#drdt no killing game au
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oughhh ok since arturo is ignoring her can arei check up on veronika??? please?? maybe even someone like eden or hu??? im getting worried 😭😭
Hu goes to see Veronika.. or not.
Both arms and one leg.. Why do I recognise that from somewhere?
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moxie-girl · 5 months ago
"Ahahahahaha! 'Afraid of blood'? You really fell for that!? How stupid are you??"
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flat drawing, design ref, and extra doodles under the cut!
(btw guys he's so totally lying! his goggles are like that partially to censor blood to look pink because he is, in fact, still traumatized by it! gaslight gatekeep girlboss <3)
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ask-the-no-killing-game-au · 11 months ago
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Credits to @ask-the-no-killing-game-au for the au
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talkativeanonymous · 5 months ago
UNKNOWINGLY TRAUMATIZED??? I feel like we need more lore drop 😭
HAHA yeah i'm leaving out soooome details :>
Since i'm tired and feeling kind of sickly, i'm just gonna run it down rq!! I can elaborate on anything if asked-- but keep in mind i'm basing this off of the itty bitty bit of lore we've gotten so far plus my own BS I cooked up, I actually don't think XF-Ture is behind the killing game despite it clearly having a role to play… THAT BEING SAID! Here's SOME of the lore, a lil rundown of pre-drdt whit <3
(loredump below the cut)
Whit, similarly to Ace actually (though the aus are inherently unrelated)- essentially had his life taken away from him by XF-Ture.
Whit did not sign up or consent for anything that happened to him, [REDACTED] decided that from all of the recently graduated students in HPA, they chose him for his ability to be entertaining and would be perfect for a "Killing Game TV Show". In which, they then handed him off to XF-Ture who [REDACTED] let do the dirty work to keep their name out of the picture.
I am personally assuming that DRDT takes place in a post-despair(ish)-redemption world, although I don't believe it's connected to the original DR games. With that in mind, XF-Ture definitely has done some dirty work behind the scenes and has the technology that was ultimately used to brainwash Whit.
Whit was missing for months, as after all that he went through he had to be looked after and made sure he was stable enough to even BE on TV as he became notably aggressive and easily distressed. It was for this reason that they then worked on making him more apathetic to people dying and death in general. (which is my reasoning for Whit laughing and joking despite people LITERALLY dying, or just not caring at all on a surface level)
After about a year's worth of work, he was finally ready to be the proper mastermind for DRDT. He was meant to watch over the killing game to make sure all went as [REDACTED] had planned. During this time, Whit is aware that he's the mastermind- willingly or not. He knows very well that he can't tell anyone as his mind is quite literally against him on this and it's hard to say he has too much free will for that reason.
Hes more self-aware if anything, and his subtle jabs at the viewers in the show is him pointing to that; the fact that he knows. [REDACTED] doesn't appreciate it, knowing he's giving himself away, but it's not as if they can really punish him for doing his job; as it IS entertaining.
..For now i'm gonna leave it off here, but feel free to make assumptions about the rest or just straight up ask >:)
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drdt-headcanons · 17 days ago
(Non-killing game au) eden coaxed nico into leading a GSA at hopes peak. Idk I just love the idea of that <3
I love the idea of Eden getting Nico out of their comfort zone! At first, they'd be apprehensive; then eventually, they'd start to like it more as more people joined. I think Nico would benefit from running a space that makes other people feel accepted and appreciated. Plus, they need to get out there more.
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non-killing-game-ftes · 11 months ago
Hey Veronika! What's it like in the afterlife? Is it a white void like us? Also, do you wanna chill out with me, David, and Min sometime?
ooc - Just pretend I put effort into making her own sprites instead of using her canon ones... also, this au takes place in the equivalent of the start of the au before anyone died !! I guess I can.. temporarily kill her..? ^_^
"Anyway, why would I be dead?! I'm right here and alive!! I'm sure there's some way I could hang out with you though!"
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ask-the-drdt-cast-reblogs · 11 months ago
Theory for @non-killing-game-reblogs
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Remember this from the straw page? Well Xander is usually shown in red text.
Nico is usually in blue text.
Remember this?
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Also this?
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(Credits to TheFandomEnchantress for the screenshots)
Well We know from a few posts(and a roleplay I did) that 2 other people are planning to commit suicide. Hence the (name) and (name)
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Nico is always in Hu's company
Xander is usually in David's company
Xander is a very outgoing and happy individual, he'd seem fine.
Nico, though being reserved, seemed fine.
Also Nico and Xander are both bonding over situational trauma, they're both forced to keep quiet after knowing Arturo killed Veronika. They're both not OK, and someone that's enough to push a person to suicide...
So which brings me to my theory
Xander and Nico are going to commit suicide.
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tied-ash · 5 months ago
“Everybody Lied to You!” | DRDT Mastermind AU
Hello, viewers! This section includes lots of spoilers for Danganronpa: Despair Time! Be warned!~ Also, it’s a VERY long read.
“I have to kill Teruko Tawaki.”
Don’t we all? I mean that literally. It’s our job as a team to exterminate the ultimate lucky student named Teruko Tawaki. And now, it’s your job, too! But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s introduce you to the crew! (^owo^)
Status… The knowledge that they are a part of XF-Ture and/or the killing game.
Role… The knowledge that they are a part of XF-Ture and/or the killing game, as well as what part they play in this operation.
