#h;; Diana Prince
legends-and-savages · 7 months
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Anon sent: Donna Murphy
Aleka is an A.mazon. She helped teach Diana how to fight, and also told her many of their stories, including Asteria's. Aleka was close with Asteria.
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daemonmage · 5 months
Ok here is a loose drabble thing for my DC Earth:
(This is gonna be a lot of nonsense with no cohesion, that will have to come later. Just need to get these ideas on paper.)
(Inspirations are the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows. Also quite a few Justice League comics)
- Clark and Bruce meet before anyone else and work together before the Justice League is formed (world’s finest)
- during this time Dick gets taken in by Bruce and Alfred and starts being Robin
-Barry and Hal meet and become friends, they also help each other out from time to time
-Diana comes to America as a diplomat but quickly establishes herself as a hero (she also meets Steve)
-J’onn J’onnz is already on Earth and is acting under his human identity as John Jones. He’s desperately trying to settle into earth and find his place here. He’s working as a detective.
- Arthur has decided enough is enough and also acts as a hero via guardian of the sea stuff.
- well to be honest everyone is establishing themselves during this time. It’s essentially the coming of the age of superheroes.
- Despite working with Superman every once in a while Batman and Robin are still technically a myth.
-So is Arthur who has only been caught on camera like 5 times.
- Diana and Clark end up working together over something in Metropolis.
- This leads to them becoming friends and working together more often.
-Clark introduces Diana to Bruce. They end up working together on a few things and settle into this dynamic. (Trinity)
- eventually a massive invasion happens that causes the main seven to group up and fight against these guys. (Super friends one could say… no it’s the Justice League!!)
- So for the most part they think it’s a one and done sort of deal but incidents keep happening that force them together. (Barry and Bruce working together on a case, Hal and Clark stopping meteors from crashing into earth, Diana and Arthur and J’onn work together to set up safety for aquatic life and talk about how the feel a bit out of place in this new world they find themselves in)
- eventually the Justice League properly forms after another invasion happens and they all work really well together.
- It’s the Trinity (founders (Clark and Diana lure Bruce in by claiming needing help) (he knows they don’t really need his help but he can’t deny them anything)) that properly set up the Justice League. Just with the seven as members for now but willing to add more.
-They all settle into this new arrangement well, and they get that Justice League building built.
- after a few attack attempts Bruce gets the Watch Tower built and then they all settle up there. (He’s attached now, he will never admit it.) (Diana and Clark know.)
- after this several other members are added (Dinah, Oliver, Zatanna, Red Tornado, Shayera, Carter…. Many more)
Basically this is it for now.
Other things that don’t really fit into the timeline yet but do happen:
- there are so many Green Lanterns. The Oa realized earth is a hotbed for universal chaos and recruited even more Green Lanterns for that section of the Universe. (Because I love John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, just a lot of them.)
- Technically there was already an age of heroes that came and passed (Alan Scott and such) but they all either disappeared or went into hiding. (Listen I loved the image of Bruce and Tommy watching Alan fight in Batman: Hush. It felt so weirdly inspiring and I can also imagine Clark sitting down and watching The OG Flash be a superhero.) (I might change this and make these guys a separate universe but I love them so it’ll stay like this for now)
- MORE SIDEKICKS (Roy!! Wally!! Donna!!)
- Dinah and Oliver power couple!
- secret identity shenanigans
That’s all for now might add more later
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viaov · 2 years
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J. H. Williams iii, Wonder Woman, Cowgirl
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wonderwomanart · 2 years
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Justice Riders Wonder Woman by J.H. Williams III & Mick Gray
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
diana prince and stevie h.: variations on a theme
Inspired by this post by @secondconcussion cause I saw it earlier this week and couldn't stop turning it around in my mind
also on ao3 for easier reading
It's not Eddie's fault he got lost.
That's the first thing he wants to get out of the way. He'll take his lumps if he has to, Uncle Wayne can be a surly fucker when he's woken up before his alarm, "Not all those who wander are lost, Ed, isn't that what you said. Just wander your way back home." But Eddie's heart is gonna wait to be warmed that Wayne loves him enough to quote Lord of the Rings until after he's back in the part of Hawkins he recognizes.
"It's the ‘not all’ that I need you to wrap your head around old man, cause I, your dearest nephew, am very lost."
"Your my only nephew, and gettin' less dear by the second," Wayne lied like a liar.
He wasn't above begging, not when he'd already walked fuck knows how far to fuck knows where. "Please, Wayne!"
He hears a grumbled sigh and knows he's won, "Where are ya?"
"Um, woods?" He can hear the thunk of the phone being slammed against something hard, but at least Wayne doesn't hang up.
Hawkins is a small town, by Eddie's standards, but it expands in strange ways. Every summer he spent with Wayne it seemed to unfurl in different directions, a flower blooming a little different each year. It was not the gridded out cityscape he'd grown up in.
So when Eddie came down from Indy every summer to escape parents who managed to toe the line of awful just well enough that CPS kept their noses out of the Munson’s business, he would wander but never far. Just far enough to find the park and the playground that Wayne hadn't thought to mention. Far enough to find a corner store where he can pocket the extra candy bar he couldn't afford with the spare change he had -- and he wasn't going to put back the magazine he was buying, Wayne had nothing good to read and he couldn't make a library card yet. Far enough to find an abandoned picnic bench to smoke up at so his borrowed bedroom didn't smell like weed. Far enough to make some friends.
Only now that he's twenty, and some change. Now that he's graduated high school, third time lucky. Now that he’s decided to leave the trouble he could feel stirring in the city for someplace that always felt more like home. Now that he is an official Hawkins resident, he's wandered a little too far.
And it's not his fault, but he's not gonna tell Wayne that.
Cause the thing is, Eddie has always thought better when his feet were moving. After an hour of pacing around his trailer, still full with half unpacked boxes of things he hadn't realized he'd collected -- boxes that make him feel like a caged animal, that he'll be living out of for the next two months at least -- he has to leave. His first mistake, trusting that his feet will lead him around the parts of Hawkins he knows.
