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moxie-girl · 5 months ago
"Ahahahahaha! 'Afraid of blood'? You really fell for that!? How stupid are you??"
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flat drawing, design ref, and extra doodles under the cut!
(btw guys he's so totally lying! his goggles are like that partially to censor blood to look pink because he is, in fact, still traumatized by it! gaslight gatekeep girlboss <3)
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bearbug55 · 9 months ago
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all of the evil guys are gay help
at least the girls dont have to deal with them?
except maria im sorry girl!
im just gonna be doing lots of plotting, planning and doodles now jeje
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demodraws0606 · 6 months ago
Charwhit and Teruxander are parallels and I'm scared for Charles oh god.
My friend and I just realised the similarities between Charwhit and Teruxander from a character design standpoint, like it's actually uncanny.
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They both have extremely similar smiling expressions (btw I checked literally every other sprite and only Eden comes close to have a similar smiling sprite).
Their hair is also literally the fucking same just flipped and Xander also has messier hair.
If you're not convinced I literally traced Xander's hair and overlapped it on Whit's sprite. It's literally just identitical to Whit's hair just messier.
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Obviously we can get into their personality on how they're both characters that seemed "difficulty" (Whit's lack of ability to take things seriously and Xander's hot headedness) but then showed that they were actually quite kind. However they're also very secretive about their past and seem to hold baggage that they dont want to share.
Now let's get into Charles and Teruko, the similarities are less obvious like them having the same fucking hair but it's still there.
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They both have ponytails but in reverse positioned, similar to how Xanwhit's haircut is reversed.
They also have a sprite pose that is extremely similar.
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But I do actually think the similarities with Teruko and Charles mostly come from the storyline itself.
From Chapter 1 and 2 their role seems to have reversed, Teruko becoming distrusting of everyone and Charles becoming extremely trusting of Whit. This parallel is pointed out in Chapter 2 quite obviously.
They also have something going on with their brother but that's just more like...a fun fact type of thing.
Anyways yeah considering how DRDT's whole thing is supposed to be "You shouldn't trust blindingly but you shouldn't also distrust everyone" and Whit/Xander seem to parallel uhmm...
I'm worried for Charles.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year ago
D/s au with a mix of drivers (F1 and MotoGP) where their dom has a family emergency and has to leave them before a race for a few days and some of them r really worried for her and some are just sobbing cause she's not there with them
OOOOHH Okay okay I've actually never even thought about this before and I kinda love this concept? It's so angsty but also so good. So I'm gonna discuss this concept with a few different drivers and riders and then I can always expand on some of these thoughts in another ask or discuss someone else, just let me know :))
I also made this happen during a race weekend or just before a race weekend, so that they didnt have the option to come with.
Charles's first instinct is to go with you? In fact he doesn't even consider the option that you might be leaving him, because he's your sub? Of course he would go with you? But then you remind him that he has to leave the next day for a race weekend, so there's no way he can go with and he has to go to the race weekend by himself.
That's when Charles starts panicking, because no? No that's not an option? Of course he understands that you have a family emergency and you need to go, but he has to go with you. Because firstly, how could you handle the family emergency without your sub and secondly, how can he handle a race weekend without you?
He is an absolute mess that entire weekend, he crashes constantly, so much so that his team almost considers getting their reserve driver to race for him because it's genuinely dangerous. The moment the weekend is over, he flies straight to you, equal parts worried about you and upset from having to go through a race weekend without his dom.
So I think for a very brief moment, Max would actually be angry with you? Because you always promised him that he would never have to go through a race weekend without you. You earned his trust by convincing him that you would never leave him, that you would always be there for him. And so when he finds out that you have to leave for a few days, there's a part of him that feels almost betrayed?
Almost immediately he feels terrible for that, and he feels terrible for it the entire time you're away. So much so that when you get back, he's actually a sobbing mess for that exact reason, apologising for not being more understanding about what you were going through and for only thinking about himself.
So I think Lando and Oscar try to lean on each other the whole race weekend, seeking comfort in each other and cuddling together and trying their best to get through it. But they also try their best to down play how bad things really are?
