#he is just very much searching and trying to fix things while also believing he will only make it worse.
ancha-aus · 1 month
RealAgeAU Drabble - Therapeutic
New drabble drop. The awaited conversation between Dream and Ccino. @spotaus you ready for another gut punch for Dream my friend :D
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no edit or beta! :D
Dream tugs on his vest as he glances at the cafe door.
He sees more people leave. As they have been for the last half hour.
It is fine! There is no reason to be nervous! He is just going to visit a place where someone works and lives who may have been kinda friends with Dream's brother!
The same brother that Dream has been actively working against because he was so convinced he knew better what was going on and instead of talking to his twin Dream decided it was smarter to trust other people's opinions who Dream had only known for a while and who were not close to his brother at all!
The same brother that seems to have disappeared and who Dream is no worried sick about while everyone around him celebrates his disappearance! Again because Dream messed up his job!
Dream leans against the wall and tries to calm his racing soul "it is fine. it is fine. it is fine. the worst that can happen is him telling you to get the fuck out and never return." which would include dream losing his one possible lead to find his brother.
Happy thoughts.
Dream shakes his skull. no. No forced happy thoughts. that is part of the reason he is struggling this much now.
Dream takes adeep breath and mutters to himself "let the fear be there. let it be with you. but don't let it consume you. don't let it keep you from doing what you wish to do." a bit of an exercise that Blue's Undyne had thought of for him. As she also struggles mentally with quite a few things.
Dream nods to himself and slowly nears the door to the cafe. a glance inside. just to make sure he isn't still busy. damnit the cafe is empty.
Well! Here goes nothing and everything!
He pushes the door open.
Ccino looks up and speaks with a practised smile "Welcome to the Cuddly Cat-" he stops and stares.
Dream tries to look calm but can't help himself as he slowly raises his hand and gives it a tiny wave.
Ccino's shock transforms into a glare as he hisses out "Well if it isn't the god that didn't even bother to read his own job description.".
Dream can't help but start laughing. It is almost a relieve! so many people had been trying to cheer him up and reassuring him that everyone messes up and that what he did wasn't that bad. It is so much better. He hadn't realised how badly he wanted at least one person to actually hold him accountable. To actually look him in the face and just straight up tell him he messed up.
Dream smiles brightly at Ccino as he answers "I know right? I made a mess of things… It is just…" he takes a deep breath. the hard part. Why he came here and hoped Ccino would have info. Because over the last few weeks a memory had suddenly stood out to him. cats who all looked and acted so much like others who Dream knew "I heard you have... very special cats and i was hoping to meet them?"
Ccino hesitates. Ccino keeps glaring at him but then his sight turns slightly and Dream can see him eye a piece of paper. Dream glances at it and sees his own pamphlet. He had left them in every universe he could think of to give everyone a quick update.
It is still a lot of work to continue clean up all the hatred he had unknowingly spread and promoted but it was a start.
Ccino sighs but he waves him over "make sure to turn the sign to closed please."
Dream blinks before smiling brightly as he does just that. he steps fully inside and turns the sign.
Ccino goes around quickly and closes the curtains and everything. Then he walks over to a table and just takes a seat.
Dream joins him at the table and smiles "thank you so much for doing this."
Ccino huffs as he leans on his fist "I figured you would keep bothering me otherwise."
It hurts to not be trusted nad Dream wonders if Nighty had to feel this daily. First in their own universe and than still in the multiverse. for over 500 years. actually being able to feel how everyone hated and distrusted him.
Dream rubs his hands "I... i would have respected a no... if you want i can still leave." he doesn't want to lose this chance... but he can't make stuff even worse. He just misses his brother so much. had missed him for so long already.
Ccino just waves it off and looks at him expecting.
Dream swallows and looks around the cafe for a moment before looking back at Ccino "I... i remembered that some of your cats were... special... in their looks and acting.. .and I was wondering... is it a coincidence or..."
Ccino snorts as he leans back "Yes. they are counterparts to other outcodes and important players in the multiverse. No i don't specifically look for them or get them or make them." he rolls his eye lights "They just show up at my front or back door and i let them stay. Sometimes some leave again."
Dream gives a slow nod and manages to gather his nerves "is... is... Is my brother's? Is my brother's cat okay? I... I can't remember seeing his cat and it is my brother! He is a god he has to be important and be here at least." he can't keep the desperate hope in anymore.
Ccino shrugs "being a god doesn't necessarily mean they show up here. it would be rather busy in here otherwise as there is a surprising large number of gods." he huffs and dream can hear Ccino mutter "with multiple universes completely focussed on making gods and having gods."
Dream alughs and nods "that is fair... it is just... i remember seeing a cat that was.. well... me.... I figured.. .there is no way that i would be there and not Nightmare."
Ccino snorts and grins "Every protagonist needs an antagonist after all."
Dream glares at the table before shooting him a glare "no not like that!"
Ccino tilts his skull and grins "relax. Antagonist doesn't automatically mean evil or anything. it means they are someone who goes against the protagonist and their goal." he shrugs "seeing as we both know nightmare had been right and you were wrong. he was still the antagonist in your story."
Dream shakes his skull "he wasn't!"
Ccino glares at him "it isn't like you left him any other role to play."
it hurts so much to know that and Dream glares "i know! Okay?! I know I messed up. I just want to find him and apologise. i need to tell him i am sorry and that he was right." that Dream lvoes him. that he is sorry. and that... that it is okay if nightmare hates him... that dream would deserve that but dream needs to make sure that nightmare knows he is sorry. that Dream regrets everything and is trying to make it right again.
Ccino stares at him before sighing and getting up. he walks towards the cattree and Dream feels his hopes fall. he is going to be send away... not even a single clue and-
very angry cat meowing as Dream watches his own counterpart cat be pushed into a side room and the door to close. Next ccino goes to the counter. He dips behind it and Dream hears a cabinet open.
After he hears panicked meowing as Ccino rises again. in his arms a large cat. maybe a main coone? but Dream feels himself start to hope as he can spot four large tails and one slow blinking cyan eye.
That is... oh fuck... that actually is!
Ccino wlaks over as three cats follow him on the ground. Dream looks at them and it is pretty obvious it are Killer, Cross and Horror. Dream wonders why they are following when he sees the cat and feels his soul grow cold.
Nightmare's.... his cat looks sick and tired.
Ccino sits in a chair closer to Dream as he gently pets the cat. Nightmare's cat purrs and leans into the touches.
Killer's cat jumps on the table and meows loudly before marching over to Ccino's side and nudging his arm. Ccino stops with petting and Killer's cat stands partly in Ccino's lap to nuzzle and clean ngihtmare's cat.
Dream looks at ccino "waht... why is he...?"
Ccino answers softly "sick? tired? older? I don't know. I have no idea what caused this..." he loks so sad as he pets the cat "I never saw anything like this before..."
Dream remembers his own weakening powers. the way he had been slowly but surely loosing his own powers and magic as he has lost his domain.
This confirms it... Nightmare's also lost his... but he was being kept alive by said magic and powers.
Dream raises a shaky hand "can i... cna i try to heal him?" anything. please let him try.
Ccino looks very unsure and loks at the cats before looking back at the door where Dream can hear his own cat version scream its head off.
Ccino sighs and nods "you can try. nothing the vet did seemed to help him much. he is just... much older now according to him."
Dream still tries. he first pets the cat gently. the goop feels strange but comforting. Dream never thought he would think of the goop like that. he had believed for so long that the goop had taken his brother from him. that it was something to be removed. But if the goop was just the apples magic trying to keep him whole? How could dream hate it? How could he hate something that saved his brother?
Now it is his turn.
He holds his hand near the rib cage of the cat and he can see NGihtmare's cat shoot him a suspicious look.
Ccino chuckles "i wouldn't touch a cat's belly if i were you. that is a very strict no-touching zone for most of them, no matter who you are."
dream shoots him a smile "that is okay. i wasn't going to touch him there." and even if he wouldn't mind too much. he focusses the little magic he still has and tries to heal the cat.
His magic doesn't touch anything that could be healed. according to his magic everything going on wiht the cat is natural and normal. there is nothing to heal.
Dream frowns as he pulls his hand back and looks sad at nightmare's cat. Dream can't even help him like this...
Ccino sighs but seems unsurprised "I figured as much... don't feel bad. the vet already tried healing magic himself. I just try to make sure he can relax and rest."
Dream frowns at the door "why keep... my cat version away from him?" doens't he hear how desperate his cat is calling for nightmare's?
Ccino looks to the side and shrugs "i mean... before when these two got near each other your cat would... well... attack... all the time. It was saver for both to keep them seperated. and now wiht him weaker... I just didn't want to risk it." ccino pets the old cat.
Dream's hand forms fists as he glares down. his sockets itch with tears but he forces them in. this isn't about you. this isn't about you. your brother is dying somewhere. this isn't the time to make this about you or your pain. you don't even have the right to feel the pain. you are part if not the whole reason this happened.
Ccino gets up and takes nightmare's cat with him again. Dream wants to stop him. beg him to just let him hold his brother's counterpart. if only for a little while. but he doesn't.
Dream remembers how his own aura and the goop could get when they met in battle. he doesnt want to risk making it worse.
ccino returns to their table. also the other three following him gone again.
Dream feels hopeful and stares at him "his... his gang cats stay with him?"
Ccino blinks but grins "yeah. all the time. there is always at least one wiht him."
Dream sighs and smiles "that is good... that... that should mean he has them with him now right? that he isn't alone?" at least?
Ccino shrugs "it means there is no animosity between them all. that they all care. that is all i am sure about."
drema nods and rubs his arm "why... why don't people remember this? I get why you don't tell but how come no one notices?"
ccino shrugs "i am not sure how. people just don't. if anyone is willing to hurt someone within the cat group? they just.. don't notice or remember. it is why i am even willing to have this conversation. you remembering implies you won't hurt him."
dream feels himself relax and nods "i won't" never again.
Ccino nods "i figured... but that is what i know. i don't have any othr information for you."
dream smiles "that is okay... he is alive... and most likely not alone. that is more than i knew before." he may not be able to find nightmare fast. but he has a place where he can go to check if nghtmare is still alive. and then while he waits for their meeting. Drema can work on himself.
He can work on teaching the multiverse the truth and find his own calling.
Dream can work on his own trauma nad heal.
All while he searches for his brother.
This? This just showed that it isn't too late. His brother is still somewhere and there is time to fix this mess.
It won't be easy. but he can fix this. and that gives him hope.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 32 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley is used to feeling comfortable around you, so when he arrives home and things feel strained, he wants to understand why. The more you tell him about what has you so upset, the more he wants to try to fix everything. But you don't know if he can do anything to mend your confidence.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 5600 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Nat called and texted the next day to check in with you and Noah. It didn't matter how many times you lied and told her that you were just fine, she said she wanted to be sure. But you knew you were barely holding on, and the next two days without Bradley were going to be really hard. 
Because now it wasn't just the USB drive. It was also your hand. And the broken glass. And the way Noah cried. You were currently curled up in Bradley's bed with Noah sound asleep in your arms, and you didn't even want to go to work tomorrow. Your hand was aching, and the gash looked terrible. Even though you had done your best with it, you knew you should have gone for stitches. But you also knew it was too late for that now.
After a moment of contemplation, you decided to keep Noah in bed with you for the night. You opened up your email one more time with the arrival instructions from Bradley even though you had them memorized. But you didn't want to mess this up. 
When you got to work the next morning, while you were still trying to decide if you should report the break in, another layer of embarrassment was added. Dr. Kelly pulled you aside and glanced down at your hand as she said, "Would you like me to take a look at that?" 
You'd done a pretty terrible job of bandaging it up on your own. "Sure," you said softly, and she unwrapped it and winced.
"This didn't happen at work, did it?"
"No," you replied quickly. "At home."
She met your eyes with startled ones. "This is a nasty, irregular cut. You live with your boyfriend, correct?" When you nodded, she added, "If there's any sort of issue with... violence at home, please know that you can always come to me."
Your jaw dropped open, and you gasped. "No! He's not even here, he's deployed! It was an accident!"
"Okay," she said right away. "I believe you. Let me get it cleaned up. It's looking angry, and you should have probably gone somewhere for stitches over the weekend."
Instead of responding, you silently followed her to one of the exam rooms where she carefully disinfected your palm and applied an adhesive that would work on your skin. "I can reapply it later this week for you."
"Thanks." As you got back to work, you were starting to think you should have reported the incident with the police. Panic rose inside you as you were instructed to prepare some vaccination syringes for the ten year old in exam room five. 
Should you wait until Bradley got home on Wednesday? Should you call the police after work today? Your cut up hand was bad enough, but Noah could have been the one who got hurt. And you'd honestly never be able to forgive yourself if something happened to him. You had protected him from Meredith in the park, so why was this any different?
You rushed back to Bradley's house after work and ran inside, completely exasperated by his old man tendencies. You had to search for the list of phone numbers he gave you which would have been much better if he just saved them to your contacts in your phone.
Noah needed to be picked up in the next forty minutes, and you didn't know how long she would be in her office, but you tried to reach Tracy anyway. When you gave your name to her receptionist, you were shocked that he put you right through to Bradley's lawyer.
"I hope Bradley thanked you for me. The Red Bulls were very sweet of you."
You laughed at Tracy in spite of the fact that you felt like crying. "It's the least I could do." Then you took a deep breath and said, "I was wondering if there is any way you can help me? I don't want to end up with Bradley having to pay you if you give me advice over the phone or anything like that. But I think I need some help right now even though he should be back on Wednesday."
"Your boyfriend basically has me on retainer for you. What do you need?" Tracy asked.
"Retainer?" you asked. No, that couldn't be right.
"I was given explicit instructions to help you with anything you might call about. We're not going to worry about any billing, because he certainly wasn't worried, okay? What can I do for you?"
You sucked in a deep breath as you paced around the kitchen. You felt defeated. That damn USB drive was on top of the refrigerator. The coffee machine you could barely figure out how to use was on the counter. The list of phone numbers in Bradley's handwriting was on the table. So you walked out back and forced yourself to say, "I think Meredith broke into my rental which I had already moved out of. And I saw her at a gas station before that."
There was a long enough pause that you were about to repeat yourself, but then she said, "I think that if she did break into your rental, it was purely out of spite. Because I actually have some news about Meredith that I was waiting to tell Bradley. But I think you and I should have a conversation first, and then you should decide if you want to call the police."
Bradley just wanted to get off this aircraft carrier. He had one night left in this fucking bunk with Carl, and then he could go home to his cozy house and sweet son and your warm, welcoming body. Maybe you'd let him snuggle with you and Noah on the couch, and then after Noah's bedtime, he could take you to bed. He couldn't stop thinking about every single way he wanted to have you. And then he could fall asleep with you wrapped up in his arms and your soft breath on his skin.
He was almost getting hard just thinking about it. It had been a long time since he had someone to come home to, someone who was waiting just for him. He felt like he wanted to reward you for it. God, he wanted to give you everything. He had to tuck his hands up behind his head in his bunk and force himself to try to go to sleep. But he dreamed about your voice and your fingertips on his face.
The following day went quickly as they docked in the afternoon. Once he was able to text you, Bradley was pleased to see that you were more responsive.
I'm docked, Princess. We got in a little early, but I haven't deboarded yet. I know you're at work, but I can't wait to see you whenever you can come pick me up.
My Princess: I'll be there by four with Noah. We missed you so much!
When he was able to finally collect his things and start down the ramp, Bradley's heart was thudding in his ears. It wasn't four o'clock yet, and he knew he might have to wait for you to get there, but then he was pleasantly surprised. As he started walking along the fence to the parking lot, he spotted his Bronco in the last aisle. You had parked it away from everything and everything else, and that brought a smile to his face. 
And then he saw you, carrying Noah and hurrying toward him in your new work scrubs that he hadn't even seen yet. A smile broke out on his face as he rushed to close the distance. "Noah! Princess!"
"Daddy!" Noah squealed with delight, practically jumping from your arms to his. Bradley wrapped Noah up in his right arm and kissed him all over his face, reaching for you at the same time with his free hand. "I love you, Bub. Did you have fun with Princess?"
But you hesitated. And when Bradley met your eyes, he was still reaching for you, but you were only very slowly stepping toward him. "Come here," he rasped, slipping his arm around your waist until you were snug at his side. "I love you." Those words seemed to do the trick as you melted against him, and your chin tipped up as you looked at him.
"I missed you so much," you told him, your voice soft and maybe a little sad? And Bradley kissed you hard and heady in front of everyone including Noah, letting his hand rest on the swell of your butt. He didn't care. You belonged with him. He wanted you there forever. 
But even though you were clinging to his uniform shirt now and returning his kisses with a soft moan, he could tell you were holding back. He trailed a few kisses along your jaw back toward your ear and whispered, "I love you, Baby," and you shivered for him. But when he reached for your hand, he found it was bandaged up. And you looked at him with barely concealed frustration. He could just tell something was wrong. 
"What happened?" he asked, repositioning Noah in his arm and letting his son's cheek rest on his shoulder. He kissed your fingers and ran his thumb along the bandage. "What's wrong with your hand?"
You tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let you. "Can we talk about it later? Tonight?"
"Yeah," he agreed, suddenly even more apprehensive. "We can."
"Great," you replied, leading the way to the Bronco with your fingers loosely tangled with his. And while Bradley walked with his lips pressed to his son's forehead and his duffle bag on his back, he was worried about you. 
You were still quiet when the three of you pulled into the driveway and headed inside. "I have a lasagna ready to go in the oven," you told Bradley when he followed you into the kitchen. "Should we start doing your laundry?"
He laughed softly as he put Noah down in one of the chairs and dropped his bag to the floor. "Princess," he whispered, reaching for your soft cheek. "Baby, I don't care about my laundry. I don't even really care about dinner, but I love that you have something ready to go. I just want you to tell me what's bothering you."
He watched you swallow hard, and he thought he saw your eyes dart toward the top of the refrigerator. "Bradley," you muttered.
"You know I thought about you nonstop, right?" he whispered, remembering how it felt to have his fist connect with Carl's face as he made sure he got his polaroid back. "On repeat. I just wanted to be home." He kissed your lips over and over again, stroking your soft skin with his thumb. "So I'll take care of whatever has you upset. You know I will."
You just nodded and let your eyes flutter closed. And all you offered him was one word. "Later."
After dinner was eaten and cleaned up, Bradley spent some extra time giving Noah a bath. The tub was absolutely filled with toys, and Bradley ended up removing his soaking wet undershirt, kneeling on the floor in just his underwear and service khakis. "I missed you so much," he said, kissing his son over and over again. "But I know you had fun with Princess."
Noah held out a green duckie for Bradley to take before he said, "I want Princess to be my mommy." 
Bradley met brown eyes that matched his, and he easily said, "I do too, Bub. She would be really good at it." You already were good at it. But something was wrong, and he needed to figure it out. The two of you weren't acting the way he had hoped you would after being apart for weeks. And now he was questioning whether or not you'd actually want to marry him someday.
It was late. Definitely after Noah's usual bedtime. He was yawning now, but Bradley had been so excited to see him, he let him stay up. With one more big yawn, Bradley scooped his son out of the tub with a towel and drained the water. Then he stopped in the living room where you were sitting on the couch, and he let Noah give you a goodnight kiss. And he leaned down and kissed your cheek as well. "I'll be back out in a minute. We'll talk."
"Okay," you said softly, and then Bradley was thankful that Noah was already falling asleep as soon as he was in bed. On his way back out to the living room, he stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of merlot and a bag of Skittles he had stashed away. 
After he opened the bottle and took a sip, he met you in the living room. Your gaze took in his naked torso as you bit your lip, and when he handed you the wine with no glass, you took a sip from the bottle as well. 
"Let's talk?" he asked, settling down next to you. He opened the bag of candy and patted his thigh. "And snuggle? I've been saving the wine and Skittles for our reunion, but you'll have to remind me which color goes best with merlot."
He could tell you were trying not to smile as you scooted across the couch and onto his lap while you sipped the wine. "Red, Daddy. Red Skittles pair with merlot."
"Yes," he rasped, kissing the side of your neck. "That's right. Now that I'm all yours again, just like I'm supposed to be, why don't you tell me what's bothering you?"
You handed him the bottle in favor of the candy, and you crunched on a few pieces before you said, "I moved all of my stuff in. And I used your address for my new hire paperwork."
Bradley had to hold back a moan. That sounded so fucking perfect to him, he wanted to take you on the floor right now, right in the middle of the area rug. But instead he just tightened his arm around your waist. "Mmhmm, you know just want to say to make me happy. And you did so great with Noah. I knew you would be perfect, Princess."
But then you met his eyes and held up your bandaged hand. "I had to call Tracy on Monday," you said, and Bradley's heart dropped. 
You pressed your lips together and looked down at the bottle of wine before taking it from his hand and drinking some more. "I saw Meredith at the gas station near Noah's daycare," you whispered, your voice soft and harsh. 
"She broke the restraining order?" he growled. "What the fuck?"
"It was just a gas station," you replied quietly. "And I think she was already there when I pulled in." Bradley was about to rage, but then you kept going. "But then someone broke into my rental, and I cut my hand when Noah was with me. And it must have been Meredith, so I called Tracy, because you weren't here, and I wasn't sure what to do." When you took a deep breath there was a little sob with it that made Bradley clench with the need to protect you. 
"Shit! I wish you didn't have to do this by yourself," he replied, heart skipping faster. "But I'm proud of you. What did Tracy say about Meredith?"
"She helped me file a police report, and they said they are looking for evidence, but my landlord is pissed off that the window is broken. He was supposed to have a new renter move in this week, and he's threatening me about paying for another month. He told me to fix the glass, but the police won't even let me. And you and I are supposed to go meet up with Tracy tomorrow." You hiccupped when you finished talking. 
"Shh," Bradley said, setting the bottle down on the end table and pulling you to his body so your cheek came to rest on his chest. "Baby, I'll take care of it. But back up, and go slow. Did Meredith threaten you or Noah?"
You shrugged against his body, and Bradley focused on every single word you had to say about the gas station and your broken windowpane and the note that was left. And how the police and Tracy both agreed that there's probably not enough evidence to prove anything one way or the other. And then you seemed wrung out as a tear slid down your cheek when you said, "Tracy did tell me that Meredith was on trial for the fraud charges I brought up against her during the custody hearing. When I saw her at the gas station, she told me I ruined her life. And then my window was smashed, probably just because she's such a horrible bitch."
