#craig hull
mitjalovse · 2 years
Was John Philip Shenale a part of something like the Wrecking Crew? If he was, he probably had a couple of buddies he worked with. Look, I am not sure on whether or not he and Bill Wray are close, though I assume they sort of had a camaderie, since they both had a similar type of a career. Still, Mr. Wray tried to do his own solo material more often than Mr. Shenale. Therefore, we can find him playing on Mr. Wray's Seize The Moment, which could be seen as a formidable slice of the 80's rock. This is also a bad thing, because everything seems so shiny you have a hunch the entire things was made out of rejected parts from other musicians during the period. Sure, Mr. Wray knows what he's doing, yet he should be willing to bend the rule more to his whim.
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garadinervi · 5 days
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Drawing the Line. Reappraising drawings past and present, Selected by Michael Craig-Martin, South Bank Centre, London, 1995 [Leo de Goede Books]
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Exhibitions: Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton, January 13 – March 5, 1995; Manchester City Art Gallery (then Manchester Art Gallery), Manchester, March 18 – April 30, 1995; Ferens Art Gallery – Hull Museums, Hull, May 13 – June 25, 1995; Whitechapel Gallery, London, July 7 – September 10, 1995
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beattoquarters2 · 2 months
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MY "Thea Foss" (1930) Originally designed by L.E. Geary and built at the Craig Shipbuilding Co. of Long Beach, CA, for actor John Barrymore, the trim and traditional steel hulled, diesel powered 120' motor yacht has been based in Seattle for many years, and belongs to the Foss family, longtime operators of towboats, and is named for the founder of the family company. "Thea Foss" is one of most appealing yachts I've ever seen. Ideal for coastal and inland waterways - large enough for fairly expansive entertaining, but never overwhelming for more intimate and family use. BTW, the $220,000 cost to Barrymore in 1930 would be about $4.15M today, at least according to inflation. Looking though yacht listings, though, I found yachts equivalent to "Thea Foss" in length are actually priced today at between $10-20 M. No wonder J.P. Morgan told people not to ask the price.
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apileofpans · 1 year
Birthday audio/video gifts!
It is my hecking birthday this month, y’all! To celebrate I am giving away videos and audios from Phantom of the Opera that positively ruined me (AKA some of my faves) !
NOTE: the links will work until November 6th, 10 AM CEST! After that they won’t work anymore :) If any of the masters want me to remove their master, let me know and I will!
Everything, including cast info, is under the cut!
US Tour - Dallas, April 6, 2006 Evening Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer, Kim Stengel, John Jellison, DC Anderson, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, John Whitney, Kate Wray https://ln5.sync.com/dl/b833dd740/gvnusjtv-a7wywsjy-98mvkiid-nsa6ksqp
Las Vegas Spectacular - August 8, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79) Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Geena Jeffries Mattox, John Leslie Wolfe, Lawson Skala, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f4b151790/79fc7xe8-emk99ug5-va2ndite-vrapb47x
Broadway - May 12, 2014 (inallyorufantasies, turnofthescorpion) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays, Michele McConnell, Tim Jerome, Laird Mackintosh, Ellen Harvey, Christian Šebek https://ln5.sync.com/dl/9dbe75640/89h6694u-db6i4y53-ker76kab-xtm9qbj3
Boadway - May 20, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Julie Schmidt (u/s), Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews , Marilyn Caskey, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Joelle Gates https://ln5.sync.com/dl/04cef73f0/watx9j5t-s2amh9zy-hmxqchav-2h2sf3ra
West End - August, 2018 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford, Jeremy Taylor https://ln5.sync.com/dl/8a1ae4700/ys5mbar9-yas2ewaq-rrnk4sye-wt5pgdtb
Trieste, Italy - July 15, 2023 (Filthybonnet) Ramin Karimloo, Amelia Milo, Bradley Jaden, Earl Carpenter, Ian Mowat, Anna Corvino, Gian Luca Pasolini, Alice Mistroni, Zoe Nochi https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f916fe200/6dw52cqj-usu7pimm-zbgk2gdg-9qixj3d4
Broadway - September 26, 1990 Steve Barton, Rebecca Luker, Gary Lindemenn (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Leila Martin https://ln5.sync.com/dl/21e8e2db0/wsqmti8i-4d4vukku-xs8fvh3y-85kjak3h
Broadway - May 10, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Patricia Phillips, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Joelle Gates, Larry Wayne Morbitt https://ln5.sync.com/dl/5640398d0/3d5axeix-ie6cpr3t-4j7fbew7-5q8mjcqq
Broadway - August 19, 2014 (Oogie Boogie) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays https://ln5.sync.com/dl/59b8c8720/hzpmzgq7-5hx5xqx9-4e6h4qt2-ynn5dmw6
Broadway - April 6, 2023 (phantomygoodness) Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Julia Udine (alt.), John Riddle, Nehal Joshi, Craig Bennett, Raquel Suarez Groen, Maree Johnson, Carlton Moe, Sara Etsy https://ln5.sync.com/dl/dfa420090/i2m495z9-zwdgyka9-r2k9njdn-tu9hwt9m
Las Vegas Spectacular - September 2, 2012 Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Joan Sobel, Lawson Skala, John Leslie Wolfe, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/882621a90/2kz2ajn8-nkre4uhw-5y7vesm6-gmk3pv7v
West End- October 27, 2017 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford (alt), Jeremy Taylor, Una Reynolds (u/s), Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Lily Howes (u/s) https://ln5.sync.com/dl/d6fa41cb0/axfwkn8z-66dpfim8-7uekxefw-aahsqs8x
West End - September 1, 2018 Evening (Winschi) Ben Lewis, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor, Lara Martins, Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware https://ln5.sync.com/dl/99b982430/9dpb2hez-rex5y3nn-z9e963m3-wm57qfu2
West End - November 13, 2021 Evening (starprincess) Killian Donnelly, Lucy St Louis, Rhys Whitfield, Saori Oda, Tim Morgan, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/fcffc67e0/7362xu65-tefiqt8x-9z3njksk-353iuqjk
West End -March 4, 2023 (verytheatricaltrades) Earl Carpenter (t/r), Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Kelly Glyptis, Greg Castiglioni, Francesca Ellis, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f142d9230/5ngjfdrx-fhjmc9wf-x2yhme8h-z4exy8cf
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petterwass · 1 year
Love Lt General Craig so much, he's such a nutter!
