#have wanted to make this for a while but i’ll update properly once i’ve got a working laptop
milkpansa · 1 year
about me ✨
nini, ‘98, she/her. this is my main! i post mostly about asian queer dramas (and my gf milk pansa). my ask box is always open <3. i also have way too many sb’s so here’s all of them:
@hanadoh (asian dramas) / @tohruu (anime) / @sidneyadamu (non-asian tv/film) @westleys (lit. aes. comfort.)
i have too many blogs and never tell anyone so this is to avoid confusion for the moots ahshdhd <3 if you’re like. who is this stranger calling me by my name? it’s probably me with a sb <3
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Call of Duty MWII Headcanons - Soap taking you home to his mom's for the first time
Warnings: Mainly fluff but some spice is to be expected (only a pinch) and some angst too cause I'm terrible person
Note : Sorry this is so fucking long, it's more of an imagine than just headcanons at this point but hey!
John told you about how he enrolled in the military at a young age and left his home to live alone shortly after. This resulted in him never really taking the time to move on from his home with his mom to make a home for himself in his new place, especially considering the very few moments he had on leave from his work.
So when he has to take you with him to his mom’s to introduce you, he is very nervous.
“You look stressed out, are you okay?” “Aye, it’s just… I’ve not updated my room since I left my mom’s house, you know…” “Is that so bad?” “I still have the things I had when I was a kid, she didn’t want to change anything to it, and I never got around to it, really…” “I’ll get to see the man you were in your late teenage years, I’m curious,” you laugh slightly at the prospect. “I still have my single size bed in there...” he says, already feeling embarrassed. “We don’t need much room anyways,” you chuckle, eyeing him with a sly smile. He smiles at what you’re hinting.
Your heart flutters when you enter his room for the first time. It’s painted in a light cerulean color that you can barely see as the walls are littered with football and rock bands posters, medals hanging from hooks and flags of various nature, including a Scottish one. His single bed is there as promised, you go and take a sit there, surprised with the creaking ensued as you do so.
Right after you’ve spotted it, John quickly rips a poster of a girl in a very tiny swimsuit from his wall. “Yeah, that’s not…” he tries to say as he crumples the paper up into a tight ball, throwing it in the closet and closing it swiftly. You laugh silently from your seat as he stands in the middle of the bedroom, hands on his hips, not sure what to say.
“So what about this one?” you ask with a chuckle, your index finger pointing to the ceiling, where another poster is taped in between other sports club images. His facial expression crumbles, his eyes widening as he bolts to the bed, climbing on it and ripping the offending poster off like the other.
You can’t stop laughing as he tries to tidy things up a bit. He assures you he’s tried many times to get rid of some of the stuff but either kept getting set back by his mom or by him having to go back to base.
Once you’re back to the living area, John comes to talk to his mom, rubbing the back of his head. “Maw, I need to arrange things for us to sleep?” He could take the couch while you sleep in his room but, what’s the fun in that. He feels so stupid deciding to take you here so quickly, not even taking the time preparing to welcome you properly. “We can put the air bed, Johnny, it’s fine,” she dismisses him lightly and he looks back at you with a disappointed expression, embarrassed to have to have you sleep in a single bed, alone.
The same night, you watch him try to get some sleep on the small air bed placed on the ground beside his bed. The situation is very amusing to you and you smile to him, your arms crossed under your chin. “It’s like a little slumber party,” he looks at you, annoyed with himself. “Wanna come in my bed? There’s some room left,” he smiles smugly and joins you, spooning you and kissing you. You have several blankets on because it’s very cold tonight and you sink into his warmth with a sigh.
All this cozying up against each other makes you both incredibly horny. You end up trying to have sex very silently and you can’t help but laugh as the bed just keeps squeaking and making noise. John ends up having a fit of laughter, his head resting on your chest as he still tries to support himself with his arms.
You try to shush him so you don’t wake his mom up in the room across the hallway but you can barely keep yourself for laughing loudly. You end up having to make love in a spooning position, very slowly. He puts his hand over your mouth when you’re about to cum and he feels you tighten around him. You scream out your orgasm and your voice gets muffle by his hand.
He pulls you so tight to him since the bed is so small but it’s probably the soundest sleep you’ve had in a long time.
In the morning, he tried to stretch a little and ends up falling down from the bed. You laugh at him as he groans from his place sprawled out on the floor. But you lean out of the bed to plant a kiss on his forehead that makes it all better.
After you’ve settled down a bit from your journey, John decides it’s probably time to clear some of his old room. You ask him if he’s sure he wants to do this since you don’t want him to be pressured to do anything just because you’re here.
You start sorting things out in his room, putting away things he doesn’t want anymore, small objects and trinkets he accumulated over the years. You help him a lot and you’re just curious to learn more about him and his life before your relationship. It’s a nice bonding activity for the both of you.
While rummaging through his closet, you gasp in surprise as you find an old rabbit plushy. It’s a bit worn down but you can tell it’s white and wears a black suit and a monocle. You show it to him excitedly. He starts blushing immediately, shaking his head “Christ, why did she keep that?” “Does it have a name?” you ask, petting the light fur. He pretends to dismiss your question, looking away but you insist. He starts mumbling under his breath. “Mister Nickels.” He groans the name out and you can’t help laughing. That man is just so cute. You insist that he keeps Mister Nickles and he pretends to casually give in to your pleas when you can secretly see in his eyes that he’s so attached to the plushy.
One night, when you’re both asleep in his bed, John starts to twitch in his sleep, trembling and whining, waking you up. You rub your eyes slowly and try to get him to calm down. You know he’s having a nightmare and your heart sinks with worry. “Johnny,” you call softly, trying to wake him up. He ends up waking up with a scream and a jolt, sweating and panting. You take his face between your hands and force him to look at you. “You’re safe, Johnny, you’re safe!” he doesn’t hear you at first but you repeat the same words over and over until he calms down, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his face to your belly. He hugs you so tight, you can barely move. You smile softly as you run delicate fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him.
The door of the room opens slowly and you look over at his mom. “Lass?” she calls for you as she steps into the room, looking at him. “He had a nightmare, it’s alright,” you say with a smile. She approaches hesitantly and caresses his back. “Braw wee Johnny,” she looks at you lovingly, smiling and leans in to plant a kiss on the top of your head. “He’s in good hands, now,” she whispers before walking out silently, leaving your heart melting inside your chest.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
continuing the love for the skiratas….Kom‘rk? Maybe he and the reader are on a mission together and due to circumstances (a storm or heavy snow) they have to wait it out for a few days and while they are waiting they realize they have a crush on each other and find an….alternative way to pass time if you know what I mean 👀
Stormy Days
Summary: After a sudden storm causes you and Kom'rk to get trapped in a cabin, you find an interesting way to pass the time.
Pairing: Kom'rk Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 886
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I probably could have kept going with the smut, but I wasn't feeling it today, so I stopped here. If you want Kom'rk smut, you can send another ask and I'll do it properly.
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“Well, this is cheerful,” You say brightly as you wring out the sleeve of your robe, “Was this storm supposed to happen?” You ask, flickering your gaze over to Kom’rk, who’s steadfastly avoiding looking at you.
“This planet is known for massive storms,” He admits, his gaze darting over to you, and then away again, “Though the next storm wasn’t meant to start for another few days.”
“Well, weather does as weather does, I suppose.” You peel off the outermost layer of your robes and wring it out, “At least we found a dry play to hang out until the storm blows over.” You cast your gaze around the clean cabin.
“It was probably built for people like us.” Kom’rk says thoughtfully, “People who got caught in a sudden storm.”
“So long as the fresher works and the bed doesn’t have bugs, I think we’ll be okay. I’ve slept in worse places…as have you.” You grin at him, and he flashes you a small smile.
“You aren’t wrong about that,” He agrees good-naturedly, “Though I’m sure you’ve been to more planets than me, little miss jedi.” Kom’rk teases.
“My master once forced me to sleep in a tree. It was awful,” You hang your robe near the door and pull your boots and then your socks off, laying them out to dry. And then you move around the small cabin, “It looks like the fresher is fully stocked.”
“Only one bed though.” Kom’rk points out, nodding towards the bed in the corner of the room, “You can have that, I’ll sleep on the couch-”
“Don’t be silly, the bed is big enough to share.” You reply as you twist your soaked hair off the back of your neck with a grimace, “I promise I don’t bite.”
He exhales sharply, as if he’s biting back a comment, and then he flashes a crooked grin, “Alright. If that’s what you want.”
You shoot him an odd look, “It just makes sense. Besides, if either of us is going to sleep on the couch, it should be me, since I’m shorter than you.”
“We already said that we’re going to share the bed,” Kom’rk replies, “So don’t worry about it. Anyway, you can go and shower if you like. I’ll see if I can get a fire started.”
You grin at him, “Thanks, I’ll do that.”
You shower quickly, and change into what dry clothes you have, a tank top and some shorts that you normally sleep in. Not ideal, but it’s all you have.
You card your fingers through your hair, and step out of the fresher into the main room, a happy sigh leaving you as you notice the fire crackling in the fireplace.
“Fresher’s yours if you want it.” You say cheerfully.
Kom’rk turns to look at you, and very nearly drops his comm, “Kriff,” He mutters under his breath as he catches it and shoves it away, “Sorry. I was giving an update.”
“It’s fine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you fumble with anything before.”
“Yeah, well…” his gaze flickers over you, “I’ve never seen you wear so little before.”
You frown at him, “Is that a problem?” You ask.
“Only for my sanity,”
You blink at him, startled. “I beg your pardon?”
“I…no…don’t worry about it. You said the shower is open, right?”
“Great, I’ll do that then.” He smiles at you, “The bed is clean, if you want to get yourself settled, the couch isn’t terribly comfortable, really.”
“Alright, thanks.” As Kom’rk moves into the fresher, you climb into the bed, and curl up on a pillow.
He takes a startlingly quick shower, and then sits on the edge of the bed, “You know, you don’t have to share a bed with me. I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
You roll your eyes, and sit up. You wrap your arms around him and pull him back onto the bed, and then snuggle against his side, “Huh…you’re warm.”
Kom’rk twists slightly so that he’s laying on the bed properly, and he laughs softly, “So are you.” Slowly, hesitantly almost, one of his hands slides up your side, and settles on the side of your neck. His rough fingers trace a shape against the base of your throat, and he just stares at you.
“Kom-,” you inch closer to him, and you’re not able to finish his name as his lips are pressed against yours and his tongue is sliding against your lips.
“Kriff,” He murmurs once he breaks the kiss, his lips hovering just over yours, “Wanted to do that for ages.”
“Why didn’t you?” you ask softly.
“Didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” He replies, he rolls so that you’re pinned under him, “Still don’t want to ruin our friendship, but, fuck cyare, I only have so much self control.”
You laugh softly, “What if I want you to lose control?”
Kom’rk groans and drops his head to your shoulder to release a shuddering breath, “Fuck, cyare.”
You smile at him innocently and thread your fingers through his hair, “I’m not made of glass,” You whisper to him, “You won’t break me.”
“Oh, cyare.” Kom’rk pulls back and crashes his lips against yours, “I’m going to ruin you.” He breathes out.
You grin at him, “Promise?”
“Cyar’ika, I guarantee it.”
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rowanul-tyr · 3 months
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So. Dawntrail.
I finished the 7.0 MSQ roughly a week ago, during the early access period, and overall I had a great time with it! My thoughts on the expansion as a whole have been marinating in the brain pot since then, and I wanted to touch on some of those thoughts and why I think this has been such a great expansion so far, at least story-wise. All under a cut for spoilers, and I’ll honestly be talking mostly vaguely about plot stuff anyway. And I’ll mark anything specific that is spoilers, and dividing things zone by zone.
First and foremost, since I feel like this will help put my overall opinion into perspective, is my ranking of expansions so far.
1: SHB will forever be king to me in a ton of ways; part of it is this was the expansion I started with, but I also just love the story it tells so much and even if I have little gripes, they’re all so minor that it doesn’t really matter
2: a tie between HW and EW, actually--both are excellent, and while I have some issues with parts of them, the positives for the most part outweigh my issues
3: another tie between STB and ARR--I think both of these are good, but have some issues that really can’t be ignored. And they’re only at the bottom because that’s how lists work.
DT is not perfect in my eyes (not by a long shot), but it is giving SHB a true run for its money in terms of how much I liked it. Like I said initially, I don’t think it’s without its problems (no expansion is, even SHB no matter how much I love it), but overall there is just SO much good stuff here that I am 100% willing to forgive it.
Before I get into the details, I want to say: making it clear from the pre-order stuff and Viper and all that this is the FF9 expansion really is important. FF9 begins fairly bright and cheery and its aesthetic lends itself well to hiding what subject matter it tackles, but then it eventually starts dealing with a LOT of heavy topics--and Dawntrail is very much living up to that in my book.
Expansion Start
Going into this expansion I really had no idea what to expect. I admit that the 6.X patch cycle really threw me for a loop once DT was announced, and it felt kind of pointless to be doing so much with the void? I was like, “Why are we spending so much time on this, when we should be looking at things that are relevant to Dawntrail??” because none of it made sense to me.
One of the issues I had with STB for a long time was Lyse. Don’t worry, I’ve come around on her, but it took a while. The biggest issue I had was that the devs tried to take an existing character and turn her into something other than what we knew, and it threw me entirely. I think they learned the lesson from that, which is why the focus is on Wuk Lamat, a new character, and on Krile, an older character we know so that we feel more invested in what is to come.
Another aspect of STB that kind of threw me off was…how little focus it got after the HW story ended? Like we get two patches worth fo story to lead into it, and I 100% think the Ga Bu stuff is important, and obviously the Warriors of Darkness story is important to set up part of SHB, but…everything to set up STB felt…not there? And we meet Lyse properly during 3.55/3.56, just like Wuk Lamat. We don’t have time to get to know her as this new person before we’re dropped into STB proper. And that didn’t help me when it came to bonding with Lyse--it took until the Lakshmi trial before I realized how I was supposed to feel about her my second time playing through Stormblood.
Wuk Lamat won me over really fast, thankfully--she has a certain kind of charm to her that endeared me to her pretty quickly (she’s very Sora from Kingdom Hearts coded in my eyes), and I was quietly interested to see what would happen with her character arc going forward. To be frank, I was more excited about how much better my character looked in game than in the updated benchmark than what little of the story we knew! I also was more invested in Krile than anything else story-wise; she’s always been a low key fave of the Scions for me so it’s nice to see her be much more involved in MSQ this time around.
