that daddy on the phone?”
“Yeah buddy, you wanna say hi?” 
“Yes!” Jack’s answer was full of excitement, and you can’t help but smile. “As much as I enjoy talking to you, it looks like I’m handing you over.” You swear you could hear Aaron chuckle.
Yeah, this was a life that you could get used to.
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Having the house to yourself was weird.
With Jack away at his aunt’s for the weekend, it was strangely quiet due to the emptiness of the child’s presence. You suppose you’re grateful for the break even though taking care of Jack really isn’t as tiring as one might think. 
Despite Aaron rarely being home, he’s managed to raise the boy well when he could, and it’s honestly very admirable. It’s one of the many things that made you fall in love with him. You gaze down into the wine glass at the thought, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Ugh, why does love make you such a loser?
Your bashful train of thought was stopped by a suspicious thump coming from the back of the house. Your smile dropped and a feeling of anxiety and worry twisted in your gut as you grabbed your phone that was lying on the kitchen counter.
You’re quick to dial Aaron’s number and your fingernail finds itself in your mouth as you chew on it anxiously. It’s an old habit, one that you had picked up back in your old relationship.
“Hello?” Rasped Aaron. 
You knew he had just recently flown in from wherever he was because you could hear the foot traffic of everyone grabbing their luggage from the plane’s storage.
“Hey,” Your greeting was nervous and it was something that Aaron easily picked up on. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” He asks with a furrowed brow. “Yeah, just um - I’m just hearing some weird things so I just wanted to know when you think you might be getting home.” I miss you.
“Honey what type of weird things?” Before you were able to answer, there was a loud crashing sound. You instantly dropped to the floor to hide behind the counter; you cradled the phone to your ear, “Okay uh - change of claim,” You attempted to joke. “Someone is most definitely in the house.”
Aaron tries not to panic at the way his insides turn cold, “You remember what to do, right?” He asks with a hardened voice. You gulp, stretching slightly to peer over the marble. You stare out into the darkness and a frightened shiver shoots up your spine. 
“Get to your room and enter the safe.” You reiterated what he had told you almost a year ago when you had first moved in. You’ve never shot a gun before but tonight might be the night where you learn how too.
“That’s right, and do you remember the code?” 
As you went to answer him, you were snatched up by your hair and a scream rang out and into the phone. Even though you weren’t on speaker the others that were currently standing outside with Aaron could hear it.
Aaron desperately calls out your name, and with your silence he takes off without any explanation, but his team knows to follow close behind.
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“So, this is what you’ve been doing since you tried to leave me?!”
You cried out as another blow was delivered to your gut but a heavy boot. Your lungs burned and there were tears streaming down your face. He had pulled you so hard over the counter that it made your scalp burn, a blistering headache beginning to form at the base of your skull.
“Fuck you!” You spat as you attempted to prop yourself up on your elbows. 
There was a fine line between anger and fear, and this was one of those moments where they blend together. If you ended up dying tonight, at least you didn’t go down in vain.
This time he punched you in the face before snatching you up by your arms. There was a metallic taste in your mouth, a bruise already developing near your eye. “Why’d you leave me, huh?! We had a good thing going and you just… you just ruined it!”
“I didn’t ruin shit asshole!” You screamed and pushed at him but it was no use. “We were gonna get married but you… but you wanted to play house with an old man, really?!”
“You’ve been watching me.” You said in disbelief. It made your stomach twist in nausea and horror at the thought of him watching Jack, what he could’ve done to him. You had actively put the man you loved kid in danger and it devastated you.
“I had no choice!”
“You’re fucking crazy!”
“Put your hands where I can see them.” Aaron’s voice rang out throughout the house.
Before you knew it you were spun around with a gun to your head, his arm locked against your neck, faintly strangling you.
“Aaron!” You called out in relief, but it turned into a grunt as you tugged further into your ex’s chest.
Aaron’s gun was raised steadily, his eyes focused on your attacker, but he doesn’t hesitate to cast you a reassuring look. When he sees your bloody and bruised face his jaw tightens, the vein in his neck popping and visible through his skin.
“Boyfriend to the rescue, huh?” Your ex sneers into your cheek. You shudder. 
“Put the gun down.” Aaron continues to coax, and out the corner of your eye you can see Morgan approaching through the darkness. 
“Why do you want to save this slut? Don’t tell me you’ve already -” A shot rings out into the fair followed by a scream of pain.
Your ex collapses to the ground, cradling the gunshot wound in his knee as blood spills through his fingers. Aaron was the one that pulled the trigger and Morgan is already in the kitchen by the time he’s tugging you away and into his arms.
“Oh God.” You finally cried. “You came, you came…” His arms are wound tightly around you, purposefully tucking your face into his chest. “I’m here, I’m here.” He shushes and rocks you side to side in order to try and lull you.
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Aaron – softly – orders you to sit down while he cleans up the blood when the rest of the team has already left.
You can’t help but watch him from where you’re sitting on the couch with his sleeves of his white button up rolled up and his hands gloved. “I’m sorry.” You decide to say, because you really were. “I’m sorry for everything.” There was so much more you wanted to say, but you felt your throat tighten with unshed tears.
“No, don’t apologize.” He says softly, abandoning the rag that he was using to scrub up said blood. “No Aaron you don’t understand. I put you and Jack in danger because of my bullshit and I thought that I had put it all behind me and I don’t -” 
“Stop.” It’s a bit firmer this time. “I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I offered you to live with me and my son. Nothing that has occurred tonight has swayed my trust or opinion about you, you know that, right?”
“Right.” His hand holds your cheek and strokes the soft skin of it. “Good.”
Your eyes flicker down to his lips before peering back into his eyes, “If I asked you to kiss me, would you?”
“I’m not sure.”
“I promise this isn’t like a trauma bond thing. I’ve liked you for as long as I’ve worked for you and I didn’t want to tell you because I have nowhere else to go if you say no. Plus,” You sigh, “I just don’t want to make things difficult or uncomfortable for you.”
“You could never do that, feelings reciprocated or not.” He reassures.
“Well are they?”
He grins at your question, “I’d be an idiot not to feel the same way.” You laugh and he leans forward to join your lips together.
A warm feeling spreads in your gut and you knew that this is what love was supposed to feel like.
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767 notes · View notes
minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐲
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     It became a tradition. Getting completely fucked into the mattress by Seungmin the night before his baseball games. Stress relief or good luck, he claimed both. Especially with it being their game that decided if they went to the finals in their college league. 
     “Fuck!” Y/n cried as he hit one particular spot inside of her while he had her in a mating press. 
     “Feel this greedy cunt wanting to come,” Seungmin grunted “Maybe I should tie you up for the whole team to fucking use.”
     He delivered a hard slap to the back of her thigh just as she came on his cock. Hard too. 
     Seungmin wasn't far behind either. A few more pumps and he was painting her walls with his cum. Letting her milk him dry before pulling out. 
     “How you feel bub?” Seungmin inquired as he pulled her out of the position and kissed her abused body. 
     “Good,” Y/n smiled. Loving how he could go from a fucking menace in bed to the sweetest person on the planet. 
     “Not to mean?” His lips landed on her cheeks 
     “No. You were perfect Min. Always are.” Y/n pulled his lips to hers as he chuckled at her compliment. 
     “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
     Seungmin got both of them in a bath and cleaned both of them up before just cuddling in the warm water. 
     “Would you let the boys gangbang me?” Y/n asked 
     “Do you want them to?” Seungmin questioned. 
     “I’m not opposed to being tied up and used.”
     “How long has that fantasy been running around in that little brain of yours?” Seungmin moved one hand from around her shoulders to tilt her head back to look at him “Thinking about my friends fucking you with me?”
     “Not long. Just registered what you said,” Y/n answered, “thought it would be hot.”
     “You're a hundred percent okay if I ask?” Seungmin questioned
     “Yeah. I trust you and the guys.” Y/n told him. 
     “I’ll talk to them,” Seungmin smiled before turning her around to kiss her lips. Y/n smiled and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
     Seungmin did talk to his friends after their game, which they won. They talked in their locker room as they waited for all eight to be done changing out of their uniform. 
     “Really?” Changbin asked 
     “She said she was okay with it and she trusted us. We’ve talked about a threesome a few times so it’s not like a surprise.” Seungmin shrugged
     “Gangbang is a big jump from a threesome,” Minho sighed as he sat on the bench. 
     “Yeah. I knew you both were into some harder kinks but letting all seven of us sleep with Y/n?” Jeongin said
     “It’s not like I’m not gonna be there. And I’d honestly rather it be you guys than some random guys neither of us know.”
     “He makes a valid point,” Chan shrugged as the last of them finished up and everyone grabbed their bags to leave
     “When would we even do this and where?” Jisung asked 
     “We usually have sex the night before a game and after at the apartment. Do it next game?” Seungmin suggested which everyone agreed to as they walked out of the locker room. The girl they were all talking about fucking, waiting for her boyfriend outside said locker room. Smiling and walking over to the eight of them. 
     “Good job out there guys!” Y/n told them as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s waist, wearing his jersey. 
     “Thanks,” they all said in unison before the couple waved them off and went their way. 
     “It's weird knowing they're going to have sex right now,” Minho shrugged as the rest erupted in a chorus of asking why he would put that image in their heads  
     The whole week, after the team won, was heavy in practice. The game was the last of the season so there was a fair amount of stress, but when you had a captain like Chan, there didn't feel like a lot of pressure. 
     After they finally finished batting practice on their Wednesday practice, Chan called it a night. Everyone sat on the bench or the ground took in a few deep breaths, and chugged their water before going back to the locker room. 
     “Seungmin,” Minho said, catching the star players' attention. 
     “Minho,” Seungmin replied.
     “What's Y/n into?” the older one asked, causing a few of them to choke on their water
     “How much time do you have?” Seungmin said
     “This goes past locker room talk,” Chan said
     “Whats locker room talk?” Y/n’s voice said. 
     A few of them froze as the girl walked up to the group.
     “Hey bub,” Seungmin greeted his girlfriend
     “Hey pup,” Y/n said, “What were you guys talking about?”
     “Asking your boyfriend what you’re into,” Minho answered
     “I should say I didn’t tell her you guys agreed,” Seungmin said
     “Were you planning to?” Felix asked 
     “Probably not. Knowing him, the asshole would have blindfolded me and made it a game,” Y/n sighed
     “You would have been into it,” Seungmin argued
     “To answer you’re question Minho, yes.” Y/n gave him such an ominous answer that it made the others positive she and Seungmin were perfect together.
     Y/n walked with them back to the locker room and then waited outside for them to change. 
     “Would it be too weird to suggest we do it in here?” Jisung said 
     “Sometimes you have a wonderful brain Jisung,” Minho smiled
     For one reason or another, that sparked some inspiration amongst the group, while the girl outside had no idea what was going to happen this coming weekend. Their conversation stopped when they got outside. Seungmin wrapped his arm around her as they all headed to their cars to go home for the night. 
     Seungmin didn’t have many classes the following day. A couple in the morning but that was it. So he prepared a few things they needed for Friday. 
     “What are you doing?” Y/n asked as she came home from class to him setting up wireless cameras in their living room. The ones you use to spy on your pets when you're away. 
     “Setting up,” He simply said before turning to her and smiling. 
     “If I asked, would you tell me?” 
     “Where’s the fun in that?”
     “Thought so.” 
     Y/n let him do his thing. She trusted him and the guys. She acted oblivious to it but she knew her boyfriend had informed the guys of what her kinks and turn-offs were, safe words— verbal and nonverbal. Well aware of what was happening but it was fun playing dumb. 
     The couple made their way back to their apartment after their last class on Friday for the day. Seungmin had some time before his practice and used it to prep his girlfriend. Ever the sadist he was. 
     Stripping his girlfriend as soon as he got their door locked. Seungmin dragged her over to the couch and sat her down on the floor. Y/n looked up at him as he sat in front of her. “Good pup,” he smiled as moved one of his shoes to nudge under her cunt. 
     Y/n lifted herself a bit and let him slide under her cunt. Y/n sat on his shoes and slowly started grinding against him. The rough fabric on his shoes and the coolness of the leather made her moan. Seungmin smiled down at her as she leaned her body into his leg.
     “Get that little cunt all wet for me and the guys,” Seungmin laughed as she rutted against his Converse. 
     Y/n whined as he just sat and watched her hump his shoe. After a while, he pulled his shoe away from her as she whined more. Begging to make her cum before he left. 
     Seungmin smiled as he got up and left his needy girl there for a moment. He came back with her toy basket. An organized basket they put together when they started exploring harder kinks. In it held a tail and ear set, a collar and leash, a few gags, various vibrators, dildos, anal toys, and lube. He had put a pair of leather cuffs on top and rope before coming back. His other hand held two spreader bars. Went back down the hall once for towels too
     Y/n bit her lip to hide her smile as he set the basket on their coffee table. Seungmin stopped for a moment before pulling their coffee table out of the way, and opening the room up. He grabbed the towels and placed them on the ground, covering the floor. Then he grabbed a pillow from the couch and put it in the middle of the floor. 