Veronika Grebenshchikova… General Helper
Aware of… Everybody’s Statuses
It’s you, the newest member of our team! Welcome aboard! I’m sure you didn’t actually mean to join our crew. It’s Arturo’s own fault that you managed to figure all of this out. After that fiasco, it was only natural that you’d find out everybody else is intertwined with this scheme. But, well, if you can’t beat us, you might as well join us, right?
Your purpose is very simple: You will help us in whatever we need. Since you are well aware of everybody’s status and are figuring out all of their roles, you will have no problem discerning when they need help. Offers can be declined if you discuss the offer with those of the “overseer” title (see Hu Jing and Whit Young), MonoTV, or those who are more important than those who were previously mentioned.
Whit Young… Overseer, (Unofficial) Entertainer
Aware of… Everybody’s Role
Whit is much calmer than everybody else. It’s almost as if running this killing game is second nature. With an almost apathetic attitude, he never fails to find a joke for a situation. There is one thing he takes seriously: Charles Cuevas. No matter what happens, Whit will use his extensive knowledge about unforeseen circumstances to keep Charles safe.
Whit’s job is simple: keep everything running smoothly. However, Whit seems to not take this job seriously. He has tendencies to break the fourth wall, lead the others astray, and do other activities that make him suspicious. The audience is aware of his role, even though we have yet to confirm their claims. However, he claims that this will work out in the end.
Hu Jing… Overseer
Aware of… Everybody’s Role
On the outside, Hu is a protective mother. On the inside, it appears that Hu is crumbling. She used to be lower on the scale of power, but due to the lack of candidates after the first trial. Hu’s role was shifted. She found it ironic how the woman not many people paid attention to would be the one in charge. However, her comfort with Nico, David, and Levi were never faked. She feels genuine despair at their confessions.
Hu’s job is simple: keep everything running smoothly. This could be due to her motherly nature, but Hu is significantly better at this than Whit. She’s much more strict than what is expected of her, but this often works in her favor.
Nico Hakobyan… Animal Trainer
Aware of… Whit’s Status
They just want to be loved. Or, at least, that’s what Hu seems to think of the situation. Regardless of what their exact motives are, the hatred that they have experienced has been mutualized. While they are aware of the horrible fates that will occur in this game, they seem to believe that it can always be worse.
Nico is in charge of the many animals that will play a part in this game. You’ve seen the wolves that devoured Min, right? Those were trained by none other than Nico Hakobyan, the ultimate pet therapist. Danganronpa: Despair Time does not condone animal violence; these wolves (and every other animal that may appear in the series) are under extensive care.
Julia “J” Rosales… Production
Aware of… Hu’s Status
Years of famous people getting away with horrendous acts have torn her down. Desperate to make the world see how horrible people can be, she paired with XF-Ture’s killing game. However, unbeknownst to her, she was only helping this double-standard. She became the one thing she swore she would defeat.
J is in charge of the production and posting of the show. This means she’s also in charge of many of the factors that go into the show, including the lighting, set design, and will rarely give her input on the character design. However, her main job is still just airing it on TV. It was an easy feat considering her ultimate talent.
David Chiem… Promoter, Entertainer, TRAITOR
Aware of… Xander’s Status
By becoming the ultimate motivational speaker, he became affiliated with XF-Ture and their horrible ideals. However, with his manager being a part of this operation, David was roped into it. While he didn’t care for this game at all, he has grown quite attached to Xander. This, of course, led him to be inspired to stop this killing game by any means necessary. With him nearly getting everybody executed, he has been classified as a traitor. After all, he misunderstood the assignment. The only way this killing game will end is if Teruko Tawaki dies.
As a promoter, it was David’s job to spread the word about this killing game show. His manager made sure he did a good job at doing that. Much to his dismay, that wasn’t the only job he was assigned. He was also made to be an entertainer, meaning that he was supposed to be a fan favorite (you know how much an audience loves a “t****r sexy-man”). But ever since it has been revealed that skewing the trial wasn’t for the drama, and actually had a reason… He cannot be trusted.
Min Jeung… Informant, TRAITOR
Aware of… Nobody’s Statuses
There was more to that deal than she bargained for, and she was not happy about that fact. Unaware that their main objective was to kill Teruko Tawaki through any means necessary, panic took over and she ended up saving the enemy. Now that she’s dead, the company’s remaking her! The process of making her into an actual informant is… slow… But AIs are easy to shape.
Min’s job was supposed to be real easy. She was supposed to give information on the other participants. We would use this information to determine who could be a possible traitor. Obviously… that didn’t work as well as we thought it would.
Arturo Giles… Fashion Department, Health Department
Aware of… Levi’s Role, Hu’s Role
Imagine messing up so badly that the company you work for gets a new recruit. That HAS to be some kind of salt-in-the-wound thing. Anyway, he didn’t really want to be part of this. In fact, it’s rumored that he didn’t even know this was a killing game. The reasoning behind joining a big company is scarce, but it might have something to do with the fact that he has no certificate yet, meaning that he has to start somewhere.
When he told us that he does not have actual medical experience, we assigned him with Levi. However, he is still expected to get his own experience. He is the only doctor in this killing game, meaning that their lives are in his hands.
Levi Fontana… Fashion Department, Muscle
Aware of… Arturo’s Role, Hu’s Role
Apathy works wonders in a game like this. Without any care for somebody’s fate, it’s easy to do as you’re told. Levi remains low. He does his job with little to no problems. However, his current act of saving Teruko Tawaki is currently being under review. We cannot have another traitor in this game…
It’s thanks to him that Teruko, Whit, Hu, and Ace were able to get changes to their design. His job is to make sure everybody looks fabulous. Of course, there are other factors to the job, such as making sure their character designs make sense to both their talent and personality. As for being the muscle of the operation, it’s self-explanatory.
