#willing prey
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sillyromance · 3 days ago
*holds out hands like a begger* spare Vencient and Marcella vore art?
I absolutely adore them, and seeing your art (especially of them) absolutely makes my day.
Good day dear @notmyprey!
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Oh, goodness - thank you a lot for the compliments, and here you go❤️❤️❤️! I really hope you'll like these small doodles I've made so far...
An important fact: Vincent has a strict rule not to fall asleep while he can still sense his prey's heartbeat within. This way he shows respect to the person he has eaten.
But Marcella brings a different meanings to the feeling. Vincent knows that her heartbeat will never die inside of his depths, and so its gentle rhythm turns even more precious to him.
Have a beautiful day and stay healthy 💗!
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oddity036 · 21 days ago
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"Babe, havent heard anything in a while, you alright in there?"
All the conformation jason got was a quiet snore.
"Guess you fell asleep again... oh well, im not averse to sleepin with a full belly"
Cole had been spending quite a lot of time in his lovers stomach... It all started out as a joke one night between them, Cole in disbelief at how much Jason could eat- "Jesus dude, you could probably fit a person in there"
"Oh yeah? What makes you say that? Ya wanna find out?"
Cole blushed, not knowing how to respond, but eventually sheepishly letting out a "Couldnt hurt, could it?"
Come to 6 months later, now cole spends almost every other night in the warm confines of his oh so ravenous lover
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hunter-creature · 2 months ago
Eat the willing prey first. The unwilling prey will hear the moaning and when they ask your tummy if they need help getting out they'll beg to stay in. It'll help cause a momentary lapse of confidence, maybe that being eaten does feel good. Makes them much easier to catch and swallow. When the reality of the hot acid death chamber called your stomach hits them it'll be that heaven of squirming prey without the difficulties of getting them down
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bigfatwolf · 29 days ago
Drooling at the thought of keeping a cute flock of prey around and making all of them watch as I fatten one of them up over several months as my next meal then making them watch as I gobble their flockmate down and it leaves my belly swollen and heavy. They all gather around me and prod and poke at my bloated belly, feeling their friend wiggle and wobble until its nothing more than more fat on my belly. I tell them all to be good and fatten up nicely and they'll get to be my next wonderful meal~
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vore-mpregfan57 · 10 months ago
Digested in Class
(A Vore Story staring Kazan)
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It was early in the morning, and the semester had just started. I was heading to my Political Science class. I had just got there and sat down in my seat, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy I had a class with before. He asked me if I was in Sociology 157 last semester, and I said yeah, and we chatted for a few minutes.
After chatting, he asked me if I had possibly had a bag of snacks or anything, and I said I didn’t, but I then told him that I was willing to go down inside him for the class. The class was boring anyway, plus it only lasted an hour and 15 minutes. He said sure, but then he asked me if I minded getting a little digested, and I said not at all, but I told him that he needed to let me out at the end of class, and he chuckled and said he would.
We both then went into the bathroom down the hall, and he quickly gulped me down. His stomach was wet, and it smelled like burnt toast for some reason. He then let out a massive belch, which made the smell of his insides fill the air, but I didn’t mind. He thanked me for helping him out, and I said no problem.
He then walked back to the classroom and sat down just as the professor started to lecture. His stomach acid was surrounding me, and it was starting to burn. I was getting little worried, but I didn’t want to disrupt the class, so I just hoped I would make it out ok. As the class continued, he kept letting out little burps, and I was starting to feel weak. I eventually realized my skin was starting to melt, so I tapped on his stomach and asked him if he could let me out, but he didn’t respond.
I waited a minute, then asked him again. However, the professor heard me and asked the guy to take care of his noisy belly.
He then stood up and went back to the hallway. He then asked me if I was trying to get him in trouble, and I said no, and I told him I just wanted to come out so I didn’t get digested.