Of course you keep in contact with them, calling and texting regularly and they both just act like they're doing okay. They both decide that you have too much to deal with and you can't also have to deal with your subs needing you, but the truth is that they cry themselves to sleep every night and are driving terribly and really really need their dom back.
Logan, poor darling selfless Logan, immediately just feels terrible about the fact that he can't be there for you? He knows him not racing that weekend isnt even an option, so he has to go by himself while you handle your family emergency.
As much as he isnt looking forward to not having you with him at the race weekend, he's far more upset about the fact that you'll have to handle your family emergency without his support.
Fabio tries to put on a brave face, really he does. This lasts about 5 hours. And then he's calling you crying because his bike his shit and he needs his dom and he knows you're having a hard time and it's all just too much for your good boy.
It's the hardest race weekend he's ever had and he only gets through it because you instruct him to submit to Tom every night to stop him from dropping. He takes a red eye from the race straight to where you are and doesn't leave your side for the next month.
I think Marc starts off okay, reassuring you that he'll be perfectly fine on his own and promising to send regular updates and that he'll take good care of himself. And for the first two days of the race weekend, that is true.
Until he crashes in qualifying on Saturday and doesn't have you there to look after him afterwards and he drops hard. He can't get out of it, no one can help. And it's so bad that you have to fly to the race weekend because they're actually considering hospitalising him because no one can help him and no one knows what to do.
You help him through it, and then he goes back to your home with you, in no place to race for the rest of the weekend.
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dustbon · 6 months ago
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It's been a couple of days since Prav moved in and Tiarnan needed to establish some rules. Seems like our guy didn't understand the stop being a prick line, huh?
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accirax · 1 year ago
Fourth Anniversary Art Analysis
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(Credits to DRDTdev for the art, obviously. Please support the original post.)
Yeah guys, this is definitely Charles, trust me. (/j)
In all seriousness, the reveal of what Teruko's brother (more or less) looks like got me thinking about a couple of things. I'd like to ramble about them in a space less directly linked to the public fourth anniversary art!
The first is that we've (basically) confirmed that Teruko's brother is older than her, something that I don't think we actually technically knew until now! I always got those kind of vibes, but it's nice to know for sure.
The second is something that most people have picked up on-- his white hair color. Between DRDT and altDRDT, the only people who we've seen with white hair up to this point are XF and Dandelion (I think those are the names people agreed upon???). Both of those seem... unlikely to be Teruko's brother, although, for what it's worth, they do both use he/him pronouns. That's not to say that Teruko's brother couldn't have dyed his hair after he and Teruko last parted, and still be someone else we know, like Teacher. However, I could also easily believe that DRDTdev may have wanted to draw this art as a soft disconfirmation of the "Teacher is Teruko's brother" theory before people got in too deep. It's too bad, though, I did like that one.
One of the reasons why I liked it was because of the synergy with Teruko's favorite color being red due to "association." However, even if Teruko's brother still is Teacher, it seems like he has no red in his design as of the last time Teruko saw him. I suppose red could still be his eye color, but I'm going to take this mean that Teruko's positive association with red is due to somebody else-- likely either Xander or Mai, or possibly still Teacher, but without him being her brother.
Lastly, and most importantly, I find it highly interesting that, at this point in time, Teruko's brother is shown with several scrapes and bandages, while Teruko has absolutely none. It got me thinking about the nature of Teruko's luck.
I wonder if Teruko's bad luck operates in a way where it will hurt whoever is around her until she's the only one left, at which point it has no one to attack but herself. (The only comparison I can think of is to the Death card in the card game Fluxx, so shout out if you know what I'm talking about.)
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As long as Teruko is the "protagonist," her luck will go after the "side characters". But, if Teruko isolates herself, then the luck will go after the hero.
Now, there is a bit of contradictory evidence going on here, because Teruko has had unfortunate things happen to her since entering the killing game and being around other people. Most notably, the time that she slipped and fell while holding the cake, and when Xander tried to kill her. That's why I'm wondering if there's also an element of how much Teruko cares about these people involved. Like, if Teruko cares less about someone, they don't pop up as a "side character" punching bag as much. Or, if Teruko caring about someone is the inciting incident to turning an entire group of people into "side characters"-- that way, if she had no friends at any of the schools she attended, she could have avoided dooming them all.
