#he must have cried for days on end till he passed out again
makedonsgriva · 17 days
just remembered that xie lian spent 100 years trapped in a coffin. brb going to claw my heart out of my throat
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noisycroissant · 11 months
"It's you..."
Astarion x Reader
She was one of those marks that broke his chipped heart. The trusting ones, the doe-eyed ones who looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky. It hurt every minute he spent with her knowing that he was simply leading her to a fate worse than death.
He remembered the look in her eyes when they took her away with the others at the party where they lured all their marks to once a month. He dreamed of that look for years only to wake up to find himself shaking, face wet with tears. He didn't want to keep doing this, but another year of being confined and tortured and starved with no hopes of escape, freedom or otherwise...no, he couldn't survive that. Not again.
But then, he saw her again. He was sure it was his fragile mind playing tricks on him. Constant torture can do that you, y'know. But then he saw her again. The same hair. Skin paler though. And then he heard her voice.
When he heard his name in that voice again, his heart dropped to the pits of his stomach. He'd do anything, beg at her feet, grovel for forgiveness, anything to not hear that tone in her voice.
"I am angry for what you did to me. To my life. But I also understand why... I've had to do it myself."
I've had to do it myself.
If he ever had thoughts of murdering Cazador in the darkest ways possible, those thoughts just became a million times darker.
"Where you here all these years? I never saw you. I thought I knew every turned spawn in the palace."
"I was locked up for "lack of respect" and "till I learnt what was good for me "."
He knew what that meant. Lashes, pliers, blood, pain, hunger, tears.
Desperate prayers falling on deaf ears.
"I'm.. I don't deserve to say sorry. You'd have been... anywhere but here..if it weren't for me."
"I know. But you did what you did to survive. I don't begrudge you for that. I had enough time in that cell to know that choice does not live in these walls."
And that's how it began. That was how hope came back into two people's lives. How it grew and bloomed with each passing look, each time fingers brushed while walking across hallways, each time a secret letter was found under a pillow.
After 150 years, Astarion dared to dream.
He would always curse himself when he remembered that night. It had taken them almost a year to plan, another year to talk courage into themselves to go through with it.
He remembered how soft her hands were when he held them as they ran through shadows.
Freedom. It was so close. Just a breath away.
And in the blink of an eye, it was gone.
Of course. What had he been thinking? They'd never be free. Not as long as that monster had a leash on them.
"Don't let them see each other, Godey. But make sure they hear."
Astarion remembers the day his heart finally crumbled to ash.
Decades later, when he was finally let out again, the very first night he goes to the highest roof he could find in Baldur's Gate. And he sat there. Waiting for the sun. The only way he could be free of this hellish life. The only way he could forget the sins.
His skin prickled and he cried as the sky turned pink.
The next thing he remembers is waking up on a beach with a unholy squirming in his eye. A crashed ship, fire and smoke bellowing. Intellect devourers running amok. But he was out in the sun and it didn't burn. It didn't hurt.
The confusion was enough to drive him mad. 200 years of rage and pain, and he finally had a chance to end it. But even that was taken from him.
He heard footsteps and chatter. Hand goes to his dagger naturally. But then he hears a voice.
Her voice.
This must be the tenth circle of hell, he tells himself. This is where depraved sinners like him go to. Where they're tortured for eternity with the things they'll never see again.
Like the sun.
Or her.
But hope survives in the darkest of hells.
And it had found him again.
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anneangel · 6 months
Bilbo's actions with the ring were quite reasonable:
Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and went stiff himself. He was desperate. He must get away, out of this horrible darkness, while he had any strength left. He must fight. He must stab the foul thing, put its eyes out, kill it. It meant to kill him. No, not a fair fight. He was invisible now. Gollum had no sword. Gollum had not actually threatened to kill him, or tried to yet. And he was miserable, alone, lost. A sudden understanding, a pity mixed with horror, welled up in Bilbo’s heart: a glimpse of endless unmarked days without light or hope ofbetterment, hard stone, cold fish, sneaking and whispering. All these thoughts passed in a flash of a second. He trembled. And then quite suddenly in another flash, as if lifted by a new strength and resolve, he leaped. No great leap for a man, but a leap in the dark. Straight over Gollum’s head he jumped, seven feet forward and three in the air; indeed, had he known it, he only just missed cracking his skull on the low arch of the passage. - The Hobbit
Bilbo was able to feel pity for Gollum and put himself in his place.
"Pity? It's 'pity' that stayed Bilbo's hand (...) Pity, and mercy: not to strike without need. (...) And he was well rewarded, Frodo. Notice how he suffered so little from the evil [of the Ring] and escaped in the end, because he began to use the Ring with this. With Pity. (...) and (...) The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.” Gandalf said. - LotR
Yes, after, Bilbo decides to disappear like a joke during the party, as a prank, but it is quite justifiable, the people were talking bad about Bilbo, that he was weird and had weird visitors, and still many coveting and gossiping about his money and the comforts he had at Bag End. They made horrible comments about his adopting Frodo too, and about Frodo himself.
It makes sense that Bilbo would want to disappear in front of them, it's symbolic when we want to disappear in front of people who make us feel uncomfortable, people who have spent years calling him 'Mad Bilbo'. It was an expected joke from Bilbo, it was him being ironic! Just as gifts from him were ironic. An example:
For MILO BURROWS, hoping it will be useful, from B.B., on a gold pen and ink-bottle. Milo never answered letters. - LotR
When Bilbo leaves the Ring, he gets angry with Gandalf for a moment and becomes almost aggressive, but see that in the end it is he who OFFERS the ring to Gandalf:
'Well, if you want my ring yourself, say so!' cried Bilbo. 'But you won't get it. I won't give my precious away, I tell you.' His hand strayed to the hilt of his small sword. (…)
(...) Gandalf answered. 'And I am not one either. I am not trying to rob you, but to help you. I wish you would trust me, as you used.' He turned away, and the shadow passed.
(...) He seemed to dwindle again to an old grey man, bent and troubled. Bilbo drew his hand over his eyes. I am sorry,' he said. 'But I felt só queer. And yet it would be a relief in a way not to be bothered with it any more. It has been so growing on my mind lately. Sometimes I have felt it was like an eye looking at me.
'Then trust mine,' said Gandalf. 'It is quite made up. Go away and leave it behind. Stop possessing it. Give it to Frodo, and I will look after him.'
Bilbo stood for a moment tense and undecided. Presently he sighed. 'All right,' he said with an effort.
(...) 'You have still got the ring in your pocket,' said the wizard.
'Well, so I have!' cried Bilbo. 'And my will and all the other documents too. You had better take it and deliver it for me. That will be safest.
''No, don't give the ring to me,' said Gandalf. 'Put it on the mantelpiece. It will be safe enough there, till Frodo comes.
A spasm of anger passed swiftly over the hobbit's face again. Suddenly it gave way to a look of relief and a laugh. 'Well, that's that,' he said. 'Now I'm off!' - LotR
Bilbo was strong enough to overcome his desire for the ring and turn away for it.
And Bilbo almost attacking Frodo in Rivendell upon seeing the Ring? Yes. Right. But, It's Bilbo who asks Frodo to keep the Item:
Bilbo looked quickly at Frodo’s face and passed his hand across his eyes. ‘I understand now,’ he said. ‘Put it away! I am sorry: sorry you have come in for this burden; sorry about everything. - LotR
He acts pretty decent for someone in possession of an evil object. And if he's one to be ironic with his relatives, they provoked him first!
There was a great commotion, and people of all sorts, respectable and unrespectable, were thick round the door, and many were going in and out—not even wiping their feet on the mat, as Bilbo noticed with annoyance. If he was surprised, they were more surprised still. He had arrived back in the middle of an auction! (…) would sell by auction the effects of the late Bilbo Baggins, of Bag-End, Underhill, Hobbiton. (…) most of the things had already been sold, for various prices from next to nothing to old songs (as is not unusual at auctions). Bilbo’s cousins the Sackville-Bagginses were, in fact, busy measuring his rooms to see if their own furniture would fit. In short Bilbo was “Presumed Dead”, and not everybody that said so was sorry to find the presumption wrong. (…) The legal bother, indeed, lasted for years. It was quite a long time before Mr. Baggins was in fact admitted to be alive again. The people who had got specially good bargains at the Sale took a deal of convincing; and in the end to save time Bilbo had to buy back quite a lot of his own furniture. (…) Many of his silver spoons mysteriously disappeared and were never accounted for. Personally he suspected the Sackville-Bagginses. On their side they never admitted that the returned Baggins was genuine, and they were not on friendly terms with Bilbo ever after. (…) he was no longer quite respectable. He was in fact held by all the hobbits of the neighbourhood to be ‘queer’—except by his nephews and nieces on the Took side, but even they were not encouraged in their friendship by their elders. I am sorry to say he did not mind. (…) many shook their heads and touched their foreheads and said “Poor old Baggins!” and few believed any of his tales. - The Hobbit
He had been really lonely the last few years since he had returned from his adventure, or holiday, as liked to call it. A large part of this was due to the fact that he had been definitively rejected from the respectable community, not that he cared that much about it, but was quite a burden to have faced everything he had been through on his adventure there and back again, to be a hero to other folks and peoples, an Elf-Friend, also a friend of dwarves and humans, who rode Eagles and rode barrels in a river (even without knowing how to swim), who spoke to Smaug the Dragon, and still survived a war, returning home to the Shire to receive the treatment of an pariah.
No one really welcomed him with joy, he came back safe and sound, after disappearing for 14 months, and it seemed like everyone preferred him dead. Imagine Bilbo, especially when he sat alone in his armchair in a house too big for a single Hobbit (one who used to like visitors and had lots of pantries and huge rooms that could fit a lot of people and he had a lot of clothes). beautiful to wear and receive them). Possibly the same respectable Hobbits he received as visitors before were the same ones who were not happy to see him return alive. Because they didn't care about him, nor about his feelings or his safety and well-being, they only cared about his money and possessions, envying his comfort and home. And they gossiped about it for years, making him look like "Mad Bilbo", when they were the ones who were petty.
And yet, remember, Bilbo adopted Frodo of his own free will (because Frodo was his favorite cousin, according to the book, it is the others who gossip and invent ulterior motives in a malicious way and this is also in the book), And Bilbo teaches Sam reads, is kind to Gafer, is generous with the poorest families, throws lively parties with lots of food, welcomes Merry and Pippin to Bag End often and gives them enough freedom to see Bilbo things without him knowing. And Bilbo remained friends with the Elves, the Dwarves, the humans (he was friends with Aragorn, "Not all those who wander are lost" was coined by Bilbo in a poem, and has often been used since then to refer to Aragorn), and Gandalf, no matter what his neighbors thought of it or how often they found him and his visits "strange". Bilbo "was happy to the end of his days, which were extraordinarily long" - The Hobbit and LotR.
So yes, Bilbo is incredibly virtuous, even when tempted by the ring.
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NO ESCAPE - Banda Sunato x FemReader
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Summary: When they caught him you tought it was the end of a nightmare. Saddly it was not.
WARNINGS: Stalker Banda - Murder - Sugesstive - Knife mention - Abusive Banda - Mentions of past abuse -
You were minding your own bussines, walking down in the big intersection, your mind going back to what your theraphist had said in your last session.
"It was not your fault, you did nothing wrong to deserve all of what happened"
A shiver ran down your spin, memories of the letters, the emails the gifts...and how they ended being bolder and creepier till you ended up meeting your stalker who on top of everything was a murder...
You shake your head trying to avoid any unwanted memories of these times, how he would touch you, kiss you and punish you...
Tears started to fall from your eyes, a few people looked at you but you just passed by them, you listen to some fire works your eyes going up to the sky seeing them
And then everything went black.
