#got up and walked around a bit every now and then while playing minecraft instead of just Vegetating
nexus-nebulae · 2 years
i think today's been the most Normal Functional Human™ day i've had in years??????
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k3rm1e · 3 years
cuddling headcanons! ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
this is more of a test thing to see if i like writing this way and if this blog does well
other imagines and headcanons won't include everyone i write unless it is specifically requested and is a prompt i really like
includes: wilbur nihachu karljacobs quackity dream georgenotfound sapnap p!tommyinnnit p!badboyhalo p!skeppy p!eret p!philza p!tubbo p!ranboo
cw: cursing
wilbur is a very cuddle-y guy
to me he seems very soft
i always see people saying he would like spooning, but i disagree
i feel like he would do more of a half-spooning thing with his head on your chest or the other way around
mans would DEFINITELY make you run your fingers through his hair
i feel like he would lay on your chest and just *nuzzle* into the space between your shoulder and neck
anytime you tried to leave him, whether it was because he had to do something or you had to, he would whine. so. fucking. much.
It would probably always go something like:
you - i need to piss
wilbur - no <3
but the moment he decides its time to stop cuddling its fine
and if you complain that you’re gonna miss him he’ll just call you clingy and tease you
like??? sir???
all in good fun though, no bad intentions :)
i feel like you and niki would face each other
with your head like under her chin and in her chest (this is a bad description but look at the “honeymoon hug” on the list for better explanation ;-;)
she would always want to protect you
so she does that by like almost guarding you and keeping you close
niki would definitely do the arm thing where she just lightly moves her hand up and down you arm
i’m so sorry if you don't understand that, it just feels like something she would do
if you haven't experienced that it kinda sorta feels like spiders??? but in a good way???
but generally she is very protective
she just holds you so close the whole time
even if she doesn’t want to let you go, she’s more understanding about it
she would be upset but wouldn’t show it because she doesn’t want to make you feel guilty
niki is generally just an amazing cuddle-r (is that a word?) and has a super comforting presence
karl would definitely keep your head on his chest
the whole time he would just absolutely squeeze the life out of you
he would constantly bend his neck down to kiss your head
and instead of just like leaving his head down so he could kiss you it would just be:
*inner monologue karl* hmmm i wanna kiss them on their head
and he would lean down to do so which, cute
but then five seconds later he would do it again
and again another five seconds later
and again
very cute karl but please sir, your neck is gonna be so messed up after this
when you had to leave he would be upset, but like niki, would try not to show it
except karl is very bad at that and his pouting would be so obvious
so you would feel guilty and layback down with him
immediately he just becomes (●´ω`●)
like a happy little puppy
karl is just too adorable for you to deny
now we all know this, quackity is a huge dork
which is why i believe he would DEFINITELY use your butt as a pillow
not even in a weird way
i just feel like quackity isn’t too comfortable with touch so this is sorta his way of being close to you without it being a whole serious thing
like he still is able to be goofy and comfortable without it being a whole big thing
him doing this would almost always come with a flatty patty joke from you
which always causes him to threaten divorce, even though you aren’t married
while it isn’t a very good position for things like physical touch, it is good for talking and having conversations
for some reason i feel like he’s the type of person to text someone when they’re right next to each other
so while he’s laying down he’ll just send you random photos of himself
very annoying when your phone is spammed, but also good blackmail material >:)
i don’t think he’d be too clingy
obviously, he enjoys spending time with you
but if you told him you need to go do work or something he wouldn’t throw a fit or pout
big q just seems like he’d be more rational about stuff like that
overall a 420/69 cuddle partner
one word: spooning
mans just envelops you and has no shame
very big: “no you are mine! >:(“ energy
while he’s sleeping he’ll unconsciously nuzzle his head into your hair/the back of your neck
when you guys got to bed patches usually climbs in and you hold her
i love patches so much i could write headcanons just about her
dream always wants to be cuddling you
if you try to leave he won’t pout, there simply isn't a discussion on whether you’re moving or not
incase you haven’t caught on yet, the answer is no
you need to do work? just bring the laptop to bed
he needs to edit? just sit in his lap at his desk, duh
obviously, he knows at some point you guys need to stop cuddling
he just isn’t too stoked about it
when it comes time where he absolutely can’t cuddle with you, i feel like he’d be more chill
mainly just annoyed
i feel like george, like quackity, also wouldn’t be too touchy
i’m pretty sure he has a hard time expressing emotions (please correct me if i’m wrong!!) and i think that would crossover to his sleeping habits
i think he would prefer a sort of back-to-back cuddling position
it seems cold, i know
but also he would most definitely kick at you
so every night while trying to go to sleep suddenly you would just feel *kick*
and then instead of sleep you’re suddenly playing footsie
lots of laughter and warm feelings involved
george would probably pretend that you kicked his leg hard or something and act like you hurt him
the first few times you were actually worried
but then after a few months your only response was a sarcastic “cry about it”
which just led to more laughter
sapnap and you would do a sort of leg hug thing
you both you try to go to sleep in a cute spooning-type position
but the moment one of you fell asleep it all unraveled
you would wake up apart but you’re legs would still be touching
sapnap would joking blame it on you
“wow can’t believe you don't wanna be close with me even when we’re asleep”
“it’s not my fault! i can’t control where i end up when i sleep!”
“no, no. you don’t have to lie. i see how it is.”
but it's okay!
your legs are the first thing to react in a flight-or-fight situation, so they usually react in an honest way
which is like your legs are both reaching to hold each other!
i don’t get a very touchy vibe from tommy
i feel like the most he would do is put his arm over your shoulder
not in a flirty way, just in a “hey, there isn’t a lot of space, this will make sitting down more comfortable” way
he will let you sorta fidget with his hand/arm
i don't know if that makes sense but what i mean is that he’ll pretty much let his arm go *flop* so you can control it (by like moving it around or playing with his fingers)
in the beginning he would get annoyed
but eventually he would get used to it and wouldn’t really care
it sounds a bit strange but i personally find it very comforting to just have something to fidget with while watching youtube or netflix in bed with my friends
and it’s entertaining (sometimes i do this to me sister to annoy her :>)
he would act like he didn’t mind if you left him
but holy shit he is so clingy
If you try to leave it’ll just be “no, why??? stay here dumbass”
you would be slightly annoyed when he had to leave  but knew he had to film and stream and all that so you would be okay
you would kinda sit within bad’s lap
like not on his lap, but more of in between his legs
he would have his arms around you
and his phone would be in front of you so you two could scroll through twt or instagram together
or you guys could watch skeppy’s youtube ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
rat would sit in your lap
she’s just;;;;;;;; so adorable
rat is just so soft and fuzzy in your lap and everytime you move to pet her she just melts
rat is the the superior cuddle buddy to any of these block people
skeppy, similar to quackity, is a total dork
he would make sure you guys were in a position where he could effectively troll you
so if your head was near his lap he would just flick you or some
“dude can you please stop hitting me in the head”
“it turns out i am not actually hitting you in your head because based on the perpendicularity of the bisector multiplied by the photosynthesis of the dividend, it is impossible for me to do so”
lya is so goddamn sick of you guys
she's trying to get him to actually do something but instead he’s just sitting there throwing paper airplanes at you while you sleep
he’s an annoying asshole but it's okay because he gives you money for absurd reasons
eret has such a comfortable presence
i feel like she wouldn’t be up for cuddling too much
more of like putting your head on a friends shoulder so you can see the tweet their showing you
but they do like to hold hands
holding hands isn’t very intimate but it's also just such a sweet comforting thing
she even holds your hand when you guys are out walking around
like if you guys were getting food somewhere (post-covid of course)
you most likely would get addressed as a couple
and he would just be like”...wut?”
it’s happened so many times at this point you just go along with it
“you guys look like such a cute couple!”
“oh we aren't-” “thank you!”
can you tell that i love eret?
phil always has such dad vibes
i feel like the closest he would get to cuddling is hugs and hand holding
even though cuddling isn’t inherently romantic, he is married to kristen
so i fell he would get most of his touch in with her
but with you he’s just so fatherly
hello dadza
whether you have a good or bad relationship with your father, everyone can admit that philza minecraft is dadza
this is such a dad thing, but tries to hold you hand when you cross the street
no matter the age, he just feels the need to protect you
hugs are similar
uses hugs as a way to comfort you and protect you
just so amazing all around
tubbo would love cuddling in any way, shape, or form
if you guys are hanging out at like the park or something and lying down
get ready to become this mans pillow
this is really fun to do with your friends but imagine you guys are hanging out in a field type area (with my friends we hand out in the field next to the cemetery but it can be any open grass area)
tubbo would just use your lap as a pillow the whole time
and when you guys were walking back to his house he would sorta drape his arms over your shoulders (assuming he’s taller than you)
he would do the same thing when you guys were sitting in chairs or at a desk
just drapes his arms over your shoulder with his chin on your head
if it's really late and he's tired he’ll just hug you
if you thought tubbo is bad, ranboo is even worse
not even really cuddling, he just likes having a sort of skin-to-skin contact
so handholding and laying on top of eachother
if he’s streaming he will legitimately message ou to just sit next to him
so sometimes if he’s just chilling by himself on the smp you’ll end up on his streams
he’ll have you next to him just because he likes be near someone
and so randomly it’ll just be like “chat, a real human is here, behave”
chat does not behave
(they heavily bully him)
he’s pretty clingy but when you HAVE to leave he’ll understand and just be a bit bummed out
holy shit this took me so long-
if you read this whole thing thank you!
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
Acrylics | Headcanon
Requested? Nope
Warnings? None
CC's Included? Corpse Husband, Dream, Awesamdude, Wilbur Soot, Sapnap, BoomerNA, Punz, Quackity, Karl Jacobs
Word Count: 1,730
My first ever set of headcanons! Pls feel free to tell me if they suck or if you want more!! My requests are always open :)
-you’ve had earrings for years now and didn’t think acrylics would mess you up
-you were definitely wrong
-you suddenly became notorious for dropping earring backs, losing them in the carpet, and fumbling around for minutes at a time
-corpse had noticed you had started to take longer and longer getting ready
-he knew you loved changing your earrings, matching them to your outfit, and making a whole outfit out of it
-and yet one morning you two were actually headed out to get breakfast together
-when you were taking a while he decides to check on you and see if you’re okay
-he walks into the room, watching you pout in frustration as you tried again to put in your earrings
-he can’t help the small smile on his lips that occurs, watching as you tried over and over to put the jewelry in your ear
-he walks over, placing his hands on your shoulders until they fall down over your hands
-“let me help”
-he takes the earrings out of your hands, nudging you to turn in his grip
-he brushes your hair back before focusing intently on putting the earring in
-he’s scared about hurting you but you’re too busy focusing on the butterflies in your stomach to even notice
-he fastens the earrings with ease and without a second thought he presses a kiss to your forehead before telling you to turn and look in the mirror and see if it’s okay
-you’re practically glowing and that alone make corpse smile
-from now on he puts your earrings in for you
-the minute you got your nails done you realized what a struggle opening cans was going to be
-you loved Redbull and soda and pretty much anything that came into a can so you were definitely struggling
-dream watches as you leverage the can tab with a knife and pop it open that way, an adoring smile on his lips
-he watches you do this for a while, finding the action absolutely adorable for whatever reason
-one day you head to the fridge and grab a can of Redbull and Dream takes it out of your hands instantly
-he pops it open without a word and hands it back, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he walks away
-you stand in the cold air of the fridge for minutes afterward, struck at how such a perfect boy could notice something so minute about you
-he always opens cans for you now
-having a difficult time typing never even occurred to you when you got your nails done
-you figured you’d either find a way around it or use text to speech if it got really difficult
-and it did get really difficult
-you had a 10-page essay due and the idea of ripping your extremely expensive nails off had crossed your mind more than once
-when you’re on your third page and can’t type one word without a mistake you let out a muted scream before dropping your head onto the desk
-Sam who had been sitting in the room the whole time offers a concerned look
-he makes his way over to you, rubbing your back slowly
-“what’s wrong baby?”
-“these stupid nails keep messing me up,” you whine leaning your head into his chest
-he picks your hand up, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before nudging you out of the seat
-“what are you writing about?” he asks as you plop down onto the floor
-“what are you writing about? I can type it,”
-you swore you were about to get down on one knee and propose to him
-“uhm it’s about the similarities and differences of an older text and a newer text and why it’s fundamental to use both”
-“alright. tell me what I need to write next”
-you spent the next few hours telling Sam your plans and thoughts about the paper while he typed, your heart slamming appreciatively in your chest
-you had done pretty well with your hair after getting your nails done
-brushing it out, pulling it up, even twirling it around your fingers caused no issue and all ease
-however, when you see a TikTok tutorial of a girl pulling her hair up with butterfly clips this is when the trouble starts
-you sat in front of your bedroom mirror, twisting your hair and attempting to clip it in place, and proceeding to drop the clip over and over and over
-the frustration is unreal, and at one point you almost start crying in annoyance
-Wilbur walks into the room clueless and stops in his tracks immediately
-he kneels on the ground behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders
-you lean back into his touch and let it calm you as you drop the clips from your hands
-”what’s wrong my love?” he whispers calmly while pressing kisses to your head
-”I can’t get my hair right,” an unintentional whine coming out of your lips
-Wilbur reaches down to where the clips lay on the ground and gather them up
-”what do you want me to do?”
-you’re practically crying for a whole other reason now
-”i’m just trying to twist my hair up and pin it back” you explain
-wilbur watches you pull the hair back before opening the clip and securing it into place
-he smoothes down the hair as if he’s done it a million times and presses kisses to your head
-he’s the first person you call now when you need help with your hair
-okay you’ve never been great at opening sauce packets before
-but now that you got your nails done it’s downright impossible
-the first time you tried you swore it took you 30 minutes to even get it a little bit open
-so when you and Sap go to Chick fil A and sit down to eat you’re already groaning in annoyance as you pull out the chick fil a sauce packet
-Sap watches with amused eyes and a slight smirk as you struggle even getting the plastic between your fingers
-he grabs it from your hands without a word, tearing it open before placing it back in front of you
-every single time you go to a fast food place now he does it subconsciously whether you have acrylics on or not
-your heart aches a little every time he does it, nothing but love for the sweet boy before you
-alright so you’ve never been a huge gamer in life
-sure you played the occasional game when you were younger or when your older brother needed help beating a level but that was about it
-when you met Boomer you realized how little you knew about video games, specifically minecraft
-while you never played the game you listened to Boomer tell you all about it and explain
-however when he started playing Halo in his free time that’s when you became interested
-your dad used to play the game 24/7 when you were younger, beating it a multitude of times on the old PC in the computer room
-and when he saw your interest piqued, he knew he had to teach you how to play valorant
-similar shooting games, right?
-you sat on his lap, his hands on top of yours as you try to work around having the longest fingernails ever and learn a new game
-you swear instead of you actually playing Boomer was doing all of the work
-it made your heart happy anyway
-you joked with him that when the fingernails come off you’ll beat his ass in valorant
-”Whatever you say my love” he assures pressing a kiss to your shoulder
-okay but opening jars normally is hard
-how the fuck were you supposed to open them with long ass fingernails on??
-you did probably the most ridiculous tips and tricks from TikTok to try and loosen the top of the jar
-nothing worked
-punz watched you amused day in and day out whenever you tried to open any jars
-some days he even let the jar loosen before hiding it back again and watching as you cheer excitedly, opening it on the first try
-one day you’re having a particularly hard time opening a jar, going as far as cursing in frustration over the opening
-punz walks over to you, pulling the jar from your hand and popping it open with ease you watch admirably
-you lean up and press a kiss to his cheek and he flushes underneath your touch
-now every time you have a jar you can’t open you’re right by Punz’s side pouting and holding out the food
-obviously, Alex has always opened doors for you
-he’s even gone as far as smacking your hand away when you try to open a door for yourself
-and when you get your nails done? Forget about it
-he barely lets you lift a finger, not wanting for you to ruin your brand new manicure
-he’s seen you pull off quite a few nails by missing the door handle and hitting it a bit too hard
-there’s no way he’s gonna make you lose more
-”i’m going to work!” you yell out to Alex as you walk out the door
-he rushes in behind you unexpectedly and out towards your car
-he already has the door opened and is offering a big grin
-you lean up and press a kiss to his lips, your heart surging at the idea that you had gotten the best boyfriend in the world
Karl Jacobs
-kinda like typing, you never thought you’d have an issue writing stuff down with your nails on
-however, this time around you got your nails a little longer than usual and it was a struggle
-as you’re scribbling down a grocery list you mess up practically every other word in sloppy writing
-Karl tilts his head when he tries reading the list and smiles
-”baby let me write the list,” he whines the next time you go shopping
-you tell him everything you need and Karl writes it down in perfect hand writing, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he gets up
-you’ll never not be shocked when he does something so simple but precious
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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Part Nine. Minecraft Dating 101
warnings: swearing, mostly super freaking fluffy but some oopsies at the end (which is the barely-there angst that i mentioned before!!), pet names?? if that bothers you??? (like...... one or both of them might use baby.........) word count: 5.3k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: HEHEH SORRY ITS SO LONG SORRY hope you guys like it!!!! hope it lives up to your standards of minecraft dates lol also thank you guys all for all your suggestions!!! i loved all of them so much!!!! i would have added every idea except this was already 5k words so its much less “flirting” and more so “oh gosh im so nervous what am i supposed to do” from both of them so hehe i think thats more endearing anyway
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The familiar sound of a FaceTime call connecting rang in Y/n's ears and she held her phone up to her face. "Hi, Karl," she sighed.
