#Ben Yin
cryptocollectibles · 1 year
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Daily Bugle 3 Issue Complete Set (1996-1997) by Marvel Comics
Written by Paul Grist, drawn by Karl Kerschl and Greg Adams.
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canary3d-obsessed · 1 year
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Bo Ya Costume Appreciation 3 of 6 (The Ying Yang Master: Dream of Eternity)
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mireyadc · 1 year
The Survivors of Nublar
Español - English
He estado trabajando en los diseños de cómo se verían los campistas en ARK, en mi fanfic "Survivors of Nublar".
En el próximo capítulo habrá un salto de unos años al futuro y se supone que este será el aspecto de los protagonistas de ahí en adelante, por eso algunos han pegado un pequeño estirón XD. Traté de hacer un punto intermedio entre sus outfit en la serie y las armaduras y ropas de ARK, para Brooklyn hice dos diseños pero el segundo tenía spoilers y no me di cuenta, así que lo corté, pero os lo enseñaré más adelante.
I've been working on the designs of what the campers would look like in ARK, in my fanfic "Survivors of Nublar".
In the next chapter there will be a jump a few years into the future and this is supposed to be the appearance of the protagonists from then on, that's why some have hit a small growth spurt XD. I tried to make an intermediate point between their outfits in the series and the ARK armor and clothes, for Brooklyn I made two designs but the second one had spoilers and I didn't realize it, so I cut it up, but I'll show you later.
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E hice un mapa de cómo se verían las divisiones territoriales en La Isla en mi historia. Mitad inspirado en el canon de ARK, mitad inventado.
And I made a map of what the territorial divisions on The Island would look like in my story. Half inspired by ARK canon, half made up.
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wusopiejung25 · 1 year
did wen rou go to spiderman 101 on heroing or..?
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7698 · 8 months
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Ann Bradstreet, you old puritan of the people of changing seasons like expose and encouragement to go ahead and view this 7:200 page pine again
Nice pomes
#I have seen Plymouth rock and it was not a large reef before it was flat#crescemt yellow human wow thats weird all waxing#you have to admit the hand is like mmm twins huh try this one attached to your head#he was with the cosmos and they must have dreamed deeply together painting the ways#there is a yin and yang to them#also oak leaves are not an altogether bad smoke#it was a bit like sitting at the Everetts for too long on a cold day#yes a ben franklin stove in the 20th century attached to anothef fireplace#it was a circus. no you idiot Inmean that literally#little old man#they orobably were dearves hell and thebone went Johnny#quiet ol' cat just smoked and grew his weed and made morgana pies#Mormon you say really? like sister wives?#you: exacrly sister wives yes#sounds kinky#is it kinky to give you a constant stream kf orgasms?#I guess I'm kinky then#also inky why get so rough I could murder you#jist kidding but bad kitty#kitty looks sorry...me: this cat is exceptionally intelligent alsp bad kitty too rough#don't sit there snd beg for rubs if you can't handle it#ph yes your hands please oh my God I'm in his arms no no fuck you don't put me down uh-uh#me: pulls car away and velcro paws on my shirt....dude what the hell#uh...maaaa! this cat won't let go of me#what? immediately cat wants on#in#mom lives animals awww well my goodness#cat does some whirling dervish amd reapinds to Jane's intentions (hmm I wonder how)#;) you should have been around when I was floating her#me heh wind!
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nunap · 1 year
If you say changbin to the Italian Google it writes Chang bean which is correct too I think and now he's Chang bean for me
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halloweenbitch2764 · 1 year
When They Get Feelings For You
Your consistent visits are what started his initial crush. Nobody had ever made such an effort for him. If there was a day you couldn't come, you would tell him the day before. Even small gestures such as that only solidified his feelings.
Getting to learn more about you made that little crush grow. You were similar enough, but in the same vein, you were also different enough. You were your own person with your own thoughts. Having the powers he did, he was used to people following his every word. Well... mostly. Having someone with an independent mind and considerate heart just made the crush blossom into more. You being so cute was just the cherry on top.
BEN Drowned
For him being a demon that appeared out of your television, you were pretty chill. You didn't judge him for smoking weed, and you were wicked good at video games. He was used to consistently and easily winning, so when you gave him a run for his money, his heart jumped.
You'd offer him snacks when he was over and made sure to keep some of his favorite munchies snacks in your pantry. You didn't pry about his background. You were respectful of his boundaries. His background was still a sensitive subject to him, and your tenderness about it made his heart leap.
Eyeless Jack
Your openness to him eating kidneys was the catalyst. He didn't expect you to be okay with something as vile as that and understood that you didn't want to watch him eat them. But you would let him eat them in your house.
He was by no means talkative, but he enjoyed the conversations you two would have. You were so opinionated but, at the same time, willing to change perspectives if you were proven wrong. He enjoyed how attentive you were when he would talk to you about the human body and different medications. No human would give him the time of day unless he forced them to, and then that whole scenario lost it's charm. Your personality and looks opened his heart to y
Similar to Masky, you gave him a more stable existence. College made his disappearances just look like he had to catch up on class work. You never questioned why he wasn't able to hang out, and you never pried when he'd give you a shitty excuse. After meeting you, though, he thanked the stars that he had asked to sit next to you that first day. He almost didn't approach you. You were in your own little world. So pretty. And you had only grown more attractive.
He loved when you would ramble about your hobbies and things you liked. He could sit for hours at a time and listen. Your voice was so sweet. It made him feel safe. It was safe to say you were becoming something of a home to him.
A hint of normalcy. That's what started his crush. You gave his life stability. He even cut back on his cigarette breaks because of you. You didn't question why he would disappear for days at a time despite his shifty excuse about it being work related. You helped make sure he took his medications on time.
He was petrified you'd find out about his Masky state. Masky was so unpredictable and dangerous that he prayed you two would never cross paths. How do you explain that to someone? That you becoming a murderer, controlled by an Eldritch abomination. He didn't want to think about it. So, he allowed himself to develop feelings for you. You were kind and understanding. Maybe he could allow himself something so nice for once in his life.
Jeff The Killer
Jeff had secretly had a crush on you since high school. He always thought you were pretty and *may* have stalked you on a few occasions. Just the way you were so nice and had your own group of friends made him envious, but not necessarily in a negative way. More like he wanted to be like you.
He thought you moved gracefully and honestly didn't expect you to be so open, considering he had broken into your house the first couple of times. Hell, he didn't expect you to remember him at all. He may be an asshole but your kindness forms a yin and yang with him (in his opinion).
Laughing Jack
For being a child murderer he sure liked how nice you were to Lily. It's what made him want to meet you in the first place. Lily talked a lot about you. She always talked about how much she liked being at your house, going out to the park and mcdonalds with you, and just other small things.
He grew to love how quickly he could make you blush and how pretty it looked on you. You were just so pretty in general. You made his days less gray. You added pops of color to once monochromatic moments. How was he NOT supposed to fall for you?
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 8 months
yin & yang pt. 4
Pairing: Ben Tennyson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.7k words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: You were an unlikely pair, everyone could see that. But what happens when you get a glimpse into a future where your differences were too much for you to bear?
A/N: Once again just a silly little self-indulgent fic. Hope you enjoy!
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Ben groaned in boredom, laying his face against the dirty tables outside Mr. Smoothie. Not even the smoothie, cheekily titled banana-fantana, was able to cheer him up like Gwen had been hoping.
"What's up with you?" Kevin asked, drinking his soda that he got from a nearby vending machine, after he had refused a smoothie four times.
"I miss (Y/N)." He mumbled, pouting.
