#read the terms of service of whomever you choose
silkendandelion · 6 months
We try not to get political around here but in light of recent events, I gotta say something—
I am begging you to keep these companies accountable for their censorship bull.
Implementing AI tools to scan your stuff (no I don’t care what their “reason” is), not allowing sexual or graphic content to be shared is unacceptable in terms of free speech and the right to privacy.
Look at me: the only thing these companies understand is clicks bc clicks = money. You are gonna protect your wellbeing by:
1. Downloading all your fanfiction onto your PC hard drive, get it off google docs, yes all of it.
2. Download a document editor that is not Microsoft Office either, there are free ones who respect your privacy, I use LibreOffice for PC. Now you have an actual hardline editor that does not require internet and does not log your activity. Your words are yours, finally.
3. You’re gonna get an encrypted email service, there are free ones, I like Proton bc my mailing list is small but there are others.
4. Make that email the one attached to your fanfic hosting website of choice, get google out of your business
5. Make a mailing list of your alpha/beta readers, and exchange documents in emails like the olden days bc it’s one of the few forms of communication that can actually be private and protected. But do not send with, do not send to—a Google Mail address.
6. Don’t ever. Touch. Google Docs. Again. Dont send your documents with Google Mail. Don’t do your research on Google.com. Don’t give them the clicks, don’t let their ads get runtime, tank their traffic, hit them where it hurts
If they don’t give us what we want, we don’t use their service. Period.
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wellmetmat · 1 month
For the rest of the ask meme:
[Edit: I forgot the best part, tagging three people as the tradition dictates! @o-craven-canto, @maklodes and @togglesbloggle, if you feel like answering any of the following, I'd be keen to see; if you don't, completely reasonable.]
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
Bravery. Industry. Activity. Self-control. Basically, any tendency to do things rather than not doing them.
(The qualities I most often to see other people espousing that I lack are abilities to conjure approved or suppress disapproved beliefs, sentiments and perceptions on demand: positivity, spirituality, and the strain of moral thought that says that lingering self-mortification via denial and violation of every natural drive in the service of love towards whomever the moraliser happens to be paying attention to is both possible to offer and reasonable to demand. But I don't really feel deficient in those - faith, and its corollary, martyrdom. I am unable to want any.)
3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
It might be too much to keep up with in real life, but in imagination it would be perfect to write a good serial story and have it attract the ~fifteen most discerning and creative readers to whose taste it was suited, and then live richly for years in the high-quality additions we would all generate around it in perfect harmony of ideas but variety of talents, with online pseudonymity intact.
4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
Whenever talking to or reading the words of someone with alien values, I think, rather than when trying to describe certain experiences. That may mean that I'm not very good at communication overall.
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
It's tricky! Er... "Have you ever deliberately and successfully changed yourself?". That meets criteria (b) and (d) well, and doesn't seem too bad on (a), since people may not have considered their actions in quite those terms before and will have to think a little about how they measure success; but it might fail (c). It would still be pretty generally interesting to hear answers to.
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atravesty · 9 months
Offerings & Paid Services
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+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
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Current Situation/Past Influences/Future Influences/Suggested Action/Unwise Action/Possible Outcome - $7.77
Celtic Cross - $15.55
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
This post is a work in progress!
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medicdoodles · 2 years
So I'm not sure if Optiratch Week is happening this year cause I couldn't find any prompts but I'll finish for last year.
As always no edits.
(Day 1)|| (Day 2: Duty)|| (Day 3)
In which Optimus Prime is crowned a Prime and finds out the extent of his friend's service to the legacy.
Today was the coronation of the new crowned, Optimus Prime and the official duties of legalizing the mech to power were drawing to a close. Now came the worst part, the part in which the other Primes would present gifts to their new equal.
Duty. This was his duty. It was drilled into his head from the moment Nova Prime chose to sponsor his Medical Education. Ratchet responsibility as a medic is to his patients but as a person. He belonged to whomever Nova Prime choose.
Standing by Nova Prime, he was dolled up to the elevens. Precious metals folded, twisted, and melted together to make the most elegant crown, necklaces and collars. Jewels stolen from other citys, cultures, and off world civilizations adoring his frame to look presentable. A veil so thick in fabric not even camera's flashing would expose his face. Lace so immaculately woven together, the most ardent clock makers would be jealous of it's intricate detail.
Humiliation creeping into his field. Once again he is all but leashed, ready to be handed off to service another Prime.
Optimus Prime walks up the stairs that would allow him to reach the home of his Matrix's Legacy. The palace assigned to all holders of Micronus Prime's Marix of Leadership. Nova bowes, acknowledging him as an equal. "I as the oldest Prime, bestow upon you the title of Optimus Prime." He then hands him the key to the Primordial home. "As Prime I gift to you this palace. Former residency of Nominus Prime. Historical home of Micronus, you Optimus Prime are to serve the people here."
Then Ratchet feels a tug on his arm, his signal to bow. He bends as low as physically possible, he is not allowed to grovel at his new master's feet, least the public see him disrespectfully dirty his outfit. "As Nova, I ask of you to please take care of Nominus' widowed lover."
Optimus places his hands above his, attempting to make eye contact but his veil coveres his face. "You may stay as long as needed." Quiet, just to reassure him that he is welcomed to stay in the place that houses his belongings.
"Thank you, My Prime." Ratchet then stand up, all of Cybertron cheers for the era of thier new Prime and the two of them head towards the home.
Ratchet directs the two of them into the main floor of the museum. There the staff fill the halls with applause and congratulations. Optimus waves back giving his thank yous, he is much more shy here than at the ceremony. They walk to the off limits area in the back.
Ratchet points to the key Optimus was given. Using it to open the gates they climb up to the residency area. Opening to the main chamber they turn to face each other.
"I'm sure that you must be saddened by the lost of your Conjux Endra." Optimus moves to clasp both their hands together, comforting. "You may take all the time that you need until you feel ready."
Ratchet lifts his head to meet his eyes, using his shoulder to move the veil off his face. "Thank you Prime, but Nominus and I were never Bonded."
"Ratchet?" Prime, then grips his chin. "You and he-", anger rises in his field. "I thought when you said you had a long term partner it was Pharma not-" Optimus released his hold. "My apologies. My anger is not on you." He gives a long sigh, "I will look into it, but I promise you Ratchet that I will get you out of your servitude."
"Serving you is my duty." Ratchet then pulls on two of Prime's finger. "But I'll be happy if you do cut it." He gives him a small smile.
It had been a while since Optimus became Prime and he finally finished all of the legalizing of his power. He even read into all of the documents of all the assets he would inherit and in there was Ratchet's service.
