#happy heroes fanfic
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1ntotheark · 1 year ago
hi. take sorta angst-ish fanfic kalo and careful/Xiao ^_^ anyway!! here it is for you kalo and careful shippers!
before you read, this will give a slight spoiler for s. 7.. and i dont have all the names correctly so uhm! YAAAA (im so mentally stabled.) also, I will keep switching careful's name around from Xiao to careful.. enoy ig!!!
I swear i can write better than this.
The night goes by as Xiao/Careful watches the stars. Another night of mumbling to the stars, talking about his issues as if maybe.. It was Kalo. He sighs as he puts his hand up in the sky, wishing he was still here. It felt like someone had stabbed him in the chest everytime he thought about Kalo, a death he couldn't handle. As if for everyone else, they’ve already somehow moved on, but Careful, it only felt like the days have darkened even more. It felt lonely without Kalo, but he somehow always managed to bottle up the feeling and block it out of the way. Just keeping it all to himself until the night, talking to the stars. Smart and the others had already noticed something was off about Careful, especially the way he reacted after kalos death. They all knew that Xiao was the closest to Kalo, because of how careful made Kalo felt welcome to their home even after nearly killing Xiao, Kalo felt less lonely and called planet Xing his 2nd home. Careful actually felt like he had someone who understood him, not saying the others didn’t.. but he always felt left out, until kalo came around. Even within days, it already felt like Kalo and Careful had met for years. A smile that actually shows happiness without it being “weird” or ugly. A real smile.
Xiao closed his eyes as he sighed, hoping maybe kalo would just.. suddenly appear.
The silence had gotten loud.
“Careful.. Careful..!!!” A familiar voice said as they shook Careful, trying to wake him up. Xiao slowly opened his eyes, it was already morning..? Did Careful fall asleep..?? It seems like he slept pretty late last night.. he still felt tired as he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, turning to the voice who had woken him up. Careful tries to make out who the figure was due to just waking up.
“Thank god you’re awake.. god, you fell asleep outside for the whole night! I was worried you might have gotten yourself sick or something.. how are you feeling right now?? Why the hell did you even decide to sleep outside..?” The familiar voice said as careful tried to make out who the figure was.. cyan flaming hair.. shades/glasses above his eyes (bro idk what they’re called 🙁).. gray skin tone.. blue eyes.. Xiao's eyes widened as he recognized the figure who was currently scolding him for falling asleep outside. Was this.. real? Xiao slowly tested up as he stared at the figure, quickly pulling the flaming hair figure into a hug.
The flaming hair figure goes quiet as he gets pulled into a hug. He was confused as if he had never seen Xiao act this way.
“..Huh—?? This is.. new..??? Man, are you ok??”  The cyan flaming hair figure asked. Xiao on the other hand remains quiet for a moment before mumbling ‘is it really you.. Kalo..??’. Kalo only stared at Xiao, being even more confused as he slowly hugged Xiao back. 
“Ya..??” Kalo responded before feeling Careful tightening the hug a bit. Kalo on the other hand only felt more concerned for careful as if he had never seen him act this way. Physical touch is definitely not Xiao’s things.. This was definitely something new and odd, though Kalo would only give a light smile before patting the SHORTER FIGURE on the back slowly. They both remain quiet for a moment. It felt like carefuls dream had come true. Kalo was back. He was still confused on how Kalo was back, but he didn’t want to question anything. The only thing Xiao wants right now is just to spend as much time with Kalo as possible.
“Is something wrong??.. Did you have a nightmare or something? You don’t normally act like this, not even to me.. I’m not saying that I’m currently not enjoying your hug, though it feels a little strange for someone like you to hug me??..” Kalo said as he continued to pat him on the back. Maybe this is a one time thing, who knows! Careful only remained quiet as the hug got a bit tighter. He felt like he was about to tear up, but managed to keep his feelings out of this moment. After about 5 mins of Kalo being concerned about the fact Xiao hugged him out of nowhere while remaining quiet, not answering any of his questions, Xiao finally pulled away from the hug. 
“Anything you wanna do together today.?” Xiao mumbled as he looked away. Careful would often stay indoors in his room, just with his Rubik’s cube and Kalo (or maybe Kalo as a Rubik’s cube). Kalo only stared at Careful even more confused and concerned, but yet, also surprised, “You’re not acting like yourself today, are you sure you’re ok?? Are you one of Careful’s doubles???”. Careful looking up at Kalo as he shook his head and lightly chuckled, Xiao noticed that he was acting pretty off today too. 
“Maybe it was all just a nightmare” Careful thought to himself as he remembered kalo’s death. He was relieved that it was all just some nightmare. 
Kalo smiled as he listed off the things they could do,“Well anyway, to answer your question.. I don’t really have any plans today so hmm.. I know! We can train together right now for a bit before maybe going out on a walk!!! After that or maybe while walking, we can stop by somewhere to get a drink or snack!” Careful would just give a light smile and nod in response. Since they’re already outside, they’d only get in position, standing across from each other before getting ready to practice their skills
After the training and stuff, the both of them took a small break before heading out.
As they were walking on the street, Xiao’s facial expression remained the same, but as for Kalo, he was happily walking next to Xiao. Later, he took Xiao’s hand and held it, Careful’s eyes glanced down at their hand before looking at Kalo who was just walking happily. It caught Kalo’s attention that he was now looking at him.
“What? Am I making you uncomfortable or are you still not used to holding hands?” Kalo asked Careful, Xiao only continued to stare at them before the both of them stopped. Careful broke off the eye contact and remained quiet, making Kalo assume Xiao was actually uncomfortable and slowly let go.
Xiao’s grip tightened when Kalo was slowly letting go of his hand. Careful felt slightly embarrassed for wanting to hold hands with Kalo, so he tried to avoid looking at Kalo. Kalo was even more surprised, but he let out a light chuckle before they continued walking. At sudden points, Kalo would point out some interesting things happening on the street as they walked. Xiao remains silent, his replies would often be his expression on his face. 
They later stopped by an ice cream shop and lined up for ice cream. While lining up, Kalo had to go use the restroom. Xiao tried to tell him to stay for a bit longer, but Kalo ran away a little too fast and went to the restroom. Careful was next up in line for ordering ice cream, he stared as the person in front of him finished ordering, now it was his turn..
The cashier first gave a quick welcome before asking what careful would like. Careful looked at the flavors as he waited and hoped kalo would come back soon. It’s been about 1 minute since Kalo was gone, he had decided what flavor he wanted, but right as he tried to order, he wasn’t able to form any sort of words. It was now looking like a staring contest between Xiao and the cashier. The silence only got louder as the cashier waited patiently, it felt like his anxiety had recently kicked in. Every second that passed by, it felt like it had only gotten worse, praying that Kalo would come back anytime now. Finally, about another minute passed by, Kalo quickly ran back in, now next to Careful and ordered and paid for the ice cream.
After paying and getting their ice cream, they walked out of the store with it. Kalo ordered a watermelon flavored ice cream, while careful had chocolate ice cream. As they continued to walk while holding hands and eating ice cream, they both heard someone scream. Careful quickly ditched everything and teleported his way there. Kalo on the other hand caught Careful’s ice cream and was deciding if he should ditch everything like careful or finish it and not waste money.. he couldn’t shove everything down because he wanted to eat with respect, but at the same time, someone’s life is in danger and they just brought the ice cream. It would be a waste of money..
When careful finally got to the location, a woman was being held hostage as a blade was pointed straight at her. The purple figure was the one holding her hostage and said he wanted to “challenge” a warrior named kalo.. he looked.. familiar.. it looked like he was also from planet Adri star/阿德里星. It suddenly hits him. The purple figure was the same guy who put kalos life at risk, nearly killing kalo on the day he died. Xiao felt his blood boiling, remembering what happened during the day Kalo died.. Strange how someone’s emotions swapped so fast, knowing what the hell someone was planning and quickly went to attack them. Was Xiao strong enough? 
The purple figure noticed how Xiao suddenly appeared close to him as he was getting ready to punch him, though he dodged just in time. Xiao continued to teleport around, making duplicates of himself as anger rushed over him. The purple figure lightly chuckled before managing to figure out which one was the real careful, it looked like he looked over at someone before dodging away, catching Careful’s attention. Before careful could even glance over in the same direction, a poisonous blade-ish thing was thrown and cut him a bit in the arm. Careful tried to catch himself as he was falling from missing the attack, but the cut was suddenly burning. It felt like when you put alcohol over a scar, but even worse. That’s when Xiao remembered that the knife looking-like item was poisonous. PTSD hits hard, he soon realizes that if he doesn’t get up right now, things might end up like during the day Kalo died. He could hear the 2 figures talking and chucking at each other, but he couldn’t make out what it was. 
Careful quickly gets himself back on his feets, getting ready to fight. He made duplicates of himself before they all charged at the 2, trying to attack them. Some of the duplicates manage to miss, but as for others, they were only able to hit the both of them a few times before getting hit or thrown. When careful was about to attack the purple figure while he thought they were distracted by the duplicates, he got caught real fast and was punched in the chest, his body nearly hitting a building wall but someone caught him.
“You should really take a break, I’ll take it from here.” Kalo said with a serious voice tone, but yet gave Xiao a light smile before gently placing him down. Careful’s eyes widened as he tried to stop Kalo from fighting, but Kalo quickly went into attack the 2 figures.. mainly the purple one. They both flew up into the sky and attacked each other. Careful quickly transformed and went to help kalo out by distracting the other figure who looked like a midget.. but ugly as hell.
As all 4 continue to fight, carefuls arm pain only got worse before being forced to put his “robot” away (ion even know what it’s called atp). The 2 fought with each other on foot, but only for carefuls body’s to weaken even more. More and more scars appeared, yet they were covered in poison. It only caught kalos attention as he fought the purple figure, kalo managed to knock him out for a moment before taking care of the midget figure (that’s what I’m gonna call him atp). 
It looked like someone else also had a major anger issue once they saw their closest friend being injured badly. Kalo was NOT forgiving the midget for hurting his bf (best friend.. 100%) like that.
After Kalo took care of the midget, he turned back to look at careful who looked like he was about to pass out. The purple figure chuckled as he morph his hand to the laser beam shooter and slowly powered it up, getting ready to shoot. 
“Say bye bye!” The purple figure smiled. Right as he fired, Xiao quickly dropkicks him, causing him to miss. kalo quickly flew over there and tackled that man to the ground. Kalo sighs as he knew his time was coming close due to how much energy he used while fighting with this purple thing. He glances over to careful as Careful’s eyes widen in fear. Praying it isn’t what he thinks is about to happen. Kalo took off his shades/glasses and left it on the floor, while careful on the other hand couldn’t do anything due to the poison reaction.
“No.. Nono Nono..” careful quietly mumbled as kalo flew up in the sky to space while holding the other bitch in a choke hold. Careful begins to tear up a bit as he remembers what happened.. how kalo died. A panic rushed over him as he tried to get up, but his body was too weak for it. He stared at kalo who was already pretty high up, before an explosive sound occurred.
Xiao sat up quickly, now in his room and on his bed. He was sweating a lot before holding his head and shaking it. What a horrible, but yet, nice nightmare. 
Careful was hugging his kalo plush as teared up a bit as he breathed heavily, it felt like he just had an out of body experience from his dream. Smart was standing by the door, admiring his beautiful self as always and soon realized careful had woken up. He calmly walked over to Xiao who for once looked like he was about the cry.
“Are you ok?? I found you passed out on the floor outside this morning..” Smart ask. Careful looked over to smart before taking a deep breath in and bottles up the feeling again. He only replied with a nod and looked over at Smart, who seemed pretty concerned for Careful. One moment he looked like he was about to cry, but then the next moment he managed to just push the feeling aside as if that never happened. 
“You know, it’s ok to express yourself right? We all know that Kalo’s death had a huge impact on you and how ‘strange’ you’ve been acting lately. You don’t have to keep everything to yourself, maybe sometimes you just.. need to let it all out, Xiao..” Smart said as he sat on Careful’s bed. Careful only broke off eye contact with Smart and stayed quiet, staring at his bedsheet and hugged his kalo plush tightly. He didn’t know how to respond, but the only thing he could do was nod.
“Just call me when you need anything..” Smart gave a light smile as careful glanced up at him. It reminded him of Kalo. 
Smart got up and walked out of the room, slowly closing the door. As soon as smart walked out, careful opened his drawers and took out Kalo’s glasses/shades.
“I hope you’re in a better place now, maybe one day we’ll meet again in a 2nd life. Still wish you were still here instead of dreaming about you.” Xiao mumbles as if his dreams were the only way he could feel like kalos by his side again.
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runraerun · 4 months ago
Steddie Amnesia Fic — 3/3
Part 1 | Part 2 | AO3
wc: 3k | rating: T | cw: head trauma, brain injury talk | a special thank you to @dame-zoom-a-lot for betaing! <3
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The days following Steve’s Houdini act are fuckin’ tense, to say the least.
Eddie had messed up. Royally.
He could’ve sworn that when Steve took off, he’d ducked into the Recovery Center, y’know, the place he was supposed to go! If Eddie had known Steve took a detour and missed the building entirely, Eddie would’ve ran a lot fucking faster than he had. Especially after…
Well, no point in shying away from it anymore; after Steve confessed his love for him.
And how did Eddie return the favor? By being a total bone head and losing Steve for the entire goddamn day! Not to mention a good chunk of the night. Jesus… It’s no wonder Robin’s still sore.
