#he runs a little league team and he falls in love with it me thinks
nettedtangible · 28 days
An idea I love is when the Foxes become a more well-respected team in the league, Wymack starts talking to them about being “role models” and that they have all these young fans now who look up to them. And Neil is just horrified.
Then the Exy league organises this like, pre-game warm up meet and greet thing where they do some drills and games with the kids of the local teams in the area.
Everyone expects to have to keep Andrew away from the kids but he’s actually fantastic with them. He’s blunt and honest but he does try very hard and they absolutely love him.
Neil spends the entire time running away from the children and hiding behind Wymack (he tried hiding behind Andrew but Andrew was actually getting along with the little demons)
Kevin hates it but the kids LOVE him, they think it’s hilarious how grumpy and angry he gets and they keep falling over themselves laughing anytime he yells. They keep asking him to “do the grumpy voice” he starts yelling in French and they think it’s just about the funniest thing that’s ever happened.
Dan and Renee are keeping the whole thing on track, actually running through the drills and teaching the kids with endless patience. Dan has a little mini me girl who’s like 10 and the captain of her team and just wants to be Dan so bad so Dan gives her a whistle and she’s just shadowing her all day, blowing her whistle whenever Dan tries to get someone’s attention.
Aaron and Allison hang back and only very reluctantly interact with the children.
Matt is the equivalent of a climbing gym. He has about 4 children hanging off various limbs at any given time and a little 6 year old has taken up permanent residence on his shoulders.
Nicky loooves it and teaches the kids all of bad words and gets them to play pranks on Kevin- which results in Kevin yelling at him and he and the kids falling over laughing.
One child seems to be really isolated and quiet. Neil sits with this kid so Wymack will stop yelling at him to get involved. They don’t talk at all but Neil gives the kid some gum and the kid manages a little smile.
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inkdrinkerworld · 7 months
may i request reverse comfort with dick grayson??
or something where he takes care of reader and protects them.
Oh oh I have a thought!!! Dick x shy Team doctor!reader after an attack at the compound.
“It’s never this way round,” Dick says as he ushers you to the medical room with a hand firmly pressed to your thigh.
“No,” your teeth are gritted and you can feel your pulse hammering and the blood rushing through your head.
“On a scale of one to amputation, how bad is it?” He asks and you scoff, a sound that quickly turns into a gasp as Dick sets you on the work table.
“Like a six, Dick. It’s mostly surface level.” You say, teeth still gritted as you move his hand and take a peek at the wound. “Okay, maybe a little deeper than surface.”
Dick looks piqued. There’s a wrinkle between his eyebrows and his usual quick witted quips fall short. “Deep enough for needles or butterfly stitches?” There’s a hint of panic in his words if you listen closely. Which you aren’t doing.
“Needles just to be safe,” Dick hands you a pack of them and a pair of scissors, a grimace set on his face. “You don’t have to stay for this. I can stitch myself up.”
He shakes his head. “You got laser-beamed in your thigh because you were trying to get between me and Darkseid- that was stupid by the way.”
You shrug, “What was he even doing here? Thought he was more of Clark’s problem?”
He bats your hand away from your thigh and grabs gauze and some rubbing alcohol. “He is, but you know, one member of the Justice League’s problem is a problem for all of them.”
You hiss when he presses the cold gauze into your thigh and he murmurs a soft apology.
“Will he be back?” Dick thinks your adrenaline is just coming down and you’re starting to think a little clearer. It also lends to the fear bleeding into your words.
“Probably, but you won’t be here when he does, gorgeous.”
You frown, “I won’t?” Maybe it’s the way you ask, that soft insecurity in your tone that makes Dick pause.
“Hey, not like that. The Bat has a million safe houses, so do I. You can choose where you want to go, yeah?”
Your frown doesn’t move an inch. “How safe would I be in a place with no one else? What if it’s compromised and I’m there alone.”
Dick sets the gauze down and takes the tools from your hands. His fingers push your hair away from your face and stroke your cheeks. “Hey, hey. You’re snowballing, baby.”
You take a deep breath and sag against him. “I just,” you pause. “I don’t want to be somewhere new all alone.” He rubs your back and squeezes your shoulders before sitting on your rolling chair.
Dick threads the needle as he sits and makes full eye contact with you as he starts the stitch. “You won’t be alone,”
You shake your head, leaning back on your palms. “A house full of people I don’t know? I’ll be alone, Dick.”
He shakes his head, “I’ll come with you, if you want.” He knows this could all just be fear, that the fear of something worse happening is running circles in your mind right now, but he does mean it. “It’ll help us get closer.” The joke does its job in making you smile- especially when his eyebrows dance.
You watch him close the hole on your thigh in silence for a little while before saying, “Will you bring your movies?”
Dick’s smile is gargantuan as he closes off the stitch. “And whatever else you want me to, but I should tell you I feel offended that you don’t think my sparkling personality would be enough entertainment.”
“I never said that,” you slap his arm as he stands, watching as he reaches for a gauze pad to wrap over the wound.
Dick’s hands settle at your waist, “I’m serious about you getting in front of me being dumb. You can’t do that again,” his eyes are all serious as he looks at you and you realise then that he’d actually been terrified. “I can take a hit, yeah?”
You nod, chewing the inside of your cheek to stop from saying something silly. Like confessing your love for him when it could be dismissed as your adrenaline. Or knowing Dick, he wouldn’t stop teasing you ever about how you confessed after he played doctor and it was a violation of patient doctor relationship rules.
“Not that there’s ever going to be a time where you get the chance to do it again.” You roll your eyes. “I’ll make some time to teach you some hand to hand combat if you insist on being part time vigilante though.”
“With who?” If he says himself you’re going to go ablaze. You really are.
He saves you the real embarrassment by flashing you a smug grin but all it does it twist your belly up in knots and make your chest squeeze at how much you like him.
“Wanna tell me what to pack or are we not there yet?” You laugh then, a soft sound that makes Dick feel like he’d just found out the best cyber related information.
“We aren’t there, Dick. But help me down and I’ll show you to my stash of cookies- if they’re not blown to bits.”
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darlingshane · 1 year
Let it rip, Coach
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Pairing: Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: Searching for a new sponsor for the soccer team you coach leads you to meet and quickly fall in love with Michael.
Content/Warnings: Friends to lovers, Fluff, Crack, Alcohol, Eating, Kissing.
Word Count: 3,2k
— You can read below or at AO3.
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“Hey, Cousin!” Richie taps on the frame of Michael's office door. “There's a woman here to see you.”
“Oh? Is she a health inspector or something?” He swivels in his chair, putting a pen down on the desk.
“No. Though, if she’s looking to inspect something, I’d be the perfect specimen to study.”
“That hot?”
“Smokin’ hot. Total knockout. Banging body,” his track suited friend remarks frivolously. “But as usual, she didn't want to do anything with me, cause I'll never stand a chance against the great Mikey Bear.”
“Don't be so hard on yourself, Cousin. Girls love those baby blues. It's when you open your mouth what makes them run in the other direction,” Michael taunts. “What does she want? Did she ask for me specifically?”
“She didn’t mention your name exactly. She requested an audience with the proprietor of this fine establishment.”
“Wow, those are big words, Cousin.” Michael rises from his chair, adjusting the waistband of his jeans.
“Well, I'm a big guy… If you know what I mean.”
“Unfortunately, I do know what you mean.” Scoffing, Michael palms his friend's back and walks out of the office.
They both head out of the kitchen, and Richie points him to the table with the woman, you, who asked to talk to the owner of the sandwich joint.
As he rounds the counter, he counts four young girls sitting around the table with you, ready to dig into the food they just got served.
“Hi, I'm Michael, the owner of this place,” he gestures vaguely with one hand in the air. “What can I do for you, ladies?”
After introducing yourself and the four pre-teens that came with you, one of them being your niece, you explain to Michael that you're the coach of the girls' soccer team. The reason for your visit is that you’re searching for a new sponsor for the team after losing the one you had.
Michael listens closely as you add a little more information, telling him that grew up in this neighborhood, and thought of asking a few businesses of the North River area.
“I dunno, girls… I don't know the first thing about soccer,” he runs a palm over his beard and then pushes his hair back.
“That’s okay, you don't really need to. You'd only have to cover uniforms. Think about your name being on every jersey. And I promise to bring the whole team here after every game. Right girls?”
They all respond in unison positively with mouths full of food.
“See? They love your food already. Think about the publicity. The games are always packed, let me tell you. Women's leagues are booming right now.”
“I don’t doubt that. What's your team's name?”
“The comets,” one of the girls responds.
“That's a great name. Are you guys good?”
“The best,” your niece boasts.
They're actually pretty good. Most of them have been playing for a couple of years before you started coaching them, and the new additions are quickly catching up.
“Okay, let me think about it.”
Michael goes back into his office, crunches some numbers, and by the time you've finished your food he's made out his mind. He accepts your offer, and you exchange numbers to stay in contact.
Two days later, you return to the restaurant to finalize the details. You show him a handful of the designs the girls, and you came up with, and go over a list of print shops in the area to choose one that meets your needs. You type all the details in your phone and head up together to the shop.
It's surprising to see him so invested in just a few days. When you place the final order for the jerseys, he adds one more to the bulk in his size, so he can wear his own to support the team.
You text occasionally for updates, but in between you've found yourself texting back and forth casually talking about your day, the restaurant, your other job… Michael is easy to talk to and quite the charmer, you’ve realized. It has made you wonder at times if he’s hitting on you or not, especially face to face. He’s always flashing a smile, or an innocent wink when you leave, that utterly dismantles you in ways you never thought possible.
When the new jerseys arrive, you make sure Michael gets his. You deliver it personally to the restaurant one night after he’s closed shop.
Your new friendship is strangely familiar. Michael slips into your life as if he'd always belonged there. He has an open heart. A big, contagious laugh; and a sweet smile that could make what's left of the poles completely melt. He's easy on the eyes, too, regardless of what he says. Much as everyone else on the planet, he has his faults too and one of them is the self-deprecating jokes he makes about his appearance, which are completely unfounded. The sharp angles of his face might not be up to classic beauty standards, and that's what actually makes him stand out in the crowd.
You adore his passion about food and his business, and how much confidence oozes out of every pore of his body. It's really disarming. And despite the fact that he almost never shuts up, he's a great listener too when it’s your turn to share.
Quiet has settled after everyone has left the restaurant, all the lights are down except for the ones coming from the neon sign above the counter and the vending machine. He sits backwards on the chair across from yours and slides a beer along the table. You stay right there, swapping life stories, sap anecdotes, fun moments of your life, anything, and everything in between like two old friends hanging out.
A couple of hours go by like nothing, while the table collects empty bottles.
“Last one,” you pick up your third beer, hold it to your lips and take a long swig as the chef timidly nods at your statement.
“Can I ask you something?” his tone mellows from its usual volume.
“Would it be unprofessional to ask you out?”
“No, I don't think so,” the corners of your mouth curl up nervously as your nails try to remove the sticker on the glass of your beer. “We don't really work together.”
“That's right. Would you say yes if I asked you out, though?”
“Hm, maybe.”
“Don't give me — maybe. Yes or no only, sweetheart,” his head tilts to the side, trying to capture the truth behind your eyes in the faint neon lighting striking across your face.
“I guess I wouldn't mind if you did.”
“I guess — is not an answer either.”
You take a deep breath and let him hang for a second while you put a couple of thoughts together.
“Not everyone is as confident and decisive as you are, Berzatto. Some people need a little time to process things,” you pause to gather some insight. “And you already know that I like you and wouldn't be asking if I didn't. So yeah… If you asked, I'd say yes.”
“That's all I needed to hear,” a grin splits his face as he tilts his beer up to take a gulp.
“Sooo… are you going to ask me now?”
“Eh, not right now. I just needed to know,” he quips.
“Suit yourself, but don't wait too long,” you say casually, as if it didn’t care as much whether he asks you out or not. You do. And it’s a relief to find out that he likes you back and that he's open to pursue something more than a friendship. It's hard to click with people that fast, but with Michael, it has felt too easy. They say you find love in the most unexpected places. You definitely weren’t looking for it when you came into his joint just a few weeks ago, and now it’s hard to imagine your life without him.
When you pull your phone out of your pocket to look at the time, it's way later than you thought.
Michael walks you to the L, and before the train arrives, he asks you right on the platform if you'd like to have dinner with him sometime.
Obviously, you say yes.
As the train slips into the station, you lean in and kiss his cheek goodnight, letting your lips meet the edge of his beard. His mouth takes the form of a pleased grin, and as you step inside the car, he tucks his hands in his pockets and watches you occupy a seat by the window. You stare at him for a long moment behind the glass as the doors slide close until the train is set in motion.
Texting the next day, you set up your date for the following week on a day you’re both free.
Before that day comes, you have also a very important event on your schedule that is the first game of the season.
Though the chef initially wasn’t going to come, Michael decides to surprise you by showing up on that day.
“Hey, Coach,” you hear his lively voice from behind while the girls warm up on the field.
You turn your head to see him wearing his jersey, and a blue baseball cap set backwards that shows his hair sticking out behind his ears. It’s impossible to stop the corners of your mouth from pointing out automatically as he walks up to you.
“Hey, Chef. Didn't know you were coming.”
“Yeah, it was last minute. You made it sound so good, I wanted to see you in action.”
“What about the shop?”
“Left Richie in charge for a couple of hours.”
“Are you sure that was a good idea?”
He balances his head from side to side, “as long as he doesn't burn it, I think it'll be fine.”
“Well, I'm glad you came. You should take a seat before it's too late,” you gesture at the bleachers, almost packed.
“Yeah, I’ll leave you to it. Let it rip, Coach,” he winks at you, and takes a seat in one of the middle rows on the bleachers.
You still have a dopey smile plastered on your face when the game starts. On occasion, you glance over your shoulder to see him cheer and root for the girls when they have the ball. His enthusiasm, and voice, increases during the second half when the team dominates the game, earning their first victory of the season.
As promised, you take the whole team to The Beef for a celebratory meal afterward.
During Michael's absence, Richie has set up a few tables together to fit the full team, and while they eat their food you park your butt on a stool at the counter, so you can chat with Michael.
“I need to run something by you,” he's on the other side of the counter, propped on his forearms.
“It's about our date. I was thinking that I could make you dinner instead of going to a restaurant.”
“No, we already spent too much time here. I thought maybe you could come over to my place, or I could go to yours and just… chill.”
“Chill, huh?” you lift a french fry from your plate and take a bite.
“Yeah, but not like that,” he bashfully scratches his neck. “It’d be just dinner with no strings or expectations. Maybe it’s unusual for a first date, but just wanna spend a nice time alone with you and cook something you’d love. Have a couple of ideas that you’d… but if you wanna do something else…”
You stare at him while he rambles. It's refreshing to see him nervous for once.
“What do you say, sweetheart?”
“What if I had some expectations other than dinner?” you playfully raise an eyebrow.
“I guess I wouldn't be opposed to that.”
“You guess? That's not an answer,” you echo back his own words from when you gave him a similar response.
He presses his teeth on his bottom lip for a beat, “no, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to take it farther.”
“Which it's what you wanted all along,” you tease.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Coach. My intentions are just making you dinner. That's it. Anything that happens after, it's really up to you.”
“Say, Richie,” you call for his friend's attention as he comes out of the kitchen. “What would you think if a guy invited you for dinner at his house on a first date?”
“I’d say he’d only be interested in wetting his whistle. Why? Are you going on a date with this puto?” Richie claps Michael’s shoulder.
“Wow, you must be special. He hardly ever invites anyone to his place. Last time he did, it was-”
“Shut up, Cousin,” Michael cuts him off, annoyed by the fact that's actually true. It's been a long time since he's wanted to actually bring someone home that felt right.
“Like I said, I never stood a chance against Mikey Berzzato,” Richie nods at you and circles outside the counter to check on the tables.
“Aww, am I that special?” you wonder once Richie is out of hearing range.
His gaze falls to look at his hands, as he tentatively extends one to caress your fingertips with his,“I think you are really, really special.”
You stare at those fingers, brushing softly the inside of your hand, making your stomach flutter.
“Did it bother you that I involved Richie in this?”
“No, sweetheart. It didn't. Well… Maybe a little.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. It's just… I love Richie, but he knows a lot of stuff about me that could change your opinion about me, and I don't want you to get the wrong impression, you know?”
“Michael, I already got a pretty good impression of you. Especially after showing up like you did today. There's nothing he can say that would ruin that.”
He lets out a small snort, “give him time.”
“You know what? I'd love to have dinner at your place.”
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You don't have many rules when it comes to dating. Common sense and your gut are what guide you most of the time. When something feels muddy, you back up immediately. And when something feels good, nothing can stop you from pursuing that, you're off to the races. The latter hasn't happened that often, admittedly. Hopefully, this is one of those times.
In the short time you've known Michael, you've only gotten a deep sense of longing for him, growing eager every passing day. It's hard to ignore it anymore.
Following that desire, you dress up, do your hair, put some makeup on, and take the train to Michael's apartment with no hesitation. There is some natural anxiousness rumbling in your stomach, of course, but that doesn’t stop you from chasing that thrill.
When you knock on his door, Michael welcomes you with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen, splitting his freshly-groomed beard. He’s out of his usual work clothes and has chosen a casual outfit that consists of a dress black shirt, half unbuttoned, and a pair of jeans.
“Shall we?” he offers his hand, inviting you in. You take it and let him walk you inside.