     The baseball player grabbed her collar and stood behind her. He wrapped the collar around her before dragging her to the pillow, still having her face the couch. Y/n followed him on all fours and kneeled on the pillow. 
     Seungmin smiled, grabbed the cuffs, and wrapped them around her wrist. He gently pushed her onto her hands and got behind her. Two fingers ran through her folds before running his fingers to her ass. He watched her clench around nothing and laughed before landing a spank on her ass. 
     He moved back to the basket and grabbed the lube and her tail anal plug and a dildo. Seungmin kneeled behind her, squirting the lube between her cheeks. She flinched a bit at the coolness against her heat. 
     One finger pressed against her tight rim. Slowly making way for him as he thrusted his finger in and out of her. Y/n moaned and dipped her head down to take in the pleasure. Just for Seungmin to yank her back by the collar. Y/n gasped at the choking feeling before he let her go. Y/n lay on the floor as he added a second finger into her ass and started scissoring her open till he was sure she could take the plug. 
     He knew full well she could too. He pulled his finger out and grabbed the toy. He coated the metal plug in the lube and pressed the tip to her hole. Slowly working it inside of her, calming her down when she would clench around the metal. Smiling and praising her when he got the toy fully inside of her. He got up grabbed the spreader bar from to table and wrapped the cuffs around her ankles, taking her knees off the pillow. 
     He inserted the dildo into her aching cunt. The toy slipped in with ease because of how wet she was. He sat her up and grabbed her puppy ears and bone gag. The last little piece to the puzzle before he got ready for practice.
     “Behave. Remember sir sees everything,” He patted her cheek before walking off to shower and weather his gear. It was a shorter practice today. Usually was before a game so the guys could rest. The camera he had installed was focused straight on his girlfriend and he had the live video up— having set it up on the end table by their couch— and watched her while in the room. He noticed her leaning forward more and her hips moving. He sighed and zipped up his bag and walked out of the room.
     She didn’t notice him but now he wasn’t watching the video, he could see her grinding against the pillow. He set his bag on the table and grabbed the rope. Happy they installed the durability hook they claimed to their building was for a hanging house plant when they asked why. It indeed was not for a house plant.
     He made his way over and grabbed her cuffs to her surprise. He removed the cuffs and did a quick knot with the rope around her wrists before throwing the longer bit over the hook in their ceiling. Y/n whined against her gag as he leaned down behind her. He pulled the rope till she was sitting over the pillow but the dildo was still able to sit inside her. He tied the remaining end of the rope to the bar and made sure everything was in place and sitting right.
     “I’ll be back in an hour. Control yourself pup. And don’t think about cumming tonight,” Seungmin told her once more before grabbing his bag and turning off the lights in the apartment to make it look like no one was home.
     This wasn’t something new. Seungmin loved messing with her like this. Leaving her tied up while he went out, even for a few minutes. Both loved the thrill they got from it. So Seungmin got in the car and went back to campus to his short practice with the guys. Mainly refining a few things and going over plays before they were in the locker room, all a little antsy to get out and to the couple's apartment.
     Seungmin told them what he was doing to her before he left for practice but their jaws dropped when they saw the camera footage. The guys booked it out before their boners got worse and made their way to the apartment. Acting as casually as they could on the way up. 
     Y/n perked up when she heard the front door unlock. Literally hanging there for an hour was boring, especially since her boyfriend made it impossible for her to even try and get off. 
     She looked over as Seungmin flicked their lights back on. The boys dropped their bags before circling the living room. 
     “How much weight can that hook hold?” Changbins asked
     “Forget. Tied her up there and left her hanging for a while. So a good amount,” Seungmin shrugged 
     “You leave her tied up?” Felix asked
     “She forgets her training sometimes,” Seungmin smiled as he took off the droll-covered gag, putting the accessory away. “Color puppy.”
     “Green. Green, sir. Wanna help you guys cum,” Y/n begged. Opening her mouth when she was done talking and lolling her tongue out to them
     “Fuck,” Jisung groaned. First to break as he stepped forward. Pulling his aching cock out of his sweat and shoving himself into her mouth. 
     Y/n moaned around him. Something about having another man’s dick in her throat while her boyfriend watched turned her on more. Clenching around the dildo and plug. 
     One thing she missed was the others looking in the toy basket as Jisung held her bound wrists as leverage to fuck her face. Y/n looked up at him as his tip hit the back of her throat, gagging around his cock. Jisung whined above her before picking up his pace more.
     Seungmin came behind her and undid the rope on the spreader bar as Jisung came down her throat. Y/n moaned around him before he pulled out, stripping himself of his clothes. Y/n realized the other already had while Jisung was fucking her face.
     Her boyfriend untied her wrist and put the leather cuffs back on, letting her lay her hands on the ground for now as Hyunjin took Jisung’s position and thrusted his dick in and out of her mouth. Holding the back of her head still as he fucked her face. The pattern repeated— Felix going after him, then Jeongin, then Chan, Changbin, Minho, and finally her boyfriend— all the guys using her throat to get off first. She knew she would be tasting their cum for a while after this. Drool ran down her jaw and neck while some dropped down to the towels beneath them. Some of them rougher than others to the point her mascara was running from under her eyes to her jawline. Her eyes glossed over as her brain got foggy.
     Seungmin helped her stand up on her feet as Felix handed him the rope again. He tied her wrist with the rope again, discarding the leather cuffs finally. Jeongin noticed the dildo in her pussy and smiled as he came behind her and grabbed the base and slowly started thrusting it up into her.
     Y/n moaned and clenched around the toy her boyfriend's best friend was fucking her with. Seungmin smiled at her as he put the rope on the hook again, pulling her arms up over her head again.
     “Let me see that dildo, In,” Seungmin said
     The youngest boy took the juice-coated toy out of her and handed it to her boyfriend. Seungmin thanked him before pushing the toy into her mouth. Y/n moaned as Jeongin stepped back. Seungmin called Changbin over and Y/n felt herself being lifted. The two were folding her in half as Seungmin tied the rope around the bar again. She was hanging there fully exposed. Her holes were at the perfect height for their dicks to slip inside. The tail plug hanging straight down. The two stepped back to just make sure it would hold, and it did.
     Seungmin gently pulled on the tail in her ass, making her whine before he slowly pulled it out. Her boyfriend discarded the tail in the toy basket with her gag before grabbing the dildo from her mouth and setting that down too. Two of Seungmins’ fingers spread her folds before he stood in front of her and slipped his cock into her. Y/n moaned before she felt another cock teasing her asshole before Changbin slipped into her.
     Seungmin had stuffed her ass with dildos before while he fucked her but being filled and fucked by two of the real things was a whole new experience that had her spinning. Both taking turns sliding in and out of her. One would pull out, the other would push inside. Never leaving her unfilled.
     More focused on the dicks inside of her and barely paying attention to the other six stroking their cocks to her getting fucked by her boyfriend and one of his friends. Waiting for their turn. 
     Seungmin’s hands held onto her waist while Changbin groped her ass. Moans fell out of her throat with every harsh thrust they gave her. Whiney noises mixed with the occasional curse word. All her thoughts had already drifted from her brain. Anything that wasn’t about cum or a dick in her didn’t matter. So used to letting Seungmin use her as long as he needed before his games but now the others had joined, it was changing her brain chemistry a bit.
     Their hips snapped into her, filling the living room with the noise of skin-hitting skin and squelching sounds coming from her wet pussy and lubed-up ass. Their grunts filled her ears.
     “Wanna get filled up pup?” Seungmin asked
     “Yes sir,” Y/n moaned at a particle thrust that had both of them in her at one rather than seesawing out of her like that had been
     She tensed her thigh muscles, hoping to bring her legs closer even though they were locked in on the spreader bar just to relieve the tension building in her lower stomach. Seungmin seemed to notice as she clenched around him and Changbin. He had mentioned it in the locker room when he showed them the video camera that it was partially going to be a punishment for her and that she couldn’t cum tonight. Peaking their interest.
     Changbin and Seungmin shared a look. Seungmin moved his hands up to grab her breasts, groping them as Changbin pulled one hand back and smacked her ass.
     “Fuck,” Y/n moaned in a high-pitched voice as her head tilted forward. Changbin wrapped one of his arms around her neck, pulling her head back and making her gasp. A whole different feeling than Seungmin's hand wrapped around her. The fabric of her collar pushed against her neck and his arm. 
     She heard him grunt in her ear before Seungmin shoved himself in her and painted her walls with his cum. Changbin wasn’t far behind. His cum shot out into her ass just as her boyfriend pulled out, looking at his cum dripping out of her before moving to sit on their couch and come down from his high and let his friends fuck her.
     Jisung eagerly took his place in her cunt, pushing his cum back into her. Y/n clenched around immediately from the sensitivity making the male in front of her let out a moan. Changbin pulled out of her for Jeongin to switch places with him. Jisung stayed still inside her— mainly so he didn’t cum sooner than he wanted to— as Jeongin pushed himself into her ass with Changbin’s cum.
     “Anything goes, right Min?” Jeongin asked
     “As long as you don’t leave bruises. Right pup?” Seungmin turned the question to her
     “Yes sir,” Her words came out a bit broken 
     Jisung seemed eager to hear that answer. He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around one of her nipples as his other hand groped her free breasts. Y/n let out a small whine left her throat as Jeongin started thrusting into her from behind. Jisung stayed still inside her for a few moments before slowly pulling back and thrusting in slightly out of time with Jeongin. His pace was slower compared to the younger ones.
     Jeongin had placed his hands on her shoulder, near the base of her neck. Leaning back just a bit as he moved at a quicker pace. Shoving Changbin’s cum deeper into her, some of it coating his dick. Jisung slowly picked up his pace as he moved between her nipples. Licking, sucking, and biting her nipples. 
     Gradually Jisung sped up his pace till he was matching Jeongin. Both having their dicks coated in the other cum. Frothing it inside her. Jisung pulled himself away from her breasts as he twitched inside her. Y/n clenched around them as the cold air from the apartment hit her nipples
     “Shit,” Jisung whined before cumming inside her. Mixing with Seungmin’s cum. His dick slipped out as he kept thrusting through his high. He pushed onto her stomach as the rest of his cum spewed onto her stomach. 
     Jeongin took a little longer. The others watched the cum drip from her and gave her pussy a small break as Jeongin finished inside her. Mixing his cum with Changbins and not slipping out like Jisung had. 
     Y/n whined as his cock slipped out. Leaving her empty before Chan stepped in front of her and Minho groped her ass from behind. Both bring in a different energy  
     Minho squeezed her ass a good few times— now she understood what her boyfriend went through daily with Minho grabbing his ass. Chan rubbed the back of her thighs, comfortingly. He knew from just the look of the position her muscles would be hurting so he offered a bit of comfort before slipping into her. Minho pushed in once he finished playing with her ass cheeks.
     Chan gave her a moment to take his cock as Minho started drilling up into her, his hand moving to hold her breasts. Chan times his thrusts just in time with Minhos. Both of them were as coordinated with their thrusts as Seungmin and Changbin were. If not more coordinated than them. 
     Her mind was lost with pleasure by now. Little whines came out when they started thrusted. As they got quicker and rougher, louder moans replaced them. Her head rolled forward and then back from the pleasure though her limbs felt like they were on fire. It didn't matter though, it just felt good. 
     Chan and Minho definitely had the best stamina. Not surprisingly, Y/n had heard whispers when she would walk down the halls with her boyfriend the week after a party and someone would gush about their hook-up with one of them. 
     If only the campus knew what happened when you got the two of them together on the same person. Though they would never know what was happening behind the current apartment door. 
     Y/n clenched involuntarily around them as both were panting. Y/n felt herself so close to coming but the two beat her to it. Minho sheathed himself inside her and filled her with a third load and Chan followed not far behind. She wasn't as close to where they could trigger her orgasm by dumping heavy loads in her and she whined at it. 
     Especially when they pulled away but she hadn't been left empty for long. Her head fell back just for Hyunjin to slide inside her abused cunt. She only realized it was him when her head snapped forward and she vaguely caught the body shape of the tall campus crush in front of her through her teary eyes. Then she felt Felix filling her stretched ass up. 
     Both of them gave her a few moments before starting to take turns thrusting inside her. Taking it slow compared to the others. Both held onto her waist as they started slower. Gradually picking up their pace to meet the others. Pushing all the cum deeper into her. Some dripped out from the movement. 
     Her holes pulsated around the two the whole time inside her. Sensitive to everything at this point. 
     “Wanna cum pup?” Seungmin’s voice came from behind the moans of the two fucking her
     “‘Es Sir. Wan cum,” words so broken from pleasure
     “Go ahead pup. Been good to us,” Y/n could hear the smirk in her boyfriend's voice. But that little bit of permission was all she needed. Coming hard on Hyunjins cock which seemed to trigger theirs from how hard she was clamping down on them. 