But then we hit the first city and actually got into the story. Tulliyollal is such a lovely city, and its inn room was the first to make me go “wow” since the Pendants (since the Baldesion Annex was fun but still feels way too cluttered for me). I loved meeting Gulool Ja Ja, and his vibe as a character was excellent. I was surprised by what the rite of succession was shaping up to be, but once you see the Saga monuments and hear the story behind them it pretty quickly clicks as to what the Dawnservant wants the claimants to the throne to learn about during the rite. That was when I rsaw the mentor-type role my character would play, and once I knew what role the WOL plays for Wuk Lamat and in at least the start of Dawntrail’s story, I was in. I was determined to embrace that role in a way I had issues doing when I played through STB initially for Lyse.
One other thing: I was super surprised by Zoraal Ja being the one Wuk Lamat was prioritizing as a threat, and that he was the one who couldn’t be allowed to be Dawnservant. I guess I’d been anticipating the aloof/stern but decent older brother from him based on what I assumed was one of his lines in the launch trailer, so that was a fun surprise.
Zones 1 and 2, first visit
Urqopacha absolutely blows Kozama’uka out of the water for me, but I think both zones do a pretty good job with their first of two feats.
I started with Kozama’uka. The HanuHanu felt straightforward enough, and their feat set Koana up really nicely for what exactly his views are. I was glad to hear that he and Wuk Lamat were on friendly terms right before we left Tulliyollal to start the rite. One of my first thoughts when seeing how he and Wuk Lamat both handled the feat was, “He’s not going to win the rite, but I want him to either be advisor to his sister or for her to invite him to rule together.”
Bakool Ja Ja was fine as the zone’s antagonist, the writers did a good job of setting up his rivalry with Wuk Lamat in the intro so I wasn’t surprised by him trying to cheat his way through things. Wuk Evu was also…um. Not my favorite. I wasn’t super into the “behead me for being rude to the Third Promise” joke being reused over and over and over again…but maybe that’s just me.
As I said, Urqopacha was by far my favorite intro zone for the views, the music, and the overall aetshetic. I really love FF10, so getting to spend so much time with the Pelupelu was excellent. I also loved the zone music and this part really was what got me hooked on this expansion. Working with Mablu to make trades for the saddle was such a great showcase of what exactly the player character is to Wuk Lamat, and really solidified how much I enjoyed her. She is SUCH an orange cat (meaning she is “no thoughts, head empty” in a lot of ways but also just impulsive and can be unpredictable) and I mean that in a very kind way.
This was also where we got to see so much more of what Zoraal Ja’s whole deal was, and once I spent more time hearing him speak I totally understood why Wuk Lamat didn’t want him to be Dawnservant. Also, Mablu is the best and my roommate/best friend who is the biggest FF10/FF10-2 fan I know cried when she saw Tobli (since he’s from 10-2 himself) and the music is so good. So yeah, 10/10 zone.
Zones 1 and 2, second visit, and First Trial
Jumping ahead a teeny bit (since you go back to the capital between these visits). I liked this second set of feats overall! It felt like we were finally making some good progress with Krile’s goals to find out more about the city of gold in addition to moving forward with the rite. I also liked jumping right back into zones we’d already seen instead of waiting for 5+ levels to go back.
I liked how the Moblin feat incorporated the Elezen goldsmith from the boat, and seeing once again just how charismatic and magnetic a personality Wuk Lamat is. Her ability to show so much empathy for people is absolutely her biggest strength, and her desire to understand things--something those helping her with the rite have helped her discover--really start to shine, at least for me. That’s what makes her such a great fit for Dawnservant.
Koana also really was a star in this zone, and I really adore his character archetype and the love he so clearly has for his sister. Working together to rescue Wuk Lamat after Bakool Ja Ja snatches her was a nice change of pace from what we’d had so far from the rite, and that was when my initial impression of what would happen with Koana gained a bit more strength behind it. I was about 90% certain at this point that he wouldn’t win, but would stay at Wuk Lamat’s side to help guide her when she needed it.
I LOVED seeing the Yok Huy and honestly just getting to go back to Urqopacha was a delight. It felt like SO much progress was being made for both the rite and Krile’s goals, and the dungeon was excellent. No notes.
As a quick aside, though, I loved that we got to hear the Yok Huy’s take on death--that those who have died will always live in our memory, and so long as that memory remains, they are not truly gone. I loved this because it fits so well with the lore I have for Rowan regarding the way the Echo manifests for him, and how he cherishes the memories of people he’s lost but has come to move on with his own life. It just…is a very good thing to nail home some of FF14’s broader conversations about remembering and honoring the past, but still turning your focus to the future.
I have gripes with the Valigarmanda trial (I wiped twice on Duty Support :( ) but I appreciated that Wuk Lamat, Koana, and Zoraal Ja ALL came together for the good of their nation. I also liked that Zoraal Ja was cooperating because people dying because Valigarmanda would be bad for his own goals in the end if he won the rite, and also it’s good to see more of him before Things Happen (™).
Zone 3
Basically from here on out I loved every zone.
As a person who loves food and specifically enjoys making food for others, the feat in Iq Braax was a delight. Given that we find out the clan’s leader is Wuk Lamat’s father, it is VERY fitting that the people of the village are much more on the nose about not directly helping the team-up between Wuk Lamat and Koana. In addition, the cooperation between the Second and Third Promises was very clearly there to show 1. how well they work together and 2. what it is that Koana still has to learn, which he very much does by the end of the zone.
I’ve seen in the Disc Horse (™) around DT that Bakool Ja Ja turn in the second half of the zone was weird, but I don’t think it was, not really. By the end of the instanced duty after the X’braal feat, he’s a humiliated mess. Seeing the added context for why the Mamool Ja are the way that they are in the second half of the zone and learning the true cost of the blessed siblings among them, you actually have a reason to offer empathy to a person whose whole life has probably not been great. Wuk Lamat putting aside her anger with Bakool Ja Ja to truly help his people is yet more proof of the things that truly make her a good leader and why she really is the best choice to be Gulool Ja Ja’s heir.
The end of Koana’s arc here is excellent. Wuk Lamat reaching out to him when she needs help finding a way for the Mamool Ja to find ways to thrive outside of the blessed siblings--knowing that he can succeed in an area that is not her forte--is yet MORE proof of her ability to see the best in others and understand their worth. And Koana is genuinely a great brother and partner to work with for her, as his generally calm demeanor evens out her boisterousness very well. The instanced fight against the shade of their father where both groups come together was EXCELLENT.
The end of the Skydeep Cenote and actually finding the city of gold is such a good way to close out the first half of the expansion. We’re left on more intrigue for what is to come in the second half of the expansion, and this was when I got the deep sense of “Okay. But when is the other shoe gonna drop”.
Midpoint, and thoughts on the first half of the expansion
I was so happy with Wuk Lamat’s coronation, and how she outright asked Koana to join her on the throne. Finding a way to truly be their father’s successors by embodying both reason and resolve works out so well in Tural’s favor in the end.
I think the only somewhat negative thing I can say here is that…I was totally thrown by the song that played when the stone monument was revealed, haha. The song is fine on its own, but it was SO weird for me to hear that it did actually kinda take me out of it. But otherwise this turning point for the latter half of the expansion was good. I wasn’t sure how to feel about MSQ going forward, though, because I was like “Wait, where’s the rest of it?”
In terms of my overall thoughts on the first half of this expansion… It’s very good as a way to decompress following the end of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark saga that ended in 6.0, and even a good way to relax after everything that happens with Zero and the void.
I know there’s a ton of Disc Horse (™) around this expansion, particularly about Wuk Lamat and the rite and how “slow” the first part is. I have two things that come to mind about it all: this isn’t the Shadowbringers or Endwalker of this next story arc. This is the Realm Reborn to the next arc. Things are definitely going to be a bit slow.
In addition…the WOL may not be the protagonist of this particular part of the story, but that doesn’t mean the first half and dealing with the rite is worthless? The WOL knows by now that they were Azem, the Traveler. Remember, the Traveler part of that convocation title? My BFF/roommate Sarria put it best:
“DT really feels like it's back to our "roots" and I mean like AZEM roots. Being The Traveler, visiting new places and meeting new people and learning about places outside of our known bubble. Listening to people's stories and desires and then being asked to help specifically *because* we listened to and learned from the locals. And I for one really really am loving it. The story doesn't have to be about us - just being there means we have a role. (Also the first half of DT isn't supposed to be about us anyway.)”
I find it so funny that people have such a problem with it--and I won’t lie, I do agree that some of it had slow pacing. But like…I don’t know, this really feels in line for what Azem would do. We are Azem now, we have the crystal and everything. We’re not known in this continent because it’s only been 70 years since the world we know made contact with it--to the point of the guy credited with discovering this “New World” IS STILL ALIVE. There is ample reason why your character is not the focus of the first half of the expansion, and it’s so disheartening to see people just…not get that?
It could be that my overall excitement to explore the new zones laid out before us led me to be much more forgiving of this section, but getting to know the people of Yok Tural was such a treat. I can’t wait for NG+ to come around for 7.0 so I get to explore all of this again.
Okay, back to going zone by zone.
Zone 4, part 1
So as someone who knows the Southwest US fairly well this zone was excellent, I loved the vibes. The overworld music is great.
I will say outright here that I’ve kind of been an Erenville disliker since his introduction in EW. He’s been overhyped for a character who up to DT basically had no personality in my eyes, so I was apprehensive about how this zone would go with him as our only companion. But, credit where it’s due, the writers actually got me to come around on him a little with the background we finally get for him. Not entirely, I still have issues with him, but he’s now more well-rounded.
Seeing the railyard workers actually made me cry, specifically seeing Not!Magnus’ wife. I’m so glad that 1: they were included and 2: explicitly shown to be the exact same as the people we know from the first. My roommate Sarria and I joked several times that this was SHB/Trolleys 2 and it was such a delight getting to laugh about it.
The end point for this visit to the zone was excellent. The dread had been building for me the whole time, knowing that something was around the corner, but no idea what. So the dome appearing and then the aftermath in Tulliyollal was anticipated, but about as brutal as I was expecting.
Tulliyollal revisit and Zone 4, part 2
The destruction of Tulliyollal and trying to aid those we could was done well, to me anyway. The devs handled that sort of thing pretty well in EW, so was glad to see it done again just as well.
Then comes the “cat”valry as I’d like to call it. Honestly, the moment I heard G’raha’s voice and heard Eternal Wind, it was like I could finally breathe. I think that’s the point of him and Y’shtola showing up to give you help for the rest of the expansion--they give a sense of release to all the tension and anxiety players might feel after the attack on Tulliyollal. A mini version of what the low-stakes rite of succession is to the story overall. You have to have a release for tension before building it up again, because building tension with no release just doesn’t work.
The truth of what the golden door is threw me for a loop, because I was NOT expecting it. I imagine it’s what people felt when the SHB launch trailer dropped and the truth about Hydaelyn and Zodiark was given--you’re so shocked that it’s a bit much to process. But I liked the revelations about the golden city and Krile and everything.
The revisit to Shaaloani was a delight, and deciding to blow up the train was exactly the kind of crazy I’d expect from the Source version of the trolley guys from Twine. The song that played during the coronation came back and it felt just as cheesy as before, but I think I’d accepted it by this point? I just let it happen even though it doesn’t really work for me.
And the Vanguard dungeon is SO good. I loved the music--honestly Soken popped off this expansion for the most part.
Zone 5/Second Trial
So I love the aesthetic of this zone in general--thank you for giving us FF10’s Thunder Plains properly this time!!!--but there was a zone where I ever felt like the story was loosing me, it was this one. I wasn’t sure what to make of the time bubble nor the regulators, so it took some time for Heritage Found to find its footing for me.
Sphene also was slightly unsettling, in a way? It was hard to put my finger on whether she was sympathetic or playing you, which I guess is the point.
Solution Nine kind of just…added to my sense of confusion. I was a bit lost on it all, and trying to wrap my head around it. It is also way to big and spread out for my tastes…but oh well.
With all the talk of souls, though, I finally understood why all the Void stuff with Zero in the 6.X patches was actually good to spend so much time with, since it was basically a primer for ALL of this stuff in the latter half of DT. So once NG+ is here for Dawntrail, I may actually start with 6.1 and see how it all flows together.
What finally got me back on loving the plot again was seeing baby Gulool Ja and Otis in the other half of the map, where the ruins of Alexandria are. I haven’t even played FF9 myself, only watched a very abridged playthrough, but the way I instantly knew who Otis was a stand in for made me feel so warm and comforted. Steiner is just so goofy and endearing, and Otis is exactly like him.
Was not surprised by Zoraal Ja making his move, but the cutscene for the defense of Tulliyollal was very good. I was surprised by Sphene both in and out of Solution Nine for that instanced duty, and I think here is where I really started to see the parallels between what I know of FF9 and DT. Sphene is Wuk Lamat’s mirror, at least in a way--loving and compassionate and charismatic (because I’d come to like her quite a bit by the point she outright says she was playing you). She exemplifies the extreme end of Wuk Lamat’s desire for peace, and the need to protect and preserve her people.
The fight against Zoraal Ja is a satisfying one. I am not the person to ask to talk about fight design or anything so will leave that to others. But I thought it was good.
Also liked the revelations after the trial, where Sphene turns on you for real. It did feel like downing Vauthry just to have Emet steal the Exarch again, though maybe not in the same way. Similar dramatic stakes, I guess I’m trying to say.
Zone 6, and the Finale
This zone will always have an interesting flavor to it for me, since I use the Living Memory title for personal WOL lore reasons. But the zone is, I think, such an excellent one for what the expansion as a whole is trying to say.
As I mentioned at the beginning, despite its cheerful colors and friendly looking character design, FF9 is a darker story. It deals with death and the existential. The perfect word to sum up FF9, from what I know, is bittersweet. And I think this zone--and in a way both zones and the city that comprise Alexandria--PERFECTLY handles that bittersweet feeling.
The weather is Reminiscence, bathing everything in this beautiful golden color. It’s full of areas referencing FF9--I recognized Alexandria and the Iifa Tree, but each zone is a call back to 9. The music is this soft, comforting piece that just triggered my nostalgia for a game I haven’t even played. Seeing Otis in his prime again, the tour of the Gardens with Cachuia, letting Krile meet her parents and learn her real name--it’s all so bittersweet.
Every time you turn off a terminal, you get that message of how nothing will go back to what it was. And the part of Living Memory that you shut down is then forever less colorful and lively, and there’s no music (at least when you’re there during this part of MSQ). You’re left with silence. We can always remember it like it was before (or use NG+ to bring it back if you were a dummy like me and didn't gpose there before it went away), but it won't ever be the same now.
I took my time in Living Memory before moving from area to area, and did all aether currents and quests as I could/they became available which only happened AFTER the zone was gone for the quests. So I was doing all this in silence. Left alone with my thoughts on it all and trying to understand what the point was.
