#my first thoughts on this
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mooncaps · 6 months ago
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I do enjoy being pandered to with nostalgic imagery, but it also would've been neat to get something brand new.
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What an absolute delight to see Hotaru happy after all these years of grim duty and tragedy.
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More nostalgia.
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Okay, I think I ship this. Unless they're supposed to be siblings, but they seem extra cuddly. I feel like I rarely know in this franchise when the cousins are actually lesbians and when the devoted and emotionally intimate men really are brothers even in the original. The 90's dub left lasting doubt in me.
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This affected me a bit.
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This also stirred something in me, which caught me by surprise.
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And this affected me a lot.
If I'm being honest, I don't think my deepest heart is truly awake enough to fully appreciate this, but I definitely enjoyed it.
I'm probably gonna need repeat viewings, supplemental materials, and meta analysis to fully understand all of the details. The time travel seems to be a confusing mix of Back to the Future rules and Trunks rules.
I'm thankful that the story was able to be finished at all, but I still would've preferred seasons over movies. There's something to be said for that time spent between episodes, dangling on a cliffhanger, hyping and theorizing about what's to come, as well as for the time spent falling in love with the character and transformation music as it repeats each week.
Yasuharu Takanashi has definitely left a lasting impression on me. I caught half an episode of Boruto that my mom and step-dad were watching and immediately both recognized his style and enjoyed the score. And I definitely loved his work in Cosmos, even though I'm realizing that having time to sit with the music between episodes and hear certain themes repeat lets me savor the flavor even more.
Then there's also the time to let story beats breathe and the time to let characters make more of an impression.
It's been about ten years of hoping to see the missing Animamates fully realized, and most of them got the approximate screen time of a 90's monster-of-the-week (or less.) And I'm assuming their roles weren't very big in the manga (I can finally let myself read that now!) either, like how the Spectre Sisters had smaller roles in the Black Moon Arc than in the 90's counterpart, but I still feel like even they had a bit more presence than most of the Animamates got in this movie. Maybe it's more due to the time in between with the fandom making posts and art than the actual screen time, but either way I don't feel like I got enough of them.
At the end of the day we got what we got and I'm still grateful for it. When I first got on Tumblr in 2011, Crystal hadn't even been announced. As far as any of us knew, the 90's anime was all we would ever get and those manga-exclusive characters and scenes would forever stay in the manga. I remember the hype for this. I remember the bickering about this. I remember when we weren't even sure if the third and fourth arcs were going to happen at all, let alone the fifth. I remember the long and bumpy ride it's taken to finally get here. (Much as I've come to appreciate a little time between installments, ten years for five arcs is perhaps too far in the other direction.) This franchise had already given me a lot of memories and the last ten years with this reboot series have made even more.
I look forward to binge-rewatching the series as a whole, probably the English dub next time. It's gonna feel weird not having a new installment of this reboot to look forward to anymore. I'm really not sure how to process that fact right now.
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karda · 7 months ago
i miss science class bro. we dont put things under microscopes as much as we should
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kaogens · 2 months ago
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i love you weird long miku
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o0kawaii0o · 2 months ago
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M-miss nami sir...
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paintedimagery · 8 months ago
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This is stupid, I spent too long on this lmao
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months ago
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i love comparing the fake stories that each twin was told
(commission info // tip jar!)
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summikomi · 3 months ago
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"four arms and two faces, and this is what you're fascinated by?" sukuna said, watching with feigned disinterest as you poked at the mouth on his stomach.
"you've gotta admit it's really weird. and i'm fascinated by plenty of things about you, believe me. you have no idea how terrifying it was when you pulled out two dicks instead of one." you responded drily, a finger pulling at the crease of the lips, showing the pristine teeth inside.
"does it have a mind of its own or do you control it? is it a subconscious thing?" you asked before he could reply to your dry wit, genuinely curious.
"i don't know, why don't you stick your hand in there so we can find out?" he responded, showing the fangs of his top mouth in a growl.
"you're gonna try to eat my fingers again. does it lead to your normal stomach or is it a different thing? can you even eat with it? can you swallow?"
"i didn't know when you asked for my time i would be teaching an anatomy lesson. again, give it a try, let's see what happens."
"you should be studied in a lab, seriously."
before he could protest to the (frankly, offensive) statement, you shifted a little closer, and with one hand pressed to his navel, placed a gentle kiss on the lips on his tummy.