     Both boys filled her up one last time before pulling out. Cum dripping from both her holes as the guys took in her appearance. Sweaty and thoroughly used. Puppy ears barely hanging on to her head. 
     Seungmin and Changbin, with the help of Chan, got her down from her confines as Seungmin wrapped his arms around her spent body. He took her away to get her cleaned up while the guys offered to clean up the living room. 
     Seungmin got her into a warm bath and gently cleaned her up. Being careful around her sensitive parts. Making sure to tell her how good she did. 
     “Tired,” Y/n whined as he brought her into the bedroom 
     “I know bubs. Gotta get you dressed though. You want your favorite PJs?” Seungmin carefully set her towel-covered body on the bed. 
     “Yeah,” she said meekly
     Seungmin got her fuzzy pajama pants and one of his shirts for her to wear before he got himself dressed and took her into the living room so they could hang out with their friends. Chan and Changbin went out to get dinner for the group while the others were scattered around. 
     Seungmin sat down with his girlfriend cuddled on his lap. “Here,” Minho said handing him two bottles of water
     “Thanks,” Seungmin said
     He set one down and opened the other, helping his girlfriend drink. Y/n took a drink of the water before Seungmin pulled it away and closed it up.
     “Chan and Changbin went to grab some pizza. Should be back soon,” Felix said
     Y/n focused on their voices as they chatted, Seungmin rubbing her arms. The guys made sure to include her and she answered as best she could with a fuzzy brain but she welcomed it. It wasn’t long till the two came back with a few boxes of pizza and set up on the dining table. Felix went and grabbed some plates for them and everyone dug in. A little talk about tomorrow's game before it was decided to put on a movie in which Y/n fell asleep cuddled up on her boyfriend’s lap.
     She woke up the next morning. Thankful for the weekend. Seungmin, being the morning person he was, was already awake, but sat up in their bed. Just scrolling on his phone, hand gently rubbing her head, giving her little head scratches.
     “Min,” Y/n mumbled.
     Seungmin turned his head to her and shut off his phone, “Morning bubs.”
     Seungmin set his phone on his bedside table and laid down next to her, pulling her into him. “Feeling okay?” 
     “Yeah. Probably going to take a nap before we head out.” Y/n told him
     “Just woke up and you’re already thinking about a nap,” Seungmin chuckled and kissed her nose.
     “You take eight dicks and tell me how you feel after,” Y/n told him
     “You feel okay enough to go again later?” His hand rubbed her side over their bed covers.
     “Yeah. I can handle a round two,” Y/n confirmed 
     “Alright, you know you can stop it at any time,” Seungmin told her.
     “I know pup. I will if it gets to be too much,” Y/n pressed a kiss to his lips. A quick kiss only for him to pull her back in.
     “Min,” Y/n giggled as his kiss turned into frequent pecks all over her face
     “Making up for last night,” He said between kisses.
     Y/n smiled as his lips landed on hers, wrapping his arms around her. Getting the morning with him was always Y/n’s favorite thing before his games. 
     Eventually, the two got up and started getting ready after Seungmin made her breakfast. Hoping in the shower together— a heavy make-out session in the middle turning into a little oral for good luck— and got dressed. Seungmin slipped one of their anal plugs into her again before she pulled her pants on. 
     Y/n helped pack his sports bag while Seungmin made sure he had the things— mainly the bondage rope— for their personal after-party. Y/n packed him one of the larger waters for the game and slipped on his other jersey before they headed onto campus for the game. After a quick drive, Y/n went into the stadium after kissing him and he went into the locker room with the rest of the team. 
     Everyone was ready for the game and was just waiting for their call to the field. Once it was time, they were set on winning the game. Chan made sure everyone knew the plays and checked in when he thought adjustments were needed. All of it to ensure their win. 
     Y/n watched her boyfriend on third base. It was their last inning and they were so close to taking the win. Lucky enough they had Chan up to bat. Seungmin got ready to run home as Y/n sat at the edge of her seat. The opposing team's pitcher threw the ball and Chan hit the ball, hard. 
     The opposing team chased it as Chan booked it first and her boyfriend ran home. The catcher waiting at home plate for the ball that had no chance of getting to him as Seungmin touched home and won the game for their school. 
     Their college cheered at their big win for the season. The boys ran on the field and clung onto Seungmin. Everyone cheered for the win. Chan broke away to thank the other team's captain for a good game. Slowly the crowd disappeared and the players all went to the locker rooms to shower and clean up. Y/n waited outside for her boyfriend and his time like usual, just scrolling on her phone. 
     She saw the other team leave and go back to their campus and the night janitor. He seemed in a rush and left her the locker room key to give to Chan. Trusting him to lock it up for him. 
     “Babe,” Seungmin said from the door
     “Yeah,” Y/n asked as she turned to him
     “Come here.”
     “Did you shower yet?” Y/n asked as she walked over to the door. “Also, the janitor wanted me to give this to Chan.”
     Y/n handed him the key before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into the entryway. 
      “Did shower, gimme my victory kisses,” Seungmin said, grabbing the key from her and wrapping his arms around her, pressing his lips onto hers. 
     Y/n gave in to him and wrapped her arms around him.
     “Why are you guys making out in the entryway?” Chan asked
      “Because I'm technically not allowed in here,” Y/n said, pulling her lips from her boyfriend. 
     Seungmin unwrapped himself from his girlfriend and tossed the key she gave him to Chan “From the janitor.”
     “Why?” Chan asked catching it 
     “Seemed in a rush. Asked me to give it to you to lock up the room when you guys were done. 
     The two players looked at each other before Seungmin pulled his girlfriend inside further and closed the door. 
     “Min!” Y/n squealed
     “Trust us,” he smiled, kissing her neck
     “I do,” Y/n smiled as he pushed her further into the locker room. Chan made sure the door was locked. Seungmin led her to where the others were gathered around. Some were sitting on the bench, all about half-dressed. Looking in their direction and Chan joining them. 
      “Part two pup?” Seungmin said as he led her over to the bench
     “Of course,” Y/n said. 
     Her boyfriend took the liberty of stripping her while the guys watched in anticipation. Seungmin smacked her ass after getting her fully stripped for them
     “Only got her ass prepped before the game. Someone gotta prep her pussy,” Seungmin offered
     Jeongin laid back on the bench, “Sit her on my face.”
     Seungmin sat his girlfriend on his friend's face. Jeongin pulled her down fully on him as his tongue got to work, licking between her folds before slipping the muscle inside of her. Hands holding her thighs down, preventing her from moving up off him, and nose pressed to her clit. Y/n instinctively went to grab his hair, only for Jisung to grab hold of her wrists. Pinning them behind her back.
     “There’s some rope in my bag,” Seungmin smiled as he stood in front of his girlfriend, having undressed himself like the others had done. Discarding any clothing they had put on and jerked their cock to her.
     Felix grabbed said rope from his friend's bag. Jisung kept a hold on her arms as Felix bound her wrists together so she couldn’t use her hands. The two behind her stood back and joined the jerk-off circle. Seungmin pushed her head down and Y/n hoped her mouth for her boyfriend's dick. Easily slid down her throat, keeping her head in place, and used her throat.
     Half of them took their turns again using her throat as Jeongin continued his tongue work. Just until she was whining and clenching down on his tongue. He pushed her up off of him and got out from under her. Felix took the chance to get under her and sit her on his cock. Y/n let out a small moan just for Chan to bend her over a bit to gain access to her ass. His legs were on either side of the small bench, slowly pulling the plug out of her and handing it over to Seungmin, who kept it in his hand. He already had an idea for later.
     Chan spread her ass and slipped inside her. The two Australians going at it on her. Moving in and out of her harshly. Chan holding her her bound wrist to keep her up and Felix groped her ass, keeping her open for his mate. Y/n hung her head low as they pounded into her.
     The others realized how much everything was echoing in the locker room between their hips snapping into her and her moans. Minho took the opportunity to lift her head and push his cock into her open mouth. Now the only echo was from the sound of skin hitting skin. Y/n moaned around Minho’s cock as he thrusted into her mouth in time with Chan. 
     “She always moan like a whore?” Minho asked
     “Yeah. She liked being treated like one,” Seungmin chuckled.
     “Can tell. Clenched around us when Minho said it,” Felix groaned
     The two below picked up their pace. Felix got a bit more sloppy with his thrusts before she felt all three of them start to twitch inside her one by one. She figured the youngest would blow first and he did. Shoving his cock deep inside her as he filled her up. Deep voice hitting her ears and making her clench. 
     She triggered Chan’s orgasm then Minho’s. Chan shoved himself into her ass and dumped his load into her. Her moans from getting filled had made him spill into her mouth. The two Aussies pulled out before Minho. Minho and Felix moved out of the way as Changbin slid under her and sat her on his cock. More of a stretch than she had thought yesterday when he was in her ass. 
     Changbin held her hips as Chan switched places with Jisung. Jeongin pulled her forward and slid into her throat. The three threw moving slowly out the window. Setting their own quick paces and abusing her holes. Not much rhythm to it but they ultimately fell into one. Y/n clenched around the two underneath her from the stimulation between the four dicks she had taken in her holes and Jeongin eating her out. Maybe even the fact her boyfriend was watching her get used. Probably a mix of everything.
     She felt Jisung leave forward and bring his hands to grope her boobs. She moaned around Jeongin’s cock as he pinched her nipples. Her walls got involuntarily tighter around the two before Jeongin added his cum to Minho’s inside her throat, letting her mouth milk him before pulling away and letting the two use her to their content. Skin slapping against skin harshly and bouncing off the bare walls of the locker room. Jisung coated her walls with his cum not soon after as she came on Changbin’s dick. Changbin joined them as Jisung’s cock spurted the last bit of his cum into her ass. 
     Jisung pulled out as Changbin filled her up more. Hyunjin came behind her and took Jisung’s spot. His cock pushing into her filled ass and some pushing out while his hands grabbed her boobs and pulled her against his chest as Changbin pulled out. Jeonging took his place and slid her onto his dick. How he got it up again so quickly, she had no clue. But she didn’t even know how much time had passed since he stepped back to Changbin came inside her and pulledout. Everything was starting to blur but it felt so good.
     The two started their pounding pace as Hyunjin lowered her down to Felix’s awaiting cock. Y/n wrapped her lips around him as he held the back of her head and fucked her face like they all had done at least twice to her by now. Their breaths were heavy as they fucked her. She was whining around Felix's cock before his dick hit the back of her throat and made her gag. Tears running down her cheeks that she hadn’t even noticed welled up in her waterline. She was already clenching around the two and Jeongin’s sensitive cock twitched inside her while Hyunjin was still going strong. Fingers twisting and pulling her nipples as her muscles twitched. 
     Jeongin spilled not too long later inside of her and Felix followed close behind, his own cock still sensitive from when he fucked her. Hyunjin moved his hands to grab her shoulders as the two unloaded into her and picked up his pace. Pounding as hard as he could into her, leaning back a bit as his hips snapped against her ass. His dick twitched inside her spurring him on till he added his cum into the mix inside her.
     Felix and Jeongin pulled out as Hyunjin finished inside her. Minho took the chance to sit her on him and just let her sit as Hyunjin pulled out. Minho gripped her ass and spread her cheeks apart as her boyfriend got behind her. Jisung, eager as ever, pulled her mouth onto his cock. Her fucked ass was on display for her boyfriend, dripping with other men's cum. 
      Seungmin smiled as the other two started fucking her. He watched the cum mixture drip out of her before rubbing his top around her ass. Minho stopped to let him slide inside her before they started fucking her again. Y/n moaned around Jisungs dick. None of them were unaware of the cum and drool mix running down her chin and meeting with her tears. Mascara all smudged again. 
     The three pounded into all her holes as hard as they could with her clenching around two out of three of them. On the verge of another orgasm from the stimulation. Her clit only having been touched once before that high disappeared. But she was fucked out of her mind anyways. 
     The knot inside her snapped as quickly as it appeared. Her whole body was shaking as it hit her. Jisung cumming in her mouth as Seungmin grabbed her bound wrists with his free hand as he and Minho kept drilling into her. 
     Minho’s hands moved from her ass to hold her hips instead as he got closer to his high. Dick twitching inside her tight walls. Both picked up their speed inside her till cum filled both her overstimulated holes one more time. Both thrusting in a couple more times before stilling inside her.
     Slowly Minho pulled her up off him at the same time Seungmin pulled out slowly. Replacing his cock with the plug and keeping the cum inside her ass till they got home. 
     Chan came back with some rags for everyone to clean up. Thanking their captain, they cleaned up the cum from themselves and Seungmin cleaned up his girlfriend before they all got dressed and left the locker room. Seungmin carried his girlfriend on his back as they made it to their cars. The guys decided to do another night of food and movies at Seungmin and Y/n’s. 
