#he is so so so so creepy to luz ugh
edoro · 2 years
I was thinking back to when Luz met Belos for the first time in YBOS, and just - the familiarity he treated her with right at the start, it was so creepy then and so creepy now. Like, the playfulness and the way he kept on highlighting "human" when talking to her. She was there fucking pissed and he kept on acting like they were friends? Fucking creepy.
it was so creepy! he was SO familiar with her and just absolutely not taking her seriously at all, just toying with her, treating her trying to attack him like a kid having a little bit of a tantrum or playing too rough or something. just absolute nasty creep shit hours 100%. he's SO gross towards her.
he just seems to really think they're friends. he feels so fond of her and like they truly were destined to meet and he wants her to like and support him so much, and he just... ignores that she doesn't. and then when she makes it clear she doesn't, he lashes out at her violently.
i think the most fucked up thing is that he just straight up tried to murder her in his mindscape, and then in the s2 finale acted like that basically didn't happen? he even referenced their last fight but still acted like he could just pull the ol' "oh i want to help you, we have so much in common" etc etc bullshit on her - but he tried to KILL her last time they met!
but he decided he's not mad at her in the intervening days so whatever, it's water under the bridge now, she should be over it too, right?
his mood just changes so fast and it has SO little to do with anyone else's feelings or experiences or existence. absolutely fucking terrifying.
(also god but it's so creepily hilarious how we all thought he had like, magic castle omniscience powers but no, he just wanted to fuck with One Kid In Particular. iconic. there is SO much wrong with this man.)
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strangerpringle · 5 months
(‼️UPDATED HUNTRIC FIRST MEETING SCRIPT‼️) (CONTEXT: This is now a flashback minisode script where Hunter and Edric are both in their late thirties and have two kids Lewis(14) and Fionna(12) when Hunter and Edric tell Lewis about their first meeting)
Hunter, and Edric are sitting on the outside couch on the porch, while Fionna is playing with Batric, Lewis comes outside excited to show his dads what he’s been working on.
Lewis: Dad Papa, can you help me for a second I need some help on a few details.
Hunter: of course! Uh, what is the project exactly, you haven’t really told us what it is yet.
Lewis: oh yeah, I’m supposed to write a report on the most inspirational person or people in my life, and I had to go with you two since your story is so beautiful and moving and emotional it’s literally something that came out of one of my romance novels, it’s so interesting and inspiring to me!!
Hunter and Edric are practically in tears they did not expect that kind of response
Edric: *sniff*🥺
Fionna: booooooo I don’t wanna eavesdrop on all this gross sappy romance talk *blegh*
Lewis: Fionnaaaa if you’re gonna be like that then go back inside and watch your creepy clown movie or something-
Fionna: At least that’s entertainment-
Hunter: haha it’s ok Fionna-
Edric: don’t worry Lewi, sometimes kids don’t really care about romance. I didn’t really care about it until I found the romance section in the video store around your age, I think it was something about vampires-
Hunter: anyway, what did you need exactly?
Lewis: Oh yeah, *Lewis places long sheet of paper on the coffee table in front of them* I just wanted to make sure the timeline was correct, was the break up before or after aunt Mittens had the fight with Papa at Eclipse Lake?
Edric: Uh, before, and uh, we actually didn’t first meet when the abomitons were being transported to the old castle.
Lewis: Wait, really??
Hunter: I guess technically that’s when you first asked me out.
Edric: Wow, we really never told you?
Lewis: NO, I can’t believe I never fact checked this…
Hunter: heh, you remember that night?
Edric: How could I forget❤️
Hunter and Edric look over at Lewis, he has a VERY intrigued face.
Edric: You want to hear the story-
Hunter and Edric both giggle-
Hunter:Grom night, if I remember correctly, I haven’t even met Luz at that point.
Edric: ugh, the night me and Em got stood up-but also the night I met the love of my life~💞
Hunter: *blushes* and the night I met mine~💞
Lewis: EEEEEE *bouncing with excitement*
Fionna: *very exaggerated gags and covers her ears*
Edric: …23 years ago
Hunter: Titan we’re old-
Edric: HA-oh man…
It’s Grom night, and Edric and Emira are alone after being stood up, they’re having an argument because Emira’s upset…
Ed runs into a nearby forest, sad cold, and lonley. After a few minutes he sees a flash of red light coming right towards him-
The Golden Guard stops right at his tracks-
Edric is very taken aback, hes only heard of The Golden Guard, hes just never seen him before, he becomes slightly starstruck.
“Sir why are you here this is a dangerous forest, its not safe-“
Edric: Whatever, if the forest is gonna eat me alive let it-
GG: What why??
Edric: …it’d be a lot better then getting your heart broken🥺
GG: How did that even happen, wait what do you mean hearts can break-IS IT CONTAGIOUS??
Edric: what no?? It’s a saying-Ugh why do you even care, no one else would care if I died out here why should you??
GG: Look man I’m not good at this sort of thing, I just think it’s stupid that you’d rather be eaten alive by whatever horrific monsters roams around here then whatever happened to your heart, how did your heart become “broken”, I don’t see any bleeding?
GG: I’m, sorry about that and no, I don’t know how that feels… can I do anything to help?
Edric: heh, can you dance?
GG: I uh, I dont know how to dance, uh, how do you even do that…?
Edric seems very intrigued by this information, "oh I can help with that-" The Golden Guard says it all, I dont have time, theres no point, I'm on a mission. "What? The Golden Guard is not aloud to have a little fun?" Edric swiftly takes his hand, and places it on his shoulder, takes the other and holds it high, while he takes his own, and places it on The Golden Guards shoulder, he slightly flinches, but relaxes after they slowly start to dance, Edric can tell hes nervous but decides not to poke fun at him.
After a few misteps, they start to find a rhythm…
"Well aren't you a fast learner" Edric says with a flirty tone...
The Golden Guard giggles slightly-
They danced for what seemed like forever…
Until a beam of light brightens the entire forest, both shocked and confused they stopped dancing, bits of black goo scurry away under them, "What in Titans name was that??" The Golden Guard yells, "is, that bits of Grom??" Ed questions "Gromethius, is here?" says The Golden Guard "not anymore apparently" replies Ed, they both laugh-
After stomping out the rest of grom, The Golden Guard apologizes to Ed having to miss his dance, smiling, Ed replies, "its ok, I had a better one right here..." The Golden Guard quickly turns away flustered and begins fiddling with his staff.
Edric shivers because of the cold, he left his coat with Emira. He then feels the warmth of a white cloak on his sholders, he looks over to see The Golden Guard without his cloak, and showing his pushed back light blonde hair, with only a strand out of place. "What about you?" Edric asks "It's fine, I can request another when I get back-" *peck*💞
Edric kisses the very flustered Golden Guard on the cheek and replies with a soft -
"Thank you…”❤️
GG: "h-happy to help-uh-"
Ed: "Edric."
GG: "Edric."
Edric suddenly feels butterflies in his stomach-💞
After a moment of silence Ed suddenly realizes- "WAIT WHATS YOUR-" a flash of red wisps into the night sky, "…name.."
"maybe next time, hopefully" Edric thinks to himself...
Edric starts to hear cheering in the distance, he follows it to see what the commotion is about and sees his little sister and her friend Luz being carried away by many students cheering, Mittens and Luz defeated Grom and are now being carried back to end the night with a fun dance celebration, Ed follows his sister and the crowed back to Hexside, still thinking about what happend.
Emira sees him and very worried starts bombarding him with questions, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, WHY THE FOREST OF ALL PLACES, WHAT WAS THAT LIGHT, WHOS CLOAK IS THAT???- but it all just went in one ear and out the other... everything that just happend was magical, more magic then he could ever conjure. He just walks away in his own mind and replays every second of that dance, a dance he never wants to forget, and he hopes someday, maybe, just maybe, he'll see him again.❤️
Edric: What I once thought was the worst night of my life, actually turned out to be better then I could ever imagine…💞
Hunter and Edric look at each other lovingly💞
Lewis: *in tears* that was beautiful…🥺
Fionna: Awww🥺… IM MEAN-EWWWw oh who am I kidding that was really sweet-
Lewis: Not so gross now huh-
Fionna: What?? I’m aloud to think it’s nice SOMETIMES-
Everyone laughs except Fionna-
Lewis: Hey dad, do you still have the cloak?
Edric: Oh, um, I probably do, just not here…
Lewis: *sigh* I can’t wait till I find my love of my life-oh-
A butterfly lands on Lewis’ nose, the wings spread out to show its colorful wings.
Fionna: oooo pretty! :D
Lewis: *takes butterfly on finger* *looks at it and smiles*
Butterfly flutters away into the sky…
Hunter and Edric arrive at a storage unit, unlock it and open it to see many boxes filled with old stuff that belonged to Ed Em Amity and Alador when they moved out of the mansion.
Ed and Hunter walk to the very back and find a few boxes labeled “Edrics closet”
Hunter helps Edric open and look through a few until Edric find a small white cloak that would only fit a 16 year old Golden Guard.
Hunter slowly grabs it and holds it up to himself, seeing how much he’s grown, and they both slightly giggle.
Hunter looks down at it, holding the cloak is bringing back memories, some he wishes he didn’t remember. Edric places his hand on Hunters should and gives him a look saying “you ok?” Hunter puts the cloak down and hugs Edric tightly. Edric hugs back and strokes Hunters hair to calm him. They start to sway side to side, and begin a small slow dance…❤️
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julianobungus · 1 year
Okay but consider:
Luz having to deal with her mom dating Belos
Okay, listen: Luz is really happy that her Mami has found someone, and that she's putting herself out there again since her dad died. It's great to see. She just wishes it wasn't the guy who tried to kill her several times.
Like sure, he's been 'reformed' more or less, and he's essentially been 'de-fanged', somewhat, but Philip Wittebane is still a smug, creepy motherfucker. As much as she wants to be happy for her mother, the idea of Camila dating him of all bachelors is quite unsettling, to put it lightly.
Even worse is imagining them in bed together. Ugh. It makes Luz wanna be sick - not that Philip isn't good-looking, but the notion of him getting his centuries-old, conniving hands over her mom is torturous. So she keeps an eye on the man, making sure he's not gonna try anything. Even if his curse has been cured, he still has to be the same trickster who tried to kill her.
... right? I mean, her mother doesn't seem to think so.
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mooncaps · 2 years
my first thoughts on TOH 3x02
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Ooh, it’s that bit of score that I liked before. I’ve probably rewatched that scene in 2x21 about ten times now just to listen to it.
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Oh no, Hooty! The writers knew he was too overpowered and the fight would be too easy if they had him.
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Ayyy, Raine’s okay!
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Okay, we are getting Luz and Co. too. I was half-worried that this might be all from the Boiling Isles crew and then Luz would show up at the end.
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Wait, this is the space between realms. Where The Collector was. Is this another one of The Collector’s people?
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Same, Gus.
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Whoa. Interesting choice. I don’t know why I keep getting surprised by how direct and dark this show is willing to go. You’d think I’d be used to it by now.
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Oh, I forgot, but I was wondering that too.
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These girlfriends continue to give me life.
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Yeah, so that graffiti’s pretty ominous.
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Wait, so is he just playing the role of Luz in taming the Owl Beast?
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Ha! It’s what she deserves.
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Hell yeah! It’s what he deserves.
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Oh, the Golden Guard graveyard. This is probably gonna be disturbing.
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Are you kidding me?! Everyone gets turned into puppets, but this evil witch gets to pal up to power?!
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You know what, maybe playing mother to The Collector is a fitting punishment for being such a bad mother to her own children.
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Ooh, is this ancient Titan lore? Or Collector lore? Both?
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Yeah, you’re making me suspicious. And that red skin is making me think of Kikimora. Is this her and one of those family members mentioned in her season 2 episode?
(Narrator Voice: You’re half right.)
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Oh! Hi Lilith. That’s a new look.
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You stay away from my Rainstorm, you decrepit goop monster. (Also, get wrecked Odalia! Even the evil goop monster doesn’t want you.)
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Oh, that’s maybe gonna be a tough one to explain to Camila.
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So of course she’s looking right at it. Of course.
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Oh, mess her up, Willow!
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Ugh! Damn you, Kikimora! You’re the one who told King about The Collector in the first place. This is as much your fault as anyone’s and now you’re pulling this crap? Piss off!
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Wait, are those The Collector’s eyes? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Dude has every power imaginable.
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Ugh! And of course The Collector’s conveniently not listening to this part even though he was listening two seconds ago.
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Thank you for acknowledging that, Camila.
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Wait, so is it a crystal ball or are we just dangling the audience on the cliff even longer?
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Is it actually happening or are they just gonna keep teasing us until the finale?
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Yeah, that makes sense. Shapeshifter fits with her multitrack kind of personality. And she even had snakes in episode one. I can dig it.
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Okay, these two are sweet. I was kinda shipping him with Gus, but now I’m appreciating this too.
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And of course I’m always down for more of these two.
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Mmmm, too happy for the final moments of the penultimate episode. The Collector’s about to mess things up, isn’t he?
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Awww. Shame we didn’t get a full season 3 so we could have this as a proper scene.
So I guess I’m totally caught up for realsies now. Any word on when we get the next one? I don’t like the waiting part. I typically don’t start shows until they’re over for that reason, but I figured this one was at least close to done.
I’m still very much feeling like they can’t possibly deal with every dangling thread that I’m interested in, but hopefully they’ll at least bring things to a semi-satisfying conclusion.
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empressdad · 2 years
(those are just my reactions from the beggining of an episode till the very end)
— poor hunter doesn't know what the bananas are and has to pretend that he doesn't care
— oo luz teaches king spanish!!
— teenage rebellion
— run hunter run or otherwise you'd have to face your trauma soon
— the way she just yelled "hunter!" and he already knew what's going on. he looks so disappointed and as always tired
— went well
— *laughs* "you want to prove that my uncle is evil" damn could he be even more traumatized?
— of course he read alot about this subject. from "ugh how could you" he kinda quickly switched to "ooooo" nerdy
— he looks so happy
— he never found out what happend to the previous one you say? HMM I GUESS HE PROBABLY JUST RETIRED AND LIVED HAPPILY FOR SUREE
— "darius looks so sad here" is there a chance that he knows what happend to previous golden guard and this is why he's part of the rebellion?