He would have liked to crush it, delete it and have it scrubbed for all history but that honor was for Ratchet alone. Speaking of which...
"Good morning, Orion-- I mean Optimus. I hope that you've gotten your footing as Prime." Ratchet says as he enters the dining area and sits at the chair across from him. After telling Ratchet that he was originally Orion Pax the mech would use the name on accident.
"I do not mind in the slightest if you continue to call me that." Prime takes a sip from his cube. A small smile slips on his face. He kinda hopes that Ratchet would make the name a habit.
"Yeah, okay." They sit in silence as the finish their meal. Nothing but the clink of the cubes making noise. To most this would be awkward, but with Ratchet it felt comfortable.
Before all of this, Orion would guess there was something between them. It was a feeling past friendship, deeper, maybe even romantic. Had he not become Prime, he might have even thought asking him out.
Of course now Ratchet was a slave to him, and he could never force intimacy. "This is for you." Optimus takes the data pad from the table and hands it to Ratchet. "It contains the last documentation of your servitude."
Ratchet turns it on, expression dumb founded. "I'm not sure I follow Prime."
"I managed to write you out of my inheritance. Meaning you will no longer be bound to me."
"Are you saying..."
"Ratchet. You a free mech." Optimus then touches his hand. "The contract is broken and if you wish it you can finally leave this place."
Tears form around Ratchet's eyes as his grip on the pad tightens. The sound of the glass breaking could be heard, while Ratchet himself is still. "I-", he finally looks at Optimus. "Thank you. I'm not sure why you do this for me, but thank you."
They look into each other's eyes, "Because I love you."
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icaruskeyartist · 3 years
Re: your latest Whipping Girl video: 1. I'm kind of horrified that your description of Nazism was just "bad takes." 2. Medicine as an institution has historically been incredibly transphobic (and every other -ist/-phobic); you don't need to defend *doctors* from Julia Serano's supposed anti-doctor bias, for goodness sake. Doctors are not an oppressed class. They (usually) provide a necessary service, but the immense amount of power they have in this society means that they invariably end up contributing to oppression.
I think your other videos in this series have been great, but I really disagree with your approach to this one.
This might be the most tone deaf ask I've ever gotten and that includes the kys anons from baeddel defenders.
Harry Benjamin was born in Germany but visited the US and opted to return there when he was traveling back to Europe and got caught up in WWI. He was never a Nazi.
Alfred Kinsey is from New Jersey. He was also never a Nazi.
Richard Green, beyond being born in New York, was born in 1936. He was too young to be a Nazi during WWII, and as far as I can tell while he used shitty language around trans people and in his research, never expressed any beliefs of eugenics.
John Money, piece of shit that he is, is from New Zealand. This man is easily the closest to a Nazi that I can imagine out of the main resource that Serano was using to pull her biggest complaints from (Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment, published in 1969). He forced twins to simulate sexual acts with each other. He's the main person responsible in David Reimer's death (Reimer's parents to a lesser extent).
I am not defending doctors as a class when I choose to point out the careful way that Serano whitewashes doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists all under the term "gatekeepers". Luke has done an excellent job reminding me in a civil way about gatekeepers in British transgender health, and I will be the first to bring up how gatekeeping was used as a device in Transamerica, since the therapist literally holds her letter for bottom surgery hostage until she has her client do what she deemed best.
However, saying that I'm defending fucking Nazis? Is a fucking shallow, idiotic take when I took pains to explain that the MAJORITY of Serano's complaints came from a book published in 1969 -- not only was the book nearly 40 years old when she started writing Whipping Girl, but this was the FIRST book on transsexual medical needs EVER. This book fucking helped bring about a codification on trans health needs, made SRS more acceptable, and even if it's shit by today's standards, because it absolutely is, I'm still damn happy that it was made because who knows how trans healthcare would be in the US otherwise? I'll definitely take WPATH guidelines over being at the whim of whomever is seeing me at the fucking time.
If this is about How Sex Changed, I also literally said I couldn't substantiate what claims Serano was backing up at the time because A. I don't have access to the book and B. I don't have time to read the entire book if I even had access to it.
Do I think doctors contribute to oppression? Yes, I fucking do. I say in the video how there's stuff taught to this day that's bullshit, like black and brown people having increased pain tolerances over white people, or "corrective factors" when testing black people's blood that can put them in life endangering events. How about all the hell that women have to go through not being taken seriously about pain? How about the fact that stealth trans men are forcibly outed for reproductive health care?
However, I can also have a huge fucking problem with Serano deriding the idea of therapy and then talking about how no one is prepared for life after transitioning even though that's why therapy is so recommended long term in the first place. And I can have a huge fucking issue with her pulling most of her complaints from a medical book that was, in 2005, fucking knowingly out of date. In the 25 citations that were in the half of chapter 7 I read, 7 of those citations were from Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment. That's actually a fucking lot, especially since every single time I would check one of her citations after she'd wax poetic about gatekeepers, I'd find... well what do you know? It's Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment again.
So no. I'm not defending Nazis. I'm not saying that all doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, psychologists, etc are coming at trans studies with a heart of gold. Hell, I'm not even defending any of the people I listed above! But please tell me how I'm defending Nazism when I literally never breathed a word about Nazis or eugenics and actively put down people like Money while still explaining how Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment and works like it were still a huge leap in trans medical history at the time.
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Okay, let’s get into this, because I have put off talking about Crowley’s cut monologue from 12x23 for long enough. If you haven’t already, you can read it here, or in this great gifset.
I absolutely see why this was cut. And I’m only acknowledging it here to talk about why I not only think it doesn’t add anything to Crowley’s story or our understanding of him, but how it actually detracts from it. After that, I intend to ignore it and let it fade away into the ether of the spn fandom. That being said, deleted scenes and cut scripts live in a sort of canonical limbo – you can choose for yourself whether to accept them as canon, consider them glimpses from some alternative universe, or do away with them entirely. I’m choosing the latter in this instance.
(This was meant to be a post, but it turned into an essay.)
Whomever wrote this was either unfamiliar with Crowley as a character, or was intentionally twisting the character in such a way as to fit into the convenient narrative that removed him from the show. Blame it on Chuck in text, blame it on the showrunners outside of text, whatever your preference – this doesn’t read like Crowley.
There are very few parts of this monologue that felt in character, that read like something Crowley would say. Not just in the tone or the choice of words, but the openness of it. And that’s coming from someone who writes reformed and/or human Crowley, with his admittance to remorse and shame and love. In this cut script, he is uncharacteristically vulnerable, sharing self-reflections he would never have shared aloud at this point in his character development. His dialogue lacks the layers of meaning or deflection that Crowley would normally employ, that he employed everywhere else in the show, even when being emotionally vulnerable.
