hogwartscastle · 2 months
"19 years later" feels like yesterday, but Albus, Rose and Scorpius just graduated from Hogwarts this year.
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser like his mum is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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soraya-snape · 2 days
HP Next Gen aesthetic (+ their parents) Part 3:
Ron Weasley + Hermione Granger
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Rose Granger-Weasley
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Hugo Granger-Weasley
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Harry Potter + Ginny Weasley
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James Sirius Potter
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Albus Severus Potter
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Lily Luna Potter
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Doing a Marauders Prequel Series is a Waste of Time
Listen, if you look at JKR's writing for the 7 HP books they follow a similar pattern. 90% of the book is pure fluff where she makes you think Harry and his pals are doing something productive when they are not and then everything suddenly happens at the end through dumb luck, deus ex machina or other contrivances. (Ex. see Deathly Hallows, Chamber of Secrets, Philospher's Stone)
Here's a rough take on how the Marauder's prequel show would go:
15% Mauraders hijinks (becoming animagus, making the map, James crushing on Lily etc)
5% Voldemort war/Slytherins
5% maybe Sirius' family drama
75% Marauders bullying Snape
Like...what content is there to show? More boring magic classes? Slytherins once again being given no development (outside from maybe Andromeda dating a mudblood)? More annoying love drama?? All we will see is James' annoying crush on Lily and these boys being huge bullies. If you get one decent season of substantial episodes, that's plenty.
I bet Marauder stans just want to see a show where Severus is constantly shoved into a toilet or something and shown to be a loser incel.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Albus getting ready to dress up in the colours of whichever house is going against Gryffindor in whatever Quidditch game Scorpius has dragged him to (this was during the phase where Scorpius insisted Albus had to spend more time with his relatives and what's better than going to watch them play?) (This is purely to be petty) (he is currently glaring at James Sirius and Rose from atop the Slytherin benches, wearing more yellow than he has in his whole life) (He is going to get hexed so bad by his housemates after this) (it's totally worth it)
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
The Great War: Chapter 3
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Hey, sorry for the wait, I was busy finishing up some requests but here's part 3! As promised we do finally meet Mattheo. As always I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist. Series Masterlist. Read on Ao3
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Warnings: divination class, tessomancy(tea leaf reading), smoking, use of nicknames(little lioness and princess), let me know if there's anything else
Word Count: 2698
Description: Y/N has a class with none of her friends, leading her to sit with some Slytherins. Later, in an effort to get some fresh air she runs into a mysterious figure she soon discovers the identity of.
Taglist: @sylveryfire, @undercover-smutlover, @relminnie
“Congrats on making the team!” Katie said, before walking over to sit with her friends.
Random people in Gryffindor had been coming up to her all morning to congratulate her on making the team. Taking a seat at the table she grabbed some food.
“Morning.” She said.
“Hey Y/N.” Harry greeted from his seat across from her.
Ron looked up, “Hey! Congrats!”
“You too!” She said, “Now all three of us will be on the team together!”
“Yeah. Speaking of, when’s our first practice?”
Harry looked over and said, “We start next week on Monday.”
Changing the subject, Y/N turned to Hermione and asked, “So, what’s your schedule for today? I have Charms then Divination.”
Hermione made a face of disgust. She had never liked Divination and had always wondered why Y/N continued to take the class. Y/N didn’t particularly like the class but since she had managed to pass with high enough marks on her OWLs she figured she might as well give it a chance.
“We have Charms together, then after I have Arithmancy.”
“Nice. I wonder who will be in Divination.” Y/N mused. She hoped that she would at least have some people she knew. Lavender and Parvati would be in it but she didn’t really like hanging out with them.
A little later in the day, after Charms class, Y/N trudged up the stairs to the Divination classroom. It was not for the faint of heart. When she got to the class she took a seat near some people she vaguely knew which unfortunately included Lavender and Parvati. They exchanged polite smiles but nothing more.
“Welcome, students to the class of Divination!” Professor Trelawney greeted in a breezy voice. Y/N looked around, most of the people in the class were Ravenclaws. She knew a few, but not well.
“For this class, I ask you all to please pair up with someone. They will be your partner for the rest of the year.”
Parvati and Lavender paired up together, leaving her no other option. She was going to have to find someone that would at least be bearable. Standing up she walked around, trying to see if there was anyone who wasn’t partnered up yet.