His mind twists plot hooks and campaign NPCs around his head, determined to get ready for when his friends come around later that afternoon with the pack of freshmen, now sophomores, that they'd adopted. He won't apologize for wanting to impress a new group of kids and wanting to convince Jeff he wouldn’t be sorry about passing off his DM mantle to a guy they used to only see two months out of the year. As he's thinking about a sect of female warriors -- a mix of barbarians and rangers, buff and leveled way above where the party will be -- and whether it'll just come across as horny the way the DILF-y elven mages he'd tried to include last year did, he sees her. Notices her, more like; a nymph, a dryad, a goddess sprung fully formed from his imaginings.
She crosses his path at a light jog. The shortest green athletic shorts he's ever seen clinging to the shape of an ass he could bounce a quarter off of. He can see the way her broad and muscled shoulders shift beneath the white sports bra she's wearing. It's the cool down portion of her workout, he guesses, from the way he can mostly maintain the small distance between them and the way sweat runs in rivulets down her back and trim waist. He wants to lick it off of her. She looks like she was built to fire a bow or break him in half, a Kinsey Five, it's the women who could kill him that always capture his attention.
He trails behind her, mind still turning over his session prep for the day and maybe thinking a little bit about whether she had a boyfriend. Hindsight will grant him that it's weird, the way he trailed behind her like a stray dog like this. But then, as he's sitting in the cab of Wayne's truck, he'll remember the way her thick, muscled thighs moved, how she bounced on the balls of her toes. He'll remember the way her ponytail swished over her shoulder as she glanced back at him, his first look at the lady's fair face, the way she'd smirked at him before bounding off of the roadside into the woods.
So totally not his fault he got lost. It probably happens all the time. The payphone on the opposite side of the road for sorry suckers like him who fall into her snare. Shit, maybe he should have stayed put, he hadn’t been thinking about why she might have a snare.
Wayne found him eventually, even if he spent the drive back to Forest Hills muttering about how Eddie had even found his way over to that side of town. How next time he aimed to get lost he should bring a map or a compass or a dog, and find his own way back. So he doesn’t ask his uncle about the mystery girl that could snap him over her knee like a dry twig, cause in the mood he’s in right now Wayne might go find her and embarrass the hell out of him.
Later, when Jeff and Gareth and Joey have piled onto the broken in couch that Wayne had given him. When the first teen that he doesn’t know knocks a little too quietly on his door, but grins wide enough to split his face that they’ve got a new campaign and a place to play over the summer. When they’re waiting for the last one to arrive, Eddie thinks about asking about her. She had to have overlapped with them in high school for at least a year or two.
Eddie knows already though that he won’t. Plus there’s a chance they’ll tell him anyway. He’s been on the receiving end of enough ‘Is that supposed to be Ronnie James Dio’s’ and ‘Wait are you describing Sigourney Weaver’s’ to hope that once he starts describing the Amazonian warrior who will hopefully be haunting his dreams he’ll get a ‘Doesn’t that sound just like…’
And yeah, maybe he’s starting to get a little impatient. But with the way he’s got the campaign laid out it will be at least two hours in before he gets a chance to describe her. At least, and he has to know who she is tonight.
“Dude,” Gareth starts, probably sick of the way Eddie’s bouncing his leg, “where’s Dustin?”
Will, the quietest so far of the new recruits looks almost too concerned, “He knows where it is right? Has anyone-”
Sinclair, he thinks the group arrived in mass and he’s not sure he’s partnered faces with the rush of names correctly just yet, pulls a walkie talkie with bells and whistles he didn’t even know you could attach from a backpack on the floor. “Dustin, come in, what’s your ETA?”
The tension in their corner of the room ratchets up enough to have Eddie’s palms start to sweat. Will brings his thumbnail up to his mouth, worrying it enough that it’s sure to start bleeding soon. “I’m sure it’s-” Sinclair starts to say, interrupted by a clattering outside then a bang to his door that yanks on the frayed edges of Eddie’s nerves.
He feels a little like a squirrel trying to cross a highway, the way the babies about to join the party are watching him with the knowing terror you watch something about to die.
Except the thing at his door is not Jason or Freddy, it’s a half-pint with a white hat pulled low over his head. The missing Dustin, who has no problem bullying his way through Eddie’s now open door.
“Ew, dude, why are you sweaty?”
"Because, Michael, I had to bike all the way across town." Eddie, and it looks like half the group, is about to ask some variation on why when Dustin holds up a hand shutting them all up masterfully "Because," he stresses each letter like they're what's wronged him, "five minutes before we were supposed to leave mom catches Stevie gossiping with Robin and she totally flips out about how she didn't take Stevie in just to watch her get herself killed. And then when I asked who was taking me here, Ma said she 'didn't buy me that bike just to have it sit in the garage!'"
The kid is incensed so it doesn't feel like the time to ask what the fuck is going on. Not when everyone else snorts and snickers at Dustin's expense. "Damn Stevie really fucked up if Dustybun got sent out on his own," Gareth jeers.
"Your mom does know what Stevie keeps in her trunk right? And she ruptured Preston's balls when he grabbed her ass last year," Lucas points out.
Hawkins, Eddie is learning, might just be full of girls to fall in love with.
"Stop saying that like it's hot, that's my sister you're talking about. I'll tell Max."
"Max still thinks Stevie's hot, dude."
"Are we gonna have to walk home just because Stevie's done something stupid again?" Mike complains.
"You didn't care about Stevie doing something dumb when she climbed that tree in heels to get you down after you got drunk at winter formal. Or when she took her bat to those… things." Lucas shares a sly grin with Will, who looks torn between feeling awkward at the inclusion and the teenage bloodlust for giving your friends a hard time. "You can just admit you feel weird about having the same taste as your-"
"Oh my god!" Dustin shouts cutting Lucas off and sending the room, Eddie included into a burst of snorting laughter. "Dustin Henderson," Eddie gets himself under control enough to accept the offered hand, "excited to have a DM who isn't a total asshole."
