#he mostly adopts kids
nyaskitten · 1 year
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Here's another character from my OC world, Thala'cor, King of the Underworld.
He mostly lives in his palace, too busy to help anyone with anything because he's in charge of keeping things in order and ensuring souls go to the right place.
He does NOT however bring the souls into the Underworld, that's a job for his children, the Reapers.
His children consist of; bio kids (only two, don't ask how he got them) and adopted kids. His adopted kids are the souls of children who kinda like. just died and were brought down there.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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nelkcats · 1 year
Speedforce's Father
Clockwork had been around a long time. The Observants may have taken control of his actions due to his idiocy in his youth, but the truth is that he had lived through a lot. He had existed since the beginning, always present.
Unfortunately, he wasn't as indifferent as he pretended to be, a lesson he had to learn over time was to tune out most of the things. His first years, Clockwork became very attached to humanity, mourning their destruction, and trying to guide them on the best path, but it always ended the same way: Destroyed, restarted.
He tried everything he could but couldn't do anything. Then, the universe gave him a gift (or mocked him, the Ancient wasn't entirely sure) and from the restarts he hated so much his son was born: Speedforce.
Speedforce was very different from himself, he played with the rules of time, he chose humans to love. And even broke universal laws for them. Of course, as punishment, he was not allowed to interact with his chosen ones, destined to be nothing more than a "concept" in their heads. Clockwork did not envy the fate of his son.
Speedforce was a rebellious child, full of joy and arguments, because of that they often argued, but Clockwork could never reprimand him for his actions. Speedforce preferred to spend time in his own domain on his favorite universe than in the Realms and that was fine.
After some time, Clockwork became attached to the future Ghost King, and adopted Danny as his son. He forced the Halfa to accompany him on "a picnic" in the DC Universe. He even disguised himself as a human. It was time for his children to meet. Although had to find the "Flash Family" first, and break their world, a fun journey indeed.
Clockwork just hoped that Speedforce would take the news well.
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confusedandghostly · 2 years
Entirely self indulgent dp x dc x mlb prompt
-Danny & Adrien know each other, maybe via Magic Stuff, maybe it’s the classic “event in a convenient spot”, doesn’t really matter. Point is they’re hero friends who both know each other’s secret identities and keep in touch.
-At some point, Danny is forced to relocate from Amity park because of a reveal gone horribly wrong. He bolts and keeps going until he can’t anymore. He’s picked up by a stranger.
-(Generally he doesn’t drop his transformations by accident anymore but thank the ancients he did this time because he would’ve had one hell of a time explaining to this stranger why his blood was bright neon green. As it stands, the biggest question is what the hell happened to him.)
-Nightwing is just vibing, doing his nightly patrols in Bludhaven, when he finds this kid half unconscious in an alleyway, bleeding out. They more or less beg not to be taken to a hospital when Dick suggests it, so instead he takes them to one of his safe houses and patches him up there (This kid is 16? Maybe? Why’s there an open autopsy incision-)
-Danny is not in any shape to be going anywhere and on top of that, his accelerated healing is working at a third of the speed it should be because of the materials that were used to hurt him being anti ghost, so Dick manages to convince him to stay in his misc safehouses - he doesn’t need to stay in just one, he’s allowed to move between them, just please don’t leave entirely.
-Danny explicitly requests that as few people as possible get involved in this, and yes that means the rest of the bats. If he can leave once he’s healed without anyone but Nightwing ever knowing he was there then that’s for the best.
-Except, as it often goes, Danny gets attached to Dick and Dick gets attached to Danny and the Reveal happens, etc.
-While he’s still healing and can’t do much of anything, a story runs on the news. Dick doesn’t think too much of it at first, but Danny gets really concerned when he sees it.
-“-Paris’ supervillain Hawkmoth has finally been taken down. Secretly the popular fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, many people who have heard the news are devastated. His home is currently being searched….”
-Danny goes “oh shit!!! I know that guy!!!” and immediately calls up Adrien and asks if he’s alright, what he’s doing, etc and the resounding answer is no, Adrien’s having an existential crisis, and he’s staying with friends while he figures out what to do with himself.