"Make sense," he mumbled against your hair. No wonder he had several unread emails from Tracy that he knew he still needed to go through. Shit. You'd dealt with an awful lot in his absence. He wondered if that meant Meredith was being sentenced. "And we have an appointment with Tracy tomorrow?"
"Yes," you whispered, curling up tighter against his body. "During my lunch break."
"Okay." He kissed your forehead and ran his hands up and down your back. "I'm still off tomorrow. I'll drop you off at work in the morning, and then I'll come back for you whenever you want. And we'll go talk to Tracy, and I promise you, I will take care of everything." You were practically shaking as he added, "Because you take care of us."
You were nodding as you finally looked up at him, and as angry as Bradley was about more bullshit from Meredith, you and Noah were safe. And Tracy would probably have more information for him tomorrow. But right now, you needed someone to take care of you for a minute. "I love you," he promised, considering how exhausted you looked. "Let's take a shower and get in bed?"
Whether you were nodding in agreement or because you were still shaky, Bradley wasn't sure. But he carried you into the bathroom and set you down gently as he turned the shower on. Once you were undressed he helped you in and carefully unwrapped the bandage on your hand. There was a jagged cut on your palm that made his heart lurch. "I'll clean it and rebandage it, Princess," he said, trying to hide the anger in his voice. You didn't deserve any of the shit you'd repeatedly gone through since you met him.
"Okay," you whispered, and as soon as he was out of his khakis and underwear, you were pulling him in with you. Bradley was helpless in his feelings for you. Very carefully, he took his time and washed you so you didn't irritate your cut further. And he let himself just enjoy the feel of your body against his as he gently held your hand.
When he turned the shower off, he wrapped you in a towel and carried you to the bedroom. Everything looked exactly as it should: your purple crown was on his bedpost, everything was tidy, and the bed looked inviting. But you still didn't look relaxed as he helped you into his gray sweatpants and a soft undershirt before bandaging your hand again.
"What will make you feel better?" he asked, pulling on clean underwear as you climbed into bed. "Tell me, and I'll do it. I just want you to know how much I missed you and how happy I am that you moved all your stuff in while I was away."
You peeled the blanket back on his side of the bed and whispered, "Snuggle with me?" 
You looked so perfect and innocent, and Bradley slid in bed with you and collected you in his arms. "Come here, Baby. Let me tell you how much I love you."
You started to fall asleep in Bradley's arms while he rubbed small circles on your back through his undershirt which you were wearing. You had been on the brink of erupting into tears all night, and you hadn't even mentioned the USB drive. And now that he was home, you didn't know if you were strong enough to bring it up at all. 
If he knew it was in that box in the attic, then you were going to make a fool of yourself. And if he forgot about its existence, he was going to think you were snooping through his things even though he gave you permission to use the attic. Either way, you weren't going to mention it, at least not yet. 
There were too many other things to think about anyway. Like whether or not the police found anything in your rental. And how you were going to fix the window. And if Meredith was actually going to attempt something with you or Noah, or if she was just bitter that she might be facing jail time. 
"Daddy," you whispered, and Bradley's arm tightened around you as he kissed the top of your head.
"Just sleep, Baby. I'll be right here."
As you dozed off, you realized you didn't have to be on full alert at the moment. For the first night in so long, you could just sleep and know he was with you and Noah. And then you were out. 
Next thing you knew, it was light inside the bedroom, and Bradley was waking you up with gentle kisses on your face. You reached for him, and then his body weight was on top of you as he chuckled. "Baby, we'll be late."
"Good, I want to stay in bed all day," you whined, but soon you were dressed in your scrubs and making breakfast while Bradley got Noah ready for daycare. You hated the way you felt like you were holding back being as physical as you wanted to be with your boyfriend. 
And then a flash of panic shot through you. He must have been expecting you to have sex with him last night, when instead you fell asleep as a bundle of nerves. You were still a bundle of nerves, but now you felt like crying as well. But he was acting so normal when he brought Noah into the kitchen to eat pancakes. "Just leave the mess in the sink, and I'll take care of it later," he said casually, reaching for your good hand to give you another kiss. 
But you were thinking about the USB drive, and your meeting with Tracy and your job. And you barely kissed him back this time. "Okay," you agreed before picking at your breakfast. 
Bradley looked concerned now, and he continued to look concerned a little later as he pulled into Noah's daycare parking lot. "I can take him in," you muttered, but he had already turned off the Bronco's engine. 
"Let's go together," he replied, eyeing you skeptically as he climbed out to get Noah. And when you were walking in, side by side, Bradley asked, "Will you tell me what else is on your mind?"
You just shook your head, because you didn't want to get into this right now. But he took your hand anyway.  And of course the same girl was working at the front desk with her clipboard. 
"Lieutenant Bradshaw! Good morning!"
"Hi, Casey," he replied smoothly, his fingers laced with yours. 
"How was your deployment? We really missed you here." She gave you some serious side eye, and you just knew she wished you weren't even around.
"It was fine," he replied, setting Noah down and kissing him. And then Noah turned to you for a hug before he walked back to the playroom. Then Bradley tugged you a little closer to him and wrapped his arm around you before signing the clipboard with the back of your body snug up against the front of his. He kissed your neck while Casey watched. "Let's go before you're late for work, Princess," he whispered next to your ear. 
He handed the clipboard to Casey without even looking at her, and you were so mixed up inside, you wanted to scream. Five minutes ago, you were dreading the idea of being intimate with Bradley without showing him the USB drive first, and now you wanted to fuck him in the front seat of the Bronco.
"Listen," he said, voice stern as he pulled out into traffic and headed toward your medical complex. "Something is bugging you. I want you to be honest with me. After we talk to Tracy together, you and I are having a conversation later today. And by the end of that conversation, I want you and I to feel the way we are supposed to feel again. Because you moved all your stuff into the house, which I think is us officially taking the next step in our relationship. And I'm used to feeling comfortable when I'm with you. Okay?"
You pressed your lips together. There was no getting around it now. "Yes."
"I really like Tracy and all, but I was hoping I'd never have to come here again," Bradley said as you and he rode the elevator up to her office. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered, running your hands down the front of your now wrinkly scrubs. "It's probably my fault."
Bradley did a double take. "Your fault? How would this possibly be your fault, Baby?"
You sighed and exited the elevator, and Bradley just wanted you to look happy again. "Because I'm the one who mentioned all of Meredith's insider trading and shady deals in the first place."
"Hey," he said, leading you down the hallway with his hand at your back. "This is one hundred percent Meredith's fault. And the fraud charges were probably coming whether or not we said anything about it during the custody hearing."
Then Tracy's receptionist was waving the two of you past his desk without question, and Bradley thought that was either a very good or a very bad sign.
"Meredith is in custody," Tracy announced as soon as her office door was closed behind Bradley. 
You gasped and said, "She's in prison."
"Yes. Now have a seat," she replied, pointing to the small conference table. "Because we have some things to discuss. Welcome home, Bradley." Then she set down a copy of Meredith's mugshot and arrest information.
"What a warm welcome," he muttered, skimming the paperwork. "She turned herself in?"
"She did," Tracy told him, taking the empty seat across the table and cracking open a Red Bull. "Probably broke the window at your place for fun as her last hurrah before turning herself in."
"Did the police find anything?" you asked her. "My landlord is so mad about the window."
Tracy just kind of shrugged. "Like I told you before, it's probably a lost cause. Nobody picked anything up on a doorbell camera, and it's impossible to tell exactly when it happened since you haven't actually been living there for a few months." You nodded, and then Tracy asked, "But if they do find evidence, would you like to press charges?"
"No," you replied immediately, and Bradley leaned in a little closer.
"Are you sure? We can absolutely press charges if you want to."
"Come on, Bradley," you said quietly, even though Tracy could still hear. "I don't want to cost you any more money. And I can't afford Tracy on my own." 
You looked at him with pleading eyes, and he leaned in even closer to you. How many times had the two of you had this fucking conversation? Too many for him to keep track of, and it annoyed him every single time. "Look at me," he whispered when you started to turn away. As soon as you met his eyes again, he kissed you softly. But his voice was rough around the edges as he said, "I would defend you with my life. Why would my money be any different? Why is that the thing that is always too much for you?"
With a soft gasp, you gaped at him. "Your life?"
"Yes, of course," he said, brow furrowed. "So I really need you to stop making a fuss about everything else. Because it doesn't matter compared to you. Or compared to Noah. Or compared to us. And I'm getting pretty fucking sick of having this conversation over and over again with you."
"Bradley," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chanced a glance at Tracy, but she was simply scrolling on her phone now. And he could hear tears in your voice as you said, "Money isn't as important as you either."
"Exactly," he growled, holding you tight. "Fuck, Princess... don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. But if you want to press charges, if there's even a reason to press charges, I will gladly pay for Tracy. She's expensive as hell, because she's very good."
"That's right," Tracy murmured, still scrolling.
You pulled away from him and kissed his scarred cheek a few times before you said, "Can I think about it? I mean, Meredith was probably just acting like a petty bitch because she could."
"We can wait for a police report," Tracy supplied, setting down her phone. "And I can get more information about Meredith as well."
You nodded and looked up at Bradley. "That's what I want to do."
"Then that's what we'll do," he agreed right away. 
"Tracy, do you know when I'll be able to replace the window? My landlord is threatening me with another month of rent."
She just snorted. "Send me a copy of your lease agreement. I'll make him cry."
When the three of you stood, Bradley could tell you seemed more relaxed, and he kissed the now dry tears from your cheek. "How much do I owe you for today?" Bradley asked Tracy as he took your bandaged hand in his.
"No worries. I'll bill you."
"Worth every cent," Bradley told you once again as you rode the elevator back down. 
You had your head resting on his chest as you pulled out your phone, and he could see your screen as you said, "Dr. Kelly texted me. She told me to just take the rest of the afternoon for myself."
"Do you want to head home?" he asked as you tucked your phone away again.
"Yeah, I'll make us lunch."
"Perfect," he replied. "And then we can talk."
And you seemed fine on the way home, changing radio stations in the Bonco and talking about how you hoped Meredith would have to serve the full fifteen years she was being threatened with. Bradley didn't really give much of a fuck about Meredith as long as you felt safe and happy. As long as things went back to normal for the three of you. 
But as soon as you walked into the kitchen, you seemed apprehensive once again. He watched you carefully get some butter and cheese out of the refrigerator, claiming you were in the mood for a grilled cheese sandwich. But then you tossed everything onto the counter and spun to face him. 
"I can't take it any more, okay?" You were nearly shouting at him, fists clenched at your sides. Your pretty face was all pinched like you were in pain. 
"What?" Bradley asked, rushing to you. "What's wrong?" And then he saw one rogue tear streak down your cheek. Something was making you cry again, and he needed to know what it was. 
"She's so many things that I know are horrible, but she's also so many things that I wish I could be... but I'm just not." You took a deep breath and reached up on your tiptoes to take something down from the top of the refrigerator. "I just want to know why it's here, okay?" you asked him, your hands shaking as you reached out with a blue USB drive on your bandaged palm. "Just don't lie to me about why you have this, Bradley. I know it's a few years old, but I just don't understand why you had it in the attic with Noah's baby clothes."
He took it in his own hand, and it seemed familiar. When he looked up and met your eyes, you were crying and trying to swipe the tears away. "I'm confused..." 
You pointed at his laptop which was charging on the table, and said, "Just tell me the truth," as you sobbed. 
Bradley opened the computer and tried to keep a wary eye on you at the same time. But as soon as he inserted the USB drive and the folder automatically opened up, he heard you softly say, "I can't," before you rushed out of the room. 
He was still baffled as he tapped on the video thumbnail. And then he wanted to throw the computer across the room. His blood ran cold as he remembered making this video. The details were hazy, but when he heard himself tell Meredith that he loved her, he wrenched the drive back out of the laptop and heard it clatter across the floor as he ran after you.
Fix it now, Daddy!! You better fix it! I hope you enjoy your babysitter story @beyondthesefourwalls and thank you @mak-32
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ssinboo · 2 years
Midnights To Come
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summary: After finding campus heartthrob Kim Mingyu absolutely butchering his trousers trying to fix the hole he'd busted in them, you offer his your sewing abilities. As retribution, he thinks that nothing is more fitting than his ultimate mission: getting you laid.
You and Mingyu spend an unforgettable night together.
pairing: University!AU - Popular!Mingyu x Unpopular!F!Reader, reader does read on the thicker side? Nothing specific.
word count: 6.8k (30~ minute read)
warnings: protected sex (finally), fingering (F rec), drinking, partying
a/n: Thank you so much for the love <3 This is mostly inspired by Taylor Swift's older music lol I'm starting a new job soon, so I'll be mostly MIA for march and perhaps april TT
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Kim Mingyu was the ex-boyfriend of a friend’s friend’s cousin, unforgettably handsome with the sort of beauty that belonged in Hollywood. A very tall glass of gorgeous with an incredible personality to boot, that’s why everyone adored him. He was majoring in business to follow in his father’s footsteps but was a star at football and made sure no one would forget just who was the best lineman on their amateur team. 
And you’d met once or twice, briefly. Definitely not enough for him to come even close to becoming acquainted with your existence, but more than sufficient for him to leave his mark. He was a campus Idol, a guy you admired for his popularity and his way with people.
It was at a senior’s party your friend had dragged you to, that you met again. You were quietly searching for some solace in an empty room upstairs, when you saw him fiddling with his pants – It was hard not to notice his large frame struggling with a pair of jeans in the dark bedroom corner.
Being quite fair, at first you believed he was relieving himself, carnally. That was a puzzling sight as horrifying as it would be— I mean, the man had lines of women throwing themselves to be his, why would he just jerk off?  And then, you noticed the stapler he was using to completely butcher the fabric in a desperate way to fix the large hole. 
“Oh my God, just stop!” You exclaim, not being able to watch such abuse any longer. He was known to wear brand-name goods and just the thought of high quality fabric being assaulted by staples made your skin churn.
You, however, had totally forgotten to announce your presence. 
Mingyu jumps, falling off the bed in a split-second, clashing into the carpet with a thunderous thump. Eyes blown wide like a moose in headlights, he stares at you from his half-down half-on-the-bed position, suddenly, completely aware of his nakedness.
“Oh- Fuck–!” He exclaims, stumbling off the bed and pulling the jeans to cover his brand-name boxers.
“OH!” You also seem to realise how inappropriate it was to simply barge into his intimate moment with the stapler. “I’m sorry!” You yell from behind your palms, eyes tightly shut. 
“...No problem?” It sounds more of a question than anything. I mean, it was the polite thing to say when someone says “I’m sorry” however, there was a problem. 
“Do you need any help?” You ask, still muffled and hidden behind your hands. Mingyu has no idea on how to reply, he is familiar with those words, especially coming from a lady, but this scenario is totally different from the sexy ones he’s accustomed to. “I’m a seamstress,” Your brain urges for an explanation, as to make the situation somewhat less awkward.
He seems to be content with that. “You are?”
“Yes!” You turn around, fishing around your purse for a small sewing kit, pink plastic box with teeny tiny everything. “I have some needles and thread.” 
“Oh, thank God!”
That’s how you find yourself sitting on some stranger’s bed with a half-naked Mingyu – You’re carefully patching up the seams on his jeans while he sits cross-legged with a pillow between his legs. 
Who would’ve known that years into University, your closest call with a boy would be such a weird scenario. Sitting with the campus heartthrob as you stitch up his busted trousers. What a story to tell your friends. 
“I’m Mingyu, by the way,” He breaks the awkward silence, reaching out his hand; He then realises you are occupied and takes it back.
You tell him your name, eyes glued to the intricate detailing on the garment.
“Are you new here?” He asks, curiously studying your face.
“No,” You mutter, holding a needle between your lips so you can inspect your stitches. 
“How come we’ve never met?” 
“We have.”
Mingyu adjusts himself, leaning closer, “No”
“You dated my friend’s friend’s cousin,” You explain, though it doesn’t help.
“I’ve dated plenty of friends’ friends’ cousins’,” Mingyu half-chuckles, practically patting himself on the back for that one. 
You roll your eyes, “We met once or twice, nothing major.”
“I would’ve remembered you.” 
“You didn’t,” Laughing, you don’t even notice he’s taken offence to his own forgetfulness.
“I don’t forget a pretty girl,” It is said as a matter of factly, a worldly known truth of sorts.
“You haven’t.” 
“I forgot you, apparently,” Mingyu is more frustrated than you’d expect – Than anyone would expect for such a laid back guy.
“I’m not pretty, though?” 
Oh, he is furious at such a statement, “What?! Of course you are. You are a solid 7.5, no joke, dude.”
A solid seven point five? Wow. Coming from anyone else, that could be taken as an offence, I mean, what about you made them go so high up the scale yet not even give a full number? But you were talking about THE Kim Mingyu.
That not only tickles your ego in the right spot, but does get a good laugh out of you. Mingyu laughs along, not fully grasping the humour of it, but enjoying the sound of your giggles. 
“Thanks,” You smile, pulling out your scissors to clip the last of your thread. “Here, it’s done.” 
He widens his eyes, “So fast?!” 
With a nod, you put everything back in your pocket kit. Mingyu excitedly inspects his trousers and his jaw falls open once he can’t locate where your repairs are. 
“It’s perfect!”
You smile, “Great!” 
“Wow. You are some kind of sewing genius! Thanks! You saved my life”
Mingyu proceeds to rant about how great you are and how amazing your skills are and you should totally work with sewing – you are, and that you should make clothes – you do. All because you are just that good – from a small repair. 
You were happy with just helping him, seeing it as a finished mission, ready to pack up and head home but he would not have that, oh, no. Mingyu was laser focused on repaying your kindness – he said he hates owing people so you had to accept.   His manner of retribution? Partying and maybe, if you got lucky, getting you laid. It was his mission now.
So he dragged you downstairs to meet his inebriated friends, all surprisingly welcoming and not nearly as douchy as you’d expected – Soonyoung was especially keen on having you accompany him on the dance floor. Even drunk, his abilities surpassed any of your own and he absolutely demolished the floor with his intricate choreo. 
Seokmin pulled you from the dance floor to join him on a cheesy karaoke battle, the one feat no man can accomplish being as stone-cold sober as you were. His usually impeccable vocals suffered under the alcohol and strained over high-notes. So you just plucked the first poor soul you saw in the crowd to substitute you as Seokmin’s duet.  
Stumbling through the crowd and away from the karaoke, you finally find Mingyu, giving him “Help me” eyes. He laughs softly at your predicament, stumbling from his friend’s shoulder to wrap his arm around your neck — his exaggerated stature almost sent you crashing down. 
“Come on, no one caught your eye?” He slurs his words, wild tongue running over his pretty lips, classic red solo cup dangerously dangling from his long fingers. You can see from up close the drunken blurriness that glazes his pretty eyes with unhinged impulsiveness.
You chuckle, remembering his goal was to set you up for a “Hot date”. 
“Not at all. But I had fun.” 
“Whaat?!” He whines in frustration, stepping forward so you’re facing each other. His arm is still heavily draped over your shoulders. “You didn’t have fun!” 
“I did!” You argue.
“No…” Mingyu pouts.
“I did! I promise,” Offering him a smile, you await his response. 
“Have a drink with me?” 
God, he was a pro at puppy-dog-eyes. With pouty lips, glistening under the remnants of his drink and sparkling eyes with furrowed brows. 
“I don’t– I don’t drink,” You’re so upset with the idea of disappointing him and his adorable pout though he barely pays it any mind. 
“Then we can do something else! Come on!” 
“No, Mingyu–!” 
But he’s dragging you away from the party, placing the edge of his cup between his teeth so he can snatch his coat from the hangers on his way out. You’re stumbling under his weight and hurried steps, but the night air feels so refreshing after the stuffy frat house you practically forget his intentions. 
The house behind you thumps under the song that blasts through its brick walls, colourful LEDs flashing from open windows. The front yard feels almost completely separate from the party inside, a world apart from the drunk atmosphere that holds the stifling rooms. 
Mingyu drags you toward the pavement and standing before his car, you feel your stomach drop once you see him press the button to open the door. 
“Mingyu– You– You’re drunk. You can’t drive,” You stumble over your words, nervously fidgeting with your clothes, even if you left right now, would he still drive?
“I won’t. You’re sober,” He says as a matter of factly and you hadn’t even considered driving this insanely expensive sports car. 
Mingyu opens the driver’s door and stands there, gesturing for you to get in. A true gentleman. With a relieved breath, you do. 
It’s a convertible – Of course, it is, no other car would fit his personality as well. The chassis is coloured a blinding firetruck red and the rims are a polished silver, it’s so clearly well-maintained you feel nervous about driving it. The leather seats smell so vividly of his cologne, woody and fresh.
Mingyu closes your door and jogs to his seat, he jumps over his door with ease, settling onto the beige leather seat with a soft thump.
“Here’s ignition, turn signals, speed and all that,” He leans over and points to each item. 
“Is it stick?”
“Nah, I had it modified, it’s completely automatic.” 
“Wow, disappointed in you… I thought you’d drive stick like a real man,” You tease, leaning over to check the height for the seat – It’s obviously too far back so you adjust it forward.
“Too busy getting my dick sucked to worry about changin’ gears,” He sticks his tongue between his teeth, leaning back with a proud smile. 
“Oh, god,” You groan, “Should I be touching any surface on this car?”
You laugh.
After putting on your seatbelt, you look over and notice that of course, he’s not wearing his. With a roll of your eyes, you lean over and pull the seat belt over his chest. Mingyu would’ve flinched had he not been tipsy, his eyes linger on your body over his, how your left hand holds the belt at his chest while your right hand fiddles with the lock. 
And you have such pretty long lashes that flutter along your cheeks as you focus on finding the clip for the belt. A soft furrow between your brows, you’re sighing and biting on your lower lip; He notices the pretty shade of red that you wear.
But you’re already done and it’s clipped on with a satisfying click. 
“Driver’s rules, shotgun shuts his mouth,”  You say before he can protest the safety measures.
You smile so brightly, happily turning back to the wheel, excited over this incredible machine that lays in your hands. More than the alcohol in his bloodstream, your joy is intoxicating.  
And the car comes alive with a satisfying roar, you feel the soft vibrating from the wheel course up your wrists. For you, following the speed limit felt perfect, the wheel turned so smoothly and the pedals felt the perfect height. But the little devil on the passenger’s seat kept egging you on to go faster. 
Caving to his wishes, you take the highway out of town, breezing through asphalt with no sight of other cars. The confidence that such a smooth ride gives is true, you feel yourself steadily increasing the speed much to Mingyu’s satisfaction.