Now, in Eddie’s flimsy defense, Steve had thrown him for one hell of a loop. One that Eddie was still seeing double from. He’s still having trouble wrapping his head around what he’d heard; Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington, King of Hawkins High, being into Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson, the drug-dealing ne’er do well hailing from the Forest Hills trailer park. Forgive him for finding the threads a little difficult to tie together! He’s not exactly Steve’s usual fare.
But it had happened.
Things have fundamentally, metaphysically, allegorically and subatomically shifted between the two of them—there’s no getting away from that, no matter how long they try and dance around this.
Steve said he loved Eddie. Love.
That isn’t something you just move on from. At least, it isn’t something Eddie can move on from. Especially when he didn’t even get to say his piece!
The trouble is that Robin’s in all-out guard dog mode with Steve, keeping Eddie at arm's length even after a whole goddamn week goes by. Sure, she’d accepted his apology (albeit begrudgingly), but she isn’t exactly keen on letting Steve out of the house without her by his side—much less with Eddie. It would be kind of heartwarming if it weren’t so goddamn annoying.
Steve isn’t some damsel locked away in a tower, and Eddie wasn’t some knight in shining armor, planning to scale the side of a stone tower to avoid the sleeping, fire-breathing dragon…
But as Eddie stares up at the fire escape attached to the side of Steve and Robin’s brick apartment building… he'd be lying if he said he didn’t sort of feel a little shiny.
Part of Eddie can’t believe it’s really come to this, but… he just can’t stand the idea of wasting another goddamn night tossing and turning, going over and over Steve’s words in his mind. Thinking about the way Steve’s hand felt in his, the way his eyes went all soft when he told Eddie he—he loved him…
Jesus H. Christ, this is way beyond his skill set—he’s way out of fucking league here, but there’s nothing for it. Eddie needs to settle this, once and for all.
So, he takes his bandana from the back pocket of his jeans and presses the flat of it to his forehead while his hands make a tight knot in the back. He zips his leather jacket as high as it’ll go and gives his hands a shake to try and get the jitters out.
It’s not exactly a helmet and plates of armor, but it’ll have to do. Eddie takes a breath, steels himself, then climbs on top of a precariously stacked pile of milk crates that he’d crafted and leaps for the steel ladder. As soon as his feet leave the plastic tower, it collapses under him, clattering to the ground. Eddie knows he shouldn’t look back, but he sneaks a peak over his shoulder and… yep. He really shouldn’t’ve looked. He’s not that high up, but it’s enough that if he falls, he’d be feeling it tomorrow. Might even bust an ankle if he landed wrong.
He turns back to the task at hand; getting to Steve.
There’s a terrifying moment where he’s not sure if he can pull himself up, but somehow, he finds the strength to do just that. If only Coach D’Amour could see him now!
He grunts as he pulls himself up onto the platform, belly getting scratched against the grates as he goes. Eddie scrambles to get his legs underneath himself. Then, he stands, dusts himself off and takes the win, graceless as it was.
The fire escape is rickety and fucking loud as he takes the steps two at a time. It’s cold enough that even the quickest touch of the steel railings drains all the heat out of his fingers, so he just keeps them balled up, swinging at his sides. The wind is especially chilly up here too, something he hadn’t noticed on the ground, but now that he’s up a couple of floors there wasn’t anything for the wind to buff off except the side of the building and, well, Eddie.
By the time he reaches the third floor, his nose is running and no doubt red and irritated looking, and he’s woefully out of breath.
Kind of a pathetic knight, he thinks as he sniffs back the worst of it, wipes the underside of his nose on the sleeve of his jacket to get rid of what’s left.
The light in Steve’s room is on, reaching out to him through the lines of Steve’s shut blinds.
His hand is raised, wind-chapped knuckles knocking against the glass of his window before he can plan out what he’s going to say. He just wants to see Steve. Get eyes on him again. Work this out.
It’s a painful few seconds before Eddie can see movement from inside the window. He bounces on the balls of his feet as he impatiently waits for Steve to let him in. His breath fogs the window.
Then finally. Finally! The blinds are pulled up. He smiles and—
Oh Christ on a cross. That’s not Steve.
Eddie’s stomach damn near falls out of his ass as the woman on the other side of the glass screams, as shrill and high as if she were next to him.
And of course she’s in a fucking towel.
Eddie slaps one hand across his eyes and the other up in surrender, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Shit, Jesus, I—I’m not a pervert, I swear!”
Debatable, his brain supplies, entirely unhelpful in an emergency situation. But hey, what’s new?
“I was looking for my friend, not—Please stop screaming!” He screams.
“Eddie?” A familiar voice calls from below.
The hand on Eddie’s eyes lift and looks down through the metal grates under his boots. “Steve!”
Steve’s hanging half out his window, peering up at him with a bewildered expression on his face. “What’re you doing?”
Eddie holds his arms out like it should be obvious. “Seeing you!” He snaps.
Eddie’s attention is briefly yanked back to the scandalized looking woman in the window in front of him. “I’m—yeah, I’m gonna—” He backs away, and swings around the escape before thundering down the stairs, shouting another apology up in his shameful retreat.
Steve backs up in order to let Eddie in. He climbs in as gracelessly as ever, all knees and elbows, stiff from the cold. He slides the window shut behind him once he’s in, dropping the blinds for good measure.
He wonders if Hopper is getting a call about a long-haired, wild-eyed, deranged looking peeping Tom at this very moment.
“Smooth.” Steve says from behind him, an edge of playfulness.
When Eddie turns and finally gets a good look at Steve, who looks especially comfortable in his flannel sleep pants and worn sweater, hands on hips. “I was looking for you.”
“Yeah, I got that,” Steve snorts softly, “third floor, remember?”
“I counted! Ground floor, first floor, second floor, third floor.” Eddie says, using his hand to indicate his pattern of thought, moving it up a tick with each floor.
Steve scoffs, shaking his head. And even though Eddie knows Steve’s laughing at him, he can’t help that warm feeling that pours through him, filling him up. All his cracks and edges, sealed up with Steve’s effortless being.
“No.” Steve raises his own hand, mirroring Eddie’s. He begins notching as he explains, “ground floor, second floor, third floor. The ground is the first floor, dude.”
Eddie frowns. “What? Since when?”
Steve levels Eddie with a flat look. “Since like, the civil war, dude.”
Huh. Eddie frowns. Mulling over the new bit of information. That would’ve been nice to know.
“Why were you even doing out there in the first place? We have things called front doors. And, y’know, phones.” Steve crosses his arms across his chest, losing a bit of steam as the words left him. Like he’s realized exactly what Eddie being here, in his rooms, meant.
“I had to see you.” Eddie says, like it’s not the most obvious thing in the world, “Face to face, just me and you.”
“Can’t we just—I don’t know, pretend all of… that never happened? Hell, it might drop out of my head one of these days anyway. Lots of shit does.” Steve’s says, sounding so fucking defeated that it sends a sharp pain through Eddie’s chest.
“Hey,” Eddie makes a face, gets in Steve’s space, “don’t be a jerk to yourself.”
He ducks his head in an attempt to meet Steve’s downturned gaze, which he reluctantly returns. He’s got these big, warm eyes, the color of dark honey—the kind that are hard to look away from, so Eddie rarely does. He’a got a staring problem, he knows, but… damn. Can you really blame a guy?
A nerve in Steve’s jaw jumps when he clenches his teeth together, and salt pools begin forming along the rim of those familiar eyes. When he speaks, it’s stiff. Barely above a whisper. “I’m embarrassed, alright?”
“You don’t gotta be embarrassed, man.” Without thought, Eddie’s hands go to Steve’s arms, fingers hovering around his elbows. Eddie tilts his head again to try and keep eye contact again but Steve seems determined to avoid it.
“Easy for you to say.” Steve huffs, and sits down on the edge of his bed, slipping out of Eddie’s hold, arms still crossed over his chest. “You didn’t totally humiliate yourself in front of your—friend.”
The word, one in which Eddie holds in a most sacred of views, sounds distinctly hollow when Steve says it.
“Steve, listen to me, just for a sec, alright?” Eddie gets down to the floor, one knee buried in the carpet while the others bent out in front of him. “This is my fault.” He confesses, voice full of remorse.
Finally, Steve looks at him. His brows twitch together as he makes a face. “Bullshit.”
“No, it’s true! I—I didn’t mean to, but I’m not exactly big on the whole impulse control thing, as you know, and, thinking back on things I probably… I probably let a few things slip.” Eddie explains, his rings clinking together lightly as he gestures with his hands.
Steve, however, doesn’t look any less confused. He blinks. “What?”
Eddie lets his head fall forward in a moment of defeat as he attempts to gather up his fleeting thoughts. It’s like chasing wet, feral cats up there!
Still, he picks himself back up. For Steve.
“What I’m trying to say is…” Eddie puts his hands on Steve’s knees. Feels the warmth under the soft, worn flannel. The hard muscle. Alive, whole. He tightens his grip. “Steve, I’ve been crazy about you since the first time I ever saw you. Don’t roll your eyes—I’m serious! You sat in front of me in math one year and you forgot your pencil. We were having a test that day, and you asked me if you could borrow one of mine, so I let you have the one I was using. You chewed up the end of it, squashed the eraser to all hell, but then when you gave it back to me, you smiled, thanked me and said, ‘I owe you one.’ It—okay, yeah, so it sounds, like, really small, and probably pretty pathetic, but… I was totally starstruck, man.”
At some point in his little spiel, Steve had uncrossed his arms. So Eddie takes the opportunity to clumsily take Steve’s hands, his insides feeling like a kicked hornets nest. Buzzing. He swallows. “I still am.”
Steve keeps his mouth shut, but there’s a knot in him that’s loosening, Eddie can tell. He’s just gotta keep tugging. He squeezes Steve’s fingers.
“The feeling was cranked up a few hundred clicks because of all the, y’know, near death experiences we went through together. But you get it now, right? You get how this is all my fault?”
“Eddie, you don’t have to—” Steve starts, hands stiffening in Eddie’s hold. Slipping away. But Eddie holds firm, decides to just fucking say it. If Steve could, Eddie could too.
“I’m in love with you too.” He blurts out, and now that he’s said it out loud, it’s like there’s a dam that gets busted inside of him; he can’t stop the rush of words that follows the confession. “That’s what you were seeing. That’s what you were noticing. I thought I was being slick, just keeping it friendly or whatever. Flirting, yeah, but I didn’t think you’d ever actually reciprocate. Because, honestly man, I’m not really used to people taking me all that seriously. ‘Zany, pot-head Eddie, can’t trust anything that comes out of his crooked mouth!’”
Eddie shakes his head, scoffing at his own blind spots, “But… you saw right through that shit—right through me. You didn’t make it up in your head, Steve—you felt it. You were right.”
Steve’s got a funny look on his face, but he nods. A lock of hair falls over his forehead, but he doesn’t remove his hands from Eddie’s to fix it. “You love me?”
That’s like asking if the sun would rise tomorrow morning. Of course. Of course.
Eddie pulls one of Steve’s hands and flattens it onto his chest, over the leather.
“Every time my heart beats, it's your name it calls out, man.” Eddie says, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth when he sees the red creep up on the apples of Steve’s cheeks. “D’you feel it?”
Steve gives a breathless chuckle, hesitating for a split second before he nods, playing along.
Electricity hums under Eddie’s skin, the resulting static snaps in the air around them. Eddie presses Steve’s hand against the wall of his chest a little harder, so that he can feel the pounding a bit better. Then Eddie whispers in time with the rhythm of his lovesick heart, giving it a voice, “Ste-vie, Ste-vie, Ste-vie…”
He keeps chanting until Steve’s grinning, eyes glued to their joined hands. It’s a fleeting thing, though. Eddie watches as that hard-won smile drops and a pinched look takes its place. “Even now? Eddie, I’m not—I don’t think I’m the same person I was before.”
“Are you kidding me? Especially now. In sickness and in health, right?” Somewhere in his brain an alarm sounds, but he doesn’t pause long enough to acknowledge exactly why, lest he lose momentum, “look, Steve, even if you are a little different from the guy you were in high school, you’re still you.”
A beat passes. “What if I never get better?”
“Steve, you will, the doctors said—”
“But what if I don’t? Jesus, Eddie, what if I get worse?” Steve’s voice had gone progressively more hushed as he spoke, as if he were so afraid of its possibility that even voicing it felt risky. Made it real, even in that small way. It’s something Steve’s thought about, Eddie realizes. Agonized over, even.
“Then I’m the lucky son of a bitch that gets to take care of you.” Eddie says, sure as shit. Truthfully, he can’t think of anything else he’d rather do, even if Steve hadn’t done a completely insane thing like falling in love with Eddie. His love isn’t conditional. “S’long as you’ll let me.” He tacks on.
It’s like a wall crumbling. Brick by brick, Eddie watches Steve’s resolve collapse. The rim of his eyes shine with unshed tears, his brow relaxes and his chin twitches. “You sure you want that?”
He scoffs, eyes wide. “It’s all I want.” He answers, quickly. A reflex. Who wouldn’t want to be with Steve Harrington? Eddie thought he was lucky just to be in the same fucking orbit as the guy, but now…
Now, as he watches a smile slowly spreads across Steve’s face—fucking Adonis incarnate—it feels like he won the goddamn lottery.
“Okay.” Steve utters, so softly that for a second Eddie thinks he’d imagined it.
“Okay?” Eddie asks, trying his damndest to keep from imploding. He’s fucking vibrating in his skin.
Instead of answering Eddie, Steve decides to clarify himself by leaning forward and pressing his mouth against Eddie’s.
Fireworks go off inside of Eddie, every inch of him. All lit up. Feels like he’s shining just as good as any knight.