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You swear god hated you.
Why did you end in this place ? A place where you had to fight to survive ? After all that you had to pass...just why?
The only good thing was that he was not here, that he was dead by now. You knew he had got the dead penalty.
"Hey, I hear there is was a murder in the last game....like a serial killer or so"
Wait, calm down there were more serial killers beside-
"Yes I hear that guy, his name was Banda..."
No. Please no...
"Banda Sunato"
That name. The one who had your days in pure missery. He somehow has come back from the dead to torment you again. You had to leave, not only this current shelter with this good people, no. You have to leave this place.
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For the next games you made sure to keep an eye out for any suspicious activities that may give away that Banda was around, but he was smart and also sneaky. So you were never sure if he was watching you or not.
The stress made it impossible to keep your eyes shut during the night, and the consequences during games were suffocating to say at least. If being a woman was enough for others to see you as the weak one then your lack of sleep and slow reactions were just a bonus.
But it had its own advantages, being seen as the weak made you also the last target in the current game.
The game "The farmer and its piggys" was a phisical and intelectual one. One player was the farmer who needs to collect his piggys before time runs out, alive or dead, thats optional. He must put them in a cage and go look for the others.
Of course, piggys could work together to free the ones in the cage, and make all of them alive, but they just needed to have 3/5 out to win and the farmer would lose. There were boxes out too, with tolls for both sides.
And just your luck, you were the farmer. Your aproach was simple. Play as the weak one, and then stricke. Saddly you had ended with a nasty cut on your side making you almost bleed out.
This is it? Is this how I die?
Your eyes started to close, memories passing your mind and a dark figure above you.
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Banda knows two things, one: he loves to kill, so this was his paradise. His own playground with lots of toys to break. And two, he loves you. Loves you so much. He loves to enter your home during night and steal your clothes, loves to take pictures of you while you sleep. Loves to make you fall for him then break you.
Banda was always proud of his gifts. He got you lots of things, things he knew you know only you know you liked them. The horror on your face. Oh- Banda could cum in his pants by it.
So when it came down to have you face to face? How could he resist? Oh could he not force himsel into you, savouring your cries and pleas till you turned in a moaning mess thanks to the drugs.
The love you two shared ended when you scaped from him. And when the police got him....when Banda was asked for his last meal before his death he asked for you. Of coruse he only got a punch in the face by a disgusting police.
But now? Now he was free. And he knew you were here. You have been carefull he noted that, how you seemed to not tell your Real name to others or how you kept moving from location to location.
Saddly, your Friends in here were not Real, it just took Banda some treats and promises of not to kill the pregnat woman to get your last location.
And so here he was now. With you in his arms as he carried you away from your last game. You were so good at it. Banda wanted nothing but to kiss you all over and tell you that. Praises were something you adored, these were the best ways to manipulate you.
He took notice of your injured side and scoffed, luckly for him he knew one centrain doctor who would help him out this once.
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Pain woke you up. Your side hurted like hell, your head felt like ran by a truck. You tried to incorporate but a hand pushed you back.
"I dont recommend you to love yet love"
You froze, your eyes ajusting and moving to the source of the voice. There he was, Banda in all his glory. A sick loving smile on his face, one hand playing with his knife without a care.
"You slept for....2 days?" Banda said, checking your phone, seems like that last game gave you some extra days on your visa.
Your mind was trying to adjust to this, how, when....just...how did this happen? You knew you were being carefull and yet...and yet you were back in his hands.
Silence filled the room, just your hard breath could be hear as your eyes kept looking for a way out.
You knew it was the fear, the fear of being with him again what made you bolt in the direction of the door only to be tackled by him.
Banda was laughtning at your poor attemp to scape. He easily man handed you, sitting on your lap and taking your wrists with one hand his other hand making pressure on your injured side.
"Shh, that was not very nice" He murmured getting his knife out and passing it under your shirt. "I saw earlier how you got my name treated...."
Thats true, he had marked his name on your skin back in the Real world. But it was when you were close to scape so it never left a deep mark. At least not on your skin, your mind screamed at the memory.
Seeing the tears in your eyes Banda groaned, getting hard by it. He had so much self control to not just take you while you slept, but you needed to recover to he ended up jerking by your bed.
"Fuck, (y/n) stop. I love how much fire you have got, you make work for it, its because you want it right?" He taunted kissing your neck. "But you need to rest for a bit more, I cant have you dying on me now"
Banda removed himself from you giving you time to push him away. Banda of course did not like that, taking your ankle he drag you close to him. And without a warning stabbed your shoulder.
"I know it hurts, but you just did something really stupid" Banda told you caressing your face "Things Will be back as how they used to be. I know you will remember our rules soon and I know you still love me"
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sillyromance · 4 months
Hello everyone!
Some angsty open-ended thoughts for today.
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A classical pred/prey society where preds need to consume preys, not very often, but it's necessary for their normal metabolism. Although, hunting has its rules which are quite strict and has lots of nuances protecting both sides from violence and abuse: for example, wolfing a random person down at the street is against the law.
A prey girl who is suffering of a disease the chances to cure which are extremely low decides to make a deal with a pred. They will be able to consume her, but only on a particular day which is, actually, around two months ahead (she needs to bring her businesses in order, that's why). Also, to avoid any unwilling consequences, people included shouldn't use their real names. After a long and careful research through different pred/prey "dating" apps the prey is lucky enough to find a good pred man who accepts her terms and even offers her to get to know each other better, so they won't be absolute strangers when the moment of truth comes and they both will feel better about it. She happily agrees - the prey couldn't be honest with anybody in her life for a long time since she didn't want to upset her family and friends with tragic news. And the man... It won't hurt to lead a sincere conversation with a someone who will have you as a meal sooner or later anyway, will it?
He is mature and wise. She is young and a naive as a kid. But they get along just fine. A strange pair, hanging out in a nice cafe (which happens to be a favourite one for both) after work, going to cinemas and art galleries on weekends, chatting on the phone till the middle of the night - and doing a lot of other things two people who like one another do. Time flies like a rocket. And with each passing day, they are getting closer to each other - and closer to the end. Secretly, they both start questioning their deal, but stay silent, afraid to ruin what they already have with disappointment and offense.
He cares - at least, she thinks he does. She now cares, too. Though she doesn't quite believe it, she feels joy for the first time during these years...
One day, the prey finishes her things earlier than usual and goes home alone. She isn't afraid of someone snatching her on the nearest corner - it is still bright outside and she lives quite close to her working place. But as she is walking down a familiar street, thinking of which dish to cook for dinner, suddenly, she feels two huge hands digging their nails into her shoulders and dragging her in a dark sidewalk. Thrown at the floor, she gasps in horror.
A pred. A very huge and scary one belonging to the ugliest kind of their race. The prey tries to scream for help but her pleas are muffed by those dirty, strong hands before she can make a sound. Despite all her attempts to fight her way out of their grip, the girl slides down the bastard's throat and lands in a nasty, stinking stomach. Her gentle skin is instantly burnt with the acids preparing to break her into mush - and she cries in pain, fruitlessly struggling against tightening walls.
At that moment she notices her phone buzzing. Thank goodness! Embracing hope again, the girl answers. It's her pred friend! Of course, how could she be that stupid! Sniffing and sobbing, the prey manages to tell the pred what happened and where she, more likely, is. She doesn't really know why she trusts him to come after her - it must be a sixth sense telling her he will, or just her childish foolishness.
Anyway, he is everything she has right now.
Of course, her captor hears their conversation and tries to silence her, or, at least, run away - but they fail. It doesn't take long before the poor girl is shaken inside the beast as it is pinned against the wall and she catches a familiar voice growling angrily at the pred who made a VERY big mistake forgetting to check their victim's pockets...
And, after a few more disgusting seconds, she is released. Pathetic, smeared in gastric juices, but alive. And her dear pred friend is hugging her, smiling softly, while the attacker is getting arrested by the cops who came along with her savior...
On the next day, they wake up in the same flat. His flat. He took her to his apartments since they were closer - and he is, actually, a doctor. Fortunately, she didn't get much harm. The pred called his girl's boss to say she wouldn't come around because of the incident, so she has a day-off. He has taken one, too. After a tasty breakfast cooked by him, they decide to spend this day at the open air since it's better for the girl's health. Without wasting any more time, they depart and head to a huge park in the centre of the city.
It's a beautiful sunny day. Birds sing among tree brunches, hiding in thick bushes from rare walkers. In spite of it being midday, it's cool down here, under the green shadows falling at the grey brick road running in depth of the forest. Water rumbles beneath fallen leaves, and a wild mouse comes to the spring to sip some - and runs away as it senses the ground shaking under heavy human steps. It smells like rain: sweet and fresh.
They leisurely go down the road; she is holding his elbow and slowly licking her ice-cream while he is talking about funny accidents he and his pals had at the clinic. She feels relaxed; a nightmare she went through some hours ago seems far, far away... But then, she remembers: there are only five days left.
Five days of happiness... And...
At first, she shivers. But after awhile, a gentle smirk appears on her lips.
She interrupts the man.
- You know... Speaking of yesterday... I didn't thank you properly back then...
- Don't worry about it. You were in shock, I understand...
- Please, wait a sec... - She gets a deep breath to prepare herself. - After what happened, I have truly seen that the only person who I would allow to eat me without a second thought... is you.
He stops and gives her a long look. He has almost forgotten.
- ...Why?
She giggles at his serious face, but he hears sadness in her following words.
- Because I love you.
He arrives at the clinic. They slept together that night again; he is too worried about her going anywhere without him. She has to visit a doctor, though. But the knowledge it is going to be the same place he works in comforts the pred a little. White corridors, white coats, white doors and blinding white light overwhelmingly embrace him as he enters the building. Just as it should be. Friendly faces of his colleagues jump out of the chaotic mess here and there; he greets them without thinking, consumed by his swirling thoughts.
- Professor N! - A secretary calls suddenly.
What could happen in the very morning!?
- What is it, Susan? - He asks sharply. She doesn't seem to be bothered by this.
- Hannah called me five minutes ago - her mom is sick, she can't come to the clinic today.
- How many patients should visit her?
- Only four or five. I was said to tell you that they would be in your competence.
He rolles his eyes, irritated.
- Thanks, Susan. I'll keep that in mind.
Finally, the man reaches his room and falls in his armchair, his eyebrows frowning. The mood is spoiled. To distract himself from dark thoughts, the pred stretches his arm and takes the first clinic card in a small tower of them standing at his desk. It seems like this one is from his today "extras". A young prey girl with a deadly disease; though, the progress is visible since two months ago the analyses were much worse. She definitely has a chance to recover... Some say it's impossible to stop this disease, but he has already seen several people who have had the same one and successfully won their lives back. Not without his help. Perhaps, he will take her as a permanent client... He is more experienced at this topic anyway. Why didn't Hannah tell him before?
He looks through the database and finds out the girl is his earliest guest. Nice. Good news for a good girl in the morning.
This delightful thought enters his mind - and exits it immediately. His own lover is desperately ill and he hasn't done anything about it. It wasn't directly his fault; on their first date she said she didn't believe in herself anymore, that she was giving up. He doesn't know much about her condition since she refuses talking about it, though he predicts it is bad.
If only he knew how to help...
Well, when he knew her story, he quickly realised which solution was the most likable if she didn't want to try anymore. That is the reason he agreed to this after all.
The only thing he can do for her now - is to make her end peaceful and pleasant, just as she wants it. It's his duty - and he doesn't speak about himself only as a doctor, but a human being. Unlike that dork - his fist clenches as he feels fury swelling in his chest - he won't let her feel even the slightest pain. He will do only as she commands; he will digest her gently, slowly, reassuring and fondling her every minute, speaking to her till she passes out. And he won't fall asleep until he feels her soften completely within him... Because he simply can't do it otherwise. He loves her too much to show disrespect. To show indifference to her fate.