The wind in your hair, caressing your face with the exhilarating night air, the thrilling constant hum of such a potent engine working to your heart’s content. Nothing could beat the constellation of artificial lighting that lit the night scenery, every building held its own collection.
“Where should I go?” You ask, suddenly remembering you’re supposed to have a destination, your eyes absolutely glued to the road. 
“Somewhere nice,” Mingyu hums, thinking for a second.
He leans back, his left hand is carelessly draped over your headrest and you can feel his fingers fidget with your hair so unconsciously. Any of his go-to destinations were made for getting hot and heavy, which wasn’t the goal tonight; He wanted to repay you for helping him out and you hadn’t shown any interest in… other manners of payment. So it left him with only one option. 
“Take a left next turn,” He says, leaning forward to dig through the glovebox. 
Mingyu finds a pair of sunglasses, putting them on despite the very obvious lack of Sunlight. He offers you a spare set, and though you’d love to enjoy wearing Prada sunglasses that probably cost more than your entire net worth, you also enjoy seeing anything on the road. So you push them on top of your head, pushing your hair back. 
Somewhere along the deserted road, Mingyu grabs the AUX cord, connecting it to his phone and going through his very generic musical taste. But the atmosphere is so perfect you can’t help but enjoy the bubblegum pop blasting from the dashboard. You even sing along. 
It’s a comfortable silence, filled with Pop music and laughter. 
You drive for almost an hour under his strict directions, until you reach a dirt road. There’s an alarm blaring in your mind, realising that you’re far from civilization, in the middle of nowhere with a total stranger. I mean, serial killers were always described as charismatic, right? 
Making a deal with yourself, you decide that if he does anything even remotely suspicious you’re running the car off the road. You’ll die, but he’ll go with you.
Against your anxiety, however, he tells you to pull up at a clearing just ahead and once you arrive, there’s no doubt on why he chose this place.
From atop this hill, you can see far into the city, its blinding lights nothing but tiny stars on the horizon, the noise pollution of a bustling metropolis is totally gone and replaced by the calming murmurs of nature. Before he can even say anything, you’re leaving the car to admire such a view. 
The moon is full, a pale veil over both of you, standing in the starry sky as the queen, ruling over her stars. The light caressing your body with the warmth of the perfect Summer night.
“What do you think?” Mingyu asks, leaning against the hood of his car. 
You can’t help but to briefly admire the picturesque scene he paints with his playboy aura and Hollywoodian beauty, leaning against this straight-out-of-a-movie convertible. He has this side smirk, knowing this breathtaking landscape can’t be topped by any of your past experiences. 
“It’s…” There aren’t words you can find to describe such a view.  “I– Thank you. It’s gorgeous.”
He visibly relaxes, as if he was waiting anxiously for your opinion, “It’s my favourite place.”
“I can see why,” You laugh, joining him, though you have a little trouble stabilising your butt over the hood.
“Everything feels small when I come here,” He explains. 
Turning to face him, your stomach is filled with annoying little butterflies that flutter around and tickle your insides with foolish thoughts. 
His moonlit profile is somehow prettier than his beauty in any other lighting, his perfect nose and high cheekbones and his eyes, God, his eyes. They hold in their dark orbs, all of the stars and worlds, in its ethereal shine. 
You hum, prying your gaze from him before your brain gets any outlandish rushes of dopamine and creates unattainable ideas. 
Mingyu leans back, his lanky body hitting the windshield, his eyes stare up at the stars. At this moment, he wishes he knew constellations from the top of his head, then maybe, he could impress you with his astronomical knowledge. 
“You look like a movie star right now… I feel like I’m in a movie,” Joking, you lean on your elbow, unconsciously following his body with your own. 
“What do you wanna be when you grow up?” He asks on a spur of the moment.
You laugh, “When I grow up?”
Mingyu realises what you meant by your question and laughs along, “You know what I meant.”
Though you’re caught aback, there’s not much thinking to be done, “I want to design clothes.”
He hums, “It suits you, I think.” He didn’t know you that well, but it seemed fitting.
You chuckle, “You?”
Mingyu lets out a long sigh, leaning on his elbows to stare up at you, “CEO, I guess.”
“Have you always wanted to be a CEO?”
His lips press into a thin line and he hesitates on how much he should tell, throwing caution into the air, Mingyu decides to open up. “I honestly… Don’t want to.”
You furrow your brows, “Won’t you take over your father’s company?” 
He nods, “That’s what I should do.”
“Then what do you want to be?”
It’s such an innocent question and in all honesty, sort of childish almost? Something you would ask a small child and just agree with whatever they come up with. But it’s something he was never allowed to question.
“I… Don’t think I know.” 
You hum, “You could be an actor,” It’s a bit of a tease as much as it is the truth. 
Mingyu raises an eyebrow, sitting up so he can face you properly. You have this soft smile on your face that holds so much warmth for a stranger like him, it almost feels undeserving. 
“An actor?” He prods. 
“Yeah,” You shrug, “You just have the vibes for it… Living a thousand lives in just one, I think you could play any character really well. Plus, you have the looks. I always told my friends you have a face that belongs in Hollywood.” It comes out so naturally, you barely realise what you’ve said until he’s staring at you. “I– Sorr–”
Mingyu smashes his lips into yours. 
You squeak, but don’t shy away from his plush lips. 
His left hand reaches for your jaw, fingers softly tracing your cheek with certain hesitancy but you lean into his touch so willingly he can’t help the bubbling feeling that comes to life deep in his belly. 
When your lips part, you feel the night breeze caress the parts of your body he touched and you find your body misses his warmth. 
Your brain simply can’t function. 
In your brilliant academic journey, romance had never been an aspect you entertained. You quickly learned at thirteen that a fairytale story only happens to cute girls with nice hair and pretty bodies. And not the one repeatedly being used as the butt-end of a cruel joke. 
Mingyu represented everything you would never have; A popular, rich guy with amazing hair and looks out of this world. And he was nice, too. Took time of his day to hang out with you and to repay what had been an instinctive action; help out someone. 
It could only have been a mistake, right?
Mingyu, noticing the dread that paints your pretty face, can’t help the cold shiver that takes over his body, “I… I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine! I won’t tell anyone.” You reply all too fast.
“What?” He blinks a couple of times, “What do you mean?”
“Y’know, I won’t ruin your reputation…”
He practically jumps from the car, standing in front of you, “Say it again.” 
You look up, his towering height has never once been intimidating, until now, “...I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” 
“No, what the fuck do you mean ruin my reputation, why would kissing you ruin it?” His voice possesses such anger you couldn’t even think he was capable of. But you feel yourself getting upset, how long will he torture you with this? Do you need to say with all words how undesirable you are?
“Because no one in their right mind should be seen with a girl like me!” You blurt out, feeling his anger seep into your body.
“A girl like you?” He huffs in disbelief. “A girl that indulged me, was nice to my friends and let me drag her to the middle of nowhere?” Mingyu leans forward, caging your body in between his arms. “ A pretty, kind girl, who helped me without asking anything for it? What kind of girl, tell me.” He orders, his voice in a low, hushed tone that tickles your nose when he speaks.
Speechless, you’re sitting there, face to face with a guy that genuinely shows interest in you, told you you’re pretty for the nth time tonight and has the most kissable lips you’ve seen. 
His jaw is tight with anger, almost as if he’s got a personal vendetta against you self-hatred, but your stupid lustful brain can’t focus on anything but the sharp cut of his jaw, deep veins bulging from tanned skin. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, so quietly you think you hallucinated it. But it’s very much true. 
He looks so irresistible, half-lidded eyes staring at your lips while he bites his own. 
“Please,” you exhale, melting into his body when he leans forward. 
You were never a woman of action, preferring when others make the move, but in this moment you have this newfound confidence, meeting his lips halfway, crashing into a fervorous kiss.
It’s nothing like your first, you feel the heat emanating from his body, scorching hot seeping into your skin, burning every nerve it touches with fervorous want. 
His tongue is in your mouth, anxious and exploring and he is humming against your lips such an intoxicating melody that for a second, you’re a stranded sailor falling for the voice of a siren and dipping into the arms of unimaginable beauty.
Saliva drips from your connected lips but he refuses to end the kiss, no. Because you taste of cherry flavoured hard candies, provocatively luscious with a delicious aftertaste that can only leave you longing for more. 
He parts the kiss, leaning back and practically tearing his varsity jacket from his body. You’re watching closely as he lays it behind you, over the car.
Right hand moving to your waist, Mingyu pushes forward until you’re laying on the hood, so pretty. Your body is still finding his, your chest leaning forward so you can mould into his warmth, hands gripping the fabric of his shirt, closer, closer. 
You’re breathless, eyes trained on his every move with such incredulity as if you believed you were in a dream, hallucinating every moment so far. 
He can feel every curve of your body pressing tightly against his. It’s evident the effect you’re having on him, blood boiling in his veins with unadulterated desire.
There has never been a moment in his life where he genuinely cared to go slow, to show his passion and intent; Every partner of his had been as much into the act as he had been. 
But you, you’re so fragile and every moment he spends in your presence feels so ephemeral, he can not help the panic that rushes into his body to make it worth it, to make every second last.
His lips trace along your jaw, saliva coating the path he trails down your neck until he reaches your collarbones. And his lips are so gentle and enticing, with their sugary kisses that you lean into because you’ve never felt something so wonderful. 
He nibbles and kisses on your exposed skin, teeth grazing across the teeniest bit of cleavage showing from your borrowed dress. So far, you had done an amazing job at keeping the sounds he elicited from leaving your lips, however this once, you couldn’t hold the breathy mewl that escapes. 
Mingyu freezes, eyes slowly rising up until they meet your face. 
“Oh my god, do it again,” He huffs against your sensitive skin.
“W-What?” You ask.
“That sound you just did, god, you sound so fucking hot,” And he slurs against your chest. Not because of alcohol, no, he had sobered up on the windy car ride, but intoxicated on the effortless warmth that you exude. 
You lit a flame on his chest that burns incandescently with nothing but greedy lust, burning its way through his body with an unfathomable hunger that could only be satisfied by your sweetest moans. 
He struggles with the buttons that decorate the cleavage of your dress, trying to undo them and seriously questioning his soberness when they do not separate.
“It’s got a zipper,” You admit, but he looks so relieved. 
Mingyu leans back, pulling you by your hand until you crash into his chest and he can finally reach the back of your dress. You’re breathing so heavily against his skin, your soft hands grazing along the nape of his neck, fingers tangling into his hair; He can hardly focus on the task at hand. 
His right hand runs under the skirt of your dress, clawing at your flesh with heavy hands, almost as if he wanted to hold you fully in his touch. Toying with the band of your panties, he sighs, watching your chest heave at the contact.
You pull your dress sleeves off, letting the fabric bundle around your waist, though you can’t be arsed to properly take it off. Mingyu does not mind at all, no, he’s absolutely hypnotised by the sight of your tits.
Shoving his face onto your cleavage, he’s pulling you closer into his body by your hips, sucking love bites on your unblemished skin. Leaving a trace of him that would last longer than your moments together, a mark of momentary possession that allowed his brain to indulge.  
And you’re contaminated with his boldness, clawing at his shirt with relentless anticipation. You suddenly have this peculiar urge to feel his skin on yours, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. 
Mingyu smiles against your skin, finding your hands that touch him fervently, wrapping his fingers around yours. And for a brief moment, you feel as though you might’ve wronged him, but he pulls your hands to wrap around his neck as he finds your lips again while his hands are pulling on the hem of his shirt.
The kiss is only parted once, when he pulls the white shirt above his shoulders and discards it somewhere across the soft grass; completely unimportant at the moment. 
And god, Mingyu is divinely sculpted with defined pecs and hardened abs that tense under your touch. You sigh at the dreamy sight of his tan skin completely exposed for your viewing only. 
He relishes in the adoring look you exhibit, eyes dripping wholly in an exquisite hunger you’ve never felt before; And he coerces this scandalous reaction from you with pride. Your hands are eager to touch him, so you do. You run your fingers down his supple skin, fingernails grazing in teasing lines. 
Smoothing out your hands up his chest, you find his neck and pull him toward your lips, wanting to feel his bare skin on yours, stealing his heat until your bodies are running at the exact same temperature.
His hands, large and calloused from playing professional sports, lay heavy on your thighs. Mingyu pulls at the waistband of your panties and takes a second to lock eyes with you, guaranteeing your approval. 
You can only hope you’ve got the good pair of underwear on. 
But it doesn’t matter, because he pulls it off at once, discarding it above his shoulder to fall somewhere along his shirt. 
Your dress is bunched up around your waist and you should’ve felt more embarrassed to be completely exposed before him but Mingyu looks at you with such reverent eyes, taking every inch of abundant flesh with care. 
“Fuck–” He groans, eyes glued to the spot between your legs. You can’t even close them in an attempt at modesty because he is standing right there and not going anywhere. 
He runs a slender finger across your slit, breathing heavier at the sight of moisture that pools along the lips. 
When you bite your lower lip, unknowingly coquettish and staring at him all bright eyed and pleading, Mingyu let out a strained sound that could barely be classified as a groan. 
“Can I?” 
His finger dances around your slit and he looks unsure. You nod with a soft “Yeah.”
Nothing like anything you’ve felt or done before.
That’s the only way to explain the feeling of having his long finger prodding at your hole with gentle movement. He soon joins another one, stretching you out with delicate scissoring motions, he’s not focused on making you cum, he wants to prepare you for him. 
And that very thought makes your stomach tighten in anticipation. 
You don’t even realise when your hips are thrusting against his hand, matching his pace. And you’re definitely not thinking when you ask in a gasp:
“A… Another one–”
Mingyu stills. 
“You don’t fuckin–” He leans forward, forehead flushed to yours, uneven breath tickling your sensitive lips. “You have no idea what you’re doin’ to me, babygirl.” 
You feel your body consumed with an unstoppable amount of confidence, knowing the grip you hold over Mingyu at this moment, you’re dizzy with power.
“Show me, then,” The lazy smile that finds your red stained lips is a sight to bear.
He smirks, knowing he will make you eat your words soon. 
As he pulls his fingers from your cunt, there is a thick string of arousal that coats his skin in a sinful glaze. With a confident smirk, Mingyu 
But he doesn’t expect when you lean forward, letting your tongue run all over, cleaning his fingers and tasting first-hand the pleasure he brings you. 
Oh, fucking hell. 
Mingyu could’ve cum right then and there. 
You’re giggling as he fumbles with his belt, he wishes he could’ve stopped to appreciate such a sweet sound, but he was way too horny to think about anything other than plunging his cock into you at once. 
When the night breeze hits his throbbing erection, Mingyu shivers.
You’re chewing on your lower lip, equal parts excited and terrified at his sheer size. He is large. And fat, with bulging veins running down his length and a thick head that’s trickling with pre-cum. 
“Oh my god.” 
Mingyu cowers at your gasp, “What?”
“You’re huge, fuck.” 
Oh, your praise runs straight down to his erection. His chest puffs out with absolute pride.
“Do you have a condom?” It was a silly question when aimed toward Mingyu, of course he did. He always does. 
He fishes out his wallet and pulls a fresh packet, tearing the foil apart with his teeth and pulling the pre-lubed rubber. Mingyu is about to roll it over himself when your hands find his. 
“Can I–?” You ask and he almost sighs. 
He watches you with bated breath. You’re delicate, small hands quietly rolling the condom over his seemingly unending length until you’ve reached the base. Your fingers linger in curiosity and he can’t help but to find it adorable.
Properly protected, Mingyu grasps his length as you position yourself better on the hood, legs wide open, dripping in anticipation. Oh, you couldn’t fault his desire to tease, could you?
Running his tip over and over your drenched core, he groans. You’re clenching around nothing, hands fidgeting with the bunched up fabric of your dress. Mingyu has a stupid confident smirk on his lips, watching you squirm at his minimal touch. 
“Mingyu!” You whine when he brushes against your clit. Reaching your right hand, you claw at his heaving chest. He doesn’t budge, however.
“What?” He plays dumb, toying with your hole. 
“F-Fuck me? Please…?”
Fuck seven point five, you were a ten, a twenty, a one-hundred, no fucking numbers could quantify your allure, no. You could charm your way out of any crime if you pursed your brows and pouted your lips like this, smeared red lipstick painting your soft skin, saliva dripping down your chin so indecently. 
And your hand was still, caressing his stomach, like a succubus ready to pounce and devour him like a five course-meal. Consume him whole, body and soul until he has nothing left to give. He would let you have him, any way you wanted, you just needed to say the word.
Just needed to let his name fall out of your pretty lips in a breathy gasp and he would be at your call. 
Mingyu enters you slowly, stretching out every millimetre of your walls with a burning feeling of fullness.
“Fuck–” He groans, “Relax for me, baby.” 
You take a deep breath, allowing your body to relax as much as your brain allows at the moment and he takes the chance to stretch you out further, hips pistoning forward. 
Mingyu feels the pleasure seep into his body in one fell swoop, dissolving in his bloodstream, filling his lungs with heat. You’re snug around him, clamping down on his sensitive erection, pulsing alive and throbbing. 
“Are you in?” You ask, not risking looking down and disappointing yourself at the remaining length. Mingyu is hovering just inches above you, hand taut on the hood, using every bit of restraint imaginable to not pound you into tomorrow.
“Just a little more,” He breathes out, head coming to rest on the crook of your neck as his hip comes to meet yours.
He allows you a moment to let the stretch lessen, to allow your discomfort to slowly morph into pleasure. And soon, you’ve got your arms wrapped tight around his broad shoulders, his almond eyes have completely surrendered to the dark gaze of lust, devouring you alive with their insatiable hunger. 
“You can move now…” You breathe out, fingers tangling around his silky smooth hair. 
“You sure?”
“Oh, yeah.” He smiles against your lips, hips finding themselves a languid, slow and torturous pace until you’re begging for more. 
The way his body feels against your is something unforgettably wonderful, every curve of his torso giving into your own, every inch of you filling into the gaps of his in an imperfectly perfect little puzzle.
With every thrust, you’re pulling at the roots of his hair, gaining yourself sharp hisses from Mingyu. Though he enjoys the tugging, leans into your scratching, presents his lips to you with total eagerness.
He fastens his movement, thrusting into you with sheer fervour. His hands are exploring your body, kneading at abundant flesh with excited fingers that leave trails of crescent moons shapes along your skin. 
Out here, in the middle of nowhere, caressed by the breeze and the moonlight, you’re whispering his name in an unanswered prayer, letting the syllables dance around in your tongue before you let them slip away into the starry night sky to be forgotten. 
You’re clenching around him with pleasure, feeling the knot in your belly tighten and tighten. 
“Feels– So good,” Mingyu hisses against your kisses, hips not stuttering even once. 
Brain an absolute mush, you can’t find any words to respond other than strained moans.
“So– Fucking good…” Nuzzling along your jaw, he grazes his teeth on your neck, painting your skin with love bites.
“I–” You gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. He doesn’t even need you to finish your sentence to know what you meant.
“Yeah? Me too– Let go, baby.” 
Digging his hands into your hips, Mingyu hurries his thrusts, hitting your sweet spot again and again until you’re melting in his arms, singing praise of his name with your candied voice and luring him into his own orgasm. 
He leans forward, capturing your lips in a harsh kiss, hips slowing down as he comes undone, tainting the condom with heavy spurts. 
You’re both gasping in complicity, blanketed in the summer night.
Once the condom is discarded, Mingyu lays by your side and pulls you into his heaving chest. You both lay there in comfortable silence, letting the orgasms fade out into strained sleepiness. 
“Will you promise to remember me?” You ask, watching the twinkling stars that lay before you two.
“Where did that come from?” Mingyu chuckles. 
“Do you promise?” Your voice is a soft whisper that dissipates into a shaky, hesitant breath, “Do you promise to remember me?”
He laughs, but your eyes hold such urgency, he can not ignore the human need to sympathise with your woes. “...Why– Why do you say that?”
“Because…” You sigh, “Because I’ll remember you, – this,” Hands vaguely gesturing toward your conjoined bodies, “For the rest of my life… And I’m afraid even a decade from now, you won’t be able to recall my name or what I look like.” 
It’s serious, it’s a concern that has plagued your mind since the moment you laid down. However, Mingyu can only focus on the fact that you’ve assumed the two of you won’t see each other again, ever. 
Leaning forward, his slight smile does nothing to hide the clearly confused look that is plastered across his handsome face, “It’s like you plan to disappear. We’ll see each other again.”
You shake your head, “What are the chances, Mingyu? We’re just… Fleeting seconds in centuries. What are the chances alumni – Not even from the same major, – will meet again?”
“What if we promise to meet?” Oh, he’s absolutely set on it, but you find it adorable; this fervorous intent on defying the hands fate has laid before you.
“Then, what happens when we’re bored of each other?” You chew on your lower lip, but he discards your argument. 
“That might not happen,” He points out.
“We’re too different. It defeats fate to force it,” You sigh.
Mingyu doesn’t have an answer right now, but he’s seeking one with furrowed brows and pouted lips.
“Remember me like this, no wait–” You run your fingers through tangled hair in an attempt to fix the messing he’d done before. “Done. Like this.” You flash a smile, posing your body in the best angle it has, to construct the perfect memory.
But Mingyu sees your flustered cheeks, smeared lipstick that leaves behind a stained trail of hot red over swollen-kissed lips. Sleep hazed eyes that gaze at him with such warmth, that hold a longing he wouldn’t be able to grasp for another decade. You liked him, you truly did. And that’s why you would never allow your memories of him to be tainted by the grasps of time. 
You’d forever remember his dorky smile and dad jokes, his clumsy hands and warmth.
And Mingyu doesn’t realise it yet, but he would forever remember you as someone who marked him forever. To disregard the cards you’re dealt, make your own memories, remember it all fondly. 
Maybe in a couple years, you will have a wild dream about this very moment, a fuzzy memory that leaves behind a nostalgic smile that will follow you for the day, reminding you of this perfect feeling. You’ll look back with wistful thinking of the good days. 
And will keep it close to your heart.
Where it belongs.
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You thought about it often the day after, but days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years. And a decade later, you found yourself having a dream about the distant memory, and the sweet nostalgic feeling accompanied you throughout your routine. 
After university, you had found a simple job in your area that sufficed the need for experience and filled the empty stop in your resume. Though it was far from fulfilling. There was no creative liberty allowed and you often found yourself overworked and constricted by tight deadlines. 