One of Steve’s hands snake their way behind Eddie’s neck, pulling him closer, while the other remains held over Eddie’s jackrabbiting heart. Their lips part, and their kiss deepens. Eddie tries to keep up.
They eventually end up on Steve’s narrow twin bed laying side by side, legs entangled, kissing until their mouths go dry. Eddie swipes a calloused thumb over Steve’s cheek, savoring the feeling of the barely there stubble, the heat from the blush that never seems to subside.
They don’t speak for the rest of the night. Not even a ‘goodnight’ after Steve crawls over Eddie to flick off his bedside lamp, tugging the comforter up around their shoulders as he settles back into the safe harbor of Eddie’s arms. They don’t need words. Not tonight, anyway. Tonight, all they need to do is to rest.
Whatever comes after, they’ll deal with it together.
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moonlitshines · 5 months ago
fragile hearts.
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bakugo katsuki x f!reader
angst, hurt and comfort. toxic rs (?) happy ending.
aftermath of the screaming competition you’ve had with your boyfriend last night.
Synopsis: You and Bakugo were dating for years already but having a romantic relationship with him doesn’t mean that he’s less meaner to you. Yesterday, he was really tired from training and overworked. When you tried to take care of him, he snapped and said hurtful things for the nth time. This has been happening over and over already.
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You were laying down on the bed while scrolling on your phone. Him, on the other hand, is busy with his computer, playing a game and acting unbothered. Both of you refusing to talk to each other.
You heard him sigh to himself. His focus shifts ever so often during his match as he sneaks a glance at you from his peripheral vision. He knows he snapped at you yesterday, but at the same time he was frustrated and tired after having practiced the same move over and over for hours on end. That was no excuse to snap at you, of course, but he’d never admit that. But even while feeling a pang of guilt in his chest, Bakugo keeps his mouth shut and continues to watch his match.
The game comes to a pause and he looks over again at you. The guilt starts to eat at him more as he thinks about what he said to you yesterday. He feels the urge to say something, but his ego and pride holds him back from doing so. He sighs to himself again before deciding to talk to you.
You didn’t, however, said anything and just keeps scrolling on your phone. That made him want to approach you, thus he sits on the bed right where you are and gives you a sidelong glance. Seeing you scrolling on your phone and looking like you don’t want to talk to him, you heard him sigh to himself again.
“Hey, can we talk?”
You just took a quick glance at him, “About what?”
It’s not like you really don’t know what he wants. He didn’t fail to notice how you respond curtly. He doesn’t know if it’s because you’re still mad at him or not, but he chooses his next words carefully. He doesn’t want to seem like he’s being defensive towards you.
“I want to talk about yesterday… because I know I got a little heated and… said some things I shouldn’t have said to you.”
He keeps his eyes on you, trying to read your expression to gauge what you’re thinking. He is honestly pretty worried that you’d give him a negative response… and quite honestly, that you’d just ignore him and not talk to him at all, which he honestly thinks he deserves but still doesn’t want to happen.
“I just… need to get my head focused and I kinda lost my cool,” he says quietly as he struggles with his words. Bakugo isn’t good with verbal emotions but he really wanted to express himself to you without saying the wrong things.
“It’s fine. I apologize for bothering you, too. Sorry, I’ll let you focus now,” you muttered.
“Is that it?”
You didn’t fail to notice the frustration in his face as he said that. He wasn’t sure if it’s because you’re not even remotely forgiving to him and you’re just going to disregard his attempt at trying to talk to you… or if you’re not interested in talking at all. Either of those two things makes him extremely frustrated as his ego is telling him to just ignore it, but his heart is telling him to keep going.
He furrows his eyebrows and grits his teeth while holding back the urge to get snappy with you. He takes a deep breath and clenches his fists… thinking carefully on what to say next.
“No… I don’t… I can’t just…” he pauses and looks at you for a second before he grabs your wrist, “…Don’t just say ‘it’s fine’ and brush it aside.”
He moves closer to you and looks you in the eyes. He is really trying hard to get you to say something more than just ‘it’s fine’ right now. He needs you to say something… anything. He doesn’t like this kind of tension between you two, especially since he is the reason for it.
He tightens his grip on your wrist slightly before continuing to speak. This clearly shows how frustrated, worried, panicked, and guilty he is with the whole situation.
“Please… talk to me. Don’t act like you’re just okay with it because I know you’re not.”
You were looking down, trying to act fine when it really wasn't, “It’s fine, Katsuki. Really,” you said in a low voice so he wouldn't notice your voice shaking.
He scoffs with frustration at you. He hates how you keep just saying the same thing over and over, as if you can’t even be honest with him. This whole situation is really testing his patience.
“No, it’s not fine. You won’t even talk to me!”
He says while gritting his teeth and furrowing his brows. He is trying really hard to not lash out at you, but you’re really pushing his buttons right now.
You scoff and almost rolled your eyes as you heard him. You recalled what exactly he said yesterday when he snapped at you, you were just doing what he wanted and now he’s still gonna snap at you for doing that? Shouldn’t he be happy?
“I’m just not meddling with your business.”
He lets go of your wrist as he leans back and runs his hand through his hair as he tries to rein in his frustration. He is honestly getting to the boiling point at this point because you are not saying what he wants to hear.
“You’re not gonna mess with my business? You’ve always meddled in my business,” he says dryly. He can’t even help but chuckle bitterly at how hypocritical that sounds as he feels the irony of the whole situation.
You didn’t respond. This is what happened last night, too. You know for sure he’s gonna keep going and repeat all the things he already said. Like what always happens.
He scoffs silently to himself as he looks at you, “You’ve always been around me and now all of a sudden you don’t want to meddle with my business?”
You were keeping your head on the ground, trying not to snap because you know it won’t help. And it’s his job, not yours.
“Isn't that what you wanted?”
He furrows his eyebrows as he gives you a perplexed look. He doesn’t know what you’re trying to get at, which is even more infuriating for him.
“What do you mean what I wanted? I never said I wanted you to not meddle with me,” he says in a slightly annoyed tone as he looks at you with a sharp glare.
“Yeah, that’s not what you said last night,“ you replied, getting tired of him acting like it’s not his fault why you’re acting this way.
He scoffs as he looks away, clenching his jaw. He didn’t expect you to bring that up so casually. The memories of what he said last night came rushing into his mind and honestly… he is starting to regret it.
“…That’s not what I meant… you know that.”
“It is pretty much what you meant. There’s no way you didn’t mean it one bit when you brought it up so many times.”
“Can’t you just forget that I said those things?”
Hearing that, you scoff and roll your eyes. Forget it? Just forget everything he said? How can you just forget it when everytime he snaps at you, it was the same thing he says over and over? There’s no way he didn’t mean it, right?
He can hardly reign himself in anymore. The frustration and agitation is getting the better of him. He is clenching his fists so hard now with a murderous glare in his eyes. He looks like he’s about to explode at any second from this whole situation.
“Why are you acting like this? Are you really that petty because I said some shitty things?”
He raises his voice and steps even closer to you, his eyes fixed on your face. At this point, he’s already lost his cool.
He continues, his voice is getting louder and louder as he talks.
“I told you to stop meddling in my business, so what? All of a sudden you’re acting like I told you to piss off and not talk to me anymore?!”
You scoff for the nth time this day, “I’m just minding my own life. Like you told me to.”
His grip on your shoulders tightens as his fingernails dig into your skin, it starts to hurt. The tension in the air is so thick you can cut it with a knife. He’s clenching his jaw so hard it looks like he’s about to gnaw all his teeth at this point from how strained he is because of all this.
“Katsuki.. you’re.. hurting me. Please, let go,” you said weakly, almost whispering. You closed your eyes shut as you felt his grip just tighten even more, you were already feeling his nails digging right on your skin, despite wearing a sleeve.
He just scoffs and lets out a dry, bitter laugh. He tightens his grip on your shoulders even more as he locks you in place. He continues to glare at you as he speaks with a cold and sharp tone.
“Why? You deserve it. If you’re being difficult, you should expect me to be rough back at you,” he said as if he was out of his mind.
“You��re so frustrated you don’t care if you hurt me?” you asked as if you don’t already know the answer, considering how he acts right now and whenever he’s tired and snapping at you.
“Let go, please. You were hurting me verbally.. through words.. just a day ago. And now you're.. doing it.. physically. You don’t even care anymore?” you muttered in a weak tone. You were tired and you can’t take anymore of this anymore.
He furrows his eyebrows and his grip on your shoulders tightens even more. He clearly doesn’t like you bringing that up, but he keeps his cold glare on you as he continues to respond.
“You still deserve it and should’ve seen it coming for you acting like this. After all, I gave you a way out when I told you to forget about it, but you just kept acting so damn cold.”
Your eyes just widened at his response. He’s.. not thinking clearly. I deserve him hurting me physically because I did what he wanted? Because I chose to stay out of his business like he told me to? Was it my fault?
You couldn’t take it anymore. You keep your eyes shut, preparing yourself to ask the question you never thought will cross your mind.
“Katsuki, at this point.. shouldn’t we just.. end this?”
He stops and freezes as he hears that word come from your mouth. He looks at you with his eyes wide as he feels a wave of shock go through his body.
“End this..?”
He says with a disbelieving tone. He can hardly believe the words that just came out of your mouth. With that, he lets go of your shoulder. You put a hand on it, considering how it hurts so much. He was gripping it like he intended to make you bleed.
As he lets go of your shoulders, he steps back, staring at you with a surprised and disbelieving look.
“What do you mean end this? Do you…”
He stops, the words getting stuck in his throat. It’s almost as if his mind can’t even process it.
“Do you mean end our relationship?”
He says, his voice sounding strained. His eyes are locked on your face, searching for any answers to the hundreds of questions swirling in his head right now.
You didn’t say anything, and your silence was his confirmation. He stops and stares at you. He can’t believe what you just said. It feels like someone had just suddenly ripped his heart out from his chest.
“Why…. Why do you want to end this?”
He asks, his voice hoarse and weak. He feels like he’s about to collapse from the wave of disbelief and shock that just hit him.
He steps closer to you and grabs you by the shoulders, looking at you with a desperate look. He just can’t understand what you’re thinking, and is desperately trying to cling onto anything that can salvage this whole situation.
“Can you just… can you explain why…?”
He says, his voice cracking from trying to hold back the emotions in his chest right now. You shut your eyes again. You chose to ignore the pain in his voice because you know how weak you are when it comes to him.
“I tell you what’s wrong, that you hurt me. You mock me and try to make it my fault. This just keeps happening over and over again. You don’t want to change, that’s why it’s happening again and again. It’s tiring,” you finally said, finally saying what you have been holding back out loud.
He falters as he hears you say that. His grip on you loosens as he stares at you, trying to process the words you just said.
“I…. I hurt you? Why didn’t you just tell me that?”
He can’t help but look at you, his expression now looking like a mixture of guilt, regret, and disbelief in himself. All this time, he thought you were just fine and didn’t know that he was hurting you with how he was acting.
You try not to roll your eyes as he asked that, “I did tell you! All you replied was that I deserve it!”
He stays silent at your reply. That’s right. You did tell him. He remembers now that you did, but he got so caught up in his anger that he brushed you off.
“…I didn’t mean it like that,” he says quietly. He doesn’t know how to make this better anymore, the regret of his actions now weighing heavily on his chest.
He steps even closer to you, his arms now reaching out to wrap around your waist, pulling you tight to his chest. He buries his head against your shoulder, his grip on you tight and desperate as he tries to hold back the flood of emotions in his chest right now.
“I… I’m so sorry,” he finally said.
It’s as if he’s at the verge of sobbing right now. He feels so guilty and remorseful for what he’s done to you, and now it’s all crashing down on him at the thought of losing you.
You didn’t do anything as he hugs you, didn’t hug him back. You just let him.
His voice is weak and shaky as he struggles to keep it together. His body is trembling from the mixture of emotions in his chest right now as he continues to hold you tight against him.
“Please… please tell me I can fix this…” He whispers against your shoulder, his voice raw and strained as he clings onto you, desperate to hold on.
He keeps his head buried against your shoulder, his hands gripping the back of your shirt tightly. It’s clear that he is trying his best to rein in his emotions right now, but he is on the verge of breaking down due to the guilt and regret that is crushing his chest right now.
“Please…. I’ll do anything, just don’t… don’t end this,” he practically pleads with you, his voice cracking slightly from his struggle to keep it together.
That was your last straw. You sighed, knees starting to give up. You were weak. Weak when it comes to him. You can’t handle it when he shows his emotions.. his vulnerable side. You’re weak and so hopelessly in love with him.
You didn’t say anything but wrap your arms around him, hugging him back and burying your face against his chest.
The moment you hug him back, he lets out a shaky exhale of relief. It’s at this point that he lets go of the last of his self control, and just breaks down into your embrace.
His whole body trembles as he clings onto you tightly, his arms wrapping around you as he buries his head against your shoulder. His body feels like it’s collapsing at this point as all the emotions in his chest just come out.
His chest is heaving as he struggles to catch his breath, his body and mind overcome with an overwhelming tsunami of emotion.
“Please... I’m sorry... I’m so s-sorry...”
He keeps repeating it apologetically as he hugs you even tighter, his hands clenching the back of your shirt. It’s like he’s scared that if he lets go of you, you’ll just disappear and leave him forever.
“I promise... I’ll change. I’ll do anything to be b-better for you... Please, j-just.. don’t... leave me....”
It was your first time hearing him talk like that, admitting that it was his fault, and that he will change. For you. It was the first time you see him act like this. He was scared to lose you. So scared. And you don’t want to leave him either. Despite all the things that happened and what he did, you can’t help but want to be the one who stays beside him, protect him, take care of him, and love him.
