#google censorship
truth4ourfreedom · 2 months
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This one image has done more to shift people to support Trump than anything else every has.. that is why they are banning it.. Facebook and Instagram now join Google in banning this image.
Follow @renegademedia
We all should consider cancelling our FB, Instagram, Whatsapp and Google accounts as well as anything else they own! This is blatant censorship for no good reason!
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You looking at a “tracking device” right now.
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lexyscross · 5 months
Horror fans will nut over brutal murder and gore, but then insist on shipping only the most vanilla ships you've ever seen and pitch a fucking fit over any ship they deem Problematic™. 🙄
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barbarian15 · 2 years
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ver-slxt · 5 months
yeah, your toxic yaoi ship is cool…
have you shipped the OG?
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they fuck
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generallemarc · 4 months
Yeah, so iirc I recently said that, as bad as Google was, at least they didn't bow to Chinese censorship?
Oh, and that's not all.
Using adblock to deny youtube revenue is now a patriotic duty. I'm doing my part-are you?
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me: googling "do people archive terrorist media?" bc well I have been for months now, and know people and news and all that archive it and about people who archive and all that these things. so just confirming!
me: oh yeah google has vested interest in anti-archival shit. and all that lol
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softpine · 6 months
i've been thinking about starting a substack to share some little snippets of writing that didn't make the cut / i didn't feel like finishing (i have soooo many collecting dust) and also i might have to move my transcripts there because i'm really scared to share documents with graphic material in them now due to the guidelines changing and people's accounts getting deleted... idk why i'm posting this, just watch this space i guess lmaoo
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silkendandelion · 6 months
We try not to get political around here but in light of recent events, I gotta say something—
I am begging you to keep these companies accountable for their censorship bull.
Implementing AI tools to scan your stuff (no I don’t care what their “reason” is), not allowing sexual or graphic content to be shared is unacceptable in terms of free speech and the right to privacy.
Look at me: the only thing these companies understand is clicks bc clicks = money. You are gonna protect your wellbeing by:
1. Downloading all your fanfiction onto your PC hard drive, get it off google docs, yes all of it.
2. Download a document editor that is not Microsoft Office either, there are free ones who respect your privacy, I use LibreOffice for PC. Now you have an actual hardline editor that does not require internet and does not log your activity. Your words are yours, finally.
3. You’re gonna get an encrypted email service, there are free ones, I like Proton bc my mailing list is small but there are others.
4. Make that email the one attached to your fanfic hosting website of choice, get google out of your business
5. Make a mailing list of your alpha/beta readers, and exchange documents in emails like the olden days bc it’s one of the few forms of communication that can actually be private and protected. But do not send with, do not send to—a Google Mail address.
6. Don’t ever. Touch. Google Docs. Again. Dont send your documents with Google Mail. Don’t do your research on Google.com. Don’t give them the clicks, don’t let their ads get runtime, tank their traffic, hit them where it hurts
If they don’t give us what we want, we don’t use their service. Period.
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the-mechanica · 6 months
Heads Up: If you have smut on your Google Drive and share it with a beta reader or anyone else, SAVE IT ELSEWHERE NOW. They're purging it.
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
The United Kingdom is continuing its attempt to make gender-affirming healthcare less accessible for transgender people by forcing Google’s search engine to remove any regional search results for two pharmaceutical websites that sell hormones without requiring a prescription. An operator of one of the sites said that Google was “not obligated” to remove it from its search listings, but Google said the removal was “guided by local law.” Now, trans people in the U.K. will have to endure long waiting lists and high prices to get hormones through the government’s official National Health Service (NHS). The NHS has been reducing its services for trans people after the recent release of the heavily biased Cass Review, which excluded hundreds of studies to advise against providing gender-affirming care.
