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s0raz · 11 hours ago
Pertaining to the Tetro “theres no girls left” discourse that isnt really discourse but I want to talk about it.
One, its a killing game!! The students don’t know that theyre fake characters, much less think “im gonna kill a guy because theres only 3 girls left and 6 guys.” Even if its a situation like DRDT, where they know theyre being filmed, none of the killers would think about gender unless it might throw the investigation/trial. (i.e., chapter 1 of both dra and sdra2)
Two! Some fangan writers choose the death order before writing or getting attached to any of the characters, some writers do it at random. Besides, with how Tetro is made, Von can’t go back and edit everything based on fan feedback. The episodes are already made, Von is working on Tetro Blue.
Three! Along with my last point, FANGAN CREATORS DONT OWE US ANYTHING!!! Ive said it once and I will say it again! If you are not happy with the story of a fangan you like, you are entitled to making aus, your own fangan, or just to stop watching/reading/playing. But fangan CREATORS are NOT forced to make us happy. Its Danganronpa, its not exactly supposed to be happy for the viewer. And viewers are never entitled to insulting or harassing a creator because of choices they make for THEIR OCS.
Is this to say that I’m happy that there are only 2 girls left? Hell no!! I think Watari could’ve benefited from some more development. Im just lucky that the 2 girls left were always my favorite girls in the cast, and 4/6 of the males left are my favorite Tetro characters period. Von isn’t sexist for killing off most the girls. Wada, Hama, and Yanagi all got development from one or more girl’s death in the story. When you have 16 characters that all need development in a situation like Danganronpa, somebody has to die to make it happen. Sadly, some of the female characters were a big point for some of the male’s story. Isono and Tsuno for Wada, Chiba for Hama, Sasaki for Yanagi. I would even go as far as saying Tsuno, Sasaki, and Chiba for Hiroaki for how he felt after all their deaths.
Basically, if you dont like the story, you dont have to continue interacting with it
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fishedsticks · 1 month ago
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Guess who finally watched the first eps of dragons rising??
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yhwcomeback · 3 months ago
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lozenga-arts · 6 months ago
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Oda’s a pussy Sanji should’ve come back a girl. Uhhh I don’t know how to coherently type so here’s dot points for some of the totally silly headcanons;
- blue eye from Sora, brownish black eye from judge
- judge had Sanji hide the blue eye because she looked too much like her mum
- during the time skip she transitioned, grew out her hair and showed her blue eye instead
- depression arc (whole cake island) is perhaps worse because she looks like almost a carbon copy of sora
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sora-fish · 4 months ago
Wait wait wait, people who like JRWI rn, what was the fandom pipeline? Cause I’ve seen a lot of my same fandom pipeline on the dash from mutuals
For example mine went -> MHA -> DSMP -> TMA and then finally -> JRWI
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sorikufeels · 11 months ago
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they are,,, they are watching a meteor shower,,, 🥹
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alien-of-earth · 4 months ago
Lego Ninjago and Race: An Analysis for the Upcoming Live Action
I know there’s been a lot of discourse in the ninjago community since a live action movie has been announced, and there’s sure to be even more after the cast list is released. Many fans are afraid the cast will be all white, while others don’t care what race the ninja will be. Non-fans looking in from the outside might say, “Why does it matter? They’re legos, they’re yellow.” I’ve seen this argument more recently, especially revolving Arin in the soft reboot Dragons Rising.
The point of this longer post is to explain how race still exists in Ninjago despite the plastic, yellow nature of the characters, and why making the cast entirely or mostly white would be a disservice to the fans and the source material as a whole. So let’s ninja-go into this topic.
Part 1: Hair and Black-Coding
When people claim that legos don’t have race, they often claim it’s because they are yellow. However, they forget that legos still have humanoid characteristics, and one of the easiest ways to tell when a lego character is black-coded is to look at their hairpiece.
Here are some examples of hairpieces clearly meant to resemble black hair textures/hairstyles:
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When characters have textured hair (i.e. Arin and Euphrasia from Ninjago) or locs/braids (i.e. Mateo and Zoey from Dreamzzz), it’s hard to argue they’re meant to be interpreted as anything other than black. And if that’s not obvious enough, there’s also:
Part 1b: Voice Actors and Black-Coding
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People of color voice acting non-human characters doesn’t determine race, but it does add to character coding. This can be seen in characters from other shows, such as Darwin from The Amazing World of Gumball. Even though Darwin is a 2D animated goldfish, he has been voiced exclusively by black voice actors. Because of his voice (and other mannerisms/narrative elements), Darwin is generally accepted to be black-coded.