“I’m.. holding you onto that,” you muttered in a soft, weak voice.
He nods vigorously against your shoulder, his arms around you hugging you even tighter. There’s a slight sense of relief in his body now after hearing that you’re not leaving.
“I will... I promise,” he says, his voice shaky and vulnerable as he holds you like he’s holding onto dear life right now. He has no plans of letting you go any time soon.
He takes a deep breath as he continues to hold you tightly in his arms. His body is still trembling slightly as he clings onto you, the whole emotional outburst leaving him feeling weak and vulnerable. He continues to bury his head against your shoulder, not wanting to let go just yet and wanting to stay like this with you for as long as possible.
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bella-babyy · 8 months ago
Percy Jackson is a golden retriever boyfriend
Leo Valdez is a chihuahua boyfriend
Jason Grace is a boy cat boyfriend
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shawtylex09 · 1 month ago
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⋆˙⟡Laughing. Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader.⟡⋆˙
⋆.˚✮Valentine’s Day story 1/14✮˚.⋆
Warnings; swearing, Izuku being clumsy, reader hopelessly pining.
Enjoy darlings .~•*
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You walked out of the dorms on the warm Tuesday morning, the sun was out, and the breeze was slowly and lazily drifting by.
The fresh air felt amazing in your lungs as you leisurely strolled to UA, the campus’s beautiful scenery taking your breath away.
A few of your classmates walked past you, greeting you with warm smiles, or sleepy expressions, to which you reciprocate the greeting with your own greeting.
You enjoy the warm morning sun on your skin, the crisp air and cool breeze, thinking of taking a nice long nap in the grass in the courtyard of the dorms.
You sighed as you made your way to the entrance of the school, kissing the beautiful April weather goodbye.
The halls a bustling with students, the signature gray top with dark green bottoms greeting your eyes in a sea of blurry colors.
Despite how tired you are, you smile.
You were incredibly lucky to be going here.
The school’s courses were incredibly well thought out, the teachers were very thorough in their teachings, and you picked up a lot of new methods for working and designing support course gear.
You mainly worked on class 1B’s things, Hatsume mainly dealt with the more troublesome 1A students, which you certainly weren’t complaining about.
As you’re deep in thought, you walk past a trio, and hear the most melodic and beautiful laufh you’ve ever heard.
Your heart floats in your chest as you hear it, and you whip your head to the side.
The trio consisted of three students, one tall boy with dark blue hair, red eyes and glasses, a girl with a brown bob and brown eyes, with pink cheeks. Then, you lay your eyes on the source of the laughter.
The third member of this trio, had wild green curls that were tousled and free, his freckled cheeks a light pink as he and the girl laughed at something, his eyes crinkling shut and his shoulders trembling as he produced the most sweet and gut wrenching sound you’ve ever heard in your 16 years of existence.
You blushed brightly, and gazed at the boy, probably looking like a creep, but what were you supposed to do? You’d just had the wind knocked out of you by the sweetest laugh, that belonged to the sweetest looking boy you’d ever laid eyes on.
He cracked one of his eyes open, his waterline red with a few little tears threatening to spill from his bright green and warm looking eyes.
God you were a mess. Your stomach aggressively fluttering and your heart pounding against your ribs. Who was this cute boy?
The bell signaling school would be starting, rang sooner than you would have liked. You frowned and sighed, watching as the boy collected himself and his trio walked down the hall, turning out of sight.
Your mind lingered on his laugh, on his sweet pink cheeks and emerald green eyes and those messy curls.
You groaned to yourself. What were you thinking? This was some random boy you saw in the halls, and you were acting all flustered over his laugh.
“Get it together, Y/n” you muttered to yourself as you walked down the hall, sighing heavily. You trudge down to your classroom, slipping in silently and sitting next to Hatsume and Ami.
Ami was the first to notice your flustered state. She smirked and turned around to face you “hey, N/n, what’s got you all red in the face this morning?” She asked.
You looked away and huffed. You didn’t honestly want to explain your little incident in the hall. “It’s nothing, it’s just me being over dramatic, that’s all” you muttered dismissively, only serving to fuel Ami’s curiosity.
Ami’s round, orange, eyes narrowed as you dismissed your pink cheeks and avoidant gaze. She glanced to Hatsume, who had a screwdriver in hand, and a glove in the other. “What do you think, Me? Does she look..i dunno…flustered?”
Hatsume only glanced up for a second, then returned her gaze down to her gadget “she looks fine to me!” She chirped, making Ami’s face drop into a deadpan “you’re an addict.” She grumbled under her breath.
You laughed a little and rolled your eyes “guys, it’s no big deal. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” You lied, to which Ami sighed “well, if you say so, but you can tell us anything, you know that N/n?”
You smiled softly, feeling lucky to have friends who genuinely care about you. A warm feeling settled in your chest “yeah, I gotcha” you assured with a nod.
A bit later ✮˚.⋆
Finally, your favorite time of the day rolled around…lunch.
Lunch Rush’s food was amazing, and you got to chat with your friends, sometimes even showing off blueprints for the latest projects you’d been working on.
You walked out of the lunch line next to Ami, chatting lightly and chuckling a bit as she cracked a few jokes. As you walked, you heard a familiar sound, one that made you erupt in goosebumps.
You whipped your head around and saw that same boy from earlier that morning, sitting with a new face, a boy with half-and-half hair.
Your heart raced as you gazed at the boy, his laugh wasn’t even that loud, but you could hear it over everything else, the world seeming to hone in on this one freckled boy.
You were so caught up in the boy’s laughter, and in his appearance, you barely even noticed Ami trying to get your attention, until she snapped her fingers in front of your face. “Hello?? Earth to Y/n- are you with us?”
You blushed furiously and looked away, a blush rising to your ears “s-sorry, Wh-what were you saying?” You muttered, stumbling over your words a bit.
Ami huffed and held her tray with one hand, placing her other on her hip “you’re acting weird today, are you sure you’re feeling alright?” She asked with a concerned look on her face, her amber eyes searching yours for any hint of being sick or..something.
You were sick alright, quite sick in fact.
You looked away, averting your gaze from Ami’s “yeah- I’m good Ams, I just-“ you glanced back at the boy for a split second, then away again. Ami turned a second too late, not being able to follow your gaze.
She sighed and shook her head “if you say so..cmon, we need to get to the table before Hatsume blows up the whole cafeteria with her ‘babies’”
You nodded and shot a shy glance to the boy once again, your heart beating a little harder “okay..yeah let’s go”
Apparently, Hatsume had gotten sick some point during the day, meaning that you and Ami and the rest of your class had the lab to yourselves today.
You sighed as you stared down at the helmet you were working on. You spun your wrench around in your fingers, trying to figure out how to implement a comms system without adding a bulky antenna, or making the device in an inconvenient spot.
You looked up as the door to the lab opened, and there stood a blonde haired boy, who looked rather unhappy to be there, and a red head next to him, who couldn’t look more opposite than he did.
“Hello!” The redhead greeted, flashing a sharp, toothy grin. You smiled and pulled from your desk “oh, hey guys. Can I help you two with something?”
The blonde scoffed, his shoulders slouched and his hands in his pockets “where’s the pink one?” He asked with an unimpressed look.
You blinked and chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck. “Uhm..Hatsume is sick..today..but I can definitely help with whatever you’re needing”
The blonde grunted and rolled his eyes, earning a hand on his shoulder from the redhead “ah! It’s not a big deal. I just wanted some help with my costume” he held up his suitcase with his number on it, and you smiled.
“Sure, what did you need?” You asked, taking the case from him and putting it on your desk, opening it.
The redhead smiled “well, I need to make my shoulder pads more heavy, but I don’t want them to put a strain on my body where it’ll do damage or anything like that.” He explained as he pulled out two dark, rusty red, cog looking shoulder pads.
You frowned as you looked at them, taking one and turning it over in your hands. The material was light. You tapped on it with you nail and hummed a bit “well, concidering these are plastic, it’s going to be significantly harder to make these heavier. However, I can cast and remake you different ones out of metal, if you’re alright with that?”
The redhead smiled and looked down at you “oh! Yeah that sounds awesome! As long as I can increase the weight I’m okay with whatever” he nodded and placed his hands on his hips.
You smiled “perfect. Well, I’ll try to have them back to you as soon as possible. Who’s this belong to?” You asked, grabbing some label stickers and putting it on his case, grabbing a marker.
“Kirishima Ejirou” he chirped, his tone light and cheerful. The boy next to him rolled his eyes, seemingly unamused with his happy demeanor.
And just like that, a whole world was opened to you.
Kirishima turned out to be a really nice guy, a little impatient, but in an excited kid way.
He was so incredibly sweet, and you were fast friends. His warm demeanor and friendly smile were something you got used to as he visited every day to check on his shoulder pads.
Meanwhile, the boy you deemed your ‘hallway crush’, continued to be just that..a hallway crush.
His laugh, that smile, the way his cheeks dimpled when he grinned, how the freckles littered his skin, his wild curls, the way his green eyes caught the light..
About a week later, you mentioned this boy in passing, to which Kirishima brightened and smiled “oh! You mean Midoriya?”
You paused and looked over at him “Midoriya?”you repeated dumbly, to which Kirishima chuckled a bit, his hearty laugh warming your atmosphere.
“Well, you said green hair, and the only guy I know who has green hair is Midoriya. He’s kinda short with curly hair? Freckles?” Kirishima described and you felt your heard pound in your chest. You dropped the screwdriver you were holding and gaped.
“You’re classmates with my hallway crush!?” You squealed, shaking the boy by his shoulders.
Kirishima laughed and put his hands over yours “yes- yes! Apparently!” He laughed, allowing you to shake him with the shocked look on your face. “Do you want me to give you his number?”
Your face turned more red than Kiri’s hair, and you sputtered. On one hand, the idea of having his number- of getting that form of communication that you’d been dreaming about, sounded amazing. On the other hand, you were terrified.
“I-I dunno Kiri” you rubbed the back of your neck and looked down shyly “is he nice? I don’t really know him but I’ve only ever seen him smiling or flustered.”
Kirishima smiled warmly and nodded, leaning against your work bench “oh Midoriya? Yeah, the dude is a total sweetheart. He’s nerdy, nice, conciderate and super selfless. He’s also childhood friends with my boyfriend, Bakugou.”
You hummed and fiddled with your fingers “should I try and talk to him next time I see him?” You asked, the idea alone making your stomach twist with anxiety and your hands grow sweaty.
Kirishima perked up and grinned “yeah! Don’t worry, midoriya is totally shy and probably has no experience when it comes to girls, so you don’t need to worry about high standards or anything.”
His words assured you a little but you were still nervous.
Although..the thought of talking to him did make you excited.
A few days passed since that interaction with Kirishima, and you had been looking for your hallway crush. Aka Midoriya.
You walked through the halls, passing the 1A classroom a few times, and finally, you found him.
Your heart fluttered wildly and you almost stumbled over your own two feet as you saw the boy walking with his nose buried in a notebook.
You sucked in a breath, mustered all of your courage and walked up to him “h-hey..Midoriya!”
The boy pulled his face from his book and turned around. He gave a confused smile “oh! Hi, uhm..do I know you?” He asked, fiddling with some of his curls.
You almost passed away. His voice was so easy to listen to, and you could easily let him chat your ear off for hours.
“N-no, I’m actually in the support course” you said, rubbing the back of your neck with a small smile.
Midoriya perked up and smiled “oh! Support course? That’s awesome! Thank you for all the work you do for us” he said warmly, fiddling with the cover of his notebook.
You blushed brightly and fiddled with your tie “oh- I-it’s not a big deal, we just do what we can” you waved off his thanks, feeling a bit shy.
“Oh- a-anyways, I just..wanted to say that you look nice t-today” you said with a shaky smile. Your words made Izuku’s cheeks flush bright red as he suddenly began mentally running over his appearance.
“I-I look nice-? O-oh! Oh! Thank-thank you s-so much! Y-you look very pretty- I mean- beautiful! I mean uh..” Izuku fumbled over his words, suddenly feeling rather bashful and a bit shy.
You blushed and you swore this boy had just taken your heart from you right then and there. You laughed a bit and shyly fiddled with your skirt “uhm..I was wondering if I could maybe get your number?” You asked softly
Izuku’s cheeks, somehow, turned even redder. He blinked as he processed your words before he stiffened “yes!” He said a little too loudly, making you laugh a bit.
He handed you his phone with shaky hands “I’m Y/n, Y/n L/n, it’s nice to meet you, Midoriya” you said as you typed in your number and sent your phone a text from his.
“O-oh! You’re the girl Kirishima mentioned, awesome! It’s n-nice to meet you, L/n” Midoriya said as he accepted his phone back from you, his cheeks still red as he tried to maintain his composure.
You smiled and nodded “yeah, that’s me, but please, Y/n is just fine” you assured.
Izuku’s cheeks flushed bright red and he looked away with a shy grin “alright..u-uh..Y-Y/n it is then”
You two stood there awkwardly for a moment, before you spoke up “uhm..I-is it too forward to offer to walk you to your next class?” You asked, to which Izuku blinked before shaking his head quickly “n-no! That- that sounds awesome..a-actually”
You smiled and rubbed the back of your neck “a-alright, Wh-where to?” You asked, barely finding your voice, your hands fidgety and your cheeks bright red.
“I-i have hero ethics next, I-it’s this way” Izuku said as he gestured down the hall, a small smile on his lips and a pleasant blush on his freckled cheeks.
You smiled as the two of you walked together, the small talk came easy and you just knew when you heard him laughing, that you were done for.