It takes a certain kind of man to go to was as part of a Armoured Division, and not even riding in the hatch of your flag tank, but standing tall on its hull while it fights.
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ukrfeminism · 1 year
Reminder: UK citizens will require photo ID to vote in upcoming elections
Full text below cut, 3 minute read.
Also, it is possible under UK voting law to spoil your ballot but have your vote still count:
A quarter of people still do not know that they will need ID to vote in local elections next month.
The Electoral Commission said that while “people understand” the new rules, awareness had only reached 76 per cent of potential voters a month before the polls.
Those casting their vote in England will not only have to register to vote for the poll on May 4, but also take a form of photo identification.
A passport or a driving licence will be accepted but other forms of ID, such as some types of photo travel card, will not be. Anybody without the correct identification needs to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm on April 25.
Craig Westwood, director of communication at the Electoral Commission, said understanding of the change had trebled since an awareness campaign was launched in January.
He told the Today programme on BBC Radio 4: “The awareness in the public has gone up from 22 per cent to 76 per cent over that period and that’s still with a month to go.”
However, that still leaves nearly a quarter of people unaware of the rules. According to the campaign group Electoral Reform Society, about two million voters do not have the right form of photo ID and could be unable to vote.
Just 60,368 people have registered for a Voter Authority Certificate since the scheme was launched but Westwood said voters often “respond late”, adding: “We always see a very significant spike in the days leading up to the deadline.”
He insisted people did understand the new rules, but that there would be more staff on duty at polling stations to help voters.
Westwood confirmed: “There will be more staff. Some polling stations, particularly larger ones where there are more people who will be registered in that area, will have greeters, people who are outside the polling station that can just make sure that people are definitely aware of the ID requirement.
“That they’d got it with them, they’ve got it out of their purse, wallet, bag, and have got it ready, just to make sure that any queues are being eased through.”
This week the Post Office warned those who do not have a passport or driver’s licence may not now have enough time to apply for one before the polls.
Elinor Hull, Post Office identity services director, said: “No one wants to see someone turned away from voting at a polling station because they don’t have the required form of ID with them.”
The government introduced the new rules last year in an attempt to stop voter fraud. But Labour has said the plans are expensive and unnecessary.
A government spokesman said: “We cannot be complacent when it comes to ensuring our democracy remains secure. Photo identification has been used in Northern Ireland elections since 2003.
“The vast majority of people already have a form of acceptable identification. We’re urging anyone who doesn’t to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate as soon as possible and we expect more people to apply over the next few weeks.
“We’re working closely with the sector to support the rollout and are funding the necessary equipment and staffing for the change in requirements.”
What ID will be accepted?
Lots of existing forms of photo ID including passports, driving licences, Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS) cards, and some concessionaire travel cards. Those without any of those can apply for the Voter Authority Certificate.
However there has been some concern over travel passes for older people being allowed, but not those held by younger people.
Willie Sullivan, senior director at the Electoral Reform Society, said: “Allowing bus passes and Oyster cards for older voters but refusing to accept the same forms of ID or young people means that these new rules could disproportionately shut out younger voters from the ballot box.”
Is voter fraud actually a problem?
An Electoral Commission report in 2014 found there was no evidence to suggest there had been widespread, systematic attempts to undermine recent elections through fraud. It added that the lack of voter ID was an “actual and perceived weakness” of our electoral system. The report recommended voters be required to show ID at polling stations.
Will it reduce turnout?
Local elections are not famous for their large turnout generally, however there are concerns the policy could mean the number of voters will be even lower.
In a pilot carried out in 2018 there was no evidence that turnout had dipped, but in 2019 turnout was down by two to six percentage points on the 2018 elections. Although the Electoral Commission said that could not be attributed to a single factor.
Where do the rules apply?
The new rules apply in England only, and Northern Ireland has required voter ID since 2003. Elections in Scotland and Wales do not require voter ID.
Who is less likely to have the right ID?
Electoral Commission research found those in more disadvantaged groups were less likely to have the right ID. This included people who are unemployed, living in the social housing, or with lower levels of education.
