Witch / Eclectic Pagan I work with: Aphrodite / Lucifer
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Feeling / Sensing Energy
Energy sensing is the ability to feel or sense energetic vibrations in some way, and it is the foundation of energy work.
Energy sensing is a foundational skill recommended to beginners within witchcraft. While it isn't exactly necessary to begin, it is a wonderful skill, and can help you in developing your practice further. Many people will tell beginners that energy sensing is a required skill to begin practicing witchcraft, but energy work and witchcraft are slightly different. While they can and do overlap often, they are not the same practice.
Witchcraft VS Energy Work
*please keep in mind this is entirely based on my views and experiences of these practices
Witchcraft is the practice of using tools to harness your energy towards a certain goal.
Energy work is the practice of sensing and manipulating the energy around you to work towards a certain goal.
How can you get started with energy sensing?
Everything has it's own energy signature, even you.
The easiest way to start is by learning what your own energy feels like. Learning your energy signature is something I recommend to every beginner of either of these practices, as well as people new to spirit work. Because it's a part of you, it is the easiest energy signature you'll be able to sense. Having that baseline to look like back to will also make it easier to understand other signatures as well.
My two favorite methods for sensing your energy signature are:
Pushing your energy out into your hands ~ Rub your hands together until they feel warm, while focusing on pushing your energy out through them. You can visualize this as well, or just try to feel it without the visualization. Separate your hands a bit. It might feel like a magnet keeping them separated if you try to close them again. What does this feel like? What do you feel? You can absorb your energy back into yourself by focusing on the energy entering your body through your hands again. You can also just let the energy go by completely separating your hands.
Visualizing (part 1) ~ Sit or lay in a way that is comfortable for you, and close your eyes. Take a few breathes, and begin focusing on how your body feels at the moment. Visualize a light starting at the center of your body. Feel the source of the light vibrating. Watch as the light grows across your body, eventually surrounding you. Continue to feel the light vibrating everywhere it reaches. Try to move some part of your body, and watch as the light and vibration follows.
Visualizing (part 2) ~ This part is the same as the first, but with your eyes open. This part is mainly focused on the feeling without the visualization. Rather than seeing the light, just feel it.
Don't worry if you don't get this right away, it takes practice. I don't remember where I learned the first technique, but it took me a couple of months the get it. I had a friend who tried it and it took her even longer than that.
After you've gotten the hang of sensing your own energy, try moving on to something new. I suggest picking something close to you, maybe your favorite crystal, favorite flower, your pet, a close friend.
My favorite techniques for this are:
Physical Contact ~ If it's an object such as a crystal you can hold in your hands. If it's a plant you can put your hands in the soil around it. If it's an animal or another human, you can hold their hand, or pet or hold them in the case of an animal. Try to focus on finding their energy signature. It might be easier at first to find your energy signature, and then focus in on theirs.
Hovering your hands around them ~ This is exactly the same as the first technique, but rather than physically touching the object, person, or animal, your just hovering your hands near or above.
Just sitting in the same room ~ Again, this is the same as before, but rather than being close to the object, person, animal, etc. you are just sitting in the same room as them.
Each of the techniques gets progressively harder, and that is intentional. Physical contact is great for energy sensing, but it isn't always possible, and it's good to know how to do it without needing physical contact.
Once you've gotten the hang of sensing energy from things close to you, you can try to move on to outside things. This can be anything, really.
The next step would be, if you work with any spirits or deities, ask them if they would be present for this practice. Then, just sit in the area you're in, and try to focus on their energy.
What does energy feel like?
For me, energy feels like vibrations. When I hold my hands around a plant, I can feel vibrations coming off of it. When a spirit is around, I can the vibration of the room change, but I can tell that my vibration stays the same. This is one of the reasons that I can walk into a room and sense the strongest energy in the room. It's like a vibration coming off of that person.
I couldn't say what energy feels like to other people. My only experience with it, obviously, is through me. Which is also why I recommend writing down or somehow recording what you feel during your practice. Part of the learning process is figuring out what energy feels like to you.
What has an energy signature?
All living things
Every spirit, deity, or other entity
Things created by the earth, such as rocks and minerals, and the earth itself
Natural spaces also typically have their own energy signature, places like the ocean, a lake, a forest
Homes, a home usually has a spirit of the home
Objects that hold history. A family heirloom, a historical object, etc
I'm sure I'm forgetting something on that list, but just to give you an idea.
I plan on making more posts in the future about energy work and more of the basics of it, so if there is a topic within energy work that anyone reading this would like me to talk about, feel free to mention it and I'll add it onto my list!
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Unpopular Opinion: Trickster Spirits Are Not That Common
This idea of having to be very careful and to watch out for trickster spirits is spread around to beginning pagans and witches very frequently. It can put people off, too, because who wants to participate in something that be that dangerous?
People will often warn new pagans and witches before starting any form of spirit work or communication. "Use discernment, watch out for tricksters, make sure you know your protections and banishings."
All of that is good advice, yes. You should know about all of these things. They're part of a good foundation, in witchcraft anyway. In reality, though, trickster spirits aren't that common. They don't just wait around the corner for you to open your door.
What is a trickster spirit?
A trickster spirit is a low vibrational entity that can pretend to be another entity you've reached out to in order to feed off of your energy. Some people say this can cause mood swings, irritability, loss of psychic abilities, fatigue, and even illness. They can be dangerous, yes.
How can you tell if you're in contact with a trickster spirit?