They shared a glance over his head. Gwen ushered for Kevin to speak but he shook his head adamantly, mouthing that he wanted no part in this and crossing his arms.
Gwen glared at him.
"Speaking of (Y/N)—" Kevin began, all too quickly.
Ben finally raised his head from the table to look at Kevin and his friend bit his tongue, turning back to Gwen with wide eyes and beckoning her to speak.
"Uh, it's not that we don't like (Y/N)—we do! She's a great addition to the team and a good friend even—and um, Kevin?"
The man in question gave her a wicked glare before Ben turned to him and the murderous expression on his face was wiped away, "Gwen's just concerned that you might be—how did she put it—'acting like a lovesick fool'."
The look he got from Gwen was in stark contrast to the pig-headed grin he was bearing.
"What are you talking about?"
Gwen finally sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder, "We all know that you have this crush on (Y/N) but—and I mean this in the nicest way possible—but don't you think it's time that you start, you know, trying to get over her?"
He raised a brow, "Why on earth would I do that?"
"It's nice that you like her so much, but you know what (Y/N)'s like; she's driven and focused and her career as a Proctor is the most important thing to her—not that that's a bad thing! It's just—well—someone like that doesn't really seem like the type to date or be into relationships, you know?"
"That's not all what she's about. I know it doesn't seem like it but she's actually really sensitive and sweet."
They shared another glance, unconvinced.
"Guys, I'm serious! We have something between us!" He defended, unconsciously clenching his fist, and crushing the half-full smoothie cup in his hand.
Gwen let out an irate sigh.
Growing up, she had only heard of how smart she was from everyone surrounding her—her parents, her grandfather, even Ben—and yet whenever she tried to explain something to people, they tended not to listen.
If only Ben would listen to her now, he'd be able to avoid so much pain in the future. Whenever she tried to gently nudge him, he'd never listen so this time she took a more direct approach and yet, he still wasn't listening.
"Ben, please. I can tell that you're actually falling for her but honestly, where do you even see this going? Do you actually believe that you're going to get married and have kids or something like that?"
"Gwen, I'm just sixteen, it's way too soon to be worrying about something like that!"
"So, you're just going to date her until it becomes a problem?"
Ben rolled his eyes, standing from the table, "How about you mind your own business and keep your nose out of my relationship. I don't have to sit here and convince you of anything."
Kevin watched him walk away before letting out a low whistle, ignoring his girlfriend's glare, "I told you that was a bad idea."
Ben kept a single hand on the wheel as he drove the two of you over the museum, where you were supposed to meet Gwen and Kevin for a mission. You had long stopped reprimanding him for not driving with both hands since he began throwing tantrums and claiming he couldn't focus if your fingers weren't intertwined with his free one.
The roads were empty at this time of night anyway.
"Hey, did Gwen talk to you about anything? Me, specifically?" Ben brought up and you immediately picked up on the slight squeeze of his hand in yours but didn't comment on it.
"Not lately, no. Is something wrong?"
Ben let out a relieved sigh, "Nope, nothing at all."
You raised a brow at this, staring at him with suspicious eyes. He eventually caught on to your prying gaze and immediately attempted to change the topic, pretending like you didn't notice his futile attempts to do so.
"That's a pretty necklace, where'd you get it?"
You rolled your eyes, watching as a cheeky grin grew on his face at your response. He was not hiding his giddiness very well, but how could he? You, his beautiful girlfriend, whom his cousin said was a monotonous emotionless dead-end (she didn't actually say this, but Ben was offended all the same), was wearing the necklace that he had gifted her.
It was fairly simple, a thin chain with a small pendant with a gemstone. He knew you wouldn't wear something that was flashy or too gaudy, so he settled for something he knew you'd like.
And the sight of you wearing the necklace even though you usually insisted that any accessories that weren't a part of the uniform could sometimes hinder the mission was completely worth the hours of time spent staring at different necklaces that all looked the same and troubling his mother for advice until she hurled a wet sponge at his head.
When he was responding to the distress signal on his Omnitrix at the museum, Ben wasn't expecting to get attacked by a bunch of ninja that seemed to appear out of nowhere before disappearing into thin air.
You stared at the green tablet in the crate as you wondered just where you had seen the artifact before.
"It's the Hands of Armageddon." You explained, going through your database quickly to pull up all the information the plumbers had on it, "It's an artifact that was secured by the plumbers more than 2 centuries ago. It's said to be a crosstime gateway created by the Chronians, but we have yet to prove that. It's virtually indestructible though. The Plumbers have had multiple attempts and they all resulted in mass disasters."
You turned to Gwen, "The vision you saw was probably an alternate dimension—"
"Right as always, young (Y/N)."
Before the flash of light behind you could even disappear, you were pointing a gun at it, only lowering it when you saw Paradox emerge through the blinding light, accompanied by someone you'd never met before and yet, still recognized.
"Who's your friend?"
Ben stared at him with apprehension before realization struck him, "Are you?"
The man responded with a startlingly deep voice, "That's right, Ben, I'm you—only even more awesome."
You were hardly surprised, the man before you was a splitting image of your boyfriend and you averted your gaze to hide the oncoming heat to your cheeks at the sight of his beard and his stronger build. He certainly grew up nicely.
Ben 10k and Professor Paradox didn't waste any time and began to explain just what problems the group of you had somehow managed to get stuck in once again. As the four of you heard their explanations, you heard a slight sound coming from the back of the museum.
Ben 10k raised a brow at you, opening his mouth to say something when you shushed him again, with a fierce glare this time. It was only a second more before you were swerving around to point your gun at another intruder, a woman this time, who was pointing her own gun at you.
Your mouth dropped open in shock, faced with an older version of yourself.
She looked like you, that much was obvious, but she was also different, much more womanly than you were, with more rounded curves and a more matured face.
Recognizing her younger self, the you from the future lowered her own gun and placed it back into her holster, taking a look around the room and registering just how many faces were there.
"What the hell is she doing here?!"
She raised a brow at him, lips pursed in annoyance, "Excuse me?"
Paradox sighed, "I apologize for this, Ben, but this involves her future as well."
He gritted his teeth in fury, rolling his eyes, "That's just great."
You spared a glance at your boyfriend, whose face had fallen so far it looked like he had just had his heart broken.
Gwen sighed, whispering something that had only been audible, to him and you watched as his face fell deeper, "I tried to warn you, Ben."
Professor Paradox was one of the most infuriating people in the entire universe. You had gathered as much since the first time you had the displeasure of meeting him, but he seemed intent on reminding you exactly why you disliked him.
He spoke in riddles, appeared and disappeared as he pleased, never made any sense but expected everyone to listen to him with no explanation whatsoever.
And so, it didn't help your opinion of him when the cargo hull of the jet began rumbling, signalling intruders, that he was all too quick to disappear without bothering to help fight them.
You cursed out his mother in your head as he vanished within a flash of light, pocket-watch in hand and a quippy remark on his lips.
The ninjas began appearing out of nowhere and despite there being the five of you, you were confined to a small space, and they multiplied like pests until the whole hull was full of them. It obviously didn't help that Ben 10k chose then to transform into humungousaur, taking up the remaining of what little space you had.
You didn't even have enough time to come up with a good strategy before you were being attacked with multiple opponents at the same time. It didn't take much to disarm one of them, now using their own swords to attack them.
There were too many and they just kept appearing. Your eyes bounced around the room, trying to figure out how to get the upper hand in such a cramped space.
Your older self, having the same idea, sprinted across the room, disarming as many soldiers around her as she could. Although, there was something odd about the way she moved.