Sphene is clinging so much to that nostalgia for a time gone by because of her programming, and it’s sad to have to end it. But to me, she is eerily similar to Emet-Selch: she was clinging to the memory of the dead, desperate to bring them back and keep them alive. But in the end, it was only an imitation that would lead to untold amounts of suffering to others.
All of Living Memory reminded me so much of Amaurot. Sphene letting the Endless explore as they pleased was I think a much kinder version of Emet's magic working on Amaurot, but I couldn't help but see the similarity there.
I did cry in this zone, during G’raha’s talk with the player in the gondola and all the interactions Krile had with her parents. And it’s just…sad. You might feel awful about destroying the Endless once you understand them and their ways, but in the end…they’re only memories of people who died long ago. Their lives continuing are coming at the cost of the future for everyone on the Source and the reflections. It just can’t be sustained as Sphene’s realm continues to grow and more and more is needed to keep things running.
Sphene wanted the best for her people, going as far as she did for them. And I like that she is clearly kind but does a lot of bad things out of love for her people, and the desire to preserve them. But in the end, she had to accept why death is an important part of life.
I loved the Alexandria dungeon, and the trial was excellent. I will say that the intermission was maybe a bit long, but I still liked it tremendously. I’m excited to see what the relic has in store for us, and where the new arc of the story will take us.
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Overall thoughts
DT has two very distinct sections, and there are parts I think could be refined to maybe make things go smoother overall, but honestly? I am totally willing to overlook those things because I enjoyed myself as much as I did.
DT, to me, managed to deliver on the summer vacation aspect that was so heavily advertised while also keeping with FF14’s larger ideas about hope persisting in even the hardest of times, and why the connections between people are so important. It also continues to show why it is not just important but also good to remember the past fondly, but it is just as important to keep moving forward in the best interests of all people.
I said it in the part about Living Memory and the finale for DT, but Sphene is very similar to Emet-Selch, and while some of the Heritage Found stuff lost me for a bit, the story did hit its mark where it needed to. The ending zone was not what the Tempest or Ultima Thule were, and I’m glad that it’s not. I’m sad that I’ll have to replay on an alt or when we get DT NG+ to take the pictures I wanted there, but that’s the point. You’re supposed to feel a longing for something that you can never truly get back, and that’s one of the best parts about it. You’re left with this bittersweet feeling as you let go of the past, and these people who are long gone.
DT drove home Venat’s point from EW even more for me. To use Ardbert’s words from SHB, “Joy and sorrow walk hand in hand.” There is joy and sorrow all over the place in Tural’s story and in its peoples, and I loved how every minute went even if sometimes it did feel a bit slow. But not everything needs to be so fast paced, either.
And even in the slower-paced parts, the WOL is really embodying the adventurer spirit we’ve returned to. We’re embracing our Azem roots, and travelling to new lands and meeting new people and coming to enjoy their cultures and presence. That sort of thing is what Venat, the previous Azem, loved so much about the world. And getting to understand her sentiments a bit more was excellent.
All in all, while DT has its faults, I 100% think this a great expansion. I’m excited again to see what is to come from this story, when I was apprehensive at best after 6.X patch story.
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Hello everyone,
Putting a read more for those who are not interested and just want to stop scrolling. This is a life update from me to you.
But I’d be happy if you read it because you’ve been a part of my life and this journey into becoming an adult in my early twenties with me and I just want you to know what’s been going on. Don’t worry, it’s not a goodbye.
I’m so sorry for being MIA. Life’s been a mess. But I got the apartment I took a look at last week and I’m about to sign the lease, which means I’m going to move out of my childhood home in the next six weeks. It’s three hours away in a different State, and I’m starting college in October too, so now I have to figure out how to actually be an adult. I need to organize the move, get all the paperwork done and find a job while also figuring out how college is gonna work. I’m a bit stressed and slightly emotional, but I’m hanging in there.
I haven’t had the time to properly write, but I have some drafts I finished before the stress started and I will take some time to reread and maybe post before I disappear from view completely.
I saw how active you all were, interacting with my posts and stories even though I was gone for almost two weeks there and didn’t put anything new out, so thank you all for that. It makes me feel so appreciated, you have no idea. And those who checked up on me, I love you more than I can express.
I just came home from watching Barbie and decided to take some time to go through Tumblr now because I’m a writer Barbie and I can do anything I set my mind to. I’m powerful. I feel like what’s about to come for me is going to change everything, but in a good way, and I can’t wait to finally set a foot out into the real world and just be me. Live life by my own rules, you know. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long. And I can finally do what I want and study what I want. I can do what I’m good at. And I’ll find a way to give writing a bigger role in my life as soon as I’ve moved out because I’ve also dreamed of this day for a long time now, even though it’s still a little scary, but as Taylor Swift once said “You’re on your own, kid. You can face this.” And I strongly believe I can, even while doubting myself sometimes.
Honestly, Barbie was so inspiring to me, someone who’s been told I can’t live my dreams because they’re stupid dreams and I have to be like everyone else, make money without being happy, please my family and everyone around me, and fit into the shoe box, which isn’t true.
This movie healed my inner child and it gave me a good smack over the head. I’m going to struggle before fully realizing that my independent Barbie girl era starts now, but I think I’m ready and I think I can do it well. I hope so. And I can live my dreams. I don’t have to be what everyone else wants me to be. Playing it safe is so boring.
Thank you all!
I love you 🩷
(Also, I’ve packed a few boxes already, and three of them are just books and Funkos. That’s so funny to me. But it’s also kind of hard to say goodbye to this room, you know?)
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Next on the list is my wall, and it’s gonna be painful to take it all off and transport it without destroying any of the pictures.
(Thank you to everyone who gave me ideas for prints I can hang in my new apartment, I’ve found a few already.)
Now this is all. Thank you! Sending hugs and kisses your way. I’m gonna try to post something (probably Mikey content because that’s what I’ve got stashed away) tonight or tomorrow, and then I’m gonna get back into writing as soon as I’ve got my life organized.
Lizzi 🩷
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asexual-spongebob · 6 months
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 28 - The Locket
WHOOO HI MATEYS!!! Sorry i didn’t update for like a week or almost two lol, just wanted to give myself a break. Also sorry abt how short this one is lol. Only 12 chapters left of this fic! (that makes me kinda sad to be honest…)but I’ve got some other stuff planned :) hell, even after this fic is finished I might still write the occasional TWTLTS related one shot.   I also have an au called “Invader Kwazii” which is a Octonauts x Invader Zim AU because those are my current fixations atm.   Once this fic is finished (or maybe even sometime soon) I might make one shots for my “Shellinoir” au. (Which is a AU I based off the SpongeBob episode “Squid Noir”) . I’ve got some in mind
Chapter Text
Peso sleepily opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. Shellington was already awake, “Good mornin’ Peso” he smiled “Good morning, Shellington!” Peso smiled back. 
“Wanna go get some coffee?” Shellington asked, Peso nodded in agreement. 
The two went downstairs, only to see Kwazii and Paani kissing against the refrigerator.
The two pulled away from each other.
“I love you so much, me stupid pancake” Kwazii purred “I love you too, stinky.” Paani said affectionately, Kwazii pretended to be offended. The two then noticed Shellington and Peso standing there.
“Oh uh- hi mateys.” Kwazii said awkwardly Paani looked away from Kwazii and glanced at Peso and Shellington. “Anyway. I gotta go. Me and Selva have to do some important stuff at the beach today. See ya bitches!!!” Paani said, then turning to Kwazii and saying goodbye to him. 
“I LOVE YOU BITCH!!!” Paani shouted as he walked out of the kitchen “I LOVE YOU TOO BITCH!!!” Kwazii shouted back.
 Paani went downstairs to the Launch Bay.
“Kwazii! Paani! There’s a child here!” Shellington scolded, pointing to Sharchini “why does Kwazii always cuss around the Vegimals” Peso frowned “Im sorry… I’ll try not to…” Kwazii apologized with a frown. 
Downstairs, Paani witnessed Dashi and Tweak  playing video games (Dashi was failing horribly.) and the Vegimals playing Judge Judy (or in this case, Judge Tunip.) 
At the beach 
It was a hot, blazing day at the beach. 
Paani was sweating in the sweltering heat. It was only 89 degrees outside but it felt like 100. 
He and Selva were doing some stuff there, Selva was planting some sea grass while Paani was going to get some water samples (and try his best to well… not turn into a merperson while he was at it.) 
Paani watched Selva dig through the sand.
How is she not sweating her ass off? Paani questioned to himself.
Paani ripped off their  jacket and through it on the sand “Hey. Selv. I’m gonna go change.” He said, Selva just nodded and Paani went to beach’s restrooms.
Thank goodness I wore extra deodorant today. 
Selva thought as she was digging through the sand, planting sea grass.
However she stopped. Something saw something had caught her eye. 
Half a locket buried in the sand!
It looked old. It was golden and tarnished. 
“Hey Paani, look what I found!” Selva said, holding the locket in her hand. Paani let out a gasp, they then stumbled towards her. “I’ll be my own uncle! It looks just like the other half we have!” Paani replied.
“Do you mind if I take it with me?” Paani asked “Yeah sure you can!” Selva replied, handing Paani the old, sandy locket.
“Thanks Selva!!” Paani said. 
Paani walked into Shellington’s lab wearing a vintage suit. 
“Hey bitches!!! Selva found the other half of the locket in the Amazon!” Paani boasted, placing the locket on the table.
“It’s the other half!” Shellington beamed, then placing the locket half’s together. 
“Don’t you think we should clean it? It’s a wee bit sandy.” Shellington remarked “Yeah, true.” Paani replied “how do we clean it properly though?” Paani questioned “there’s probably some restoration videos on YouTube. And Dashi knows a thing or two about jewelry. Maybe she can help us out?” Shellington suggested, the others nodded in agreement.
The four walked down the hall to Dashi’s room. “Hey Dashi, how do you wash jewelry?” Shellington asked “You get a small bowl and add some warm water and Dawn Dish soap and leave it soak for a few minutes, then you dry it with a microfiber cloth.” Dashi educated.
“Thanks Dashi!” Shellington smiled, then sprinting to the kitchen, the others following him. 
The Vegimals weren’t in the kitchen, they were sleeping upstairs, getting some well deserved rest.
“Hey, Kwaz. Pass me the dish soap” Shellington said “Here ya go matey!” Kwazii meowed, throwing the dish soap at Shellington.
“Hey! ¡¿Qué coño Kwazii?! You could’ve hurt him!” Peso scolded “Sorry…” Kwazii frowned Shellington then went to the sink and put some warm water and dish soap into the bowl, then placing the locket in the mixture.
“Now we just have to put it the microwave for a few minutes, right?” Kwazii said jokingly “No Kwazii.” Shellington replied with a giggle. 
Paani pulled out his guitar and started playing the jeopardy theme as they waited.
After a few minutes, the locket was clean.
Shellington wiped it off with a microfiber cloth like Dashi had said. 
“Now what do we do?” Shellington questioned, turning to the others. 
“Hm… maybe we should put it with the other stuff?” Kwazii suggested “Yeah that sounds good.” Shellington replied.
Shellington walked back to his lab, he placed the locket in on a table where all of the Edda related stuff was.
“Wow. We sure have discovered a lot.” Peso remarked, Shellington nodded in response.
Peso and Shellington continued to have a conversation. Paani wasn’t paying attention. The only thing that had her attention was the calendar.
Ah shit! Tomorrow’s Valentines Day!
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itsu-saragi · 10 months
Dev Log #2 - Hitting My First Roadblock. Also, Characters and Themes.
In my last post, I said I finished creating the love interest for my vn, and my next step would be to spend time figuring out the main character. But this caused me more trouble than I expected. And while trying to figure out why, I realized that I hadn’t even finished step 1.
Let me explain.
Previously, I mentioned how all games have a foundation, the core game design that the rest of the game builds off of. And I said that for visual novels the characters, namely the love interests, should be that foundation. But I don’t think I elaborated enough.
The core of your visual novel may be different depending on what you’re going for; for example, if you want to make a mystery VN where you want the players to focus on solving the puzzle, maybe the narrative is your foundation. But for my game I want to take a character-centric approach, focusing on how people can affect each other and how it changes them. Thoughts and beliefs and emotions, all that fun stuff. Also known as a character arc. No matter how cool the plot may be, if my characters remain stagnant the entire time then I’m not telling that character-centric story, and that entire foundation is non-existent. Conversely, if I have a solid enough arc, then I can cut and paste that character into any setting and the story should still work. I think. I hope.
So working on the love interest’s character arc was my first step. In a character-centric otome game, the end goal is to end up in the LI’s good graces so it felt obvious to me that I needed to flesh him out, come up with the details and map out his overall character progression over the course of the story. And I did that. Over the course of a few months I gave him a name, appearance, some brief notes about his personality and backstory, and his “how it started vs. how it’s going.” Once I was satisfied with the amount I’ve written, I decided to move onto figuring out the main character.
Then my brain stopped working.
I originally wanted this second devlog post to be about writing the MC. I had all sorts of notes and ideas, about how I wanted the MC to be self-insert but still have a character arc, and the challenges that it entails and what possible solutions are out there. But I couldn’t come up with the solutions, or at least something I was satisfied with.
You see, my approach with writing the MC was to build it off of the established LI. But he wasn’t established enough. Stories should have a theme. To have a character-centric story means that those characters are used to explore said theme from different angles. Like if your theme is about trust, maybe you have a character that trusts too easily, another character that trusts nobody, and a third that isn’t trusted by anybody else. Put them in a situation. Boom, you got plot.
My LI didn’t have that. I had a vague idea of the theme, and I had notes about the LI, but it felt like the two weren’t properly molded together. And because that connection wasn’t forged, I couldn’t use it as reference for writing the MC.
Remember what I said about having a solid foundation? I had a brittle house of cards, and I was trying to build on top of it. Shit collapsed, real quick LOL
So now I’m back to workshopping my LI, further digging into who he is as a character and how he embodies the theme- which at the moment, is about human value. Or collaboration. I’m not sure yet. I’m struggling.
Hopefully I can figure this out though. I’ll keep y’all updated.
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lookatlavender · 1 year
Denial Challenge Update (17 Days, 11 Hours Left) Pt. 1
Yesterday I was super busy again so I didn’t get to start playing until way later in the night. i was kinda sleepy but horny enough that i still really wanted to fuck myself though, so after i put dinner away i set up a warm bath and all of my toys, one of which was suctioned to the wall.