     Everyone went home to shower again and change before going to the apartment.  Seungmin cleaned up his girlfriend and got her dressed in comfy pajamas again and planted himself on the couch with her. Curled up in a fluffy blanket. Only getting up to answer the door for his friends. All nine gathered around the living room again with takeout.
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cameronluvr · 3 months
MY GIRL — dark!rafe cameron x fem!reader
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summary: rafe tracks your location and follows you to the beach, watching you and your friends from a fair distance. he butts in once he sees you and jj flirting, resulting in arguments and rafe forcing you home to fuck you.
warnings: 18+ MDNI ➾ consumption of alcohol, underage drinking, stalking, arguing, cussing, toxic + abusive relationship, manipulation, smut, noncon, SA, forced sex, p in v, toxic!rafe, dark!rafe, crying, rafe ignoring safe word, cheating accusations, death threats, (safe word is “red”)
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like sarah and kiara, you were born a kook who chose to be a pogue, and a lot of people despised you for it, especially your boyfriend rafe. the two of you had spent the past hour arguing over you wanting to go hang out with the pogues, but he hated them and wanted you to hate them too.
the argument resulted in doors slamming and you storming off. you left rafe’s house and headed straight to the beach where you were planning on meeting your friends, regardless of rafe’s opinion. you walked all the way there and headed onto the sand, spotting them in the distance.
“hey guys,” you raise your voice as you approach them, making them all turn their heads to face you. each of them greeted you with smiles on their faces, and sarah with a hug. you sat down next to her and joined the circle they’d made around the campfire. with evening approaching, the sunset was glowing a radiant pink and golden color, which was perfect for the endless amount of selfies with sarah and kiara.
“so, ya finally made it” jj said as you were making yourself comfortable on the ground. “yep. who do you think tried to stop me?” you ask with a tint of sarcasm in your voice, knowing they all already know the obvious answer. “hm. did he give you the kooks versus pogues talk again?” john b asks, seeing you snicker and nod in response. “when doesn’t he? you guys are just a pile of dirty island trash, okay?” you joke, reciting your boyfriends words. “if that’s what we are, then that’s what you are, too” john b jokes back, raising his beer bottle before having a swig.
“that’s what i tried telling him” you laugh, motioning for him to toss you a bottle, too, since everyone else had one. he grabs one from the crate and tosses it over, making you catch it and crack it open to take a sip. “yea’, well, fuck him, he’s an asshole” kiara shrugs, with each of them simultaneously agreeing with her.
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
“girls, you wanna go for a swim?” kie asks after you all drank, talked and laughed together for a while. “hell yeah” sarah says, standing up and pulling you up with her. you all begin stripping your clothes off to reveal your bikinis underneath. “what about us?” pope asks. “girls only, sorry” kie says, blowing a kiss to him before the three of you start running down to the ocean. “bitches” jj jokes, making pope and john b laugh. the three of them stayed sitting around the fire drinking and listening to music whilst keeping a brief eye on you girls.
as you and the girls made it to the water, you all dive in and splash around, laughing and having fun with each other, all while being completely unbeknownst to the other pair of eyes watching you, eyes that weren’t from a pogue… rafe had tracked your location on your phone and followed you to the beach, where you didn’t tell him you were going. he stayed a far distance back to make sure nobody could see him, smoking a cigarette and leaning against the railing in front of him, standing in front of his parked car with his gaze completely fixated on you.
he watched your every movement, taking in every little detail he could see before his attention quickly diverts to the three pogue boys making their way down to the water, too. seeing them made his fist ball up with rage, but he kept his cool for now.
the boys ran and dived into the water, purposely splashing you girls. “hey!” kiara yells over the sounds of their loud laughter, “you weren’t invited” sarah adds, causing john b to rush over to her and wrap his arms around her, scooping her up bridal style before throwing her down into the water, completely submerged.
you all laugh as she gets back up and gasps, grabbing her boyfriend in a headlock before jumping on him. the pair start to play fight, which made kiara giggle as she had an idea. she splashed the water and aimed it in pope’s direction, which made him start a water fight with her, splashing each other back and forth. you and jj laugh as you move away from the scene together, swimming further out into the ocean.
rafe watched every second. seeing you both swim away together made him furious, but he still waited. “jj, help” you laugh as he turns around in the water to grab your hand, pulling you out of the splashing waves. “thanks” you giggle, not letting go of his hand. you stayed holding it under the water as he pulled you along, the two of you swimming around them to make it back to the shore.
as you two walk out of the water and onto the sand, your hands were still grasping each others, but neither of you thought anything of it, it was platonic. he was helping you. but rafe saw and thought differently… that’s when he decided he had enough and tossed his cigarette aside, storming down the steps to the beach to approach you.
you and jj made it back to the campfire where you were just about to pick up your clothes from the ground, but a rough grip on your wrist stops you. it was getting dark now, so neither you or jj even saw rafe approaching. “what’re you doing?” rafe firmly asks, making you gasp. “i— what are you doing here?” you raise your eyebrows, your voice striking with fear.
“no, what are you doing here?” rafe asks in a demanding tone, his grip on your wrist getting tighter as you try to yank yourself out of it. “rafe, man—” jj tries to get involved, but rafe cuts him off. “nah, man, ‘the fuck you gettin’ so close to my girl for, huh?” rafe harshly drops your arm to take a step closer to jj. by this point, the rest of the pogues in the water had noticed what was happening, and quickly got out to head over.
“rafe—” you say,
“shut the fuck up, you slut” rafe snaps, making you flinch before he grabs jj’s collar to pull him closer. “hey, hey!” john b is quick to interrupt as he runs over to stand in between rafe and jj, making rafe drop his collar and shove john b back. “rafe what the actual fuck are y—” sarah shouts, “shut the hell up, sar. y/n, come on, get your fuckin’ things and lets go” rafe demands, turning to face you as you don’t hesitate to pick up your clothes and quickly shove them back on out of fear of what he’d do if you didn’t.
“she ain’t going anywhere” jj steps forward, receiving glances from sarah and kiara who are telling him to shut up with only their eyes, not wanting them to break out in a fight. “yeah? says who, big guy?” rafe laughs to mock him, but is cut off by jj shoving him back by his chest. john b and pope quickly grab jj and rafe to separate them, not allowing them to fight for your sake.
“keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself, maybank, and not on my fuckin’ girlfriend” rafe threatens, trying to pull out of john b’s grip but it only makes him hold him tighter. “she’d probably prefer my hands on her anyway” jj laughs, seeing rafe break out of john b’s grip and launch over to jj, actually hitting him this time. the other two boys separate them once again, this time with the help of sarah and kiara.
“stop it, rafe, just come on” you say to him, pointing in the other direction. you didn’t want to go with him, but you know this is the only way he’ll stop tormenting your friends. he shoves pope away from him and grabs your arm, roughly pulling you away from them all. “ow” you say, but he grips you harder, not caring for the pain he’s causing you.
“do we do something?” kie asks, worried about you. “i don’t know—” john b sighs. “just— let them argue it out. there’s no point in stopping him” sarah sighs, knowing how abusive and psychotic her brother can be when he’s angry. the pogues watch as you get dragged away by your boyfriend, bickering back and forth with your voices quietening the further you walk away.
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
rafe opens the passenger door for you, shoving you in and slamming it shut. “…thank you?” you sarcastically mumble under your breath as he walks around to the other side of the car, getting in the drivers seat. “what the fuck were you thinkin’? holding his hand, laughing and giggling with him, are you fuckin’ serious?” rafe turns to look at you while raising his voice.
“i’m sorry, rafe, i didn’t mean anything by it he’s just my friend—”
“he’s just your friend. right, sure, nothin’ to worry about then” he shakes his head, pulling a sarcastic face. “oh my god” you sigh. “runnin’ around in your bikini with him, too? when i fuckin’ told you enough times to stay the fuck away from those asshole pogues” he yells, making you flinch. “maybe you’re the asshole.” you look out the window to avoid making eye contact knowing he wouldn’t find your comment amusing. and he didn’t. his hand quickly grabs your jaw, forcing you to face him.
“what did you just fucking say to me?” his eyes turn dark as he forces you to stare into them, his fingertips digging into your cheeks as his grip on your jaw is immense. “nothing, i’m sorry…” you apologize even though you don’t mean it. he is an asshole, you meant every bad word you’d ever said and thought about him. “you’re sorry?” he laughs which humiliated you a bit. “you weren’t sorry until i caught you. i told you not to go out with them, and what did you do? huh?” he asks, yelling the last word and squeezing your face harder to force an answer out of you, “what did you do?”
“i— i went out with them…” you answer fearfully. you were fierce and always argued back to him, but he terrified you when he got aggressive. “exactly. and you know how i feel about you wearing that slutty shit around guys, especially your fuckin’ swimsuit.” he reminds you of the things he’s told you before, before harshly shoving your face away to let go of you, making your head hit the window briefly. “ow” you whine, holding your hand on your head as rafe put the car into drive.
“quit bitchin’. you wanna act like a fuckin’ whore? that’s fine. i’ll treat you like one.” he says, grinning as he glances at the look on your face, there was nothing he loved more than seeing how afraid of him you were.
he drove back to his house, with you silently crying in the passenger seat for the whole ride, and him telling you to ‘shut up’ and the classic ‘i’ll give you something to cry about’. upon arriving at tannyhill, rafe parks the car and gets out, watching as you stayed seated, not wanting to get out. he sighs loudly and rolls his eyes before walking around to your side, swinging the door open and dragging you out.
“get off of me” you shove him back, but he grabs your throat right there in the driveway. “if you give me any more lip i swear to fuckin’ god…” he warns you, not gripping hard enough to choke you but enough to hurt you. “i said sorry, okay? what do you want from me?” you manage to rip his hand away from your throat, shoving him back to defend yourself, but he doesn’t like when you do that, he prefers when you’re helpless and afraid…
“sorry ain’t gonna cut it. you know how much i hate those fuckin scum—”
“stop calling them scum! stop belittling them just because they’re pogues. who the fuck cares?” you argue, not aware of any consequences at the time.
“oh, so now you’re defending them? you’re a pogue now, are you?” he laughs to mock your choice of friends, he always did humiliate them and put them down for his own liking. “yeah, maybe i am. and i’d rather be with them than you” you yell, turning around to storm off again but he grabs your arm and yanks you back.
“get off!” you try to fight him but he’s fed up of you, needing to teach you a lesson. “shut the fuck up” he says, dragging you into the house and upstairs. the two of you fight and argue all the way to his bedroom, which is completely normal for anyone in his house to hear.
“stop it—”
“you fuckin’ stop it”
both of you bicker before rafe pushes you into his bedroom before entering and slamming the door shut behind him. “now what, huh?” you yell at him. “don’t act so cocky now, you wanna act like a whore? dress like one? cmon, take your clothes off, i’ll treat you like the real fuckin’ whore you are” he says with a smirk, watching you laugh in response.
“no” you shake your head, your grin slowly fading when you see the dead serious look on his face. “rafe, no.” you frown, attempting to walk past him to get out of his room but he stopped you and pushed you back, reaching his hand over to lock the door.
“i’m bein’ serious, take your clothes off” he says, still smirking. “no, get away from me” you say, shaking your head and slowly walking backwards as he takes multiple steps forward. “what’s the matter? you were fine acting like a slut for jj, what’s wrong with me?” he asks, his tone dark and scary, his voice oddly calm but terrifying.
“rafe, i’m sorry, okay? i said sorry—”
“shh” he cuts you off, standing right in front of you as the only thing between you is him and his bed, he places his finger on your lip to shush you. “i don’t care. take them off” he says, looking back and forth into each of your eyes with a dark smile.
“i… i don’t want to…” you hesitate to say, innocently and vulnerably as your voice turns weak, he is actually starting to scare you now. “you don’t want to? aww. that’s too bad, i guess i’ll just do it myself” he pretends to sympathize before laughing and quickly reaching down to pull your skirt down, but you try to stop him.
“don’t make it hard, this is your fault” he says, roughly pushing you down onto the bed where he restrains you, forcing your skirt down and off your legs, throwing it on the floor. “rafe, stop” you try to plead with him but he ignores you, immediately reaching down to pull your top and damp bikini off too before gripping your waist and forcefully flipping you over onto your stomach. “i’m being serious, rafe, actually stop…” you try to show him how serious you are, but he doesn’t care.
“huh. i bet if jj asked you to take your clothes off, you’d listen to him, wouldn’t you?” he asks, pulling you up on all yours and gripping both sides of your bikini bottoms, roughly pulling them down and off your feet. “no, i wouldn’t…” you begin to cry, wishing your boyfriend wasn’t so insecure of who you were friends with. “i don’t like him like that rafe i promi—”
“i am your boyfriend” he reaches over to grab your jaw from behind, pulling your head up to listen closely. “no one else, me, so you should be a good girlfriend and do as i fuckin’ say. i told you so many times that i don’t like them pogues, and i don’t want you hangin’ around them. i especially told you to stay the fuck away from jj, cause i don’t like the way that motha’fucker looks at you, and holds your fuckin’ hand” he explains, harshly gripping your throat to choke you, hearing your breathing struggle.