As he closes the door, you take off your jacket, scanning every detail of the modest apartment. The lights are dimmed, and he's set up the dining table with two lit candles in red-tinted glasses, and a small centerpiece of flowers. There's light music playing on his phone that's hooked to a speaker system next to the TV. The delicious smell of the food incites your appetite as he moves your chair back, like a gentleman, so you can sit.
“Fancy,” you hum as you take your seat.
“Glad you like it, sweetheart.”
He then leaves for a moment to collect the food from the kitchen and returns with two plates filled with paella. As appetizing as it looks, it tastes vastly better. He really has absorbed a lot of information about you during those casual hang-outs. Not only knows how to please your stomach with Mediterranean food, but you're also granted the best conversationalist, as usual, he's a downright delight to be around.
For dessert, he keeps outdoing himself by bringing out a homemade tiramisu he made earlier. He serves one big serving on a plate, and lays it down in the middle of the table to share with you.
“Do you like it?”
“Hm, this is the best thing I've ever had in my mouth. You'll have to teach me how to make it someday,” you request, picking another spoonful. “Would you?”
“I'm torn,” you say, enjoying the delectable alcohol-soaked bottom layer on your tongue.
“How so?”
“Because – I really want to kiss you right now for making all this, but I don’t think your mouth can’t top this.”
“You’ll have to try me,” he snorts, scooping his way through the other half of the tiramisu.
“Hm, we’ll see,” you grin. “You really outdid yourself here, Chef. You shouldn't have made something so delicious.”
“I'll take it down a notch next time.”
When dessert is over, you make a quick trip to the bathroom to empty your bladder while he puts the dishes away to wash later.
He has sat down on the couch when you come out, and you stop for a beat in the middle of the hallway before deciding to sit sideways right on his lap.
“Excuse me, Sir. Is this seat taken?” you ask right after plopping your ass on his thighs.
“It is, now,” scoffing, he links an arm around your waist. “Is it comfortable, ma'am?”
“Best seat in the house,” you can’t fight the smile taking over your lips.
“You're really something else, sweetheart,” he hushes oh so softly, as his free palm lands on your denim-clad leg.
“So are you,” your head leans forward, touching his forehead.
Biting your bottom lip, eyes locked, you both go silent for a long moment while you get used to feeling his hands on you, and vice versa. His thumb absentmindedly draws circles on your leg while you play with the hair of his beautiful beard.
“I think I wanna make out now,” you whisper.
“Yeah. Yeah, me too.”
Drawing a breath, he brings one hand to frame your jaw, letting a thumb swipe across your lip slowly. Then, his tongue juts out to wet his lips, his face leans an inch closer to capture your mouth. Your stomach flutters and your skin buzzes at the firm grip of his hand on your hip while you taste the waters without fully diving into the deep end. You let your mouths bounce together and get used to that little intimacy you’ve just created with him. When you’re ready to fully dip further, he opens his mouth wider, and so do you, and before you realize it, you're devouring each other's faces. Firmly but sweetly, your tongues play together with ease as the tight seal of your lips shuts every change for air to escape or intrude. You close your eyes and free yourself of any thought, so you can enjoy this right here, right now, with him.
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maybecoffeemixed · 10 months
7.8/10, kieran doesn't actually kill us.
Seriously though, I enjoyed it!! Since I don't actually own the game (we poor), I watched a no-commentary playthrough so there are plenty of things I very likely missed, including optional dialog, side-quests, and whatever that thing with the professors is (still lookin' for a video without some guy over it), so I can only comment on the bits I saw! That being said, here we go.
First of all, the BATTLES!! Despite not being able to play them myself, they looked SUPER fun!! I screamed when I saw Lacey's tailwind/lightscreen prankster whimsicott, and even MORE so when I saw it was sashed! I loved the usage of competitive items, and the fact that all their teams weren't completely mono-type, each having one exception to their type (Lacey's excadrill, Crispin's Exeggcutor, Amarys's Reuniclus, and Drayton's Sceptile) that they DIDN'T terrastalize was lovely touch!! Amarys's fight was super hype in particular, despite having an over 20 level advantage, the person I watched still nearly wiped to her! Her trick room AI does appear a bit goofy, but it's a small flaw. Finally, Kieran's battle... I personally adore a good rain team, but unfortunately Kieran's politoed was frozen at the start of the battle, and remained that way all the way til the end, so I can't honestly say how difficult it looked. The one thing I will say is that before the indigo disk was out, I created a hypothetical team for Kieran, and I CALLED that Grimmsnarl!! Literally even the focus sash. If anyone's curious, here was the hypothetical team I made. I'm a nuzlocker, not a competitive player, so it very well may be shit. Apologies in advance.
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Next is the characters!! Every design slapped as always, and I enjoyed their personalities! Lacey was adorbs, Crispin was fun, and Amarys might just be one of my new favorites! As for Drayton? Let me tell you, I was side-eyeing him the whole time the MOMENT after he said THIS to Kieran.
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After all the hype around dokutaro/peechikeen (now know as pecharunt, apparently), and all the speculation that Kieran would fall victim to its influence, him saying "that's just peachy" made my rat brain go into overdrive. In the end, I think it was just Legends Arceus giving me Volo flashbacks.
Now, the main event... KIERAN! Let me tell you, he gave me GOOSEBUMPS. Every time he appeared, I could feel a chill run up my spine, and his battle had my heart RACING. ESPECIALLY his breakdown at the end of it! One of the best times I've had in a good while. The animation, his reaction, all of it was GREAT!! It was so refreshing to see him not immediately heel-face turn.
Unfortunately, though, what happened after that all disappointed me. I admit I got too attached to the Dokutaro Posession theory, buy it was still disappointing for Dokutaro (I know that's not its name, leave me be) to not play any role in the main story. It felt like a natural conclusion to what the game was setting up, I thought he'd throw the master ball at terapagos, it'd fail, and he'd become so overwhelmed with everything that has happened that he'd succumb to Dokutaro's control and we'd have to fight the Dokutaro-Kieran with Terapagos's aid. That's not what happened, and I felt a bit sad. His recovery from his breakdown was still set up nicely and had some atleast sufficient justification, but it still felt like too-little too-soon. It felt more like he just gave up all together rather than defeated his demons. He'd never be as strong as the player, and that's that, which is a sour note to leave off on.
We see that he legitimately has nothing. All the other students left the MOMENT he was defeated. No one came to help the kid who was clearly having a panic attack. The BB league cares about him, sure, but I wouldn't consider them his friends. They all thought Kieran getting defeated would "fix" him, and even when he clearly wasn't any better after being defeated, they didn't do anything to assist him. Sure, sometimes when someone has climbed so high, you gotta let them fall, but once they do, you can't just leave them lying on the ground. You need to be there to lift them back up before they start digging.
This isn't an attack on the BB league at ALL. Like I said, I really enjoyed their characters! In fact, this reaction is part of the reason I like them so much. It adds depth.
I just wish that Kieran DID start digging, and that it led to something bigger. Even if Dokutaro wasn't involved, I atleast wanted the final battle with him to be that big thing, and not just a turtle that can't do anything but throw out weak earthpowers.
Though the biggest failing to me is that Kieran apologizes to us, but we don't apologize to him. We as in the player, and Carmine
Kieran's actions are his own and I'm not saying he shouldn't have apologized, but he wasn't solely culpable for how things turned out. We and Carmine purposefully lied, kept a secret that was dear to him, and were the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if we the player didn't apologize, Carmine should've!! Her treatment of Kieran heavily impacted him, and he mirrored her abuse (Kieran telling Carmine to "Shut it", just like she did to him, for example).
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was in the wrong here. Kieran took things too far, Carmine behavior is a serious problem, and the played character was complicit.
I'm not demonizing anyone here, I am the number one Carmine defender after all, but everyone needs to take responsibility. Not. Just. Kieran.
I relate heavily to both Kitakami siblings, as both an elder sister with younger siblings who she's accidentally mistreated, and as a little sister with an older sibling who treats me like I'm lesser.
I've lashed out at my older sibling, and while my reaction wasn't proportional, it doesn't mean my emotions weren't justified.
I have severe genetic anger issues (that I'm now thankfully medicated for), and have unjustly taken them out on my younger siblings.
Carmine needs to apologize too, or the cycle will just continue. Maybe she already did and I missed it, or maybe it happens in the post-game. However, if she didn't? It makes me feel unresolved.
Anyways, that all I gotta say on it!! Hope someone enjoyed this overly long rambling!!
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(P.S. I still don't trust dragon boy. "Thats just peachy" my ASS, you know something ya toothpaste haired cunt. Why did they request to bring ya along to area zero anyways, ya plot relevant FUCK.)
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talesofesther · 2 years
all that love ever taught me
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has loved you for a long while, he just doesn't have what it takes to tell you, and that might just be his downfall.
Requested by @stiegasaw: Could you do something with Eddie as a secret admirer?
A/N: This one is written in a bit of a different style than what I normally do, but I think it turned out okay, do let me know. Also, exclusively from Eddie's pov (a very lovesick Eddie, might I add) <3.
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Eddie Munson despised cliches.
He hated when movies threw in that overly done love story, where against all odds, the guy gets the girl in the end. It was overused and too far away from reality, more often than not making him roll his eyes at his TV to a movie he was enjoying before all the mushy stuff started.
He couldn't stand it because they always made it look like the real world was a sea of roses, which was so so far from the truth.
Eddie hated cliches, because ultimately, he was living the biggest of them all. Except in his scenario, a happy ending was nowhere to be seen.
The tragedy started after the first time Eddie failed to graduate, Jason was giving him shit about it right on the first day back, making a show with his peers about how much of a failure Eddie was. And that's when you came crashing into his life — his personal angel, he liked to think — strutting up beside Eddie with your doc martens and a faded Bon Jovi shirt, talking all sweet about how Jason alone managed to lose the last game of basketball for the school's team. It shut the jock up and sent a cupid's arrow right through Eddie's chest; who acted like a massive weirdo and was too flustered to say anything to you. Safe to say he was kinda glad for being held back after discovering you'd be sharing his classes.
And now, six months later and a lot of wishful glances combined with leaping hearts, Eddie found himself head over heels in love with the girl who defended him once. But he couldn't be blamed, no one stands up for Eddie Munson, and when you also smile at him from the other side of the classroom and take an extra set of notes whenever he misses a class, he was bound to become every single cliche he said to hate.
Monday morning started out with shy rays of sun peeking over grey clouds, making the steadily falling droplets of rain shine. It was precisely the kind of morning that got Eddie wanting to turn around in his bed and continue sleeping. But he couldn't, an annoying chemistry assignment said so.
Hawkins High's parking lot was more packed than usual, leaving Eddie to park his van a little further than he'd like. He huffed in disdain when he plucked the key from the ignition, putting on his hoodie in a cheap attempt to not get soaked.
Water splashed around his sneakers as Eddie ran towards the school's doors, backpack bouncing on his back.
He stopped just short of reaching the roof, his feet coming to a halt when his gaze landed on you, who stood beside the glass doors he was trying to reach, shaking the rain from your umbrella.
Eddie felt a single drop of water running down his forehead, and then another, and one more; his hair shining as more and more raindrops clung to it. It happened most of the time, a small part of him froze whenever he was presented with the possibility of having a moment with you. Something inside him kept saying; 'what do you want with someone like her? Someone so astronomically out of your league? You'll just weird her out eventually'. Even if you were nothing but kind, always making an effort to talk with him, he still hesitated.
"Eddie, man," Gareth's voice snapped Eddie's mind back to reality, "what the hell are you doing? You're getting soaked." The boy stood on the sidewalk, under the small roof of the brick wall, frowning and shaking his head at Eddie.
"Just zoned out." Eddie waved a dismissive hand at him, walking under the roof and out of the rain. He pushed back his hoodie, shaking his head as a dog would to get rid of the raindrops.
Gareth scoffed, "yeah right, and I'm looking at the reason why," he pointedly shot a glance in your direction with a smirk, earning himself a shove in the shoulder from Eddie that only made him laugh harder.
There were rare times in which Eddie would consider himself lucky. Having your locker just three doors away from his, was one of those times.
Eddie took his time separating his books, gently swinging the metal door back and forth and creating a melody with the rusty hinges and the click of his rings.
Your laughter made his ears perk up. Not so subtly, he peeked from behind the locker's door. His fingers fumbled with the little notebook he had in his hands, anticipation building in his stomach.
A soft chuckle escaped you, resonating through the school's hallway and making Eddie smile. He watched as you carefully picked up the note, as your eyes crinkled with a smile of your own once you read it.
With messy handwriting — messier than normal, considering his nerves — Eddie had slipped the first anonymous note inside your locker just barely a month ago. For the sole purpose of him hearing a conversation between you and one of your friends, where you were saying how you felt a little weird in your new jacket, like everyone was looking at you. And Eddie simply couldn't let it pass, because it was a light blue leather jacket that had rendered him breathless for a moment, and he needed you to know. So he wrote;
For what's worth, I think your look is pretty metal. Which in my humble opinion, is the most beautiful there is.
It got you biting your lip to contain the smile, holding onto the small note as if it was a diamond ring.
Eddie got pretty addicted to the sight, so every once in a while, he'd pour little bits of his affection in a note and slip it into your locker.
Too late, he realized you had closed said locker and were now making your way to him.
He subconsciously straightened his posture, hastily shoving his black little notebook into his back pocket.
"Hey, Eddie." You held onto his locker door, fingers dangerously close to his own.
Eddie cleared his throat, his thumb barely grazed the skin of your hand before he pulled away. "Y/N, to what do I owe the honor?"
You chuckled and swatted at his arm. For a moment, your lips parted, and it looked like you wanted to say something else, before the words faded and you settled for; "I took some extra notes in our last class, Mr. Anderson usually gives us a few minutes to catch up before his tests, you can take them if you'd like." You extended the paper to him, with the neat handwriting Eddie was all too familiar with.
"Shit, you're an angel, sweetheart," the pet name slipped past his lips like butter, as if it was routine, as if you were his to call. His locker door shut with a loud bump of metal against metal, eyes fixed on yours to see how much damage his loose tongue had caused.
There was a reason for the way he felt so drawn to you, Eddie figured, maybe if he was bold enough, he'd test fate.
You smirked, eyelashes kissing the corner of your eyes, touch as sweet as honey and as warm as the sun when your fingers closed around the cuff of his hoodie. "Come on, don't wanna be late, he's not exactly kind in that matter," you fell into step beside Eddie, hooking your pinkie with his, "you'd know, right?"
He would know, Eddie was once ten minutes late for that class and had the door slammed in his face. That was the last thing he could think about though, with the way his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest. Your skin was soft against his guitar-scarred fingertips. He loved the feeling, it numbed any and all other senses.
When the last bell of the day rang, sending eager students home, the rain was even worse than it was in the morning. Eddie was glad the classes were over, he'd happily stay in his room for the whole rest of the day; lights out, cigarette hanging from his lips as he mindlessly strummed his guitar with the sounds of rain hitting the roof.
Just as he walked out of the school doors, Eddie found you, your back was pressed to the brick wall as droplets of rain collected on your boots — courtesy of the ridiculously small roof from outside — you held your backpack straps with one hand and your umbrella with the other, wisps of loose hair following the same path the cold wind set. Eddie could see the goosebumps on the naked skin of your arms, he wanted to pull you close, or at least give you his hoodie.
"I thought it would get better, but I think it just got worse," Eddie chuckled, looking up at the dark clouds with a grimace.
"Oh yeah," you glanced at him and then up as well, "perfect weather to stay at home though, isn't it?"
Selfishly, Eddie thought of hot chocolate; of his comfy worn couch, and a cheesy movie on his TV. He thought of sweaters and fluffy blankets; of pouring the sweet hot drink in two mugs, and bringing one of them to you.
"Sure is," Eddie stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, averting his eyes, a ghost of a smile on his lips for the dream that could never be.
He didn't see your smile, or how you looked at him like he held the moon and stars at his fingertips. He did feel your shoulder bumping into his. You had moved closer, now pressed to him under the small roof.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Eddie asked, blinking down at you when tiny raindrops flew on his cheeks.
"Not really," you huffed, raising your umbrella, "I'm kind of on my own."
"What? In this?" He raised his eyebrows, jutting a thumb towards the pouring rain as if you hadn't noticed it.
You just shrugged, "I was gonna wait it out a bit."
"You're gonna wait forever." He pursed his lips, not thinking much about his next words, "let me give you a ride."
"No, Eddie, it's okay, I don't wanna bother-"
"You could never."
Eddie blamed it on the heavy rain when he clasped your hand in his, running with you to the school's parking lot and to his van. The end of his jeans got soaked as he stepped in the puddles and strands of hair started clinging to his wet cheeks and forehead, but he didn't care, you were laughing and holding tight onto his hand and it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen.
A few drops of water were running down the bridge of your nose and to your chin when you threw yourself on the passenger's seat, Eddie following close behind and slamming shut the driver's door.
Eddie gripped tight the steering wheel, the last bits of laughter dying on his lips. He was a little breathless, from the running or from having you in his van, he didn't know. "Where to, angel?"
The sound of raindrops hitting the metal roof was muffled because of the closed windows, making the rain seem much more tender than it was. You let go of your backpack, letting it rest on your feet as you wiped away the raindrops stuck to your eyelashes.
You leaned closer before answering, one hand coming up to brush away strands of hair caught in Eddie's lips.
Any coherent thoughts slipped from his mind when your fingertips touched his cheek, as you slowly tamed his curls behind his ear so you could see his eyes clearly. As simple as it was, it felt intimate in a way Eddie had never been with anyone else, making his body fill with goosebumps from head to toe. The naive side of him wanted it to mean something.