"Y/N!!" he said with a cackle. "ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR DATE?!"
"Shut up, I'm doing this for you."
"I already gave you the tour though so really you could back out. You're choosing to stay." His voice was teasing and giddy. "Why's that, hmm?"
Heat rose instantly to Y/n's face. "Because I'm a woman of my word?"
"OkaAaAyy," he sang. "Or because you liiiiikeee himmm."
"Shhhut up, Karl. No, I don't."
"Is this why you called me?"
He giggled. "Yeah, but—"
Y/n disconnected the call and set her phone down with a small laugh and a shake of her head.
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With her stream started and her chat greeted, the donation limit raised to $100 (both because she didn't want to be flooded with questions on the date and because she didn't want people to donate their hard-earned money), Y/n logged onto Dream's SMP and found the voice call Dream was in, George's name right under his.
After she clicked it to join, a small gasp emitted from her headphones before she heard Dream mutter something. "Get out, get out, leave."
George's voice was normal. "But I wanna—"
"GEORGE!" Dream yelled, making Y/n giggle.
"Fine!" George yelled back. "Have fun you two," he sang like Karl did before a sound from Discord told them that he left.
It was silent for a second before, "Hi."
"Hi." She giggled. "What was that about?"
"Oh, nothing, nothing. Just some last minute, uh, setting up."
She hummed, amused at the sound of his frantic voice.
"So, um... are you ready for our date?"
"I don't even know where you are. I'm still in my house."
"Knock, knock," he said with a laugh. Y/n turned to see green peeking through the cutouts on her oak door and she laughed.
She ran to the door and opened it for him, revealing Dream in a slightly altered version of his Minecraft skin. He looked the same, except the white blob appeared to be wearing a necktie of some sort. "You look ridiculous," she admitted with a smile. "Wait, is this a fancy date? Should I change my skin?"
"It's not fancy, I just wanted to look my best for the prettiest girl in the world."
"Ohmygosh," she muttered to herself, hoping that writing off his charming words and actions as annoying would make her face not heat up as much. So far, it hadn't worked. Two minutes in and she was already blushing like a schoolgirl whose crush asked her to play tag at recess. "So, I'm not underdressed?"
"No, you're always perfect."
She didn't comment, opting for an eye-roll instead. Truthfully, she wanted to flirt back with him, try to make his heart beat fast like hers already was, but she was worried her words wouldn't come off joking and that the true intention would be obvious, that he'd be able to breeze right past the jovial tone and hear the sincerity in her words. Wait, true intention? What was her true intention? Her true intention should obviously be to just joke around and have some fun, but deep down she knew the motivation for teasing him came from somewhere different, somewhere more meaningful.
She wanted to tease him because she wanted to be the one to make him blush, to make him trip over his words and not know what to do with his hands.
Why? Well, she was still figuring that out.
"If you're ready, follow me, ma'am."
"Where are you taking me?" she asked as she followed his character down prime path.
"Hmmm..." he mused. "A secret, obviously."
"Obviously," she scoffed. She noticed that he was several blocks ahead of her and she smiled to herself. "Hey, Dream?"
"Hm?" he asked, spinning to face her as he ran backward.
"I don't know how many dates you've been on, but usually people walk together. You know, gives them an excuse to maybe hold hands or at least enjoy each other's company?" She made sure her voice had just the right balance of teasing and seriousness, curious as to how he would respond.
"I, uh... oh."
"Unless you want me to just meet you there. I mean, you're practically running away from me."
"I'm just excited!" he excused, stopping briefly so she could catch up with him.
"But look at how many beautiful things there around us to look at while we get to where we're going!" she told him. "Well, maybe not that," she said with a laugh as she punched her fist towards Tommy's dirt house. "But other things."
Dream laughed and continued to walk next to her like she requested, pausing if he ever got too far ahead. "How can I look at all those when the most beautiful thing is walking right next to me?"
She's never rolled her eyes so hard in her life. "Shut up," she mumbled as she punched him.
"OW! BUG!"
"That was supposed to be a pat on the arm but Minecraft only has one level of hitting and it's a punch. Sorry."
Dream wheezed briefly before containing his laughter. "This way," he instructed, getting off the path and starting into the woods.
"Oh, really you're trying to kill me. That's why you didn't want me to wear anything nice. Didn't want me to ruin any of my fancy stuff."
"Foiled my plans," he joked lightly. "Okay but really, um, I was thinking—well, so you already have a house but I was thinking we could build one together. Or build something, I don't know. But you're really good at building and I know you really enjoy it so I thought maybe you could show—like, teach me and then later I'll teach you something and then we can have a little picnic dinner."
Y/n smiled at her nervousness. "Hey, that actually sounds really fun!"
"What? What do you mean actually?" He laughed. "What, did you expect me to plan something boring?"
She laughed over his dramatic pouting. "No, but I mean, I didn't know what to expect," she said shyly. "I do have to say, though, I'm not sure what you plan on teaching me. I'm pretty much a master at all possible Minecraft skills, so..."
"Oh, really?" he taunted. "Everything?"
"Mhm," she hummed, her confidence wavering at his smooth voice.
"We'll see about that..."
"Unless you mean you're gonna teach me how to code Minecraft. That's a Minecraft skill I will admit I know nothing about."
"No, no, nothing like that," he said with a laugh.
"Good, save the programming talk for later."
"For laaater, hmmm?" he sang flirtatiously.
"Oh my gosh," she said through a laugh. "You would think that's what I meant."
"Hey, you're the one that said you think it's cute when I talk about coding. Maybe you're into that."
"I was saying it's sweet hearing you talk about stuff you like, you nerd. Why did you immediately think—what, is your idea of dirty talk talking about... like... computer viruses?"
"Hey girl, lemme clean out your motherboard," she mocked in a deep voice. "You overclock my processor. Lemme program your, uh—uh...hAHA, nevermind, ew, no."
"BUG?! WHAAAT? What is wrong with you?" His gasps for breath between wheezes made her laugh with him. "Don't ever talk like that again, pleASE."
"I won't, I won't, I'm sorry. Oh my gosh."
"Is that your idea of flirting? You are bad!"
"No, no, no!" She laughed. "I was making fun of you. No, I'm actually really good."
She couldn't stop giggling to herself for a few minutes, embarrassed but also proud of the reaction she got from Dream. She loved hearing him laugh as if he would never stop, it made her heart so happy to hear, especially when she was the one who caused it.
Though she feared her horrible pickup lines, if you could even call them that, were already clipped, ready to be used against her for the rest of her life. Worth it. Probably.
They approached a cleared-out area in the woods and Dream stopped and turned to Y/n. "So, we're here. What should we build?"
"Oh, so now I have to plan? Wow, you are so underprepared," she joked.
"What, no! I originally... I wanted to build a, like, a house together because I didn't— I forgot you made your—your house already and—but since you already have one—"
"We can still build a house," she interrupted with a soft voice. Him fumbling over his words was very endearing but also very confusing. How serious was he taking this bit? Or was he... actually nervous? She was actually nervous but she had reasons to be: a huge live audience to entertain and not ignore, and the weird staticky, itchy feeling in her tummy every time Dream spoke to her. Both valid reasons to be nervous. What was his excuse?
"Really? You wanna build a home together?"
Heat rose to her cheeks at his wording and she hummed. "Mhm. You can be my secret lover I hide in my vacation home. Like a second life kinda deal."
He scoffed. "Oh, now I'm just your side piece, Bug?"
"Nah, you're my main bitch, baby. I just wanna hide you away to keep you for myself because I'm selfish."
There was silence on his end for a few moments, making Y/n's face practically catch fire as she thought about her words. Why did she say that?? How can he flirt all the time but as soon as she says something: dead silence.
"Well.... shhhhhit," he finally mumbled definitively.
"You wanted me to flirt with you, Dream. You literally asked me too!" She laughed, trying to cover up her embarrassment. It had been less than 20 minutes and she already made a fool of herself.
"I did, I did, I just—wow. Come on, that was... I didn't expect you to go from never flirting to calling me baby!"
"Too much?" she bit her lip as she waited for him to explain if it was a good or bad thing.
He paused again. "....no."
She laughed loudly, pulling her hoodie collar up to her face in an attempt to rid herself of the giddiness and heat on her face. Like anyone could see anyway.
"So, a house?"
"A house."
"What kind of house do you think we should build together, Dream?"
"Maybe...." he thought as he ran around the area. "Maybe, like, a log cabin? Since we're in a forest. It's fitting..."
"Very true, very true..." she thought. "I was thinking a castle was more suited for you, king, but a cabin works too."
"Bug!" he yelled, laughter bubbling up in his voice. "What is wrong with you?"
"What?" she said defensively, giggling.
"You're a handful today," he groaned under his breath and she smiled. Though his words said one thing, Y/n could tell he was enjoying her energy.
"So, a dinky, old cabin, or what?"
"Whatever you want to build," he sighed.
"You always this agreeable?"
"Only to you."
"Well, I honestly don't have much practice with building cabins and since I want to show off my skills, I mean, that's the whole point of this, right? For me to impress you with my skills?"
Dream laughed so she continued.
"I think we should build a treehouse."
"A treehouse?"
"Mhm. What do you think? I make a pretty bomb treehouse."
"That sounds awesome!" he agreed. "Oh, and it could go from, like, one tree to another and, like, connect with a bridge! Like, the living room on one and the bedroom on another."
"Yeah, exactly! Okay, it's settled."
"What do we need? What do you want me to do?"
"I'm thinking.... we use cobblestone?"
Dead silent. Literally no noise until a few moments later, ".......Bug. This might be a deal-breaker."
"I'm joooking! You think I'd build something out of cobblestone? Who am I, Tommy? No, what's your favorite wood?"
"Dark oak."
"GOOD. Me too. So.... we need dark oak. Or, wait! Okay, hear me out."
"I'm hearing..." Dream prompted as he pressed A and D on his keyboard back and forth, earning a giggle from Y/n. He character was bouncing left and right is excitement.
"Dark oak planks..." she started.
"Stone bricks..."
"Go on."
"And green wool for accents."
"Well, now you're just pandering."
"No!" she laughed. "Not, like, lime wool. Green wool. It's close to you but not as... obnoxiously blinding."
"I trust your vision. I'll go get materials."
"Perfect, you're the best, Dweam."
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled before laughing. "You pick out a tree you think would be best for the main part."
40 minutes later, they were nowhere near being done. Y/n had shown him how to make a good house layout after he placed the floor in the shape of a square. She had yelled at him for it first, of course. They also had the frame of the walls and one bridge but nothing on the other side of said bridge. Not wanting the stream to last six hours since this was only the first part of the date, Y/n made a suggestion.
"What if...."
"What if what?" Dream asked, pausing to look at her character, who had stopped fixing his mistakes. "Did I mess something up?"
"No, I was just thinking. What if we make this the whole house and do a little garden on the other side of the bridge? Or like a little cute thing."
"A little cute thing?" Dream laughed.
"You know, like a thing," she said, knowing she hadn't clarified anything. "I forgot this is only date one, you can't read my mind yet."
"Oh, so there are gonna be future dates? I thought this was just to pay off your debt?"
She paused, playing with her hoodie strings between her left hand. "Well, I guess we'll see."
Dream laughed. "So, what little cute thing did you want to make?"
"We could put a bench facing the sunset and have some potted flowers and hang lanterns and stuff."
"Oh, like a romantic spot?"
"I guess if you wanna think of it like that."
"Sounds cute," he said. "So, we have to change the layout in here then?"
"Nah, I mean, we can just not add a kitchen, we obviously don't need one anyway."
"True. Then all we need is to put our bed down, right?"
"Beds," Y/n corrected.
"Well, when they're together it looks like one big bed."
"Who said we're putting out beds together?"
"Buuuuggg..." he whined. "Come on... lemme put my bed next to yours."
She giggled again. What was with all the giggling, sheesh. "No. There's plenty of space, put it somewhere else." She placed her white bed down in the corner and went across the bridge to bring her idea to life, or, to Minecraft.
It only took about ten minutes and she finished when Dream spoke again. "I think I'm done."
"I am too! Let's take one final look around." She went back inside and immediately noticed his bed right next to hers. She stared at his character and he laughed.
"Whaaat?" he asked shyly and she just sighed, letting it happen. They took a look around and agreed that it was basically the best treehouse in the entire universe, both in Minecraft and real life.
"Bug, you're so good at building," Dream complimented as he ran around the house. "What's your favorite part?"
"Ummm...." She looked around before deciding on the bridge. "I like how you made the bridge. And I like the little touches you added to it. It's nice."
"Thanks! I think the 'little cute thing' you did is the best part."
"Shut up, I can't stand you," she scoffed. "But thanks."
"Hey, Bug?" Dream asked, leading her back into the house. He faced the two beds placed together and she prepared herself for the worst joke of all time. "Is this where all the programming talk happens?"
"I knew it! I knew you were gonna say that! Shut up!" She punched Dream as he laughed loudly and she couldn't stop smiling. "You're such a nerd. You're so annoying."
"OH! I have an idea, wait here."
It had been a solid eight and a half minutes of Y/n waiting for Dream and he showed no signs of returning. He was silent too, so she resorted to saying random things to get him to crack.
"When will my husband return from war?" she joked, her voice laced with sadness and longing.
There was a small suppressed laugh from his mic, but still no words.
"Sometimes I think I can still hear him laughing at me."
He must have gotten reeeaaalll close to his mic, because his next words, the first ones he had spoken in almost ten minutes, were whispered but she felt like he was in her ear. "I'll be home soon, baby."
Once again, she was so glad her chat couldn't see her because she literally shivered and her face was so warm she felt like she was glowing.
For the first time all stream, her eyes betrayed her and she looked at her chat as she pulled her hoodie collar up to her face.
user4: i think i just passed out
user2: hey bestie i cant do this rn
user9: they can't talk to each other like that and say they're just friends pleASE
Also for the first time all stream, someone dared to donate at her limit (which, again, was ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS).
karakatara donated $100 I had to donate bc I just HAD to tell you how cute you and dream are! honestly my favorite couple ever and I was just wondering how long you've been dating??? love you and your videos!!!!!
It was $100. She had to answer it. Meaning, she had to use words after Dream said that like that and she wasn't sure that was physically possible right now.
"Aren't you going to answer?" Dream taunted.
"Wha—what, are you—you stream watching, you weirdo?" she forced out. "Why?"
"I wanted to read your chat, they're really funny."
"I haven't been reading it."
"What, why? They've been so funny this whole time."
"I've been too scared to."
"Too scared? Of what?"
Of the jokes that she wanted to be real? Of seeing something so cute only to break her heart when she remembers it's all a joke? Of seeing someone hate her for being so close to Dream? Many things.
"Of seeing something... that boosts your ego."
"What? Oh, come on. Hey, answer the dono. Someone gave you their hard earned money for that."
"Yeah, wait, chat, I had the limit that high so you DON'T donate! Why on earth would you—"
"You're avoiding the question."
"We aren't actually dating! Not actually a couple!" she said with a laugh, though something in her heart was very much against laughing at that fact. "Obviously not."
"Well, it's only the first date, so, we'll see I guess, but..."
"I cannot stand you. Thank you so much for the dono, though, Karakatara. You're insane for... yeah. Thank you so much." She turned her attention back to Dream. "Actually though are you ever coming back?"
"Yeah, what, I'm almost there. I see the you staring out the window. ."
When he got inside, he dropped a blue cornflower for Y/n and stepped back. "Okay, now, give that to me."
She followed, not understanding. "For you, Dream." She dropped the flower.
"Aw, Bug! That's so kind! Aw! Thank you! Here's a flower for you, too!" He dropped her a red poppy and then put two item frames on the wall above their beds. He put the blue cornflower above his bed and she followed by putting the red one above hers. "Now that's my favorite part of the house."
"You didn't want to use the real ones? What, did you lose my flower or something?"
"Hell no!" he defended loudly. "No, I just don't want someone to steal that one. It's in my enderchest for safe-keeping."
He said it so casually like it was no big deal, but her heart soared. She too had his flower in her enderchest.
"This," she said dramatically with a sigh, "is now a treehome."
"I already told you I'm the best PVP player out there."
"Bug, honey, I've seen you play Bedwars. You're trash."
"Hey!" Hehe, honey. Shut up brain.
"But that's okay! I'm here to teach you."
Y/n's character stood across a makeshift battlefield from Dream's, an axe in hand and armor that was definitely donated by DreamXD on her body. "This is kinda sexist of you. Assuming I know how to name a cute house but not fight."
"Oh no, that's not—crap. Bug, I'm only basing this off of your streams, which I watch all the time—"
Once again, he said something so casual and yet it still made her heart skip three beats and once again, she grabbed the collar of her hoodie and pulled it up to hide her face. This thing had to be stretched by now from how often it was yanked on in this stream alone.
"—and don't get me wrong, you're great! But you're also good at a lot of stuff and—"
"Dream!" she giggled out. "I'm teasing. I admit you're much better than me."
"I wouldn't say much better but... it's the only thing I could possibly teach you anything about because you're just so good at Minecraft." His tone was sarcastic at this point but she knew he was meaning what he said.
"Whatever. Come on, Dream, show me how it's done."
He actually had a lot of very useful tips that Y/n otherwise would have never thought about. I guess when you tryhard Minecraft, she thought, you learn a thing or two about pvp. It was a complete joke, but she still kept it to herself.