Eden Tobisa… Mechanic, TRAITOR
Aware of… Whit’s Role, Min’s Status, Rose’s Status
This girl is planning something- the fact that what exactly she’s planning escapes us does not pull away the fact that she has something up her sleeve. First her attack on Xander, then making a half-assed truce with the two other girls in the baking squad… This girl is no good. She’s just as bad as David at this point. Keep an eye on her.
Despite her problems, she has yet to stray from her role as the mechanic. According to her, clocks have many mechanics that work in other projects. Making digital clocks seemed to be useful when helping to design MonoTV. She is also knowledgeable on many of the other electronics on the set.
Rose Lacroix… Memory Department
Aware of… Nobody’s Status
It’s unclear what Rose’s opinion on this is. She unknowingly took Eden’s truce, but still does her job perfectly. While I believe she isn’t happy with her situation, I also doubt that she will try to revolt any time soon.
Rose remembers everything. She just acts like she doesn’t. She was in charge of erasing Teruko Tawaki’s memories. She is aware of many things about everybody in this killing game, even if she doesn’t know that they’re working together. She is also in charge of motives, such as the latest motive secret. Why else do you think that she had possibly one of the lamest ones?
Arei Nageishi… Promoter, Instigator
Aware of… Eden’s Status, Whit’s Role
Such a cruel girl… She was perfect for this killing game. With an antagonizing personality, it’s no wonder why she got chosen to be an instigator. She makes fun of anyone, making sure they are weaker than her. Though, she’s developed some sort of relationship with Eden… Maybe she’s trying to make Eden come back to her senses?
As a promoter, her job was just to promote the killing game show- exactly like David’s role. Of course, it wasn’t the same thing, as Arei just wore a bunch of merchandise for XF-Ture (similar to those patches on race-car drivers). However, she also plays the role as an instigator, meaning that it’s her job to make sure people are on-edge during the game. Her cute-yet-dangerous personality played a large part in that.
Ace Markey… Muscle, Instigator
Aware of… Whit’s Role
Despite being terrified of everything, Ace is a very useful person. He’s a wonderful instigator, and he’s too scared of failure to ignore our orders. Even if he has a big mouth, actions speak louder than words.
As the “muscle” of the operation, it’s pretty self-explanatory on what that means. He works with Levi to move things. As an instigator, that’s also self-explanatory; he is to keep everyone on edge. He has been doing amazing at that, especially with Nico Hakobyan. Even though he may not seem like it, he is the star example of what an XF-Ture employee should be like.
Charles Cuevas… Sedator/General Chemist
Aware of… Whit’s Role, Hu’s Role
He’s afraid of blood. Thankfully, his job doesn’t have anything to do with that. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be as good with it. He may act friendly with Teruko, but we have reason to believe that it’s just to get her guard down. After all, we don’t think he’d want Whit to be in danger just for Teruko to remain safe.
His role, like many others, is self explanatory- he works with chemicals that may be of use. He played a massive role in sedating everybody before the killing game started. Being a chemist, he’s extremely skilled in sedation. We also believe that he will be useful for any future motives that may be introduced, seeing as that it is possible that fear-inducing gas may be a helpful motive. However, nothing has been set-in-stone yet.
Xander Matthews… Killer
Aware of… Whit’s Role, Eden’s Status
Xander obviously didn’t want to attack Teruko, but it was his job. He’s a very determined soul, thinking the best in others while still refraining from a naive persona.
He was our final chance to do this peacefully. We just needed Teruko to die. Just Teruko. Nobody else needed to die. But now, with him gone, we’ll be going with full force. That woman had forced our hand.
So be it.
And here is the relationship chart!
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It’s still in the works, but this is the gist so far!
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acevid · 5 months ago
Every DRDT was a past participant of a killing game. Now, they are all being forced to play in one more killing game.
The only unknown thing..? They’re all masterminds. (An AU made because of the mass amounts of mastermind aus on Tumblr right now and honestly I’m a huge fan of all of them.)
Teruko Tawaki - ..Actually the only one who hasn’t participated in a killing game. The mastermind who was supposed to participate (her brother from the orphanage) mysteriously disappeared. So they went to..other measures.
Xander Matthews - Survived by defeating the mastermind (canon Danganronpa endings).
Eden Tobisa - Escaped due to a motive where if someone got away with killing, they could bring someone with them. (Was horrified and ran away into society to distract herself from the killing game. This ended up being her downfall as it gave the producers ideas as to where she was.)
Min Jeung - Survived because the mascot had decided to revive a random participant as the blackened ending up stabbing themself as everyone got executed
Hu Jing - Survived because the mascot was broken (chapter 4). This is why MonoTV is so strong now, since the killing game had ended before because of the mascot being destroyed.
J Rosales - Survived by defeating the mastermind
Charles Cuevas - Survived by winning the trial (the matter was so traumatizing for him that his brain completely blocked out the fact and makes blood repulsive)
Arturo Giles - Survived because he wasn’t an actual participant in the killing game, but rather a helper to the mascot
Arei Nageishi - Survived because she ended up killing her sister who was a fellow participant in the killing game and won the trial by guilt-tripping everyone
Ace Markey - Survived by defeating the mastermind
Nico Hakobyan - Survived because they were a traitor in their killing game
Whit Young - Survived because outsiders ended up saving the killing game participants during chapter three
Rose Lacroix - Survived because she was brought into a killing game late because she was caught sneaking around the facility (her sibling was in the killing game) before helping defeat the mastermind (though her sibling died in the process)
Veronika Grebenschikova - Survived because the mastermind got defeated
Levi Fontana - Survived by being a blackened
David Chiem - Survived because he was a ‘traitor’ for the mastermind (ended up pulling strings so that the mastermind also died whilst the execution for everyone happened)
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Veronika, please. Do you want a hug? Anything to help you out? I don't want you hurting yourself.