— smol belos hwh
— he actually felt something after he touched that palisman
— oh NO eyEbAllS
— so easy to scare indeed
— omg i love how much he cares about flapjack
— "ⁱ ᵗᵒˡᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ⁱ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ" he said softly while behind him we have a pic from he's childhood where he haves obvious human ears CAN SOMEONE TURN BACK AND LOOK AT IT GOODAMIT
— "i love you" hvdjsvxsbhdjdhshsbsjxhd hunter said that he loves flapjack hunter said that he loves flapjack
— kid belos is so cute
— never done anything worthy appearing guilt sure
— lil nod
— flapjack in an owl house
— hooty the protection system
— darius actually cares about hunter omg
— another golden guard oh man that's getting harsh
— greater good sure
— he's so classic british evil (don't get me wrong all you british people out there i'm just taking about *kind* of evil like all of those colonizers
— hunter is not fun of dying
— show for kids
— hunter is in denial
— creepy belos
— hunter in the memory
— "not as long as he stays on the right path" pls hunter don't die
— well how can you be in denial now huh?
— hunter grimwalker confirmed? HUNTER GRIMWALKER COMFIRED
— "it hurts every time he chooses to betray me" now it's just sad
— found family trope? it's kinda bit to soon for that luz
— oh fuck dead golden guard gallery
— the inner belos is a child. there's living monster made out of the dead palismans in the emperor's mind. that's.. interesting.
— yay my youtube just lagged, waiting for the rest in that important moment cool
— okay, back again
— ⁿO DON'T
— why-
— he's killing those palismans again
— did they changed the actor to philip now? can't tell
— i feel so bad for hunter this is just painful now
— "it wasn't wild magic, wasn't it?" he sounds like he's gonna cry and i want belos dead
— yes he's a grimwalker ladies, gentlemen and all of the other genders we were right
— "you looked the most like him" is he talking about he's brother
— witch hunting did he named hunter cause of witch hunting if so hunter should legally change his name to caleb
— haha philip wittabane goes wild
— "no no no no no" actually yes
— his not just belos he's philip lmaoo
— king is worried
— belos needs more human friends in this world huh
— he changed his form to philip HE DID
— "better version of an old friend" does he mean his brother or not i don't need sleep i need answers!!
— he's evil lmao
— hunter yesss
— i mean.. at least flapjack is alive
— that's called panic attack sweetheart
— pain
— pain
— pain
— that's awful i really do feel bad for him i really do
— we the hell are they standing outside we need darius to help hunter
— and that's it?
— why isn't there more
— we need more
— pls hunter come back he's going to catch you there
— okay so that's it? that's it. and there wouldn't be more episodes for another month. they just left us with a cliffhanger. cool.
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Clouds on the Horizon
ahem, I mean, let's go
the Collector and Belos don't seem to like or trust each other at all, even though or maybe because lmao they've worked together for centuries
"what if it's all changed? what if you've changed?" both true, Belos is gonna hate 2022 even more than we do. also he'll catch every virus and illness known to man
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I LOVE the way this little bastard is animated
he doesn't want to make another grimwalker until "dealing with the current one" ugh
I'm wondering if it's just because he doesn't want the trouble of two at the same time or because he needs... parts from the previous one. one of the ingredients were bones from the original but it could also be that he uh, "recycles" them. ya know?
kikimora is a whole disaster huh
Blight siblings my beloveds
Odalia my despised
the language of loooove aw
Lily and Hooty being chaotic we love to see it
"you may be a titan but you're still a little guy" aw he wants to be useful
"Belos made sure we all have... replacements" oh I do NOT like that
using the curse to corrupt the spell is clever and makes sense but also... this all feels so risky
we don't know by the end if Eda actually got the sigil for sure, so we'll have to wait. Raine seemed very hesitant
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Lilith volunteering to do it seems important. I wonder if she'll try to switch with Eda, since she is there dressed as a scout
Hooty did wear clothes after all
Darius and Eber's plan: we may kill some people but hey, at least we stop this guy. flawless :)
Eda keeps talking like it's the end and I agree with King, she needs to stoppppp it hurts me
AN EGG I LOVE IT I'm sad we still don't know what her palisman will be, I assume it'll hatch next week, but that is so perfect. they get to choose, and whatever it is, it'll be the perfect match for her
or should I say, the perfect hatch!! heh? I'm hilarious
Eda supporting Luz and Amity's romantic adventures I love her
"tell Bossy Boots I said yooo" lmao
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I know Raine will do anything to keep their promise, but that's what scares me too
Raine annoying Darius with the CATs name is everything to me <3
"Titan help us" "I'll... do my best" god he is feeling so much
Hexside trio reunion !!!!! thank u for the serotonin
+ Hunterrrr my son made friends :') he's so awkward but making progress
and he got new clothes and a shower thank you
a little sad we didn't get to see Darius and Hunter interacting but it's good to know they've been in contact and we're all in the same page here
so yes, he hasn't told them about the grimwalker thing, that makes sense. I hope he gets to talk about it on his own terms rather than have it revealed by Belos or something, ugh
Gus using that little spyglass like a BADASS go my boy
"SORRY MAN" he is so funny
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not the going up the balcony with the flowers romance is SO alive right now
Odalia broke the little tamagotchi I will end her
grounded for arson, I'm impressed
I like that Amity trusts her dad to listen and believe them, but not her mom. they are not quite the same
the twins being like oh look who's here :) hehe let her finish this is cute
oh to have the most mundane, slice of life date ever with your cool witch girlfriend
the animationnnn the love
listen when I saw them hug I was like will they will they will they? nah they probably won't let them and then BAM
Eda seems to be in far better spirits than before finding out about the rebellion which makes sense, but also she's most likely putting on a facade of confidence with all the jokes and such hmm
she has accepted the curse as a part of her forever, which I like since it fits the chronic illness angle the story has given it. and hey, she still has glyphs if all goes wrong. I hope
Steve was extra serious this whole episode it made me uneasy
that creepy connection King and the Collector have is terrifying
he seems so much like a lonely child. a powerful, chaotic, dangerous child
snorse power, HA
why does that rat look like Alador? a cosplayer rat??
"I'm an asset gal myself" I would die for Willow
those wild witches are all so pretty! am I crazy or are they based on the cast and crew? nice
Alador and King bonding was not what I was expecting but honestly I loved it ahaha
seems the Blights' relationship is more of a business partnership where she is the unreasonable boss. checks out
things are gonna change after the Day of Unity indeed, sir...
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"we'll find you a new girlfriend" I love that she is horrible but still draws the line at homophobia, we don't need that here
so, Belos and everyone seem to know about the CATs. Does this mean... there's a traitor??? or were they just discovered?? oh god either way this is not good
"was it the power of believing in myself?" "NO" why did that take me out
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the way Alador blushes like Amity when they get angry. yes
she feels justified and like she's doing them all a favor, she wants to stay in control
very cool to finally see an oracle witch in action! even if I want her to lose
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I noticed "Luz" did Hunter's quick warp thing to shield Willow and was confused, it felt too intentional. very nice
also add one to the counter of Hunter instinctively protecting people. he does that a lot
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I am devastated this wasn't actually Hunter but this is so On Brand for Luz I love her very much
Gus an absolute icon for keeping up that illusion for so long while also kicking ass
"the jetpack actually works!!! :) oh, the jetpack actually works :("
very badass of Alador to destroy his own work and quitting his marriage job
Luz thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone: protecting Hunter by keeping him away from Belos, and helping Eda by being taken to her. But now she's alone heading directly to the emperor
she is so selfless but girllll be safe
she still has her palisman egg and her glyphs of course
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and so we end with this ominous shot
what is it with second to last episodes and the blood moon lately? and the way both matched the recent blood moon eclipse is pretty wild ngl
so I assume Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, King and Alador will head to the uh, the head, but they'll get there later. hopefully not too late
though I am scared for King being anywhere near there given the whole thing with the Collector... oh, next week will be INSANE
It'll be sad to say goodbye to the Owl House for the time being, but I know it'll deliver a crazy season finale. oof, can't wait
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sepublic · 3 years
Separate Tides!
          Just… UGH, a year of anticipation, of wait, of speculation of the changed dynamics and status quo, and it PAID OFF!
          Firstly- A NAME! Golden Guard! Owl Mask is now GOLDEN GUARD, and I’m so glad we get to see him ASAP! I’m probably gonna go back and change all this… BUT GOLDEN GUARD, that’s so pretentious but I like it! And he really is a sassy goofball, kind of reminds me of Belos in some ways…
          Speaking of which, does he just grow his hair out whenever he’s in the basement, because nobody is watching him, so he doesn’t have to dress up properly? MOOD… Also, pretty creepy but not surprising that Belos can tell when people are spying on him, it is HIS castle!
          I’m glad that Lilith’s knowledge as the former head of the Emperor’s Coven is coming into play! And her ARC, SO GOOD…! Just the mutual arcs that reaffirm the need to stick together, that you’re NOT a burden, I adore it so much! I love how this show just IMMEDIATELY dives into Luz’s issues, it doesn’t try to brush them aside, no, Luz spells it out first and foremost the guilt she feels, and I adore it! Subtlety can be good, but sometimes it’s dancing around the point, and the show didn’t fall for that!
          Just… UGH! Eda being such a MOM to Luz, reminding her that even after all of her magical loss, she still gained SO MUCH, just making it clear to Luz she cares! Saving Luz even when Luz is trying to do the ‘mature’ thing, because Eda is so responsible! She tells Luz that she’s not a burden, and I LOVE this theme of being a ‘burden’ in this episode, and dealing with that! I love the gag of Eda stealing the money, and Lilith…!
          LILITH, I love you so much! I’m so grateful she gets to live with the others, and we all called it, her and Hooty are mutual friends now as the weirdoes and outcasts AMONGST the weirdoes! They’re also both war criminals, that helps too. Just… Lilith being “Lulu”, Hooty being “Hootcifer”, I CAN’T…! It’s so adorable, and Lulu, saying you have to do things on your own; GWEN, your ass is grass! And god, the parallels between Luz and Lilith, both feeling like they have to make up and atone for things, that they can’t be a burden… I and others have said it but they have a LOT in common! There was ableist undertones to Lilith’s belief about doing things on her own, and I just love this episode being about guilt… Guilt for Luz and Lilith!
          It seems some ordering and expectations of clips were wrong, but I like it! This show always surprises… Legit thought that Clam Pirate died for a second, after Amphibia nothing would surprise me! Not COMPLETELY, at least; And also, the Selkidomus! I love that joke with the ‘treasure’ actually being golden vomit, I think the kind that whales were hunted for, and of course King finding a skull in there… Intriguingly, it seems that with Eda no longer a threat –so he thinks- Belos is now expanding his influence, ESPECIALLY with the Day of Unity approaching! I like the idea that Eda legit was holding him back for fear of inciting her wrath too much…
          Sure, it sucks that she’s lost her magic, and WOW those guys who were condescending sucked. But I love that idea that Eda really was THAT stubborn thorn in Belos’ side and DID accomplish something against his rule! It’s also messed up, but confirming my suspiciouns, that Belos is just… Killing and exterminating wildlife, just because- Probably because of his idea of ‘order’, I’m even more certain the Greater Basilisks were wiped out by him. But LUZ, her magic! Using her glyphs SO WELL… So versatile!
          THE GROWTH, she really is an almighty, fearsome witch in her own right! And I adore it… Her creativity, too- She didn’t need Illusions to trick Golden Guard with plants, it shows how clever she is, working with what little she has! Not much use of Light spells, I wonder if that’s symbolic or just a matter of practicality. And Lilith, I love seeing you so salty about Golden Guard being a teen prodigy who Belos likes… Even as an adult, you’re still salty about those people upstaging and one-upping you it seems!
          That’s kind of sad, if Golden Guard reminds Lilith of a younger Eda actually… And if Lilith once maybe tried to be nice to make up for that vicariously, but then Golden Guard proved to be a snob and she was like “Okay fine I’ll just NOT curse him, but otherwise I can still freely, harmlessly loathe him!” and that was it. I like that she still has this need to feel important and needed, and I like the direction the show is taking, that yes, Lilith WAS important, and Belos did in fact lose an asset –even if it was a very liable one- and that Lilith’s charisma might not match Golden Guard’s… But he just got instated, so we’ll have to wait and see!
          Also neat that Belos is expanding his power to have ‘Emperor’s Ships’, a government monopoly and navy I see… Kind of bare-bones and mostly recruits instead of formal training, but he’s working on that it seems! I bet Belos’ hair is greasy beneath that cowl… Anyhow, that was a fun gag with Eda getting to lord the curse over Lilith, as she deserves, but also pretending to sell potions but then just robbing the Emperor’s Coven! Honestly, that is indeed a noble thing, and I like her clever thinking with removing her legs, that’s what this whole episode was- VERY clever!
          All in all, a WONDERFUL return to this show, that more than meets my hopes and desires for a comeback! What a strong way to start off… And also, it’s been a week and a half, so I’ll keep that in mind for my updated TOH timeline! Here’s to the next episode, you guys!
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
“Th-the King of Demons never cries out in his sleep…”; or nightmare/comfort prompt featuring adoptive siblings/cousins(?) King, Luz & Hunter + parents Clawthornes & Raine
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY I'm sorry this took so long, if you're even still out there, Anon 😅
“L-luz? Can I—can I sleep with you tonight?”
Luz opened her sleeping bag. “Sure, King. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, of course! I just… thought you might want someone to protect you while you’re asleep is all.” King crawled under the sleeping bag flap, turning a couple of circles and then plopping down. Luz scratched behind his ears, and he snuggled up against her, his breathing slowing down then turning to snores. Luz shook her head with a small smile.
King started to kick. Luz didn’t think anything of it, just scooted a little bit so that he wouldn’t hit her.
Until he started whimpering, then sat straight up. Luz scooped him up, scratching behind his ears. “Oh, heeeey, buddy, nightmare?”
“I don’t get nightmares!” King protested, squirming out of her grip, “Never!”
“It’s okay, everyone does.”
“Not me!” King sniffed, and marched out of her room, head held high. Luz shook her head, but made a mental note to check in on him later.
Wonder what it was about?