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A Day at the Shop
Here's my Portal Secret Santa 2022 for @genericdragon, she said she really likes cores, especially fan made ones, so I decided to make a thing about Virgil. I have a bunch of headcanons about Rick and Craig, so I incorporated them into this as well. Finally I had to add Ego core too, since she mentioned him a few times.
AO3 Link
Full Text Below:
Virgil stretched his handles. 
Not really for any useful reason, to be truthful. They hadn’t been rusted over, and stretching them wouldn’t have fixed that anyway. He remembered hearing somewhere that in humans, stretching was a good way of moving around muscle fibers and keeping joints flexible. That might have been applicable here, but the only way cores could increase their handle flexibility was with some grease, and maybe a motor upgrade. Stretching would probably just wear out the hinge.
No, Virgil was stretching because he was tired. It didn’t make much sense, but that was the modus operandi aperturae . Aperture’s way of doing things. More specifically, Aperture would design robots with humans in mind, so much so that when they acted like robots instead of humans, it was seen as a failure. It was why cores could yawn and shiver, despite not having any need for either function. Fortunately, they had been decent enough to program a sense of humor into some of the robots. Un fortunately, Virgil did not appear to be one of them.
Looking up at the clock, Virgil sighed. 2:00 AM. Cores didn’t really need to sleep, at least not for more than 10 minutes while their CPU cooled down and their drivers updated. But Virgil really felt like he could use a long human nap. Usually a visit to the enCORE Club or some TV with Craig would do the job. But it didn’t make the shift any easier.
The testing bots had been particularly obnoxious, according to Her. Not only did they decide to destroy each other a record breaking 11 times in one test chamber, one of the Oranges got caught in the gears of a crusher mechanism, jamming a gear and blowing out part of the test chamber. And it was one of Her favorites too. Then came Glitchy, Caroline bless him , who had his eye fall out at random, and then blew up right after. In his workshop. So that was fun.
He’d almost gone up with Mel. At times he wished he had. Maybe he could have seen what was out there. Whether all those rumors were true. He’d built a rig that made cores able to fly, like a helicopter, but hadn’t tested it much. Either way, he couldn’t bring himself to actually go with her. Maybe it was nervousness, maybe he was afraid of burdening her. Whatever it was, he hoped that she was okay.
But griping about it wouldn’t fix anything. And besides, Virgil enjoyed what he did, if for no other reason than that he was programmed to. And with that stretch-and-ponder out of the way, he went and looked over at his next client. 
 This core had seen better days. Its eye was open, but its optic was deactivated. Its lower handle was disconnected on one of its hinges, leaving it hanging by a thread. One of its main hull pieces - that was the best non-technical term the scientists had a chance to come up with before getting gassed - had come loose. 
It looked beyond repair. But as far as Virgil was concerned, looks meant nothing. Well, except for when they did. First order of business was to hook it up to an external power supply. After finding the right socket, Virgil flipped the switch on the external battery pack. Before long, the seemingly deceased core began to move.
Virgil was usually a little bit excited to guess what color and pattern the optic would be if the core in question was unpainted and deactivated. There were occasionally little details that would help him figure out before he actually saw, but even he had been wrong before. Besides, it put a little joy into seeing what was effectively a corpse of himself. This time around, however, Virgil let out a groan as the optic flashed green, and displayed a square grid pattern with a decidedly large black rectangle in the middle.
“iIIIIIiiIIi Dint MEEeANta LAuch YA I SWEaR!” The core finally finished whatever he had meant to say before deactivating. “Oh shoot, I’m back here. How’s it hangin’ doc?”
Virgil sighed. “Hello… Rick. How have you been?”
“Shoot, I’ve been good. Been a while, ain’t it?” 
“It’s been… two days. Which, for you, is a lot, yes.”
“Ain’t that the truth. Anyway, you able to fix me up?”
“Wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t.” Virgil’s optic reset to default, and began spinning. “There we go, you won’t feel a thing.”
Virgil paused for a second. He hated to pry, but knowing Rick, he just had to know what led him here every time. “So… what kind of adventures have you had recently?”
“Shoot, I don’t remember much, but Pinkie and I did stop by the club a while back. Saw my ex Lydia there. Next I remember, I was singin’ along the tunes and then I wake up here.”
Virgil’s upper eyelid plate lowered. “Uh-huh, and how about you…. ‘Pinkie’?” He looked upwards towards the adventure sphere’s pink eyed companion turned documentary filmmaker, who had been noticeably silent until now. 
Without moving his optic, the fact sphere replied, “The adventure sphere received several hits of Volt Supreme™ at the enCORE club, and tried to improvise an unsolicited solo during one of Loose-Screws Louis’ songs. After being kicked out, he spotted his fifth ex-partner, Avery, who he mistook for his seventh ex-partner, Lydia, despite multiple attempts at correcting him. In an attempt to show off his “rail spinning” skills, he collided into Avery, incapacitating both cores.”
Virgil sighed. That explained the similarly damaged red painted core next to him. So much for an easy break. “You know, Rick, I wonder if maybe you should take a different approach to dating. Not much of a point of having partners if they keep dumping you, y’know?”
“I mean, I guess you ain’t wrong, but a lil’ somethin’ new is always fun. ‘Sides, I can flirt just fine. Speakin’ of, how’s ol’ Rainy?”
Virgil’s lower eyelid plate raised, and he chuckled nervously. “Ah, haha, yes. Uh, Rainbow Core and I are doing well. He touched up my paint job the other day.”