Suddenly, he then squeezed his belly, which made the acid rise higher and come up to my chin. He then asked me if I thought I was actually getting out. I then realized I had been tricked, and I went to punch his stomach wall, but I suddenly felt weaker as he let out another burp. He then said goodbye breakfast, and within moments, I closed my eyes and passed out.
Soon enough, my body had started to dissolve, and by the end of the day, my entire body had been absorbed, and I was gone.
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snepfeathers · 7 months ago
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Welcome to VoreCon 2024! Don't worry, the venue still has plenty of room, although I hear it's already pretty tight in there ;P
comm for @captain-non-committal !
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sillyromance · 3 months ago
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The safest place for my bleeding soul...
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vore-stories57 · 7 months ago
Helping Out My Brother's Friend
(A Vore Story)
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It was a quiet summer afternoon, and I had just gotten back from my shift at McDonald’s. I was sweaty and smelled of grease, so I was eager to get a shower. As I pulled into the driveway of the house I shared with my brother, I noticed another car in the driveway, and I knew it belonged to my brother’s friend, Benjamin. I liked talking to Benjamin, but we weren’t super close.
I pulled up the driveway and got out of my car and went inside. As I walked into the living room, I saw my brother, Kevin, and Benjamin sitting on the couch. I said hello to them, and they both said hi back. Kevin then asked me how my shift was, and I sighed and said it was fine. He said good, then he said that Benjamin had a question for me, and I looked at him and asked him what it was. Benjamin then asked me if I could help him out with a biology assignment for one of his college classes. I asked him what he needed me to do, he looked at Kevin, who gave him a head nod, then he looked back at me and said he would need me to go inside him.
I was a bit confused what he meant by that, so I asked him to be more specific, and he chuckled and said his assignment was studying the human stomach, and he thought it would be cool if I went inside his stomach for a little while and answered some questions he had for me. I was instantly intrigued, as Benjamin had a decently sized gut. And on top of that, I had just taken a few days off from McDonald’s to relax, so I was free. I then told Benjamin I would help him out, and he said awesome excitedly.
After agreeing to help him out, Benjamin asked me if I wanted to start today, and I said sure. We both then went up to my room, which was on the 2nd floor. As we walked up, I asked Benjamin if there would be any acid inside him, and he said yes, but he told me that his metabolism was pretty slow, so I should be fine for a little while. I said Ok, but I was a little nervous. 
We then got to my room. Once we were inside my room, Benjamin took off his shirt revealing his massive stomach, which looked very inviting. I then started to take off my uniform, and as I did, he asked me if I would be Ok with being digested if something went wrong, and I looked at him and said I would rather stay alive. He then said he would try his best, but he then said that there would be a chance that I would end up digesting, so if I wasn’t Ok with that, I didn’t have to do this. I personally had already gotten into the mindset of going inside Benjamin, and given that I already said I would help, I didn’t want to let him down, so I let out a sigh and said that if I did end up digesting, I would be Ok with it. He let out a sigh and thanked me.
After I got my uniform off, Benjamin walked up to me and told me to have fun inside him, and I said I would. He then suddenly leaned forward, his mouth wide open, and swallowed me. I was sent sliding down his throat and into his stomach. As I landed inside, the smell of mint filled the air, and I saw a couple mints being digested in the corner of his belly. Once I was inside, Benjamin let out a moan, then he asked me if I was alright, and I said yep. He said good, then he told me he was going to ask the questions now, and I said alright. He then started to ask questions, like how big was it, what did it smell like, how did it feel, and other things like that.
As Benjamin asked the questions, I answered to the best of my ability. As we went back and forth, my lower body started to tingle, as it was in the stomach acid. I started to get worried as my underwear began to dissolve, and this was only 20 minutes into my stay inside him. After about 30 minutes, Benjamin said we were done with questions, and I let out a sigh and asked him if he could get me out now, and he said he would try. He then reached down his throat and attempted to grab my hand, but the entrance was sealed shut. I tried pushing his hand through, but nothing would budge. I asked him what was taking so long, and he told me what was wrong. I then asked him if there was any other way he could get me out, and just as he was about to say something, he let out a burp, which sent his acid rising up higher.
