#got emotional halfway through
mysterycitrus · 7 months
i love love love the way you draw donna. tell me something important to you about her?
this is SUCH a sweet q ty anon so im gonna expand a lil on wondergirls as a whole
my intro to donna was actually after her death — one of the first comics i ever read was graduation day and tt03. her profound loss, her presence haunting the narrative, the literal space she was supposed to inhabit in the world, totally caught me off guard. reading back through her history portrayed a character made up of a million threads and holding onto herself for dear life. she’s a daughter, a god, a hero, a ghost. i think how she’s been recreated, resurrected from death, over and over again by the people who love her. how she changes shape and struggles to know herself. i think of her capacity for kindness.
i think about how wonder woman was born of clay in the hands of her mother who loved her, who endured violence in the world and still found hope in a future that her daughter would grow up into. i think about their desire for change.
my first (and only) cosplay as a child, before nonbinary entered the public lexicon and tomboyness was the acceptable excuse to like… have short hair, was as the first iteration of cassie sandsmark. idk i think that was so very important to me as a 13yo, especially compared to her look in tt03. how she was herself, she rejected any idea of what she should be. how she carried donna’s legacy into something else entirely. something more.
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the-bi-space-ace · 5 months
Echo & Unshakeable Trust
If we really want to talk about how Echo and trust are intertwined then I think we need to start at The Bad Batch arc of The Clone Wars in season 7. We see pretty clearly that the batch doesn’t trust him, even before they know him. They make snide remarks, doubt him, and are ready to take him down if he crosses them. Hell, they’re sure he’s a traitor. One of the earliest examples of this is when Hunter first claims it’s a trap. He even says they’ll tag along with the mission even just to say ‘I told you so.’ Oh how wrong he was. How wrong they all were.
They venture into Skako to save Echo, following Rex’s intuition and going along with it even if they don’t agree. They go, they’re not trusting about it, but they go. What they find is Echo, being used as the algorithm for the Separatists. Rex has no reason to doubt that this is against Echo’s will but the batch… they’re not so sure. 
Echo’s plan to escape through the vents is what saves them from Wat Tambor. They have no choice but to follow his plan, even if they aren’t sure if they can trust him yet. But following along and going with it is what gets them out of there. That doesn’t mean it fixes the doubt. The batch even hesitates before walking across the pipe to escape. They’re still sure he’s screwing them over. They have no idea why Anakin and Rex follow Echo’s plans blindly, even when they’re objectively ridiculous. 
Rex trusts him. Always. Every time. When Rex hears Echo’s voice he doesn’t ever doubt that Echo is still alive and on their side. Even in the bad batch season 3 when he’s questioned about whether or not Crosshair gave them all of the information Rex doesn’t doubt that Echo handled it and they have no reason to question that. It’s such a beautiful thing to watch. His faith in Echo has always been unshakable. Just as unshakable as Echo’s faith in himself. At first Rex isn’t sure Echo is battle ready after being rescued; it's never about distrusting Echo, it’s about not being sure he’s ready yet. Has he healed enough? Is he stable enough to pull this off? It’s care, caution, not doubt. 
Echo even points that out: ‘I’m not a liability, Rex.’ Mace Windu really had me cheering when he says if Echo has a plan then he’d like to hear it. When Mace asks if Echo is certain he even responds with ‘Absolutely.’ Echo doesn’t doubt himself and he isn’t about to start now. This confidence is something we see from him a lot. From how he plans, how he moves, what he says. He knows he’s good at what he does. It’s so refreshing to watch him be so confident and grow in that confidence as time moves forward. 
It’s here we start to really see the batch mistrust Echo. Tech voices this most often, followed by Hunter. Tech isn’t sure of Echo’s plan. He even goes as far as to say that ‘We don’t really know where his loyalties lie.’ You know what’s incredible about this? Rex follows it up with ‘Well, I know.’ Because he does. He doesn’t doubt Echo, has no reason to. The batch, however, isn’t ready for that yet. 