“so if you’re gonna disobey me like that, well, that’s your problem.” he tells you, snickering from behind you as he lets go of your throat to take his own clothes off, you were left in doggy, silently sobbing to yourself.
he springs his already hard dick out of his boxers as he pulls them off, having been so turned on by your fear of him. when he got completely naked, he grabbed your waist and flipped you back over onto your back, where he forced himself on top of you and immediately slammed his cock into you without any warning. it hurt and caught you off guard, making you let out a loud yelp but he is fast to cover your mouth and grip it tightly.
“shush. don’t cry, it’ll make me harder” he pouts, yet again pretending to sympathize with you. tears are flowing down your face now, and he wasn’t lying, you can actually feel his cock getting harder as it hurt more and more each time he entered you. “ow, rafe… please stop…” you whine under his hand, shutting your eyes tightly. “no, no, look at me” he demands, removing his hand from your mouth to tap your face a couple times, making you open your eyes and look into his.
“okay, you proved your point… just stop” you try to fight him from underneath his body, but he uses it to restrain you, and both of his hands to grip your wrists, pinning you down fully. “what point? there’s no point. i just wanna fuck you like the little slut you are… maybe i should just take a video and send it to jj” he teases, making you shake your head quickly, begging him not to.
“why not? don’t you want him to know you’re my girl? and that nobody fuckin’ touches my girl?” he asks, frowning his eyebrows at you as he thrusts into you roughly, forcing moans and gasps out of your mouth. “he… he already knows..” you let out in between heavy breaths, “oh, he does? then why the fuck is he touching you, hm?” he asks, tilting his head as he looks into your tear-filled eyes.
“rafe, ow… red…” you cry out the safe word, unable to take it anymore. his thrusts are full of hate, his hands are too aggressive, his cock is too much… “rafe?” you ask in a pant, seeing as he doesn’t stop. “shh…” he stops you from talking, ignoring your plea to stop and roughly placing his hand over your mouth again, this time tighter.
“no—” you mumble underneath him.
“shut up and take it” he harshly says, looking into your eyes as he forces his cock in and out of you. he watches you cry and squirm under him, but he simply does not care… he enjoys it actually. he loves seeing you struggle to his power, succumb to his dominance.
after laying there for a minute, moaning and whining, he finally removes his hand from your mouth to hear your gasp for air. “you want me to stop?” he asks, pouting at you. “y—yes… please” you beg between pauses, watching as his pout turns into a teasing smile, “well i’m not. not until you promise me you’ll never hang out with those pricks again” he says, looking into your eyes, practically forcing your answer out of you.
“okay… okay, i promise… i swear—”
“you swear?”
“i swear on my life…”
“there’s a good girl. that’s what i wanna hear. you better not be lying because i will do ten times worse, you hear me?” he slyly threatens, making your head nod quickly in response. at this point you were willing to do anything to get him to stop.
“good, princess… if i see you talking to him again i’ll fuckin’ kill him.” he says, finally pulling out of you once he finished what he had to say, leaving you crying and whimpering. “shut up, c’mon, here” rafe says, shoving your body aside as he climbs off the bed and reaches down to grab your clothes, throwing them right at you.
“don’t be so dramatic it didn’t hurt that bad” he chuckles, laughing at your tears. “it did hurt that bad… i asked you to stop…” you sniffle, wiping your eyes as you grab your clothes he tossed over. “and i asked you to stop sneaking around with them behind my back, didn’t i?” he asks, raising his eyebrows with a smart look on his face.
“yeah but—”
“then it looks like we both don’t get our own way, huh?” he laughs at you, giving you a horrible cocky grin before walking over to the door and walking out, shutting it behind you to leave you there alone.
you stayed on his bed for a few more minutes, lying on your side and crying to yourself before deciding to put your clothes back on. after you were dressed, you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw your stained makeup and rosy red cheeks and eyes, your hair was a mess, you were a mess… you had no idea where rafe even went, but you didn’t want to find out, so you gather your things and bolt for the bedroom door, rushing downstairs and leaving tannyhill in a rush.
you had no idea where to go next, but you know for sure the pogues weren’t on the list. you already disobeyed rafe and suffered the consequences, you don’t want to make the same mistake knowing the threat murder is on the cards…
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I HATE THIS. IM SO SORRY IF YOU DO TOO. i haven’t posted in a while bc of school stuff so i hope u guys forgive me with another dark, juicy rafe fic. 💋🎀 let me know what you think in the comments! — THIS ISNT PROOFREAD. english isn’t my first language so if you spot any mistakes please feel free to point them out. LOVE U ALLLLLL
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flowerandblood · 1 month
The Price of Pride (4/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: fingering & oral sex, a kind of triangle, smut, the angst, description of the effects of murder, sexual tension, imprisonment, abuse of power, manipulation, violence ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
The boy's death had devastated her.
Even though it was a strange child to her, in addition from a family she despised, it was still small and innocent – she had seen Prince Jaehaerys accompanied by servants escorting him to his morning classes when she herself had gone out to meet his uncle, to practice on Vhagar the commands as she did every day.
Knowing that her father had done this made her feel a partial sense of guilt for what had happened, though she did not understand why.
Was it because she was born of his poisoned seed?
That a part of him lived inside her?
She knew it was revenge for Lucerys' death, but after all, the little prince had nothing to do with it.
The death of an innocent being always hurt the most.
She watched his funeral procession from outside the windows of the Red Keep, from her prison that was her small chamber, thinking of her one-eyed cousin.
Were you with that fucking old whore whose tits you like to cuddle up to?
With your second mummy?
She didn't know why his lowered head, his face and big eye filled with tears of shame made her feel sympathy towards him.
However, the death of King's son made her reflect on her own life and what she had experienced in it.
She realised that she had lived for years as if in lethargy, spending her time riding horses and hunting, even though in the midst of her family, in fact always remaining alone.
She realised that she had never even kissed a man.
She had never experienced a touch that was tender, that was pleasurable, that made her feel safe.
She bit her lower lip, pacing around her room, suddenly getting an idea that was extremely dangerous.
Her cousin was interested in women – this she knew for sure – and after being humiliated by his brother in front of everyone gathered he would certainly not return to the brothel to his lover, whoever she was.
From what she understood, this woman was older than him, giving him fulfilment not only physically, but also purely childlike.
She knew he was weak, but now she also had the certainty that he was miserable.
She couldn't try to seduce him directly, offer to spend the night in his bed – he would send her away immediately, furious, knowing what she wanted to do and how she hoped to achieve it.
She had to show him what he could have, while at the same time not offering it to him herself.
She had to make him desire whatever she was in his mind.
"I want to ask you something, cousin." She muttered, standing over him with a jug of wine, wondering what she was doing. "And I know you won't like it."
She saw him freeze, looking ahead.
"You like to take risks, don't you?" He sneered, taking a deep sip of wine from his goblet without even bestowing a single glance on her.
His vision was hazy, his mind dulled by the wine.
He was weak, vulnerable, heartbroken by what had happened to his nephew, sunk in guilt.
This was her chance.
"No, but you give me no choice. I will fly with you and the will of the gods will happen, as you desire. However, the chance of me dying in flames or being devoured is just as great as the chance of me succeeding." She said uncertainly, and he sighed heavily, impatient, setting his cup down on the table.
"What do you want?"
She licked her lower lip, feeling her heart pounding like mad in her chest, cold sweat trickling down her back.
He would fall into a fury or fuck her, there was no other option left.
"Servant. I want to choose one and take him to my bed. I don't want to die without having any idea of this sensations." She muttered.
She saw that he froze motionless, his healthy eye open wide in shock.
Oh gods.
"Aren't you ashamed to ask something like that out loud? What self-respecting Lord will want you after this?" He asked coldly, annoyed, however it was not as aggressive a response as she had expected.
He himself didn't know what he thought of it, she thought.
"I don't care what the lords will think of me. If I become a dragon rider, my maidenhood will be the least of their worries. I have no desire to become either a wife or a mother. I could try to hide it from you, but I stand here before you and ask your permission like a dog." She said with a certainty that surprised her, recognising that her directness was due to the fact that she was partly telling the truth.
He was silent for a long time, his lips pressed together in a thin line, his finger in some involuntary reflex began to tap against the table top.
"Knowing what you ask, my soul will have no peace unless I am assured that no man has taken you by force."
There it is.
"I'll let you watch if it will soothe your conscience." She said without stammering, his grin turned towards her making her feel an uncomfortable shiver.
"It will."
Finding a willing person turned out not to be too difficult: she simply lied to the man she found handsome that the prince liked to look at such things and that it was his idea.
What could he do to her for those words even if he found out about it?
Were they not partly true?
Her whole body quivered in excitement and disbelief as, lying beneath Tyland Lannister's servant, she heard his lazy footsteps, felt his gaze on them, the fiery, thirsty lips of her lover pressed against hers.
It was a surprisingly wet and slick experience, not as pleasurable as she had imagined, however, it was not all that bad.
She swallowed hard, hearing her cousin sit down in a chair in the distance, and flinched when the man's hand suddenly clamped down on her breast, causing an unpleasant chill to pass through her.
"– no –" She whispered, tightening her hand on his wrist. "– not yet –"
She exhaled quietly, closing her eyes as she felt him take his hand away, trailing it instead around her waist, trying to feel what she had felt when her cousin had leaned over her face after she had fainted.
Serve me well and I will reward you.
When the time comes.
She felt it, that wonderful pulsing between her thighs, and sighed, opening her eyelids, involuntarily glancing at him. Her breath froze in her throat, her womanhood swelled all over as she met his gaze, dark and hot, his legs crossed, his head cocked in curiosity.
She gasped, feeling a squeeze in her throat and a cold shudder when the boy's body suddenly pressed her against the bed, constricting her space, making her fingers tighten on the back of his tunic in terror.
Is this how it should be?
Should she be so afraid, feel so cornered?
"– slow down –" She heard his voice, deep and displeased – her lover looked at him, surprised, panting heavily.
"– Your Highness? –"
"– slow down, I said –" He repeated with a kind of threat in his voice from which her lips parted in disbelief, some sense of gratitude and warmth spread through her heart, a pleasant stickiness sweeping from between her thighs down her buttocks.
He was protecting her, she thought, feeling the situation begin to slip out of her control.
This was exactly what she wanted.
Make me feel safe, she thought pleadingly, but no words left her lips.
Shame overwhelmed her.
"– sink your fingers between her thighs – prepare her properly –" He instructed the boy, her eyes grew big as she stared at him in disbelief – his nostrils twitched in excited breath, the corner of his mouth lifted in a dangerous smirk.
A sigh left her throat as the servant lifted her skirt and smallclothes, her gaze fixed on her cousin's face as his hand found her leaking, fleshy womanhood.
She moaned.
However, after a moment she flinched and swallowed hard, closing her eyes as she felt his fingers touch a very tender, sensitive spot, giving her pleasure and pain at the same time, not knowing what she herself felt, tears burning under her eyelids.
Why did it feel like this?
Why couldn't she enjoy it, why was she losing focus?
"– step back, boy –" She heard his voice, and then noticed that he moved towards them, startling her and him – she rose up on her elbows, panting heavily as he pulled her forward, sitting behind her back, pulling her close, his legs on either side of her body.
His arms embraced her lightly, his hand tilting her head back, allowing her to spread out comfortably while not taking away her sense of security.
She swallowed hard, feeling something long and hard pulsate behind her, pressing against her buttocks.
Good gods.
She gasped as she felt him press his nose against her hot cheek, his thumb running over her jaw as his free hand forced her to bend her legs at the knees, exposing her bare thighs.
"– bend over and lick her –" He commanded, running his full lips over the skin of her face, making her feel a simultaneous shudder of pleasure and terror shake her, his hand trailing down the exposed skin of her thigh.
Lick her?
What did he mean by that?
What purpose did it serve?
"– what? –" She mumbled, terrified, involuntarily reaching back with her hand, clamping it over his long white hair, wanting to pull away, hitting his hard body again.
She had nowhere to run.
"– easy – let me take care of this –" He whispered in her ear, making her moan stuck in her throat, her nipples became hard at his words, her throbbing walls clenching around nothing.
Let me take care of this.
He knew.
He knew what she craved.
She stifled a breath as the man obediently leaned between her thighs, a terrified, pathetic, surprised moan escaping her throat when she felt something warm and sticky slip between her tight, swollen slit.
His tongue.
She clenched her hand harder in his white hair, feeling her cousin's hand slide down her leg, to the very spot her lover had touched earlier – this time, however, she didn't feel the unpleasant pain as his fingertips merely circled around her oversensitive little bud, causing her to leak, stimulated from the inside and outside.
"– ah – oh, gods, t-too much, too much –" She mewled in despair as she tried to pull away from him, never having experienced a similar sensation before, he, however, held her in an iron grip, his free hand sliding from her face under the material of her gown, to her breasts.