King woke up with a gasp, his heart pounding as if he were still falling. His hand almost unconsciously went up to touch his glued-on horn.
Maybe it would have been better if I’d never remembered.
Maybe I should have told Luz.
King shook himself, wandering down to the kitchen.
A pair of reflective eyes stared back at him, and King yelped, leaping at the intruder, kicking and hitting.
“Ow!” A hand grabbed him by the scruff, holding him out, and then a light glyph flickered on. Hunter glared at him. “It’s just me!”
King crossed his arms, still dangling from his grip. “What are you doing, sneaking around in the middle of the night?”
Hunter set him down. “Not important. What are youdoing up in the middle of the night?”
“I asked first.”
“I, am an adult. You are eight.”
“You’re a teenager, not an adult.” King wrinkled his nose at Hunter. “What, did you have a nightmare or something.”
“Nope, did you?”
“No!” King tossed his head, looking away.
Hunter plopped down at the kitchen table with a sigh. “Ugh. I’ll tell you if you tell me?”
“You first.”
“Geeze.” Hunter rubbed the back of his neck. “I, uh. Came down for a snack. Happy?”
“You don’t have to sneak around in the middle of the night for a snack.”
“If you must know, I get hungry in the middle of the night, now anyway, what are you doing up?!”
King shuffled his feet. “Oh. You know. Couldn’t sleep.”
“Not fair. I told you why I was up.”
“Just… a weird dream.”
King paced in a circle. “Fine! A nightmare, happy?”
“That’s no fun. Have you talked to Luz about it?”
“Have you talked to Luz about it?” Hunter repeated, “She could probably help. Or Eda, or Raine—since they’re realadults.”
“Oh. No. It just… it’s stupid, you know? What experiences do I have that would give me nightmares. Besides you living with us rooting around in the kitchen at 1AM with glowing eyes like a raccoon, I mean.”
“Hey! Watch it, rat!” Hunter tapped his fingers against the table. “Mmm. Pretty sure nightmares just happen. Regardless of bad experiences or whatever. I don’t know.”
“Do you have nightmares?”
Hunter finger-gunned. “Can’t have nightmares if you’re an insomniac.”
“Can you teach me to be that?”
“What? No, it’s—I don’t think it’s learned, anyway.” Hunter let out a sigh. “Uh—look—I don’t know—try reading something? To get your mind off of it. Ummmmmm…” Hunter grabbed the crystal ball, typing. “Let’s see… warm milk, distract your brain, breathing exercises—”
“Uh, yeah. Okay. Thanks for trying. Also, maybe turn on a light when you’re up late, you’re kind of creepy in the dark.”
King scampered back upstairs while Hunter made offended noises. He crept back into Luz’s room, curling up with her again.
“Hey, King. King, it’s okay, buddy.”
Luz was stroking his back, holding him in her arms. And he was clinging to her.
“How do you get rid of nightmares?”
Luz scooped him up, starting down the stairs. “What was it about?”
“Falling again.”
“Huh.” Luz flicked Hunter’s head as she passed him, reading a book in the kitchen. “Go to bed.”
Luz set King down, putting the kettle on. “My mom would make me hot cocoa or tea, and tell me silly stories until I fell back asleep. Hunter, do you want any?”
Luz got out three mugs, pouring the hot water and letting the tea steep. “First step: comfort.” She grabbed a blanket and bundled King up. “Second step: tea.”
She sat down with him at the table, handing Hunter his mug. King settled down in a chair, sipping at the hot tea.
“Let’s see… Hunter, do you have any bedtime stories?”
Hunter closed his book. “Uh… yeah, there was this one I’d read—Ahhhhhh… Okay, okay, once upon a time, there was a wise little demon. He had magic to spare, and he’d give it away willingly. Witches and other demons would come to him for help, to cure them of illnesses and curses, to make plants grow in times of drought, and to get advice on problems in their life. One day, the little demon got very, very sick. All of the healers in the land didn’t know what to do.” He glanced at King. “You listening?”
King shook himself. “I’m not falling asleep!”
“Anyway, none of the healers knew what to do, and the little demon got sicker and sicker. Everyone in the land worried and fretted. Without the demon’s magic, how would they survive? So even as he lay sick, the little demon gave away his magic. He made a hat of healing, so that they could heal without him. He made a gauntlet for making plants grow, so that the farmers would no longer need his magic to make the crops flourish.”
Hunter’s voice was starting to fade out, and King forced himself to listen, warm and cozy.
“As he made more and more items, he got weaker, and weaker. And when he made one last item—something to replace the advice he’d once given—he knew that his magic was gone. And the land mourned. Until one person that he’d healed in the past stepped forward. Another little demon, a clever one, but with no magic of their own. And the little demon snatched up the healing hat, placing it upon the wise little demon’s head.”
King was mostly asleep now, but he stirred at the pause. “Then what?” he murmured sleepily.
“And then the wise little demon got better. And even though he had no magic, he knew he would be okay. Because his gifts would help the land, and the land, in turn, never forgot what he did. They took care of him. And the clever little demon who cured him became like his own child, and he lived a long and happy life with the people he loved, and who loved him.”
King didn’t hear Hunter’s “The End.”
He was already sleep.
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edoro · 2 years
If in itself when Belos possessed Hunter it was creepy and uncomfortable enough, the fact that Belos told Luz that she did something good and because of her, they can finish their work as witch hunters (referring both to himself as Caleb and Luz) and then going to Boiling Islands telling Luz that what he will do is for the good of her soul makes it more creepy and uncomfortable.
it's so creepy! he was as per his usual creep-ass idiom SO WEIRD towards her in that scene ugh. just toying with her the way he always does - standing so close to her for that jumpscare, emotionally tormenting her, seeing her friends arrive and loudly saying the one thing he KNOWS she doesn't want everyone else to know - he's just so nasty! he's just so completely cruel and sadistic and he loves tormenting people and he loves tormenting Luz, specifically.
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allscotchnosoda · 3 years
Tumblr media
oh my god?? i love hunter SO mcuh yall cannot even understand. he gives me zuko vibes, what with the scar, abusive relative who is also the ruler and big bad, Only Job Is To Antagonize The Mc, and is 16. 
lets talk about how he! is! 16! his eyebags??? boy needs to REST thank u very much!! also, his scar? his ear? i bet my third toe that belos had something to do with at least ONE of those. disgusting. ugh also i hate belos!! yknow how like hunter told luz to stay away from wild magic cuz shed get hurt?? its prob cuz,,,he researched wild magic,,,and then got punished for it,,,,sigh give hiM A HUG GODDAMMIT
one last thing about hunter: his name!! ppl are making fun of it cuz “haha white boy name”!! and i get it but also, it fits him and the name patterns within the show. for example, willows name being a tree, and she has plant magic. amitys name meaning friendship and her first big arc was making friends with luz. luz!! her name means light and the first spell she learns, that monumental moment where she proves she CAN do magic, was a light spell!! it fits in with hunter’s whole schtick- hes been hunting luz, eda, and palismen for belos. yeah, u can make jokes, but i like the name!! plus it gives off edgey wattpad bad boy vibes and i think thats funnier than basic white boy.
most of my thoughts were gg-centric bc,,,look at him, how can you NOT fixate on him?? but i had a few others i wanted to get out there that i might expand on!
gus!!!! his development!!!! his friendship with matt!!! oh my god i Love THem
willow and her dads!! from what little ive seen, you can TELL they all love each other and its So Nice
lilith and hooty friendship is quite literally the best thing ever. thanks for coming to my TED talk
belos is. a bitch. but also?? could be human?? but is also cursed?? also this is probably obvious but the ‘day of unity’ he keeps talking about prob involves merging the witch and human worlds, no? ....or did i misread that? idk
AMITYS HAIRRRRRRRRRR. also uhh ive removed odailia off the milf board cuz shes mean :((( em and ed best siblings!!!
lumity,,,,my beloveds,,, we’ve got so much content and, uh, “my luz”????/ HM?????? 
n e way i cant wait for ep 7!!! also feel free to discuss shit or yell at me bc i can talk for DAYS
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hootysblog · 3 years
First fan fic: It takes place right after "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" and it involves a post I did on my other blog about how the Owl House gang would react.
Sneaking into Amity's Heart
Luz didn't know how long she stayed outside the Blight Manor, but when she finally regained her strength, she started to head back home.
Meanwhile, at the Owl House, Eda and King were relaxing from a tiring day of their own. They took turns comforting Hooty, who was still grieving Lilith's departure and stopped him from going to the Clawthorne house to see Lilith.
"I'm calling couch!" King said.
"No way freeloader. This is my house so I'm calling the couch," Eda replied.
"But you got it last night!"
"You have a nest! I don't have anything to sleep on!"
"You sleep with Luz! You have a better sleeping thing than I do!"
"You'll have to fight me for the couch!"
Then, without any warning, the front door opens, revealing Luz, battered and torn from her trials at the library.
"Hey kid! How'd the library go?" Eda asked.
Luz didn't reply. She was in a self induced fog. Eda and King gave each other a look and waited a few seconds for Luz to start talking.
"Kid? Boiling Isles to Luz? Hello?" said Eda while waving her hand in front of Luz. Luz never flinched. She was staring off into space, not moving out talking.
Eda was growing concerned. Luz never went more than a few seconds, granted a minute, without replying to her questions.
"Eda," King says, while gripping the edge of Eda's dress, "What's up with Luz? And what's that thing she has in her hands?"
Eda didn't even notice that Luz was holding something. She looked at it and smiled.
"It's an echo mouse, King. It records anything it eats." Eda reaches out for the mouse and it walked right into her hand.
"Weh, it's kind of creepy looking. Do we have to keep it?" King asked.
"The kid's holding it and she went to the library for the portal, so I'm assuming that this mouse has information about that. We'll have to keep him away from Hooty, though." Eda, grabbing a cage, puts the echo mouse in there for safe keeping.
She turns back to Luz. Luz was still standing there! She KNOWS something important happened, but she can't figure it out.
King walks over and pulls on her tattered pant leg trying to grab her attention. It's not working. Okay, time for plan B, King thought.
"As the King of Demons, I DEMAND you speak to me!"
Hearing King's "demand" broke Luz out of her fog, but only a tiny bit.
Luz mumbles something, but they can't hear it.
"Kid, I don't have the best ears. Can you say that again?" Eda requested.
"Amity kissed me," Luz whispers.
King looks at Eda.
"Did you catch what she said?" Eda asked King.
"Nope, not at all!"
"I thought you had great hearing?"
"I do, but she's so quiet I CAN'T HEAR HER!" King frustratingly said to Eda.
Taking a deep breath, Eda looked at Luz, "Kid, you have to tell us what you said, or I'll be forced to pull out your tongue and hex it to tell us what you are trying to say."
"Okay, she's working on two volumes" Eda whispers to herself, while King flinched at the sudden raise in Luz's voice.
Silence filled the room. Eda and King were surprised by the confession. Luz was stunned that she just blurted that out in front of them.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Eda curiously asked.
Luz, with all the days' events catching up to her, shook her head "no" slowly.
"Why don't you head up to bed? You look like you've been trampled by a bookworm." Eda said with concern in voice.
Luz, too tired to come up with a reply to Eda's bookworm joke, nodded and started to head to her room.
"Hey Luz?"
Luz turned around, bracing for what Eda was going to say (or jokingly say) about her "relationship" with Amity.
"Everything is going to turn out alright between you two. I promise. We'll talk more in the morning," Eda smiled.
Luz smiled at her mentor, finally heading upstairs for what will be a good night's sleep.
Eda, making sure Luz was upstairs, rushed to grab some paper and a pen and started writing.
"Now what are you doing?" King asked curiously. "And why are you writing so fast?"
By that time, Eda was done and sealing the paper within an envelope. "Oh you'll see my little demon friend. You'll see!" She laughed at the images going through her head and smiled. This will be good, she thought while summoning her magic staff.
The lights were still on in the Clawthorne's house. Gwen was finishing up some dishes when Owlbert flew in.
Gwen, wondering why Owlbert was here, saw that he had a note attached to him for Lilith.
"Sweet flea, there's an owl here to see you!" Gwen yelled.
"Did Hootcifer come and visit?!? I told him to write to me and..." Lilith said walking into the kitchen, but stopped when she saw Owlbert, looking slightly upset that he was compared to Hooty. "Oh hi Owlbert! What brings you here?"
Owlbert hooted and showed Lily the envelope. She reached out and grabbed it from him. "Is this from Edalyn?" Owlbert hooted happily.
Opening the envelope, Lily began to read the letter from her sister.
Dear Lily-
It finally happened! The moment we've all been waiting for! No, it's not a cure for the curse, but this is better than that!
Your "Little miss perfect" student, Amity, kissed my "ordinary" human. I don't know details because the kid wasn't feeling up to talking after getting home, but the one thing I know is that Amity kissed Luz.
Sincerely, your all knowing sister,
Lilith looks at the letter and a smile creeps up on her face, knowing Amity is finally happy and Eda was right (but she won't admit that to her face).
"What does it say dear?" Gwen asked.
Lilith chuckled, "I owe Eda 10 snails."
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loversarcanas · 3 years
Midnight Romeo Ch. 1
Series: The Owl House Pairing: Beta!Luz/Beta!Amity
Luz Noceda finds herself frequenting night clubs to cope with her loneliness. She never expects to find anyone, really, until she’s forced to save a pretty girl from a nasty creep harassing her. Please support the original on Ao3! (trigger warnings for alcohol consumption and minor sexual harassment)
12:35am. The flashing lights and blaring dubstep over massive stereo systems was enough to overwhelm anyone, especially Luz Noceda. She wasn’t really even sure why she kept coming here. For drinks? People-watching? Moping, hoping for a stranger to reach out a hand to her and make a connection? Probably all of the above. Yet, despite how agonizingly crowded the place was and how much it reeked of Mary Jane and sweat, she sat alone at the bar, sipping on her second glass of whiskey and watching wasted hornballs grind on each other.     Luz was a pretty lonely person. She didn’t really have friends to spend time with, her mom worked hectic nights at the hospital to the point where they barely saw each other, and she had nothing but shitty breakups with shitty partners who left her feeling more and more closed up. Nobody could envy her right now. Any last shreds of hope that some gorgeous, charming person would approach her and suavely sweep her off her feet, were stomped on by her own cynicism. After all, who would want her ? Slumped over the bar in an unwashed army jacket, uncombed hair and beanie, probably reeking of booze. Hah, yeah. A real catch, huh.     Her self-deprecating thoughts were interrupted, however, when a shorter, punky looking girl ran up to her and wrapped arms around her. “Oh my god, hiii! I haven’t seen you in so long , babe!” came a peppy, raspy voice from the girl. Luz froze, completely shocked and incredibly confused at just what was happening right now. As well as a little bit flustered, because this girl was very pretty. Before she had a chance to speak, however, the mysterious girl whispered in her ear “ Just go with it, creepy guy behind me ”. Ah.     Luz’s demeanor changed in a heartbeat, cracking a smile and hugging the girl back. “Hey! What are you doing here? It’s been ages!” Pulling away from the hug, she looked passed the girl’s green-dyed hair to see a seething man walking directly towards them. “Hey Amity, who’s this girl? Some friend of yours?” He asked through a fake, gritted smile. Oh, Luz could feel the rotten vibes emanating from him. “Yeah, the name’s Luz. Amity here is one of my friends from college. May I ask who you are?”