Only once you pulled away, that Eddie could look at you, pupils blown wide and hoping you couldn't see the pink on his cheeks.
"I'll guide you." Was all you said.
Eddie drove out of the school's parking lot with ease, making sure to keep well under the speed limit as he followed your directions.
Somewhere along the way, the silence started to become a bit too loud. Eddie fumbled with his radio a bit, until you startled him by saying, quite animatedly, that you loved this song.
"This one?" He asked, gaze moving between you and the radio. It was a Judas Priest song, one Eddie knows all too well, but didn't expect you to like.
"Yeah, I usually blast it on my player whenever I have to clean the house, until my mom tells me to turn it down," you mumbled the last part.
Eddie chuckled, chancing another glance your way before turning up the volume just a smidge. "I like it too. I uh- I've even played it once, with my band."
You turned to him, eyes twinkling with excitement, "you have a band?"
Eddie had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep focused, knuckles turning white around the steering because oh how you drive him mad in the best possible way. "I do, yeah, we usually play at The Hideout for a few drunks who are there to watch. It's not much but, it's something already."
"Oh, this is me," you quickly pointed at your house, causing Eddie to slam the breaks abruptly.
The house was pretty, he didn't even realize he had entered one of the nicest neighborhoods in town. It was easy to be around you, to get wrapped up in the warmth of your presence; it was easy to forget why he kept you at arm's length in the first place.
You had good grades and popular friends, a nice house, parents with well-paid jobs, and a promising future. You'd no doubt be leaving for college as soon as you graduate, leaving Hawkins behind, leaving Eddie. Because that's exactly what fits in with you, something better than this town, better than him. At least that's the excuse Eddie chose to tell himself to avoid another loss.
"Eddie this is so awesome," you finally continued, "when I was younger I sometimes wanted to have a band too. You know, travel the world, play for different people."
"Yeah well, I'm about as close to doing that as you are," Eddie smirked, turning off his van and slumping back in his seat, feeling rather drunk in the way your perfume got trapped in the stuffy van.
"Bullshit, you can play. Me and instruments definitely don't see eye to eye." You picked up your backpack, hugging it to your chest and making no effort to leave, even though you were right in front of your house.
I can teach you, if you'd like. Is what Eddie wanted to say, he could feel the words pushing against his throat and forming a lump there. Or maybe; you should come see us play sometime.
He couldn't bring himself to say it.
You waited for just a second longer before thanking him and saying goodbye, as if you were asking him to do something, anything that would tell you what this dance between you two was.
Eddie watched you run from his van and to your porch, waiting until you were safely inside your home and he was left alone with just the low tune of the radio.
As he drove to his trailer, something felt missing. Every time he turned to look at the passenger's seat the hollowness in his chest deepened. He felt like a coward for losing his chance, one he would probably not have again.
The rain was falling heavily, making the radio stutter in its play. Eddie fiddled with the buttons until all he heard was static, he punched the steering wheel, almost knocking the old thing out of place, before heaving out a frustrated sigh and slumping back in his seat.
"What's wrong with you, man?" He asked himself and didn't know the answer. But he cursed his parents, for leaving him with a scarred heart. He cursed Hawkins and that damn school for putting a target on his back. He cursed you, too, for making him fall so easily. Mainly though, he cursed himself.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Read Part 2 here
Eddie’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @alicefallsintotherabbithole @boooil @science--hoes @cherrypieyourface @tssf-imagines @daph-505 @astream-ofconsciousness @fentyreligion @fantasylovestoryme @justabeautiful-letdown @crazyrapunzel @yessica41 @dancing-hillary @bakugouswh0r3 @hehehehannahthings @jakebasement @zervopoulouu @forverdaydreamer-blog @fromthedt
@oeuryale @mcueveryday @witchbinchstories @call-me-magpie @loveshineslikethesky @luvmybbies @tvserie-s-world @agirlsguidetolove @hallothankmas @ribyourtoplip @sweetpeapod @forsaken-letters @hazydespair @fangirling-4-ever @electric-cabaret @ollyoxenfrees @linkpk88 @twinkofmydreams @paola-carter @masterlistmanic @xceafh @andraimeide @esoltis280
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ladygreenwithenvy · 7 days
Savanaclaw Headcanons
𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦
Genre: Romantic and/or Platonic
Characters Included: Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchie, and Leona Kingscholar
Prompt: Just some headcanons I made originally for my little sister. They're revamped for a wider and mature audience.
Slight warning: My headcanons include a variety of song selections. Not all are appropriate. So listen to them at your own risk and choice.
(Edit: The orange ones were what my best friend recommended)
𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦
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.°˖✧ Jack Howl ✧˖°.
𓃦 Relationships? Pfft! Never!..
(Yes he would, he’s a liar. Even the game admits that he’s a tsundere that can’t keep up with the bit. So let’s dissect that a little)
(According to Jack, wolf beastmen normally have one person that they consider their special someone. Only, because they mate for life and are never apart no matter what. Because Jack is confident that he will have that sort of life in the future, he’s not actively seeking someone.)
(In other words, he’s completely okay with the concept of love. He just doesn’t necessarily follow modern dating culture. Not only that, but he’s fine with no getting much romantic attention. Which means, hope you’re patient, because this is the slowest slow burn to ever slow burn)
𓃦 He’s a very sweet guy towards you.
An utter gentleman that does his best to make sure you’re happy, safe, and most of all comfortable around him. This isn’t how he looks up to Ruggie and treats him also like a higher up. This is different, because for his special someone, it’s more. Which is why he goes beyond the limit that he sets himself.
You’re thirsty and want a specific drink? He’ll sprint to Sam’s Shop (which just so happened to be on the other side at the academy) and hand it to you with a happy tail wagging. Do you need a hair tie? Well, he just Happened to have a scrunchie in his bag. Totally not because he bought a small scrunchie packet for you in case you forget yours. It’s raining and there’s a puddle? Well, he doesn’t have a jacket- so he’ll have to just throw himself on the puddle. That one was a bit of an exaggeration, but you get it. He’s not going to hide how much he cares about. Because he sees no reason to. You’re his forever.
𓃦 His nickname for you
He doesn’t like most flowers. Mostly because they’re usually too smelly and strong smells give him a headache. But he does like most plants, especially his cacti. His nickname for you could be flower. Because for him, it’s one of the few flowers worth protecting, and worth having so close.
𓃦 His love language(s)
His love languages are touch and words of affirmation. As much as he’ll deny he doesn’t enjoy it, it’s hard to believe anything he says when a good hug gets his tail wagging, you know?
𓃦 Part of the family? Of course!
While it may take a while for the two of you to get together, it's undeniable how inseparable you two have become.
Every summer, once you two are actually together, he’ll take you to his home to meet his family and go sailing with his little siblings. For him, it’s nice to have someone his age. It makes looking after his little siblings a lot easier.. Not to mention that it’s unapologetically domestic. Which makes his aspirations for a love like his family seem all the more reachable.
𓃦 Songs Jack could listen to:
✓ Whoomp (There it is!) by Tag Team
✓ Who Let the Dogs Out? By Baha Men
✓ Pump It! By The Black Eyed Peas
✓ My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy
✓ Phoenix by Cailin Russo
✓ Enemy by Imagine Dragons
✓ Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
𓃦 Songs that make me think of Jack:
✓ Running with the wolves by Aurora
✓ White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes
✓ Does the Swallow Dream of Flying by Cosmo Sheldrake
✓ Run Boy Run by Woodkid
✓ Hope by NF
✓ Guillotine by Jon Bellium
✓ Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums
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.°˖✧ Ruggie Bucchie ✧˖°.
𓃟 Love? Yeah sure, why not?
Ruggie’s not against the idea of a relationship, he just doesn’t see himself in one any time soon because of all the trouble on his plate.
He doesn’t have a lot of free time. And he can’t pay for others when going out, he can barely pay for himself. I mean, this is the same guy who uses Leona’s hand me downs for school. You take a guess how much cash he has in his pocket.
Can’t really buy flowers or chocolates for someone he might like. But that doesn’t mean he won’t try to charm your socks off.
Ideally, he would like to be with someone understanding of his financial troubles. And doesn’t expect to completely bend his back over for them. Afterall, a relationship is supposed to be a two way street, right? He may not always have time for you because of his jobs or side hustles, but that sure doesn’t mean he won’t try and be there for you.
So what if he can’t give you some shiny roses for your anniversary? He can find some wild flowers in a field and give you a pretty flower crown just for you. It’s the thought that counts, right?
All in all, he wants someone supportive. Someone equally fervent on their goals and willing to be a sorta partner in crime.
No one’s perfect. And hey, you may not fit the bill. But make him happy. That’s the most important thing… and maybe buy him some donuts on his birthday if you can.
𓃟 He’s your backup!
Ruggie once in a while helps do your makeup for ceremonies. He’s not the most professional, but he had a part time job for it once. He knows how difficult it can be to fix yourself up for events. He’ll carry any emergency makeup in his pockets or bag, since he knows you well enough that you might need a touch-up midway.
Things like that are stuff you really appreciate. Because it's not just makeup.
Sometimes it's snacks he made for when you're hungry (which you two are both definitely sharing). Sometimes he keeps your sunglasses for certain occasions.
In other words, if you're a little bit of the forgetful type, he's got you covered. Don't worry, he likes being helpful. And besides, you'll never be as bad as Leona when it comes to taking care of you.
Caring for you is a choice. And a choice he doesn't regret doing. You're worth the trouble, a lot more than you think.
𓃟 You’re his cheerleader!
He’ll happily admit that he enjoys it when you cheer him on during practices and games. It’s so different now that you’re around. Before, he played for the possibility of getting a scholarship, or getting noticed by any companies that are recruiting more players… but now he plays so you can cheer him…. AND because of money. So it’s a win/win!
𓃟 His nickname for you
Calls you deer on purpose. Because it sounds like dear, the affirmational pet name, and the animal. You’re not a lot like him. Much more of a goody two-shoes. He loves you all the same. It’s his nickname for you.
𓃟 He's kinda clingy
Hyenas are very clingy partners, especially the males (don’t hold me up on that). So, he’s openly pretty touchy. Holding your hand to walk you to class, hugging you after not seeing you all day. A lot of forehead kisses to assure you of things. But never too much. He cares about how you’re feeling more than anything. He’ll never push for anything more than what you want.
Speaking of touch, he despises it when you tug his tail. Please stop doing that. He knows it’s fluffy and stuff. You can brush, but enough with the pulling.
𓃟 His Love language(s)
His love language is acts of service and words of affirmation. He’s been told that he’s just a runt all his life. Forced to work twice as hard as the kids his age because he’s not privileged like everyone else. Sometimes a guy likes being told that he’s doing great. Or that he’s doing his best.
Acts of service is particularly his favorite because he doesn’t really have enough money to buy you most of the things you want. And any money he does receive from his jobs and side-gig is always used for his necessities. He barely has enough clothes for himself, let alone he has enough to buy you something you want..
He’s really grateful for the little things. When you fold his laundry, tend out the clothes, get in line for him at the cafeteria. You make the burden he carries a little easier. And he’s grateful for that.
Likewise, he does the same. Of course, you picked the worst tutor imaginable, but he does try his best to help you with homework. For you, he prefers preparing meals for you and ironing your uniforms in the morning. But this depends if you’re a morning person or not. If you’re a morning person instead, he’ll have your bed ready and your pajamas all picked out so that you can just slip them off and head straight to snoozing.
𓃟 Part of the family? Of course!
Once you two are together, he’s very happy to introduce you to his grandma. He knows that she’ll love you.
Sometimes he’ll wonder if his mom would love you just as much if she were alive. He doesn’t think about his parents often. But he knows that his relationship with you isn’t a regular one. I mean, who gives leftover quiches from scratch instead of flowers on dates? Still, he hopes he’s enough. That he’s doing enough for you. It would suck if he wasn’t. If there really was a wish that could come true from his heart… He’d wish for a high paying job, and for handmade bouquets to stop being so out of his budget.
𓃟 Songs Ruggie could listen to:
✓ Lose Yourself by Eminem
✓ Where this Flower Blooms by Tyler, The Creator
✓ Money Trees by Kendrick Lamar
✓ Fuck Da Police by Dr. Dre
✓ Cash In Cash Out by Pharell Williams, 21 Savage, Tyler, The Creator
✓ redrum by 21 Savage
✓ HISS by Megan Thee Stallion
𓃟 Songs that remind me of Ruggie:
✓ Prrrum by Cosculluela
✓ Arcangel: Bzrp Sessions Vol. 54
✓ Tango del Pecado by Calle 13
✓ Rompe by Daddy Yankee
✓ Delincuente by Tokischa, Anuel AA, Nengo Flow
✓ Soy una Gargola by Alex Gargolas, Randy
✓ Chambea by Bad Bunny
(Edit: My best friend and I have claimed him as the honorary latino in the group. Sorry not Sorry.)
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.°˖✧ Leona Kingscholar ✧˖°.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Love? Ugh
This walking ball of sass barely has a single romantic bone in his body. If he can somehow find a way to kill the mood of a romantic night where all the stars are out, then yes, he kills his own chances at love because he probably thinks something stupid along the lines that he seldom deserves it.
Something like, what self-respecting lady (or gentleman or in-between) could ever want something as pathetic as him.
However, as self deprecating and difficult as this man can get, I don't think he's utterly against the concept. Simply apprehensive. It's not just a slow burn. It's a slow burn where you gotta learn how to make the damn candle first with this one.Not to mention that he's gonna be questioning for most of it once he realizes how much he softened up for you.
For Leona, you just need to be patient.He doesn't need to love himself first to love you. He just needs proof that your love for him won't disappear after the hard times. (In other words when he's being the most difficult)
He'll return that love in full once he sees it's worth of shot.
Just make him feel he's worth a sacrifice. And what better way than simply giving him your heart?
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ His nickname for you
If you’re shorter than him, he’s calling you little mouse. Not just because you’re shorter, but because of how much you meddle and have enough guts to seek him out the way you do. The nickname also stems from Aesop’s “A Lion and the Mouse”
The story is about a mouse that pleads for his life against a lion. The lion, being amused by the idea of a defenseless creature like the mouse helping, laughs at the idea and releases him. By the end of the fable, it’s the mouse that saves his life when he gets caught in a huntsman’s trap.
Leona sees this sort of relationship between you and him. Being able to spot each other in different situations. He may never verbally admit it so easily, but he does have a tender spot for you in that dumb rock in his chest he calls a heart. Which is why he gets annoyed if you’re ever too insecure of your own abilities. He knows what you’re capable of. So it’s irritating when you don’t.
“Really herbivore? This song and dance again? Hard to believe this is the same little mouse that helped in defeating me back in the Magical Shift tournament.”
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Not the nicest sharer
Despises sharing his food, but will act none the wiser when you sneak a bite from his plate. It’s gutsy. As long as you try to be discreet, he won’t tell.. Much. Just don't be surprised when he does the same with little apology.
It’s not just food either. He’s just very territorial with most things.
You of course are included. The moment he sees someone in his peripheral vision giving you enough of hard time that it’s causing a racket, then suddenly your problem is also his problem
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ You wanna scare him? Hah!
Good luck trying to scare this hardass. His senses are too sharp for that. So it’s really hard to actually get him scared. Leona’s capable of even sensing someone watching several clicks away. But, since it’s you, if you try to scare him… he might just act a little bit. Maybe a little jump or a twitch to give you motivation. Lions do that for their cubs so they can have more motivation to improve their skills for hunting. It’s basically what he’s doing so that you don’t get all sour with him… even if he thinks it’s really funny how mad you get about it.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Personal Space? Never heard of her (According to you)
He hates it when you’re interrupting his naps. Cats need their sleep, you know? Not to mention they’re incredibly territorial of where they go, so he’s not too keen on sharing his secret spots. The only time he’ll be quiet about it is when you really need him. Say you’re emotional and you need an ear to listen to your woes. He’ll be incredibly grouchy, but he’ll listen and give you the advice you need. Always…. And then ask you to get the heck out of his spot before Ruggie catches him.
Ironically though, if he’s feeling the mood, then he’s gonna invade your room and lay down without a single word. He likes your space. Because it’s you.
Still a hypocrite though.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ His Love Language(s)
His love language is quality time. Spending time together, playing chess, taking a nap, reading. That’s what he likes the most. As long as it’s together, he doesn’t mind all that much. He’s more of a listener than a talker anyways- just don’t go yapping for hours on end. He still has his short fuse, rest assure you. It’s just that he’s a bit more patient with you.
Speaking of love languages, he likes gift giving. Specifically giving you the gifts. Doesn’t really matter what it is. If you’ve mentioned something you like, he might be inclined to give it to you… if you deserve it. As if he’s going to spoil anyone rotten just because… But don’t be too surprised when you’re fatigued after a very long day of hard work and he “coincidentally” gave you your favorite snacks and drink.
“Do you gotta make a big deal out of everything herbivore? I’m just giving you something to eat so you can keep working. It’s called being a good leader”
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Songs Leona could listen to:
✓ Be Prepared from The Lion King (but this is canon soo.. yeah)
✓ Leona doesn’t seem much like the type to listen to music. He’s too in his own head to really do that. As long as it’s not too pitchy or annoying, he most likely won’t care. Just don’t make it so boring he’ll fall asleep.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Songs that remind me of Leona:
✓ Inertia by AJR
✓ DEVILISH by Chase Atlantic
✓ Nothing’s New by Rio Romero
✓ You Fuckers Were Asking for This One by Rav
✓ Skin Deep Comedy by Milli
✓ Forever Ended Today (Max’s Song) by mid
𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃟 ₊˚⊹♡ 𓃦
Author's Note
To read more fanfics, go to my list of fanfics (plus information about my page) here
Making these hcs killed me inside. They were supposed to be posted in August. But the amount of errors I had writing this on Tumblr made me want to dispose of this post entirely.