The dream of your own line had yet to die, however. That’s why you had volunteered for such a demanding gig: designing for a historical movie. Luckily, your resume had allowed you a good position, overseeing the wardrobe and designing the pieces that would be forever captured on film.
The main character, a pretty young thing with curly hair, was extremely excited to work with you and almost cried when she saw the dresses she would be wearing. 
Today, you would be fitting for the lead male role and designing him some characteristic James Dean style clothes. Your assistant led him to your office while you were gathering your materials. 
When you enter the room and you’re met with those gorgeous almond eyes, you can’t help the stupid smile that finds your lips.
“This is the lead actor, Kim Mingyu,” Your assistant explains. 
“Yeah, I know,” You laugh. 
He stands up, a charming smirk plastered on his pretty face, “Hey.”
Your assistant looks at you with a puzzled look, “You know each other?”
Mingyu nods. 
“Yeah, I never forget a pretty face.” 
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
A/N: Don't mind me. I'm feeling angsty and protective over my sexuality today.
"Eddie's been gone for a while," Vickie said nervously.
Robin, Vickie, Eddie, and Steve had decided to go to the new gay club that opened up in Indie. They've been having a wonderful time so far, mingling and getting to know people. Meanwhile, Eddie decided to search the crowd for other bisexuals. Much to Steve’s disappointment, Eddie had found a guy that he liked and disappeared into the crowd with him.
"He's probably hitting it off," Steve muttered.
"This is what happens when you put off telling people how you feel," Robin said. "I can't believe that I managed to do it before you did."
"Thanks, very helpful, Robin," Steve said.
Suddenly, another man approached the table.
"Uh, did you guys come here with a guy named Eddie?" He asked.
"Yeah," Steve said.
"I think he's about to start a fight," the man said and pointed to the direction that Eddie was in.
"Jesus, okay. Thank you," Steve said.
He got up and started walking in that direction. A few minutes later, Steve started walking back with Eddie flung over his shoulder.
"How in the everloving fuck do I not look bisexual? How the fuck are you supposed to look bisexual? I'm sorry, am I supposed to part my hair, dye one side blue and the other side pink? How does one dress gay? I mean, you're just wearing clothes, and you happen to be queer! And if it's because of what I'm wearing, this is typical metalhead fashion. I mean, if this was true, then every metalhead would be gay. And you're telling me that bisexuals aren't allowed to use the hanky code? Also, I did not know about the code until today. I'm sorry that I don't look bisexual enough for you! Let me just change myself to fit your opinion of me! And apparently, you look bisexual and I don't! How come you get to be bisexual? Why am I not allowed?" Eddie ranted furiously. "Also, that one guy who said, "straight people are always trying to find clever ways to divide us." Excuse me?! I am not straight and what a fucked up thing to say. You know, I thought coming here would be another place to feel included, but it's just more people telling me who they think that I'm supposed to be. Being bisexual is just as queer as any other sexuality in the community. There's nothing wrong with being gay, just like there's nothing wrong with being bisexual. I'm sorry that me liking women isn't queer enough for you but this is who I am and if you don't like it then that's your problem!"
At some point, Steve had set him down and listened to him as he ranted. Finally, he stopped and sighed, dropping his shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Eddie," Steve said softly.
"Anything that I do, it's always going to be wrong to everyone," Eddie said and sighed. "The worst part is how some people acted like it was something that needed to be fixed. Isn't that why this community was created? To make people see that people like us don't need to be fixed."
"I'm sorry," Steve said softly.
"That's fucked up. What the hell?" Robin asked.
Eddie sighed and started fingering the collar of Steve’s polo. He ran his fingers over the soft material of the shirt before moving them up to cup Steve’s face.
"People are always going to be telling me what I'm doing is wrong, but I'm not going to let them stop me from living the life that I want to," Eddie said.
He pulled Steve by his collar and smashed his lips to his. Steve moaned loudly in surprise before relaxing into the kiss and sighing against his lips. Vickie squealed and started hitting Robin.
"Babe, I'm right here, I can see them too," Robin said in amusement.
Eddie broke the kiss, breathing heavily. He grinned.
"Thanks for carrying me out of the fight. When I said I wanted to fight that guy, I wasn't serious, especially when he brought out his hulk of a boyfriend," Eddie said, and then he grinned. "When I need someone to fight for me, does that mean that I have a boyfriend now who's willing to fight my battles for me?"
"Boyfriend, yes. Champion, no," Steve said.
"Well, damn," Eddie said.
"It's okay, Vickie, I'm willing to be your champion, unlike some people," Robin said teasingly.
Vickie giggled and kissed Robin. Steve rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist, pulling him close.
"Maybe I won't be your fighter, but I will always be there to pull your cute little ass out of the fire and to make you feel better when people hurt you," Steve said softly.
"Are you saying you'll be my fireman?" Eddie asked.
"I guess," Steve laughed.
"You do make me feel better about myself," Eddie said as he leaned his forehead against his. "Let's get out of here. I want to kiss you all over."
"Disgusting," Robin said affectionately.
Maybe one day, people won't have a problem with his sexuality but for now, Eddie was content to live his life with his family, friends, and Steve, who accept him completely for who he is. He was a bisexual man who liked men and women. Just because other people can't see him that way, didn't mean it was any less true. It was his undeniable truth.
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eeunoia · 4 months
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sinag | psh.
chapter ten
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: contains harrassment, violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some.
note: there’s a slight change from the original one shot. anyway, please send me asks and reblogs are highly recommended! thank you so much, ily.
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“We found these inside her suite room, Boss.”
Sunghoon rests his liqour over the small table near him then pressed his lit cigarette at the ash tray. His toned muscle flex at his every move. He reaches over the small card Icarus was handing him.
With brows furrowing downward, he silently read the printed name of the company you seem to work at. He didn’t utter a word and just plays with it, falling deep into his own thoughts. The name of the place you’re currently employed in rings a bell. A bit familiar. Like he heard it before.
“We also managed to gather some of her personal belongings.” his eyes darts lazily at the things he laid over the table.
Some identifaction cards and also your passport. He licked his lower lip and stretches his arm to grab your passport. He opens it, revealing your information to him. Your name, birthday, nationality... everything.
“You may take your leave. Make sure there are men guarding her floor.” he instructed without sparing a glance to him. He saw him bowing from his peripheral before he take his leave.
The cold breeze blew towards Sunghoon, making his slightly long hair sways beautifully along with it. His eyes are fixed at your picture and his thumb gently caress it, a ghost of smile spreading across his face.
“Aelia...” he mumbled your name for the very first time. “My Aelia.” he added afterwards.
He tilts his head and clenches his jaw hard before fishing his phone from his pocket.
“Brother! I figured you’ll give me a ring sooner or later.” Jake’s voice hints teasing from it.
“You...” he starts, but halts his words.
Sunghoon couldn’t make out his emotions properly. He’s feeling so pissed for his friend keeping something very important to him, but at the same time still overwhelmingly happy after finding you.
“Well,” he can almost hear his smirk from the other line. “did you like my gift for you?”
He threw his head back then heaved a sigh.
“Since when?” he shortly replied, wanting to know more about this sneaky move his friend just pulled. He should’ve known something’s up from how his friend’s been so weird.
“Ever since I tried to sell the company to you.”
Another big and heavy sigh emits from Sunghoon after he realized how long was that. He almost lose his mind searching for you and all this time, his friend knew where you are. He felt betrayed, but a part of him are relieved to know that you are safe.
He flutters his eyes open, brows furrowing hardly at the realization.
“You sold it to me for 10 million? Do you fucking think she’s worth just that?” he seemed insulted like as if he was the one being priced and sold at a lower price. Not that he really sell you, its practically the company but Sunghoon’s being very dramatic.
Jake chuckles finding it hilarious how he didn’t even got mad at him for selling it at a very expensive price. He got offended for taking the interpretation that you only worth that price.
“Dude, I asked for that so I can take care of your girl while you’re busy taking care of some other things.” he finally explains. It made him more calmer, his jaw’s still hardly clenched but at least the idea of beating the shit out of his friend starts to subside.
“Meaning all these time, its you and your money whose taking good care of her. She’s living comfortably thanks to your resources.” he sounded like he’s trying to convince a kid and tricked him into believing that Santa is real.
Sunghoon fell silent, trying to sink Jake’s words inside his mind. He did a good job on revisioning the company and even made it perform well. He’s been updating him about the status of it even though he doesn’t really give much care of it as he was pretty focused on putting the Kwon’s down.
All this time, its not just the company. It was his way of letting him know that his girl is okay and living pretty well.
He draws in a big sigh, totally calmer than before.
“Thank you.”
Jake’s the one silent this time. He was expecting him to appreciate his effort, but not to this extent. He was expecting an earful of curses and death threats from him, but instead this is what he got.
He was amused. Beyond amused how you’ve already started to affect him. He lets out a scoff, couldn’t believe that you have this effect on him. It was just a hunch that you indeed have the potential to soften and tame the monster, but you are powerful. You have this power over him.
“The fuck? Not even a day of meeting her and you’re already under her spell? Who are you? Where’s the real Sunghoon? The real one would’ve cursed me out and will be super pissed at me.”
Sunghoon smirks and rests over the railings of the balcony. His eyes settles beneath the quiet road, it was almost empty as its already three in the morning.
“I am pissed at you.” his stern tone makes it obvious how he means.
“But since you kept her safe 'til this day, I’ll let you go.”
Jake smirks, “Even if your meet up is a little set up?”
“What’s important now is she’s here. She’s really here.” relieve was not the only thing you can hear from his tone. Some are curiosity on what’s about to happen next.
He can think nonstop about the things he wanted to do with you, but first he has to think of how he would explain everything to you. Because from now on, you will live your life with him.
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You let out a heavy sigh before grabbing your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number. Your jaw clenched when you've been directed over to his voice mail. It’s been three days ever since you two talked and you even argued. This is your last night here and so far its so good. Surprisingly nothing bad happened to you, and you don’t want to jinx it at all.
“Hey, Luke.” you said after the beep to leave him yet another voice mail. You didn't know how many you left already but still, you decided to do it again.
“I know you're upset baby. Please let’s talk once I get back there, hm? I love you.” you mumbled and ended it.
You grabbed your coat and key card of your hotel room. It was stressing you out so you wanted to get some fresh air to relieve some stress. It was already late which makes it a bit scary, especially that you're in another city. But you knew you needed some for tonight.
You breath in the fresh air you thought you’ve been needing for a while. You tried smiling as you watch the stars above you shines brightly. You were enjoying your time without even realizing what’s about to unfold.
After finally calming down and clearing your mind out, you decided to head back to your hotel.
On your way, you had this weird feeling that you're being followed. Your heart started thumping fast, specially that there are less people around this area. Terrified that someone really is stalking you, you hurried your steps.
But even before your can reach back to your hotel, you felt a strong grip over your arm. Your heart sank as you open your mouth to shout only to be covered by your captor. He held you firmly then covered your nose with a handkerchief making your eyes grew big and you tried to get away from their grip but it was too late.
The last thing you remember is how you slowly lose your strength, knees falling weakly. The person held you close to him and even whispered things you couldn’t understand as you lost consciousness. In the end, you felt them carrying you.
Sunghoon smiles as he stared down at your unconscious body over his arms. His men opened his car door for him and he puts you inside carefully.
“Have you prepared the hotel room I asked you?” he asks Icarus as he checks if your position inside his vehicle is okay.
“Yes, boss.”
He nods and Sunghoon walks around towards the driver’s seat. He glanced at your side before smiling again, reaching over your face to gently brush away the hairs covering it.
At the arrival to the hotel, Sunghoon parked his sports car right in front while his men's vehicle surrounds his for protection. The staffs of the hotel hurries themselves to stand right in front of it to welcome him. They've been informed about the vip that will stay at the top floor of the hotel, and after knowing its Park Sunghoon they couldn't help but to feel nervous.
After-all, he’s known for his bad temper.
“Welcome Mr. P-Park.” the head of the hotel stutters as he bows along with his staffs.
Sunghoon didn’t pay much attention to them as he asks for his room card. Some of the staff noticed him carrying your unconscious body, tears on the sides of your eyes. Just by the looks of it, they knew you didn’t come here voluntarily.
None of them asked anything about you, nobody even dared to look at your direction longer than fiver seconds.
The moment he managed to get the keys to your room, Sunghoon struts towards the elevator along with Icarus and some of his men.
“Should we tie her hands?” Icarus asks.
Sunghoon’s eyes darted at your wrist. His assistant is already getting ready to tie her when he stopped him.
“No. I don’t want it hurting her wrists.” he says too softly and then sat at the side of the bed to look at your sleeping state.
He wiped off the tears at the corner of your eyes and using his thumb, he caress your cheeks.
“My love, you are finally here with me.” he whispers.
He sighs, “You are so beautiful.” and he roams his eyes over your pretty face. He’s still in trance. Despite being able to hold you and touch you like this, sometimes he still can’t help but to think that he is dreaming.
Scared that this are just his illusions, he somewhat wished not to wake up from this. If it means he will be with you, he don’t want to leave. He wants to be where you are and where he can have you like this.
“Sir, Mr. Sim called saying he needs to discuss something with you.” he sighs and nods his head before standing up.
“Leave some of our men inside the room incase she tries to escape or do something that can hurt her.” he reminds his men before leaving the room.
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With a low grunt, you slowly opened your eyes only to be greeted by an unfamiliar room. Your head aches in attempt to recover memories from last night. It was just then you remembered that you were abducted.
Fear spread across your chest as you roamed your eyes around, sitting up from the bed. There are men wearing familiar suits. You’ve seen it before, you just don’t have any idea where.
“W-Where am I? Who are you?!” you asked frantically and tears spreads across your face.
Even when you are crying, they seem to don't mind. They are just standing at the corners of the room, two by the door.
You don’t know how many hours that you’re passed out, but you knew its been a while. Your throat felt dry from crying and screaming. One of them did offered water, but you refused. You’re afraid that they put something in it.
The fact that this is happening on your last day of the trip makes you go crazy. Nothing good really happens whenever you go out of the country. Everything seems to be find until you got abducted by these people. This time, you think this will really be the end of your life.
Dark thoughts starts to occupy your mind. Will they kill you and sell your organs to the black market? Probably. Or put you into slavery. That’s just so awful. A lot of bad scenarious flashes through your mind and it was making you feel much terrible.
The door then burst open, making you jolt a bit. Soon, a man walks inside. His eyes looked at your way and he bows politely which caught you off-guard. The other guys around seems to look up on him so you assumed he have more power than them, so why is he bowing at you?
“The boss will see you in a bit.” Icarus said, informing you about Sunghoon’s plan to visit you.
The boss? Your brows furrows hardly at his statement, but kept your mouth shut. Tears still pool your eyes, cries a little more silent than before. If he isn’t the boss, you can still try to convince him to let you go. You can beg him. Tell him that your you have terrible health so your organs won’t sell good.
“Please let me go.” you begged him softly, eyes glistening with so much emotion.
Icarus stared at you with blank look over his eyes. He sighs and glanced away, trying to talk to some of the men reminding them of what to do next once the boss arrives.
Your heart fell. He didn’t even say anything or even talked to you.
Not long after, you heard the door opening and it revealed some ethereal looking guy. His hair was brushed up and it looked so soft, his face blank and seems like he’s the one in-charge. So much power he holds just by walking inside the room.
You can’t properly describe it. He just have this aura. He’s wearing a suit that perfectly fits him, showing off his model like proportions. It feels so illegal to see him walking here and not on runways.
Both of your eyes met and you are a bit taken aback because he’s very good-looking! His skin was fairly white and his features were beautiful altogether. He’s very intimidating too.
“Did you hurt her?” his voice ringed inside your head. He was asking the guys around but his eyes never left yours.
You gulped and even if you’re feeling very scared and intimidated, you raised your chin up and stared back at him. You glared and clenched your jaw to keep them from shaking.
“No, boss.” one of them answered. As expected, he is the one in-charge.
He nodded and slowly walked closer to you. If he’s good-looking from afar, he’s breath-taking up close. He looked so handsome and intimidating at the same time. Those moles all over his face sure add some charms in him.
“I’ve been searching the whole world for you, love.” He softly mumbled before he raised his hand to caress your cheeks carefully like as if you’re something so fragile.
Something about his caress lit something inside your stomach go crazy. It was definitely wrong because he was the one who abducted you and he’s probably a bad guy. Not to mention that you have a boyfriend but for some reasons, you cannot help it. There’s something about his gentle touch and his staring expressive eyes.
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Can I get a recap of what happened in this AU so far? I'm really confused because it seems like *alot* has happened
No art with this one, sorry - I'll be updating this regularly & a link to the post will be in my pinned post so it can be referenced at any time for anyone new to the blog. I recommend reading even if you've followed the story to ensure you have everything clear.
TW - death (both murder and self inflicted).
Near the start of the blog, Veronika tried to stop herself from living. Arturo walked in on this, recognised that she was in extreme pain, and decided to finish the job for her, killing her just as she woke up.
Arturo didn't realise until after this that both Xander and Nico had witnessed the murder as Veronika's door was open. He forced the two of them to keep quiet about it by threatening to kill them if they told anyone.
Eventually, with the fact that dead bodies' conditions get worse & harder to hide overtime, Arturo forced Nico to help dispose of the body while Xander had to stay inside Veronika's room.
In the building where they're staying, there aren't many places to hide a body, if you consider factors such as blood and the smell. Arturo was also in an extremely bad state mentally, so with him not thinking straight, he hosted a dinner that the whole cast (minus Ace, Arei, and David) attended. However, for the food.. instead of serving the food from the kitchen, he instead made the desicion to cook the dead body.
The rest of the cast, totally unaware of what they were eating, all finished the meal together and split up. This wasn't it, though, as Teruko, Levi, and Ace all searched the kitchen, just to find evidence of what happened. They informed the others, which obviously terrified Nico.
Nico, now convinced Arturo would think they told everyone & murder them, spoke to David, who is also dealing with very bad mental health to the point where he can barely move, and convinced him to dress as them, thinking that if Arturo did try to kill them, David would act as a distraction.
What they didn't take into account was that Xander, the other witness of Arturo's murder, also wasn't dealing with the situation well - but instead of hiding and being scared of death, he became the opposite, obsessive over people "getting what they deserve" and serving "punishment" to anyone that did anything "wrong". And because he wasn't aware it was actually Arturo who cooked the food, but he also didn't want to kill Arturo for the murder incase he fought back.. he instead set out to kill Nico.
Xander found Nico in the bathroom and stabbed them from behind, unable to see their face. It was only when they fell to the floor that he recognised their pale yellow eyes as not Nico's but David's, & ran away panicking upon realising he was now just as much of a murderer as Nico, if not more so as Nico was forced to do the cooking. Hu entered the bathroom with Arei and Eden just to find "Nico" dying (not fully dead) on the floor.
... That's where I'm up to right now. Story post later, hopefully. Thank you all for supporting this AU so far <3
Xander panicked when he couldn't stop everyone else from seeing the body, but instead of being sad, it just revealed his true mindset - that he believed David's death was "supposed to happen", and he became fed up of the attention David got for, well.. dying.
To "fix" this, he decided to put the attention on himself by stabbing himself multiple times, in his chest, stomach, and eye. Unfortunately, because he killed David, nobody cared and left him to bleed out in the cafeteria.. except Arei, who swiftly returned, as the situation had also begun to make Eden a worse person, so she felt that she needed friends.
Arei and Xander thought of a way to get attention - that being a motive. Arei was able to get hold of secrets about every single student, and put them through other peoples' doors.
Meanwhile.. Arturo was getting worse, starting to believe things that weren't true, eventually stopping all his memory of being Arturo and fully convincing himself that he's Veronika.
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 42 ~ Wildflower Wildfire
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 4
✧ Word Count : 6.9k
In this chapter ~ A few weeks had gone by since the people of Woodbury have made themselves at home within the prison walls. All seemed to be well, everything falling into place. That is until it grew painfully obvious that Daryl had been keeping some kind of secret.
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My eyes were closed contently as I felt the sun dancing on my skin, standing high on top of the watchtower, the sound of people working around me filling my ears. It was hard to believe that it had been two whole months since we brought in the people from Woodbury, but we were already growing so much as a community. More than I could've even imagined.
The gates that surrounded the prison were now fixed, as that was the first priority. Now we've moved on to planting seeds to grow vegetables, getting some classes set up for the younger kids, and having groups go out on runs almost every day to get the things we needed the most. In my opinion I think we just about nailed the system we had going on here. But most of all, I was so proud of how far everyone's come.
Rick had been doing a lot better as time went on and had officially stepped down from the whole "leader" role, leaving all the decisions we made to the council we created. He was still included in that small group, but he liked it a whole lot better than making the decisions all by himself.
His relationship with Carl had also seemed to improve immensely and Judith was only growing more and more every day. I felt relief in knowing that he was focusing more on himself and his kids, I could tell how much it lifted his spirits. And because of his better mindset, I realized that the two of us had slowly been getting closer than we ever were before, noticing how he started to look to me for a lot of the decisions that were made for the community. And though I wasn't big on making decisions, I still helped him with it, knowing it took more pressure off of his shoulders.
Though that only seemed to be the beginning, the rest of the improvements falling into place right after that. I had to admit, it was odd at first having so many new people around, people that we once hated and nearly went to war with. It was a big adjustment to get used to, but it was also one of the best ones we've ever made.
Now seeing how much we had grown together, seeing Rick's vision come to life, the one that he had held onto since the start, that's what made it all worth it to me.
The only thing that was left to really worry about now, was where exactly The Governor ran to after all the destruction he caused to his own people in the end. Daryl and Michonne were the ones most persistent on finding him, but in the end, they never found anything. I for one hoped he had just disappeared for good, not having a good enough reason to come back after losing all of his people. But the two of them were persistent, and though I respected that, a part of me just wanted to move on.
I was pulled out of my thoughts suddenly when I heard the sound of a car coming up through the gates, opening my eyes to see that it was the two very people I had been thinking about. They had returned from yet another search for the man, leaving for about three whole days this time around. Meaning I had missed them both greatly. I smiled to myself as I made my way down to greet them, trying to hide how excited I was that they were both home safe.
I quickly climbed down and headed over toward the gates, seeing that Rick had beaten me to the punch as he greeted them first, beginning to discuss if they had found anything this time around. My pace picked up the smallest bit as I saw Michonne was out of the car informing him about the potential details, while Daryl was shuffling around in the trunk, pulling out some of their belongings.