Based on the rule from 💫, i had to hold my toy inside my mouth for as long as I wanted to be allowed to fuck myself. i was originally planning for like 15-20 minutes and thought that would be a struggle, and at first it was. for the first few minutes i gagged a lot and kept having to stop the timer, but once i settled into it and relaxed i was able to stay with my mouth all the way around the toy for multiple minutes at a time.
at some point my eyes drifted shut and i started fantasizing, imaging myself tucked under a dom’s desk with their cock or strap in my mouth. i started teasing the toy with my mouth instead of just holding it there, trying out all the ways i would pleasure them and tease them with my mouth while they tried to focus. i love the idea of distracting someone, teasing my mouth along their cock and pulling them away from their work until they have to pull my mouth off of them, maybe give me a light slap, and warn me to behave myself so they can get their work done.
eventually i was lost in it enough that i forgot to even turn the timer back on, and i was basically just…making out with the dildo where it was stuck to the wall. i kissed and sucked all over the tip, teasing it in and out of my lips and then doing the same down the length of the toy, until i was kissing and sucking around the balls and the base of the shaft
i remembered i had a goal after…some amount of time, and i went back to properly cockwarming the toy and timing myself. eventually i got up to 25 minutes (because i kinda didn’t want to stop), so I moved on to getting my pussy ready to fuck. i didn’t want to use lube so i just used spit to slick myself and the toys up, and then started fucking my boypussy. i started with a longer skinny toy, and then worked up through one more until I finally got to the toy I was there for. It’s a decently sized one with a big swell right under the head, and a curve at the same spot. the head is textured too, and there’s a cute little bow right around the base of the shaft 🤭 (it’s silicone, part of the sculpt :) ) it’s one of my favorite dildos, never fails to make me whine and moan, and cum over and over. Well, normally it does 😈
I did most of my edges with the biggest toy, while using my fingers on my tdick. at first i was fucking myself fast, which felt so good but kept building up too fast and making me squeeze so hard I pushed the toy out and lost my rhythm (this is a common problem for me lol) for the last 2 edges though i slowed down, and on the last i didn’t even touch my clit, just did slow, steady, deliberate thrusts deep into my pussy. i didn’t know if i would like it at first but it ended up driving me so crazy, i had to actively try not to be too loud and wake up my roommates 😵‍💫🤭
the last time i edged yesterday was the first time that I almost came from only penetration. I’ve always had to play with my clit before, honestly i thought i wasn’t able to cum from just penetration. but at least while i’m edged out and desperately horny, turns out i very much could cum just from being fucked 😩😩
that being said though, i managed to be good through all 6 edges and i didn’t ruin, even once 🥺🥺🥺 i was so proud of myself that I didn’t, i thought for sure there was going to be no way I could get through all of them without going over the edge 🙈😇
i’m definitely getting better at edging, and knowing when i have to pull back. when i feel like i’m going to tip over I’ve been repeating “good boys don’t cum” in my head, and it always helps me focus myself and keep control. and it’s also really fucking hot 😵‍💫
I recorded my last edge too, i’ll post the audio of it in another post so this one isn’t confusing 🤭
today my 3 edges were boring in comparison, i used my fingers on my clit for the first two. the last one I didn’t actually touch my pussy technically, i was watching porn in my bed and playing with my nipples and that got me worked up enough that I almost came with my thighs clenched together, but i spread my legs and told myself i was good and not to cum, and i was able to hold the edge 🥺
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
wc: 999
cw: /!\dark content ahead proceed with caution, reader is self collared, carnal desire, stalker behaviour, naive reader, reader explains collar etiquette, manipulation, reader feels safe in his arms but he's the real threat, Nipple pinching once, choking, thigh riding, blood kink, blood consumption, he talks to reader’s pussy like he knows her better than she does 😩, fingering, pet names such as princess and pretty little thing .
gist: A predator never loses his prey from his sight. How far is he willing to go to finally have her within his grasp? Will he have to force you or frightening you is enough to make you his?
cs: first time writing for Tokyo Ghoul uwu. Also, I love this character so much that I had to write about him first. More on the way of course!!😘
I no longer run a taglist! If you would like to be updated on my works only, follow @kaedeakeshisworks and turn on post notifications.
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To sink his teeth on it.
He wants to bite it.
He desires to see your sweet blood trickle down your neck, go through the valley of your soft boobs. Oh, how he wishes to fondle your whole body while you are still in a hazy state. He can’t wait to have you under him. He’s been watching you and he knows your routine all too well to be exactly where you are tonight. There’s this popular club that is extremely hype lately and he knows that you swing by once a month more precisely the last Thursday of each month. 
He watches you sway your hips to the beat of the music, you let yourself loose after a rough week. He keenly watches his prey, you haven’t noticed his presence and you certainly won’t because as soon as you look towards that direction from which you felt a burning gaze from you’re met with other people that are doing the exact same thing as you: dancing. You keep doing your thing, it’s probably your imagination .
Chatting outside of the club with him led you to answer his question. 
“ I’ve seen you quite often around town, why do you always have that choker on your neck? Are you in a d/s relationship dynamic?” Oh, he knows about this, you can’t even curve his question. Do you trust this stranger, he does not seem harmful or ill intended so why not? 
Usually, people tend to be aware of collar etiquette but it doesn’t hurt to explain right!? So, here you are telling him what you can and cannot do when you encounter people like this. It’s true that some people wear it for fashion and others to display ownership their dom has over them but what about people like you? 
“Well”, you start “it’s complicated but to sum it up this comes from a lot of self reflection upon how I tend to treat myself as you touch your collar lightly and “it acts as if it were an oath for me to take care of myself as any rightful dom would cater to the needs of their sub.”
You know he is not listening because his eyes wander from your face to your neck, lingering on your decollete.
“I have to go home if I still want to properly function later today”
“I’ll go with ya, a lady like you shouldn’t be wandering by herself in the streets this late”
“I’m fine thank you for your concern but I got this”
“Seriously” he advances “well, lately there have been girls within your age range that have been found dead after leaving on their own, I don’t want to wake up with those news in the morning so let me accompany you”
You don’t want to die yet so you let him do that. He gets you home safely like he promised he would. You want him to leave but you also want him to stay. Has the alcohol worn off, you’re not entirely sure? 
“Thank you for getting me back home safely”
“My pleasure” and he smirks
He’s a menace and you want a taste. That’s your first mistake, you’re a grown woman but you should not let a stranger inside your place. You lead him to the living room where you both sit on the couch and you have to tell him what’s on your mind.
“You shouldn’t go back home, I’ll let you stay here. After what you told me, I don’t feel like I’ll be able to sleep.”
“Oh, you’re frightened now? Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. I’ll make sure no one lays a finger on you.” He leans in to hug you and you let him, you do feel a little bit better.
You get him a beer and rest your head on his shoulder, his left hand snakes around your waist. 
Suddenly, you’re butt naked. All your clothes are discarded on the floor but your collar still adorns your delicate neck. He kisses you and you kiss him back, you rub yourself on his thigh, a bit of friction down there would be major help. And he stops, he looks at your dilated pupils, your laboured breath and chuckles.
“You surely are a sight to look at princess, I knew it from the moment I set my sights on you”
You’re physically there but your brain now is solely focused on pleasure. He noticed only after your orgasm so he had to pinch your nipple to get a discernible response from you
“That hurts”, you pout
“You were not answering so I thought I would check I you were still here” 
He puts his hands on your hips and encourages you to keep riding his thigh. The noises falling from your lips are heavenly, he could die like this. The contrast between your angelic moans and wet sounds your sex makes while you’re chasing another orgasm is filthy.
He kisses your neck sensually, giving it some licks too and when your orgasm washes over you he bites and you black out.
You open your eyes up. You’re on his lap, your back faces his chest and he is vigorously groping your boobs, he’s panting in your left ear. His hard on is poking your butt but you know you won’t be getting his dick anytime soon.
He has a firm grip or your neck, your sex is on full display for him to do as he pleases with you and you can’t say a word because each time you tell him he’s doing too much he says “Well jokes on you, she does not” talking about your pussy “seem to share your opinion, so I will give her what she wants ain’t that right, pretty little thing?” and he curls his finger on that spongy area that makes you see stars. The rest of the night is history or as he had already envisioned it: a picture that perfectly fit his expectations.
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Part 18 of the Pride Series
Interactions are immensely welcome!!
2022 @kaedeakeshisworld
Translations/ modifications/replicas/property of my work are strictly prohibited. I do not allow such thing!
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owlyteas · 2 years
So hey I think I’m finally ready to show that secret project I’ve been hinting at a bit.
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...And that would be this Digimon fan game I’ve been working on since...sometime last summer I think?? I was doing basic stuff on and off but for the past few months I’ve been really knuckling down and making a lot of progress on it. It’s technically playable but it’s VERY basic and there’s no real progression yet. Should probably also mention this area is just a test room to make sure new features I add work properly so the layout is kinda shitty lmao.
So what I’ve got so far:
Agumon’s sprites are mostly all done and just require some additional tweaking and some more “optional” sprites that aren’t necessary but they’d be nice to have. Since I can make a recolor pretty easily I’ve made BlackAgumon and SnowAgumon/YukiAgumon sprites so technically they’re done for now as well. Gabumon’s idle animation is in but that’s all I’ve progressed on and it was just so the test NPC had an nice sprite to use.
The player character is customizable! But it is suuuuuuper basic because I have to draw all the different clothes for the three different body types I’ve put in and it’s a huge pain in the ass, but I guess it’s worth it because you can see I made MEEEEE :) Not a whole lot of options yet but new clothing types aren’t a priority right now.
The player can swap control to their Digimon partner in order to attack enemies, and the player is able to speak to NPCs and interact with shops once I get those implemented.
Got a basic inventory system working and the rocks you see are breakable and can drop items, and the enemies can drop items once defeated. The items themselves don’t do anything yet though.
Got basic stats for the Digimon partners like attack, defense, HP, SP (which is what special attacks will use), as well as element and attribute so attacks will do more or less damage depending on both of those.
Speaking of attacks, I’ve got Agumon’s attacks implemented and working. Each Digimon will have a “basic” attack that doesn’t use SP and two Special attacks that will.
I’ve also got the ability to get other partners implemented and the player can have two other Digimon in their party that they can swap their current partner with.
I...kinda have Digivolving working. Right now it just makes whatever Digimon you have turn into Greymon who does basically the same things as Agumon but is stronger. Digivolving uses the player’s Power and drains it while they’re Digivolved and will devolve once the player runs out of power.
And finally I got some very basic enemy AI in the game. I’m still figuring out how the controls feel so I’m waiting until I’m happy with that before I make more complex enemies like minibosses and that sort of thing.
Things I still need to work on:
I mean obviously the rest of the game like the actual areas you’ll go to and all the actual enemies and NPCs and all that stuff. It’s literally just test rooms right now.
Gotta finish getting Digivolving to work how I want it to.
Being able to equip different things to your Digimon and yourself
Shops/other NPCs
Implementing items that actually do things
Haven’t come up with a name yet actually I’ll probably call it something basic and dumb like Digimon Quest or something
??? Probably a whole bunch of other stuff I can’t think of right now.
I’ll have little progress updates as I get new features in and working but it usually takes a while to do so don’t expect anything big right away haha. Plus I’ve got a few other things I need to be working on besides this game so even though it’s currently a priority that doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way.
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thatdommegal2 · 28 days
Hey Alexa, it’s me again. I wanted to give you an update! So, I took your advice and started with a cheaper plastic cage to test the waters. We measured him properly, like you suggested, and the cage we chose fits pretty well. I’ve had him locked up for two days now, and he seems to be adjusting. There was a little discomfort at first, but he says it’s manageable. He actually seems to be enjoying it even more than he expected.
But here’s the thing I didn’t expect to enjoy it this much either. There’s something incredibly thrilling about knowing I hold the key, quite literally, to his pleasure. Watching him squirm and seeing how much he wants me, but can’t have me, has been... well, it’s a rush. I’ve even started teasing him a little, just to see how he reacts. The way he looks at me when I do it’s intoxicating.
I’ve got a few more questions if you don’t mind. 😌
We’re thinking about moving to a metal cage in few weeks, like you recommended. How do you handle cleaning and hygiene with a metal cage, especially if he’s going to be locked up for longer periods? Any tips or tricks?
I’ve noticed he’s been really attentive and eager to please me since he’s been locked up, which is awesome! But I’m curious how do you balance teasing him without pushing too far? I want to keep the tension high but still make sure it’s fun for both of us.
You mentioned earlier about long-term chastity potentially causing things like shrinking. How long does it typically take for that to happen, and is it something I should be concerned about?
Lastly, do you have any recommendations for adding more variety to our play while he’s locked up? I’m really enjoying this dynamic, but I’d love to hear some of your favorite ways to keep things interesting.
Thank you again for all your help. This has been such an eye-opening experience, and I’m loving every moment of it. I’ll definitely keep you posted on how things progress. Take care! ☺️
Hello again, I’m so happy to hear things are going well. When it comes to cleaning in a metal cage, I’d say about once a week in depth cleaning is good, but you can do it as often as you please. Take the cage off and clean with soap and water, make sure it’s dry before putting the cage back on. He can clean it, or you could clean it and have his hands unavailable to him using things like handcuffs behind his back or something similar. On the off days you don’t take the cage off to shower, letting water and soap run down does a decent enough job, but if you need a bit more you could always use q-tips to clean in between the metal and the skin.
As for balancing teasing with not pushing too far, he should have a safeword and you hopefully feel certain he will use it if he needs to. You can also have a world such as yellow for slow down or pause, and generally open communication. He should always feel like he can tell you if something is painful to the point he is concerned or if it’s no longer working for him. Other than that, I say there is no such thing as too much teasing.
Shrinking and how long that takes depends widely on the person and how you are using chastity. That really is something you two should look up together. It depends on things like length of time locked, teasing and erections while locked and unlocked, age of locked sub, cage size, testosterone levels, etc.
As for adding variety, I’m not sure what you’re currently doing, but you can always add more spice to life. lol to get ideas, Tumblr is obviously a good place to look, also smutty books are great for ideas or literotica. Also any personal fantasies, write them down if you have trouble remembering.