After the acid went down, I asked Benjamin what he was going to say, and he said that the only thing he could do was just himself open, and that could kill him. He then said he was sorry, and told me that I was going to unfortunately digest. I knew there was a chance of this happening, so I asked him how long did he think I had, and he said maybe an hour. I then asked him if he could take me to my brother so I could say goodbye, and he said sure. He then went downstairs, where my brother Kevin was still sitting. Kevin said hello to Benjamin, and without warning, Benjamin let out another burp. This time, the acid went higher, and it burned my chest. I let out a groan of pain, and Kevin asked if I was alright, and Benjamin said I was here to say goodbye, as I was being slowly digested now,
After Benjamin told Kevin what was happening, Kevin put his head against Benjamin’s body and said goodbye to me, and I said goodbye back. Benjamin then asked me if I just wanted to go it over with, and I said I would want to spend some time with him and my brother before I go, and he said alright. Benjamin then sat down on the couch, but with the shifting of his body, the acid suddenly flowed higher, and it was up to my neck. I quickly asked Benjamin to stand up, but he suddenly let out a burp, and the acid filled his stomach to the brim. It all happened so fast that he didn’t hear me, and the only solution I could think of was the squirm. I punched and kicked with all my might, but it was no use. His stomach fat was too thick, and he barely felt anything, and within a few moments, I had passed out.
Following me passing out, and my body going limp inside Benjamin’s body, he and Kevin talked about how to move forward with their friendship, and if they should get the police involved. They eventually decided to keep what just happened to themselves. As they chatted, my body was quickly digested, and I began to add onto Benjamin’s body. As he and Kevin continued to talk, his pants continued to feel increasingly tight on him. 
About 2 hours later, Benjamin stood up and apologized to Kevin, but Kevin said it was alright, and he said that things happen. Benjamin then left the house, but as he did, he let out another burp. He chuckled and patted his stomach, then thanked me for adding to his body. He then left the house and went back to his place, now almost 20 pounds heavier.
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oddity036 · 20 days ago
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"Alright kid, your parents will be here in a couple hours... ready to hop out?"
Reluctantly, I said yes, not wanting to leave this warm, squishy heaven, but knowing I had to.
"Alright... well, I can really only get ya out one way..."
Confused by what he meant, I asked how he planned to let me out, though by that tone, I had my suspicions...
"Well, you've kinda gotta go the same way the rest of my food goes, y'know? You'll come out fine, albeit you'll smell a bit... Just let me work ya through, okay?"
Realizing what he meant, I began to think and panic before asking "Wait! How am i going to breathe through there?!"
Mike seemed to ponder this for a moment before asking, "Well, you ever heard of inflation?"
Cut to twenty minutes later, Mike had retrieved a pump and was slowly pumping air through his lower digestive tract for safe passage. As I began to slide through, the constant noise coming from his ass from the air being pushed back out was akin to a thunderstorm, almost loud enough to hurt my ears.
Before too long I was almost through the slimy chamber, but this whole experience had given me such a hardon, it was causing Mike pain.
"Kid, what are you doing in there? Something hurts like hell!"
I briefly explained it was my massive hardon, past the point of embarassment
"Well get rid of it! I aint pushin you any further till you do!"
I did as he instructed, but something was happening outside. As I took care of my own, I heard... moaning? Just then, the walls of the colon shrunk around me, squeezing hard. Was he... getting hard? I realized I must have been right at his prostate, so I felt around for it and... Bingo! I gently massaged the mass of tissue to help him. As I finished with my own hardon, I could hear Mike getting closer with his own, but every second he jacked off, I was losing more air. The only solution was to help him finish as soon as possible. It was too late, I took my last breath of the air that was still left, and held it as long as I could, but I started sliding back inside of Mike as he finished himself off... i began to pass out just as he gave one final push and expelled me from his now enlarged anus
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Once I was fully out, he laid down on his belly, recovering, and pointed me to the shower to clean up. Once I finished washing all the... slime, off of my body, I got out and headed back to the living room where my parents were already waiting, with a fully clothed, albeit shirtless, (And probably hungry, now that I was gone) Mike.
