piningpercussionist · 8 months
Speaking of other Scott's. THERES TWO
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And I'm sure there's a great deal more...?
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mkgch · 1 month
ford not realising he fancies a triangle and bill being into it is so funny to me because i did not pick up the subtext during the first time i read tbob until someone pointed it out
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maxstix · 4 months
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ms paint doodles…
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ofheartandsoul · 27 days
Oh, she's an expert at drinking games like this.
🥃 + "So. You saw my girls. Any thoughts?" { LMFAO }
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"O-oh, you mean your, um... Oh!"
Lyra clears her throat, cheeks flushing pink. She wouldn't deny that her heart skipped a beat thinking back, but...
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"Well, to be honest... I just thought you looked SO gorgeous, Touko!! You're total model material!"
If she only brought her teasing nature with her into the onsen, Lyra's answer would've been completely different!
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july-19th-club · 2 years
overall i really like that space sweepers has next-to-no romance in it; like, even the grieving father never had a partner, he was a single dad. bubs isn't boy-crazy, just super girly, and we know nothing whatsoever about tiger's romantic history (i think he's gay, specifically in a belligerent 'whaddaya got, a problem? a brutally violent cartel hitter can't be gay? get off my ass' way). and i think this opens a lot of room up for other interesting kinds of relationships. but i also love that the only person with what MIGHT be a sexual history is captain jang, with a stereotype of a Lovelorn French Man who she POSSIBLY had a one-night stand with and he's still thinking about it years later while she behaves as if she's never even heard of him to such a doth-protest-too-much degree she is almost certainly also, sometimes, thinking about it. it's a very minor subplot but at the same time i got the distinct impression that jang doesn't really hate him per se, he's just, like, her embarrassing ex-friends-with-benefits who she wishes wasn't actually a pretty nice guy
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befuddled-calico-whump · 10 months
Excuse this extremely self-indulgent ask but. Sarah and the rebels (?) taking care of drunk Cinder/Alex
Sarah's POV of This Scene
cw: bad coping mechanisms, alcohol
"Come on, you need to drink some water."
It was a little past 4 in the morning, and Sarah was busy being impressed that the assassin had managed to walk all the way here in this state, much less remember which was the correct doorstep to collapse on.
Impressed, and more than a little concerned.
Attempting to shake him awake or drag him inside seemed about as safe as poking a sleeping bear, so she'd instead grabbed a bottle of water and sat in the doorway, a foot or so out of his reach, and tried to get his attention.
So far, the man wasn't giving her much in way of response. At first she'd assumed he'd been caught in a fight, but once she'd crouched down she saw that the bruises on his face were old. And she didn't need super-senses to smell the booze on him.
"Cinder," she tried again, considering splashing some water on him. How wrong could that possibly go?
Still, she needed to get him inside before someone saw him, and she didn't want to have to wake Akeela up and make the kid deal with a drunk assassin. Maybe...
Shit, there was an idea.
Sarah stood slowly so as to avoid startling the killing machine on her porch, and made a beeline for the kitchen. She felt a little ridiculous putting the oven mitts on, but at least they'd offer a little protection if she scared him.
Back at the door came the next challenge: where was the least dangerous spot to poke a bear? If it were anyone else, she'd just tap on his hand or something, but would he even feel that? Touching anywhere near his face or torso would probably startle him. Well touching him anywhere was sure to startle him, but if he wasn't responding to her voice...
With fingers enclosed safely in an oven mitt, she took Cinder's hand. He didn't respond to that, so she pulled on it lightly. Maybe he'd feel it on his shoulder, and that would be enough---
She let go with a start when his eyes flew open, his metal arm bouncing onto the concrete with a sound like shaken coins.
Cinder didn't move though, and when his eyes started to drift back shut---
"Hey. Hey! Wake up."
"Why?" he mumbled.
Sarah let out a frustrated huff. Okay. She really didn't want to add to his anxieties, but if there was no other way...
"Someone will see you," she said. "You need to come inside."
And though his breathing quickened and the muscles in his throat tightened, it seemed to get through to him.
"Do you... want a hand?" Sarah said, holding one out as she watched him struggle to stand.
His eyes landed on the over mitt, gaze sharpening for just an instant. "Wh' the fuck is that?"
"Don't laugh at it," she said, though she doubted he was about to. "I'm just trying not to get burned."
"'M not gonna burn you," Cinder mumbled, pushing himself the rest of the way up and standing with his back pressed firmly into the wall.
"Okay. Well let's go inside. You can crash on the couch for now." She held the door open, following after Cinder as he made his painstaking way into the building. She swore she could hear him muttering under his breath---little rhyming phrases---but she didn't try and sharpen her ears to hear what he was saying.