"Eddie, sorry about your hot sister. Not sorry for being a new kind of asshole Dungeon Master. Let’s see them character sheets, kiddies, this ain’t your mommy’s book club, we aren’t just here to gossip.”
Things go off pretty well, for a seven person table where he barely knows half the players. Lucas has an impressive tactical mind, Mike is a passionate role player, Will has a character built so well it’s basically an art form, and Dustin is a wild card who can’t decide whether he wants to win or to walk into the obvious trap just to see what will happen. It’s not hard to adjust, even if the way Jeff keeps looking at him when he describes new NPC's is throwing him off his game a little bit. He can duck behind his DM screen and recollect himself, but seriously what the fuck.
“She stands taller than the tallest of you, bronzed skin and hair, imperious, she looks at you, Sir Jeffrey, and offers you a deal, ‘Best our strongest warrior and you can take him back with you. Fail and his impunity will be punished by death.’” He lets the threat hang heavy in the air, all eyes on him and desperately hanging on to every word. Minus Jeff who was giving him that look again. “And that’s where we’ll end things this week, boys.” Cause he really, really hadn’t expected any of them to just straight up steal the enchanted bow of the Amazons that they needed to fell the dragon; and he really, really hadn’t planned for the botched stealth rolls.
Everyone grumbles as they pack up their things, it’s music to his ears. A four hour session -- if he didn’t count the hour they riffed about character builds and backstory once Eddie had his hands on their sheets -- and they’re still itching for more. It’s almost enough to have him just call a dinner break, so he can hole up in his room and churn something out. But someone is beating out shave and a haircut on his front door before he can change his mind.
“It’s probably Wayne getting revenge,” Eddie says, “woke him up early this afternoon.” He taps back his two bits, swinging open the door, expecting to see Wayne’s smug looking face grinning back at him. He’ll take his ‘Don’t feel too good getting interrupted in the middle a something, does it?’ with grace.
Only instead of an old man with two days of scruff, the door opens on his modern day Aphrodite. A worn, grey athletic shirt bragging about being a 1985 Hawkins Swim Team Region Champ has covered the white sports bra, cropped it shows off a distracting sliver of toned stomach above a short green tennis skirt, and her perky ponytail is down in loose waves around a mole kissed face.
And he’s gaping like a fucking idiot at her.
“Dust, wanna introduce me to your new friend?” she asks, voice bourbon smooth as molten eyes rake down his body from the doorway.
“Eddie, this is my sister.”
Like her brother before her, Stevie has no problem shouldering her way through the door. Where Dustin had slipped through on a size difference technicality like a halfling, she places a warm hand against his shoulder and gently pushes until his feet and brain get it together enough to move with her. Even then they’re still screaming, god he’s positive she could have just picked him up. He really wants her to pick him up, maybe push him against the wall a little.
“Hi Eddie,” she says. Still in the doorway they’re hedged in by boxes marked ‘Kitchen Shit’ and ‘Unpack this first asshole’ breathing the same air almost, all because Eddie in his genius had dropped the last load of stuff from the back of the van right by the door. “Are we going to be seeing more of you around?”
“Obviously,” Dustin cuts in, “we only just finished the start of a totally epic campaign.”
“Obviously,” Stevie repeats, with a mocking tilt to her gorgeous smile. One he recognizes from this morning.
Jeff is still watching him, a set of eyes boring hard into the side of his face. “Eddie just moved to Hawkins, just spent summers here before.”
Something about that softens her. Her expression, her posture, easing into something a little less coiled to pounce but no less flirtatious. “To Hawkins?”
Shit, and she’s looking at him like he’s an idiot; but like a cute idiot that she’ll maybe want to put down on his knees. “Well the best band I ever played with is still in high school here, and a success story always sounds better coming out of a small town.”
“You’re in a band, huh?”
Dustin wrestles himself in the middle again, and it says a lot about his tenacity that he’s managed to rock Stevie back against the cardboard. “Whatever this is, I don’t like it and it needs to stop.”
“Load your bike up in the trunk then, shithead, and you won’t have to see it,” she fires back. He does push past her out the door, trying to let it slam shut behind him when she catches it in lightning fast reflex, “Scratch the paint cause you’re being a dick and your ass is grass!”
The rest of the sophomores are slow to pack up their remaining things, valuing gossip more than trying to comfort their friend on losing another soldier in the war of ‘thinks his big sister is the babest babe to ever hit Hawkins.’ 
“You should come to practice some time, band practice, for the um band."
Somebody behind him snorts, hears a whispered, "For the um band," that's probably meant to be a mimicry of him.
"Eddie's lead guitar," Jeff says, from a place of true friendship or pity. It's hard to tell.
Her eyes light up with a mischief, hair swinging as she cocks her head, and he can hear the requisite, ‘wow you must be so good with your hands,’ as clearly as if she had said it. Instead she says, “Gremlins, go get in the car. Tell Dustin, Ma’s pissed he didn't take his helmet and he should know first hand the dangers of head trauma.” It’s an inside joke, an unfunny one, from the way she grins as they grumble and groan and tell her to fuck off. Trooping out the door between him and Stevie they each let her pat them on the back or ruffle their hair, a little attendance check on the way to the car.
The trailer door shuts behind them with a slam, maybe not an attitude issue then and something to add to his to do list, but Stevie hasn’t left with them. “If you’re interested in what Hawkins has to offer, I could show you around.” She says casually. Conversationally. A comment for the room at large before she leans into Eddie’s space, warm breath against the side of his face making him shiver as she whispers, “I take the same run through town every day, and I always wanted a puppy to follow me home.”
Eddie is lost. In visions of the girl who just twirled out of his place on her heel after completely rocking his world. Has lost. His mind, his heart, and hopefully his status as single. But there are worse things he can think of than being lost in Hawkins.
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airgiodslv · 19 days
I skipped the July creation wrap-up because nearly everything I worked on was for challenges revealed in August. There's a lot!
Guess That Voice: WIK Edition
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, rated T
Kim is grilled within an inch of his life about Wik’s personal life, his projects, and his future plans. Chay takes meticulous notes on his phone the whole time. Kim has trained with professional interrogators who are less intimidating than Chay crafting a bomb to drop on Twitter.