Though as soon as she caught a glimpse of me out of the corner of her eye, she stopped talking and fully turned towards me with a smile, accepting the hug I gave her as I held her tightly for a moment.
"Find anything?" I asked, pulling away from her.
She shook her head in slight defeat, "Not a thing. But I know he's alive, and we're going to find him. Eventually." she said as she turned back to Rick.
"I don't know if I like how often you two go out there, we need you here too." Rick stated, "Help around with the things that still need to be done."
"We need to find him so he doesn't cause any more damage." Michonne gently argued.
He sighed, "How can you be so sure he's still alive?" 
"I just know." she said.
"She just knows." I repeated with a shrug which earned a small glare from Rick, Michonne chuckling to herself as he rolled his eyes at the two of us. It was clear he knew I would chose her side over his, especially when it came to something like this.
The trunk of the car then shut with a slam, causing my attention to break away from them, seeing Daryl slowly making his way over to us. He looked at me shyly as a smile was brought to his face, his expression being contagious as I smiled right back at him, walking the rest of the way to wrap my arms around his shoulders, briefly kissing his cheek before hugging him tight. We stood there for a few moments before I finally tried to pull away, only to be held in place by him for another few seconds, causing me to laugh quietly as he rested his chin on top of my head.
"Nothing?" I asked as I rubbed his back softly.
He sighed quietly, "Nothin." he confirmed.
I nodded my head as the news was growing more repetitive, the disappointment only growing each time I heard it. I eventually pulled back fully, seeing Rick and Michonne still deep in conversation, giving me a small opportunity to take his hand as I tugged him aside gently.
"So," I started as we slowed to a stop, "You look kind of tense...do you want to head back to our room for a bit?" I finished with a wink.
He chuckled and took my other hand, "That's tempting, but I uh...I can't. I gotta work on somethin." he said vaguely.
My brows furrowed a little, "What? You never say no to sex." I joked.
"I know, but it's kinda important...I gotta head back out for a little while. But I'll see ya later tonight, okay." he promised with a small smile, before placing a short kiss on my forehead and turning to head toward his bike.
That was something else that I might had some type of complaint about. Lately Daryl has been acting weird. Like he won't be able to look at me sometimes, get oddly nervous, acting as if we hadn't been together long enough for me to take notice at the strange behavior.
Or like just now, he'll say he has to "work on something" and completely blow me off. In my mind I would think he would want to spend time with me after he gets back, but lately that hasn't been the case. I tried to brush it off like it was nothing, but it was really starting to get to me.
I watched with a small frown as he hopped on the back of his motorcycle, starting it up quickly before driving it right back through the gates, disappearing completely down the dirt path. My brows stayed furrowed in confusion and a little disappointment as I watched him leave, before sighing softly and turning back to head towards the watch tower to finish whatever was left of my shift.
I sent Rick and Michonne a small but fake smile as I passed them, though noticing quickly how Rick's eyes darted between me and the gates Daryl just blew through, a sly smile forming on his face.
My feet stopped completely as I looked at him in suspicion, "What?" I pressed. But he only shrugged, the knowing grin on his face beginning to annoy me, "Rick." I warned.
"Nothing, nothing. You're just so pretty." he said sweetly, trying to change the subject.
I rolled my eyes with a scoff and pushed his arm lightly, "Shut up."
He chuckled from behind me as I began to walk away again, climbing back up in the watch tower to keep an eye on the trees before the sun went down. Though I tried not to let my mind wander too much about the things he could be doing, I couldn't help the pit that formed in my stomach of the unknown.
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The next morning I woke up groggily, turning over with a small groan once I realized that Daryl had already left for the day. He came back late last night, dodging my questions left and right when I asked him something basic about where he was. He settled on giving me only one-word answers, trying to be short with me every time I opened my mouth.
I rolled my eyes at the empty space next to me, slowly getting up to get dressed and ready for the day. Grabbing my knife to place on my hip, I made my way through the busy, noisy cellblock to head outside for some breakfast. After grabbing a plate from Carol gratefully, I sat down in my usual spot at one of the tables as I began to pick apart my food with the plastic fork, not really feeling too hungry.
Though only seconds after I sat down, Beth quickly spotted me and took a seat across from me with a plate of her own. She seemed much more bubbly than how I was feeling, clearly waking up in a better mood as she began to talk to me cheerfully. But I listened to everything she said, trying to be polite as I continued to just push my food around mindlessly.
She went over the chores she had to get done that day along with taking care of Judith, sneaking in the slight mention of a new guy named Zach that recently joined the group. The brief mention of that made me perk up quite a bit as I began to tease her slightly from the obvious crush she had on the guy. Although she never confirmed anything with me, she would still get flustered at the mere mention of his name, her cheeks turning pink as she shushed me and changed the subject every time.
But the distraction of the conversation didn't last as long as I had hoped, with her quickly realizing what time it was, she began to finish the remaining food on her plate as fast as she could before muttering to me that she was already behind for the day.
She quickly stood back up, placing a kiss on the side of my head before running off in the other direction as fast as she could. I chuckled at her frantic, rushed words and the quick sprint as she desperately tried to make it to the children's reading time, knowing that they were surely waiting around for her patiently.
I then began to turn back towards the table, about to get up and throw my remaining food away, but something bright and colorful coming from my left caught my eye before I could even move.
My gaze moved up to see Daryl, with a big and nervous smile on his face, holding a plethora of colorful wildflowers in his hand. A slow smile made its way onto my face as I watched him walk over, my eyes only growing wider in surprise as he made it over to sit himself next to me.
"Hey." he said, before leaning in to place a soft kiss on my cheek.
My eyes brightened as he pulled away, "Hi...what's this?" I asked hesitantly as I gestured towards the huge bouquet.
He looked down, "Well, these are called flowers, and they're for you darlin." he stated proudly, his big goofy smile still plastered on his face.
My eyes narrowed a little at his smartass comment, before taking them as he handed them over to me, "They're beautiful," I said, eyeing each and every one of them as I looked closer, "Thank you, but...what's the occasion?"
He only shrugged nonchalantly, "Just cause I love ya."
I felt my smile only grow, "I love you too," I muttered, leaning in to place a quick kiss on his lips, "Where did you even find these?" I asked, pulling back momentarily again to gawk at the different variety of flowers.
"Just around," he mumbled, "You uh...got anythin important to do today?"
I glanced back up at him, "I have to clear walkers, but other than that not really."
He nodded, "Good. Why don't ya get these in some water and get ready to take a walk with me?"
"Okay..." I trailed off suspiciously, "What's up?"
"Just wanna spend some time with ya. Now get your cute ass in that prison and get ready." he said with a chuckle, pushing my arm to get me to stand.
I laughed as I stood up from my seat, "Okay, okay, I'm moving."
I quickly jogged back into cellblock C and headed up into our room to try and find something to place these in for the time being. There were a few water bottles stocked up in here for whenever we needed them, and I figured that was good enough for now as I took one of the lids off and placed them in there delicately. Quickly grabbing my bow and arrows from their place by the small dresser, I headed back outside to find him in the same exact spot I had left him.
"Okay, ready." I said with a smile.
He smirked up at me and took my hand in his as we began to make our way over to walk out through the gates, heading into the woods as we passed through the first line of pine trees. We made small talk as we walked side by side, listening to him tell me all about the places they found while out on the road instead of traces of The Governor.
He made sure to mention that we should send some people out to check a few stores they came across, a few places that held things that some of the kids might enjoy. Also informing me about the baby store they hit that still held much more stuff inside, things that Judith would need and be able to use. A small smile tugged at my lips as I watched him talk with his hands, going on and on excitedly.
It warmed my heart seeing him talk about the books and toys that he thought the kids would really like, his tough guy exterior slowly coming down with each passing day.
But he then surprised me slightly, jumping behind me a bit to place his hands over my eyes as we no doubt neared the destination he had in mind. "Okay, this is it. No peekin." he whispered in my ear.
I laughed softly at his fast actions, "I could've just closed my eyes."
I could almost sense the roll of his eyes as he slowly started to move me forward, "This adds the dramatic effect, alright?" he joked as he gently pushed me further out.
My nerves slightly grew as I could feel him bringing me through some bushes, ducking under a few tree branches, leaving me no indication of where we were going.
"You're not planning to kill me, are you?" I asked as I nearly tripped over a tree root.
He paused for a second, "How'd ya figure it out?" he asked in a serious tone.
I scoffed as I reached back to slap his chest gently, "Shut up." I muttered as he continued to guide me forward.
We walked for only a few more seconds, the grass evening out as he finally spoke again, "Alright, we made it." he said before slowly taking his hands away.
My eyes opened to take in my surroundings, squinting a little at the sudden brightness of the sun, trying to allow my eyes to adjust. But when they did, I let out a quiet gasp at all the gorgeous colors surrounding our feet. There were practically thousands of beautiful wildflowers all around us, a huge field of them in what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. It almost felt like a dream.
I slowly turned back to look at him in astonishment, my mouth still parted a little in shock, "How...how did you find this?"
"I was out huntin one day and just came across it. So...what do ya think?" he asked a bit nervously.
"It's amazing." I said with a bright smile, turning back around to look and memorize all the flowers that were right in front of me.
Though I felt him turn me around by my shoulders after a few seconds to face him again, bending down for a moment to pick a flower before standing back up to put it behind my ear. He placed it there delicately, allowing his calloused hand to move and caress my cheek as I leaned more into his touch.
He smiled softly at me, "Ya really like it?"
I nodded, "Of course I do...it's perfect."
His smile only grew as he looked at me, placing a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away to speak again, "Y'know when I found this place, I was thinkin we could spend a little time together here for a while." he said almost hintingly, before reaching into his pocket to pull out a smaller book I recognized well.
It was a novel we found recently that we both thought looked interesting, deciding we would read it together and take turns at who would read out loud and who would listen. He was never a huge fan of books unless he was dying of boredom, but one day he asked what I was reading when he came back from working after a long day, and I read a page out loud to him so he could get the idea.
After that, he loved books. Well...he loved when I read the books. He claimed that when he heard my voice reading the words, it was just different somehow, actually being able to visualize better. And I didn't mind at all, in fact I loved it.
I smiled, "We came out here to read?"
He shrugged, "Yeah, it's peaceful out here. Plus we can get away from everyone else for a little while."
"Good point." I nodded before grabbing his hand and taking him further out onto the field.
Once we found a good place to sit, not crushing any of the flowers beneath us, he laid down on his back with a huff and rested his head on my thighs, holding the book up to me, "Yer turn." he said with a smirk.
I took the book from his hands, glancing down at him knowingly while he only shrugged in faux innocence. Funny how most of the time it was my turn. But again, I didn't mind.
My fingers began flipping through the pages until I finally landed on the place that we had marked, picking it up from there. I began to start reading immediately, getting lost in the book as I pictured the events that were happening as I read aloud, still feeling Daryl's gaze on me. I could tell I had his full attention as he listened, watching me flip through the pages effortlessly.
After only a few minutes, I felt him take my free hand that rested on his chest and began to play with my fingers, seeming to really test me on how well I could stay focused. I would take it back every few minutes to flip the page, but quickly placed it back down afterwards. His fingers ran gently across my skin, raising it up to his lips every once and a while to place small and gentle kisses all over my palm. He would only smirk and keep going however when he heard my voice faulter, or stutter, only egging him on more as he continued innocently.
Though after about three chapters, I decided to stop for now and mark the page before putting the book down right next to me, glancing back at Daryl who hadn't taken his eyes off me the whole time. I only tilted my head at him, waiting for him to tell me what he was thinking.
"Yer so beautiful." he finally spoke softly.
I felt myself blush, squeezing our already intertwined hands, "Thank you, love." I spoke quietly, tracing my finger along his cheekbone as I felt him smile, "I think you're especially beautiful."
"Stop." he immediately huffed, looking away from me to try to hide his embarrassment, though he secretly loved it.
I laughed quietly, "It's true," I said softly, "Plus it's fun to see you all embarrassed." I joked.
I assumed he would crack a joke in return, the playful banter between us and the constant teasing was just a part of our relationship. But he didn't. He stayed quiet as he gazed at me, looking at me so lovingly that I thought I could cry. His eyes held so much emotion as he stared at me, feeling the familiar butterflies resurface in my stomach at the sight.
"I love ya so much." he said suddenly.
"I love you too." I replied without any hesitation.
He smiled back at me, before sitting back up quite suddenly, getting back up to his feet, "Well...good as time as any." he muttered to himself, rocking a bit back and forth on his feet.
I noticed how uneasy he seemed to grow, a lot of things seeming to weigh on his mind, "Oh God, are you pregnant?" I joked, in hopes to lighten the mood.
He cracked a small smile as he rolled his eyes, "Nah, just...just got some stuff I wanna say to ya."
I nodded my head slowly, "Okay...talk to me."
He took a breath, "M' not uh...m' not good at these things. I don't even know where the hell m' supposed ta..." he trailed off for a long moment before he huffed again, "I love you."
I couldn't help but laugh, "I love you too." I repeated.
He smiled slightly before letting out a small sigh, "Bein with you...is the best damn thing that's ever happened to me. I didn't really even know who I was before I met ya, like...there was a piece missin. But I think after all this time of searchin for that piece...I finally found her." he winked.
A small lump began to form in my throat, my smile unwavering as I stared up at him with nothing but love and endearment, but yet there was still more he had to say as he cleared his throat nervously. "My point in sayin all this is...I can't even imagine sharin my life with anyone else besides you. Yer the only one I want forever. So..." he trailed off, slowly getting down to one knee as he brought something out of his back pocket.
"Rosie...will ya marry me?"
The air was completely knocked out of my lungs, and I had so many thoughts running through my mind all at one time I thought I was going to explode. I could tell just how nervous he was by the shakiness in his voice and the fact that his hand was fidgeting, attempting to hold the ring that he now held out to me. My answer was more than obvious, but it seemed to get stuck at the back of my throat as I tried to memorize this moment perfectly.
Once I finally gathered my thoughts together, I found myself nodding instantly, "Yes."
I could physically see the weight being lifted off his shoulder with just that one word, causing him to sigh in relief as a huge grin made its way onto his face. He shakily raised his hand up to place the ring on my finger, extending my hand out with tears in my eyes as I watched it was a perfect fit.
The moment it was secure on my hand, I wasted no time tackling him in a hug, knocking him completely to the ground as I heard him laugh gruffly in surprise. He was lying flat on his back in the grass, and I pulled off of him slightly to place my hands delicately on the sides of his face, before kissing him deeply. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he brought me impossibly closer, squeezing my sides gently as his hands slowly traveled down toward my hips, only bringing me in deeper.
I was so happy I couldn't even think properly, all I could fathom was how I would be with the love of my life forever. I then pulled away briefly to plant multiple kisses on his lips and he couldn't help but chuckle as he kissed me back every time. Catching my breath as I laughed blissfully, I stopped and really looked at him, as he did the same with me. He noticed a few tears slipped from my eyes and took his thumbs to gently wipe them away.
"Are ya happy?" he asked shyly.
I shook my head at how ridiculous he was, "Are you kidding me? Happy doesn't even begin to describe it...I love you so much."
His smile only got bigger, "I love you so much," he kissed me again, "I was so nervous." he confessed.
I laughed lightly, "Why? You thought I would say no?" I asked.
"Nah, but I was nervous I would fuck up on what to say."
I shook my head in reassurance, "It was perfect." I whispered, leaning in to kiss him once more.
He smiled against my lips but quickly pulled away, "Hold on now, the surprises ain't over yet." he smirked.
I raised one of my eyebrows as I looked down at him, "You really are pregnant, aren't you?" I asked again.
He flicked my nose in mock annoyance as he scoffed, "No. I just gotta take ya somewhere else." he finished with a chuckle.
"Well then, lead the way." I spoke.
He took my hand once again helping me stand to my feet before leading me deeper in the woods. We were both so giddy while walking to the destination, barely being able to keep our hands off of each other. Words could not express how happy I was in that moment; I couldn't even begin to describe it.
There honestly was a part of me that thought Daryl and I would never get married, simply because we were in the apocalypse, and that was something that couldn't really happen anymore. Though I was perfectly okay with that as long as I still had him no matter what, and up until this point I thought Daryl felt the same way. That is until he told me how much he loved me and placed a ring on my left hand.
My thought process then stopped suddenly when I lifted our intertwined hands up to get a better look at the ring, too focused on the things Daryl was saying to me to care, but it was truly beautiful. It was a simple silver band with a teardrop shaped diamond in the middle, with another two small diamonds on either side of it.
The man grew nervous again the second he caught me looking at it more intently, "I hope ya like the ring, I wasn't sure-"
"I love the ring," I assured, "But I love you even more. So it doesn't matter to me what it looks like, as long as it's from you."
He smiled and leaned down to kiss me again, until we heard the familiar snarls of three walkers coming at us from the other side of the trees. We both looked at each other and rolled our eyes in annoyance seemingly at the same time before getting our weapons and killing them with ease.
We then took each other's hands once more and kept walking all the way up until Daryl covered my eyes again, causing me to laugh and shake my head at the so called "dramatic affect." We only walked a few more feet before his hands left my face to reveal where we were, seeing a small cabin come into view.
"When did you find this?" I asked turning to look at him.
"On a run with Michonne. We came across it, I thought it'd be perfect for tonight." he said.
I raised my eyebrows, "We're staying here tonight?"
"Well yeah...I think we should be alone on our weddin night, don't you?" he asked with a sweet smile.
I thought for a moment as I nodded, "Yeah, I guess we are pretty much married now, aren't we?"
He nodded as we turned to make our way up the stairs of the porch and towards the front door. I opened it slowly to take a peek inside but before I could step through the door, I was being lifted off my feet by Daryl who began chuckling behind me as I yelped in surprise. He picked me up bridal style and walked through the front door before putting me back down on my feet gently. I couldn't help but laugh at the cheesy tradition, but I loved it.
"Did you just carry me across the threshold?" I asked with raised brows.
He began to look nervous, "Yeah...that's what yer supposed to do...right?"
I began to laugh lightly, "You're adorable." I muttered as I kissed his cheek, "Yes honey, it's a thing."
That calmed his nerves a bit and sent me a smirk, "Good. I uh, cleaned up the room to the left" he said as he gestured in the direction down the small hallway.
I nodded in response before making my way over towards the room and pushed the door open fully. My mouth dropped a little as I saw how clean the room was, feeling Daryl squeeze my shoulder gently as he passed me to light a few candles that were on either nightstand by the bed. I watched as he stuck his tongue out a little while he took out his lighter, focusing to not burn himself as he successfully lit them and placed them back. My eyes continued to follow him as he made his way over to the corner of the room, pulling out two glasses and some wine.
He sat himself on the bed and began to open it, but then noticed that I was still stuck in the doorway, easily catching the smirk he sent me. "Come on," he nodded towards the bed, "I don't bite... unless ya want me to." he winked.
My eyes narrowed at him as a smirk was brought to my face, slowly making my way into the room to sit next to him on the bed, "You...managed to do all of this?" I asked.
He looked up, "What do ya mean?"
"I mean the flowers, the field, the proposal...the cabin, the candles, the wine." The list really went on and on. "You put a lot of thought into this and...I'm just falling more and more in love with you."
"Good." he said simply as he finally got the cork out with a loud pop, "Mean's my evil plan's workin" he joked before pouring the wine into the glasses, "But it ain't much."
"Yes, it is," I argued, "It's all so amazing, I wouldn't want it any other way." I spoke as I placed my hand on his arm.
He handed me my glass, "I wanted it to be special. M' glad ya love it darlin."
I smiled at him and held my glass up slightly as he followed my actions, "To...forever together." I toasted.
"Forever together." he echoed, moving his glass to gently collide with mine before we both took a sip of the semi bitter liquid.
I hummed as the taste hit my tongue, before setting my glass back on the floor, "So, tell me...why did you want us to be alone on our wedding night?" I asked with a smirk.
He swallowed hard as he too set his glass down on the floor, "So I can show ya how much I'll love ya forever. Show ya how committed I am to ya til my last damn day on this earth."
I was taken aback for a moment at his words as they seemed so unlike him, but they made me feel intensely warmer inside as I scooted closer to him, "And how do you do that?" I whispered.
He followed my actions as he inched closer, "By kissing ya here," he left a small but heated kiss on my neck, "and here," he moved up to place a kiss on my jawline, "and...here." he moved to finally plant a kiss on my lips.
It started out as soft, gentle, but then quickly deepened as we wrapped our arms around each other, pushing ourselves closer to one another. I easily slipped my tongue in between his lips, and he didn't protest one bit as I explored every inch of his mouth hungerly. My teeth maneuvered to bite his lower lip gently, hearing him groan in approval as his hands began to explore every part of me, feeling him give my hips a tight squeeze.
I began to play with the hair on the back of his head, feeling the heat radiating off of him as he was getting more and more antsy. My hands then traveled across both of his shoulders, helping him remove his angel winged vest, tossing it carelessly to the floor before frantically moving to work on the buttons on his shirt. His mouth never left mine as he didn't hesitate to follow my lead, his fingers working down to get my shirt off as well, breathing heavily in anticipation.
I finally undid the last button after what felt like an eternity, pulling away momentarily to fully take it off of him and leaning in close to leave light kisses down his neck. He tilted his head back involuntary as he let out a heavy breath, ravishing in every second of pleasure. I then moved up closer and straddled his hips in one swift motion, kissing him deeply once again as my mouth crashed clumsily against his, feeling his rough hands begin to glide up my back.
I tangled my fingers in his hair, grasping it lightly as his hands moved up to unclasp my bra, moving the straps slowly down my arms as I helped him fully remove it. He threw it to the ground where our clothes seemed to be piling up, his mouth moving down to my neck desperately, biting and sucking lightly. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips as he smirked against my sensitive skin, knowing exactly what he was doing. His lips then only moved down lower, nearing the spot where I needed him the most when he suddenly spoke, his voice sending vibrations through me.
"I love ya so much." he whispered against my skin.
"I love you more." I breathed, hardly able to get the phrase out before my head was in the clouds once again.
He then didn't hesitate to wrap his lips around one of my nipples, sucking lightly as one of his hands came up to gently massage the other. My head involuntary tilted back at the feeling, a soft moan leaving my parted lips as I could feel his mouth getting more and more eager. He groaned against me in response, wiggling his tongue around my breast before letting it go with a small pop, shifting his head to the other.