-Danny explains his own situation, specifically that he was displaced but found a safe (and at this point he really doesn’t want to leave anymore) home with another hero, and Dick, who’s only heard half of the conversation but understands that someone Danny knows and trusts with his own identity needs a place to stay, and offers Adrien a place here.
-Adrien decides to take him up on that offer. He’s being harassed, moreso than he ever was simply for being Adrien the model, because now he’s Adrien, the supervillain’s son, and since Hawkmoth was pretty localized he’s hoping that it won’t be near as bad in a different country.
-Now Dick has two kids in his care and he’s feeling more and more like Bruce by the day because he’s just gone from living alone save for whatever times he visits the manor to having two kids in his house, relying on him for safety and emotional support in the span of like. Two weeks.
-Reveal x2 with Adrien, all that Bonding Stuff™️
-Adrien and Danny get to talking and they’re both experiencing some cabin fever and so they decide “yk what?? We could help Nightwing with his hero work!! The area already has a metric fuckton of heroes, what’s two more?”
-It’s actually rather easy for Adrien to convince Nightwing because he gets why Adrien wants to be back out on the field. Danny, on the other hand, is finding it way harder, because Dick is already worried about Danny’s injuries.
-They both manage it though, under two conditions.
-1. They can’t be Phantom and Cat Noir. Not only is it going to be incredibly obvious if/when they make any public appearances as civilians, but also it’s going to raise questions and unwanted attention.
-2. Minimal magic and ghostly powers. This ties back to the previous stipulation, technically. Cataclysm is too recognizable as a miraculous thing, and it could be detrimental in a fight where Adrien can’t get away to recharge. If Danny used too many of his ghostly powers, he could give himself away as a ghost and become a target for hunters.
-Cue a montage of Dick hiding his two new protégés from the rest of the bats because he wants it to be a surprise and also he wants their debut to be on their terms for safety and damage control reasons while trying to set them up with the appropriate training and gear (moreso Danny who needs a whole new suit than Adrien who can just redesign his magic suit)
-The other bats are absolutely certain something is up with Nightwing and they’re proven right when two new players make their debut.
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dark-elf-writes · 8 months
Thinking about Tsuna having normal little boy interests. Thinking about Little Tsuna watching old videos of stunt men and falling in love. Thinking about little Tsuna going further and further back because he wants to see more and he has pretty unlimited internet access. Thinking about little Tsuna finding a stunt man in all stunning purple and declaring him his hero. Thinking about little Tsuna playing pretend and declaring he’s the “Great Skull-sama”.
Thinking about the arcobaleno cursed in the bodies of their preteen selves. Thinking about Skull wandering like he always does, just drifting from one place to the next, untethered and distant with nothing but a motorcycle and Oodaku to call his own.
Thinking about Skull hearing a little voice claim his name through tears and moving before he can think about it.
(It’s not hard, even for him, to recognize the little Sky. It’s not like they did a very good job at hiding him even with his flames locked away.)
Skull steps in and chases the bullies off and Tsuna takes one look at his hair and makeup before shrieking and trying to tackle him in a hug. (He can’t remember the last time someone was excited to see him. Before the pacifier certainly. Before he was pulled from the world he knew, from his territory and told to find his way in a whole new life that didn’t make sense with a body that no one would take seriously. (He hadn’t been much older when he was cursed, just shy of his nineteenth birthday if he remembers correctly, but at least he was considered an adult in most cultures.))
Tsuna drags him home and Skull? He takes one look at Tsuna’s mother’s vacant eyes and the bruises poorly hidden by Tsuna’s jacket from kids just like the ones he had driven away earlier and decides he can stay a while, if only to protect the forgotten spare of a bloodline. A task that only gets more complicated when it becomes apparent that his little Sky wont stay forgotten or a spare forever.
