#he even joked with his silly og one! ;D
britishchick09 · 19 days
i synced rock-afire footage from jacksonville to the original country II showtape! :D
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sylveon-and-velveon · 7 months
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@fandomhungryuwu You son of a bitch I'm in! I love that song so much XD
Playing "Here Comes the Hurricane Bitch" around the slashers
This will include: Michael Myers {OG & RZ}, Brahms Heelshire, Jason Voorhees, Billy Lenz, Freddy Krueger, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Harry Warden, Tiffany Valentine
Feel free to request any shitpost writing prompt ideas you can think of in my asks, I love silly non-serious ideas XD
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OG Michael Myers
Silently judging you
Also probably just hearing a bunch of random noises instead of the absolute banger that is this short song
Yeah my headcannon still stands on this man being a Kate Bush fan. That man would would fucking listen to her songs while killing people
Slowest middle finger you've seen someone give you while "HERE COMES THE HURRICANE BITCH" is blasting out of the speakers
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RZ Michael Myers
Confused would be an understatement for him
But he'd mainly be annoyed by the loud noise blasting from the device you're playing it from
Reminds him of the shitty people from his past :<
Just turn down the music enough for you both to vibe to while eating some yummy food :D
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Brahms Heelshire
Bro hears "hurricane" and one of two things happen:
1: He thinks a hurricane is nearby.
2: He's confused as fuck on what a hurricane is
Secret third option is BOTH-
Please reassure this poor man that it's just a song, until he either understands or stops freaking out TvT
Homie only knows the sound of pianos
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Jason Voorhees
Nothing sexual? Damn he's fine with it, just a little uncomfy with the continuous "bitch"
Other than that he's happy to watch you enjoy the music, even if you're going full gremlin mode throughout it all
If you're happy, he's okay with it
Just don't start blasting NSFW music in his vicinity-
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Billy Lenz
Wanna see a gremlin be a gremlin with you? Billy's got ya back!
Whether he understands the song or not, he will be a gremlin with you the second he sees you are now a gremlin to the music.
You are now one with his gremlin kind, you can't run now
I dunno what that means either, but it makes sense XD
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Freddy Kreuger
Pure chaos, that's the song. Of course he'll love it
But the second he finds out there was indeed a hurricane called "Katrina"? Ohohoho.... ya fucking lost him
What, is he dying of laughter? Dunno, but ya lost him XD
Oh he'd totally copy how "bitch" is said in the song as an inside joke between you two
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Stu Macher and Billy Loomis
Oddly enough I think they'd be their own type of gremlins to the music
Billy's killing someone to the beat of the chaotic music that's somehow a vibe
Stu's just going fucking feral to the music, enjoying his heart out
You're either watching the chaos unfold or joining in with one of them
No inbetween-
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Thomas Hewitt
Oh look another judger-
Probably not judging as much as the others
If the music makes you happy, he doesn't mind
But that ain't stopping him from being confused at your taste in music being in his mind "loud and obnoxious"
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Bubba Sawyer
The most confused out of all of them, change my mind
Doubt anyone's told him what a tornado is, let alone a hurricane
Also I highly doubt he's seen either in action, that be on TV or not
He'll probably vibe with you, but just a little confused on everything about the music lol
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Harry Warden
My point still stands, I need GIFs of this man-
But with the music? Most traumatized
You've somehow unlocked some kind of PTSD that motherfucker had in the back of his mind
Totally not helping when you're blasting the music that literally says:
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Tiffany Valentine
All here for it
Oh she's slaying the music with all her outfits
Probably would join in with you dancing to the music, but would take it a little more seriously lol
Is my love for her fabulous outfit choices too obvious?
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
Random selection of Pokeguys with this old classic:
Character: “I wasn’t that drunk last night!”
“You were flirting with S/O.”
Character: “So? He’s my boyfriend.”
“You asked him if he was single.”
“And then cried when he said he wasn’t.”
… you guys know the one I’m talking about right? A big fandom meme but I can’t find the og, if there even was a non fandom-affiliated og. This is probably really convoluted for a shitpost lmao I’m sorry, this is just silly goofiness to me while I wait for requests and the guys here were just kinda picked by who I thought would be the most fun to write.
Content warnings: alcohol consumption and drunkenness
💎 — Emotionally devastated but trying so hard not to show it
💎 — Considering he was sloppy-ass drunk enough to ask you, HIS BOYFRIEND, if you were single that’s not really something he’s doing great at
💎 — “Oh nooo that’s so… I’m sorry… oh noooo you’re just so pretty :(“
💎 — He stares vacantly off into the distance, holding back tears while you stare at him and wonder how long it’s gonna take for him to realize.
💎 — It’s kinda pathetic so you give up the joke and tell him the truth, to which he ACTUALLY bursts into tears.
💎 — “Hweuuuhhh Mighty Dialga is truly gracious and kind to have blessed me with your love I’m so luckyyyyyyyyy”
💎 — Just leans against you and sobs for a while, while you pet his hair and try to console him and insist this is real life, and that you’re sorry about the trick. Mai and Irida, who are watching the whole thing, are NOT sorry you pulled this one because it’s fucking hysterical
💙 — Cue incoherent sobbing into your shoulder about why Mighty Dialga hates him so much that it would torment him with the ethereal beauty that you are that he’s forbidden to have
💙 — If only they existed in Hisui, you might want to grab a velvet chaise for him to lay on and sob dramatically in a very theatrical pose
💙 — When you finally give up the joke and tell him that the person you’re dating is, in fact, him, it’s like you just clicked the off switch. I mean, the tears are definitely still flowing but he shuts up instantly and stares at you like you’ve grown a second head.
💙 — Then starts fanning his face, still clearly crying while trying to look all smug and confident.
💙 — “HMMMMMPH of course I knew that, only I would be worthy of your company anyway” (still visibly crying a river)
💙 — Clings to your side the entire night and also looks like a pathetic wet rat while he does it
🔥 — :(
🔥 — visible despair
🔥 — sad shinji meme
🔥 — he just kind of. sulks. pouting very dramatically.
🔥 — I mean good for you and whoever you’re seeing but he’s very drunk and to him you’re like the hottest man on earth right now??
🔥 — Eventually you put your arm around him and hit him with the “Red honey, I was talking about you. You’re the other person I’m seeing.”
🔥 — …
🔥 — :,D
🔥 — prommy????
⚫️ — INSTANT ugly crying but not for the reason you think actually.
⚫️ — I mean yeah, he’s also upset you’re apparently not single but all he can think about is how much he must have offended you and AUGH you’re so handsome and sweet and he was so clueless please don’t take it personally he doesn’t really know what’s gotten into him!!!
⚫️ — Probably the one you have to drop the joke the fastest with because you were NOT expecting this reaction at all and between all the sobbing and shouting you’re starting to worry about when the last time he actually took a breath was.
⚫️ — You end up needing to rub his back and scream your own apologies to him because you were only joking, the person you were dating is HIM!
⚫️ — At this he’s now just crying for a different reason, because he’s so lucky and you’re so handsome and he doesn’t know what he did to deserve this.
⚫️ — He calms down pretty fast after that, but never mention that incident to him again
⚫️ — He already doesn’t drink much and remembering how dramatic and off kilter he was being that night just has him actually wanting to curl up in a hole and just. Live there.
⚪️ — “Oh! Okay then!”
⚪️ — You’re a bit surprised by his unfazed reaction for being absolutely piss drunk, but after delivering that line he immediately pivots on his heel and speedwalks the hell away.
⚪️ — You call his name at first, and when he doesn’t respond and also looks DEAD SET on leaving whatever event you guys are at, you have to run after him calling his name all the while.
⚪️ — Drunk Emmet thought process: Dear lord, I’ve made a horrible mistake. I am extremely embarrassed. I’m going to immediately vacate the area and probably never come back.
⚪️ — You practically corner him because he is so, so fixated on leaving out of sheer embarrassment when you explain you were just messing with him and the person you’re already dating? That’s him.
⚪️ — By the look on his face, he practically needs one of those little buffering wheels above his head, because he is thinking HARD about this. His entire worldview has shattered. The earth has stopped turning. His wig is gone.
⚪️ — Eventually he just… climbs into your arms and lets you take him back to where you guys were. Both extremely embarrassed for a totally different reason now while simultaneously being in complete and total awe that sober him scored someone like you. Woah.
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bear-boi-5 · 12 days
Ask and you shall receive /silly
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It's not a full idea but it's a concept :3
I thought why not have Shroomy feel like he's been ignored and kicked to the wayside for far too long?
Smg3 needs some help getting a hold of new stock (not re-stocks, new bombs and weapons), he's tried many other places but to no luck. He remembers Shroomy knows how to make any weapon from basically nothing/just has stuff laying around he's made (example being the nukes for War on Beeg Smg4 he just for some reason had)
Smg3 calls him up to ask if he can help. Smg3 being Smg3 would let it slip that Shroomy was his last pick. By this point Shroomy, and by extension Anti, are fed up with being shoved to the side and used just for a joke, now only being used because he just so happens to have a use to them. He talks with him for a bit but eventually just blows up, he's just pissed off at this point. Even some Anti slips out in his outburst.
He hangs up the phone (breaks it) and Smg3 is just left standing there in shock. He goes to Smg4 to tell him what just happened (I feel like Smg4 would genuinely say "Who-?" and Smg3 is like "Oh my fucking god we're terrible friends-")
They go over to talk to him but it ends in another outburst, he brings up not being updated like the others have and just being forgotten about and he kicks the 2 of them out. Welp, now what?
That's mainly what I got. I came up with this from a few things.
1. People have been pretty vocal about wanting Shroomy back
2. It just feels like he's been thrown out by Luke and Kevin despite being the first actual original character
3. There's an episode where towards the end Shroomy legit says "Oh gee, seems like they forgot about me again.. heheh.." I can't remember which episode so someone will have to tell me
4. He wasn't invited to the 2022 Christmas party. Ofc you can chalk it up to him spending it with Lady D and his cousins but still
Personally I feel like this could be a mini arc. This could involve the other forgotten characters but would mainly be about Shroomy and Anti seeing as they were the ogs. I wouldn't want this to be solved with just one episode, a series of episodes could work better.
