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An Askblog to Share Your Favorite DRDT Headcanons! Inbox: 33
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drdt-headcanons · 12 hours ago
That one “Levi is Nicole from Class of 09” theory has unironically made me HC Levi as FtM. I like to think Levi’s transformation was insane. Like- no one can tell it’s him
Speaking of Levi HCs, I like to think that anyone close to him can call him “Fawn”. Like- no one knows they can do this until someone says it on accident
I've seen people HC Levi as intersex and genderfluid, too, the latter being my fault. I haven't seen ftm Levi yet, and honestly, I'm here for it. I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about this for a while.
Also, Levi as Nicole, pff. He's not that bad, right?
Fawn is such a cute name, I can see it for him. I'm curious to how this nickname would have started.
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drdt-headcanons · 1 day ago
Ace is closeted Asexual and Gay. Even if he already came out to his classmates as Gay, he is not sure if he can reveal that part of himself. He is grossed out and uncomfortable whenever someone is making sex jokes about him - and his partner, if there is any - or asking who is top or who is bottom/would he be top or bottom. He doesn't like the idea of having sex nor having children and he barely felt and did "things" in his whole life.
It took lots of prodding and having him trust his classmates, but when he did came out as an Asexual, he was simply expecting everyone to brush it off like his parents and siblings. He was nearly in tears when in Pride Month, there was an Ace flag for him along with others' flags
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drdt-headcanons · 2 days ago
Teruko is dyslexic
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drdt-headcanons · 4 days ago
What if I self projected onto Ace and he’s transmasc but unfortunately for him one of his female classmates has his dead name 😭
Bc one of those girls has mine and I picked Ace for my new name before I got into DT
What if I said that's a completely wild and insane coincidence? On both ends. But I love the idea of transmasc Ace Markey- or anything Ace Markey...
I've been waiting to answer this ask for a while. It made me jump for joy when I saw it.
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drdt-headcanons · 5 days ago
Whit is a godawful flirt with Charles but occasionally uses a decent pick up line for every like 20 failed ones.
Charles thinks it’s cute in a pathetic kinda way, meanwhile Whit is writing down anything that even kinda works while thinking of puns.
"He's so pathetic, it's endearing."
Yeah. I see the appeal. :)
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drdt-headcanons · 5 days ago
I still love one of the old pick-up lines that I possibly came up with or something idk, I thought of it years ago, but now it applies to CharWhit
"Hey, Charles, why choose your own romance when you can have my chemical romance?"
I leave this with my emo sprite edits lol
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I will forever call it my chemical romance just because it's funny to me-
I love calling it that, too, and I love these sprites! This made several of my days, including this one!
My Chemical Romance, pff-
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drdt-headcanons · 9 days ago
Whit has a shit ton of blackmail against their old classmates parents due to some of them being horrible parents or abusive siblings.
He calls them every month to remind them that yes, he can ruin their life and yes, he’ll make sure they treat their kids right otherwise it’s bye bye to their career PERMANENTLY. All the while acting his usual cheery self.
His mother killed herself over his dad, and he’ll damn well make sure no one suffers that again as he knows full well how painful it is.
I never thought of Whit as a blackmailer until I saw this. Maybe that's why he and Arei make great friends, haha.
No, but seriously, I can see him do this, but feel extremely guilty about it, especially if it gets to the point where he has to use the blackmail.
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drdt-headcanons · 9 days ago
Isn't it better to make seperate tag for the headcanons instead of using one of the main ones, so you can post more hcs at once without flooding the tag?
We do have a separate tag, and yes this makes sense, but both Mod Ace and I don't post much at a time anyway. We post on our own time.
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drdt-headcanons · 9 days ago
Veronika writes trollpastas while smoking weed with Whit and whoever else joins in.
I can see this. Even high, she comes up with the best trollpastas.
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drdt-headcanons · 12 days ago
Nico is VERY ticklish- like the type where you brush against their arm and they giggle
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drdt-headcanons · 12 days ago
Xander is a PYROMANIAC
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drdt-headcanons · 18 days ago
for some reason, I like to think that if teruko would sing, she’d sound smth like dua lipa.
no idea why or how this thought process started, but hey, it happened 🤠
I don't think she'd sing about the same things as Dua Lipa does, but I absolutely can see it.
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drdt-headcanons · 18 days ago
David's favorite Penelope Scott song is Feel Better
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drdt-headcanons · 19 days ago
acenico animal motifs !! 🐎🐈‍⬛ horse and cat 🪳🐈‍⬛ cat eating a cockroach 🥫🐟🐈‍⬛ cat eating tuna 🐎🐺 4th sigma option ✓✓
These made me giggle, especially the last one.
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drdt-headcanons · 21 days ago
veronika once spent her rent money on those vampire plastic things
I love those things. She absolutely did.
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drdt-headcanons · 21 days ago
xander is LYING about studying overseas!!! the real reason he has a british accent is because he was one of those kids that developed one after watching too much peppa pig!!! spread the word before t- *gets shot* /j
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drdt-headcanons · 22 days ago
J has made someone genuinely nice cry at one point in her life and has felt guilty about it ever since.
Oo, I answered something similar to this once! Yeah, I agree. She thinks about it occasionally and physically cringes.
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