“It’s not for Twitter,” Chay corrects him. Kim has a short-lived moment of relief before Chay clarifies: “I’m writing Wikfic.”
(Fic Text + Podfic)
The Shadow Lyctors
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe & The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir, rated M
Moonshine was the cavalier primary to Sunshine, Third Saint to serve the King Undying. It is unclear whether this was his given name, or how Sunshine has memorialized him after death. Sunshine calls him ‘an Alexandrite’, referring to the branch of Sixth House cavaliers whose attractiveness and skill earned them an education in erotic poetry and a Cohort assignment, for the express purpose of finding a mate to diversify the ailing Sixth House gene pool.
Given Sunshine’s sense of humor, it is possible this was a joke.
(A fandom Wiki for a fictional book trilogy)
Podfic Triptych + Ficlet: Sunshine and Rain, written by TheCookieOfDoom, shubaka, and AirgiodSLV
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe, Sunshine/Rain, rated T
untitled ficlet, written by TheCookieOfDoom The being coalesces from smoke and shadow.
from where the light shines, written by shubaka The Rain God discovers a man on a rooftop, lying in a pool of his own blood.
ghost light, written by AirgiodSLV On the night of Wan Ok Phansa, Sunshine dances on the Mekong River.
by the light of the sun, a remix of to have and to hold by shubaka
Jeff Satur Cinematic Universe & Wuju Bakery, Sunshine/Ghost, Sunshine/Passion, rated G
Most people forget that Sunshine is the scion of a dynasty himself, too used to thinking of him only as Prince Raon’s companion.
Passion, however, forgets very little that could prove useful to him.
hiraeth and hwyl, written & performed by The Sentient Hive (AirgiodSLV, CompassRose, ellejabell, epaulettes, kitkat50311, mahons-ondine, minnabird, sisi_rambles)
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones & Piranesi - Susanna Clarke, rated G
You find yourself looking at a door.
It looks like an ordinary door, but you’re somehow certain that it isn’t.
In theory, you could open the door…but something warns you off.
You might not survive, if you pass through that door. You might no longer be you.
Podfics & Audio:
you could cut ties with all the lies (that you've been living in), written by Nemainofthewater
Nirvana in Fire, Lin Chen/Xiao Jingyan & Mei Changsu, rated M
“Sir Sū,” Jĭngyán said, “Forgive me, but I can’t help but feel strange referring to you in such a manner after such intimacies.”
“Ah,” said Lìn Chén, abruptly thrown out of his warm, post-coital state, “No, Your Highness is going to have to trust me on this, calling me Chángsū is really going to spoil the mood.”
Listen to the radio, audio collage of music & interviews by Jeff Satur, with art by TheCookieOfDoom
On a desolate planet under distant stars, these heroes fight against the corporations that control society. Late at night, you can hear them broadcast to each other on pirate radio frequencies, sending secret messages across the airwaves...
"Fuck it, I'm adopting her," said John Gaius, not knowing the paperwork wasn't necessary, written by Naamah_Beherit
The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir, rated T
Gideon, a highly distinguished Cohort lieutenant, saves the day—and the girl—and then gets stuck in the lift of The Erebos with a man feeding her peanuts as if they have all the time in the world. They don't, but if he doesn't mind, then why should she?
baby I, baby I, I'm caught in the middle, written by IsleofSolitude
KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, Chay/OMC, rated E
Seth has had threesomes before. He knows he’s great at sex—that sex with him is something Chay enjoys immensely. He and Chay have a strong relationship, he knows Chay intimately. He’s never had a third with him and an omega during a heat before, but Kim’s sort of attractive. Besides, they are in his home. There’s no reason to not be okay with it. If things go badly, he can just kick Kim out.
(the steal the show inspired threesome omegaverse inspired by a dream)
love, let my love inside go free, written by daltoneering
KinnPorsche, Kinn/Porsche, rated E
They burst to the surface gasping for breath, water clogging Porsche’s ears, distorting the brightness of Kinn’s laughter across the pool into muffled echoes along the tall glass walls of the building. He grabs for the side, lungs screaming.
“Fuck! You want to drown me?”
Kinn shows Porsche just how grateful he is for the perfect first date.
History Talking to Itself, written by Sour_Idealist
Teixcalaan Series - Arkady Martine, Mahit Dzmare/Three Seagrass, Yskandr Aghavn/Nineteen Adze/Six Direction, Past Mahit Dzmare/OFC, rated T
Twelve excerpts from Teixcalaan and from Lsel Station.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Though I think Meghan first acknowledged her heritage publicly was in 2013, when there was a huge uproar in the Suits community when they cast Wendell Pierce to play Rachel Zane’s father. Meghan had to clarify to fans wasn’t clickbait casting. But yes, 2016 (more specifically, 2016-post relationship reveal) was when Meghan first really began to self-identify as a woman of color.
RTA, there was no reason for the unknown aspiring actress, Meghan Markle, to acknowledge her heritage publicly before 2013. She was a nobody to the general public, therefore no reason to issue a public statement. Even the 2013 Suits casting of Pierce/Markle was a nothingburger to the greater public, which didn’t watch, or care, about a middling show on a minor cable network. It was only when she forced the public acknowledgement of her relationship with Harry (the Love Shield statement) that her ethnicity came into greater public awareness.
But we only have to look at the numerous pics of her as a child - from both sides of her family, Markle and Ragland - to see that she was well aware, painfully aware imo, from childhood that she was a poc. She has stated this, too (comments about her hair, not fitting in at school, etc). And she clearly looked biracial as a child (still does, too, despite her massive cosmetic alterations to erase her African features). Imo, child Meghan was deeply jealous of her older half-sister Samantha’s youthful beauty and whiteness. I’m not buying Meghan’s revisionist claims that she didn’t see herself as a person of color until Harry and life in the UK. She’s in denial, or lying. She wanted to believe that she wasn’t seen as biracial in the US, but that simply wasn’t true. She aspired/aspires to be seen as white, thus the hair straightening, rhinoplasty, cosmetic dentistry, etc. Not to mention her joining a white sorority, when poc sororities were an option at NU, and exclusively dating and marrying white men. Or her intrepid PR quest to associate her “roots,” and therefore herself in public perception, with Mediterranean places such as Italy and Malta (since refuted). So…
What do you make of the rumors that Meghan is colorist or that Meghan herself is the racist royal?