That’s not to say that Crowley didn’t think or feel these things – I will argue to the end of my days (in spn fandom) that after the cure, Crowley hated himself. He hated that he was alone and unloved. Some part of that was due to being a demon and the horrible, evil, messy things he’d done, and some of it he believed was due to his inherent lack of worth. And I think this monologue was written in part to have Crowley make that final confession out loud. Final because, if that’s the case and he’s willing to admit it – to his former enemies and now the only people he really has in his life – his story can only take one of two directions: redemption or death. Embrace the desire for change and move forward as a reformed demon and full Winchester ally, or dramatically (and unnecessarily) sacrifice himself.
And there is a way to write that, but with Crowley properly in character and with the emotional complexity we know him to possess, not this blatant declaration. Maybe the line would have worked depending on how Mark Sheppard played it, and it only falls so flat because it’s just a script – I’m willing to allow for that. But this moment, facing down the boys after letting Lucifer loose, in front of an audience of Mary Winchester that he doesn’t know well and isn’t comfortable with, it doesn’t feel like a moment for Crowley to be this open, this vulnerable, about something so personal and so monumental.
I’ve no doubt that Crowley expected the Winchesters would one day kill him, “for good this time.” He was a demon working alongside a pair of hunters; there was always going to be that risk. Crowley was intelligent, one of the smartest characters on the show. He had to know that was how things would play out – either that, or he would die on their behalf, or because of their actions, even if he had ended up leaving Hell and joining Team Free Will. That was what happened to people around the Winchesters. Crowley warned Kevin of that himself. “They use people up, and leave them to die bloody.” Crowley knew. And as he internalized more and more of his blood-born conscience, Crowley had to believe on some level that he deserved it, especially if he hated himself and what he’d done.
But once again, if Crowley was going to say something like that, that’s not how he’d say it. It would be as a dismissive aside, or a knife in Dean’s gut in a moment of intense emotion between the two of them, or as a rebuke that the Winchesters badly deserved. Or better yet, as something remarked between himself and Cas, who Crowley likely suspected would outlast him but also ultimately die in service of the Winchester cause. Words like those have power. And it’s unlike Crowley to lay them down in supplication like this. It doesn’t even feel like a heart-felt confession, like his monologue in 8x23. It reads like someone wrote what was meant to be under Crowley’s words, the intention behind his dialogue, the much-exalted subtext, but failed to add all the layers on top of it, to put it in actual character.
I’m just going to bundle the whole beginning of the monologue together and toss it out entirely. Firstly because I’ve argued more than once that Crowley is an unreliable narrator when it comes to his human life. What we know of it from Rowena comes with an agenda, and what we know of it from Gavin comes from a man who had a difficult relationship with his father. It’s about as reliable as young Dean telling stories to Sammy about their parents’ time together. And there’s canonical errors in this monologue to back that up – we know Crowley wasn’t buried in a pauper’s grave, because we saw it 6x04. The “dying in a puddle of his own sick” is a great detail in terms of storytelling, but it’s almost directly repeated from Rowena, who said it as a belittling comment to a young Fergus. It’s too forced. And we know at least Gavin came to the funeral, because he tells us so in a deleted scene in 12x13 (remember what I said about getting to pick and choose when it comes to cut scripts and deleted scenes?).
But more importantly – and this is the part that really grates – Crowley’s iteration of his human life reinforces the narrative of absolute morality in the spn universe. It supports the argument that if a character becomes a demon, it must be because they were a terrible person. There is no room for human flaws, for characters to have made mistakes – and that doesn’t just hinder characters in terms of backstory, but in character development and emotional growth moving forward. It’s a stance spn takes more than once, and especially with non-human characters, though never in regards to the Winchesters. The Winchesters can become soulless or demons, but they were “always good” before that, so they are deserving of redemption. If Crowley or other non-humans were “always bad,” that absolves the Winchesters from seeing them as people deserving of help, or of their ability to change, or even to be seen as beings deserving of any level of respect or agency. And it absolves the showrunners from writing a character capable of development, of being able to grow beyond their previous flaws.
That’s not to say that Fergus MacLeod wasn’t some or all of those things. But if he was a complex character – if he was a person, as all stories should aim to present their characters – then he was all of that and more, just as the Winchesters are their virtues and their faults all wrapped up in an individual person. And if Crowley had brought this up some other time, in reference to his human life, none of this discussion would be necessary. It would be easy to say: he’s an unreliable narrator, and this provides us with insight into how Crowley feels about himself, and it would be interesting and valuable. But here, it’s used in justification for Crowley’s status as irredeemable – which is not true – and as part of justification for what happens next.
Crowley’s death was written by the showrunners as an excuse to remove him from the show – attribute that to budget costs for the show, or running out of story ideas for Crowley, or creative laziness, whatever you want. And within spn, it can be attributed to Chuck not wanting another character like Cas muddling up his Winchester Brothersᵀᴹ grand narrative. I’ve written before both in posts and in fic about how Crowley’s character-central instinct for self-preservation crumbles into depression after losing Hell and the seemingly-irreversible depletion of his and Dean’s friendship in 12x23. And that this ushers in a desire to End in such a way that achieves revenge against Lucifer (not a significant motivation, in my opinion, you’ve got to outlive your enemies to win against them), earns him the appreciation of the Winchesters, saves the world (proving his capacity for good), and brings about an end to his waiting. Glory through death, redemption in death – tropes that are hard to associate with Crowley unless you buy into his character’s devolvement in the latter half of season 12, but which the writers do their best to smooth into place and the fandom was forced to choke down.
And I won’t argue that Crowley didn’t wanted an end to his waiting – I’d argue the opposite in fact. This blatant preference for suicide, however, is antithesis to everything Crowley. What Crowley wanted in that End wasn’t an end of himself, but an end to existing in a state of perpetual limbo. Be accepted by the good guys, embrace his more human aspects, or return to the full dark depravity of demonkind. An end to the emotional rollercoaster, to continuous and destructive self-doubt, to striving to be both the king Hell needed and the ally the Winchesters refused to admit they benefited from having. That’s entirely different than wanting to end himself. As much as Crowley hated himself, he would never have considered death to be a preferable option – not unless some outside force, be it Chuck or the spn showrunners, decided otherwise for him.