She was at the same strength level as you were. After 20 years, shouldn't she be more adept than you were? Ben was capable of using his arsenal of powers without even transforming into any aliens, but she didn't display any remarkable feat of strength.
It was almost as though she wasn't able to. An injury perhaps? Maybe she was still recovering? You bit your lip, slashing the sword through another ninja. If you could find out what caused it, maybe you could prevent it from happening to you.
"Stay out of this, (Y/N)!" Ben 10k snarled, voice booming through the room and causing slight vibrations in the metal due to his size.
You paused for a second, sharing a glance with your boyfriend, who seemed equally surprised. Your future self, unbothered, continued to stampede through the other opponents until she reached the switch to the hangar and flipped it open.
Immediately the hangar opened, and you braced yourself, holding onto Ben's car that had been strapped down. Ben had the same idea, holding onto the handles and pressing his front against your back, making sure you were both anchored down.
The ninjas flew out of the jet, the vacuum of wind deeming too much for them and you watched them disappear, one by one, as they capsized through the air before the hangar door finally closed again.
"What the hell were you thinking?! That was so incredibly reckless—"
"Stop talking to her like that!" Your Ben interrupted his future self, wedging himself in between your future counterparts and glaring at him, "You're acting like an ass instead of apologizing! If I were you, I'd be on my knees begging for her to take me back!"
"Take me back? What are you—We're not broken up!"
Ben's eyes widened at this before he turned to your future self, "And you'd stay with someone who'd treat you like that?"
The woman in question sighed, placing a soothing hand on his shoulder, "Try not to be too upset, Ben. He's not usually like this. He's just mad—"
"I'm not mad at (Y/N)." Ben 10k argued, crossing his arms and everyone raised a brow, they clearly didn't believe him. Your future self merely gave him a blank stare before he caved.
"Alright fine, I'm mad at you." Hardly a surprise, "Need I remind you that we just left our son all alone at our home that was just attacked by a bunch of ninjas?"
Ben's jaw dropped open hearing that. Our son? He had a son? With the love of his life no less? This whole time he thought that there was nothing but disappointment and heartbreak for your future together but now he's finding out that he had a family with the girl he was in love with?
Funny that it was only this morning he was claiming that he was too young to be thinking of such things and yet, the thought had his heart swelling.
"I checked on him before we left, no one even made it to the hallway outside his room. Besides, when we go back, we'll be taken to the exact moment we left, not even a fraction of a second later. Kenny will be fine."
"It would be nice if you could show some concern at least." He huffed, "You're not even worried about the fact that we just left our newborn alone. All you're thinking about is this mission and you're putting yourself at risk."
Future you rolled her eyes, sighing as she took a seat on ship, "Here we go again."
"Oh, forgive me for worrying about my wife. Where do I get the audacity?" Her husband shot a glare at her.
Gwen's eyes flitted between the two of them, only able to see the similarities between their relationship in the future and also in the present. Her cousin apparently got married and started a family with the girl she didn't think was good enough for him.
Would Ben still not be able to see what a mistake he's making, even after a decade? Or was she the one who wasn't able to see clearly?
"(Y/N), you just gave birth five weeks ago and you haven't fully recovered. You're supposed to be taking it easy, not fighting some crazed time traveller. "
No wonder she was moving at a slower rate than usual, she was still in her post-partum recovery. For a woman who just spent the last 10 months of her life growing and then providing for a living, breathing human, she fought impressively well. You mentally patted yourself on the back.
"Firstly, I can take care of myself. Secondly, Paradox didn't ask before zapping us back here."
"Fair enough but I want you to be on the sidelines for the remainder of the mission unless absolutely necessary." He folded his arms, giving a firm stare that meant he was being resolute. Your future self held his stare for a second before coming to the realization that not much would deter him.
She sighed, "Fine."
A pleased smile made its way to his face as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, "Excellent."
"You're a lot of work, Tennyson."
"Right back at you, Tennyson."
You spared a glance at your boyfriend, choosing to keep the information that you found his impish grin at the thought of a future with you adorable a secret and instead asked, "Did you really think that we had broken up in the future?"
His brows went toward his hairline, "You didn't? They were practically at each other's throats the whole time."
"Firstly, they're each wearing wedding rings, and second," You walked over to your future self, reaching for her collar and pulling out a familiar chain from underneath her shirt, "I saw this the second she got here."
Ben blushed, "You still wear it? It looks a little different though."
"I replaced the gem." She explained, toying with the pendant.
"It's her son's birthstone." "It's my son's birthstone." Both (Y/N)'s said in unison and the others gave you a bewildered stare.
"How'd you know?"
You shrugged, "Because that's something I would do."
Once again, you were all left in the middle of the desert at night after Paradox abandoned you one again and you continued your line of curses about his entire family in your head as you trudged back to the jet to call a team of plumbers to get you home as well as begin repairs to the jet that was damaged in the fight.
Kevin followed you closely to try and see if there was any way he could repair it just enough to get you back to Bellwood. Ben was about to enter as well when he was stopped by his cousin, who seemed sheepish enough that he immediately knew what the conversation was going to be about.
"I owe you an apology, Ben. I'm sorry for not trusting your judgment and for thinking the worst of you and (Y/N). You both make a cute couple."
He nodded, "It's okay, I didn't exactly have faith in my own relationship when I immediately concluded that they had broken up."
"I'm sure the conversation we had this morning didn't help either, don't feel too bad about it."
He nodded once again and they dissolved back into silence before she gave him a teasing smile, "So, a son, huh?"
His cheeks went warm, and he gave her a look mixed with both embarrassment and a little bit of pride, scratching the back of his neck with a meek chuckle, "Yeah, I always pictured myself as a girl dad though."
Her grin went even wider, and she laughed, "I thought you said you were too young to think about things like this?!"
*Exactly Twenty Years Later*
Ben peeked his head into the nursery to greet his beautiful son that was most likely asleep after being fed and changed, only to find the room empty and crib missing.
His mind knew that if his son wasn't in his crib then he would obviously be in the arms of his mother and yet, as he sped to your shared bedroom, he felt a slight panic thrum through his veins.
Everyone had brought this to his attention time and time again; that he had become extremely high-strung when it came to his family. Especially since you had gotten pregnant. It was only when his son was on the way did he realize just how fragile everything was and how quickly it could be ripped away from him.
He passed his arm over the sensor at your door, it immediately recognizing the signal from his Omnitrix and unlocking the door before entering, finding you settled on your bed, Kenny clutched close to your heart.
You watched him cross the bedroom in long strides and settle on the mattress beside you, saying nothing about the clear distress that you had seen on his face when the door opened before it was flooded with relief. You understood; you had felt the same way, which is why you had rolled your son's crib into your bedroom so you could keep a close eye on him for the rest of the night.
You turned your gaze back to the baby in your arms, gently tracing his features with the tip of your pinkie finger, watching with a deep fondness and adoration as Kenny's little face would scrunch up every time you caressed his button nose.
"He's okay, right?" Your husband questioned, needing your reassurance for the last bit of worry for his son to evaporate.
"You think I'd be sitting here without a care in the world if he wasn't?" You murmured, not lifting your eyes from his precious face.
Ben chuckled at this, "Yeah, like that time he got the hiccups, and you couldn't sleep the entire night because you kept checking on him in four-minute intervals?"
"What if his little diaphragm got fatigued?" You mumbled; brows furrowed at the thought. Constant hiccups were painful to deal with as an adult, you could only imagine how painful it would be for a baby who didn’t know what the pain was or how to communicate his pain to his parents.
Ben didn’t respond, already having been through this conversation with you the very night it happened.