Hell, you could even include Mr Puzzles, he could be like a devil on the shoulder, coaxing and further fueling Shroomy's mental state by fabricating recordings or hell, even recording an actual conversation the others had about him
It could really go anywhere but a mini arc that would result in him and others being updated and used more would be cool
@blu193 :3
Edit: Corrections in the comments, point still stands/silly
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h-didanart · 3 months
I should like, actually do an introduction for this but ehh, we ball
Hello everyone and welcome to a little thing that I accidentally hyped myself into doing despite the fact I have like three other things I could be doing instead—
in honor of Pride month I decided to draw a little something of a thing I have. I call it the Be gay, Do crime collection. In the first drawing it’s the character with their flag(s) or flag color palette, in the second it’s them doing crime. (Some of these guys are a lot more dangerous//less silly than others)
Who these characters are and why them specifically… needs a lot of context actually, uhm— so! I’m technically in multiple fandoms and across them and the many aus I’ve made I realized that I tended to gravitate towards an oddly specific type of character, and the more I analyzed that character type the more I realized it was even more oddly specific. So the joke with this void, au, place, thing I have is that all the people there are literally the same guy. There are around nine members of this little club, and more than twelve honorary members but those guys aren’t as relevant. Yeah :D
And who better to introduce this thing of mine than one of the original three members, True Main Character. Yes he has an actual name, no I won’t mention it, his story is in a weird limbo between au and og story, I don’t want to give people from that fandom false hopes.
Anyways— True Main character.
He’s a cool guy, tho very anxious (sometimes), very much an outside person, is very sleep deprived (tho I forgot his eye bags, sorry), loves trying all types of food, can be very unhinged however, and extremely sarcastic, he’s a bit of an ass. Still, he’s generally a good person, or at least not a bad one, I’m pretty sure he’s in the greyer areas of the morality spectrum
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…. He’s also a wanted criminal. I am not joking. He staged a coup against the government, took over the country for like two months, disappeared, reappeared, kept pestering the government into actually taking accountability for all the systemic issues and kinda succeeded, on top of just casually breaking into the King’s castle to raid the pantry or steal some of the thousands of supplies they have laying around as decoration, some shoplifting, and stealing the magic relic that controlled the day-night cycle and weather that one time. He technically has other ‘Evil’ presentations, but I wanted to draw the one I don’t draw a lot so!
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You get the Gameshow Host. He’s probably taunting the heroes with some stupid questions while magical bombs and lasers are falling on them, as is his usual.
Hope you enjoyed the introduction to this silly little thing, and welcome everyone… to the Redhead and Traumatized Club
(I told you it was an oddly specific character type, I’ll get ref sheets and intros for everyone if you guys want me to)
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banqanas · 3 months
Lurking on your blog for a while now and loving all the Fanta content, but seeing you mention Gekidan made me perk up with interest. They're so underrated by everyone to the point of some people not even counting them as members of Exile Tribe.
I saw your thoughts on member dynamics between the OGs and the new guys, which made me grin so much, but also a bit sad because there really isn't enough content with them.
All I know is that Onocha pretty much adopted Yuki and to a certain extent also Ken-chan (which was pretty much obvious from the start when you consider why both guys decided on joining LDH and all the more happy to be added to Gekidan; they adore their senpai and he's just as great with them as he was with Kanta when he was added years ago). As for Aki, all I know is that one hilarious interaction he and Onocha had last summer when they were together at the annual summer outing, where Aki was clinging to Onocha the whole time and even joking that he feels a little like his girlfriend (the photos of him leaning with his head on his shoulder as he clings to his arm are so good).
I remember that one thing Aki said after watching the JAM recital together with Yuki and Ken-chan, that he's looking forward to work together with the others on projects as a group. (And then "all" we get is him being adorable with Kazuma, which is really great, but it's just not the same).
But yeah, we definitely need more content with all the members together, but seeing how everyone is always so busy with their own projects is both good (for them) and sad (for us). Still, I'm not giving up hope that one day we will get another entry in the JAM franchise with all the members together.
(It's kinda ridiculous that we have more content of Gekidan adopting RMPG's Riku and being adorable cuties than of the actual members together.)
Hello! Thank you so much for your messages! I'm happily reading them and learning more about gekidan from it! My response has gotten pretty long itself so the rest is under the cut.
I don't think it's obvious given from my current fanta phase but yes I was into Gekidan Exile for a while XD (circa 2022-early 2023) I only consider myself a casual fan of them to be honest but the image of 8 gekidan members performing with taiko drums in the middle of tokyo dome before the start of Voice of Red at High&Low The Live is forever embedded in my mind as the group's image. Gekidan Exile is Fucking Cool.
I was maeken's fan before he joined gekidan (when he was active in Kamen Rider Revice). So it was only when the news of maeken joining gekidan (nov 2022) that i got interested in the group as a whole because I wanted to get to know the kind of group maeken is joining.
Since I went through the Highlow -> Prince of Legend pipeline (around 2021), their presence as prominent members of Exile Tribe was strong since they still got main roles and we can directly see their inter-group interactions. I honestly think these kind of interactions of gekidan being friendly with gene members and also as guiding senpais to the currently rising rmpg group were important to show how much gekidan is a core group in the tribe.
Eventho I was aware of them, unfortunately I wasn't following them too much as a group. Mainly bc my japanese wasn't as good back then so I relied a lot on fansubs. And unfortunately there wasnt any gekidan fansubbed stuffs at the time :'D The only member I gave some focus on was Nobu because he's directly interacting with Kazuma and a littleeee bit of Kanta bc of DTC.
I was pretty much late to the "golden" gekidan age so I wasn't able to follow anything in real time, but even in 2022 I was able to enjoy JAM series and the shows of them as a group that's available on CL 😭🙏🙏
I love that Aoyagi Sho is one of the older members but he's pretty silly who likes to tease his juniors for his own entertainment. I like hearing his loud ossan laughs since he already has a really beautiful voice 🥺 Akiyama and Ozawa san are the ones makes sure the group functions. I like how Machida Keita is pretty quiet when he's with gekidan, in comparison to his very very long list of roles, and is just enjoying their company. Masayasu's roles are always more to the loud types but I was surprised that he's very calm and collected when in gekidan. Onocha, Sway and Nobu are there (i already know their works individually so i didn't have much surprise). and Kanta is the youngest who is the receiving end of Aoyagi Sho's teasings.
I love the Camping Club shows and this gekidan wachawacha episode where Kanta dresses like a minion
This phase was unfortunately short lived bc they didn't do anything as a group after the announcement of new members and my interest in maeken was dwindling bc he wasn't in any project i'm interested in. And this was when Highlow The Worst X premiered and i diverged to another pipeline when I met Kamui -> Keito -> Fantastics.
As for Aki, all I know is that one hilarious interaction he and Onocha had last summer when they were together at the annual summer outing, where Aki was clinging to Onocha (...) (...) Aki said after watching the JAM recital together with Yuki and Ken-chan, that he's looking forward to work together with the others on projects as a group.
OH MY GOD????? I didn't realise I was so out of the loop that I didn't know any of this happening??? Jr gekidan (personal nickname) were at JAM recitals as well??? That means they've been connected even before it was announced they're joining gekidan 😭😭😭 I honestly have no source/fans of gekidan to follow so I would appreciate any and all direction to these 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
But yes!!! Gekidan is Exile Tribe!!!!!!!! And the new gekidan members are Jr Exiles (personal delusion)!!!!!!!!
I am the type of fan that likes to see how my oshi (Maeken in this group) interacts with friends and members, so I am always waiting to see more interactions between the senior and junior members. even if just a quick livestream, I want to see the group together 😭🙏
Not only that, I really do wish to see more integrated projects/activities between them and the other tribe groups like highlow & prilege, but i would consider this a pipe dream for now.
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divineerdrick · 8 months
One Piece Live Blog: Get Cruising!
Oh boy! Here we go!
The Netflix One Piece adaptation convinced me to take another stab at the genuine article. My previous attempt had stalled out on Kuro's arc. But with Matt Owens, Steven Maeda, and the gang highlighting what I'd enjoyed my first try, I'm back for more.
Since Netflix One Piece is filled with spoilers for the manga and anime, this first part is going to be #not so live blog. I'm basically going to cover all of East Blue in this one massive blog, having paused after Luffy got his first wanted poster. From here, I'll be trying to go one episode and chapter at a time, using episode previews to let me know if I should watch an episode before reading a chapter. For example, I know that the next episode of the anime is Buggy's journey after getting Gum Gum Bazooka'd off the island. But that episode was covered in Oda's famous chapter pages in the manga.
I might look to see if anyone has a good watching/reading order out there. If anyone knows of one, please let me know!
I should also note that I'm not going to be policing spoilers very hard here. I'm going to try to watch each episode and read each chapter as fresh as I can, but let's face facts. One Piece is an integral part of modern anime's DNA, and it's honestly all over the parts of the internet I call home. I'm going to have some preliminary impressions going in for a lot of the characters and arcs that people have raved about throughout the literal decades. Again, if I find an intrepid assistant who feels like intercepting asks and the like, I might accept their help. But I just think it's pretty hard to do this one as a truly blind read/watch.
Without further ado, here are my #not so live blog thoughts on what I've gotten through so far! I'll also go over my thoughts on the differences between manga/anime and Netflix, and occasionally manga and anime . . .
First Thoughts
Right off the bat, I feel like I need to mention that I still struggled through East Blue. It was definitely an easier read than watch, and I found myself enjoying the manga a bit more than the anime. There felt like there was a bit too much generic Shonen bullshit in this first part of the story. Now granted, as one of the OG Shonen works, this is more that other Shonen anime have made some of this boring and generic, but it's honestly still kinda dumb, boring bullshit here.
But that all changed when I got to Arlong Park. That arc felt incredibly tight and well paced, with each character being well utilized. The jokes all landed, the fights were all awesome, and the villain was enjoyable. This is definitely where One Piece started to sing for me, and showed the promise of why this work has had so much staying power.