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Here’s the first prompt for the Valentine’s Day writing challenge! I’m pretty happy with how this came out, and if you want any characters from MHA, JJK, AOT or Demon Slayer, you can either send me an ask or comment. Have an amazing day, lovelies .•~* 💚
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winter-rossie · 6 months ago
Will is upset. Nico wants to comfort him. He doesn't know how. So, he is saying what Will once said to comfort him. Will finds comfort knowing that his word meant something important to Nico. He is now happy because Will wants him to be happy.
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year ago
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Virgin Pro hero Deku who -despite being a little over thirty- is still clueless as to how he should speak or act around girls.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who is unable to maintain a steady relationship or even keep one going for over a couple of weeks because it never feels right.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who doesn't believe in casual hookups like one night stands, even with the countless admirers throwing themselves at his feet.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who's a hopeless romantic, spends most of his free time fantasizing about a perfect future with the perfect woman and building scenarios after scenarios of the happy life he dreams of having. Only, he can never assign a face to his perfect lady because he is yet to encounter her.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who wishes to one day have a kid of his own, a thought that often visits him but leaves a bitter aftertaste behind, as he is nowhere near it.
Virgin Pro hero Deku whose mind went completely blank for a millisecond before spiraling out of control the moment he saw you as he found himself inexplicably drawn to you, and his pathetic state only worsened since he didn't know how to properly approach you.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who spent weeks following you from afar, has finally found the face to his once faceless perfect woman.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who is a total klutz, was unaware of your eyes following him back, nor of the shy smile appearing on your face everytime you sensed him nearby.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who could not muster up the courage to talk to you, almost passed out the day you spoke to him for the first time.
Virgin Pro hero Deku whose palms became clammy and throat became dry— the moment you stood face to face with him, only nodded to your suggestion for a cup of coffee together as he did not trust his voice around you yet.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who soon came to realize that a mere glance from you is more lethal than the deadliest of villains he encounters daily.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who was certain you are the one for him the moment you laced your fingers with his and pulled him closer for a shy kiss goodnight as you both stood on your doorstep.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who kept smiling like a fool afterwards because the feeling of your lips against his own was addictive, he wanted more but was too shy to ask, regretting his cowardice the moment you walked into your house and closed the door behind you.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who rewinded that moment in his head all night long as he laid down in bed, still smiling while tracing his lips with his fingers and wishing you were there with him.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who couldn't believe his ears when the words "I love you" left your lips one evening, so casually, with a giggle following suit. He grabbed your hands and stared into your soul as he wordlessly anticipated to hear it again, and he did.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who stood nervously before you, eyes roaming your luscious curves while watching eagerly as your dress slid down your body and hit his bedroom's floor, fully exposing you to him.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who was lost at that moment between his burning desire for you, and an extreme embarrassment for the throbbing bulge he could not conceal behind his palms.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who dug deep inside his mind for any distraction that could keep him from cumming hard in his boxers as you dragged him to bed with you.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who moaned loudly against your neck while feeling the softness of your velvety walls for the first time in his life.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who refused to cum before guiding you to your own release, the hardest test he lived through as the overwhelming pleasure you both experienced was too much to resist, it was addictive and irresistible, keeping you both awake all night long as you explored ech other's bodies until you no longer could move a muscle, gasping for air and holding onto the other firmly, unfazed by the sticky mess connecting you together.
Virgin Pro hero Deku who's always been grateful you were his first, is now certain you'll be his last as he blissfully watched you walk down the aisle..
Divider by: @/cafekitsune
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mielplante · 2 years ago
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a lil highschool au dabihawks comic <3 🧋
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blondejellykitty · 5 months ago
₊♡ ˚⊹ nothing scarier than love ₊♡ ˚⊹
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୨୧ percy jackson x hades reader ୨୧ as much as percy tried to persuade you to admit halloween was scary, it wasn't as scary as admitting your secrets. a/n: (1.9k words) no mention of y/n. I'm actually proud of this. This is self indulgent so hopefully it comes off as authentic lol. !!! happy halloween !!!
Percy Jackson is a feared and famous demigod. 
He has defeated his enemies with nothing but his willpower and his sword. He is the definition of a true Greek hero. His strength and loyalty to Olympus proves that, but also his courage and intellect inspires others around him. 
Percy defriended almost everyone in camp or rather everyone in camp wanted to befriend Percy Jackson nevertheless as much as you wanted to deny that you both were friends, that would be a lie.
You’d heard about him as soon as he’d come to camp, and since then you've been unfortunately hearing about him from practically everyone you talk to.
From your two siblings, to training partners, to professors, even your own father! Lord of the underworld was not exempt from the gossip around the wonder of Percy Jackson.
So it was safe to say when the two of you finally did meet, you were rather rude and short tempered with him.
And even though he’d fought ares for less and held a grudge (shortly) against Clarisse, not even Thalia was safe from his rebuttals to their unwanted angst towards him.
Percy never seemed to mind when you’d dug deep into him with your words and glares. He stayed friendly and laid back throughout all of your intended torture. Which only made you dislike him more.
After a few years and a couple wars you two were practically inseparable. Never one without the other, you’d die before admitting it but you and he both knew you would let go of his hand for almost two weeks straight after he'd been kidnapped by Hera. 
You often wonder when the line blurred between you boiling hate and jealousy of him to whatever it was that you were feeling now.
If you had told yourself two or three years ago that you’d be spending a festive holiday with Percy Jackson and his family willingly. You probably would have called Mr D for a mental check, yet here you were.
You were borderline drowning in blankets, sitting on the couch in Sally Jacksons living room. The TV was set on the Netflix profile screen waiting to be started.
You could barely see the coffee table anymore, drinks, candy and other snacks piled on top threatening to fall off. And Percy, standing at the doorway that connected the living room and kitchen to the hallway leading to the bedroom. 
All the rumors of his beastly nature in the battlefield, and the constant reminders of his dangerous power circled in your head. Both things you’d first hand witness during the war against mother nature herself.
His power rivalled that of some minor gods, and everyone including him knew that. But from where you were sitting he looked adorable not that you’d ever utter those words out loud of course but still he was the epitome of lovely.
Standing in the doorway he wore green striped pajama pants and a sea blue graphic shirt as well as the most horrific blue fluffy socks.
He was leaning on the open arch of the door, his head bent down in a way that looked uncomfortable to speak in hushed whispers to his mother.
You could faintly hear him promising Sally that Leo’s invention had been tested before and that you’d both be fine and able to watch the TV without monsters showing up unannounced.
There were a few more whispers you couldn't make out before finally he promised you both would stay quiet as to not wake Estelle who’d gone into a sugar coma from the earlier trick or treating. 
The promise made you giggle. For the first time in your whole life you finally felt like a normal teenager.
Having a sleepover with your friend, something rather mundane that you’d never got to experience seeing as camp had rather strict rules about that kind of thing.
Spending the majority of your life inside the safety of camp half-blood you missed out on various experiences, most of them you didn't even know about until Percy explained them all to you.
Exactly like today, Halloween.
A holiday you’d heard other campers talk about but it was spoken so out of context or without explanation that you never truly learned what it was.
When you had told Percy this, it never occurred to you that he would make it his hellbent mission to introduce and spend every holiday you'd previously missed out on.
Even at this moment you don't know how he got you to agree to indulge him in a Halloween themed movie night.
He claimed the third best part of the festive day was the holiday movies. The first being the costume and the second being the candy.
You drew the line at dressing up. It seemed completely ridiculous never mind the fact you promised him you both would next year.
Seeing your ignorance for holidays and most mortal things, it was safe to say that included movies too.
Ever since Leo’s new gadget doing something to the TV’s frequency half-bloods are able to indulge in technology. Camp was basically buzzing when he’d made multiples, Percy had already shown you his most favourite films and ones he thought you would like, you begrudgingly admitted he was right.
Now there seemed to be a list he made of all the festive ones he planned on showing you most of them you’d already forgotten the names of.
Being pulled from your thoughts. You bid goodnight to Sally as does Percy before he almost runs back onto the couch next to you. He was ecstatic to have you here.
Not only would he not shut up about every little thing he had planned to show you but because every time he would glance over at you he’d say exactly how happy he was you were here and every time he’d have the goofiest grin that made your stomach flutter. Which was borderline disturbing.
You'd always thought that the whole heart pounding, butterflies in the stomach, weak in the knees thing was utter lies. That it was nothing more than hopeless romantics wishing for something more in this dull life.
But no matter how much you tried to convince yourself otherwise when Percy would look at you, with his beautiful ocean eyes waiting to see your reaction to whatever he'd asked you, you had to physically fight your knees to stay standing.
And it definitely wasn't as if you were looking at him like he was the most gorgeous person to grace the earth, no of course you weren’t.
Even though you would happily burn every museum and art gallery to the ground just to replace it all with paintings and statues of the absolute beauty that currently sat next to you.
Even you couldn't deny that ever since he was in your life everything seems just that little bit better, okay it was a hell of a lot better..
Everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of lovesick people behind.
He's too good looking, that's what it is. Too handsome, too alluring for his own good. 
You knew it was bad to think but the amount of gods and goddesses he'd been in contact with.
You honestly couldn't fathom how any of them could not fall utterly in love with him.
After thousands of years of existing, they were blessed with meeting him in all his glory and they just let him go? Maybe Luke was right; they were all fools.
You usually hated how much like your father you were.
You’d gotten his aura making other campers scatter away from you. His rather pessimistic view and his grumpy attitude. But still you hope that you are more than mere godly genetics can make you.
All this went out the window of course, the day you saw Percy Jackson and your half-brother Nico. You couldn't hear what the conversation was about but you could tell whatever it was that Percy said meant something to your brother.
It was a sweet and friendly moment but seeing Percy be kind and genuine with Nico flipped a switch in your brain.
No longer cloudy with resentment for the ocean boy but another feeling filled its place. A feeling that made you vow that you would hold onto him and not let him go. 
You too were blessed with meeting Percy Jackson the hero and savior of Olympus and unlike all the other love sick onlookers you wouldn't waste it.
You would fight tooth and nail to keep him safe, happy and content... and close to you. Obviously.
He'd come into your life rather abruptly but slightly unwelcomed, but now after so many late nights staying awake during quests, secret weeks spent in Greece together, exploring both your and his father's realms side by side.
You didn’t think you could live without him. The days would seem hollow and uncanny.
You could feel a lump in your throat form at the mere thought of waking up forever alone.
Dark, cold and lonely. So familiar to you but not entirely recognizable.
"You alright, shadow?" Percy tilted his head like a puppy.
How oddly fitting for him, you thought as you shook away your inner thoughts and tried to focus on him which was far easier than admitting.
"Why wouldn't I be?” You swallowed away the thought. “I am the one with the sweet corn"
You plopped another small candy in your mouth.
"Candy corn" he corrected lightly.
Joining you under the blue blankets "and I only ask ‘cause you were staring at me pretty hard" he smirked, turning to face you.
You scoffed at him reaching for another candy bag to try on the coffee table.
"Yeah well, you are my sexy boyfriend" You whispered so lightly as if admitting a secret.
Percy jolted forward so quickly it was as if he was struck by lightning. His eyes wide like the size of the sun.
"D- Did you just ask me out? A- And complement me? At the same time" You felt yourself frown suddenly shifting as if trying to be casual.
"No, no. You misheard me" You shuffled yourself into the couch trying to make yourself smaller.
With an eye roll from Percy and a failed mean glare from you. He takes it upon himself to further torment and embarrass you.
"Nuh uh, I heard it loud and clear shadow. I’m your sexy boyfriend" He gloated, leaning closer to you.
"Well, I do think you're the most divine man the world has ever seen." She paused and took him his stunned face before continuing "but you didn't hear it from me"
Even though your heart was practically clawing its way out your chest. The discomfort of laying out your honest truths. The blush spreading from his face to his neck was worth it all.
He gulped so loud even you could hear it, making you breathlessly laugh.
“Can I kiss you?” His eyes softened as he spoke.
Unfortunately for him and thankfully for you it seemed your brain caught up to the rest of you. 
"Nope. Now, are we going to watch this Corpse Husband movie or have I turned your brain to mush?" You say lifting the blankets looking for the tv remote.
Trying to distract yourself from the utter overwhelming urge to do something hopelessly romantic.
"Corpse Bride, love" Percy corrected sweetly before instantly finding the remote and picking the movie.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him. That you didn't pull away from in fact you let yourself snuggle closer to him.
With words and without actions you knew he knew how you felt. Which for once in your life having someone know what your feeling didn't feel as terrifying as you thought it would be.
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cupidsblonde · 4 months ago
so do i look like him?
after katsuki’s death, the only thing your parents can see in you is him
when you used to imagine giving a speech about your younger brother, you have imagined it everywhere but here.
maybe a wedding
at an award show  
anywhere but here.
“i remember when katsuki first got his quirk, we all knew he was destined for greatness… but he was ripped away from us to soon.” you say lip quivering.
“he will never be able to live out his dream. or live out the life that had so many great things ahead of him. ripped from the arms of his loved ones, from his greatness, from his determination.” voice breaking, tears falling down your face.
