#gotta clarify
chuuya-fan-page · 9 months
I like to think that Mori's out here laughing and twirling his damn hair as he yet again sends Chuuya to go play with the ADA. Bro is an SKK shipper I can feel it in my bones, man did not deal with three years of Dazai's bitching about Chuuya and four years of Chuuya's bitching about Dazai to pair them up every chance he gets for shits and giggles. He's over there in his office scheming the best way to set those dumb fucks up. It's canon Asagiri said so.
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Do yall want my Jace/Yolanda thoughts or should I just jump off a cliff? Nvm, you're getting them anyway 😘
This fully stems from them playing a similar kind of role to their students. Both acting as a mentor and a guide for their students while they figure things out. Whether it be innate magical ability or divinity and religious studies.
Yolanda's a much more well respected teacher than Jace is, and there are so many interesting Jace+Aguefort staff dynamics to explore but one of my favorites is Jace/Yolanda. We knew so little of her bc of how the seasons shake out but what if when Jace started working at the academy she was the staff member to give him the full tour and rundown. 
Their classrooms are far apart and outside of meetings and their polite exchanges in the breakroom they don’t talk much. Jace was never religious, not really, not until Porter, but Yolanda doesn’t push or proselytize. He likes that about her and he finds himself really fascinated by the way she discusses religion and how vast it can be. 
At the end of his first year, he’s completely drained. He knew Aguefort was notoriously A Lot™️ but he didn’t think he’d slam head first into burnout by the time finals roll around. He’s committed to his students, they’re great kids (mostly) so, he spends a lot of late nights grading papers and reviewing his lesson plans, making notes and additions when he hears a little knock at his classroom door. 
Yolanda gives him a little wave and comes in. She didn’t expect anyone to still be in the building but it’s a nice surprise. Jace looks as exhausted as she feels. 
“How do you feel about ice cream?” Not too long after she asks, they’re sat across from each other at Basrar’s  talking about how the school year’s been, their students, plans for the summer. It’s good and exactly what they both needed. They make a tradition out of it, to meet up and get ice cream every year during finals. 
By the time Junior year rolls around and she comes to him with the info about Lucy everything in him breaks. He knows what he has to do or everything he and Porter built together crumbles. He hates that out of all their coworkers it had to be her. Yolanda, one of his dearest and kindest friends. 
He isn’t sure how all knowing and all seeing Porter is quite yet, but keeping it from him could ruin everything. Jace is a fixer but he’s also obedient when his back is against the wall, so he tells Porter. 
“Tell me what you want me to do.” And he’s not sure if Porter is just being cruel or if the amount of time they’ve spent together made him generous. But Jace takes no pleasure in giving the order. In asking Porter to kill his friend. All because she cared too much. She always did, even when she’s in the lion’s den and he’s telling her about the far haven woods.. She just cares so much. 
He doesn’t join Porter. He makes himself scarce for the rest of the evening, smashing his crystal to bits so that for once he doesn’t have to hear Porter’s stupid voice after a kill. How exhilarated it makes him to take a life. Even the lives of those whose only crime was caring too much. 
After that Jace is changed. Quieter, colder, disgusted by the person he’s become. The person Porter remade him to be. The closer the end of the school year gets the more nightmares he has, of Yolanda’s death, of his own, the Rat Griders. He wakes up screaming most nights, so much so that he goes back to sleeping in his own bed. Porter doesn’t seem too put out by it. He’s different now too, barely notices or talks about anything but the plan. When Jace looks at him, he sees Porter covered head to toe in blood. It gets harder to meet his eyes without feeling repulsed. 
There’s no more ice cream, only blood.  When he dies, he wonders if he’ll find her in the afterlife, he doesn’t, of course. Where ever she is now, it has to be better than his purgatory. He’s back in the same blood-red inferno he found himself in after Porter killed him.
For a brief moment he wonders if he even deserves the life being offered back to him by Ankarna.
He takes it.
And when he sees Yolanda again, he wants to run. He wants to disappear into thin air, he wants to reverse time and choose death. But the kind, caring look in her eyes makes him ignore it all. He wraps her up tight in his arms and apologizes. She doesn’t owe him forgiveness, he feels a pit in his stomach when she offers it though. She's a better person than he ever was.  
“I believe we’re due for some ice cream, Mr Stardiamond,” and Gods he shouldn’t be crying but he is. 
Through his tears, he agrees, “Lead the way, Professor Badgood.”
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From this fic that I’m reading. I think we should all consider using
Mentally Scar
more in our lives
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lovelydolls · 1 year
How did my mom not know I was Autistic-
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fduplegacy · 8 months
Adam was playing music in the living room as he dusted
"Hey, Audrey?" He called for her, distracted as he kept an ear on the lyrics of the song and a furrowed brow as something became clear on his mind.
Audrey poked her head into the living room, and waited for him to speak.
"Have you noticed.... your dad was like Rasputin?" He asked slowly, standing up and looking far away as he listened to the song.
Audrey furrowed her expression in horrified confusion. Wondering if Adam had finally lost it.