When Echo sends all the droids to the assembly complex and successfully shuts them all down is when both Hunter and Tech - the two who were the most vocal about their doubt in him - are ready to accept that Echo is on their side. He isn’t fighting against them, he never has been. They’re ready. Echo has proven himself without ever even really trying to.
Echo: ‘Was there ever any doubt?’ Tech: ‘Some.’
Echo trusts himself totally. He’s been trusted by his squads, by Fives, by Rex, by Cody. Hell, even Anakin, Mace, and Obi-Wan trust him. He’s been surrounded by people who are convinced of his skills. Being confronted by the batch who doesn’t trust him doesn’t even really faze him. He knows his intentions, he doesn’t need to fight their doubt. He just does what he’s always done and he proves himself in his actions. This confidence he has in himself is what carries him through everything and we only see that grow over time. (This post by @phantom-of-the-501st demonstrates how much he’s grown perfectly. Please go read it. It's amazing.) 
The batch saw him in action when they first met him, they had their time to doubt, and once Echo had proven to them that he was trustworthy and skilled they’ve trusted him fully ever since then. Hunter trusts him to be his second in command - the mission where they save Gregor comes to mind. He always hears Echo out and usually follows him into nearly certain death even if he doesn’t agree. Hunter trusts his word and he knows he wants only good things for them even when they don’t agree on how to get those good things. I think it’s especially important to note that they do disagree often but that is never cause to accuse the other of something in bad faith. The batch even trusts him to lead them into Kamino, right into enemy territory, when Hunter gets taken at the end of season 1. They follow his lead, listen to him, and know he’s got this. They’d never doubt him. Not for a second. Not now. Not when it’s Echo.
And of course we have this most recent episode, the thing that spurred this all on for me. This episode only solidifies for me that trust is a main thread in Echo’s story. He gets them a ship, has a disguise for Rampart, and he is ready to take on the brunt of their mission when things start to get dicey. Crosshair does say something about how Echo can’t infiltrate the ship alone which I am certain is more about worrying for him than it is doubt in his skillset. Letting Echo go into enemy territory without anyone else is difficult for them but they know he can do it. They always know he can pull it off, even if it’s absolutely ridiculous. When Rampart starts to bad mouth the plan Crosshair is right there with ‘Relax. Echo’s on it.’ I am still absolutely losing it over this line. To see Crosshair go from ‘besides, he’s just a reg’ to his hand on Echo’s shoulder in their first mission after they meet to ‘relax. Echo’s on it.’ That… That makes me so emotional. Of course the plan will work. It’s Echo. He’s got this. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s quick on his feet. It’ll work out. It’s Echo.
To follow that line with Hunter’s ‘Echo will come through. He just needs more time.’ just further solidifies that they wouldn’t doubt him, not anymore. He’s proved time and time again that he’s got this. They’re prepared to go with whatever scheme he proposes. He’s just as bad as them but he’s also got the skillset to back up his chaos. He fits in well. 
Echo is a skilled man. He’s an excellent strategist and he gets shit done. The batch has learned to trust him with their lives, as quickly and as unshakable as Rex’s faith in him. I think this is a beautiful thing to have seen over the course of our time with the batch. The batch puts their lives in Echo’s hands more than once and they don’t doubt him. Just like how he doesn’t doubt himself. The people around him trust him because he owns what he says, because he can back his shit up. 
It’s rather fitting that the intro quote in the last episode of The Bad Batch arc in The Clone Wars (S7 E4 Unfinished Business) is: Trust placed in another is trust earned. They learned a lot by watching Rex’s unshakeable faith in Echo and they knew that’s something they could do too by the end of their mission together. He proved his chaos, his strategies, and his intellect were invaluable. So much so that they wanted him with them, whatever that was going to look like. 