"I could basically beat anyone now," she said confidently.
"Yeah, basically. Except maybe Technoblade."
"Nah, even him."
"Let's see how good you really are. To the death."
"What?" She laughed. "You're gonna try to kill me on our date?"
"Yeah, scared?" Seconds later, a creeper exploded near Dream and he screeched, jumping back. Y/n lost it. She laughed loudly, clutching her stomach.
"Dr-Dream!" She laughed. "What the hell was that?"
"It scared me!" he argued. "Here, I'll protect you," he offered, running past her and killing a skeleton that was shooting towards her.
"I don't need protecting, especially from you! Besides, if you're trying to kill me, you'd let the mobs get me."
"No," he decided. "No one's allowed to kill my Bug."
She was literally going to explode. "Wh—"
"Only I get to."
"Dream!" she scoffed, running to kill the skeleton first. She succeeded and he pouted.
"Hey—I did more damage than you, you just had the final hit."
"Really? Cause to me it looks like I'm your knight in shining armor."
"Nuh-uh," he spat.
"Dream. F5 right now, you're covered in arrows."
There was a pause. "Oh whatever." He hit her once and that's all it took for them to start fighting, throwing jokes and taunts at each other the whole time, eventually resulting in a satisfying win for her.
Dream was slain by Bugsy
<Tubbo> i thogt you were on a date <Ranboo> well definitley not anymore <Ranboo> is that canon <JackManifoldTV> WOMEN
"What was that about you being better than me?" Y/n teased.
"Oh, come ON! I still had damage from the skeleton, and besides, I taught you everything you know!"
"That just makes you a very good teacher, Dream," she said sincerely and he paused, probably expecting her to insult him instead of compliment him.
"Yeah, suck up now that you've murdered me."
They were finally at their final stop, three hours into the stream. Not too bad on time, though this was probably the longest Minecraft date in the history of Minecraft dates. Also the best, but maybe Y/n was biased.
There was a huge tree, obviously built instead of naturally generated, with lanterns hanging down and lighting areas of the dark world around them. Under that was a checkered pattern of carpet, a single chest in the center with a potted plant sitting next to it.
"The carpet is supposed to look like a, uh, what's it called... picnic blanket?" Dream explained as they approached the scene, clearly not happy with how it turned out. "It looks weird. Nothing compared to the treehouse you built."
"We built," she corrected. "And this looks awesome, Dream," Y/n complimented. "It's is also my favorite colors."
"Yeah, I had some help from Karl on that one."
She leaned back in her chair in real life and pressed her hands to her face. Oh, it was so unfair how cute he was when he was shy like this. She glanced at chat, which only made her face go from the temperature of molten lava to basically the sun. She was going to explode.
She hummed, a little giggle coming out as well. "That's cute."
She sat (crouched) on the picnic blanket (piece of carpet) while Dream put a disc in the jukebox off to the side.
"Is that a Tommy disc?" she giggled and Dream laughed.
"No, no, no, don't worry. There shouldn't be any continuations of wars interrupting our date."
"Shouldn't be," she emphasized, noticing someone approaching them from the distance.
Dream was about to speak when Quackity reached them and quickly joined the voice channel.
"Oh no," Dream sighed. "We've come so far."
"AYYEEE WHAT'S GOING ON, MAN?!" Quackity yelled in his Mexican Dream voice, his voice bubbling with laughter. "IS THIS A DATE OR SOMETHING, MAN?"
"Quackity, go AWAY!" Dream ordered, punching the character who had stripped to his underwear. "YOU'RE INDECENT! THERE IS A LADY HERE!"
Y/n laughed, enjoying the scene of fancy Dream hitting naked Quackity away from their picnic dinner.
"I'm your waiter, I'm your waiter!" Quackity said in his normal voice, still laughing. "DREAM! WILL YOU STO— QUIT HITTING ME!"
This had turned chaotic very quickly.
"We don't need a waiter," Dream informed him.
"Then I'm the singing gram you ordered." He started singing a song and Dream groaned. "HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT'S IT LIKE IN NEW YORK CITY—"
"No! You're being a clout chaser, go away!"
"I'm honestly impressed we made it this far without anyone coming into the voice channel," Y/n admitted.
"I paid them," Dream joked.
"You did not!" Karl's voice suddenly came through and Y/n laughed. "We were all just being polite and staying away but we're getting bored! We've been so patient!"
"Yeah, hurry up! We wanna play!!!" Sapnap whined. "Dream, it's not fair for you to steal Bugsy from us for so long."
"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed with a laugh as Dream laughed along.
"Just ten minutes! Ten more minutes!" Dream bargained but none of them would have it. "Just so I can say goodbye!"
"No!" George insisted. "Right now!"
"Look, wait, wait, hold on—"
<Sapnap joined the game> <GeorgeNotFound joined the game> <KarlJacobs joined the game>
"—hold ON!" Dream begged, watching as the three boys ran and joined Quackity by the picnic blanket.
Y/n could not stop laughing at all the avatars around them. The date had been so peaceful and cute but all good things must come to a chaotic end.
"Wait, come on, Karl, Karl, Karl," Dream said quickly. "Come here. Bug, just a sec, please. Stay right there."
"Okay," she agreed, curious to see his plan.
Karl followed him and of course Sapnap couldn't help but also join them.
"Okay," Dream whispered loudly, clearly wanting everyone to hear his offer. He crouched and the other two copied. "Just give me ten minutes—"
"Ten?" Sapnap asked loudly.
"Shhh!!! Yes, ten minutes, to say goodbye and, you know, end the date."
There was a long, thick pause. "What exactly are your intentions with Bugsy Games," Karl asked seriously, matching Dream's whisper.
"Well, I wanna make sure she gets home safe, you know, so I'm gonna drop her off and, I don't know, see if maybe.... maybe she'll give me a hug?"
Karl and Sapnap both gasped dramatically and Y/n giggled, sparing a glance at her chat who were all freaking out.
"What the hell?" Quackity said while laughing. He and George were still standing near Y/n so they were just watching the goons with her.
"Bugsy is not that kind of girl!" Sapnap protested. "You think she's just gonna give you a hug?"
"Sapnap! Do you not know how to whisper???"
George let a loud laugh slip before slapping his hand over his mouth, which his mic picked up.
"Okay, Dream, wait, so you're gonna try to... hug her?" Karl clarified. "She won't even let me hug her. Good luck."
"Well, I'm not going to force her into anything but, I don't know, she said something about holding my hand earlier so I just thought maybe there's a possibility—"
"WHAT?" Karl yelled before going back to the whisper. "Okay, okay, don't panic, but that's huge. Dadnap, a word?"
He and Sapnap broke off from Dream and formed their own huddle, except their whispers were incoherent mumblings that weren't even English.
"Oh my gosh," Y/n groaned loudly, an unmistakable laugh behind her words.
"Okay," Sapnap said, rejoining Dream. "We'll give you five minutes but if you take any longer, we're barging in and killing you."
"Yes, sir!" Dream said. "Thank you, sirs."
"Mhm. Okay, break!"
They all uncrouched in sync before Dream ran back to Y/n.
"How did it go?" she asked as if she didn't hear the entire conversation.
"Bad news," he started. "Your dad's want you home."
"Shame, I was quite enjoying my time."
Dream slowly turned towards the boys as if to glare at them for ending the date before turning back to her. "Then, maybe, I don't know, we could do this again sometime?"
"I.... think I'd like that," she said slowly, trying to tease him.
He giggled and told her he was going to drop her off at her house, even though when the date was over, they were all probably gonna mess around together anyway so there was no point in them leaving the group. But it was the thought that counted.
He ended up taking her back to the treehouse, which warmed her heart. She also noticed when they faced each other at front of the door, she could see the four other boys watching them.
"Goodnight, my sweet Bug," he said poshly.
"Goodnight, Dream." He turned away but she stopped him. "Wait!" She moved to his side and made a loud, MUAH, sound before stepping back in front of him. "A kiss on the cheek," she clarified, not wanting him to think she gave him a real kiss.
"Cute," he said under his breath, almost like he didn't mean to say it out loud. "Night night." He turned away and ran down to the others, screaming the whole way. "GUYS, DID YOU SEE THAT? BUG GAVE ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK!! OMG DID YOU SEE, DID YOU SEE?"
Chat was gonna have a field day with that. Actually, with a lot of things that had happened. Oh, she could see the clips and edits now.... oh boy.
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Taglist: OPEN (at the time) (bold = couldnt tag)
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anonquack · 3 years
| And Me? |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 2262
Warnings: None! Just some curse words.
Summary: Seeing how much time you've been spending with Bad recently just doesn't sit well with Quackity, and he's going to make sure your attention is returned back to where it belongs. With him.
You had been messing around with what was coined the "Feral Boys" on a Saturday afternoon. Your takeout order was placed on your desk, neglected by the loud clicking and tapping of your keyboard. You all had been throwing around random stream ideas, which proceeded to be bashed by everyone.
"Guys," Dream groaned, frustration clear in his tone yet there was still that softness that let everyone know he wasn't actually mad, "we've been on call for 2 hours and still have no stream ideas we like."
"Maybe if Sapnap didn't complain about everything." Karl quickly quipped in, the grin that was probably plastered onto his face was visible to you even with it just being voice chat.
Sapnap clapped back just as quickly, a little more edge to his words but just the right amount of teasing too.
"Yeah? Nothing works with your schedule. We gotta fit these ideas in with your Mr. Beast-filled schedule."
Quackity let out a laugh that made you roll your eyes yet smile fondly as you finally turned to look at your food, taking a bite as the call jumped right back into their previous banter, a helpless Dream trying to regain control and get everyone to work together.
It served as background noise as you quietly ate your food, inputting or agreeing with someone here and there, your stomach grateful to finally be getting some food. You'd been too busy earlier, and now you had the chance to eat and relax on call with friends. No actual streaming or anything, but still with the burden of coming up with new and fun stream ideas.
As you took yet another bite, your gaze fell onto your phone as the screen lit up, a notification coming through. You set your food down and grabbed the device, clicking on it and smiling once you saw it was a message from Bad.
Unlike whatever mess this call was, you had scheduled to record a video with Bad, and you assumed this message was to confirm that he was now available to film. After quickly reading it, your assumptions were proven right.
"Hey, Bad just texted. I'm gonna head out. Try not to think too hard while I'm gone, okay?" You said as you grabbed ahold of your mouse again, cursor going towards the disconnect button.
There was a mix of 'Bye!' and 'You think of some too, then!' and Sapnap's backhanded remarks that told you he would indeed miss you. You smiled, about to click disconnect before he spoke up.
"Bad? What are you recording with Bad?" The question caught you off guard, not because it came from Quackity but because no one had asked.
"Oh, well, just for a youtube video.. and I promised him we'd chat since I miss him." You admitted, cursor dancing across the screen as you waited for a response, if there was to be any.
"How come we didn't get invited?" Quackity asked, voice a mix of feigned hurt and disbelief of being 'left out'.
You playfully rolled your eyes, noticing a message come in from Bad yet again asking if he could call now. "You spend enough time with Bad as it is. Get in line, right now its MY turn. Now bye!! Seriously." You chuckled, hearing the start of a protest before disconnecting from the call and moving your cursor onto Bad's chat, quickly pressing the call button and waiting to hear his sweet voice ringing through your headphones.
As the small ping notified everyone else in the call that you had disconnected, Quackity let out a small huff, followed by George's small laugh.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" Quackity replied with a tired tone, fingers lazily typing up some email he had been procrastinating on.
"Was that jealously I smelled, Big Q?" Karl teased, letting out a laugh that was so contagious, eliciting laughs from the whole call, even Quackity couldn't help but laugh before letting out another noise of disapproval.
"No, what the fuck? It's just they didn't even contribute any ideas. Just sat and argued with us, and then left to go hang out with Bad." He reasoned, it was a half truth. It didn't bother Quackity at all that you'd been 'unproductive', he enjoyed your company so much and these past two hours had left him with a tummy ache from laughing too hard.
What he hadn't enjoyed was you dropping everything to go on a call with Bad.
It didn't actually bother him, it was part of the bit they had going on, where he was a Skeppy 2.0 and had to fight the other Skeppy copies, in this case YOU, for Bad's attention.
He could feel a migraine coming through trying to understand this new emotion settling in his chest.
Sapnap let out an amused laugh, mumbling a 'sure' but swiftly changing topics in order to not start yet another argument.
It had been about 4 days since the call with the 'Feral Boys' and the recording with Bad. Since then, everything had ran smoothly and you'd been extra productive, focused on getting the video edited and posted as soon as possible.
Currently, you were ringing Bad as he streamed on the server, wanting to make a quick appearance and also just bug him for a bit since you missed him.
Since it was a rather chill stream, Bad didn't fight away your affection, instead encouraging that you hop on the server and play with him for a bit. You couldn't say no to that, how could you?
Before you knew it, you were off your bed and on your chair, in front of your computer as the Minecraft loading screen lit up your facial features and Bad told chat and you about an event that took place this weekend while he was out shopping.
The hushed laughs and sweet stories being shared were soon interrupted by Bad letting out an annoyed huff. "Quackity is spamming me to let him join the call. Is that okay, Y/N?"
You nodded, letting out a hum of approval as you walked towards Bad's avatar that was currently standing still since Bad tabbed out. "Of course."
"Okay, Quackity I'm live, what do you want?" Bad warned before tabbing back onto minecraft.
"Why are you guys calling without me?" There it was, the same tone he had 4 days ago when he was 'upset' he got left out. Your eyes looked at the small message on the bottom left of the screen that let everyone know Quackity had joined the server.
"Because.. whats wrong with it?" Bad asked, confused, before happily following that up, "I was actually telling them about my trip to the store over the weekend."
"Yeah, he was," you mused, "before you rudely interrupted." You assumed he was here for a bit, the Skeppy 2.0s fighting for Bad's love and affection, bothering Bad for a bit before letting the stream go back to being a relaxing, chill stream.
"Yeah? Well I want to hear the story too. You'll tell me too, right Bad?" He returned, the joking tone in his voice confirmed your assumptions. This was a bit.
Bad let out an exasperated sigh. These bits were never planned beforehand, they just happened and unfortunately for Bad it was happening during his chill stream. "What are you two going to fight about now?"
"I have one. Why were you guys recording without me? Hm?" The chat exploded with confusion and excitement for a new video from either Bad or you, possible video ideas being thrown around in chat.
"Because." You deadpan, "If you can do it, so can I."
"That's different." He says every single syllable with precision, as if he is preaching something of upmost importance. "You two spend way too much time together now."
Bad says something to try and interfere the banter he knows is about to take place, chat is going crazy about the Skeppy 2.0s fighting for Bad's love. "So much for a chill stream." He mumbles to chat as his character watches you and Quackity hitting each other. With your fists, since it was deemed a 'fair fight' by both.
After about 3 hours, Bad decided he'd had enough and began saying goodbye to chat. There was a content smile on your lips as you made your character crouch beside Bad's, letting out a small and content "Bye chat!". Quackity had stayed the 3 hours as well, and was yelling his own goodbyes. As soon as the stream ended, Bad let out a small laugh.
"Sometimes you two are just too much." He said, the smile evident in his voice. "Do you guys enjoy bothering me that much?"
"Aw c'mon, Bad. You know we love you tons. And you know damn well you enjoy it too." Quackity teased, which earned yet another exasperated sigh from Bad.
"Okay, well I'm heading to bed.. I'm exhausted. Thank you two, for joining me tonight.. I had fun." He said softly, which automatically made a frown appear on your lips.
"Of course, Bad! I had fun too. Thanks for letting us join. I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?" You offered, to which he hummed. There was a few more goodbyes exchanged before the ping notified you both Bad was gone.
There was silence for a bit as you finally got out of the server and shut minecraft off, wanting to rest your eyes for a bit. Maybe even head to bed yourself.
"You'll call him tomorrow, huh?"
Your eyes closed and you leaned your head back against your chair.
"Bit's over, Quackity." You chuckled, not up for yet another banter about who deserved Bad's love more.
"When's the last time we called? Now it's just Bad this, Bad that."
Your eyes opened, your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at his little profile picture that had its green ring fading around it.
"What?" You said in pure disbelief.
"You heard me." He mumbled. "Video recordings, streams, calls. And me? Nothing. Not one crumb."
"What about you?" You teased, amusement growing as you realized the past 3 hours had not been about Bad, at least not entirely.
"Don't make me actually say it." He complained, which only helped make the smile on your face grow.
"Use your words, Alex. I can't read minds." You gently bit at your bottom lip in anticipation, and in poor attempt to hold back the laugh that was threatening to escape.
"Where's my calls? My recordings. You can't just randomly strip away all your attention from me and dump it on Bad."
"I didn't even do that." You protested, before letting the laugh escape your lips. "Plus, you should be greedy over Bad's attention, not mine."
"Maybe it's not for a bit, asshole? Did you think of that?" He asked sarcastically, earning a scoff from you.
"So you want my attention yet you're going to proceed to call me an asshole?"
"Yes." He breathed out.
"You didn't deny it." You hummed in slight approval. Usually he'd shy away from showing any actual clinginess or affection, and yet here he was, declaring with his whole chest that he wanted attention.
"Because I'm serious. Do you think this is a joke? Is that what I am to you?" He said dramatically, to which you shook your head.
"Of course not." You hummed before smiling at the absurdity of this conversation.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep finally catching up to you and now you were imagining things.