Teruko cared a lot about Xander, so his betrayal was the tipping point. After she took one last blow, the scales tipped and more bad things started happening to the other students than to Teruko. Teruko falling down transformed into the much worse luck of Min dying. And, from then on, the "side characters" started taking the brunt of the bad luck (J's secret being revealed, Eden being bullied and threatened, Ace nearly dying, etc), while Teruko remained mostly fine.
If there is an element of how much Teruko cares about people involved, it would give her a lot of incentive to be a loner and actively make people dislike her.
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Anyways, just a thought. This one is pretty off the cuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm missing something or overstepping here.
Happy fourth anniversary DRDT, happy ???th birthday Mai, and a happy day to all of you!
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gabbodelaparra · 2 months ago
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I need a co-workers to lovers fiction of these two. Make them mercenaries toppling bad rulers and stuff. 😅
Charles Melton & Kit Connor
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So... I had an idea-
Imagine- a bunch or at least a couple of people who've made different drdt mastermind AUs make a crossover story (or a comic/drawing) or something together-
Like- for example- if my mm xanvid au met like... A mastermind Whit or Charles- both Xander and David would be so pissed or something since.. y'know how they feel about those two- /hj
I might send this to some of the people I know made mastermind drdt aus after awhile- idk
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prettywhalerboy · 6 months ago
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My take on Foxy David Cyprian, the valet of Lord Richard Vane in KJ Charles' Society Of Gentlemen.
I love this book series so much!
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bookshelvesandtealeaves · 7 months ago
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A Charm of Magpies by KJ Charles
The Magpie Lord: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
A Case of Possession: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Flight of Magpies: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was SUCH a fun series. I absolutely love a Victorian crime thriller, so add in a queer romance and some magic and I’m 100% sold.
Lucien and Stephen were both such wonderful characters. They’re both interesting and stubborn and so different from each other yet so similar, too. I loved how much we got to know about them and their pasts over the course of these books and I especially loved their relationship. I loved that for two whole books in this series, they’re a couple - it’s really fun to read about an established relationship and I often forget that.
I’m obsessed with the magpie motif’s, especially when it comes to the tattoos. The imagery there is just beautiful.
One of my favourite traits in a character is when they immediately apologise for snapping or being rude or awful or whatever. When there’s not a moments hesitation. They just apologise then and there and back down because they instantly know they’ve behaved poorly. And when the other person just knows, just gets it, just understands that it was an emotional response and not a personal attack. *chef’s kiss* KJ Charles does this so well.
The side characters in this are all brilliant. They’re so much fun and such full, vibrant characters all with pasts of their own that we get glimpses of.
I definitely need to read the Jackdaw series soon!
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moxie-girl · 5 months ago
WIP// xf-ture’s head scientist! :3
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loquarocoeur · 5 months ago
saving that gp x max gif....interesting....
It came up in conversation and I wanted to show it to my friend and then almost cried going through my likes thinking I lost it forever so I thought okay you know what maybe it's more important to me than I thought so maybe i should just save it in my little max collection here..