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unschooledramblling · 4 months
Hi tumblr! Long time no see, been up to things and thinking of a post when I’m not amazingly inspired is difficult 😭 however I’m back now and hopefully I’ll have the motivation to post consistently. Little life updates, yesterday I made some arepas con queso, a delicious Colombian pastry that also stars in Disney’s encanto! They were lovely. The dish is normally made with cheese whoever My little brother is not that into cheese except on pizza so I put in some chocolate spread instead. I had cheese and my mum had her gluten free cheese and decided to have a strawberry on top of one. I made arepas once about 2 years ago ish with the help of my mum but yesterday I did them all on my own! The photo is pretty bad quality compared to the ones of my chocolate cake, as this was quickly snapped on my tablet while I was cooking the first two, the photos of the cake were taken on my mums phone with an exceptional camera, (compared to my tablet at least!) I have a friend who enjoys being in the kitchen and likes making cakes and treats and she really inspires me to make my own food and such, ♡
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Now onto what my post is actually about.
home-educating is so much harder than I thought for families and and even kids and teenagers themselves! I had the privilege to grow up with a mother who 1st of all had no other choice than to home-educate my older brother who wouldn’t have been able to handle school for more than an hour. 2nd of all I have older siblings who she parented very differently and I think she wanted to try and be better, 3rd of all, by the time I was old (and ready) enough to be educated of any kind my mum had done a lot of research into homeschooling for my brother, and had been doing that for about a year (or somewhere around that number as that was years ago my memory is quite hazey) so when I became home educated at about 4-6 ish my mum sort of knew what she was talking about. Some of the friends I’ve made recently I’ve come to realise their experience with becoming and what it’s like being home educated is entirely different to mine! I started to realise that fact after my mum and I were talking about our day with friends and my mum out of nowhere said to me “I didn’t realise how hard homeschooling is! It just comes natural to me” and it really got me thinking. I have friends and have had friends who aren’t even out of the school roll and usually are going/have gone back to school! I never really realised how hard pushing out the mold like that is. Like my mum said it just comes natural to me. I also think it’s important to mention how much pressure most home-educating mums are under! One of the reasons why homeschooling is so hard for most is because of the deep deep rooted ideas and mindsets that come from school brainwashing. And these ideas that your child(ren) should be hitting specific milestones at specific ages can cause a lot of pressure! This even happens before school age, where mums are pressured for their child to be walking and talking at really specific ages when that’s just not how development works! I’m so glad home educating and homeschooling is becoming slowly more mainstream, as when I decide to have kids I will be 2nd generation homeschooling and I will have the plus that I never properly went through the school system myself and so the pressure is entirely off, today is a shorter post as I find it hard to write for a very long time but thank you for reading anyway! See you again soon tumblr!
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐) || sub!bucky barnes x dominatrix!reader
(𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐)
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 || your newest client asks you to give him a real challenge, and you’re happy to oblige.  
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 || 6.3k
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 || smut but no actual sex (lots of handjob stuff though and some brief oral m receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, more cnc (because of the overstimulation), bondage, edging, impact play (riding crop), brief cock torture (she just hits him with the crop a couple times), implied “kink as trauma response” (this is gonna be a theme throughout the whole fic), forced to break a rule/doomed to fail/impossible challenge (idk how to warn for this but yeah), forced voyeurism?, thigh riding (reader rides bucky’s thigh), some degradation/dumbification, brief/implied dacryphilia, a bit of angst/feelings
new parts posted on thursdays!  join the taglist here
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“Can’t,” he sighed, “can’t come again.”
He looked so painfully adorable when he begged like that, his brow glistening with sweat as he jerked under your touch.  “Aw, poor baby,” you pouted, twisting your hand when it stroked over the head of his cock, “yes you can.  I know you can.  Just gimme one more.”
“F-fuck,” he whimpered, “Mistress, please— just stop, please, I can’t… can’t take any more…”
“I know you can, sweetheart— I know you can be my good boy and keep coming for me.  Tell me your color.”
“Yellow,” he whispered.
“Think you’re almost done?” you pressed, smiling when he nodded breathlessly.  “Yeah, there’s my good boy— gonna come again for your Mistress?”
“Yes,” he breathed, baring his teeth as his hips bucked wildly to try to avoid further sensation, “y-yes, one more, just one more, I’m gonna— fuck, gonna come, just don’t stop… fuck, it hurts.”
“I know, but you’re being so good for me,” you purred.  “You like it when I milk your pretty cock, don’t you?  Even though it hurts?”
He winced but nodded.  “C-coming, Mistress, fuck, I’m coming…!”
Since it was his fifth of the evening, he could only give you one thick drop of come that gathered at his slit before running down over your hand which finally slowed to a stop.
You both sighed with relief as you pulled your hand away and leaned back, admiring how beautiful he looked as he caught his breath, covered in come and sweat.
"Good job," you praised with a chuckle, "I hope I didn't go too hard on you."
"N-no, that was… that was really good," he sighed, slumping back onto the bed.  "Can I use your shower before I go?"
"Yeah, totally," you nodded.
After a long pause, you gave him a confused look.  
"I thought you were gonna shower?" you reminded him.
"Oh… I guess I have to get up for that," he sighed, making you laugh.
"Rest a bit longer.  You've had a… challenging afternoon."
He nodded a little and you got up from the bed to go wash your hands and freshen up a little, smiling at your own appearance in the mirror— sometimes you forgot how you looked when you did this, but there was an undeniable aura of power around you… especially after a session like that.
This was only your third week with James, and already the dynamic felt so natural between you— and yet, so fresh compared to your other clients.  Normally it took longer for a newbie to get comfortable with you, yet most of them had had multiple doms before and here was James, totally inexperienced and taking it all like a champ.  There was an air of innocence about him, you figured, in contrast to this undeniable strength and intensity that you caught glimpses of from time to time.
Sometimes, it felt like he was chasing an innocence he lost a long time ago.  Whatever it was that drew him to this, you were happy to help him along the way.
It was probably a little dangerous to enjoy sessions with a client so much; even though you often pretended that everything was about your pleasure and not theirs, obviously since they were the paying customer it was the complete opposite in reality.  But there was an equity to the dynamic with you and Bucky, he served you with a real dedication rather than for his own gain.  And you, meanwhile, had rediscovered the fun in this career that had originally drawn you to it in the first place.  It was less like a science now, more like an art— you let yourself go with your instincts and do whatever felt right in the moment, and both of you benefitted for it.  
“Come on, get up and clean yourself off,” you encouraged— gently, of course— as you left the bathroom and returned to find James laying sprawled out on the bed.
“I know you said falling asleep here was a one-time courtesy,” he remembered with a smile, “but I could use it now a lot more than I needed it then.”
Honestly, you didn’t see him smile that often.  It was pleasant; you hoped to see it again.  He did get up, though, and take the washcloth you handed him to wipe off the come that had gotten all over him.  “What are you thinking for next week?” you asked as you leaned against the wall.  “Any special requests?”
“We can discuss all that over the phone,” he decided.  You still didn’t understand fully why he didn’t like to discuss future scenes in person; it was like he wanted the in-person interactions to be as ‘in character’ (if you will) as possible.
“Alright, just keep me updated,” you requested with a shrug.
You got changed while he took his shower, and when he emerged to the living room he seemed surprised to see you sitting on your own couch.  After a moment, you realized it was the fact that you were in normal clothes that threw him off.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in jeans before… or pants of any kind.”
You looked down at your outfit with a smile, glad it was at least still professional and not sweats and a t-shirt or something.  “Yeah, I guess you haven’t.  First time for everything, right?”
“Yeah, had a lot of first times with you,” he chuckled.  “Most significantly less mundane than this.”
A brief silence filled the room but it wasn’t exactly awkward, at least not for you.
“Well, I’ll see you next week,” he decided as he grabbed his jacket from your chair and slipped it on.  You’d been spending most of this session trying to forget how good he looked in the leather motorcycle cut, so that was out the window now as you tried to keep from visibly biting your lip while he walked towards the door.
Damn, he was fine.  But there were more pressing matters at hand.  Like preparing yourself and your apartment for your next appointment.  This guy wanted to get slapped around until he cried… shouldn't be too difficult, but your arms would probably be sore tomorrow.
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Opposite of last week, I really want you to edge me tonight, as long as possible.
Don't go easy on me, make me hold it in.  I need a challenge this week.
It was odd how emails from James made your week.
He seemed to prefer to communicate his desire with you this way; maybe it was easier for him, and you couldn’t really blame him for that.  The nice part was that you didn’t have to temper your reactions, if you had any, since you were always alone when you got his messages.  You might be old hat at it now, but you could remember a time that you had to hide a grimace when a client told you to your face what he wanted.  Not that you would shame them for it or anything (unless, you know, they paid you to), but you didn’t enjoy everything you did with these men.
Did you enjoy everything you did with James?  Yes, but you were pretending not to— for your own sake.
You dressed a bit differently for today’s session, more conservatively… not that it was especially conservative by any other person’s standards.  But it left your legs and chest covered, somewhat in the spirit of ‘mean corporate businesswoman’ aesthetically.  For some reason you felt like using a riding crop required wearing pants.
James certainly didn’t seem to mind, with the way he nervously cleared his throat after you opened the door.
“Good to see you again,” you greeted formally, “please, come in.”
He stepped past you, still looking at you and not at what was in front of him, meaning he ended up slamming himself gut-first into your kitchen island.
“Oh!  Are you alright?” you smiled when you noticed. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” he nodded, rubbing his stomach for a second but recovering quickly.  “I told you I can take a lot of pain,” he joked.
“Well, we’re going to put that to the test today,” you promised cryptically.  “You must’ve seen the crop on the table.”
He nodded again.  “Yeah....”
“Are you looking forward to it?”
“Yes,” he answered, a bit too quickly.
“Then let’s get you tied up, James.”
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Straddling his lap, you realized the rope was a bit too tight when you saw it digging into his skin; maybe he wouldn’t mind that, but you did, so you pushed the rope back through itself to loosen it slightly.
“How long did it take you to learn all these knots?” he asked casually, watching your fingers nimbly work the ropes around his wrists.
“Not too long,” you shrugged, “I’ve only been doing this a few years… but I knew them before that.”
“Boating school?  Boy Scouts?” he suggested jokingly.
“Just a hobby,” you decided, dodging the covert question about your past.  “Were you a Boy Scout?”
“Do I look like a Boy Scout?” he countered with a scoff.
“Not anymore,” you shrugged, “but I bet you did once.  You’re sorta innocent, you know.”
He swallowed dryly, and you raised an eyebrow as you glanced from the knot you were tightening to his face, which looked a bit flustered.  “R-really?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed, leaning back on your heels to look at him straight-on.  “Are you surprised to hear that?”
He nodded quickly, and you laughed.
“Aw, you thought you were so kinky, huh?  So dirty,” you purred, running your hand up his leg until he tugged slightly on the newly-tied ropes— a subtle way to get him to test them for you.  “But you’re really not.  You’re just my sweet, innocent boy.”
He whined— really, properly whined— and you dug your nails into his skin until he hissed instead.
“I don’t think you believe me,” you noticed, leaning back to reach for the crop behind you.  “You think you’re so filthy and perverted, right?  Are you a pervert, James?”
“Yes,” he breathed, shivering as you let the crop slide gently over his skin— his abs, his hips, his legs which were already quivering so adorably.  “Yes, Mistress.”
“And how’s that?”
“I think about… getting hurt,” he admitted weakly, “when I touch myself.  And I touch myself all the fucking time.”
“Yeah?  How many times a day do you stroke that pretty cock, James?”
“Twice every morning,” he blurted out, “after that it depends.”
You didn’t let yourself show your surprise at that number.  “Depends on what?”
When he hesitated, you hit him sharply on the thigh and he winced.  “Depends on what I… what I end up thinking about.  Sometimes… sometimes something reminds me, and I have to get off.”
Something told you not to press on what it was that he needed to be reminded of, and why it made him want to jerk off so bad.  Something told you he wasn’t ready to tell that story yet.  “Did you touch yourself today already?” you asked instead.
“No, no ma’am,” he shook his head, voice wavering as you brushed the crop over his chest, “it’s… it’s different with you.”
“Yeah, I bet it is,” you smirked, hitting him on the stomach quickly.  “I bet you’re finally satisfied, right?  Nothing’s ever worked for you before.”
“Yes,” he moaned, crying out slightly when you hit him on the arm (flesh— you were too afraid what sound the metal one would make) much harder than before.  “The nights I see you, I… I can sleep.”
“You sleep better?”
“No, I just… sleep.”
You tried not to react to that, moving to a new question instead.  “Do you want me to hit you again?  Or do you want me to stroke your cock for you?”
An obvious choice to some, surely, but he seemed to really struggle with it.
“Which one do you think you deserve?” you asked instead.
“Hit me more,” he decided.
Instantly, you struck him once on the face and again on the shoulder, then moved down to his legs for three in a row in spite of the way his body jerked away instinctively.  
“Fuck,” he sobbed, “don’t stop— I need more…”
You focused on his legs, on the inside of his thigh where he seemed the most sensitive.  His twisted joy turned to true fear, though, when you brushed the end of the crop over his balls.  “Do you want me to hit you here?” you challenged.
“I… I don’t know,” he stammered.
“Let’s make a deal, James,” you offered, “wherever I hit you, I’m gonna kiss it to make it better.”
“Then hit me wherever you want,” he nodded, almost smiling at you.  He cried through his teeth when you whipped his shaft with the crop— not especially hard, in fact quite delicately, though the second was harder.  And the third, though not much more aggressive, was right on the sensitive tip; his eyes shot open and his hips jerked away.
“So good, such a good boy,” you whispered proudly, putting the crop aside to lean in and kiss his cheek where you’d hit him before, his shoulder, his arm.
You worked your way down carefully as he breathed heavily beneath you, whimpering slightly when you kissed his thighs and notably ignored his flexing, leaking cock.  “Please,” he whimpered.
“Shh, be patient,” you soothed, “be my good boy.”
“Your good boy,” he repeated, trying to restrain himself but already bucking up into the air again, “fuck, wanna be your good boy, Mistress.”
“Are you already close, pet, just from getting hurt?” you asked in a faux pout.  “You’re not gonna come if I give your pretty cock some kisses, right?”
“I— I won’t come,” he promised.  “Not until I get permission.”
“Baby, it’s gonna be a long fuckin’ time before you get permission,” you promised with a toothy grin.  “Look down at me, honey, I want you to see this.”
He hesitated for a second but obeyed, looking down at you with an expression that was full of awe as you gripped his cock and gave gentle, teasing kisses up his shaft.  It bobbed in your hands with each one, and he let out the most beautiful sigh when you kissed the tip carefully.
A wide lick made him jerk beneath you.  “F-Fuck,” he stammered.
“You said you wouldn’t come,” you reminded him.  “Can I keep going?  Are you gonna be a good boy?”
“Don’t stop, please,” he breathed, “I’ll be good.”
Taking the head between your lips, you suckled gently as he shivered and moaned.  You weren’t sure you’d ever been with anybody— on or off the clock— who was so sensitive.  And you loved it, honestly; who could resist those precious noises he made?
As much as part of you wanted to go nuts and really push him to the edge, you tried to be gentle and careful so as not to make it impossible for him to hold back.  But even then, when you gently grasped his balls in one of your hands and squeezed them, he apparently couldn’t take anymore.