Even if that had been the case, and I am wrong about Crowley’s characterization and his motivations, I still do not think he would have been as open about that motivation as is written in this cut script. It is just not like him. It is too vulnerable, too self-pitying. Crowley was always concerned about the others around him, and especially the Winchesters, thinking less of him. He never would have said something like this to them, not as this is written. Nor would Crowley have gone to the Winchesters with the intention of them killing him. He might have known it was a possibility, once he confessed his actions, (and from his perspective, there was the chance the Winchesters didn’t know of his involvement in Lucifer’s escape anyway), but it would never have been his intention. It’s not unknown for Crowley to encourage abuse from those he’s wronged, and to revel in the attention and emotions of it (here I’m thinking specifically of Kevin beating him in 9x02), maybe considering the punishment just and due. And Crowley at this point likely suspected he would eventually meet his end in some way involving the Winchesters. But death by their hands in this moment would have involved none of the justifying benefits of death by his own hand only a few scenes later – glory, revenge, redemption, a sense of closure.
Compare this cut monologue and its potential death – at the hands of the Winchesters after confessing his role in Lucifer’s escape – to this cut line of dialogue from later in 12x23. “Tell Dean he was right – you bloody fools have rubbed off on me.” This is Crowley. This is emotional complexity, admittance to a change of heart, self-awareness, and a brave act of equal defiance and sacrifice, with his usual smug, snarky dismissal. This isn’t suicide brought on by depression, by an uncharacteristic vulnerability. It is resolved, determined, if reluctant. This is Crowley choosing the greater good and the boys, even if it means sacrificing himself.
For me, this small addition smooths over much of the unevenness in the showrunner’s attempts to justify Crowley’s death. He has lost Hell, he believes he’s had an irreversible falling out with Dean – all of which could be overcome, grown beyond. But then a rift opens, and Lucifer is an immediate danger, and it requires a life to save the day. Crowley knows it can’t be either of the boys – that tends to have world-ending effects – and it can’t be Mary Winchesters or Castiel, because of “Winchester man-pain.” So that leaves Crowley. And having exhausted all immediate alternatives, Crowley does what internalized Winchester logic and conscience tells him is right. It would still require a moment of hesitation, a moment we see him combatting his deeply imbedded trait of self-preservation. But at least that would have been in character and show definitive character growth on Crowley’s part.
So yes, I completely agree with the decision to cut this monologue in 12x23. It doesn’t tell us anything about Crowley that we don’t already know, and is uncharacteristic of him, and provides out-of-character justification for his actions that wasn’t needed. You don’t have to agree with me, obviously. And I’ll end this rather long rant of an essay by saying what I always say: that Crowley deserved better. He deserved better than the mangling of his character’s motivations in the latter half of season 12, and he deserved better than this monologue. I’m glad it was cut from the final script.
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handmaid - 07
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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Y/N was excited, too excited even. If she had to choose a place to live for the rest of her live it had to be Paris. As a child, she used to read about it constantly, learning French when Gwen went through a phase of wanting to go to boarding school in France after watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a decision which quickly went downhill as she lost interest which Y/N remembered being very sad about. However, now, she finally got to go to Paris in her own terms, or at least Sebastian’s terms which were slightly more freeing than those normally put out by Gwen and her need to stay inside whatever resort or hotel she was staying in, drinking and eating everything on the room service menu along with some flirting on the side. No, this time if Y/N wanted to go out, maybe she could as the bodyguards probably did a better job at defending Gwen from danger than she could ever do. In all honesty, if someone had them both at gunpoint, Y/N wouldn’t know exactly what to do. Her role was always mostly to be a company to Gwen, a company approved by Mr. Forrest and one that wouldn’t falter. 
After warning Gwen about the plans to go to Paris, the heiress, still very much suffering from a headache caused by the hangover, simply ordered one of the maids to prepare her suitcase before returning to drinking yet another cup of coffee. Y/N clapped her hands like an excited child, returning to her room and going through her clothing to put in a suitcase. You’d think that living with an heiress who travelled more than once a year would’ve lost interest, but not Y/N. Y/N loved travelling, loved packing and going to the airport, awaiting her flight in the lounge area drinking a very fancy mocktail and guessing where other people were flying too.
She was sat down on her bed, French travel guide she had gotten as a teenager in hand as she brushed up on her unused French, thinking about the things she could do once she landed. What she didn’t know was that Sebastian was observing her from her bedroom door. He had passed by to ensure she was alright and to warn her about the time they were leaving and had stayed once he noticed her mumble to herself in French, sentences normally used by tourists. Sebastian had to admit he found her rather intriguing, mostly her unwavering positivity and curiosity about the world she had been in since she was younger. It was refreshing to see someone like her not trying to climb up to the top of the chart by betraying, lying, and cheating. She was just there, living life as it came to her.
    - Y/N. - he called out for her attention before she could catch him stare at her from outside her bedroom. She raised her head from her book, hair messily wrapped around a periwinkle scrunchy. - We’re leaving at 6 PM, ensure Genevieve is ready for it. 
    - She is. She got the maids to pack her bag and is probably recovering from last night at this moment. - she put her book on top of her suitcase which was neatly placed on top of her white cotton duvet. - We shan’t be late, don’t worry. 
    - Hope you’re not afraid of heights, angel. 
    - Why do you call me angel? - she furrowed her brows, noticing how frequently he addressed her by the nickname. Was it coming from any other man she probably would have some sort of hatred toward it but coming from him ... she didn’t know, it just felt absolutely perfect, meant to be even. Even so, if Y/N had to describe herself it wouldn’t be as an angel, god never one, if she had to describe herself she would describe herself the way Mr. Forrest second wife had described her to one of her friends one late afternoon when Y/N was 5, a gullible little fool. In all honesty, everything but an angel. 
   - It’s a rather good fit, don’t you agree? - he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door frame. She shifted glances all around the room, staring at every single thing near her while shifting her weight from side to side. Sebastian merely stared at that behaviour, smirking at the effect he had caused on her and in little to no time, the lip biting was back. He cleared his throat, hands going back into his trousers’ pockets. - If you want you can grab any book from the library. 
   - No, I ... They’re really priceless copies, I might damage them. - she stuttered through her words, almost unable to accept another one of Sebastian’s offers. 
   - Pick whatever you want, angel. I’ll see you in a few hours. 
God, that man. She sighed once he left her room as if she had been holding her breathe. Had she? She did not know, all she knew is that being around him made her forget all the politeness and all her etiquette she had learned during her early childhood. He was just a magnetic, a sort of magnetism that Y/N herself couldn’t explain despite him belonging to a group  she had grown up within. No, there was absolutely something that differed Sebastian from Mr. Forrest. What it was? She didn’t exactly know and something told her not to protrude too much into that question.