"– you wanted it yourself – go on –" He said matter-of-factly in a way that sent a shiver through her – she tilted her head back, feeling the servant's tongue accelerate, forcing its way again and again deep inside her hot, throbbing cunt.
In some subconscious, involuntary reflex, she sought refuge, not knowing what to do with the waves of tickling pleasure and tension that were rising in her body, so she turned her face towards him and he leaned in, letting their foreheads touch.
For some reason she wanted to cry.
He was so close.
The gentle touch of his hand between her thighs, his thumb teasing lazily her hard nipple, his hot breath on her face, his embrace was too familiar, too safe.
"– if only you were my little sister – I'd caress you like this every night – would you like it? –" He breathed out encouragingly, and she shuddered all over in his arms, feeling her lover's tongue hit the sweet spot inside her again and again, her and her cousin's hips beginning to rub against each other, his manhood unashamedly hard and swollen.
If only you were my little sister.
I want this, she thought.
I want to be what you want me to be.
"– what would your father say at the sight of this – hm? – do you think he would be proud? –" He whispered, sinking his fingers into the throbbing folds of her moist womanhood, weeping with desire, teasing with lazy, slow circles her little bud.
She felt tears under her eyelids as she shook her head.
She didn't know.
She didn't know what her father would say to this sight.
He wasn't there for her.
He hadn't protected her.
"– you like it, don't you? – I can feel you're close – come on his face –" He exhaled and she shook her head, moaning from exertion, feeling something approaching, the tingling tension between her thighs unbearable, her breath heavy and hitched, droplets of sweat running down her skin.
"– g-gods, stop –" She mumbled out with difficulty, feeling that she couldn't take it any longer, and then she was shaken by a pleasure foreign and overpowering, hot and sweet, flowing in waves through her whole body, her lips, her nipples, her fingertips, her silken walls clenching around nothing.
For a moment she heard or saw nothing, heard his soothing whisper, his warm breath enveloping her face, his hands closed over her womanhood and over her breasts just continued to press against her skin, allowing her to calm down.
"You may leave. If you tell anyone about this, I will cut your tongue out." She heard his cold voice, but knew it wasn't meant for her – the man lying between her thighs had risen and simply stepped off the bed, leaving them alone, and she sighed loudly, as if she had just accomplished some extraordinary, demanding feat.
She didn't know why she had sought refuge in his embrace, why she had turned in his arms and snuggled into his body, burying her face in his neck, why she had felt nothing but peace as one of his hands lay on her back while the other slowly stroked her hair.
One by one tears ran down her cheeks, shame, relief and sadness spilling over her heart, making her only able to lie down and breathe. She closed her eyes, concentrating on his scent, the warmth of his body that pulsed almost imperceptibly, his manhood pushing against her stomach, his hands trailing gently over her body.
She thought that he was certainly proud of himself, but she decided that it didn't matter.
She needed his arms, she needed to hide, to disappear, to melt into him as one, not to think, not to feel, not to exist.
She fell asleep.
When she awoke, it was late afternoon – there was no one in the chamber but her, however, she knew it was not a dream.
Her bedding was soaked with his scent.
She wasn't sure who had benefited from what had happened. She decided, however, surprised by this discovery, that she did not regret it and did not intend to think about it again.
It had never happened.
As he had ordered, she was already ready before dawn, waiting for him in the courtyard in her riding attire, his mother, clearly displeased with his idea, tried to stop him, to his apparent annoyance.
"You cannot leave the Red Keep without Vhagar. Who will protect us?" She asked, and her son rolled his eyes, impatient, licking his lower lip.
"I leave you in the care of Sunfyre and Dreamfyre. May my brother be of some use for once. With the help of the gods, we will return in about four days with a new dragon on our side." He said and stepped around her, mounting his horse and nodding at her to do the same.
When they reached Vhagar's lair, the dragoness raised lazily her large head, looking at them curiously – having seen her almost every day, she had already become accustomed to her presence and scent, remaining calm.
"Come." He said, and she moved to follow him, seeing that he had taken in his hands some of the bags his horse had been carrying on its back earlier.
She walked behind him, never coming this close to her, watching as the prince tied the grey bags to the ropes hanging from the saddle.
"What are you waiting for? Climb up." He said, glancing at her impatiently, and she nodded, surprised by his directness.
They both had no intention of showing that what had happened had affected them in any way.
Being with him meant a constant battle for dominance.
So be it, she thought and glanced up, sighing quietly.
She was afraid that Vhagar would not be happy that someone other than her rider was trying to climb onto her back, she, however, merely tilted her head towards her and watched her, not moving from her place.
"Lykirī, Vhagar. Lykirī." Her cousin reassured her as she, panting heavily, climbed with great difficulty over one of the ropes to her very back and sat down in the large leather saddle.
She blinked as her cousin appeared at her side shortly afterwards, as if covering the same distance hadn't caused him any trouble, and sat behind her, pulling the bags up, using the ropes so that they weren't hanging down.
She grunted, leaning forward, hugging the front of the saddle, feeling him all too clearly, his body pressed against her buttocks and back. She shuddered as he slipped his hands under her shoulders, grabbed a couple of the front ropes and called out loudly.
She squealed, terrified, hugging the saddle as the dragoness suddenly rose up on her paws, moving forward with a loud thump, and closed her eyes as she spread her great wings and flapped them, struggling to slowly lift herself into the air.
She had never experienced something so terrifying and liberating at the same time.
It wasn't until Vhagar had stabilised her flight and was gliding through the heavens that she dared to open her eyes – she froze in awe, seeing clouds all around her, doing what other people could only dream of.
Indeed, there was something wonderful about it, she thought with delight.
In the freedom that flight in the skies offered.
She leaned against the front of the saddle, simply looking ahead with a smile, watching the sun rise in the distance. She drew in a loud breath, feeling her heart beat harder as his cheek pressed against hers, apparently resting in this position.
She felt his erection pushing against her buttocks again, but neither of them spoke.
It was just a man's natural reaction to a woman's closeness, nothing more, she thought.
She knew he was playing with her – she knew he already understood what she wanted.
What she needed.
This was why he nuzzled his nose into her cheek, why he persisted in this position: he wanted to break her, wanted her to love what he could be for her.
She felt tears under her eyelids, her eyebrows arching in pain knowing that it was all just a lie.
Her father would never come back for her, and even if he did, it would only be for the sake of the dragon, if she could tame it.
But not for her.
She was of no value to either of them.
As they landed with a thud on the ground in the middle of a wasteland full of hills, evening was approaching. It was only when she opened her eyes, horrified by how intense the landing itself had been, that she realised that her cousin had not chosen this place without reason.
He must have noticed from above what she could see clearly now – vast expanses of black, scorched earth with dozens of animal skeletons.
She shuddered as she heard her cousin untie the bags they had taken with them, letting them fall to the ground, and after a moment he slid down the rope to the bottom, landing lightly on the ground himself.
"Come here."
She made big eyes, feeling that this height terrified her. She swallowed hard, turning her back, grabbing the line and squealed as she suddenly slid down it with far too much speed, thinking she was just going to kill herself.
She gasped as she felt someone's arms soften her fall, supporting her, his impatient sigh told her it was not a graceful jump.
"Get yourself together. We're going to recon. It's fresh tracks, it must not be far." He said, and she nodded, feeling her legs grow all stiff from the long hours of travelling in the saddle.
Her cousin looked around, as if trying to remember this place and how they were supposed to get back here, then moved ahead quickly, making her have to almost run after him.
"When we find it. What should I do? Approach it right away?" She exhaled, following him step by step.
"Mmm. No, you'd better not do anything rash. No sudden movements. You can't make a mistake." He said coldly, and she swallowed hard, thinking in the back of her mind that it was easy for him to say.
However, despite all the absurdity of the situation, she felt excitement.
If she succeeded, she would return to King's Landing on the back of her own dragon.
They climbed one of the peaks, from which they could see clearly in the distance the lying silhouette of Vhagar, the fields, hills and valleys, but not a trace of the dragon. Her cousin pressed his lips together, frustrated.
He thought this would be easier, and the dragon would come to them on its own, she thought with a sneer, but she dared not provoke him, knowing that they were both tired.
"We must turn back. It will be dark soon. We will start tomorrow before sunrise, moving in the opposite direction." He ordered and she nodded, following obediently behind him, looking around at the familiar landscapes.
She had an advantage over him here, she thought.
She knew these places, she knew these people.
So why didn't she feel the need to run away?
When they returned to Vhagar's liege, darkness surrounded them. Her cousin had picked up a few long, thick branches on the way, and when they sat down on the grass he laid them down and lit a fire using a flint he had taken from one of his bags.
She did not ask his permission, which did not escape his notice as she untied one of them and began rummaging through it.
"What are you doing?" He asked matter-of-factly, adding wood to the fire, watching her out of the corner of his eye.
"What did you take for us as nourishment?" She answered with a question to a question, causing him to merely turn his face away from her, trying to control himself for sure and not hurt her with his own hands.
"Bread and smoked meat." He said, and she sighed, pulling out a waterskin with spring water, drinking a few deep sips from it.
"If I had known that this would be our sustenance for the next few days, I would have asked you to bring a bow with us and I would have provided our meal myself." She said regretfully, and his face turned abruptly towards her.
"You don't need to eat. You will survive on water alone until our return to King's Landing." He hissed, meeting her tired, weary gaze.
"I have cooked many times while hunting with my uncle. It's a useful skill." She replied, pulling a woollen blanket from the pouch with which she covered herself.
Although Vhagar lay beside them, they were high between the hills where a strong, chilly wind was blowing.
She knew the night would be difficult.
Her cousin no longer spoke to her, gazing into the flames as if he could see something in them, his past or his future, his silhouette sitting on the Iron Throne or his fall from the heavens.
Finally, he lay down on the uncomfortably hard ground, placing one of his bags under his head, covering himself with the other blanket, and turned his back to her.
They couldn't sleep too close to Vhagar, for there was a risk that she would simply crush them by turning in her sleep. Therefore, they had to lie at a great distance from her, and their only source of heat was the fire.
She closed her eyes, trying not to think as her teeth began to chatter, her body trembling, her hands clenched into fists with each stronger gust of wind.
If this kept up, they'd both wake up with a fever.
"I'm cold." She said.
A long one.
"I'm really cold. Aren't you?" She mumbled, guessing that he was suffering as much as she was, but would sooner die than admit it.
Targaryens and their fucking pride.
She stood up and walked a few steps with her blanket towards him, causing him to have exactly the reaction she wanted – he raised himself on his elbow and looked towards her, his jaw clenched in frustration.
"You have no shame."
"I don't care about shame. I'm supposed to die in dragon fire, not from the cold." She said and lay down beside him, slipping under his blanket, covering them with the other to create a thicker layer to protect them from the cold.
He slumped to the ground, letting the air out loudly, looking up at the stars as if he had given up. She embraced him, but not because she sought safety in his arms, but because he was a source of warmth that she wanted to cling to at all costs, hugging her face to his chest.
They stayed like that in silence, not moving – at first his whole body was tense, as if he thought that what she had done was just an excuse for her to slip her hand under his breeches and shamelessly try to seduce him – he relaxed, however, when he realised that all she really wanted was to lie in the warmth, and since he himself apparently felt better, also warmed by her presence, he said nothing more.
"What did you feel when you tamed Vhagar?" She whispered, looking ahead at the outline of the hills and mountains around them, feeling the cool breeze on her cheeks.
She was sure he wouldn't answer and felt herself begin to slowly fall asleep when she heard his quiet voice.
She blinked, surprised, not expecting him to put it this way.
"Why?" She dared to ask further, still not looking at him, his heart hidden beneath the material of his tunic and cloak hit hard.
"I gave my family a reason to be proud." He explained, a note of bitterness in his words, as if something in that memory was painful to him.
She pressed her lips into a thin line, thinking with disappointment that she had never been anyone's pride.
Nothing she did mattered – not really.
She felt a single, lone tear run down her cheek onto the material of his leather coat and inhaled loudly, saying nothing more.
She shuddered, pulled out of her reverie when he slided his arm out from between their bodies – she froze when she felt him embrace her, cuddling her into his body, his fingers running through her soft hair as his cheek rested against her forehead.
She snuggled into him, into the merciless substitute of a protector he was to her, feeling the warmth in her chest as he let her face sink into his neck.
She knew that a part of him sympathised with her – she knew that, like her, he understood that in a day or two she might die for his cause, and so in some twisted definition of duty he tried to give her what she had craved all her life as a consolation prize for what she might lose.
It was so pathetic that she clenched her eyes shut and let heavy tears of shame run down her cheeks, her breath hitched and heavy, filled with pain.
She let him do this, let him take advantage of her desperation, the fact that she wanted so much to satisfy his vanity, because of how unavailable he reminded her of her father – by satisfying him, in her mind she was satisfying the man on whose lap she had sat as a small child, imagining that he had given her a second chance.
He created a lie for her to be able to endure what he was condemning her to.