The two of you continued to watch your son in silence, finding every single little breath he took interesting as you continued to graze your finger over his skin, now tracing the outline of his little lips, the bottom lip tucked tightly into his mouth as he slept.
Ben shifted closer to you, taking the two of you in his arms and pressing a kiss to the side of your head as one of his arms came to support yours and bear the weight of your son as well.
"I'm sorry for saying that you didn't care about Kenny and only the mission. I know you worry about him more than you express, and I appreciate everything you do for the both of us."
"You were just lashing out of worry." You replied, leaning against him, "It was the first time we both left our home without him, even though we didn't technically leave him alone for a second. I felt uneasy about it as well."
"Regardless, I shouldn't have said that you didn't care, Kenny and I know you love us."
"I do."
You quietened down immediately when your son took a big breath, slightly stirring before he fell back asleep, the littlest smile on his little face.
Forever Taglist:
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voxmortuus · 3 months
Hello, may I request #4 ☆ { telling } them how good [or bad] they are with Ben Leonard?
Thank you.
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⇘ PAIRING:⇙ Ben Leonard x F!Reader ⇘ UNIVERSE:⇙ Savages ⇘ WORD COUNT:⇙ 826 ⇘ TRIGGER WARNINGS:⇙ Smut | P-i-V | Slow Passionate Ben | Telling him how good he feels... Ben always feels good, never bad. | Cuddles after finish | Internal Finish | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ⇘ NOTES:⇙ Sorry if this is total ass... but I hope this brings you some joy. Prompt from this list. ⇘ DIVIDER CREDIT:⇙ @nyxvuxoa ⇘ IMAGE CREDIT:⇙ @nyxvuxoa ⇘ My Master Masterlist ⇙ ⇘ My Aaron Taylor-Johnson Masterlist ⇙
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It was all in how he moved, how he felt, it was all in how he was in perfect sync with you, how you were in perfect sync with him, a carnal unison. A rhythmic beat that thumped between you both. There was no denying Ben was someone you clung to, someone you could always count on, but in moments like this, you couldn't even begin to shake the thought of being away from him for any amount of time. Ben was your life, your breath, your air, your all. The yin to your yang, the light to your dark, the soil to your plants, the bud to your high. He was your everything.
Feeling as he moved deep within your depths, you never question Ben's wants for you, because you never feel like you need to. Both of you wear your hearts on your sleeves, and both of you are always honest, open, and communicate with each other. The desire you have for Ben, is the same desire Ben has for you. A never-ending loyalty and a never-ending quest to make each other happy. Everything you two did, you did for the benefit of love, of life, and of pure contentment with one another. No decisions ever made without the consideration of the wellness of your relationship.
Forever floating on a cloud, forever enthralled by the greatness and purity of his love for you, this moment you share, it is always so important between you. The way you are cherished, and touched, the way you are craved and desired. The way you taste on his tongue... it's the way he moves with you that always makes you quiver. The attention to details. It's the way his hips roll against yours, the way his fingers get tangled in your hair, it's the way his nose brushes against your jaw, or how his lips hover over yours taking your breaths and moans as if they are a life source.
How is it that he's so fuckin perfect? That every move is so calculated without even a feather of a thought? How is it that he knows exactly what makes you shake, quake, and quiver? It's in that slow passion, that slow building heat, that kiss of cool sheet against the arch of your back as you press it against the bed, it's the drip of sweat against your flesh as he slowly penetrates the very core, that very spot that makes your legs shake. It's how he uses his length to please the depths of you that no one else can reach. Or perhaps it's the sound of his groans, grunts and growls?
With each thrust comes another slow thrust, hands search your flesh as if they are searching for buried treasure in all the right spots, every X hit, every nook and cranny discovered. There wasn't a part of you in these moments that went untouched or untasted. Your moans fill the air, like music to his ears, your breaths pass by your lips gracing his as if it's his last time he can taste your breath. Each thrust, you become wetter, you become needier, you become his.
Your eyes, they flutter, your legs shake, your moans begin to get louder. Feeling that deep penetration, your back arches against the bed, his arm comes around to wrap around you, pulling you close, his breath graces your neck, his lips meet your flesh, you let out another soft trembling moan. Pressing your hips upward toward his, you let out a soft gasp, your nails drag across his shoulders, moving your hands to grip at his sides as his slow steady thrusts quicken just a hair.
"Fuck... you feel so good." you purr against his lips.
"No, you feel good." he mused against your lips.
There it was, both of you, right on the cusp of a perfect finish, paces pick up, breathing becomes heavier, your body becomes tingly and light, your nose begins to tingle as you feel your body responding to his. Your legs begin to shake, pressing into him, melting with his body, your whole being begins to take on its own ways as you feel this urge to moan louder, your whimpers and moans seeping into the morning air on the other side of your windows polluting the quite morning, with sounds of pleasure and satisfaction.
After a few more thrusts, he thrusts a final thrust holding you close as you both reach your own finishes with the help of the other, your whole body shook as you take in his liquid love, feeling it fill you, almost seeping from around him, you whimper softly. Slowly he pulls from you, watching the sticky mess, he smirks a moment looking over your sweaty self laying there, you're a vision. He smirks as he falls beside you, pulling you close. Kissing you, making sure that you're hydrated, and comfortable, he chuckles.
"You feel good." He muses.
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bunnyhoney111 · 1 year
i need someone else in the IT fandom to tell me exactly where these glorious, sexy, intimate, delectable, delicious and absolutely world changing smuts ive been rereading since summer have gone??? i just rewatched it and literally fell back in love with each and every character and the smuts are gone the moment i want to read them again, like they were amazing guys. there were poly!reddie x reader fics, poly!losers INCLUDING MIKE AND BEN fics and do you even know how hard it is to find mike and ben fics on here? HARD. there were god damned emo!eddie fics and they were so good so so so good. I DONT ONOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF, i have been scouring this app for an hour and cannot find them, i scrolled through every liked fic i have- NOTHING.
someone who knows what im talking about PLEASE help me before i lose my mind. kk love yins <3333333
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dotthings · 3 months
Have many thoughts from my rewatch of My Bloody Valentine. Good example of how some episodes (in this case one that was already strong) gains even more richness on rewatch and with knowledge of a full series run.
So Dean fully loses all his appetites. While Cas, who doesn’t have food appetites, takes Dean's plate and starts eating. Just something about Dean and Cas being yin-yang in how Famine is affecting them. Cas taking Dean's plate to eat.
What Dean needs, the reasons he feels hollow, isn’t something that can be fulfilled by food or one-night stands and what Cas actually wants isn’t anything to do with food either.
And this is all Cas not Jimmy. Even if Cas blames Jimmy his vessel by name, but canonically, Jimmy's soul is already in Haven by this point. Jimmy's been gone since the start of S5.
To review: Cas was blown to bits by an archangel twice, at the end of S4 and the end of S5. In The Man Who Would be King (S6), Cas specifically references being put back together after being exploded at the end of S5, however, the same thing happened to him at the end of S4. In The Things We Left Behind (S10), we get a reveal that Jimmy’s soul was freed after Cas was blown to bits and reassembled but which time isn't specified. “The human soul, it can only occupy a body while it retains a certain … structural integrity, and this vessel, it was … It was ripped apart on a subatomic level by an archangel” and he tells Claire that Jimmy's soul was freed from his body and he's in Heaven. The "subatomic level" fits the end of S4, since both times the body left physical traces (end of S5 Bobby is splattered with blood, start of S4 Chuck has a molar stuck in his hair).
In season 5, Cas's body is his own, a soulless container that holds Cas's grace and essence.