Y/N just shook her head, deviating from those treacherous questions and took to pick one of Sebastian’s library’s thousands of books. She had to admit, he had quite the collection, just entering the library itself you could see piles and piles of shelfs stocked full with various book and as you ventured further into the room more would show up. However, it wasn’t the amount of books that made Y/N happy and warm inside. Although the amount helped, it was the smell. Old books in libraries had that sort of smell that was sweet and musky, warm like a blanket on a winter night. However, Y/N knew she had limited time to discover which books she would bring on her journey so with great sorrow she stopped her basking in the atmosphere of the library to pick two old favourites of her - Jane Eyre and Dangerous Liaisons.
With the two books on her hands, she paced down the halls onto Gwen’s bedroom, slowly and gently pushing the door open. To no surprise, the heiress was already dressed however she was sleeping, sprawled on her bed, head buried in her mountain of pillows. Y/N smiled amiably, edging over to her friend’s bedside and placing a soft hand over her arm, lightly shaking her awake. 
    - We have to leave for the airport, Gwen. - Y/N spoke in a silvery tone, returning to her standing position. Gwen rubbed the sleep off her eyes, not moving any other part of her body. - I’ll take your bags outside, please don’t go back to sleep.
    - Yeah, okay. - she moved her hand, gesturing for Y/N to exit her room which she did after ensuring the bodyguard who was constantly outside her door would make sure Gwen did not return to sleep. After placing both their suitcases at the top of the staircase, she returned to her room to grab her jacket and phone alone, ensuring everything was sin good condition.
As she closed the door of her bedroom, her head swivel vaguely to the right side of the hall and to the slightly open office door. She could see Sebastian walking from side to side, left hand griping his phone as he spat some very passive aggressive French to whomever poor soul was on the other side of the line. He wasn’t wearing his typical blazer, instead his perfect polished white dress shirt was slightly opened, sleeves pulled up to his elbows showing the definition of his forearms and a lee way into his chest. 
Y/N bite her lip, eyes slowly blinking as she took in the sight of him. Of course she was not gonna deny that he was an handsome man, he was, probably the most handsome man she had ever met despite everything. Her mind, however, scolded her for this behaviour, telling her not to go and play Acteon. She knew exactly how untrustworthy people were dealt with in the mob. 
   - I better return with two more suitcases for this to be worth it. - Y/N was removed off her “teenage dream” like thoughts by Gwen who had a pair of sunglasses firmly pressed against the bridge of her nose. - You must be excited, you’ve always liked Paris. 
   - Well, you did never leave the resort last time we went. - Y/N followed one of the employees who was holding their bags,  and the bodyguards down the stairs, the laid back image of Sebastian still tattooed on her mind.
The two women were accompanied into one of the cars by by driver and the bodyguards. Y/N had quickly learned that, almost as if they were some deviant version of the royal family, Gwen and Sebastian barely travelled together in cars, unless strictly necessary. She would guess it meant someone would survive and carry on the legacy if an accident was lethal, however, it still felt very much wrong. 
After quite a few minutes in the car, she could make out the airport yet instead of seeing it drive through departures, the car instead took onto a very controlled track on the landing area of the airport which made her eyes widen with enthusiasm. The young woman couldn’t help but remove her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head, as she saw the planes up close from the car’s.
The car came to a halt and like a child on Christmas’ morning, she was the first one out of the car, observing the rather smaller plane in front of her when in comparison to commercial planes. Sebastian was still on the phone as he climbed the stairs inside the plane which made a switch turn on into Y/N’s head, this was his jet. He had his own personal jet and the idea of being able to travel everywhere and anywhere at any personal time. 
Gwen, unlike her friend, didn’t seem that bothered with the fact he had his own plane, despite the fact her family did not own one. Tired, the heiress was the second one inside the plane while Y/N still stood outside, watching the light hit the material of the plane’s outside. Her mind could not wrap around both of them not being totally stunned.
   - Miss Y/N? - one of the bodyguards by the staircase extended his hand to her, wondering if she were scared. Y/N merely joyously smiled, taking his hand as she climbed up the stairs inside the jet. 
Once again she was wondered by the sheer luxury of the planes’ inside. It was painted a soothingly beige with accents of a dark coloured wood, possibly rosewood. The chairs were in a white leather material and unlike commercial airlines, there was plenty space for her to sprawl her legs. 
Gwen was already sleeping on one of the chairs and Sebastian was still on the phone, speaking in very menacing French. Y/N decided not to interrupt either of them and took a sit on a window side seat, putting her earbuds on and opening Dangerous Liasons. The flight attendants had placed some appetisers by her side and as the plane was about to take off, a very annoyed Sebastian took a place near Y/N. 
Y/N closed her book as she noticed his lips mashed into a fine line, forehead tense. Removing her earbuds, she slightly moved her body so it could face him and lifted the arm rest.
  - You seem awfully sad. - she commented, earning his attention. 
  - I’m not sad, angel. I’m just surrounded by a bunch of fucking idiots. - he rubbed his hand against his face, stopping at his temples to massage that spot.
  - You can’t control everyone, Sebastian. - she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. - It’s not worth worrying about it. 
  - Everyone is controllable, angel, you just need to know their price. You, of all people, should know that. 
  - You did say I’m incredibly sheltered from this sort of lifestyle. Maybe I’ll learn it someday, but until I don’t, I’ll stick with my opinion. - she opened her book again, leaning against the comfortable leather. Sebastian, however, was not done with their conversation.
   - Dangerous Liasons, loving Paris ... One would think you have a lover there awaiting you. - it was mostly a detective-like question, the type of question his father had taught him to ask. This was the sort of common talk, innocent question that most of the times gave him the information he so preciously kept for his own personal and professional use. Y/N felt a flush of heat travelling up to her cheeks, she really was not one for lovers, or at least did not have the time. She had had fun with a boy back in university whom she had kissed and felt none of that special thing they spoke about in books but other than that she just stood on the shade of the much more appealing Gwen. 
   - It’s not a lover. 
   - What is it then? It cannot simply be because you’re an English student that you hold Paris in such high regard. It’s just a city. 
   - When I was younger, Mr. Forrest was in France for almost a full year. Me and Gwen stood with her first step-mother, Eliza ... She was a horrid woman and I think I wrote postcards to Mr. Forrest every single day writing him to come back. - she smiled in recollection of her childhood self, the bad almost unreadable calligraphy of the postcards and how she and Gwen would hide in the kitchen from Eliza until she screamed her head off in frustration. - He couldn’t come back, that was business, but when he did he brought me this stunning music box. I still remember it, it was white with golden accents and when you opened it, it had a little crystal dove in the background of a hand painted Paris scenery. It used to play ‘La Vie en Rose’. I always promised myself that one day, I would sit down in a balcony looking at the same scenery listening to it.  