"S-stop," he hissed, and you pulled back, sitting up.
"You were close?" you asked, and he nodded a little.  "Oh, what a good boy."
He whimpered briefly.  "Yes, your good boy, Mistress…"
Your fingers trailed delicately up the underside of his cock, making him shiver violently.  "I know you want to come, but you want to be good even more.  You're such a sweet little pet."
It seemed like the praises did more to keep him on the edge than the touches, so you kept both going; wrapping your fingers around the ridge of his head, you gave the most gentle and subtle strokes, and leaned in to whisper against his ear.
“Is this why you wanted me to edge you today, James?  So you could show me how good you can be?” 
“I-I don’t know,” he blurted out, rocking his hips as best he could while restrained, “I just wanted to… I just wanted you to make me wait.”
“Well, you don’t need to worry about that,” you laughed slightly, “I can make you wait all day.  Is that what you want?”
“No, that’s— not that long, I can’t wait that long,” he shuddered.
“Mm, that sounds like your problem, not mine,” you smirked.  “Not sure why I asked what you want, honestly… cause I don’t fucking care.”
His choked-out whine was too perfect to ignore.
“Oh, what a pathetic little moan that was, poor baby,” you cooed mockingly, “are you regretting it now?  You’re probably wondering what you got yourself into, ‘cause you’re worried Mistress is never gonna let you come.”
“No, I don’t regret it,” he denied weakly, “whatever you want— do whatever you want to me, just… give me what I deserve, please.”
You stopped touching him completely and he straight-up sobbed.  “You don’t deserve anything from me, James.  You don’t deserve me at all.”
He told you before that he liked when you rapidly cycled between soft and mean.  Kept him on his toes, apparently.  Honestly, you felt a little guilty talking to him that way sometimes, but his cock leaking enough pre-cum to soak the bedsheets beneath him was a sign you were doing something right.  “I know!” he cried.  “I know, fuck, I’m sorry, but I need you.  I fucking need you, Mistress, please— you know I’ll do anything.”
“I’m feeling generous today,” you shrugged, “so I won’t ask you for much.  Just beg me a little more.”
“Please, pleasepleaseplease,” he rushed, “touch me.  Anywhere, whatever you want, I just need to feel you.  I know I… fuck, I know I don’t deserve it, but let me try to— to earn it.  Please.”
You knew if he had it his way, he wouldn’t do much talking at all.  But you couldn’t just let him have it his way, now could you?  It was better to make him just the right amount of nervous, just the slightest hair uncomfortable, by making him talk to you.  And, of course, you liked the way his deep and rough voice got all whiny and needy like this.
One finger under his chin guided him to look up at you, those pretty blue eyes watery and sparkling and wide with misplaced innocence.
“Tell me who you belong to, James,” you instructed darkly.
“You, Mistress,” he whispered, “I’m yours, I— oh fuck…”
Unshockingly, he was reduced to only moans again when you started stroking his cock, the slick precum making every movement smoother.  “All mine, huh?  My little toy?” you confirmed, but he could only nod and swallow thickly.
You sped up quickly, getting faster and faster until you were really, properly jerking him off and he was biting hard on his lip.  Just when he seemed to really fall into it, get almost comfortable, you had to stop.
"Oh, fuck—" he gasped, bucking his hips up to try to chase your hand when you pulled away, but it was no use with him tied up.  You watched his cock bob in the air and smiled.
“Did you think it was going to be that easy?” you smirked.
Shaking his head, you tilted yours to look at him, reaching up to trace your fingers over his chest.  
“Don’t lie, baby, you thought I was gonna let you come, didn’t you?  You’re so sweet, James, and so, so stupid.”
He gasped, and for a second you thought you might’ve gone too far, but it shifted to a moan quickly and you realized he was having the time of his life.
“Just my dumb, brainless little toy,” you continued with a snarl, watching him tug at the ropes as his eyes fluttered shut.  “It’s okay, James, it’s okay… you don’t need to think, I don’t want your mind.  It’s useless.  I want this pretty cock, that’s all I want from you.”
“It’s all yours, Mistress,” he promised, cheeks burning bright red and eyes forced shut.  “All of it, I swear.”
“I know,” you cooed, holding his face gently to soothe him a bit.  But then your other hand wrapped around his cock and he was anything but soothed.  “Shh, shh, don’t make any sounds, you’re just a toy and toys need to stay quiet.”
You missed his noises, actually, but he looked so cute biting his lip and struggling to suppress them.  His cock was so swollen in your hand that you honestly wondered if it was somehow getting bigger.  Was that even possible?  Your mouth was watering regardless.
“I’m gonna give you a little break,” you promised gently, “but I’ll be honest, pretty boy… I don’t think you’re gonna like it one bit.”
The look he gave you beautifully balanced fear with anticipation, and you stopped stroking him to reach over towards the bedside drawer and pull out a vibrator.
“Your Mistress is feeling a little.... self-indulgent today,” you winked.  “And since I, unlike you, don’t need to hold myself back from coming, I think I might as well get myself off if I want to.”
His throat bobbed as he swallowed dryly, watching you closely as you stood up off the bed and started to carefully undress yourself.  It was a lot more fun to get naked when you were wearing something that didn’t actually show much skin— the button-up seemed to really get him going, his tongue mindlessly darting out to lick his lips as you opened one button at a time.
Once it was off your shoulders and on the floor, and he could see the almost-transparent bra you had on, you moved to opening your trousers as well.  Just to be mean, you faced the other way as you pushed them down over your ass; you heard his breath catch and you smirked to yourself, spinning to face him again in just the matching, dark red bra and panty set.
“What do you think, do you like this better than the black ones?” you asked coyly.
“I like you naked better than both,” he answered, and you grinned.
“I’m gonna let that backtalk slide just once because it’s not worth my time to go over there and slap you for it,” you decided.  “But don’t test me, James.”
“Yes, Mistress,” he answered dutifully, sounding a bit out of breath as he watched you climb back onto the bed, positioning yourself carefully.
You faced him straight-on and laid your legs over his, meaning your lace-covered pussy was in full view and only inches from his leaking cock— the damn thing looked sore by now, purple at the tip and just as desperate for attention as the rest of him.
When you pulled the fabric aside to show him your cunt, he hissed and looked away.
“Look at me, James, keep your eyes open,” you demanded, seeing how totally wrecked he looked when he turned his head back to you and stared down at your body with half-lidded eyes.  “Look at how fucking soaked my pussy is.  You remember how it feels to be inside it, don’t you?”
He swallowed, sighed, and finally (just barely) nodded.
“You remember how hot and wet and tight it is, don’t you?”
“Y-yes,” he choked.
“Well, that memory’s all you’ve got to work with, sweet boy, because I don’t think I’m ever gonna let you fuck this pussy again.”
He really, properly sobbed, tears streaming down his cheeks, and those arms flexed against the ropes defiantly.  “N-no, please—” 
“I’m gonna make myself come with this,” you promised, interrupting him as you grabbed the vibe, “and I want you to remember how it feels when I come around you, okay?  
Turning it on, you wasted no time pressing it to your clit, moving the end of the toy in slow circles and keeping a close eye on him as he watched you.  Your intention had always been to give him a show, but the embarrassing thing was how little of it was an act.  Ironically, even though you’d been edging him this whole time, having to touch him that way without any pleasure for yourself was almost as torturous.  You’d soaked through your panties by the time you had him tied up, to be totally honest.  So, giving into it and letting yourself feel good was a breeze.
“Think about when I was riding you, James,” you instructed, your own voice clearly affected by your pleasure now.  “Think about how good it would feel if I let you come inside me.”
“Oh, god,” he cried, leaning his head back.
“Think about my pussy milking every fucking drop of come out of you.  You know I wouldn’t let you stop until I was completely full of your come, I bet you’d like that.  I bet you’d like to eat your come out of me, you sick little pervert.”
“Fuck!” he yelped, tugging at the ropes harder now— for a second you thought he might really break them and jump you.  And for a second, you knew you’d let him.  It made your walls clench as you imagined facing the consequences of driving a man to the brink of insanity until he couldn’t help but fuck you like an animal.  It was a good thing he didn’t see you bite your lip as you imagined that.
“You know what I’m thinking about?” you taunted.  
“God, don’t tell me,” he sighed through his teeth, but obviously you ignored him.
“I’m thinking about what a good boy you are for me,” you cooed, your hips starting to rock up against where you held the end of the vibrator; you pressed it down harder onto your clit and moaned instantly.  “Yeah, I’m thinking about how pretty you look when you’re all desperate and needy and fucking pathetic—”
“Oh—” he choked.
“My dumb litlte whore, that’s all you are, James,” you groaned.  “I know you wish you could touch me, it’s all you can think about, right?  That pretty head of yours would be completely empty if it weren’t for thoughts of me and how badly you want me.  Right?”
“Yes,” he whispered huskily.
A shiver ran up your spine when the vibrator bumped into a more sensitive part of you, and you did it again and again until you thought you might lose it a bit faster than you meant to.  “This toy feels really good,” you informed him in a purr, gasping when you slipped the vibrating body of it into your pussy, “but it doesn’t feel as good inside me as you do.”
His eyes fell shut but he still winced a bit every time you made a sound; he couldn’t run from this, no matter how hard he tried.
“Oh James,” you moaned loudly, fucking yourself with the vibe for a moment before you pulled it back out to focus even harder on your clit, “I’m gonna come.  I’m so, so close… I can feel it getting stronger, I think I might make a mess on these sheets.  And the only way I’m ever gonna let you come is if you watch me do it.  So open your fucking eyes.”
He blinked quickly as he opened them, gaze scanning your whole body before settling on your cunt; you were sure he could see it pulsing as you got closer and closer, you knew he was imagining how it would feel.  You only spared a brief glimpse at his cock, bobbing between his legs, and wished you could just slip it in you now and come while it stretched you out. 
But that wasn’t what he was here for, sadly, and you were sure you were the only being truly denied of your desires, despite how it probably seemed from the outside.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, numbness starting to tingle in your legs as your orgasm built up quicker than even you expected.  “I’m coming— James, I’m coming, oh, fuck… right there— yes!”
A gush of heat warmed your cunt at the same time that shocks ran up your spine and down your limbs; you could feel your legs shaking, and you knew he could, too.  
It got so intense for a second that you had to pull the vibrator away, though you didn’t stop coming until a few moments later, eyes falling shut without you meaning for them to.
You actually laughed a bit, breathlessly, as you turned the vibe off and set it aside, although you weren’t sure exactly what was supposed to be funny about this per se.  When you opened your eyes, you saw James looking down and looking positively defeated.  But he looked tense, too, and you sat up on your wobbly legs to get closer to his face.  
“Relax, James,” you told him firmly as you examined him.
“I— I can’t,” he whispered. 
“Why not?”
“I’ll come.”
Nothing could fight your wide grin anymore, not when you heard that.  “Oh, baby… are you about to come without even being touched?  Is that how much you liked watching Mistress come?”
He nodded, ever so slightly, and you laughed.  Not quite a mocking laugh, moreso impressed.  Prideful, even.  You leaned in to give a wet kiss to his neck, licking over his pulse as he shivered violently.
“That’s my good boy,” you whispered against his skin.  He whined and you cooed soothingly right away, “oh I know, I know.  It’s so unfair, isn’t it?  Mistress gets to come and you don’t…”
“Please,” he stammered, “I’m so close, let me come, please.”
“But I don’t wanna see you come, baby— I wanna see you cry.”
You started to slide your hand down his chest and he jumped up to attention as he tried to squirm away.  “No, please, don’t— don’t touch my cock, not if I can’t come.”
“You can hold it in, can’t you?” you pouted.
“No, I can’t, I can’t,” he sobbed, watching fearfully as your hand moved down to his stomach and over his hips.  
“But I thought you were my good boy,” you frowned, suddenly wrapping your hand tight around his cock as he choked on a gasp.
“Mistress!” he sobbed.  “Please, don’t—  don’t move your hand, I’ll come.”
"Never fucking tell me what to do," you instructed firmly, just barely stroking as he cried weakly.  "I'm gonna touch you however I want and you're not gonna come because you're my good boy, right?"
"No, Mistress, I can't stop it, I'm gonna come— stop, please…"
"You'd better not fucking come," you hissed through your teeth, speeding up your movements and watching his eyes shoot wide open, "you'd better hold it in until I'm done with you."
"I'm trying— please slow down, can't take it—"
You shook your head, tutting disapprovingly.  "No, baby, I tell you what you can take."
"Oh— oh god, Mistress, please, please stop, please, I c-can't— fuck!"
You pulled your hand away the second his cock started to flex but it was too late: come was shooting from his swollen tip and painting his chest and stomach.  You didn't even wait until he was done to backhand him across the face.
"I'm sorry!" he yelled.  "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it…"
You softened slightly when you heard his broken voice, saw the desperation and fear on his face— it was real, more real than the fake ‘no’s and the encouraging pleas for mercy.  "Baby, it's okay, you tried so hard," you soothed instantly.
Hope filled his eyes just as much as tears as he looked up at you.  "Am I still your good boy?"
"Always," you smiled, caressing his face where it was already turning red from your slap.  
You reached down and caressed his cock with the back of your fingers, watching it flex weakly.  
“Let’s get you cleaned up, alright?”
His lip twitched, almost like a wince.  “Do we… do we have to stop?”
You quickly glanced at the clock.  “Um, no,” you mumbled, “we still have time.  Just tell me what you want.”
“I wanna watch you come again…” he admitted softly.  “Is… is that okay?”
Although you weren’t sure what you’d been expecting, you were still surprised.  “Yeah, sure.”
“But… but closer this time,” he added, “not so far away.”
You were literally laying on top of him, how did that count as far away? 
“I wanna see your face,” he clarified.
“Okay,” you nodded, deciding to indulge him.  It was sort of like aftercare, except that this wasn’t exactly the ‘after’ part yet.
On your knees beside where he was leaning back against the headboard, you slipped your hand down into the lace panties again, finding your clit still swollen but not too sensitive.  A little gasp fell from your lips when you touched it, rubbing it carefully with two fingers while he looked up at your face.  
You felt slightly exposed when he watched you this close, and you didn’t know where to look to avoid direct eye contact.  Looking at his lips was just a little too tempting, so that wouldn’t work.
“My hands are a little tired,” you explained, “they might cramp up.  Maybe I could use your thigh…”
“O-okay,” he nodded, and you removed your fingers from your panties to sit down on the thick muscle of his leg.  You felt him tense up under you slightly, and you carefully began to rock your hips until your clit rubbed just right against the inside of your underwear.  Surely he could feel how wet you were— actually, you both could hear it, almost a wet clicking-like noise as the soaked lace slid against your skin.