A wave of pure ecstasy washed over me as my eyes fluttered, giving his hair another gentle tug as some kind of signal not to stop. He got the hint almost immediately, picking up his pace ever so slightly, causing me to squirm in his hold as if his mouth was somehow magic. His tongue then darted out to lick across the entirety of my chest, treating my skin as if it was as sweet as candy. My hips rocked against him in response to his actions, but that apparently was all he needed to send him completely over the edge.
His hands immediately reached down to fumble with the button of my jeans, his movements quick and sloppy, "Get these off." he nearly growled, his lips leaving another kiss across my boobs, "Come on." he breathed pleadingly.
It was clear to me that the two of us were simply too eager for each other to wait any longer, and I for one didn't need to be told twice.
I quickly scrambled off his lap to stand on my now shaking legs, my fingers unbuttoning my jeans and peeling them off my legs as I heard him undo his belt buckle from right in front of me. I kicked the fabric off my ankles, not even bothering to remove my thong before I moved back up to straddle over his hips again. He didn't even get a chance to say a word before I crashed my lips against his once more, kissing him clumsily as I could feel him trying to free himself from his pants.
I couldn't help but gasp softly into his mouth as I felt the tip of his dick barely brush up against me, his hand moving down to gently tug my thong to the side. He then gave me no time to recover before he took himself in his hand, sliding his tip up and down my slit in a slow, teasing manner. My hands moved up to grip his shoulders, a pleasurable breath leaving my lips as my face still hovered close to his, silently begging him for more. But he was clearly enjoying the feeling of me quiver, enjoying the soft sounds I was letting out as I could feel the small smirk creep onto his face as his movements didn't falter.
A moan then erupted from my mouth as I felt him begin to swirl circles along my clit, causing me to grow even more desperate than I was before. "Please." I whispered as my lips moved to kiss along his cheek, "I need you...please..."
I felt his cheeks move up a little as he smiled, "I need ya too baby." he said sweetly, before finally ending the torture he created.
His dick then moved down to hover by my entrance, before slowly pushing himself into me inch by inch, giving us both what we desperately needed. It was like we both simultaneously tilted our heads back with parted lips and tightly shut eyes, our breathing erratic as he continued to push himself further inside me. My grip on his shoulders tightened as he stayed still for a moment, stuffing me completely as blissful sighs echoed around the quiet room as we savored every moment.
But then he started to move, pulling his length out almost completely, before shoving himself back inside me in one slow motion. I moaned breathlessly as I lowered my head to rest in the crook of his neck, feeling him move again as he gradually eased me into it. His pace slowly but surely began to pick up, slapping himself into me as he groaned from the pleasure, hitting that sweet spot inside me with every pass. My mind was clouded, everything around me slowly fading into nothing as I focused on him and him alone.
My hips then slowly began to match his rhythm, bringing myself down on top of him to mimic his movements, causing an even louder groan to escape him at the feeling. We both began panting, our chests heaving up and down, my nails now digging into the skin on his shoulders as I moaned loudly. His hands gripped my hips a little tighter as a low rumble bubbled in the back of his throat, sweat beginning to pool on his forehead as he thrusted in and out of me.
I could slowly feel my high creeping up, the familiar warmth pooling in my stomach as my lungs almost burned now with how fast I was breathing in anticipation. Daryl quickly seemed to catch onto how close I was, keeping his pace exactly the same as he couldn't be far from his either, breathing just as deeply as I was as he focused so hard on my own pleasure rather than his. His hands then quickly moved up to the sides of my face as he continued to pound into me, bringing his lips to mine as he kissed me sloppily, his tongue darting out to taste me.
"I love you..." he breathed in between kisses, "I love you." he repeated over and over again.
I wanted to respond, I wanted to tell him just how much I loved him, but I was slowly losing my ability to speak. My moans and whimpers only grew louder as I was getting even closer to the edge, my nails digging even further into his skin.
"I know baby...I know." Daryl mumbled as if he was able to read my mind, thrusting even further into me as he tickled that sweet spot that ultimately causing me to crumble, bringing us both to that familiar incredible high.
The remainder of that night was filled with lots of soft kisses, and even more praising phrases in between. We've had our fair share of these moments in the past, but yet somehow this one felt so different. It's like as soon as that ring was placed on my finger, a whole new definition of love was brought right before my eyes. And it was something that I could definitely get used to. This night was the greatest night of my life, filled with pure bliss and happiness for the one man I loved more than anything.
~ Thanks for reading! (Finally, we have a smut scene;) Oh and they're married, yay!)
Taglist - @justareader95 @hayley1998 @welcumetomyescape @ryoujoking @sipsthecoffee @winterassassin1804
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distort-opia · 1 year
In other news I re-read Superman: Birthright and I am now the living equivalent of the MAN HOLD ON. HOLD ON A SECOND meme :) There's... a specific aspect to their dynamic in this comic that makes me want to just. Gnaw off my own arm.
Lex and Clark had been friends during highschool, after Lex moved to Smallville, and it was because of Clark. Clark saw this person who was so frighteningly intelligent and "other" compared to his peers, incapable of hiding all the ways in which he was different. He saw Lex being so impulsive, prone to mood swings and lacking the emotional intelligence (at that point) needed to know when to intervene and when to retreat, visibly set him apart. Meanwhile, Clark had managed to assimilate, to make himself unnoticed, but on the inside he felt like he was apart-- so when Lex rolls into town, it's almost heartbreaking how fast he becomes fascinated and attached.
And yet there's this inevitable barrier. Lex talks about feeling like he doesn't belong on this Earth, about searching for alien life among the stars; essentially, looking for a place to belong. And Clark painfully relates to that, except he can't say it, he can't divulge the secret of who he really is, because of his promise to his father. He keeps seeking Lex out and trying to help him as much as he can, but he can only do it from the position of an outsider in Lex's eyes. But then Lex holes himself up in a lab for weeks, with Clark obsessively checking in on him and attempting to talk to him... leading to The Incident. Aka, the device Lex had been building was powered by a Kryptonite shard that had led Lex to Smallville, in his quest for alien life. So for the first time ever, Clark feels weakness and pain so intense he can barely speak, as a result of his exposure to it; and Lex, in his erratic state, mistakes it for fear. He throws Clark out.
And what's driving me bonkers about this is that Clark had decided to go there to tell Lex about his powers, about him not being of this Earth. Going against his Pa's wishes, because he couldn't bear the thought of Lex fully unraveling. He never gets the chance to, because Lex is blinded by his experiences and sees the worst in Clark's expression. In Lex's mind, he'd just showed Clark something so important to him, and Clark had balked just like everyone else.
And again. Kryptonite. Clark's a kid. He's feeling the worst thing he's ever felt, in the presence of that rock. But he still pounds onto the door, tears streaming down his face, for Lex to let him back in-- where the freaking meteorite is!
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[gestures speechlessly for a second] I mean. I don't know about you but that makes me want to eat drywall. Clark doesn't care about the kryptonite, doesn't ask himself why he's feeling like this or doesn't even think about getting away, he's just desperately trying to fix it. To make sure Lex doesn't believe Clark hates him, asking for forgiveness, when it isn't even his fault. But of course, the power grid explodes, and Clark is too weakened to do anything about the ensuing fire. Lex is greatly injured in it, and his father dies. It's the last time Clark sees him, before they meet as adults.
The horribly tragic irony of Lex having come to Smallville to find proof of alien life, and then that very proof finding him, but Lex never knowing... it's just so compelling. While Clark didn't manage to tell Lex the truth, Lex also never suspected it, not even when a machine he'd built for detection purposes pointed at Clark. He immediately assumed it was broken and threw a fit about it. Lex wasn't able to look past Clark's "disguise" back then because he was so caught up in being angry at the world, and he never managed to see Clark enough to not assume the very worst of him at that critical moment. He never managed to trust Clark enough, and assumed the worst possible scenario when all Clark had been feeling was pain.
AND THEN. They meet as adults. And oh my god, it just must've hurt, the way Lex didn't recognize Clark at all. It doesn't even really matter if Lex actually did remember Clark Kent, but he just pretended he didn't to keep in line with erasing all of the evidence of him ever being in Smallville, because it's still a rejection of who Clark is. It declares him as insignificant. And then Lex meets Superman, and poses the exact same question: do I know you? Not even now does he manage to see Clark; not even when he's a super-powered, othered being, in his "alien" form. He doesn't make any connection between kid Clark Kent's reaction to the meteorite and the way Superman reacts to the kryptonite.
He never really realizes that he's hurt and alienated and let down the person he's been looking for all along, and that is the reason for the look of disgust and disappointment Superman levies at him, and which Lex resents to the point of orchestrating Superman's downfall. Once again, it's a look from Clark that sends everything crashing down, that Lex interprets his own way without hesitation.
AND YET! Mark Waid just keeps fucking going! And yet, despite Lex trying to destroy Superman, he's the one to actually tell Clark who he is. It's because of Lex's invention that Clark finds out what his planet was named, who his parents were, what his family was like-- it's Lex who inadvertently gives Clark something he'd been looking for all his life. Both Lex and Clark had been looking for the place they belonged, and then Lex ends up delivering that to Clark while trying to kill him.
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"You weren't always, Lex." But Lex doesn't know what he's talking about! He doesn't know what he's ruined, and it's so sad, both for him and for Clark-- who all along, had just wanted to share who he truly was with Lex and to help him, but Lex... never sees it.
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tuakaai · 1 month
Good morning people. Since Ep 3 review I have gone outside and touched grass trying to process the ending of the series. So here we go.
Ep 4
First of all. I knew it! I knew it was the dad that killed Ben!
Second of all, the episode was between boring and annoying.
Klaus is doing his completely separate thing from the entire group.
The main group, instead, is on the search for Ben
Which himself is having his own soap-opera
Meanwhile Jean and Gene spend the whole episode in a burger King
Ep 5 & 6
We all know what I'm gonna say...
Lila and Five is just a no, I'm not gonna go too deep on it.
We get to see the in-laws!
The entire cast is separated by duos with very little mixing and I don't like that. They feel so much less like a family than any other season. And I purely believe you could make a more united/mixed season by changing some characters arcs, for example Klaus's exclusion from the main plot!
I do agree that some characters are more independant during the entire series, like Viktor or Five (or Ben cos he hates the entire group). They can stay how they are. I like consistant characterization.
I also want to point out the butchering of female storylines this season. Especially regarding Jennifer and Lila.
Lila is a badass! She's a strong woman, confident in herself, doesn't wait for a no or yes to do something, independant, loving, crazy, stubborn, fun... She's all of it. And this season she's purely been used as Five's love interest. She went from punk to a cottage-core stay at home wife. We barely see her join any of Five's excursions outside the house, except for that last one where she effectively does nothing. Is it only crazy to me that the Lila that said "we're not giving up" has spent more than seven years in her domestic wife fase? And the only reason she is able to go back has been handed to her by Five while insisting she should stay cos he doesn't want to fix the apocalipse and that he's better than her "failed marriage"? She hasn't been given any agency, the writer has done whatever he wanted with her and just won't accept any criticism. He's literally made his fantasies cannon just cos he could.
And Jennifer? Much of the same. A romantic object to advance the plot. Do we know anything about her? No. Does she make her own choices besides sticking beside her oh so loved Ben? No. She's rescued when she has to be rescued, she's killed when she has to be killed, she's romanced just because. She takes no forefront, basically Ben's attachment!
Now, the ending
I don't care, I literally don't care. Is it shit? Very. But what are you supposed to do when you fuck up the entire season before it?
I don't mind the "we have to sacrifice ourselves for this to stop", but it has to be done well. With character arcs finished at the very least.
Also, are you telling me that if they didn't drink the marigold they could've literally throw it to Jennifer and it would've been sorted? And Viktor can remove the marigold from a person, can he not? (like in season 2 & 3)
Idk, I'm going crazy again
Reginald should've died
Moon lady shouldn't have been included
A dance scene should've
Good night, can't wait for the fanfics.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
Leon, in the intro to RE4make:
"September 30, 1998. It's a day I'll never forget. The cop inside me died that day."
Officer 1: So, tell me, Yanqui. Why did you come to this horrible place? As close to nowhere as I've ever seen.
Leon: Let's just say... looking for someone.
Officer 1: That someone must be very important, eh? The Chief gave the orders himself. "Help him," he said.
Leon: I'm sure you boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows.
Officers 1 & 2: (laugh)
Leon: (annoyed) Maybe you did.
Officer 1: You have a strange sense of humor. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Just between us. A lot of people have gone missing around here, and it's been that way for a while, now.
Leon: (still annoyed) Well, then. Should be just another day in the office, right?
Officer 1: Mmm... I mean, last week, there was a search for some missing hikers.
Leon: (sarcastically) I'm sure you'll do your best to help me.
Officer 1: (laughs)
Leon, much later in the scene: So much for helping me.
Leon, later in chapter 1:
(bitterly) "Gotta fix everything myself."
Leon tells Ada in RE2make that the reason why he went into law enforcement was to help people like Kendo and his daughter -- vulnerable people, good people, members of the community who are facing the worst moments of their life and need someone to help make it right.
And yet he says in the intro to RE4make that the cop inside him died that day. When we take that in context with what he told Ada about Kendo, what he means is that his desire to help people died that day. The belief that he could help people died that day.
His faith in humanity died that day.
Leon goes into his mission to save Ashley already expecting the two local officers that he's with to be completely fucking useless, and he gets immediately annoyed at the first hint that they are. His "So much for helping me" is said with a sense of "Why am I not surprised?"
He went into RE2make believing that people are generally good and that things will work themselves out.
He goes into RE4make believing that people are generally selfish and will take advantage of him, leaving him to work through any problem that arises on his own.
This is why he's so supremely pissed off at Ada when they meet back up again, and it's also why Ashley is so integral to his character arc. It's also why I've said in the past that Ada is a foil for Ashley in RE4make.
(NOTE: A foil is a character that is set up in the narrative to directly contrast with another one. Where one character is deficient, the foil character is strong, and vice versa. Where Ada is cold, Ashley is warm. Where Ada is physically capable, Ashley is defenseless. Where Ada is secretive, Ashley is honest. Where Ada is calculating, Ashley is impulsive. A foil does not necessarily exist to make one character seem better than the other; a foil exists to showcase two equals using a different approach and receiving different outcomes as a result.)
Ada is the genesis of Leon's cynicism. She's the reason why he expects less than nothing from people anymore -- the reason why he goes into every social interaction waiting to be screwed over. And she reinforces this throughout the narrative by trying to tear him down ("Leave the girl. She's lost no matter what.") or by keeping score ("Happy to help. Now you owe me.") -- which she takes even further in Separate Ways ("Don't worry, Leon. First time's free.").
In the six years since her initial betrayal, Leon has been forged into a weapon by the US government. The kind-hearted boy from RE2make who wanted to save the world now is more comfortable shoving a knife in the throat of an old woman than he is with carrying on small talk with people.
But weapons on their own are neither good nor bad. It's how they're used that determines that. Up until RE4make, Leon has been surrounded by extreme violence and senseless death (that's the point of changing Operation Javier btw), and he doesn't see a way in which his status as a weapon could possibly be used for good.
Until Ashley comes into his life.
If there was ever anyone who had a good reason to take Leon for granted and take advantage of him, it's Ashley -- but not only does she not do that, but she goes out of her way to make herself useful without expectation or strings attached. The only thing she ever asks for in return is a "thank you."
So, every time she gets that "thank you" -- every time she gets a real smile out of him -- she's returning pieces of his humanity to him. She's healing the hurts that Ada and the CIA inflicted on him so many years ago. She's showing him that there's still some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for. She's worth fighting for.
When Leon says: "This time, it has to be different..." he's not talking about his inability to save anyone in Raccoon City. That's a very surface-level interpretation. What he's referring to there is that Raccoon City destroyed his faith in humanity, ruined his image of himself, and poisoned his ability to create meaningful connections with people.
That's what has to be different this time. That's why the full line he says in the intro is: "If I could just forget what happened that night... the pain, even for a second... This time, it can be different. It has to."
RE2make took so much from him, but Ashley spent the entirety of RE4make giving so much of it back. But if she were to die in his arms in chapter 15, that hope and that healing would die with her. Her death would be a reaffirmation that everything that Leon wants or hopes for in this world isn't real, and that reality is nothing more than a series of random tragedies and chaos that results in suffering.
Ashley re-teaches him how to trust in people again, how to work as part of a team again, how to feel good about his own actions again. She teaches him how to hope again.
Ashley is the first person in six years to care about whether Leon gets or feels hurt by her actions. The most important line of dialogue spoken to Leon in the entire game is "Stay back! I might hurt you again..." as Ashley openly sobs over the mere thought of it.
Juxtapose that beside...
During the boat scene, Ada asks Leon in response to whether or not she's changed, after all of the damage she's already inflicted on him: "What do you think? Don't think too hard."
And so, in the ending, Leon answers: "I think we both know that this is where we go our separate ways."
Because, this time, things were different.
Because, this time, his partner was Ashley.
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orcasoul · 1 year
Am I too late to love you?
Summary: Reader and Joel are in an unestablished relationship. Joel breaks her heart when being asked to admit his feelings and she leaves their shared home. Reader gets into trouble while on patrol without Joel causing him to face his own truth and go in a desperate search for her.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Joel being well.... Joel lol, clicker attack. Use of Y/N.
Italics indicate inward thinking.
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"I love you Joel.... and I know you love me too!"Joel's expression turned cold. "I don't love you! I never have and I never will" He hissed, fixing you with an icy stare. Even though you know Joel was the type person to bury his feelings deep down, hardened by 20 years of grief, a part of you believed (somewhat foolishly) that maybe you meant enough to him for him to finally let his walls down and allow you into his heart. It seems you were wrong. "I don't believe you" you reply, trying to stop your lower lip from trembling. "I've seen you take down infected and other people to protect me. I've seen genuine care and concern from you countless times, and the way you look at me. People don't do that for people they don't love!" You realise how pathetic you sound right now but you're past caring. Your mind is awash with confusion and disbelief at his hostile reaction. A part of you expected him to react with some form of hesitancy, being Joel and all but you didn't expect him to look at you like he is now; with anger and scorn.
Since meeting Joel and Ellie a few months ago you began to feel that maybe there were things worth living for. And after all the dangers the three of you faced to get Ellie to the Fireflies and to get back to Jackson you realised that you loved these two people more than anything in this world and would do anything for them. Shit what have I gone and done? You were sure that if you told him how you really feel that he'd finally admit his feelings for you too. You'd both been through so much together for whatever this was between you two to mean nothing. Surely saving your ass on numerous occasions and fucking you until you're a trembling mess in his arms meant something to him! "I've watched your back just like you've watched mine. That's what it is, nothing more" the tone of his voice cold and distant. "And fucking me every night?! What's that to you Joel? what?... Was I just a way for you to blow off steam?!" "That's right" he retorted emotionlessly. Your eyes widened and your heart dropped to your stomach at that revelation.
All you could do was stare in disbelief as his words sank in, crushing your very soul. "I thought...." you chocked out but Joel cut you off "What? You thought we'd fall in love, get married and play happy families? You've been reading too many of those romance fairy tales. This isn't a fucking fairy tale darling, you need to grow up!" A loud sob escaped you as your head dropped and you brought your arms in to wrap around yourself, as if to somehow find comfort in your own embrace. If you had looked up at that moment you would have seen Joel's expression turn from indifference to sorrow, his eyes beginning to fill with tears at seeing your own, knowing he alone is responsible for them. But as soon as he felt the sting behind his eyes he blinked them back, keeping them locked away with the feelings he has for you. Feelings he won't admit even to himself so how could he admit them to you?
It was easier for him to just ignore what his treacherous heart harboured. Deep down he knew he loved you, more than any woman he'd ever known. He'd do anything for you. Anything to keep you safe, to hear you laugh, to make your life as comfortable and happy as possible. So why is he so hell bent to break your heart now? He know's why; He's not good enough for you. He's done things, terrible things in the past to survive and he knows without a doubt he'd do them again if he had to. He's damaged goods and you deserve so much better than him. He's also nearly 20 years older than you. How much longer could he protect you for? You deserve someone younger and stronger who can keep you safe and someone who's not emotionally closed off. He hates himself in this moment for hurting you, for making you cry. He never should have let things go this far. If making you hate him meant you could move on with your life he would do it, even if it would torture him for the rest of his life. After all he would do anything for you.
You've never felt heartache like this before, except for when you lost your family not long after outbreak day. But that was different, they had no choice but to leave you alone in this world once they became sick, but this man whom you loved and foolishly believed loved you is choosing to leave you as if you mean nothing to him. You could physically feel your heart breaking. It was like he had ripped it out of your chest and cruelly smashed it to pieces in front of you. How could you have been so stupid? How could you have been so naive to believe those moments of what seemed like tenderness meant anything? Anger begins to rise in you as you contemplate everything that Joel has said. How dare he treat me this way after everything!
Glaring up at Joel through puffy and strained eyes you thought you saw a glimmer of.... sadness? But you don't care now. He's made it clear where you stand. "Fuck you Joel!" you scream at him while pushing him back by his shoulders. But him being much bigger and stronger than you he barely moves, making you feel even more insignificant to him! "I thought we had something here. I thought the three of us were a family.... or the closest thing to a family. You used me and made me believe you were somebody you're not! I'm done, I'm fucking done with you!" The room suddenly felt suffocating and in that moment you needed to be anywhere he wasn't. You storm out of the house grabbing your coat as you leave.
The night is quiet. Snowflakes are gently falling making Jackson look like a picture from a postcard. Walking down the lit street, kicking the freshly fallen snow on the ground, your mind begins to drift back to all those mornings you'd wake up with Joel's arms around you. Feeling the warmth of his bare chest against your bare back and feeling that there's no where else you'd rather be. You remember all the times he made you feel loved and wanted. You sigh and shake your head realising none of it was real. You wipe away the tears and rub your cheeks in an effort to warm them up in the chilly air. As you approach the main street of the town your hear the familiar sounds of music and laughter coming from the Tipsy Bison. Even now you sometimes can't believe that life can carry on as normal (or as normal as normal can be in a post apocalyptic world) and you find yourself appreciating these moments more and more.
Having walked almost the whole length of the town you decide to sit on a boardwalk sheltered from the snow outside the grocery store. Lost in your thoughts you didn't even notice Ellie and Dina approach you. "Hey Y/N, you missed a great movie tonight" Ellie beamed at you but her smile dropped when she saw your bloodshot and weary eyes. Clearing your throat you force your most cheerful voice passed your lips. "What one was it this time?" you ask while looking over to the movie hall which was beginning to empty, the sounds of happy children making their way home with their families. Ellie glanced worriedly at Dina before sitting next to you. "Oh, it was just about a kid who travelled back in time in a car and crazy scientist who had to help him get back to his own time" she said as if it was no longer important. "Huh..." you laugh halfheartedly. "I always loved that film growing up".