Yes (again imho…“what do you make”), Meghan is definitely colorist. She was angry and insulted that the BRF and the UK even acknowledged/“saw” her biracialness. She wanted to be seen as white. Period. Like Diana and Kate. She was insulted that Charles enlisted the poc Episcopalian Bishop and hired the gospel choir for the wedding. (M had/has zero affiliation with the Episcopalian Church or with AA church rituals like gospel choirs.) She was insulted that QEII offered her personal poc equerry to be Meghan’s assistant, thus emphasizing her biracialness. She was insulted that the issue of race was ever attached to her at all, that is until the ra ce card proved to be a useful tool for her (Love Shield, Archie’s expedited Prince title, securitayyyy, etc). The racist royals are Meghan and Harry (a whole other can of worms).
(PS: Speaking of royal diversity, let’s not forget that Diana’s DNA, and therefore William’s, Harry’s, and G/C/L’s, includes Southeast Asian/Indian, and that Kate’s DNA, and therefore G/C/L’s, includes Jewish. js. And no, Queen Charlotte’s DNA, and therefore QEII, KC3, W, H, et al, didn’t include Moorish black. That also has been refuted. I haven’t included Archie and Lili here because I am not personally convinced yet of the DNA, if any, that they share with H and/or M. That remains to be revealed imo.)
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thecrownnetflixuk · 9 months
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Fond Farewells Mark the End of an Era for The Crown.
Pt 2 of Season 6 Accedes to the Next Generation – But Reigns Most Triumphant Saluting Its Sovereign.
Review & gifs by L.L @The Crown TV
I wasn't sure what to expect from the final 6 preview episodes of The Crown. Part 1 gifted us with a season-defining performance from Elizabeth Debicki, but such intense focus on the tragedy of Diana and Dodi's deaths was heavy-going. How to move forward?
Not many TV shows stick the landing, but I believe The Crown does, mostly by putting Queen Elizabeth front and centre. In four different ways! But Part 2 takes a while to forge ahead and reign triumphant.
Ed McVey and Meg Bellamy make shy William and swotty Kate believable as a young couple who meet at university – or earlier, as per a flashback with (not Ghost!) Diana. I still found it hard to invest in their will-they-won't-they relationship (we already know they do.) 
Instead, it’s sisters Elizabeth and Margaret who have long been the emotional heart of this show; at every stage of their lives.
Former Oscar-nominee Lesley Manville (alongside Queen Imelda Staunton) is truly magnificent in Ep 8 as Princess Margaret, though it's painful watching this vibrant lady struggle as her health worsens.
Memories of the 1940's are a delight. However, I wish we'd seen more of wide-eyed teen Lilibet let loose (Viola Prettejohn) and carefree Marg (Beau Gadsdon) before older Margaret says her final goodbye.
Staunton saves her best for last, bringing dry humour, vulnerability as well as leadership to Ep 10. The 70+ min epic finale 'Sleep, Dearie Sleep' has its shaky moments, but beautifully completes Queen Elizabeth's story when it counts, bringing near-perfect closure. That alone elevates Season 6 beyond Season 5.
Warning - MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. This is my final *EVER* review (might be extra long!)
Images: courtesy of Netflix
Starting with less good news; the first couple of episodes of Part 2 were my least favourite. Ep 5, 'Willsmania', feels transitional, and a little stuck in the past. Following his mother's death, Prince William (Ed McVey; taking over from younger actor Rufus Kampa) turns inward as he struggles to cope with public attention and grief.
It's an understandable reaction to losing a parent, but Part 1 already spent nearly half a season on Dodi and Diana. It felt like we grieved in real time. As a result, whenever the subject of Diana crops up again in Part 2, it tends to weigh down both pace and narrative.
Ep 6 brings a welcome change of topic. This being The Crown, I'm sure there are critics poised to be offended by Queen Elizabeth's nightmare about Prime Minister Tony Blair being crowned king, but to me, his 'coronation' was hilarious, as was the choir boy singing Blair's cheesy Labour pop anthem.
It felt like deliberate tongue-in-cheek humour, an absurd reminder why monarchy might still be better than populist elected leaders.
I really wanted this episode to work, but it didn't go anywhere, and themes like tradition-vs-modernity were covered more effectively in episodes such as 'Marionettes.' Bertie Carvel has Tony Blair's voice down but suffers from comparisons with Michael Sheen, who was uncanny as the Prime Minister in 3 earlier Peter Morgan projects.
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^ PM Tony Blair. The Women's Institute weren't fans of his grandstanding.
The Crown: The Next Generation fully arrives during Ep's 7, 9 & 10. Some will love it. Those who prefer more historical episodes with broader scope may be disappointed, as the show follows William and Kate through University life in the early 2000's.
The newcomers do bring fresh energy to the show. It helps that they cast Ed McVey and Meg Bellamy, who make a sweet couple as Will and Kate, even if William sometimes comes across as petulant.
Unlike Ed McVey as William, Luther Ford doesn't bear much physical resemblance to Prince Harry, other than red hair. Ford does however put in a good performance as Harry becomes increasingly reckless.
The Crown doesn't hide either Harry or William's bad behaviour. The brothers seem to get on well at the start, but it later seems like they're more at odds. Underneath a lot – a LOT – of boozing, both boys appear quietly screwed-up over their mother's death. Neither of them seem to enjoy playing happy families with Charles, either.
The show mostly concentrates on William and Kate, but there aren't many episodes left to develop a genuine romance. They have potential, but it feels fairly surface level. Suddenly, they rush to move into a house share together when we've barely seen them kiss. They (and we) needed more screen time to really get to know each other.