The strange man crossed his arms, a smug grin crossing his face. “Yeah, I’m her man of the night. And we’ll be going now, actually.” Venom dripped from each of his words as he tried to grab at Amity’s wrist. The shorter girl struggled and mumbled “Let go” as she tried to pull away, and a new flame entered Luz’s gaze. She stood up and towered half a head over the man, staring at him with an intense anger, reaching into her jacket pocket for her switchblade.     “I don’t think she wants to go with you. Now let her go, or I’ll slice that hand clean off your wrist.” Luz scowled, flipping the blade open. The man visibly flinched, but stood his ground for a few moments more before finally letting go. “Whatever, fucking cunt. She’s an ugly bitch anyway.” He mumbled as he walked back into the crowd. Luz closed her switchblade and looked back down at the green haired girl, who was now rubbing the spot where her wrist had been so roughly grabbed.     Amity looked up at the taller girl in appreciation. “Thanks, uh.. You said your name was Luz? Thank you. I swear to god, men don’t know how to take fucking ‘no’ for an answer.” Luz sighed, and patted her shoulder. “Yeah, guys can be real creeps sometimes, especially at places like this. I’m just glad he didn’t do worse to you. Are you okay?” Amity grumbled, and hopped up on a bar chair next to the taller girl. “Well, not really. My friends bailed on me and I’ve been trying to ward off these dipshit guys all night. I don’t see how anyone enjoys these places.”     Luz stifled a chuckle. “Yeah, I hear ya. But if you hate it so much, why are you here?” Amity let out a heavy sigh. “I came because my friends asked me to. This isn’t usually my deal, but they were insistent. Then they had the gall to fucking leave me here alone. Assholes.” She mumbled, laying her head on the counter. “They don’t really sound like friends if they’re just gonna leave you here.” Luz offered. Amity noticeably shrank when she said that. “Yeah, well, they’re kinda my only option as far as friends go… And they were my ride here too, hah .” She laughed bitterly.     The two of them were silent for a few moments, only being enveloped in the sound of the music over loudspeakers. At one point, the bartender asked if Amity wanted a drink. She lifted her head and ordered a long island iced tea, much to Luz’s surprise. When asked if she wanted a refill on her whiskey, Luz declined, and turned back to Amity. “So, you don’t have a ride home then?” Amity shook her head. “It’s probably fine. I’ll just grab an Uber, or beg one of my siblings to pick me up, haha.” Her laugh was tired, and her eyes looked tired as well.
  While Amity silently drank, Luz watched her - taking in her appearance. Her eyes were sharp and golden, with thick, black, winged eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow. Her nose was long and pierced through the septum. Her lips were thin, covered in black lipstick and adorned with black metal snake bites. Her hair was messy, tousled and long, reaching halfway down her back. Her ears were covered in black piercings, and she wore a fitted band tee and a pink plaid miniskirt. Truly, this girl was stunning. Luz couldn’t help but wonder if this was the princess charming she had so long been wishing for-     ‘Ugh, don’t be stupid’ She thought to herself, and quickly stamped out the idea. Her main concern should be how to get this girl home, anyways. Her friends left her, she’s apparently been dealing with sexual harassment all night, and she’s probably going to be wasted on long island teas before she leaves. “So… Are you gonna text your sibs for a ride?” Amity finished the remains of her glass before slamming it back down on the table. “Yeah I guess I should, probably. They’ll probably make fun of me for getting so wasted, but it’s fine, whatever.” She took out her phone and started quickly typing a message with her thumbs, before setting it down on the bar. She called the bartender back over to order another tea, then slumped back on the counter. “Uh, you sure another one is a good idea chica ? Especially after the night you’ve had?”     The green-haired girl rolled her head to look at Luz, with a dead stare. “While I appreciate your concern, I kinda don’t care right now.” Her phone buzzed and she picked it up to look at the new text, before slapping it back down with a loud groan. “UGH, of COURSE they’re too busy to pick me up. Fuckin great.” Luz bit her lip, wondering what the next step should be. I mean, she barely met this girl, But after the night she’d had, she didn’t want to risk this Amity girl having another run off with a creepy guy. And she knew from experience that Ubers and Lyfts weren’t always the safest to ride in as a drunk girl.     “Hey… Uh, do you need me to give you a ride home then? I really don’t mind.” She waited in silence for a moment, while Amity turned to look at her. “I’m fine, I’ll be fine. Just need to order an Uber, it’s fine..” She trailed off, pulling up the app on her phone. “Listen, I really don’t mind driving you. I’ve had some… not so fun experiences riding drunk in an Uber. They don’t do background checks on those guys, and especially since you’ve been through so much from creeps tonight...” Luz trailed off. Amity let out a huge sigh. “...Okay, fine. But you better not try anything weird either. I can and will fuck you up, or break your car window open.” Luz internally breathed a sigh of relief. She definitely understood not trusting a stranger to drive her home, but she didn’t want this girl to go through worse than she had already experienced tonight.
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     1:21am. They walked out of the bar, Luz had mostly sobered up, and supported the shorter girl so she didn’t stumble or trip on the way to her car. Luz’s car wasn’t anything special - it was an old 2002 Honda Accord, silver and a little beat up, but she was sure to keep it clean and in functioning shape. She opened the passenger door for amity with a polite gesture, and made sure she was all the way in before shutting the door and returning to the driver’s side.
  “Wow, your car is old.” Amity said bluntly. Luz laughed. “Yeah? Your point? I still keep her running like a dream. Why? Are you not used to old bangups?” Amity crossed her arms, embarrassed. “Well, my parents are all about having the newest thing. They all got brand new shit at home, fancy imported cars and that shit. They got me a brand new Maserati for my birthday this year. So yeah, I’m not used to ‘old bangups’ I guess.” She looked out the window while Luz started up the engine, and popped in a CD. The music started playing on low, Amity tuning in to the song that was playing.
‘You’re the beach on Christmas Eve,’
      ‘Wrong place, good time, consistently’
          ‘I feel like a walking love song’
      ‘When you do me like that, can you tell my brain turns off’ It seemed to fit the atmosphere pretty well, actually. Luz rolled down the window and let her arm hang out, bringing a much-needed cool breeze into the car. Amity could feel herself nodding off, despite trying to fight it. ‘This girl, Luz… can I really trust her? I mean, she seems really cool, and it’s nice of her to drive me home, but… ‘ Amity’s thoughts ran slowly through her head. She raised her head to look over at the girl in the driver’s seat. She really did have a cool aura about her. The army jacket and baggy cargo pants, while normally not Amity’s style, seemed to fit the girl. Her messy hair, red beanie, adorned with a pin Amity couldn’t see in the dark. She noticed Luz was singing along to the song under her breath. It was kind of cute, actually.     ‘From 7-11s to California Heavens’
      ‘I try to hide with my words, but you just find me clever’
            ‘I found a million places, you’d be worth the chases’
        ‘To go-oh-oh’
  Finally, they pull into a long driveway, protected by overbearing steel gates. Luz stopped the car, and looked up at the massive home behind them. “You live here , Amity? Damn, are you just rich as shit or something?” Amity sighed, clicked off her seatbelt and opened the door. “My family is rich as shit, yes. I try not to think about it.” Luz unblocked her seatbelt and rose to get out of the car, making sure Amity could get in alright. “Oh, wait! Here, hang on a second.” She said, running back to her car to grab something.
  Amity stood before the gates for only a few seconds, before Luz came back with a scrap of paper. “Listen, not that you’ll need it, but…” She looked embarrassed, rubbing the nape of her neck anxiously. “If your friends ever bail on you again or you need to get rid of any more creeps, here’s my number.” Luz handed the scrap to Amity, before shoving both hands in her jacket pockets. Amity looked down at the paper, then back up to Luz, with a smile. “Heh, thanks Luz… Maybe I’ll take you up on that. Amity brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, and turned toward the gates to her house. “Oh, and… Thank you for all your help tonight. Usually people aren’t so kind.” Those words were her last before opening the gates and walking inside.
Luz slumped back into her car, waiting until the girl was fully inside her house before buckling up and starting up the engine. ‘Well, that’s certainly not how I thought my night would go.’ She felt a buzz in her pocket, and pulled out her phone to find a new message from an unknown number. xxx-xxx-xxxx: Hey, this is Amity. Thanks again for tonight.     Luz smiled, and quickly registered the girl in her contacts. As she backed out of the manor driveway, she felt a lightness in her chest that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe going out to clubs wasn't all that bad.
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f1uffy-turtle · 3 years
Soul Bound Chapter 1: The Heart's Desire
Okay, I’ll give it one more try. Luz thought to herself.
She had been practicing on this particular glyph for almost the entire school period that she was afraid to admit that she wasn’t paying attention. Does time always move faster whenever you’re trying to figure something out? That question didn’t seem too important to her. She drew a few wavy lines on her sheet of paper, hoping that it would make some semblance of sense when it came to the glyph itself. She looked around and tapped on the torn up notepad for the umpteenth time. There was a small flicker coming from the lines, only for the page to disintegrate in an instant.
Pedazo de mérida! Jodete estupido papel!
Luz let out a heavy sigh and set her pencil down. Her ears went a little bit red. In theory, if it were to work, someone would be able to hear that. It was embarrassing enough that she had to explain that she was speaking in a different language, but it would be even more embarrassing for her to explain that she was basically cursing the glyphs that didn’t even work. She looked up towards the professor at the front of the class.
He didn’t seem to be eye-catching in the slightest; she just didn’t have anywhere else to look. If the other abominations teacher was here, she would just be looking at the abomination that was carrying the stout, cloven-foot man, wondering how he was able to create an abomination in ways that she couldn’t. She had to use separate ingredients for hers due to the human’s lack of a bile-sac like witches on the Boiling Isles had developed. Her mind wandered over to that, wondering how they could have evolved. I mean, they did have access to the human realm before, surely there must have been some way they have crossed paths in the past and the ancient Wild Witches could have learned to carry magic on their own.
Her heart sank. She relayed that thought again in her head; the human realm.
It had been two weeks since she had given up the portal to Emperor Belos and destroyed it so he wouldn’t have a chance to use it for whatever he had planned. He must have wanted it badly if he harassed Eda so long for it. Had tried to petrify her just for the chance that he could use it. Had lied to Lilith just so he could get Eda in his grasp just to cull the last known Wild Witch on the Boiling Isles.
She’d given up her only way back home. She’d given up the chance to ever see her mom again. The thought had never really sunk in just yet. She just wanted to let her know that she was okay.
“Ms. Noceda?”
“Er... yes, sir?!” Luz jolted out of her trance and knocked the contents of her desk into the air, reaching out to catch them, only to end up on the floor. The teacher snatched the notepad and the pencil from the air in one swift motion. People in the class stifled a chuckle or two and Luz couldn’t help but feel her face burning.
Yes sir? Really, Luz?
She picked herself up and took the notepad and pencil that he was holding out, trying to avoid making eye contact with him. He gave a small snicker himself.
“Apologies, Luz. I didn’t mean to startle you while you were daydreaming, however this is a class and you are here to learn, correct?”
Luz’s brow started to furrow. Of course she was here to learn. Why else would she have snuck in once or twice with Willow and Gus just to find out what a magic school was like? Why else would she have begged Eda time and time again to get her to enroll and possibly risk getting thrown in the Conformitorium again for being a wild witch out and about in the Isles? They were lucky that Principal Bump never really was too much of a stickler for Belos’ laws and even more lucky that Luz had nudged him with the help of the Detention Track kids to allow the students to pick more than one track when learning at Hexside.
“Of course I am.” She glowered at him as she crossed her arms over themselves; almost rivaling the smug grin that the substitute had plastered over his face, or at least what parts of his face that she could see. Not only did he practically tower over the teenager, but he was wearing a steely-blue scarf over the lower half of his face and spectacles that glared in the daylight that showered inside the classroom.
The substitute turned back towards the chalkboard. “Then tell me, Ms. Noceda, if you were paying attention, then clearly you can tell me what ingredients a witch would use to make an abomination’s strength rival that of one in the Construction Coven with a Power Glyph attached to the caster?”
“You can’t; the power of an abomination matches the strength of the caster combined with the ingredients that make it up. The witches in the Construction Coven can’t make them because their own power is locked off from making abominations of their own. You could use a Griffin’s egg as a base, shell and all, to bind the other ingredients together; the starch of some Screaming Brorne would be able to work it into a plaster-esque paste with the other fillers such as gravel and mold them around an armature to work around with, this can be made of anything from the most fragile of wooden branches to a steel pole. Once the abomination is molded, we then cast the consciousness spell to, of course, give it consciousness and the armature will dissolve with the structural integrity intact.”
Sweat beaded from her temple, she was so lucky that she had taken theater, or at least attempted to, when she was younger, or else she would have not been able to memorize all of that from her studies with Amity. Even then, she was surprised she even retained all that information. The substitute shot a glare at the human and shut the textbook that he was reading over with a snap.
“Mighty impressive Ms. Noceda, almost as if you wrote the textbook yourself. However, I’m not allowed to deduct points for any blatant plagiarism, yet I can clearly see that you haven’t even brought your textbook this time. You have a keen mind indeed, human.”