Being voiced by a person of color does not automatically make a character black-coded, but it can certainly add credence to characters who already have black characteristics, such as Arin and Euphrasia.
Part 2: Names
Another reason it’s hard for ninjago fans to interpret certain characters as white is because of their names. While many have stereotypical “American white boy names” (i.e. Jay, Cole, and Zane), other characters have names that are certainly not strictly American. Examples include Wu (a Chinese surname), Misako (a Japanese name), Chen (a Chinese surname), Okino (a Japanese surname) and Sora (Japanese given name). Ninjago may be set in a fictional world of animated, plastic people, but it’s still based on real-world names, and considering how a lot of the characters’ names come from East Asia, there is merit to declare that characters like Misako and Sora are meant to be interpreted as East Asian.
Part 3: Cultural Influences
Now, to the most obvious reason why it would be absurd to put an all-white cast on screen: the cultural influences. I am not Asian myself, but other ninjago fans have expressed frustration about the cultural melting pot that is Ninjago. It takes influence from both Eastern and Western cultures for its setting, worldbuilding, lore, and fantastical elements. Ninjago puts ninja, samurai, Kabuki, and Oni from Japanese history and culture, Djinn from Arabic regions, the yin/yang concept from Chinese philosophy, and dragons from various cultures into one narrative. There’s even a character named Ronin (which means a “wandering samurai”).
Additionally, the ninjago language seems to be inspired by Tategaki, an East Asian style of writing.
What this means is that Ninjago is brimming with real-life cultural influences. They rarely come from the same places and are not always faithful or accurate. In fact, they can sometimes seem borderline disrespectful and stereotypical in the earlier seasons- particularly with the portrayal of Chen and pilot Wu. However, it doesn’t take a genius to spot the East Asian cultural influences on ninjago. This is clear in the character designs, attire, and especially in the settings:
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Part 4: What does this mean?
In summary, Ninjago is a fictional setting that takes inspiration from East Asian cultures, and has coded certain characters as certain races through more indirect means such as naming and designs. Even though none of the ninjago characters have 100% canon races, there is still evidence that some are meant to be interpreted as black or Asian. Therefore, making all the ninjago characters white would be a disservice to the fans AND the source material because it takes away subtle but essential parts of the characters and world.
Additionally: Representation matters. It could mean a lot for fans new and old to see the ninja becoming humanized and seeing themselves on screen. Not only would an all-white cast be unfaithful to the source material, but it would be disheartening to fans hoping for racial representation, especially in an age where “wokeness” is considered a touchy subject in some areas.
Part 5: Other Thoughts/Clarifications
The beautiful thing about Ninjago is that the Lego nature of the characters allows them to be interpreted in so many ways. The characters don’t have canon skin tones, eye color, body types, ages, heights, etc., so they can be whatever fans want. Whatever the fans interpret them to be or even what they feel like, they can be. And I think that’s beautiful.
TLDR: I don’t want the movie casting to limit the fan’s creativity or headcanons. Even if the cast isn’t entirely white, I hope people continue to make creations with their own interpretations of the characters.
Also: I urge fans to not harass the actors if they are white. I feel like the ninjago fandom is above that but I feel inclined to make this statement in advance regardless.
Finally: I’m leaving this post wide-open to discussion and discourse. I did surface-level research for the ninjago cultural influences, so if anyone wants to add on to or correct anything, feel free to do so. All I ask is that the conversations remain civil.
That is all :)
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marswasntthere · 10 days ago
sora ven vanitas and roxas all have curly hair i scream as they drag me off to hell
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yoroshiu · 2 months ago
The symbolism Sora takes on a chess board is very interesting to me.
(I, by no means am a chess expert, this is based off my knowledge of the typical meanings + rules of chess + what other people have talked about)
The usual take is Sora = the King which has a lot of layers and when you look at the overarching narrative sets up a lot of potential ideas of where his story is going, hence makes sense.
But there's also Sora = the Queen which when you look at it, also makes sense, somewhat even moreso then him being the King. He's technically the most powerful piece on the board by KH3 as he's the one who makes the biggest and most consequential moves (Him using the Power of Waking to break nature taboos can match the image of the Queen being able to go anywhere on the board).