Therefore, in My Bloody Valentine, Cas blaming Jimmy is Cas in denial. It's all Cas, or rather, his own physical shell, and Cas's own feelings of emptiness, in play. Even if on its own, Cas's grace might be unaffected by Famine, he is vulnerable because of his meat suit. (At the time MBBV aired, we did that explanation, now it's transformative bleedback that adds another layer for Cas in MBBV and the Dean mirroring is more than a slightly symbolic displaced thing where it being Jimmy is a way to suggest it's also Cas, no, it's textually all about Cas).
In MBBV Cas isn’t facing up that it’s his own feelings of hollowness. And he not only tries to push it off on Jimmy (whose soul is gone), he uses the language of addiction.
“I’ve developed a taste for red meat…I’m an angel I can stop any time I want.”
This conversation with Dean and Cas plays out in background audio, while on screen we see Sam spiraling into withdrawal symptoms.
(The shift in Cas’s language makes me wonder if there was already a note in a file somewhere about Cas's vessel and it didn't get spelled out until S10. Authorial intent is tricky, and my thesis isn't based on authorial intent but full series knowledge/reveals, but there are signs in MBBV that Ben Edlund may have intended that it's all Cas, just Cas in there, and Cas is an addict in denial. Who knows.)
While Dean and Cas’s effects from Famine are framed as yin-yang, or complementary, Sam’s is on its own track, as his craving for demon blood gets jacked up.
Sam has grown in self-awareness to the point where he asks to be “locked down” and Dean and Cas team up to continue working the case. Which fits with the yin-yang of Dean and Cas in this ep.
But it isn’t just Dean and Cas who are mirrored. Sam and Cas are mirrored through addiction behaviors. Cas’s denials. Sam’s withdrawal symptoms. While Dean is his own category with his absence of appetites or addictions. Dean is his own black hole of emptiness.
Cas then moves beyond the denial stage of the addiction and admits to Dean that burgers make him “very happy.” Cas is spiraling, yeah, but it’s also Cas no longer falling back on distancing by using Jimmy as an excuse or addiction denial or bragging about how because he's an angel he's immune. It's vulnerable. Yet he's still in denial because unlike Sam, Cas can't admit he has a liability and he pops out of the Impala to go kill Famine by himself before Dean can even finish speaking his sentence of his doubts about the plan.
Before that, Cas asks Dean why he’s not hungry and Dean’s explanation is almost plausible: that because Dean doesn’t deny himself his appetites the way many people do, he’s “well fed” and content, therefore not hungry.
We know that's not really it. I like how Cas asked. Dean showed his concern for Cas’s sudden gluttony, Cas shows his concern for the total absence of appetites from Dean.
Famine to Dean: “Hunger doesn’t just come from the body. It also comes from the soul...that’s one deep dark nothing you’ve got there, Dean. Can’t fill it, can you?…I can see inside of you, Dean. How broken you are. How defeated. You can’t win and you know it but you just keep fighting. Just keep going through the motions. You’re not hungry, Dean, because inside you’re already dead.”
Which is Famine speaking some truths on what Dean is feeling in S5. Famine sees the truth of the torment Dean is in. But it isn’t The Truth about Dean.
Famine wants Dean to give up and give into the despair inside of him, because that's the way he'll say yes to Michael and how Famine, the horsemen, and the archangels all get what they want. But we know Dean won’t give in and that Famine is wrong, because that isn't all Dean is. He maybe going through it in S5, but he isn't giving up and he’s got plenty of life in him. He’s more than how their enemies see him and he’s more than what their enemies wish would devour him whole, the things they have wanted Dean to believe about himself.
Because so long as Dean keeps fighting, they know they’re screwed.
Famine is giving a truth that’s also a lie. Dean in fact isn’t empty. He thinks he is, and Famine picks up on it, but Dean isn't empty. He’s full of love. And strength. But that doesn't mean he's not depressed. It doesn't mean he can't fall into despair.
What’s extra heartbreaking about Dean’s lonely prayer to God at the end of the episode is that he’s looking for help in the wrong place.
First we see Cas sharing Dean’s vigil while Sam goes through withdrawal in Bobby’s panic room. Dean isn’t alone, and Cas tries to comfort Dean. But Dean’s in so much pain he walks out, away from his friend who cares, to pray alone in the junk yard to an uncaring God.
God was never on your side. God doesn’t care. God’s entertained by all this suffering in fact. God’s not even God, he’s the demiurge, and Sam and Dean are his playthings. The help, the answers, are each other. The help for Dean is the people who love him, who he loves. He has Sam and Bobby and Cas. And they will be enough.
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catsloverword · 4 months
Come puoi non emozionarti 🥹
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La famiglia si allarga...
Ben arrivati Yin e Yang ☯️
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mirageofadesert · 9 months
Who is the most tragic character Luo Yunxi has portrayed?
#1 Rong Qi from Princess Silver
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#2 Runyu from Ashes of Love
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#3 Tantai Jin from Till the End of the Moon
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#4 Zhou Xiao Shan from Broker
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#5 Shangguan Tou from And the Winner is Love
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#1 Rong Qui
Crown Prince Rong Qui has suffered from the moment he was born. The only happiness he has ever known was taken from him by the person who should have loved him, but her love was always conditional and the price he had to pay was high. Though he suffered many hardships, his heart remained kind, and this led him to sacrifice not only his happiness, but also his life. The reason I put him first is that even in death, he couldn't rest.
#2 Runyu
Another prince who has suffered since childhood, abused and neglected by his family and betrayed by the people he loved. Runyu grew bitter and vengeful, ultimately costing him everything he held dear. But there is still a chance for redemption.
#3 Tantai Jin
In a familiar pattern, Tantai Jin is another prince who has suffered from birth because he was born as a devil's fetus. The Ancient Devil God had planned a cruel and torturous fate for him that would make him experience all the darkness of human existence. However, the reason I put him in 3rd place is that he is ultimately able to escape this and choose his own fate, freeing himself from all of it all. And because I'm delusional, I think the open ending leaves room for a novel ending!
#4 Zhou Xiao
It's a testament to Luo Yunxi's choice of roles that Zhau Xiao is only number 4, after being blackmailed and oppressed, gaslighted, abused, lied to about his mother's death and his daughter's existence, and finally giving up his life because he couldn't trust the system to take the guy out. On top of that, he was torn between his sister, his child, his ex and his love, ultimately choosing them all over himself.
#5 Shangguan Tou
There are many tragic characters to choose from for my last spot, but I chose Shangguan Tou because he was abandoned by his father, drugged and (almost?) sexually assaulted. On top of that, he falls in love with an immature woman who can't express her feelings very well. A different kind of tragic love story in my opinion (the why-does-he-have-to-fall-for-her kind). The Winner was definitely not love.
Honorable Mentions
Luo Ben from Light Chaser Rescue and Li Zeliang from Lie to Love are not on the list, but they could be. Luo Ben lost his parents, feels guilty about his sisters' medical complications, but therapy could actually save this guy. Li Zeliang lost his father, failed to save someone and instead watched them die; an incident that cost him his leg and his passion. The latest addition to this list is Gu Yunzheng from Love is Panacea, who has severe abandonment issues due to a mother who left him and died, a neglectful father and a dead wife he couldn't save in time. But again, therapy could really work here.
I can't wait to add Chu Wanning from Immortality and Tang Lici from Shui Long Yin to this list! I have a feeling they will make it into my TOP5!
What is your ranking?