“Shoot, ain’t that something. Still though, you guys got it easy. It’s tough when you’re designed for danger.”
“Whatever you say, Rick.” Before Rick could elaborate any further, another voice from the shop entrance chimed in, “Indeed, dating is never an easy thing. You never quite find a partner that’s as good as you are.”
Virgil looked over, only to see a purple eyed core wearing a large button. He sighed audibly. “What’s the issue today, Onathan?”
“Oh, it’s pretty serious if I do say so myself. Take a look at my button.”
Virgil squinted. “I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
“Isn’t it obvious? There’s a smidge of oil on the left side. It’s blocking the number sign, this is a major identity crisis! How will other cores know I’m number one?!”
Virgil sighed again, and briefly reflected on the irony of how often he did it despite not having lungs. “For Caroline’s sake… seriously, Onathan? Just wash it off. Find a tap or something. Geez.” Onathan pulled back and slid out of the door, nervously mumbling to himself.
Pulling back, Virgil then looked over at the adventure sphere. “Looks like you’re all set and ready to go. And, just a tip, maybe go easy on the volt shots. I’m sure you don’t want to have to see Chuck about railing while intoxicated again.”
Rick tilted his optic. “Eh, I ain’t afraid of him. But actually, I gotta go see Ray about another adventure course I’m buildin’, so see ya.” The management rail connector lowered and attached itself to Rick, who sped off past Onathan, out of the repair wing.
Virgil looked down at Avery’s hull, and back up at Craig. “I think after this last one, I’m gonna take a break. You interested?”
“Usually the adventure sphere spends several hours with the testing core at a time. In other words, I think I’ll be free for a while.”
“Perfect. You have no idea how long I’ve needed this. Oh, and by the way, remind me to tune you up whenever you start working on that next episode of your documentary.”
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On January 11th 2000 The Kirkcudbright based fishing vessel Solway Harvester sank off the coast of the Isle of Man with the loss of her seven crew.
On board were Skipper Andrew Mills (known as Craig), 29, his brother Robin Mills, 33, their cousin David Mills, 17, Martin Milligan, 26, John Murphy, 22, David Lyons, 18, and Wesley Jolly, 17.
The men were all from the Isle of Whithorn area of Dumfries and Galloway. In 2005, there was a manslaughter trial of the dredger’s owner Richard Gidney. He collapsed after the judge ruled there was no case to answer.
The Solway Harvester was an automated scallop dredger. This fairly unusual type of vessel has sections along the sides which rotate out and upwards to deposit the catch on the deck. Launched in 1992, she was 21m (70ft) long and had accommodation for eight on board, plus a workshop, ice machine and storage.
But a Marine Accident Investigation Branch report on the sinking in 2003 found that there were maintenance issues - especially a flood alarm that did not work and a missing hatch cover.
The dredger sailed from Kirkcudbright in the early hours of 10 January 2000 and headed to the queen scallop grounds of the Irish Sea.
By the next morning, the crew had filled 150 bags of scallops. They hauled gear that afternoon, ready for home.
But the weather worsened and skipper Craig Mills headed for shelter at Ramsey Bay.
Nothing more was heard from the vessel until a satellite picked up an emergency position radio beacon. A rescue mission was scrambled but it was called off on 12th January after two unopened life rafts were found.
The wreck of the Solway Harvester was found on 15th January lying on her starboard side in 35m of water. The bodies of all seven crew were on board. According to the Marine Accident Investigation Branch, the vessel capsized because her fish room flooded, making her unstable.
Water drained unnoticed into the fish room through scuttles (hatches) on the deck which did not have their covers on. The pump was blocked, and an alarm which warns when the bilges (the lowest inner parts of the ship’s hull) are filling with water was broken. So the skipper had no warning the room was flooding. In the rough sea the unstable Solway Harvester rolled sideways to 30-40 degrees. This meant more water poured in through the open scuttle; tonnes of fish and gear shifted to starboard and water became trapped on the main deck. Although her buoyancy would have allowed her to roll back to 20-25 degrees she never regained her stability and she gradually rolled onto her side. It was then just a matter of time before she sank.
The Solway Harvester was towed to Douglas Harbour kept afloat until it was scrapped 13 years later, the reason for this was the need to preserve evidence in case there was litigation from the crews families.