The school bell then screamed and Luz let out an exhausted breath that she didn’t even think that she was holding in. That was surprisingly tense. She could feel her chest loosen up once she heard that sound that had become so familiar – as grating as it was – over the past month. Everything began to tense up again as she felt a tug on her shoulder and she spun around, raising her arms up in a karate-chop stance. She lowered them as she saw Amity backing away from her, clearly startled by her sudden movement. They both laughed. The substitute barked some orders as everybody started pooling out of the classroom, but Luz didn’t hear any of it. She was honestly looking forward to the rest of the day.
“So what was up with Mr. Almade getting in your face like that?” Amity inquired this after they had walked down the hallway for some time. They were headed towards the toothy lockers that lined the walls of the inner corridors of the campus. She had kept the question to herself for quite some time because she felt the air grow heavy around the two as he leered over her. It was almost creepy in a way and she wanted absolutely none of that.
“Ugh! I don’t know! Honestly, he’s such a big jerk, I don’t get why they picked him to replace Mr. Hengemyr. At least he was a lot nicer… and had a better sense of humor.”
Amity chuckled as she remembered “Like that one time he laughed at your a-mom-ination joke?”
“Exactly!” Luz shouted louder than she had intended, but from the look on her face, she didn’t seem to care at this point.
“Well, clearly, he might like you.”
Luz gasped “How dare you, Ms. Blight! I am horribly flabbergasted by your insinuation!” She put on the most over-the-top posh voice that she could muster and Amity laughed so hard that she started blushing.
“You know, with acting like that, it was a wonder that he didn’t figure out that you were posing as an abomination before I did.”
“And you decided the best way to handle that was to have Principal Bump dissect me.”
Luz laughed at the comment she made, but Amity couldn’t help but feel her heart sink a little. She was glad that at least Luz could laugh about it now. That was basically how she met her, so she was glad that they have at least mended their friendship up to that point. If it wasn’t for Luz’s persistence, Amity wouldn’t have thought about how she treated the other people around her. How she treated Willow, how her parents had forced her to be around bullies such as Boscha and her clique just because they were friends with their parents. It rang in her head again.
Good children don’t squabble, dear.
Blights only associate with the strongest of witchlings.
The more and more she thought about it, the more and more she hated it. Not because of how it sounded, but because of the expectations put on her. How they wanted her in the Emperor’s Coven so badly that Amity even called it “Her Future.” How they wanted Amity to uphold the social reputation of the Blight family just so she could look like the perfect decoration set aside the two “perfect” parents and her two older siblings who always managed to get away with whatever shenanigans that they thought up. In retrospect, they are teenagers. She always had to be the one who was the more mature sibling in the household, despite being the youngest.
Amity cracked a smile at the human, the one person who had shown her the light.
I wonder if it means “light” in her language.
My beautiful, little light.
“Hey, Amity!” Skara shouted so loudly next to the green-haired witch’s ear that she fell over, scrambling to back away before seeing the bard-track witch.
“Oh, hey! Skara! I thought you would be with Boscha?”
“No, she started getting all nutty after her Grudgby match with Willow. I mean, I know that she hates her. Whoo! Never mind that, hate is too strong of a word… um… dislikes her, but that don’t mean that she has to get up in our faces about it, you know?”
Luz nodded. “You said it.”
Skara looked over at the human and beamed. “Oh hey, human!” She said as she waved her hands excitedly.
“It’s Luz.” Amity and Luz said in unison.
“Oh! Sorry, Boscha keeps on calling you that, so I didn’t have anything else to really call you.” She let out a nervous laugh.
Luz cackled at the nervous wreck. “It’s all good, I get it.”
She scratched at Amity’s locker and its gaping mouth opened, its tongue sticking out laying out an array of other textbooks that the green-haired witch placed her abomination textbook next to. The demon scooped up the textbooks and rolled its tongue back into its toothy maw, closing it up before giving a hearty belch. Luz had always been so fascinated at all the wacky demons that replaced ordinary items in The Boiling Isles.
Skara looked around the pair for a second, squinting. “Have you guys seen Willow around at all?”
Luz’s eyes widened for a moment. “Not since Botany, I haven’t. Why do you ask?”
Skara looked away from the human, her cheeks growing flush. “No reason, it’s just she’s all cool and I wanted to get away from Boscha for a bit and maybe work on that project that we’ve been assigned in Fundamentals of Songwriting -.”
If Skara wasn’t already flustered thinking about hanging out with Willow, she definitely was now that the human even suggested, let alone point out that she had a crush on the plant witch. “It’s not a love song; I just wanted to hang out with her is all. She’s just… nicer. She actually looks out for her friends. That’s something I never really got.” She sighed.
“I mean it’s not like I don’t have an abundance of friends, but it would at least be nice to actually know that I’m cared for or whatever, you know?”
Amity’s heart sank as Skara said that. Yeah, both of them have been a part of Boscha’s clique, but she was always the one who got the brunt end of everything. If it wasn’t for her natural charisma and the fact that her parents were as far up the ladder as theirs were, she probably wouldn’t have been accepted, let alone be as popular as she was. Maybe if she were nicer to her, things would have turned out differently for the bard.
“Well, hey. Regardless, we’ll be looking out for you.” Luz reassured the witch as she gave her a small smile. Skara returned the gesture and took in a deep breath.
“If that’s the case then, I’ll continue looking. It’s been nice seeing you guys.”
Luz and Amity returned the gesture as the bard disappeared into the hallway. Once she was out of sight, Amity let out a small chuckle.
“A love song? Yeah, she’s definitely got a crush on Willow.”
“Oh yeah, she has one big time. Though, it’s not exactly a love song. It’s more of a calming spell that you have to write and you have to write it with the intent of performing it to someone that you’re really close to.”
“Okay, but still if she were to write it for Willow, they aren’t exactly close. And plus, didn’t it not work out between her and that one guy she asked to Grom?”
Luz shrugged her shoulders. “I honestly wouldn’t know anything about that. I’m not exactly in-the-know about this sort of stuff. Hey, speaking of, have you had any progress on who you wanted to ask out to Grom?”
Amity turned her face away as she felt it grow warm and she grabbed at her shoulder. How was she supposed to tell her that she wanted to ask Luz out? That if it wasn’t for the fact that she was chosen as Grom Queen to fight Grometheus, The Fear Bringer and Luz insisting that she would fight for her in her stead, then she would have actually given that note to her. Who was she kidding, no she wouldn’t. Grom read her fears and tore up the note in front of her. All while looking like the human. Not resembling exactly what she looked like. Her messy, short brown hair; her hazel eyes; her brown lips that she had wanted to kiss so hard for over the past month now. Grom only looked like an amorphous silhouette compared to the actual human and nothing like what shape it took for Luz's fear. The shape of her mother.
She never bothered to ask the human about it. She didn’t want to pry. What would she think if she pried into something like that and then asked her out once she actually had the courage? Would she even forgive her? Would she forgive her for all the stuff that she has done to the human in the past? She was lucky that Luz even pried into her heart just to be friends with her, given that it was definitely unconventional since she tried to do it by hanging out with Edric and Emira first and they tried to use Luz just so they can nab her diary. She doesn’t deserve that, but maybe she should thank her siblings for bringing her into her life. No. They would endlessly tease her for it. Amity gave a sigh.
“No. Not yet.”
Luz gave a supporting smile that made Amity’s heart feel like it was about to burst out of her chest. “Well, I hope whoever it is, they would say yes.”
I know I would.
That’s what Amity wanted so desperately for the human to say to her. It felt like it would have come so easily through her lips. Luz took her hand and she couldn’t help but return the smile that she was given. If only she knew that all she wanted was to be in her arms at that exact moment.
“Maybe I could help you write a song for them!”
Amity’s vision flickered back into focus as she tried to process what the human said. “Wait, wait. Are you sure? I’m not sure if you noticed, Luz, but I’m not in the bard track. And even then, I’m not all that musically gifted.”
That last sentence was a lie. Her mother had bought a grand piano for the servants to play about ten years ago and she would sneak in the music room while they were playing to play with them. Agreus, the particular bard that they hired for the music room along with their troupe was glad to teach her all they knew and she was ashamed to admit that she started writing piano pieces herself. Her mother was never keen that she did this and eventually fired those servants from the manor, yet the piano remained. Amity didn’t know why she kept it there. Maybe it was to remind Amity that whenever she would want to practice again, she would prove to herself that she was nothing more than a disappointment in her mother’s eyes. After all, interest in what could be a different track will lead to mixing magics and according to her mother: that was the greatest sin against the Emperor and against the Titan himself. Another thing that the human fought hard against, literally pushing her way through so she could be in literally every track that Hexside has to offer.
“Well, not to brag, but I’m pretty good myself. I’m pretty sure that we could figure out something to sweep them right off of their feet.”
“What about your project?” Amity asked her. “Don’t you have to write something yourself? And what about the fact that you can’t cast magic naturally? It’s not like a musical instrument acts like its own staff.”
“That’s why I have these babies!”
Luz pulled out a couple of teardrop shaped, flat pieces of plastic that had a small glyph carved into them. They were still easily readable which is really surprising considering how hard it was to even draw something that tiny.
“These can enhance the emotional output of any musical instrument and use that to cast spells from a distance away; doing anything from repelling or possibly killing the biggest monster to putting the widdlest baby to sleep.”
Amity laughed at the most adorable face that Luz put on when she said that. “How exactly would you use that? I don’t know any instrument here that can be played with that. Or is that the instrument itself?”
“Oh! Yeah, we have this instrument that we use on Earth all the time called a Guitar. It’s this stringed instrument that my mother used to play for me all the time when she would put me to sleep as a baby.”
Luz’s face drooped for a second. She missed her mother more than anything. If it weren’t for the fact that she had a little more than a month to go back to Earth, her mother would be worried sick for her. A little more than a month before she had to admit to her that she was lying to her own mother that she was at a summer camp that would try to make her “normal” and not inciting trouble at her old school for being weird. She faked a smile and looked back at Amity.
“I’m pretty sure I can find one at The Owl House that Eda decided not to sell at her human collectibles stand. Even after we destroyed the portal, she still has quite a few things lying around. I’m pretty sure I’ll find one.”
“Wait, you did what to the portal?”
Luz just realized what she revealed to Amity. She hadn’t seen her since she broke her leg at the Grudgby match and she had just recently recovered a week ago. The healers on the Boiling Isles really do work quickly. She was pretty sure that Boscha was the one who broke her leg by throwing herself at her as they were trying to make the final play, but she didn’t bother looking further into that to avoid further conflict. After all, she wanted to make sure that Amity was okay before doing anything about it. And even then, Amity asked her not to get into it once she got her cast removed.
“I mean,” Luz’s voice grew shaky, “Uh… Can we talk about this, you know, not here?”
The two witches walked out into the courtyard of the campus as Luz relayed everything that happened while she was breaking Eda out of the Conformitorium to stop her from getting petrified by Belos and The Emperor’s Coven. Lilith the curse she cast on Eda, Lilith’s explanation for the curse and her resentment for what happened, Belos lying to Lilith and outright refusing to heal Eda’s curse deciding instead to petrify her, Belos and his request for the portal. He said that he wasn’t going to invade the human world, but Luz couldn’t take any chances regardless and slapped a few fire glyphs on the portal as he was given the portal and let the human go and free her mentor. She used Eda’s staff to activate the fire glyphs and just like that, the portal was no more. Tears trailed down her face as she reminisced about her last visit to the human world as she was fighting with Lilith before she gave her explanation and they never stopped since.
Amity let out a deep sigh as she finished listening to the human. “That’s… a lot to take in.”
The human nodded and wiped the tears from her face.
“Do…” Amity asked, “Do you miss it? The human world I mean.”
“I miss mi mama. I promised her I would be back. That I would be back in three months.” She stifled a small chuckle. “She thinks I’m at a summer camp somewhere, doing taxes or whatever.”
Amity didn’t know what the human was talking about. Summer camp? Taxes? Regardless, it didn’t sound pleasant.
“I just wish I can find a way to go back now. I wish I could see her again.”
Tears trailed down the human’s face and she wiped them from her face again. Her pace began to quicken.
“I have to go, Amity. Eda would yell at me if I left her to clean Hooty this month.”
And with that, she left the green-haired witch. She wished that she could help her. But that would mean letting her go. That would mean that she would possibly never get to see her again. Of course it was like her that the one girl she fell in love with was only here on a time limit.
Luz walked along the tree line of the forest, soaking in the red leaves that adorned them. She needed to catch her breath in some way.
Lo siento, mama. Desearia poder verte.
She stopped for a moment and sat down to lean against a tree to be alone with her own thoughts. Being on the Boiling Isles before was everything that the teenager ever really dreamed about, even now. From the demons that resided there that wanted to eat her almost every week to the Isles’ version of weather; albeit they are more natural disasters. Eda had only mentioned stuff like Shale Hail and Painbows before, but she was lucky to never see them. Only Gorenadoes and Boiling Rains.
She remembered the first time it rained on the Isles. She was so excited when the dark clouds started rolling in. Both King tried to warn her before she went out, but he didn’t even get out a few words before she stepped outside the Owl House just to feel that familiar trickle of the first few drops in her hair. She looked over to a tiny flower just to see it wilt from the overbearing heat of the rains before Eda came rushing in from her night out at Bonesbourough just to shout at Luz to get inside.
She remembered Eda crashing up inside her room, flopping over to the nest she made for herself. Not a pillow-fort and thousands of comforters and plushies sort of nest, but an actual nest with twigs and moss among other things she found shiny and beautiful. In fact, that’s where she kept some of her favorite things from when she was still collecting trash in the human world just to repurpose and sell them at her stand. She always found the old witch’s favorable items to be a bit unorthodox, mainly due to the lack of knowledge that the witches of the Boiling Isles had for humans, let alone their world in general. She found Luz’s ingenuity and knowledge of her home realm admirable and decided to take her in to first help with her stand. A few shenanigans later, and Luz decided to stay with Eda and King so she could learn to become a witch regardless of her natural inability to cast magic.