"If you succeed. If you tame a dragon." He whispered, and she froze, feeling that he was about to reveal something vital to her, some secret he had never told anyone. "I will treat you like my little sister. I will care for you, and your place will always be by my side."
She shook her head, thinking how cruel he was, knowing exactly what to say, what to do to break her heart, to bend her to his will, to make sure she never betrayed him.
She cried out helplessly as he hugged her tighter to his body, as he cupped her cheek in his broad palm, rough from wielding his sword, and pressed his forehead against hers in a gesture that was too intimate, too tender, too sweet.
"I will protect you."
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Reign down on me - Part 8
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Pairing: Ghost x Hybrid!reader (eventual poly!141)
No use of y/n or mention of gender/race
Summary: Reader is a wolf hybrid in a world that treats them like second class citizens, given a horrible start in life after being thrown into the military with no preparation. After years of struggle, they're finally taken away from their base by Ghost, now a permanent member of taskforce 141 reader struggles to come to terms with the fact that perhaps there's a life there for them - if only they reach out and accept it.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, Angst, abuse mentions, self doubt, violent scenes
A/N: So this is kind of a Part 1 of a whole chapter because i wanted to give you guys something. So the next chapter will have a bit more going on, hope you enjoy this for now! Excited for any comments or theories you guys have about what's going to happen 💕
The major opened the door slowly and then gently closed it shut behind him, sparing a quick glance at you before he walked over to Price’s desk with only a few long strides. He was a tall man with gleaming shoes and a pristine uniform to match, his red hair combed back neatly on top of his head. You took in everything, your breathing almost slowed to a stop while you waited for the news. Only when he sat down at the uncomfortable wooden chair in front of Price did he speak. 
“Before I start, I want to say that I know you’re a busy man and that your team are integral to many ongoing operations that are running. However,” the major paused, his accent thickly weaving his words. “After the incident outside your hallway with Second Lieutenant Smith, I’m afraid to say that I must ask you to carve out some time for me.”
Price laughed at that. Not a warm chuckle or a dark little rumble, like you were used to hearing over comms or during training. This was one of disbelief, the little glinting breaths coming through like warning shots. 
“I’d hardly call that an incident, Major. A silly boy decided to test my hybrid and got exactly what he deserved. There ain’t much more to it,” Price grunted.
He straightened his back and leaned over his table, appearing every bit as menacing as you imagined he could be. The way his eyes appeared to darken below his tilted heavy brow were enough to send even you gulping - and you were the one he was defending. The Major didn’t seem to react however, he wasn’t cowed by the show, he merely sniffed and set his own arms on the desk. 
“Ordinarily I’d agree with ye, Price, you know I would. That wasn’t just any boy though, his da’s some parliamentary arsehole and he wants atonement.”
That gave Price pause.
You sucked in a breath and dug your fingers into the couch cushions, feeling the fabric strain and almost give way under your claws. The shaking started seconds later. You were going to be punished after all. 
Who would do the whipping, you wondered, I don’t want it to be any of the boys, definitely not Ghost. A small whine escaped your throat at  the thought of that before you could cram it down. Ghost was supposed to be safe. The idea that he’d be the one looming over you and raining down pain on your back left your throat feeling crushingly tight. 
“You’re not laying a finger on my wolf, do you hear me?” Price said, his voice so low he might as well have growled at the Major. 
His. The way he said it was so possessive compared to the way you normally heard that, the way that Ghost usually said it. Ghost’s good Pup. His sweet thing. Price said that you were his with all the ferocity of a wild animal. Like something was threatening to drag you off into the unknown. 
“Look I’m not gonna bullshit you here. I tried insisting on something like committed service hours, guard duty or sniffing - that sort of thing. He wasn’t going for it. The problem isn’t so much with what the hybrid did - it’s your Lieutenant he wants to prove a point to most of all. He wants Ghost to know he can’t get away with insulting his family.” 
“So what? He wants Ghost punished?” Price snorted, tilting his chin up in challenge. “You gonna string him up to the post and all are ya?”
The major sighed deeply and rubbed his brow. 
“No ones getting strung up, don’t jump to conclusions. He said that he wants the hybrid locked down for a week, they’re to be placed with the Smith boy’s squad and kenneled, only to be removed should a mission arise where the hybrid’s presence is essential…now, before you go thinking that you can conjure up some kind of week long escapade, he explicitly stated the sentence is to pause while away and resume on return.”
I’d rather be whipped bloody, you thought. The exact thing you were afraid of was coming to fruition. You were to be stripped of what you’d come to love and return to your old way of life, worse still was the thought that you didn’t even know what the kennels were like in your new base, didn’t know if they could extend your stay which would often happen at Branhaven. There was every chance you could be stuck with that horrible bastard indefinitely. Ghost had made a point of letting you know that he never intended on punishing you like that, that you wouldn’t while away your hours in a dingy cell block, or be made to face a post ever again. 
The memory of him settling his hand on your shoulder and squeezing ever so gently as he explained his approach to discipline was so strong, you almost felt his spirit lingering there beside you. He’d said he wouldn’t ever put you out in the cold or whip you unless his hand was forced, and even then he insisted he’d fight whoever threatened you. 
Would he fight a major? A politician?
“This is bullshit,” Price scoffed, smacking his hand off his desk and making you jump. “Hobbling my team because his little brat got slapped around is pathetic! What next? Would he like to bend Ghost over while he’s at it? Really, Major, this is a farce.”
“It is, aye. Exactly what happens when you tangle with those sorts, you know that as well as anyone though.”
Price’s face was the dictionary definition of scorn. You shrank back into the sofa, subconsciously trying to become a part of it and escape from all the tension. The major didn’t even wince through it. He faced Price with all the stoicism of a tree on a calm day, but Price continued to rant and plead your case until you thought his red face might start to turn purple. All the while you listened with quick little bursts of scared breath. 
The conversation didn’t go anywhere except against a dead end, ramming over and over into the same conclusion. The major grew tired of Price’s fit and walked out, saying that he’d expect you checked into the kennel’s by the end of the night. He let the threat of what would happen, should he fail to comply, linger somewhere above you - like an anvil - in the air. 
Price growled out a profanity as the door slammed closed. Only when the air had settled and the Major’s presence fully left did he turn to you and soften. His eyes, that had held so much venom, melted from slits and into doleful pools, his taught mouth slackened.
“Pup…” He sighed, looking you over.
He didn’t finish the sentiment. There was a wordless understanding between you both that he didn’t have the vocabulary for the sympathies he wanted to convey. With that quiet look of apology given he sighed out and pressed his head into his palms. 
“Fuckin’ shower of cunts the lot of em.”
Price hadn’t immediately given up of course. He picked up his phone and got to talking to numerous sources, but apparently none of them were of any use. You flinched back from where you were perched every time he hung up his phone with a bang. It almost made you feel sorry for the thing. No matter what arguments were made, no one was willing to hear Price out. That much was clear after he’d clattered down into his old chair like a shot bird. 
You had expected as much.
In the end it was you that convinced Price just to take you to the kennels. Making a point of stressing that it would be far better to go before Ghost could come back. Something within you shook at the idea of being put back into the same horrible place by the same man that had rescued you from there to begin with. At having Ghost have to take the responsibility on his shoulders, once more letting down a hybrid in his care. 
After being checked in and issued a bedroll, it was time to say your good nights. You stared at Price through the doorway of the kennel, biting your frayed lip. No matter what he said, you knew well enough that it was your own stupid stubborn fault that you were back there again - for not just acquiescing to the brat’s commands in the first place. Stunts like that were the exact reason that you had the disciplinary record that you did. Always going against anyone that wanted to shove you down, all in the name of some kind of renegade fantasy that you had any control over your life. Fiercely defending the shreds of your honour as if you hadn’t spent most of your life as a beaten dog. 
At the very least though, conditions were far better than your old haunt at Branhaven. That was something, you tried to tell yourself. The shiny black sleeping bag they’d given you was plenty thick and there was a groaning old heater that rattled overhead, so that the nipping cold temperatures felt more like being left in a draughty room. Even the construction wasn’t as bad as the other ones, rubber crumb flooring like that of a playground, meant that you wouldn’t get as stiff and a hard fibreglass front over the concrete walls meant that you wouldn’t be exposed to the elements. It was almost possible to think of it like a stay at the worlds worst hotel, rather than a mandated stay in the kennels. 
It wasn’t home, but at least you knew that you’d get to return there as long as you listened and kept your stupid trap shut for once. Home with Ghost. Now that you’d calmed down after the initial shock of being issued the punishment, an internal clock had materialised in your head. The countdown to when you could go home. All you had to do was take your medicine and you could be with Ghost again, everything could go back to how it was. That thought alone was enough to keep the needling panic at the back of your mind firmly restrained there. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more,” Price said, his voice stony and rough. “I don’t wanna leave you here, Pup…I really don’t.”
“Don’t wanna leave me, or don’t wanna have to face Ghost and tell him I’m here?” You said, making an attempt to lift his heavy expression. 
He grunted something that could be interpreted as a bitter chuckle. 
You smiled a little, but didn’t have it in you to laugh. At seeing your expression, he crossed the threshold between you both and closed his palm over your head. His roughened fingers skimmed over your ears and softly rubbed some of the worry out from deep within your tissue. A proper moment of reprieve settled over your body, loosening tight muscles, before you were forced to part again by the approaching footsteps of the guard.
“Sorry, Sir. I have to lock all the kennels up for the night for lights out,” he explained sheepishly, eyes not fully able to reach Price’s gaze.
Price nodded at him and went to comply, though only after giving you one last ruffle over the ears. He stepped back after and allowed the fibre glass door to snick to a close. Your heart thumped extra loudly while it shut. Price gave you one last mournful look and then told you to get some rest, assuring you that he’d be watching over you even from afar. 
“Good night, Price,” you whispered back, watching his retreating back with sorrow filled eyes.
The guard grunted and double checked the door, ensuring it was locked and rattling the mechanism a few times before he was satisfied. The soft click of metal on metal forced your ears to twitch upward into alert. 
“Get into your bedroll. Light’s out,” the guard said, his voice hardened now that your Captain was gone. “If you cause trouble or give me any crap you’ll be removed for discipline and then returned here. Do you understand?”
“Understood, Sir,” you nodded, unfurling the sleeping bag with a shiver.
The guard allowed you to sort your bedding and once inside the puffy roll of fabric he flicked the light switch and left you bathed in the darkness. He continued down the line from there, the only evidence of his presence, the fading lights down the line and the clicking of switches and doors. 
You whined softly while rubbing your face against the cold fabric below, blanching at the cold rubber flooring. Your heart lurched at the thought of your bed back home. The thought of your cushy blue pillows, Simon’s soft fur, the dialogue unread from the ‘Super-Wolf’ graphic novels by your bed, the smell of rotisserie chicken that was supposed to linger in the air, no where to be found in that sterile place. This was all wrong.
No matter what position you got in, no matter how hard you tried to shut your mind off and return to old coping mechanisms, the idea that you could be safely in your bed weighed on your chest like an elephant. Before you were used to being shoved into a kennel and forgotten about, but now you knew that there was a better life. A life that had been ripped from you.
You wanted to scream, wanted to claw your way out of the sleeping bag and slam yourself against the clear glass like a mad person, wanted to raise hell until you were returned to your rightful place. Though you never followed through. You had to be good now. It was the only thing that would get you home. 
Instead, you let your head loll to the back wall, facing the speckled brick and let loose the tears that you hadn’t wanted Price to have to witness again. Couldn’t have him thinking that you were completely pathetic afterall. The hot paths they left burned against your cold cheeks, though they still couldn’t compete with the heat that filled your aching chest. 
I’ll be with them again. Ghost won’t let me go. 
“Mum…I had a nightmare. The monsters want to take me away.”
Your little tail was pinned fast under your legs, your ears folded so close to your head you could feel the fibres of your hair even through your fur. Blinking back the tears from your eyes, you swallowed and looked up at her imploringly, hoping for a big cuddle just like the ones you’d seen her give to your older sister.
If she knew the meaning in your look, she didn’t show it. She groaned and got up from the couch, mumbling something under her breath before grabbing your wrist and shepherding you back to bed. The long dark corridors of your house seemed all the more haunting at night, the sounds of all the appliances ringing through the walls like wails. You shivered all the way back to your tiny room. Your mum’s iron grip may as well have been a shackle tugging you to prison. 
“Right, get back to sleep. You won’t have another nightmare after you’ve just had one.”
She turned the light on while you sorted yourself, impatiently hovering by the switch until you were lying back in bed and clinging the stuffed dog that your sister hadn’t wanted - had so graciously thrown at you one day - to your chest. His name was faint to you now, a shadow in your anxiety addled mind, what did you call him again? 
“Sleep tight,” she sighed, turning the light out and spiriting out the door. 