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"Ready to head home, champ?" My dad asked.
I replied- "Yeah! But uh, would yall mind if I spent a little more time with Uncle Mike?"
"Oh, uh, Sure!" My mom answered, and Mike gave me a sly grin
"Ohh yeah, He and I have are gonna get along just fine"
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vorthodoxy · 5 months ago
a regretful pred whose body keeps betraying them.
they try to do safe vore. they never plan on digesting anyone. but once they have a prey filling out their belly, it takes almost nothing to trigger their digestion, and as soon as their tummy starts going to town on their meal, they’re too addicted to the feeling to do anything about it. doesn’t matter who the prey is.
and of course, the morning after, while their curves have filled out with pudge, their soul is filled with regret. how could they have let this happen again??
pretty soon, they’re trying to warn another partner, “No, I don’t want to, I’m scared I’m going to digest you!” and their partner responds with words of comfort, that they trust the pred, they know the pred wouldn’t let any harm come to them, and the prey knows what they’re doing, they’ll take it slow and won’t squirm or do anything to stimulate their gut.
the pred, slowly, cautiously, opens their mouth, reassured for the moment, trusting their overconfident partner.
and their stomach growls…
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novanoms · 7 months ago
Need more preds comforting prey but like, from the Pred’s pov
Just the gentle nature towards your tiny friend, seeing their exhausted, downtrodden expression. Barely able to keep their head up as they approach, they don’t even need to speak as you feel their forehead tiredly rests on you. Gently picking them up, opening your maw and sliding them in, feeling their small movements, content but too exhausted to do much more. Swallowing them down and feeling the way they settle in your stomach, their soft squirms beneath your flesh, the way you can feel their body relax. Your hands coming up to rub the barley visible outline of the individual you care about so much, feeling so much affection and pride despite the somber moment. The fact that their first thought was to seek you out as their place of comfort.
I don’t think I’ve seen it all that often, might expand more into an actual writing thing but who knows -u-
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sneakyevillurker · 10 days ago
Observer/pred couple where the observer helps the pred eat unwilling prey and gets off to the sounds of the agonizingly slow digestion, gradually realizing how much they want to be in there even knowing it’d be painful and permanent…they love the pred, love hearing the pred’s sated noises and listening to the noisy gut, what better way to show that love than to feed their hunger directly? Only to find out that since they were the first willing prey, they get turned into sentient fat, layered over that soft belly and able to hear and feel those gurgles forever more… bonus points if the pred somehow realizes the situation and gets way more handsy with themself to show appreciation for their former lover-turned-lunch making such a “generous” sacrifice 😍🫠
WOW.... like this is GENUINELY a scenario I enjoy SO MUCH and discussed and thought about a lot. Like with someone who I'm close to who also likes vore like wow tjis is actually perfect. im glad i get to talk about it here !!!!! Thank you for the ask ... also disclaimer theres some talk of sex in this so yah. Be warned ...
You have a couple who's been together for a fairly long time, basically knowing everything there is to know about each other, including their more *peculiar* interests. With the main subject here being vore, obviously, but with the pred initially not knowing they can eat people. One day, the couples in bed together, getting hot and heavy with each other, with part of the foreplay being a little vore role-playing, talking about how good they observer would feel sliding down their throat, how full they'd make their gut, all the usual stuff you can imagine. But for whatever reason (humor me a bit, i suck at writing LOL), this time the pred somehow manages to get their partner halfway down their throat before realizing what was going on, managing to cough them back up before they accidentally ate them.