The dynamic shifted slightly, not that you minded it, as he watched you ride him carefully.  Just as he couldn’t hide much from you when he was naked and tied up and baring his soul to you in the kinkiest way possible, you couldn’t hide your pleasure from him when he was looking at your face so up-close.  You let your hands carefully roam his body, narrowly avoiding the trails of cooling come he’d left on his stomach and chest, until you found his strong shoulders and held onto them for balance.
“Fuck,” you mumbled to yourself, biting your lip as your sore clit throbbed against his hard, muscular thigh.  
“Will you… could you kiss me?” he requested quietly, and your heart broke a little bit.  You shook your head, and he nodded in understanding.
“I’ll kiss you here,” you offered instead, whispering against his skin before you pressed your lips to his forehead, then his cheek, then his jaw.  “Is that better, James?”
“It helps,” he agreed in a sigh.  
“I’m close,” you warned quietly, pressing your cheek to his and weaving one hand into his hair.  “I’m gonna come again, on your thigh.”
“Let me touch you,” he begged, “just a little, please…”
You nodded, about to reach forward to untie one of his hands, but he snapped the ropes and you had totally forgotten he could do that.  He quickly ran his touch all over your body, calloused hands and bound wrists in stark contrast to your soft skin.  The metal one was a little cold but it didn’t bother you; the other was almost too hot, and it was like being warmed and cooled all at once.
He ran his fingers down your spine, he gripped one of your shoulders, he rubbed your legs: he did everything he must have been wishing he could do this whole time, even gasping as he ran one hand up your chest and over a cup of your bra.  Just as you sensed that he was about to ask if he could touch you there, you nodded and felt his metal hand tug down the red lace and grab your breast— thankfully not very hard, though he did give your nipple a quick pinch which made you gasp.
Burying his face in the crook of your neck, he finally settled his hands on holding your hips, just tight enough to slightly guide your movements as you rocked faster and more desperately.  “Please come,” he begged weakly, “Mistress, please… use me.”
It sort of hit you all at once then, like a punch to the gut.  Except, you know, a lot more fun than getting punched in the gut.
“James,” you gasped, legs quivering where they straddled his as a new patch of slick soaked the lace (and presumably his thigh as well).  He held you tight, kept you moving through it while your fingers tangled in his hair and your mouth fell slack for another, louder moan.
The way his lips moved over your skin, laving your collarbones and pulse point and the innermost corner of your jaw, was positively worshipful; reverent.  “Mistress,” he whispered, almost sounding like praise but tinted with awe.  Your movements slowed down to a stop and the two of you breathed a sigh together, unintentionally.  “Thank you,” he mumbled.
“What for?” you asked, blinking quickly and looking down at him, coming back to reality (though you weren’t quite sure where else it was that you had just been).
“I dunno, everything,” he decided.
“Don’t thank me,” you smiled.  “Keep paying me, though.”
He laughed a little, glancing away.  “Yeah, and I’ll pay you back for these ropes… sorry."
"No, hey, don't be sorry," you dismissed, getting up off of his leg and standing up to go grab a towel for him.  "I'm just sorry we still haven't found anything strong enough to hold you."
"It's fine, they're strong enough to make me stop myself when I want to do something I shouldn't, that's all that really matters."
You nodded to yourself as you dampened the towel and came back to wipe him off.
"I can do that for myself," he reminded you, sounding a bit embarrassed, but you thought it was sweet. 
“You just focus on getting those ropes off of yourself,” you decided with a little smile.
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vln-vibes · 2 years
Fics in the works
 Updated 04/2023
Hey I know its been a while since I’ve properly published new fics. Honestly  keep coming up with ideas but actually finishing them is the kicker.
Ngl I honestly feel like I need some betas for the works I’ve got going on and if any of these interest you then by all means feel free to message me! And yes some of these are still Maribat 
The Winner Takes The Crown (Princess)
Got into DPxDC and decided to take a crack at it. As usual this thing was supposed to be a one-shot but is 18.9k words so far and counting so three-shot is more likely.
Tags: Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danielle "Dani" Phantom/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Danny Fenton/Jason Todd
Summary: When members of the Team get sent out to scout an inconspicuous town in Indonesia with supposed hauntings and missing teens on the night of an eclipse surely nothing could go wrong, right?Meanwhile the Ghost King got tired of every old timey ghost royalty trying to get their hands on his little sister/cousin/clone and got an idea. Why not have them duke it out amongst each other for once. It'd be entertaining at the very least or a disaster waiting to happen at most--- at least that's what his newly appointed Fright Knight thought anyway
Chapters out so far: 1/3 AO3  Part 1
Who The Wayne Are You?!
Why not do a fusion of two crossover fandoms??? (Not sure if I’ll include any romantic ships)
Tags: Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Danny Fenton, Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Bruce Wayne, Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Tim Drake & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jason Todd, Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Danny Fenton, Cassandra Cain & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Misunderstandings, Mistaken Identities
Summary: Its just her luck that on her first day in Gotham City, the literally cursed crime capital of the world that she gets kidnapped. To make matters worst her kidnappers must be blind because they think she’s Cass Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s only daughter, who doesn’t even have blue eyes! Fortunately or unfortunately she’s not the only one in this dilemma--- He was sure that the spirit of Gotham had it out for him; the moment his sister left to go on the tour to Gotham U he gets pushed into a white van (cliché much?). On the bright side it wasn’t the Guys In White, down side the idiots can’t seem to agree if he’s Tim Drake, co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises, or Jason Todd, supposedly dead son of Bruce Wayne (he’s not sure if that’s quite true). Well at least he’s got company. “Ugh just my luck that I get kidnapped literally on my first day in Gotham” “Oh samesie”
Chapter count: Unknown
Tales of Ladyluck and Jinx: Twins Extraordinaire (Wrk ttl)
I mean c’mon the potential for bio siblings Tim and Mari is right there.
Tags: Tim Drake & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Tim Drake & Bridgette Dupain-Cheng, Bridgette Dupain-Cheng & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Jack Drake & Tim Drake, Jack Drake & Marinette-Dupain-Cheng, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng & Tim Drake, Sabine Cheng & Jack Drake, Jack Drake/Janet Drake, Bad Parents Jack/Janet Drake, Dead Janet Drake, Jack Drake Knows Tim is Robin, Does Not Approve, Surrogate Sabine, Fraternal Twins Tim and Mari, Jack Drake tries to be better, in the end, Bridgette Dupain-Cheng/ Felix Culpa, Quantic Kids
Summary: Tim Drake’s 12 year old, almost but not yet 13, life was falling apart right before his very eyes and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His mother was dead and his father was paralyzed. To make matters worse his father found out about Robin and was vehemently against it; so much so that he was sending Tim away. Turns out Janet Drake wasn’t his biological mother, his parents had used a surrogate. A woman named Sabine Cheng who lived in Paris alongside her husband and daughters. Turns out Tim was a twin; his parents only wanted the son.
As much as he wants to hate this new family he can’t help but crave the affection they provide, the warmth and comfort , that his parents never could. As much as Tim would miss being Robin he had Mari and that was enough. Who knows maybe he’d go back to the Life later on in life?
Chapter count: Unknown
Royal Flush 
I’ve been really loving these HBIC Marinette stories and decided to try my own out with a fun Maribat twist!
Tags: Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chloe Bourgeois & Nathaniel Kutzberg, Damian Wayne & Jon Kent, Jessica Keynes & Aeon Hill
Summary: For this year’s French-American Friendship Day it was the American's turn to visit and what a lucky coincidence and totally not tampered with by any of the Bats that Gotham Academy was chosen with newly re-enrolled Damian Wayne and recent transfers Jonathan Kent, Jessica Keynes and Aeon Hill. Jess was excited to reunite with her fellow Guardian only... things were different with the Parisians? She couldn’t really explain it but it seemed strange that the students were adorned with symbols; Red Hearts, Yellow Diamonds, Green Clovers and Blue Spades. What did this all mean and why were those without them ostracized? Was this also why Marinette seemed to have a whole wardrobe change and was now friends with mean girl Chloe?
Well it was up to Jess and reluctantly Damian to find out what was the root of the problem alongside sunshine duo Jon and Aeon, also known as the Seasonal Court while also trying to figure out how to offer their help with the Hawkmoth situation.
Chapter count; Unknown
Violet Gold (Working Title)
(Still working on it)
Tags: Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Luka Couffaine/Tim Drake, Adrien Agreste/Conner Kent, Juleka Couffaine/Stephanie Brown, Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Kagami Tsurugi & Cassie Sandsmark, Miraculous Team, Young Justice, Soulmate AU
Summary: After a heartbroken meta akuma unleashes her untapped power on all of Paris the citizens all get scatter across the world--- heroes included! While Tygress finds herself mildly concussed and not so alone in a technologically advanced cave with a shadow like girl who intimidating the ever-loving hell out of her and a beautiful amazon who looked badass and like she could kick her ass, even after her recent heartbreak with Rose she felt her heart skip a beat. That’s when she noticed the glowing red band around both their arms. It turns out her fellow heroes were teleported to the same location, each bonding with different teen heroes; Ladybug and Viperion with a red caped black haired hero she didn’t know. As they’d learn the Akuma took them to their soulmates. Journey as these teen caped and non-caped crusaders learn about their ‘soulmates’ and about themselves. All in the name of Love.
Chapter count: 7 (Chapter 1 partially complete)
War (Working Title)
(Still Working on it)
Tags: Bio dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Team, Bat Boys, Bat Girls, Marinette stopped taking shit, salt fic
Summary; Not a Dupain. Not Wanted. Those two phrases echoed in Marinette’s head as she robotically made her way up the stairs after having her world turned. Marinette was not Thomas Dupain’s biological daughter, not only that but her parent’s had enough of her ‘problematic’ behavior and were sending her away to live with her actual father, a man who, after looking him up online, turned out to be billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprise. Now she must leave her friends behind and move in with complete strangers while juggling her Guardian duties and hero life. Well one thing was for sure; she was done being a pushover. Done being a perfect example and ready to start anew. Gone was Marinette Dupain-Cheng, here comes Marinette Wayne!
Chapter count; 1 (its gonna be a long one-shot)
C’est la vie
Tags; Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Wally West, Dick Grayson & Kor’iander, Dick Grayson/Kor’iander, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Conner Kent, Conner Kent/Adrien Agreste, Felix Graham de Venily & Adrien Agreste, Bart Allen & Alix Kubdel, Mal Duncan & Alix Kubdel (more to come)
Summary; (Continuation of Staying Whelmed & Erable AU) Its been two years since the cease of the Parisian heroes. Everyone still  mourns their loss but its time to move on. At least that’s what Dick keeps telling himself, he’s put off being on the team long enough and missed enough family dinners. Honestly he can’t even remember the last time he properly talked to some of his friends, the kwami doing a well enough job of keeping him from completely going off the deep end. With the help of the recently rescued princess Kor’iander of Tamarand he think he’s getting there. Tim on the other hand notices the imbalance of the world; the way certain creatures’ populations have significantly dwindled down, the way the magic users have been losing power, the increase of natural disasters and sudden reappearance of what they believed to be Trixx’s original temple... He can’t help but hope. Hope to regain his brother and fellow heroes, to bring back hope and restore the world’s balance.  After encounters with others in the community he realizes that he’s not the only one that noticed. Now all he needs to do is convince the others that he’s not in denial and isn’t embarking some fruitless endeavor. Well no one said it’d be easy to enter the In-Between
Chapter count: unknown
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haikyuu boys as expecting fathers
characters: TimeSkip!Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kōtarō, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Pregnant!Reader
warnings: pregnant reader and mentions of having a baby so pls be mindful if this makes you dysphoric or if you’re not in a good headspace for it. But otherwise, it’s all fluff so I hope it makes you guys smile!
a/n: everyone around me irl is having babies so here is the result of that LOL i love cute stories about expecting families and shit. All of these are obviously with TimeSkip! characters! And none of the following gifs are mine so credits to the original creators! Hope you guys like it :) 
haikyuu masterlist
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Tsukishima loves to tease the shit out of you, and that hasn’t really changed since you started getting bigger. But now, he’ll hide your cravings in the top shelves of the pantry so you have to make him come get it. He can’t help it, it’s that angry pouty look in your eyes - he’s so in love with you, even when you look like you’re about to murder him.
But despite him hiding everything you could possibly crave, he is an absolute sweetheart. He calls his mom every now and then to update her about you and the baby, probably asks about what she liked when she was pregnant. She tells him stories about liking to read to him and his brother, or how she enjoyed a nice bath if she was particularly sore that day. She even joked that she found it really hard to put her shoes on so typically she just wore slippers or easy to slip on shoes.
Cut to the next day, you wake up to Tsukishima reading a book of dinosaur facts to your belly. He’s not so much reading it as he is disputing and/or explaining further the facts that are written in it. He doesn’t notice you wake up while he waves away the book and states, “It’s fine. When you’re here, I’ll just bring you to my museum and I’ll show you in person. I can sneak you out of daycare, just don’t tell your mom.”
You had hoped to be able to keep your independence for longer than this, but found yourself struggling to properly put on your shoes. You huffed, muttering something to your unborn kid about how you’d hold this over their heads forever, and just waddled about with the backs of your shoes folded under your heel. Tsukishima raised an eyebrow as he noticed, waiting for you to sit down in the car before holding the door open and bending down to properly put your shoes on.
“Kei, what’re you doing?” You laughed, watching him swiftly tie up your laces. “They’re fine, they’re old shoes anyways.”
“If you wear your shoes like that, you’ll fall and hurt yourself,” he shrugged. “I can’t have you hurting the little Tsukishima just because you can’t put your shoes on.”
His expression was the same plain emotionless face as usual, but you smiled anyways because here he was, kneeling in front of you and helping you with what is supposed to be a simple task.
The day went on as usual, but you definitely weren’t prepared for your husband to call you into the bathroom and display the little bath he had drawn you with your favourite candle lit.
“Did you do something?” You asked him with narrow eyes, making him scoff.
He rolled his eyes, helping you out of your clothes gently, “Am I really such a bad husband that you think I’d have to be feeling guilty to be nice to you?”
You thought about it for a moment before nodding playfully, “Yup. So what did you do?” You laugh and he just flicks your forehead before helping you into the tub.
You watch as he smirks a bit, holding your chin for a second and watching your eyes, “Well I’m the reason you got knocked up so I supposed I have to take care of you don’t I?”
He doesn’t hold that sultry teasing look on his face for too long, especially when you splash him with water, drenching every part of him you could reach 😂.
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Bokuto is in a PANIC the closer you get to the due date. You once just felt a bit tired after vacuuming and the boy thought you holding your front meant you were going into early labour.