"....explain?" She asked as she walked towards him with measured steps.
"Listen..." and so she did.
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people look at him with terror and with fear
"That's not..." she started. But the more she listened, the more her face darkened. An indestructible man with unclear intentions other than to cause fear? She ran a hand through her hair and sighed, not wanting to hear anymore.
"Didn't he get shot multiple times?" Adam asked, trying to hide the laugh bubbling up his chest.
"And burned... and I'm pretty sure he was poisoned at least once while he was locked up..." she begrudgingly answered.
"How did he finally get caught?" He asked, the inklings of laughter already seeping into his tone.
"...bled to death and then shredded." She mumbled in response. Embarrassed, as the song was very much reminiscent of her father.
"I'm calling you Rasputia from now on..." he said as he roared with laughter. Audrey shot him a death glare and went to strangle him.
"Don't you dare!" She barked, face beet red as Adam tried to get air into his lungs while keeping her hands at a safe distance from his throat.
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breadandblankets · 7 months
Duke: "So then Ra's went-"
Damian: "You know that's not grandfather's name right"
Duke: "Hm?"
Damian: "that's not his name it's a title, you're supposed to say the whole title, his name isn't 'Head'"
Duke: "She give me Ra's on my Ghul til I…"
Damian, sighing, unsheathing a sword: "Thomas, I know you will survive this, so I will not be holding back"
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densewentz · 5 months
edwin got to have the "You're Lonely like I'm Lonely" conversation with the Cat King that Hob could have had with Dream in 1889 if Dream were capable of being chill for just like 2 seconds lol
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie posts a video where he tells Steve that some people on the internet think that Steve’s more badass than him. Steve is like, “Yeah. Because I am.”
Eddie: That’s not true
Steve: Ed, you don’t even crack the top five most badass people we know.
Eddie: Uh, I preformed live on stage with Judas Priest. Who is more badass than me?
Steve: Nancy
Eddie: Besides her
Steve: El. Hopper. Will. Joyce went Russia. Me. Max. Lucas is badass. Dustin, too. Jonathan Byers! You ever see Robin work through her anxiety? That takes strength.
Eddie: Am i the top of anything? Besides you.
Steve, unamused: You top the leader board of dumbest decisions anybody has ever made when you decided not to follow the plan in ‘86
Eddie: Psh, not like I died.
Steve: You did die! For three minutes. I had to do CPR. You were in the hospital for a month!
Eddie, calling after Steve when he walked away: Wait, you didn’t say Mike. You think I’m more badass than Mike? Only Mike?
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milolovesbmc · 2 months
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Hey Falsettos fandom. Is this your "twink"?
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
thinking about how we all talk about gale's rocky family life for obvious reasons– between him and john, he's the only one who we really hear talk about his family in the show.
what about what we can infer from john's silence about his family?
as far as we can assume, he had living family who just... didn't write him the whole year and a half he was a pow in germany?
(if we pull from real info for backstory/writing purposes, he had two sisters and a mom, and a dad who died a few years before the war. factor in the endless archived newspaper articles of the other men's families speaking about them, sharing news of their pow status, writing back and forth to the pows, sending gifts and pictures...)
radio silence for john.
it must've been such an isolating feeling, knowing he had family back home who didn't care enough to write to him, wondering whether they even asked after him, if they read the newspaper to find out how their son/brother was doing overseas. having to see the others receive packages when they wrote home asking for certain things, getting to look forward to letters from loved ones and having something to occupy them through the emptiest days.
i'm sure it made gale's chest hurt too, knowing he'd never get a letter from his parents, but he at least had marge to write to, something to get him through the endless mundanity. john had nothing. (well, he had the motivation of getting gale back home safe, but beyond that?)
was he just not close with his family in the mota–verse? or did his parents treat him unkindly the way gale's did? was he the black sheep of the family? as much as he said he enlisted because he wanted to fly and join the fight, was it also to get away from whatever was wrong back home?
so many unanswered questions, so much angst drabble potential, so many hugs needed for that poor boy. </3
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frostleni · 1 year
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thefloatingstone · 23 days
Shoutout to the highly specific youtubers out there making intense longform essays about very niche topics who basically have to start every video with
"I am not an AI voice. I'm just autistic."
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frobby · 5 months
Ive been thinking a lot about kim namwoon but not like in philosophical way more in the "what if you were created to aid one person and like thats the reason for your existence and then you find out... that guy hates you so much he would get into internet fights about it..." kind of way
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brendonloverurie · 30 days
I don't wanna generalize an entire website because there's some really nice people on here, but sometimes it's reeeeally scary and obvious how much most of tumblr hates women. (It's definitely not just tumblr, but that's the only website I use.) People constantly make gross violent threats towards Taylor Swift because apparently she's the devil herself, and Swifties are just brainless npcs who couldn't possibly be Real People, right? People on tiktok or wherever the hell were mad at Chappell Roan because *checks notes* she doesn't want to be stalked or harassed. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber haven't been together in like, 12 years or whatever, but people are STILL pitting Selena against Hailey Bieber. Not to mention the bodyshaming and endless fakes nudes made without consent that get posted and reposted all over. Maisie Peters was on the Eras Tour, but people started bullying her about her voice. It was all fine and well to like Sabrina Carpenter, but only up until she got popular. Because popular = bad, right? Apparently choosing to wear more makeup than other people is a punishable crime on tumblr.com. People are trying to find "acceptable" ways to be awful because they can't get away with calling women sluts or whores anymore, but I literally see right through it, and it's not cute.