“Y/L/N! You can be my partner.” She turned around to see Pansy sitting at a table next to the only two other Slytherins in the class, Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott. Naturally, the two boys had paired up already, leaving Pansy without any alternative. Both Slytherins looked at their friend astonished that she would willingly ask a Gryffindor, a friend of Harry Potter no less, to be her partner.
She walked over and took a seat across from the black haired Slytherin girl.
The girl’s somewhat approachable expression turned to a disgruntled look. “Don’t thank me.” Message received. Pansy might be acting nicer but that didn’t mean that they were all of a sudden friends. She was going to have to work to ingratiate herself.
“Today’s lesson will be a review of what we learned in third year. Tessomancy, the art of reading tea leaves.” Cups of tea, already brewed, appeared at every table. “Drink up!”
Now, tea wasn’t bad but the kind of tea that Trelawney used tasted horrible. Everybody started to sip the tea, including Y/N.
“Ugh! This tastes worse than it did three years ago.” Draco complained.
“Just like your mother's cooking.” Theodore joked. Weird. She hadn’t been over to the Malfoy’s residence in years but she didn’t recall Narcissa ever cooking. Maybe she only did so when there weren't any visitors?
Y/N snorted, amused. All three pairs of eyes were suddenly turned onto her.
Malfoy turned to look at her with narrowed eyes, sneering, “So, Y/L/N. I’m surprised you were able to take this class. Weren’t you given an Acceptable on your OWL?”
Raising an eyebrow she responded, “Didn’t realize you concerned yourself so much with my OWL results. Perhaps next time you should check your facts. Professor Trelawney takes Acceptables for the NEWT level of Divination.”
“She’s right. How d’you think I got into this class Draco? You know I suck at Divination.” Pansy said.
“I thought you passed.”
“I did. With an Acceptable.”
He made a disgruntled sound before turning back to his table.
Her tablemate looked over at her, “What do you see in yours?” Pansy asked.
“Oh, not much, just a lump of tea leaves.” Y/N said, tilting her cup for Pansy to see.
“It kind of looks like a skull.”
She looked at again, “Huh. I guess so. What does that mean again?”
She was about to open her book when from next to her she heard Theodore say, “It means ‘danger in your path’.”
“Thanks.” That was easily the third time she’s ever heard him talk in all of her years at Hogwarts. The first was in first year when she had still sort of hung out with Draco and Theodore had first joined the friend group. The second time had been a lot more memorable however. In fourth year, after the ‘Incident’, he had been the only other one besides Blaise who knew the truth. She had expected him to tell the truth and get Blaise out of detention. He never did.
“What about yours, what does it say?”
Pansy showed her her cup, “I don’t know. What do you think it looks like?”
“It kinda looks like a bird.”
“Yeah, but what bird? They all have different meanings.”
“Falcon, I think.”
She hummed before leaning over to the boys’ table, “Hey Theo, what does a falcon mean?”
He sighed and without looking up said, “‘A deadly enemy.’”
Y/N pointed out, “But look, there’s also what looks like a sun. That’s ‘great happiness’.”
“So basically I’m going to almost die?”
“Looks like it.”
“Well, shit.” She scooted her chair a bit over to Draco and Theodore’s table. “What about you?” She asked while peering over his shoulder.
“A cross and an acorn.” Draco said.
“Well that’s not too bad.”
“It’s actually pretty fucking accurate considering…” He trailed off, both of them looked over at Y/N.
Interesting, she thought. A cross meant ‘trials and suffering’. Maybe he was connecting that to himself being a death eater. She mentally shook her head. They didn’t know that for sure. Although he was acting pretty suspicious, going into the Room of Requirement late at night. She probably should have mentioned that to Harry but he was already watching his every move on the Marauders Map so he most likely knew already.
By the end of class they had all shared their observations, with a few seemingly taking their predictions very seriously to the point of tears. Idiots, she thought. Most predictions that she had heard made in this class never came true, except for a handful. Then again, her views on the subject might be slightly colored by the fact that none of her friends liked this class. Hermione thought it was a load of dung while both Ron and Harry saw it as fairly useless. Both of them had barely passed the class, only doing so after coming up with all kinds of made up predictions so Trelawney thought that they were successful.