"I don't need anything. Also, do you know why Arturo is ignoring me?* I thought he liked me, have I done something wrong?"
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*ooc - After multiple people asking him to check on Veronika, Arturo believes everyone's playing a prank on him, and he's decided he's going to ignore Veronika as "nothing bad could happen a second time" (after the same thing happened to a certain family member). This was established in the comments of the previous post
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ccrisntok · 8 months ago
A DRDT POST????1?1? NO WAY!!!!
Yeah I drew some Whace because I love them with my entire being. My beautiful boys.
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Plus lil comic below the cut (how I feel like non-killing game au crushes could be formed... Or at least one of the crushes!)
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^^^ Ace after anyone genuinely compliments him (especially a classmate who happens to be a cute guy)
Anyway time to go back into my cave love you guys !
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kitsu-kino · 11 months ago
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“Nico has been acting off as of late.”
(Credits to @ask-the-no-killing-game-au for the au)
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pinovapie · 6 months ago
DRDT Headcanons!! (1/idk)
Decided to post some headcanons for various characters!! (there might be some mild projection on my favourites lol) idk if i'll do more for other characters?? Also, sorry for less Teruko HCs,,, i meant to do 5 for each but uh,,, you can tell who my favourites are i guess??
Also, disclaimer, these are headcanons!! I wrote these before Chap 2 Part 2, they may be disproven and become out of date in the future!!
Under a read more to not clog up space,, also TW: (unintentional) Self harm
He grew up on a farm.
His parents had a ton of kids in the hopes that at least one would be successful. Whoever got the best test results/ won an award/ has the highest salary (based on age, idk how old Ace's siblings are) was the favourite and showered with attention.
This meant Ace and his siblings grew up willing to literally and metaphorically shove eachother face first in the mud to be the favourite child. There was a lot of sabotage, insults and threats constantly.
He struggles to form meaningful friendships due to trust issues.
He'll hold a grudge for years. He probably still despises and talks shit about some kid who stole his chair when they were 6 or something.
He used to love animals until one day he woke up and the world was more terrifying than he remembered. The comforting bark of a dog is now a horrifying sound that sends him spiraling with panic.
He's overly sensitive to light and sound.
He chews his lip, bites his nails and scratches his arms/wrists when bored or uncomfortable. Maybe that's why he always wears gloves, to do less damage?
Sometimes when it's too much they'll go non verbal. They're fluent in sign language as a result.
They sometimes judge the things people name their pets. They'd never say it out loud but they think certain pets have really stupid names.
They struggle with tone, often coming across as sarcastic and fed up when they're being genuine.
If they get postively overwhelmed (like flustered due to compliments etc.) they make cat noises instead of speaking (like meows, chirps, etc.). They find in really embarrassing.
If they are in a downward spiral, they'll grip something (their cloak, hair, a soft toy, etc.) and just hold on to try and ground themselves.
Nico took a couple skirts from the dress-up room to wear in private.
In a non killing game au, they'd join Rose in painting more frequently. They end up preferring watercolours though.
They may have a journal where they might talk shit about certain individuals in the class.
Despite her trust issues and bad luck with relationships, she's a romantic at heart. It may take a while for her to admit her feelings but she'd like someone to give her flowers and take her to dinner just as much as anyone else.
She likes horror films because she can experience the thrill without being in danger. I think she'd also like those rollar coaster simulators since an actual rollar coaster would probably be too dangerous with her luck.
She loves sliced cheese because she can avoid having to cut cheese with a knife. Similarly, she'll spread spreads with a spoon because it's less risking than with a knife.
Due to constantly moving, she owned a couple of those plastic picnic sets (the plate, bowl, cup sets) and had to wash them frequently. As a result she's secretly super grateful to Hu and Eden for cleaning after meals because it's one less thing to worry about.
She had to remind Charles to seperate his dark and light washing a couple times, even after the initial explanation of washing machines.
He's on the Asexual spectrum. Like he'd never consider it himself but if his partner wanted to, he'd be comfortable with it because he likes making his partner happy.
He's usually trying to keep the peace but he will argue with friends or customers if they try to pick/buy a god awful outfit.
He worked at a boutique before becoming a personal stylist. He kept giving customers unwanted fashion advice that made their outfits the talk of the town. Word spread and after a little while people started showing up for the advice.
Does not understand humour or sarcasm at all.
He's fond of baby animals but would never hold one out of fear of hurting it.
In a non killing game au, he'd probably find out peoples fashion preferences so he can get them suitable clothes as presents.
He's probably the only cast member to politely listen to Veronika's rambles without wanting to throw up. He'd probably get roped into movie nights after Arturo and Ace triple locked their doors to avoid such movie nights.
Various people have caught him raiding sweet foods (sometimes even just eating sugar straight out the bag) at like 3am on multiple occasions.
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1moreff-creator · 2 months ago
*Loud gasp* Oh my gosh I’ve got the perfect one!