Oh, if only she could be this girl whose name is on the card... If only he didn't have to...
His internal monologue is interrupted by a hesitant knock.
- Is it professor N's cabinet? My doctor is off today, so...
He freezes.
Standing at the doorstep, she freezes, too.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Angst: sigma with a reader that is killed by the hunting dogs during the sky casino arc because she keeps getting in their way of discovering the truth and fighting them to give sigma time to come up with a plan. I quite enjoy teruko but I also know she could 100% snap my neck in 3 seconds. .
What a great idea! Thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡ I'll protect you ♡¸.•'
Sigma x gn!reader
Bsd masterlist
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The hunting dogs were now pissed, you kept trying to steer the away from the truth doing anything in your power to help Sigma come up with a plan.
You were in the middle of a fight, you knew Sigma was watching you get beaten up and you knew he could do nothing, you hoped he would come up with a plan before your life passed you by but deep down you knew it was your end, you knew would wouldn't make it but hoped and hoped that Sigma could get out of this situation alive. What you never considered was to hear foot steps running in your direction.
You looked in the direction of the noise and as you saw Sigma's body run out from the corner a sharp blade stabbed you in the stomach causing you to bleed extensively. A loud sob was heard from Sigma as he witnessed your assassination. Without a thought he ran to you, promising anything the hunting dogs wanted if only they would leave you alone. You were pushed onto the floor and the two stood back and watched carefully.
Sigma was kneeling down by you, holding your head gently, you felt weak and the pain was unbearable, you could feel Sigma's tears dropping onto your cheek. 'Please dear promise me something.' You whispered. 'Anything, please ill do anything just don't die, please, I love you, please don't go.' You could Sigma's voice crack as he cried out his pleases.
'Promise me you'll live, live on for both of us, keep me alive in your memories, keep our love as strong and pure as it is and always will be, please come out of this mess alive and live on for the both of us.' You smiled weakly. 'Sigma, I love you and I want you to be happy, weather that is in this casino or next to my grave I want you to be happy, find someone who will love you as much as I do and start a family.' Sigma could only cry and hold your hand in his. 'No, please don't say that, you'll survive, you will live! Please... I don't know what I will do if you die, I need you, I will give the casino away for you just please live...' Sigma's voice trailed off into another sob as he spoke further.
'I don't want to start a family with a person I don't love, you are the only one I will love and the only one I will start a family just please, please live, I can't loose you, not now, not ever.' Sigma's sobs and cries muffled anything he said or maybe it was you, maybe you couldn't hear him anymore. Whatever it was, his voice became more and more distant till you couldn't hear it again, you couldn't see, you couldn't feel the pain, the only thing you could feel was painful reality, death. You knew Sigma's cries only grew and grew even though you couldn't hear them anymore, you never will hear him ever again, you will never see him, all you can do is cry, if crying was an option.
The fight continued as it was more or less planned out. It was all a blur to Sigma, the only thing on his mind was now death, he must have been so occupied that he didn't realise he was falling, falling to his death a death he never knew he wish for as much as now. When he lands he will be with you again, he will be able to hold you again and all of this would just be a bad dream. Sigma could feel tears forming in his eyes and flying up. It was the end, it was finally the end.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I would recommend listening to Leonard Cohen cuz I fucking cried.
Have a wonderful day/night! :)
-Love, Az
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atonalginger · 6 months
Are you accepting asks for the fanfic writing emoji game?
I am! And because my answers are long with excerpts in them today I'm going to throw it under a cut to save everyone's feeds lol!
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?:
I talked a bit about that here but as I think on it more there is a fic I've yet to upload that when I was reading it, getting it transferred into scrivener and prepped for edits, that broke my heart and it's a WoW fic starring like all my toons...
The scene that broke my heart is centered on a human paladin, Gideon, who was being treated for wound at a druid camp inflicted by another alliance member who...gods if I explain all that we'll be here all day. He was badly wounded and then this happens
The light of the lanterns outside shined bright, bathing the floor in light. The room was empty now except for Gideon, who sat in his bed, knees hugged to his chest, crying. Despite all the druids had done the pain in his left eye would not subside. Instead it grew, slowly changing from a dull ache to a nagging burn. Deep down he knew he should call for help, tell one of the druids of his pain, but instead he sat in darkness believing he deserved it for all his sins. He did not deserve to be helped. A voice in his head told him it was wrong for him to have survived at all. He deserved death for all he’d done. Death was the only way to atone for the lives he ended.
Two figures moved passed the door, one’s hooves clomping on the wooden floorboards. As they passed the lankier of the pair stopped, standing in the arch. Then she hurried inside, sitting on the edge of Gideon’s bed and lifting his chin gently with her ungloved hands.
The lantern light half illuminated Awiti’s face, Gideon seeing concern etched on her soft, blue face. Her warm orange eyes tugging at his heart, “What’s wrong? What are you feelin’?”
He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, him sputtering before folding back down, holding his face. He sobbed louder now, now afraid and embarrassed.
“Cloverhoof, bring a lamp over, will you?” Awiti called to the other druid in the hall.”
“No,” he whimpered.
“Yes,” Awiti sat him up, “is it your gut or your face?”
She set to work unravelling the bandages, careful not to tug or jerk him around. Cloverhoof joined, a bright oil lamp in hand. The tauren gasped, covering his muzzle with his free hand. Green, glowing pus leaked from Gideon eye, the whole thing now black. His socket was swelling and the cut around the socket was bright red, streaks forming on his cheek.
“I thought Moonwillow touched him with nature’s cure,” Awiti looked to Cloverhoof, “there shouldn’t be any poison left.”
“It isn’t perfect,” Cloverhoof said as he sat the lamp down, “we can stop it from doing more harm. Hold him steady, I need to cleanse his wounds again.”
“Just leave me,” Gideon protested.
“No,” Awiti sounded scared, “no we be takin’ care of you.”
“I must warn you, Gideon,” Cloverhoof leaned in, hands beginning to swirl with nature magic, “this will hurt. You may lose your eye. You must stay strong.”
Gideon let Awiti lay him back into the bed, holding his head in her lap as Cloverhoof touched him with Nature’s Blessing. The pain became searing, Gideon screaming in agony as Cloverhoof bathed his body in a rejuvenating spell. The tauren dug into his belt pouch, pulling a jar filled with a milky cream that smelled like honey and dreaming glory. He hissed as the tauren coated his cut with a thick layer, his breathing becoming erratic.
“Keep strong,” Awiti stroked his head. He stared up at her with his working eye, vision blurry from tears, and saw she too was crying.
Cloverhoof touched his eye with another nature’s cure and Gideon screamed again, his vision going white before passing out.
I woke that back in 2020 and when I read it over a month ago I cried for that scene. Gideon had his issues up till this point but he did not deserve what he believed he did.
🏆 What's your most popular fic?:
Starborn Saga is my most popular fic by a country mile. It has double the hits from the next on the list and way more comments and kudos too. It was also my first fic uploaded to ao3 and my first time sharing my work so publicly, which made it quite overwhelming and daunting when I was in the midst of getting it edited and up.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?:
One of those scenes I talked about here.
Another scene is from Ranger and the Deputy near the beginning. -
Delgado bobbed his head side to side, irritated with Diego’s rambling but not wanting to show it, “You ever had tequila?”
“Once. Anja got a bottle in the tavern and served it to celebrate a milestone a few years back. Everyone got a drink with a shot in it; I remember it was pretty sour,” she shook her head and sat the small glass on the table, “In New Homestead we brew vodka, rum, and gin in house. We serve it at our tavern but only the locals really drink it; the tourists all complain that it’s too harsh.”
“Harsh?” Diego lowered his hand, no longer ready to hurry the group into their first shot.
“Apparently you aren’t suppose to be able to taste them when mixed with lots of juices or soda?” Kitty shrugged, “I’m not sure. I just know that tourists will order a mixed drink and complain that they can taste it and it’s bad but…it’s fine? I mean it’s alcohol, it’s not going to taste like candy and sunshine.”
Diego threw his head back and laughed hard enough to draw attention from other tables, “Is New Homestead brewing moonshine?”
“We don’t exactly have room for a lot of extra equipment,” Kitty explained, “they could probably stand to filter the vodka a few more times, that one can make me shudder something fierce, and sometimes the gin tastes like the floor cleaner smells but again it’s alcohol, it’s not supposed to be nice, it’s meant to get you drunk.”
“¡Mierda! You poor soul,” Diego was wiping tears from his eyes, “It doesn’t have to be that bad.”
“Diego, they live under the ice,” Del reminded him, “they’re making due.”
“They shouldn’t have to, they belong to the fucking United Colonies. They aren’t some LIST settlement!” Diego exclaimed. He pointed at the salt shaker, “Okay, Kitty, you saw what I did, copy that. Once we have that we lick the salt, take the shot, and bite the lime once you swallow.”
“That seems like a lot for a shot,” she tilted her head to the side with a quizzical look.
“It allegedly makes the shot taste better,” Delgado picked up his shot and looked to Diego, “or you could just shoot it and not be a pussy about it.”
“I didn’t order your family’s tequila,” Diego shook his head, “it don’t go down smooth without it.”
Delgado held Diego’s stare for a beat and then threw the shot back unceremoniously. It did burn a bit, the aftertaste wrinkling his nose for a second, but it was fine. He sat the shot glass down and looked over in time to watch Kitty swallow and set hers down as well. She looked completely unbothered by the cheap tequila, wearing a toothy grin at Diego who grumbled about them being no fun before licking his hand, shooting his shot, and biting down on a wedge of lime. Kitty reached over and took one of the lime wedges and bit into it, clearly curious to what it might add to the taste.
the idea that New Homestead is akin to some backwater isolated village where they are brewing just the roughest hooch because it's what they know and this young lady being so used to it just makes me grin like a silly person. Add to that the fact that Diego and Del are both former outlaws turned rangers in this fic and yet Diego is scandalized by the idea...and then way later you can see Diego's response after getting to actually try New Homestead liquor.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉:
I gave compliments here yesterday.
I am passionate about research and worldbuilding and I believe it shows in my writing. I like adding the little details that make the world feel more lived in and I find fun in weaving game mechanics into the world in a way that makes sense or works outside of a game setting.
thank you for asking :)
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beantothemax · 1 year
What was supposed to be an innocent prank escalated to... This.
He screamed and pounded on the door till his lungs and hands hurt. Normally, he could tolerate getting locked outside. But it was the rainy season. What would have otherwise been a perfectly sunny day was cold, wet and dark.
“Dad! Let me in!” Partitio cried.
His father pretended not to hear him and didn’t open the door. Finally, Partitio gave up. He fell to the doorstep. No sound left his mouth as he cried. He had already torn his throat to shreds, shrieking to be let inside, just breathing hurt.
Why was his father like this? A disagreement over a joke turned to an argument, which turned to a beating and ended with Partitio sitting outside in the rain. Ever since his mother passed, his father had been acting strange. First he impulse bought several acres of land, then he took out every negative emotion on him. He was all Partitio had, there was no one he could go to for help, no mother to defend him during arguments.
At the thought, he got an idea and made his way down the hill to town. No one else was out at this hour or in this weather. All the houses had shut curtains with a faint yellow glow behind them. How wonderful it must be to sit in a warm house.
Partitio was interrupted mid thought. He yelped before looking down, seeing a sharp rock under his foot. It was too blunt to draw blood, but sharp enough that it ached. Great. Just what he needed. More tears trickled down his face as he walked the final few steps to the house. He knocked on the door several times and waited patiently.