After a few moments of silence Ellie asks "are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." You couldn't sound any less convincing if you'd tried. "You're obviously not fine Y/N. What happened? Is Joel being a dick again?" At hearing his name the floodgates opened. Ellie wrapped her arm around you as you leaned into her shoulder. "Ellie I'll see you tomorrow" Dina awkwardly said with a wave over her shoulder; Ellie nodded in reply. "Tell me what happened" she whispered softly. "It's over. Whatever me and Joel had... it's over. I told him Iove him and he ....". The tears won't stop flowing and you bury your face in your palms. "He told me he never loved me and that he was basically just using me. He made me feel so fucking stupid for believing he actually loved me" "I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Ellie was seething. "No." you gently grab her wrist before she can get up. "It's pointless Ellie. There's nothing you can do. It's over and that's that." Ellie shook her head in disbelief. "It can't be over. Anyone can see how much you love him and how much he loves you!" "He doesn't." You sigh in defeat. "I thought he did but I was wrong the whole time."
Ellie furiously jumped to her feet pulling your hand with her. "Come on, we're going home and you two can talk this through" she demanded but you remained sitting. "I'm not going going back". Ellie dropped your hand "What?.... but that's your home Y/N! Where else would you go?" Her voice began to crack when she realised how serious you are, and your heart started to break again, this time for her. "I'll go to Tommy and Maria's. I'm sure they'll put me up for a few nights and we can arrange for me to have one of the empty properties. I'm so sorry it's come to this." "Joel's the one who should apologise, not you!" she replied, her fists balled at her sides. "You should get going, Ellie. You know how Joel worries when you get home late." You muster a small smile for her. "That's gonna be the least of his fucking worries tonight!" There was a promise in her tone and you couldn't help but chuckle quietly to yourself. That kid could be so fierce when she wanted to be. She turned her head towards you with a sadness in her eyes. "I'll come and see you tomorrow morning."
Joel tossed and turned all night, replaying not only every moment of your conversation but also Ellie's reaction when she barged through the front door. She was so angry she almost knocked it clean off it's hinges. "What the fuck have you done, Joel?!" Ellie roared at him but he just sighed "Ellie, just leave it...." "No I won't. I just spoke to Y/N, she's devastated! Why would you say those things to her?" Joel shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes "I just told her the truth." "That's bullshit and you know it!" Ellie spat the words out "I know you by now Joel. I know you push people away when you start to care for them. She's the best thing that's happened to you in a long time. She's done so much for us both and you've thrown it back in her face and broken her heart. You've ruined everything!!" Joel took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He couldn't argue with her when he knew every word she had just said was true. "Where is she?" He asked calmly, trying to ease the tension simmering in the room. "She's gone to Maria's and she's not coming back!" Ellie stomped upstairs, slamming her bedroom door shut behind her, leaving Joel alone to drown in his guilt and sorrow.
The moonlight spilled through the bedroom window illuminating your empty side of the bed. It was as if nature itself was torturing Joel, taunting him with the obviousness of your absence. He slowly rubbed his hand over your pillow as if doing that would somehow bring him closer to you. He missed seeing your calm silhouette beside him in the dark, hearing your gentle breaths as you slept. All he wanted right now was to have you back in his arms but he realised that would be selfish of him. This is for the best, he kept reminding himself. He found it impossible to relax. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was your heart wrenching expression. Eventually exhaustion overtook him and sent him into a fitful sleep.
Waking the next morning, groggy and heavy lidded, it took a moment for you to remember where you were. The memories of the previous night hit you with a fresh wave of grief and you can't keep the tears at bay. KNOCK! KNOCK! "Y/N?" Maria called to you from the other side of the door, "Breakfast is ready if you're hungry." "Thank you" you call out trying to steady your voice "I'll be down in 5 minuets." After visiting the bathroom and donning the same clothes you had on yesterday you make your way to the dining room. Tommy and Maria were waiting for you at the table. Judging by the sympathetic looks they were giving you, you realised you must look like shit! Not surprising after spending most of the night crying into your pillow. Tommy broke the silence. "Did you sleep okay?" You just shrugged and gave him a small smile.
He sighed, rubbed his hand over his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. Something you had seen Joel do a million times. The familiarity of that action made your heart clench and you missed Joel all the more. "I'm gonna talk to my asshole brother later and sort this out" he exhaled in frustration. "It won't change anything Tommy" you reply in a small and tired voice. "He made his feelings... or lack of them very clear." Tommy looked at you with raised eyebrows "I just ... I just can't believe he'd go and do this. We all thought you guys had something solid." "So did I" you shrugged with a small, wistful smile. "I want to thank you two for letting me stay here. I'm sorry I came to you both so late. I just couldn't go back there last night." "Hey" Maria spoke softly while placing her hand on yours "Joel or no Joel, we're family." Tommy nodded in agreement.
Tears pricked at your eyes at that reassurance, only now realising how much you needed to hear that. That you hadn't lost them too. "You've both already done so much for me but I'm afraid I have to ask more of you" you say almost ashamedly. "Anything" Tommy replied gently. "Could you prepare one of the vacant houses and give me a new patrol partner? Please, I just can't face him again." "Are you sure you want to make these decisions right now?" Maria asked worriedly. "Yes, I have to." You almost break into tears again. "Okay, we'll see what we can do" Maria soothed as she gently squeezed your hand. "Thank you" you whisper squeezing her hand in return.
You tried to keep yourself busy all morning and true to her word Ellie came to visit. She brought over some of your clothes and toiletries. You couldn't help but laugh when she told you how she 'ripped Joel a new one when she got home. "You know Ellie, no matter what happens between me and Joel I'm always here for you. Nothing will ever change between us" You gesture between the both of you. Ellie nodded with a look of relief on her face as you continued "and I don't want things to be awkward between you and Joel. Just because he doesn't care for me it doesn't mean he doesn't care for you. You know you mean the world to him, right?" "I guess" she mumbled. "I'm just so angry with him right now!" her voice raising in intensity causes you to put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay" you're not sure if you're trying to reassure her or yourself.
Joel made his way to the gate, ready for his patrol shift and ready for the shit storm that Tommy would inevitably rain down on him as soon as they were alone. After he and Tommy separated from the larger group to patrol different areas Tommy spoke, his tone accusatory and judgemental. "So, you wanna tell me what the fuck happened or are we going to pretend Y/N didn't show up at my door last night bawling her eyes out?" "It's nothing." Joel gruffly replied, shrugging his shoulders. He knew this was coming and between the lack of sleep and the resulting headache he was in no mood for a lecture. "Didn't seem like nothing Joel" Tommy pressed. "Look i'm sure she already told you everything so why are you asking me?" Joel's patience was wearing thin. "Because I want to hear it from you. I want to know what the hell you were thinking" Tommy scolded.
Joel answered him with silence. "Joel!" Tommy shouted, clearly annoyed at his brothers stubbornness. "You're such an asshole on times! Don't you realise how much she loves you and after everything you two have been through together, this is how you treat her. She deserves better than that!" "Exactly!" Joel snapped, turning in his saddle to face Tommy. "She does deserve better and she's not gonna get that with me. That's why I let her go. She should be with someone who doesn't have the blood of countless people on his hands, someone who can protect her and make her happy." Silence hung in the air for a few moments, the only sounds being the chilly winter wind and birds in the distance.
Tommy knew what Joel was doing.... again. He knew Joel had been plagued with self doubt and hate since he lost Sarah, so he chose his next words carefully, hoping to drill some sense into his brothers' thick skull. "You think you can't protect her but you've kept her and Ellie safe all this time. You think you can't make her happy but I've never seen you both as happy as when you are together, and who doesn't have blood on their hands these days?" Joel remained silent, contemplating Tommy's words when the next question made his heart freeze and his body tense. "Do you love her?" Joel straightened in his saddle, gripping the reigns tighter and wishing for a distraction right about now so he wouldn't have to answer. Hell he'd even take a horde attack just to avoid that million dollar question.
After a few moments and with a shake of his head he replied "It's not that simple, Tommy." "Actually it is" Tommy said drily "Either you do or you don't." Joel sighed. "Jesus Christ Joel, just tell me!" Tommy barked slapping his hands on his thighs in annoyance. "Alright I love her! Is that what you want to hear?" Joel couldn't hold it back any longer. The usually cold and emotionless man began to crack... "I love her so much that it physically hurts knowing the pain I've caused her." Tommy looked understandingly at Joel, realising they were finally getting somewhere. "So why did you do this?" He asked softly but it was more of a disappointed statement than a question.
"Why did you tell her you don't love her? She's heartbroken." It's just better this way" Joel replied in a cold tone. "Better this way?" Tommy repeated his words "Tell me how this is better for any of you. Even Ellie has been hurt in this." A new wave of guilt coursed through Joel. He knew Tommy was right and he hated himself for hurting Ellie too. "Look..." Tommy sighed "I know how easy it is to doubt yourself. We can be our own worst enemy on times and even if you don't have faith in yourself I do. You are allowed to be happy, Joel. We all deserve a second chance. Just talk to her before it's too late." Joel didn't answer him. He knew he had a lot to think about tonight when he got home.
Beep! Beep! Beep! "Fuck sake" you groaned while reaching over to the bedside table to switch the alarm clock off. You hated the 5am patrols in the dead of winter, at least in the summer it was warmer and lighter. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed you at least felt relieved that you had a new patrol partner, even if it meant taking the earlier shifts. You'd been paired up with a new guy called Andy, tasked with teaching him the ropes. He still had a lot to learn but he seemed more than eager when Tommy suggested you both patrol together. You know he did this for your sake so you wouldn't have to face Joel and for that you were grateful. After dispensing with the usual pleasantries and saddling up you and Andy left for patrol.
"Where are we going again?" Andy asked "We're patrolling by the river today. It's one of the easier routes. Tommy thought it would be the best one for you to learn the basics" you informed him "We'll I don't mind where we start as long as you're the one showing me what I need to know" Andy replied with a wink. He was obviously flirting but you just nodded silently, not encouraging him to continue in any way. He got his horse to match your horses pace, riding silently side by side. Looking at him from the corner of your eye, you couldn't help but miss Joel. It felt so wrong to not have him beside you. You'll have to get used to this you sadly told yourself.
The patrol went well.... at first. You showed Andy the route and how to check and reset the traps. He seemed to learn quickly and he talked, a lot! Or maybe it seemed that way because you hardly spoke a word. You were honestly in no mood for chatting so you just let him do the talking while nodding along. After resetting the last trap it was time to head back to Jackson. But before you could tell him it was time to go you heard a sound that made your blood run cold. Click...click...click! You both snapped your heads up, looking at each other wide eyed. Click...click from another direction and then another. Shit! how many of them are there?! "Quick!" you whispered, pointing to the horses.
It would be safer to shoot them from horseback in case you had to make a quick escape. The clicking got closer as as you both mounted your horses but before you could grab your rifle in the saddle holster the horses began to panic. Deafening, high pitched, inhuman screeching filled your ears. "Shit!" you cursed while reaching for your rifle as one of the clickers charged at you, no doubt attracted by the horses' whinnying. More screams echoed as another three clickers ran towards you both from different directions. "Go!" you screamed desperately, still fumbling to get your rifle out. Andy's horse took off in panic. You kicked your horses sides but it rared up, throwing you to the ground as it sped off.
The impact on the hard frosty ground took the breath from your lungs but as your adrenaline kicked in, giving you a much needed burst of energy you immediately sprang to your feet. Your only thought was to get to your rifle but that damn horse had run off with it and now you are defenceless. You look around in panic, your heart beating out of your chest as you see your death approaching fast. Death with rotting skin, infested with fungus and gnarled teeth. You had always hoped that this wouldn't be the way you'd go out. Before you had the chance to run gunfire echoed as a clicker dropped to the ground, staining the frost and mud crimson. "Y/N run!" Andy called out, Riding back to you from a distance.
The only direction you could run was to the river. You run as fast as you can, trying to ignore your screaming muscles and the tight burn in your chest as you heave desperate, deep breaths. Bang! Another clicker down but there are two more hot on your heels. Andy fires again but misses. They're still coming, that horrendous screeching drowning out the sound of your frantic heartbeat. You stop for a moment as you reach the river bank, looking behind to see how close they are. That's when you're faced with a hard decision: Either be torn apart or jump into the river! In this moment of desperation drowning seemed like the better choice. With Joel and Ellie's faces flashing in your mind you jump!
Part 2
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pomplalamoose · 11 months
we need some domestic headcanons for luke 😭 i absolutely LOVE you for putting out so much luke content for the faint of heart
Making as much Luke content as I can is my mission here so thanks for your ask!!!🫶🏻
I hope this is what you wanted, if not, you are always welcome to ask for something more specific <3
• despite what he wants his Padawans and others to believe, Luke likes to sleep in
• of course he can't admit to that out loud because he's trying to be a good role model
• so outwardly he puts in great effort to be the stern and responsible teacher
• you, however, know better
• while he is never even a second too late and appeares out of thin air just when he is expected, he loves slow mornings in bed
• especially with you in his arms
• he's a "ohhh just five more minutes" kinda guy but tends to really REALLY stretch that saying
• until the five more minutes quickly turn into "shit I overslept" and suddenly he's scrambling, trying to do everything at once, often forgetting to get his breakfast in the process
• he never learns his lesson either which makes it even funnier 
• his students would have a blast if you told them the truth about their Master
• (even more so if they knew how he drools in his sleep)
• sometimes, after an especially hard day of training or a long excursion, he allows his Padawans a day of rest 
• what they don't know is that he enjoys those more than they do
• finally he has some time to sleep as long as he wants to
• while he also likes surprising you with an extravagant breakfast in bed, he much prefers to prepare it together 
• also, since we're on the topic, I think he'd be really into having brunch 
• when he has scraps of time in his every day life, he does his share of household chores 
• wearing an apron 
• so his very nice black clothes don't get dirty
• listen, I don't know where he got it from, maybe it was lying around some day because you took it off and forgot to put it away again 
• possibly it says something cheesy on the front, like "kiss the cook"
• OR even better, it has ruffles 
• either way he manages to look hot in it
• something about his broad frame in tight fitting clothes, his sleeves rolled up and a big apron bow at the back makes you want to climb him like a tree
• most of the time he is a very orderly person too, keeping your shared living space tidy and clean 
• except when it comes to his socks 
• they're lying around everywhere
• and I mean EVERYWHERE
• at the beginning of the week, after he did the laundry on Sundays, they are neatly folded and stacked in his drawer
• once they are out, they are out though 
• it's like they have a will of their own 
• so when he eventually runs out of clean ones, he has to painstakingly search every last corner of every room to get them all back together 
• on the plus side he's really good at building and fixing all kinds of things
• it definitely has to do with the way he grew up and he likes to do it too; it helps him get his mind off things 
• I totally see him forcing one or more of his students to help him out as a form of detention 
• (it's low-key fun though)
• he's like a dad in those moments, going full "hold that flashlight for me JUST like that" mode
• also he recruits them for extra credit from time to time when he's working on a special project 
• of course he could also put droids to work but insists on letting his Padawans do it, because "it's an important part of their education"
• (he likes having them around)
• he often tells them fun stories while they're at it and since he is a great story teller, they always have a good time 
• during the children's free time he allows himself to be more easy going with them and is totally down to play dress up or hide and seek
• occasionally he gets invited to little tea parties and picnics 
• also I think he'd try to make the introduction to meditation easy and more appproachable for the little ones by making them color out mandalas 
• (he likes mandalas too)
• he's horribly allergic to kiwis but doesn't know because he never encountered one before 
• (and probably never will, are there kiwis in space?)
• sometimes he randomly goes missing during the day 
• if that's the case there's a high chance he's off somewhere snorkeling to look at fishies 
• it's very hard to get his attention then and every call falls on deaf ears
• rumor has it he does it on purpose 
• when he eventually leaves the water sopping wet, with his pants clinging to him tightly, everyone forgives him easily enough though 
• especially his older students like to wait out for these moments
• I kind of see that turning into an event 
• he never quite understands what's going on but is delighted to see so many coming up to him
• (he understands very well but pretends he doesn't when you indignantly throw a towel and him, telling him to cover up)
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 46 - The Hacienda's Fever (Part 1)
AKA Kerubim Crepin's Divorce Ballad
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Kerubim and Simone besties moment number 84593845345.
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This episode is so meta for making Kerubim fucking hate a breakup song and in response singing an even worse one.
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I don't think I need to point out that, very likely, 50-90% of this episode is some shit Kerubim is making up on the fly as he sings to Joris and Simone.
This is less telling of what actually happened at that fucking club, or whether The God Ecaflip Himself was there that night, — and more telling of his divorce issues.
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His dance is too well animated. I can't believe I had to rewind to watch it two times (while withstanding the "singing")
And it has to end with this ass shot each time. I can't do this anymore.
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It is tempting for me to assume that this episode takes place after Ecaflip city.
The clues for that interpretation being: The lyrics, her hairstyle, and the fact that he keeps apologizing for some betrayal that we never learn about.
This would point to the fact that, perhaps, she regained her memories, and left him, — and then he had to win her heart back, and they got together again (with this being an idealized depiction of what happened), but eventually, it became too much, and she left him for real.
That would mean that their break-up was a long time coming after Ecaflip city, even if they did try to make things work after she regained her memories, and would line up perfectly with the tenets 1, 4, 5, and 6 of divorce theorising.
She left sad, and unlike many other times, without any anger for Kerubim.
She left Luis with him to watch over him.
She also left Luis because he couldn’t go with her, but that could mean many things.
She left after Ecaflip City, obviously, and at that time, their relationship seemed the healthiest. (Well, as healthy as it could be.)
Unlike all the other times, Kerubim didn’t go searching for her. It seems this separation was final in a way no other was, and there had to be a reason that he didn’t go and try to make up. An unsolvable issue.
Both Luis and Kerubim blame Kerubim, and the first one uses this to make the second one angry.
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But thinking about this a bit deeper, — it is just as likely, if not more likely, that Kerubim simply goes into a sad-ass vent song on his post-divorce issues in the middle of that story and never gets back on track for the rest of the episode.
He is singing all of this out loud, after all. There isn't as much of an emphasis on accurate storytelling, when all you're thinking about is singing.
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The lyrics would... certainly fit that.
Though it could be a combination of both. Perhaps it is after Ecaflip city, — but a lot of lyrics are tinted by his present regrets, with him blaming himself for not saving their relationship somehow.
Perhaps he is envisioning a world where simply singing a Cooler song, all about how sad he is, at Da Club could have fixed everything.
Or maybe I am fucking insane for reading into this.
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His poor homeless orphan ass did NOT go to school or wear glasses. He is making SHIT UP for rhyme's sake. I HATE his ass. Anyway, that book in his hands may say "ERER", or "FRFR", or perhaps "RLRL". It's way too small for me to really tell.
It doesn't seem to be "KEKE", at least.
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Chances are, Indie, who has known Lou for as long as Kerubim has, is still her friend even after all the romantic tension disappears from between them.
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And I think if he knew about Kerubim's fucky wucky in the Ecaflip city, he would not feel kindly about it. It would probably completely undo the friendly rivalry and mutual respect they managed to develop over the years.
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Keke is making more shit up, considering this has never happened, but it does tap a little bit into the "he thinks he's entirely to blame, and Lou isn't" thing ("I was so clueless") and "he has self-worth issues" thing ("So afraid they'd like him less").
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Yet another clue towards "this episode is a vent for him" theory.
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I can't stand him. I can't stand Joris either.
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Truly said like a man who developed clinical depression and hoarding tendencies, opened a shop, ruined his shop, and then went to wars for fun after this divorce, before adopting a kid to love him instead.
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Men will do anything but go to therapy.
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silky-slinky · 2 years
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12. “I can't leave you for a minute, can't I?”
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Five Hargreeves knew that you were clumsier than average the moment he saw you. He didn't know what made him automatically think that you were clumsy. Maybe it was the way you'd stumble a few times whenever you had too many things in your hands or the way you'd do things more carefully than normal but still end up messing some things up.
Yet either way, he didn't care. He loved you regardless of those little things. In his eyes, you were perfectly imperfect. In his words, “I don't believe in God but I do believe that you were made perfectly.”
He was always alert and cautious, given his work, but his senses heightened up when you came along. He was always on the lookout for things that could potentially hurt you, his hand always covering the part of the table when you'd get something you dropped or his hand automatically on the small of your back so that he'll be ready to catch you whenever you'd stumble.
It was these little things he subconsciously did that made you fall in love with him even more. But with your clumsiness, he never left you alone with Klaus, afraid that you'd accidentally kill his brother or worse, start another cult with Klaus.
“Holy fucking shit.” A mere whisper left your mouth but was still audible from Stan's position in the room, a few feet away from where you were, lungs out of breath as your eyes scanned Klaus' body gushing out spurts of blood, seemingly never-ending.
Your cold hands gripped the very crossbow that killed your partner's brother, and your knuckles almost turned white at the sensation.
“Five is going to fucking kill me, dude.” Thoughts ran through your head as you tried your best to think of what to do in this gruesome scene. Stan stood frozen, much like you, also thinking of something to do.
Finally, almost like a light bulb had lit up in your head, you finally thought of something. It wasn't the best plan, but it was the most doable at the moment.
“Stan, get some cleaning shit. We need to clean this up.”
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The elevator rang, and the Hargreeves siblings fixed their eyes on the door, waiting for someone to step outside the box. They were relieved to see the four people that were missing, Klaus, Stan, Diego, and you.
A sigh left Five's mouth as he conspired about what you did while you were with Klaus and his knife-throwing brother with his son that definitely did not look like him. He regretted his decision to leave you in the hands of Klaus the moment he went with Lila to try and fix this upcoming apocalypse yet again.
“Don't be mad at me but I accidentally killed Klaus.” You said in a hushed tone after sitting next to Five for a few minutes, itching to get the truth out of your mouth.
Five simply looked at you with a blank stare, and your eyes searched all around his face for something, but there was nothing, merely a blank stare is what he gave you. “It was bound to happen anyway.” A shrug of his shoulders was all he gave you and a sip of his glass, looking as if it was normal for his brother to accidentally be killed and be brought to life.