What if the Despair Time and Eden’s Garden classes…were to merge? That’s right, all 32 of them together! Who’d get along? Who would butt heads? What dynamics, hijinks, and unexpected friendships would form? There are two situations I’m thinking of…
A killing game scenario. For additional context, assume that Tozu and Mara have adopted MonoTV as their pet and all three are hosts together. Also, the building is a combination of both settings, with Eden’s Garden Academy serving as the ground floor, its boiler room and storage closets beneath, and then two upper floors being the floors we know of from Despair Time (playground, relaxation room, movie room, DT cast’s dorms, etc). Anyone can use an elevator to reach all floors freely. Of course, there’ll also be a huge trial room to accommodate all of them.
A non-killing game AU; feel free to include Mai here. For this one, I’m unsure if I’d like them all to be part of one big class or just two really close-knit classes that happen to frequently overlap with activities. Go with whichever would fit better for you. The same questions at the very top still apply, but now with the setting of a typical school life; studying, tests, people hanging out when they have downtime, maybe occasional field trips, etc.
Funnily enough, I have considered this very concept a couple times! It’s fun to smush characters together like this as a thought experiment, lol. However, 32 characters means there’s a gigantic amount of dynamics to consider, so I’ll mostly highlight the ones I find most interesting in both a killing game and non killing game setting. Let’s go!
Spoilers for DRDT CH2, P:EG CH1. CW: Murder, suicide, execution, (implied) eating disorders, bullying, harassment (Arturo).
(Btw for the non-killing game I’m assuming they’re all a single class, not that it changes much. And for the killing game, I imagine a merge of the DRDT and P:EG lore, though obviously it’s hard to imagine the details when we know little about both of them)
(Also expect zero structure I am just bringing up people in a random order :v)
MonoTV & Tozu & Mara
Starting with the mascots! MonoTV and Tozu would make for a pretty silly duo. The fun part of this is that MonoTV, being generally less dramatic than Tozu, would probably irritate the guy in humorous ways, while still showing him up in things like… actually having ideas for motives from the start and such. Basically Tozu regrets adopting the damn thing and wishes to punt it into the sun more often than not.
However, Mara likes it, so Tozu keeps it around. She finds it entertaining, and it helps that Mara doesn’t have to worry about the students destroying it, since it has its own ways to “punish” them without needing Mara’s help.
Teruko & Damon
Protag duo rise up! Damon would obviously scoff at the idea of an Ultimate who gets into whatever the Hope’s Peak/Eden’s Garden Academy amalgam in this universe is through luck alone. However, Teruko wouldn’t really let that bother her, and she’d make fun of him for other stuff too. You know Teruko’s dynamic with Charles from the start of CH1? Yeah that but with Damon. They probably wouldn’t interact much by choice outside of a killing game, but their shared aptitude for class trials would mean they end up tolerating each other more in a killing game setting.
Charles & Damon
They both actually have similar views on talent at the start, so they’d actually get along quite quickly. Assuming Charles actually sees “Debater” as a worthwhile talent, that is. They probably would be kind of outcasts in a school environment (well, until Whit and Mai manage to drag Charles into the group, then maybe Damon will follow him and be more social), but in any killing game, Charles’ hemophobia will still presumably speed up his arc as it does in canon. Then, I’d assume Charles would have a talk with Damon like he had with Teruko in 2-3, trying to get him to be less an asshole, basically.
Min & Eva
Eva’s talent wouldn’t be a secret for long I think. Min, being a massive fucking nerd, would probably recognize the name of the person who solved the Riemann Hypothesis (as Eva is implied to in her FTEs), and thus would question how she’s the Ultimate Liar and not the Ultimate Mathematician or something like that. Cue a bit of questioning later, and Ultimate Mathlete comes to light. I think Min would share the sentiment that “Mathlete” is underselling it a bit, and would tell the others off if they tried to make fun of her for it. Not that it would work very well coming from the Ultimate Student, but you know. I think Eva would tolerate Min, at least, and surely they’d have fun discussing math together, at least.
I don’t know what Eva’s reaction to Min’s secret (poisoning competition) would be, though. Like, I imagine she’d understand it, considering how EG CH1 went, but it’s not an easy thing to learn about someone. They might stay friends outside a killing game, but I can imagine that inside of one, Eva would make a show of distancing herself from Min and being disgusted by her actions, only to then poison someone herself to try and pass it off as Min’s murder. Maybe.
Veronika & Eva/Damon
I don’t think anyone from the EG cast is as obviously fucked up as Arturo, so no matter the context, I’m pretty sure Vero would still hang around him the most. However, Damon and Eva have enough obvious bullshit going on that Vero would have fun psychoanalyzing them! Probably. Both of them hate it, a lot, and try to avoid Vero if possible.
Whit & Toshiko
Matchmaker duo! Although they have slightly different approaches to their talent (Whit only matchmakes as a job, while Toshiko seemed to be pretty ready to do it for fun when the idea of shared rooms was brought up), they would probably have quite a bit to talk about. Their combined gremlin energy can reach critical levels really fast, though, so it’s gotta be monitored. I can also imagine Toshiko helping Whit get with Charles with his bad luck in dating, at least outside of a killing game.
I don't think Whit would think too much of Toshiko's secret. Maybe he'd tease her about it for a bit, but he'd stop when he noticed she's genuinely bothered by it. Toshiko would find Whit's secret understandable... unless Whit actually talks about his mom to Toshiko before the reveal, in which case she'd probably be slightly unsettled in retrospect, but eventually she wouldn't think too much of it either.