Roque answered the door. His confusion at having a visitor now was quickly replaced by concern.
“My goodness Partitio, what’re you doing in the rain without shoes or a jacket?” he asked as he ushered the boy inside.
Partitio wiped his feet on the welcome mat while Roque left. He returned with a towel and started drying him. But the towel quickly got soaked as Partitio’s clothes were still dripping.
He mumbled some kind of response that Roque couldn’t hear.
“Louder, my boy. My hearing isn’t quite what it used to be.”
“My pops locked me outside.”
Papp did… what? Roque hardly believed what he heard, and even asked him to repeat it again.
“My pops locked me outside,” Partitio repeated.
He sat him down on the couch and fetched a blanket and a mug.
“I was just having some tea myself, so it’s still hot,” he said.
Partitio blew on it and took a sip as Roque spoke.
“Do you know why your dad locked you outside? Was he upset?” Roque questioned.
He wanted to believe Partitio exaggerated or misspoke.
“I poured water on him as a prank, and he yelled at me,” Partitio started, his voice barely louder than a whisper, “I kept sayin’ he was overreactin’ so he hit me. After a bit then he got angrier and said I wasn’t allowed inside.”
Right. His friend really had locked his own kid outside. Perhaps he needed to reevaluate the people he considered friends.
“I see,” Roque said.
He stood and paced around the room while trying to figure out what to do. But to Partitio’s scared child mind, Roque was upset. Maybe he said something wrong or he got too much water and mud all over Roque’s floor. All he knew was that there was a problem he needed to fix, unless he wanted Roque to hurt him the same way his father had.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
Roque looked at him, “what for?”
“I dunno, you seemed angry.”
“I’m not angry, just thinking,” Roque replied.
Gods, what had Papp done to that kid?
“You wait here Partitio, I’ll speak with your father,” he said.
“Please don’t say anything that’ll get me in more trouble,” Partitio replied.
“Of course not.”
As Roque left the house, his mind raced with a million furious thoughts of what to tell Papp. Honestly, he was tempted to kill the man. Surely Papp was not human if he had it in him to hurt such a young and helpless child. But he pushed the thought aside, as the logical part of his brain reminded him that homicide was worse than child abuse. Not by a lot though.
Partitio stared thoughtlessly at the crackling fire in the hearth. Roque’s home was pleasant. It was warm. The blanket he borrowed was soft. The searing pain in his throat lingered, but had started to fade after nearly half a cup of tea. He put it on the coffee table and lay his head on the armrest. The fire was good, it kept him warm. He dozed off as he stared at it.
The man that held him wore a damp shirt. He weakly opened his eyes to see mister Roque.
“Oh, you’re awake. I was just carrying you to the guest room. You’re staying with me tonight,” he smiled.
“What about my pops?” Partitio yawned.
“I think he’ll be better tomorrow. We can talk to him together,” Roque said as he placed the boy on the bed.
With the same gentleness one would expect from a parent, he tucked him in and stroked his hair.
“Your father was just in a bad mood, you didn’t do anything to deserve the things he did,” Roque said softly.
“But I poured water on him,” Partitio argued.
“You’re just a kid. He should never hit you. If he does, then you come straight to me, and I’ll take care of it,” Roque smiled.
“Ok, goodnight mister Roque.”
“Goodnight Partitio.”
He shut the door behind him, leaving the boy alone in the dark room. Roque sat in his armchair as he poured himself a cup of tea. He furrowed his brows as he stared at the fire. It was strange finding out such a dear friend had been a monster all this time. He needed to save Partitio from that damned man, no matter what it took.
ok yeah I understand why you said this would make me mad! what the fuck papp!!!! the hell!!!!!!
I always like seeing roque not being a piece of garbage. he may be a cutthroat capitalist but he’s a good dad
also. is this part of that ‘partitio goes with roque and becomes an asshole capitalist’ au you sent an ask about a while back?
this is good! good as in it makes me angry to read it (in a good way!)
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princeofgod-2021 · 30 days
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John 1:4
Joh 15:26 And when the Comforter has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH WHO PROCEEDS FROM THE FATHER, He shall testify of Me. MKJV
The Holy Ghost is the member of the Trinity that will be working till the end of the ages. This is His [full] time and space, and He is working right now; He hasn’t finished yet.
Rev 1:10 ON THE LORD'S DAY THE SPIRIT TOOK CONTROL OF ME, and I heard a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, speaking behind me. GNB
It is interesting that if the Spirit had not taken hold of John, he would not have seen visions, neither would he hear anything spiritual.
Things will happen around him but he wouldn’t know exactly what. There may only be stirring of Natural elements involved.
1Ki 19:11-12 GOD SAID, "Go out and stand in front of the LORD on the mountain." As the LORD was passing by, a fierce wind tore mountains and shattered rocks ahead of the LORD. BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE WIND. After the wind came an earthquake. But the LORD wasn't in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was a fire. But the LORD wasn't in the fire. AND AFTER THE FIRE THERE WAS A QUIET, WHISPERING VOICE. GW
That was the Holy Ghost manifesting raw divine power, but notice the phrase “but the Lord was not in the wind”.
Even as intrinsic part of the Trinity, there are times that each of them will be alone in their work.
Remember what Jesus said on the cross again?
Mar 15:34 Around three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” NET
There are indeed times when each must work alone for a while, as a design - in the case of the Spirit - or as a consequence - in the case of Jesus in the last verse.
In any case, the Holy Spirit applies the movement of Natural Elements to pass messages across to men.
Dan 10:7 I, DANIEL, WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW THE VISION. THE MEN WITH ME DIDN'T SEE THE VISION. Yet, they started to tremble violently, and they quickly hid themselves. GW
Only Daniel was “in the Spirit” and saw the vision. The men around him only felt the earthquake and responded as any natural man should. That’s the Holy Ghost working.
Now, that was in the Old Testament, right? So, the Holy Spirit has been working along with God from the very beginning actually, and is indeed the Power holding all things together.
Gen 1:1-2 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep, BUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS MOVING OVER THE SURFACE OF THE WATER. NET
This scripture in Genesis give me the impression of the Holy Spirit like Yeast in a dough that you put in and give it time to ferment or rise, before you start cutting up or baking.
Mat 13:33 Then he taught them another parable: “HEAVEN’S KINGDOM REALM CAN BE COMPARED TO YEAST THAT A WOMAN TAKES AND BLENDS INTO THREE MEASURES OF FLOUR and then waits until all the dough rises.” TPT
You know, Jesus never fully explained what 3 measures of Dough was. Why 3 measures and what is the relevance?
He never explained it to his Disciples and nobody seemed to bother. I believe though, that it could relate to what we’re talking about here: 3 stages of the works of the Trinity.
The Dough will rise till the Holy Spirit completes His own Work.
Luk 1:80 As John grew up, GOD'S SPIRIT GAVE HIM GREAT POWER. John lived in the desert UNTIL THE TIME he was sent to the people of Israel. CEV
The Spirit of God worked within John, building the Baptist and maturing him, in preparation for his public ministry.
But when did the Holy Spirit start the work in John? Read this…
Luk 1:15 For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall neither drink wine nor strong drink. And he shall be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. MKJV
You might even wonder: at which point exactly did the Holy Spirit begin to work on John?
This tells us that the Spirit is not haphazard but dedicated and organized.
May the Spirit of God fill and permeate every cell in your system, and work wonders in you, IN JESUS NAME.
See you on Friday, as we proceed with this interesting Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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harker-jonathan · 3 months
29 June.
To-day is the date of my last letter, and the Count has taken steps to prove that it was genuine, for again I saw him leave the castle by the same window, and in my clothes. As he went down the wall, lizard fashion, I wished I had a gun or some lethal weapon, that I might destroy him; but I fear that no weapon wrought alone by man's hand would have any effect on him. I dared not wait to see him return, for I feared to see those weird sisters. I came back to the library, and read there till I fell asleep.
I was awakened by the Count, who looked at me as grimly as a man can look as he said:
"To-morrow, my friend, we must part. You return to your beautiful England, I to some work which may have such an end that we may never meet. Your letter home has been despatched; to-morrow I shall not be here, but all shall be ready for your journey. In the morning come the Szgany, who have some labours of their own here, and also come some Slovaks. When they have gone, my carriage shall come for you, and shall bear you to the Borgo Pass to meet the diligence from Bukovina to Bistritz. But I am in hopes that I shall see more of you at Castle Dracula." I suspected him, and determined to test his sincerity. Sincerity! It seems like a profanation of the word to write it in connection with such a monster, so asked him point-blank:
"Why may I not go to-night?"
"Because, dear sir, my coachman and horses are away on a mission."
"But I would walk with pleasure. I want to get away at once." He smiled, such a soft, smooth, diabolical smile that I knew there was some trick behind his smoothness. He said:
"And your baggage?"
"I do not care about it. I can send for it some other time."
The Count stood up, and said, with a sweet courtesy which made me rub my eyes, it seemed so real:
"You English have a saying which is close to my heart, for its spirit is that which rules our boyars: 'Welcome the coming; speed the parting guest.' Come with me, my dear young friend. Not an hour shall you wait in my house against your will, though sad am I at your going, and that you so suddenly desire it. Come!" With a stately gravity, he, with the lamp, preceded me down the stairs and along the hall. Suddenly he stopped.
Close at hand came the howling of many wolves. It was almost as if the sound sprang up at the rising of his hand, just as the music of a great orchestra seems to leap under the bâton of the conductor. After a pause of a moment, he proceeded, in his stately way, to the door, drew back the ponderous bolts, unhooked the heavy chains, and began to draw it open.
To my intense astonishment I saw that it was unlocked. Suspiciously, I looked all round, but could see no key of any kind.
As the door began to open, the howling of the wolves without grew louder and angrier; their red jaws, with champing teeth, and their blunt-clawed feet as they leaped, came in through the opening door. I knew then that to struggle at the moment against the Count was useless. With such allies as these at his command, I could do nothing. But still the door continued slowly to open, and only the Count's body stood in the gap. Suddenly it struck me that this might be the moment and means of my doom; I was to be given to the wolves, and at my own instigation. There was a diabolical wickedness in the idea great enough for the Count, and as a last chance I cried out:
"Shut the door; I shall wait till morning!" and covered my face with my hands to hide my tears of bitter disappointment. With one sweep of his powerful arm, the Count threw the door shut, and the great bolts clanged and echoed through the hall as they shot back into their places.
In silence we returned to the library, and after a minute or two I went to my own room. The last I saw of Count Dracula was his kissing his hand to me; with a red light of triumph in his eyes, and with a smile that Judas in hell might be proud of.
When I was in my room and about to lie down, I thought I heard a whispering at my door. I went to it softly and listened. Unless my ears deceived me, I heard the voice of the Count:
"Back, back, to your own place! Your time is not yet come. Wait! Have patience! To-night is mine. To-morrow night is yours!" There was a low, sweet ripple of laughter, and in a rage I threw open the door, and saw without the three terrible women licking their lips. As I appeared they all joined in a horrible laugh, and ran away.
I came back to my room and threw myself on my knees. It is then so near the end? To-morrow! to-morrow! Lord, help me, and those to whom I am dear!
