#okay i will stick to the $20 bottle from my local liquor store instead
curiosity-killed · 11 months
Hello! I got curious about the alcohol poll you posted and the other anons comment about the burn being unpleasant. For me the burn is a central part of the pleasure of drinking. For me a good glass of whiskey, vodka or cognac is good taste with a distinct burn but without an overwhelming taste of etanol. Do you really not enjoy the burn in the slightest?
i think i am maybe the worst person to answer this XD
I think that "burn" flavor/sensation is like most strong flavors in that they tend to be divisive and have people who love them and who hate them and a quiet spread of people somewhere in the middle. Like some people are down with drinking everclear straight and some people won't touch anything that's more than 0.1% alcohol by volume and then a lot of people fall somewhere in between.
also incidentally, this is where my comment about the different flavors of alcohol comes out: I don't like the burn of whiskey or gin but I do like it in tequila + mezcal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and then you add in additional ingredients and it becomes a matter of balance
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