Levi & Diana
Another matching talents duo, this time fashion related! I can imagine that it’s Diana who approaches Levi first, wanting to connect with someone through their talent. They also both have a thing for doing what others want from them (being “a good person” in Levi’s case, and Diana’s whole chameleon thing), so I can see them finding some common ground there. Their dynamic would be pretty similar to Levi’s dynamic with Eden, I imagine.
The big question is how Diana would react to Levi’s secret, both the murders and his lack of empathy. Ultimately, I think she’d try to see the best in him and still consider him a good person, because Diana is great, but she'd be uncomfortable around him for a while. For the murder, not the lack of empathy thing.
Eden & Diana
I mentioned Eden before, because let’s be honest, her and Diana are relatively similar. Together in a killing game, their hope would shine incredibly bright, if I may say. Eden would definitely support Diana’s chameleon speech if she gives it, and they’d team up on their quests to reach out to those who separate themselves from the group, like Teruko and Eva- okay the more I write about them the more similarities I see lol. And outside of a killing game? Well, then we need to combine them with-
Eden & Mai & Diana
It’s too much positivity in one spot! We’re reaching critical levels of wholesomeness, we need to emergency exit right now!!!
Btw, I don’t think I need to say it, but outside of the killing game everyone would love Mai, EG cast included. That’s, like, the point of her character. But she’s not really present in a killing game, right?
Mai & Cara
Though they’d probably never interact in the killing game, the amount of narrative haunting these two got going on would combine into the biggest narrative haunted house you’ve ever seen.
Ace & Ingrid & Jean
Ace originally gravitated to Levi in the killing game because he felt safer around someone as strong as the Stylist, only to later fall out due to the whole death threat situation. Jean and Ingrid have the same quality of bringing safety through their evident strength, but without the death threats, so I imagine Ace would hang around them quite a bit. Especially if Levi still gets pissed off at Ace in the first trial, which I feel Ingrid in particular wouldn’t let slide as easily as the DRDT cast in general did. Also I can imagine both of them being pretty good at reminding Ace to eat properly after his secret reveal, and stopping him from bullying Nico as much as in canon, so those are pluses.
Although, Ace might not even bully Nico anyways. Because-
Ace & Toshiko
With Toshiko being the smallest and physically weakest across both casts (I'm assuming Eden's stronger than her surely), I think it's likely that Ace would target her more so than Nico. She's not as shy as Nico, which is kinda the actual reason Ace went after them, but the point stands. However, I don't think Ace would get very far, since Ingrid would absolutely put an end to it before it can get too bad. Also I don't think Toshiko would try to kill the guy so. Would probably go better than canon DRDT.
David & Kai & Cassidy
I imagine Kai and Cassidy would know David due to being terminally online, but David probably wouldn’t recognize them. Cassidy doesn’t mind, Kai’s ego is hurt a bit. Regardless, neither of them can get as close to David as Xander due to David actually knowing about Xander before meeting him.
In a non-killing game setting, I’ve always imagined two possibilities. Either David never lets the mask slip until everyone parts ways at the end of their school years, in which case he’d stay on friendly terms with everyone even if he's miserable the whole time, or he’d slowly stop forcing himself to be so cheery all the time, which the others would obviously understand as well. Kai and Cassidy are included in that.
However, in the killing game, we know David doesn’t slowly drop the act as he gets more comfortable, but rather goes from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. David’s crash out would freak a lot of the cast out the same way it shook the DRDT cast, but these two in particular would be greatly affected.
David & Wolfgang & Damon
David and Wolfgang had very similar reactions to their respective secret motives in their killing games, so they’d become quick allies and co-leaders due to that. The main point of contention would be that Wolfgang wanted private discussions, while David wanted people to say their secret aloud. However, that comes from the fact that DRDT’s secret motive included an universal secret reveal and David wanted to cause a murder before that point, while EG’s version was just blackmail without a reveal.
If the motive is like EG’s, then I think David would agree with discussing them privately. If it’s like DRDT’s, I think Wolfgang could be convinced to David’s strategy, as long as David didn’t reveal that he actually wanted a murder to happen. Because I think Wolfgang genuinely didn’t want bloodshed, so he’d just agree to it to make the reveal less impactful when it happened. Basically he'd also fall for David's plan.
On another note, because of this team up between Wolfgang and David, I think Damon would end up disliking David at first, maybe even seeing through David’s persona like Teruko did.
Finally, there’s still David’s official heel turn to talk about. I would fucking love to see “Evil” David in a discussion against Damon and Wolfgang. Not because they’re equally matched or anything; Damon and Wolfgang are much better at actually debating than David, but David’s the Ultimate Shit Talker. I think it’d be fun to watch him rile the other two up with lies and play-acting. It’d probably fall to other people, like Teruko, Charles, Eva, etc., to actually stay calm enough against his act to think clearly. Maybe Wolfgang and Damon would also get there eventually, but I think it’d take them longer.
Xander & Wolfgang
They actually wouldn’t have much of a reason to talk to each other much, I don’t think. Outside of a killing game, they don’t really have any common ground to discuss, beyond maybe some super personal family stuff. Maybe Xander would recognize Wolfgang’s mom, though, which could lead to some interesting conversations depending on what happened with her. They’d be friendly with each other, but not particularly close or anything.
And the same could be said of the situation inside a killing game… except that eventually, Wolfgang would come to be extremely pissed off at Xander. See, because Xander stabbing Teruko clearly has some pretty large implications for DRDT’s plot, it would likely still happen in the case of a lore merge of sorts. And Wolfgang wouldn’t exactly be happy that Xander chose to attack a woman he barely knew anything about for reasons no one really knows at the start.