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creature-beast · 6 months ago
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I need them to share a blunt
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rowan-blood · 1 year ago
Book Recommendations
Kellen Graves
Prince of the Sorrows (Rowan Blood, #1) Lord of Silver Ashes (Rowan Blood, #2) Herald of the Witch’s Mark (Rowan Blood #3) The Fox and the Dryad
K.J. Charles
The Smuggler and the Warlord (A Charm of Magpies, #0.5) The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) Interlude with Tattoos (A Charm of Magpies, #1.5) A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies, #2) A Case of Spirits (A Charm of Magpies, #2.5 Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies, #3) Feast of Stephen (A Charm of Magpies, #3.5) Five For Heaven (A Charm of Magpies, #3.6) Jackdaw (A Charm of Magpies, #4) Rag and Bone (A Charm of Magpies, #5) A Queer Trade (A Charm of Magpies, #5.5) The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal Butterflies (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #2) Remnant: A Caldwell & Feximal/Whyborne & Griffin Mystery (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #3; Whyborne & Griffin, #3.5) Proper English (England World, #1) Think of England (England World, #2) Song for a Viking (England World, #2.1) A Fashionable Indulgence (Society of Gentlemen, #1) A Seditious Affair (Society of Gentlemen, #2) A Gentleman’s Position (Society of Gentlemen, #3) Wanted, A Gentleman An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities, #1) An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities, #2) An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities, #3) Spectred Isle (Green Men, #1) The Henchmen of Zenda Unfit to Print Band Sinister The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter (Lilywhite Boys, #0.5) Any Old Diamonds (Lilywhite Boys, #1) Gilded Cage (Lilywhite Boys, #2) Masters in This Hall (Lilywhite Boys, #3) Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures, #1) The Sugared Game (The Will Darling Adventures, #2) Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures, #3) The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen (The Doomsday Books, #1) A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel (The Doomsday Books, #2) A Thief in the Night
A.J. Demas
One Night in Boukos Something Human Sword Dance (Sword Dance, #1) Saffron Alley (Sword Dance, #2) Strong Wine (Sword Dance, #3) Honey and Pepper (When in Pheme, #1)
C.S. Pacat
Captive Prince (Captive Prince, #1) Captive Prince: Volume Two (Captive Prince, #2) Kings Rising (Captive Prince, #3) Dark Rise (Dark Rise, #1) Dark Heir (Dark Rise, #2)
Joanna Chambers
Provoked (Enlightenment, #1) Beguiled (Enlightenment, #2) Enlightened (Enlightenment, #3) Unnatural (Enlightenment, #4) Restored (Enlightenment, #5) Gentleman Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #1) Master Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #2)
Tamara Allen
Downtime Whistling in the Dark The Only Gold If It Ain’t Love The Road to Silver Plume (Secret Service #1) Playing the Ace (Secret Service #2) Invitation to the Dance
Harper Fox
Brothers of the Wild North Sea Once Upon a Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #1) Tinsel Fish (Tyack & Frayne #2) Don’t Let Go (Tyack & Frayne #3) Kitto (Tyack & Frayne #4) Guardians of the Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #5) Third Solstice (Tyack & Frayne #6) Preacher, Prophet, Beast (Tyack & Frayne #7) Out
Sebastian Nothwell
Mr Warren’s Profession (Aubrey & Lindsey, #1) Throw His Heart Over (Aubrey & Lindsey, #2) Hold Fast Oak King Holly King
Lydia Gastrell
One Indulgence (Indulgence #1) One Glimpse (Indulgence, #2)
Hale Ginn
Lord of the White Hell, Book 1 (Lord of the White Hell, #1) Lord of the White Hell, Book 2 (Lord of the White Hell, #2)
Adella J. Harris
The Marquess of Gorsewall Manor (After the Swan’s Nest, #1) The Earl of Klesamor Hall (After the Swan’s Nest, #2)
Cat Sebastian
The Soldier’s Scoundrel (The Turners, #1) The Lawrence Browne Affair (The Turners, #2) The Ruin of a Rake (The Turners, #3) It Takes Two to Tumble (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #1) A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #2) Two Rogues Make a Right (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #3)
Lily Morton
The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings (Black and Blue #1) The Quiet House (Black and Blue #2) Something Wicked (Black and Blue #3) Merry Measure The Cuckoo's Call
Freya Marske
A Marvellous Light (The Last Binding #1) A Restless Truth (The Last Binding #2)
Other Authors
The Devil Lancer by Astrid Amara The Reluctant Berserker by Alex Beecroft The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi Catalina Blues by Marlo York The Rake, the Rogue and the Roué by Eric Alan Westfall The Gladiator’s Master by Fae Sutherland The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller When Skies Have Fallen by Debbie McGowan Nova Praetorian by N.R. Walker The Reanimator's Heart (The Reanimator Mysteries #1) by Kara Jorgensen One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
(last update 2024/06/14)
I would appreciate your recommendations if you enjoy one or more books from this list.
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yoyokslut · 2 years ago
They both love their teams so much but it looks like their teams don't love them back 😢
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Gif not mine
From @il-predestinato
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indifferentenkephalin · 4 months ago
Huh. I did not expect that URL to be available. There goes that excuse.
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