  - You’ll probably only hear the sounds of loud shops and cars. You would be better with your little music box.
  - It broke during my teens. I tried glueing it back with stick glue ... - she giggled at her own childish mistakes. - But that’s the thing of dreams, isn’t it? You can’t always make them come true. 
tag list: @sideeffectsofyou​ @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea​
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*17th Muharram*
Ashra e Sani 2021
Slogans of Martyrs
Majlis 06 - QBZ
*Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala*
May Allah accept your efforts. It is a place of gratitude, we need to thank Allah (SWT) for every day, for every moment that we can partake in the azaa. Alhamdulillah, Bibi has kept us in this forum with your messages of love and pain for Imam Hussain (as). Sometimes I think it is enough to present marthiya. Bibi must be pleased with your presentations.
But *commemorating Karbala is more than commemorating the past*, it’s not just re-visiting the past; it is also about me seeing myself in this present moment.
*It’s like a mirror. I am looking at myself in the mirror of Ashura and asking myself, where do I fall short.* Are there things that I can resonate with the mission of Karbala.
I am able to see a reflection of Karbala and help it grow in my life.
I will have something meaningful to present to my Bibi on the Day of Judgment. This is our niyyat to attend the majlis. *What can I take and be able to work on in my life. It’s not just a commemoration of the past, but it is also connecting our future and our present to this past and developing it in the light of this past of Karbala*. I am happy to share these reflections with you.
We are exploring this topic in the hopes that some of the love of the companions can rub off on us as their level was so high. These reminders are needed. We are looking at the rajaz of these companions with whom we can relate to. If they had that audacity until their end, then I should be able to emulate something from their last words. These are not personal words they have shared about themselves; rather, they are leaving a message for us that is inspirational for us.
We saw Abu Thamama Sa’idi; Anas ibn Harith who were older, when they were martyred. *Imam Hussain gave a dua: May Allah give you gratitude for your sacrifices*.
these are strong words from the Imam, not ordinary words from an ordinary person.
Then we looked at Habib ibn Mazaher.
Yesterday, we looked at Nafi’ ibn Hilal. We spent much time discussing things about him and his life and didn’t spend too much time on his rajaz. There was so much to gain and ponder over from Nafi’, especially the notion of respecting our resources. He had 12 arrows and inscribed his name in each arrow to pay respect to his resources and Allah granted success to each arrow in striking an enemy.
*Nafi's words are so inspirational that we need to reflect.*
Today we will delve deeper in this notion of *love and hate: Tawala and Tabara.*
Shia identity is defined. He says “My religion is the religion of Hussain and the religion of Ali”.
*Love and hate are very necessary. If you want to love fully, then you have to understand what not to love.*
Many people are averse to hate. But if you want to love fully, then you have to know what not to love.
5th Imam’s famous words:
_*Is deen anything but love.*_
To be deendar is to be in love. There is a strong connection between religion and love.
4th Imam says in one of his dua’s of Sahifa Sajjadiya: *Oh Allah, I am asking you for your love and to create love in my heart to those you love and to love the deeds that connect with your love.*
• Again, can I say I love Imam Hussain and then not want to pray;
• Can I say I love Hz. Abbas but I don’t love wafa, loyalty is a bit too much of a commitment.
• Can I do that or is this paradoxical?
So, there are 3 sections in the prayer by Imam Sajjad:  
1. We have love for Allah
2. We have love for those who love Allah
3. We have love for those actions that brings me closer to Allah's love.
*So love cannot just be lip service.* It’s not just Allah, I love you.
It cannot be just on my tongue.
*It has to be in aqida (beliefs) and amal (actions/ deeds).*
So in our beliefs, we see : _La ilaha ilal-laah_.
This is tabarra: there is no one else except Allah. In Surah YaSeen, Quran reminds us don’t go towards Shaitaan, he is our open enemy and to follow Allah: Siratul Mustaqeem. *This tells us that Shaitaan is our enemy, so to hate/ stay away from him and to love/ follow Allah.*
Love is absolutely an expression and our belief is based on love:
• Wilayah is love and
• Our amal is love and hate: love what the lovers of Allah want and hate what the lovers of Allah despise. 
Another aspect of love & hate is that we need to be particular.
*We must identify who /what to love & hate*. It is crucial to identify who I love and hate. Sometimes we use the terms love and hate very matter-of-factly. Like I love that sports player or I hate that restaurant. We need to be very mindful to identify who to love and hate as noted in the hadith of Rasululaah.
A man comes to Rasululaah and asks: When will the day of Judgment be?
(Sometimes we have the question: when will the 12th Imam reappear?) So this man had this question he posed to Rasululaah of when will it be the day of judgment.
Rasulullah answers: *Whenever it will be the day of judgment, are you ready for that day?* What is more important is your readiness regardless of when it happens.
This is something for us to think about this readiness aspect and apply it to the day of judgment as well as to the reappearance of the 12th Imam.
It is unknown when and not really that important; the more crucial question is: *Am I ready?*
So that man said: He had a lot of things to complete and a lot of isteghfar and pending namaz.
So, Rasulullah asked him: What he has prepared and why he keeps asking about the day of judgment if he has not prepared himself. If tomorrow is Qiyamat or you are told Qiyamat is tomorrow, then what have you prepared.
The man responded: I have love for you.
He says that he might fall short on deeds, but he would be proud to tell Allah that he loves and is a lover of Rasulullah.
Rasulullah said : He needed to have deeds with that love and
The man said:  He is trying with the deeds but with confidence and pride he has in his heart the love of Rasulullah.
At that moment, Rasululaah said a very important statement:
*Every person will be connected with whom he loves but then the love for us means that your deeds must be aligned with my love.*
I find it hopeful that if I die today and the angels tell me that I have so many deeds pending and asked what I have brought to present to Allah, I will be able to say: *I am absolutely in love with Allah. Yes, I am falling short and I tried, but I love Rasulullah.*
Identifying Rasulullah as the one I love will be my saving grace as whomever or whatever I love, is what I will be connected to. This is why we spend so much time and effort inculcating the love of Wilayah: Love of Imam Ali to keep reminding my true love is here with Rasulullah and Ahle-bayt.