The biggest tell is just that they feel off. They're low vibrational entities with intentions that are negative towards you. You're subconscious is going to sense that. That being said, not all low vibrational entities will feel off, and they're not all negative or have negative intentions.
Another tell is if it's an entity that has reached out to you, not the other way around. It isn't very common for deities or other entities to come to you, ready and eager to work with you. It can happen, but it isn't happening to everyone.
If the entity changes their demeanor / attitude frequently, typically from their usual state into anger.
If the entity gives you everything you ask for, no work on your part. Any spirit you work with is going to want you to put in work for anything you ask for. But the tricksters just want the energy you give them.
If the entity is always around, asking for your attention. They feed on your energy and the attention you give them.
These are not all tells on their own, but if you've noticed multiple of them, you might be dealing with a trickster spirit.
What attracts a trickster spirit?
They are attracted to low vibrations. Think of it like an 'easy target'. Lower vibrational emotions, feelings, patterns, and environments are easier for them to wiggle their way into.
They're also attracted to 'open doors'. What I mean by this is, when you reach out to any entity, rather than a specific one, they might see this and come in. Think of it like opening your front door and announcing that anyone is welcome to come in. It's a mixed bag on what you'll get.
Hopeful attitudes around spirit work. Specifically around improving your life with spirit work, especially if you think it'll be easy or you won't have to put in much work. I'm not saying don't be hopeful, not at all. Just be aware that, even working with spirits, you will have to put the effort in too.
Now, it is possible for them to come through under other circumstances. I'm not saying it isn't. These are just the most common reasons one might be around. They're easy for the spirit to get themselves a solid place in your life.
How common are they then?
I don't have a statistic for you, sadly I don't think that'll ever be possible.
But let's put it this way. I have never known anyone who has encountered a trickster spirit. I have also never known anyone who has known anyone who's encountered a trickster.
I, myself, have also never encounter a trickster spirit, and I reached out to spirits without any form of protections up for years. Harmful entities? Totally, but never a trickster.
~ Conclusion ~
Yes, it is possible to encounter a trickster spirit, but it isn't common, and they usually only come around under circumstances that are easy for them.
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Every time you ask "How do you give offerings?" you will get a different answer. Every tradition and practitioner has their one way. You might start out one way and, as you progress and get more comfortable, discover a better way for you.
Here's a simple, general example:
If you struggle at all with getting distracted, forgetting, or keeping focused, it's a good idea to create a routine for when you plan to give offerings. Things might come up outside of the routine too, but this way you have certain times you know you'll give offerings.
This could be once a week, part of your morning and/or night routine, even once a month. This is entirely up to you, the deity, and what you feel comfortable doing.
As an example, I give offerings for Aphrodite on Fridays. I offer to her on other days too, these are usually spontaneous, but I know Friday is the day I will always give offerings.
Offering Spaces
If you have the means, an offering dish and a candle are good things to include in an altar or offering space. A representation of the deity or spirit might also be a nice addition. These are not necessary, though.
You can create an offering space or temporary altar by just setting a regular cup there with the offering inside. You can, it the case of food or drink offerings, offer to a deity or spirit by consuming the item yourself and letting them know that it is for them. Though, this should be discussed with the deity or spirit beforehand.
What should you say?
You don't need to say anything. You can just hold the spirit's name in your head as you set the offering out. If you choose to say something, it can be anything that makes it known that the offering is for the deity or spirit you intend. Here are some common examples:
~ "[Spirit name] this offering is for you."
~ "This [insert offering] is for you, [spirit name]."
~ "I give this offering to [spirit name]."
~ "I present this offering of [offering] to you, [spirit name]."
~ "Here you go [spirit name]."
~ "[sprite name] this reminded me of you."
If you are offering food or drink through yourself and choose to say something, here are some examples:
~ "I offer this [insert offering] to you [spirit name] through my consumption of it."
~ "This is for [spirit name]."
~ "I invite [spirit name] to enjoy [offering] through me."
Disposal Of Offerings
If the offering is environmentally friendly, you can dispose of it by tossing it outside to return into the Earth.
If it isn't environmentally friendly, it's best to be safe and toss it out in the trash bin. Explain that you aren't aware of a safer way to dispose of it, or discuss it beforehand with the deity or spirit, if you're worried at all of offending them. Though, it wouldn't likely offend them, they are aware of the situation.
If it's a physical object of some sort, you can leave to in the area if possible. If not possible, you can put it up somewhere safe. Maybe keep offerings like this together in a safe place.
Offerings do not have to be food or drink. They can be crystals, flowers, art, reading of something, or any other object.
Offerings do not have to specifically be associated with the spirit in question. This is one way we get UPG.
If anyone who might be reading this is comfortable sharing the way you give offerings, please do so!!
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This. This is exactly the reason I wanted to make this post. Repeating and spreading the information that you cannot be friends or anything of the sort with deities, spirits, whatever they may be, can be so detrimental to peoples practices, and stop beginners from building the strong type of relationship they might need with this entity. Deities come to us in the way we most need them, and if for someone that is friend then so be it.
My relationship with Aphrodite started out very rough because of this exact statement. I went through years of on and off working with her thinking "is this right? Am I doing this correctly?" and I never build a bond past working with her. When I finally let go of that, my bond with her grew so much, and I've become a much better version of myself because of it.
I'm glad that you were able to figure things out, even through people repeating this. I hope more people continue to understand that our relationships with deities will always be personal, and no one gets to tell us how to believe or how to work with them.