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my "Shen Qingqiu did not unlock the OOC function" fic is now four chapters and 20k words long. It basically just finished Act One. I write my stories somewhat out of order, so I've got a lot of already done on the later chapters. That's where all the stuff that really motivated me to make this fic so much longer than initially planned. To get through that, I've got to get through this absolute bottleneck of a chapter. I keep looking at it and being like, "but what are those sons of guns doing in chapter nine." God I hate the transition chapter slump. I keep considering if I can just do a time jump, but 1) I'd be time jumping a lot of stuff I do want to write and 2) skipping stuff that is pretty key to the idea "here's the canon but different."
I'm trying to avoid my usual go to for writer's block, introducing a new perspective, because that is how stories balloon. But the two POV characters I got have very limited views on what's happening. BUT I don't wanna make this story on track to be 100k words. BUT in the process of writing this post, I thought of a way to write it which would also help me out with my other problematic transition chapter. BUUUUUT it would require the addition of multiple POVs. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I really like the idea I just had. And so on and so forth etc etc, my goal is to get this chapter out by the end of the week which means at some point I'll need to stop chasing my tail, but GOD have I mentioned I hate transition chapters.
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jemmo · 5 months
i didnt watch unknown as it was airing bc i knew it would consume me so i decided to binge it all today. i was correct. it has consumed me.
#i am so unwell#and the thing is there is no specific moment or ep i can point to or rewatch to get out out of my system#there is something about the all consuming atmosphere of the show that’s so dense and heavy it’s impossible to escape it I don’t know how#and i find it incredible how they managed to established that atmosphere and built it so well and reached these peaks of emotion that you’d#think would break all that tension but it just returns 10-fold#like this is how you do storytelling this is how you plot a 12 episode drama#bc you get the peak in ep 6 that is the crux of the story getting revealed but you’re only halfway#there’s still so much story to go and they show all of it#they show that this is a thing that takes time and thought and it perfectly demonstrates how stuck in his ways wei qian is#and i find it incredible how both the actors were able to convey the passing of time and their growing up through their performance you can#really feel how wei yuan matures and how what’s perceived as this childish crush or obsession never leaves bc it was never that it was#always more serious and concrete but in his maturity he can show that#and there’s something so crushing about watching wei qian i swear i choked up so many times watching this show bc they both got to me so bad#but wei qian’s story and his outlook on life is so universal and so true to that older brother role that so many people have#i am rambling so bad i just wanna like… exist in the vibe of this show forever#bc the heaviness of it makes you feel the weight lift in the moments of joy it’s beautiful#unknown
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themintman · 1 year
ok I just started the new detective Pikachu and I can't fucking breathe cause my stupid little transgender brain has decided Tim is trans based on his goddamn HAIR EVOLUTION
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Terrible news I think my cnc pwp fic about husk giving alastor drugs to fuck him is turning into a commentary on the infantilization of asexuals damn it my projection issues
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astranite · 11 months
--whiney rant and vent--- starts at tumblr but descends into my life.
Fucking tumblr!! *grabs tumblr and aggressively shakes it*
Some new hell update has made it so every time I reblog a post, i go right back to the top of my dash and have to scroll half a mile through the posts Ive already seen to get back to the ones i havent yet seen and want to see!! And even with the scroll bar it takes ages and breaks the loading and makes it nearly genuinely unusable!!!
But Im still going to even though it sucks, because tumblr is my designated scroll and look at characters time and be with mutuals. And yes this is a very small whiny thing to rant about, especially given the state of the damn world, but with the rest of my life imploding in many numbered crisises that even one of would be apparently considered a fairly major thing to have to deal with im now realsising because through massive amounts of avoidance id just gone "this is fine" despite being very reasonably banned from the word fine by 5 different people and then me, and then others going 'wow that really is alot' semihorrified, and I awkwardly laugh because i am used to this and its not that bad and whatever stupid shit i tell myself to keep going.
So yes, whining about tumblr because at this point its a load bearing coping mechanism. And its somewhat a last straw because i am barely hanging on as it is but ill deal with this like everything else because there isnt any other options.
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I somehow didn't catch this during all the chaos from that day but I'm rewatching Forever's conversation with Vegetta, and Vegetta told him: "You're a good person, and a good person knows what their mistakes are. You're a good boy. It's not going to happen again."