There are three memorials that honour those lost that day, two at Isle of Whithorn, and a third at Douglas Head, Douglas, Isle of Man which signifies the close bond between Scotland, the Isle of Man and all the fishing communities around the Irish Sea.“
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whatsonmedia · 9 days
Top 10 Events and Festivals Around the World This Week
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Get ready to mark your calendars, music lovers! Here's a curated list of the most anticipated music festivals happening around the globe in September 2024. Waterworks Festival 2024: Immerse Yourself in London's Vibrant Bass, House, and Techno Scene On September 14, 2024 The Waterworks Festival returns to Gunnersbury Park in London, UK, with over 70 artists showcasing the best in bass, house, and techno music. This single-day festival promises an electrifying experience for music enthusiasts, with a lineup that includes 4am Kru, Amaliah, Anil, Bakey, Bashkka, Batu, Binh, Blackeye MC, Breaka, CC:DISCO, Cedar:Chez de Milo, Christian AB, Coco Bryce, Conducta, and Craig Richards, among many others.  Official Website Desertfest New York 2024: Celebrating the Best of Heavy Music in the Big Apple From September 12-14, 2024 The Desertfest returns to New York City, taking over the unique arts space of the Knockdown Center. This festival, led by Europe's leading stoner rock collective, promises a mammoth lineup that celebrates the very best of heavy music. Fans can look forward to performances by Truckfighters, Abrams, Acid King, Belzebong, Deathchant, Domkraft, Dozer, Gozu, Green Lung, Guhts, and Hippie Death Cult, among others.  Official Website Ultra Japan 2024: Immerse Yourself in the World's Top EDM Talent On September 14-15, 2024 Famous Ultra Music Festival from Miami makes its way to Tokyo, Japan, with a special park built just for the occasion. This two-day event boasts the world's top EDM DJs, including Steve Aoki, Subtronics, Afrojack, Alesso, Anfisa Letyago, Armin van Buuren, Brennan Heart, Disco Lines, Eli Brown, Hot Since 82, and Iso Knock, among others, all performing on unparalleled stage designs and top-tier production.  Official Website Borderland Festival 2024: Celebrating the Rich History and Renaissance of New York's Knox Farm State Park September 13-15, 2024 The Borderland Music + Arts Festival returns to East Aurora, NY, from September 13-15, 2024, showcasing the rich history and renaissance of the region. This two-day music and cultural festival takes place in the scenic and storied grounds of Knox Farm State Park, with a lineup that includes BeachLife Festival 2023, Caamp, Dark Star Orchestra, The Black Crowes, Caamp, Marcus King, Dark Star Orchestra, Cory Wong, The Wood Brothers, The Wailers, The Sheepdogs, Houndmouth, Sierra Hull, Eggy, Sumbuck, and The Dip.  Official Website Bristol Rhythm and Roots 2024: A Three-Day Music Experience Bursting with Appalachian Soul From September 13-15, 2024 The Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion festival will once again take over the historic downtown of Bristol, TN/VA. This infectious, three-day music experience celebrates the past, present, and future of Appalachian music, with a lineup that includes 49 Winchester, Adam Bolt, AJ Lee & Blue Summit, Alli Epperson, Amanda Fields, Anthony Childress, Ashley McBryde, Austin Barrett, Bella White, and Bristol Lightning, among many others.  Official Website Plissken Festival 2024: Embracing Diverse Genres in the Heart of Athens, Greece September 13-14, 2024 The Plisskën Festival returns to Athens, Greece, from September 13-14, 2024, showcasing a genre-defying lineup of over 450 international and local artists. This festival prides itself on its diverse musical offerings, with acts like Vito Valentinetti, Electric Fields, IDLES, The Blessed Madonna, Alice Glass, Cakes Da Killa, Chloe Caillet, Cumgirl8, Duster Valentine, Forest Swords, Grandmas House, IDLES, Kid Francesco, Lilubomyr Melnyk, Mall Grab, and Marie Montexier.  Official Website Telluride Blues and Brews 2024: A Unique Blend of Music and Craft Beer in the Rocky Mountains From September 13-15, 2024 The Telluride Blues and Brews Festival will once again take place in the classic Colorado mountain town of Telluride. This one-of-a-kind experience combines three days of blues, funk, jam, gospel, rock, and soul music with tastings from over 150 breweries, featuring artists like Gary Clark Jr., Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals, Cris Jacobs, Earnest "Guitar" Roy, Eddie Roberts & The Lucky Strokes, Eric Gales, Faith & Harmony, and Grace Bowers.  Official Website Rock in Rio Brasil 2024: Brazil's Signature Mega-Festival Returns to the City of Rock September 13-22, 2024 The biannual Rock in Rio festival will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from September 13-22, 2024. This massive event, known as Brazil's signature music festival, will feature two weekends of performances by some of the biggest artists from around the world, including Travis Scott, 21 Savage, Cat Dealers, Chemical Surf, Deadmau5, Fatboy Slim, Funk Orquestra Convida MC Daniel, Rebecca & MC Soffia, Karan Aujla, Katú Mirim, Kevin O Chris, Ludmilla, and Matuê Part Wiu e Teto.  Official Website London Fashion Week 2024: Celebrating 40 Years of London's Creative Community From September 12-17, 2024 London Fashion Week (LFW) will take place as a digital-physical hybrid event. This year marks the 40th anniversary of LFW, and the festival will celebrate London's position as a world-leading cultural capital and its vibrant creative community. LFW40 will spotlight the city's role in nurturing emerging talent and the next generation of visionary creatives.  Official Website Caprices Festival Gstaad 2024: Blending World-Class Electronic Music with Breathtaking Alpine Views September 20-22, 2024 The Caprices Festival Gstaad returns to the mountain top of Eggli in Gstaad, Switzerland, from September 20-22, 2024. This unique festival promises to blend world-class electronic music with the breathtaking panoramic views of the Swiss Alps, creating a celebration of music, nature, and community. The lineup includes artists like Alex Wann, Âme, Andera, Apache, Bedouin, Blond:ish, Carlita, Daaeeru, DadaDisco, Daughter In Law, Eli Light, Garance, Gianundso, Guy Gerber, and Jimi Jules.  Official Website Don’t forget to subscribe WhatsOn for more news and updates on festivals and events around the world. Waterworks Festival 2024: Immerse Yourself in London's Vibrant Bass, House, and Techno Scene Desertfest New York 2024: Celebrating the Best of Heavy Music in the Big Apple Ultra Japan 2024: Immerse Yourself in the World's Top EDM Talent Borderland Festival 2024: Celebrating the Rich History and Renaissance of New York's Knox Farm State Park Bristol Rhythm and Roots 2024: A Three-Day Music Experience Bursting with Appalachian Soul Plissken Festival 2024: Embracing Diverse Genres in the Heart of Athens, Greece Telluride Blues and Brews 2024: A Unique Blend of Music and Craft Beer in the Rocky Mountains Rock in Rio Brasil 2024: Brazil's Signature Mega-Festival Returns to the City of Rock London Fashion Week 2024: Celebrating 40 Years of London's Creative Community Caprices Festival Gstaad 2024: Blending World-Class Electronic Music with Breathtaking Alpine Views Read the full article
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altroottv · 2 months
'The Seeker' - David Hull and the Dirty Angels from The Extended Play Sessions on Vimeo.