Our deities, ancestors, the spirits we work with, they want to see us grow and become better versions of ourselves. Just as we would want to see the people we care do that same thing.
Our deities do care about us.
Our deities do care about us.
Unpopular Opinion: You CAN Be Friends With Deities/Spirits/Other Entities
It's very common, in both the witchcraft and paganism communities, to find people saying something along the lines of "Deities/spirits/etc. aren't your friend." I've even seen some people explain this as if deities/spirits/etc. are similar to colleagues. You give them something, and they give you something in return.
~ The first problem with this is that there are many different types of spirits. They aren't all deities, demons, and spirit guides. And not every type of spirit even wants to work with you. Some might even just be curious about you and what you're doing while they're passing by.
An example of this is the Fair Folk. They generally don't want to work with humans. They see it as an insult for you to give them an offering and expect something in return. They give gifts because they want to because they like someone, not because you gave them something for it. They also expect to be treated like a friend when they're around, and find it insulting if you don't treat them that way.
Another example is ancestors. Your ancestors are quite literally your family. They aren't just coming around to give you something you asked for in return for an offering. Maybe some do, but all of them?
~ The second problem here is that, by saying you cannot be friends with any type of spirit, you are saying everyone who does have that kind of relationship with a spirit is incorrect with their view of their experiences. Just because you haven't had that experience doesn't mean everyone else who might've is wrong. How would you know their experience? You weren't there.
~ The third problem is, assuming every spirit is here only to assist people in return for an offering / payment of some sort is a very human-centric view. Not every spirit works the same way humans do, thinks the same way, or wants the same things. Assuming so is placing humans above all other entities rather than equal to. Additionally, some spirits may just want friendship, or to learn from you just as you want to learn from them.
So, while it is possible, and common, that the spirits you'll run into or work with do just want reciprocity, a gift for a gift, you certainly can be friends with deities/spirits/etc.
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*sighs* I love that Lady Aphrodite's war aspects are getting more notice and appreciation on tiktok but it's always at the cost and dimishment of her love and beauty aspects
do you know how many terrifying and truly horrific acts have been made in the name of love. Lowkey, it's just rebranded sexism tbh
Aphrodite is so multifaceted. don't bring down one aspect of her being to elevate another. Especially when it's getting more and more common to shit on the more "feminine" aspects of a goddess to elevate the stabby aspects
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Reaching Out To A New Deity
I've recently decided to reach out to Dionysus, who I've not worked with before, and it inspired me to write this post.
Reaching out to a new deity can be a little scary. Especially if you've never worked with a deity before. Many people get stuck on what the best way to reach out is, what the best offering is, whether they've done enough research or not, and even whether or not the deity will want to work with them.
So, here is a little bit of a guide on reaching out to a deity. I would like to specify here that this is the way I personally do it, and it is definitely not the only way. This post was also written in the moment, so it might be formatted differently than my planned and edited posts.
What do I do first?
The first thing you should do, before even reaching out to a deity, is research. Now, I don't mean go overboard, there's always time for learning more. But before reaching out, you should have a good idea of who the deity in question is.
For me, this is usually creating a sort of master page on them in a notebook. I write down their most popular myths, what they're the deity of, their epithets or titles, associations, offerings, and devotional acts. This usually starts out with pretty short lists, and as I start working with them I add more on.
So what next?
Next is planning. By now, you should have a decent idea of who the deity is, and can start planning how you'll reach out. What offerings will you give? What will you say? Will there be a candle?
I like to make first contacts formal. This typically means lighting a candle, giving a pretty elaborate offering, some type of music or ambient sound that's associated with them, I cleanse myself and the space and myself beforehand. I am only this formal for the initial introduction unless I know the deity in question prefers me to be more formal with them.
The process I use:
First, cleanse the space you're in, as well as yourself. Ground yourself, and take some deep breaths.
Light the candle, and invite the deity in. Set out your offerings, and let them know that it's for them.
Introduce yourself. Tell them your name, some things about you, why you want to work with them or why you reached out. Whatever feels right.
Sit like this for a while. Acknowledge the things you feel, hear, and smell. When you're ready to end the interaction, thank them and put the candle out.
How do you know if they want to work with you?
This depends on you, and also the approach you're taking.
The Approach
If you just want to work with them, towards a goal of some sort, you might ask them if they'd like to work with you after your introduction. In this case you would also state what you wish to work on or towards with them.
If you want to honor them, but not work with them, then asking at all isn't necessary. You're just honoring them, not asking for things from them.
There's also the approach I take. Most of the time, when I reach out to a deity, it's with the intention of working with them after I've built a bond with them through honoring them. So, I don't ask at all. The only exception to this has been Lucifer, who is the only deity I've reached out with that I work with but don't honor outside of that. Yet, anyway.
There are many ways to understand if a deity wants to work with you.
Use divination when asking them. The simplest would be a yes or no form of divination, such as a pendulum or coin flip.
You can ask for a sign and pay attention for the next few days. This includes dreams as well. You could also ask for a specific sign.
You might also just feel the answer in the moment. Or even hear it in your head. This is way more common in people who have been working on their psychic senses.
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Unpopular Opinion: You CAN Be Friends With Deities/Spirits/Other Entities
It's very common, in both the witchcraft and paganism communities, to find people saying something along the lines of "Deities/spirits/etc. aren't your friend." I've even seen some people explain this as if deities/spirits/etc. are similar to colleagues. You give them something, and they give you something in return.