There's a bigger issue here with Kate's mother, Carole Middleton (Eve Best.) Pushy parent Carole is keen to play matchmaker between her 'commoner' daughter and the young eligible Prince, keeping tabs on William. Carole isn't as conniving, but ... didn't we just watch a similar storyline with Mohamed Al-Fayed/Dodi/Diana in Part 1?
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^ Kate 'n' Will. Her Mum would frame this picture.
Ep 8 'Ritz' plays like a standalone film. Margaret's final story is touching, but upsetting, at times; I was a fan of Diana, yet sobbed as much for Margaret as the credits rolled, even though her eventual death isn't shown. In fact, her final goodbye is sensitively done and stands as a fitting tribute to the princess, as well as to the Queen.
Lesley Manville makes Margaret's predicament so real as her health slowly breaks down. She bounces back from one stroke, then another hits. How awful too for Elizabeth to watch a much-loved sister deteriorate, though it was wonderful to see Lilibet read Margaret a bedtime story. It brought out the warmer side of Staunton's Queen.
The scene where Margaret scalds her feet in the bath is genuinely horrifying. I've suffered from ill health and loss of control myself and this was so much worse. I could feel her pain. That poor woman.
Human moments are where The Crown excels; through this episode, this working-class lass from a council house could somehow relate to a Princess in a palace. Peter Morgan has surely done more to humanise the royal family than any P.R team ever could.
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^ Fans of Margaret (and Lesley Manville) prepare yourselves for her sad final journey.
Onto the big reveal: when I mentioned at the start there are FOUR ways Queen Elizabeth appears – this is what I meant:-
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^ Newcomer Viola Prettejohn plays teenage Princess Elizabeth.
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^ & there's Olivia Colman & Claire Foy alongside older Queen Imelda Staunton.
Satisfyingly, all 3 of The Crown's leading ladies return to close the show. Olivia Colman and Claire Foy each have an additional scene, too (I won't spoil the entire finale, as it covers a lot of ground in over 70 mins, but Olivia and Claire aren't back as 'ghosts.')
As we get older, the ghosts who speak loudest are our own; the former versions of us we berate ourselves with. Not everyone may warm to the Queen (sort of) talking to herself, but personally, I was thrilled to see these talented actors on screen together.
Foy's scene with Staunton is particularly effective, as the younger Queen gives her older self an old-fashioned dutiful talking to. It's somehow also credible that they're aspects of the same person.
It reminded me of Peter Morgan’s 2013 (extraordinary) play, ‘The Audience', which inspired this series, and included scenes where Helen Mirren shared the stage with young Elizabeth. That play is also why this theatre-fan started watching The Crown to begin with, and later went on to create this website.
When Ep 10 finished playing, my Netflix returned itself to Season 1. 60 episodes over 7 years! I will miss the grand scale of The Crown, but appreciate the legacy which remains. Now feels like the right time for this story to end. A full-circle moment in more ways than one.
**Majestic thanks for reading, and to every person who has liked, reblogged, messaged, supported The Crown TV for all these years.
💎♕You each deserve a Crown of your own!♕💎**
N.B: These are my humble opinions at this point in time. No offence is intended. Agreement = lovely; not compulsory. Disagreement = happens; kindly coexist. Ta!
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cordeliahrose · 2 years
Lucifer is a Latin word coming from the words lux, meaning light, and fero, meaning to bear or to carry. Literally translating to light-bearer.
Lucifer as a Roman Deity
Lucifer has had many faces throughout history. One of these being the Roman deity of the morning star, or Venus, considered the male equivalent of the goddess Venus. He is attributed to being the god of enlightenment and illumination. Lucifer is often depicted carrying a torch, and said to be equal in beauty to the goddess Venus. Due to being the morning star, I can also see Lucifer being associated with war as well. Especially considering his association with learning and knowledge, as well as that Venus also historically had war epithets. 
In the Greek pantheon, they separate the morning star and the evening star into two seperate deities, being Phosphorus/Eosphorus and Hesperos. Eosphorus meaning “dawn-bringer”, and Phosphorus meaning “The bearer of light”. Phosphorus and Hesperos are the sons of Eos, Goddess of dawn, and Astraios, God of dusk. Phosphorus is the father of the Hesperides, nymphs of the evening time and light of the sunset.
Lucifer in Abrahamic Religions
Historically, Lucifer was never mentioned in the Bible at all. His name being associated to Christianity nowadays is due to a mistranslation of a poem about a fallen king. However, he is a big part of Christian culture now, and there are myths associated with him. 
Lucifer was said to be the most beautiful and intelligent of God’s angels. He was God’s right hand. Until he defied God. There are many different versions of the fall of Lucifer. 
One version of this story says that Lucifer became overly prideful of himself, his beauty, intelligence, power, that he thought himself worthy of being worshipped equal to God. Because of this, God cast him out of heaven.
Another version is that Lucifer was jealous of Jesus Christ. He gathered the angels and brought forward the idea of worshipping him instead of Jesus. Some of the angels sided with Lucifer, while others did not. There was a meeting between God, Lucifer, and all of the angels in which God said that their rebellion was unforgivable. There was a war between the two sides, but ultimately God and his angels won. Lucifer and the angels who followed him were banished from heaven.
Lucifer in Modern Witchcraft
In more modern witchcraft, there is a tradition which states that Diana, queen of witches, created Lucifer when she split herself into two pieces, darkness and light. She kept the darkness for herself, and Lucifer kept the light. Lucifer and Diana also have a child, Aradia. In this tradition, Lucifer is seen as the god of light, and masculine energy. One of the most influential sources for this tradition is The Gospel of the Witches by Charles Godfrey Leland.
Lucifer in Demonolatry
In demonolatry, Lucifer has many titles. Prince, King, Emperor, Lord. Lucifer is a demon of transformation, enlightenment, awakening, self-discovery, self-empowerment, and more. He is usually attributed to the element of air, and also pride.
Lucifer’s Associations
Anything with the * symbol next to it means that it is my own UPG.