The Extended Play Sessions - July 20, 2024
David Hull and the Dirty Angels perform the song "The Seeker" on The Extended Play Sessions. DAVID HULL is a multi-instrumentalist, bassist, composer and recording artist who commenced his extraordinary and versatile career on stage and in the studio as anchor of the Buddy Miles Band when he was still in his teens, touring the world and playing on a series of historic recordings, including the Gold classic, “Them Changes”. On October 1, 1970, Hull performed at an imu show after the funeral of Jimi Hendrix. Hull joined Buddy Miles, Johnny Winter, Charlie Karp, Billy Cox, Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding in a memorable live performance. He is a co-founder of the original Connecticut rock ensemble The Dirty Angels.
The Band: David Hull - bass, vocals Pete Cassani - guitar, vocals Steven Hart - drums, vocals
Production Staff Maribeth Arena - Camera 2 Bill Hurley - Boom Camera Joanne Craig - Camera 3 H Nat Stevens - Cam 1 Remote Connor Quigley - Sound Engineer, Livestream Producer Eric Nordstrom - Front Of House Photographer - Dan Busler Connor Quigley - Post Audio Mix Engineer
The Fallout Shelter is an all ages 100-seat performance venue and state-of-the-art broadcast and recording studio, offering one of the most unique live music experiences in New England. Located in Norwood, MA, just 15 miles from Boston, The Fallout Shelter is run under the auspices of the Grass Roots Cultural and Performing Arts Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, promoting and advocating for traditional American Roots music.
Youtube: youtube.com/@thefalloutshelternorwood Website: extendedplaysessions.com Facebook: facebook.com/epsfalloutshelter Instagram: instagram.com/thefalloutshelternorwood
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Catamaran Market Expecting the Unexpected future in 2030; SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis
Catamaran is a multi-hulled watercraft which consists of two parallel hulls of equal sized that designed and constructed to offers outstanding performance at sea. Catamaran market is expected to mark significant growth over forecasted period owing to increasing travelling and tourisms activities, adoption of sailings, water sports and campaigning, recreational activities and technological advancement. There has been significant rise in number of people preferring travel and tourism activities with figure stood up to 8.3 trillion in global alone in 2017, so the future for Catamaran looks promising. This result in rising popularity of advanced multihull cruises with enhanced speed and escalating need for balanced structure and better safety may trigger demand and help in industry expansion.
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Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
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{Genderswap of Total Drama Main Characters}
“The class of full students, young thespians, and able teenagers are the decent schoolchildren of “Monarch Edgewood's College of Fine Arts” in Empire City, NYC. They’re spectacular children, dramatic youths, choir of children & club members, and artistic talented kids who’re aren’t spotless role models, perfect protagonists, and flawless characters but they’re always a unique characteristic and a special feature as all of them have noteworthy personalities and special stars in them as they’re the opposite numbers of Mademoiselle Bustier's Class & Mademoiselle Mendeleiev’s Class. The able students are recent acquaintances, current ally, and brand-new wonderful friends of Chloé Bourgeois as they’ve decided to make her a better person and look after her when she’s transferring to their immense educational institution. When Chloé realizing of what’s she have done from her previous life and unpleasant childhood of becoming unpleasant and vile witch towards her previous peers all because of being abandoned & neglected by her own self-important mother, hasn't seen her mom ever since she was a child in age of 6 and extremely had apathetic towards & lack of enthusiasm for her and as for her business-minded & financially savvy father don’t keeping her company & didn’t have to spend some time with her, Chloé come to decision to wanted to change, and becomes better person with fresh character & new personality. All of her current classmates started to let her join in one of their community therapy sessions and counseling group sessions along with behavior management sessions and several of decent teenagers and capable students to become acquainted with at “Harmony Grove’s Healing Group Center” and invited her to “The Academy Opera House”, their enormous theatre company to shows her real talents to the others. Despites finding her previous behavior, they’re giving her a chance and helping her with her own confidences, teaching Chloé how to become an independent female, gives her to feel to be free, showing her off every place in Empire City she’s never gone to before, and treating her like she’s never had before…. An extremely large and loved family she’s ever wanted with genuine connections & meaningful bonds as they’ve got subsequent chapters to bring her fresh lifestyle with extended and packed adventures she had never had before.”