So when you think about it, Sora's story can be seen as a pawn becoming a Queen.
It's kinda like how the characters can parallel each other in multiple ways. The chess symbolism doesn't really have to place one character in a box, you could make an argument for different interpretations.
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naydralikessoup · 7 months ago
ansem: the true nature of the heart is darkness! and in the end, everything will return to the darkness from whence it came!
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cosmosnout · 7 months ago
KH OC WEEK 20204
Day 3: connections
This took a bit longer than meant, but with the amount of things I wanted to include, it felt important to take my time.
Shiro’s part focusses a lot more on the relationships between them and the canon characters, while Aiko’s, Merin’s, Viktor's, and Tähti’s parts focus on the relationship they have with each other. (And some additional canon characters.)
Also there’s a lot of text here so sorry about any spelling mistakes haha.
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Xehanort (young)
Helped Shiro to get out of the realm of darkness and is helping them to recover their memory.
I am a firm believer that despite his cold demeanor, Xehanort has the capability of expressing other emotions outside of being a snarky jerk. He just needs to be around the right kind of people to bring that side of him out, and Eraqus and Shiro are exactly the sorts of people to make his brain cells die. /pos
Xehanort’s interest in becoming Shiro’s friend is due to his dreams as a boy of a mysterious child who he believes to be Shiro. (Some lost childish part of him does genuinely wish to be their friend, but he is also quite interested in Shiro’s connection to the keyblade war.)
They spent a couple years peacefully as friends attempting to recover Shiro’s memories, before Shiro uncovered Xehanort's true plans and the two ended up parting ways to fight on the opposite sides. They’re so divorced LMAO
Shiro feels quite betrayed and thinks their friendship was just a plot to get information out of them, while in reality their friendship was still genuine despite Xehanort's hidden motives.
They have a very bittersweet relationship.
Like when you just have that one person who sees right through you and you could just sit in complete silence for forever and still have a good time.
But oh my god do they also just bring out the worst in each other LMAO.
Xehanort is still a snarky bastard 99% of the time, and Shiro is so ready to throw his snarkiness back at him. It is remarkable if they get through a conversation without one of them trying to piss off the other one.
Anyhow they are so doomed by the narrative.
I’ve had a difficult time defining the relationship between these two, but in recent years since becoming aware of my own feelings as an aroace person, I feel like queerplatonic is a really good way to put it. I think that there can be strong emotions and love held between two people without it necessarily having to be romantic, and that’s just as wonderful as any other relationship.
The first person Shiro came across once they emerged in the realm of darkness.
Shiro has a lot of admiration towards her and hopes to meet her again!
Shrio definitely has a little crush on her haha
Roxas and Xion
Shiro’s keyblade apprentices!
adopted little siblings
Shiro fought relentlessly to keep both of them safe but ended up failing as they both returned to Sora.
Losing them was a big wake up call to the organization's true nature and Xehanort's sinister plans.
Little sister<<3
Shiro took one look at her and was like “yup anything happens to her and I’ll make everyone's life a living nightmare”
Got Namine her crayons and sketchbook
Was very devastated when she had to return to Kairi.
Pyromaniac besties
Co-paretning Roxas and Xion (platonic)
They became good friends during their time in the organization, and they made an oath to bring Roxas and Xion back after Axel’s recompletion.
Shiro tutors him and Kairi on keyblade wielding, during their time in The Secret Forest.
Ephemer and Skuld
Childhood Bestfriend
Shiro has foggy dreams and visions of the both of them. (They truly haunt Shiro’s life like it’s a full time job)
Even once called Sora “Ephemer” by mistake. They were both extremely confused.
Shiro is actively trying to find them.
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Aiko and Merin
The two start off on a bad foot due to a misunderstanding that led to Aiko and Viktor leaving their homeworld. Aiko thought Merin was the one to invade their world with darkness and ended up chasing after her through a dark corridor. In reality, Merin and Tähti were running away from Ansem (SOD) and happened to pass through their world.
Aiko and Merin ended up becoming separated from Viktor and Tähti and end up begrudgingly teaming up to find their families .
During their time together, they end up eventually becoming friends and even end up getting into a relationship together later on.
Their opposite personalities seemed like an issue when they first met, but they grew to love and learn from those differences and they’ve really helped each other to grow as people.
Viktor and Tähti
Viktor was at first very frustrated to be left to babysit a child, but switched into big brother mode pretty much subconsciously.