She remembered when she first learned of Eda’s curse that night during the boiling rainstorm and how she rampaged through the house as the Owl Beast. She remembered finding out about the elixir that was more or less her medicine and reverting her back to normal for the time being. Now that Lilith hadn’t exactly healed Eda, but shared the curse with her instead as an attempted remedy for her past actions, she wasn’t exactly sure whether or not the Owl Beast was going to rear its head in again.
Her mind wandered to Lilith. Eda’s sister. She remembered being so excited to learn that Eda even had a family to begin with, let alone a sister that she would banter with whenever they were around each other. That hasn’t exactly changed since she moved into the Owl House, they still bicker a lot. She wondered if all siblings are like that. Edric and Emira teased Amity almost constantly; however they were pretty much her bullies. Almost like Amity was when they first met, picking on Willow when she was back in the Abomination track at Hexside rather than the Plant track where she was so naturally gifted. She was afraid that when she released those vines inside of Hexside when she first snuck in, the entire building would have imploded on itself.
She was glad that Amity was a lot better now. She couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of leaving her now. They had gotten along together so well after The Library Incident with Edric and Emira. They talked almost constantly that now she doesn’t know if she could ever see the island again if she wasn’t there. Even if she was a ghost that she could talk to, Luz would have gladly stayed just to be by her side.
A rustle in the bushes sounded across from Luz.
She scrambled up to her feet and rummaged through her satchel to reach for any glyphs that she prepared during the day. Where were they? She knew she put them in there somewhere. She peered into the satchel to find all the glyph papers tossed around the contents of her bag, tucked in between books and under them. She made a note that that was the last time she kept them in her bag. She wasn’t even sure if they worked now. She grabbed one that was sticking out of the page of a textbook. An ice glyph, that’ll do. She slapped the card down onto the damp soil. The card shimmered in a white-blue light before a large ice shard popped straight from the glyph and suspended a Hexside teacher in midair.
“Oh! Are you okay?” Luz cried out. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to do that. I thought you were here to hunt me down or something.”
She lifted the teacher off of the ice shard that went right through the hood of his cowl and placed him down on the ground without breaking a sweat. Brown shaggy hair fell in front of the teacher’s face before he parted it like a curtain, revealing the wrinkled mug of the Abomination substitute.
“Mr. Almade! Heyy!”
“No need for pleasantries, Ms. Noceda. You nearly had me killed!”
Luz bowed her head solemnly. She just wanted to protect herself.
“But, however, that was an impressive feat of strength there. I nearly thought you were an abomination with how easily you plucked me off of that spike. I would be even more astounded by what abominations that you can make on your own.”
Luz opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. Why did he even say it like that? Was he trying to imply that Luz can’t make an abomination of her own? What absolute nerve does he think he has for even condescending to her? And why her? She picked up the scraggly man who was surprisingly a lot heavier than he looked. Aside from the layered tunic and cloak that he wore, there was nothing on him to make him heavier than he actually was. She assumed it could be the scarf, however that made no sense to her.
“Well, to let you know, Mr. Almade, I’ve made quite a number of abominations of my own. Yes, maybe the first one was with a little bit of help, but the others -.”
“The one that you were helped with was made by Ms. Blight yes?”
Luz stood agape at the Abomination substitute, every word going through her brain, failing to even travel to her mouth.
“She is quite a prodigy herself. Suffice to say, you have become quite a master at the craft yourself from what I’ve seen. But is that skill really your own or one that you stole from the people around you?”
“What does that even mean?” Luz finally managed to scream out the words that had been hanging over her lips. “Of course I have my own skills, I rediscovered a lost magic and I’m learning more and more about it every day! What right do you have to even say that kind of thing to me? You’re supposed to be a teacher not some bully to beat down on other kids!”
“Oh, dearest child,” the teacher sighed through his scarf and dug into his sleeve to pull out a card and slap it on a tree. It twisted and contorted into a massive plantlike abomination whose branches sharpened. The bark splintered apart to reveal a gaping mouth with large, gnashing teeth. “You aren’t the first.”
Had Blight Manor always been this empty?
Amity walked the empty lavender granite corridors and traced her hand over the marbled patterns. She took in a deep sigh. Why did she now only realize that Luz wasn’t always going to be here?
She had been walking aimless around the manor for about an hour now. Her parents weren’t going to be home for another few hours or so, considering they had an extended summons from the Emperor himself.
The Emperor! She could only imagine how Luz feels about him especially after what he did to Eda. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to be in the Emperor’s Coven anymore. Like she wanted to in the first place; for her parents it always seemed like everything that they were pressuring her to do was not only to further their reputation by having her hair forcefully dyed by them, but to get her into the Emperor’s Coven and force her to take her place at the top of the social ladder. As if they believed that she was worthy of any of that; As if she even cared about the social ladder to begin with. And now that contempt had been brought into focus by Luz.
Every time the thought of her floated into the Blight’s mind, she winced in pain and tried to wipe away any tears that would come streaming down her face. She wasn’t even sure if it was even worth it to pursue a relationship with her now. Maybe it was a waste of time.
Amity leaned on the mahogany hand railing as she trailed up the stairs to the foyer balcony and entered her room. It wasn’t small in the slightest, but not exactly a master bedroom either. It had enough to fit her twin bed and the rest of her set pretty well with some room for a few shelves to spare which she hung up with multiple posters, including one of Lilith in a profile view, staring directly at her as she is leaning over the hilt of an intricate sword with a smug grin on her face. The picture had a gilded border around it with the words “Join the Emperor’s Coven Today!” written under it.
Over the time since she asked her parents to hang up that poster in her room, she grew more and more discontented with it. The more she looked at it, the more she grew angry, sometimes talking to the poster as if it was Lilith herself that was mocking her. She only wished that she could have talked to Lilith like that in person whenever she was her mentor. And now she was excommunicated from the Emperor’s Coven because Belos lied to her and she acted accordingly. Her parents would definitely say it was her who betrayed Belos, but it really was the opposite to her. She wanted to shove all of her hate for the Emperor’s Coven and what it had done into Lilith’s face, but now that she isn’t the face of the coven, it wasn’t really worth it. She tore down the poster anyway. It’s not like her parents would care. She was a traitor anyway.
Amity threw the now crumpled up poster across her room and she watched as it knocked over the keepsake box that she kept on the windowsill. Realizing what she had done, she leapt over to the window and caught the keepsake box before it hit the ground and let out a sigh of relief.
She looked at the box with a longing almost purging her throat in a fit of sobs. She managed to keep it held back as she went over it. The box itself was as teal as parts of her hair that hung down the lowest part of the half-ponytail that she always wore with a letter “A” engraved on the lid. Gilded rivets acted as the box’s hinge that kept everything that she had found dear to her for the past few years.
She opened the box and took everything out one by one and lined them up on the windowsill. The tiara that she received when she and Luz defeated Grom; she remembered that night like it was yesterday and not around 3 weeks ago. A stack of photos of her and the rest of the group that Luz hung out with; they had become her dearest friends as much as Luz’s, especially now that she was mending her issues with Willow. Gus is a lot of fun to hang around, though to her, he can be pretty overbearing sometimes. And plus, he was two years younger than everybody else, so that made things a little more awkward. She talked to kids before, she read to them in the library and they were always super sweet to her. Though with Gus, it’s different. He had skipped a few grades and proved to be one of the smartest people that she had ever encountered, using his illusions to get them out of whatever sticky situation they got themselves in, if it wasn’t to use it for general fun. He is still a kid after all. How could she talk to a kid like that without condescending to him? That’s something that she would have to work on later.
Amity pulled out the last item and her heart sank. The torn up Grom-posal note that she wanted to give to Luz. She took it from the forest and stuffed it inside her chest along with her tiara that night. Why must her crush have to hurt her so much? Why did she have to leave? Tears finally managed to break the surface of her face and they started to pool up under her chin as the dripped down onto the rug and soaked into the fibers. She got up with the pieces of the note in her hand and walked back down the steps and back into the endless twisting maze that was the manor she lived in.
She didn’t know why she didn’t rip up the note into smaller pieces. She wanted to hold onto it for as long as she could. Maybe it was because she wanted to hold onto it for as long as she could? Or maybe she just didn’t have the energy? Neither excuse really felt convincing to Amity as she continued to traverse the manor; until she ended up in that room.
The grand piano stood in the middle of a large carpeted area of a much larger room with bookcases filled with books containing various sheet music that Agreus used to play the various works that either he or other notable composers wrote. There were even the few that Amity stuck inside the books with the scrawled writing that she made back when she played with him. A few other instruments laid out about the room, all put away neatly along the walls, but they never really stuck out for Amity. She took to the piano and sat on the stool as she brushed the dust off the keys that had lied dormant there from the years of neglect.
She thought for a moment. Should she really be doing this? She looked back to the note and remembered what Luz said.
Maybe I can help you write a song for them!
She couldn’t help but smile at Luz’s obliviousness. All she wanted was for her to stay. It may have been selfish of her, but she just wished that she could help the human while being with her at the same time. She ran over some scales on the piano, sounding fairly rusty as the hammers pounded on the strings.
Her hands trailed up and down the keyboard as she got lost in the music she started to improvise. After a while, she took in a deep breath and looked back at the note lying on the music stand. Her left hand started to make pulses on the keyboard as she felt all the pain and yearning that she felt swell over her. After a few bars, she started to sing from the deepest parts of her heart.
I was certain
From the day we first met
That our worlds will not cross
And I won’t regret
Those times that I hurt you
They seemed bittersweet
But you came around
And brought me to my feet
I won’t stop shaking
And my heart keeps aching
I couldn’t believe
That you would ever leave
I’d still let you go
But my heart says no
Please don’t go
When the boiling rains
Turn into snow
Please don’t go
And leave the memories
We made before
When you hold out your hand
And you take hold of mine
My heart starts to yearn
And I find myself pleading
Please don’t go
Don’t tell me that
I won’t see you
Her breath grew shaky as she trailed along the keys. It wasn’t the best playing, still considerably an amateur to any bard out there, but she never thought about that. All she thought of was Luz. She thought of Luz and how she brought her out of her funk. How she was the sole reason that she was even happy to begin with. How she realized just how much she wanted to be out of her parent’s grasp.
“Little Miss Perfect
Do you understand?
That you’re meant for greatness
There’s no time to stand
So don’t be distracted
Just take the abuse
All you are meant for
Is a puppet to use.”
I won’t stop breaking
Out my heart
That’s quaking
I still can’t believe
That you looked out for me
I want to let go
But they still scream no
Please don’t go
When the boiling rains
Turn into snow
Please don’t go
And leave the memories
We made before
When you hold out your hand
And you take hold of mine
My heart starts to yearn
And I find myself pleading
Please don’t go
Don’t tell me that
I won’t see you
Amity’s tears pooled up in her eyes as she started pounding over the keys. The frustration swelled over her. All the pain that she went through surged through her fingertips. All the longing, all the exhaustion that she felt coursed through her body as she practically belted out.
When time flashes by
Were you there by my side all along?
And when my face starts to flush
Would you even suspect
The love that I felt for you
Was even a prospect?
But even then
I can’t let go
My heart screams no
Please don’t go
When the boiling rains
Turn into snow
Please don’t go
And leave the memories
We made before
When you hold out your hand
And you take hold of mine
My heart starts to yearn
And I find myself pleading
She stifled a breath as she left the note sustained in the air. She let out the one thing that she didn’t want Luz to hear. That she didn’t want herself to hear. What would her parents say if she ran off with her? Not even that, but what would she even do? Her fingers hovered over the keys as she softly laid them down on the next chord.
Please don’t go
I can’t follow you
Into the snow
Please don’t go
I’m too selfish
That, I already know
But when you crack a smile
Or when you make a joke
My heart starts to ache
And I nearly choke
Please don’t go
Don’t tell me that
I won’t see you
That I can’t see you
That I would never see you
Amity softly pressed the keys on the piano to resolve the last chord and everything that had flushed over her lingered in the air. A mix of relief and sorrow hung over her as she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. A slow clap sounded behind her.
“Brilliant performance, darling; however you out of everybody in the house know the rules against using that old thing in the house.”
Amity spun around in the piano stool as she looked straight at the woman that she feared the most. The naturally dark green mane of hair that normally trailed down her back was tied neatly into a tight bun. Cold, unfeeling eyes stared back at her as she tensed up and bowed her head.
“Yes, mother.”
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azraqnar · 4 years
Thoughts on Agony of a witch (Spoiler warning! (Duh))
Oh boy I was doubting this series’s before but not anymore! This episodes is easily the best in the season. Grom doesn’t have shit on this episode! Everything was just great about AOAW, the music, the suspense, the action, the story, the animation, it was all wonderful!
- for one, Hooty is damn creepy when he fights not only does he effortlessly kick the emperors covens ass (you’d think they’d be more powerful than this but whatever) but he has a tea party with their unconscious bodies after. That was an interesting (& creepy) choice & it has me curious if Eda created him or not. We need a hooty backstory.
- Eda’s curse is getting worse and after episodes of not mentioning it they finally acknowledge how bad it’s getting & how Eda needs more potions or a higher dosage to barely keep it under control KEY WORD “BARELY”. It does remind me of when my aunt had cancer and her chemotherapy stopped working they had to higher the dosage. Good job on finally talking about it.
- When Luz leaves I do like how Eda & King reflect on how the “vibe” of the house changed when Luz showed up & how King thought they were gonna eat her (I guess it confirms witches do eat human kids)I am picking up a familia love from Eda & King so now we have the found family trope (Which I love). I thought it was cute when Eda decided to make a cape as a sign of gratitude & how it sets up how important this cape is when Eda talks about the material it’s made out of.
- Luz’s class is going on the field trip to the emperors coven but isn’t Bump the principal not a teacher?At my school whenever we had a field-trip it was the Teachers that went with us not the principal, Bump didn’t even play a big role so they could have swapped him out for a Teacher & nothing would change.
- Amity’s leg is still broken so she can’t attend the field-trip, which I thought was a good idea she didn’t go. I feel like the writers would try to force in more Lumity moments and it would distract from the plot. I do like Lumity but if Amity was there then fans would focus on that rather than the story & the last two episode were Amity focused so she wasn’t needed in this episode. Smart move from the writers, maybe if her legs heals next episode she could be there but idk.