~ The first problem with this is that there are many different types of spirits. They aren't all deities, demons, and spirit guides. And not every type of spirit even wants to work with you. Some might even just be curious about you and what you're doing while they're passing by.
An example of this is the Fair Folk. They generally don't want to work with humans. They see it as an insult for you to give them an offering and expect something in return. They give gifts because they want to because they like someone, not because you gave them something for it. They also expect to be treated like a friend when they're around, and find it insulting if you don't treat them that way.
Another example is ancestors. Your ancestors are quite literally your family. They aren't just coming around to give you something you asked for in return for an offering. Maybe some do, but all of them?
~ The second problem here is that, by saying you cannot be friends with any type of spirit, you are saying everyone who does have that kind of relationship with a spirit is incorrect with their view of their experiences. Just because you haven't had that experience doesn't mean everyone else who might've is wrong. How would you know their experience? You weren't there.
~ The third problem is, assuming every spirit is here only to assist people in return for an offering / payment of some sort is a very human-centric view. Not every spirit works the same way humans do, thinks the same way, or wants the same things. Assuming so is placing humans above all other entities rather than equal to. Additionally, some spirits may just want friendship, or to learn from you just as you want to learn from them.
So, while it is possible, and common, that the spirits you'll run into or work with do just want reciprocity, a gift for a gift, you certainly can be friends with deities/spirits/etc.
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Connecting With The Elements
Connecting with the elements is all about balance. Many people, myself included, easily connect with one element and lack connection to the others. Many people also associate with one element, and adopt it like a personality trait. But being out of balance with the elements is like missing an important piece of the puzzle you've been working on forever. It's important to create a connection to the elements. To find that puzzle piece, so it can help you find the next one.
So how do you start creating balance with the elements?
The first step is to find the element you most easily connect with. For some this is going to be easy. You might think "I'm an earth sign, I identify with that." or "I've always been drawn to water." or "I have a lot of fire traits." For others this might be difficult. There are a few ways you can go about it.
First is to look at your birth chart. There are a ton of websites that will calculate this for you. Look at how many signs in each element are in your chart. Which element is the strongest in your chart? For me this is fire. My sun sign is an earth sign, but a majority of my chart is fire.
The second would be to look at a list of traits associated with each element, and write down all the ones you have. Count up the ones in each element. Which has the most traits? For me this is a tie between fire and water.
And finally, the third is to reflect on which element(s) you've always been drawn to. Which natural places have you always felt more connect with? Which animals? Maybe you feel like a bath or a soak in the ocean/a lake makes everything better? Maybe you've always been drawn to candle magic? For me, this is water.
Once you've determined which element is already your strongest, look at which is your weakest. You can use the same techniques above for this step too. For me, this is earth.
It's best to start out by connecting with the element that you've determined is your weakest.
Direction: North
Traits: Grounded, secure, hard working, structured, patient, trustworthy, nurturing, generous, responsible, stubborn, supportive, honest, loyal, sentimental
Zodiac signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Earth centered affirmations
Connect with and work with earth spirits
Practice growing the earth traits within yourself
Work with the seasonal cycles
Earth affirmations:
I am safe
I am secure
I am one with the earth
I am grateful for what I have
Direction: South
Traits: Impulsive, confident, assertive, active, hard working, determined, passionate, temperamental, competitive, easily excited, creative, social, strong emotions
Zodiac signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
Get active (workout routines, sports, etc)
Practice emotional intelligence (being aware of and in control of your emotions)
Practice growing the fire traits within yourself
Partake in some sort of competition
Learn candle magic
Spend some time in the sun
Fire centered affirmations
Do things that make you feel confident
Connect with and work with fire spirits
Partake in group activities
Do something creative
Practice really listening when people talk
Fire affirmations:
I am confident in myself and everything I do
I trust myself
I am full of energy
I am motivated
I achieve everything I set my mind to
I understand all of my emotions
Direction: West
Traits: Emotional, intuitive, "go-with-the-flow", indecisive, creative, caring, adaptable, sensitive, imaginative, empathetic, loyal, cautious, sentimental, determined, playful, nurturing, "people pleaser"
Zodiac signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
Spend time in / near water
Practice emotional intelligence
Do something creative
Practice growing the water traits within yourself
Drink more water
Water centered affirmations
Connect with and work with water spirits
Listen to your intuition
Keep a dream journal
Practice really listening when people talk
Work with the moon cycles
Practice divination
Water affirmations:
I allow myself to feel all of my emotions
I understand the people around me
I allow myself to do what makes me happy
I put myself and my needs first
Direction: East
Traits: Talkative, funny / humorous, intelligent, curious, adventurous, good at communicating, social, logical, adaptable, spontaneous, creative, flexible
Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Create healthy relationships with the people around you
Practice creating the air traits within yourself
Practice critical thinking
Do something creative
Try something new
Air centered affirmations
Connect with and work with air spirits
Practice setting boundaries
Work on your communication skills
Travel / go on an adventure
Follow your curiosity
Air affirmations:
I allow myself to set the boundaries I need
It is easy for me to communicate with others
I allow myself to explore new ideas
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a case against fucking around and finding out: sometimes the finding out is not worth it.
Not to hit the coffee and immediately say something melodramatic, but here we go:
In the context of learning witchcraft or similar occultish pursuits, the quip fuck around and find out seems to put a lot of emphasis on the fuck around
and I think a lot less focus on the finding out.
I think that the finding out is assumed to be something that can be swept up and tidied under the rug, like:
Whoops, time to learn counterspells!
Well thank goodness I saved that bookmark for protection amulets.