Regardless, hope you like them. Don't take em too seriously ;w; especially the Ruggie ones.
More fics to come.
Buenas noches
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Hello! If you find time could you please do #25 from the prompts list! I feel like that is something that would be said in an argument with Jamie for sure.
OOoo that's so fun! Thank you for the ask!
25. “I can’t smile at you, I’m mad.”
"All I'm saying, Jamie, is that you can't just shut me out when you're upset!"
You hate fighting with Jamie. You hate going to bed angry at him when all you really want to do is wrap him up in your arms and fall asleep knowing he was going to be yours in the morning. But right now, you had to have it out.
"You're not my therapist, (Y/N)," Jamie retorted, crossing his arms. "I don't have to tell you every feeling that goes through me head."
You let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed your temples. "That's literally not at all what I'm saying."
"Well, then, what are you saying?" Jamie shot back.
"I'm saying you have to give me something!" You cried, throwing your hands up. "Not just go radio silent, make me thing we're breaking up because you're upset!" Jamie scoffed, walking towards the door. "Where are you going? You can't leave!"
"I was just going to step outside to get some air! Is that allowed? Or do I need to run that by you first," he grumbled, annoyance lacing his tone.
You frowned, shaking your head before sitting down at the table. You could tell he felt bad for saying that. His chest delated a bit as the argument left his body.
He came over and sat next to you, the two of you sitting in silence for a second. Then the toaster dinged letting you know that your treats were done.
"The poptarts!" You shot up and raced over to the toaster.
You had almost forgotten how the argument even started. You had made Jamie a nice dinner. He'd been having a stressful week, the upcoming games that could make or break Richmond's fate in the league. Not that he would tell you he was stressed, but you could just tell.
The dinner conversation somehow turned to scheduling your next date night to which Jamie gave you a cagey response about not wanting to commit to anything right now. To that you replied that he would commit to anything except you and now here you were. The poptarts were almost black when you pulled them out of the toaster.
"Aw, man." You pouted, looking at the crisps.
From the table you heard Jamie let out a small snicker. You whipped your head over to him, seeing him try to keep his composure and not laugh.
"This isn't funny!" you insisted, taking the poptarts over to the trashcan.
"You're right it's not!" Jamie tried to get out but his voice was cracking with laughter.
"Then stop smiling!" You cried, crossing your arms.
"I can't smile at you, I'm mad!" Jamie insisted, covering his mouth "But, love, you just look so disappointed."
You look over at the carnage of burnt pastry as Jamie came over to meet you. It wasn't about the poptarts. It was about the fact that Jamie didn't trust you to tell you what was wrong. You felt big wet tears start to spring in your eyes. When Jamie saw your emotions, he quickly stoof to come over to you.
"(Y/N)..." He murmured, putting his hands on your shoulders. "Talk to meh, please?"
You looked anywhere but him, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat. "I just... I want to be there for you. When you're not doing great. We're supposed to be a team."
You sounded like a sad little girl, the way your voice went up in pitch as you tried to hold back the tears.
"I know," Jamie said, quietly. "You're right." He let go of your arms and let out a big sigh. "I'm just afriad that you'll think I'm being stupid or somethin'"
"Oh, Jamie, I would never."
"I know... well part of me knows that..." he admitted. "But the other part of me is meaner sometimes."
Now it was your turn to let out a laugh at his child-like language. You brought your hands up to take his hands. He'd been picking at his thumbs like he did when he was nervous.
"Just start by... telling me how your day was when you get home? Is that okay?" You offered, rubbing your thumbs over the palms of his hands.
"Yeah, I can do that," Jamie agreed, finally reaching down to place a kiss to your lips.
You hated fighting with Jamie. But sometimes, the fights ended up with you closer than you ever were before.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
pssssst hey quick question on the dl - who is helena bartinelli??
i cannot answer anon questions on the dl, so answer on the up-high, which she deserves:
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a.k.a. Helena Bertinelli, a.k.a. Gotham's coolest and most notable antihero, crossbow-wielder, and purple bat-associated vigilante.
Helena was born to an Italian mob family, but spent her childhood blissfully unaware of the family business--until her entire family was slaughtered in front of her when she was eight. She stayed with family overseas for the rest of her childhood, learning how to fight and protect herself.
She came back to Gotham for both vengeance and justice, and became one of Gotham's many vigilantes. Though her focus is on the mob, she'll step in to stop any crime.
She's also a schoolteacher! Good for her.
She is discerning in who she chooses to kill, but she does kill. As you can imagine, this put her at odds with Batman for a long time. Helena is pretty much the premiere example of Bruce trying to claim control over every vigilante in Gotham, no matter how little right he has. The argument on killing/ethics is valid, but his default was basically "do exactly what I say and fall in line under my command, or stop completely," which is why he's an asshole control freak and why I'm constantly mad about how she was treated 👍
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She was an absolute mainstay of the Batfamily before Flashpoint (2011) and it is personally hurtful to me that people don't know her. (Like, to be frank? She had far more of a presence than Damian or (living) Jason in the post-crisis era.)
You could count on seeing her in any major Batfamily crossover, from Cataclysm to Battle for the Cowl.
She was central to the biggest Batfamily crossover ever, No Man's Land, where Gotham was locked off from the rest of the country and turned into a lawless wasteland. Bruce left to sulk for the first couple of months and in absence of any other vigilantes in the field (only Oracle having remained in the city), Helena donned the mantle of the Bat for herself to protect the city. And when Batman came back, in return for all she'd done, she got...yelled at, assigned impossible tasks and criticized for not achieving them, her costume stolen and given to someone else, lied to, abandoned in the face of impossible odds, and shot multiple times protecting kids. Absolute fucking hero, honestly.
She also was on the Justice League for a while, though admittedly I have barely touched that run. To my understanding, despite nominating her for the position, Bruce was also the one to revoke her membership there.
Fortunately! things improved!!
In the early/mid 2000s, Helena joined the Birds of Prey, Oracle's team, and found legit friendships and support there with teammates like Dinah Lance/Black Canary. She finally got more respect in the community, and had a much better time.
Additional relationships include:
A big sister/annoying little brother type thing with Tim, who may disapprove of her killing but simply likes making friends too much :)
A great relationship with Vic Sage/the Question
One single issue where she met Steph that presented SUCH interesting potential that I desperately wish had been followed up on
On and off romantic/sexual tension with Dick, depending on the writer, which culminated in a single hook up that apparently most people around here would rather pretend didn't happen, though I really don't think it's that bad
A complicated relationship with Barbara, partially due to clashing personalities and conflicting morals (with Babs being nearly as much of a control freak as Bruce), and partially due to a shared history with Dick because DC loves making women be catty
Surely others from her first solo or time on the JLA that I don't know well enough to list!
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She's rad and determined and takes no shit but cares a lot, and I love her. We deserve more stories tying her teaching day job into her night work. We also deserve more stories with her in general.
If you would like additional Helena beyond just cruising my tag, I recommend:
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood - far more Huntress than Batman, this is a great 6-issue miniseries about Helena reckoning with her past, ft the Question.
Batman: No Man's Land - if you have the time for it, a big storyline but worth it.
Birds of Prey vol 1 (1999) - Helena starts to appear around issue #57 and becomes a central character from there.
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lovelyrocker · 9 months
Golden Gobes Confession
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Warnings: Drinking, Drunk Confessions
Characters: Timothee Chalamet, Reader
Word Count:1,520
You sat alone in your living room in your small LA apartment. You’d worked a double but you made it home in time to get into your pajamas and tune into the Golden Globes to watch your friend, Timothee stroll the red carpet. He’d been nominated and you were so proud of him. 
You’d known Timothee a few years. He’d moved next door to you in the old apartment building in 2021. You’d become quick friends and that friendship stuck even with his growing success. You’d hang out every time he was in LA and even though he moved you’d text several times throughout the week. 
When the camera panned to the crowd seated in the award ceremony your heart dropped just a little seeing Timothee with Kylie. Sure it wasn’t real. He dropped the ball and let it slip to you that it was PR. He made you swear not to tell a soul and of course, you didn’t. Still it made your heart ache, every kiss and loving caresses, every long gaze.
Your crush on Timothee only kept growing no matter how many times you told yourself he would never. You weren’t his type. He was way out of your league. None of it helped. You had an instant crush on him the second he knocked on your door and handed you the mail that was mistakenly put into his mailbox. 
The show ended around ten and you sent him a text message telling him you still think he should have won even though you knew he was partying at the after parties. 
It was nearly midnight when the knocking on the door started. You put your phone down and walked over to the door cautiously. “Who is it?”
“It’s Tim!”
“Tim?” You open the door quickly. Timothee was standing in front of you in his black suit and dark curls. “What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be across the city-”
“I- I know.” He told you, walking into your apartment. 
You shut the door and saw him looking erratic. “Timmy, are you okay?” You walked to him, placing your hand on his arms. 
“I needed to talk to you.” He turned to face you. 
You saw his eyes were glassy. “Tim, are you drunk?”
“No,” He waved his hand. “I mean, I’ve had a few drinks but I’m not drunk, a little buzzed, maybe.”He shook his head. “I just- I was sitting there waiting for them to call the winner and when they didn’t call me name I was-”
“Oh, Tim.” You rubbed his arm. “I’m so sorry. I really thought-”
“No,” He waved you off but still looked at you. “I’m not worried about not winning, that’s not what this is.” He walked away then turned back to you. “I- was sitting there and when I lost, I felt Kylie grab my hand and I realized she wasn't the one I wanted to be there.” You looked at him confused. “If I win or if I lose, it’s not her I want holding my hand or hugging me.”
“Tim, then tell your PR team that you want out.” You tell him bluntly. “Tell them you-”
“No!” He says running his hands frustratingly through his hair. “That's not what I’m- Yes I want out but,” Her turns back to you and looks at you for a second. “It’s not just that I don’t want her, it's anyone else.”
“Then stop letting your team talk you into-”
“You’re not getting it!” He stalks over to you.
His hands are on either side of your face and his lips touch yours. You freeze unsure this was happening. It was soft but firm. It didn’t last long and when he pulled away he just stared at you, still holding your face. You slowly opened your eyes and saw his bright green eyes sparkling into yours. 
“How much did you have to drink, Tim?” You whispered out.
“Not even enough to get drunk.” He told you as he leaned back into you, catching your lips into another kiss.
This one was longer, He let his lips linger on yours before letting his hands fall to you back. He backed you up till you hit the wall. One kiss went into another then you felt his tongue swipe your lips.As you gasped at the feeling he lapped into your mouth, taking the chance to taste you. 
You pushed his shoulders, breaking the kiss. “Tim, you’re drunk.”
“I’m not.” He tells you, leaning in for another kiss.
But you move away. “I can taste the tequila on you.” You step back.
“Okay, so I had another shot or two on the way.” He grins. “I was nervous.”
“Nervous?” You shake your head. “Timothee, you have a bad habit of doing stupid stuff when you drink or get high.” You saw his shoulders slump. “You should sleep it off. We can talk in the morning.”
“But, I-”
“It’s okay, Timmy.” 
He goes after you, tripping over his feet. “I’m not-”
“Tim, you can’t- you didn’t drive here, did you?”
“N- no, I-”
“Good. I’ll tell your driver to go on. You go into the bedroom and crash.” You tell him with a pat to his cheek. “Do you need help?”
“No, I’ll-”
“Okay, go on.” You lead him to the hall.
Timothee looks behind himself in confusion before going to the bedroom and falling onto the bed. You go downstairs and tell the driver, whom you knew well, that Timothee was going to sleep it off at your place and he was free to go. By the time you got back up to your apartment Timothee was asleep, face down on your bed. You carefully pulled his shoes and jacket off of him, careful not to mess up the garments that cost more than your rent. 
You pulled the covers over him and crawled into bed next to him. Pushing the curls from his face you breathed deep, inhaling his smell. You pressed a kiss to his forehead and shut off the light. 
Timothee woke the next morning to a pounding in his head. The light shining in from the window made him squint. He groaned as he sat up, feeling like his head was going to roll off his shoulders. He stood, digging into the bottom drawer that held his clothes he always left at your place. He went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower. 
Twenty minutes later, boxer and t-shirt clad,  he walked into the kitchen where you had two ibuprofen and a hot cup of coffee waiting on the counter. “You are awesome.” He said as he sat at the small kitchen table, tossing back the pills with a big swallow of coffee. 
“Tequila shots back to seek vengeance?” You smile, taking a sip of your own coffee, leaning against the sink.
“Why did I do back to back shots on the way here is beyond me.” He rubbed his head. 
“Because you do stupid stuff once you start drinking.” You reminded him. 
He nodded, taking another sip of coffee. He watched as you placed your cup down and flipped through your phone as if he didn’t kiss you 12 hours ago. 
“You want a bagel?” You asked as you walked across the small kitchen. 
“Are you gonna say anything about last night?” He asked instead of answering her question.
“You were drunk, Tim.” She said offhandedly. “Weren’t exactly in your right mind.”
“But it wasn’t just a stupid drunken thing.” He said bluntly. She paused with her hands on the sink. “It wasn’t a-”
“You can't do that, Tim.”
“Do what?” 
She can feel him standing behind her now. “You can’t just kiss friends like you did last night and expect them to be as forgiving and forget about it as I am.”
He stands next to you. “I don’t want you to forget about it.”
“Tim, you’re being unfair.” You tell him with that burning feeling in the back of your throat that tells you tears aren’t far.
“How?” He placed his hand on your cheek and turned your face to look at him. “How am I being unfair?”
“You can't just kiss me and go back to how things were before.” You tell him in a whisper. “I can’t do that with you.”
“I don’t want you to.” He tells you as he leans in, pressing his lips to yours.
As he pulls away you open your eyes and look at him. “Did you really confess your feelings in a drunken rant about hating your PRship?”
“I wasn’t drunk when I started off here. It was the tequila shots of liquid courage that sent me over the edge.” He smiled. “I didn’t want to pussy out again.”
“I can’t tell you how many times I've wanted to tell you I liked you but chickened out.”
“You, chicken out?!”
“Yes! Me!” He laughs at your shock.
“And here I am thinking I’m not your type.”
“Baby, you are every bit my type.” He tells you, pulling you into another long kiss.
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klbwriting · 8 months
The Jason Todd Anomaly
Chapter 15 - A Thank You For Saving My Stupid Ass Would Be Nice
Fandom: DC, Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: violence, swearing, the usual
Summary: Jason and YN go with Selina Kyle to S.T.A.R. Labs to try and figure out the Owls plans
Notes: I've returned to this because of the Jason Todd hole I fell into yesterday and I'm just reminded that I loved this story so much and I want to finish it. Also Lewis Tan is still my Red Hood/Jason Todd fancast. He's perfect.
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Being partners with Jason was much easier than just randomly running into his on patrol. YN had joined him on most of his missions over the last several months, donning her new black and red helmet, his Red Hood symbol on the sides to show that she was his ally. It took some time to get used to but now they were a solid team, doing what the court wanted, but in the worst way possible. They had wanted Quinn’s territory taken over, so they did, but instead of giving it to the GCPD, which was fully in league with the owls at this point, Jason kept it, making it Red Hood. The court hadn’t been pleased, but they let him have it, seemingly thinking this was just some kind of tantrum he was having at being forced to join. By the time YN and Jason were breaking into S.T.A.R. Labs, which was not the mission the court wanted them doing, they were a well-oiled machine.
“You’re late,” YN said as Jason landed next to her on the roof across from S.T.A.R. Labs the same night that Selina was set to clear out Fries’s goons. YN had gotten there early; Selina having asked to speak with her before.
“I’m on time, you’re early,” he answered. “Why are you early? I tried to call you; thought we could ride over together.”
“Catwoman called me, wanted to chat before she went in,” she said. She noticed the shift in Jason’s attitude. He was normally relaxed around her, even on patrol, letting his body move with his nervous energy that he used to keep from her. Now he was frozen.
“What did she have to say?” he asked. They were both in their helmets, but she could almost see the concerned look on his face. He both loved and hated her in this world with him. She was a badass and she was on his side, she fought with him to try and actually fix the city, not just put their fingers in the dam, she understood him and that meant they sometimes didn’t even need to talk on patrols, they just did. He’d never had someone like that before and it was amazing to feel that someone had his back. He hated that she was always in danger, that she wasn’t always with him. That set met with dangerous people like Selina, like Harley, and he couldn’t always help her.
“She wanted to warn me away from you and the others. The others because the Owls are always watching and you because…because Bruce wouldn’t like what you’ve become,” she said. Jason rolled his eyes. “She also said she would leave a compound sample for us.”
“Well, that’s helpful at least,” he grumbled. “Did you see where she went into the labs?”
“She went in through that tiny ventilation hatch, I’m assuming to get the drop on them,” she said. “I am not fitting through that, and neither are you.” He chuckled a little and pointed to an upstairs window that was broken. “Ya, she threw a guy out of that one, I think maybe for us.”
“Well, let’s get inside and see was kind of shit we can find,” he said. They grappled to the window and slid inside the dark hallway. They could still hear fighting below them, so they stayed up in the rafters, watching as Catwoman worked over Fries’s crew, at least until Fries himself showed up.