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elysianslove · 4 years
oh boy idk if you’ve ever talked about this before (i’m new to the blog, and you’re so very talented!!! you make my dumb horny heart just 🦋🦋) BUT what are your thoughts on which of the haikyuu boys are best/worst at being edged? like who’s begging and crying after 20 minutes and who’s able to hold out for hoouurrs before getting just a touch whiny. i. need to know. for science 🤲🏼
thank you so much!!! welcome to the blog my love 🥺 but omg. thoughts. so many. 
matsukawa issei; he’s purely holding out this long out of spite. as if he has something to prove, which he very much does. he’s barely bucking up into you, trying his best to hold his pants and his hisses from how borderline painful this is, but you can see how tense he is. his abs keep spasming, his biceps flexing as he fists the sheets. he keeps his legs spread for you though, lets you suck at his cock, fondle his balls, stroke at the base and squeeze at the tip with your much smaller hand. he lasts a good an hour and 10 minutes. honestly, genuinely impressive. he won’t let you get off easy though, good luck with that. 
oikawa tōru; originally, i’d think he’d be so bad at this, but honestly, oikawa’s orgasm control is so impressive? even when he’s fucking you, he’s lowkey edging himself because he always holds off until you cum. so letting you edge him isn’t too much of a problem. he definitely cries and begs like a bitch, but he lasts, oh he lasts. approximately 35 ish minutes. definitely cums without warning and without permission, and you can’t decide whether he did it on purpose to piss you off or because he genuinely couldn’t continue. it’s okay, just overstimulate him till he’s crying all over again. tōru’s a very pretty crier, after all <3
kita shinsuke; oh my god, the best boy. he’d last days if you asked him to. he’ll be quietly, as quietly as he can, panting and whining and groaning, silent tears streaming down his face every time you pull away from his cock. every time he bucks his hips up, it’s followed by a trail of “sorry, sorry, m’sorry,” that it’s just so adorable. has you cooing at him, soothingly rubbing at his thigh and murmuring that it’s okay, that he’s doing so good. he lasts around 45 minutes, but when he cums, he promises to do better next time, to last longer. anything for you <3 
sugawara kōshi; this fucking masochist. he likes it. he likes the pain. probably was the one to suggest it to you. he sits between your spread legs, back pressed to your chest with your hand stroking his dick from behind. you stroke at him until he’s so close and pull away, watching as his cock bobs desperately, and he moans for it. he’s so vocal about it, begging and pleading, but when you go to ask him if he wants to cum yet, he tells you, “no, no, i can— more, more.” he lasts 2 whole hours. it’s like, kind of scary. he does pass out after and actually scare, but he gets up a minute later with a cheeky smile like, “again?”
miya atsumu; like oikawa, he will cry and sob so fucking much, and he’ll make such a mess, but god, does he last. atsumu thrives off of praise, and having you tell him how good he’s doing for you, such a good boy, atsumu, all for me? has him drooling for it. both him, and his cock. he’ll get a little dumb halfway, almost just letting you use him, but he does whine a lot, crying and pleading for you to let him cum, but it’s all bark and no bite. it barely has anything to it. i firmly believe he’d be one of top, lasting around an hour and 30 minutes, just because atsumu gets so lost in everything, including giving up control. 
kuroo tetsurō; another one to last mainly out of spite. he wants to prove to you it’s not much, it’s not that bad, it’s easy work. you quickly make him eat his words by the third time you pull away, and it just dawns on him that he’s the one that put himself in this position in the first place. it’s no one’s fault but his own, and because he doesn’t wanna seem like a coward, backing out so quick, he lasts at least 30 minutes, and gets through it without begging, only spitting out curses and panting and groaning deeply. 
akaashi keiji; sweet boy keiji definitely lasts, all for you. he’s not too vocal either, just light curses to himself, muffled moans, broken, bitten down sobs. he genuinely does love to let you have your fun with him, because submitting to you is just so satisfying. and i can see akaashi loving edging so much because of how good the orgasm that eventually comes is. like the moment you give him permission to, he’s seeing stars, and it’s why he lasts as long as he does, why he tries to push for longer. he lasts a good 45 minutes, and he’s been trying to beat that record for a while now. don’t worry, he will. 
sakusa kiyoomi; is so fucked out, so far gone, to the point that you don’t even think he’s in control of his own body anymore. even if you told him to cum, he wouldn’t. he’s so deep in this headspace of being under your control it’s incredible. it’s mesmerizing. he looks so pretty, cock so red and wet and hard as ever, painfully so, against his pale skin, twitching and bobbing and begging for attention. he lasts 40 minutes. it’s the most gorgeous 40 minutes of both your lives. 
asahi azumane; so good! such a good boy!!! doesn’t last so long, but definitely tries his best for you. it’s some 20 or so minutes in that he cums, but he immediately starts chanting out apologies, begging for you to forgive him, to give him another chance. he continues to try until he can last so long, but it’s the fact that he’s willing to that has your heart soaring and your body heating up. 
bokuto kōtarō; baby boy is crying 10 minutes in. he can’t handle it. if you tie him up, he’ll rip through them, flip you over, and fuck into you till he’s filling you up. he won’t even try. he watched a porn video where a person lasted an hour and thought, oh must be worth it, and asked you to try it on him. just. it’s just not for him. he prefers the pain of overstimulation over edging, forever. 
iwaizumi hajime; please he lasts like 2 minutes. he just hates it so much. on him, at least. he can edge you for hours, and he’d the most satisfied man on earth. but sit between his legs and tease him by sucking at his cock, only to pull away just as he’s about to cum? somebody clearly has a death wish <3 but do bring it up and ask to try it! he still won’t last lol. but make him last. watch him cry. make iwaizumi hajime cry. make him. it’s beautiful. 
kageyama tobio; mannnn kageyama can cum untouched, hands free, if you really tried. grind down against him for a minute and he’s cumming in his pants for you. he has no concept of orgasm control whatsoever, and if you tried it on him he’d just get angry at you??? like fine no sex for u tf. he lasts a good 5 minutes, so good for him or whatever. 
kozume kenma; he wants to last. he wants to. but you have him crying, sobbing, 20 minutes in, and he just unintentionally spills down your throat without warning. of course, you’d felt the twitch of his cock, but you’d wanted to see where his head was at exactly. after he came, he felt so humiliated, but he still forced eye contact with you and went, “do it again. i’ll last an hour this time.” like ok no problem for me :) 
ushijima wakatoshi; doesn’t realize he’s being edged, and when you pull away just as he’s about to cum he sits up and stares at you with a deadpan face like, “that was not very nice of you.” he just. finds it boring honestly. he doesn’t want to drag something out like that for so long. he indulges you, sure, but for like 3 minutes, before he’s like alright time to fuck you. 
hinata shōyō; hinata’s just way too overexcited. he really does put his mind to it, but i think he gets too in his head about it that he just ends up cumming right away. but it’s a ruined orgasm, cause you pull away just as he’s cumming, so it’s so not satisfying, but for some reason, hinata loved it? so yeah, lasts 0 seconds, but discovers new kink! 
suna rintarō; oh he most definitely can. you cannot convince me he wouldn’t be able to. as much as suna is lazy, he’s just as impatient, and he can barely handle how foreplay seems to drag on forever. he wants to be inside you, and he wants to be inside you now. it’s ridiculous. if he could though, he’d last a good hour probably. he just really doesn’t want to. 
daichi sawamura; could 100% do it if he really put his mind to it, but just. why? what’s the point of not orgasming? he just doesn’t get it </3 you can try to convince him by making him do it on you, but chances are he’s gonna realize how much he loves to do it to you only. daichi’s so possessive it’s crazy, and he gets this mischievous glint in his eye whenever he realizes how good something makes you feel, especially if it’s pain. he is a dangerous man. 
miya osamu; most definitely would be able to last hours, but again, he just doesn’t want to. it’s also not one of those situations where he prefers overstimulation either. like osamu’s plenty kinky, sure, but those two aren’t what cross his mind when you say, “let’s change things up a bit.” it’s not that he gets bored of it either. he just. doesn’t wanna do it. like he can spend time making you feel good, and vice versa, with way more different things. and he seems like a very in the moment guy, like choking you in the moment or making you squirt. yk :) 
satori tendō; oh tendō loves edging, just on you. he never really gives you a chance to ever try to with him, honestly. he just loves, loves, loves to edge you, but not because he wants to purposefully hurt you, but rather to praise you, to tell you how good you are for him, to make you feel so good when he finally lets you cum. if you were to edge him, he’d honestly probably last over two hours. like not even exaggerating, he probably would. but no, you’re more fun! 
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unfriedough · 3 years
Hi! Can I request some slight angst where Zuko’s wife is upset because there has been a lot of pressure for them to have children now that they are married, but she knows that she can not conceive? I hope you are doing well! 💐
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‘Not enough’- Zuko x fem!reader
Masterlist <3
See request.
Warnings: angst, also see the request in case you're not comfortable with it :).
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It’s only been a few months since your marriage with the firelord, and up till today, it was a dream. Everything was perfect, the people loved you! However, all good things must come to an unfortunate end.
“The people are requesting an heir soon,”
“I believe this is none of the sages’ concern,” Zuko said, attempting to stay calm after noticing your troubled expression.
“Your majesty, the assasination attempts hav-”
“This is up to us to decide, not the sages or the people,”
“But sir,”
“That’s enough, please do not bring this matter up to us again. Dismissed.” The firelord shot up roughly, palms hitting the innocent table.
The sages looked baffled, but eventually nodded, taking their leave. Zuko sat back down, pinching the bridge of his nose. When he looked over to you, the former prince noticed your glassy eyes, your fingers digging into your palms, and your lower lip being bitten by the top one.
“Don’t worry about them, this is completely up to us, Yn,”
“Yeah, I know,” you gave him a tight smile, before standing up.
“I’ll see you tonight, Zuko,”
He smiled at you, worry evident in his face.
“Yeah, love you,”
“Love you too,” you replied, before swiftly leaving the room, leaving a confused teenager behind.
The firelord definitely hadn’t missed your change in attitude, you seemed colder, more closed off. The ruler was horrified, thinking he drove you away from him, that thought filled him with guilt.
You both sat at the dinner table, on opposite ends. This surely surprised Zuko, you guys usually sat right by each other, you definitely hated him.
Silence cut through the air as you picked mindlessly at your food. Usually, chatter and laughter masked the deafening quiet, in fact, it was so foreign, it made your ears ring.
“Did I do something wrong?” he whispered.
It was loud enough for you to hear though.
“What? No!”
“You’ve been so distant, let me fix it, please.” Zuko pleaded.
“I- Zuko, honey. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with me,” you comforted him as you rounded the table.
Taking a seat beside him, you took a deep breath. When you met his eyes, he looked terrified, unfortunately, that caused you to become even more scared to share your truth. Before you could even speak, tears clouded your vision, your throat caging any kind of coherent words in. You got up, and quickly left the room, pushing through the doors that blocked your path, forgetting to flash any kind of greeting or smile to the workers you passed. Everything was blurry. Nothing made sense.
As soon as you got to your chambers you locked the tall doors, pressing your back against them. You sunk to the carpeted ground, sobs escaping your shaking mouth. Your hands were frantically wiping tears from your face, whilst your knees were drawn to your chest, feet curling out of stress.
You were so deep in thought, you didn’t hear the quiet knocks, or Zuko sinking behind the door.
“How am I supposed to tell him? And risk ending it all? Risk losing the love of my life. He deserves an heir, he deserves someone who can give him one. I don’t deserve him.” Your thoughts came out of your mouth shakily, whispering it to the empty room.
“Yn? Can I please come in?”
Your eyes widened rapidly, realising he could have heard what you were saying. You quickly got up and opened the door, but seeing his tear soaked face made your heart clench.
He took a slow step forward, hugging you as you cried into his shoulder.
“Please, tell me what’s wrong.” the firebender whispered shakily.
He held you close as he closed the door behind him.
“Zuko I-I can’t give you an heir, I can’t conceive.”
Your husband held you tighter, finally understanding what had been bothering you.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into his torso.
He took you over to the bed, sitting you down opposite to himself.
“Listen, we have other options. You didn’t have to hold all this stress to yourself, I love you no matter what. I’m just sad you felt the need to keep this in.”