"So? Does this mean I'm getting daily calls, recording videos with you, and streaming together whenever? Even on the alt?"
"Now you're just asking for too much."
"It's the bare minimum you can do for treating me so poorly and neglecting your responsibilities."
"Neglecting my responsibilities?" You repeated in disbelief.
"Yes." He declared. "Ignoring me for Bad is neglecting your responsibilities. A.K.A. me."
"I wasn't ignoring you, Alex." You tried to reason, though he would not listen to any reasoning.
"Yeah, yeah. So what? Do we have a deal?"
You paused and thought about what he was asking for. It really wasn't much, and he was most likely joking, but it was very endearing to see him ask for attention so openly. Especially from you.
"Did you miss me, Alex? While I was off on calls with Bad, talking about who knows what until who knows what time.. were you missing me? Thinking about me?" There was a teasing tone to your voice, but you also genuinely wanted to know.
It was clear that it caught him offguard.
"I mean.. yeah– what do you want me to say? No, fuck you. I didn't miss you at all. That's why I'm on call with you whining and bitching about how you don't give me enough attention and I want more. Specifically from you, please."
His last few words came out more hushed than the rest, and it brought a smile onto your face.
"You don't have to go on.. I'll give you the attention you want so badly from me." You said, the grin on your face growing more at the sound of happiness he let out.
"I guess directly asking for stuff isn't too bad, hm? I'll have to give props to Karl later for the advice."
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. "You asked Karl for advice on how to get my attention-?"
He let out a small groan, "Let's not talk about this with anyone, yeah? Just give me my attention and shh."
You hummed, "Whatever you say, Alex."
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Stream Stresses-SBI Au
This is a Brother!Technoblade, Brother!Wilbur, Brother!Tommyinnit, and Father!Philza x gn!reader in the SBI inc Au. I hope that this is written how the anon that requested it wants it, but I’m not sure. So basically, the SBI is a real family dynamic, the thing is that all of Philza’s children, Y/N, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur are all well known streamers and everybody’s fans know this and love the family dynamic that you four have, because you’re literally family. So yeah. Here you go, I hope you enjoy. 
Check out my masterlist here!
When Y/N makes fun of their brother, chat jumps to his defense by saying some not so nice things about Y/N. The mean things cause Y/N to shut down their stream with tears in their eyes, worrying their father, Philza.
“Hello chat!” I exclaimed, adjusting my headphones as people slowly began to flood the chat, “How are we today?” A variety of responses flew through my chat before my question was returned to me. “How am I today? I’m doing good! Thank you for asking!” My eyes scanned my notification and I couldn’t help but smile at the subs and donos rolling through. I quickly thank everyone by name before clapping, “Okay chat, today we are going to be playing Minecraft. But we’re not going to play on the SBI server, no we’re going to attempt speedrunning!” I explained. I eagerly watched my chat explode in support, a lot of ‘POGS’ flying by my eyes. “Well let’s get started, shall we?” 
I quickly opened my Minecraft and adjusted my stream so that my viewers could see what I was doing. “What should we name the first world? Yes we’re naming them, what monster does not name their speedrun worlds?” Random names flew through the chat, until one caught my eyes. “Tommy! We’ll name this one Tommy so when it let’s me down it won’t be anything new!” I cheered, typing the name into the world box, giggling to myself. For the most part the chat found it funny, but I did see some people say some mean stuff for making fun of my brother. 
I quickly cleared my throat and shook it off, “Here we go chat!” I exclaimed before loading in the world. I spawn in an acacia biome next to a desert, “So far Tommy’s treating us pretty good huh?” I joked, rushing over to a tree and punching it. I gained a bunch of wood and then began running through the desert in search of a village. I found one rather quickly and began my raid. I got everything from the chests and then found the iron golem and hit it to get it to chase me so I could build up and kill it… Only problem is I wasn’t quick enough.
I let out screech as the iron golem flung me up in the air, dealing a crazy amount of damage to the point where when I landed, I died. I gave a quick huff and pout as I exited out of the world. “Okay… What did I say, should have been expected to be let down by Tommy!” I exclaimed, my eyes scanning the chat. A few people laughed, but a lot of them were calling me horrible. They were saying that I shouldn’t blame my inability to play the game on my brother. It caused a pain to strike in my heart, because that’s not what I was doing at all. Really mean names began flying through my chat causing me to clear my throat and look away. “Um… Let’s try again,” I mumbled, creating a new world. 
“We’re just going to keep going down the list” I announced, trying to bring my energy back up as I typed the name “Wilbur” into the world box before hitting ‘create world’ and loading in. I let my eyes dance back to chat that seemed to go back to normal, but there were still some really mean people in chat. This time I spawned in a plains biome next to a village. I got pretty far this time. I made it all the way to the nether, even found a fortress, but my excitement about it died pretty quickly… because I did too. 
“NOOO!” I shouted at the ‘You Died’ screen. “I didn’t even see that blaze there! Damn it Wilbur!” I exclaimed, exciting out of the world once more. My eyes looked over to chat again, praying that the haters had gotten bored and left… My prayers were not answered. Instead, there were probably the most amount of haters I’d ever seen in my chat before. Every message was filled with hate. Telling me that I wasn’t good enough, that I should just quit, that my brothers were so much better than I was and there was no reason for me to even continue. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help the tears that formed in my eyes and began streaming down my cheeks. 
“Ummm… Thanks for coming. I’m going to end stream now,” I sniffed, closing Minecraft and going to my streaming settings. “Bye,” I whimpered out before ending the stream. I sat there frozen for a minute before breaking down into sob. Why do they hate me?
*POV Switch*
Philza’s POV
A grin crossed my face as my phone lit up with a twitch notification. I quickly shifted my attention to my phone screen to figure out which child it was that was going live. It was Y/N! I quickly set up my phone in such a way that I could ‘watch’ their stream while I made dinner for everyone. “Hello chat!” I heard them exclaim, “How are we today!” 
It really warmed my heart to watch my children stream. All four of them had worked extremely hard to get where they are today. I did everything I could to understand the Twitch community so I could support my children as they achieved their dreams. Sure it was hard at times, me trying to keep up with everything in all their streams but also when they’re all streaming at the same time and just screaming at each other, but we make it work. 
My focus turned to the food that I was making. Footsteps entered the kitchen pulling my attention away from the stream, “Hey Dadza,” Techno’s monotone voice greeted me from behind. “Hello Techno,” I greeted back, throwing him a smile over my shoulder. “Is Y/N streaming?” Techno asked, walking to the refrigerator, pulling it open and grabbing a water bottle. I nodded my head at the question. “Yeah, they’re speed running,” I responded, turning my head back to the veggies I was cutting for dinner. Techno let out a hum before turning his attention to my phone. 
As I cooked, I could hear Techno let out small laughs at what they’re sibling was saying on their stream. Twentyish minutes had gone by before Techno spoke actual words, “What the fuck,” He muttered, getting closer to my phone. “Language… What’s going on?” I asked, still focused on making dinner. “Y/N is crying,” He explained. My head snapped to my phone and sure enough, tears were streaming down their face. “Bye” they croaked out before the stream just ended. Not wasting any more time, I grabbed my phone and I ran out of the kitchen and toward Y/N’s room. 
As I grew closer, I could hear sobs coming from their room causing my heart to sink in my chest. I gave a quick knock on the door before barreling in. Y/N was still sitting in their gaming chair, hunched over into themselves, their hands muffiling the sobs falling from their lips. “Oh honey,” I whispered, closing the door behind me. Y/N’s head shot up and their red rimmed eyes met mine. Another loud sob broke from their mouth causing my heart to hurt even more. I took a few quick steps forward to get to them and offer them comfort. Y/N rose from their gaming chair and fell into my open arms. I quickly wrapped my arms around them in a tight hug. “I’ve got you honey,” I murmured, “I’ve got you.”
At some point, I slowly made my way to their bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard, pulling them to sit across my lap, burying their face in my chest like all those years ago when they were a lot younger. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the afternoons that they and their brothers would go outside to play and ride bikes and they would come back in with scraped and bloodied knees and palms. I would pull them into my lap, dry their tears, and help them calm down. It’s a bittersweet memory. It feels nice to think back, but under these circumstances? Not so much. 
Slowly but surely, Y/N’s sobs died down into simple sniffles before stopping all together. “You okay?” I questioned softly, leaning back ever so slightly so I could meet my child’s eyes. Their puffy ears peered up as they slowly nodded, “Yeah. I’ll be okay,” they muttered out resting their head back on my shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked carefully, not wanting to upset them again. A soft sigh left Y/N’s mouth, “I suppose I should. It’s best not to bottle it up,” they thought aloud causing me to smile just a little bit. A small bit of pride welled up inside me of how grown up they sounded. 
The smile quickly faded from my lips as my child explained what had happened on their stream. How chat had turned on them and the mean things that they said. I could feel my blood begin to boil. I was extremely pissed at not only chat, but at the mods for not stopping it. But I had to remain calm on the outside, for Y/N’s sake. 
“I’m so sorry that happened honey. You don’t deserve that. Nothing they said is true okay? You work so hard and it shows because you’re so good at what you do. Your brothers are good at what they do too. You guys are on equal playing feels and are all exceptional streamers. You deserve all good things honey. And I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to mod. You’re never streaming without me modding again. Do you understand me?” I rambled, staring at my child curled in my lap. A small giggle sounded in the air causing me to relax ever so slightly. “Yeah. I understand you dad… Thank you.” 
Before I could respond, there was a small knock on the door. “Come in,” Y/N called, staring curiously at the door. It swung open and there stood my three other children peering nervously into the room. After standing in the doorway in an awkward silence for a moment, Tommy lets out a loud scoff before pushing his way into the room and crawls up on the best next to us. Tommy then surprises me by wrapping his arms around his sibling and gives them a tight squeeze, “You’re a good streamer Y/N,” I heard him mumble in his sibling's ear. “Chat can be just a little stupid sometimes.” Another giggle passes through their lips as Y/N slides off of my lap and sits in between Tommy and I. “Thanks Tommy,” they whisper back, turning their body to properly hug their brother back. 
The closing of the door pulled my attention away from my youngest two. Wilbur and Techno were now also completely in the room and were heading toward the bed as well. I moved over so that one of them could sit in between Y/N and I and the other could go sit next to Tommy. Wilbur took the place beside me, sending Techno over by Tommy. Not saying anything, Wilbur turned his body and reached over and wrapped his long arms around Y/N and Tommy, trapping them in their own hug. For the first time ever, neither of them complained. Neither told him to get off, simply just accepted the affection from their brother. 
And to my surprise and delight, Techno leaned onto Tommy and wrapped his arms around the two as well, his arms only able to wrap around Y/N. The four didn’t say anything as they laid in the cuddle pile. I couldn’t stop the tears that formed in my eyes. They hadn’t done this in years. Before Wilbur and Techno hit their teen years, the four of them would cuddle in piles like this all the time. When I couldn’t find any of them, I would only have to find one to find all of them. But once the teen years began, the two eldest felt that they were too cool to cuddle with their siblings and the piles came to a stop. It warms my heart to see them do this, even if it’s under really shitty circumstances. 
One by one, their breathing evened out. One by one, they fell asleep. Once I was sure all were asleep, I slowly and carefully got off of the bed and managed to do so without waking any of them. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, made sure the ringer and flash were off, before snapping many photos. I didn’t plan on sharing them with everyone, they were just for me to have and to hold. Maybe I’ll print one and put it in my office. 
I carefully slipped out of the room, closing the door softly behind me before heading back to the kitchen. The kitchen was exactly how I left it when I fled to Y/N’s room after seeing them cry. As quietly as I could, I put everything away. I decided I was no longer in a mood to cook. Besides, on days like today, I think Y/N deserves to have their favorite carry out… Don’t you?
I don’t know if I liked how this one turned out, so let me know what you think! Leave a like if you did enjoy it and maybe even reply or reblog or even send me an ask telling me what you thought!!
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ilici · 3 years
221141425 1521206920
{Numbers say Bunny Outfit}
Summary: Y/N and Karl facetime a couple weeks after talking almost every day. Finally, Y/N shows Karl her bunny outfits.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 850
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Karl was currently laying in his bed, he had woken up early to film a Mr. Beast video. He was supposed to be at a certain area around 9 am, to bury Jimmy alive. He didn’t want to text Y/N afraid she was still asleep, as they were up all night playing Minecraft off stream. He and her have a survival world together, and they stayed up all night to build a kingdom. But when he suddenly got a FaceTime call from Y/N he shot up in bed, answering with a tired smile on his face. “Good morning sleepy head.” Y/N said, noting how Karl’s hair was messy, and that he was still in fact in bed.
“When did you wake up?” Karl asked, and Y/N propped her phone up as she was now brushing out her hair as it had gotten tangled throughout her sleep. “I woke up around 10:30ish.” Y/N said, wincing as her hairbrush tugged out some hair, “What about you?” She asked, using her hairbrush to point at his background, which was his bed. “10 minutes ago, I have to record a video with Jimmy today, so I woke up early.” He said, before he grew confused, “How did you know I was awake?” He asked, and Y/N just laughed, I was looking at our messages and when I sent you goodnight last night, you didn’t read it until a minute ago.” She explained, before turning her attention to Karl now.
“The reason I called you is because my last outfit came in, and I was wanting to show you them. Think you have time?” She asked, hopeful and Karl’s entire body felt like he was shot with a lightning bolt. He nervously ran his fingers through his tousled hair, he knew this day would come but he didn’t know it would be today. “Sure, we can get ready together.” He suggested, trying to compose himself. Getting out of bed, he grabbed some clothes to put on as Y/N rummaged through her closet getting all of the outfits. “Which color would you like to see first?” She asked, plopping them all on her bed, which was slightly out of view from the camera. “Uh.. the pink.” He said, slipping on a blue button up shirt, and a pair of black jeans. 
Walking back into the camera view, he was met with Y/N slipping on neon pink knee high socks. He froze, and just watched as she rolled it up to her upper thigh and he mentally kept that in his head. He knew he would be thinking about that for weeks, “Okay, here’s the first one.” Y/N said, and he blinked out of his daze, taking in Y/N’s outfit. He figured it would be rubber, or a regular maid outfit. Instead it was a neon pink velvet one piece that clung to her curves. His eyes trailed over her body, and he subconsciously bit his lip, “It looks amazing.” He whispered, and Y/N smiled, before twirling showing the entire outfit. “What one is next?” Y/N asked, and Karl already knew his answer, “Do the royal blue one.” He said, putting on his shoes, while Y/N went off camera to change.
Coming back, she came back in an outfit that was identical to Sakurajima Mai’s outfit, but instead it was a deep royal blue. This time she had it paired with the bunny ears, and Karl felt his heart plummet to his stomach. He had genuinely lost his breath at the sight, his eyes were glued mainly to her thighs. The thigh high socks had white ribbons on the top, and he couldn’t help but ask for a photo. “Can I take a photo?” He asked, grabbing his phone while Y/N nodded her head, “Can I also take a video?” He asked, and Y/N just smiled, nodding once again. Karl motioned her to do a twirl, as he was now screen recording. Y/N’s heart was racing the moment he asked for a photo. She was never nervous showing her friends her outfits, but she was with Karl.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, a bit shy at the fact that he now has a video of her. After a hour of showing her outfits, Karl only had the one photo and video of her, “Do you not have a tail?” He asked slipping on one of his jackets as he was about to head to the area to meet Jimmy and the rest. Y/N shook her head, “No, never really thought about getting that part, if I am being honest.” She said, now in just an oversized hoodie that Karl had sent her. It wasn’t his, it was a gift from George and since Karl was the only one who knew her address, he sent it to her. “Well, I’ll just buy you one, and I’ll even hand deliver it if I have to.” He said, before Y/N could get a word out, he hung with with a mischievous giggle.
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aceinspace691 · 3 years
38 with Giant Wilbur and Tiny Tommy pleaseee
Hurt/Comfort because its my current addiction
Oooh hurt/comfort is probably my favorite right now as well.. Hope you enjoy!! These always end up a bit longer than I expect but I’m not complaining \^-^/
Prompt list here! I’m still talking prompts by the way! Don’t be shy :D
Warnings for: Fear
Word Count ~1150
------Bad Day------
Tommy had lived with Wilbur for a while now. He was a borrower, and it took him a while to get used to the human and his mannerisms. When they'd first met, Tommy had been anxious and had immediately set to getting away from the human.
However, when it turned out that Wilbur meant him no harm and seemed so genuinely distressed about causing Tommy to be afraid, Tommy took a chance. He got to know the human, even getting to the point where he was comfortable enough to be his loud, obnoxious self (which he hadn't been in a long time).
He'd once offhandedly called him Wilby, and Wilbur had almost started crying on the spot. When Tommy had gone to apologize, Wilbur had just laughed softly with a smile, shaking his head fondly before moving on immediately.
And the best part was that Tommy hadn't been afraid again, and Wilbur had been patient and understanding, never pushing against Tommy's boundaries.
Today was different.
Wilbur had been distant today, and had answered shortly when Tommy had passed him in the kitchen when the human had gotten home. He'd just gone to his room and closed the door.
Tommy smirked to himself. He must have forgotten that Tommy literally had tunnels in the walls to everywhere (basically) in the house. He set off to getting to the room, figuring he'd show up and spend some time with Wilbur.
