#greg adams
painterofhorizons · 1 month
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poh's Akuze masterpost
Since Akuze is my fav Mass Effect playground since 2020, it's time for a masterpost.
Published Fic (x)
20 times Akuze almost gets Shepard (AO3, tumblr): After Akuze, Shepard fights to gain back agency. // 8k, pre-ME1, PTSD, recovery, Captain Anderson
Ghosts from the Past, pt. 01 (AO3, tumblr): Fifteen months after surviving the thresher maw massacre on Akuze, Shepard is confronted with ghosts from her past, when a relative of one of her dead former comrades takes a position on the same vessel that she’s assigned to. // 2k, pre-ME1, Engineer Adams
Ghosts from the Past, pt. 02 (AO3): With both of them hurting a relative’s death, Adams tries to mend burning bridges. // 3.5k, pre-ME1, Engineer Adams
Area secure, Commander (AO3): Tali’s first encounter with a thresher maw doesn’t exactly go ideal, but little does she know. // 1.5k, ME1, PTSD, Tali, Garrus
Currently Working On
The Good, Bad, And The Ugly (work in progress): An episode long fic for the post-Akuze recovery, losely following the 20 Times timeline, but adjusting things and diving deeper into the struggles, people and places important during the long way back. It takes fire to forge a N7 soldier. // ~18 chapters, pre-ME1, PTSD, recovery, Captain Anderson, James vega, Jeff Joker Moreau
Arcturus Station, 2179
Two Aces In Disguise
Of all things Akuze has taken from her, the ability to communicate is the most excruciating one.
at some point post-Akuze in the rehab facility, Shepard meets a young James Vega
reliving Akuze
“How’s Giles doing?”
white noise
Tabatha Adams
post Akuze promotion portrait
meta human portraits Reda Shepard&James Vega
illustration for the post-Akuze rehab long fic
Akuze Giving Me A Headache (random musings)
x x x x
Things I've Said (asks)
x x x
Random Bits And Pieces
Mass Effect Writing Masterpost incl. non-Akuze writings
Last updated: 2024-08-13
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oldshowbiz · 6 months
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Hockey Night in Canada (1994)
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agentxthirteen · 2 years
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 317 (11/16/22)
Thunderbolts 48. On sale 1/24/01. "The Beginning of the End..."
Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Greg Adams
Letterer: Richard Starkings
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Editor: Tom Brevoort
If the Thunderbolts aren't careful, Director Carter's going to send in Steve...
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cryptocollectibles · 1 year
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Daily Bugle 3 Issue Complete Set (1996-1997) by Marvel Comics
Written by Paul Grist, drawn by Karl Kerschl and Greg Adams.
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onarangel · 2 years
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By Greg Adams
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mitjalovse · 2 years
Was John Philip Shenale a part of something like the Wrecking Crew? If he was, he probably had a couple of buddies he worked with. Look, I am not sure on whether or not he and Bill Wray are close, though I assume they sort of had a camaderie, since they both had a similar type of a career. Still, Mr. Wray tried to do his own solo material more often than Mr. Shenale. Therefore, we can find him playing on Mr. Wray's Seize The Moment, which could be seen as a formidable slice of the 80's rock. This is also a bad thing, because everything seems so shiny you have a hunch the entire things was made out of rejected parts from other musicians during the period. Sure, Mr. Wray knows what he's doing, yet he should be willing to bend the rule more to his whim.
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dragonagitator · 7 months
I stumbled across an old GQ article about House MD, and the actors' headcanons of what happened to their characters after the series ended are even more unhinged than the wildest crackfics on AO3.
PLEASE, fanfic authors, I'm begging you... someone write the President Gregory House / Dominatrix Martha Masters scenario that Hugh Laurie and Amber Tamblyn dreamed up. Or any of the other plots mentioned below. Or somehow cram all of them into the same epic post-canon fic.
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saragarnier · 4 months
Away from you
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: y/n doesn’t know where Jay truly is and she got worried
Warning: angst, slightly smut, cheating,
A/N: i will probably write a part 2, stay tuned!
Next part
You and Jay had been together for three years and everything looked good, at least it was ‘till the end of the march. You didn’t know or understand why he changed his behavior when he was with you, especially since it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that you just couldn’t understand what happened between you two. From one day, he just started to behave differently, coming home later and telling you that he was just too busy at work, doing some paperwork and getting his things ready for the next shift. He made it looked like he was just trying to impress Voight and for a moment you actually believed him.