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
wait.. i’m literally on here or weibo almost 24/7 ( as you can tell lol ) but I feel like i missed something. i’m seeing clowning related to xz’s photos and how it looks like he is a groom and it’s a wedding photoshoot. the place is also famous for wedding shoots ( allegedly, idk. i’m not from there ) so turtles are imagining again. lol. freakin coincidence that wyb’s GRA photoshoot was done at a wedding shop. plus the “wedding outfits” for weibo night. which is all clowning and galaxy braining.🌌
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now, we’re joking around, like where’s yibo? he should be taking photos with his partner.
then i see comments that there is this one song WYB recently listened to. meaning, as recent as when XZ flew to singapore which is called 超人不会飞 (superman can’t fly) by Jay Chou. i know WYB and everyone else is a big fan of Jay Chou but the clowning comes from the timing of when he listened to it. let me get to that first.
here is the song if you wanna listen to it. 🎶
turtles are interpreting it as WYB longing to “fly” to where XZ is and be with him but he can’t because of all his work commitments. he wants to take a breather. thinking about what his life is and the constraints, and at times like this, when they spent days in Beijing, but now they have to be apart, it affects him even more.
however when i read the lyrics, it could also be because he can relate to what jay chou is singing about. here’s the english translation i found here. i have bolded the ones i felt like WYB relates too. literally no need for explanation. just read it. It fits with his status in life so much that it’s almost scary.
ma ma shuo heng duo shi bie tai ji jiao
Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着
zhi shi shi ming gan zhao dao le wo wo shui bu zhao
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
ru guo shuo ma ren yao you diao ji qiao
If scolding someone requires some skills
我会加点旋律你会觉得 超屌
wo hui jia diao xuan lu ni hui jue de chao diao
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)
wo de qiang bu hui zhuang dan yao (dan yao)
My gun is not loaded with ammunition
suo yi fang xin bu hui you ren dao (ren dao)
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
我拍青蜂侠不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料
wo pai qing feng xia bu xu yao ti sheng yin wei zi xin shi wo hui hua de yan liao
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
wo zuo heng duo shi bei hou de yi yi yuan bi ni men xiang xiang
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination
pai le dian shi ju wei le you qing yu shi nian qian de meng xiang
Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
shou shi lv zai gao ye nan kang heng wo de wei da li xiang
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
yin wei wo de ren sheng wo xu zai duo yi bi na jiang xiang
Because my life do not need another award
wo bu zhi dao he shi bian cheng le se hui de na bang yang
I don't know when I have become a society's role model
bei gou zai pai bu neng bi zhong zhi yao da qi de mo yang (zen yang)
Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
wo chang de ge ci yao you dian wen hua
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
yin wei sui shi hui bei dan jiao cai
Because it might become teaching material anytime
CNN neng bu neng deng ying wen hao yi dian zai fang
Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
shi dai za zhi feng mian neng bu neng chong pai
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
sui shi sui di zhu yi xin xiang
I must take care of my image at all times
yao kong zhi yin shi bu ran jiu gen du sha fu ren la xiang de wo bu xiang (ben lai jiu bu xiang)
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)
hao lai wu de zhong guo xi yuan di shang you heng duo shou yin jiao yin
There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
he shi cai neng kan jian wo de zhang
When will mine be seen there?
如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇
ru guo chao ren hui fei na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
chang ge yao na zui jia nan ge shou
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer
pai dian yin ye bu neng zhi na ge zui jia xin ren
A newcomer award is not enough if you act
ni bu can jia ban jiang dian li jiu shi mei li mao
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
ni qu can jia jiu shi dai biao ni heng zai hu
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
de jia shi ni gan dong luo lei (luo lei) ren jia jiu hui jue de ni kuang zhang zuo zuo
When you won an award and teared, people will think you are fake and exaggerating
ni mei biao qing bie ren jiu hui shuo tai xiao zhang
When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈(妈妈)
ru guo ni tian sheng zhe ge biao qing na xie ren sheng zhi hui guai ni ma ma (ma ma)
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑
jie guo zui hou shi bie ren zai de jiang ni ye yao ge yu chong fen de zhang sheng yu wei xiao
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高
kai de che bu neng tai hao zhu de lou bu neng tai gao
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up
我到底是一个创作歌手 还是好人好事代表
wo dao di shi yi ge chuang zuo ge shou hai shi hao ren hao shi dai biao
Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
zhuan ji yi chu jiu bi xu shi guan jun
My album must be ranked top once released
pai le dian yin jiu bi xu yao da mai
My movie must sell well
zhi neng shuo dan chao ren zhen de hao nan
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult
ru guo chao ren hui fei (chao ren hui fei) na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie (ti yi ti xie)
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei (di qiu hao lei) sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui (wo hai shi hui)
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
I don’t think there is anything wrong with how cpfs are relating this to cpn cause that’s just how it is. But sometimes, there are other reasons why they do what they do.
SO MY CONFUSION COMES FROM HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT HE RECENTLY LISTENED TO. I can’t seem to dig up how or maybe it’s something we don’t talk about. I have never experienced this kind of tidbit related to them before so I wanna know the source. Or is this like the gaming cpn where certain people know and they will not divulge the boy’s account for privacy? if anyone knows, feel free to comment. If i find out in the future, I will share.
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amezhu · 3 days
Heaven Official's Blessing▪︎
226. BÖLÜM - Karma ateşleri ile yanmak - şeytani tanrı kraliyet başkenti üzerine alçalıyor -
Kraliyet Başkentine gitmek için acele etmeleri gerekiyordu!
“Burada sonrası hakkında endişelenmenize gerek yok, kendi başlarının çaresine bakacaklar.” Dedi Hua Cheng.
Guoshi, Yin Yu'nun vücudunu balık kemiklerinden birinin sırtına yerleştirdi ve Kemik Balık böylece Kemik Ejder kafatasını Quan Yi Zhen ve Yin Yu ile birlikte taşıyarak uzaklara doğru yüzdü. Bu arada, diğer Kemik Balıklar parçalanan Kemik Ejder kemiklerini karıştırmaya ve onları yavaşça onarmaya başladılar. Görünüşe göre, kesinlikle kendi başlarının çaresine bakacaklardı.
Kaybedecek bir an bile yoktu ve Xie Lian başka bir şey söylemeden devasa ilahi heykeli gökyüzüne doğru uçması için yönlendirdi. Cennet mensuplarının hepsi "Ekselansları, nereye gidiyorsunuz?" diye seslendi.‌
“Onun peşinden gitmeyi düşünüyor olamazsınız?! Sonunda kaçmıştık…”
“Onu kovalamalıyız!” dedi Xie Lian, “Çok kalabalık bir yere gitti! Daha fazla zaman yok, lütfen millet sıkı tutunun!”
Hua Cheng’in parmaklarının arasında bir zar yuvarlandı ve alçak bir sesle konuştu, “Gege, hazır mısın?”
Xie Lian kafasını salladı. Hua Cheng zarları fırlattı, “Mesafe kısaltma rününü etkinleştir!”
Devasa ilahi heykel ruhsal güçlerini yeniledi ve tüm gücüyle yukarıya doğru yüklendi!
Beklendiği gibi bulutların arasından geçtikten sonra ateşli şeytani devin canlı kızılıyla renklenmiş ufuğun karanlık yayılımını görebiliyorlardı.
Yerdeki kalabalıktan bazıları gökyüzünde beliren böyle alevli bir canavar aniden yavaşça alçalıp onlara yaklaştığında kalakaldı, bazıları çığlık atmaya başladı ve bazıları neredeyse korkudan kaçacaktı. Shi Qing Xuan da birkaç soğuk nefes aldı ama kalabalığa dahil olduğu için bağırarak hızla bundan kurtuldu, “SORUN YOK!!! KİMSE PANİKLEMESİN! AŞAĞIYA GELMEYECEK! YUKARIDA BİZE YARDIM EDEN TANRILAR VAR!”