He walked through the narrow, stuffy tunnels, humming slightly to himself as he went. By the time he got to Wilbur's room, behind his desk, he nodded to himself as he pulled out his hook from his bag. He hadn't used it recently; usually, Wilbur would carry him, since he'd gotten so lax around the human.
But still, he wanted to get to the top and see what was up with Wilbur. Maybe he could surprise him, make his face light up in that was it always did when he saw Tommy, with that soft smile and fond eyes.
So Tommy climbed, just trying to get to the top, and he panted when he got to the top, hands on his knees. He expected a snarky comment from Wilbur about it, but when he glanced up, the human wasn't even looking at him. Instead, he was staring at his phone almost blankly.
"Hey Will."
The human in question jumped, as if shocked out of whatever trance he was in. It wasn't long before his eyes landed on Tommy and just stared for a moment. "Toms?"
"Big man, I think I'm out of shape." He exaggerated his panting a bit, placing a hand on his chest. "I might be-"
"Tommy..." He sounded a bit annoyed, but Tommy wasn't the best at reading social cues, so he continued on.
"Seriously big man, I might be the worst borrower in existence. You should've seen me when I was in my prime. A sad day for the Tommy Innit community, truly." Tommy barked out a laugh, a wide smile on his face.
"Listen, Tommy," Wilbur sounded tired, "I really want some time alone today, okay?"
"You can't get rid of me that easily." Tommy grinned, still oblivious and taking it as teasing. Wilbur had never asked to be away from him before, so that must be it, right? Wilbur went to speak again, but Tommy kept going. "I'm serious, man, you're going to have to try a bit harder if you're going to get rid of Big Man Innit."
"TOMMY!" A frustrated sigh left Wilbur as he ran a hand down his face, and Tommy flinched away, hands instinctively going to his ears as they rang a bit from the noise. "Not now, okay?"
Then he looked down at the kid, and his heart shattered at what he saw. Tommy was curled into himself and trembling, hand slowly coming away from his ears with wide eyes. He reached forward instinctually, wrenching his hand away when Tommy flinched away from it. Guilt wormed its way into his chest and stuck there.
"No, uh, m-message received, big man." His voice shook as he stumbled a few steps back toward the edge of the desk. He scrambled back as Wilbur's hand gently blocked his path and turned around, throat feeling tight.
"Wait, stay." Wilbur leaned a bit closer, moving his hand back to himself almost sheepishly. "Please?" Tommy just gave a small nod, and he kept glancing at Wilbur's hand. For a moment, Wilbur worried that he was scared of it, but it seemed to be almost longing, and suddenly it clicked. He somehow softened further as he looked at the boy on his desk. "Aw, come here Toms."
And just like that, Tommy scrambled into his waiting palms, and Wilbur brought the bot to his chest, hushing him softly as the boy sniffled a bit. He ran his finger tip along the boy's spine, feeling him shudder as he shushed him gently.
"I'm sorry, Toms. I shouldn't have shouted." He ruffled the boy's hair a bit as he huffed out a small sigh. "It's been a rough day, so I've been a bit stressed. That's not an excuse," he added quickly, not wanting to seem like he was justifying anything, "but I just wanted to explain a bit."
A few moments passed as he stood, feeling the borrower's hands ball into his shirt. Tommy was so loud and had been so cocky and confident recently that Wilbur forgot that he was just a kid, even if Tommy got annoyed every time he called him a child. A kid who had told Wilbur how much it took to trust him because he could flip at any second and do whatever he wanted.
Wilbur would never do that, but he just hoped that Tommy would remember that after this.
He walked steadily toward the kitchen, shifting Tommy into one hand as he began to make hot chocolate. It seemed to always calm the boy down any other time and he hoped it would do the same. He hummed along the tune of Mellohi, which Tommy had overheard when he'd played Minecraft and latched onto for some reason.
Before long, he'd finished the hot chocolate and poured it into a small cup for Tommy. The boy had stopped sniffling occasionally, simply leaning his head against Wilbur's chest.
"Toms?" Wilbur whispered, keeping his voice low. "Want some hot chocolate?"
Silence met him and he glanced down, heart warming at the sight.
There, snuggled into his shirt, was Tommy, fast asleep. He ran his thumb along the boy's side, watching with a faint smile on his face as the borrower leaned into it.
Something relaxed in Wilbur at the sight. Tommy still felt safe enough to fall asleep with him, and that was such a comforting at the implication.
He smiled. They'd get through this and be fine, and Wilbur would do his best to never raise his voice around the kid again.
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hey stupid, i love you [MCYT: Dream x GN!Reader]
song: hey stupid I love you by jp saxe
warnings: fluff
im pretty sure i made this an gender neutral as possible but if there is an error lmk thanks bby :*
im in a simpin mood bby
as always, song lyrics in italics
i skipped a couple versus due to repetitiveness oops
this is the one i complained about losing, but it actually worked out bc i like this one better...less wordy
word count: ~2k
Nothing's wrong, and it's not what I'm used to Oh, does it surprise you too? When it's simple, is it easier than it should be?
"Hey babe, are you okay? You've been quiet today," Dream practically pouted as he asked you. He loved the sound of your voice and while you definitely weren't giving him the quiet treatment, you sure weren't as talkative as you normally are.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just distracted thinking my thoughts." You smiled at him and leaned against him. He looked down at you and pecked your lips. You gave him a sweet kiss back. The smile he gave you made your heart boom. Loving him was as easy as eating a cake (because the usually analogy 'baking a cake' isn't true, its sometimes hard to bake a cake, especially when a hungry streamer keeps trying to eat the batter or start a flour fight).
"Anyway, don't you have a stream with the Dream Team to get ready for? One that starts in," you look at the clock on your phone, "three minutes ago?" The slight panic that crosses Dream's face makes you laugh loud. He gives you another kiss and in less than five seconds has practically launched himself across the house into his recording room. Your laughter follows him the whole way, a smile and blush upon his face.
Nothing's wrong, but when you're not in my arms I send voice notes, you send hearts And get quiet, and I know that means you miss me
Okay, granted, you were the one to remind him that he was streaming with his friends today and speedrunning, but you didn't expect it to last well over five hours. At the beginning you worked on your classwork for your [college degree of choice]. You got it done quickly, as it was nearing the end of the semester and most professors of yours were laidback and wanted you to study more than write nonsense papers (fictional you, i'm so jealous). Occasionally you would jump in fear when you heard Dream shout, still not used to it after years.
After finishing your classwork, you started cooking dinner. Soup was the vibe for the evening, and you had found a wonderful chicken and dumplings recipe a while ago that you wanted to try. You did have to go to the store for some of the ingredients, but luckily it only took you an hour. You can back and he was still streaming. It took about another hour for dinner to be done. You let it cool and prepared yourself a bowl. You set your laptop up and started watching Dream's stream. Hearing his voice made you miss him, so you pulled out your phone.
Going to the two of y'alls messages, you started making him a voice message.
"Hey baby, I made dinner, so don't play so long it gets cold. I love you! Kick the enderdragon's ass baby! Mwah."
You continued watching him stream, and he took a pause for a minute, his screen not moving from the create a new world screen and his mic muted. A couple seconds later you got spammed with every heart offered in the emoji index times what felt like a thousand.
He continued being quiet for a couple seconds, although he did unmute and continue playing, answering George's and Sapnap's questions of where he went with, "I had to take a message."
You're jealous, you shouldn't be I want you obsessively But I know how complicated it can get When you're not in front of me I know insecurities get in your head
Chat sometimes upset you. Sure, you got Dream, all of him, but sometimes the comments made by some of the more obsessives fans were a bit to much.
'With the way he killed those mobs you know he's got good fingers'
'His voice is hot so he must be'
'Heyo dream baby lemme see them feet'
Okay the last one was more weird, and actually turned out to be a joke from Quackity but anyway moving on.
He was your guy, and he promised himself to you, but sometimes he seemed to have a genuine connection with some of the sweeter and not gross ones. It made you scared that someone, one day, will swoop him off his feet with a comment and he’d leave you for them. 
But I'm not gonna interrupt if you need to talk about it Roll my eyes, get offended by the way you doubt it You know you're mine, you just forget sometimes So promise me you won’t And you know I'll remind you when you think I don't
The stream ended a little under an hour later. Dream left his recording room, grabbed a bowl of soup, and found you in the living room, lost in thought. He plopped down right next to you. 
“Talk to me baby.”
“About what?”
“Anything and everything.”
“Okay.” You’re quiet for a bit, despite his offering of listening. He knew you were gonna take him up on the offer, you just needed a bit of time, so he was going to wait patiently. He finished his soup quickly, he was much hungrier than he thought. He put the bowl on the coffee table and before he was all the way leaned back on the couch, you were leaning against him. His arms wrapped around you, your head was tucked in between his head and shoulder, and a blanket covered the both of you. You looked towards the blank tv screen but felt his eyes on you.
“I love you a lot. And I know you love me too, but I’m afraid I’m not enough. You have so many options, especially with your popularity online. I don’t know what I’d do if you left me, whether it be for someone else or just because you’re tired of me.” Dream waits for you to stop entirely, with you breathing heavily.
“Well, you’re right about one thing. I do love you, a lot. The rest of it is wrong and I’ll spend the rest of time telling you so.” Dream says, pressing several kisses against your forehead. 
“Yeah I know it’s stupid to feel this way, but my anxiety gets the best of me. It’s stupid, I’m stupid.”
“First of all, you’re not stupid. Second, hey stupid, I love you.”
Nothing's wrong, I just get in my head too Can you reassure me you, you're still in it? I just wish you could lean in and kiss me
As much as Dream loved you and reassured you, sometimes he would get caught up in his thoughts too. The life of a streamer/youtuber, especially one with as much fame and subscribers as him, was rough. The constant need to feed his fans with entertainment and content, and the need for the content to satisfy his fans was stressful. He hates to admit it, but he some days he spent to much time working and not enough with you. He thinks you would be so much happier with someone without a tight schedule and without a large, intense fanbase. Any random person on the street would be better for you than him, he thinks. 
When he gets into this headspace, the only thing that grounds him is your lips on his. When you kiss him, the clouds go away and all he can see is your eyes, as bright as the sun, and your smile, which can tempt even the purest. 
Say nothing's wrong, tell me to settle down You do it better than I've ever known how Won't pull some tricks for attention But could I get a little now?
Now, everyone knows that Dream likes some attention. He especially likes attention from you. Good thing is you also like attention, especially from him. The not so good thing is both of y’all get distracted so bad, it’s almost too funny.
He tends to get your attention by tickling you, whether it be in the comfort of your home or in public. One day, when you guys were walking through town, you stopped at a flower booth and got to talking with the friendly and flirty florist gentleman. It had been a couple minutes, and Dream was really needing some love, but you continued chatting with the florist who was definitely going to ask for your number but you genuinely thought he was just being nice. Dream crept up behind you and placed his hands on your side. You froze for a moment and looked at him, confused. The smirk that crossed his face barely gave you a second to prepare as he tickled your sides. Your laughter filled the street as you turned around as he tickled you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, which got him to stop ticking you, and gave him a kiss. The two of you continued on your way, attached at the hip.
And one day, when you wanted his attention, it was after he was done recording a manhunt with his friends. The actual video had been done for a bit, but they were just fucking around in the minecraft world and talking to each other. You had had a not so nice day, and wanted the crushing weight of your boyfriend on top of you. You crept into his recording room and came to stand right behind his chair. Based on the conversation you could tell he wasn’t recording anymore, so you knew it was safe. Your hands started in his hair, trailed down to his face, and slid down his body till your arms were wrapped around him snuggly. Your head was placed on top of his. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, and received no response. Instead, you began aggressively shaking him and the chair, turning it this way and that, making him slightly dizzy. His laughter filled the room, and he quickly ended the call. The two of you spent the next 12 hours cuddled in bed, leaving only for the necessities. 
You're jealous, you shouldn't be I want you obsessively But I know how complicated it can get When you're not in front of me I know insecurities get in your head
Dream got jealous as well sometimes. You were beautiful and a lot of the time attracted the attention of random passerbyers. Those people, who you don’t even know, who lived normal lives where they didn’t have to spend every second worried that their face will be revealed to the public and suddenly all their fans from around the world will know what they look like or the general area in which they live, who don’t have to obey algorithms and bend to the will of the masses to make sure they get paid enough to live, who could give you a normal and safe life. Every time one looked at you with some attraction, he pulled you a bit closer and kissed you a bit harder. 
But I'm not gonna interrupt if you need to talk about it Roll my eyes or get offended by the way you doubt it You know you're mine, you just forget sometimes So promise me you won’t And you know I'll remind you when you think I don't
Sometimes, Dream needed to rant. A long, hard, intense, rant. Sometimes it was about how someone accused him of cheating his speedruns. Sometimes it was about how someone said something nasty to him or one of his friends. Sometimes it was about a comment someone made about him or you that got on his nerves. When he needed to talk, you sat there and you listened. You did whatever he needed to get better, whether it was just listen or talk to find solutions. You did it because you know he would do the same for you. And afterwards, a cuddle session was a must. 
How could you forget? I told you seventeen times before 7 AM I love you How could you forget? I told you seventeen times
The morning after rough days were one of the bests. Arms tangled together, legs tangled together, everything tangled together, no one able to tell where one started and the other ended. Lazy kisses pressed to faces, hands, necks, any part of skin the lips could touch. One particular morning you woke up earlier than he did. A quick kiss against his cheek woke him up, and he gave you the most love filled smile any man could do.
“Hey stupid,” you said, “I love you.”
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zero-cycle · 3 years
Make them smile
It was a joke.
That’s all Fundy can think about, sitting on the stairs to the Battle Box arena, mindlessly playing with the silver coin in his paws. It was a joke. It was never supposed to be a serious thing when he asked Illumina for his MCC winners coin. Or even a thing at all, really. A funny bit to raise their spirits and to make his teammates more comfortable with each other. And yes, it was also to tease Illumina and to do justice to his own reputation as a sneak and a scammer. What can he do? He’s a fox at heart and in body!
It doesn’t very much feel like a joke now. At least not like a funny one. Fundy is just tired. Tired of grieving, tired of losing people.
First, it was Schlatt, as much as he hates to admit it.
Then it was his father, taken by his grandfather with a sword in the hand.
Quackity feels like he’s slipping away farther every day as well as the rest of their little, original cabinet.
Niki is already gone.
And now Illumina.
The stupidest thing about all of this is that he wasn’t even close to Illumina. Oh, he liked the other, sure, but they’ve teamed once in MCC, nothing more. They got to Dodgebolt and he’s still fiercely proud of that – and a small part of him is petty enough to be happy they made it instead of his father – but there was no meaningful relationship between them.
And maybe that’s the problem. There was no relationship between them. They’ve fought together and lost together in this stupid tournament but nothing else.
There’s no rational reason why Fundy is now here, sitting on these stairs and trying not to cry and in his paws lies one of the only four ever produced Pride Coins.
One of them is lost with Kreekcraft, wherever that guy ended up.
Two of them are carried proudly by Gizzy and Ryguy every MCC they participate in.
And the last one is here, in Fundy’s paws.
He’s never really understood Illumina. They weren’t friends. Hell, they rarely ever met in the first place, walking in completely different circles. Illumina was a speedrunner, renowned all around Minecraft, while Fundy was barely known in his own home server. Illumina was friends with Fruitberries and Fundy was Wilbur Soot’s son. Illumina was kind and honest and friendly and Fundy was a sneak, always out for an edge over the other person.
Illumina was dead and Fundy was alive.
Fundy takes a shaky breath and turns the coin once again.
He’d been in the Parkour Tag course when they arrived.
Scott in front, face pinched in worry. One – no, two, that wasn’t Ranboo - unknown players behind him. Hbomb at the end, looking similarly worried. They were headed straight for him.
Did his little shenanigans finally catch up to him? Was MCC and the Noxcrew sick of him breaking the games? Were they going to replace him? He can’t say he’s particularly worried if that’s actually the case. Not like it’s the first time he’s been replaced.
Also, it was funny and he would have done it again in a heartbeat.
“Fundy?” Scott asked, his accent colouring the vowels in the name.
“Yeah?” Fundy looked up and jumped off the blue platform, giving up on waiting until Sapnap got caught.
“They need to talk to you.” He nodded to the two people behind him.
Fundy had never seen them in his life. He knows many people. He knew the inhabitants of the Dream SMP (even though he wishes he didn’t), he knew people from Hermitcraft, he even knew the rulers of the empires that Scott was a part of. He did not know the two in front of him, hadn’t even heard of where they might come from and if it wasn’t Scott, painfully earnest, he might have been worried.
The taller of the two wore a pink and blue outfit that somehow didn’t end in an eye-soaring clash. Two-coloured glasses similar to Jack obscured part of his face.
The other one reminded him uncomfortably of Bad. His skin itself looked more like Ranboo, split into black and white – maybe before the betrayal, before the explosion, before a screaming match in the shattered ruins of a city they both once called home, Fundy would have told him about it – but the washed-out colour of it reminded him of the eggpire.
But there was Hbomb. Hbomb who was at the Red Banquet and as much as Fundy loathed the catmaid costume he’s currently in, he knew H at least wouldn’t put him intentionally in danger.
“Hi,” he answered, still a bit guarded. “Who are you?”
“I’m Feinberg. That’s K4,” the pink-and-blue one answered.
“They’re speedrunners,” H added, as if he could read Fundy’s mind.
Speedrunners? Fundy hadn’t had something to do with speedrunners since Dream left him at the altar. What was up with that?