"what." he hissed, but you didn't offer an answer and instead moved up on your perch above him so you could cuddle up to his chest instead.
"you're so interesting, kuna."
"you are arguably stranger." his voice seemed strained, but you knew well that was just his own stilted reaction to being flustered.
with a contented sigh you snuggled closer to his rapidly beating heart, deciding to give him the mercy of not having to hide his blushing face.
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frownyalfred · 7 months ago
thinking about the expert masseuse Alfred hired for the family that is paid a small fortune annually to provide massage services and ignore so, so many things. No questions, no remarks, just quality service and an ironclad NDA that, if broken, would probably topple said masseuse’s entire family line.
Things Alfred is paying them to ignore, in no specific order:
Bruce’s spinal hardware courtesy of Bane :)
weird amounts of muscle on everyone, even the kids (despite them allegedly not working physical jobs)
FRESH scars
the fact that every joint in Bruce’s body clicks when moved/manipulated at the tender age of 42
Olympic athlete level physiques
rotator cuff injuries across the whole family
scars that are definitely from bullets and/or acid splashes
old signs of what looks like torture (Bruce)
Dick’s entire left arm is basically screws and plates (he “fell really bad” once)
every single family member takes deep tissue massage with max pressure with 0 complaints
no really, the weirdest fucking calluses
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mroddmod · 4 months ago
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they are like puppies. 2 me
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fairydrowning · 8 months ago
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– Noor Unnahar, Instagram account "noor_unnahar"
[TEXT ID: / [Lemons] / My father's mother loved lemons. Years after her passing, / we run out of everything, but never / lemons. / Nothing else shelters grief / better than memory. / It's my father way of saying, / even in your absence, you will be / cared by me. / END ID]
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mooncaps · 17 days ago
So is Alice just fully right about Casey or is there gonna be some other twist to it? I feel like these writers tend to have more unexpected wrinkles. Although, at this point having a character be fully correct and not doing something unexpected would be unexpected. It's a 4-D chess game now.
Speaking of which, where did I put my Bishop?
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gossippool · 6 months ago
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*steeples hands under my chin like i'm sherlock* so you see,
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itsscaredycat · 6 months ago
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beware the IMPOSTOR
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paintedcrows · 5 months ago
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Gravity Text Post (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
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prlssprfctn · 2 months ago
Kinda obsessed with headcanon, where Damian and Jason just randomly (out of nowhere, completely unprompted) start to referring to their shared past in the League in the middle of the family conversations, while everyone just stare at them in concern
Jason, staring at Dick, trying to put Tim's shoulder back: huh, do you remember that one time-
Damian, instantly: when grandfather's shoulder relocated by itself, but instead of properly putting in on its place, he killed himself and mother threw him in the Lazarus Pit?
Jason, cackling: it was hilarious
Damian, no less amused: right?
Bruce, sitting behind them: (concerned sips of tea)
Or, it is not necessarily funny, but it just cute (or sad) details, regarding each other that others are confused about.
Jason, who accidentally fell asleep in the Batcave: (instinctively cards through his hair as he naps)
Tim, teasing: ladies and gentlemen, the criminal lord of the year--
Damian: Drake, bluntly, that's not funny. Back when he was out of the Pit, this was the only thing that could help him to calm down.
Dick, knowing that this is because Bruce constantly stroked Robin!Jason's hair, when he saw nightmares, with eyes full of tears: oh
Jason on the random Friday night, trying to be less awkward about staying with Bruce in one room: actually, Damian's first word was my name
Bruce: really?
Jason: he had, uh, problems with saying his first word. People around him were constantly speaking on both language at the same time, and, I guess, he couldn't figure out what to say. Then, Ra's said that if his heir doesn't get his word in the next two weeks, he will throw him in the Lazarus Pit (as a joke), but I wasn't sure if it was a joke (Talia said later it was), and I panicked, and since Talia wasn't around, I just kept repeating him her name, or just word Mother, but he just, uh, wouldn't say anything - kept blinking and staring at me like a little idiot. And then on a random night, he just grabbed me by the hair, and said, Jason. Food. And he kinda spoke properly since then. Like in full sentences and stuff. I think he just didn't want to speak with us, actually--
Bruce, getting grey hair out of nowhere: RA'S SAID WHAT--
And sometimes they just speak in Arabic, and Damian keeps bullying Jason that his skills are getting rustier.
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puppppppppy · 3 months ago
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Bridge to turnabout doodles
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