“tomura shigaraki, i promise that if i ever find you, you will be ripped from the hearts of the people motivated by you, just as you did my brother” you say staring straight into the broadcasting camera, which was showing your brothers funeral all across the world.
since he was a nation wide hero. but he never got to be the hero he wanted to be, rich, famous, doing what he loved. 
for he was famous. this just wasn’t how anyone imaged it.
 was this all he was going to be to the world? a dead kid, who had a dream of being a hero and died on his way there in a war he had no place fighting in? 
is that kid the only thing your parents will ever be able to see in you?
being the eldest was great, until katsuki was gone. 
incident one
 you where all sitting around the dinning table. katsuki’s spot next to your empty. nothing but his lingering smell of caramel, which was fading, and quickly. it was quite. you just wanted to eat, and go to sleep. 
you pick up your fork and go to put the food into your mouth, clamping your mouth around the fork and unbeknownst to you, the scratching food. 
you groan, grimace and catch your parents eyes. they’re both staring at you. like you did something wrong. you can see the tears welling in their eyes. your mom slams her fork down and gets up from the table 
“excuse me” she says in a hushed tone. you didn’t know what happened. you looked to your dad for an answer. 
“you just looked a lot like him right then” you dad almost whispers to you.
incident two
you missed katsuki a lot.
his grunts
his anger
his determination 
his want 
his excellency.
you and everyone in your house avoided his room like the plague. scared that if it was changed even a little bit, something would happen. 
but you just couldn’t take not even smelling his scent around the house anymore. you went into his room one day. 
16 years of coming into his room, annoying him, crying to him, watching movies with him. had come to end. you sat on the floor, sat in his bed, sat at his desk and you made your way to his closet. that’s where it smelt the most of him. aside from his bed, but even that was fading.
all you wanted to do was cry. there was no way he was coming back, you know that. right? 
you continue to go into his spaces. just hoping your going to find your younger brother there. watch him study maybe, even hope you would be able to hear him yell at you to “get the f out of my room”. 
but you would never get to have that’s again. 
this time it was your dad. 
you had said something that you picked up from katsuki and your dad froze where he stood. 
you could tell he had been cracking his shell he made when katsuki died. push everything down to hold the family together. so he needed to get away. he stopped what he was doing and went to he and your mothers room. 
“you just looked a lot like him, with that look on your face, saying that.” your mother quivered out to you. sobbing and choking at the end of her sentence.
incident three
you had been falling back into a place that katsuki an you both worked so hard to get you out of mentally. 
you where drinking again
back on drugs
it started slow. just how it always did. 
you had been clean for nearly 2 years. you obviously didn’t need your younger brother to keep you a normal ass person, who wasn’t drinking all the time, sleeping all the time, back on drugs.
bakugo katsuki, your younger brother, your best friend. was one of the only things that kept you on the earth. 
but now, it was your parents. not because you where happy all the time with them as you where with katsuki. 
but having to bury both of their children? you couldn’t do that to them. 
so you began getting sober again. the drugs stopped and the drinking stopped, you had been reminded that katsuki helped you out of that dark, dark place and if he saw you just fall right back into it as soon as he’s gone, he would be disappointed.
it was hard, because it wand ike he was gone on a trip. he was gone, for good.
this time, it was both of them. both of your parents. 
you grabbed any random hoodie one day, not even realizing it was your brothers. you came down the stairs and your parents where right in the view of the stairs, and stopped when you came down. 
you then realized. 
you wouldnt ever be your own person now. atleast not to your parents. 
you understood, their child was gone. and you reminded them of him. and that’s … hard.
not only for them but also for yourself.
this is the first time you started to catch on 
“do i look like him?” 
both of your parents nodded quickly, tears filling their eyes and they both walked away very quickly. 
of course you went to go change.
but that’s when you realized, 
his scent wasn’t on the hoodie anymore 
the more that you thought about it. his scent wasn’t anywhere around the house anymore, aside for his room, which was fading. 
incident four
you where going through an old photo album, you all missed katsuki in with all of your hearts. 
there where a bunch of pictures of katsuki but it started getting easier to look at them. easier to, accept.
but there was this one problem, this one picture. that had your mother sobbing, your dad with tears streaming down your face and you, your face plastered with an a thousand yard stare. your mouth fell open, you wanted to say something. 
anything, but you couldn’t. it felt like your vocal cords had been ripped out, your throat was burning. your eyes where being filled with tears. you closed the picture book slowly. 
you don’t remember much after that.
 all you feel right now is the pain in the balls of your feet from the heels your wearing, continusally having to pull your to short and to tight dress down and the feeling of your back side grinding up against a man that you meet at the bar merely a half hour ago.
“wanna get out of here ma?” the man who you didn’t even know who’s name.
next morning
you woke up next to this man, who you still didn’t know the name of. 
these type of nights continued on for weeks. 
you didn’t see your parents much, you where staying with your friends more and more and they are worried about you. they are always supportive, they understand what your going through. but they are worried.
and they had every reason to. especially tonight. 
when you didn’t come home, after you sobbed in mina’s arms are the first time. saying you wished it was you who was gone and not your brother. she was first your brothers friend, but she ended up being yours as well. 
you missed him, so so much. and you didn’t know how to handle it.
you had taken care of him for his whole life. being the eldest was hard. it was always hard. it was so much harder when the one thing keeping you going was now gone. 
you could see it in your parents eyes. the only thing in their eyes was sadness. so the only you could ask yourself now was 
“do i look like him?”
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zelekhia · 7 months ago
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Tuxedo Cat :3
I bet when Damian was thinking of names for Danny his new nemesis one of his ideas was Kaito Cat...
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spacebubblehomebase · 7 months ago
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Happy Birthday to Damian Wayne!!! A fanart for a fanfic where the brothers got reborn as Reverse Robins and kept all their memories. So Damian, now the eldest, adopted a more cheerful Robin persona knowing that the Gotham before Grayson needed hope and until his other siblings show up, he would have to BE that beacon of light. Though the fic has been in hiatus for awhile.
Not gonna lie, a happy-go-lucky Damian was hard to imagine, but the image of him holding his arms out to comfort a civilian had long been stuck in my mind. In the end, I went with this design that's a lot less sharp, yet more welcoming than his original Robin uniform. With only hints of his true self scattered throughout. I also like how he's doing his best, but it's really not his style. Lol. That's why beneath the mask, he's awkward.
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angels-fantasy · 11 months ago
Congratulations on your followers milestone! Can I ask for the prompt "first fight" with Dabi?
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Scars and All
Dabi/Touya x Reader
Details/Warnings: lowkey toxic relationship, arguing, kinda angsty LMAO i'm sorry i cant help but make dabi angsty. hurt/comfort i think, angst to fluff? dabi is trying, okay? also dabi is called touya in this fic!
Word Count: 957
hello thank you sm for your ask and the congratulations :) i hope you like this, i really like dabi bc 1) hes hot lol and 2) hes such a well written character. also i'm going to start writing in all lowercase bc its what im used to and upper case drives me crazy!!
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loneliness was something that consumed you constantly. it was a scary feeling sometimes, especially because of the things it could drive someone to do.
you wished you didn't feel like this, but you couldn't help it.
before getting into a relationship with touya, you knew of the lifestyle he lived and how much of his time it took up. at first you thought you could handle it, but over time you soon realized that wasn't true. hours of him being gone quickly turned into days, sometimes even weeks and it was driving you crazy. you really wanted to try and continue to sit compliantly and let him do what he wished to do, but you were at your wits end.
sometimes you wondered why you even continued to put up with him, especially when you knew deep down that he'd probably choose to continue committing villainous acts over your relationship.
but you knew the answer to that-it was because you loved him, and sometimes love can make you do crazy things.
so now here you were; sitting on the old couch in your living room. the edges of the fabric having frayed ends and burn marks here and there from the moments touya let his temper get the best of him.
you can't remember how long you've been sitting there anxiously, waiting for your boyfriend to get home, but you felt your heart beat faster when you heard the front door being unlocked.
you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants and took a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself to confront touya, who sighed as he walked through the door and his heavy boots thudding along with each step.
he walked over to you and threw himself down on the couch, placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him. moments like this made it hard to stay mad.
he placed a kiss on your temple, "hey. you miss me?"
you fiddled with your fingers as you leaned further into his chest, "of course i did. i'm glad you're home."
he tilted his head down to look at you, "then how come you don't sound happy, huh?" he asked, squeezing your shoulder as he did so.
you frowned, knowing he'd caught onto your bad mood already. he was way too perceptive sometimes.
"i am happy touya, i promise." you insisted, "it's just..."
"it's just what?"
you sat up from your position and faced him, but it was hard to look him in the eyes. "i just wanted to talk to you about something that's been bothering me."
he looked at you for a moment, expressionless, making you even more nervous until he said, "alright, what is it?"
you took a deep breath.
"you're never home touya, and i miss you." you frowned, "i worry about you and when you're gone for so long i get lonely. i miss spending time with you."
he groaned, "babe, do you not understand why i'm gone? or do i need to tell you, is that it?" he asked.
you regretted this now.
"no, i know why but it's just-"
"if you know why, then why do you fucking ask me?!" he yelled, making you shrink into yourself. you two had bickered over things before and there were even times when you needed space from each other, but touya had never yelled at you like this.
you could feel your eyes prick with tears and the lump in your throat grow, "touya don't yell at me!" you cried.
"i'm yelling at you so you get this through your god damn head!" he snapped, "i can't be here, sitting on my ass like you every fucking day. i have shit i need to do to make my plans happen!"
you gasped at his words. did he really think that's all you did?
"you know damn well i don't just stay at home on my ass, touya! i work too!" you said, tapping his chest with your finger as you pointed it at him.
"i buy the groceries! i make the food! i wash your blood stained clothes! i do everything i can, but you don't know because you're never here!" you yelled, taking a deep breath after so you could continue speaking.
you sighed heavily and spoke softly, your energy gone from yelling. "you're never here touya..." you sniffed, letting the tears run down your cheeks. you brought your hands up to your eyes to wipe them away, "i love you, so i miss you. i just wish you were home more so i don't have to spend my nights all alone."
touya was breathing heavily, but sitting silently as he processed your words. he was perceptive, sure, but he wasn't really good with emotions and dealing with people when they were upset.
feeling guilty, he wrapped his arms around your crying figure and hugged you tightly to his chest. he brought a hand up to your head and stroked it gently, shushing your cries. you stayed like that until your crying had become sniffles with occasional hiccups.
"i'm sorry," he said softly, "i'm sorry i'm always gone. i fucking suck at this, i don't know how to be here for you... but i'm going to do better now, for you, okay? i love you too. i don't say that enough."
you brought your hands away from your face and wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning your head against his beating heart and closing your eyes.
"as long as you try, touya. i know you're not perfect, and that's okay with me. i love you the way you are."
"scars and all?" he asked jokingly, making you giggle.
"scars and all."
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authors note
love ya!
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valewritessss · 7 months ago
Why is it that most of the time they either make Annabeth seem like Percy’s mother or they make her a tool for him to be more angsty and dark and disregard all of her character and trauma? Can we normalize making them equals
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isabeauwolf · 27 days ago
Queen Reader x Courtesan Overhaul
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Part 1 - In Chains
(fanfic inspired by this mouthwatering fanart of Overhaul by @spectra-phantasma Thank you for your hard work, love! 🐦‍⬛💜💚)
News spread like wild fire last night.
Rumor has it that he was captured during his guilds disbanding and jumped, stolen from his home and his adoptive father, forced to watch his lands and properties were set ablaze by blue hell flames. The street rat who went from rags to riches and into a matter of a few hours was once again homeless, penniless and on the streets.
The proud, arrogant and confident young boss still stood tall, golden hues frosty, even when barely clothed and close to butt naked, in chains, leather and a quirk restraining collar.
He looks so pretty tied like that. You think with a coy smile on your lips. You had snuck out of the palace and made your way into the underground black market, more specially, the human slavery and trafficking district. Your only bodyguard, Eraser Head at your side. He was all you needed.
Even in chains, caged and bound, you could see it.
The fire in his molten amber gaze, as cold and hard as his low, monotone voice when he hissed, grumbled and cursed at the slave traders touching him and dragging him onto the stage as the next main attraction. The infamous Overhaul, the undergrounds "demon with no heart," the man with a godlike and alchemist level quirk, and apparently he had a Greek God's temper and body to match.
You wanted to break him. Make him into your fuck toy and your personal pretty courtesan.
Yes. You must have him, Kai Chisaki, Overhaul.
You always saw him in passing, in the crowds with his magenta and golden beaked plague mask covering the lower half of his face. Now, with the birdlike opened caged muzzle strapped to his face you could finally see all of him fully.
You bit your lip as arousal and excitement, the thrill of owning him and making him yours heated and coiled in your abdomen, making lust and desire pool between your thighs.
You are the Queen, what you want you get.
Eraser knows that look in your eyes. He'd seen it a thousand times when you found a pretty and unbroken toy you desperately wanted to play with. Watch it bend and break, fall for your charms, your body and cling onto your freely given love before getting bored and moving on to a new one.
Underneath his cloak, Eraser inwardly sighs. He knew there was no way of talking you out of this. His Mistress was stubborn, at least, she used her funds wisely unlike the previous Queen who loved to throw grand balls and parties nearly every two months on top of national holidays. When your mother died, you acted quickly with the help of All Might and Endeavor salvaged the kingdom's debt and crime lowered, you kept your citizens fed and taxes at a reasonable rate.
Of course, you knew crime was everywhere. Even during times of peace, other kingdoms waged wars, burned, pillaged, started a new and rebuilt. It's the law of the world, the game of thrones, the never ending darkness that plagued this world in a society where people were valued by their quirks than themselves individually.
Eraser's charcoal black orbs turned from your masked and cloaked covered figure and returned back to the stage. His highly trained eyes took in the other man's physique, the honed and refined hard muscle yet lean and agile, his shape and potential. Overhaul relied heavily on his quirk, but it was clear he still maintained and sharpened his body as well as his mind. The caged raven had hidden his body underneath his clothes to fool his enemies.