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deer-a-day · 4 months
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deerling :D
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
Spideypool Fic Recs
A black dot • means it's a one-shot
A heart ♡ means it's focused on Sexy times (it's pure filth PWP)
Scarlett_starlett: “Are you sure you wanna’ love me?” (Wade/Peter) • Spider-Man is everything Peter Parker wishes he could be—witty, confident, loud, sassy, and sexy… This is no more apparent to him than when Deadpool walks past him without a second glance the first time they meet. It sucks, considering Peter Parker has an embarrassing crush on the ex-merc.
Dontcareajot: “Damage” (Wade/Peter) Peter Parker finds himself in a sticky situation and who should show up to rescue him but the infamous Deadpool? Now Peter feels indebted to the mercenary... And maybe weirdly charmed by him.
isaDanCurtisproduction: “Petey and Wade discuss the proper way to go about vigilantism (and maybe they fall in love too)” (Wade/Peter) Deadpool totally crashes Peter's lunch date with some left-overs Aunt May had inundated him with, and Peter is like "Woah, isn't that that murder guy?" and then it kind of spirals from there. And maybe when Peter first saw Deadpool, decked out with fuzzy panda gloves and enough guns to take down a small monarchy, he should have high-tailed it the other way, but where's the fun in that, right? Right???
Orphan_account: “You Big Disgrace” (Wade/Peter) a two-shot series Wade’s hanging by one leg from the firescape outside Peter’s seventh floor apartment, katanas sheathed on his back and a gun on each thigh - but he’s frozen like a deer in the headlights, as if Peter poses some sort of threat, standing like an idiot at the open window in sweatpants and no shirt, only a flashlight and a thin smattering of chest hair to defend himself.
ChuckleVoodoos: “Hot Cocoa and Heroes” (Wade/Peter) • When a strange hero breaks into his apartment to hole up for the night, Peter Parker is not pleased. And yet somehow he goes from swinging a baseball bat at the guy to sharing a mug of hot cocoa with him.
Zeropercent (orphan_account): “Clenched Teeth And Fluttering Eyes” (Wade/Peter) • The first time Peter sees Wade, really sees him, he doesn’t know what to think.
Cherryvanilla: “Wasn't looking for this” (Wade/Peter) a series, one of three When the Avengers had briefed him on Deadpool, they played up the Kills People for Money and Has No Real Morals angle and left out the Is Pretty Damn Funny and Charming in a Weird, Terrifying Sort of Way part. Or, five times they meet on rooftops plus one time they take it to the streets* (*with apologies to The Doobie Brothers).
Mokuyoubi: “One for the Books” (Wade/Peter) ♡ • And, like, there’s a million reasons NOT to do this, primary among them the whole it’s Deadpool thing and being in a library with the police outside, but Peter has a feeling this isn’t going to take very long, and they’ve been dancing around this forever. Wade gives a roll of his hips and Peter’s hands are suddenly working without his permission, rolling up Wade’s mask until the second his mouth is visible. MRA terrorists storm the library, and Peter is unreasonably jealous of how into his secret identity Deadpool seems to be.
Doctorestranged: “Dead Men Walking” (Wade/Peter) part of a series, one of four When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
Jilliancares: “Let me explain” (Wade/Peter) • Wade scoffs, shaking his head and elbowing Peter in the side. “Sure,” he says, sarcastic. “That’s why your spidey-sense doesn’t see me.” Peter’s on the verge of laughing, wanting to join Wade in his amusement, but he freezes. His entire body goes still. He finds himself staring at a roof three buildings over, not even looking at anything. Two blocks away, a car alarm finally shuts off. “I never told you that,” Peter says, the realization startling him. Or: Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him.
PrinceMalice: - “Break My Face” (Wade/Peter) • Deadpool died all the time. It was kind of a modus operandi with the mercenary. He was used to it. In a sick way, Peter was also used to it. The merc would take a bullet to the brain like a tic tac. No matter how gnarled or dismembered he became, Deadpool always pulled himself together, and it was normal. . Or four times Wade died saving Peter's life, and the one time Peter almost died saving his.
Riseofthefallenone: - “Puppy ex Machina” (Wade/Peter) A year after his divorce, Peter is trapped in a depressive cycle and still not quite over Mary Jane. When she shows up at his door, begging him to watch her dog for a week while she leaves town, he can’t really bring himself to say “no”. No one was expecting that little Pomeranian to turn his life around and help him realize that his friendship with Wade has been teetering on the edge of something more for a while.
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