You knew how much he wanted to become, one day, sergeant and to be on the lead of his own unit and you just wanted to support him in any ways you could; if he wanted to make a good impression in case of a new sergeant, you wouldn’t have stop him. Actually, it looked like Voight was having some issues lately, from how Jay talked about him after work anyway, and you really trusted him and believed him about his story.
Then, one evening, you decided to go talk with Kim, having some times together and trying to explain to her what you had in mind: Jay’s birthday was closer than you thought and you had to find a good gift for him.
“I need you to help me.” You said to Kim, smiling softly. “Jay’s birthday is in two weeks and i want to surprise him with a two-days holiday. I know that he spends a lot of time at the district doing his paperwork and trying to make a good impression in case of a promotion, but i really need your help. Can you please find a good reason to get him home earlier on Friday’s night?”
Kim was surprised by your statement, not because of the surprise you were preparing for him, but for what you said about him staying at the district till late.
“What do you mean that he spends a lot of time at the district to make a good impression? He always leaves before me, actually he arrives earlier to complete the paperwork he usually leaves at the end of the shift.”
You were confused, you were really confused. What did that mean? If he usually left the district early in the evening, why he came home every night after 11 pm, when you were already sleeping?
“Uhm… he usually doesn’t come home before 11 pm.” You whispered, looking at Kim while your mind raced through all the nights you waited for him to come back home, before falling asleep because of the tiredness of the day at work.
“Y/n, i swear to God that he usually leaves at 7 pm, 8 pm if we’re up to something ‘till late.” Kim said, looking sadly at you, while something you didn’t want to admit passed through her mind.
“But… it doesn’t make sense.” You replied, shaking your head slightly. “What does he do between 7 pm and 11 pm then?”
The girl just shook his head, looking ad you sadly and placing her hand on yours, trying to reassure you in some ways. “Maybe it’s not something you have to worry about, maybe it’s just some stuff he had to do or, maybe, it’s just a bad moment for him. I remember he was like this when he suffered from PTSD.”
You nodded, but it didn’t make sense anyway. You remembered when Jay suffered from PTSD because you were always by his side, you were always there for him and you followed him step after step, trying to help him find his way out of it. It couldn’t be PTSD that time, you would have noticed immediately.
He wasn’t distressed like he was when he suffered from it, he was actually really happy and he was usually calm when he came back home.
It could be PTSD, but what was it then?”
“Sorry Kim, i have to go.” You whispered, looking at your phone and finding out it was just 9:30 pm; you had still plenty of time before he could have been home and you wanted to find out what was happening with your boyfriend, actually with your future husband.
“Don’t worry darling, it’s okay.” Kim whispered, smiling at you. “We’ll see each other soon, okay? Maybe you can come at the district one day and we can talk a little? Also Adam and Kevin missed you, you know. With all the preparations of the wedding, we didn’t see you around in a while.”
“Yeah, when i’m not at work at the hospital, i’m around the city trying some white dresses.” You sighed, wearing your jacket and placing some money on the table, paying for your own drink.
“I can imagine that. Don’t worry, really. I hope to see you again soon.” She smiled softly at you.
“I hope that too. Bye Kim, goodnight.”
You left the bar just ten minutes after and you immediately called the one and only that could have tracked Jay’s phone without a word: Mouse.
When he came back from the army, for the second time, you knew that it would have been difficult for him to start a new life again, especially after the first time. Jay helped him and, after some weeks in which he tried to convince him every single day, Mouse accepted to come back at the intelligence as a tech. It wasn’t an easy decision for him and it was strange at first, but he knew he had no better option and working with his friend was something he missed a lot.
He picked up the phone after the second ring.
“Hi! Look who showed up!” He smiled and laughed. “I was actually asking myself when you would have called me to give me the official invite to your wedding, you know? I would have asked Jay, but he i’m pretty sure is not as much involved in the preparations as you are, so…”
“Mouse, i need your favor.” You told him straight away. “I can’t find Jay and I’m worried. Can you please track his phone and tell where he is? And, can you do that without anyone knowing it?”
It was a strange request, especially since it went from you, but Mouse got it immediately and he started to track Jay’s phone straight away. He was actually scared for his friend, he was scared that Jay got into real trouble, maybe with the ptsd or something liked that, but there was no time for questions. He tracked his phone and he gave her the address after only three minutes.
“Thank you, Mouse. Sorry if i interrupted your evening. I have to go now and, don’t worry, I’ll handle the invite in person, okay?” You said, getting inside the car while looking at the address Mouse gave to you. It could be true, why was he there?
“Don’t worry, no problem at all. I’ll leave you now, i guess you’re busy… just, tell me if anything happened to him, okay?” He replied, making sure that everything was okay, making sure that you would have called him in case of trouble.