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yardsards · 9 months
the fandom during balance: can this player character PLEASE adopt this child
griffin during steeplechase: i'm going to have my player character adopt this random child
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snufkinsnogger · 11 months
Does anyone else have like, a "real world" version of their FO? Like, how'd they look if they existed in our world and how their lore would translate into our reality?
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randanopterix · 10 months
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Dragon Kid posing with his many cats
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
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say sike... say sike right now PLEASE
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vargaslovinghours · 6 months
Y’all are being subjected to my Sims 2 tests, so there
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The other set of Vargases came over for a visit and Scriabin picked up Shmee and started talking to Scriabin through him. Very normal, very usual
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I downloaded some circle-glasses recolours and hghghh they look so good! Closer every day to his final details! Getting ever closer!
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Edgar too! I made him a custom hair with a lighter undercut - I’m mostly happy with it, probably could’ve shifted it a shade closer to his skintone but the texturing was weird no matter what :P And his stripey shirt! I wish Body Shop didn’t have that hands-on-hips pose lol, it looks so much better in-game, but that’s all the better :)
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I got some new clothes for Todd as well! As soon as I saw this ‘fit I was like “Oh that’s 100% Todd there he is.” Scriadad hug ♥ So cute
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Foot-dancing together stopp it’s so cute!!
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The way he looks at them stoppp <3 <3 They kept doing this right up til they left for home haha, Todd’s giggles are the cutest
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Used SimPE to save him to the Body Shop, I now have infinite copies of The Boyyyy ♪
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Moved him in with his “parents” as just shadow people basically, they’re not gonna matter in a bit as long as I remember how to get the Social Worker/Adoption process to work properly. Get her Todd!!
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Wanna play? :D
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Menacing :(
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Look, Todd, your new dads are here! Initially I wasn’t sure who I wanted to adopt him, got lots of options; the first passes, the married couple with their own Todd, Johnny?? He definitely doesn’t have the facilities for a child lol But these are the ones that showed up on their own, so the married Vargases are the winners!
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Scriabin cares more about him than his actual parents ;; A stranger off the street shows him more care! Not that it’s a high watermark
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Look at him being a good dad!
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Weh, he just wants friends ;; Poor baby
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Best timeline, thank you
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While we wait for CPS, let’s get some other interactions in! Nny is mean so he tended to prank the other two with a nose flick - mostly Edgar lol ♪ Now kiss
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“Oh please don’t break all my bones~ :3” I love Todd looking up at them haha <3
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Pffft, I think he was talking about the other Scriabin and just how attractive he is. Classic Scriabin. Alternatively, also funny to imagine him bragging himself up about how he’s just so handsome that Edgar can’t help but love him hahaha ♪
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Allow me to tickle you with my KNIFE! >:D
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Get a load of this guy lol
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He ended up passing out at one point - I forgot which motives make CPS show up >.> - and completely 0%’d his comfort, but for some reason stargazing increased it?? It’s the same ground wh
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Is two not enough to satisfy your butterfly bloodlust child?? He ended up with three, I had him release them before he was picked up by the Social Worker - success!