It was for this reason that she didn’t think much of her supposed future. ‘Danger in her path’? With Voldemort back from the dead of course there was going to be danger in her path. Only a fool would think otherwise. She may be a pureblood but she was considered a blood traitor for consorting with muggle borns and other blood traitors. Funnily enough, people had more of an issue with her being friends with Ron and Hermione than they did with Harry.
Grabbing her bag, she shoved her textbook in and took her cup over to the rack. She then followed the other students as they left the class. Finally, all of her classes for the day were over and she could now focus on the mountains of homework that had already been assigned.
“Why is there so much of it?” Ron whined, looking over the assigned writing for Defense Against the Dark Arts. “I swear he’s trying to torture us into quitting.”
Hermione looked up from where she was diligently working on the assignment, “Snape was right about one thing, we are woefully unprepared. Every year we have a new teacher who changes up the curriculum. We didn’t even learn anything from Umbridge. Thankfully we had you Harry, but there was only so much you could teach us.”
Harry gave her a grateful look from where he was pouring over his Potions book.
“It’s a miracle we all passed the OWL for the class, I didn’t even know some of the spells on it.”
“At least some of the curriculum this year is going over things we already know like the Cruciatus Curse. I mean, how can we forget Mad-Eye Moody’s approach.”
Harry made a noise but didn’t say anything. They all remembered the version of Mad-Eye that they had met first. How he got away with demonstrating the Cruciatus and Imperius Curses on students was unimaginable. It all made sense now that they knew he had actually been a Death Eater but still.
“That and Dementors. We know a bit about them thanks to third year. Plus, now we all know how to cast a patronus thanks to Harry so that part of the class shouldn’t be too bad.”
Ron looked over at her, “Yeah. What was yours again?”
“I can’t recall.” She said, shifting a bit in her seat.
“Wasn’t it a snake or something?” Hermione asked.
Y/N shrugged, changing the subject quickly to Slughorn. “So, Harry. I heard you joined the Slug Club. I thought you said you weren’t going to.”
He shrugged, “Changed my mind.” Well that was odd. He didn’t usually keep secrets from the group.
“But why?” Ron asked. He was still a bit put out that both Harry and Hermione had been invited.
“Slughorn knew my mom. I figured maybe he could tell me a bit about her.”
They all shared a look of understanding. It wasn’t something they talked about that much but there was always an undercurrent of knowing that all three of them had parents. Harry on the other hand barely knew anything about his. Sirius and Professor Lupin had both been friends with them but he didn’t get to spend much time with them. She still laughed a bit when she remembered all of the stories Sirius had told about him and Harry’s dad when they were all at school.
“How was Divination?” Hermione asked, her upper lip curling a bit when she said the word. Her long standing disdain for the class had become a running joke ever since third year.
“It was fine. It was mostly Ravenclaws.” Y/N wasn’t quite sure how they would all feel knowing that she had willingly sat with Slytherins, especially suspected Death Eaters. It was a well known fact that their parents were so it was only a matter of time before they joined in their eyes. She knew they wouldn’t understand unless she told them why she did it but she couldn’t do that. Dumbledore made her promise.
She looked down at her assignment for Ancient Runes. Merlin, she hated that class. The only reason she passed was thanks to Hermione. She didn’t have it again until Monday so she decided to wait to do it later. Instead she opted for finishing her assignment for Divination which was an illustration of her tea leaves, her observations, and what she thought that meant. Once she did that, she continued her DADA assignment. Only Snape would assign a ten page essay on Inferi on the very first day.
Later that night, after already being in bed she tossed and turned, unable to sleep. After what felt like hours she accepted her fate and sat up. Everyone else was fast asleep. Tossing her covers she pulled on a pair of boots and grabbed a jacket.
The school was illuminated by the torches but the lack of natural light and other students made it feel creepy. Walking slowly, she paid attention to any little noise or shadow. Some of the castle ghosts were floating around in the halls but they paid her no mind. Soon she reached her destination.
The courtyard was dark and gloomy, the arches creating odd shadows. What was, during the day, full of students hanging out, had now become spooky. She continued walking away from the castle and into the main area. A sound echoed through the air, a stone on the ground. She whirled around at the startling noise, praying that it wasn’t Mrs. Norris, or worse, Filch. Y/N stepped out into the open courtyard, the moon finally visible and lighting her way. It was peaceful at this time of night, despite the threat of being caught out of bed past curfew but after five years of breaking rules now was not the time to start worrying.