That alone made him earn a hint of respect. Plus, if his Queen was injured, he could have the ex-villain cure her with his alchemy and quirk, keep him as a bodyguard and shield... adding him as their Queen's lover would bind him to her.
Eraser and Hawks would still keep watch in the shadows until Overhaul full gained their trust. If the ex-criminal refused their Queen's more than generous offer, then they would make his life into a living hell. He scanned the place once more, arms crossed and leaning against the stone wall, he needed to remain alert and ready should someone recognized them. So far, everyone's gazes and murmuring whispers were more focused solely on the man on stage.
The market was crowded, jam packed.
No doubt Overhaul's fellow captured allies and enemies were all watching with bated breath, wondering their boss' fate after being captured, humiliated, striped of his status, clothes and about to be sold, his fate sealed.
Nezu walked on stage and the room grew quiet.
"Ladies and Gentleman," The dog, rat, mouse, whited furred leader of the slave trade smiled brightly in delight to see another human suffer as he bit back his sadistic mirth and laughter. "It's a pleasure to welcome everyone tonight. I'm sure you are all here to see the fate of our beloved dangerous and highly respected raven on stage."
He waved his paw towards Overhaul and gave a bow of respect.
"As much as I've appreciated your past contributions Overhaul," Nezu hummed, closing his eye and shook his head. "I'm afraid my hands are tied as The League have already sold you to me." A string of evil giggles slipped out, then he coughed and cleared his throat, his mask of professionalism returning and sighed dramatically. "But alas, I've decided from the goodness of my heart to offer those gathered tonight to become your new Master or Mistress." His black, beady eyes darkened as Overhaul's own golden hues returned to the traders gaze with a challenging glare.
Lesser slaves and weak willed citizens shivered in the crowd.
Nezu's cheery tone returned as he faced the audience. "Let's begin the price of a generous 10,000 gold, shall we?" His mask cracked as he threw his head back and cackled loudly, unhinged and barking laughter; clearly amused by many of the human's faces pale and jaw's drop.
Did the half mad sneaky little rat truly start the bid with the price he bought Overhaul for? Of course, he did.
The bids were starting.
It kept climbing higher and higher until only a few nobility were remaining to stake their claim on such a prized, caged and handsome bird.
You noticed a familiar greedy old hag a few rows across from you. You'd recognized that long, thick, spiky, dark purple hair anywhere.
Your eyes immediately narrowed, Nemuri Kayama, Midnight. The Mistress of The Underground Pleasure District and local Brothels, or "Streets of Heaven and Sin" which is widely know, even in the Capital. The purple haired and blue eyed woman was a decade your senior, she might have once been your best friend and found sister, but not anymore. No, not since you become Queen and she became her families head Mistress.
Midnight flaunted her beauty, charming both men and woman around her red-painted manicured and painted nails. Her black dress was skin tight and accentuated her voluptuous figure as she kept her arms uncovered in case she needed to use her quirk on misbehaving clients, citizens, enemies, workers and slaves.
As if feeling your gaze on her, Midnight half turned. Her blue eyes meeting yours, twinkling with mirth and amusement underneath her red mask. Fully facing you before making a beeline towards you as her hoard of lackeys, chained boy toys and workers followed their mistress on chained and leather leaches, attached to her wrist. Each of the poor bastards were each wearing a metal cock ring underneath their robes, whimpering moans, muffled groans and needy whines escaped their mouths in one shape or form.
She let go of the leach to her assistant, a newbie in training, if you had to guess. The poor redheads shy woman must have had some promises and potential, if Midnight handpicked her for the job as her assistant to take over in one of her many brothels. Her red hair, green eyes and luscious curves made her stand out and beautiful, you can admit that.
"Well, well, it's rare to you see coming down from your high tower, your majesty." Midnight purred, tilting her head and holding her riding crop underneath her chin. "See something you like pet?"
Your smile strained and your jaw twitched. "Good evening, Midnight. How's business?"
Eraser inwardly sighed, great. Midnight had a habit of riling you up and teasing you out of sisterly affection, a little too hard. Borderline, nearly pouncing on you after she riles her own-self. He swears if Mic here - No, oh second, thought, don't think about that overly loud, yellow cockatiel.
He noticed that the remaining bidders were you and Midnight, the two most riches and powerful women in the kingdom.
Nezu's waited, a purple and blue aura surrounding him. "Ladies, would you like to continue a higher bidding?" He knew who you were. You couldn't fool him. He knew your scent and settle traits.
He turned to Midnight, "Midnight?"
"He's such a handsome and pretty delicious birdman, isn't he?" Midnight smirked, hand on her hip and staring directly at Overhaul, who sneered at her, his clear distaste and disgust visible through the muzzle.
Oh dear, he doesn't seem to like her.
It's impressive, even while bound and chained, disgraced, he still looked his nose down at Midnight.
She turned towards you, practically gushing and wiggling with excitement and arousal, unashamed as she bit her lower lip and squealed loudly. "Oh, darling. The harder they resist the sweeter it is to break them!" Midnight knew your secret, your obsession and infatuation with Overhaul, the ex-criminal.
Strutting towards you with a confidant sway of her hips as her breasts moving against her thin gown, leather, chains and jewelry. Pulling out her black feathered fan to cover her mouth, leaning towards you and whispered, "Do you truly want him, my sister?" She purred with a seductive drawl, cheeks heated and sky blue eyes sparkling.
You narrowed your eyes, talking through clenched teeth. "What do you want, Midnight?" You bit out. "You usually aren't so generous and willing to give a handsome man away without a reason."
Midnight shrugged and giggled, padding you on the back and pulling you into her side. "Now, now, don't get upset, Y/n." She pouted and scolded lightly in a motherly voice.
You felt her breasts squishing against yours and you inwardly groaned, yet, your irritation and aggravation bled though, "Gods above and the afterlife, what do you want, Nemuri?"
Midnight released another loudly, girly squeal as she pressed her cheek into yours. "Oh, Y/n, please, please, let me borrow Eraser for a weekend, please, please, please!" She practically begged, swaying you back and forth, literally begging.
Eraser's eyes widened and he shook his head no. A huge noticeable blush on his face. He loved getting kinky in the bedroom, but Midnight could be, well - a bit too extreme. Her dominate and sadistic side was sexy, hell, he matched her freak, but other than sex and being old friends, they hardly saw each other.
It made things more awkward.
Rolling your eyes, this time, you sighed. "What do you need him for?"
"I need him to keep me company for a trip to the Capital!" Midnight let go of you and leaned back, pressing her hands against her cheeks and practically bouncing. "It's a long trip and I need new clothes, potions, equipment, and a little of this, and a little of that -" The innuendos weren't lost to you. You've been to her pleasure dungeon, or "play room" as she calls it. It's actually quite impressive.
You cut her off, keeping your voice firm and quiet, "Only, if you don't overly drain him and wear him out again, Nemuri... I need him for work." You press, hand on your hip.
As Nemuri opened her mouth, the tiny mouse, bear, dog, thing interrupted.
Nezu's voice raised calling for both women's attention. "Will there be another offer ladies?" He asks, tone dark and sweet with an undertone of impatience. "Midnight?" His black beady eyes stares to Nemuri, then to you. "Mysterious Stranger?"
Overhaul's stood there, looking bored. His hands were tied behind his back, wearing this ridiculous open and mocking birdcage covering his face, he was bound in leather and chains, and only given a loin cloth to cover his groin, but his ass was out.
This whole unfortunate situation was downright humiliating and degrading, damaging his pride. He didn't care which one of those woman wanted him, he wanted a bath, he was hungry, the nights chill made him cold, he's tired and wanted to sleep.
Get on with it. He inwardly groans, hands clenching behind his back.
Despite his irritation and drowsiness, a hint of curiosity was drawn to the mysterious stranger. He didn't know why he should care. And yet... something about your voice sounded familiar? It escaped him. Making him more inwardly frustrated with himself. It sounded soft, seductive, comforting and dare he say angelic?
Overhaul's gaze flickered to matriarch of The Undergrounds Pleasure District, Nemuri Kayama, Midnight. He openly sneered in disgust, turning his nose up, no doubt the woman was filthy as her high paid and lower class whores she governs. Many times his clients and sponsors wanted to meet in one of her pleasure houses, talk, drink their fill, and then go fuck their desired hole for the night. They would offer to pay for his drink or choice of pleasure, but he would refuse.
He didn't care, if the men or woman were checked every month by the best doctors or nurse in the city, Recovery Girl or not, he wasn't going to touch them with a ten foot pole.
He didn't care, if the eight bragged or fought about who gave the best head, had the best pair of tits, ass or pussy in each of that Harlot's establishments. He wasn't going to set foot in any of those back rooms any further than he had to, or participate in the weekly orgies, even if Hari or Pops paid for it, or gave their recommendations for a partner.
No. There was only one woman Kai wanted, but could never have. Despite his lands, titles and wealth; he was still considered lesser born to be with her. The only stunning creature whose beauty, wit and charm had wormed its way into his heart.
The Queen of this country, Y/n L/n. Otherwise, know as Y/n the Fair. Compared to her nitwit and foolish mother, their previous Queen, you had shown promise. Using your power and influence to make this kingdom prosperous, flourish and thought of your people first.
Truly like an angel in this diseased ridden, rat infested, dark, unfair and cruel world. If Kai had to become a villain, forsake his old name, his humanity, his past to become a demon in-order to cure this plague known as quirks, obtain enough power and wealth that his statue wouldn't matter for a change to try and court you.
It was selfish to wish it, I know that. Overhaul blinked as he shook his head as he inwardly sighed. He was pulled back to the present as he heard Nezu's voice grind in his ears.
"With Midnight forfeiting, Overhaul," That sneaky little rodent chuckled darkly. "Or should I say Ex Yakuza Boss. You now belongs to our mysterious stranger." He snickered, grinning wide and unhinged. "Come up and claim your prize my dear."
Overhaul's golden hues narrowed, Nezu knew something he wasn't sharing. It was pissing him off.
"If you are returned back to me Chisaki," Nezu met his burning and intense gaze with his own. "I fear Midnight will become your new Mistress." He let his words hang in the air and added, sounding smug. "So be a good little slave for your First Mistress won't you?"
That comment and detail made Overhaul's jaw clench and grind hard. "Watch it vermin. Those words may comeback to bite you someday pest." He growled, taking a deep breath through his nose as to calm down his temper.
"Prove me wrong, Chisaki and I will owe you money." Nezu sassed back, turning his gaze towards the Mysterious Woman and her cloaked companion. "Seems the old gods and the new have favored you this night, old friend."
Overhaul remained silent, watching as one of the black cloaked figures approached.
You did it!
A high class caged bird with clipped and broken wings. Your birdy. Your plaything. Yours to use for your own pleasure. Yes, if he won't submit. You will have to bend him and whisper tempting words until he bowed down.
Wither he liked it or not. Your word was law. He was your property and you owned him now, his life was yours, and yours alone.
"Eraser," You chirped happily. "Escort him to the castle, make sure he's fully bathed, feed, fully dressed and waiting for me in my chambers tonight." You had to quickly remask your features and tone as to not overexcite yourself. "Have Giran dig into what happened to the rest of Overhaul's men and the Shie Hassaikai's leader." You lower your tone into a whisper, "Our birdy will want to know." You slipped the royal seal and plenty of gold into his hand, enough to feed a whole nation for months.
Eraser nodded and bowed his head. "As you wish, your majesty." Pocketing the items and headed towards the stage.
You were watching Overhaul from the shadows for a long time. You disapproved of him trying to use a little girl to fuel his goal of curing people of this plague known as quirks. You knew all to well witnessing first hand how deadly and uncontrollable a persons quirk could become, if the wrong person grew too greedy, too prideful, too arrogant and dared to challenge their Queen.
It's what cost your mother her life.
Call yourself hypocritical, you didn't care. Even after everything he's done, you sympathized with his cause and silently supported him from your throne on high, and now, you would snatch your raven in his hour of need.
You knew if that money grubbing leech at the brothel had her way, she'd sell the young man's body every night like a male prostitute, work him day and night, tirelessly until he's broken; diseased and could no longer work, being forced out onto the streets, begging for scarps until he either committed suicide or died in some rat infested back alley.
You had seen too many woman and men being treated as such time and time again. You'd be damned, if you let your birdman suffer any longer. True, your reasoning wasn't anything noble or any better, but at least, you know he would be safer with you than that old hag.
You sighed, watching as Eraser talked with the slave trader, who's eyes widened, filling with greed as he stared at the seal and leather pouch heavily pilled with gold. Your smile, grew into a smug smirk, you were victorious and if anything dared tried to steal him from you or outbid you, well, you will just have to send in Hawks.
Twirling on your heels, waving at Nezu as you went ahead of Eraserhead, lowering your hood on your cloak and made your way back towards the palace. I have to bathe and look presentable for him don't I? You paused as you entered the dark mouth of the alleyway, gaze following your prized birdman was being hauled off the stage, his displeasure, anger and defiant as he dragged by two Nomu's Nezu bought from The League. See you soon Kai, my pretty bird. You smile and giggle to yourself, strolling further and further away, knowing you two will reunite soon enough.
The young ex-yakuza was both intrigued and confused as to why he was being dragged towards the Queen's Castle?
He expected to be thrown into servitude as some lowly servant or chore boy, but instead Eraser dragged him towards a lavished, grand bathroom. The walls were white, the floor underneath his bare feet were craved out of limestone and marble, it shined in the candle light; the room smelled clean with lavished soaps and scented oils, it calmed down his nerves to an extent, but still kept his guard up as Kai turned meeting the man's tired charcoals. "Why bring me such lavished liberties and luxuries?" Narrowing his eyes, growing more suspicious and perplexed. What was he planning? There's no way Eraserhead saved him from the goodness of his heart.