- Now while Luz was thinking about stealing the healing hat I was a bit conflicted on it. I don’t like how the show is telling viewers it’s okay to steal but In Luz’s case it’s for a good cause, she wanted the hat so she could heal Eda’s curse. It’s like those cases you hear of people stealing groceries to feed their families, I felt the same here. Yeah stealing is bad but if it’s for saving someone you love is it really that bad? Idk if the writers wanted us to be conflicted over that dilemma but they succeeded.
- “Good luck with puberty” I laughed when Lilith said that, can’t believe Disney let that slip in.
- I have to say I do like the lore we get in this episode. Emperor Belos established the coven system 50 years ago to “honor the titan” which is the boiling Isles where they might get their magic from, before that witches were doing wild magic in what was called “the savages ages” it’s setting up more lore about the emperor like how did he rise to power? Who was he before? What were these “savage ages” like? If it was 50 years ago then there still are witches & demons that were alive in the savage age & they could tells us what life was like before. It also means Emperor Belos is 70+ years old. I’m just saying a human could live that long. 👀
- Now emperor Belos, wow his designs looks cool as hell, his voice is amazing too, it’s kinda sinister yet soothing at same times. As shown, it looks like he’s in a weakened state, he has to take these weird bird glowing green slime thing to have energy. We don’t know why or how he got like that, but it seems like he wants to Capture Eda so she doesn’t try to overthrow him since he’s weak. In fact, that might be the reason for the coven system, if he limits their magic then they aren’t strong enough to overthrow him. We only saw him for a bit but he gave a good impression when Luz said that no one will know about her stealing the hat we hear Belos voice echo: “ I will know” in the most bone chilling voice ever! The crew did a great job on him! Tho one thing I noticed is why is every big villain always in a weakened state? Darth Vader, Hordak, Aaravos, Zarkon, every anime villain. I just noticed this trope is overused, but I hope we can see Belos at his strongest and see how powerful he is. I have high hopes for him!
-Lilith discovers Luz is there & decides to use her as a decoy to lure in Eda. Which she succeeds when Eda goes there all angry for daring to drag Luz into her issues. I love how Eda doesn’t even try to stay calm she just straight up attacks Lilith & you can feel her angry.
- Speaking of that fight, best fight in the series thus far! The animation, the spells, the music, the raw emotion, it was all down great! It does remind me of a DBZ style of fighting when they’re moving so fast that your eyes can’t catch up & their magic surrounding them like Eda went super Sayion, I’m not complaining I like those kinds of fight & The intensity you feel in the fight is overwhelming. Luz’s life is at stake and Lilith even uses her as a human shield. She knows how much Luz means to Eda & was willing to kill her. Hell, she even threw Luz toward the spikes and Eda had to save her, then they both struggle with Eda trying to lift her up & Lilith trying to press her against the spikes & then Eda slowly turns into a monster THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE A FIGHT (takes notes she ra)
- Now the biggest bomb drop in the series. IT WAS LILITH WHO CURSED EDA. she blurted it out in a rage of jealousy it seems. They were insulting each other on how one is better than the other. Then when Lilith says “THEN WHY WERE SO EASY TO CURSE?!” My jaw dropped, I suspected they would tell us but not this episode, you see can see the hurt & betrayal in her eyes when it was her own sister who cursed her. Like ouch. From what I suspected is that Lilith was jealous of Eda from what their exchanges told us. But why was she jealous of Eda? Friends? Magic capabilities? Power? Maybe fighting over a crush? What? Whatever the reason is does not excuse doing that to your sister and your YOUNGER SISTER AT THAT. Goodness & I thought Edric and Emira took it too far with the diary thing. I’m officially part of the hate Lilith club. Idc what you do but hurting your sibling like that is the worst thing you can do to them, just imagined how much Eda suffered for DECADES with this curse. No redemption can fix that. But boy do they need Family therapy or just punch it out that works too.
- I loved it when Eda went into rage mode when she found out it was Lilith who cursed her. Her own sister. Like damn that has to hurt knowing your own family did that to you. She deserved to beat Lilith to a bloody pulp & I’m happy she didn’t even bother to listen to Lilith she just wanted to attack her & I don’t blame her one bit.
- Ugh the scene where the curse overtakes Eda was a heart wrenching one. She knows she slipping away and tells Luz to take care of King & Hooty & to stay safe before she slips away. When Lilith told Luz that Eda is with her true family made me want to punch her more than Amity’s parents. You feel how helpless Luz felt & I hope they work towards her character with that feeling because Luz is happy go lucky & seeing her in despair makes for great character development.
- it kind of reminds me of when Queen Angella sacrifices herself In season 3 but I hated how they never acknowledged it since season 4 & she doesn’t even return by the end season 5, they pretty much forgot about her. We know for sure Luz will never leave Eda behind & will go save her.
- So we know Luz will go back to save her cuz we do see her wearing the cape Eda made her in the promo. Also we have 1 episode left so we know she’s gonna attempt a rescue mission for Eda but will she succeed? She’s up against the emperors coven! She’s gotta pull all her cards on the table & team up with her friends.
- A witch loses a true way. It could refer to Lilith officially turning to the dark side or Eda being lost in her curse even into season 2. Knowing Disney, they will give us a happy ending cuz it’s Disney but I will be pleasantly surprised if Luz fails to save Eda by the next episode.
- One last thing, I like the credits had no music, just silence. It reminds me of in full metal alchemist whenever a character dies the credit are always silent. I guess it’s meant to represent despair in a way? Or change? Yeah it think it’s change.
- This is why shows should focus on the plot because when you do, it delivers for some great storytelling & this episode surpasses all of the episodes combined. when you focus on the story & lore & characters it makes for great emotional impact of an episode and I hope Dana and the crew continues to do this. This show has so much going for it & people who only watch a show for a ship are clowns because this is what you’re missing out on. an amazing story. I applause Dana & the crew for this episode, really outdid yourselves!
- Overall 9.7/10 it was phenomenal!
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saradiasz · 4 years
Pairing: Lin Manuel X Reader
Note: Hi, this is my first Fanfic here, i hope you enjoy it!
Warning: Cursing, Teenager Lin, Lin's accent in Spanish, Smut, Fluff, Lin's baby pictures.
Word Count: 5.001
1998- Summer Vacations
I can't wait to meet my new neighbors, it's pretty lonely here since Cameron that lived nextdoor had to go to live in another country with her parents, she was my best friend and maybe my only one, she said that we will still be friends but...it's different, she's going to find new ones and I'm going to be here alone as always...Fuck that, I have to focus on the new neighbors now, maybe they have a daughter...Well, nobody compares to Cam...Ok, ok I'm forgetting that for now. Anyway, my mom is baking a cake to the neighbors when they arrive, I'm so nervous and anxious for...some reason, so I go downstairs to talk to my mom and see if the cake is ready.
 — Hey mom, how it's going there?  — I said looking to the oven and seeing the chocolate cake inside.
 — Right on time honey, I'm going to take it out in 5 minutes, wanna help me with the frosting?  — She said giving me a spatula that i take with enthusiasm.
 — Sure mom.  — I smile to her and she start to pouring condensed milk slowly in the wipped cream that I was stirring.
After that she put the frosting on the fridge and take the cake of the oven and put it on the table to rest, we talk for some time about nothing important until the cake was cold enough for the frosting. Is between spread frosting on the cake and put it on a plate that we heard a knock at the door.
 — Can you see who is for me Y/N? 
 — Sure.  — I said with a bored face, it's impossible that anyone liked to host people at your door, impossible.
I open the door and I see a latin little man, or a big kid... I'm not sure yet, he is wearing a Star Wars t-shirt way too big with large, large pants that another person could fit there with him comfortably, there's a hat laying on his head too, very fancy. He just stay there starring at me with his big brown eyes and then say:
 — Hi I'm Lin son of the new neighbors, my mom is throwing a party tonight and she's inviting your family, nothing fancy just some foods and a lot of dancing, there's none dress code or those shit, we just want to have a good time with everyone and make new friends.  — He said in one breathe with a lot of hand gestures, impressive...He dresses like a kid and talk as much as one.
 — Okay.  — I said slowly.  — I'm gonna say to my mom, actually she's baking a welcome cake for your family, we can take with us tonight then.
 — That would be perfect, thank you so much. — He said gesturing with his hands again. — Bye.  — He turn around and go in the way to the next house as I close the door.
 — Okay, mom you won't belie... What are you looking at?  — She look at me with a weird smile and say:
 — He likes you honey, did you saw the look on his eyes and how he was literally throwing words at you?  — She said giving me a malicious face.
 — What are you saying, of course he don't like me, we talk for 2 minutes...Well he talked for 2 minutes I just listened. — I said rolling my eyes.
 — Well, think what you want, and about the party...we are definitely going, so find a good dress. 
 — Why mom? Let me stay home, please. — I said with fake tears in my eyes.
 — I know you, don't fake a face for me, we are going and period. — Damnit, she know me too well.
 — Ugh, okay okay.
After we both get ready, I take the cake and we go to Lin's house, i can hear music from a far, we get there and knock, a woman full of energy open the door and hug me and my mom tightly at the same time what almost caused a cake accident.
 — Wepa, I'm so happy you maded, come in, come in. — She said with a heavy accent and then pushed us into her house.
 — And we are very happy that you invited us, I baked a cake for you, take it. — My mom said giving her the cake that was in my arms.
 — Mas no precisava, you didn't need too. I'm going to place this with the rest of the food, thank you...I don't even asked your name honey, what am I thinking... — Own, like mom, like son. She said as fast as Lin did before.
 — It's Y/M/N and what's yours? If I may ask. — Okay, so I'm probably gonna be here for a while, it's always like that when my mom finds another "talkative" mom. 
 — It's Luz, and this is your hija? Uh tan hermosa... — She said giving me a look — Lin has a good taste...
 — Mama, ¿Qué estás diciendo? Excuse us ladies — A blushed Lin appears of nowhere almost screaming and then he leaves with his mother.
 — That was... — My mom start thinking in a word.
 — Freaking weird? Yeah, I know. I told you so, if you excuse me I'm going to find food.  — I go right to the place that's probably the kitchen, there's some latin people talking, probably Lin's family or something, I found a table with some snacks in the corner and go straight to them taking one bowl of... something that I don't know what it is but tastes good. I go to find somewhere safe to eat alone, what's not very complicated since they don't unpacked almost anything, I go upstairs and enter a room with some furniture, I turn the light on and then sit on the floor behind some boxes trying to hide for a while. I really didn't wanted to came here in the first place, don't get me wrong, the people aren't the problem, I am...I just don't like parties, and parties with my mom are even worse. The door opens interrupting my monologue about how much I hate parties. I see Lin talking on the phone entering the room like a thunder, closing the door and laying on the carpet.
 — Tú no entiendes, ella es la cosa más linda que yo ví en toda mi vida...obviamente no consegui hablar com ela Carlos, I'm too shy for that... — He finally realize that I'm in the room and say almost choking on the phone. — Oh fuck, yo tengo que ir bye. Hi, what're you doing here? The party isn't in my bedroom.  — He said with a...smile? Or he's dying? 
 — Your what? Oh I'm sorry I was just... scaping for my mom, I didn't realized that this was your room. — Oh fuck, of course it's his bedroom.
 — It's okay, it's nothing yet actually just a bunch of boxes and I relate with the mom thing, my mom drives me crazy sometimes too.  — He opens a beautiful smile, I never took a deep look at him but he's not that bad actually, even kinda cute with a goofy smile. 
 — Mothers hun. — We both laugh looking at the floor.
 — Did you understood what I was talking on the phone? — He asked nervous.
 — Not even a word. — He's relief came hard.
 — Oh, nice.
 — What you were saying, though? — That's really weird, he start to panic.
 — Ah, uh...porn — That's a bad liar over here my friends.
 — Sure...
 — Yeah. — Awkward silence, yummy...
 — So...
 — What's your name again? I don't think you never said to me actually.  — He said with a question mark all over his face.
 — Well, you never gave me the chance. — He start to blush because of my words and then he whisper an sorry. — It's okay Lin, and my name is Y/N at your service sir. 
 — Yeah, this name suits you. — He said now smiling. 
 — Do you want some?  — I said pointing the bowl to him. — I don't know what this is but is pretty damn good.
 — Sure. — He said taking some of the bowl and then sitting next to me, his leg touching mine. — It's tostones, basically fried plantain, it's a Puerto Rican thing, well latin thing but this one my aunt brought from Puerto Rico. — He said with his eyes glowing. 
 — You used to live there? 
 — No, actually. My parents came to here and then they meet on college so i was born here too, but I love Puerto Rico it's my happy place you know. — He said with a half smile.
 — That's so sweet Lin.  — His eyes finds mine and we stare each other for a minute, but then I look away...This boy is like...affecting me? 
 — So, did you want to get back there? It's dinner time.  — He stand up and offers me his hand.
 — We really have to? — I said forcing a sad face.
 — Of course we do, but if you get uncomfortable I promise that we can stay here okay? — His hand still waiting for mine.
 — Okay then.  — I take his hand leaving the empty bowl behind, we get out of the room still holding hands, until I see my mom, in that moment I go crazy and i walk in her direction leaving Lin.
 — Hm, very strange that you were together inside a room, did you wear protection honey? I don't want a...
 — MOM, we were just talking.  — I said interrupting her before she said something even crazier.
 — I'm just saying...Well, let's go to get dinner, this are really nice people doll you're gonna love them. — She said leading me to the backyard where a big table was full of food, hell yes, that's what I'm talking about, don't like parties who?
I sit with my mom by my right side, Lin appears and sit in front of me, after everybody was at the table we start to eat, people asking food, pouring juice, telling jokes, Lin's look finding mine between conversations, was all really nice, I even forgot why I was so worried at the first place. 