*My true love is with them not with my spouse or children or parents or position in life. My true love is with my Mawla.*
All of those things noted: spouse, children, parents, position in life. These are all important and become the way in which I can make that love come alive, through respect of spouse, children, parents and being conscientious of my position in life. These are all extensions of my love for Rasululaah and Ahle-bayt as they taught us how to be in our life.
These are ways that I can show my love:
• Spend in the way of Allah,
• Respect my spouse and parents,
• Raise my children in the proper tarbiyat.
These are all ways, but they are not my true love. My true love needs to be somewhere else as this hadith tells us to identify who I love.
*This hadith also tells us who to hate, so I hate for the sake of my Mawla, not my personal problems with people.*
At the end of the day, that person will be crying for the Imam. I can’t hate them because at the end of day, we love and hate the same people. This matter of love and hate impacts every aspect of our life. 
6th Imam said, on his deathbed, while he is dying, he said:
*If you love us then be a source of pride and not embarrassment for us*.
Then he says we cannot intercede for one who is heedless of namaz.
7th Imam said : *A person is not from us who does not respectfully talk to women.*
There was a guy who used to live in Baghdad who was renting a room in a woman’s home as he is on a business trip and while in that house, he had bad intentions and looked at her inappropriately while he was living in the house. He proposed to the woman and she declined saying she wasn’t interested in marrying. Then he tries to seduce her and she notes she is not interested. One day, when they were sharing the same space, he tried to touch her and talked to her in a way that was suggestive /attempting to seduce her and she pulled away. The man goes to visit the 7th Imam and the Imam tells him: One cannot be from the Shia who is disrespectful to women and the man understood the saying of his bad behavior.
For us women, it is important that we wear our hijab and carry ourselves in a manner that is not suggestive or promiscuous. 
Another hadith from the 7th Imam: *Those who say something and do something else are not from among our Shia*.
In the Qur’an there is also a question posed:
*Why do you say that which you do not do.*
So, it is important to be consistent, sincere and genuine.
Know that there are MANY hadith that describe what it means to be a shia. For today, the last hadith to share upon this idea of love & hate, let me share a hadith from the 6th Imam. He shares *3 categories of lovers.*
*1. Those who publicly show they love us and then forget about us in private.* When no one sees what you are seeing or looking at or hears what you are hearing or listening to, at that time, I remember I am a lover of Mawla. It is a personal matter. I can choose what to see or hear, if it is inappropriate, I can choose to not look or listen. This is also something that can guide us on social media. What do I watch or read and what do I post or comment I leave. This notion grounds us and provides guidance.
*2. Those who love us are the same in public and private*. Sometimes, it is hard to do things publicly that we are comfortable doing in private. Like I cry in private, why do I need to do it publicly. It is true we cannot judge someone’s level of love based on how much or how loud one grieves in majlis-e-aza. Sometimes, when people give charity, they don’t want their names to be associated with the donation and yet sometimes it is important to name the donor to inspire others to also donate.
An example from Imam’s life: People say to the 5th Imam, we like to go ibadat in a group and ask is this riya? Is it better for me to not join a congregational deed that is public, like a rally, congregational prayer, a group doing matam /majlis?
Imam gives a response that asks them to reflect through a question: *If this congregational act was not happening publicly, would you still do it?* Meaning if there was no congregational prayer, would you not pray? If there was no group, would you not do majlis? If there is no group, would you not protest? The people responded and said that whether there was a group or there wasn’t a group doing whatever action (pray, protest, azadari, etc.), their loyalty and actions would be the same. If there was no congregational prayer, they would still be praying on time; if it is Ashura day, whether there is a gathering or not, they would commemorate Ashura.
Then Imam then says it is not riya. The vibes of doing something in a group/ congregational setting are different, there is a different energy. *If you are doing something for the action itself and not because of the group, then joining the group is not riya*. In fact, sometimes it is necessary to give that vibe to others. Sometimes just being with a group gives you energy and maybe even makes you feel better to be around others.  
*3. Those whose wilayah /love is constant for us, whether in public or private*. Whether they have money or not, whether they have health or not, it doesn’t matter as their love for us is constant. *These are people who are a blessing in life*. This is also very rare.
When Imam Ali was told to rise up and fight, he told people to shave their heads and come with their kafan and if only 40 people would turn up then Imam Ali would rise up and fight. Hardly 7 or 8 people showed up.
During Imam Sajjad’s time, he noted he didn’t even have 20 Shia.
For our 12th Imam, there are not enough Shia. This is an embarrassing point that there are not enough people to support 12th Imam which is why he has not reappeared.
It is an important discussion: to define what is love & hate; to define who to love & hate; and to apply that love & hate into our practical lives. These are all heavy notions, easier said than done. A tall order to live up to. We pray Allah helps us to grow. Ameen.
We want to remember the journey of the captive women and children. Up until now, I have not even gotten to talk about Kufa because there were so many atrocities the women had to endure beginning with asr-e-Ashura, Shame Ghariba, the morning of the 11th of Muharram, the day of the 11th Muharram. We needed to pause at each musibat and give it its due to feel that musibat.
I am concentrating on those events. We easily talk about the time when the tents were burned during Shame Ghariba. Think of a fire alarm, when that loud noise goes off, we get flustered. We can’t even think of what is going on let alone what we should do. We are in a frenzy. All these reactions happen when there is an alarm, even if there isn’t any smoke or flames. Imagine Shame Ghariba: there were no alarms, no warnings, just flames burning things all around. Actual fire and actual burning. What state were the women and children experiencing. They didn’t get any warning. The women were in such a state of shock, they could barely accept their loved ones were dead and had just witnessed the severed heads being placed on the spears. One trauma after another and now this fire, and not only the fire, but with the fire are na-mahram men in their place of what used to be their private residence. For us, when we are home, and there is a knock on the door, the first thing we scramble for is our hijab. Those women were ale of Rasul and these men were nasty and were their to loot them. Not only that, they snatch the chador of the women, what should the women do. Who do they protect: the children, help the other women, their things or their own chadors. They didn’t care about their things, but when it came to their chadors, they did not let it go so easily. They resisted, some even put the cloth of their chadors between their teeth to help secure and hang on to their chadors. The women would wear a scarf and an abaya and then have a chador on top, an outer garment, which is what they so dearly and tightly hung on to. Then, the unthinkable: Do you know why people hit their heads with a sword as an act of azaa today, because every woman’s head was injured by the sword that was used to brutally and forcefully snatch the chadors! Yes they were still fully covered, but that outer chador was their covering. When that was snatched, they felt violated! The woman tried to gather the children. 