Once he'd collapsed onto the couch, she again tried handing him the water bottle.
"I know you know what a hangover is."
"Doesn't matter."
"You aren't about to die of alcohol poisoning on my couch. Drink."
He clumsily snatched the bottle away, chugging it like he wished it were something stronger.
"Yes." Sarah stood up and started to leave. He'd be fine down here, at least for the night. Should she get him a blanket? Put some more water next to him?
"Wait. Spyglass."
"Hm?" She stopped.
"Am... Am I safe?"
She turned back around. He was sitting up now, something like fear under the glazed over look in his eyes. "Safe?"
"He won't find me here?"
He. Uriah. Sarah nodded. "He won't." After a moment, she added, "We'll watch your back. Just get some rest, okay?"
He nodded, silent as he lay back down, his eyes slipping closed.
And if in a few hours he woke up and disappeared without another word, that was fine.
Right now, all that mattered to her was that she could hear his heartbeat slowing to a calm.
tag list:
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing , @bloodinkandashes , @fleur-alise , @whumpy-daydreams , @whumpwillow
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byanyan · 1 month
(whispering) btw, if you ever need to get a good idea of what byan's about and/or the sorts of things your muse might see them wearing, i have a handy pinterest set up for them that should help 💜
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incredibly low effort polandposting
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lgbtq-archives · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚, 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭
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power-chords · 1 year
Pour one out for Steve Harwell :(
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curiosity-killed · 11 months
Hello! I got curious about the alcohol poll you posted and the other anons comment about the burn being unpleasant. For me the burn is a central part of the pleasure of drinking. For me a good glass of whiskey, vodka or cognac is good taste with a distinct burn but without an overwhelming taste of etanol. Do you really not enjoy the burn in the slightest?
i think i am maybe the worst person to answer this XD
I think that "burn" flavor/sensation is like most strong flavors in that they tend to be divisive and have people who love them and who hate them and a quiet spread of people somewhere in the middle. Like some people are down with drinking everclear straight and some people won't touch anything that's more than 0.1% alcohol by volume and then a lot of people fall somewhere in between.
also incidentally, this is where my comment about the different flavors of alcohol comes out: I don't like the burn of whiskey or gin but I do like it in tequila + mezcal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and then you add in additional ingredients and it becomes a matter of balance
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blurrymango · 5 months
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Made a. Well it's not a meme. I made an image.
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Without the text. ^
I like making MS Paint trackpad drawings of myself. I should do it more.
And to all the antis that follow me or reblog my art and whatnot, you should stop being hypocrites. I understand being uncomfortable with lolisho or fictional incest or fictional murder or sexual furry art, and that is ok. But when you put pro-shippers in your DNI, you say to the world that you are a hypocrite and you don't understand that fiction is not the same as reality. I myself do not have a DNI, as I truly think DNIs are pointless, and I am ok with interacting with people who disagree with me on things. Like, my good pal. Mutual. Whatever. Daniel, is a "tucute" and an "inclus" but I would gladly do illegal substances with him.
What I'm trying to say is. By being an anti, you explicitly endorse harassment. By being and anti and interacting with me, you are going against your own beliefs. The beliefs like- fictional characters matter more than real life victims, and that liking loli porn makes someone a pedophile but liking furry porn doesn't make someone a zoophile for some reason. Even though they're. Literally the same thing in terms of moral value or whatever.
But anyway.
It's like. 4 AM. And I'm tired of seeing people reblog from me or follow me when they support an ideological stance that is extremely harmful to freedom of speech, victims of abuse, and creativity as a whole.
Feel free to continue interacting, as long as you remain respectful, but for your own good, if you're uncomfortable with me being ok with dark fiction and also enjoying dark fiction, maybe at the very least, don't follow me.
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all-fleshed-out · 2 years
I have no inspo to write , so instead im going to infest the dash with these instead: PERCIEVE THESE OR PERISH. 
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laurabenanti · 2 years
had a horrible day at work
was told to "calm down" because someone didn't understand how to *checks notes* forward an email to me because i am not supposed to be in any contact with the customer....
at least i look pretty~
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tramontane-fire · 1 year
I am supposed to be writing ahead of time but there is MONSTER ANXIETY because this job of mine has endless background checks and verifications and it looks like I might not pass them so now it's back to square 1 with lots of wasted time unless the unthinkable happens and someone returns an email.
I'll write the draft tomorrow.
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computerpeople · 2 years
playing josh as someone whos attempting to be overtly nice is really interesting. i don't think he was like that before all of the events of my rp josh, but i do think josh has this constant back and forth issue of overly chillax/people pleasing behavior because he doesnt have the energy or tollerance to fight with people ,and being the most bitchy catty snarky piece of shit ever.
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