“What could you possibly be doing here Cat?” Fries asked, flanked by more goons. Selina stood up, flexing her claws, feigning boredom.
“I needed somewhere to take a cat nap,” she said. YN let her head fall at how pathetic that pun was, but she heard Jason snort out a quiet laugh. She turned to look at him and then at Catwoman. She knew the stories about Batman and Catwoman and with how she spoke of Bruce they were probably true, but she didn’t consider that Selina might have been like a mother or older sister to the others. There was still a lot she didn’t know about Jason and the rest of his family.
“I’m not leaving Selina, there is work to be done here, so please go before you catch cold,” Fries said. Selina unfurled her whip, and the fight was on. It was clear after a few moments that Selina was outmatched with Fries’s reinforcements. Jason and YN looked at each other, nodding and jumping down into the fight. “Bringing your bat friends into this?” Fries yelled, firing an icy blast at Jason as his back was turned. Selina whipped around Jason’s ankle, knocking him over and out of the way of the blast. YN snarled, aiming her own gun at Fries and firing. It hit him in the protective helmet he wore and pierced it. He yelled, enraged, but fell back, leaving his cronies to do the rest while he went back to his hideout to repair the damage. The rest of the minions were easily taken down, leaving the three vigilantes standing.
“I didn’t need the help Selina,” Jason said.
“A thank you for saving my stupid ass would be nice,” Selina said, attaching her whip to her belt and retracting her claws. She started gathering anything the lab had on it that was Fries’s, leaving the Owls information. YN went to one of the computers in the room, checking out the information.
“Looks like the Owls were having Fries work for them, but they got wise and started going into business for themselves,” she said, printing the data available to them as Jason gathered a few vials of chemicals.
“You two make quite a team,” Selina said, watching the two move around each other as they cleaned out the lab. “Bruce would be glad you found someone willing to put up with you.” Jason tensed at the mention of Bruce. The air seemed to be pulled out of the room. Yes, everyone put up with Jason, he was just there as the pyscho killer that they needed to deal with because he was strong and didn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone. Jason, the one that no one loved, just tolerated. YN turned to Selina.
“I don’t put up with him,” she said. “I love him.” She turned back to her work, acting as if she hadn’t just said words she’d never spoken to anyone outside of her family before. But she had felt how Jason’s body tensed, could see his brain working, thinking again that he was just the ruthless powerhouse to everyone, he wasn’t a person even, just an animal acting on violent instinct. Over the past eight months since they’d met Jason had opened up to her just a couple of times about how he felt others viewed him.
They had just gotten back from clearing out more of Harley’s territory, getting the low-level freaks to either run or get arrested. Damian had joined them that night, coincidence that he was patrolling nearby. There was an argument after Jason had punched a guy off a balcony for trying to choke YN to death. He hadn’t meant to kill the guy this time, just seeing red, just like the other times he lost control. It was the first time it had happened with YN there, and Damian had lit into him about it.
“I know the urge to murder, my mother’s life is death and suffering in the name of the greater good. I want to be like my father and do better. Why could you never do that? The pit really sucked all of the soul out of you, didn’t it?” Damian had said. “You’re a shell now Jason, the only reason anyone even lets you be is because Bruce still believed in you for some reason.” He had left then, and Jason hadn’t even looked at YN, just heading off somewhere to be alone.
He had come back to the loft just before dawn to find YN sitting in bed waiting for him. Jason didn’t know what came over him honestly, but he needed her, needed to feel her with him. He needed to feel someone alive who didn’t think he was just a monster. She had accepted him without question, letting him use her however he needed. After, he held her close and felt terrible.
“Why didn’t you say no? If you said no, I wouldn’t have…” he started. She put hand to his mouth.
“Don’t start talking like that or thinking like that. You needed me, and if I ever need you like that, I expect you’ll do the same for me,” she said, removing her hand and kissing him softly. “What Damian said, is that what you think? That no one loves you? That you’re a shell?” He didn’t answer, but that was an answer. “Jason, just because you view the world differently doesn’t mean you’re a monster or a shell.”
“Pretty sure he is right though, that pit just sucked the soul out of me,” he said. He had felt like there was an empty hole in his chest ever since he came back. YN had started to fill it but now he wondered if that was just his imagination, making believe he could have someone love and care about him that way.
“You have a soul babe, it’s not as shiny as your dickwad brothers but its there, and its no less magical,” she said. Jason clung to her a little more, burying his head in her neck. “You know I don’t just tolerate you; I actually want to be around you.”
“Thank you,” he said softly.
Ever since then Jason wondered if she meant what she said that night, or if she had just said it so he would let her get some sleep. Now though, in this lab, she had just told Selina that she loved him. She didn’t just put up with him, she didn’t just want him because of his power or looks or money or because he was Red Hood, she loved him. Jason looked at Selina who looked back at him and nodded, a little smile playing on her lips.
“Don’t fuck this up like Bruce did with all his love interests,” Selina said to him before she sauntered off towards the entrance. YN came over, her bag full of reports and chemicals.
“Come on, we can talk about all this when we get back home,” she said. That was another thing, she had moved in with him just last week. He claimed it was because he was worried about the Owls not keeping their word after she had woken up one night and saw a Talon outside her window, but really, he just wanted to see if she would do it. And she had moved in without a fight, finishing out her lease and settling in with him. She didn’t only want him during patrol or in bed, but she wanted to see him when he was just lazing on the couch, eating cereal out of the box watching Chopped. She wanted to be there when he went on patrol alone, waiting up so they could debrief, and she’d patch him up. Is this what it felt like? Being loved? He didn’t really know but he hoped it was because he liked this feeling. He never wanted it to end.
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mattybraps10 · 9 months
You Belong With Me (Taylor's Version)
Part of the Fearless (TV) series.
Summary: Leo Carlsson watches helplessly as his best friend falls in love with his teammate Pavel Mintyukov.
word count: 1298
by: M
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You Belong With Me (Taylor's Version) ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
The drive home from the arena was silent as Leo and Pavel tried to process their third consecutive loss. They had known going into the season that joining the team that had finished 32nd in a 32 team league would be hard, they just weren’t ready for the mental challenges that came along with the losing. Leo’s phone rang as he merged onto the highway. 
“Hey Leo, I saw the loss, I’m already at your place. I brought cookies!” Y/n said as soon as Leo pressed accept.
“Thanks love, I have Pavel with me tonight, so you’ll finally meet him.” Leo replied, smiling to himself. He loved how Y/n always knew exactly how he was feeling and what he needed without even having to be there.
“Hey Pavel! I have chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies so I hope you like those. I also think there’s ice cream in the freezer from the last time I was over.” She said, wandering through the apartment and rifling through the freezer.
“Oatmeal sounds great, thank you Y/n. I can’t wait.” He replied smiling.
“Found it!” Y/n called, the sound of the freezer slamming closed echoing through the speaker.
“Be careful with my fridge!” Leo said, turning off of the freeway.
“It’s fine!” Y/n said laughing.
“Okay sure, we’ll be home in 10 minutes. Please try not to break any of my appliances.” 
“Bye Leo! See you in a bit!”
“Bye!” Leo hung up the phone.
Leo had spent the past few months trying to avoid Y/n and Pavel meeting. It’s not that he didn’t think they’d get along, it was the exact opposite. Leo felt they’d get along too well and his small, eensy little crush would be cast aside in favor of letting her be happy.
When they arrived at the apartment, Leo quickly hopped out of the car, running to the elevators to see Y/n.
Pavel couldn’t fully understand Leo’s haste as he was pretty sure they’d seen each other the day before, but he quickly followed Leo into the elevator.
“Y/n we’re here!” Leo called, knocking on his own door.
The door opened and Pavel swore he felt his heart skip a beat. The girl in front of him was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Her brown hair cascaded around her face perfectly complimenting her eyes. Her smile made her entire face light up and Pavel wanted to have her smile tattooed on his eyelids so he’d never forget it.
“Leo, hi!” She said, smiling as he scooped her into a big hug.
“Hi love.” He laughed, setting her down.
“You must be Pavel.” She said, turning her smile to him. Pavel couldn’t figure out how he hadn’t passed out right then and there. 
“I’m- uh- Pavel, yeah.” He said, offering a hand as the tips of his ears turned an aggressive shade of pink.
“I just said that, I’m Y/n.” She laughed, taking his hand and giving it a quick shake.
“Well! Let’s get down to business. I could only find vanilla ice cream though I was sure I’d left chocolate unless Leo ate it all within the past day and a half.” She said, turning to him and frowning.
“I got hungry.” Was all he said, holding his hands up in mock defense.
The night went smoothly from there, Pavel and Y/n sharing the occasional glance as Leo turned on a movie. The movie began and Y/n was sandwiched between the boys, not that she would have complained or anything. Before long, Leo was drifting to sleep, the exerted energy from the game having caught up with him. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Pavel whispered, angling his body towards her.
“Hey Pavel.” She replied, echoing his movements.
“I- I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. And I- I just- I wanted to ask for your number I guess? I mean you don’t have to- I know how close you are with Leo and I don’t want to interfere or anything.” He said, rambling. 
The entire night he’d been trying to figure out how to ask her out, but this seemed like the best time to do it.
“Pavel, I would love to give you my number. I think you’re really attractive too. Leo and I are just friends, he’s made that clear.” She said, grabbing his phone and adding her number.
Months passed and their relationship blossomed. Pavel’s every waking thought was consumed by the girl he loved. The two of them had made it official a few weeks after they’d started hanging out and told everyone a few weeks after that. Leo had pulled away from Pavel a little bit, but from what he could tell, he and Y/n were still close.
He knew this would happen. He knew Y/n and Pavel were perfect for eachother. But, he still felt he would make a better boyfriend to Y/n. Pavel and Y/n had just met and Leo knew everything about her. He didn’t even understand her jokes like he did, his english isn't as strong. 
Leo found himself caught up in a loop, thinking about everything Pavel did that he could do better. He’d walk through the street with Y/n before practice, thinking how easy it would be to just turn and tell her how he felt. Seeing her smile was his favorite part of each day and he couldn’t bear to lose it. 
He knew he shouldn’t blame Pavel. Pavel was a leading contender for the Calder trophy and he seemed to have his whole life together, 20 years old with his own house, whilst Leo was 19 and renting an apartment from his father’s friend. Pavel had the charm Leo would never have. He was the star of the team and Leo was cast aside, his injury leaving him forgotten in the midst of the Ducks winning streak. 
“Hey Leo- Can I- Can I stay at your place tonight?” Y/n called him out of the blue.
“Yeah of course, we can talk about it when you get here.” 
She had clearly been crying, her sentences broken as she tried to communicate with her best friend. Leo almost cried himself when he opened the door to see the tear-stained face of the only person in the world who could make him feel better.
“What happened, love?” He asked, holding out his arms and wrapping the smaller girl into his arms.
“Pavel. He and I had a fight. He wants me to move in-” She said, sobbing into Leo’s shoulder.
“That can’t be everything, love there’s something you’re not telling me.” He held her tight, rubbing her back as she cried.
“He wants… He wants to get married. I mean I know it’s fast and I really love him but marriage? I mean I’m 19 for christ’s sake and I want to move in with him, I told him as much. But he wants more, he’s ready for more.” 
Leo didn’t know what to say. She was right, marriage at 19 was crazy and with his own unresolved feelings there was no way he’d be able to communicate anything useful.
“You’re gonna be okay. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” He said, holding her tight.
After a little while Y/n pulled away, rubbing her eyes. 
“Thank you for being here Leo. I think I should probably go back home to see him. I kind of just stormed off and I don’t want to lose him. We need to have a proper conversation. I love you Leo, thank you so much.” She said, walking towards the door.
“I love you too Y/n. Drive safe.”
If only she knew. 
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starwalker03 · 10 months
I have plot bunnies. Was wondering how time traveled WMLP Dick would explain having a healing factor like Slade's (Good luck with that Dick) ended up day dreaming into a new au and living up to my namesake. So idea: A government is trying to recreate the experiment that got Slade his powers and make their own unit of Deathstrokes. Dick or the team is investigating human tracking and human experiments. Dick infiltrates the facility but gets caught (suspend your disbelief here). Evil scientists decide to use Nightwing as a spare subject. Most of their subjects are dying anyway, and he's around the right age and health standard. May as well get some more data before they kill him. Slade who came to shut down the experiment for more personal reasons, finds Dick before the Team does.
I have this image of Slade finding Dick curled up in a cell. The roots of his hair are turning sliver in patches. Dick puts on a brave face and tries to barter his way out but Slade can see how exhausted he looks and guess what happened to him.
ooooooooooooooooh yes. mhm mhm yes very much.
I love a good plot bunny. nom nom nom. This is going in the sladick server for sure lmao.
Nightwing in the YJ show is always so fun to mess with because he is definitely Nightwing, like he's not some strange other version of the character with the same name. The story is very different, his role as a hero is very different, his experiences are very different, but he is still quintessentially Nightwing. I tend to blend all my canons together a lot to make stories but the YJ canon is really fun to mess with on its own sometimes, especially with nightwing.
He's just so young and like, different (?) to how he is in other storylines. like Nightwing of YJ is not Nightwing of Teen Titans. they're just not the same. and what we see of his relationship with Batman is so interesting. And then on top of that the timeline for the batfam is so weord to mess with because within five years Dick becomes Nightwing, Jason becomes Robin, dies, Tim becomes Robin, and there's no actual proof that Dick left Gotham for his own city, so for some reason he became Nightwing but stayed in Gotham but Bruce still went and found a new Robin? like. what?
ramble aside, Nightwing being captured and experimented on and saved by Slade before anyone else is so fun. I'm imagining this as like, post season two maybe? or actually no, cause by then he's quit as team leader. so imagine just before season two, maybe Kaldur has already started going undercover in the Light, and Dick gets captured. It falls under the radar a little because he's very independant and things with the light and the reach haven't started to boil over yet, so they assume he's got caught up in some other mission. unless of course he gets kidnapped on a mission. the absolute panic of that. THey've already lost one leader (Kaldur) under mysterious circumstance and now they've lost Nightwing too? Wally and Artemis having already retired from heroing and hearing about their friend going MIA is a Thought. M'Gaan and Conner being out somewhere else doing some other mission.
ooooh wait. in season two Dick has had to fall back on a support position as leader of the team, because they have had to start splitting up on multiple missions and the only way to effectively lead everyone is to be at the mountain on comms and computers. this would be a fun explanation for that. Him getting kidnapped and experimented on, Slade finding and saving him, helping him heal and figure out what's happened to him, and Dick skedaddling as soon as possible because he doesn't want to get double kidnapped and he can tell Slade is very close to doing exactly that.
showing up at the mountain after running from Slade, who has been giving chase... oh that's fun. makes me think of a series by mizufallsfromkumo called Gravity.
Anyway. He's barred from field action for a bit while the league makes sure he has a psych eval and stuff, cause that sounds like a procedure they'd have in place after someone is kidnapped and captured. And because of that no one learns about the fact that he's kinda sorta a supersoldier now and he wants to keep it that way. and then the season starts and he finally gets back in the field and everything. and when Slade shows up in the show he immediately spots Kaldur'Ahm and is like 'yeah there's no way this turned evil shit is real' and he hunts down Dick while he's on patrol to be like 'well hello there. so this can go two ways...' because he now has leverage.
him using Kaldur as leverage to make Dick strike a deal with him, so this time there's no running away. Dick showing up as renegade months later and no one putting two and two together because he's wearing a mask and he's not supposed to be a supersoldier.
I've realised I already have two different fics that follow a very similar plot to this lmao. one is from whumptober 2021 and the other is just only a few chapters in and I haven't had a chance to get back to it lmao.
What Kind of Man? is the idea of Dick handing himself over to Slade as payment for his silence about Kaldur and Artemis. Oh, Well, Call Off the Dogs, We Found Her in the Woods involves Dick getting kidnapped and experimented on to make him a supersoldier (and will eventually involve Slade).
Also if this is an idea you vibe with I would reccomend the series I linked before (although I think it's been discontinued? it's unfinished at the least) and also An Active Imagination by @withthekeyisking-writer. oh! and Dia a Hero by Foreverwhelmed.
I swear I had more recs to give... Oh! hang on...
Black and Blue Looks Good on You by Soul Tinkerer
and Persuasion (which is on hiatus) by Averia.
okay that's all I got rn byeeeeeee
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
it was about your actual eldest daughter quinn cisswap fic :D
hahahaha thank you for clarifying <3 even though it would have been a delightful message either way
i'm so pleased to hear it though! i love her so much, i am slowly but doggedly plugging away at that fic in the precious free time i have and i am looking forward to hopefully one day share her with you and the five other people who are excited to read her story. also it's been a while since i wrote a female protagonist and it's been such a fun and interesting writing process digging into how the gender of it all does or doesn't change things.
anyway! have a little snippet of exposition!! <3
Technically, Quinn met Brady before they were fifteen. The elite hockey world is small, and they played with and against each other at various youth tournaments, but fifteen is when everything really started. Women in the NHL were no longer brand new, although still treated like a novelty — as if that’s ever going to change — but having girls in the national team development program was still in the experimental stages. After all, international competition was still strictly gendered. Someone had convinced the powers that be that if the best girls in the game were legitimately shooting for the NHL now, then it was good for the Americans to at least present the illusion of equal institutional support, the same way Sweden and Finland were doing. Can’t be falling behind the Europeans.