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He rolled a new Want as soon as Todd was taken away - “Wants to see Ghost of Todd” Woah, dark! :0
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And here he is on the married Vargases’ lot!! Success!! I did it right!! Heck yeah! :D Unfortunately they were uh, indisposed at the time. Good job guys pft
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Goes right for Shmee, he really is Todd <3
#The Sims 2#My queue is too backlogged on main! And I /have/ been working on a lot of Vargas-specific Sims 2 retextures so it's fine lol#These are still tests - as said up top lol - so these events are ''non canon'' to what will eventually be my actual Vargas family#The beats will be similar tho! It's mostly just a lot of tweaking at this point to get everything just where I want before the domino falls#Edgar Nny and Todd are all so close to done - Scriabin still needs a bit more work lol of course he's the problem member ♪#It'll be worth it tho! >:3c Handsome lad <3#Did find out some interesting things with the Social Worker/Adoption process :0 Most importantly that adoption basically wipes everything#Wipes memories and family relations and changes the last name! So I'll have to go in with SimPE to change his name back once I'm there#I love SimPE haha ♪ I mean it's just an extension of how much I love TS2 but I just ughsjkhagf it's a good program!#It's extremely powerful and easy to get lost in if you don't know where to look but it's also incredibly user-friendly if you do know#Like - it's as easy as ''Open this sub-menu. Click this button. Rename this. You're all done'' it's just jdsflf Sims 2 my beloved <3 <3#I decided to cheat down the Casils' relationship with Todd before everything else - thus why his father is menacing him for the prank#I've seen Sims with not high enough friendship to not take a water balloon as a fun invitation but not between a parent and child!#It's subtle but the parent being mad and the kid cowering :( It's sadly appropriate for Todd#I stuck the Casils in a box to wait things out and they ended up glitching frozen in bed - they're effectively dead by Motive but can't move#So they can't die /or/ live - feels fitting#If you'd like to recreate CPS taking your child away without straight up torturing them! - Hunger. You just need hunger lol#Alternately you can also have them miss class if you'd prefer to feed them - both will result in being taken away after long enough#If I return to this save it's gonna be confusing since both Todds are identical and have the same names lol#I do have a bunch of new clothes! Second shopping trip :D#There's something oddly fitting for the Vargases to adopt twin/clones lol - fun shenaniganary until the Final Version comes to pass#Although now that I think of it I Could also give them a toddler!Todd hmmmmmm#It's an idea :)
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
Rouxls does not give a fuck if Lancer swears btw have y’all heard that man??? for all we know Lancer got it from HIM bc he sure as hell ain’t hangin out with his father often enough to adopt that behavior he probably thinks it is really funny and swears on purpose around him to the point where Spade had to implement some sort of convoluted tier system just to get him to stop bc he couldn’t take Lancer busting into the strategy meetings yelling “WHATS UP FUCKERS” at the top of his lungs
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multishipper-baby · 3 months
Baby fever so bad I've been thinking about the ideal number of kids for characters. What is wrong with me.
#no main tag#anyway. I think for freddy it would depend. he's the anxious type- so having just one kid would be a lot for him#I'd imagine his decision of having another baby would be impacted a lot by how the first kid went#if everything was mostly alright he'd be all for it- if shit went sideways he would forever dread having a second one#fred doesn't like children. so... he probably wouldn't have any if not tied to freddy. and even then would insist on only one#chica... I think she'd like two. I've heard headcanons that she has younger siblings#and I see her as the type to want to want that for her children too#although I also imagine she would want to have her kids later in life... mid 30s maybe#fox I also see as someone who wouldn't really want kids- especially since I headcanon him as trans#he doesn't want to be pregnant and he doesn't want to dedicate years of his life raising a child#when he already spent most of his childhood having to take care of meg since they didn't have any parents#maybe if his partner wanted to adopt. and they adopted a slightly older child instead of a baby. but that's a big maybe#bonnie... I'm not too sure honestly. I feel like he values his freedom and would want to enjoy his youth#but I don't think he'd be against having a kid or two (maybe even three)#also I find the idea of him having lots of kids funny because. bunny lol#so idk about him#golden meanwhile I fully believe would want a big family. he felt so alone growing up and he's so starved for love#so he dreams of having his own family with lots of kids living in a big house and being very happy <3#I think he'd be happy with up to five kids lmao. although he understands if his partner would rather have less#he'd definitely want at least two though. he always thought having a sibling would've made his childhood less lonely and sad#so he wants that for his own babies :')#I was going to say more characters but now I'm embarrassed lol goodnight
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revengesworn · 5 months
baji ideas brainstorming LET'S GO (under the cut, mostly talk of potential flaws but other stuff too!)
okay so first. i'm a filthy mikey lover through and through so of course my immediate thoughts are about his relationship with mikey... but also i'm focusing on this first because i find it very hard to believe that seeing mikey mutilate his friend as a kid WOULDN'T fuck with him in some kind of way, lol. whoops.