“We have something for you,” Feinberg continued and put down a bag, methodically searching through it.
“Fundy,” Scott began and the tone of his voice was enough to tell Fundy he wasn’t going to like the news. “They’re Illumina’s friends.”
“He’s gone,” K4 said and part of Fundy’s brain decided to hang up on the strange name before the words really hit him.
“Who, Illumina?”
That doesn’t feel real. Not Illumina.
Fundy has seen death. He’s seen the slow whittling down of people before they’re completely gone. He’s seen Schlatt waste away on alcohol and power until it all ended in that cursed van. He’s watched Wilbur’s descent that finished with Philza putting a sword through him before his very eyes. He’s heard of how Tommy and Ghostbur died.
But Illumina had been happy. He’d….
“He joined the Universe,” K4 said softly and Fundy’s brain short circuited. Surely, Illumina couldn’t be dead. They’d just played MCC together!
“Before he…” Feinberg swallowed and then tried again. “Before he left, he wanted you to have this.” In his white-knuckled grip laid a simple wooden box. Fundy took it gingerly. If this was a prank, it was the worst prank setup in history.
Instead of a water bomb or something similar, a transparent little bag greeted him when he opened it. Fundy took it out curiously and Scott gasped.
“That’s the Pride Coin!”
“Yeah,” Feinberg answered, voice inexplicably soft and hard at the same time, like a blade not yet raised for attack. “He asked we’d give it to you.”
“But why me? Aren’t you his friends? Shouldn’t...I don’t know, Fruit have his coin?”
He offered it back.
Feinberg’s body went rigid. “Illumina wanted you to have it. Fruit told us. Take the fucking coin, Fundy. ”
“He never even took it out of the packaging,” Scott said softly, with something akin to grief or maybe regret shimmering in the deep blue of his eyes.
“He did. But he always put it back,” Feinberg answered. The words were clipped and just short of snapping.
Mostly on instinct, Fundy raised the bag and lets the coin fall onto his paw. “Why me?” he asked again.
Feinberg opened his mouth and Fundy expected another rebuttal, another curse but K4 was faster. “You asked for it,” they stated.
“What?” Fundy stuttered.
“Fruit told us after the last MCC that you asked him for a coin. Illumina must have remembered you wanted it.”
They left Fundy afterwards to stumble through the practice server with an MCC coin he still doesn’t know what to do with. And that’s how he ended up here on the stairs to the Battle Box practice, staring at the coin in his paws.
Illumina got two aces in Battle Box the last time they played together. Fundy can still hear the laughter and the way he’d yelled when they won.
Fundy glitched out of the map and still did nothing.
It shouldn’t be his.
It should be on Illumina’s chest, gleaming in all colours of the rainbow. Illumina won that coin. Illumina played and won and lead his team to victory, complimenting and encouraging them every step of the way. For all that Fundy will proudly embrace his own reputation of scamming and tricking people, he doesn’t like to crown himself with achievements that aren’t his own.
That’s much reserved for Wilbur, thank you very much.
It shouldn’t be his. Too pretty, too polished, still shining as if somebody just took it out of the forge. He’d just ruin it.
It shouldn’t be his. It should be with Fruitberries, with Feinberg and K4, with Pete, with… He doesn’t even know who Illumina was friends with. Really the right person to get something from a dead person he cannot even remember five people they liked.
He laughs, cold and sharp and sad and so, so tired.
It’s Hbomb. Hbomb in his stupid cat maid costume that makes Fundy want to either tear his eyes out, shout and run or start to yell in frustration.
But it’s Hbomb. Hbomb who’s close to Eret. Hbomb who lived in the castle. Hbomb who left. Hbomb who can make people laugh like no other. Hbomb who is kind and encouraging like Illumina was.
Hbomb, who is staring at him with concern all written over his too-pink face.
“Are you okay?”
Fundy snorts. He can’t help it. The question is just too funny. “Are you?” he asks back and it’s mostly a rhetorical question but the pain written all too clearly over Hbomb’s face gives him an answer he isn’t sure he actually wants.
“I don’t think anyone is right now.”
Hbomb’s words fall heavy and Fundy knows he’s right.
“It’s pretty stupid,” he admits. “I didn’t even know him.”
Hbomb startles, as if he didn’t know that. “You teamed with him in MCC, right?”
Fundy laughs. Bitterness makes his chest feel constricted. “Yeah. Not like we became best friends during it. I don’t even know why he gave me that coin.”
Hbomb raises his eyebrows which looks even more ridiculous in his getup. “You know Illumina loved that coin, right? He wouldn’t have given it to just anyone.”
“Then I really don’t know why he would have given it to me.”
Fundy wrenches his mouth shut but it’s too late.
Did he really just confess his insecurities to Hbomb the catmaid? How did his life go off-track this badly in so little time?
Hbomb still hasn’t answered and it makes Fundy’s neck itch. He’s scared of reaching out to scratch it. He might let the coin fall.
“I don’t think you’re just anyone, Fundy,” Hbomb finally starts and he sounds more sincere than Fundy has ever heard him since El Rapids exploded for the first time. “I think you’re smart and clever and try to make people happy and Illumina saw that.”
Try to make…
Fundy chokes on those words that taste like ash in his mouth. He might have, one time, so much is true. But he said “If I can’t make people smile, I will make them cry” and he meant every word.
“You think he believed in me?” Fundy asks and he suddenly feels very small and vulnerable. There’s been nobody who believed him since his mom died.
“Yes.” Hbomb doesn’t meet his eyes though, instead staring at the Battle Box arena. “And I do too, Fundy.”
It should taste like broken dreams and lost hope on Fundy’s tongue. He should choke on those words, seeing them as the empty promise they are. He should be smart enough to not believe in them, to disregard them as easily as he used to do with his father’s love.
He should be cleverer, smarter, stronger.
Instead, he turns the coin once again.
“I’ve been bad at making people happy lately,” he admits.
“I think we all have been.” Hbomb laughs, sad and bitter. “But this MCC, Fundy. We don’t have to be.”
And Fundy stares at the fake silver the coin is made of, nothing more than scrap. Worthless.
But there is the Battle Box arena at his back. There is laughter echoing in his ears. There is the warmth of camaraderie. There is celebration. There are victory cheers. There is joy in its rarest, most pure form. All of that might be lost on the Dream SMP but it doesn’t have to be that way here.
And maybe that piece of silver scrap can mean something again.
“Thank you, H,” he says and he means every word. A genuine smile creeps on his lips. “I think I understand now.”
He jumps to his feet, suddenly revitalized. Still, the grief for Illumina clings to his fur, making it heavier and makes the air smell like tragedy but it’s bearable now. As if somebody was at his side, helping him to carry the weight of that loss.
He needs to go practice.
And when Fundy gets third individual next MCC and wins Dodgebolt, the Pride Coin shines proudly on his chest right next to the one from MCC 6. And if Fundy silently dedicates the last shot in the reverse sweep to Illumina, nobody needs to know that. Just as nobody needs to hear the Universe whispering into Fundy’s ears the next time he beats the ender dragon and jumps into the end portal.
You are stronger than you know.
Well done Fundy.
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welp, here’s the first post - anyway, she’s kinda long, so read it under the cut.
-mod maki
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> Playing minecraft with the THH cast
He’s honestly not terrible at minecraft, but he’s definitely not the best either. Watch him find like 6 diamonds in one ore vein or something the first time he goes into a cave. His buildings are kind of unremarkable, and he’ll just do with what he’s got. He’ll share his resources with you if you just ask nicely, though. He’ll give you flowers because he thinks they’re pretty. He likes to decorate his base with them.
She loves the warm ocean biome. She would definitely have an underwater base in one. She’s not the best Minecraft player, but she knows what to do. Her buildings aren’t terrible, and she’ll probably have a lot of water features. She thinks the tropical fish are super cute and will definitely make an aquarium. She will only share her diamonds with you and Sakura.
"What’s a minecraft?" Find him 5 minutes into spawning into the game, and he’s already stuck in a 2 block deep hole and he can’t figure out how to get out. He just rage quits. If he tries again, he’ll probably make people build him a house or something and always keeps his diamonds in his inventory so no one can steal them. His skin is just Steve. He doesn’t know how to change it. After he’s done with trying to play, he might end up just watching you play. Get ready for a lot of questions about how you do things.
Acts like she hates the game, but secretly thinks it’s pretty neat. She just gets Hifumi to build everything for her while she loots villagers. She definitely has a cat in the game, and her skin is likely some lolita looking character. If asked to share her diamonds, she’s probably gonna just punch people out of her castle instead. (She’ll secretly share with you though, but don’t say a w o r d)
Server manager. He’s banned Junko from doing anything stupid, so she’s stuck in adventure mode while everyone else is in survival mode. He’s a really good player, to no one’s surprise. He’s probably made his own mods that he plays on his own. Also thinks the animals are really cute but is scared of ender men. Please protect him from the endermen or he will cry.
He definitely has a custom texture pack that he made himself where the bed has the texture of a body pillow. Whether it’s a joke or not is up to interpretation. Gives his diamonds to Celeste, but he has a secret underground base that no one knows about where he’s secretly hoarding a whole bunch of rare items. Really good at building. If you ask him nicely, he might help you build some things as well.
Major troll. She’ll kill you and steal your inventory. Then she’ll grief your house. She often gets herself banned from a lot of servers so she just made her own to be annoying. Is actually really good at the game, but it doesn’t really show. She’d have a Monokuma skin and would likely never have any perms thanks to Chihiro. You also would get trolled. But not as often as the others, because she seems to have a slight soft spot for you.
Kinda just done with Junko’s shit, so she plays Minecraft with the class to have a bit of a break. Junko of course bullies her poor sister to no end, so Chihiro has Junko completely muted. Like her ultimate, she’s really good at combat in Minecraft. She has miraculously never taken damage from a mob. She’ll fall of stuff a lot, but she has never been hit. Will secretly leave diamonds for you and Makoto. (If anyone else finds out, Junko will get word and steal them)
Gets stuck in all sorts of 2 block holes and is always getting killed by mobs. Whenever someone swears in chat, he keyboard smashes in chat to hide the swear word. He’s constantly screaming and has decided to pair up with Mondo. He now shares a base with Mondo. He and Mondo are both clueless at the game, so they just follow around Chihiro.
Kinda just vibing and lurking around, making sure Junko isn’t going to terrorize anyone. Surprisingly good at the game and is actually pretty good at parkour. She will /tp to people who are not having a good time and kill whatever is terrorizing them. Sometimes she just likes to watch you play when she’s not being everyone’s guardian.
Has crazy good aim in the game, so he always snipes mobs with his bow, or maybe Junko if she’s coming up to reign terror on his base. He’s a kind of shitty builder, but he builds really large bases with a whole bunch of farms. Mob farms, mushroom farms, cobblestone farms, if there’s a farm, he’s got it. Will not share his resources if the others beg him, but might let you have some stuff if you give him some diamonds in return.
Swears a lot, to no one’s surprise. He and Taka follow around Chihiro who has made them both a little base for them to expand upon. They have their minecraft beds next to each other, as placed by Chihiro as a joke, but they did not move their beds. He’ll often get lost in caves, and digs down a lot. He dies a lot for some reason. Will only share his diamonds with Chihiro, Taka and you.
When someone’s screaming that they’re being attacked by a mob, she would come to the rescue. She’s really good at combat like Mukuro, but she protects people from mobs instead. Aoi’s not the best in combat, so she’ll often be protecting Aoi. Will definitely make a house next to Aoi’s and will give people flowers. She’s kind of like an Iron Golem. She also loves decorating with flowers, so you can give her some that you find. She’ll be very happy.
She keeps a fuck ton of animals because she just thinks they’re cute. Has tamed like every pet tameable, and would tame the ender dragon as well if she could. Probably has a mod that lets you do that that she plays on her own. The first time she saw a creeper, she thought they were super cute, so she went up to one, but got blown up. That was such a major offence that she is now ruthless with creepers. Whenever you’re getting chased by a creeper, by some strange instinct, Sayaka just happens to know where you are and strikes down the creeper. They never survive the wrath of an angry Sayaka.
Takes over villages and tries to build houses for Byakuya, but she just gets ignored every time. Toko always seems to attract creepers that blow her up constantly. Junko will some times lay her own TNT to blow up Toko. She’s kinda clumsy at the game and will definitely scream whenever she hears a cave sound. Also somehow always starts raids. She just seems to have shit luck, so she builds away from every one else. Her diamonds are reserved for Byakuya (who refuses to take them), but she will give you and only you some resources when you ask.
Has no idea what he’s doing cuz he’s really only in it for the ender men. Is terrified of Herobrine. He’ll see Byakuya’s Steve walk by in the distance. Hiro will then probably shriek and chase after Herobrine, only to see that the Herobrine is gone. Really, Byakuya just fell down a hole again. He just leaves a whole bunch of dirt shacks around the place and has yet to actually mine any diamonds. He might end up running to wherever the heck you are and screaming about Herobrine (actually just Byakuya) since you also have interest. But alas, the ‘herobrine’ is gone every time you go back to where he was found.
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/ wings headcanons(Markiplier Alter Egos)
ty @fancybootm​ for the request!
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A/N: i just did all of them. every-all-everyone. Except Yandereplier, Silver Shepard, Ed Edgar... maybe others I’m not aware of at the moment... I tried to stick with a certain number of egos, but my hands just... they just kept moving. It is 11:00 pm when im writing this ya boy is TIRED. there are 1.6k words. It seems longer than it is bc bullet points. Bear with me. You can find the egos that you want easily. The reader is gender neutral. i am so sorry if this is not what you meant lol. on the bright side this is a good reference for all the egos i am open to writing for(also maybe others idk) so uh im keeping it enjoy. I’ll say... a T rating for cursing and also a bit of violence but literally like 20 words. mentions of injury. that’s it.
Requests are open!
Y/N(reader) with wings hcs
No one knows what the fuck you are, not even you
Ya got wings. That’s it.
Are you an angel? A faery? A phoenix? Who knows
You woke up one day in a forest remembering nothing
But you had wings
And then you got shot with an arrow
You ran away and hid in a cave
Darkiplier spends most of his time around you studying you
To see what you could possibly be
He still doesn’t know
He’s settled for calling you a “cryptid”
He’s slightly annoyed with the feathers you leave around the manor
He won’t tell you bc you can’t control that and it’d be rude
You read together in his study on occasion
You sit on the floor bc your wings get uncomfortable in chairs
In sympathy, he also sits on the floor
You think it’s sweet
You told him so and he sputtered out a “shut up and read your book”
He’s fairly fond of you
You’re good company to keep around
Wilford was the one who found you
He was walking through the forest, as one does, when he saw GIANT feathers
Naturally, he followed them
He found you in a cave with an arrow in your shoulder
He took you back to the manor and patched you up
He begged Dark to keep you there
He promised not to kill anybody for a month
He made it 15 days, which is a record
He’s very protective of you, not letting you out a lot since uh… hunters
You are his Sweet Little Songbird, light of his life, wind in his sails, 
if anything happens to you he will kill everyone in the manor and then himself
He helps you preen a lot
His hands are very gentle, surprisingly 
He spends the most time with you out of everyone
You play games, talk(well, he talks to you), and just hang out
He loves and adores you with his whole heart
Actor tolerates you, or so he says
He’s jealous of your wings
HE’S supposed to be the mysterious, sexy one!
But ok, yeah, you’re pretty interesting
He uses you in short films sometimes bc… well… wings
There are alot of things you can do with wings, surprisingly
He took you out into town one night
He shoved the wings under a thick jacket
You guys bought some clothes and food
He cut holes in the clothes for your wings, grumbling about a “waste of money” and “you never go out anyway” 
but he enjoyed spending a bit of time with you
Wilford nearly killed him(again) when he found out
He likes venting to you bc you just nod without really listening
As I said, you’re good company
Yancy thinks you’re nice
He felt a bit… threatened at first
Ya got WINGS, of course he’s cautious
But they are very pretty
And he likes to use you in choreography
People always comment on how realistic the wings are as Yancy leads you away
You don’t judge him for killing his parents, he likes that about you
You don’t know. You could’ve done something bad. You don’t remember
He likes cuddling bc you wrap your wings around him and he feels safe
He also helps you preen… sometimes… 
He’s… really bad at it...
You like listening to him sing
He sings you lullabies at night
You’re very close
Illinois is very fascinated with you
He’s convinced you’re a fairy
He’s seen quite a few of those
You tell him you don’t know, and he goes “a LiKeLy StOrY”
He likes drawing you
You’re very angelic
“Oh, maybe an angel then…” He says, like an idiot
He takes you with him on a few adventures to fly him over pits and stuff
He’d never admit it but he has a… THING about heights
It’s called a phobia, you egotistic maniac
You try to help him with it
You never get that far off the ground before he’s screaming to be put down
He appreciates the effort
He gives you things he finds on adventures that are pretty or remind him of you
He infodumps to you about curses, and archaeology, and adventuring, etc.
Magnum is uh… well, he’s Magnum
He figures you’d be useful out at sea
You can find nearby land, ships, or treasure by flying, of course
He didn’t take into account the fact that you don’t really… fly that often.
So it turned into you just stretching your wings instead of looking for loot
Once you fell overboard
Everyone was like “eh, they can fly, it’s fine”
Then they realized that you probably can’t since your wings might be wet
Magnum LEAPED into the fuckin water and THREW you back on
He doesn’t take you on the sea as much anymore
sometimes you talk about life, treasure, love, y'know the usual
He’s very Father Figure-ly
Bim isn’t sure how to feel about you
You are a person. With wings. What’s he supposed to do about that
He’s friends with Wil, so has to tolerate you at least.