So the program wanted Quinn. Her parents, despite her years on boys’ teams and her tenuous commitment to Michigan, whose D-I hockey team did not historically include girls, had expressed some reservations about sending her off to live in an environment that was 90% teen boys before her sixteenth birthday. They were supportive, yeah, but they kept asking about special accommodations — a phrase that Quinn at fifteen loathed, feeling that it highlighted a difference between her and the boys that she would prefer for everyone to just forget about. But Brady, obviously, was also program-bound, and at a spring tournament in Wisconsin, Quinn’s coach connected Quinn’s parents with Keith and Chantal. Their dads already knew each other from years in the league: Jim behind the bench and in front offices, Keith on the ice. Both families familiar with the other from years of running in the same circles. The Tkachuks, it turned out, had a place in Ann Arbor while their boys were in the program, and they would be happy to let Quinn have the basement apartment, if some guaranteed parental supervision from a take-no-shit NHL veteran would put everyone’s minds at ease.
Brady, tall and gangly with his sweaty curls matted to his head, had watched the adults deliberating for half a minute, then turned to Quinn, stuck his hand out, and said, “Hey, how ya doing? That was a sick goal from the point your last game. Seriously, hell of a shot. I pointed it out to my dad and he was like, well, yeah, Brady, you could do that too if you didn’t have legs like spaghetti noodles. So I guess it’s gonna be leg day every day this summer.”
Quinn, once she had processed all of this, her hand still being shaken, had said, “Uh, yeah, looks like you could really use some work in that department.” Then she winced internally, because, yeah, great first impression on the kid whose parents were brokering her path to the NHL right at that moment. But Brady just laughed.
“So you think you’re gonna come to the program?” he asked.
Quinn nodded at the council of grown-ups. “If they let me, yeah.”
“They’ll let you. You’re too good not to go,” Brady said, so breezily assured that for a moment Quinn forgot why she had doubts. “It’s great. You’ll love it. My brother is there and he loves it. He says it’s not weird at all having girls around. I mean, like, obviously, we’ve got Nicky and Rach on our team right now and they’re great so I didn’t think it would be weird anyway. But Matthew says—” he laughed again, shaking his head “—he says, ‘just remember, you can hit them, but don’t hit on them, and it’ll all be fine.’” 
Despite herself, by this point, Quinn was grinning. “Sounds like a pretty good rule.”
“Yeah, he’s a knucklehead, but sometimes he pops out a gem like that,” Brady said.
“Brothers are usually knuckleheads.”
“True. Wait, hey.”
Quinn gave him a sidelong look, one eyebrow raised. He slugged her in the shoulder.
“Quinny, come here a sec,” her mom said, and that’s how Quinn wound up living in Brady Tkachuk’s basement for two years.
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she-karev · 9 months
B-Team (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev's Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Canon Episode: B-Team Shorts on YouTube
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev's Sister)
AN: Sorry for being away for so long but hopefully this makes up for it. Amber Karev is taking Sam Bello’s spot from season 14 so there won’t be a love triangle.
Summary: Amber starts her first day as an intern and is met with expected obstacles. Meanwhile DeLuca tries to navigate his feelings for Amber after discovering her relation to Alex and goes to Carina for help who takes matters into her own hands.
Words: 8260
I walk around the dozens of boxes in my studio apartment frantically as I look for my keys. Today is my first day at work and I already lost my keys as if the universe hates me and wants me to be late. I probably look insane no doubt with my hand trying to hold my hair up in a ponytail, my other hand holding my coffee mug and wearing my pink panties with my casual sweater for the day.
“Damn it come on where are you?!” I sip my coffee when I feel something metal hit my lips. I stop suddenly and look down to find my keys inside the mug to my relief and disgust, “Of course two sugars, crème and keys like I always take it.” I don’t know why I’m talking to myself, so I pull my keys out and clean them.
After throwing the mug away I go to a mirror and try to put my hair in a ponytail when the band snaps to my frustration, “Grrr!” I throw the band away and opt for a hair clip instead praying it suffices. I grab my backpack, put my jeans on, grab my Adidas and open the door. I hop down the hall as I put my shoes on trying not to fall. I finally put them on and run to the elevator exhaling as it closes.
I run to my black 2012 Ford Mustang in the parking lot and hurriedly go inside and hope the engine starts. I turn the key in the ignition and by some miracle it starts the first time and I skid out of the spot and drive to the hospital as fast as I can.
Andrew walks to the hospital across the park trying to keep his head together after last night’s revelation. He looked around hoping to find Carina so he can talk to her and figure out what to do. Ever since he figured out who Amber really is his mind has been wrestling with images of her in the bar flirting with her and having fun and images of her brother beating him up and the pain he faced after.
If she was a regular resident who was related to an attending, he wouldn’t be so conflicted but a regular attending wouldn’t have hit him. He and Alex were amicable after everything but he highly doubted Alex would be okay knowing his little sister slept with Andrew and start a fantasy football league together. It would make things more complicated for both of them especially for Andrew. And then there’s Amber who would be caught in the middle of it. The idea of that makes Andrew feel equally uneasy due to how fast and hard he developed feelings for her.
“Hey, didn’t I meet you at a bar somewhere?”
Andrew eyes widen at the familiar voice and turns around to find Amber smiling at him wearing a black sweater with her hair in a clip. Even in a slightly disheveled state he couldn’t help his physical attraction towards her natural beauty. Andrew grins slightly trying to remain cool despite his stomach being in a twist in her presence.
“Hey, I-I didn’t think I was gonna see you so soon after last night.”
“Well it’s my first day and I’ve had perfect attendance since 1st grade and I want to keep that up. You’re not carrying a coffee are you because I don’t want coffee on my cleavage the first day.”
Andrew chuckles, “No I’m weaning off caffeine I’ve uh got enough keeping me up.” He didn’t add that she was the reason he was up all night and not in a good way.
“Well your stronger than me. So, have you told anyone about us hooking up? Besides Dr. Robbins, your sister and Jo I mean.” Amber asks.
“Uh no not really I figured that’s not an impression you want to make with the other interns.”
Amber grins, “No definitely not, I don’t want them thinking I’m using nepotism and sex to work my way into an O.R. Plus, if it got back to Alex, it would go back to my family who would be freaking out that I wasn’t being usual responsible Amber.”
Andrew nods trying to keep a calm face over mention of her brother, Amber is oblivious as she teases him, “Even though we were totally responsible…twice.”
“It’s cool I get it.”
Amber looks at her watch, “Oh shoot I gotta go, my shift starts but we should hang out after and…catch up.” Amber makes her voice breathier at catch up.
Andrew looks at her and is more conflicted the more he spends time with her so he opts to escape, “Um yeah maybe I’ll let you know.”
“Okay see you later.” Amber rushes inside with Andrew watching her as his anxiety increases causing him to walk briskly inside the building. He tried to stay calm as he put on his scrubs and finally finds Carina in the MRI room that she’s using for her study.
Andrew sits next to her as she writes down her data, “I need your help.”
“I’m busy as you can see my patient is about to reach climax.”
Andrew groans, “You know there are other ways you could explain that without making it dirty.”
Carina continues writing without looking at him, “Andrea if you want my help for something don’t insult my work before or I will kick you out.”
“Right sorry. Um I have a personal problem and it’s pretty big so I need you to swear it won’t get out of this room, can you do that?”
“I am studying women during the most intimate and private moments of their lives of course I can keep a secret, what is it?”
Andrew tries to find where to begin, “Do you uh remember that night I walked in on you and Dr. Robbins?”
Carina doesn’t look up from her notes, “It’s hard to forget, it was a very nice night for us regardless. Once we went our separate ways of course.”
“Right well do you remember the girl that I brought with me?”
“The blonde who looks a little like Princess Diana, I remember her, did you get her number?”
Andrew bitterly chuckles, “No she wanted to finish med school with no strings attached so we decided to save a date if she ever came here again and she did.”
His sister still doesn’t look up, “Okay why is she here? Is it just for you?”
“No, she’s a surgical intern here.”
Carina still doesn’t look up despite that information, “And that’s a problem? We work long hours and she’s a surgeon like you so she doesn’t have to pretend to be interested.”
Andrew grimaces, “Believe me I wish us working together was the only problem. Do you remember when I was beat up last year by my boss after I helped his girlfriend walk home after she got drunk?”
“Yes, it was very scary I remember you saying to me I didn’t have to travel 14 hours just to see you even though I was okay with it.” Carina gets confused, “Wait a minute what does that have to do with…” Carina doesn’t know her name due to Amber quickly leaving after meeting her when she was fighting with Andrew.
“Amber.” Andrew finishes for her.
“Amber, what does this have to do with Amber?”
Andrew purses his lips in cruel irony, “Well the boss that beat me up, Alex Karev.”
“Uh huh.” Carina nods, still looking at her notes.
“Amber is his sister and I slept with her that night.”
Carina finally stops writing and looks at Andrew with wide shocked eyes and he bitterly nods at her response.
“Do you see why I need your help?”
I walk down the hall and find the intern locker room. I enter the room and I see that it looks how it sounds, a locker room. It’s like the lockers we get at high school only it smells like ammonia which frankly is better than sweaty socks. I’m not the only one here I spot approximately 20 people in here all in light blue scrubs with their stethoscopes hanging by their necks.
I go to my assigned locker and open it to find my own scrubs and lab coats. The sight of the rest of my life is both exciting and dauting but I push through it and put them on. The only thing I brought from home that I’m using are my adidas and burgundy stethoscope my mom sent me as a graduation gift. I don’t know why she sent it maybe as a way to make up for being out of it most of my life but I took it because it’s not good to pass up free stuff in my position. I put the stethoscope in my pocket as a woman wearing a hijab next to me pulls out her flashcards.
“What are those?” I ask curiously.
“Their study material’s.”
“For what? We already passed the boards.”
The woman looks at me, “No I know it’s just that it helps me remember what I learned so I don’t forget it and accidently kill someone my first day.” She chuckles nervously.
I raise an eyebrow at her, “You don’t have to laugh I can tell your nervous.”
“So nervous!” The woman shows her true face and it is fearful, “I’m Dahlia by the way or Dr. Qadri I mean I’m still getting used to that title.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean, I’m Amber.” We shake hands.
“I mean it is crazy I wanted this for so long and now I’m actually here and it’s…” Dahlia looks around in amazement, “You know I grew up in Utah and went to state school pre-med, it was the only thing my parents could afford at the time.”
“Yeah, I went to Iowa State pre-med, I don’t even think some of these people even know what Iowa is.”
Dahlia chuckles, “You know I heard a rumor that one of the new interns is Dr. Karev’s sister, he’s the chief of pediatric surgery here.”
I raise an eyebrow, “Really? What do you think of that?” I want to know her opinion of me before finding out who I am so I can know who I’m dealing with. And so I can mess with her.
Dahlia scoffs, “I mean come on most of these guys are legacies and they don’t know the true meaning of hard work not like us. Their parents donated to their alumni so they can get in with a median MCAT average. I mean this girl coincidently matches at the same hospital her brother works. She obviously taking the easy route if you ask me and that route is named nepotism.” I nod at her statement and try to act like I don’t want to punch her. She’s oblivious of course and she asks me something she’s gonna wish she didn’t, “Sorry I don’t think I caught your last name what is it?”
“Karev, it’s Dr. Amber Karev.” I say with a grin as Dahlia’s eyes widen as she realizes she just called me easy and spoiled.
Dahlia stammers, “Uh y-your-”
“Taking the easy route named nepotism I think you just said.” I say as I glare at her offended.
“I-I am so so sorry I didn’t know.” Dahlia tries to rectify her mistake but makes it worse, “And can I just say your brother is a pioneer and I think your about to continue that legendary legacy of his.”
It isn’t even an hour into my first day and I’m already being compared to my brother. I’m starting to get annoyed by this so I need to walk away, “I’m gonna walk away from you now before you make this more awkward.”
Dahlia nods, “Smart you seem really, really smart and so pretty I mean it.”
I roll my eyes and focus back on my locker and she gets the hint and goes back to her cards. I knew I was gonna be accused of nepotism and favoritism when I got matched here but it still irks me when they think I’ve had it ‘easy.’ I mentally chuckle at that assumption, if only these asshats knew how ‘easy’ I really had it. Of course, if they actually knew about the crazy mom, absent dad and crazy brother who attacked me the stares would increase and instead of being accused of nepotism I would be accused of being schizophrenic.
I immediately remember my morning routine and pull out my small sudoku book and work on one page of puzzles. One page a day has been my routine since I was 16 and I realized there was a strong possibility my genes could turn on me. I know it’s silly to think a kid’s puzzle will keep the hallucinations at bay but solving puzzles makes me feel better for some reason. I go through the grids quickly even with the guy next to me, Casey Parker, chanting something that sounds like, “Don’t stand out, don’t throw up and call it a win.”
Dahlia asks something from her flashcards, “Okay which is the artery that splits to the right common carotid in the right subclavian?”
Casey and I immediately answer even though I’m at the 3rd grid right now, “Innominate.”
Dahlia scoffs, “No that’s not it, it’s…” Dahlia checks the answer in the back and realizes we were right, “Crap!”
I don’t even look up from my book when Levi walks in chipper as ever. Frankly I’m amazed he even got into this program after he botched his first day here. It was the day of my interview and also the day he dropped his glasses into the body cavity during a surgery. And that was before he became a doctor, which says a lot.
“Good morning!” I wave dismissively at him too caught up in finishing the page before my shift, only three grids to go, “I think my mom forgot to pack my stethoscope, is it gross to borrow one?”
“Yes.” I look to find Taryn Helm sitting on the bench with her headphones on clearly stressed, “And shut up I need to get in my zone.”
“Nobody is talking except him.” I blankly say as I get to my final grid.
Casey explains to Dahlia, “Taryn’s nervous.”
“I’m not nervous!” Taryn snaps, “I’m in my zone.”
A voice I unfortunately recognizes whoo’s as he enters the lockers, “Day one baby! Let’s go!” Vik Roy tries to high five Levi who is carrying stuff. I roll my eyes at him and try to focus on my puzzle even when he tries to high five all of us even Taryn who is just as annoyed by him.
“No.” Taryn says dismissively causing Roy to retreat.
“What’s her deal?”
“Zone.” We all explain.
“How are you so not freaking out right now?” Dahlia asks.
Vik smugly grins, “Because Dahlia I don’t freak out, I don’t get jitters and I crush first impressions.”
I snort at that as Casey sarcastically dismisses, “Clearly.”
Vik catches my book as he chuckles and asks me, “Sudoku? What are you 13?”
“No that’s you.” I say as I finish the puzzle and Casey chuckles at my insult, “You know if you did as many puzzles as me, you’d probably be capable of an intellectual conversation. And that’s required by doctors…dude.” I say the last word with venom and he rolls his eyes.
“She’s right about that Dr. Roy.” I turn to find Chief Bailey behind me and I get my act together closing my locker to stand in front of her.
“Good morning chief Bailey.” The others gather in front of her with me at the front center. The chief doesn’t looked the least bit impressed with any of us and honestly I wouldn’t blame her.
“Explain to me why I was just in the conference room and you all were not?” We all look at her confused since none of us got the memo to meet her at the conference room, “If I’m somewhere you are supposed to be you had better be there too, any questions?”
“Uh Chief I heard a rumor that one of us will get into an OR today and be able to scrub in.” Taryn says eagerly. I can tell she’s hungry for surgery and will be hard to deal with this year.
Bailey answers, “Today you will have the opportunity to prove that you’re ready to scrub in, one of you might surprise me.” I grin at the opportunity to scrub in on my first day. I took the initiative before I came in to memorize the steps of basic procedures from appys to lap choles. It helps that I’m a pack rat who didn’t throw out her medical textbooks. The others are getting giddy as well including the douchy one who thinks he’s got more of a chance than any of us.
“So, there’s a chance?”
I decide to step in and show off, I would kick myself for not trying harder to beat this arrogant jerk, “Chief I would like to point out that I know all the steps to a basic procedure. If you ask me about an appy I can-”
The chief has none of it as she interrupts me, “I have five rules memorize them; rule number one don’t bother sucking up. Rule number two nurses will page you will answer every page at a run. A run!” The chief walks out and we all follow her as she continues to list all of her rules while we walk around the hospital, “That’s rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts 24 hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and don't complain.
We stop outside an on-call room, she opens the door revealing bunks inside clearly used, “On-call rooms. Attendings hog them. Sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If your resident is sleeping, don't wake them unless your patient is dying. And you better sleep alone in here and not with anyone else especially attendings.” I raise my eyebrow at that comment. I wonder if that rule applies to one night stands with senior residents before you were even hired. I decide not to think on it and just listen, “Rule four: The dying patient better not be dead when they get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you woke your resident up for no reason. We clear?” I notice she left out one rule so I gingerly raise my hand like I’m in elementary school again.
I put my hand down, “Um, you said five rules that was only four.”
Bailey finishes, “Rule number five, when I move you move.” We follow her to Jo Wilson who stands by the nurse’s station with a tablet on hand, “This is Dr. Wilson she is a senior resident and will assign you to someone’s service, Wilson they’re your problem now good luck.” The chief walks away and we stand in front of Jo.
“Um okay let’s see what we got here.” Jo reads through the tablet, “Parker and Helm you’re with Hunt in trauma, Qadri you’re with Dr. Webber, Schmitt you’re with DeLuca and Karev your with the chief of peds” At least she didn’t call Alex by his last name but I’m still bitter at this unfortunate turn of events. I try not to let my distaste show as Jo dismisses us.