The pred would be initially shocked and horrified at nearly DEVOURING the love of their life, obviously not expecting to have almost swallowed them whole, the obsever not nearly as shaken up by the experience, somehow seeming invigorated by nearly getting a tour of their partners digestive tract. After the shock of almsot getting swallowed whole, the two would discuss what happened, coming to the realization that their once impossible fantasy is now possible! From there, they'd discuss possible ways of getting the pred meals, ways where you could easily get someone back home with you, with the observer happily assisting their partner in these endeavors. They'd start going out to clubs, letting the pred attract the attention of any soon to be meals, singling out people they'd figure would be easy to catch. Pretty quickly, you'd have creeps getting a little too handsy at the bar getting lured away somewhere private, a bathroom, the alleyway outside anywhere without prying eyes, watching.
The pred would get them alone, promises of a good time getting their soon to be meal to isolate themselves, with what they though would be a kiss turning out to be something much more deep and intimate than that. The pred would savor the taste of their catch, the obsever quickly helping keep the prey trapped by holding down any errant limbs that may cause trouble, encouraging the pred to gulp them down, pushing them deeper into their partners mouth to help finish the job. The pred would manage to scarf down any would-be suitors, waddling away with the help of their partner as they'd make their way back home, eager to spend time with each other after such a successful night out. It'd start off with shock, the realization that the pred actually managed to eat someone, followed by praise for doing so by the observer, as they quickly get their hands on the preds gut, much to their pleasure, and their meals displeasure, squirming and screaming to be let out as the couple enjoys their unwilling participant for the night.
It'd start off with the obvious, belly rubs from the observer, quickly loting up the stuffed organ as they help soothe their partners' bloated belly. Even though they managed to get them down, it doesn't mean it feels too great, with how stretched the meal had made their stomach, the fine line between a nice, filling meal and feeling like you're about to burst would be thin, the observer doing their best to ease the feelings, kneading away at their partners gut to help melt down their meal, kissing and massaging it as they tell them how fun it was getting them a meal. From here, things would go from bad to worse for the meal, with not only how tight and cramped their temporary prison was, the stomach acid dripping onto them and pooling underneath them, but things would quickly growing hot and heavy between the couple, the pred using their belly as make shift support while their partner helps turn their meal into mush another way, thrusting into the pred from behind, grinding against the preds ass as their belly presses down onto the floor, crushing their meal. The person would scream and squirm during all this, doing little more than sending up the occasional belch from the pred, as their environment grew worse and worse, soon being unable to struggle as the last of their energy is spent, crushed bemath the weight of two bodies and the constant grinding from said bodies, soom getting tuened into an unrecognizable mush inside the preds gut.
Fast forward to the next day, and the pred has EASILY an extra 40 pounds, their clothes straining against their newly fattened body, both the pred and observer being INCREDIBLY pleased with the results of last night, and deciding to continue doing what they did. Imagine this going on for however long you want, with the observer enjoying every pound the pred puts on, playing with their chubby belly, groping their widening hips, telling them how beautiful they look with such a soft face, howcute the stretch marks they'd gotten were, ect. They'd then start growing more and more enamored with the idea of being the one trapped in their partners' gut and melting into more of them, having nearly been the first one to do so, they'd decide to one day ask to be eaten by their partner, with the the pred initially being apalled at the idea of it, not wanting to digest them like they had nearly done before, but with the observer saying how much they care for the pred, how much they enjoy being with them and love them, and how they never wanna be apart from them, the pred would soon relent, agreeing to eat them, much to the observers (zoom to be preys) delight. They'd set up one last special night together, a nice night out, with a romantic dinner for the two, the pred having one last treat to top the night off. They'd talk about how much they love and care for each other, how they're glad they met each other, every romantic thing you could imagine, before returning home to one last night of passion between the two, each enjoying the gains the pred had made with the observers help, before the inevitable conclusion of the night came, the pred offering one last time to not eat the obsever, withnthem refusing.