Hearing another sound, she called out, “Hello?” Making sure her voice didn’t carry too much.
All was quiet until she heard yet another noise, if she wasn’t mistaken it almost sounded like the sound of a lighter being flicked on. Odd. Most of the students here used magic for light. Even fewer smoked so she heavily suspected that it was one of the older Slytherins. There were rumors of their use of alcohol and drugs at the parties they liked to throw. As a Gryffindor she had never been, but she had heard about them.
About twenty feet away, partially behind the shadowy figure of a tree was a small, flickering light. Curious, she hesitantly drew closer to it. The closer she got the more she was able to see. It was a student, that much was clear.
“Lumos.” Almost blinding light illuminated the courtyard, allowing her to see who sat before her. It was Mattheo Riddle.
“Lost, little lioness?” The light’s reflection dancing in his dark eyes.
“Don’t call me that.” She snapped.
“What would you prefer?” He smirked, leaning in a bit, his voice lowering, “Princess?”
Pulling back a few steps, she shot back, “Shouldn’t you be plotting to take over the world?” Trying to keep her cool. There was a reason so many girls fawned over him despite his heritage. He was beautiful, like a fallen angel, and had a voice that created butterflies in unsuspecting victims’ stomachs. That didn’t mean he was affecting her. She was strong.
Somewhat bitterly, he grimaced. “That’s my father.”
Arching an eyebrow, “And here I was, thinking it was genetic.”
“The same could be said of you. All of your family are Slytherins and yet here you are, a Gryffindor.”
Her brow furrowed. How the hell did he know that?
In answer to her silent question he simply said, “Malfoy.” He looked away, taking another drag of his cigarette. Her eyes caught on his ring. It was silver but she was fairly certain that she had seen it before. 
Of course, Bellatrix Lestrange. They had only met once, last year but she remembered it. It had been on her hand when she had been restraining Hermione before the Order had answered their call. There had been a rumor that she was his mother but there had never been any confirmation. People assumed, based off of his hair, just as curly as hers, and his friendship, if you could even call it that, with Draco.
Lost in thought, she didn’t realize that he had stood up and was putting out his cigarette with the heel of his shoe. Before she could do something he turned to her and said, “Good night, princess.” Before disappearing into the darkness as if he had never even been there. The only thing that indicated his presence was the smell of smoke and the silver lighter.
Bending down, she grabbed it, turning it over in her hand. An MR had been carved into the side of it. Brushing her finger against the carving, she pocketed it.
Chapter 4>>
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ikarponea · 4 months
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Ron Weasley 🦁❤
Hermione Weasley (Granger) 🦁❤
Rose Weasley: May, 29th 2006 🦁❤
Hugo Weasley: November, 6th 2008 🦅💙
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For @rose-of-the-grave
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mpaoshelle · 2 years
Gryff and Raven siblings❤💙
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thathuffgurlsart · 2 months
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Ron & Hermione
The moment after she found out she was pregnant for the first time!
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rosesneverwither · 1 year
Harry Potter ships
Day 8
Cho Chang x Harry Potter
For all of you Charry fans out there. If you know me well, you know that I do not happen to like Cho, but I still like her more with Harry than with Cedric (because Cedric is my boyfriend 😜). That iconic scene in the Room of Requirement from Order of the Phoenix was a huge inspiration for me.
Follow me for more.
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nightingale2004 · 15 days
Harry Potter next generation: Hermione x Ron version.
Roseanne Minerva Granger-Weasley
Faceclaim: Sadie Sink
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Rose is the firstborn child and only daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
She has inherited her mother's brains and her father's attitude
Gryffindor through and through
She considers herself extremely close to Albus family wise until they were sorted
She has an academic rivalry with Scorpius's older sister Sidra, who, despite being ahead of her in Hogwarts years and age, infuriates her to the core.