You let him run around because he honestly is so entertaining to watch while panicking. He pouts about it later, talking shit about you to your belly, “Your mom’s a big meanie. You need to be born quick so we can team up on her okay?”
“Kōtarō! Don’t you dare try to turn my baby against me!” You laughed, swatting at his head.
Man is overly prepared for any sort of situation. He already set up all the safety baby measures, like corner cushions and outlet covers, though now he’s considering locking up all the knives into a cupboard.
“Kōtarō... how am are supposed to cook like this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at the lack of your sharp cooking knives.. and the butter knives.
The grown man just poured some more, “I gotta keep both my babies safe alright? I’ll cut everything for you so you don’t cut yourself.”
Except for the fact that Bokuto is definitely more accident prone than you are and has a few bandaids on his fingers now.
As an expecting dad, Bokuto found himself getting more and more teary eyed at any situation that involved a family or a baby. Whether that was just seeing kids and families play in the park that the two of you walked past sometimes, or seeing a commercial for diapers with happy bouncy babies, you would turn to see a misty-eyed Bokuto who would then turn to you and wrap you in a tight squeeze.
He was beyond excited at this point to meet your little baby - he wanted to know what they would look like. The perfect mix between the most perfect woman in the world and him, who was pretty cool thank you very much. This baby was going to be the cutest most amazing kid ever, who would definitely play a really great game of volleyball, Bokuto was sure of it.
Let’s be honest though, pregnancy is not an easy journey. Bokuto loved seeing you grow the baby but he knew that it was a difficult process for you. You were always sore and at the beginning you were always sick. And there were some days where you literally didn’t feel attractive or beautiful at all, but Bokuto would praise you as high as he always did regardless.
“You are the most perfect lady I have ever laid eyes on. The most gorgeous being to ever walk this universe!” He told you one day, pressing kisses all over your face as you laid across a couch.
“Thanks,” you tried to give him a smile - you always appreciated his compliments, even if you didn’t necessarily agree.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you with a small frown, noting your forced smile.
“I just… feel bleh. Not at all like how you’re saying I look,” you admitted with a small smile.
Bokuto’s eyes grew wide in shock, jumping over the couch to sit down on the floor next to you. He clasped your hands in his, pressing kissing to them gently as well. “I know you might not feel it… but I hope you know that I still think it. I don’t even have to force it. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, and that hasn’t changed even though your body is changing a bit. I don’t need you to wear the most perfect makeup or the best dress for me to think you’re gorgeous. You’re perfect just laying here in my old sweats and I’m happy that I get to come home to see you like this every day,” he grinned, touching your cheek affectionately.
You loved this man. He was so sweet to you in every way possible. But sometimes…. sometimes his sweetness just went a little too overboard. You tried to insist to him that you were pregnant but that didn’t mean you couldn’t do anything. Man refuses to let you do anything for yourself. No lifting boxes, no lifting anything in fear that you might hurt your back.
“Kōtarō, it’s just my purse,” you tried to point out in a laugh, trying to reach it as he held it above your head.
“Nope! Not happening. What if you hurt yourself?”
“... with my purse?”
“Kōtarō, I have to go shopping for food or we won’t have anything to eat. And baby needs to eat!”
“Well I’ll come with you then!”
“You’ve got practice!”
“It’s fine, I’ll tell them I’ll practice another time! My perfect wife and baby come first,” he’d grin at you and insist on opening all the doors as you two made your way to the car. You fall in love with this man more and more every day, even if he keeps stealing things from your hands.
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Ushijima is a really nervous new dad, even if you can’t really tell from his stoic expression. He listens intently to all of the parenting advice people give, bought a few books about newborns, and has hundreds of tabs on his laptop of ranging topics from baby products people insist are necessary, mommy blogs about what is important to do when pregnant, and research that he doesn’t quite understand but feels is important nonetheless.
Ushijima isn’t necessarily a man of words all the time, so you were surprised to find that he started to talk a lot more after finding out that your child could hear him.
“You don’t have to play volleyball if you don’t want to,” he told them quietly one day while the two of you were on the couch. It came so out of the blue that you actually thought he was talking to you.
“... do you think they’d want to play volleyball?” He asked you sheepishly, glancing at you with a shy expression.
You thought about it for a moment and slowly started to smile, “Well they’ll be attending every single one of your games so I’m sure they’ll be at least interested in learning!”
Ushijima nodded and you watched as a soft smile graced his face. You kept your eyes on him for just a moment longer, seeing a flicker of uncertainty on him.
“Wakatoshi, don’t you dare think for one second you’ll be a bad dad,” you warned him, poking his side and making him jump from surprised.
He stared at you for a moment, blinking, “You know what I’m thinking?”
“I know that you’ve been worried about being a good dad ever since I told you I was pregnant. I know that you’re nervous about being the kind of dad you always wanted to have growing up. I know because I’m terrified of being a good mom too,” you admitted with a nervous sort of smile, interlacing your fingers together. “We’ll be okay together though.”
Ushijima nodded and hummed softly, “We’ll have to take them to France.”
“Satori wants to meet them too. He said he would make them chocolate.”
It wouldn’t just be the baby that Satori is constantly trying to spoil, but you as well. He sends over packages of his chocolate for you to try, grinning ear to ear when you call him for a catch-up call.
“Do you like them?” Tendō asked, and you could hear him humming to himself as he moved around a kitchen.
“I love them! But you’re going to make us fat if you keep sending them! They’re much too yummy for me to stop eating!” You laughed, eyes wandering to the kitchen where you knew you still had a few bits of his chocolate left.
“No no no no. I’m just trying to make sure your baby is a cute healthy plump baby! They’ll grow nice and strong!”
It always made you smile, knowing that all these people who loved your husband wanted to love you and the baby as well. Even Ushijima’s new teammates would come by and bring snacks or anything they thought might aid you in your pregnancy. Though, Kageyama wasn’t really sure what pregnant people or babies liked, so he just brought a whole bag of the milk boxes he liked.
“You’ve got to grow big and strong so that I can defeat you in volleyball one day. I can’t defeat your dad right now… cause he’s on my team. But I’ll defeat an Ushijima one day for sure,” he muttered to your belly with a fierce intensity in your eyes that made you laugh, making his ears turn red as he realized that you also heard him (Kageyama, the baby is attached to her, of course she heard you lol).
As it neared your due date, Ushijima prepared himself mentally every passing day. He wanted to be 110% ready so he went over your birthing plan mentally at least 10 times a day and reread over all the articles and information he had gathered over the months. He wanted to be the best father possible, but you insisted to him that you weren’t worried about this at all. After all, he was already the best husband you could ever have asked for.
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs​ @b-bakana​
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skeezsbbygirl · 4 years
tmt (too much tank tops) + bang chan
hello sunshines! (◕‿◕✿)
i’m sorry it took so long for me to update :( i had some personal agendas i needed to attend to, but all is good now <3 this is for anon who requested a bang chan scenario inspired from all the sleeveless looks he’s been serving all of us lately haha. hope you enjoy!
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Don't do it, you thought, as you fought back the urge to bite Chris' exposed arm. The said male's attention was currently fixated on his laptop, clicking some buttons as he bopped his head with the beat that was playing in his headphones. You could faintly hear the tune due to Chris' habit of turning up the volume too loud, claiming that he needed to do that to perfect his craft.
His arm flexed, unbeknownst to him, as he rubbed his neck in attempt to ease some of the tension that was building in his muscles. Such motion made his veins even more prominent, faint shades of green and blue laced through his upper arm down to his hands.
"Chris, stop," you said as you grabbed his arm, slowly guiding it back to rest on the table. Your boyfriend looked at you in confusion, swiftly hitting pause on his laptop to focus on you.
"Stop what, baby?" he questioned as his brown orbs innocently stared into yours, a hint of concern was also displayed on his features, worrying if he had done something wrong for you to call him out.
"I'm sorry, I'll get this done right away," Chris added quickly, taking your hand into his and pressing a kiss on your knuckles. You offered him a sweet smile as you shook your head.
"No, babe. I wasn't talking about that," you explained, shifting in your seat to take a better look at him. Chris slid his headphones off, setting the gadget right beside his laptop. "Then what is it, bub?" he pressed, "You know you can tell me anything, yeah?"
"It's just," you paused as a sudden wave of embarrassment hit you. "Just what?" Chris prompted for you to go on. You shook your head, deciding to bite back the reply that was at the tip of your tongue. "Nothing. Forget I said anything, go back to work," you shrugged, flashing him a convincing smile as you reached out for your phone.
Chris eyed you suspiciously, sensing that there was something odd about your behavior. "I'm not going back to work unless you tell me what's going on," he stated. "Look at me, baby," he instructed as his finger firmly tilted your chin up. "Spill, (y/n)," he said, taking your phone from your hand as he carefully placed it on the table.
"It's embarrassing," you whined, pulling away from his grip, opting to nuzzle your face into his neck. "It's just me, babe," he chuckled, "Come on, baby."
"Exactly, it's you," you muttered, sending shivers down Chris' spine as your lips grazed the sensitive skin of his neck as you spoke. "What about me, love?" he asked as he grabbed your waist, pulling you towards him, making you settle on his lap. Your arms automatically wrapped themselves around his shoulders with your face still buried in his neck as he maneuvered you into a comfortable position.
"Youandyourstupidmuscletanktops," you breathed out in one go. "What?" Chris laughed, "What was that, babygirl?"
He heard you the first time, managing to catch your words despite how muffled you sounded. But still, he wanted to tease you.
"I hate you," you mumbled. "I hate you and your arms, and how they make me feel."
"No, you don't," Chris interjected. "Because if this is how you react when you hate them, then how much more flustered will you get when you actually love them," he teased.
You groaned in annoyance. "See? This is why I didn't want to tell you," you said as you emerged from your hiding. "So, you were ogling at my arms, huh?" Chris joked, cocking one eyebrow at you.
"Whatever, I'm joining Hyunjin in the dance room," you pouted, pushing yourself off of him, but Chris only tightened his hold on you. "No, baby," Chris whined, "Alright, I'm sorry, no more teasing."
Chris leaned in and gave you a kiss, one that lasted longer than usual. "You're the cutest," he cooed to which you responded with an eye roll. "I'm flattered that you like my arms," Chris said, "I've been working out with Bin a lot these days," he added.
"Yeah, I've noticed," you replied as you lightly traced the veins that adorned his upper arm with your fingers. Chris visibly relaxed under your touch, his eyes followed your movement, fascinated by your actions. "I'm glad you noticed," Chris giggled, suddenly growing shy from the attention he was getting from you. Not that he wasn't used to it, but it was the first time that you verbally expressed your fixation on his arms. He might have noticed your stares now and then, but he really didn't make a big deal out of it.
"Well, how can I not when you've been wearing a lot of sleeveless tops nowadays," you pointed out. Chris lifted his shoulders in a half shrug and you shook your head at your boyfriend's cocky demeanor, snuggling back into his embrace.
"I find them comfortable," Chris claimed. "And I find them distracting," you countered back. "Yeah, clearly," he teased, earning him a light smack on his right arm. "I just want to be in your arms forever," you said and Chris smiled at your response, planting a kiss on your forehead in the process.
"I'm here, baby. I got you forever."
The both of you stayed cuddled up for a while, with one of Chris' hand gently stroking your hair while the other was wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him.
"I missed you," you spoke after a while. "Like a lot," you added as you peppered Chris' neck with small kisses. "I missed you more, babygirl," he replied. "Alright, let me finish up and we'll go home," Chris released his hold on you, gently guiding you back to your seat.
An hour later, you guys were home, with you on the bed and Chris currently taking a shower. You were sprawled out on your stomach as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone, answering messages from your friends that popped up in your notification center every now and then.
Your attention was only shifted when Chris emerged out of the bathroom, clad in nothing but black sweatpants and a small towel hanging on his right shoulder, leaving his upper body bare. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back to you as you watched him dry his hair with the towel.
"Here, babe, I'll do it for you," you offered as you crawled to where he was. You tapped his shoulder, motioning for him to sit on the carpeted floor of your shared bedroom as you placed your legs on his sides. Chris' body nestled between your parted legs, crossing his own and making himself comfortable. "Thanks," he said, handing you the towel.
"You did well today," you complimented which earned you a shy chuckle from Chris. "You say that everyday," he noted, dodging your praises. "Because you do well everyday, Chris," you insisted, harshly ruffling his hair to make your point. The black-haired male whined at your sudden action, tilting his head up to pout at you. "You're such a baby," you teased, leaning down to kiss his lips. "But I'm your baby," Chris replied, catching your lips in another kiss.
"Yes, you are, so you better wear more sleeves from now on," you squeezed his arms, and then leaned down to plant a kiss on his exposed shoulder. "Aww, is my queen jealous?" Chris joked, poking your cheek. You huffed in response. "Don't worry, beautiful," he paused as he turned his body around to properly face you. "They may be out there for everyone to see, but they're only yours to touch and feel, and occasionally ogle at," he continued, a giggle escaping his lips as he delivered the latter line.
"I do not ogle," you argued, playfully hitting his arm with your fist. Chris laughed and stood up, hovering over your seated figure. He placed his hands on your sides, caging you within his arms. With Chris being so close, you could smell the all too familiar scent of his body wash -- it was safe to say that it took quite a lot of control not to pounce on him right there and then. "Yeah, sorry. I meant drool," he mocked.
You scoffed at his remark. "Forget it, I'm gonna ogle at Changbin's arms instead," you challenged and Chris immediately dropped his act. "Don't you dare," he gasped and attacked you with kisses. You yelped in surprise, throwing your head back as you giggled, which only allowed Chris to have better access to your neck.
"Alright, alright," you managed to say in between giggles, "I'm kidding, Chris!"
Chris stopped, placing one final kiss on your lips as he detached himself from you. "Good, 'cause you're mine," he stated. "I'm yours, always. I promise," you reassured as your hands came up to gently caress his cheeks. Chris melted under your touch, basking within the affection you were giving him.
You closed the gap between the two of you, connecting your lips with his once more. Chris caught you off guard for a second when he deepened the kiss. It was slow and soft at first, but things quickly turned heated when Chris nibbled on your bottom lip, and at your grant of access, he delved inside your mouth.
You raked your hands through his brown curly locks, lightly tugging at the strands as you pulled him closer, which elicited a soft moan from Chris, his own hands finding their way under your top.
"Alright, sugar lips," you chuckled as you pulled away from Chris, halting his advances, "Go put a shirt on, you need to rest."
"Don't want to," Chris insisted as he towered over your figure once again. "And why not?" you asked, raising one eyebrow at him. "Because I wanna love on you right now," he answered, "So lie back, babygirl."
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