Corvids (crows, ravens)
Blue, especially pale blue*
Clear quartz
I am aware that copper isn’t a crystal. 
Black pepper
Spicy peppers*
The number 7*
Spring equinox
Autumn equinox*
Spicy foods*
Sweet things, especially baked goods
Juices, especially apple or grape
Devotional Acts
Shadow work
Learn about the sciences or the arts
Create art of any kind
Face your fears
Learn about any of his associated animals
Magical workings, especially those that fall under his sphere of influence
Learning in general
Developing  your psychic abilities and spiritual senses (the clairs)
Spiritual progression
Anything marked with the symbol * means that it is my own UPG
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legends-and-savages · 7 months
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Anon sent: Zendaya
Darcy Matthew is a young lady that Diana rescued, and then took under her wing. She taught her how to fight crime, and usually goes out with her.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
Finding Each Other-Chapter 5
Fandom: Superman, Batman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Diana Prince, Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Kara Zor El, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Connor Kent
Summary: Clark Kent always knew he wanted a family. He just always thought it would be traditional like his parents. Little did he know that destiny had something different in store for him.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Once Clark got to his apartment, he quickly put away his clothes, changed into gym shoes, grabbed his keys, and headed to his car. As he merged onto the road towards the airport, he got a phone call. He pressed the answer call button on his steering wheel. 
Clark said, “Hello.”
“Hey, Smallville. How is everything going?”
Clark smiled and said, “Everything is great, Lois. How are you doing? Did the electric blanket I got help?”
Lois chuckled and said, “My night went smoothly. I think the electric blanket may have been the best gift ever. Kept me warm, cozy, and pain-free all night.”
“That’s good. I’m glad that it helped.”
“Speaking of help, I really do appreciate covering the event for me last night. I hope that it wasn’t a wild goose chase for you.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Well, Wayne remains unseen, but that didn’t stop me from having a fantastic time at the museum though.”
Lois said coyly, “That is very high praise especially since this was supposed to be a work thing.  Did you finally find someone that meets your fancy?”
Clark smiled softly and said, “Maybe….”
Lois squealed and said, “I can’t believe this! You finally met someone. I was scared for a moment that you were going to let your past relationship with Lex derail you for a minute.”
Clark sighed, “Funny you should mention him. Lex was also there looking to start trouble.”
Lois sighed and said, “Of course, the bald imp would crawl out of his lair and cause chaos. What did he do this time?”
“Well, he tried to make me feel guilty about my job and that it was pathetic that I was covering the museum exhibit.”
Lois scoffed and said, “I hope you told that asshole he could stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.”
Clark chuckled nervously and said, “Well, I kind of told him that I was there with my fiancé and his kid and that I didn’t have time for him.”
Lois gasped and said, “You didn’t!”
Clark nodded and said, “Not one of my finer moments, but it did get him to shut up. I hate to admit this, but the look on his face made it worth it.”
Lois chuckled and said, “Look at you Clark being petty. I love it!”
Clark shook his head and said, “It still wasn’t right. I can only imagine what Ma would say.”
Lois cackled and said, “You’re Ma would have rubbed it in his face too. She hates Lex.”
Clark smirked and said, “Maybe so…”
Lois said, “Besides, it was a little fib. It is not like Lex caught you on it.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Actually, he did call me out on it.”
“How so?”
“After I left Lex standing there dumbfounded, I went off to watch the museum’s presentation. Once that was finished, I ended up meeting a guy named B and his son Dick. We walked around in each other’s company for a while talking about the Atlantis exhibit…”
Lois asked coyly, “Was B good looking though?”
Clark smirked and said, “Gorgeous, along with being very witty and good-natured.”
“Liking all the qualities. I take it that Lex saw what might have been brewing and tried to intervene.”
Clark chuckled and said, “No. Actually, Dick had gone to the bathroom. As he was coming back, he accidentally ran into Lex causing him to spill his drink all over himself. Lex got upset and was about to strike Dick until I intervene.”
Lois gasped and said, “I knew that Lex was terrible, but I didn’t think he would stoop that low.”
Clark shook his head and said, “Yeah, any hope that I had of him being a decent human being disappeared after that.”
“What happened after you stopped him?”
“Since, he saw me with Dick, he assumed that this was the fiancé’s kid I made up. He told me Dick or I needed to pay for his suit. When I told him he was being petty, he then went off saying that I would obviously choose a fiancé who was a cheapskate. At that point, B came in as dashing as ever and got Lex to back off by handing him his account’s business card. Whoever, the account was got Lex to shut up and just stare at us as we walked away.”
Lois said coyly, “So we have a guy that is smart, good-looking, and have allies that make Lex Luthor baffled. Your mystery man sounds amazing. I hope you didn’t let him out of your sight after that.”
Clark chuckled and said, “B and his son invited me to their house for dinner where we had sandwiches and chips.”
“Ohhhh. How did that go?”
Clark smiled and said, “It went very well. His adopted father lives with him and Dick. He is very charming and welcoming. Dick is very sweet and adorable. He is a huge Superman fan and has his own collection that he is building up.”
Lois cackled and said, “I would love to see the look on that kid’s face if he ever finds out you are the real deal.”
Clark chuckled and said, “I don’t think that Dick will be able to contain himself.”
Read the rest on AO3
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Archie and Lili, the centre of their Universe.
Their love story, the foundation to build a home, to choose each other, and happiness.
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
Your reading about King Charles' feelings about Princess Catherine seem spot on. I think he may have been befuddled by someone from a middle class background where the character of a person and how they conduct themselves matters. Let's not forget that the bullying report stopped once it reached CH and reports suggest King Charles conducts himself more like H&M than the Prince and Princess of Wales.
Princess Catherine is also known to refuse to do something just for the sake of PR and King Charles is all about PR, the appearance matters more than the truth to him.
Add that Princess Catherine has become the star of the BRF you can see why he would want her out of sight and focusing on being a mother and homemaker.
It's sad that he's reached the age of 75 and is still seemingly in competition with his eldest son and daughter-in-law.
Hi Nonny,
I am glad the reading made sense to you.