Please keep that in mind when I get to my coverage of the various arcs.
Monkey D. Luffy
Our primary protagonist and the Captain of the Straw Hats took me a little warming up to in the manga and anime. Part of this is that Netflix Luffy is a couple notches higher in terms of good nature and IQ, and a couple notches lower on the pirate scale and silliness. In short, Netflix Luffy is a little closer to generic Protag-kun than his animated counterpart. He's really not a pirate, not even a "different kind of pirate." He's an adventurer using the term pirate as his title.
OG Luffy is definitely a pirate. He's a little mean, a little underhanded, and, most importantly, he won't let anything get between him and his goals. There are plenty of times when he just flat out slaps someone down because he thinks they're stupid or they're in his way. The only reason he becomes Zeff's choreboy is that the old pirate kicks the crap out of him. While Netflix Luffy opines that everyone has a story about Nami, except for Nami herself, OG Luffy just doesn't care. Nami is his navigator, and the thought of leaving Conomi Island without her never crosses his mind.
And honestly, while he took a bit to grow on me, this makes OG Luffy such a more fun and interesting character to follow. Yeah, as even Oda jokes, he's thick as brick. But even this has its charm. He sits at a nice middle ground between Goku and Jack Sparrow. He's just mean enough, and just crazy enough that you can't predict what he's going to do, while still being likeable enough to be a hero you want to follow for a thousand plus chapters.
Roronoa Zoro
The first of the Strong Trio, as I've heard them called, Zoro (or Zolo in the version I'm reading) is probably the character who varies the most from his Netflix adaptation to his OG self. OG Zoro isn't as thick or silly as Luffy is, but he's still a lot of fun. He's nowhere near as tightly strung or straight laced as Netflix Zoro is. He also jumps on Luffy's side a lot faster, accepting his role as Luffy's swordsman in exchange for his swords and sticking to his oath from that point forward. When Mihawk destroys him at Baratie, he's genuinely distraught that he not only lost, but he failed Luffy.
He also gets more time to shine during Arlong Park too, with his own opponent to face down and defeat. Granted, I understand why Owens and Maeda probably did this. At that point in the show, we know Zoro is a badass, especially with Mackenyu's amazing displays of swordsmanship, and Sanji needed to be established as the second member of the Strong Trio. Plus I'm betting Hachi would have been trying on their budget.
But again, this version of Zoro is just more fun to follow. We've seen the straight faced, snarky action hero done to death. I like the fact that the OG is much more laid back and willing to have some fun.
Tied with Usopp for how faithfully she was adapted, Nami is so far the most serious and intelligent member of the Straw Hats. She's a fan favorite for a reason. Besides sporting a cute design to appeal to the core Shonen audience, Nami is honestly one of the most capable characters in the story. And she's shown repeatedly to be pretty badass when she needs to be. All three versions of her are likeably and laudible.
That doesn't mean there aren't differences though. Netflix Nami feels a bit more victimized. And, I mean, fair! She refuses to get close to the Straw Hats because she believes she's doomed to hurt those around her. It feels more like an internalized failing, rather than the result of the overwhelming external force that is Arlong. OG Nami is a loner because she believes she has to do everything herself. It's not that people around her get hurt because of her, it's because if she involves anyone then Arlong might remove them from the picture. She plays a villain to Cocoyashi village not to distance herself, but because she doesn't want anyone else to get hurt saving her.
Either way, the emotional aspect of her arc throughout East Blue is one of the things that made Arlong Park so compelling. Now that she's free, I can't wait to see how her character develops. If her exit from Cocoyashi is any indication, it will be a lot of fun!
Usopp is also pretty faithfully adapted in Netflix, with one small exception. Both versions of the character have dreams of being a hero, the same hero they portray themselves as in the stories they tell. However, for now at least, OG Usopp is a little close than Netflix Usopp. While Usopps cowardly antics seem a lot more over the top in manga/anime action, his acts of bravery are also more numerous.
Usopp won't stand by and let someone else get hurt. He may not be able to jump into the fray when things get started, but the moment an innocent person is in danger he doesn't hesitate. Part of this might be the changes made to the arcs for Netflix's adaptation. In the Netflix version, only Kaya is any real danger from Kuro and his Black Cat Pirates. So when Usopp refuses to leave Kaya's side, it comes off more as him refusing to abandon a friend then sticking up for someone that can't defend themselves. But in the original version, Usopp is defending the whole island from the Black Cats, an island that thinks he's a liar and a menace. He's also the one who jumps to Zoro's rescue when Mihawk strikes him down. And at Cocoyashi he repeatedly intercedes when fishmen are menacing the village.
Even his fight against Chew is because he knows he needs to even the odds or the three lieutenants will easily overpower Zoro and Sanji. While Netfix Usopp flees the moment Chew sets his eyes on him, then manages to setup a knockout punch, OG Usopp lures Chew away and then renews his attack the moment Chew tries to give up on the chase.
In short, Oda does an amazing job at showing that Usopp genuinely does have the ability to become a hero. I know he's still mostly comic relief and is part of what is occasionally called the Cowardly Trio, but I do hope we get to see Usopp get some development towards his dream.
The last member of the Straw Hat's I've met so far, I have the least to say about Sanji. His dream and ambitions are perfect as the ship's cook, but they aren't particularly compelling for me yet. His fighting style is a lot of fun to watch though. And, as opposed to Zoro, it's so far more fun in animation and sequential art than live action. His swooning over Nami isn't really entertaining for me, though it's also not annoying. It's again, a little more entertaining in the manga/anime where the cool confidence that would probably serve him well in courting her is completely upended by drooling idiocy.
I will use this space to note another difference for the character, though this time it's in their back story and not their character traits. And it's strangely one where Netflix went with the manga, while the anime changed it. I just find it interesting that in both the manga and Netflix, Zeff sacrifices his leg on the rock to stave off his hunger so that he can give all the food to Sanji. But in the anime, they had him sacrifice his leg ahead of time to save Sanji, thus meaning he already had the leg as potential food source before making the decision. I'm curious why they made that change.
Johnny and Yosaku
While not part of the crew, I still felt I should give the two fanboys a mention. They provide something that Netflix missed out on, and maybe even spoiled a little in where they chose to cut and change things for the adaptation. They help setup some of the power scale for the adventure. Put simply, Johnny and Yosaku help give us a notion of what a normal, human adventurer is capable of compared to the pirates of the East Blue.
While the East Blue is the small pond of One Piece's world, that doesn't mean that Buggy, Kuro, and Krieg aren't real and genuine threats. Johnny and Yosaku traveled with Zoro as bounty hunters, and they presumably fought pirates and other outlaws. But they're completely outclassed when Krieg shows up. And when they go to Arlong park, they're dispatched so easily Arlong doesn't even bother to have them killed.
This helps establish that it's not just that Luffy is starting his adventure in a level appropriate zone, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and even Nami are genuinely in their own class by East Blue standards. They are destined for greatness by right of their ambitions and everything they've learned and done to get to this point. They're not Lvl 1 Heroes killing slimes to get their first copper sword, they're already at or near vanilla level cap and just need the unifying force that is Luffy to get them moving.
I don't know if the two fanboys will play any further part in the adventure, save for maybe montages of characters past like with the wanted poster. For now they're staying in East Blue, where they've done what I think the story needed them to do.
Alvida and Axe-Hand Morgan
One Piece starts out strong. Alvida makes for an entertaining first goon for Luffy to show off on (though am I spying a reinvigorated "most beautiful pirate" on these chapter pages?) Koby makes a nice lore character to get us started off, and Morgan makes a credible threat to defeat as our first baddy.
Obviously the first thing to point out here in differences is that Netflix, with fewer episodes to work with, assembles our first three Straw Hats here. In the original story, this is just where Luffy meets Zoro. I already discussed the changes there. Though I think this is another one where Netflix went back to the manga for one change? In the anime they have Zoro being punished for a month, but I seem to remember the manga had it as like a week or something.
Either way, the first adventure is a lot of fun and sets up some side plots for later. Where I am in the manga, I've just started getting chapter pages for Morgan and Garp. Netflix, of course, made a whole B plot for Koby, Helmeppo, and Garp as they pursue the bread crumbs Luffy is leaving behind.
Buggy the Clown
This was also a really enjoyable arc. I'm not going to discuss the difference here, as there are just too many. Buggy is given a full side character role for all of East Blue in Netflix, where in the manga we just get the chapter pages. The one difference I do want to highlight is that in the manga and anime, it's Nami that thinks to tie down all of Buggy's parts and not Luffy. Though Luffy definitely shows some of that underhanded nature in this fight as he tickles and nut shots his vulnerable opponent whenever he tries to go after Nami with the Chop Chop ability.
Buggy is just so much fun! I don't know how much he actually shows up in the story, though it's obvious even without the Netflix teaser that he's itching for a rematch. His power is so cool and creative, and though he's so far not very competent with it, Netflix showed the potential it has. I hope I get to see a lot more of him.
This arc also nicely sets up Nami and her story for East Blue, though you only realize it in retrospect. Again, I remember just always having a lot of fun with this one.
Captain Kuro and the Black Cat Pirates
This was my original stumbling block and man did I feel it the second time around too. They try to make Kuro out to be this clever and menacing pirate, but I just never buy it. Part of the problem is he just doesn't do anything!
This is one of those arcs where I was getting tired of the Shonen bullshit. The arc starts with the introduction of Usopp as a comic relief character. Since I hadn't had a chance to see the bravery he'll show later yet, and Netflix didn't deliver on it, that's all I get for him as things start. Then we get a rather cliché murder plot. The butler did it! Kuro is revealed, and his plan is . . .
Well, the hypnosis part is creative I guess? It's more fun and interesting than just, "I'll trick the family accountant to signing everything over to me!" Jango fails to be anything but more comic relief though, and that's with Usopp already looking to fill the role.
Then we get to the fight. Usopp starts to show his bravery, but it's buried under all the attempts at comedically stalling things out. Oh no! They're at the wrong beach! Oh no! Zoro's caught in the grease trap! Oh no! Luffy got lost! Oh no! Zoro got his swords stolen! Oh no! Luffy got put to sleep by Jango!