What a relief! I saw a fairy doctor talking about how to correct offenses to the fae, that's really going to come in handy.
But I don't know if people consider that the finding out is sometimes, like:
I've had intermittent recurring pain in my heart for over a decade where a demon implanted energy tentacles into me, and energy healers have warned me to leave it alone. This is something I live with now.
I did a spell in the forest - I didn't know I needed to ask for permission - and now the trees are haunting me; I can't close my eyes without seeing a corpse-like dryad attacking me. I consulted with a spirit doctor and now I have to make offerings in the forest eight times a year just to appease those spirits, and my green magic has stopped working. It's time to rebuild my path.
I accepted the first spirit that appeared to me as my spirit guide. Six years of chronic fatigue later, after losing most of my friends and being able to move nowhere with my life, someone in a Discord told me that spirit is an energy vampire.
I learned to speak with ghosts and the first thing that happened was one of them implanting an energetic cord in me. It told me it was a symbol of honor, but since then I haven't been able to shut the ghosts out. It's affecting my relationships and my ability to work, and I need help.
I feel like I swing on the pendulum between "yeehaww, get in the back of the pickup truck y'all, let's go wrassle that magic!" and "last week Earl got his ankle run over by the truck and he needs seven surgeries to keep his foot."
I don't think either side is more correct than the other. Magic is a big landscape, and it's filled with mountains and valleys.
Just, like. Be careful out there, y'all. Sometimes the finding out really isn't worth it.
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Spring Plant Spell
In summary, this spell is about growing a manifestation as you grow a plant. This can be done with a young starter plant, or a seed.
A starter plant or seed
A plant pot and soil, or a place to plant
A label if you want
How To:
The first step is to decide what you're intention is. What is this spell for? What is the goal?
2. Second, plant your seed or starter plant. You can do this outside in the ground, or in a pot that is outside or inside. If you want to label it, you can do this now as well. I like to label with the name of the plant, and then draw sigils for the intention on the label as well.
3. Next, hold your hands around the area the plant is in. If this is in the ground, you can put your hands in the dirt. If it's in a pot, it might be easier to just hover your hands over the top of it.
4. Now visualize a light coming from your hands, and going into the pot. You can visualize this light as a color, or just a general light. I usually visualize a golden light.
5. Say your intention to the seed or plant. You can do this out loud or in your head.
6. Visualize the seed or plant absorbing the light, and growing.
~ If you want to add correspondence to this spell, you can pick a plant that is associated with your intention. This isn't necessary, though.
~ Another correspondence addition would be to use a plant pot in a color associated with your intention.
~ If you work with any deities or spirits who might assist with your intention, you can dedicate this plant to them and ask for their assistance.
~ I like to visit the plant daily, and breathe my intention into it. By this, I mean actually breathe. Hold your hands like you did for the setting up of the spell, visualize the light coming from your hands, take a deep breath, and breathe into the plant. I actually do this with all of the plants I intend to use for witchcraft purposes, because it's a strong way to bond with the plant.
This is a wonderful spring season spell, because it represents what spring is in all parts of it. Plants growing again in the warmer weather, setting intentions for the coming months, bonding with the earth in some aspect. It's a wonderful way to welcome in spring.
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Spring Equinox
The spring equinox takes place between March 19 and March 22. That may be the official date, but when does spring really start? When do you begin to notice that it's spring?
As we come into spring we start to notice things. Leaves growing back on the trees, birds coming back again, bugs starting to come out, maybe even flowers sprouting. But the weather is still quite cold, and we may think, Is it spring already?
I began to notice the incoming spring at the beginning of March. Birds were out rustling in the trees, butterflies, wasps, and bees came out, and my young blackberry bush began to sprout leaves. The weather also got about 10 degrees warmer. For me, this was the start of spring. But I still choose the celebrate the equinox on the official date. Why? Because I always have, and because it gives me to prepare.
And that's what the spring equinox is all about. Preparing to take action towards the goals you set during the winter. It's a time of sowing seeds, literally and metaphorically.
How Can You Celebrate The Spring Equinox?
Sow your seeds
Literally: plant the fruits, veggies, herbs, flowers, or whatever else it is you plan to grow this season. Get your hands in the dirt and connect with the earth and the new spring time.
Metaphorically: Set the intentions you have for this coming season. Quarterly goals are great for all areas of life. What goals do you want to accomplish in the next 3 months? Make a plan for what you're going to do to accomplish them. You might chose to keep your goals aligned with the spring season. In this case, here are some ideas:
~ New ideas and projects. That new art project you see in your mind, or that new business idea you've been dreaming up. Maybe someone asked you to collaborate on an idea, now is a time to say yes.
~ Growth. Personal, business, family, any goal you have that involves something growing and/or improving.
~ Gardening. Maybe you want to start a small garden, or add a new plant to an existing one.
~ Community. Litter clean up projects, community gardening projects, fundraisers for causes around your area. Spring is a good time to bring the community together.
Have a picnic or cookout with family and/or friends
Celebrate the spring time with your family and/or friends. Cook or bake some foods that are in season at this time and enjoy the weather together. You can find tons of lists with a quick search about what foods are in season. You can also visit a local farmers market if possible!
Spring cleaning
This is definitely one you hear all the time, but it's a good one! What better way to bring in the new season than getting rid of the dust and clutter from the previous? Here are some ideas:
~Physically clean your area. Your house, your yard, or even just your bedroom. Make a project of it if you'd rather. Pick a different area to clean each day, or whatever time block works best for you. Write them down on a checklist with the day you plan them, and check them off when you've done them. This will actually help you stay motivated for it too, every time you check one off the list.