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Joslyn Olina-Kani {The Eye Candy}-Lipstick Lesbian/Nice Lesbian/Girlflux/Demigirl, 16, Neutral Good 
Sebastian Hong-Ming {The Boy Next Door #1}-Demiboy/Transmasc/Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
 Vicente Jardim Esteves {The Boy Next Door #2}-Queer/Polyarmorous/Agender/Boyfuild, 15, Chaotic Good
Essie Daughtery-Templeton {The Homeschooled Girl}-Straight Ally/Birominatic Demisexual/Demigirl, 14, Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good 
Demi Lara-Mitchell {The Gentle Soul}-Polysexual/Polyarmorous, 16, Lawful Good
Levi Eaton {The Dumb Himbo}-Pangender/Demigender, 15, Chaotic Good 
Toni Talley {The Cool Gal}-Demigender/Demiromantic/Aroflux, 15, Lawful Good
Nora Barrueco {The Schemer}-Neutrois/Acesexual/Arosexual/Demisexual, 15, True Neutral 
Ira Wilder {The Wild One & The Psycho Hose Beast}-Transmasc/Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Neutral-Good
Ophelia Lynn {The Funniest Gal Around}-Genderflux/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Benjamin Hodges {The Sweet Geek}-Bisexual, 14, Chaotic Good
Easton Williams {The Big Bully of The School}-Achillean/Gay/Acesexual/Gay Bear Brotherhood/Transmale, 16, Lawful Neutral 
Genesis Hull {The Crazy Kind A Gal Who’s Love To Party}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Hezekiah Tomiju (Wealth & Longevity) {The Wicked Ringleader}-Straight, 16, Lawful Evil/Lawful Bad
Craig Roach {The Type-A Overachiever}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Neutral 
Glenn Blackburn {The Loner}-Birominatic Demisexual/Omnisexual, 16, Lawful Neutral-Good 
Carol Rhodes {The Upbeat Nerdy Gal}-Bisexual, 14, Chaotic Good
Sergio Shannon {The Huge-Supporter}-Omnisexual, 15, Chaotic Good 
Heidi Burks {The Great Whiz}-Omnisexual/Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Neutral-Good
Shawn McDowell {The Brother with 'Tude}-Omnisexual, 15, Neutral-Good
Bryson Gilbert {The Soulful Surfer}-Transmale, 15, Lawful Good
Tricia Humphrey {The Athletic Jockette}-Transfeminine/Transfemale/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Delaney Sears {The Delinquent}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Neutral 
Alexis Guzmán di Donato {The Diabolical Master}-Straight, 16, Chaotic Evil
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir (Belongs to and Created by Thomas Astruc)
Based on the Main Characters of Total Drama Island & Total Drama World Tour (Belongs to and Created by Fresh TV, Inc)
Main characters and The Drama Kids of 👑✨TALES OF GOLD QUEEN’S GOLDEN EMPIRE✨👑(Belongs to and Created by @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014)
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sail-southern · 5 months
America’s Cup: Secrecy and Plastic Waste || Scuttlebutt Sailing News
Published on April 2nd, 2024
by Craig Leweck, Scuttlebutt Sailing News As America’s Cup entrants must build their boats in the country they represent, shipping can consume valuable time to the race venue in Spain. For American Magic, they opted for air transport, releasing images of it being loaded on a Antonov AN124, one of the world’s largest cargo planes, for its transatlantic flight to Barcelona.
With all six teams soon to launch their new AC75s, the images offered no sense of what is to come as the hull was camouflaged in a plastic wrap. Peter Brown wondered what they were hiding: “Shrouding the hulls in secrecy, when the hull only touches water while waiting for the 10-minute gun?”
Plus, what about the environment? Teams must now have hydrogen powered chase boats, but plastic is okay? This question has a slightly better answer as the hull was covered in biowrap which is a ‘green’ alternative to traditional marine shrinkwrap films.
Full Article Here…
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goalhofer · 8 months
Where every player played during the 1994-95 NHL lockout: St. Louis
DEL: Brendan Shanahan (Düsseldorfer E.G.) IHL (Russia): Vitali Prokhorov (K.K. Spartak Moscow) Liiga: Esa Tikkanen (H.I.F.K.) IHL: Denny Felsner (Peoria Rivermen), Craig Johnson (Peoria Rivermen), Ian Laperrière (Peoria Rivermen) & Basil McRae (Peoria Rivermen) Didn't Play: Glenn Anderson, Murray Baron, Jeff Batters, Joseph Carbonneau, Jon Casey, Denis Chassé, Adam Creighton, Steve Duchesne, Donald Dufresne, Todd Elik, Greg Gilbert, Terry Hollinger, Bill Houlder, Brett Hull, Craig Janney, Curtis Joseph, Vitali Karamnov, Daniel Laperrière, Doug Lidster, Al MacInnis, Kevin Miller, Jeff Norton, David Roberts, Geoff Sarjeant, Peter Šťastný, Patrice Tardif, Tony Twist & Rick Zombo
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srbmdia · 8 months
Tilton Talk Episode 21 Season 13
Welcome to this weeks episode of the Tilton Talk Show, A Blues Fans Podcast…for Blues Fans. Tony Mowbray get a draw in his first game in charge at St Andrews, we look at ; 1) the game 2) transfer window what we need 3) JJ keep or sell 4) squad number game 5) Troy Deeney – correct or wrong to name players 6) Predictions ( Hull and Stoke ) With Paul, Claire, Craig, Mark, Mark, Alan and…
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The terrifying "other" of monster movies: Studio systems, contract players, and cultural allegories then and now
Some may say that film is shaped by the people who make it. Directors, DPs, Production Designers, Producers, they all come together to create an artistic vision, and translate that vision to the screen. However, others say that in a more cynical, and perhaps truer sense, film is actually shaped by the money, studios, and culture that pushes it forward. This is applicable to everything from low-brow comedies to high fantasy to found footage to everything in between. One of the best examples, though, is seen in the monster movie genre. Monster movies, whether they be from the 1920s or the 2020s, have always been shaped by the studios they’ve been made by, as well as the cultural events of the time.