And all the while, Kuro just stands there. Nami doesn't really do much here either, even though I honestly think she could probably take Kuro on her own. Then Kuro just announces he's going to kill everyone and the pirates stop doing anything too. And when Luffy and Kuro finally do fight, it feels drawn out. Like it really just feel like Luffy could have just walloped him if he'd been taking things a bit more seriously or been a bit more creative with his powers.
I will say, Usopp's bravery does start to shine through here. He keeps getting knocked down but refuses to give up. Usopp honestly is the best thing about this arc and it does set his character up well.
And finally we come to it: the wall.
Baratie almost ended my second attempt at this. It starts out so strong too! Sanji's introduction is awesome, Zeff is really cool, and the idea of a bunch of "fighting cooks" that can beat pirates is really fun. Then you get the introduction of Mihawk. This is one of the points where I wish I'd stuck with my first attempt at One Piece. To be fair, Netflix's introduction of Mihawk is fantastic. But this was even better in many ways. I feel I would have enjoyed this more anime/manga first, then been impressed by the adaptation. It comes out of almost nowhere with just the barest hints of what's about to happen before Mihawk splashes down in the East Blue like a giant in a puddle. Netflix felt the need to tie Mihawk into the ongoing story. As other commentators have pointed out, this undermines the sense of scale and danger that is The Grand Line.
OG Mihawk isn't on any kind of mission. He's just bored!
But Krieg and his pirates. Oh man . . .
The point of Krieg is that he is the proof that the East Blue is the leveling zone. Here is a man with a ton of resources and know how. He has a massive armada, state of the art weapons, and a vicious and dedicated crew. The chefs of Baratie might have fought off pirates before, but they're no match for Krieg's crew.
But Mihawk, one man with one sword, destroyed it all.
Yet Mihawk gets bored again and doesn't finish the job. So now Luffy has to prove that he does have what it takes by beating them by himself (with some help from Sanji of course.)
It's a pretty functional device as plot devices go. The implementation just sucked.
Krieg is not interesting. "I win because I have the strongest weapon," is such an old trope and one that, especially in anime and manga, almost always means you're a loser. Gin isn't interesting. He's got just enough character that I would actually like to see if Oda does something more with him. But in this arc he starts out feeling like a weak lackey. Then, surprise! he's second in command! Then he's just a weak lackey again. Then, he's a lackey, but he's strong enough to walk away.
And the less said about Pearl the better.
But the biggest problem is, again, no one does anything! For most of the arc, Sanji is the only one that does any fighting. Other than launching their "secret weapon", the fighting chefs don't fight. And Luffy and Krieg just spend the entire arc staring each other down. It starts even before Mihawk shows up, and doesn't stop until Gin beats Sanji. Luffy makes a couple of extremely half hearted attempts to run . . . run . . . over to fight Krieg. But because, and I can't stress this enough, he only ever tries to run over to fight Krieg, Krieg easily repels him with his guns.
Once the fight actually starts, it's clear that Luffy can just pound Krieg into the dust. He just doesn't. And so the fight drags on longer than it feels it should, as Zeff opines about how Luffy will win because he has the will to do so. Even though, we literally just saw Zoro, who has almost, if not as indomitable a spirit, get owned by someone that's just plain better than he is, it's all actually about will and heart.
Well, maybe not just saw. As I said, this drags on a bit. We're quite a few episodes/chapters away from that before Luffy and Krieg actually start fighting.
Now I will say, I know there's more to this. Luffy is still very young and inexperienced. We start the adventure with him leaving his island, having not been show doing any actual fighting. We're literally seeing all of Luffy's actual combat experience in this anime and manga. He's constantly inventing new moves as he learns his abilities, and he also needs to learn how to use those moves at the right time. So this fight is supposed to be part of Luffy's learning process.
But it's just not fun and not funny and not interesting. He used the Gum Gum Rocket in the first arc, yet he keeps trying to, again, run over to fight Krieg. He's shown he can deflect projectiles, yet he just let's Krieg's poison shell hit Baratie. He punches right through Krieg's steel defenses, then takes his time breaking Krieg's spear.
It's just not a good fight!
But we can leave all that behind us now. Because once Krieg is defeated and Sanji says his suitably over the top farewells to Baratie, we can finally get to . . .
Arlong Park
Like I said, this basically saved One Piece for me and brought me back to the promise of the first two arcs. It also proved that this story can deliver on more than just Shonen action and slapstick comedy. Take everything I said about Baratie, change it to the opposite, and you have Arlong Park.
A lot of people have already talked about the difference between adaptations here, so I'm not going to mention it much. This is already getting long here. I do wish Nami had actually gotten to take some part in the action, but she still gets a heroic moment as she faces down the monster that murdered her mother and has controlled her entire life.
Also the way she reacts as Luffy destroys her prison hits hard.
But yeah, everything about this arc is fantastic. The pacing is great! The characters, and their designs, are all fantastic. The jokes all land. The way they divided up each fight is nearly perfect. And there is real, and intense, emotional pay off.
Even the Shonen trope of taking Luffy out of the fight to come back later is done well. Luffy being dumb and trying to do the cool new move he thought of getting him stuck is hilarious. And Arlong's reaction to it is a peak villain moment. It does make me wonder a bit about the way Devil Fruit powers work, because I thought that the ocean takes you power away. But Nojiko is able to stretch Luffy's head above water. Still, it might be that the Devil Fruit permanently made Luffy out of rubber, and it makes for a creative solution with some genuine suspense.
Even our comic relief villain, Hachi, is both funny and menacing. I really liked the fishmen designs in general, though I'm not as much a fan of Chew's design. Kuroobi is probably my favorite of the fishmen, possibly even more than Arlong. He's got a great design, his fighting style is awesome and a great test for Sanji, and he's shown to be more cool and level headed than his boss.
But Arlong is still a great villain. His planning and cunning and evil are demonstrated throughout the arc. And when the fight actually gets going, it's clear that he's a proper match for Luffy. Not only is Arlong strong, but his moves are just the right level of over the top. I'm particularly fond of the Shark Darts. I am a little sad he pulled out that massive sword to not really get to use it much, though. They also do a great job using him to demonstrate Luffy's strength by showing the force Arlong's nose can take before Luffy breaks it.
Final Thoughts
So yeah, I'm on a cruise now. From this point on it's going to be one episode/chapter one post. I'm going to try to do three to four episodes a week. At that pace, it's possible I might get caught up by years end. Either way, I'm hoping to have a lot of fun!
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Also 😭😭 Miss you Seb, Big Red, EJ, and Nini :'(( <3333
Excited to see at least some of you again soon though xd
Lowkey Mike is slaying this season :D so far anyway lol
He's just funny 🥰 xD
Anyway slay new hair Miss Jenn :))
And AAHHHH Rina are so cute oh my GOSH don't even talk to me :D LIKE THOSE FLASHBACKS???! AND IN EPISODE ONE TOO!!?!
I love them so much your honor 🥰🥰 also they are so silly <33 my little babeys
Yeeeah I forgot for a few seconds that Gina's mom is kinda intense lol, from what we've been told. And now we're seeing it xd. I get the need to focus for your Junior year since it's an important year and all but :( I hope you don't take too much of that pressure onto yourself Gina D: remember to have fun :) <3
LOL y'all I love Emmy so far xD she's amazing
Ashlyn and Maddox 👀 hm. Interesting 👀
I'm just gonna say what I said in the tags of my other post: everyone in that room (Kourtney's) was gay
I was joking about Kourtney's obsession with Dani but like xD y'all come on. Also Carlos WHAT was that sir LOL
Oh and by the way Carlos saying he respects the feud from a reality show plotline perspective is KILLING ME!! XDD! Like, killing me in a sending me way, but also killing me in a stabbing me through the heart way :')
Also since when couldn't Seb have social media 😭 xD but also also. Carlos lol. Go visit him xD. You know where he lives LOL
And! I'm totally not stressed about Kourtney with Dani asking about Ricky :'))) Not at all :')) XDD lol. This is gonna be stressful and wild <33 xD
Anyway, I find the director vs director thing kinda funny because like. They probably took over some rooms when they started filming at East High as well xDD. But anyway lol GO MISS JENN!! Rooting for her in that <33
Anyway I love them thank you :') xD
I love the security guy xDD those bits were amazing lol
Oh and Ricky asking his dad if he's threatened by Mack is HILARIOUS LOL. And speaking of Mack, GET AWAY FROM GINA!! Also poor girl loving him and him being rude :((. Still though hopefully she gets a few good experiences with him, besides him like flirting with him or something lol :).
Okay I know that there's a 99% chance they'll be fine but I am genuinely worried about Seblos xd. I'm still dealing with the disappointment that Joe's not in every episode and you expect me to make it through this?? And I know we get Over Again but like also. We get Over Again xdd. It's not the most NON CONCERNING song y'all xD. Still though, while I love the angst, I really hope this doesn't last long 😬. Well like, too long - because it would kill me, and because I deserve Seblos together content lol.
Also there were so many amazing moments throughout that I didn't mention but TRUST ME I loved all of them, and I'm looking forward to where the storylines go :D!!
And lastly, THE SONGS WERE SO GOOD!! I know we didn't get too many but they were so great y'all :D. Amazing 🥰🥰. Also Ricky and Gina are amazing at making songs <33. My lovelies :p 🥰❤️❤️. That song was so cute 😭❤️❤️🥰 :D. I love them so much :)). And Dani slayed her song too!! Anyway, yeah, they were all great :)).
But yeah, I love them all so much 🥰🥰🥳❤️❤️😭 (good crying) <3333!!
Y'all this is already starting out good :)) I am SO EXCITED for this entire season :DD!!