The pred would be slow and sensual with their partners' devourment, making sure to treat them with love and care as they took in their flavor and shape, making sure to get every little detail about them in their head before they ate them, with their prey enjoying every second of it, moaning and squriminh inside the preds throat as they feel themself being sampled like any other meal to pass between their partners lips, soon meeting the same conclusion as every meal does finding themself curled up inside their partners chubby gut. The pred would rub and caress their belly lovingly, feeling their partner squirm and moan as they took in their new home, their prey seemingly enjoying it more than they had expected, the prey also being surprised at just how *good* it felt inside, having heard the yelling crying of their partners previous meal, they'd anticipated a painful ordeal, only to be pleasantly surprised by the opposite! The pred and prey would soon fall asleep, knowing that by tomorrow morning, only one of them would awake, both knowing the prey would be nothing more than an extra layer of chub adorning the preds body, another size up, another stretch mark on growing figure.
But to the surprise of both parties, both of them would wake up the next day, albeit in MUCH different conditions. The pred would initially wake up, slightly sad about last nights events, rubbing away at their slightly fatter belly. Although they were happy to have their partner be part of them, they were sad that wellz they were gone, or so they thought.
(SORRY to interupt if you were enjoying the read so far.
SO. I LOVE sentient fat a lot, but there's like. Two separate ideas of it i enjoy that are slightly different. One being a more obvious sentience wuth the prey being sble to talk to the pred, sort like a voice inside your head situationz the other being a more passive role, with the pred feeling the preys presence on their body, a warm feeling here, a jiggle oit of nowhere there, the body reacting to the mention of said prey, ect. I kinda wanna write about both, maybe soon i will BUT here like. Voice in your head one!!)
They'd hear a voice in their head, at first thinking they were imagining it, with how it sounded EXACTLY like their partner,but as the voice grew clearer and spoke more, they'd realize, their partner was still there!! Albeit as nothing more than fat padding out of the preds body. They'd squeeze and rub at it, giggling at the preys response, saying how wonderful it felt as the pred gropes and squeezes at their fattened frame, smacking their belly a bit as they say how happy they are to still have them with them, to their preys agreement. They'd have to find new clothes to accommodate their new passenger, but itd be well worst the cost of being able to keep their partner with them
UGHHGGG i cant state how much i love these kind of scenarios in vore. My sub-par writing skills dont do my thoughts justice when it comes to writing about stuff like this,but even so i hope u enjoyed the writing. I need to sleep now but i couldn't get this out my mind. So Good night all again i hopeyou guys liked...
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esophagay · 18 days ago
Love thinking about preds going to get an xray and the tech can see the small prey inside them, when in real life it's impossible to tell because the prey is small enough not to make a lump
Maybe it's silly like
"Ma'am, why do you have a tiny making peace signs in your stomach,"
The pred is beet red, hiding behind her hand as she tries to explain.
"She thought it would make a unique couples photo..."
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supernormalblogname · 8 months ago
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giving in to the demons... young old man vore yaoi
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vore-stories57 · 8 months ago
Finished at the Fire Station
(A Vore Story)
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I woke up early this morning, still inside of Jack. I sat up and accidentally bumped the top of my head by Jack’s belly button. I hoped I didn’t wake him up, but he said good morning to me. I apologized for waking him up, but he told me it was fine. He then stood up from his bed, which made me suddenly fall inside Jack’s body, and I landed with a thud on his lower stomach. He let out a grunt, and I apologized if I hurt him. He chuckled and said it was alright.
Jack then went to the bathroom and took another shower. As he showered, I asked him what the plan was for the day, and he told me he was still on call for the day, but he told me that someone else was coming to help him out soon at the station. I know a good majority of the firemen staff, so I asked him who was coming, and he said Anthony. My heart instantly skipped a beat as the name left Jack’s mouth.
The reason I suddenly got nervous because Anthony had personally saved me in the fire. I was trapped under a piece of roofing, and he pulled me out and got me to safety. I personally owed him my life. Also, he had gotten me to the hospital in his personal truck, and stayed by my side while my parents sorted out what was left of our home. While we were at the hospital, me and Anthony had gotten extremely close. So close in fact that he was my first kiss with an adult. I personally had major feelings for him, and even though we had a kiss, I wasn’t sure if he felt that same way.
