#pavel mintyukov x reader
mattybraps10 · 9 months
You Belong With Me (Taylor's Version)
Part of the Fearless (TV) series.
Summary: Leo Carlsson watches helplessly as his best friend falls in love with his teammate Pavel Mintyukov.
word count: 1298
by: M
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You Belong With Me (Taylor's Version) ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
The drive home from the arena was silent as Leo and Pavel tried to process their third consecutive loss. They had known going into the season that joining the team that had finished 32nd in a 32 team league would be hard, they just weren’t ready for the mental challenges that came along with the losing. Leo’s phone rang as he merged onto the highway. 
“Hey Leo, I saw the loss, I’m already at your place. I brought cookies!” Y/n said as soon as Leo pressed accept.
“Thanks love, I have Pavel with me tonight, so you’ll finally meet him.” Leo replied, smiling to himself. He loved how Y/n always knew exactly how he was feeling and what he needed without even having to be there.
“Hey Pavel! I have chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies so I hope you like those. I also think there’s ice cream in the freezer from the last time I was over.” She said, wandering through the apartment and rifling through the freezer.
“Oatmeal sounds great, thank you Y/n. I can’t wait.” He replied smiling.
“Found it!” Y/n called, the sound of the freezer slamming closed echoing through the speaker.
“Be careful with my fridge!” Leo said, turning off of the freeway.
“It’s fine!” Y/n said laughing.
“Okay sure, we’ll be home in 10 minutes. Please try not to break any of my appliances.” 
“Bye Leo! See you in a bit!”
“Bye!” Leo hung up the phone.
Leo had spent the past few months trying to avoid Y/n and Pavel meeting. It’s not that he didn’t think they’d get along, it was the exact opposite. Leo felt they’d get along too well and his small, eensy little crush would be cast aside in favor of letting her be happy.
When they arrived at the apartment, Leo quickly hopped out of the car, running to the elevators to see Y/n.
Pavel couldn’t fully understand Leo’s haste as he was pretty sure they’d seen each other the day before, but he quickly followed Leo into the elevator.
“Y/n we’re here!” Leo called, knocking on his own door.
The door opened and Pavel swore he felt his heart skip a beat. The girl in front of him was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Her brown hair cascaded around her face perfectly complimenting her eyes. Her smile made her entire face light up and Pavel wanted to have her smile tattooed on his eyelids so he’d never forget it.
“Leo, hi!” She said, smiling as he scooped her into a big hug.
“Hi love.” He laughed, setting her down.
“You must be Pavel.” She said, turning her smile to him. Pavel couldn’t figure out how he hadn’t passed out right then and there. 
“I’m- uh- Pavel, yeah.” He said, offering a hand as the tips of his ears turned an aggressive shade of pink.
“I just said that, I’m Y/n.” She laughed, taking his hand and giving it a quick shake.
“Well! Let’s get down to business. I could only find vanilla ice cream though I was sure I’d left chocolate unless Leo ate it all within the past day and a half.” She said, turning to him and frowning.
“I got hungry.” Was all he said, holding his hands up in mock defense.
The night went smoothly from there, Pavel and Y/n sharing the occasional glance as Leo turned on a movie. The movie began and Y/n was sandwiched between the boys, not that she would have complained or anything. Before long, Leo was drifting to sleep, the exerted energy from the game having caught up with him. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Pavel whispered, angling his body towards her.
“Hey Pavel.” She replied, echoing his movements.
“I- I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. And I- I just- I wanted to ask for your number I guess? I mean you don’t have to- I know how close you are with Leo and I don’t want to interfere or anything.” He said, rambling. 
The entire night he’d been trying to figure out how to ask her out, but this seemed like the best time to do it.
“Pavel, I would love to give you my number. I think you’re really attractive too. Leo and I are just friends, he’s made that clear.” She said, grabbing his phone and adding her number.
Months passed and their relationship blossomed. Pavel’s every waking thought was consumed by the girl he loved. The two of them had made it official a few weeks after they’d started hanging out and told everyone a few weeks after that. Leo had pulled away from Pavel a little bit, but from what he could tell, he and Y/n were still close.
He knew this would happen. He knew Y/n and Pavel were perfect for eachother. But, he still felt he would make a better boyfriend to Y/n. Pavel and Y/n had just met and Leo knew everything about her. He didn’t even understand her jokes like he did, his english isn't as strong. 
Leo found himself caught up in a loop, thinking about everything Pavel did that he could do better. He’d walk through the street with Y/n before practice, thinking how easy it would be to just turn and tell her how he felt. Seeing her smile was his favorite part of each day and he couldn’t bear to lose it. 
He knew he shouldn’t blame Pavel. Pavel was a leading contender for the Calder trophy and he seemed to have his whole life together, 20 years old with his own house, whilst Leo was 19 and renting an apartment from his father’s friend. Pavel had the charm Leo would never have. He was the star of the team and Leo was cast aside, his injury leaving him forgotten in the midst of the Ducks winning streak. 
“Hey Leo- Can I- Can I stay at your place tonight?” Y/n called him out of the blue.
“Yeah of course, we can talk about it when you get here.” 
She had clearly been crying, her sentences broken as she tried to communicate with her best friend. Leo almost cried himself when he opened the door to see the tear-stained face of the only person in the world who could make him feel better.
“What happened, love?” He asked, holding out his arms and wrapping the smaller girl into his arms.
“Pavel. He and I had a fight. He wants me to move in-” She said, sobbing into Leo’s shoulder.
“That can’t be everything, love there’s something you’re not telling me.” He held her tight, rubbing her back as she cried.
“He wants… He wants to get married. I mean I know it’s fast and I really love him but marriage? I mean I’m 19 for christ’s sake and I want to move in with him, I told him as much. But he wants more, he’s ready for more.” 
Leo didn’t know what to say. She was right, marriage at 19 was crazy and with his own unresolved feelings there was no way he’d be able to communicate anything useful.
“You’re gonna be okay. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” He said, holding her tight.
After a little while Y/n pulled away, rubbing her eyes. 
“Thank you for being here Leo. I think I should probably go back home to see him. I kind of just stormed off and I don’t want to lose him. We need to have a proper conversation. I love you Leo, thank you so much.” She said, walking towards the door.
“I love you too Y/n. Drive safe.”
If only she knew. 
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