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indecisive-dizzy · 8 months
Hi bestie I’m sending this 10 minutes before my birthday so yipeeee
I’m having Eddie and Daisey ideas and I wanna ramble about them
Specifically the scorned and bitter Daisey idea I mentioned before since they’re very angsty lol
Daisey does literally anything to stay as far way from Eddie as they can. It legit throws its head to avoid talking to him
They weren’t super close as kids, and they didn’t talk after Eddie moved away
Daisey and Howdy don’t end up together in this universe, mainly cause Howdy is still Eddie’s bestie and Daisey isn’t willing to let that go just yet. They’re friendly enough with each other though
I think Daisey spends a lot of time with Julie, her cheery demeanor balances out their bitterness
They still like to write letters, they just hide it
I imagine as kids Eddie liked their long hair. Daisey has it short because they’re still upset about it
I feel like Wally probably says something to Daisey that causes them to rant about the whole situation and they end up getting really emotional about it. They’re friends and talk a lot after that
Daisey laughs when Barnaby dogpiles Eddie (in the og au they always get worried and help him up)
They carry their umbrella everywhere. It’s like a security blanket, they need it or else they get all anxious and uncomfortable
They still dance, just alone or with Julie
They speak a lot more Spanish, as they never felt the need to speak proper English whenever they were talking to a friend
Their eyes are green in this au, while og Daisey’s eyes are either pink or a dark brown (it fluctuates)
They have frosted tips, specifically pink tips on their purple hair
“Do you even know how smart I am in Spanish?” -something Daisey probably asked Eddie after they spoke in Spanish and Eddie had no idea what they said as he didn’t get to learn proper Spanish (yes I had to add the modern family quote)
I love my silly I need to draw this version of Daisey they make me so sad
AYO HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE 🎉🎉 congrats on being [age] now! Yippee!!!
back to our regularly scheduled programming-
Angst Angst Angst Angst- !!
Love this spin on Daisey, love me a bitter and scorned character.
Imagine trying to talk to someone and they decapitate themselves to avoid you smh Eddie my guy u good after that?
Would Howdy feel conflicted? Yes this person is lovely but they Hate my best friend and I gotta defend him. Or is not attracted to Daisey at all? Like nah boo ur a lil too bitter for the strawberry cream soda caterpillar? but hey they can be nice to each other at least!
The Julie friendship is amazing bc it's like having 2 Franks except one is down Bad for the mailman and the other wants to see his stuffing on the pavement- what who said that? hahaaa
the pettiness of keeping their hair short is chef's kiss. I also love petty bitches (bc I'm a petty bitch lol)
The umbrella is a vibe! They can whack people (Eddie) >:)
Modern Family quote is acknowledged and pointed at with a hearty HaHa! I have never seen this show but the joke is Funny! :D
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comradeeatspants · 3 years
hi ricky hiiii ^_^ what’re some of your thoughts on the whole dream smp “dying” kinda analysis posts going around
hi ciara ^_^ 
i honestly agree with everything it said. i think having the "dream smp" as its own brand (ie selling merch, making official social media pages) would've obviously kept it around longer however its a logistical nightmare (as the post says), dream himself doesn’t seem interested in doing that, and i think it'd kill a lot of the charm of the smp. i think a lot of people got into it because it was just silly friends goofing around on their friend's server. it's authentic, not some predetermined group of people that some manager somewhere is hoping can bring in views(unless dream is playing the long game and it is exactly this). so i think it having an official brand might kill that charm, but thats just me. also having it as its own brand would most likely create weird drama and tension that would also kill some of the authentic friendship vibes. but, they already created a brand for themselves without making an "official" dream smp brand. CCs can still throw "dream smp" in a title and get more views. when you say dream smp on twitch or youtube, people know of it and roughly know the CCs involved.
(more of my thots about how they could’ve done things differently)
i think they definitely could’ve been more delicate with their momentum without turning it into an official brand or org. they seemed to realize how popular it was, speedrun a ton of lore, and then get burnt out so now theres no lore. i literally remember people saying they couldn’t keep up with lore earlier in the year. obviously that is not the case now. i think if they were more organized and intentional about it earlier on, they could’ve found ways to make it last longer.
ultimately, i think theres two ways to view the dsmp. as a storytelling medium, and as a little server for friends to be silly together on. personally, i’m more interested in the latter. but the former is exciting too, except now we are getting waaayyyy less of both. i think the positive is that if you like the dream smp because you get to watch friends simply be funny together, you get that now in the form of vlogs, alt streams, irl streams, etc., which is why i didn't care that much when quackity announced he wasn't doing non-lore on the dsmp anymore. i mean, when's the last time he even went on there prior to that stream? the downside is that the creators who were apart of the OG dsmp don’t need to stream or upload as often as they used to. they also seem less interested in continuing lore, again, maybe because they don't need to. they're some of the biggest creators on the platform.
i think one way they could've combat the dsmp "dying" is adding more people more frequently. i think now it is kind of divided between OGs that people associate with dsmp (feral boys, sbi, bbh, niki, fundy, tubbo, jack, ranboo, you get the idea) and newer creators! i thought i remember seeing something about michael still feeling like an outsider on a server that he belongs to. or, going back awhile, when hannah redecorated spawn and her chat got mad at her. the dream smp started as a very specific set of people and places, and the dsmp without those people, places, and conflicts, can seem so different that it doesn’t even feel like the dsmp to some. i think if dream added more people over time, it could’ve given them time to mingle with the content creators on there and have their own little inside jokes and stuff rather than just feeling like theyre intruding. adding more people more regularly would’ve given it room to breathe and grow naturally, so that OGs like tommy and tubbo (random examples) can move on with their lives and people wont freak out because the "dsmp is dying" because they'll be new people there to pick up the slack.
anyway. that was long. sorry. sorry if anything didn’t make sense. i definitely rambled for a while but i think this is very interesting so ty for asking :D
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
Sorry for my longer ask, but I just binged all the introduction posts of all the various Apples and I wanted to make my own. Also this one is a little strange, but whatever. Also also, I’m shy because of the long ask and it being a weird fruit, but I might come off anon later, once I’m feeling less anxious.
Okay so I grew up near the Amazon rainforest and ate a lot of cacao fruit because non native fruit was more expensive and my parents only bought even now and then. Anyway, cacao comes in these brown pods that you have to break open and get the white fruit from inside. The taste is a sweet, tropical taste with a kinda sour aftertaste. Also, there’s beans inside of the fruit that if you crush them up and add some sugar, boom, you got chocolate.
So for the actual OC, I was thinking an person of color, specifically South American descent, probably with white dyed hair, but you can change it. He seems super sweet and kind at first but as you get to know him, you realize he can be sarcastic and a jerk at times (like a sour aftertaste, right?). Would probably hurt Banana, Orange, and OG Apple’s feelings with his sudden mean attitude. But past all his rudeness, he actually just wants a friend. (Sweet like chocolate). Idk what his relationship with the salesman or Clay is like, but Clay probably bought him because he seemed so sweet, but quickly grew to despise him on account of his sarcasm and rudeness.
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Okay, so it turns out I... I guess I just never did post this...... So like, note to self, because apparently being on Tumblr is teaching me lots of life lessons recently, but A) don’t assume to know who people on anon are based on random coincidences because if you’re wrong you will look very silly and B) double check things before you go freaking out about them being gone because, well, see the end of lesson A. So apparently Life Lessons with CB should just be a thing. Learn from my mistakes please lol.
But hey, at least it’s here and not murdered by Tumblr as I previously thought. That’s good. Uh, moving on now. :)
We’re skipping the Blackberry Apple-sona for now because I know “emo” and “goth” don’t all fit the stereotype and I want to make sure I get it right but anyway. :)
I know I’ve said this before but whatever lol. The long ask is a-okay! that just means I have more stuff to work with! :D You don't have to worry about coming off anon either. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. <3
As for the fruit being weird, really aren’t they all? I mean, if I wasn’t familiar with bananas, I would be like, “Hey, that’s a pretty weird fruit!” Lol, ya know?
Quick CW: Food, torture mention
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I will admit I stared at these pictures for a good two minutes lol. I was like, “Huh. Didn’t expect that,” lol, mostly ‘cause my first thought was “???” and my second was “...marshmallows?” So yeah, “weird” is a relative term, and I suppose it’s not so much weird as unique. :)
Introducing Cacao!
Ooh, I definitely like the white hair, and heck yeah we can go South American descent! All the Apple-sonas are actually POC and mixed race, and while I don’t have anything like definitively written out for them, I think they’re all Black and Hispanic. (Although Cacao, being of South American descent, would be Latino.) Just a lil’ fun fact!
So onto Cacao’s personality, I think you’re pretty spot on! He definitely looks the part of someone who’s super sweet, and that’s definitely what people see first. He’s super nice and caring and generous at first, but get to know him a little more, and you realize he does indeed have a more sour side to him. A defense mechanism he developed when he was a kid that’s unfortunately now showing its drawbacks. 
What originally sounded like joking actually turns out to be actually rude remarks. Almost everything he says is sarcastic, but you can’t pick out the sarcastic tone until you’ve been around him long enough to notice it. All in all, he seems nice, but he isn’t too nice in reality.
Cacao w/ the salesman and Clay
Cacao didn’t spend too much time with the salesman. With how sweet he seemed, he also seemed incredibly well trained, and it wasn’t even a week before our buyer Clay showed up for him.
Cacao manages to keep the sweet facade on for less than a week before his more sour side starts leaking through to Clay. Of course, purchasing Cacao, Clay wanted a cute, obedient pet. However, Cacao’s snark and sarcasm very quickly has Clay being less than nice to Cacao in return.
But his Clay keeps him, because he spent good money on him. All he needs is a little attitude adjustment is all. Only he doesn’t really change because how are you supposed to be nice to someone who’s not nice to you? Over time, Cacao learns to hold his tongue, which is like... a little bit closer to being nice I suppose. But he’s definitely up there as one of the more defiant Apple-sonas, and while he doesn’t hate Clay so much--I mean, this is what pets sign up for, isn’t it?--he definitely doesn’t love him.
I don’t know if he gets a Jimmy yet. >:)
Cacao w/ the Apple-sonas
Oh, he definitely accidentally hurts OG Apple’s, Banana’s, and Orange’s feelings. Coconut’s, too. And Peach’s (Star Fruit’s). He even makes Cherimoya cry. :,,,) Not on purpose of course, but Cow definitely makes him apologize to each and every one of them like a total parent, and that’s when they make it their mission to help Cacao become a better pet person.