I walk through the hospital and thanks to the directory I find the peds floor pretty quickly. I look around trying to find Alex in the sea of nurses and little kids. I see him by the nurses station talking to a couple I assume are parents of his patient. I wait till the parents leave, I don’t want to cause a scene in front of them. I know I should be a professional and normally I am but when your working with the brother who left you during the worst time of your life all bets are off. As soon as the couple walk away I walk towards Alex and clear my throat indicating my presence. He turns to me and look off guard by me but manages to speak in an even tone.
“Hey what are you doing here?”
“I’m on your service believe it or not.” I try to speak as numbly as I can, there are kids and they don’t need to see a unstable blonde while their recovering.
Alex’s eyebrows are raised as if he’s just as shocked as I was, “Jo sent you?”
“Dr. Wilson sent me yes, is she the kind of person who arranges a family reunion in the guise of an intern working for an attending?” I ask genuinely because I don’t know Jo but from what Aaron said Alex has a habit of hooking up with unstable women.
Alex narrows his eyes, “No she’s not and I would appreciate it if you didn’t make assumptions of a woman I love.”
I inhale to keep my emotions in check and get into the mindset of an intern, “Look can you just give me an assignment so I can get through your service and end this day quickly?”
Alex sees he hit a nerve and relents, “Fine Oscar Montez he’s in for a gall bladder removal. I need you to prep an O.R. take his labs and prep him before surgery.”
I nod tersely and walk away from him to prep an O.R. for my first patient.
Andrew sits next to Carina as they speak in Italian so they won’t get overheard. Carina is upset with her brother over unknowingly sleeping with the sister of the man who almost killed him. Andrew is still in a mind boggle over this situation he somehow got himself in.
“How did you not know who she was? Didn’t she tell you her last name? Karev isn’t that common.” Carina admonishes in Italian.
“It just happened.” Andrew responds in Italian, “We met at the bar we got to talking she said her name was Amber that’s it.”
“And she didn’t tell you her brother works here?”
“No well…” Andrew pauses as he remembers what she told him after they walked in on Carina and Arizona.
“Well, what? She told you didn’t she and you didn’t connect the dots like an idiot.”
“I mean she mentioned having two brothers and one was named Alex but I just thought it was a coincidence and he didn’t tell anyone about a sister named Amber. There weren’t any dots to connect neither of them gave that much information or no information at all.”
Carina raised an eyebrow, “So you slept with a woman you didn’t know anything about beyond her first name?”
Andrew rolls his eyes, “You know I don’t shame you for having random one-night stands with women you know nothing about.”
“Yes, you do, you did that the other night remember?”
“I walked in on you about to sleep with my boss and roommate, and now you’re doing the same thing but with Hunt.” Andrew states annoyingly, “How am I supposed to react?” Just then Levi Schmitt knocks on the door agitating Andrew, “What?!”
Levi looks at them timidly, “S-Sorry um I’m Dr. Schmitt and they put me on your service Dr. DeLuca.”
“Of course, they did.” Andrew says under his breath at the unfortunate timing.
Levi looks at the screen curiously, “What kind of research is this? Can I help?”
“No look I’m busy at the moment so go help Dr. Karev with Oscar Montez do his labs and pre op tell them I sent you.”
Levi looks at him confused, “Uh but he already-”
“Go now that’s an order.” Andrew says tensely, causing Schmitt to walk away in fear. Andrew leans back and pinches the bridge of his nose trying to keep his mind together, “Where were we?”
Carina thinks, “Why did you sleep with her when you knew nothing about her?”
Andrew sighs, “…She seemed nice, I mean she was sarcastic and she had a bad attitude but that was because I kind of hit her and spilled coffee on her when we first met.” Carina’s eyebrows raise at that as he continues, “We ran into each other at the bar and I bought her a meal to apologize. We ate, we talked and eventually she dropped the attitude. She was nice, she was funny, smart she made me laugh and you saw her that night she is hot.”
“Very hot.” Carina adds.
“Yeah, the point is we got around the personal information and I started to like her and she started to like me we flirted and…after we left you two, we went back to her hotel room. I think you know the rest. It was all a coincidence.”
Carina looks at him curiously as a dark thought comes to her, “And she didn’t know who you were? Did you tell her your full name?”
“Um yeah what does that have to do with anything?”
Carina sighs at her brother, “Oh Andrea your still such an innocent bambino.”
Andrew looks at Carina confused, “What are you suggesting?”
“Maybe she knew who you were and wanted to get back at you. Maybe she planned to meet you and sleep with you so she can report you to the chief and get you fired.”
Andrew chuckles thinking it was crazy, “Carina she’s not some KGB sex mole I think I would know that. And why would she target me specifically? I dropped the charges against her brother.”
“Yes, but before that you almost sent him to prison for two years. When I heard about what happened I wanted to punch that man after what he did, perhaps she feels that way about her brother too. Does that sound so crazy?”
Andrew looks at her in thought as the idea starts to make sense. Now that he thought about it Amber was light on the details concerning herself especially her last name. He didn’t think much of it but perhaps his sister was on to something. However a thought stops him from fully considering it.
“She was eager to leave when we were fighting, if she really wanted to get back at me she would have stayed. Why did she leave?”
“You would have thought it suspicious if she stayed. Does she seem smart enough to come to that conclusion? Plus, you chased after her maybe she anticipated that too so she could seduce you back in bed. Was she forward when you came to her?”
Andrew pales at that logic as he has fully considered it now and wants to get ahead of it before another Karev comes after him, “Damn it. And just when I thought this nightmare was over for me.”
Carina looks at her brother sadly over his predicament, “I’m sorry Andrea.”
“So what do I do? Do I report her or something?”
Carina rolls her eyes, “You want to report an intern you slept with while you are technically her boss? I don’t think she needs to fire you if your gonna do it yourself stupid.”
Andrew closes his eyes in despair, “I guess I’ll just ignore her unless it’s about work. Speaking of work, I have to go.” Andrew stands up and walks out the door before adding, “And I know what you want to do but don’t Carina I don’t need my big sister fighting my battles for me. Please leave this alone and do not interrogate her.”
Andrew leaves Carina in the room. Carina looks at her notes before deciding to ignore her brother and find out more about this girl for Andrew’s sake.
After I reserve an O.R. I go to Oscar Montez’s room to do his labs. I wrap the tourniquet around Oscar’s upper arm with my gloves on and grin assuredly at him to make it easier for him. He grins back either to be polite or because he finds me attractive. When it came to teenage boys, they usually fall head over heels for me because I’m fire, whatever that means.
I found from the chart most of his labs were already done and Oscar told me another intern was also here taking his labs. The only thing left was his bloodwork and I didn’t want whatever hungry intern swooping in and stealing my patient. By some coincidence that intern, Schmitt came in stunned by my presence while I wipe an alcohol rub over the vein.
“Oscar’s my patient.”
I raise an eyebrow at his excuse, “No he’s not he’s mine go find your own and try not to steal them this time.”
The guy doesn’t leave as he walks to my side, “I’ve already done the rest of Oscar’s labs, his pre op, he knows me.”
Oscar chimes in, “I-It’s cool.” He looks at me with a smile confirming his attraction to me, “I’m cool with it.”
I smile at him, “Thank you Oscar.” I turn to Schmitt with a glare that catches him off guard, “And you, I don’t know who sent you but you can tell them Dr. Karev sent me here first and to check twice before they screw up again.”
“Well a senior resident specifically instructed me to draw his blood.”
I scoff, “Well Dr. Karev asked me and he’s the attending so I win and you lose now walk away with some of your dignity left.” I try to insert the needle into Oscar’s vein but I miss causing him to yell ow, “Sorry Oscar.”
Schmitt tries to step in, “That’s the wrong angle.”
“Back off.”
“You’ll miss the vein.” Schmitt tries to grab my arm to take over.
My patience reaches its limits, “Schmitt if you don’t take your hands off me in the next two seconds you won’t have hands.” He relents and I try again but miss the vein again causing Oscar to yell ow again. Alex walks in and I put the needle away.
“What’s going on?” Alex asks.
“Dr. Karev, I was just running Oscar’s labs like you asked.” I say in a clipped tone directed at Schmitt.
“There might have been some confusion on who exactly was supposed to do it but…” He looks at the glare I give him and he cowers, “But we’ve totally got it under control.”
Alex puts his gloves on rolling his eyes, “Your butchering his arm Glasses move.” I’m glad Alex thinks it was him and not me because the last thing I want on my first day is to be seen as an incompetent intern who can’t even find a vein.
“Oh no that wasn’t me that was…” Schmitt tries to explain but Alex has none of it as he takes over and we walk to the other side of the bed.
“Don’t expect much from intern’s Oscar, that way you’ll never be disappointed.” I roll my eyes at his comment, “Karev present.”
“But she isn’t even-” Schmitt underestimates me but fortunately I looked at his chart and thanks to my almost eidetic memory I know what the prognosis is and what the surgery is.
“Oscar Montez, 16 has cholestasis that is currently not responding to dietary changes, he’ll need to have his gall bladder removed.”
“And the approach?”
“It has to be open. The scans show adhesions and it’s too difficult to take them down with a minimally invasive approach.”
“Very good Karev.” Alex says and Oscar notices the similar names we have.
“Karev? Is she your sister or something?” The kids question causes a silent moment for me as I come up with an answer.
“Or something.” The response clearly hurts Alex, he’s acting like it doesn’t but I know him well enough that those are his ‘I’m in pain but I’m gonna act like I’m not shoulders’ I guess a small part of me feels bad but I made it clear he’s not family to me and I’m not his family either.
Schmitt chooses now of all times to ask, “Dr. Karev, chief Bailey mentioned that one of us might be able to operate today. I do have O.R. experience.”
I snicker lightly, “O.R. experience, is that what you call it?”
“Do I get a say?” Oscar asks, scared for his life.
Alex glares at Schmitt specifically, “You dropped your glasses in the surgical field.”
I nod amused by it and add for Oscar, “It’s true, I was there it would’ve been a lot less hilarious if the patient didn’t make it.”
Levi looks at me insulted and tries to rectify it, “And I promised that nothing like that will ever happen again.” He points at the stupid sports band holding his glasses in place which doesn’t impress me or Alex.
“Right because I told the nurses I want you on B team today.” Schmitt looks pleased but for some reason I can see this heading south for him.
“Oh, what’s B team?”
Alex explains, “Well if it’s in a bed pan you clean it, if it’s in a barf bucket you clean it, if it’s blood you clean it.” I grin slightly at this as Levi’s face falls from despair while Alex goes back to the patient, “Oscar, well get you prepped in a bit.” Alex leaves the room and I decide to point out the obvious to Schmitt who probably doesn’t have enough social skills to realize.
“He hates you. And frankly I’m not crazy about you either.”
Levi nods, “I might have slept with Dr. Wilson.” That statement causes me to laugh out loud as I would never see a gorgeous woman like her reduce herself to getting in bed with this fumbling mess. The only reasons I could think was she’s desperate, dying or lost a bet and I haven’t seen any of those in our interactions so far.
“I’m gonna go now try to double glove when you’re picking up shit Schmitt.” With that I leave to get Oscar prepped for surgery. Along the way I find DeLuca in the surgical floor sitting at the station going over charts and decide to brighten my day just a bit.
“Hey.” Andrew looks up and sees me before turning his eyes toward the desktop again.
“Hey.” Andrew sounds aloof for some reason but I try to look past it and engage him in conversation.
“So, first day here is a bust so far. I was supposed to do labs for a peds patient but then Glasses comes in saying he was sent by a resident. I practically had to fight him over the damn needle and like an idiot I botched up the bloodwork…twice. Don’t tell anyone though.”
“Well, uh you’re an intern and interns are supposed to make mistakes.”
“Did you stab a person twice in the arm on your first day here?”
“No but I did accidentally pose as an attending and got caught when a resident tried to get me to stabilize a woman’s spine on my first day.”
I widen my eyes at that statement and my curiosity is peaked, “Really?” For some reasons hearing that he has war stories at work makes him more attractive. Maybe it’s because I’m comforted in not being the only messed up one out of the two of us.
“Yeah it’s as bad as it sounds trust me.”
“I would be shocked if it wasn’t.” Andrew grins slightly at my comment, it’s a first real reaction I got out of him today so I go for the kill, “Maybe you can elaborate more tonight assuming I’m still alive and not exhausted to death. I was thinking a night in town like we said.”
Andrew looks up at me with a solemn look that I haven’t seen in him since we first met. I don’t know what his problem is, could he already know about my past from working with Alex? I don’t know why Alex would tell people that part of my life that is mine to tell alone. Especially since he was clearly so ashamed of our family that he left as soon as he could and never looked back. I know I did the same thing but there weren’t any loose ends to tie when I left. Aaron was somewhat sane, and I kept my distance from mom, there was no one to leave behind in that hell hole. Could Andrew have figured it out somehow and that’s why he hasn’t given me a clear answer?
I mentally shrug it off, he’s a doctor he’s probably had a long day and doesn’t feel like going out tonight.
“Unless you’ve had a long day and you want to reschedule?”
He chuckles lightly for some reason, “I have had a long and stressful day, you wouldn’t believe it.”
I nod understanding, “Okay so how about tomorrow night then? You can pick out the place as long as it’s not that disgusting bar we met at last time. I can still feel the sticky residue on my fingertips.”
He licks his lips and looks at me in thought before answering, “Um…yeah tomorrow night would be good for me. I’ll text you the deets assuming you’ll give me your number this time.”
I grin at him, “Okay but let’s not exchange phones out in the open. I’m not up for exposing my sex life in public so…” I write my number discretely on a sticky note by the station and drop it in front of him. He takes it and puts it in his coat pocket. He looks somewhat tense and I want to ask what his problem is but he speaks before I ask.
“I’ll uh I’ll text you.”
“Great I hope it’s soon. I have to go see you later.” I turn and walk away from him as I walk down the hall and enter the elevator, I exhale a sigh of relief at my good fortune when someone stops the doors from closing all the way. I see a woman I think I recognize entering the elevator with me where only two of us occupy the space. She has a serious look on her face like she means business and after a few seconds I know where I’ve met her. She’s Andrew’s sister.
Carina enters the elevator slowly and stands next to Amber who looks at her strangely. When she saw her passing her number to Andrew at the station, she knew she had to do this if her brother didn’t. She wants to protect Andrew from having his heart broken and possibly getting fired because of some vindictive woman who holds a grudge for her brother and will do anything to exact revenge no matter who gets hurt.
Amber looks at her curiously, “Um hi I almost didn’t recognize you with clothes on.” Amber chuckles to ease the tension, “I don’t think we properly met, I’m Dr. Amber Karev and-” Carina stops her midsentence when she pulls the stop button stopping the elevator. Amber looks at her confused as Carina faces her with a serious look.
“W-Why did you just do that? Is there something wrong or-” Carina ignores her question and instead grabs her face so she can look her in her blue eyes as she interrogates her. She notes that her eyes are a unique blue with a greenish tint but she moves on from that. She needs to know what is going on and if her brother is in danger once again. Amber stands still clearly intimidated which is exactly what Carina was hoping for before speaking to her for the first time.
“Are you a good person?”
Amber blinks with Carina’s hands still on both sides of her head, “What?”
Carina clarifies, “Are you a good person? Not perfect just morally do you consider yourself a good person?”
“I…This is very confusing for me.”
Carina ignores her comment and repeats herself, “Are you?”
Carina continues, “Have people called you a good person before? Have you ever been accused of being manipulative or used anyone to get your own way?” Amber still looks at her confused but answers fearing what will happen if she doesn’t.
“Um no I haven’t if I did, I would’ve gone into politics instead of medicine.”
“Your funny.” Carina states matter of fact, “How many sexual partners have you had? I won’t judge.”
“Men or women or otherwise?”
“All of the above.”
Amber mentally counts, “…8 well 9 but I don’t know if it counts by your standards. I’m sorry, what is this about? I am very confused and a little scared right now.”
“It’ll be over soon; do you have a criminal record?”
“No well yes but it’s a juvie record and it was sealed when I turned 18.”
“What was the crime?”
Amber looks at her shyly as if ashamed of herself, “I might have possibly bashed a man’s knee with a crowbar but I don’t know you well enough to get into it and I was sent to juvie for three months after that.”
Carina tries to look past that as she can tell this girl has a rough past that led her to do that to someone, “Do you have any siblings?” She knows the answer but wants to hear Amber’s response.
“Two brothers. One works here and the other is in Iowa, he’s a mover.”
“Are you close with them?” Carina keeps a close eye on her reaction.
Amber shakes her head, “No we’re not it’s…it’s complicated and until last month I haven’t talked to the brother who works here for almost a decade.”
“Why is that?”
Amber sighs as if old memories are haunting her, “Because he left me when I needed him the most and I have resented him for it. I would elaborate but I don’t think a horror story is what you need before going to bed tonight.”
Carina sees that Amber is telling the truth, when the subject turned to her brother she didn’t flinch or grovel. She just gave an honest answer, “How old are you?”
Carina looks at her slightly shocked at her age, “That’s awfully young to be a doctor, were you a genius baby?”
Amber shakes her head, “N-No I was just really desperate to get out of town and my mom was a librarian so I spent a lot of time reading books.”
Carina is impressed with her but stays on task, “Okay final question, what did you know about Andrew DeLuca before sleeping with him?”
Amber looks at her even more surprised if that was possible, “I guess he’s closer to you than he let on that night.”
“He is my baby brother.” Carina states coldly, “I love him and it’s my job to protect him, even if he can be an idiota sometimes. Now tell me what you knew about him that night before you two had sex. Tell me the truth and I won’t be mad I swear.”