He tries to make conversation, but it doesn’t always go as well as it could
You don’t have much to talk about, and some of his topics worry you
Mostly you two just kinda… exist in the same general area
Sometimes he’ll discuss what he should do on his show
You don’t have many ideas
But you’ve gotten an idea of what it is, and sometimes give a suggestion or two
He appreciates you for that
He tried to get you on the show once but Wilford refused
You kinda wanted to, but whatever
You’ll hang out sometimes too
He’s very entertaining, he has to be
Eric is kind of scared
Not that you’ll hurt him, that he’ll hurt you
That happens a lot to people he likes…
He eventually starts hanging out around you
You don’t ask bad questions, and you distract him from his dad
He talks about animals with you a lot, and how he wanted a farm
You bought a cowboy hat and gave it to him and he cried
You also gave him a stuffed cow one day
He hugged you for a long time
You two cuddle a lot bc the boy needs SAFETY and SECURITY
You wuv each other(platonically or otherwise)
Dr. Iplier doesn’t bother you, mostly
He appreciates that you keep to yourself
He has his work, that’s what he’s focused on
Sometimes he’ll see you when you try to find Wilford or get some food
He tries to get a good look at you without looking suspicious
It doesn’t work, he always falls over
He once gave you a “physical”
It was mostly to just figure out what you were
You seemed mostly human based on the results
But goddammit you had WINGS
They had their own function but were sort of like an add-on to your body
He was slightly disappointed you weren’t gonna… turn into a whole bird
You tolerate each other
Google fuckin’ hates you
He’s completely perplexed by you
Which he is never because he is the most intelligent being on the planet
So he assumed he could figure out what you were
Turns out google fucking sucks at figuring out things people don’t already know
So he hates you. Like a lot
He’s tried to kill you multiple times
But his objective is to destroy MANKIND
You are not included in that
Also Wilford almost killed him for it
So yeah he just kinda hates you
You’ve tried to get along with him but he just wouldn’t
He finally talked to you when Bing called him a little bitch
Still hates you, but can tolerate your existence now
Bing fuckin’ adores you
You are just wonderful to him
You can FLY??!! You have WINGS???!!!!!
You don’t really care that he is an artificial BEING????!!!!!!!!
You’re perfect
He does Sick Tricks™ to try to impress you
They never do
You appreciate the effort
You don’t see him a lot, but when you to it’s very entertaining
He taught you how to skateboard
You kinda sucked but he’s very supportive
He likes just hanging around you
It’s the only time he ever chills the fuck out
Everyone’s thankful to you for that
Your entire dynamic is “what if... i put... my minecraft bed... next to yours? haha just kidding... unless?”
The Host doesn’t really care about the wings??
I mean, he can’t see them, so… what’s the big deal
You appreciate that
He still does the uh… narration thing… with real people…
The stories end better now
You convinced him to make the stories end better
You sat with him to make SURE the stories end better
He also started writing novels recently
You help with plot and character development
He appreciates that
The Jims… don’t really care about you
I mean you’re interesting, of course
But they physically Cannot get a clear picture of you
Even if you agree to sit still, it just doesn’t happen
It is always, ALWAYS blurry
They eventually give up and leave you alone
They do spend a bit of time with you
You help them with demon episodes sometimes
You don’t do much, but they like the emotional support
King of the Squirrels is… well, he’s him
He doesn’t… he doesn’t do much
He hangs out with his squirrels. That’s pretty much it.
You just started hanging out with him one day
He didn’t mind
You two feed the squirrels while sitting by a tree
He lets you wear his crown sometimes
He draws his squirrels, and lets you see the pictures
He teaches you how to draw them
You two don’t talk, really
You just sit. And hang out.
He doesn’t really smile, but you can tell when he’s happy with you
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marvelsimp · 4 years
THE NEW KID: Leaving
Ch. 1
The New Kid Masterlist
-This is going to be a series so I’m going to do my best so that you may read it in any order.  Also, I’m going to apologize in advance for my writing, any tips are appreciated. 
Pairing: Peter x Lesbian!reader (Platonic duh)
Genre: ANGST, fluff
Warnings: Homophobia (being kicked out), mentions of death, vague mention of suicide, general angst, swearing (I swear fuck is like the only one I know smh)
Description: Reader gets kicked out by her homophobic parents, Peter invites her to stay with him, and reader reflects on her and Peter’s relationship.  
-Takes place after far from home and Gamora, Vision, Loki, Heimdall, Nat, and Tony are still alive, Steve didn’t leave, and Mysterio didn’t reveal Peter as Spiderman. (aka my dream MCU)
Reader’s Powers: Healer, telepath, and empath.
Word Count: 2,350 
“You can stay the night but, in the morning, you have to leave” You could feel it all, the disgust, the anger, the sadness. Every bit of what they were feeling was being thrown at you.  You didn’t even get to tell them about your powers.  You thought that maybe they would understand that maybe they would love you enough… but they didn’t.  You were in shock; your parents were throwing you out because you like girls.  You made your way back to your room to pack the essentials and figure out where you would go. Peter. He had told you before that if this happed or if you ever needed to you could stay with him.
(Y/n): Does the offer still stand
Peter: you told them?
(Y/n): yeah… theyre kicking me out 
Peter: Im so sorry
     You and Peter first met through Instagram almost a year ago.  He posted some picture of him and Ned posing with a LEGO model of the Death Star. You decided you had nothing to lose so you messaged him.  That was that easiest friend you had ever made, and he was the only friend you had now.  
You got to know each other over the months, you would text and facetime, sometimes you would play Minecraft or Animal Crossing or whatever game you both had your hands on. You would talk for hours about Star Wars, video games, and even The Avengers.  It was amazing. Then you told him.
“I’m gay”
He looked shocked at first, which scared you a little, then his shocked expression morphed into a grin.
“Now, I have someone else I can talk about girls to.”
You laughed tears forming in your eyes. You felt a huge weight come off your chest.  He told you about MJ and how he planned to ask her out during the trip to Europe. You told him about your huge crush on Captain Marvel and it was perfect. You had someone who loved you for you and didn’t want anything more or less, someone you could tell everything to.
* * * * *
     “Oh my god,” you thought to yourself as you put it altogether.  You felt like you were going to faint or throw up or both.
Night monkey on tv had the same powers as spiderman, spiderman was from New York, and Peter was from New York…  The late nights, the weird bruises, and cuts, injures; him suddenly having to leave out of nowhere. Every bit of it made sense.  Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Your best friend is fucking Spider-Man.
At first you were shocked, then you were excited, then you were scared. You rushed to your phone to call him. You dialed his number and nothing... no answer. That’s when the panic started. 
(Y/n): Are you okay?
There was no answer for minutes then hours. You were really panicking now, he usually texted back within ten minutes, but it was now six hours later. 
(Y/n): I saw what happened are you ok
(Y/n): Pete youre scaring me please text me
You couldn’t sleep or eat or do anything, all you could think about was him.  Is he alive? Is he injured? Did he lose his phone? These thoughts swirled in your head; you couldn’t breathe.  Finally, fifteen hours later you heard a ding.
Peter: Im ok my phone died
(Y/n): Can you call me
Peter: Sorry Im getting on the plane to head home can I call you then?
(Y/n): yeah
Your panic calmed and you felt like you could breathe again but the fear and the anger were still there.  You were furious not that he didn’t tell you, you couldn’t care less about that there were still plenty of things that you hadn’t told him yet.  But you were furious at the universe, that your friend could die, that your friend could be taken away again.  That you could lose that person that helped keep you stable, help keep you grounded.  You couldn’t lose someone like that again, the last one almost killed you and losing Peter would destroy you.
Ten hours later he FaceTimed you.
“Hey, sorry about not answering.  My phone died and all this stuff happened and- “
“Are you Spider-Man?” 
“Wh-what?” He was shocked, another one of his friends figured it out. He couldn’t believe it.
“Are. You. Spider-Man.” You replied bluntly with your brows furrowed. You could barely keep the tears from flowing out.
He let out a sigh shaking his head, seeing no reason to lie so he nodded, “Yeah.”
“Are you okay?” you breathed out. 
He looked up back at the screen confused, “Y-yeah I’m okay. I have a few scratches but nothing bad.”
“You could’ve died,” you grunted as your breath began to pick up.
“I’m okay Y/n. It’s ok,” he looked at you confused but mostly concerned because you were usually level.  You tried your best to hide your negative emotions from others, so he only ever saw you smiling.
“NO! No, it’s not okay! You could’ve died. I could’ve lost you; I could’ve lost my best friend AGAIN. Two best friends in two years. I barely survived when she… I-I don’t even know what would happen if I lost you, too!” You were crying, you didn’t even notice, you didn’t even care.
He froze, not knowing what to say not knowing what to do.  He just looked at you. He didn’t know that you never talked about your friends, he assumed you had them. He just thought you would open up when you were ready, but he never predicted this.
“Y/n, I-I’m okay. I’m alive and I am safe. I promise you that- that I’m going to be okay.” He just stared at the screen again. “Do you… want to talk about her.”
“You would’ve liked her,” you smiled while the tears were still streaming down your face.  “Ava was the most stubborn person on the planet.  She was kind… and talented… she was so smart… she wanted to go and help animals that are going extinct. She was my everything... and then she… she was gone.” You sobbed uncontrollably, not even stopping to breathe.
You’d never cried for her before, when you had found out it destroyed you.  You were numb to everything, but you hid it with a smile always saying you were fine.  Then you met Peter, he saved you and he didn’t even know it.  He helped you feel ok again.  He helped you feel alive again instead of a walking corpse.
“Y/n, you need to breathe.” You heard through the phone that was now lying on the bed as you continued to sob. “Please, just breathe.”
All that he wanted to do was hold you and comfort you, he knew what it felt like to lose someone. He knew that pain and wanted to help you but all he could do was talk and listen so that’s what he did.
You collected yourself, it took a while, but you did it.  “I’m breathing,” you said letting out a slight chuckle.
“What do you need me to do?” he asked with worried eyes.
“Will you- could you just stay with me, till I fall asleep?”
“Of course.”
      You called him the next day asking about Spider-Man.  You asked how his powers worked, how long he had them, how his web shooters worked and how he made them, you even asked if the Start Internship was really just¬¬¬ him being Spider-Man. He answered every question you had and then some.
“Um, I have something to confess,” you said nervously, “I have…powers, too.” 
‘WHAT,” he screamed from excitement while jumping out of his chair.  “You have powers, too,” he said with wide eyes and a huge grin.
You went on to explain your powers of telepathy, healing, and empathy.  You told him as much as you knew about them and how you didn’t know their limits yet.  He just listened and grinned at every word you said.  
“Can I tell Mr. Stark about you powers?”
“I already talk about you enough to him.  Can I tell him about you powers? He might be able to make you something to help you.”
“You talk about me to Tony fucking Stark?!?!?”
“Yeah, you’re my best friend. Of course, I talk about you. So, can I tell him.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can tell IRON MAN about my powers.”
     Life went on from there, you continued to talk to him like normal.  Nothing had come up from him telling Stark about your powers or at least nothing yet.  You had grown closer and you would talk about when you had a bad day, and he would tell you about his friendly neighborhood adventures.  Then Christmas came and a few days later you deiced to come out to your parents…
* * * * * * 
      Next thing you knew you were on a plane headed to New York then you were in a taxi headed to Peter’s apartment.  You couldn’t stop thinking about how they felt: disgust, anger, and greatest of all sadness.  You felt this relief of finally being able to be your self but also the terrible pain of your parents abandoning you.  You somehow made it through the plane and the taxi without crying.
Then there he was standing outside of your taxi, smiling with sad eyes. He quickly got your suitcase out of the trunk while you got out of taxi and put on your backpack.  When the taxi drove away you both just stood there for a moment, neither of you knowing exactly what to say or do. There was a rush of emotions from both of you: happiness, excitement, and most of all sadness.  Peter was mourning with you.
He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your body in a tight, welcomed embrace.  It was then when tears streamed down your face. You sobbed into his shoulder and neck for what seemed like days.  Then he pulled away, “Let’s go inside.” 
When he opened the door there was Aunt May, the only interactions you had with her where quick hellos or stupid jokes you told her about Peter.  So, it was nice to actually meet her.  She gave you a soft hug as soon as you came in the door.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay here,” you said pulling out of the hug.  “I promise I will pull my weight and get a job as soon as I can.”
“Of course, sweetheart, all of Peter’s friends are welcome here and don’t worry about that right now we can talk about it in a few weeks. For now, you guys do what you want, and I got some work I gotta do so I will see guys in a few hours.” She gave your hand a squeeze, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.
You put your backpack on the couch, what was going to be your bed for a little while and sat down putting your face in your hands.  Peter put your suitcase up against the wall, then he sat down next to you putting his hand on your back.  
“I’m so sorry, y/n.”
You started to sob again. Peter just wrapped his arms around you pulling you into his chest.  You cried and cried and cried.  Eventually you fell asleep.
     The next few days were rough for you.  The first two were full of tears and crying but also full of laughing and smiling. The third day you were there was New Years Eve, Peter asked you if you wanted to go to see the ball drop, you declined.  You told him the large crowd would probably overwhelm your powers and that some alone time would be nice.  Peter understood so he went with MJ and Ned while Aunt May went to a party.  
It was nice to be alone.  You cried again but for most of the night you just laid there thinking of everything and thinking of nothing.  You were worn out and fell asleep before the clock struck twelve.
You woke up early the next day, which was a little weird, but it was nice.  When peter woke up, he deiced to show you around.  He didn’t show you the big touristy places, but he showed you where he would watch for thieves, where he got sandwiches, or donuts, or ice cream.  You just enjoyed the day doing nothing important at all.  
The day after that he invited MJ and Ned over.  You had never talked to them much less met them.  You were nervous and excited so Peter eased your fears and told you that, “They will love you.”  And they did, it went amazingly.  They were both huge nerds just like you and Peter.  Ned was loud and very vocal; his laugh could shake the world.  MJ on the other hand was quiet, only speaking up when she felt it was needed.  She was a lot like you, but she didn’t hide behind smiles like you did, she showed everything she felt even if it wasn’t very loudly. You got why Peter liked her, they fit like a glove.  
Most of the night was filled with laughter and smiling.  You played video games, board games, harassed Peter, and overall had a nice time.  A few times you could’ve sworn you felt a pinch of jealousy from MJ, which brought you some comfort and reassurance towards Peter.  It meant that he hadn’t outed you to MJ which you appreciated.  You felt comfortable and safe for once, you didn’t feel afraid to talk about whatever for once.  They left right before midnight, both with smiles on their faces as they did.
“We gotta go to bed,” Peter grinned. “I got some big plans for your birthday tomorrow.”
You had forgotten, tomorrow’s your birthday, you’re turning seventeen.  You nodded and smiled at him.  You were tempted to read his mind and find out what the surprise was but decided it might be better to just go along with it.  So, you changed into your PJ’s and fell asleep on Peter’s couch.
Next Chapter
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
A tattoo for a lost best - Fd!au - 3/3
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Skeppy bet on stupid things, and sometimes their bets can have very severe consequence if lost.
If you want to, look at what Minetra’s desing of Techno tattoo
Tw! Betting, swearing. Btw, this is very long
<—Previous part 
To avoid any more drama, he went straight home. The house was empty though, so he connected his phone to Wilbur’s small Bluetooth speaker to his phone and played a random playlist he had made to motivate him to do chores, took out the mop and started cleaning the floors, humming the songs and sometimes bopping his head to the beat.
While the pavement was drying, he logged on Minecraft and started playing on Hypixel.
Tommy arrived home just as the pavement dried out, grabbing a glass of chocolate milk and another glass full of cookies. Bringing them to his room and closing the door. A few minutes later he logged into Hypixel and sent Techno a party invite, they started playing various minigames, winning most of them.
Until, while playing BedWars, Tommy whispered to Techno.
TommyInnit whispers to you: I’m sorry
Techno finished destroying a bed and sat at the generator while quickly responding.
You whisper: About what?
TommyInnit whispers to you: About telling Will about your tattoo, I sneaked into your room this morning and I saw it
TommyInnit whispers to you: I’m really sorry, but if Phil found out later it would have been worse
Tommy’s and Techno’s bed was gone, they were just flying around as ghosts at this point. But if they wanted to keep talking, they couldn’t have gone into another game so Techno typed /hub and teleported both of them into the main hub of the server.
You whisper: It’s fine Tommy, I’m not angry
TommyInnit whispers to you: Then can I come and hug you?
Techno wasn’t expecting that. But he smiled and closed Minecraft after sending the last message:
You whisper: The door is unlocked
Techno lied down on his bed closing his eyes as he listened to Tommy’s steps growing louder.
The door gently creaked as the young Pandel stood by the door, looking at his older brother laying down with his eyes closed.
Climbing onto the bed, he plopped down next to Techno, scooting closer to him and hugging him, Techno exchanged the hug, embracing the blonde boy tightly.
They stayed like that in silence, the world around them looked like it froze. When Wilbur got home and went to check Techno’s room to see if he was there, he found the two brothers peacefully sleeping. Wilbur smiled at the cute sight, he made sure to cover them with a blanket and close the door.