Looks more like her dad but has her mom's eyes, face, and has inherited some of her mother's curls in her hair
Loves potions and Quidditch
She is a chaser and seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team but prefers Chaser
Rose is nicknamed Rosie, Ro, Annie, and Rosie Posie
She is a daddy's girl
She loves joking around with her family and friends
Loves her brother and will always look out for him
Despite Albus being in Slytherin, Rose still cared for Albus and wanted to be close, but she fell into the old-fashioned stereotypical Gryffindor way of thinking
Is very popular with her peers at Gryffindor
Hates inequality and supports her mother's cause for house elves equality and rights
She is a hopeless romantic
Despite having her mother's intelligence, she is more of a do-er than a thinker
Her patronus is a fox
Sidra (Scorpius's sister) often teases her despite Scorpius's objections
Hugo Alastor Granger-Weasley
Faceclaim: Jaeden Martell
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Hugo is the second child and only son of Ron and Hermione Granger-Weasley
Looks more like his mother but has his father's eyes and his facial features
He's book smart and wizard chess champion (he beats Ron a lot)
House Gryffindor for life
He is more like Hermione and is a goody two shoes, but he won't Rat out his family and friends for anything
Top of his class in every subject except for potions which his sister helps him out with
Him and Lily are very close
Unlike most of his family, he actually likes Scorpius and thinks he's a nice guy.
He is very intimidated and scared of Sidra
Loves his family very much
He is the head boy of Gryffindor
His patronus is a golden retriever
He loves divination, care for magical creatures, study of ancient runes, history of magic, herbology, arithmancy, and astronomy
He is secretly a seer, but he doesn't tell anyone out of embarrassment and fear that everyone won't believe him if he told anyone.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Part 3
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. Also, all of Severus and Elizabeths' childrens names are mine and mine alone.I also do not condone any copying of this.
Marinette paused in the hallway as she saw her cousins, Albus and Rose standing in the doorway of a compartment. In her head, she could see the image of a white haired boy, but she could not actually see into the compartment yet. 
". . . name is Albus. . ." She heard Albus say. 
"Hi Scorpius. I mean, I'm Scorpius. You're Albus. I'm Scorpius. And you must be. . ." 
"Hi, Rose. Would you like some of my Fizzing Wizbees?" 
Marinette crept a little closer, actually curious now. 
"I've just had breakfast, thanks." Rose said coldly. 
"I've also got some Shock-o-Choc, Pepper Imps, and some Jelly Slugs. Mum's idea- she says, 'Sweets, they always help you make friends'. Stupid idea, probably." He said, getting embarrassed. 
Mari was now close enough to look over their shoulders and see the same white-haired boy that she previously had in her head. Strange. 
"I'll have some. . . Mum doesn't let me have sweets. Which one would you start with?" Albus asked, but Rose hit him in the back. 
"Easy, I've always regarded the Pepper Imps as the king of the confectionery bag. They're peppermint sweets that make you smoke at the ears." 
"Brilliant, then that's what I'll- Rose will you please stop hitting me?" 
"I'm not hitting you." 
"You are hitting me, and it hurts." Albus complained. 
"She's hitting you because of me." Scorpius said sadly, since that's who Mari knew was in the compartment. A first year, just like her younger siblings, Rose, and Albus. 
"What?" Albus asked, confused. Strange. Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny must not tell their kids stuff. 
"Listen, I know who you are, so it's probably only fair you know who I am." 
"What do you mean you know who I am?" Albus asked. Mari rolled her eyes. 
'You're Albus Potter. She's Rose Granger-Weasley. And I am Scorpius Malfoy. My parents are Astoria and Draco Malfoy. Our parents- and didn't get on." 
"That's putting it mildly. Your mum and dad are Death Eaters!" Rose complained. 
"So is my dad." Marinette spoke up. She hadn't meant to, she had wanted to hear more of the conversation. But hearing the fact that Rose didn't want to be friends with Scorpius because of who his parents were upset her for some reason. 
Albus and Rose jumped, looking at her. 
"Yeah but your dad was a spy!" Rose explained, though her cheeks were pink. "For the good guys!" 
"Dad was- but Mum wasn't." Scorpius mumbled. "I know what the rumor is, and it's a lie." 
"What- is the rumor?" Albus asks. 
"The rumor is that my parents couldn't have children. That my father and my grandfather were so desperate for a powerful heir, to prevent the end of the Malfoy line, that they. . . that they used a Time-Turner to send my mother back. . ." 
"To send her back where?" 
"The rumor is that he's Voldemort's son, Albus." Rose explained. There was a silence for a moment before Rose awkwardly said, "It's probably rubbish. I mean. . . look, you've got a nose." 