And they eventually all realize that underneath all the snark and rudeness, Cacao really is a nice, funny guy. And they become bestest friends! :D
(Oh, and Cacao definitely has sticky hands. No one knows why, not even him. All they know is fist bumps, not high fives lol.)
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Horror Villains Reactions: To S/O Who Thinks They’re Smiling/Laughing ‘Too Much’
So, I’ve been having this problem, where you know, I’ve been happy. I know, it’s the worst. A curse.
But then I thought I was looking like a crazy person in here all alone in my bedroom, because I’m smiling and laughing a lot (And then I tell myself Stop it Hannah, damnit. We wanna be happy. Set a good example, dang!) and I thought this would make a cute reaction post! Total fluff! So here we go.
I hope this cheers some of ya’ll up ^^ 
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Billy Loomis: “Yeah, I noticed. But ‘too much’? No way. No such thing, come on.” *Gives you hug* // Also will probably make fun by asking if its because your cheeks hurt and then hooking his fingers into the corners of your mouth and tugging (Not enough to hurt!!)
Bubba Sawyer: Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Be happy Y/N! Bubba will c r y.
Carrie White: She thinks that’s very silly of you and, also, she tells you a bit shyly that she’s noticed and thought you looked really pretty.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: “The fuck? Get here and let me punish you for being an idiot- get here- hey.” When you refuse to go over to him, he grins. “*Tells an inside joke between you two that he knows you think is hilarious, just to be a shit.*”
Chop Top Sawyer: “Reeeaaaalllllyyyyyy?” Chop Top turns on you, a mischievous grin on his lips. // He’s gonna chase you.
Drayton Sawyer: Don’t be ridiculous, Drayton says, sighing deeply. That’s the craziest idea he’s heard for a while. Also, he secretly loves your smile- he’s just too nervous to say it. Why do you think he’s always making you food he knows you like!
Debbie Loomis: Deeply rolls her eyes and makes a ‘tut’ sound, then turns to you again and exasperatedly smiles, shaking her head. “Do be ridiculous, sweetheart.”
Freddy Krueger: *Points sternly at you with a knife finger* Smile! *Bastard will chase you if you refuse, but he means well!*
Inkubus: Compliments you on your smile- he loves it! You can’t possible smile too much for him!! He understands, though, like Mickey and Stu that maybe your mouth hurts or something and you can have cuddles.
Jason Voorhees: Does a freaken double take. You’re… too happy?? I’m sorry, Jason doesn’t comprehend. He thought he was doing a good job- please, explain to him. He’s new to the whole ‘human’ thing (Even though he was one, obviously). When he understands though, he’ll be exasperated and just pat your head.
Jedidiah Sawyer: He thinks: Man, I wish I had that problem. // On the outside: He sits with you and he’ll massage your cheeks with his thumbs.
Jennifer Check: “I have a solution for you,” // You: “What?” // Her: “If I’m making out with you, you can’t smile.” *A flirty smile* // You: “Well, I guess, its worth a try!” *You try to sound sarcastic. *
Jill Roberts: For a split second, she thinks about saying something sarcastic or mean… but then she can’t bring herself to do it and just grants you a little genuine smile and runs her hands affectionately through your hair/over your head.
Luda Mae Hewitt: “Oh, sweetheart… “She laughs, very gently and shakes her head. She thinks that’s slightly silly and very cute, but also on some level understands. “Okay, do you want some downtime then? We can sit and have some tea?” // Luda Mae’s great.
Mayor Buckman: Thinks he’s sneaky and spends the rest of the day doing things he knows makes you laugh or happy. He just wants his sunshine to be happy all the time!!
Michael Myers: He will fucking tickle you, don’t test him.
Mickey Altieri: He understands. He thinks it’s pretty damn cute that you think that, because its good to be happy!! But he will bring you into a hug so you can hide your face in his chest. “Baby, baby, its fine! It’s a good thing.”
Midnight Man: Okay, he really doesn’t understand humans right now.
Pamela Voorhees: Oh my god, she thinks you’re the cutest thing. Her sunshine!
Patrick Bateman: Man, he has this problem too. Not because he was actually happy, but because he sometimes can’t tell how much smiling is too much for his act. You guys talk about this // Secretly he loves seeing you smile so much.
Pennywise (OG): Oh, my god, he will be a shit and tell sooooo many jokes. He just likes to see you happy!
Pennywise (New): Takes your jaw in his hands and brings your face close to his, then makes the biggest, sharpest smile possible. I don’t know why, he just deemed it fitting. Makes you smile some, at least. Probably ends up getting stuck with you massaging your cheeks cuz they HURT.
Roman Bridger: Will massage your cheeks for you with his thumbs. I mean, he’s a bit of stuck up twat-ish guy, but he completely changes around you honestly. Becomes so much happier and nicer. He’s loved and wanted, for once! 
Sheriff Hoyt/ Charlie Hewitt: “What th- Girl/boy, you take that back.” If you insist, he’ll sigh and ask if you want to go on a ride with him, just to cool off a bit. Its his answer to all problems but it generally works.
Stu Macher: Okay, he will be a bit of a shit at first and make you laugh some more with his stupid cute jokes, but then when you starts complaining about your cheeks hurting or you get upset at him he’ll bring you into a hug so you can hide your face in his jumper.
The Man: “Baby girl/boy… “He moans, exasperated but grinning at you. “No… “
Thomas Hewitt: Similar to Bubba, he wants you to be happy all the time, so uh… he has no sympathies. This sounds like the right time to settle you in his lap and have cuddles.
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aw-eather · 4 years
Heather Watches SG1: s1ep4 The Broca Divide
On todays episode of Heather doesn’t have anything better to do with her time and wants to re-watch episodes she’s seen 8 times/in the last 2 months, I will be rewatching Broca Divide and giving my thoughts in the form of dot points. It makes me laugh, it makes you laugh apparently and its just a bit of fun. I will try and put these all in one place at some point so we can find them all. 
Warning: I don’t like Daniel in this episode (or most for that matter) so if Daniel is your fave, look away!
Really pretty shot of the mountain
dress blues fuck
they look so good
like really fucking good
Sam is like “sir did you just sass the General?”
she just rolled her eyes at him and did the little grin when he joked about the names being too complicated she’s so cute and adorable
Jack looks really really good
Like they both look so fucking good in those dress uniforms 
I have a thing for uniforms apparently 
but they both look good in dark blue its not my fault
Sassy Daniel
Silly Daniel (not my perscription)
Silly Jack making Sam smile (why doesn’t the MALP have one of these?)
I love them already
She’s so young.. such a baby space hero
my cuppa tea is STRONG i messesd up
Night vision cam
Whomp they got jumped 
Yeah shooting works too
They were PEOPLE, Daniel.  Come on, i was starting to like you
I have VERY strong memories of waking up as a kid and walking past a tv that had been left on and seeing these exact opening credits when I was a kid. 
especially that shot of them coming through the gate with the purple sky, I strongly remember that. 
Does Daniel ever know whats going on/what it is/where they are/what it means? 
I also call it rape and agree we should stop it fuck you Daniel, wtf?!?!?!
I don’t care if you think its how pre historic men mate, its fucking rape you ass hole what the fuck  This isn’t a prehistoric time, you didn’t time travel, you can interfere. How Sam did not deck you at all during the last two episodes is BEYOND ME 
The Untouched. 
ooooh sun
I remember when my friends and I watched this and we were joking about how Jack went grey really quick and @allofthecaffeine said it was because he had to parent Daniel. I died
Scruffy Jack looks SO FUCKING GOOD WTF
he is so aesthetically pleasing honestly
Jack stop being sarcastic
Daniel stop
You’re not gonna find out why now either, Daniel. No body cares about the bulls.
I mean I kinda wanna know but not the point
Thats a lot of yes sir from Daniel, sto being a tit. I know you wanna look at this shit but its not what you’re actually there for babe. 
Daniel stop interupting ffs shut up
Jack wake up honey
Uh oh
Marine looks unhappy 
Sam’s little smile I love her
Jack doesn’t sound happy but he will be. He will learn to love his scientific girlfriend and their archaesologist son
“please release me, Lt. Johnson” Teal’c is everything. He’s the best. I love Teal’c. 
Makepeace being Makepeace
Teal’c just stops the punch with one hand like its nothing lol “I would prefer to not hurt this man” lol 
Daniel helping Sam out cause he’s a good friend, kinda sweet
Jesus those poor guys 
Sam rushing to help because Sam is the best
oh FUCK 
I wonder how many times they thought about hooking up in locker rooms after this... 
just a thought
poor Sam is always getting tied down to be... I am gonna choose not to finish that sentence
love the explination of the iso rooms like we needed that info
she looks sso good
she eserved so much better
excellent observation hun, I would never have guessed
strongest offspring huh
Had to pause cause my mum’s making coffee and my kitchen/lounge are one room
So how we all doing? 
My aunt has turned up to use my oven because its better than hers
I might not get to finish this yet fam 
I’m back 
I got lunch
“never seen anything like this on earth” honey you are dealing with ALIENS
Of course you haven’t!
Why you explaining the names, didn’t y’all have a debrief. 
First of many new plaugues, Hammond, don’t stress. This is just a normal day in the office for you
Janet’s hair is so bouncy I love her
Poor Jack
He’s having a rough day which isn’t unusual but its rough
Hammond stop stressing, you will be FINE
I love her so much she deserved the world
Just the two of us suck it UP DANIEL 
Once more unto the breach
Thats a great episode of Sanctuary actually. One of my faves
“we dumped them in a small room” lol Teal’c you the best
Daniel ffs 
Guns again
to be fair they’d frighten me off. P90 is a big fun
so I guess it checks out
uh oh daniels been taken
what a shame
Oh Hammond poor thing
Aww even like this Jack is adorable 
RDA sure is a good actor just saying
lol neck scratches ;) 
Sorry I’ve said it like eight times but Janet is so, so beautiful. 