O kadar paniklemişti ki, yine aklını kaybetti. Xie Lian devasa ilahi heykele devin püskürttüğü ateş duvarını savuşturarak üzerinden geçmesi, şeytani ateşli devi kavrayarak umutsuzca havaya fırlatmasını emrini verdi ki böylece yere daha fazla yaklaşamazdı. Bu sırada da bağırıyordu, “MİLLET! DERHAL İNİN!”
Cennet mensupları zaten Xie Lian’ın tüm yol boyunca devasa ilahi heykeli kontrol etmesinden dolayı ölümüne korkmuşlardı bu yüzden bekleyemeyip Çin mantısı gibi aceleyle atladılar. Yere indikleri an Shi Qing Xuan’ı gördüler, hepsi şaşırmıştı, “Lord Rüzgar Ustası? Neden buradasın?”
“Neden böylesin…”
Shi Qing Xuan aşırı keyifliydi, “O kadar çok soru sormayın, gelin gelin gelin, hemen bize katılın, insan rününe katılın ve tutmamıza yardım edin, kederli ruhların kaçmalarına izin veremeyiz!”
Cennet yetkililerinin çoğu tereddütlüydü ve ilk ortaya çıkan Lang Qian Qiu’ydı, “SİZE YARDIM EDECEĞİM!”
Biri ilk adımı atınca diğer cennet mensupları da birbiri ardına katıldılar.
İnsan rünü bir kez daha genişledi ve güçlenerek daha güvenli bir hale geldi.
Xie‌ Lian sadece rahat bir nefes aldı ve o ateşli ‌şeytani‌ devi yukarı doğru çekmeye devam etti ki büyük bir çatırtı sesi duydu. O ateşli şeytani dev yine parçalara ayrılmıştı! Bacaklarından biri vücuttan ayrıldı ve aşağıya doğru uçtu. Sadece bir bacak bile önemli sayıda kişiyi öldürebilirdi. Sadece insan dizisi değil belki de tüm cadde yok olurdu.
Ancak beklenmedik şekilde o bacak sadece yarıya kadar düşmüştü ki aniden havada birkaç parçaya bölündü ve patladı.
Milyonlarca parıldayan kıvılcım, muhteşem havai fişeklerin ardından yağan duman tozu gibi, tamamen zararsızca aşağıya doğru karanlığa doğru eriyen küçük noktalara neden oldu ve tüm gökyüzünü kapladı. Xie Lian meraklandı, “Neden kendi kendine patlasın ki?”
Tam o sırada havai fişeklerin ortasından bir figür belirdi ve hava akımına karşı yukarı doğru ilerlemeye başladı, birkaç atlamadan sonra ateşli şeytani devin bedeninin üzerine indi. Xie Lian yakından baktı ve keyifle haykırdı, “General Pei! İyisin, tanrıya şükür!” Pei Ming'e hizmet vermeye zaten hazırdı!
Pei Ming bir elinde bir kılıç kullanıyordu, diğeriyle de saçını düzeltiyordu; saçları mükemmel, onun çekiciliği sakindi, “Tam olarak değil ama çoğunlukla iyi.”
Kızartılıp kaynatıldıktan sonra bile hala tam pişmemişti Savaş tanrıları kesinlikle çok inatçı yaşam güçlerine sahipti. Xie Lian “Ban Yue ve Pei Su nerede?” diye sordu.
“İyiler.” Dedi Hua Cheng, “Gege, bak,oradalar.”
Xie Lian başını çevirdi ve baktı, kesinlikle epey uzaktaydı. Bir evin çatısına indiklerinde Ban Yue Pei Su’yu getirdi. Görünüşe göre Ming ‌Guang‌ Sarayı sıkı bir şekilde mühürlenmişti ve kaynayan Kara Deniz suyu tamamen içine girmemişti bu yüzden herkes çoğunlukla iyiydi. Xie Lian sordu, “Xuan Ji ve diğerleri nerede?”
Bir ses gururla konuştu, “Tabii ki de hepsi benim tarafımdan hezimete uğradı!”
Ses Pei Ming’in elinden gelmişti, ancak o zaman Xie Lian Pei Ming’in elinde tuttuğu kılıcın aslında Ming Guang olduğunu fark etti.
“General Pei, sen cidden Ming Guang kılıcını buyruğuna mı aldın?”
“Bundan daha karmaşık.” Pei Ming cevapladı.
Ancak Rong Guang kıkırdadı, “Heheheh nasıl karmaşık? Önümde diz çöküp özür dileyen ve benden bağışlanmayı dileyen sen değil miydin? AHAHHAHHAHA HARİKA HİSSETTİRİYOR, MÜKEMMEL HİSSETTİRİYOR!”
O zaman Xie Lian çoğu şeyi anlamıştı. Üç iblis ve hayaletlerin gerçekten öldürebilmesinden önce büyük ihtimalle bu mümkündü, “haksız dağıtım” konusunda kendi aralarında kavga etmeye başladılar bile.‌
Rong Guang, ezici bir üstünlükle kazanıp Xuan Ji ve Ke Mo'yu bir kenara attı ardından ise dışarısı gürlüyor, yer yerinden hareket ediyor, uçuyordu ve durum vahim olsa da kaçamamışlardı. Rong Guang, acımasızca Pei Ming'i hatalarını kabul etmeye zorladı ve Pei Ming dilediğini yapıp özür dilediğinde çok mutlu oldu.
O ateşli dev bir bacağını kaybettiğinde bile sinirli değildi, ağır ağır kendini yeniden inşa etmeye başladı. Diğer büyük molozlar ve altından saraylar çatlaklara doğru hareket etti ve kısa içinde yine tamamen inşa edildi. Hala devasaydı ama bu sefer öncekinden bir tık daha küçüktü.
Pei Ming, Ming Guang kılıcını kavradı ve Büyük Savaş Salonu'na doğru hücum etti. Xie Lian peşinden haykırdı, “GENERAL PEİ! DİKKATLİ OL!”
Elindeki kılıç Ming Guang'la birlikte Pei Ming'in saldırı gücü aniden patladı. Ming Guang’ın karakteri kötü ve yanlış yola sapmış olsa da kesinlikle eski astı kadar değerliydi ve ikisi birlikte nasıl çalışacaklarını en iyi biliyorlardı. Quan Yi Zhen, tokatlanmadan önce Büyük Savaş Salonu'na yakın bir yere ulaşamamıştı ama Pei Ming ondan çok daha uzağa hücum ederek doğrudan Büyük Savaş Salonuna doğru hücum etti!
Pei Ming’in alnındaki damarlar fışkırdı, “Konuşmayı keser misin?”
Qi ‌Rong‌ Büyük Dövüş Salonu'nun yanında saklanıyordu ve kibirli bir şekilde bağırdı, “LANET ERKEK *R*SPUSU, ÖLÜMÜNÜ ARAMAK İÇİN BURAYA GELMEMENİ ÖNERİRİM!”
Ming Guang güçlü bir şekilde tokat attı PA! “BU LANET YEŞİL ŞEY NE? ÇEKİL YOLUNDAN!”
Qi Rong, saldırıdan sonra neredeyse birkaç kez takla atmıştı, Gu‌ Zi‌ zorluklarla onu sabit tutabilmek için bacağını kucakladı ve merakla sordu, “Baba… iyi misin?”
Qi Rong’un Gu Zi karşısında yüzü düşmüştü ve aşırı öfkeliydi, ama Pei Ming'in nasıl öldürme niyetiyle patladığını görünce onunla kafa kafaya yüzleşecek kadar sert değildi. Yine de ağzı boş durmuyordu, “YİNE EL ALTINDAN HAREKETLER!”