~ Cleanse your area. Whether it be with smoke, sound, crystals, words, or whatever other method you choose to use.
~ Switch up or tidy up your altar if you have one.
~ Clean out your inbox. Emails, text messages, social media notifications, clean out everything you don't need. Unfollow those people who mess up your feed, block those negative messages, unsubscribe from unwanted emails.
Spend some time outside. Go on a hike, watch the sunrise or sunset, visit a local park. Stargaze after dark, look for constellations and planets. There's a couple of good apps that help with this, Skyview and Stellarium. I personally use Stellarium.
Do some magic. Spring is a great time to do manifestation, workings around friendship, love, and community, workings to bring in abundance and wealth, workings for health, and workings to aid in personal growth. I'll be posting one of my favorite spring time workings soon!
Give spring time offerings to the deities and spirits you work with. Flowers, leaves, acorns, honey, fresh fruits, baked goods, milk, spring inspired art.
These are just a few ideas that come from my view of spring. I encourage everyone to look at how they view the spring time and figure out what works for them!
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You can have faith and be skeptical. As a matter of fact I encourage you to.
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Psychic Senses
More often called 'clairs', psychic senses parallel our physical senses. They can be a huge part of someone's life, or not so much at all. They can change how you interact with the world, or how you see it.
A common misconception about psychic senses is that they are a gift that few people have, and that you can't train yourself to develop and use them. In truth, anyone can develop psychic senses. For some, it might take longer, and others not long at all.
Clairvoyance - Clear sight
This ability can allow you to perceive energies that can't be seen with the physical eyes. It might also allow you to see past or future events.
When I say 'see', I don't mean physically see. Most people agree that clairvoyance comes through images within the mind.
~ Exercises to develop:
I know, you hear this everywhere. But in the case of clairvoyance, this is the most helpful exercise you can do.
Start by visualizing general things and can easily identify. Maybe a piece of fruit? When that gets easy, move on to harder things, like a landscape.
When that gets easy, start to visualize things moving. A squirrel running up a tree, waves crashing against the shore, a car driving on a street.
Dream journaling
A lot of messages from your subconscious come up during your dreams. A good way of understanding that is to write them down, and read through them when you're awake.
Clairaudience - Clear hearing
The ability can allow you to hear words, sounds, music, etc. within your mind, which you did not create. These are not sounds heard with your ears, but heard within your mind.
~ Exercises to develop:
Observe sounds
Take some time out of the day to just sit and listen to the sounds around you. Are the close, or far? Are the loud, or quiet? Do any sounds annoy you, or bring out different emotions? Just sit quiet and listen.
Listen to instrumental music
Listen to instrumental music, and focus on listening to only one instrument. Try to drown out all but that one instrument. Keep the volume moderate to low, not high.
Listen to lyrical music down really low
Similar to the first exercise. For this one, you will want the volume to be low, where you can just barely hear the words. Now try to understand the words in the song. It would be a good idea to write down the words as you hear them if you can, so that you can listen to the song again after at a normal volume and see what you got.
Imagine some else's voice
This can be a person you know, a character on a show or movie, anyone who isn't you. Just imagine them talking, hear their voice in your head. It will be easier to start with a person or character who's voice you know very well, and move up to someone who's voice isn't very familiar.
Clairsentience - Clear feeling
There seems to be two schools of thought on this ability.
The first is that this ability allows you to feel energy, emotions, and sometimes even someone else's pain.
The second is that this ability allows you to feel the sensation of touch, when nothing is physically touching you. This is the school of thought I fall into.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice physical feelings
This is the easiest exercise on this list. Just become aware of physical feelings. How your clothes feel on your body, how that fork feels in your hand, how your body feels throughout the day, the floor under your bare feet. Notice physical sensations.
Imagine a feeling
Imagine how it would feel if you were holding an object. It might be easier to start by holding the object and seeing how it feels, and then move the object away and try to remember how it felt. See how long you can hold onto that feeling.
Clairgustance - Clear taste
This ability allows you to taste things that aren't physically there. This is most commonly talked about in reference to a deceased loved on who like to cook, where a person will be able to taste a recipe they liked to make when they're around.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice how things taste while you're eating or drinking them
Just like the exercise for clairsentience, start with becoming aware of how things taste while you're physically eating or drinking them. Become aware also of how it feels, and how different foods or drinks feel different.
Imagine a taste
Imagine the taste of something. It will be easier to start with something you eat or drink often, something you really like. Alternatively, it might also be easier to start with something you find very gross, because the flavor is stronger in your mind. Imagine how it tastes, and how it feels. The flavor, the texture, can you discover why you do or don't like this taste? Hold on to this taste for as long as you can.
Clairalience - Clear smell
This ability allows you to smell things that aren't physically present. This, again, is most often talked about in refence to a deceased loved one. Smelling their perfume/cologne is a very common thing tied to clairalience.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice how things smell
Okay, so a lot of these start with observing. But a good way to train psychic senses is to learn how your physical senses work!
Look at how the smells you're observing make you feel.
Imagine a smell
This is going to be easiest with a scent you're very familiar with, whether good or bad. Maybe it's your shampoo, your favorite food, or something you can't stand. Imagine a scent, and hold onto it for as long as you can.