Eraser sighed, rubbing his eyes and clicked his tongue. "I see that paranoia wasn't for show, Chisaki." Lowering his hand, making a twirling motion with his finger. "Now, turn around so I can get that caged muzzle and leather n' chains off of you and you can bath before eating dinner."
Kai's hand twitched behind his back, then clenched as his jaw did. Doing as he's told as he's reminded that with the quirk restraining collar around his neck, he's quirkless.
Eraser moved slowly towards Chisaki, studying him for any sign of running or attacking him. "Before you get any idea's on fighting me and escaping I don't have the key." He explains, proceeding to unbuckle the straps and chains. "Your new Mistress has the only key to your collar." He gave Hawks the key, flew back ahead of them and gave it to you. "Fight and disobey her and I'll make sure your life will be a living hell compared to what Midnight or Nezu would have done to you, understand?"
"Yes." Kai huffed, taking a deep breath to calm himself as he inwardly shuddered to remain still, phantom itches crawling against his skin.
Silent filled the room apart from the rattling of the chains and leather as the pair of stoic and rational men remained silent.
"There, I'll be outside." Eraser need back, holding Chisaki's bonds in his hand. "The maids already placed clothes and everything you need in the basket by the bath tube." He turned and began walking towards the bathroom door, pauses at the threshold, peaking over his shoulder. "Dinner will be in an hour. Don't make her wait, Chisaki. Our Mistress is many things, forgiving, generous, but unforgiving to anyone who crosses her."
Kai's body tensed. "I maybe an ex yakuza. I'm not a complete mongrel, Erasure." He bit out calmly, hint of ice in tone. "I still honor some of my houses traditions, mannerisms and chivalry, even if, Pops and I disagreed and clashed often."
Eraser knew it was childish, he couldn't help it. He still couldn't believe that you, his Mistress still wanted this Villain, this Monster of a man. Kai Chisaki should be grateful for your generosity, your mercy. He should be begging, kneeling at your feet like the worthless dog that he is.
Something in him snapped, "If you had kept your ungodly experiments and quirk away from that child, a young girl," He pressed, knowing the son of a bitch didn't regret his actions one bit. "Your own sire's granddaughter, then you wouldn't be here, Chisaki."
Eri? How had they known? Then again, he imagined word of his experiments, his groups disbanding, his capture and what The League had done to him had spread to even The Castle's staff, even you, The Queen. No doubt from her Master of Whispers, Giran. Kai inwardly scoffed.
Kai glanced over his shoulder. "Everyone should be grateful for my efforts in formulating a cure to return humanity back to normacy before quirks became a plague, a disease, spreading and infecting the world." He hissed, tearing off his loin cloth and storming towards the large in door bath. "Quirks will continue to grow powerful with each new generation." He explained, stopped at the edge of the bath, the scent of lemons and roses hitting his nose and filling his lungs. Who knew his favorite scents?
Kai shook his head as he continued, "I'm the only one willing to get my hands dirty. To do what needed to be done unlike those old, cowardly, senile fools."
Eraser grit his teeth, muttering underneath his breath. "Can't believe she's chosen a monster like you." Without another word, he closed the door.
Kai huffed, stepping into the water as the warmth soaked into his acing, dirty and tired body. He closed his eyes and sighed in content. Reopening his eyes and began bathing himself, scrubbing his body and hair clean, washing the smell of that big white rat and his workers filthy touches and those Chimeras or Nomu's The League created. Those creations both fascinated him and gave him the creeps, knowing The Legendary Demon Lord and his mad Doctor were creating them deep in the heart of The Underworld.
Kai was too busy growing his influence, trying to distribute his cure, raise more funding and juggling his responsibilities as his adoptive father's heir to feed his curiosity on The Nomus'. When those UA Hero Guild members busted down his door!
Lemillion and Deku destroyed the last two years of his research and resources, what he hadn't ordered stashed away was burned during the explosion in his laboratory; not to mention when Dabi set his castle and everything ablaze during his capture.
Kai's scar on the side of his forehead twitched and throbbing, his anger and frustration seething as his grip tightened on the side of the marble and hand carved tub. The marble digging into his hand before he let go with a frustrated growl, held his breath to dunk himself underneath the water, resurfacing and standing. Thousands of water droplets, falling down his body as he reached for a towel soft, fluffy purple towel to pat himself dry as he exited the bath.
Feeling refreshed, clean and somewhat calmer, Kai stalked slowly towards the basket Eraser mentioned. He blinked, eyes widened in surprise as he found a pair of his favorite black linen shirts, breeches, leather boots, face masks and white gloves. Now, he felt a hint of nerves crawling and twisting against his belly.
His heart thudded hard in his chest. It... it couldn't have been you, could it? Who had saved him? He told himself not to get too excited. What would you want with him? A criminal. Well, Ex-Criminal.
He had nothing to offer you. No lands, no money, no gifts, only himself. Kai swallowed thickly as his mouth grew dry, he'd near the whispers and rumors of your sexual and carnal appetite in your chambers. Releasing a shaky breath as he shivered, cheeks heating before he inhaled a deep breath, held it and exhaled, straightening his shoulders.
If the old gods and new were truly merciful as Nezu whispered into his ear about being bought and sold into your service, Kai needed to hold his head high. Nothing has changed.
His life's debt has been exchanged from Pop's to yours.
Yes, you were closer within his reach now, but you were royalty, a member of the nobility, one of the Gods most precious gifts to have been born into this cursed and cruel hearted world.
Kai dried himself, dressed, used the lotions, cologne, hair and tooth brush he'd been given, waiting for him on the bathroom counter.
His adoptive father's words rang in his head, A debt must always be repaid, Kai.
Hooking the cloth mask over his face as he frowned. He'll never see the old man again. That thought made his chest ache as his gloved hand gripped the counter. "Pops." He whispered his name, peaking at himself in the mirror. Same face, same sharp golden eyes, same image he saw everyday.
A knock on the door made his gaze flicker towards the door's mirrors image as Erasers voice called. "Chisaki, it's time."
Kai sighed and replied, raising his voice. "Yes."
"Good," he huffed, opening the bathroom door. "She's waiting."
Rechecking his appearance one last time, the ex yakuza twirled on his boot heels and headed towards Eraser as he led the way. Maids waiting outside, sneaking glances at him, whispering, gossiping and giggling, Kai paid them no mind. He was used to people staring at him.
Eraser clicked his tongue. "Quiet gawking and get back to work ladies." He glared at the woman who nodded their heads hurriedly, apologized and ended the bathroom.
Kai felt his lips curl upward underneath his mask in amusement. And they called me a tight ass in The Shie Hassaikai.
A blonde haired, red winged man approached in the opposite direction, hands shoved into his pockets and grinning from ear to ear, then widened as he came closer towards Eraser and Kai.
"Well, well," The man's playful, honey'd orbs studied the ex yakuza from head to toe, whistling. "Looks like the one winged caged bird cleans up nicely."
Hawks. The Queen's assassin and last line of defense should her other loyal guards and soldiers fall.
Whispers say he's Icurus reborn, or the child from The Greek God, Eros, a Demi God.
Kai narrows his eyes at Hawks.
The black haired head guard stopped, resulting in Kai stopping a few paces behind him. "Why are you still out this late Hawks?" Eraser asked.
Hawks' gaze shifted from Kai's to Erasers. "Nothin' much just returning from runnin' an errand from our beloved Queen." He didn't miss how the Ex-Criminals hands twitched or his gaze turned more frosty and chilling.
Eraser waver him away, proceeding forward. "Yes, yes, good night Hawks."
Hawks could help it. Couldn't keep his mouth shut as The once proud and arrogant, untouchable and powerful Overhaul passed him. "Be sure to be a good littl' pet for our Lady ya hear Overhaul." He snickered, saying his Villain name as if it was a joke.
Kai tensed, muscles straining against his shirt, hands white knuckled at his sides and his jaw clenched. Ignore him. Ignore him. He isn't worth it. He kept repeating to himself as he followed behind Eraser. That red feathered chicken isn't worth it.
Hawks chuckled, raising his hands, interlocking his fingers behind his head, chirping and yapping, "Whoops. Did I strike a nerve little birdy? Sorry. Sorry." His fake apologetic smile turned smug. "Hundreds of men would be crawling on their hands and knees naked to be where you are." He kept going. "Make 'er happy littl' raven."
Eraser twirled on his heels, grabbed his binding cloth as his quirk activated, charcoal eyes flickering blood red and his long hair rising. "That's enough Hawks! Get the fuck back to your post and watch your disrespectful mouth before I scrub your fowl mouth with soap myself."
Kai's ears were practically fuming in anger. He didn't give a flying fuck what the stalking, strutting, diseased red winged rat had to say about him, but disrespecting their Queen right in front of him? He won't stand for it.
It wasn't the first time, Kai had beaten the every loving daylight out of some leering, perverted, son of a bitch who dared make lewd and unsavory comments about you. He's heard worse in The Underground, Brothels or petty, lowlife scumbags mouths.
He was close to snapping had Eraser not stepped in. He supposed that earned him some respect in his book towards the older man.
"I'm just wishing the newbie some luck." Hawks shrugged, waved and walked away.
Kai calmed down as Hawks grew further and further away. Good riddance. He inwardly snorted and huffed.
Eraser stopped in front of the dinning hall, knocking. "Chisaki has arrived, my Lady."
"Thank you, Eraser." Your voice answered behind the grand door. "Enter."
Kai felt his heartbeat quicken and thunder in his ears. He felt the tips of his ears grow red before he inward shook himself and reschooled his features, watching Eraser open the door to a brightly lit dining room.
--- End of Part 1 -----
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/isabeauwolf/776513091777200128/queen-reader-x-courtesan-overhaul-part-2-the?source=share
Part 3: Coming Soon!
Here's the full fanart by @spectra-phantasma
Seriously, full credit goes to them! Again, thank you so much for the Overhaul/Kai Chisaki love! I love this fanart sooo much! Go check it out! Worth it! 100%! Lookie, lookie!
Tag list: @angelblueflame @fanofflames @staitc-rj @slayfics @cherry-queens-blog @chisvki @nikki0606 @myvillainacademiafan @s-k-3-l-l-y @doumadono @phantomhoeass @staitc-rj @wtf-ask-baddie-overhaul @spectra-phantasma @vaval3ntin @fairymama624 @wtf-ask-baddie-overhaul @booksooks @xxchisakislittleangelxx @x-kiwi-03 @inorganicone2230 @ghostreaderwazaa @overhauling @overhaulings @overhaulhautecouture @overhaulisms @puppyguppy @chainslobber @nakiich @number1villainstan @redr0sewrites @m3gumibear @lucyblue101
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reinedeslys-central · 7 months ago
"Leo, not to offend you or anything, but I can't see shit."
Leo scoffed. "Wow, must be pretty bad if you, of all people, are swearing. Hey, maybe it's because -" quick as a minx, he shot his hand out and -
"Wha- hey!"
-stole the glasses out of Jason's hands. Which is. Something you never do to people with glasses, seriously, Leo? Glasses are literally everything to people who need them?
"- your glasses are dirty as hell, bless your heart. Let me get that for you." Leo continued, unfazed by Jason's yelp and raised eyebrow at Leo, of all people, cleaning.
But as Leo's perpetually grease-stained fingers gently prodded and turned his glasses, Jason found himself wondering if that was maybe unfair of him.
Calloused, nimble hands danced over the wire frames, before pulling a microfibre cloth (and how surprising was that) out of yet another pocket to erase each smudge with care that not even Jason gave his glasses.
They were lying close enough that Jason could see Leo's hunched shoulder and furrowed brow, the sliver of petal-pink tongue poking through the corner of his mouth as he gave Jason's old, tarnished wire glasses the same attention he'd give any of his newest machines. He was close enough to touch the stray curl that fell across Leo's forehead, that he kept blowing away. Close enough to smell that old smell, of syrup-sweet grease and woodsmoke and water. Close enough to hear Leo's pleased little hum as he inspected the frame a final time before straightening and raising his hands to park them right back on Jason's face.
"Better?" He whispered, and Jason didn't reply. He couldn't.
The stars really were beautiful.
"What did you do to these?" He said, finally. "I've never seen this clearly before. Maybe on new-glasses days, but.."
Leo grinned. Jason looked away.
Time and space might have a shot at diluting that burning of his. There was a reason no one went blind watching the stars. But Jason would never be far enough to escape that smile. Like the stars, like the galaxies above, it was about as inevitable as a supernova.
Leo leaned over. "That's the thing, darlin' -" — and Jason's chest went thump — "I've got it all. Perks of being the one-and-only super-sized McShizzle."
Gods. Maybe Nico was right when he said there was clearly no accounting for taste.
He cleared his throat. "Well, thanks anyway. Just.. give me a little warning next time. I could've decked you for stealing my glasses, y'know."
Leo only laughed and leaned back against their blanket. The light from the waning moon fell across him, highlighting his nosebridge, his half-lidded eyes, the spot where his jeans hitched around his knees in his artless sprawl.
Jason let out a shaky breath, and copied him, reclining to give himself a better chance at drinking in the sky.
The stars were beautiful. That much anyone could admit.
..Leo was the most beautiful of them all.
outtake from 'burning like a glowing star', this new valgrace fic I'm writing. (yes, yes I am borrowing vibes from xdinary heroes. the song is called pluto and you should absolutely listen to it).
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