They’re a funny little duo since they’re both terrible fighters and are pretty much constantly just running for their lives.
Viktor appreciates Tähti’s quiet personality and knows to be patient with them.
Tähti also didn’t care too much about Viktor at first, but seeing him make an effort to keep them safe reminded them a lot of Merin.
Other friends!
Tähti, Namine and Xion!
Tähti met Namine during one of her visits to Ansem’s lab, and after some encouragement from the others, Tähti manages to strike up a conversation with her.
The two have a shared interest in art and like sharing their work with each other!
Tähti also got introduced to Xion through Namine, and despite Tähti’s antisocial nature, the two ended up quickly becoming good friends. (Nothing is as strong as the bond between two neurodivergent teenagers)
I like to think Kairi hangs out with them occasionally, but also she’s kinda busy trying to find Sora :’)
Viktor and Ienzo
Met post kh3 and became quick friends over their similar personalities and shared interest in tech.
Everyone around them was very excited that they were finally making friends. (Ansem and Aiko wiping a tear out of the corner of their eye)
Merin and Vanitas
Weird little brother creature thingy kinda
They met briefly while Merin and Aiko visited the realm of darkness.
They had a short confrontation where they fought with Merin winning.
Didn’t have the chance to talk much outside of that, but I think they have a secret mutual respect for each other due to being similar beings.
Merin and Isa
Got introduced post kh3 and ended up befriending each other as Viktor was spending more time with the apprentices.
They match each other’s tired energy
They like to just kinda sit back and watch as their friends mingle.
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s0raz · 8 days ago
forever thankful for Tetro. There has never been a cast of characters that I relate to more, not even my own fangan (like seriously. I have realized I see myself so much in Hiroaki, Kazutoshi, Hasegawa, and Wada…) I love the community (here on tumblr, specifically), everybody is really nice and supportive, and it has inspired some of my favorite art pieces Ive ever done and inspired me to go through with redesigning and making content for my fangan ocs. The Tetro team and everybody involved is so talented and hardworking, and Im so glad Tetro gets the attention it does ^^
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bibliophilesince2003 · 4 months ago
Ninjago... Dead or Not Dead?
I'm here to discuss whether "new" Ninjago is better than "old" Ninjago, or vice versa. I see so many opinions float around, and some comments people make are extremely harsh or confusing. For my own claims, don't worry, I'll back them up with evidence and genuine consideration.
I would like to start by saying that I started watching Ninjago when it first came out in 2011. I was around 8 years old at the time. My younger siblings soon became invested in the show, and we watched it together. There are seven seasons total that I would consider "old" Ninjago that aired from 2011-2017. About a year later, what I would call "new" Ninjago aired with seasons 8-15. Dragons Rising is the current Ninjago show.
I have almost finished Dragons Rising. So, yes, I am aware of all the little details and therefore ready to provide my own thoughts. I am an old Ninjago fan at heart and grew up with the show, but if I'm to have an opinion about what's new I might as well know what I'm talking about.
New Ninjago fans say that old Ninjago fans are "blinded by nostalgia" and old Ninjago fans say that new Ninjago fans don't understand the point of the show.
Ok, first of all, is "old" Ninjago perfect? No, of course not. The fight scenes are extremely slow at times. The animation? Less detailed. As a kid, I didn't really care. As an adult, sure, it's painful to watch. However, animation is such a small part of any show, and there is more to life than things that are aesthetically pleasing, especially when it comes to criticism. On a deeper, plot-centered level, "old" Ninjago surpasses "new" Ninjago. You cannot watch "old" Ninjago and tell me that the plots aren't creative and exciting, with a good balance of humor, brotherhood, and pain. "New" Ninjago, for the most part, was pretty decent and added depth to the characters. I liked Lloyd's new voice actor. Some aspects of "new" Ninjago irked me, like Kai's lack of emotion when Nya quite literally became one with the ocean, Kai losing his powers yet again and wallowing in self-pity, or Cole becoming more and more of an insignificant character with few lines, save season 13.
The biggest thing, though, was lack of creativity and a shift in character development that is unneeded or backwards. Characters can develop, sure, but they shouldn't be an entirely new personality without cause. The ninja were extremely weak or extremely overpowered. In reality, they should remember most of what they've learned and continue to grow.
Dragons Rising is - pardon my aggression - a piece of crap. Now, I think it had promise in the beginning, and I was excited with the introduction of new characters.