Permanent brain damage? Sounds like a normal day in the office for these Space Babies
Always the hero, Jack
AW he touched her face
i love the language in SG1 and all the Goa’uld words
Poor Teal’c. They were v rude to him
To be honest, I would have left Daniel behind but apparently we don’t do that... so 
lots of big words Janet, stop with the big words
more big words
of course he’s sure, he’s Jack, he wants to help everyone... 
well... not everyone but thats fine
Oh for crying out loud count is at two this episode 
the gate spinning is their entire budget lets be honest
As if Daniel would be d...i guess he’s usually dead, isn’t he? Never mind 
“Daniel you dog, keep this up you’ll have a girl on every planet” WHERE IS THE LIE
More bulls
I love this guys crop top 
also those blues are really pretty
Daniel is gonna need a new uniform, thats ones a bit ripped up
S C I E N C E 
“There’s our boy” SEE HE IS THEIR CHILD
Aww those little happy grins 
he looks so pleased
I N N A P R O P R I A T E 
stop flirting with your 2IC but actually never stop
marry her
Final Thoughts
Janet is the light of my life
she deserved the world and was paid dust
fuck the powers that be
how dare they
this episode is so cute and fun
but semi-serious
but like... fun?? IDK i really like Broca Divide
prescious babies are precious
they love each other so much already
ok i’m done
Alright friends, lemme know what you think of this episode. That was fun, I love it so much. Its so fun jumping back from s4 Atlantis (where I’m currently up to) to watch s1 SG1 Sam because she’s such a baby and so precious and now she’s a LEADER bless her 
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azuhreidii-arts · 5 years
please, more info on phantom thieves of smash au. im DYING to know!
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…Okay, silly joke aside I’m actually flattered some peeps are interested in this AU, especially considering it was pretty self-indulgent for the most part, ahaha- 
But sure, I love talking about my AU’s/concepts with other people~ It maes me happy knowing others are actually interested in them!(More info below the cut!)
(UPDATE: Apparently I found that due to discrepancies in formatting (and just the mobile app being shitty in general), it’s possible that the “Read more” can only exist in the dashboard yet be FULLY uncut on mobile or going directly to the blog itself. I don’t know why this is happening and it’s irritating considering how inconsistent it is with PC vs mobile viewing :/ So apologies if the cut/read more doesn’t work, Tumblr is being stupid hhhhh- -_-;;)
First of all, fun fact: The Phantom Thieves of Smash AU actually originally started out as a joke, specifically a silly counterpart to a post made by paulthebukkit, which was a “what if?” situation about Alfonzo (from LoZ: Spirit Tracks) taking Ren/Joker’s place to lead the og Phantom Thieves while the latter’s off to Smash x’D (picture below):
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And that got me thinking: what would happen if, meanwhile in the Smash world, Joker winds up with a new band of Phantom Thieves to lead, due to certain events happening? 
Now, what those “certain events” are, I have yet to fully explain in-depth. But I will say that it loosely is tied to and takes some elements from SSBU’s story mode, World of Light.
The more I thought about that concept, the more I got invested in it, even going so far as to design specific fighters if they were to become phantom thieves and join the team. What originally started out as a joke AU of sorts, actually became something I wanted to take seriously in a way. :’D
In terms of who would be part of the Phantom Thieves of Smash, I had in my head at least five more members (excluding Joker and Morgana, whom are already a given) for the team. While I’ve tossed back and forth some ideas, the first one I considered (and was certain with) was Mario.
Mario was actually the first one whose phantom thief form I designed~Of course, he slightly looked different compared to his old look, but that was mostly minor palette changes xP
(As an added bonus, a full view of Mario’s phantom thief attire :D)
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Contrary to the motif of his outfit, his code name is NOT “Tanooki.” It’s actually “Star.” I kinda wanted the Smasher’s code names to hit home with their respective universes, and considering how the most Mario titles revolves heavily on stars (e.g. “Star children” in Yoshi’s Island DS, the Bean Star from M&L: Superstar Saga, etc.), I personally felt it was a bit more fitting. Also, Mario’s considered and referred to as a “superstar” so there’s that x’D 
Now, I’m not sure if I’ll be posting more about this AU, since it was mostly self-indulgent and shared on Discord with friends for the most part. But hey, considering y’all would actually want to see more, then I guess I might post some quick doodles like with my Personarune/Fool’s Rune AU…? ^^;
(PS. Sorry for the late reply ;; )
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invertedfate · 5 years
Random Ask Dump - Anniversary Edition (50+ REALLY OLD ASKS!)
Going through OLD AND CRUSTY ASKS to try and chip away at the inbox. HERE WE GOOOO...
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That’s an interesting idea, and I could run it by Cake, but I think it would honestly be a LOT to track from a programming perspective. Especially ‘cause killing Sans is gonna result in a “bad ending,” so to speak.
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An attempt was made by Undyne to have all three hang out at the same time. Papyrus was SUPER EAGER. ...but one thing led to another and there were many messy explosions of chemicals and lots of smoke. Alphys had to step in before things got out of hand. It was all very daunting for her. Pap and Undyne are VERY LOUD, VERY AMBITIOUS PEOPLE.
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I actually have some ideas of some side comics I may do at some point! :o It’s just that right now there’s a lot going on.
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I need to poke Carni about that at some point. He’s just been very busy with other projects!
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Clearly he’s standing on the “out to lunch” sign.
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I wanna say that it’s very possible in theory. :o It probably affects them differently since monsters’ emotional state affects their magic and their physical state.
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I do like little easter eggs like that, though I’m not sure where I’d fit it in atm just ‘cause I already showed Pap’s room, haha.
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I made the chase theme for Mad Dummy as well as Mad Mew Mew’s battle theme. @pinewsun​ made the battle theme for Mad Dummy, and @thomasthepencil​ made the Season Dude battle theme and MD’s overworld theme. :o
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That’s a really fascinating conundrum! You’re absolutely right- if IF was a standalone game, then from a writing standpoint, having more subtle implications would make sense! The reason I chose a different approach for IF is because it’s set after Flowey’s already known to be evil and I like to give different POVs rather than stick to just Frisk’s.
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That’s an interesting thing, actually- both fights lean heavily on the fourth wall. Both are treated as climaxes for their given routes. It’s funny because Asriel’s fight is a lot more straightforward and less meta by comparison.
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I agree! The thing with Papyrus is that he’s extremely powerful- he just doesn’t want to kill. But it’s a deliberate choice not to kill- he’s able to force his attacks to do next to no damage. He’s also pretty darn crafty, as he made the Gauntlet himself. It really is just a case of Undyne’s personal biases and concern for him.
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That was a deliberate choice. :O Papyrus is very influential toward Frisk. He is best skeleboi.
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Papybot loves you, anon! He just wants to feed you WHOLESOME SPAGHETTI!!!
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It is possible to whistle through teeth. ...alternatively, magic. As for the music, Undertale implies that the music is heard! Maybe it’s just... a thing that exists in this world. Or it’s just meant to be a silly meta joke. I try to keep it somewhat ambiguous other than occasional nods to it. Chara’s pants are lighter because I just... felt like it, I guess? Haha. I wanted their feet and pants to stand out more from each other, so they have khaki pants. As for the Undyne fight being animated, well, this ask is old by now, but Sparks was the one who was down for it.
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Well, the teaser’s been out for a long time now, but that’s the idea! It’s also why this has been in production for so long. The Determinator has some really over the top attacks (that weren’t even shown in the teaser), and Sparks animated in Photoshop. That’s how hardcore he is.
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Shhhhh. Don’t give me ideas. I’m already slacking on Tem Village. :P
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Sometimes I do have slumps and burnouts (see Antipode’s lengthy hiatus), but breaks lead to me being refreshed and coming back with even more enthusiasm than before!
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Oh, there are a lot of these throughout the comic. For instance...
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Flowey appears in a few background shots in the Ruins!
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When Sans says “or maybe...” he looks at the empty flower pot. This was one of the earliest bits of foreshadowing about who created Flowey, and nobody noticed it at the time!
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The MTT vending machines initially look like this but have helpful items.
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And then they look like this, with an angry face and pose- Mad Dummy has possessed them!
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As of Part 38, it’s been revealed that he did first meet Asgore as “Santa.” As for whether or not he knows the truth, time will tell. :o
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Oh, these are excellent suggestions for calls! I’ll try to keep these in mind.
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So, I believe Glyde uses the Mysterious Door motif. Jerry uses the motif in its battle theme- I believe it’s a mix of original motif and Wrong Number song?
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Sans is a master of power napping. He probably gets a decent amount of sleep, though.
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There are a lot of ways to interpret Pap’s lack of sleep! In IF, he can get by without it, but he also has a lot of reasons to avoid sleeping. Some reasons include productivity but also due to a looooot of heavy baggage. More on that later.
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I think sleep can definitely make monsters healthier. Rest = better mental health as well as physical health, and with how important mental and emotional help is for monsters, that’s very important!
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They just really like socks. Socks are warm. Socks are slinky. And googly eyes are the best. So they took on the form of a really eccentric sock puppet and sock collector. Scandalous.
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It also has Alphys’ motif, as the two are the leaders of the royal guard!
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I would say the lack of Asgore as an influence has left Undyne slightly less grounded? Like, she had Toriel and Gerson in her life, but her relationship with Toriel is... definitely not quite as close? Like, Toriel by that point kept people at an arm’s length due to losing multiple children (including one from old age). So, while they were on friendly terms until the aftermath of the DT experiments and the tapes’ release, it was more like mutual respect and a sorta professional relationship with Undyne admiring Toriel and wanting to spare her from more heartache.
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That is a really interesting idea. While that didn’t happen, I do need to maybe revisit the grumpy dog at some point or another. He’s still a lil’ salty.
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I think in terms of layout it won’t change much, but there will be new/different content for sure. :O
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Mad Dummy’s base design is mostly original, but she has a wig + headband from DIO from Jojo Part 3! Fun fact: While MTT has Kamina shades, Papyrus’ goggles are loosely based on Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in terms of color. :O
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So basically, when Asriel defeated Frisk, he had the power over the timeline to reset it as he pleased- in theory. However, that power was overwhelming for him, and due his lack of understanding OF said power and one last ditch attempt at resisting from Chara, things went wrong.