so like. unlike everyone else in toman (minus sanzu), i think baji is aware of mikey's dark impulses on some level. he's aware it's something that he like... seemingly can't control, that seemingly "takes over" him, but i think it'd be interesting if he wasn't fully aware of just how pervasive it is, even as mikey gets older?? like in his mind, it's something that came on briefly and suddenly and then mostly went away, only really re-appearing at times when mikey gets extremely angry or hurt by trauma... but in reality it's something mikey always struggles with, even when he's acting "normal." and there's a part of mikey that wants to give into it too, that "desires" to hurt other people sometimes, and i don't think mikey's confided in baji about that at all.
but still. as a result, baji takes a lot of responsibility on himself to protect his friends, including from their own darker natures, and i think he sees it as his fault when he can't stop them from doing the wrong thing. this got worse after what happened w/ kazutora - he blames himself rather than kazutora about what happened with shinichiro, specifically. it's a strength of his that he's a non-judgemental person (at least when it comes to those he likes, i don't think he applies this mindset to ALL people, haha) - but a flaw that he sees HIMSELF as responsible instead. theoretically, it's at least a flaw that should only hurt him rather than those around him, or so he thinks to himself - but that's not always how it works out in practice...
because people like mikey and kazutora see him blaming himself, and they then blame THEMselves for him having to take on that burden. on top off that, i'm experimenting with the idea that baji... doesn't really fully trust his friends?? but it's on an ENTIRELY subconscious level. like he sees them as better than him, sees all their strengths for what they are and values them greatly, but... while his primary motivation in taking everything on himself is to protect them from hurting too, there could be a part of him that remembers what mikey did to baji, what kazutora did to shinichiro - and expects things to go wrong if he relies on them fully/opens up about his true goals and plans (like in the valhalla arc.)
if this was the case, i'd think it'd be in part a result of him not acknowledging his own feelings to himself fully. he knows what happened with kazutora and mikey isn't their fault - but as result, he doesn't acknowledge how what happened with them still hurt him, that a part of him is still afraid and maybe even angry about what happened. because of that, those feelings manifest in his subconscious and aren't fully processed, resulting in his need to keep everything to himself being strengthened.
...or not. tbh it's been so long since i read the manga that i have no clue if any of this works or if it contradicts what we see of baji, otl... it's just ideas i'm interested in thinking about further, mostly?? but still! since most of this is on a conscious level, i also do wonder about what he told himself his reasons were for not like... telling kazutora and mikey what his actual goals were in the valhalla arc. i do think a lot of it was about protecting them, and knowing how much they were hurting (which is a good thing!!), but... when baji told mikey he didn't approve of kisaki, and mikey shut him down, he didn't like. try and push it any further or appeal to him as a friend. instead he became convinced that he had to take down kisaki on his own, and that interests me a lot. i don't know where to go with it though, yet.
unrelated to flaws, but i really do like how much baji cares for his friends and doesn't judge them for their darker sides and flaws in general. it's something i really admire about him, tbh. i uh.......... had more ideas and stuff i wanted to talk about but i've gone braindead...... so i'll do a part 2 later lol. but that aside. DOES ANYONE WANNA LET ME KNOW WHAT PARTS OF THIS YOU VIBE/DON'T VIBE WITH and what feels close to canon/like it could be accurate, and alternatively, what feels like it's missing the point/ignoring baji's character in canon?? i wouldn't be surprised if i'm doing some of that, because again, it's been a long time since i read the manga! so i won't be upset if you point it out, haha :P
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would you guys still like me if i rambled about my cringe crackship