After Jack told me Anthony was coming, I asked him if I could come out of his body to say hello, and Jack thought for a moment, then said he would let me out once Anthony got here, and I said alright. He then got out of the shower and dried himself off, then quickly out his outfit back on. He then walked back to his room. Once he was back in his room, he asked me if I wanted to know something, and I said sure. He then told me that Anthony had recently gotten into Vore, and I said that was cool. He then told me that he had actually texted Anthony last night, letting him know that I was here, and he told Jack that he wanted to swallow me. I got very excited at the idea of that.
The rest of the day went kinda slow. Jack and me talked for a bit, he did some work on the fire trucks, which was a bit difficult considering he had the equivalent of a Thanksgiving meal inside him. Eventually, Me and Jack were talking later on in the afternoon, when he suddenly got a text. He didn’t feel it, but I felt a buzzing near his lower belly, and I told him about it. He looked at it and told me Anthony was here.
Jack then stood up from his bed, reached down his throat, and grabbed my hand. He then pulled me up his throat, and once I was out, he set me on the ground in front of him. I was covered head to toe in stomach juices, and I kinda smelled like spaghetti, which was Jack’s last meal before he ate me.
Once I was out, Jack patted my head and told me that I was welcome to go take a shower, but I told him I didn’t have any soap, but he was kind enough and let me use his.
I quickly took a shower, which was in a communal bathroom, but once I got out, I realized another problem, which was that I only had one set of underwear, and the ones I had on were still soaking wet with stomach juices. I started to get nervous, but I then heard the door swing open, and I asked who was there, and I heard Jacks voice respond, saying it was him. Then asked him if he could come over to the shower, and he did. I then told him the situation, and he told me that she didn’t think his underwear would fit me, considering how big he was. I then asked him what I should do, and he asked me if I minded going inside Anthony naked.
I was a bit stunned at the offer Jack made, but given I had no other choice, I sighed and said sure. Jack then went to get Anthony, and I soon heard the door swing open again, followed by Anthony’s voice asking where I was. I told him which shower I was in, and he came to it.
Once Anthony was at the door where I was, I opened it, revealing myself to him. He looked me up and down, the smirked and said he thought I looked really cute with no clothes on. My face instantly turned bright red, and he chuckled, then he suddenly pushed me back into the shower. He stepped in as well, then pinned me against the wall and said he had been waiting for this.
Next thing you know, Anthony had taken off his clothes, and we started to make out. As we kissed each other, I knew that he definetly had the same feelings for me that I had for him, and that made everything feel so right, despite our age difference, with him being 48 and me being 19. After we finished a pretty intense make out session, he asked me if I was ready to go down inside him, and I leaned my head against his chest and said yes. Within a few moments, he had leaned forward and opened his mouth, quickly swallowing me and sending me down into his body.
Anthony’s stomach was definetly smaller than Jack’s, and there was a bit of stomach acid inside, but I still loved it. Once I was inside, Anthony asked me if I liked it inside him, and I pushed my head against the side of his stomach and told him I loved it. He then asked me if I wanted to add to his body, and I thought for a moment, then asked him if he could let me out in a little while, and he said sure.
I spent the next hour inside Anthony. West talked and joked around, and even though I was starting to melt inside him, I was happy. After some time, I asked Anthony to let me out. However, he told me that he wasn’t sure how to exactly get me out the way I came in. I let out a sigh and told him he could just digest me.
Anthony asked me if I was sure I was ok with digesting inside him, and I told him that if I were to add to anyone’s body, it would be his. I then confessed to him that I had loved him since the fire incident, and I was eternally grateful to him for saving my life. He then patted his stomach and told me he was just doing his job, but he said he wished he would have gotten to know me better. I then went to say something, but suddenly, a sharp pain was felt in my leg. I looked down and saw the bone in my leg beginning to show. I told Anthony I didn’t have long, so he asked me if I had any final requests before I became a part of his body.