Teruko & Wolfgang
Which leads to the trial after Teruko gets stabbed, and I actually think Wolfgang would quickly jump to Teruko’s defense. Barring Charles and Teruko herself, Wolfgang is probably better at solving murders than the entire rest of the DRDT cast combined (/affectionate), so he’d spot the problems with the idea that Teruko killed Xander and would back her up. Of course, who actually would kill Xander in this universe is impossible to know, since his death is entirely a result of Teruko’s luck, but we know it probably wouldn’t be Teruko herself. It could even be Wolfgang himself who kills Xander, in which case the dynamic would be different, but I’m assuming for this hypothetical that Xander’s murderer would be someone else.
Anyways. Because of this perceived team up during the trial, Wolfgang would try to reach out to Teruko after its end, only to be pushed away as Teruko begins her “fuck everyone else here” arc in earnest. He’d probably try for a little bit, but once he sees the discord her actions are causing, he’d allow her to push herself away without further intervention. He wants to keep the group together, so if someone’s gonna cause issues, he’s not gonna let them in. Not everyone thinks that way, though.
Teruko & Eden & Eva & Diana
I mentioned this in the Eden & Diana section, but these four would end up being a weird little group of “the two who are trying to distance themselves from everyone” and “the two who won’t let them.” You can add the rest of the Baking Squad (+ Mai) here in a non-killing game AU, since Teruko wouldn’t want to push them away, but in a killing game situation, she’d do just that as I established.
Diana and Eden’s crusade on Eva don’t last too long, though, as the Traitor Perk would probably still be a thing she takes. While she probably wouldn’t draw first blood, as Xander’s attempt on Teruko’s life happens shortly after the first motive announcement (not even the after the motive; after the announcement that there will be a motive), Eva would still try to kill soon after with the same reasoning as canon. I don’t know if she’d still target Wolfgang, but I’d say it’s likely.
This also means that it would be Eva who gets ordered by Teruko to try and attack the mastermind. I figure she’d try, because why the hell not. But I think she’d go for Tozu, only for MonoTV to pull a “get down mister president!” and get destroyed in his stead, right before Mara shoots Eva just enough to get her down while leaving her alive for her execution. Cue DefaultTV scene, though if Min is still alive (which of course she is, I’m the one making the AU after all), we might get some interesting reaction out of her after the XF-Ture Tech line. I can’t tell what would happen later, though, because the purpose of the killing game in a merge like this could change, and with it the decisions of the masterminds. In any case, Teruko lives due to Luck and Eva gets executed.
I don’t know where the killing game would go from there, by the way. Ace maybe wouldn’t crash out as hard as he did in canon with Jean and Ingrid on his side, but maybe he would. It's especially unlikely since Nico's murder attempt would be less probable with Ace bullying Toshiko instead.* So. Yeah. Back to your regularly scheduled character-dynamic-with-no-extra-plot headcanons!
*Yes I know Ace was already planning to murder before the Nico attempt in canon, but again, I think that's less likely with Jean and Ingrid in the picture.
Rose & Ulysses
Narcoleptic duo! Funnily enough, I actually think the more interesting part of this dynamic is their memory. Ulysses would probably envy Rose’s photographic memory, while Rose would probably envy Ulsysses’… lack of that. Though I can see her taking up the habit of writing things down to remember them, since her memory is lacking in other areas. She wouldn’t need to keep the book, anyways; she could just write it in pencil and erase it since she’d remember the text no matter what :p
J & Mark
Chill buddies! They'd stick together without necessarily talking too much. When they do, though, it's usually J complaining about fame with Mark quietly and repeatedly agreeing. They both have halfway hidden identities, so even while J probably recognizes Mayhem and likely enjoys his music, she doesn't bring it up too much as long as Mark doesn't bother her about being a Rosales (which he wouldn't). J would actually drive off Jett in both killing game and non killing game scenarios, as she'd notice Mark isn't vibing with his energy all that much (and she doesn't really either), and would voice that earlier than Mark. Because of that, Jett would hang out with Cassidy more often in these AUs. Maybe.
Xander & Cassidy
Absolutely recognize each other. Xander watches Cassidy's streams, and Cassidy knows what Xander does. They become very quick friends as a result, sorta like Xander with David. In a killing game AU, Cassidy would be really torn up by Xander's murder attempt and subsequent death, trying to argue that he must have had some reason to do it. Although I don't think she'd do the shit David did in the name of Xander's ideals, but you get the idea.
Xander & Wenona
There's gotta be some kind of beef here. I imagine Xander would repeatedly try to rile her up into some kind of discussion, only for Wenona to scoff and quickly cut that off. They'd probably cool down outside of a killing game eventually, but Wenona wouldn't be too upset at Xander's death inside of one.
Arturo & Wenona
Wenona is, I think, the character from EG that Arturo is most likely to find as a "beautiful person." Even if she's not that famous since she doesn't really do public appearances, she is filthy rich. This leads to Wenona understandably hating and being disgusted by the dude. She'd probably threaten him with lawyers outside of a killing game, and would just stay far away from him inside of one.
Ace & Grace
The loudest room in the world is the one that contains these two. They would exchange insults very often, and the others always have to intervene to stop them from going into hours long shouting matches. Beyond that, Grace would hate the idea that Ace is an Ultimate who doesn't practice, since she takes her talent so seriously. Damon would also judge Ace for that, but Grace would be more vocal about it. Would make for a fun dynamic me thinks.