#snap chats#masadai#yeah ill ramble down here im not brave for the main text#see this is my version of a read more the main text is just a warning#anyway main text is semi a lie i am rambling bout masadai but just mostly bout sawashiro cause Shotgun Dad is my favorite#oh im sleep so im going to be even more incomprehensible than normal#like like like like sit here and be delusional with me alright. '95-2000's era right.#jo knows masato- as a civvie- tries to keep outta yakuza shit (with the exception of ichi helpin him at least)#so can you imagine bro having to process the fact now his son's Apparently entangled not just with a yakuza's son but SOHEI'S#bitch ass sohei who get necked and since then his bitch ass son's been going on a bitch ass rampage as a street thug#How The Fuck Did Those Two Happen but w/e. if masato's happy jo'll Begrudgingly not do anything. on the surface.#i know he's already having some poor arakawa grunt tail daigo until dude inevitably notices and beats his ass#and hes def not goin back to sawashiro a failure bro's getting outta town 💀 but yeah point is jo dont exactly have. The Highest Opinion#we all saw my masumi and daigo comic right. we all know i think masumi adopts daigo at some point cause the seeds of that are here#masumi knows whats goin on in his own house he knows jo's being ill so he prob just assures him daigo's not That Bad of a kid#he wouldnt hurt masato anyway. listen if theres a fight he knows his son's starting it He Loves Him but he knows how he is#and daigos way too soft spoken and like. Depressed Rn to really instigate anything unless prompted#either way jo's still edgy- prob isn't too stoked to hear news daigo's in jail after he an aoki get back to japan in '04 either#but no listen there's a turnaround OBVIOUSLY for one thing aoki and daigo could never date nowadays#but now daigos become chairman and ?? he isnt a single thing like sohei and he isn't at all how jo initially thought he'd be#he might make awkward decisions sometimes but considering the cards he's dealt he's not doing TERRIBLE#jo's designated to hang with aoki most of the time anyway so even if he did have any lingering grievances theyre not something to worry bout#too late to give that blessing tho For Starters bro's living a new life now and Secondly he's getting everyone evicted in ten years 💀💀#thats the end of my ramble sorry everyone. if i had more time nd energy to draw nowadays i prob woulda just drawn somethin quick and dummy#but alas. i do not. potentially more text posts to come because of this because i very  much am still mentally ill#i love masadai i love making shit up its actually so fun#im bad at writing full on fics so the spark notes version <3 ok im sleeping now bye
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sacredpit · 7 months
kakyoin on his way to tell jotaro that he’s unofficially adopted yet another lgbt stand user teen
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alchemist-shizun · 1 year
I've come to the realization that I've known about mdzs for about 4 months and so far I've been juggling in my head 3 different songxuexiao fic ideas (ones actually not ship fic only about post canon song lan and inner turmoil which we love) and SOMEHOW all of them involve little kids to a certain degree, either raising them or having a group of little ducklings following u everywhere u go.
This is a first and a pattern I wasn't expecting but I guess I'm welcoming it!
#mdzs#songxuexiao#theres like. modern swtting au where songxiao adopt a kid out of specific circumstances and xue yang shows up after a while#hes late with starbucks /j but their kid parent traps him as well#then the second one a canon divergence from the novel where an issue sees xxc bringing both zichen and a captured xy to baoshan sanren#xy is there mostly bc xingchen wouldnt know what the hell to do with him and theyre on a time limit#HE DOESNT GET TO TAKE HIM TO ANY BIG SECT. when they get there xxc brings sl to his master for treatment for stuff i havent figured out yet#but its BAD#and while xingchen waits he comes back to find xue yang is cornered SURROUNDED BY a myriad of younger disciples#theyre listening intently to the stories he tells and theyre so engaged by the plot and frequently ask questions#and ngl its kind of a cute vision#AS FOR THE LAST more canon compliant fic we have post yi city song lan doing his wandering cultivator life#stumbles upon a street where some older men are picking a fight with a child#the child is definitely a street child. orphan and homeless. he seems too softhearted to defend himself so sl helps!#ofc it doesnt end there Because this is a whole ass child who needs help so he decides to do what he can#little kid is gripping so HARD at his robes too hes terrified. thats also how he finds out in some twisted sick fate that fhe child is..#missinf a fucking finger. and now he has to resign himself to the idea of being constantly reminded of a certain someone as he raises him#because he WILL raise him its the right thing to do cant trust anyone these days#okay thats all if u read up until here hi im idya come chat with me about yi city arc im friendless /hj#but seriously im so insane about this arc and the characters i need someone to yell with
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