Starting with the monster movies of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, the vast majority of the most famous ones were made by Universal Pictures, earning them the name “Universal Classic Monsters.” These movies included things like “Dracula,” “Frankenstein,” “The Mummy,” “The Werewolf of London,” “The Invisible Man,” “The Wolf Man,” and many more. Universal utilized their contract players to prop up these films, both in front of and behind the camera. One of the most notable is Jack Pierce, a makeup designer who worked on the majority of the most famous Universal monster movies. Pierce was known for his ability to transform actors into horrific beings, often utilizing cotton and putty over latex and rubber. His artistry is a large part as to what made these films so special. As Robert J. Craig wrote about “The Werewolf of London,” a monster film that was relatively panned by critics at the time of its release, “One aspect of this film displaying a degree of artistic production is Glendon's first transformation…his transformation progresses stages to the satanic werewolf makeup created for Hull by Jack Pierce.” Pierce’s makeup made the movie, and Craig recognizes it.
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However, the most prevalent contract players in these films were the actors. People like Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Jr., and Bela Lugosi were under contract at Universal, and so the studio was able to utilize their talents over and over and over again. This would also occur for the sequels, with movies like “Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man” using Chaney once again as well as Lugosi taking over Karloff’s role. The contract players starred in these monster films, and their name recognition would get audiences to turn up in droves. This marketing tactic was so important, that Chaney was forced to make “Lon Chaney Jr.” his stage name despite his real name being Creighton. This was because Lon Chaney was his extremely famous father, who had passed away 10 years before “The Wolf Man.” This name change proved so effective that going forward, Universal had Lon Chaney Jr. drop the Jr. in the attempt to confuse audiences and make them think that Lon Chaney was still alive. 
Furthermore, this genre was also heavily influenced by social/political fears of the “other.” This is true no matter the time period, as the fear of the “other” was prevalent throughout the early to mid 1900s no matter what exactly the “other” was at that point. Depending on when the film was made, certain monsters can be seen as allegories for things like the first Red Scare, WWI, racial tensions, religious tensions, the Lavender Scare, etc. We can see this through the traits of the monster, whether it be the sexual undertones of Dracula and his victims, the racist large lips of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, or the ability to spread and turn people against you undetected like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and “The Thing from Another World.” As Andy W. Smith writes, “Otherness represents that which bourgeois ideology cannot recognize or accept but must deal with in one of two ways: either by rejecting it and if possible annihilating it, or by rendering it safe and assimilating it, converting it as far as possible into a replica of itself.” So, by turning these abstract ideas into a living, breathing, creature, it becomes almost escapist media to find comfort in defeating or killing the monster.
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In the current day and age, contracted studio players aren’t around anymore. Additionally, the use of CGI allows for monsters to be either completely animated or based off of basically unknown actors. However, monster movies haven’t died down, and name recognition is as important as ever, and so any large films like this are chock full of household names. This has not changed, and may never change. Take, for example, 2017’s “Kong: Skull Island.” The primary actors include people such as Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hiddleston, and Brie Larson, while the actor who provided motion capture for Kong is only well-known in the movie world for his various stunt and mo-cap work. As Catherine Jurca wrote, “The director and actors may see themselves as slaves, but so, too, are the executives who defer to the dictates of public taste. It is the public that is king here. The primary burlesque is not of Shakespeare but of the film industry's eagerness to pander to the public, of its willingness to rewrite Shakespeare himself to win it over.” 
In the end, we can conclude that monster movies will most likely never truly go away, as so many horror movies throughout history to today are still based on the premise of some incomprehensible beast trying to kill our protagonists. The idea of the “other” is so prevalent, and yet general enough that it can easily change with the times. However, where we see this genre most commonly now is in the Asian film market, with kaijus like King Kong and Godzilla being a staple of media.
  -Haley Ruccio (B1 Response)
Craig, J. Robert. “The Origin Story in Werewolf Cinema of the 1930s and ’40s.” Studies in Popular Culture 27, no. 3 (April 2005). 
Smith, Andy W. “‘So Why Shouldn’t I Write of Monsters?’: Defining Monstrosity in Universal’s Horror Films.” In Gothic Film: An Edinburgh Companion, edited by Richard J. Hand and Jay McRoy, 21–36. Edinburgh University Press, 2020. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3366/j.ctv10kmdxf.7.
Jurca, Catherine. “What the Public Wanted: Hollywood, 1937-1942.” Cinema Journal 47, no. 2 (2008): 3–25. http://www.jstor.org/stable/30137700.
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