The U.K. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) reportedly contacted Google and told them to remove search results from the two sites, whose domain names and URLs have not been publicly identified in news reports. The MHRA said the sites violated the 2012 Human Medicines Regulations, a law that prohibits the sale of any “medicinal product from illegally trading online suppliers,” PinkNews reported. “The domain is offering the sale and supply of unauthorized medicines to persons in the U.K.,” the MHRA’s letter stated. “The domain is not a registered pharmacy in the U.K. or, it appears, anywhere else in the world. The targeting of U.K. individuals in this way is illegal and presents a real risk of harm to public health in the U.K.” In a statement to the aforementioned publication, the MHRA wrote, “Purchasing from illegal suppliers means there are no safeguards to ensure products meet the MHRA’s standards for quality and safety, and taking such medicines may put one’s health at risk.” [...]
Trans rights advocates predicted the Cass Review would give conservative political leaders a pretext for ending gender-affirming care for minors and younger adults. Indeed, the review urged “extreme caution” before giving minors puberty blockers or hormone replacement therapy and championed the use of psychological therapy instead. The review also said that “life-changing” decisions on gender-affirming care should be put off until adulthood since the brain continues maturing into the mid-20s. Trans journalist Erin Reed eviscerated Cass’s findings, saying the report included concepts rejected by more than 60 mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association. Since the release of the report, the NHS has also ordered the clinics to deny services to any clients younger than 18. Transgender healthcare advocates worry that the denial of service will worsen trans minors’ mental health and overall well-being.
The United Kingdom’s reputation for being TERF Island continues, as they order Google to remove websites selling gender-affirming medications under the guise of “safety” but in reality is an action designed to end legal gender-affirming care in the UK as a result of the Cass Review.
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commiepinkofag · 7 months
profits over people — the corporate hellscape of internet censorship, safety, privacy, data mining…
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A senior executive says Google hasn’t made a final decision whether it will limit journalism links from Canadians if the federal government’s online news bill passes.
Earlier this year, Google ran a five-week test that prevented 3.3 per cent of its Canadians users from seeing news links when searching for journalism on its search engine. It affected more than one million IP addresses, Google confirmed.
While the test ended in March, it remains a longer-term option for Google in response to the bill, which it opposes.
“We are continuing to raise concerns … we think there’s a better model,” said Kent Walker, Google’s president of global affairs and chief legal officer, while testifying Thursday at the Canadian Heritage committee. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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YouTube when insanely important internet history is happening: hahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Get fucked history losers, this is bad for our company and we will make sure there is NOTHING LEFT FOR YOU TO FIND MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
Elsagate videos? No wiped from the internet!
goretube and other egregious acts and practices that we hosted on out platform for years? GOOD BYEEEE
The long and large history of queer, black, disabled, and POC creators being bullied off the platform or harassed into suicide? BYE FELICIA!
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cr1nge-culture · 5 months
there's a rumor going around that google is banning people for writing smut so here's an explanation because i hate misinformation, especially when it comes to fear-mongering fandom stuff
NO, GOOGLE IS NOT BANNING SMUT. calm down. your fics are safe. the people getting banned are either sending their fics to too many people and getting marked as spam, or distributing explicit pornography without artistic or educational intent. many of the people who were banned have since regained access to their accounts and files.
here's a direct quote from the google terms of service:
"Do not distribute content that contains sexually explicit material, such as nudity, graphic sex acts, and pornographic material. This includes driving traffic to commercial pornography sites. We allow nudity for educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic purposes."
this is, of course, not to say that you should always rely on google. of course not, google is a shitty company. idk if those "google is using your docs to train their ai" rumors are true, but we all know that these huge conglomerates don't have a great track record of keeping your private information safe. always back up your work to multiple platforms. use a notes app, microsoft word, even fucking wattpad, idk. don't rely on just one platform to keep your files safe.
tl;dr: you might be marked as spam if you send/distribute your smut to too many people. contact support and explain your case. save your writing in multiple different places to avoid it accidentally getting deleted forever.
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azspot · 6 months
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