I told Anthony my final wish was the hear him say he loved me. He then took a deep breath and said those words, and I was content. I thanked him, and moments later, I closed my eyes. I was soon digested into a soup, which then taken in my Anthony’s body. After I had gone limp, Anthony had went to his room and laid back. He then massaged his belly, which was full of my rapidly digesting body.
After a few hours, Anthony went to the scale and weighed himself, and he saw he had gained 38 pounds. His pants felt tighter, due to my body adding to his ass and thighs. He then slapped his ass and said he was glad I added to him there.
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oddity036 · 21 days ago
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I was visiting my dad's adopted brother, Uncle Mike, for the weekend as my parents were out of town, and this was a big problem for me. See, I'm 19, but they'd rather not leave me home alone after an accident last year. Now, the reason it was bad for me? Well...
I've always had this... Fantasy, you could call it? Of going up and just rubbing on his glorious gut... God, it's so big and hairy, but smooth at the same time. I just want to shove my face into it every time i see it and listen for hours.
Que me arriving there and my parents leaving. Everything was fine at first, i sat down watching the current baseball game with him, but the only "ball" i could really think about was the round sphere of a gut on Mike...
Then, the worst possible thing happened. Mike got up with a grunt and began to take his shirt off- "Whew son, it's hot as hell in here. That AC don't make a damn difference. Hope ya dont mind"
As you could imagine, I wanted to die on the spot.
"Hey, kid, come to think of it, mind grabbin me a cold one?"
I gladly went to the kitchen, happy to have any excuse to get him out of my line of sight, but when i returned and gave him the beer, he said
"Hey, before ya sit down... I dunno uh, how to put this but... I've noticed for a couple years now how ya been lookin at me. Specifically my gut. Of course, i can't blame ya, look at this thing! Ya dont get a gut like this off of nothin but beer and good mama's style food, huh?"
I could only sheepishly nod and stare back, terrified that I had been read so quickly and easily.
"Anyways, I wanted to ask, if you'll keep this between you and me, if ya wanna come get all those temptations outta yer system? I'm down for a good rubbin if you're good to give it"
I couldnt believe my ears, this was like a dream come true for me! Of course I (a bit too eagerly) agreed, and knealt down to get face to face with the gut i'd been admiring for years, running my fingers along the hairy surface, stretched taught with years of beer and mounds of food...
Then he asked...
"Hey... Y'know I aint got a whole lot of cash... It's a bit hard to afford too much food, especially for two people, so i have a... proposition of sorts. You eat dinner tonight, and I put you in my tank for the night to hold me over. I'll let ya out in the morning, promise."
I could only look at him, bewildered with what he was asking... It had to be a joke, right? He didnt really think he could swallow me whole, did he? But something in his eyes was telling me he was dead serious.
"Well, if that's a yes, you can help yourself to whatever ya want in the kitchen, just dont eat me out of house and home..."
20 minutes later, i returned to the living room, haven eaten a pack of ramen noodles. I looked at Mike with a questioning glance as he motioned for me to get closer
"Ya done then? Great. Cmere, " he said, as he grabbed me by the underarms and opened his mouth wide... I could smell the beer on his breath as he brought me closer, his mouth stretching impossibly wide, or was i getting smaller? At this point who knows...
He grabbed my shirt and quickly pulled it off as he then grabbed me and shoved me headfirst into the gaping maw. It was like nothing i'd ever felt before... then came the panic, I started to flail, fully realizing just what was happening only then, but it was too late. He slipped off my pants and socks, savoring the flavor until I fell entirely past his lips and into his stomach. In there, I could hear the gurgling of everything going on inside of him and his muffled voice from outside:
"Ohhh yeah kid... you really hit the spot. Well, I guess i'll see you in the morning, huh?"
I was about to reply as i felt his gut tighten and squeeze as he sat upright again, watching the game once more.
"Oh- Hell yeah, home run!"
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