Lost In Neverland
258 posts
weeb. cats. pretty rocks. cancer🌞 aquarius⬆ libra🌓
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Growth will also feel like a breaking point. Remember that.
Dr. Nicole Addison
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“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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"If you smile too much you'll get laugh lines!!!!!" what a horrible curse, to be afraid of having happiness permanently placed onto your body
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I don't normally post myself on here, but I found an old picture that made me realize how far I'd come, not only with my physical health, but my overall well being too. There's a 3 to 4 year difference between these photos and so much has changed. But all for the better. There's been ups and downs, but I am so damn proud of myself for the progress I've made 💜
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People who think guns are going to save them are afraid of books, knowledge, and community.
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Me posting on tumblr:
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It's an outrageous human rights violation🤬🤬🤬
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I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.
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It’s a-meeeeeeee
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More art by yours truly
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Living Spell Jar:
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I came up with this the other day after seeing some spell jar recipes, so I thought why not combine my love of indoor gardening with witchcraft? This is a living spell jar! I used this for a continual self love + growth spell but you can adapt this to your own needs <3
You will need:
- a clean jar (can be sealed or unsealed
- cleansed non-water-soluble stones / crystals
- charged water (moon/sun/river etc.)
- moss (and terrarium plants like ferns, Fittonia etc if you have them!)
- bit of regular potting soil
1. Moss can be collected pretty much from anywhere outside (make sure it’s not from protected areas of course). I use the really common green fluffy moss (ordinary moss) you can find growing on brick/ forest floors etc, I just remove a bit with a knife and leave the rest.
2. Draw a sigil on the bottom of the jar with the intention you want for the spell jar (I’m using one for personal growth and self love)
3. Layer a couple cm of potting soil on top
4. Add the moss by pressing it down lightly onto the soil- it should establish itself in a couple of weeks! You can also add any small terrarium plants you have!
5. Decorate with the stones / crystals! make sure you charge them with the intention for you jar. (I used clear quartz, rose quartz and moss agate)
6. Spray charged water into the jar (and seal if you have a lid- if not just mist more regularly)
7. Voila! Feel free to charge the jar itself with your intentions (I like to leave it in moonlight overnight) as well for an extra boost!
Check on the jar once a week or so to mist / check the health of the moss! Keep away from direct sunlight- a desk or north-facing windowsill would do well!
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Pisces Full Moon ♓️🔮
(Sepmember 1 - 2, 2020)
[Tarot Spread by: @thewitchoftheforest]
[Full Moon/Ritual Info: @samthecosmicwitch on IG]
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Don’t be scared to try new things. 🧡
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This is my first time ever doing embroidery and I didn’t realize how easy it was until I actually tried it, and I LOVE IT!
It’s also therapeutic so
☺️ win win
If you have a dream or goal, go after it and don’t let anything get in your way🌻💛
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