You blinked out through the darkness and sighed, curling into a little ball and trying your best to retreat from the leering shadows in the corner of the room. In that darkness your mind created faces, grinning horrible faces that wanted to gobble you up and turn you into mince. Just like the monsters from that horrible movie your dad had watched the night before, completely unaware that you had been hiding under the dining table, trying to avoid your mothers wrath for the milk that you’d spilled before bed.
“Monsters can’t get you here, sweetie,” you whispered to yourself, remembering the calming words you’d overheard in your sister’s room a few nights prior. “Nothing will get you when you’re safely tucked up…snug as a bug in a rug. You have your teddy to protect you, he’ll watch over you all night! Then in the morning everything will be fine again and the sun will be shining.”
The words didn’t seem to hold the same weight when you said them to yourself. They just rang hollow in the static. Perhaps they didn’t work the same since you were different, a half-breed ‘thing’ that no one asked for. Were you worth protecting? Would the sun shine for you in the morning?
“Hey, Pup. Oi. It’s ok, you’re alright. Easy…Easy”
You gulped in a hungry breath of air and opened your eyes, chest absolutely heaving as you fought off the last of the evil spirits that cackled and snapped at your extremities. In all your confusion between sleeping and waking, you couldn’t be sure if the arms that were wrapped around you were real, and if they were, you couldn’t be sure that they were friendly. 
When you whipped round and saw Gaz staring down at you with wide concerned eyes, you still questioned to yourself if you were in another layer of a dream. This couldn’t be right, you thought drowsily. 
“Gaz?” you mumbled, tilting your head when he smiled at you. “What are you doing here?”
“Saving you from the bogeyman apparently,” he smirked, ruffling your ears until you swatted his hands away. “That looked like a fuckin’ mental dream, mate.”
“No, Really - what are you doing here?”
You looked around, noting the wide open kennel door and the hazy blue sky beyond, a soft gradient of navy and electric blue sheeted over the fences and trees beyond. It couldn’t be any later than three, maybe four at a stretch. Your sleeping bag was tangled round your ankles and the heater had turned off, but other than that nothing had changed in the kennel. 
All was quiet on base, no cars whizzed by, barely any noise sounded through the crisp morning air. Sleep soon scratched at your eyes, forcing you to rub them and then embarrassingly let loose a high pitched whining yawn that had your face heating like a furnace in embarrassment.
“Aw, you are just a cute Pup, aren’t you?”
“Gaz!” you growled, trying to fix him with a stare serious enough that he would answer. 
It was no use though. He wasn’t Soap, so a little mean look did nothing to wipe the stupid smile of his smug face. Though he did relent when you growled, and when he noticed your darting looks round the opened gate, probably seeing that you were searching for the guard. At that point you’d suspected Gaz had to have stuffed him in a locker or something. 
“Relax, you can stop clutching your pearls. Price has a mission for us.”
“What?” you frowned, thoroughly doubtful, “Really? Right after I got kenneled, huh?”
“Genuinely,” He snorted, shaking his head. “I didn’t believe him at first either, but he wasn’t in the mood to piss about and explain himself. Cap said to come get you and load up ASAP, he’ll explain when we’re in the air.”
“We’re flying out?”
“Uh huh. Sooner the better too, can’t believe they made you spend a night in this place. What a fuckin’ joke.”
“Doesn’t feel like a joke to my back,” you ground out, wincing mid stretch when you felt a bone crack and heard the resulting sound. 
“Jesus. You keep making noises like that and they might retire you,” Gaz snorted.
“Ha ha,” you said dryly.
He gave you room to move away from him, allowing you to stand up before looking you over. It was almost comical seeing the way he searched you for any signs of harm, his calculating eyes narrowed as if he were looking for weapons. He paused a moment, only unfreezing when you raised your brows at him and quirked your lips. 
“You solid?” he asked.
“I think so. You?”
“It’s three in the morning and I’m freezing my arse out here instead of being passed out in bed - course I’m not,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes and bumped into his side, happily strolling out of the kennel and out into freedom. One night down you, you thought, only six more to go until I get to go back to my bed. At the very least you were happy you wouldn’t have to go to that prick, Smith’s, unit for the day. More than having to be separated from Ghost, you feared what he would do to you while in his care. You strongly suspected he’d have more than a slap lined up for you at that point. 
Gaz lead you to the changing rooms before taking you to the chinook, handing you your gear and waiting on the squeaky wooden benches outside the shower block while you got ready. Then after taking the world’s quickest and coldest shower, trying miserably not to get your hair or fur wet, you stepped out to greet him with gritted teeth and soggy ears. If one thing was abundantly clear then, it was the fact that Ghost had utterly spoiled you. There was no way you could face a cold shower again without thinking about the bathroom at his.
“When I get to go back to Ghost I’m gonna live in that shower,” you huffed, teeth chattering while wrapping yourself up in the big cosy fleece that Ghost had given you a few days before. “I’m gonna stay in there until I turn into a prune and then I’ll make sure that Ghost cans me and traps all the warm condensation in.”
Gaz laughed while watching you lace `up your boots last. Your fingers were shaking still from the bone chilling cold that had seeped through your entire body. It was a wonder that you thankfully managed to finish changing without any help. As much as you had considered pathetically asking him to tie them for you, you werent sure if you could go on soldiering knowing that Gaz had to help you like you were some kind of baby. 
“Pup in a can sounds like a pretty good product. New kind of IED discovered, we can just start lobbing you at the enemy instead of wasting grenades.”
“Lobbing me?” You said in faux shock, flattening your drippy ears. “I can’t believe you would even suggest that.”
“What? It’s a pretty solid strategy, would work wonders if we were facing an army of Mactavishes.”
“Gaz!” You squawked, flinging your dirty shirt at him. “Mean!”
He batted it away easily and laughed with you. 
“Oh c’mon. Soap would laugh if he was here.”
“Pfft, Soap here? coming to the kennels? Fat chance.”
“Aw, I’m sure he’d do it for you. His little furball,” Gaz teased, ruffling your ears. “Our fuzzy wuzzy puppy.”
You huffed and shooed his hands away, growling when he went to mess with you again. Gaz didn’t flinch at that, but he did roll his eyes and move back to lean against the wall. He was graciously allowing you to put away the rest of your gear in peace so that you could move out. He grew quiet while you shoved your things into the soft green rucksack, and just as you’d clicked the clasp on your bag closed, he regarded you with a more considering look. 
“What?” Gaz returned, folding his arms. 
You frowned. 
“You’re looking at me funny.”
“Maybe it’s cause you’re funny,” he shrugged. 
“Shame that you’re not,” you replied dryly. 
“Well shit. Mess with the wolf and you get the fangs, huh?”
“You know it, Garrick.”
The chinook was more comfortable than the kennel. That you figured out after your belly was filled with a fat bacon roll and you had Gaz’s shoulder to lean on. Your eyelids dripped like syrup, lashes fluttering as you listened to Price drone on about the mission over the shaky comms. 
“Pup, are you listening? Knew I shouldn’t have bloody given you breakfast first,” Price admonished. 
You slowly blinked back at him.
“I am,” you huffed out, straightening your back against the chair. “We got evidence of WMD’s in Lata, so we’re gonna go there and secure em with a team from Los Vaqueros forces.”
“Top marks,” Gaz chuckled, ruffling your ears. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“These ears ain’t for nothin’,” you said with a sly grin. 
“Those ears better stay alert,” Price grumbled. “I need you alive and well so Ghost doesn’t disembowel me on return.”
Your ears perked up at that, your body quickly straightening up all the way. In all your tiredness and confusion at being taken away, you’d hardly thought about how Ghost would’ve felt about you being seperated from him for the first time. 
“You spoke to him last night then?”
“Tried to,” Price snorted. “After I told him where you were he just about bowled me over trying to get to you. Managed to convince him to let you be, but he was a pain in my arse all night. He wants to speak to you later, so if you would please be careful today me and my neck would thank you.”
“Is he coming here?” You asked hopefully, tail raising in your excitement.
“Probably not. If all goes well we should be outta here in a few days to a week. He said to call once we finish up tonight though.”
Oh. As much as you tried to stop yourself from visibly deflating, there was little you could do to prevent yourself falling back against the chair with a huff. It had already been to long without him and it had only been a day. The thought of the growing distance only gnawed at you as you thought about it more. 
“Relax, Pup. You’ll be back home to Ghost before you know it,” Price hummed. “Just gotta get through this in one piece first.”
“Yeah…but that’ll only be after I finish up my time at the kennels,” you grumbled, fully sagging into Gaz in defeat. 
“We’ll see.”
You tilted your head at the Captain wondering what the hell he meant by that, and even though he saw your curious look he didn’t answer it. All he did was wink. Even when you begged him to elaborate he shook his head and tilted down his boonie hat, making it perfectly clear that the time for talking was done.
“You could use more sleep yourself,” Gaz said afterward, watching you in your confusion. “Don’t worry too much about the future right now, you barely got any sleep last night by the sounds of that dream you were having, so you’re not gonna be able to think straight. Rest your head on me and I’ll try and keep the nightmares at bay, ok? Gotta wake up fresh for the mission.”
You pursed your lips, heart beating like a frail bird in your chest. So many questions danced around you, but every thought was dimmed by the tiring heaviness that had refused to shake itself from your body from the moment you’d woken up.
Gaz was right, you did need more sleep. And curling up on him sounded like a dream. However when you looked up into his soft hazel eyes, a sudden wave of heat pulsed through you and gave you pause. He practically glowed in the emerging morning light. 
“You sure you want me cuddling up to you?” you asked, laughing breathily to cover up your nervousness.
“Only as long as you don’t tell Ghost,” he winked. “Wouldn’t want him to get jealous.”
You shoved him playfully at that, but soon settled down once Price barked out for you both to be quiet. Bodies going ridgid before slackening into each other. Your head drooped gently down onto Gaz’s shoulder and he let his cheek rest on top of your head. The warm rays of the morning blanketed you both in its gentle hold and in minutes you were sinking into a now peaceful sleep.
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Boys as young as 14 have been asking their teachers how to choke girls during sex, a teacher has told the BBC.
Dr Tamasine Preece, who teaches at Bryntirion Comprehensive in Bridgend, said some children now felt it was a normal part of sex and asked if "a soft squeeze on the neck is OK".
Health experts said pornography was a key contributor and that there was no safe way to strangle someone.
One woman, Sophie Henson, who was strangled until she passed out, said choking should not be normalised as part of sex.
It comes after warnings following the death of 26-year-old dancer Georgia Brooke, who was choked to death during sex with her boyfriend.
Dr Preece, the school's curriculum lead for health and wellbeing, said there had been questions "creeping in, such as 'How can I choke someone safely?'".
She added: "I’ve certainly been told by some children that they think that girls really want to be choked - with one saying girls are mad for it."
Johanna Robinson, Wales’ national adviser on violence against women and girls, has heard similar examples.
"I’ve spoken to sexual health nurses who told me men in college were asking questions like 'How do I safely strangle my partner?' One young person was quoted to me asking 'What do I do if I need to resuscitate my partner?'.'"
Last year, Sophie Henson was strangled by her ex partner as part of an aggressive situation.
"He gripped me by the throat so tight, I thought I was going to die," said the 24-year-old from Bridgend.
"I felt like a dead fish, my mouth was open, my body was so limp."
Sophie said she felt carrying out the act previously in the bedroom had blurred the lines, making it more acceptable.
"He'd say, 'You liked it 10 minutes ago during sex, why don't you like it now?'"
She's now warning other women to seek out and assess the risks before consenting to it as part of sex.
She said stories of it being normalised among young people were "worrying".
"Everyone is entitled to their bedroom manners, but there's no way it is safe," she added.
"There is a risk factor and it shouldn't be experimented with lightly - do your research and ask questions."
Her ex-partner Zach Pennell was convicted of coercive control and intentional strangulation in January this year.
Dr Preece said conversations needed to include consent and how that must continue throughout sex.
She encourages conversation in her classroom, so teenagers understand consent is needed rather than "just blindly accepting it" and encourages children to talk to their parents as well.
She added: "Rather than just choking specifically we talk about the fact there should be no abuse of any kind in sexual relationships.
"We can shy away from these issues or we can be realistic that they’re happening and making sure that we’re the ones having conversations with our children rather than leaving it to tech companies."
Ms Robinson echoed this message, saying: "How much harm do we need to see happen before we’re brave enough to have these conversations?
"I don’t think young people realise the potential harm - it can take little pressure to cause damage or cause someone to be unconscious.
"Helping young people to understand that is a first step."
Dr Kate Howells, an associate specialist in sexual health, believes more people think strangulation is expected, with "a lot" of young women telling her it had happened to them.
She believes instant access to porn for anyone with a phone is a key factor for it.
"People are watching it from a very young age and, for a lot of young people, it is their first sexual experience and therefore they’re almost looking to porn to learn about sex and what to do to be good at sex.
"If young people are seeing that kind of messaging from pornography rather than loving or caring, respectful messages then they'll think that's what they need to do - whether they feel comfortable with it or not."
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