Amber swallows but decides to be quick about it and state the facts, “Um…I didn’t know much about him. I met him at a bar and we ran into each other at work that morning, that’s how we recognized each other. When we first met he spilled cold coffee down my chest and elbowed me in the nose. I was pissed at him when we saw each other again but he offered to apologize in food and I took it because he seemed sweet and he wasn’t creepy about it like most guys. I knew he worked here but I didn’t get matched here until a month later so…now I’m just waiting to see where it goes if it goes anywhere.”
Carina looks into her eyes and sees what she was hoping for, complete and udder lack of malice. She knows now that this girl isn’t out to get Andrew and it was all just some coincidence on both of their parts. For once her brother was right and she was wrong making it both reassuring and annoying.
She shakes her head at her, “Your just another innocent bambina in this aren’t you?”
Amber looks at her blankly trying to process what just happened, “…If I say yes will you push that button and let me walk out of this elevator alone?”
“Then yes I am an innocent…whatever you called me.” Carina finally stands back, pushes the button and keeps her hands to herself. Amber is still standing there frozen from shock until the elevator doors open and Amber walks out like her life depends on it.
That Night
My shift is over, it’s been a grueling 24 hours but I survived them with my sanity intact. Although my mind is still at a fog from my encounter with Carina DeLuca at the elevator. When she was interrogating me in there I was taken back and frightened. I don’t know what about me gave the impression I was manipulating Andrew that night we first saw each other. I barely said two words to her because she was preoccupied with reuniting with Andrew and I was in the middle of it along with Dr. Robbins. If anything her behavior that night was more alarming than mine at least one of us was wearing a shirt. I shake it off and decide to just get home and rest before the next day.
I try to ignore the blisters on my feet as I walk inside the locker room with Casey and Helm where I find the others just as exhausted.
“Wait did you scrub in?” Dahlia asks Casey after noticing the blood on his top.
“No but I was really close to Dr. Kepner when she shoved her hand in a gaping leg wound.”
I sit on the bench massaging my knees, “At least you saw a gaping leg wound.”
“I didn’t even get to see a leg.” Helm adds.
“Did anyone scrub in today?” I ask and they all say no to my relief. It would kill me if Glasses or Roy got to scrub in before I did. All of us are disappointed that the job we’ve always wanted is just B level grunt work.
“Are we ever gonna set foot in an O.R.?” Casey asks.
I chuckle, “Schmitt won’t in our lifetime.” He looks at me offended.
Helm smiles, “Hold it Schmitt was the first to kill a patient, Vik you owe me 20 bucks.” I chuckle at that as Schmitt tries to defend himself.
“I didn’t kill a patient.”
I grin at him before deciding to tell the others, I’ve had a weird day and I need something to take the edge off and making fun of Glasses is working so far, “No he just dropped his glasses in an open body cavity in the O.R. before he even started here.” All of them laugh and are shocked by my statement.
“Wait.” Dahlia chimes in, “Your Glasses?!”
I laugh, “Oh yeah I was there and it was worse than I made it sound.”
“You were all over Twitter!” Roy tells Schmitt with a laugh.
“Wasn’t the patient a little kid?” Helm asks.
“Yeah, I said it was worse than I made it sound.”
Schmitt stands up clearly having enough of the jokes and yells out, “My face was sweating and they accidentally slipped off!” I continue to laugh until I see chief Bailey approach behind him with a blank expression.
“Hello chief Bailey.” We all stand up and face her like soldiers going into battle which isn’t that far from what we’re doing.
“Who’s on call?” Bailey asks some of them raise their hands but I don’t since my shift ended, “A big rig flipped over on the five. Incomings about 8 minutes out.”
Helm is still hungry for surgery like us and asks what’s on our minds, “This means that one of us will get to scrub in tonight, right?”
Bailey looks at us confused, “Why would you say that?”
“This morning you said that one of us will get the opportunity to operate today.” Vik clarifies.
The chief looks at us astounded, “What I said was that today you would have the opportunity to prove yourselves ready to scrub in, not that you would scrub in today. Now, seeing as how all of you are doctors, I would think that you were smart enough to understand that difference.” We all stand there shocked at her statement, even me as I also hoped to scrub in on a surgery, “I don’t see anyone moving.” The interns on call exit out, “And what are you all still here for? You just finished your first day as a surgeon. Congratulations, go home.”
Bailey leaves us and I purse my lips at the cruel intention of getting us amped up only to be sourly disappointed in the end. It was like high school all over again, only I didn’t have black hair with green streaks. And instead of a promposal from Connor Lendel it was a surgery I was hoping for.
Casey is just as shocked, “The chief played us.”
I bitterly nod, “Yep like fiddles with MD’s”
Schmitt tries to chime in for some reason, “I mean she technically didn’t say that we-” We all groan and admonish him over his bad timing.
I put my casual clothes on, grab my backpack and get out of the hospital for a much needed power nap.
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nikrei · 4 days
September Comics Round-Up
Did not make my schedule of one year per week but also 1967 had 17 titles to read so I think that's okay.
Action Comics (336-371) (1966-1969)
The superman understanding of the ancient Greek pantheon/mythos is the messiest bullshit i have ever seen. 1! Never acknowledges that wonderwoman exists! 2! Completely mixes up greek and Roman names for gods. 3! Sooo many randos get upgraded to gods usually Achilles but most notably just now: prometheus???
Superman (183-213) (1966-1969)
Okay one of the oddest conceits that they like to have superman do is, when he needs an emergency Clark Kent double, he finds a random amnesia patient about the same size gets them to dress up as him, and then afterwards cures their amnesia, which almost always wiped out their memories of portraying Clark Kent (i don't think it works that way??) Where is he finding all these people just wandering around?
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (91-117) (1966-1969)
Whelp, it's more Jimmy, nothing really new to say.
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (63-89) (1966-1969)
They are getting a bit more modern and experimental with Lois's fashion and hair and I'm really enjoying it. On the other hand I had to read, with my very own eyes, and editor letter response that said "everyone knows women can't keep a secret" in answer to why Jarvis gets to know Bruce's identity but Lois can't know Clark's.
World's Finest Comics (156-182) (1966-1969)
I think WF is #1 for number of "imaginary tales" but I particularly liked the one where the Kent's adopted Bruce after his parents death. Jimmy and Dick's friendship continues to delight.
Superboy (127-153) (1966-1969)
I love Insect-Queen Lana more than anything else going on in this run, lana's love of bugs and whole-hearted embrace of the weird body horror transformations adds such an interesting facet to her character I love her. Also it is extremely funny of them to deage ma and pa by editorial order via an alien tv director deaging them to please his possible sponsers.
Adventure Comics (342-376) (1966-1969)
This is starting to get a little bit plotty almost! I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm also enjoying that we are starting to get character building moments out of uniform. The Ghost of Ferro Lad story about had me in tears! However! Save me from anti-feminism sixties story that is supposed to be happening a thousand years from now.
Aquaman (26-43) (1966-1969)
Garth nickname collection: Little Sardine, Sardine, Tadpole, Little Minnow, Minnow. Orm has shown up! I'm really liking him actually his unknowing uncleness to aquababy is v cute and fun. Speaking of aquababy I am expecting him to die any day now I am constantly surprised that he's still alive.
Green Lantern (43-58) (1966-1968)
Loving the artist team on this honestly, everyone is so fluid and expressive, and Hal's waist is snatched all the time. The split into two bodies issue really made me fall in love with plain old Hal Jordan, he's just so good even/especially when he is just a guy. Also, I love it when Hal uses the invisible power lantern as a weapon.
Justice League of America (34-60) (1965-1968)
Same old justice league stuff. Issue 57 is one of the worst things I've read in a while and I'm so not surprised that it hasn't been collected in any trades (judging by its lack of digital colors)
The Brave and the Bold (58-81) (1965-1969)
1967 is truly a guessing game of "which flavor of racist will we be today?" Will we be anti-indigenous? Anti-asian? Anti-black (no, no then we'd have to admit black people exist, better scratch that and make it "anti-robot") I'm so tired they think they're being so progressive with these storylines about "look at how well this culture is assimilating! The mystic old ways of their people are at once the enemy and something to be revered. From a distance tho. Wouldn't want to get too close." Its not just a Brave and the Bold problem but a bunch of it just happened in a row in that title so this is where I'm complaining.
Doom Patrol (94-121) (1965-1968)
Okay I knew it would happen but i still cried when they died... literally took me two pages to go from "la-di-da" to tears damn..... Rita my darling I'll miss you!!! I can't believe that we don't get a reaction comic for Gar and Steve tho.... just bam, they're dead, it's over. People in the sixties u've really let me down by letting it end this way.... more people should have written in.
Hawkman (12-27) (1966-1968)
This continues to be really good! Despite being extremely 60s-brained they try as hard as possible to show katar and shayera as equals in everything they do, its not katar saving her every time (tho he does a lot of the time it is still 60s brained) recommended if you are interested in the hawks and thanagar!
House of Mystery (156-173) (1966-1968)
Dial H for Hero is a v fun little set up, and I am sort of obsessed with Robbie's little catchphrase/ exclamation "sockamagee!" They gave me one (1) issue where his friend who is a girl finds out his identity and gets to try out the dial herself, only to them have her bungle everything and lose her memory of it because she's "just a girl" I hate it here (the 60s). J'onn J'onzz continues in the backups and continues to boot be what i expect. He's investigating crimes now but he is also committing identity fraud to do it (impersonating a millionaire that he saw die)
Metamorpho (1-17) (1965-1968)
Rex <3 Sapphire forever i love them! They really go overboard on the 60s slang in this title to the point where I am really not sure that anyone actually talked like that. The way smaller titles bend over backwards to pretend superman doesn't exist for their plots to work is honestly a little endearing. Rex literally hanging out with the guy in JLA, but noooo aliens are mysterious and uncommon, and the president is Definitely gonna call Rex Mason about them. Not a huge fan of the love triangle introduced, and it gets down right bizarre at the end with a bit of a cliffhanger, but overall worth a read if you are into Metamorpho!
Teen Titans (1-13) (1966-1968)
Rereading because the titans are my darlings. I especially love the little bits at the start of the issue where they are just kids hanging out.
The Spectre (1-10) (1967-1969)
I really love Neal Adam's art it's got a really delicate touch and dramatic shading, and he does figures really well. Also a shout out to Jerry Grandenetti/Murphy Anderson for some truly inspired panel layouts and lettering stuff, you don't get a lot of this back in the 60s. They decided to tell an entirely different sort of story for the last two issues and it is not a neat transition tbh.
Showcase (73-80) (1968-1969)
Some fun character intros for the creeper, hawk and dove, bat lash (surprise fave, what a guy), and dolphin, and some other guys too.
Anywho, that's that for September! Here's how my spreadsheet is looking:
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As u can see I have given in and decided to go back and pick up The Atom, so I have that to look forward to in October!
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highlordofkrypton · 6 months
martha kent & pie 🥧
chapter 1 of a thousand leagues of food
Everyone knows about Martha Kent's famous pies; they're the best in the midwest. The real question is, do you know why Martha loves pie? They say, the most important ingredient is love.
Note: Thank you @angelosearch for inspiring me and letting me use your thesis for the basis of this fic!
Additional note: I'm open to suggestions for characters you'd like to see in future chapters, I'm making a list!
Martha Clark loves pie.
She loves the way it moves beneath calloused hands—hands that have worked the farm all day. The strength just as much as it demands attention, threatening to crumble at a careless touch. She loves the way it shapes the man who kneads it, outlining the divot between muscle and bone of his forearm. He’s got his sleeves rolled up, and oh, what a sight to see. 
Her teeth catch on her lip, a little too thoughtful as she watches.
“Bored?” The farm boy asks.
“Not at all,” answers the city girl. “Tired?”
“Not at all.”
His grin is dashing, a flash of bright white framed by deep dimples. His nose looks impressively straight, except for the faint bump that she’s traced a hundred times over while laying in his arms, cradled by his bed. He’d broken it in high school roughhousing with his former teammates on the football team. Jonathan Kent is all but a mystery, but she loves every single thing about him.
“Come, I’ll show you.” He gestures to her, and she slips off of the stool to wipe a stray dusting of flour off his face.
“I thought you were treating me to dinner, handsome? Kent family’s famous pie.” Her own lips are painted a soft pink. Red’s for ugly girls, her mother would say. Insecure girls who need attention. She finds that she wants his, and maybe next time she’ll dare. “Isn’t the recipe a secret?”
“Mhm.” Jonathan frames her petite body with his arms, sliding his rough palms over her soft hands and guides her fingers through the dough. “Family only.”
The thought sends a shiver through her spine, or is that the warmth of him pressed against her back? He considers me family. It’s a lovely thought; it makes her fall all the more in love with him. Martha won’t let him off easy—what kind of gal does he think she is?
“You proposin’ to me, Mister Kent?”
His laughter rumbles in his chest, echoed into her from the proximity. “Not at all, Miss Clark. See, if I was proposin’, you’ll bet there’ll be a big hullabaloo. Pretty city girl turns her back on the social elite, runs off with a dashing farmer. It’ll be on all the Kansas papers.” 
“Jonathan! You’ll give my mother a heart attack.”
Jonathan leans close, kissing her cheek. “Nah, when I propose, you’ll know it.”
Martha tips her head giving him more access, and turns to kiss him. She likes him, and he’s a good man, but they’re not a match. Her father and her mother won’t hear of it, much less her long line of aunties who just want her to be taken care of. (And by that, they mean money.) John loves her, and he treats her better than any of the boys she’s been set up with. Gosh, she’d be happy here. She really, really would.
A little prayer goes a long way, so she’ll send her love to the stars and hope it all works out.
“I think it’s ready for the par bake.”
Jonathan moves to set the crust in the baking pan, and fill it with uncooked beans. It slides easily into the old oven that’s been in his home for generations, a study old thing.
“My, what ever will we do while waiting?”
“I think I have an idea,” Jonathan smirks and picks her up, but not before wiping his hands clean.
Hooking her arms across his shoulders, Martha can’t help herself. “Do you mean it, John? You really want to marry me one day?”
“I don’t make pie for just anyone, but yeah, sweet pea, you’re the love of my life. If it isn’t you, I don’t want anyone else.”
“This is the last time. I can’t do it anymore, John.” Her voice quivers with unshed tears and a weakness that has never been present in her heart and her soul. 
The years have been hard on them, and she was too damn young when she decided that love was enough. Love carried them through the hardest seasons—through a drought when no crops would yield, and the old tree crashing into the barn after a storm. Every cent they make goes to the bills, and what little savings they can manage for the baby.
The baby that isn’t coming.
The baby that won’t ever come.
They’ve tried and tried again. Martha can buckle down and get a job in town waitressing. She can take up more hours at the local post office or help ol’ Pete, the local accountant during tax season. She’s always been good with numbers, but she’s not so good to make the dollars multiply on a whim. Together, they’ve found a way, but there isn’t a way through this .
It’s God’s will, and damn his will. She’s never cursed him before, but this is the line.
Martha slams the crust on the table, taking her anger out on it, because it isn’t anyone’s fault.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jonathan exhales, sliding up behind her and catching her wrists. “We always said, if it’s meant to be, it will be. Maybe a baby isn’t meant for us.”
“It’s—,” she snaps, curling her fingers into the sad mix of flour, butter and water. She wasn’t paying attention, she doesn’t remember if the steps are correct. If her hands are grounded with this tasks, then maybe it’ll stop her mind from running off. 
It’s too late now because the words are tumbling from her mouth before she can stop them. “It’s my fault. I can’t keep a baby.”
“Don’t you dare,” Jonathan stops her, pulling his wife into his arms. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this.”
The ‘boom’ of the crash wakes her, but it’s the fire that gets her out of bed. Martha shoves her feet in her boots, and grabs the shotgun while telling her husband to get the water trailer. If they don’t stop the fire now, it’ll spread to the rest of their crops and they won’t have anything . She’s fought too damn hard for this life, and she won’t lose it now. They can argue about government conspiracies and aliens later.
She joins him in the truck, buckled in tightly while holding her weapon. Times have changed. Kids are meaner and rowdier—you never know when they’ll take their pranks too far. The gun’s just for emphasis. Martha Kent wouldn’t hurt a fly.
There isn’t anyone at the heart of the crash, but the fire comes first. Once they’ve doused their stalks of corn, Martha can focus on what on earth is going on. No, no, not Earth.
“Think it’s a satellite?”
“I thought you said you weren’t sure if the moon landing was real.”
“I stand corrected.”
Jonathan slides down the dirt  into the crater. Once he’s at the bottom, Martha tosses him the shotgun just in case. 
“If there’s anyone in there, come out and we won’t harm ya.”
Nothing happens for a long, long moment. Then, a loud hiss fills their ears, coming from the… the hunk of metal. It opens smoothly, despite its disgraceful landing, revealing a bright, bright light. It settles and dims just enough for them to see it—
A baby. 
A tiny little thing, swaddled in a crimson blanket.
He is the last thing Martha ever expected to see; she was ready to believe in aliens. It’s just a baby .
Martha climbs down the crater, despite all of Jonathan’s protests. The circumstances are strange, but she knows in her heart and her soul that this child was meant for them.
“We could give him a good home.”
“You’re kidding me. We don’t know the first thing about raisin’ a child.” It’s been decades since they abandoned that dream. Jonathan’s got back pain thinking about it. (He knows he won’t resist the urge to pick up and toss that little boy in the air, catching him whenever he falls. His mind wants to be rational, but his mind’s made up.)
“Weren’t you the one who said it’d be as easy as pie?”
Martha Kent loves pie. 
Inside each one, she remembers her hopes, her dreams and most importantly, her great loves.
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