“I thought you would be mad,”
“To be fair, I thought you were going to break up with me,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
You lightly nudged his arm.
“Then I guess you're not very bright,” you joked.
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An: Well this was an interesting journey on my part. Idk if the ending is perfect but I didn’t wanna drag it on further than this. As always, I hope you enjoyed this story, SEE YA! <3
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shadowsingersmate · 3 years
Angst azriel x reader request
i just thought, what if the one mate could feel it when the other would cheat on them? azriel cheating on y/n and she doesn't tell him that she knows, she keeps it to herself until one day she's had enough because she over hears him telling someone in the ic that he loves y/n and would never hurt her and they start to fight. she tells him the truth and she just leaves him all togehter. overtime az tries to talk to y/n but she doesn't budge they end up not getting back together and stuff if you wanna change some things thats fine
Okey I’ve been vv inactive but it’s because I’m just not okey but I LIVED THIS IDEA so here we go.
Also I have about three or four requests draft that I gave up in the middle so I’ll try to finish those as well .
I didn’t proof read so…. Yeah I hope you like it :)
The black blanket had fallen over the sky signing the arrival of the night.
You were sitting on the couch, reading a romance book that nesta had recommended you couple of days ago, it was alright you guessed. It was particularly hard to concentrate to the main characters love life as yours was already falling apart.
Azriel hadn’t been at home a lot lately. He had a lot of work and you knew, you could understand but it was all too much. You had missed his touch, his company, the endless talks that you two would have at the nights were you both couldn’t sleep.
You close the book as you sighted and went over the kitchen to make some tea, maybe that would help calm you a bit, maybe that would help to get your sleeping schedule back to normal. You had gotten used to Azriel holding you that you found it hard to sleep when he wasn’t there.
Once the tea was brewed you went into your bedroom and sat on the bed, admiring the view from the window, the stars were beautiful! You smiled as you remembered how Azriel would take you out on late night dates, just you two staring at the night sky.
It hadn’t been long before you fell asleep, the sleeping tea madja had recommended was truly doing wonders when it came to sleep diprivation.
Azriel’s scarred hands were grazing her naked body as his lips found hers. The passion was clear, both of them fighting for dominance, their sent of arousal filled the air making you gag.
“Azriel…” you choked but he didn’t listen, he didn’t even spare you a glance.
You felt his emotion, the longing, the want, the lust. You felt everything. You shook your head taking small steps back as tears escaped freely. You could hear their moans, you could see everything.
“Azriel!!!” You shouted again and closed your eyes, but when you opened them again you weren’t in the room were Azriel and the girl had been but your own shared bedroom. You were sweating, weeping.
A dream you realized but them you felt a wave of pleasure running through your body and then another. You felt longing and want but no, those weren’t your feeling they were azriels.
It wasn’t a dream it was a moment, a moment of azriels long nights working. He had lied, he was cheating on you.
You just stayed there frozen, waiting for the emotions to stop and they did, then you felt his regret and you closed the bond shut forming a thick brick wall between your and his mind.
You rushed to the bathroom, you knew Azriel was coming home, he would be there in a couple of minuite sand you weren’t ready to face him.
You cried and cried trying to remember anything you had done that led to this moment.
You couldn’t really blame him, the girl was beatiful, blonde hair and blue eyes eyes, her breasts were much fuller than yours and her curves were perfect, unlike you, you looked like a child compared to her.
It was your fault, you should have taken better care of yourself maybe then Azriel wouldn’t feel the need to seek something more mature, someone better.
You heard the door click from downstairs and hurriedly you wiped your cheeks and stalked over the bed.
“What are you doing awake love?” love? Seriously?
“Good, how was work?” You asked
You expected from him to look regretful or maybe tell you the truth, but he didn’t instead he said a quiet “fine” and went to the bathroom to get ready for the night.
Once he laid on your bed you had seriously contemplated to tell him, yo let him know that you knew what he had done but you decided that it would be bette rig you just stayed quiet.
Months had past with you being silent. Everyday he would come home and you expected him to break and reveal the truth but he didn’t.
Meanwhile you felt anger building up, you felt like you were suffocating. You no longer trusted him, you found yourself thinking thrice before you believe anything he said.
He was taking you on more dates than before and he was being at home for longer which made things harder.
You tried to better yourself by working out longer hours and eating healthier, you no longer felt comfortable with him seeing you without make up.
Azriel had realized obviously and you knew, that was something. Maybe now you could be enough for him.
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks when you were passing rhysands office when you heard the three brothers talking.
“I don’t know what’s happening to her, she barely even let me see her in the morning” Azriel exclaimed “she doesn’t even touch sugar, you all know how much she used to live sweets”
“Have you tried to talk to her?” Rhysand asked.
“Yeah, I’ve tried once or twice but she just change the conversation completely, I don’t know what going on” Azriel said worriedly “I’m trying to think of anything I may have done to hurt her but I would never do anything that would cause her the littlest bit of pain you know that right?”
You laughed out loud and the males stopped talking, after a few minutes cassian opened the door and his eyes softened at your presence.
“Y/n what are you doing here?” Azriel asked.
“I was just passing by when I heard your little speech do how much you love me and care about me” you scoffed voice dripping venom.
Azriel flinched at your words. “Love? What’s going on?” He asked perfectly calm.
“What’s going on? You must be kidding me Azriel. You really must think I’m stupid” you chuckled darkly.
“What are you saying?” Cassian interrupted.
“Oh I’m just talking about the passionate night Azriel had with a stranger not to long ago. Do you remember love?” You said mockingly.
Azriel’s eyes widened and he started shaking. “What? I-“
At this point both Cassian and rhysand had turned their attention to their brother both shocked. “Azriel is this true?” Cassian asked clearly angry.
Cassian was your best friend and his anger was clear.
“I-“ Azriel stuttered.
“You what? You went and slept with someone and I blamed myself for it. I though okey maybe Azriel wants something more someone better. So you know what I did Azriel? I tried to become better” you practically shouted “and now” you laughed “and now you’re what? You decided that you love me? You decided that you worry about me?”
“Y/n let me explain please I- you are perfect I just-“ he was panicking.
“No, you know what? You had your chance to explain, I gave you two months for you to tell me, to be honest with me and explain how I don’t want to hear it” you spit before you turned and left.
Months after the hurt was still there buried deep, the void of losing someone you loved so dearly was there but you couldn’t ignore the weight that lifted off your shoulders.
Azriel had tried to talk to you for months after that but you refused to listen, you left the inner circle but still held your relationships with the rest of the inner circl. You’d till went shopping with mor, you still spent hours taking with Cassian, you still read with amren and nesta, you still went to Rita’s with them when azriel didn’t go.
You were happy that you had succeeded in keeping your relationships, however sometimes you still had thoughts of what would happen if you decided to talk to azriel, what would happen if you’d let him explain and maybe try again fresh. But that wasn’t possible, he had lost your trust, even if you wanted you could never trust him, you would never be like you were before.
Sometimes you liked to look forward to the future and see what would happen if you and Azriel made up and become friends, maybe you could rejoin the inner circle but he was your mate.
You sighted, he was your mate and he had hurt u deeply and just like that the pain blossomed again before you pushed everything down and wore the blank expression again as you realized that nothing would be the same again, you would never find happiness again.
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anos-sensei · 3 years
Imagine Hc pt3
Parts: one two three four
Love is appreciated!
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Leviathan walks down the stairs trying to keep the memories washing over him at bay.
It felt weird using the bubble after ignoring the very existence of it for over 8millenia ... Shaking his head he wanders into the trashed living room, the couch was broken, cracks in the walls, red and golden splatters staining broken shards of glass and rock.
He walked through the house, sealing the rooms that weren't trashed or destroyed yet, looking for where the noise came from. It wasn't complicated to pinpoint but the heaviness in the air wasn't easy to go against.
Passing through a hallway leviathan suddenly ducked, a body flying over him crasing into the wall at his other side.
Quickly straigtening up his eyes widen at lucifer's disheveled state, hair a mess, blood trickling down his lip and chin, knuckles stained red and gold...
"Enough now, this is getting out of hand Lucifer." Levi says calmly, backing away when he hears chilling footsteps approaching. He didn't think he'd get ....or rather have to hear or see mammon like this.
They really went too far.
"MAMMON! STOP IT NOW YOU'RE LOSING YOUR MIND." Levi tried ducking again when a fireball zoomed towards him.
"He can't hear you" Lucifer pants,getting off the floor and dusting himself off.
"It pains me to ask this but Lord diavolo is probably the only one able to stop him right now."
Levi looks at Lucifer in bewilderment.
"//You// can stop him." He states in a matter of fact but Lucifer Shakes his head.
"It burns you know" Lucifer says stopping one of mammon's attacks, going to stand in front of leviathan, his back facing the younger.
His back was covered in gold, wings twitching in pain.
"I can barely stand it... Imagine what mammon must be going through, if on top of that I were to injure him fatally ... " Lucifer stops speaking when mammon appears in front of them.
Breathing harsh, muscles buldging, lips and torso stained with boiling liquid gold. His arm covered in cuts bleeding golden, his eyes partially hidden by his hair, the piercing blue chilling Levi to the bone.
He had sneaked in and locked the door, slumping against it, a pile of asignments in his hands, steadily burning in his grip.
This may explain why mammon was so on edge when he came back home, when mammon uses too much magic, his blood starts boiling till it transforms into liquid gold, burning him from the inside out.
That's also the reason why mammon did absolutely nothing at rad. He had promised to keep the secret when mammon had come into his room, in levi's room of all brothers.
At first Levi was annoyed at the sudden disturbance but before he could say anything mammon cast a silencing spell around the room, confusing Levi.
"What are you do-" and thats the exact moment where mammon completely broke down, scratching at his skin, the itch, the burn, scattering the ashes of the papers around him.
the feeling of being cooked alive had him feeling like he was dying inside. He came close to begging Levi to kill him, to stop his suffering. But any metal piercing his skin would just end up melting, mammon's cries had hit Levi deeply.. He couldn't... He couldn't lose someone from his own family again..
And the only thing Levi could come up with was pulling mammon into a tight hug ignoring the burn, whispering a freezing spell, softening down the power of the spell enough to keep mammon alive.
days and days on end mammon had cried in agony every time he woke up, refusing to come out of levi's room, staying there letting Levi take care of him, everyday again and again he whisperered the freezing spell, cooling mammon down enough to pass out but not to kill.
He had refused to face anyone so long as the pain was coursing through him.
All three of them had been cursed with their blood turning into their sin, but mammon had definitely pulled the most unlucky card he could. Levi simply passed out when his blood reflected his sin, it was sticky, slimy and traveled very slowly though his body making it almost impossible to keep counscious. And for Lucifer he would be in pain, vomiting several hours on end before knocking himself out to pass the moment.
"Leviathan move." Levi hears Lucifer call him but he can't move, his legs are stuck to the ground.
"DAMNIT LEVI MOVE." A hard kick throws him out of the way. Levi groans feeling his head hurt at the impact.
"ARE YOU INSANE WHY DID YOU STAY THERE" he hears from besides him, luke was standing besides him, hiding behind the wall.
"I... I couldn't move.." He says quietly standing up and joining luke behind the wall. "I know how to stop mammon though we need to immobilize him enough for him to be able to hear me.".
"We have to knock him out you mean?" Simeon asks suddenly appearing out of thin air his usual soft voice calming leviathan's racing heart.
"He won't get knocked out as long as his blood looks like that." Levi bites his lip. "Did you guys come with diavolo?? Is he here? Diavolo could be able to cage mammon long enough for me to cast the spell."
"Diavolo was in a meeting, barbatos did tell us that he'd come immediately once it's over, they should be here shortly. We came with Solomon though."