Ancak beklenmedik şekilde Gu Zi yanıt vermedi ve onun yerine bir yığın halinde yere yığıldı. Qi Rong aşağı baktığında Gu Zi’nin hareket etmediğini gördü, Gu Zi'yi kaldırırken dik dik baktı ve vahşice ileri geri salladı, “Aptal çocuk, ne oynuyorsun?”
Gu Zi’nin uykuya dalmış gibi gözleri kapalıydı ve alnı yanıyordu. Xie Lian hâlâ o ateşli şeytani devi kuvvetli bir şekilde çekiyordu ama aşağıdaki durumu da fark etmişti ve bağırdı, “Qİ RONG! NEDEN KAÇMADIN, BURASI HALA ALEV ALEV, BİR AŞAĞI BİR YUKARI, BİR ATEŞ BİR SU, O ÇOCUK HALA ÇOK GENÇ, BU GİDİŞLE ÖLECEK!”
Qi Rong, küfretmek için yukarı baktı, “NE CÜRETLE BANA DERS VERMEYE ÇALIŞIYORSUN? KİMSİN Kİ BANA BLÖF YAPIYORSUN? BU VELET UCUZA BÜYÜMÜŞ NASIL BU KADAR KOLAY ÖLSÜN? (*Bu, ucuz ve bayağı bir yaşamın daha uzun süreceği yönündeki halk inancıdır.*) KAÇMAM İÇİN SÖYLÜYOR OLABİLİRSİN, KAÇTIĞIM AN BENİ ÖLDÜRÜRSÜN!” Xie lian hareket edemese bile Lang Qian Qiu hala aşağıda bekliyordu.
Diğer taraftan Pei Ming ve Jun Wu savaşmaya başlamıştı. Savaşın alevleri ara sıra sıçrayıp onu yakıyor, tekrar ve tekrar kaçmak için çığlık atıyor, her yere atlıyordu. Xie Lian öfkeyle bağırdı, “HAYALET OLMANA RAĞMEN O ATEŞE DAYANAMIYORSUN O ÇOCUĞUN DAYANMASINI NASIL BEKLERSİN?”
Qi Rong'un kolunun altına sıkıştırılmış olan Gu Zi'nin yüzü parlak kırmızı renkte yanıyordu ama Qi Rong’un ağzı yine de durmuyordu, “YİNE DE GİTMEYECEĞİM! GİTMEYECEĞİM! WAH!!!”  Fırlayan bir alev doğrudan yüzüne doğru üflendi, Qi Rong sürünerek bir daire içinde tökezledi ve şikayetlerini tutamayarak yukarı sıçradı, “UM, JUN WU, SENİ CA.. PATRON! ATEŞLERİN BU KADAR CANİCE YAKMASA OLMAZ MI? BU… BENİ YAKTIN!”
Xie Lian onun söylemek istediğini hissedebiliyordu, ‘Jun Wu, seni cani, bu atayı yaktın!’. Ama hayatına değer verdiği için bu sözleri yüksek sesle söylemeye cesaret edemedi. Sanki un Wu umursarmış gibi. Şu anda yüzünde ürkütücü bir gülümsemeyle Pei Ming ile savaşıyordu. Qi Rong’un etrafındaki ateşler büyüdükçe büyüdü ve ayakta duracak bir yer bile yoktu. Ateşten ölmeyecek bir şeytan olsa da yine de işkence ediciydi. Bir müddet sonra, kolunun altına sıkıştırılmış olan Gu Zi de sanki ateşte tutuşmuş gibi işkence dolu bir çığlık attı. Qi Rong kontrol etmek için onu kaldırdı ve elbette Gu Zi’nin alnı kanla kaplanmıştı, cübbesinin içinden büyük bir delik açılmış ve yanmış bir omuz ortaya çıkmıştı. Gu Zi yanıklardan dolayı zorla uyanmış bağırıyordu, hiçbir şey bilmeden çığlıklar atıyor Qi Rong’a sarılıyordu, “BABA! ACIYOR! KORKUYORUM!”
Soğuk terler durmaksızın Qi Rong’un alnından akıyor, dudakları donmuş ne diyeceğini bilmiyordu. Gu‌ Zi‌ sümüklü ve ağlamaklı bir şekilde eliyle yarasını kapattı, “Baba, burada yanarak ölecek miyim?”
Qi ‌‌Rong‌ kekeledi, “Hm… hm, şey…”
Gu‌ ‌Zi‌ burnunu çekti, “Burası çok güzel olsa da muhteşem görünmüyor. Buradaki insanlar bize iyi davranmıyor, Neden yaşayacak farklı bir yer bulmuyoruz…”
Qi Rong, buna daha fazla dayanamadı.
Jun Wu'yu yakalamak isteyerek salona hücum etti ama yaklaşmak için cesaret edemedi, uzaktan bağırdı, “JUN… PATRON KONUŞALIM! ATEŞLERİ SÖNDÜRMEK İSTEMESEN DE SORUN YOK, SONUÇTA SENİN BÖLGEN, İSTEDİĞİN ŞEYİ YAP, AMA, HEHEHE…”
Xie Lian onun aptalca hareketi yüzünden öfkeden taç platformundan düşecekti, “ORAYA GİDİP ÖLÜMÜNÜ ARAMA, GEL ARTIK AŞAĞI! SANA DOKUNMAYACAĞIMA SÖZ VERİYORUM!”
Qi Rong onu hiç dinlemedi. Jun Wu’nun onu görmezden gelmesi ve varlığını umursamamasıyla birlikte Gu Zi’nin sesli ağlamalarından yine ucuz oğlunun önünde yüzü düştü ve bağırmak için koştu, “NE SİNİRLİSİN BÖYLE, ALEVLERİ DURDUR DEDİM BENİ DUYMADIN MI?”
“Qİ RONG!!!” Xie Lian feryat etti.
Qi Rong ona yaklaşamadan Jun Wu elini kaldırdı ve koca bir ateş topu tüm bedenini sardı.
Qi Rong çığlıklar atarak ağladı, Xie Lian “GU ZI!” diye bağırdı.
Böylesine büyük bir ateşle, Qi Rong’un ruhu kalıntılara kadar yanmasa bile büyük ölçüde hasar görürdü, o zaman Gu ‌Zi‌ doğrudan küle dönüşmez miydi?
Pei Ming de Qi Rong’un kolunun altındaki küçük çocuğu görmüş ve kurtarmayı düşünmüştü ama Jun Wu üstünlüğü ele geçiriyordu ve kaçamıyordu, geçen zamanı düşününce muhtemelen kurtarılmanın ötesindeydiler, “Lordum, o sadece bir çocuktu, bu kadar acımasız olmaya gerek yoktu!”
Ama hem Xie Lian hem de Pei Ming Jun Wu’nun gözlerinde artık biri çocuk olmadığını biliyorlardı, görebildiği tek şey yolunu engelleyen düşmanlardı.
Bir kol sallandı ve öfkeli bir ateş topu fırladı, ateş topu Pei Ming'i de beraberinde götürerek uçmaya başladı.
Aşağıdaki cennet mensuplarını birçoğu telaş içinde "GENERAL PEI YANIYOR!" diye bağırdı.
Tam o sırada sağanak yağmur yağmaya başladı ve devin bedenindeki savaş alevlerini söndüremese de Pei Ming'in bedenindeki alevleri söndürdü. Kalabalığın içinden siyah bir gölge gökyüzüne sıçradı ve düşmekte olan Pei Ming'i yakaladı.
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