Arin and Sora have distinct personalities and interesting backgrounds. It went downhill pretty quickly. I dislike Wyldfyre with a passion. A Kai and Skylor alliance would have been better. Not only does Wyldfyre act like she's consumed ten energy drinks, but she's wrecked Kai's personality. Their banter is humorous and realistic, but shouldn't Kai know how to handle an impulsive person? Lloyd was practically their little brother in "old" Ninjago. Kai was impulsive and confident in his own actions, perhaps even a little "mean" to Lloyd when Lloyd needed a serious wake up call, but he never purposefully put Lloyd in danger. He was willing to take the hit in a lot of situations. Now, we see him running away screaming his head off while Wyldfyre is throwing hands. Kai... you've faced worse than a giant rock monster, buddy. The humor in Dragons Rising makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes. I get it's a kid show, but they could do better. "Old" Ninjago had some pretty grim details, but there was always a ray of hope or humor that just made sense in the moment. Mainly, the ninja being true brothers and absolutely roasting each other. In comparison, the humor in Dragons Rising is forced and cliche.
"Why would you touch the scary painting, Jay?"
"I didn't know it would do that, Cole!"
Compared to...
"I guarantee the sewers won't have any security."
*cut to them being chased*
"I was wrong!"
I'm not saying that "old" Ninjago doesn't come with its own share of cliche humor, I'm just saying that it's significantly less compared to Dragons Rising. It's also sprinkled, not dumped.
So, Arin and Sora get the spotlight, and the ninja seem to weaken more and more every day.
If you're a new Ninjago fan, I can see why Dragons Rising wouldn't bother you, though I would question your sanity if you found the cliche humor even remotely funny every single time. But the ninja aren't themselves. "Old" Ninjago gave us characters with exaggerated personalities for a reason, and "new" Ninjago provided some interesting plots with improved animation. "New" Ninjago is where it should have ended, and Dragons Rising can rot for all I care. The more I see Dragons Rising ignore or discount previous lore, the less I want to give it a chance.
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habibisagi · 17 days ago
my oliver character train of thought here ..... choo choo...... apolochoochoose
there is just so much that is insane about oliver and quite literally so unfair???? BUT SO UNSERIOUS AT THE SAME TIME CONSIDERING HE'S JUST 19 AND HE'S DOING ALL THAT??? he's ranked the #1 gentleman in blue lock, he wants to nurture and care for others so they don't end up like him and yet he self-destructs? gambles? drinks?
he understands the beauty of living but he only applies what could ruin him to himself. he knows what love is but he's already decided to not let himself love like that? BRO YOU'RE 19 😭 understanding the world entirely for others in a hopeful sense but not for you is so crazy.
but it makes... sense. 19 is such an insane age. feels pretty daunting, the middle of leaving your teen self and just about stepping into adulthood. we all did stupid things leading up to and at 19. like i get it. i think he'll grow out of it but also he is insanely smart at the same time which is why he sucks and disappoints. like he purposely chooses to be this way.
oliver also knows people. knows how they work how they are what they'll do why they are the way they are canonically he knows how to read and understand people it's literally his skill in soccer but also he just. he'll always know. SO HE KNOWS HIMSELF? TO BE THIS WAY? AND THAT'S WHY IT'S CONCERNING
but also he's an athelete idk. LIKE IDK THEY ARE ALL IDIOTS AT THE END OF THE DAY HITTING THEIR HEAD AND SUCH and the he's one that drinks and gambles mind you. he's frying himself. insane work. but beautiful. but insane. and awful. and he sucks.
he runs from love but likes to give it in his own way and its insane. THAT SCENE WHERE THE TWO GIRLS SMACK HIM he knew what he was doing and he deserved those slaps. i think he was probably just seeing them like hookup wise and because he's literally a whore like he just loves to fuck no matter what or who he invited them to probably have a threesome and it backfired because he is SHIT and he KNEW what he was doing!!!!!!! he could have clarified from the start. mr knows how to read people and yet he does this. mr number one gentleman and he does this. baffling.
and he has the audacity to say he had an ex girlfriend who he had left her overnight bag at his place to go return to (in the additional time) LIKE WHATTTTTTT BRO?????????
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freakshow-babyy · 7 months ago
Dragons rising Spoilers !!
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sora-fish · 2 months ago
Who’s gayer, Bisexual man or Grizzyplays
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