An uncomfortable silence settled between the three of them, when it came to his brothers, levi could never think straight... At least he gained a few seconds... They all watched in an uncomfortable awe as the two brothers fought each other, Levi occasionally throwing mammon off balance or breaking his attack with a splash of ice or water, that almost instantly vaporised in thin air.
It made them win a few seconds but that wasn't enough..
"What the fuck happened here!?" He heard a familiar voice screech. Solomon, what did that guy do either way??
Quietly they made their way to Solomon who was standing in the middle of the living room, they could feel diavolo approaching too, not too far away.
Solomon was watching the fight like everyone.
"Shouldn't you do something?"
"I would have if I could but mammon has to hear me otherwise it might kill him."
The same moment diavolo enters, a grave look on his face seeing the state of the house.
"What is needed?" He asks directly, looking at leviathan. Asmo had called him directly on his phone and while he was quite happy one of the brothers called him, he didn't expect asmo to be crying and begging to come help and what came after was completely incomprehensible... As if he had fallen asleep.
"If possible, ideally, it would be stopping all of mammon's movements without touching him." Leviathan explains.
"Why not touch him?" The Lord asks curiously but doesn't deny, materialising magic bindings.
"It would burn." Levi states simply and sighs in relief when the bindings encirle mammon. Cringing at the heartbreaking scream escaping his brother.
Lucifer sighs too, slumping down the wall in relief. Levi would take care of the rest... Surely,... A little nap won't hurt..
Levi walks up to mammon and firmly places his hands on his brother's shoulders earning a pained gasp from mammon.
"don-DON'T TO-tou-touch me" mammon rasps out, struggling against the binds burning him. eyes clearing a little with the awareness that someone is touching him.
"mammon look at me." Levi tries and smiles when he sees mammon try to focus on him.
"I'm going to use it, you have to listen okay." Mammon nods shakily, trying to keep tears from gathering.. The last thing mammon wanted was his eyes burning with gold. Ironic comming from someone who would die for it.
Bracing himself Levi encircles mammon's neck with his arms, hissing at the burn, he breathes in for a second before whispering.
"in frigore sedat cor tuum ad somnum"(the cold lulls your heart to sleep") he says once and immediately mammon's trashing stops, his eyes glazing over.
Levi keeps repeating the spell, Solomon noting the spell some where and diavolo making his way over to Lucifer who was out cold against the wall. Burns and cuts we're evident on his body, he'll have to get it treated.
Diavolo nods to himself and removes his red coat, gently placing it over lucifer's body before picking the male up. Accidentally deactivating the binding spell hearing two bodies hit the ground.
He quickly turns around smiling at Levi and mammon on the ground, mammon's arms tightly around levi's waist and levi's arms around mammon's neck. Molten gold was still seeping out of some of mammon's wounds but it was a lot less liquid than it had been seconds ago.
A rush of footsteps running down caught diavolo's attention. The angels who had been watching the whole time suddenly remembering that they could help.
a series of levi's mammon's and Lucifer's made Solomon smile, this family wasn't that bad with each other after all.. Or it was because they were that there was this thight bond.
"LEVI!, hey wake up! Mammon, Levi!" Asmo cried crouching down in front of the two brothers.
When the bubble suddenly snapped around the four brothers they had assumed the worst, beel suddenly waking up too had set them off.
"Please don't be dead please don't be dead" asmo repeated as a mantra trying to feel a heartbeat on Levi. But the moment his fingers touched mammon's neck, a pained yelp escapes him.
"What the fuck. What happened to both of them?" Bephegor asks after having the same reaction touching mammon.
"It's a blood curse, your very own sin coursing through your veins." Diavolo explains his serious expression back.
"I've only ever heard of it but never seen it. The way Levi reacted makes me think he had experience with this situation." He continues.
Solomon nods. "In frigore sedat cor tuum ad somnum, is a weaker version of "demerge cor tuum in profundum abyssi, dura, donec frangatur.",(submerge your heart in the depths of the abyss, freeze it till it breaks.) it's a spell that freezes you from the inside out. With mammon having literally lava going through him I understand the choice of the spell. It's most effective when the one who is getting the spell casted on is listening. Their own magic will induce with the spell and react with it. " Solomon explains casually,
"Repairs what's broken and make what's visible invisible" he continues and magic engulfs the house, repairing it completely.
Epilogue comming soon.
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simplyahoe · 3 years
Kinktober Day 6 : Nipple Play
Dedicated to a lovely @cakepop-tatertot
Also here are the prompts again
TW : time travel, slight dub con, threesome, Light Bondage, overstim
Character : Akaza/Hakuji, Koyuki
Male Reader
You laid on the tatami, a bit stunned from falling into a portal while sparring with Akaza and dropping into a house.
Across the room is a couple.
A very familiar looking male, around 18, with black hair and pink eyelashes. His eyes are a beautiful light blue. He is in a martial arts gi, criminal tattoos around his arms.
The girl on the other hand, doesn’t look familiar at all. Black hair held up with a snowflake pin. A very familiar snowflake. Pink to light blue kimono with a snow pattern. Pink eyes with white flower irises.
“Who are you?” Akaza’s voice came from the guy
“I’m a demon slayer…..” you stared at the two “you?
“I’m Hakuji and this is my Fiancé, Koyuki.” Hakuji’s brows furrowed
You thought about it
“Could any of you tell me what time period it is?”
“Of course, Edo.” Hakuji answered
“Time travel.”
You huffed. It isn’t a demon blood art. You two were sparring in the safety of Akaza’s small safe haven.
“Anyone here made a wish of sorts?”
Slowly Koyuki raised her hand
“Eh?!” Hakuji looked a bit shocked
“I kind of made a wish on a star.” She hid her face behind her sleeves “I wanted to know what will make you feel good for our wedding night.”
His face became red. In fact, his blush went down his neck and to his ears. Just like a specific demon you know. It then clicked in your mind, Akaza looked really similar to Hakuji. They looked like twins. It means that Akaza and Hakuji are one in the same. What could have happened to make him turn into a demon?
“I think I have a vague Idea, but don’t kill me if I’m right.” You pointed at Hakuji “I am currently involved with a demon named Akaza.”
“So?” I guess being a brat has always been in his blood
“And he looks an awful lot like you. So something bad might happen to cause you to become a demon.”
“I’m not done.” You gave a pointed look “to put it simply, Akaza and I fuck. We live in Taisho, so Koyuki-San must have passed somewhere along the line.”
That gave them a shock
“And if I’m correct, I’m supposed to be here to teach her the ways of fucking you.”
You ended the statement there to give them time to process what was just said. It took a few minutes but Koyuki was pretty quick about it.
“Please teach me!” She grabbed your hand “If I don’t have time left, I want to make the most of it!”
“Wait.” Hakuji’s voice wavered
“This means the three of us fuck then.” You grinned
“Do I get a choice?”
“Nope, if you want to send me home, we fucking tonight.”
You two didn’t listen, pushing him to the bedroom. Koyuki pulled out a futon while you held Hakuji in place. When she nodded, you threw him onto the bedding, sliding behind him and holding his thighs slightly open with your legs.
He yelped when you slide his gi off his shoulders, catching his elbow before it can hit your face. Wrestling his arms behind his back, you held both his wrists with one hand, using the belt to tie his hands back. He struggled, but it held.
“Lady Koyuki come here”
You wave her over, pulling her hands to his chest
“His neck and ears are his weak points, but these are what get him going.”
You pinch a nipple, gaining a squeak from the shy, squirming Hakuji. He bites his lip in an attempt to keep quiet.
You lick the shell of his ear before nibbling on it, gaining some quiet sounds from the Soryu fighter.
“Try it.”
She watches as her fiancé wriggles in your grasp before nodding in determination and pressing his other nipple. His gasp is music.
“Good boy.” You murmured into his ear
Koyuki noticed and took a mental note. She mimicked your movements as he started to fight his bonds. Licking his ears and kissing down his neck, remembering your words.
It’s odd seeing black hair with blue eyes, but it's nothing too much of a shock. His mannerisms are still pretty similar, just less shy about his body.
His nipples are now hard, the one that you played with is slightly pinker. Mainly from your rougher treatment.
“How about you try sucking and gently biting them?”
Slightly pleasure dazed, Hakuji didn’t really catch your words. He only watched his future wife get closer to his chest, till she latched on. He threw his head back, resting against your shoulder, as a moan fell past his lips.
“Ple- please st- stop.”
“Feels we-weird. Please.”
“Oh is that so?”
You worked off his pants and fundoshi. Hakuji barely managed to move his head to look at what you are doing. His dick in hand, you motioned for Koyuki to sit back and watch, grinding the tip of your thumb into his slit.
He grit his teeth as he came. Eyes rolled back as tears fell from his eyes. Head thrown against your shoulder his entire body tensed. He unknowingly pushed his whole body against you. As he fell from his high, he drooped into your hold.
“It tastes a bit weird, but do you want to try?”
White painted knuckles pressed against her tongue as she licked some of his release off. Her face scrunched at the taste. Shrugging, you licked your hand clean.
“Ple…. Please…. Enough….” Hakuji huffed
“If that was enough, why am I still here?” You kissed his tempel “don’t worry, I think after the next thing I’ll be gone.”
“Please….” His eyes closed, “Take care…. of me……”
“I will.”
You laid him down, untying him and spreading his legs. Motioning Koyuki closer, you showed her the lube piece.
“That dissolves in saliva, do you want me to dissolve it?”
She nodded
“I will be teaching you how to fuck his ass. So I will put the lube in your hand ok?”
She nodded once again. You stuck it in your mouth, waiting until it fully liquefied. Pulling her hand to your mouth, you allowed the lube to drip from your mouth. Once it was all out, you guided her hand.
“Slow at first.”
You muttered to her, as her middle finger slipped into his ass. Once her first finger fully entered you motioned to her how to move her hand.
“Now I think he is loose enough for a second finger.”
Her ring finger started to slip in. She worked through the motions taught, quickly gaining some soft, weak cries.
“Now, find the prostate. It will make him feel the best.”
You put Hakuji’s head onto your lap, allowing her to fully explore on her own. His hands weakly grasped onto your uniform. Tears falling faster as more noises slip from his lips.
Quiet praises fell from Koyuki’s lips as she explored. Until his thighs came together accompanied with a loud yelp.
“You found it! Now that place will make any man feel good, but I learned that he likes it rough.”
You played with his short hair, brushing tears away every so often. Hands traveled down to play with his chest.
“Got it!” She quickly started moving again, drawing cries and moans from his lips.
This is getting you hot, pants feeling uncomfortable and tight. You moved your pants down enough to pull out your dick.
“May I?”
You looked at Koyuki
“Go ahead. You become someone important to him.”
Hakuji didn’t give a second thought, he allowed you to enter his mouth. You muffled his sounds with your dick, the vibrations becoming pleasant. He is sloppy, saliva dripped from the corners of his lips as he tries to suck you off.
He squealed through his second orgasm, noise only muffled by your cock. The vibrations shocked through you, causing you to cum down his throat.
Hakuji slowly came down. Hips rutting against nothing. Koyuki wiped her hand off with a pre-prepared towel, a satisfied smile on her face.
You pulled out. He gasped for air, trying to slow his breathing. Saliva and white dribbled down his face
“Gonna….. Die….” With his last thought said, he slipped into unconsciousness
“You did good, Lady Koyuki.” You fix your clothes as you started to fade, “ But there is nothing else I can teach.”
“Thank you” she chirped, way too happy having finger fucked her fiancé into oblivion
“See you on the other side.”
“Oi… OIIIII!” Akaza flooded your senses
“You disappeared for an hour and returned asleep.”
You laid on your back, head in his lap. He leaned over you, hands in your hair, gently massaging your scalp. His little vest covers you like a very tiny blanket.