“I will, thanks Mouse.”
When he hung up, you started the car and you drove to the location he sent you; why the hell was Jay at his old apartment? Didn’t he sell it?
When you arrived at the location, you parked the car and you got out as soon as you could, going up the stairs and reaching his door just few minutes after. Fortunately, you still knew where he used to hide the key and you went for it, opening the door as silently as you could. The first thing you noticed when you entered was the emptiness of the room: there was nothing there other than some furnishings and still you didn’t understand why Jay was there.
Then, you noticed it.
Then, you noticed them: heels and they weren’t yours.
Your mouth became dry and you stopped breathing properly, trying to find an explanation for what you were seeing. You took some steps forward and your eyes fell on the jeans and t-shirts that were on the floor, all the way up to what it was Jay’s bedroom before he moved out. You took the hallway, starting to hear voices, moans you didn’t want to hear, moans you just wanted to be from your neighbors, even if you knew that they were elderly and it couldn’t have been them. Just at the front of the door, you saw them: panties and Jay’s boxer.
Your brain stopped working, you stopped breathing and your heart almost stopped beating; you just couldn’t understand what was happing, you couldn’t believed it.
You zoned out, like you couldn’t have been there, like you were just in a dream, a bad dream, a really bad one, then you came back to reality when you actually saw and hear them.
“Oh, Jay.” She moaned, begging him. “Please, faster.”
Jay’s partner.
“God, Hails…” Your boyfriend moaned, lowering himself on her to kiss her breast while fucking her. “I… shit… you feel so good around me.”
“Oh, J-Jay!” She moaned louder, unaware of your presence on the frame of the door, where you were watching them, without breathing.
Jay took Hailey’s legs and he put it on his own shoulder, increasing the pace.
“Yes, cum around me, baby. Cum for me, i love you.”
Surprisingly. It wasn’t watching him fucking her that destroyed you: it was his last three words, the same three words he said to you every morning before going to work, the same three words he said to you on the phone when he was to busy at work to come home, even if he was actually heading to his old apartment, when he was able to fuck his partner whenever he wanted to.
You stepped back silently, to broken to face the truth, to heart broken to face him.
You stepped back and you left without saying a word, without make noise; you went back inside your car and only then, when Hailey’s and Jay’s moans were far away from you, you started breathing again.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks from minutes probably, but you couldn’t notice it before and you were to shocked to dry off your tears: you just wanted to add as many distance as you could between you and the man you thought was the love of your life.
You didn’t even went back to your apartment, you couldn’t have handle being again in the house that would have been yours,the house in which you hoped you would have started a family with Jay. You didn’t go back to your apartment to collect all your belongings, you just left.
You left a message to your boss’ office regarding your resignation and you drove away.
Away from Jay.
Away from your apartment.
Away from the life you dreamed of with him.
Away from the love.
Away from the pain.
Away from Chicago.
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
House MD characters as this random compilation of bowling fails I found on tiktok (based on vibes alone)
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 2 years
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Enjoy a chainship meme.
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Just a few people I lose my mind, my time and heart to 🧎🏾 pt1
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☆ Ian x Mickey ☆
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☆ Will x Hannibal ☆
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☆ Eddie x Buck ☆
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☆ Nigel x Adam ☆
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☆ Bucky x Steve ☆
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☆ Eddie x Venom ☆
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☆ House x Wilson ☆
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☆ Frank x Matt ☆
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☆ Dean x Castiel ☆
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☆ Oswald x Edward ☆
I love them so much 😭😭
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nerdywriter36 · 9 months
Assignment: sluttiest phantoms and explain why 😊
In no particular order:
Hugh Panaro - The man is feral and so pelvis-forward. His permanent smirk only adds to it.
Franc D’Ambrosio - The way he moves, look at that man. See also his PONR for the noises he makes.
Greg Mills - He is so soft in real life, but gosh, he is slutty on stage. We don’t call him Greg Finger Lickin’ Mills for nothing.
Ben Crawford - I’m just going to put this fantastic video by @opera-ghost here as my explanation.
Jeremy Stolle - That man PROWLS when he moves.
Adam Robert Lewis - I’ve never even seen video of him, but his VOICE. That tells me all I need to know.
Howard McGillin - Look at all that leg, come on now
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medicalshowsource · 11 months
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HOUSE 8.14 – "Love Is Blind"
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redscrawl · 6 months
the well written complex male character -> being mischaracterized by the fandom as a dumb slutty twink who can’t do anything pipeline will never not irk me
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