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There is a track that takes some inspiration from Rage Awakened. It’s not released, and it’s not exact, but it won’t be released for a WHILE. Like until the part comes out.
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I think it’s just the fact that tacos are so random. Like, my biggest beef in that regard was that OG Underswap had a lot of arbitrary replacements for things in UT and not all of them made sense. Like, if Sans was to make a foreign food, ramen would’ve made more sense due to Alphys being weeb trash, haha.
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Okay, so the rough timeline iiiis... Falling: - Cyan - Green - Orange - Blue - Purple - Yellow Dying: - Cyan - Orange - Blue - Purple - Yellow - Green
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You know, it’s funny because this ask is super old, but that’s basically sorta what happened. :O It became a beach-themed resort.
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Never forget MTT fangirl Temmie’s pool escapades.
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I think Forgespring for me because I had to make the tileset myself (it took a few months, I think?), but Aquarius was definitely in the works for a while. But once I had the tileset from Fours, the rooms were very easy to design!
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That woulda been pretty rad! Maybe I can find another spot for it one day, haha.
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I think for Dohj, I’d have to check with Fours, but I’m certainly not opposed at some point? Right now, the following chars can take questions: - Frisk - Papyrus - Sans - Undyne - Alphys - Napstablook - Mettaton - Asgore - Chara - Flowey
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Cyan appears in Part 45! :O No answer about orange for now, tho.
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I do have vague ideas for Tem village. I just haven’t had time to go back and do it.
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Stay tuned and you may find out! :O
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Hmmmm... I had a lot of fun with MTT SPIRAL and the Determinator, tbh. They were both very time consuming, but I love how they came out! Also, buff Jerry.
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Turnabout Storm. :)
It’s a really awesome fan crossover that works way better than it should. :P
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None taken! We know that with headcanons, everyone is gonna have their own interpretations. These are just the voices we liked for Fireglobe Production, but everyone has their right to their favored interpretations!
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Yeah, Knight Knight is one of the coolest CORE mercs in the original game. It was fun to repurpose them for Inverted Fate as royal guards. :o It made room for unique encounters in the CORE in the form of them robots- as Undyne would rather use machines than other monsters to do her work.
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Personally, I see it as an Asriel motif, but I also acknowledge that at one point it WAS gonna be an Asgore motif. Toby has a habit of just using whatever music works for a scene (see sans. at the snail farm.)
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I do have a few ideas, though I won’t say for what yet. :o
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He’s likely made blueprints for that train. :P
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It probably would just have different flavor text/progression!
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So basically, I treat the starting motif for BAaTH/Power of NEO is just a “true hero” motif.
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MTT is definitely major in IF! As for whether or not he’ll have a hangout, time will tell. There’s definitely more to resolve with him, though.
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I’m gonna remake at least a few of the older tracks, including Regret. My goal is just to bring the OST to a similar standard of quality.
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So, animated parts coming up: Part 47, Part 49, Part 50. There may be some other parts, but we’re gonna wanna scale things back for a little bit for the sake of all our sanities.
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I go with both. ;)
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Honestly, probably fairly similar to the bully fight in the Ruins- which is why I ultimately decided not to do one. Both fill similar archetypes, though I think if I did do a battle, I woulda still had Flowey interrupt at the end and scare them off.
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It’s a very emotional scene. Far more tragic than her geno death, IMO.
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Well, the main goal in that regard is the remasters (Part 9 is in progress). Otherwise, I do think these hiatuses are good for working ahead. I’ve still gotta do more work, though, because my buffer this time around is a lot smaller from the trial-hiatus buffer. Alas!
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Honestly, the website is the best thing to happen to IF. It’s allowed us to do so much with the comic’s presentation that would be impossible with imgur. NORIX IS THE BEST...
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zwiezraczek · 5 years
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Lambada [Request]
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Tumbr said no to show up my writing in the tags and now I’m not pleased :’) Og post link
“Love, the only Brazilian thing I know is the Lambada, I'm not ready to meet your family,” Ben whined, as you straightened his black t-shirt on his chest with both your hands, looking at him closely.
“It's already enough, we'll add some dancing moves and they'll think you're Brazilian too,” you joked, your hands on his chest and grinned.
“It's not funny, y/n,” he complained, putting his hands on yours. “I'm a mess, I'm not ready to meet them at all!”
“You're not meeting the Queen of England!”
“Would have been easier,” he sighed as you smacked his lightly and from his lips an “ay” escaped.
“See? Already having the good reflexes,” you stated, “besides, you're meeting my mom, dad and brother.”
“Oh my God, I'm meeting your brother,” he whispered looking down at his shoes.
Months of preparation. Months of telling him that he is perfect. Months of telling your mom that yes, your boyfriend existed but was too afraid to show up in your house. Months leading to right here, right now, Ben ready to chicken out as you were almost ready to go out and meet your family, the ones you loved the most.
And Ben had to meet them, there was no excuse. Now he stopped working for his movies, the hollow part of the year, or something like that, it was the right time to meet your family, right after Christmas and all the ecstatic movement around this. And as much as Ben looked confident in any situation, you knew he wasn't and this situation was the peak of the things he couldn't handle. A week before the d day, he began to tell you how sick he began to feel and that you should reschedule probably, but you insisted on taking care of him so he wouldn't end up totally sick, he also told you that probably his mom would call him and... And then you knew that the problem wasn't coming from the outside, but from the inside. As if you didn't notice. You took his hands in yours, smiling and kissing them, reassuring him that your family would love him as much as you love him. And you succeeded. Until now.
“My brother won't eat you alive Ben,” you said, a bit exhausted by all of this. “We'll be late if you don't speed up a bit, and my mom doesn't,” you had to stop mid sentence as you saw horror in his eyes. Your mom didn't like people being late, and he seemed to remember it, just right now.
“Oh bloody hell, I'm getting my car keys and we're going,” he urged you, storming out the room, “grab your purse and we're going!”
You smiled. How much you loved this man was insane.
“You think it's too late for me to run away,” he whispered into your ear after you rang the bell and your turned to look at him, with big, scary eyes, “joking. Joking. I won't run away. Don't look at me like that.”
“Don't be silly,” you whispered back, squeezing his hand quickly before you could hear anybody coming from behind the door. “They'll love you.”
“Minha filha,” you heard as the door opened, and your mother took you into her arms, hugging you really hard. “Missed you so much.”
“Missed you too, mama,” you replied, your voice muffled into her shoulder. “This is Ben, my boyfriend,” you presented him as he awkwardly smiled and reached for your mother's hand but instead she hugged him.
“Nice to meet you Ben,” she then said, pulling off and smiling. “Come on, come on! We're waiting with dinner for both of you, your brother is already cursing you for being late!”
“We're not even late,” you protested.
“Filha, you know for your brother's stomach it's always too late,” she laughed as she watched both of you enter the house.
“Heard it,” your brother yelled from the living room before showing up to greet you with a smile. “But you're forgiven, mama made some delicious food because you and your boyfriend would show up so, you're forgiven. Hey, I'm [brother's name], nice to meet you Ben,” he said to greet Ben and offered him his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” Ben smiled, you could see how uncomfortable he felt with your brother's hand in his, anticipating any move he would make.
“I'm not going to eat you alive,” he teased Ben as you looked at him, sighing, “might just cut you in half and grill you.”
“You, shoo to the living room,” your mother urged your brother to move as he winked at Ben with a smile and disappeared behind a curtain.
“Nice to know I'll be the dinner,” Ben said, making your mother and yourself chuckle.
“Wait until you know who'll be the desert,” your mother added looking at you.
“Mooom,” you whined, looking at her as she disappeared into the living room. “So? Still scared to death,” you asked Ben, putting up your sleeves a bit.
“We'll see if they really eat me or not,” he joked which made you roll your eyes and smile.
“Come and meet my dad!”
And that was the moment when Ben lost it all. You took him by the hand and he, mechanically, followed you, a hundred and one scenarios playing in his head about your father and how he should present himself politely.
And your dad sat on the couch, in the living room, your brother helping your mother to set the table for all of you. His palm began to sweat, but you were so genuinely happy to see your dad again that you somehow ignored it. But Ben didn't. Ben felt absolutely lost, and afraid, more frightened than afraid.
“Papa,” you said, as he looked at you fondly.
“y/n,” he said, standing up and hugging you; and then he looked at Ben.
“It's Ben, my boyfriend.”
“It's a pleasure Sir,” Ben solemnly said, holding his hand towards your father with a very shy smile. “Your daughter is an absolute treasure.”
“Oh yes she is,” your dad replied, taking his hand and shaking it before grabbing it with his two hands, “and I hope you are a treasure to her too.”
“Papa,” you complained, again, “why are you all doing this to me? Trying to get me all flustered?”
“Because we love you, stupid,” your brother yelled from the kitchen, “and because thanks to you mom made delicious food. Hope Ben will like it, otherwise I'm eating all that he leaves on his plate!”
“You stomach on two legs,” you complained, “Ben will eat his plate, don't you touch it you glutton!”
“Glutton yourself,” he said back, appearing in the living room with a plate of farofa in his hands, “as if some farofa wouldn't...”
“Ben, you'll love this,” you cut your brother off, taking your boyfriend by his hands as he just looked more and more confused. “My mom makes the best farofa in the world I swear!”
“Filha, that's nothing, it's nothing great,” your mother humbly replied as she showed you the table to sit. “Let's eat before it becomes cold and our new member of the family runs away before we can actually eat him properly,” she joked and Ben felt less and less tense.
He probably found his lambada, sun and sea, his lover and a new family gathering him with love, and acceptance. And he would be lying if he said that your brother didn't make him laugh as they spoke about football, that your mother didn't make him feel like home, that your father didn't impress him by his calm attitude and acceptance, that you didn't make this day so much better than he imagined and feared. The lambada of his dreams.
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