Claircognizance - Clear knowing
This ability allows you to simply know things, without a reason for why you know them. This is probably the hardest to develop because it requires a lot of trust. In yourself, and the spirits around you. There is usually no explanation as to why you suddenly know the thing, it just appears.
~ Exercises to develop
Trust your intuition/gut feelings
When you get a gut feeling, an intuitive tingle, whatever you chose to call it, trust it. See where it leads you. This a trial and error process, eventually you will learn what is intuition and what isn't.
Ask the spirits you work with to assist you
If you work with any spirits, ask them to give you a piece of information for the purpose of developing this ability. For example, if you work with a deity, ask them to tell you what they would like as an offering at a random point in the day. When you get that piece of information, trust it.
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A Simple Guide to Lunar Work
The easiest way to get started with lunar work is by journaling. Or, if you find journaling hard, keeping voice memos. One of the first things you'll notice when you begin working with the lunar cycle is how your emotions change, and it's good to have an awareness of this going further. Just keep track of what moon phase it is, and how you feel throughout the day. For many people, the biggest thing they notice is that frustration happens more often closer to the full moon
Another thing that you might see affected during the lunar cycle is your sleep schedule. It's very common for people beginning lunar work to notice that the closer it gets to a full moon, the harder it is to sleep, or the less restful their sleep is.
A very common part of lunar work includes planning by the moon phases. This is also something that I do myself. The simplest look at it is the waxing moon is for drawing things in, and the waning moon is for letting things go. It's much easier to start with just the new moon and full moon, before working in the other phases.
Dark Moon
The dark moon is the time when the moon isn't visible in the sky. This happens right before the new moon.
A common thing that's said in the witchcraft community is "Don't do magic on the dark moon." While you can do magic whenever you want regardless of moon phase, this is usually followed when doing lunar work.
The dark moon is about rest, recovery, introspection, reflection, and gathering energy. This is a time to figure out what you want next in life, but not yet time for planning. This is the dreaming phase.
New Moon
The new moon is the time when you first start to see the moon, a silver sliver in the night sky.
This phase is all about planning, new beginning, new projects, fresh ideas, and setting intentions. What do you want to accomplish in the next lunar cycle? Maybe you want something big, something that can't be accomplished in just one month. How can you break it down into manageable pieces?
Magic best done during this phase include health and job workings, and beginning manifestations.
First Quarter
The first quarter is the time when the moon is half full.
This moon is about taking action. It's time to begin those plans you made over the new moon. It's time to say yes to new proposals and invitations. Go after what you want.
Waxing Gibbous
The waxing gibbous takes up the time between the first quarter and the full moon.
This phase is about refining and editing. What's not working out so far during this moon and how can you fix it? Have you been procrastinating or sabotaging yourself? If so, how can you recognize and overcome this?
The waxing gibbous is the phase where we start to fidgety. The energy is rising, and our plans seem silly, or unachievable. Take a step back and look at this. More often than not, it isn't true. Sometimes, our biggest goals scare us, and we make excuses for ourselves to set them aside. If you still want to, keep moving forward.
Magic best done during this phase include attraction magic, inspiration, money, health, and relationship workings of all kinds.
Full Moon
The full moon is the time when the moon is fully illuminated in the sky.
This moon is when energy is at its highest point. Our intentions are starting to come to life. This is a time of celebration for the progress you've made. It is also a time of change and transformation.*
Emotions are usually running high during this moon as well.
It's good to do a check in here. Look back at what intentions you've set during the new moon. Which ones have you achieved? Which ones have you not achieved? What could you have done differently?
Magic best done during this phase includes attraction magic, manifestation, deep meditation work*, self-spirit work*, romance workings, protections, divination, working with psychic abilities, and fertility workings.
*This is a person association
Waning Gibbous
The waning gibbous is the time right after the full moon, when it's starting to be less illuminated.
This phase is about reflection, and communication. Take a look at what you need to let go of. What held you back from achieving your intentions? What do you need to let go of to move forward? What have you learned during this cycle? Now is also a time to set and communicate your boundaries.
Magic best done during this phase is releasing, protection, baneful magic, and cleansing.
Third Quarter
Also called the last quarter, this phase is the time when the moon is once again half full.
This phase is about letting go. Let go of fears, self doubt, limiting beliefs. Let go of grudges, negative habits, negative people in your life. Letting go of anger and resentment. It is also a time of wrapping up loose ends during this cycle. What do you need to finish or end before the next cycle begins?
And then we come back around to the dark moon. It can be a lot to start with lunar work. I recommend starting slowly. I also recommend reading Lunar Living by Kirsty Gallagher if you're beginning lunar work as a tool to plan and change your way of living.
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just a reminder that Aphrodite is more than just the "good" side of love. Aphrodite made a promise to Paris that destroyed a marriage and started a continental war.
Aphrodite is not just a "good goddess" who helps with self love and romance and finding your happily ever after. She is the fire that stirs our hearts to kill others in defense of our homes. She is the lust and aching that causes people to stalk those who do not have feelings for them. She is the heartbreak and complete devastation when lovers are torn apart and never reunited again.
Aphrodite is not just your goddess of love and light and pink things and happily ever afters. She is the bringer of victory - Nikêphoros. She is the Warlike - Areia. She is the averter of unlawful desires and actions - Apostrophia. She is one who blessed marriage and unions - Migôntis. She is the one who turns to love - Epistrophia.
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Content warning: Because of the deity being discussed in this post, there are talkings of sex and sexuality under the cut.
Who is Aphrodite?