Nico & Eloise & Desmond
Nico and Eloise have relatively similar personalities, so I think they'd get along well enough. Desmond would therefore end up hanging out with the both of them a lot, acting as a sort of anchor for one of the chillest trios of characters around.
Hu & Ingrid
Mom friends unite! They'd get along by trying to get everyone in the cast to get along and be nice to each other. Hu's shorter temper can also be kept in check by Ingrid, though I don't think Ingrid would really stop Hu's shouting match with David after his magical girl transformation. Their relationship might strain when Hu's secret is revealed, though, because I can see a world where Ingrid starts treating her with more care when she finds out about Hu's attempts, which would bother Hu. However, with some healthy communication (which might genuinely be possible with these two; a miracle, I know), Ingrid would agree to stop and their relationship would mend.
Arei & Diana
You remember that thing about Diana and Eden being so similar that a lot of the potential arcs end up being kinda similar? Yeah. Arei's meltdown in the playground could be triggered by Diana instead of Eden without much issue.
However, would Arei's arc even happen with the EG cast in the building? In the killing game, Arei ends up genuinely believing she can get better because she finds out David "perfect Inspirational Speaker" Chiem kinda sucks, so she comes to the conclusion that "good people" don't exist and thus she and David can be "less shitty together." However, that's because everyone else in DRDT is clearly insane, so it's not hard for Arei to go "even Eden must have done something to hurt someone," because Eden ends up being the only real counterexample to the "no such thing as a good person" philosophy.
But in the EG cast, you have Ingrid (whose secret is that she uses out of date cleaning supplies, so we know she isn't hiding any crazy skeletons in her closet probably), Diana (we don't know her secret but there's no indication there's anything wrong with her), and maybe Jean and Wolfgang, depending on how seriously Arei would take the "wolfish mind" secret or if she even finds out about it. Because of that, it's worth asking whether the larger amount of counterexamples to the philosophy would mean Arei doesn't come the same conclusions as in canon DRDT.
Ultimately, I do think Arei would still reach the same mentality, just with more caveats. "Even Eden and Ingrid and Diana and Wolfgang and Jean must have done something to hurt someone" doesn't roll off the tongue so much, but it's still similar to the thing Arei said in canon and works, so Arei would probably try to change for the better in these AUs too.
Nico & Jett
Since Jett would have a harder time approaching Mark with J hanging around him, he'd probably try to find some other shy person to become a bro to, and Nico kinda fits. Nico would also appreciate the outfit, probably, since they'd find wolf masks cool. I think Nico still wouldn't be too receptive of Jett's energy, but I think they'd get comfortable with him faster than Mark seems to be getting comfortable with Jett in canon. Maybe. Idk.
Whit & Cassidy
The prime shenanigan causers in the combined cast, with puns and hijinks for days. Cassidy would probably ignore Whit's secret and continue causing mayhem with him until the very end.
Teruko & Jean
Believe it or not, I actually think Teruko would like hanging out around the guy, at least before she starts pushing people away post CH1. I say that because Teruko does seem to have enjoyed hanging around Xander before the Situation, and Jean has a similar boisterous and generally positive attitude as him. I don't think Teruko would necessarily seek him out or anything, but they'd enjoy just kinda chilling together.
Okay look I need to cut myself off at some point or I could talk about this forever. I invite whoever has thoughts on this to talk about it more, because there's a lot that could be done with this concept, but I can't be writing this post for the next year so I'm leaving it here. Hope it was enough for you! Thanks for the ask, this was a lot of fun!
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s0raz · 23 days ago
Pertaining to the Tetro “theres no girls left” discourse that isnt really discourse but I want to talk about it.
One, its a killing game!! The students don’t know that theyre fake characters, much less think “im gonna kill a guy because theres only 3 girls left and 6 guys.” Even if its a situation like DRDT, where they know theyre being filmed, none of the killers would think about gender unless it might throw the investigation/trial. (i.e., chapter 1 of both dra and sdra2)
Two! Some fangan writers choose the death order before writing or getting attached to any of the characters, some writers do it at random. Besides, with how Tetro is made, Von can’t go back and edit everything based on fan feedback. The episodes are already made, Von is working on Tetro Blue.
Three! Along with my last point, FANGAN CREATORS DONT OWE US ANYTHING!!! Ive said it once and I will say it again! If you are not happy with the story of a fangan you like, you are entitled to making aus, your own fangan, or just to stop watching/reading/playing. But fangan CREATORS are NOT forced to make us happy. Its Danganronpa, its not exactly supposed to be happy for the viewer. And viewers are never entitled to insulting or harassing a creator because of choices they make for THEIR OCS.
Is this to say that I’m happy that there are only 2 girls left? Hell no!! I think Watari could’ve benefited from some more development. Im just lucky that the 2 girls left were always my favorite girls in the cast, and 4/6 of the males left are my favorite Tetro characters period. Von isn’t sexist for killing off most the girls. Wada, Hama, and Yanagi all got development from one or more girl’s death in the story. When you have 16 characters that all need development in a situation like Danganronpa, somebody has to die to make it happen. Sadly, some of the female characters were a big point for some of the male’s story. Isono and Tsuno for Wada, Chiba for Hama, Sasaki for Yanagi. I would even go as far as saying Tsuno, Sasaki, and Chiba for Hiroaki for how he felt after all their deaths.
Basically, if you dont like the story, you dont have to continue interacting with it
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non-killing-game-ftes · 11 months ago
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