Scorpius laughs. "And it's just like my father's! I got his nose, his hair, and his name. Not that that's a great thing either. I mean- father-son issues, I have them. But, on the whole, I'd rather be a Malfoy than, you know, the son of the Dark Lord." 
Marinette pushed past Rose and Albus, sitting down next to Scorpius. Snowball leapt from her arms, purring as he rubbed up against the young boy. Well, if Snowball liked him, then Mari liked him. . . it seemed she had made her first friend. 
"Yes, well, we probably should sit somewhere else. Come on, Albus." Rose mumbled. 
"No. I'm okay. You go on. . ." 
"Albus. I won't wait." Rose warns. 
"And I wouldn't expect you to. But I'm staying here." 
Scorpius looked between Albus and Marinette as Albus takes an awkward seat in front of the two of them. "Thank you." 
"No. No. I didn't stay- for you- I stayed for your sweets." Albus explained. Mari actually smiled. 
"She's quite fierce." 
"Yes. Sorry." 
"No. I like it. Do you prefer Albus or Al?" 
"Albus." Albus said. 
"And you?" Scorpius asks, popping one of the Pepper Imps into his mouth. 
"Mari." Marinette says, popping one into her mouth too. "These are my favorite sweets as well." 
"THANK YOU FOR STAYING FOR MY SWEETS ALBUS AND MARI!" Scorpius shouts as smoke comes out of his ears. 
"Wow." Albus laughs. 
And for the first time in her life, Marinette laughed too. 
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Okey, hear me out!!!
Lily Collins as Rose Granger-Weasley
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clairelutra · 1 year
#augtickletober2023 - Day 1: Anticipation Harry Potter, Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy, G, 500 words
She should have insisted on taking the notes, fourth year Rose Weasley thought ruefully as she watched the large white plume of her Potions partner's quill wave around. Mommy dearest must have sent it to him in one of his care packages.
Bad enough that she had been stuck with Malfoy all this year, now he got to wave that... thing in her face while she was stuck was handling dangerous ingredients.
(She was handling flobberworm guts and the potion was a mild wetting potion—extra-wet water that never dried out—but those were details.)
She was banking on the fact that Malfoy was even more meticulous about his grades than she was, and wouldn't dare flicking out that plume and brushing it over her ears and neck if it meant she might ruin the potion.
...He wouldn't dare, would he?
Just look at that crooked mouth, sliding into a crooked slice of an evil smirk. Just look at those pale, spidery hands smoothing down his parchment. Just look at the way he was handling that feather quill, deftly flicking back and forth as the delicate, terrible tips swayed in pure menace.
Goosebumps raised on her arms as she contemplated it, her heart pitter-pattering.
Malfoy looked up, seemingly oblivious to Rose's reddening face, and studied their cauldron. "Potion's starting to turn blue."
"Bugger," Rose swore, and lurched to finish measuring the flobberworm guts.
Somehow—though, to her chagrin, it required Malfoy's stupid bloody help—they finished the potion without messing it up.
Rose took out the big ladle and carefully filled a vial for Professor Slughorn's appraisal. Holding it up to the meager light, she admired the clarity of it, only the faintest of blue tinges to suggest that it wasn't water—unlike some of her classmates, whose vials ranged from aquamarine to orange.
She was surprised (not disappointed, surprised) that Malfoy hadn't tickled her with that giant feather of his at any point in class when usually he was all too happy to attack her whenever he bloody well saw her, but—
As soon as her shoulders dropped, something big and soft and far too light caressed her jaw and throat, sending fizzling squiggles through her muscles.
"Ah! Hey!" she yelped; the vial dropped to the ground and shattered. The white plume just started to dance, teasing her sensitive skin. "Ah-ha-ha-hee!"
He was merciless, targeting her neck and collarbones even as she danced and squirmed away, shoes crunching in the glass shards and her hysterical squealing giggles piercing the shuffle of the class as they prepared their own samples.
"Now, now, that's enough," Professor Slughorn boomed jovially, not a moment too soon. "Horse around after class."
The feather withdrew, leaving Rose gasping and fizzling and overwarm. She turned to glower at her evil, evil, treacherous classmate.
Malfoy just sat there, one leg tossed lazily over his other knee, waving the plume of his giant bloody quill mockingly, the grin on his face only a huff of breath away from a snicker.
She puffed her cheeks and stuck out her tongue at him, but he only laughed, the noise warm enough to tickle her bones.
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