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire, passion, pleasure, sexuality, fertility, and procreation. She has many epithets, or titles, that relate her to other aspects as well.
Antheia - The blooming, Friend of flowers
Anadyomene - She who rose from the sea
Ambologera - Delayer of old age
Aphrogenea - Foam born
Apostrophia - Expeller of sinful desires
Areia - The warlike
Callipygos - Of the beautiful buttocks
Charidotes - Giver of joy
Elikoblepharus - She with fluttering eyelids
Eleemon - Merciful
Eratoplucamus - Lovely haired
Gamelia - She who resides over marriage
Morpho - The fair shaped, Of shapely form
Nicephorus - Bringer of victory
Ourania - Heavenly
Pandemos - Common to all people, Of all people
Panmorphilos - Lover of all shapes
Peitho - Persuasion
Pontia - Of the sea
Philomeides - Laughter loving
Philopaneia - Lover of all
These are just some of her many names. She has many more epithets, including newer ones applied through UPG and modern practice.
Aphrodite and the Moon
This section is entirely UPG
I associate Aphrodite with the moon, more specifically, the moon's cycle. I do not see her as *the* moon goddess, but rather as having an aspect of the moon. I see her as the cycle the moon follows. There’s a few factors that contribute to this UPG of mine.
The first being that the moon’s cycle and a woman’s cycle are roughly the same length in time. I guess here it’s important to note that I am female, and a part of my work with Aphrodite has been centered around that.
The second is that the moon controls the tides. Aphrodite is considered a sea goddess. But my association goes a little deeper than that. I have always heavily associated the ocean and its movements with Aphrodite, beyond just her usual ‘risen from the sea’ aspect. I don’t see her as the personification of the sea, or *the* ocean deity, but as the movements of the ocean. The waves, the tides, the things washed up on the shore in the waves, the feeling of a wave pulling and pushing the water as you stand in it. \
I really began to understand this association when I started working with the moon phases, and learning about how to live and plan by them. A book I highly recommend to learn about this subject is Lunar Living by Kirsty Gallagher.
Offerings for Aphrodite.
Fresh Fruits
Olive oil
Apple juice
Wine, especially red
Teas infused with herbs associated with her
Or just any tea
Fruit and/or herb infused water
Cinnamon sticks*
Love letters (to yourself, or to someone else)
Devotional Acts
Self care
Morning / night beauty routines
Write love letters to yourself or to someone else
Visit the ocean if possible
Practice gratitude
Practice self confidence
Listen to music that makes you feel confident
Listen to music that reminds you of Aphrodite
Practice self acceptance
Tell your loved ones you and appreciate them
An act of kindness toward a stranger
Give compliments to yourself or to someone else
Watch a romance movie
Read Sappho’s poetry
Read poetry about love, romance, or sexuality
Read poetry dedicated to her
Explore your sexuality
Learn about the important of practicing safe sex
Pleasure yourself
Read a romance novel
Read an erotica novel
Care for your mental and physical self
Learn about the ocean
Read her myths
Read modern retellings of her myths
Write retellings of her myths
Write poetry or song dedicated to her
Practice cyclical living (by the moon phases)*
Practice sea focused witchcraft
Create a playlist dedicated to her
Meditate and ask her to be present
Other Aspects of Aphrodite
People often forget, especially with the more popular and well known deities, that they can have aspects most would view as negative.
Aphrodite isn’t just the goddess of love and beauty. She also resides over the negative aspects of her associations. Jealousy, obsession, clinginess, heartbreak, self-centeredness, manipulation.
This isn’t to say that working with her will bring those things. You can work with her to get past these things or move them out of your life just as you would any other aspect of her.
Anything in this post marked with the symbol * means that it is my own UPG
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How To: Devotional Acts
Devotional acts are a very common way of honoring a deity. They fit in well with busy schedules, and low energy. I question I see a lot though is "How do dedicate an action to a deity?"
What are devotional acts?
Devotional acts are activities or actions you do to honor a deity. But, they don't have to be elaborate things you only do for a deity. They can be things you already do that you've decided to dedicate to a deity.
The way I view devotional acts is that the point is to offer some of your time to a deity. It goes a bit deeper than that, I wouldn't dedicate an action to a deity if it doesn't fall under their association at all, but the main point is the time given. That is also why I try to keep the deity in my mind while I'm doing the activity.
So how to? There's no one solid answer to this question. Everyone does it differently. And some people, like me, use different methods with different deities.
Visualize the deity you are dedication the action to while you are doing it. An example:
You work with Aphrodite. You decide you want to dedicate your morning routine to her. So, you visualize Aphrodite in your mind while you go about your routine.
You may visualize her being there with you, or you may just visualize her generally. This can also depend on what your intention is. If you want to invite a deity to be present with you while you go about your activity, you might decide to visualize them there with you. But, if you just want to dedicate that time to them, you might just visualize them.
State aloud or in your head that you are dedicating this action to a deity. An example:
You work with Aphrodite. You decide you want to start a conversation with a stranger, and dedicate this to her. So, you say "I dedicate this conversation to you, Aphrodite."
There are many different statements you can chose to use. It's about saying that this time is dedicated to them, not about how you say it. I have a few different statements I usually use. The above sentence, "In honor of Aphrodite", "I invite you [deity] to be here with me if you wish to]"
What you say is up to you, and what feels right.
Listen to a playlist created for a deity while you do the action. An example:
You work with Aphrodite. You want to make time to honor her today, but it's a busy day. You decide that you'll listen to music that reminds you of her on your drive to work.
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