“Wait, what?” You paused for a moment, straightening up your posture at what he said. “You're not mad, at all?”
“Well, he's alive right now, isn't he?” He tilted his head in the direction of his brother who chugged down the bottle of who knows what, just whatever he first saw.
“He's alive. You're alive, that's all that matters.” He interrupted what you were about to say before sipping his drink and kissing you on the top of your head. An action that doesn't go unnoticed by his siblings. After all, Five was never one for public displays of affection, most especially in front of his siblings.
“I can't leave you for a minute, can't I?” A chuckle left his lips at the pout you formed on your lips, your mind recalling the memory when you begged for him to let you come along with him and Lila, but still left you to be babysat by Klaus.
“Damn right you can't. That's why you're stuck with me forever.”
“If forever means what time we still have on this Earth because of that apocalypse, then I'd gladly be stuck with you.”
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- ★
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 2 months
Hey Illeg
I wanted you to know I ended up back on my... I don't even know what to call it anymore where I reread Smoke and Ashes and have feelings. Lots of long and not very cohesive writing later...
Think of it as a hypothetical where they catch up to Sky and end up at Lon Lon in Time’s era? Idk. I also have been reading MistressofInsanity19's stuff...
Malon wasn’t sure what first drew her attention to the girl. It might have been the yellow tunic, pants, chainmail, and sword. Lady knights weren’t completely unheard of but she hadn’t heard of any in recent years. The girl seemed rather young to be a knight. She couldn’t be much older than some of the boys her husband had brought for a visit and her hair was done up in girlish ribbons. Surely the queen would have wanted this kind of a skill to be celebrated. But what she realized with a start was the divinity and despair radiating from this girl in waves. This was not just a traveling Lady Knight. 
“Hello, Hon.” She tried to go slow, like when she first met the boys. All the same, the girl startled and hands went to her sword. She saw the girl’s face and suddenly realized who this girl might be. “Easy, Honey…” She held up her hands to both placate the girl and show she meant no harm. The young Zelda deflated. “So, which Zelda are you?” That brought the girl from frantic despair to wariness. 
“How do you know who I am?” 
“My husband is out traveling with 8 boys who share his name. That, and you look like you could be a spitting image of the queen when she was young enough that she could shirk responsibilities and come visit us without entourage or disguise. So whose Zelda are you?” And how in Nayru’s grace are you here out of your own era? But that string of questions would have to wait as Zelda’s eyes filled with tears. 
“Link said they call me Sun. He’s… they called him Sky.” There was a hesitation in her statement and the past tense had Malon immediately concerned. 
“My name’s Malon.” She explained gently. “My husband is the one the boys call Time.” She crouched and took the girl’s hands. “What happened to Sky, Dear?” 
Sun explained through tears that she’d received a letter from one of the other boys. A letter that her Sky had left the group. He’d run off after an opponent had revealed things about the boy's story. They’d been true as far as Sky and Sun believed. A curse on the hero’s spirit. And both the princess and the hero blamed themselves terribly for the whole thing. Sky had slipped away, going after the shadow himself to make things right. That had been the last she’d heard from them. Sun had gathered up everything she had left to her from remembering her life as the goddess and threw herself across timelines in search of her Link or the other Links to make things right. Malon listened, but in the meantime, lead Sun back to her cart, and packed up for the day.
“I know him. I know he’ll kill himself trying to fix this and I can’t let him do that again, not when it’s not his fault.” 
“It isn’t yours either, Dear.” She stopped Sun’s frantic words. Reborn goddess or not, she was still barely more than a girl. She put an arm around Sun. Sun tucked herself easily into Malon’s side. “I haven’t heard from the boys in a while. Now, you’ve had a long journey so far. For tonight, how about you come with me. I’ll take you home. We’ll see if I have any news of the boys and you’ll be able to rest if nothing else.” She’d write a message to the queen tonight and send it in the morning if there was nothing at home to go off of. But for tonight, the young Skyloftian was worn out and needed food and rest and a safe place to sleep. Sun agreed and Malon lifted the girl up onto the wagons seat. It was much easier than it should have been. If there were any doubts this little one was taking any better care of herself than what she'd told of her beloved...
Malon managed to get some fruit and milk into Sun during the ride home. It seemed to help buoy her up. And keeping the girl tucked into her side seemed to provide a simple comfort. 
There was a flurry of activity in the house once she’d arrived and put the horses away. There were several young men rushing through the house and from the garden. Whether by luck or divine intervention, the boys were here. But Malon was coming up short of the repeated faces she saw rushing around and when they finally took notice of the two of them… 
"Sun." It was Wild who noticed the two of them first. "How..." Wild shook his head. "Good to see you..." He trailed off lamely.
Malon tuned in to the shouts from a spare room.
"Hold pressure on that one for me. I'm almost done with this set..."
"Another potion..."
"Gettin' weaker Captain..."
"Plenty of fairies if..."
Malon swore quietly as she took it in. She didn't have to wield the Triforce to put together who the boys were speaking about, nor to hear that it was bad.
Wild had just stepped out to make elixirs. They had red potions and fairies in abundance, especially with Time’s fairy garden patch here... but he found himself facing Time’s wife who had a second person tucked under her arm. Sky’s Zelda. Hylia above this was bad timing. And wasnt that ironic... with everything Sky had told Wild about his Sun...
"I'm too late aren't I?" Sun whispered as she watched everyone's frantic activity. "He's already..."
"No no no..." Wild quickly crossed the living room to grip her shoulders. "He's alive. He's still alive."
"He's dying isnt he?" Sun was sobbing full force now.
"Hey..." Wild quickly moved to steady her. "Hey, wait a second..."
Sun was quickly descending into panic. She could see the rushing of activity and the grim looks weren't the look of a victory. They were the resigned looks of a vigil.
"Sun. Sun. Zelda. Please... I need you to breathe with me, ok?"
"I can't lose him."
"You haven't. But we need to calm down first, ok?" He counted out breaths for her to follow. He felt a sudden rush of sympathy for Four when he'd had to have some sense knocked into him after Twilight’s injury. Sun was trying but not succeeding at following his directions.His hands fluttered, not quite sure what to do. This was Sun. This was Sky’s Zelds. It was so much like when Flora panicked...that when the girl slumped into his shoulder, he sighed and put arms around her. He talked, both to process everything that he'd shoved away for later and to give Sun an anchor to cut through her panic. "We saw it. We saw his fight with Demise. We saw what happened. We saw the toll it took on him. Everyone saw what it took for him to win. Then, we caught up to him. We found him in the midst of taking on the Shadow, fighting that darkness. He was wounded..." and scared. Wild would not soon forget the naked fear in Sky’s eyes as he saw the chain for the first time in weeks. "and... The Shadow took the opportunity to strike him again. He deals in cursed wounds that don't heal quickly." Twilight's wounding had been bad but Sky? By the time they arrived he was almost as Injured as he'd been in the Demise fight. He had so many.
"but we've done this before..." it was shallow. Wild couldn't keep the apprehension nor the fear from his voice. "We rallied Twilight, he fought and held on until the Shadow let go. That's what it'll take for Sky. "
He ran himself so ragged...stretched himself so thin... does he even have the strength to fight?
Wild heard Sky’s heartbreaking words once they'd caught up to him after his strength and resolve finally gave out.
"Maybe then I will have done enough to atone... I'm sorry Zelda. I guess this is one promise I can't keep."
"Can I see him, please?" Sun finally begged after a minute of painful silence.
"Yeah" Wild shook himself and offered an arm like he would with his own Flora. "Come on, I'll take you there." Sun hesitated and Malon set a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll come with you." Sun nodded and let Wild lead the way to a separate room off a hallway.
Their presence cleared the flurry of other Links rushing around the room and hallway and let her see her beloved. Sky was guant, there were dark bags under his eyes and he was so pale he looked almost gray. Those plus his almost unnatural stillness sent a panic through her again. Was he breathing? She held her breath until she was able to see the rise and fall that showed life. Like a sudden burst of thunder, the others recognized her as she took three steps into the small room.
"How did you get here?" Similar questions were thrown out in degrees of Incredulity. She crossed the expanse to the bed where her Link lay still and gray. But he's still breathing. He's still alive. It gave her the courage to face the others. The ones who her failure had brought.
"Four wrote to me." She finally spoke. "He said you had some questions Sky wouldn't answer. Well, I'm here as a second source and with all my memories from being Hylia." Her beloved said that the others had trouble with the goddesses. She needed to give them something else to blame rather than her Link. If they had someone else to hate, then they'd be able to put their bitterness for Link aside temporarily right? "What do you want to know?" None of them would look at her suddenly. Not even the scarred Champion. Every inch of her trembled under the weight of so many pairs of eyes turned to her with fury like the demon lord himself. She continued speaking.
"Your enemy said Sky cursed you, but it is only part of the story. Demise set a curse on the Spirit of the Hero and the Blood of the Goddess. A death curse from a dying god. A death curse because Link killed him." The fact they didnt react to this said they somehow knew. "Link wasn't supposed to have to fight him. He was the failsafe. Hylia shed her divinity and was reborn as a Mortal with the intention of reawakening her memories and then being able to use the Triforce and destroy Demise. But I was too late..." She took a deep breath, fighting to keep her voice level. It was almost easy to think of Hylia as separate. She was. But the memory of that chaos. "So Link took up the Triforce, fought the demon lord and his master and ended it. If there's someone you need to focus your anger on, it is not Link. You might as well blame the one who wasn't strong enough to stop Demise in the first place." Her voice cracked. "Blame me. Not him."
"Zel..." an exhausted, broken voice came from behind her, where she'd set herself between her beloved and these others. He was struggling to get up. "What are you..?" Several sets of hands moved to try to help her keep him from getting up.
"Don't strain yourself, Love."
"Please. She isn't a part of this." Sky still strained passed the hands, bargaining with the other heroes. "Give me a little time and we'll both leave. You'll never have to..."
Malon heard the words, Sun trying to draw the ire of the heroes to herself rather than her Link. Sky, trembling and injured and weak begging for the others to not harm Sun. And they both seemed to believe this was needed
"You're not leaving for a while, Sky." Her interjection parted the heroes and let her join Sun by the boy. "You're hurt and you're going to rest. No one will harm Sun." The words seemed to sink in and Sky allowed himself to be directed to lay back down and within moments, he'd slid back into unconsciousness. She was left with a stunned gaggle of heroes, a girl who was shaking as bad as her hero had been with the effort of trying to remain brave and put together. She finally shook her head and sent a silent prayer for wisdom and strength and spoke to the whole room.
“Alright. There's no reason to have everyone packed into here when there ain't much to be done here.” She turned to Hyrule and Warriors. “Now, are there any open wounds or any that are  actively bleeding?” The two heroes had a quick but silent conference. 
“No Ma'am” Warriors finally spoke. “The bandages are holding for the time being and the worst wounds were treated with more mundane methods.” Malon nodded. 
“Good. I don't see a reason for there to be more in here than a healer and someone to keep them company. Do you?” She directed her question at the boys and received shaking heads in response. “Then it's settled. Set who is on watch and the rest of you, I could use some help around the farm.” While the boys discussed watches, Malon put an arm around Sun. “Is there anything you need, Hun?” 
Sun shook her head. She was trying not to cry again. “Can I please stay with him?” She begged. 
Malon’s heart ached for the girl. “Of course you can stay with him.” She assured. “In fact...” With the assurance that Sky’s wounds had been at least sealed and bandaged, Malon scooped up Sun and carefully set her next to Sky on the bed. “I can think of nothing better than having you cuddled up with him.” Sun hesitantly took her beloved's hand, then after a moment, buried her face in an unbandaged shoulder. Malon took a blanket from the foot of the bed and carefully tucked the quilt around the two Skyloftians. The boys had dissipated by the time she finished, leaving her with Hyrule and Wild. She turned to them with half a question before Wild spoke up. 
“We'll keep an eye on them.”
She assigned the boys to chores to hurry and put the ranch to bed for the night. She took up residence in her kitchen. With Wild on injured watch, it was unlikely the others hadn’t thought about food. Sun's slight frame as Malon had lifted her into the cart and then again onto the bed concerned her. Neither one of them should be that... worn. She started a simple meal. Maybe she'd be able to get at least Sun to eat something substantial. While she worked, the debating and arguing of some of the others caught her ears.
"Why wouldn't he just explain it?" Legend groused. "Why'd we have to trust Four's insane ex-boyfriend to show us all of that. Lolia Beneath, why didn't Four tell us about the letter?"
"Because none of you idiots were functioning like adult Hylians!" Four burst out at the accusations against him. "The way everyone reacted to the news that Shadow gave about Sky..."
"How hard is 'oh by the way, I got the full story?'" Warriors shot back.
"That I got it from Sun and there was so many details that the Shadow had left out? You wouldn't listen to me, Cap. You've never heard me out..." The others were joining in now, pausing in their tasks to join was what quickly becoming a shouting match. Accusations were being thrown around until Malon finally ventured from the kitchen. They all were missing the point and so wrapped up in their own point of view they weren't looking to see anything or anyone else's view. The continued thread seemed to be why hadn't Sky just told them the story. Why would Sun word it like that? Sky and Sun's actions had just seemed to prove the Shadow's words as true. A sharp whistle abruptly stopped the arguments as they all turned to her.
"Boys. Have you ever thought that those two kids fully believe that they are to blame and that they deserve whatever ire they get from y'all?” that shut down several comments as some mouths snapped shut and in contrast several others’ mouths dropped open in shock. "there was nothing to explain because as far as they knew there was nothing to refute." She loved the boys dearly but all of them were being hard-headed and stubborn.
"And I can't believe any of you were foolhardy enough to believe that this Shadow who you've all stated as an enemy would listen to anything it says as having more than just enough truth to make y'all do this." She threw out her arms in an encompassing gesture.
The knock at the door startled everyone. It was too late for any sort of polite visitors and the ranch's neighbors were fairly distant just by nature of the property. Time grabbed his gilded sword and went to the entryway to answer it. The others in the living room strained to listen for some kind of indication of trouble. There was a murmur of conversation and then the eldest stepped back into the room with a cloaked figure at his side. Shortened, greying-blonde hair stuck out from the mask and cowl and covered a red eye. 
“Hello, Sheik.” Malon recovered first. “I was going to write a letter but it seems you beat me to it.” 
“I had a vision.” Sheik replied shortly. “Things are precarious tonight. What has happened?” The situation with the Chosen Hero and Goddess Reborn was laid out. Sheik took the information in, then nodded once. 
“I have something I can do. But I will need assistance.My magic is not as great as it was when I was young. Link?” The address had 6 responses. Sheik's expression flashed a momentary annoyance
“Hero of Time.” Sheik turned to the hero in question, who stood up straighter. 
“I will need your help.” 
Time nodded and Sheik turned suddenly to Legend. 
“I also sense my magic in you, Descendent-from-a-different-future. Can you use your abilities?” Legend paled briefly. 
“I don't have much natural power of my own...” He fidgeted with his rings. 
“Can you lend what you do have?” Legend considered, then nodded. 
“Good, come.” The three of them stepped down the hall just out of earshot before Sheik turned again. 
“One more item of importance. Do you both have a genuine interest in seeing this boy healed?” There was a moment of shock to process the words before Sheik turned to search first Time’s face, then Legend’s. 
“Your aid must be freely given to be effective. If you have reservations, it is better if you do not offer your magic. So I ask again. Do you wish to help without reservation or regret?” 
There was a painful moment of self-reflecting silence. 
“I need to fix this. I'm going to help.” Time answered quietly. 
“I don't actually hate the guy and no one deserves to suffer like that...”
“Good. Come.”
thank you, aj, i love it so much, and it's SO GOOD
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Quarter Finals - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
Vote for Shadow the Hedgehog
There seems to be some confusion in the notes. He is Catholic. It may not be explicit, but it can be inferred.
Shadow was created by Professor Gerald Robotnik, and for the early part of his life, lived with Gerald and his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik.
Robotnik is not a made-up name. Google Search results may only bring up pages related to the Robotniks of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, however, it is a rarely used Polish surname. Poland is a historically Catholic nation, and… come on. Maria is the most Catholic name ever. The Robotniks are Catholic. Shadow was created and raised by Catholics.
Now you may be wondering to yourself: Does Catholicism even exist in Sonic? The answer is yes, at least in the Archie comics, where Protestants are explicitly mentioned.
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Couple this with the fact that several characters, including Shadow, have canonically taken the Lord’s name in vain, it is reasonable to infer that Christianity, and therefore Catholicism, exists.
So… while Shadow’s own religious beliefs may not have been explicitly addressed… at minimum:
Catholic is a cultural designation that Shadow will always be allowed to claim based on the family that made him.
Whether he’d actually want to claim that designation is a different conversation, but the other propaganda does a fine job of explaining why it may be appropriate to headcanon him as a practicing Catholic.
Now that we’ve established that Shadow has as much of a right to be in this tournament as anyone else, there’s one very important reason you should vote for him:
It would be funny if he won.
Thank you.
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Essays are done!! Here’s some Shadow propaganda because the propaganda we currently have sucks and I need to fix that. While yes, Shadow being Catholic is a meme, there is more to outside of the simple “fandub said so” and its not quite stated its Catholicism but just how he behaves and his actions. There’s a lot of Sonic content so I will try to keep this brief. Gonna get headcanons out of the way.
Shadow is Chilean and so are Maria and Gerald Robotnik because I fucking say so and they’re Catholic. He definitely had un rosario next to his like. Bed or test tube whatever he slept in. So did Maria btw. Alright let’s move on because I am 100% correct.
Let’s start with some background for Shadow. Shadow was created as a cure for a girl called Maria and he grew to care for her as a sister and loved her deeply. He was artificially created but still holds a soul that is similar to Maria’s. Long story short, Maria is killed protecting Shadow who watches as she’s shot in front of him. He has his memories tampered by Maria’s grandfather, Gerald, who manipulates him into carrying out revenge on the Earth, even if Shadow ends up as collateral.
Shadow struggles with frequent identity crises, even before Maria’s death and always wondered what his purpose was, what he was made to do. Was he a weapon? Was he a cure? He’s the Ultimate Lifeform, but what does that truly mean? ? He’s Shadow, but what more is there to him? He doesn’t know what his purpose is other than what others have prescribed to him, and he guides himself through the will of others (something that he breaks through afterwards but not yet). Shadow at his core is self-sacrificing and constantly punishes himself. This is where you can see some of that good old guilt that everyone has been using as propaganda, but we also see someone who is giving and kind.
He is snarky in the game, especially when interacting with Sonic, but he’s having what is essentially an ongoing mental breakdown but keeps moving because it is his duty to his sister. He doesn’t believe himself important enough to continue on after her and sees it in himself to act out on “Maria’s wishes”. After the revelation that Maria’s final wish for Shadow was for him to make those on Earth happy and to protect them, he immediately sacrifices himself to do so.
Okay, that’s a lot and you’re probably asking “Okay, you mentioned he is a giving person and yeah he has guilt, but that’s not really Catholicism” and yes you would be right! So let’s go into the more important part of being Catholic. The charity, the community, the kindness, etc. Shadow is a very reserved person and has the habit of being a dumb teenager because well. Yeah. Anyways, he definitely has a soft spot for those he cares about and while his whole arc (in my opinion) is about finding the freedom of self-autonomy, it is also Shadow growing as a person and deciding not to save people because others have told him he needs to, but because he wants to. It is born from his soul and its his nature to care for people. It is who he is, and he knows it now. He’s not doing it because he’s a hero or because he is told to do so. Shadow is a very giving person and I think people tend to forget about that especially due to bad writing from the past decade or so. He is also stated to help out at food shelters and volunteers a lot. He is proud and a bit prickly, but he cares so deeply about those he loves. He is stronger with his loved ones and will always do his best to protect them. These are minor, yeah, but you don’t need sweeping and enormous acts to get attention for the good deeds you do. Most of what you apply of Catholicism is done at the personal level, between your friends, family, and community.He also goes to Mass whenever he can and if he can’t he goes to the capilla and also does the sign of the cross whenever he runs by a church. Cutting this off because this is already 740-ish words and I had to send these across multiple asks I am so sorry Catholic mod
I'm pretty sure you've already got plenty of submissions for her so I'll just say she was raised in what is basically a cult (technically a nunnery but let's be real) dedicated to keeping the body of the thing that will kill God behind the rock. One of their prayers is actually "I pray the rock is never rolled away". Harrow is extremely devout as penance for her earlier heretical actions in the tomb as a child (spoiler!) so the Catholic guilt really comes through
imagine being a catholic nun and you meet god, but it turns out he’s a twitch streamer from new zealand who became god because everything got a little bit out of hand. and just before you met him you gave yourself a diy grief-fuelled lobotomy with the help of your best frenemy. imagine how insane you’d be. now multiply that insanity by nine. that’s the fictional love of my life right there.
she meets god. she’s not inspired
she’s number one practitioner of space Catholicism. The locked tomb is chock full of Christian (catholic) imagery themes metaphors etc. just look at her she’s got a bone rosary
They're Catholicism with extra bones. Everyone is a nun. They have what is basically a rosary made from knuckle bones. They technically worship the same God as everyone else, but they're waaaay more focused on The Body in the Tomb (Mary) and we get a moment where we find out that while everyone else prays the equivilent of The Lords Prayer, they're doing the equivilent of Hail Mary. And they paint their faces with skulls.
She thinks leaving dry bread in a drawer is taking care of someone. She's in love with a 10,000 year old corpse (the same one they worship). She spent ALL NIGHT digging with her bare hands to make sure a field had bones every 5 feet so she could fight her girlfriend - I mean, greatest enemy. Spoiler territory: She's been puppeting her parents corpses since she was 8 years old. Instead of grieving her dead girlfriend, she gives herself a lobotomy. She makes soup with bone in it so she can use the bone IN THEIR STOMACH to try and kill them.
The author is/was Catholic and the entire series had heavy Catholic overtones. https://www.tor.com/2020/08/19/gideon-the-ninth-young-pope-and-the-new-pope-are-building-a-queer-catholic-speculative-fiction-canon/ A good breakdown of how it's Catholic
Anti-propaganda (spoilers)
I love the Locked Tomb series but Harrowhark has daddy issues with God, had a childhood crush on God's cryogenic partner, and is in love with God's daughter, not to mention that she's essentially a bone-bender. The religion on her home planet exists in a way that is technically against the will of the canon in-universe God, even. All of this to say, Harrowhark is heretical at minimum if not an outright witch. Terrible Catholic. Burn her.
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