“Let’s just say, you were cute as a human.” You smiled up at him
“I hope you remember that I don’t remember anything about being a human >.<“ he has such a cute pout
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liar liar pt. 2
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request: I have a request, the reader is dating Spencer, and she and JJ are the ones that know that Emily faked her death. I’m thinking of it taking place in “It Takes A Village,” and she has to deal with Spencer being upset with her, like he was with JJ, but it has a fluff ending? Thanks!
for: @flklrevrmre
word count: 2,192                                                                                     reading time approx: 9 mins
a/n: i hope you enjoy this ending ;) and i’m elated to have so many new friends on my taglist.
pt. 1
My ring finger traced the circumference of the wine glass I was drinking out of, while my eyes followed the marble trails of Rossi’s countertop. The team was giggling and chatting amongst themselves as I secluded myself. My thoughts were captured by my insecurities, paralyzing every fun bone I had in my body. Occasionally, I would contribute to their conversations, but only enough that I didn’t make myself seem bereaved. 
After a while, it became apparent that I wasn’t participating in the festivities, which conjured Emily and JJ to step away from the group, joining me. “Hey…” JJ eased into small talk, stuffing her hands into her pocket as she approached me. I replied with a light smile, their presence uplifting my current state. 
I knew what they wanted to say. I knew what they were going to ask. 
“How are you holding up Y/N?” Emily hesitantly brought herself into the conversation. They both gazed at me with doe eyes, tenderness evident in their touch as they resided beside me. 
I took my lip in between my teeth, shaking my head as the fatigue had finally caught up to me. My chest throbbed from being sore all week, my shoulders were frail from being uneasy all the time, and my heart burned with self-reproach. With every passing day, I felt my limbs grow limp and my soul go numb. In contradiction, the two halves of my brain battled one another till my doubts were left to torment me further. 
With the silent response, JJ and Emily shared glances of disquietude, pondering their next steps. “Y/N?” JJ called out softly, laying a tender hand on top of mine. “You took a burden alone. That doesn’t mean you have to go through it alone,” she murmured, nodding to Emily. 
“Y/N, I can’t help but feel like this is my fault,” Emily lamented. “I just...tell me that there’s a way I can help.” 
“There’s nothing either of you can do…” I smiled bitterly, glancing at both of them. I squeezed JJ’s hand, feeling a film cast over my eyes. “And Emily, you had to protect Declan,” I empathize, using my other hand to pull her into a side hug. “I would’ve done the same.” 
“I can tell,” Emily looked at me with somber reverence. “Especially for what you did for Spence.” 
Another pang hit the center of my chest, making my ribcage sting. The mention of his name made my skin crawl instead of making my heart flutter like it used to. I wordlessly winced at Emily’s notice, trying to conceal it the best I can. “And I would do it again,” I declared, meaning every word. “I’d burn the entire world if it meant making sure that he isn’t alone. I...I know what it feels like to be confined in your head--it’s something me and him share. It’s a merciless place.” 
“You really do love him, don’t you?” 
“More than I can ever fathom.” 
I  stared at the ceiling, letting my tears travel back inside of my head. I shut my eyes, feeling a deep burn envelop my eyelids from all the crying I’ve done previously. “I spoke to him,” Emily brought up. 
My attention instantly shifted to her, prompting her to elaborate. “I spoke to him when we wrapped up that case in New York,” she explained. I unknowingly leaned over, listening intently to her story. “We had a conversation about everything--you. I won’t get into details because that’s between you and Spencer, but I did encourage him to come tonight.” 
My nerves did small somersaults, unable to process the new piece of information. “Are you sure?” I falteringly asked. 
“I’m sure he’ll come.” 
But he didn’t. 
A few hours had passed, and there was no evidence of Spencer’s attendance. With another disappointment, the burden of my thoughts pried at my most vulnerable parts. 
I had enough. 
I rose from my seat, bidding everyone adieu as I excused myself to the backyard. Amid the formalities, I assured everyone of my well-being and that I would return soon. Their persistent objections were loud, loud enough to stifle the opening of the front door as I stepped outside.
I felt the cool air caress my shoulders while crickets chirped a nightly symphony. The moon glowed with elegance, and stars painted the sky in an ethereal light. From a distance, it looked as if the planets were mere neighbors greeting one another. 
It was beautiful; it took me out of the confines of my mind. 
Chatter can still be heard in the background, but somehow it blended nicely with the lively sounds of night creatures. Although what I didn’t realize was the thump of approaching footsteps behind me. 
“Hey,” muttered a hushed voice. 
The instant I recognized the presence, my entire body stiffened. The inside lights cast a shadow on the wooden porch I sat on, displaying a lanky silhouette on the ground. I couldn’t bring myself to move, let alone speak. My tongue was pierced against the roof of my mouth, petrified to unpack the situation at hand. 
He responded to my silence with a reluctant step towards me. Even in our circumstances, I can still feel his presence lingering on the soft skin of my back, making the little hairs stand. Our proximity was slowly closing in with every soft thud until he was eventually situated next to me. 
I unconsciously looked over my shoulder, opposite of him, to avoid his curious stare. I shut my eyes, isolating myself in my mind in the hopes that this was a dream. But the frequent trembles of my stomach told me otherwise. 
“Y/N?” he called out delicately. “Y/N...please,” he attempted to brush my hand with his fingers, but by instinct, I retracted them with swiftness. A bolt of electricity shot up my arm from Spencer’s touch, a cruel remeberance of the fervor we used to share. My fingertips shivered at the loss of contact, but the static sensation remained. 
“Y/N, I know that you probably don’t want to talk to me--and you have every right to…” he babbled. “...but I just--please just listen to me.” 
But I refused, every word that fell from his supple lips made the echo in my head boisterous. 
I was a mistake. 
I was a mistake. 
I was a mistake. 
I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling my abdomen clench in misery. The sensation traveled deep into my chest, pulling me in different directions. My throat cinched up, and the coldness wandered all over my body. Every muscle in me cried out in anguish, unable to persevere through the exhaustion that I’ve let consume me. 
“Please just go…” I whispered, choking on the aching sobs rising in my esophagus. 
“I’ll leave...I promise,” he muttered in a pained voice. “But just...please, let me say this.” 
Newfound tears threatened to spill over my eyes, the sorrow in his voice creating a void in me. With the little compassion I had left, I turned around facing his direction. Although I didn’t dare to acknowledge his gaze, instead, I settled my attention on the wood below. 
“I know that it’s hard to get through to me, and I know I get stuck in my head,” he began, lowering his head. “You and I both know how hopeless it gets being alone there.” 
He twiddled his fingers as he spoke, an implication of his distress. An infinitesimal part of me still yearned to comfort the man, to ease his worries away, but I didn’t have to courage to do so. 
“When I get into that space, I get...I get frightened by the doubts that my mind conjures up,” he admits. “Everyone looks at me as the genius--the expectation given to me. But, only you and JJ look at me for who I am instead of who I must be for the team.” 
His voice started to crack in between his words, his deliverance laced with dejection and bitterness. I rang my fingers over the textured floorboards, distracting myself from the swelling ache in my heart. 
“But you Y/N…” he whispered, gazing at me with a rueful adoration. “You alone bring so much light into the obscurity of my mind. You...you make all my pains go away with nothing but a glance of your smile, ” he chuckled pitifully. “Y/N, you-” 
“You told me I was mistake…” I croaked, ignoring the sharp twinge in my throat. 
I finally met his gaze with a weary expression. His hair was slightly disheveled, and the bags encompassing his eyes were prominent. But it was the torment evident in them that was the most striking. His irises failed to gleam of their usual autumn hazel, and the golden specks scattered across the tender hue were dull. 
“I...I know,” he struggled to admit. “But, I was wrong-” 
“You...you told me I was your biggest mistake,” I reiterated, my voice coming off shaky and unstable. “Reid, you…” I paused, my pitch elevating as a whimper loomed to escape my lips. “You hurt me...so much, Reid.” 
I scoffed, my vision going blurry from impending tears. Spencer hung his head in remorse, combing his hand through his curls as he attempted to keep his composure. An uneasy silence ensued that not even the blissful sounds of wildlife can mask the tautness in the air. 
“I...I know,” he muttered quietly. “JJ, she told me the truth after our...after what happened at the station during the case,” he confessed. “You did all that...you took all the blame, just, so I had someone to be there with me.” 
I sighed, shutting my eyes at his admission. “I didn’t...I couldn’t bear the thought of you going through it alone,” I affirmed. 
“But you…” Spencer paused, shaking his head at himself. “You...did it all alone.” 
All of my guards fell at the utterance of his words. My heart throbbed, and my chest ultimately gave out. Suppressed sobs wracked my entire being, slipping past my tired lips with ease. My head felt faint, and my shoulders slumped. Agony coursed throughout my body, feeling it prick every inch of my skin. 
Spencer shifted next to me in an instant, engulfing me in his arms. There I wailed and cried every tear that was humanly possible. I set free the entrapped painful sentiments I’ve burrowed under my stubbornness, and I let the numbness drift out of my body. All that was left was the carcass of my grief and an apprehensive heart. 
“I’m sorry Y/N...I’m so sorry,” Spencer repeated, cradling me back and forth while he tried to mask his whimpers. 
For most of the night, we stayed in each other’s embrace as the moonlight graced our figures. My face was delved into the cleft of his neck, and his chin laid snugly on my head. The rise and fall of my chest was still erratic, but it was in a much healthier state than before. Our combined breathing was the only distinguishable sound floating in the air after we had steadied ourselves. 
The party inside was subdued, and the chatter was nonexistent. The lights were still on, but it seemed that the team had moved elsewhere to celebrate their festivities. Before long, the quiet around us ceased as Spencer broke the silence. 
“Y/N?” Spencer whispered. 
I nudged my face further into his neck, prompting him to continue. 
“What I said...the horrible things that I told you, you have to know that they’re not true,” he lamented, taking my balled-up fists into his palms. “Y/N, you’re far from a mistake. The biggest mistake I’ve made to date is making you believe that,” he croaked. 
“Spencer...what you did-” 
“Wait--just--let me finish,” he nodded, playing with my hands. “Y/N, you bring color into what I see...yo-you bring color into everything that I do,” he professed, stumbling over his words. “You make it easy to wake up every day and do what we need to do because I know I get to wake up next to you.” 
His lips began to tremble, and his hands began to shake. Instinctively, I cupped his hands and brought them close to my chest. 
“I…I love you...so much, Y/N,” he whimpered. “And I hate myself for making you feel like you were comparable to anyone else, or that you were insignificant.” 
I pressed small kisses to his knuckles, knowing that it would calm him down. I felt a pang hit my torso in Spencer’s discomfort, igniting the part of me that longed to console him. I observed the collapse of his stature and the decomposed state of his demeanor, his appearance visibly in plight. 
“Truth be told, Y/N. You are the most significant thing in my life…” he whispered. “You make me whole.” 
As he finished his declaration, tears welled up in both our eyes for the last time. “Spence…” I breathed, basking in the warmth that his eyes radiated, despite his desperation. 
“Loving you...is one of the greatest thing I will ever do.”
taglist: @rexorangecouny @howdycharlie @honeymilk-4 @linthebinbag @andreasworlsboring101 @ssareidbby @kyleetheeditor @tclaerh @jimilogy @lulwaxim @jhillio @m3ssytrash @haylaansmi @meowiemari @ashwarren32​ @spencerwaltergubler​
‘liar liar’ taglist: @lieswithoutfairytales​ @foreveryoungxx3​ @goldentournesol​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @kenny-0909​ @andiebeaword​ @hercleverboy​
tags that don’t work: @crazymar15 @nighttimerain123
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