King Charles seems to have spent his life in competition with other people - his brother Prince Andrew, Princess Diana, and now his heir. I wish he would just accept himself for what he is and what he has achieved and stop competing with other people. Most of us reach that level of acceptance in our 40s and 50s, if not before, so I don't know what happened with him that he can't seem to be content with who and what he is.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 days
Clapback for sugars insistent that Catherine is work-shy. by u/Larushka
Clapback for sugars insistent that Catherine is work-shy. I am so sick and tired of sugars complaining that Catherine doesn’t ‘work’ very much. So let me spell something out for you.And yes, I will be shouting….CATHERINE, PRINCESS OF WALES IS RAISING THE NEXT BUT ONE KING OF ENGLAND, AND HIS SPARES (just in case, but Heaven forbid).In fact, I would say, she has one of the MOST IMPORTANT JOBS in the Royal Family. It’s not a job I’d want!She’s very well aware of how privileged a life they lead, and is therefore trying to instill in their children, as much of a normal life as possible. And quite honestly, it seems a lot more normal than H&M are pretending to give their children, because NEITHER of them has a clue what ‘normal’ looks like.The sugars can mock Catherine for her middle class upbringing, but that’s what makes her understand normal.Both William and Harry had a privileged upbringing, and Diana, well aware she was also raising a King to be, did her best in her own way, to show them what the real world was like. But they still did not grow up in a normal household. Meghan, as we all know, did not have a normal upbringing - in her own words, growing up on set of a sitcom with an absentee mom and a dad who did his best at dadding, by his own admission, gave in to her every whim and desire.The ONLY person with a normal upbringing is Catherine. And William has often said that the Middletons normal home life was something he really enjoyed, and he clearly thrives, and so do the Wales children, on the life she has created for them.Playing cards with the Middletons? You can be sure the photographer said he’d like some footage of them doing something with the grandparents, so I’ll give that might be partially staged - but so what - they all looked like they were having fun. What have we seen from the Harkles? Hmm oh yeah, when we saw Prince George stirring cookie mixture, the Harkles clapped back with Archie doing the same thing. So I’m calling this now - do we get Doria playing with the children?So sugars, STFU. From everything we’ve seen so far, she’s doing an incredible job in raising the next Royal generation. And for those sugars living in the UK/Commonwealth, you should be damn grateful for the stellar job she’s doing, because Prince George will be YOUR King at some future date. post link: https://ift.tt/lSFrOA7 author: Larushka submitted: September 11, 2024 at 09:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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royal-confessions · 6 months
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“I used to think William was the most sensible one in his family. It’s turning out he’s the biggest idiot. I can’t wrap my head around this downfall. I used to admire him. Wtf is going on with him? I truly can’t believe this. There must be some explanation. I can’t figure it out. Is it really love for another woman that’s causing him to fuck up so badly? What is the reason? That editorial cartoon of him controlling a cardboard cut-out Kate is so embarrassing. KP being declared by AFP as an unreliable source is so embarrassing. This seriously ruins The Princess Diaries 2 for me (lol). I used to think he was the ultimate Prince Charming. Diana’s two sons turned out to be laughingstocks.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I'm neither British nor American and I'm from a democratic country without a monarchy. I'm a royal watcher though and I've never really liked the british monarchy. At first I supported M&H but as various facts began to surface I shifted back at W&C. Now, however with the recent Kate drama I'm inclined to feel like William might just be the worst amongst all of them. M&H are clout chasers and frankly quite pathetic but William just seems so sinister in a dangerous way.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Hi !! I was wondering if you had any book recs/favorite books? Things that you think of as inspiration or just plain like? Genuinely curious. <3 im in love with your work btw i spent the other day binging your patreon
Some favorites that deeply impacted me from a young age up into teenagedom: the Animorphs series by K. A. Applegate, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein, Oddly Enough by Bruce Coville, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Little Sister by Kara Dalkey, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede, The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo, A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander, Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, Piratica by Tanith Lee, the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Holes by Louis Sachar, The View from Saturday by E. L. Konigsburg, Shizuko's Daughter by Kyoko Mori, The Sea-Wolf by Jack London, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, Criss Cross by Lynne Rae Perkins, Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath, Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie S. Tolan, The Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg, The Iliad and Odyssey (allegedly) by Homer, The Táin by many people, Harlem by Walter Dean Myers, Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan, The Wall and the Wing by Laura Ruby, The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkein, The Hainish Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin, Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis, The Ethical Vampire series by Susan Hubbard, The Howl Series by Diana Wynne Jones, the Curseworkers series by Holly Black, The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, Android Karenina by Ben H. Winters, An Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, Beloved by Toni Morrison, A Stir of Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman, the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente, World War Z by Max Brooks, This is Not A Drill by K. A. Holt, Fade to Blue by Sean Beaudoin, Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, The Moth Diaries by Rachel Klein, Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Crush by Richard Siken, Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, Devotions by Mary Oliver, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Some favorites read more recently: The Expanse series by James S. A. Corey, Engine Summer by John Crowley, Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot, My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix, Reprieve by James Han Mattson, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, Kindred by Octavia Butler, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi, Station Eleven by Emily St. John-Mandel, The Crown Ain't Worth Much by Hanif Abdurraqib, The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente, Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica, The Girl with All the Gifts by Mike Carey, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, She had some horses by Joy Harjo, Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón, The King Must Die by Mary Renault, Books of Blood by Clive Barker, Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin, Cassandra by Christa Wolfe
Plays: The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Electra by Sophocles, Los Reyes by Julio Cortázar, Angels in America by Tony Kushner, August: Osage County by Tracy Letts, The Bald Soprano by Eugène Ionesco, The Trojan Women by Euripides, Salome by Oscar Wilde, Girl on an Altar by Marina Carr, Fences by August Wilson, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang, Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Sweeney Todd by Christopher Bond
Graphic novels: The Crow by James O'Barr, DMZ by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli, Eternals (2021) by Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribić, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and John Higgins, My Favorite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris, Maus by Art Spiegelman, Tank Girl by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Through the Woods by Emily Carroll, Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
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