We are at home now, I'm looking at the sky from my window, there's a lot of stars and is a full moon day. The curtains of the other house in front of my window opens all of sudden, of course Lin's window is there, how I didn't noticed that? He don't seems to see me, what makes sense since my lights are off, he's shirtless and writing something on the desk that places below the window, there's a lamp on the desk and the only thing that's on at the room. He seems so relaxed, his mouth is moving fast what means he's probably singing, maybe writing music? I don't know but it's a beautiful view, wait...is this creepy? I'm feeling like a stalker right now, i try to hide but he see me for my own despair. He smile and wave his hand to me, I do the same with a Awkward smile. Crap, I'm so dumb...he take a paper and write "Hi, can't sleep either?", i write fast in a old piece of paper a big "No", he smile and write another thing and then show me "Meet me in 10?" Oh fuck, why he want to see me? he's totally going to report me to the police for harassment. I raise my thumb to him and he closes his curtains, I look at the mirror and remember that I was in my pajamas but who cares, I go downstairs slowly so my mom couldn't hear me, the door make a noise when I open it...damnit, hope she didn't hear this, I close the door and turn to Lin's house, he's standing right in front sadly with clothes now, wait, why am I disappointed? He has a little smile in his face until he reaches me.
 — I'm sorry, I wasn't stalking you I swear, please don't sue me...
 — What're you talking about?  — He said confused, crap crap crap, a thousand times crap, I fell my cheeks hot so I close my eyes so I won't be able to see his face.
 — Nice pajamas by the way... Wait, are this pineapples? — He said with a stupid smirk on his face.
 — Oh shut up, you're wearing Star Wars clothes all day and I never said a word about it. — I try to say this mad but my smile wins the battle on my face.
 — Yo, Star Wars is a classic but I never see a movie about pineapples. — Why do I didn't changed my clothes again? Right, laziness.
 — Uh, rude. — I hit his arm weakly.
 — Au. — He smile and take my hand. — Let's go, we can lay down in the garden and look at the stars and...talk.
 — Okay Yoda. — He laugh a little as we go to the background of his house. 
We lay on the ground with our bodies almost touching, the stars really look beautiful tonight... He turn his head in my direction...We both know what's going to happen but the wait make all better, I turn to him and his laches are beating slowly, the light of the stars make his face glow, he put one hand on my face and start to make little circles around my cheek and say that my eyes are more shining than the stars, his face is literally one inch far from mine. I'm the one who kisses first, his lips are soft and warm, he put his hand in my wrist and push me closer to him, his tongue is touching mine now in a sweet kiss, we end the kiss but we stay closer as possible.
 — That was unexpected. — I said breaking the silence.
 — Well, not for me. I was hoping to do that since I meet you. — He says letting small kisses on my face.
 — So my mom was right this time. — He goes a little far laughing.
 — I was that obvious?
 — I don't think so, but in the moment you walked away she said that you liked me, what I thought that was craziness until now.  — I said with one hand in his soft hair. — No that I'm saying that you like me i just... — He stop me pressing our lips together.
 — Mothers hun... — He said quoting me and then opening one of those beautiful smiles.
The sun is rising when we go back to home, I say a last goodbye to him from the window before jumping on the bed, my back are in pain but I don't care...This was one of the best days of my life, I sleep and my dreams are full of dancing and laughing. 
I wake up with a knock at my door, I look to the clock next to my bed and it's almost 12 o'clock, after a little battle against myself I get up and open the door, Lin is with a big smile in his face, the large clothes now are just a cargo shorts and a light white shirt showing his shoulders and a lot of skin, so much skin...
 — Good morning Sleepyhead. — He said still smiling.
 — How you're up after last night? And smiling... — I said outraged giving room for him get inside.
 — Actually I barely sleep, no i can't get inside. Your mother only let me in when I promised not to enter your room.
 — Of course she did, by the way what are you doing here? — I ask him. — No that I didn't liked, I do, I really do. — I said fast.
 — Really? — He's cheeks are turning red, how he can be this cute?
 — Yeah. — I get closer to him and I let a little kiss into his lips. 
 — So, I was thinking that we could go to somewhere today, I know a place in the woods that's perfect for do absolutely nothing, it's not far so we can walk a little bit and since you didn't eat breakfast, we can do a picnic and no one else goes there so we can stay together in peace. — He said showing me the basket in his hand.
 — That sounds perfect, I just have to take a shower, I see you in 30? — He nodd his head in affirmation and I kiss him more deeply this time.
 — See ya. — He said in the middle of the kiss and then goes away...God I could live in his lips forever...
I take a quick bath and go downstairs, Lin is talking to my mother, he's drinking a cup of coffee and they're... Laughing? Weird...I say a hi to my mom and we go to Lin's place. It's really a perfect place, there's a lot of trees and a little lake in the middle, we rest on a big towel under a tree for some time, we eat a lot, it's a perfect afternoon...
  — Thank you Lin, this is so nice. — My head is resting on his shoulder.
 — You know what would be nicer? — He said standing up and slowly taking his shirt off and running into the lake direction. I take my dress off and follow him with a goofy smile on my face. We jump into the almost warm water together, he start to splashing water in my face and I do it back, he came closer and kiss me, his shy hands are laying in my lower back, i surround his waist with my legs and I feel something getting harder under his belly, he stop the kiss looking at me with his big eyes, his laches are moving fast. 
 — I...it's... — He tries to talk but he doesn't have words for this.
 — Shhhh, kiss me Lin. — I whisper into his ear and he does what i ask, then i take his hand and guide him to where we were before.
 — I never done this before. — He said with his voice shaking. We lay on the towel and I kiss him, i run my hand through his wet soft hair and feel them between my fingers, meanwhile his hands is caressing my back, making little circles.
— We don't have to do it if you aren't ready yet. — He's looking at me with those big brown puppy eyes, I'm losing all control that i have. — I never done this with someone that i just meet either, but you're making me crazy without doing anything.
— I want you, i just don't know...how... — He gaze up avoiding my eyes with his cheeks all red now, did i mention how cute he's with red cheeks? 
— Hey, look at me. — I said touching his face and making he look at mine — I'll not say that i didn't do it before, but i can lead you...if you let me. — He don't say anything, just came closer and kiss me taking all the breath of my lungs.
— Okay...— He said more whispering than really talking. 
— If you want to stop anytime just say, okay? — He nodd his head in confirmation. I stay on top of him and take my bra and throw in the floor next to us, he look at my breasts with his eyes wide open then look to my face like he was asking for permission, what was really cute, i take his warm hands and put them in there and he squeeze very softly, i feel him getting even harder under me, i kiss him urgently like i never kissed someone before, he turn our positions and now he's on top of me going down to my lips and kissing my neck and collarbone, a little noise come out of my mouth when i feel his lips on my nipple pressing it softly and letting small kisses. I hear he saying all the time how soft my skin is and how sweet i taste in his mouth, our underwear go out of our body in some point.
I said that i would lead him but he's doing a great job from himself, driving me crazy with all the wait and his kisses in my body, i can feel everything, every part of our body that's touching, every drop of sweat that roll in our body. The beautiful things that came out of his mouth are like a melody, i never felt so loved when i feel him inside me, filling me whole.
— Am i hurting you baby? — He ask with the most beautiful face of concern.
— Just a little, but it's normal don't worry my love. — He nodd and then lay his forehead in mine starting to move inside me, our bodies colliding softly, his lips is barely pressing mine, he's not moving fast what make all feel even better, he's saying how gorgeous i am and i how i make him feel the luckiest guy in the whole world for let him be with me in his arms, my name come out of his mouth like a poem, we are moaning together and it's together that we come too, my eyes are out of orbit, i can't feel anything else than the goosebumps all over my body, he's head is resting in my chest and he's hugging me tight in his arms.
— You're so amazing Y/N...I'm really happy that my first time was with you. — He said softly looking deep in my eyes after we recover and lay on the ground side by side with our bodys tangled. — I never felt like this before for anyone else.
— Me neither Lin, i love how you make me feel... — I said and i feel the cold wind in my naked body what make me shiver for a moment but Lin hold me closer to his body. — I think we should put our clothes on and go back now, it's starting to get cold and the sun is going down, my mom will kill me if I get home late.
— Yeah, let's go doll. — He said throwing my clothes on me and getting up.
At home i take a shower but Lin's taste and smell are still in my body, i still can feel his arms wrapping me. I touch my lips remembering of when he was kissing me slowly, savouring my mouth. I think about check the window just to see if he's there but before I came into a conclusion my mom calls me for dinner. It's 9am when i sleep, all that i didn't slept the night before mixed with all the "exercise" from the afternoon make me sleep 10 hours uninterrupted. I get up really excited for the day, the sun is rised and it's a beautiful day, i take a quick shower and go catch some breakfast before knock at Lin's door.
— Good morning mom. — I said almost singing.
— Good Morning honey, why you're so happy? You're never like this in the morning. — She said looking at me suspiciously.
— I'm just happy mom, i can't be happy anymore? Jesus
— Of course you can, but it's strange. Let me guess, Lin is the reason of your happiness? — She ask smirking for me.
— Maybe, why? — I ask drinking my coffee 
— Nothing... i like him, he's a very good boy and he's super respectful and I think he really really likes you. 
— I really like him too mom...
— I can see, your eyes glow when you talk about him, i'm really glad that you found each other honey. — She said cupping my face.
— Me too mom, i have to go now. — I kiss her face and go out listening to her voice saying for me not to came home late. I knock at his door and his mom open for me.
— Good morning Mrs. Miranda, is Lin at home? 
— Good morning Y/N, he's in shower but come in, you can wait for him here, and don't call me that, I'm just Luz for you— She said all too happy, probably Lin told her about us.
— Okay Luz. — She guide me to the couch, i look around and everything is in place, just one or two boxes in the corner now, the decoration in very happy with a lot of color everywhere. — This is so pretty Luz.
— Thank you, i really liked how turned too. Come here let me show you a thing. — We get up and she show me trophys and some papers that belongs to Lin, there's some more things but are from a girl, maybe a sister? He didn't told me he had a sister. She takes a big album and we sit on the couch again, that's the good stuff, the blackmail material.
— This is when he born, tan precioso. — She show me a photo in white and black with a baby Lin in it, so cute. — I never thought that he would became this writing machine that never sleep properly, i blame his father they're exactly the same. — She show me a lot of another photos, in graduations, in piano recitals what apparently he was really good at, in family reunions. He appears when we're almost done, he smile when he see me but then he panic when he realize that his mom is with his kid album.
— Mami, i can't believe you're embarrassing me again. — He said hiding his face with his hands.
— I'm just showing to her como tú eras pequeño e precioso mi hijo. — She said standing up and pinching his red cheek, then she put the album where it was before and go out of the room.
— Stop laughing at me. — He said with the most adorable angry face when i start to laugh. I stand up and kiss his cheek as he touch my back and bring me close pressing his lips against mine. — What are we going to do today baby? 
— Movie? My mom's going to shop what will probably take a while so we can watch it in my house. — He smirk at me. — God, you barely discovered sex and you're already addicted? — What i said make him laugh loudly.
— I'm sorry, so...just a movie. I will just say to my mom so she won't be crazy that I'm not home — He kiss my cheek and go talk to his mom.
After we fight for 10 minutes we finally agree in watch the Ghostbusters, we both have watched it one hundred times but it's just too good. My mom finally go to work and we go to the kitchen to do popcorn and take some snacks. After that we lay on the carpet to watch the movie.
— You never told me that you had a sister. — I said playing with his hair in my finger, his head resting in my lap.
— I thought that i did, anyway she's the best, she prefer to be in our aunt's house for the summer, that's why she isn't here.
— I always wanted to have a sister, but my dad died when I was young and my mom never was the same. 
— I'm so sorry Y/N. — He said cupping my face.
— I'm okay now, was a really long time ago. — I put my hand over his. — What about your father, why i didn't meet him yet? 
— He's in New Jersey for work, he'll probably be here in the weekend, I'll make sure that he meet my girl. — He said pressing our lips quickly.
— Your girl? You didn't even asked me yet. — I said throwing a popcorn in his face.
— I have to? — He said confused.
— No, but it won't harm if you do it.
— Okay, Okay. — He said sitting in front of me and taking my hands, i can't believe he'll really do that. I burst into laughter
— I'm just kidding...
— Shh... I'm concentrating. — He put a finger in my lips and then clean his throat and start...rapping?. — I know I'm not much but my heart belongs to you, even more when I remember of that afternoon, baby I can't take you out of my mind, here holding your hands i ask you, will you be mine? 
— You just made that out of nowhere? Cool
— It's that a yes? 
— Of course it's your dummy. — I said jumping into him kissing his lips, the popcorn that was in my lap spreads to everywhere.
I never thought that I would find love in such a young age and so fast, but i couldn't imagine my life without Lin, he's the only man I loved and will always be, and the felling is mutual by what he say every morning that we wake up together, side by side, i never felt so loved in someone's arms before and i hope this felling last until the day I die. This is the end but not our end, we'll last forever.
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 years
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Oh, so he’s not AS stupid as I thought he was being right now. He has enough foresight to grab a bottle of elixir just in case. I still question how good of an idea it is to bring a monsterfied Eda into public, no matter how well behaved she is. Especially not with Lilith on the lookout for her. If anyone is going to recognize that form, it’d probably be her.
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Alright, so Luz was actually going to ask if she could use Eda’s staff. That’s better than stealing. So anything that happens after this point is King’s fault. Good to know when my babies are in yet another life-or-death situation.
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King: ”Wait, people can hear me even if they’re off screen?”
Luz: ”King, what the heck are you talking about?”
That was pretty funny gag. A subversion of expectation of sorts, cause the second Luz leaves the frame, we don’t expect her to hear anything King says.
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Luz, please don’t break your squishy human body.
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Oh shit, they broke Owlbert! That’s very bad. Very, very bad.
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no comments
ugh, fine, here
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Uh-oh, Owlbert flew into this creepy dark forest.
And actually, Gus, the reason why humans are such good runners is not because of our dorsal fins, but due to our sweat. You see, sweating is a cooling mechanism that increases our endurance. So while humans aren’t the fastest runners out there, we’re among the most persistent. Compare and contrast with, for example, cheetahs and other felines. They’re very fast, but tire quickly.
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The Bat Queen’s kids? Is this the Bat Queen’s cave then? If so, that’s… good news? She didn’t seem all that nefarious back in Lost in Language. Plus, she said she owes Eda a favor, so…
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King has finally found someone weaker than him to push around. I’m so happy for him.
Can’t wait to see how this goes wrong and backfires on him.
More than it already has.
Since it’s sorta his fault Owlbert’s head is cracked.
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Luz, you know dang well you didn’t babysit those Bat Kids, you were too busy running around in the library with your future girlfriend and your future girlfriend’s cooler older siblings.
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