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scattered-winter · 2 years
hi besties I'm back on my bullshit
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sangrialuvr · 4 months
walao i h8 ranking with annoying people
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tsubasaclones · 8 months
when I'm in a "not resolving plotlines" competition and my opponent is clear card
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rawliverandcigarettes · 8 months
wow the end of teop is an actual nightmare. I had forgotten that, this being a much more upbeat story with fun scheming and plotting and conspiracies and the likes implies than when the curtain drops, it feels pretty much like being punched in the lungs at full speed.
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katya-goncharov · 10 months
the thing about the supernatural finale is that it was the first episode of supernatural i ever watched, and i watched it live which meant it was 3am in my timezone, and i'd only seen the destiel love confession clip before that and i didn't know what supernatural was like so i really thought that dean and cas might get together
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natequarter · 2 years
20, 24, 29 for Humphrey & Sophie please! (Granted I’d be down for you to do 1-30 with them but) - thelastplantagenet 😘
20: A weird headcanon.
i'm not sure this counts as weird, except for the fact that it's a bit atypical for humphrey, but i headcanon that he hated his father for being simultaneously overly controlling and emotionally distant. as for sophie - she secretly has a passion for limericks
24: What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
tbh i think 'they actually did care a lot for each other' counts on both their ends, which is a bit depressing. there's this very - unspoken sense in the bone plot that while they may not get along on the surface, behind each other's backs (which is not exactly the best place!) they would protect each other - sophie has defended humphrey and i certainly can't imagine humphrey wouldn't do the same. and, well, we know they were willing to risk their lives for each other... i haven't really got any actual 'secrets' they might have but for humphrey i think maybe the guilt he carries? that somehow he's a burden or that what happened with the bone plot and his life and afterlife in general was his fault and not other people shaping the course of his existence, whether he wanted them to or not. i don't think he's ever admitted that to anyone
29: How do you think they would be as a parent? (And if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
i think of this all the time... humphrey would be such a good dad! he'd love having kids, you know? whether he was doing it as a single parent or with someone else or whatever - he'd love raising a kid and cracking bad jokes and giving the best hugs and baking slightly burnt birthday cakes and probably also being someone's wacky uncle. he just - seems like he would have loved the opportunity. probably wanted kids when he was alive, and considers it as a hypothetical in death. i can't decide whether sophie would be terrified by the prospect of children (this is what i usually go with) or actually rather want it, but either way, i think she would be a decent parent once she adjusted to the idea
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trilliath · 1 year
Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: Men's Hockey RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin Characters: Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Bryan Rust, Marc-Andre Fleury, Pascal Dupuis, Chris Kunitz, Kris Letang, Mike Sullivan (Hockey RPF), Pittsburgh Penguins Ensemble Additional Tags: 2015-2016 NHL Season, Angst, Serious Communication Issues, lightly tagged because, I want you (beloved!) reader to have the opportunity to be punched square in the feels, Additional tags are available via the author's note, if you would prefer the opportunity to dodge instead Summary:
It's 2015 and Sid is playing the worst he's ever played in the NHL.
He's made it through the worst before. The injuries, coach and media drama. Lockouts. Unexpected losses of teammates. Those things affect his game, of course they do, but he's always battled back. Always. That history should give him confidence, a level of trust in his experience and resilience but… he's playing the worst he's ever played in the NHL and he tries to pretend he doesn't know why.
The thing is, he still looks at Geno's face first when they score. He can't help it, even if he does look away as soon as he remembers to. Geno still grins at him like he always does, when it's a good one, face lighting up and relaxing a moment away from his game focus, eyes rounding soft and bright, jaw loose and teeth gleaming.
He wishes that Geno-
Well. There are a lot of impossible things Sidney wishes for these days.
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emoji-ijome · 2 years
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Party Bean and Party Bean Blep
made these as a discord request
Discord - Support Me - Redbubble
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