When Phil arrived home, the brothers were silent, they couldn’t get themselves to talk or make jokes, the older brother acted as usual, solar and positive, but he had noticed how Wilbur and Tommy were silent. Something was wrong, and after dinner, he was going to figure out what.
To his surprise, when he got out of the bathroom, the brothers were back at the kitchen counter, all of them had serious and sad faces, “Phil, we need to talk to you”
He sat on one of the stools, “Sure… what is it?” The two brothers both looked at Techno who’s shoulder tensed, he looked like he wanted to disappear.
“I… have made a serious decision without asking and… It’s something you have explicitly said to not take before... “ What was going on? Techno never made dumb decisions, and if he did, he alone came to talk to him, then why were all of the brothers there? Phil was now very worried.
Without saying another word, Techno took off his hoodie, revealing a sleeveless shirt, and the tattoo.
Wilbur looked away, Tommy looked sadly at Techno, Phil looked unimpressed.
So you really did it too huh…
“Wait, you guys didn’t know he had gotten it?” Everyone froze.
“It was pretty obvious, the bandage, the moisturizing cream, the antimicrobial soap, they all gave it away. Plus, we all know Techno hates carrying his backpack on one shoulder, there had to be a good reason for him to carry it like that” The brothers were impressed, Phil could notice the most subtle changes in behaviours, it wasn’t surprising he had picked it up quickly, but still…
“Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m okay with your decision”
Phil brought a hand on his forehead, thinking about what to say, choosing his words to get his point across, he hated scolding his brothers, but they were teenagers, sometimes he had to be strict and direct with them.
“The only thing I can say, Techno, is that I’m disappointed in you, very disappointed” The pink-haired boy fidgeted with the hoodie in his lap.
“I thought I had made it clear that tattoos were prohibited until you're old enough, just because I have one doesn’t mean you could get it too” Phil sighed, “You’re grounded Technoblade” All of them looked at the older brother in disbelief, Phil almost never grounded anyone, both Tommy and Wilbur now felt guilty for getting Techno in this situation. Techno just accepted his fate, all of this for a goddam bet.
“No going out after school and no video games for fifteen days, let this be a lesson for you two too, ok?” Wilbur and Tommy looked at each other, only fifteen days? That was nothing! Techno had gotten a permanent tattoo without permission and he got away with fifteen days?!
“Now, Techno, prepare for bedtime and go to your room, I need to talk to you more in private. Wilbur, Tommy, you’re free to go” They nodded and got up the stools, both of them flopping on the couch. Techno instead whispered a soft “I’m sorry” and headed for the bathroom, leaving Phil the only one at the counter. He took his head in his hands and leaned over the counter, using his elbows to support himself.
I hope your reason was better than mine.
A knock on the door interrupted Techno’s train of thought, he quickly sat at the edge of his messy bed and waited for the crack of light coming to illuminate his dark room. Phil peeked from the door,  surrounded by a halo of yellow light, smiling brightly as he always did, “May I come in?” Techno gently nodded.
Phil sat next down and hugged Techno for a bit, “Let me guess” He started, bringing a hand to scratch his short beard,” You didn’t tell the others why you got it” Techno nodded again. The older brother looked at the younger one, waiting for him to start talking.
“I’m warning you, you won’t like it” the blonde man shrugged, so he took a deep breath.
“You remember when Skeppy had to get his ear pierced last year?” It was Phil’s turn to nod, “That was because we had made a bet. He didn’t believe I was going to get max votes for every subject, so we made it that if I did have max votes, he would get his ear pierced, if I didn’t, I was going to get my ear pierced. You know who won the bet” Techno chuckled when the memory of Skeppy getting super mad at him for getting max votes arose, he had gotten one of his ears pierced, and even if he will never admit it, he loves wearing e-boy earrings.
Techno had actually bought him his first pair of earrings, he kept a mental note to look at Skeppy when passing near jewelry in case he started staring at a pair of them, he was bad with gifts so this was a good way to get ideas.
“This was… the same… We made a bet and… “ He had lost, Phil knew that Techno and Skeppy made these “bets” and he knew that they sometimes could have a strong penalty if lost… but they were childhood friends, if something was “too much” they could always call it off. So Techno did make the decision to get the tattoo, he just didn’t want to admit it.
“Okay then, I understand… You’re still grounded though” Techno smiled, “Goodnight Techno” Phil patted his brother on the shoulder and left his room, leaving him back in the dark of his room.
He just climbed further into the bed and fell asleep.
“There is something going on here, there HAS to be!” Wilbur was pacing back and forth in front of the coffee table, he sounded pretty stressed about his thoughts, not that Tommy would care. He was just sitting upside down on the couch, legs slumped over the back and head dangling off the seat, of course, switch in hands playing the Octo expansion for Splatoon two. Techno bought it for him as his quote on quote “reward” for cleaning his room for him.
“You’re getting too agitated big dubs” The blonde boy shot a look at the legs walking around on the other side of the table, they stopped, facing his direction, “Shut the fuck up Tommyinnit I’m trying to think!” the legs continued pacing left and right. “Well, now that you said I need to shut up I’m interested!” He sat back up properly on the couch, pausing the game and placing the switch down. “What we thinking, big dubs?” He said before rubbing his hands together.
With a roll of his eyes, the older brother started explaining: “You remember when I took Phil’s scooter and drove Techno around town a year before I got my license?” Tommy giggled, Wilbur dead stared at him. “OKAY Okay jeez! Go on!” Will shook his head, “Well, Phil that time grounded us both, understandably, Techno got away with no video games for a week, I was the one driving after all…” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, “But I had to go through A MONTH without video games and phone! And look at Technoblade! Fifteen days! Only fifteen days for getting a big ass tattoo without permission!”
Now that Tommy thought about it, Will did have a point, plus, not going out after school didn’t really affect Techno, he never went out anyway. “I know this going to sound bad but…” Will looked at Tommy, noticing the serious look he had on his face, “Do you think… Phil has… favourites?” Will’s eyes widened, a shiver shot down his spine. “Wha-what are you talking about Tommy? Phil loves us equally, he quit college to take care of us, there is no way he has… “ He couldn’t even finish the sentence, the words got stuck in his throat, he refused to believe that his older brother had a favourite among them. He just couldn’t.
“But what if he-”
“No Tommy, there has to be a reason why he gave him less time than he did with me, and he will tell us, I know he will. I’m going to sleep now” He passed by the kitchen and closed himself in his room, Tommy whispered “Goodnight Wil”  and headed for his own room, grabbing his switch along with him.
From there on, it was a monotone style of life for Techno.
Wake up, go to school, go back home, read, clean, and go to sleep.
He and Skeppy had to hang out at lunches since they couldn’t meet up after school, and if for some reason they couldn’t, they would either discord call or facetime each other and just talk about the most random things for hours, as good friends do of course.
The house felt a little bit empty for some reason: Tommy would stay outside later than usual and Wilbur didn’t try to create any type of chaos or loud noise, the melancholic sound of a soft guitar would fill the house more than it used to and Phil was constantly spaced out, it was like the cheerful Pandel apartment had lost it colours.
All of them had noticed this phenomenon. They all knew that they couldn’t last long like this, they needed the chaos, they needed the cheerfulness and the happiness of each brother equally. Their house was like an echo-system: If something was off, it made an impact on everything else.
So on the fifteen-day, the last day, while everyone was sat around the kitchen counter sharing dinner, Wilbur spoke up.
“Taking turns, let’s say what’s on our mind, anyone wants to start?” Techno nodded in approval of Will’s proposal, after setting his spoon down, Tommy started talking.
“I feel like we are hiding something from each other” Phil froze, Techno’s mouth curved slightly downwards “I don’t know why Techno didn’t tell us about the tattoo, I-I  honestly felt betrayed when I saw it, but someone else is keeping a secret now, and I don’t want this to become a normal thing!” Tommy looked away, clinging his fists. “You’re right, Tommy” The attention moved to Wilbur, “ We have always been honest with each other, please let’s keep it this way” Techno nodded again “ I am so sorry for not telling anyone about… you know… “ silence fell briefly while he recollected his thought, “ It felt wrong doing so, but I had no choice-”
“You did Technoblade!” Wilbur interrupted him,” You know we would have supported you in any decision you would have made! You were always the one to encourage us every time we were insecure about anything, no matter how stupid it was!” Techno took his glasses off, letting what Wilbur had just said sink in.
“I know… But-” He rubbed his eyes, “But what?! Don’t you trust us-”
“Alright, calm down boys” Phil interrupted them, making them realize what tone of voice they were using against each other.
“I am the one who should fix this since I was the one who started it” He sighed, allowing his head to rest in his hands.
“I gave Techno a pretty light consequence for what he did, I am aware of that and I’m sorry if that looked like I was playing favourites” Tommy looked at the plate in front of him, how could he have doubted Phil?
“There is a better…  or worse, reason for that, let me explain” he looked up at the other brothers waiting for a response. They looked at each other in confusion and nodded, at that sign Phil started.
“You all are aware that I also have a tattoo, a pretty big pair of wings on my back, I’ve never hidden it from you guys because there was no need too… what I didn’t say was why and when I got the tattoo… and there is a good reason for that, I promise” the brothers felt a bit dumb, why did no one ever think of asking him why he had gotten his tattoo? No matter how long back they recalled Phil always had that tattoo, that pair of angel-like wings who occupied most of the upper part of their older brothers back felt to them like something that always had belonged to Phil. They couldn’t imagine him without it, but it was still shocking how no one had asked him why he had gotten it.
“The reason why I never told you about why I got it was because I was afraid you would try to imitate me… which was the last thing I wanted to happen” Techno tried to lighten the mood a little bit, “Jeez Phil, you’re making it sound like you got it to enter a gang” Tommy and Will smiled, “That’s at least is a reason to get a tattoo” the smile faded away, “Mine wasn’t even a reason, I got my tattoo because the thought of getting a tattoo made me feel free, made me feel independent… me and a good friend of mine were “good boys”, we always did what our parents wanted and had the highest grades, getting a tattoo was the most rebellious thing two sixteen years old kids could do, so that’s why we did it” They all looked down, each of them absorbed in their own thoughts, “So that’s why the wings… “ Wilbur whispered, “To symbolize freedom… “ Techno finished the thought.
When the silence was about to become awkward, Phil got off the stool and grabbed his jacket that he’d left on the couch,” Get your shoes on, were going out” They looked at each other in confusion, “Wh-why? Where are we going?” Tommy stuttered while asking. “You’ll see”
The night’s breeze blew lightly through the Pandel’s hair, Phil was walking ahead of everyone with his hands in his pocket, Wilbur was behind him, trying to figure out where he was taking them meanwhile Techno and Tommy were playing rock paper scissor, mouthing each other insults and quietly cheering.
The walk went on for five minutes until Phil entered an ice cream shop, “C’mon, order what you want” the brothers looked at each other after ordering their flavours.
They sat down on a bench, each of them focused on their ice cream, Wilbur was leaned against a light pole since they all couldn’t fit comfortably on the bench.
“So…what was this for?” Tommy asked before licking his chocolate and strawberry ice cream, Phil looked up at the moon in the starry sky, “An apology, for hiding this part of me from all of you until now… “ Techno finished his ice cream and wiped his mouth with a napkin, “ I hope you guys can forgive me and we can all go back to when we never lied to each other-” All of the brothers threw themselves on him, “Whoa-! Guys careful I’m still holding my ice cream!” But the brothers didn’t care.
“We forgive you Phil, in fact, we were never angry at you, we understand that you didn’t tell us to protect us” Wilbur broke from the hug, “Thank you Phil for being the best brother in the world!” Tommy said with a huge smile, the other two nodded and he couldn’t help himself from crying with joy. If he had to decide again between taking care of his brothers and continuing collage, his answer would have never changed.
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rivetwrites · 4 years
Fluff alphabet with Hinata?
//you got it!!
Hajime Hinata Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Hajime doesn’t mind what you two do together, as long it’s not dangerous or anxiety inducing. Usually a nice walk on the beach while holding hands and talking would be very nice for him. If you two were to stay in, he would like to play video games! More calmer games like Minecraft would be better for him so he doesn’t have to stress about competition.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your calmness. He dislikes people who are extremely loud or obnoxious (with some exceptions,) as they make him a bit nervous. On you, he loves your lips. They’re always so soft against him, and it makes him calm down very quickly.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s extremely awkward about comforting anyone, so he would usually leave you alone. He’d probably leave a bit of food outside your door and knock before leaving. It would be one of your favourite drinks and probably a mac n cheese. It’s not the best, but he tried. Once you’ve calmed down, he would come back to bring you into his arms and ask if you’re feeling better.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn’t think about the future that often, as he rather think about the now. But if he had to, he would love to settle down with you and have a small family. Nothing too extravagant.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s extremely passive. You’re his first ever relationship, so he doesn’t want to ruin it by going too fast and making you uncomfortable. He’d sometimes initiate a step forward, but only knowing when you’ll be absolutely okay with it. Sometimes, he gets a bit nervous when progressing, but reassure him that it’ll be okay and that you love him.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights usually don’t happen with him, since he usually tries to watch his mouth and avoid them at all costs. But sometimes, he can be stubborn, and so can you. When he makes you upset, he’d leave you be for awhile before going to apologize, bringing you a small snack. Food is the best way to win over a heart, y’know. If you upset him, he’d need to be reassured and cuddled as you apologized. He hates the feeling of sadness or anger, so he would forgive you pretty quick if you genuinely didn’t mean to upset him.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s very grateful for you and your relationship with him. He’s been happier, and less stressed with you around and he notices it. You’re always there when he’s having too much stress and he’d always thank you afterwards with a hug and a kiss.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Hajime is blunt and a realist, so he would be pretty honest about you. He does have his own secrets he would like to keep, though. He’s pretty good at keeping your secrets as well if you would like to tell him! But sometimes he forgets that they’re actually secrets and he shouldn’t mention them in conversations.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Hajime gets jealous not as quickly as other people, but he does have those fleeting feelings of you leaving him for someone else. If someone was flirting with you, he’d be slightly huffy, his grip on your hand tightening as he held back any sarcastic remarks. Once you two are alone, he wouldn’t say much on the matter, only holding you close to him to kiss you on the lips to remind you that you’re his.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The first kiss with him is very clumsy and shy, his face lighting up with embarrassment as he almost fell over you. He’d stumble out many apologies, automatically assuming that he’s a weirdo and that you would break up with him. You’d have to reassure him that first kisses never go the way anyone plans, and give him another smooch on the cheek.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Hajime is extremely awkward when he confesses, stumbling over his words as he tries to proclaim is love for you. When you accept, it would usually before he’d embarrass himself even more. He would feel extremely grateful, pulling you into a gentle hug.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would like to get married in the future, but it’s not a priority for him in the relationship. He would be the one to propose, getting down on one knee and professing his love for you. Your wedding with him would only consist of friends and family, since he doesn’t want to get too nervous in front of so many people.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
By your name or nickname in public, he finds it pretty weird when people call their S/O by some cheesy name around people. In private, “baby,” or “babe,” would be what he would say mostly. He gets slightly shy if you return the names, though.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When you’re alone, it’s pretty obvious. He gets touchy and mushy with you, holding you in his arms as he nuzzles your hair and tells you how much he loves you. He gets pretty cuddly when he’s in the mood to.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Not a big fan of PDA, but would probably hold your hand while walking around. He prefers to be more modest about your relationship, so having any kind of bragging would be off the table with him. But if people were to ask about you two, he wouldn’t be shy and just say you two were together.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Hajime is neither an optimist or a pessimist, so he wouldn’t give you false hope on anything. He says it how it is or how he thinks it’s going to go. Sometimes it hurts, and he feels slightly guilty, but most of the time, it feels nice to get a reality check.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s not the most romantic person in the world, he’s way too awkward for that, so he sticks to the basics. Basic dates, such as going out for dinner or the movies. He’d bring you some flowers every once and awhile, but he’s too shy to go out on the whole romance movie cliché with you.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Again, Hajime is a realist. If he doesn’t believe you’ll reach your goals in the time you want it to, he’ll say it. It’s not that he doesn’t support you, he does! It’s just he would hate to see you so disappointed. He’ll try to help you get more obtainable goals instead, so you can reach them more successfully.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He hates trying new things out. He’d hate for it to go wrong and embarrass both you and him. He prefers it to keep it simple and calm and not try too much spice.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s very empathetic! He truly understands how you feel if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed. He’ll try his best to make it feel better, but he’s pretty bad at it. He knows you pretty well, but you’d have to tell him if you’re feeling under the weather, because he doesn’t want to assume anything.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Depending on how serious your relationship is, he would value it greatly. Hajime doesn’t have much in his life except for his friends and his situation with Izuru, but he holds it all in his heart as an equal.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
In bed, snuggles are an absolute must with him. He could never sleep as well without your warmth, so he needs you. He’d wrap his arms around you, burying his face in your hair as he clings to you like his lifeline. Luckily, he’s a lighter sleeper, so he would let you go if you need to get up for something.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Hajime doesn’t mind the occasional hug in public, but he would prefer to keep it all at a minimum. In private, he loves snuggles and kisses from you. It keeps him grounded and keeps his anxiety levels at a low.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He’d sulk slightly, but he’s usually never truly alone. He has his friends to keep himself occupied. Once you get home, he’ll press his lips to yours as he greets you back home, hiding the fact that he missed you so much.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s not fully willing to go absolutely bonkers for you in the relationship, but he’ll go all out once every blue moon for you.
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