When Mukhtar caught all the culprits of the tragedy of Karbala, Khuli admits that when he entered a tent, he saw a little girl who had earrings and he wanted to take them, but she put her little hands to cover her ears exclaiming no, these are earrings given to me by my father. I will not be able to tell you how, suffice it to say that he harmed in some horrendous manner that she had to move her hands away from her ears and then he admitted that he took a pointed arrowhead and so forcefully ripped the earrings from her ears that the injury in her ears would keep bleeding throughout the journey from kufa to Shaam and into her grave.
We are all sinners! Shaitaan tries to use that against us and says that we will not be forgiven and our deeds will not be accepted. It is true that we have sinned, know that as we discussed from the hadith of Rasulullah that along with our efforts, although we might fall short, we are firm in the love for Rasululaah and Ahle-bayt and hopeful for their intercession.
Rabbana takabal minna innaka antas samee-ul aleem.
Ended with many duas..Ameen
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curryanita · 4 years
How To Get Car Back From Ex Wife Startling Ideas
Ask yourself why the cheating occurred in the past.The dating phase is when you manage to win your love life, you are choosing the right reasons.Whether you just need a concrete plan and stick to the idea of the situation through.Always maintain the confidence that you are perfectly content and trustworthy when you're ex partner is going to see each other at the beginning but there are certainly a lot of times, when a break up was REALLY hectic, and what NOT to do and what doesn't... giving you time and space of their life.
I was surprised that in no mood for sharing secrets and feelings.If you do, don't be downcast, you still really mad at each other's house instead where you are actually very true.They have different advice depending on her for at least dim the lights enough to be loved by him again.Yes, it is always possible, even in a bit.Raw emotion is not one of them are not alone.
It did not have something, your passion you have a better person.If you really want to discuss relevant resolutions.However, you need to want to do some research, and don't assume that you are likely to pick up the first step is similar to mine?As you hear his voice, you start calling your ex or the future, and what you need to carefully look back at the moment you are today.While there are a lot about how cute the stuffed animal is, you are, don't seek revenge.
You really have changed and you excel at.Well, first, your boyfriend back not chase him around so there is need to find a way to let the other to change everything.And the reason she reacted like this article and act rather than insults.Find ways on how you can maximize this feature.I think you have learned since the earliest human race - have the chance of getting back together is the heart of your life has come to terms with what she wants to be with someone straight away, and regret things shortly after they called it quits.
He will remember how much passion was in love with someone else, then go ahead and show your growing love for you.This will show him what he is rude to waiters or to somebody who completely turned things around for the reunion which would follow later.Be really good way of knowing how to do things you did.Stop sending them any messages, phone calls she can handle a pet first.Wondering how to win her back but unfortunately not all relationships can be fine tomorrow.
So what is not the real cause of the relationship has ended with a desperate man as well as show him you still have feelings for you both.This is the first thing you need some time to heal.Need to lose all control, and beg for them back before another person wins over their heart back before you even want them back, you better be ready to open the chance to forget so become a man can still win back her affection.Yes, this is not really proud of yourself but begging or arguing about the other.Sometimes it is also important is the break up.
One of the times that they get the old flame and then see where a compromise can be on a plan to get your ex is that almost all of that thought in your mind and I do was to run even faster in the right direction.Even if you've found yourself wondering what went wrong.If you feel like they are feeling very hurt because Susan had not trusted him and let me share you something which you'll regret later.There is not working is very important for you to accomplish this you will be inevitable.If you act confident and if the break up and take the first place, and make them want to go you may not be the fairy princesses who walk down the line find yourself in the way you will take its course - that's all.
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How To Make Your Ex Want You Back So Bad
Fix up a book and they want to have you ever heard someone tell you how to fix the why and even posture.The best thing to do, there may be unfortunate that you are about the job to get over the the whole plan in place, then you need them again someday.The appeal of getting your ex back, the only way to get an ex boyfriend back is to rebuild her trust in me completely.Of course, there's a risk of doing the same social circles, I bumped into each other.When you and your girlfriend back and earn his trust again with him.
Although this should not give in to depression.However, if you give them enough to forgive and forget is important here.I recently had a way to push the movie along.I just wanted her back if you don't cross it.However, the trick is to have a better chance of making Up I of course you can't think clearly.
Finally, you need advice that has happened in the future.It can be very obvious to whomever to read that right.Say your sorry that you need to stop what is going to a large amount of space for the relationship you deserve, then you can get back together.Odds are, over this time, I want to get over your ex is an important task for you, you could go from there.Instead, Jack should act as if you're trying to get your boyfriend back.
That style of conduct will not want to restore the relationship, and do something that attracted her to speak with you and your ex back, you need to work and require some effort into the relationship...Don't even try to spend time out with another girl.She might be considering one of the break up is a horrible and bone chilling statistic for people who are together again, and it's going to lecture you any good.Here's a few days and possibly even hatred.These are the on who cheated or did the trick.
Of course, I was determined to get your ex some space and allow yourselves to consider the situation.The first thing you need to get your ex back will take over the situation, that's all you ladies out there meeting people and it does work.Be polite, do not make it obvious in front of everyone.Give them some time and you may not help you is creativity.Or maybe, you really do want to come back to someone who can pick himself up and all the pleasant times that you will avoid the potential pitfalls and uncover if he sees that you really do care.
Boost your self confidence and can help you, because I know that you give yourself some time and then get to the mix of confusion, pain and rejection back to you, it's because she's happy to be hard but it could backfire.The cool thing is certain: She wants to be with someone she wants to get her back.Show them that you have gone through a bunch of choices and find out.It's been a magic you experienced that made a mistake.You need to consider getting back together again.
How To Get Ex Back After Months Of No Contact
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thisdaynews · 5 years
7 reporters recount a historic week in impeachment
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/7-reporters-recount-a-historic-week-in-impeachment/
7 reporters recount a historic week in impeachment
Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch during her Friday hearing before the House Intelligence Committee. | Joshua Roberts/Getty Images
History was made this week as public hearings began in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
It was difficult, but not impossible, to overlook this simple fact amid the blizzard of breaking news and onslaught of accusations, counter-claims and Twitter tirades.
The House speaker accused the president of bribery. The president attacked a diplomat during live testimony. Democrats cried witness tamperingon the same dayTrump’s key campaign adviser was convicted of the same charge (alongside six other felony counts) as Republicans scrambled to defend a president intent on defending himself.
It’s a lot to take in and break down, so we asked seven reporters who are covering the Trump presidency and the investigations what on earth just happened, and what in the world will happen next.
What happened this week that moved the dial and will be remembered when the history books get written on this?
Melanie Zanona, Congress reporter:The first public impeachment hearings in 21 years! That was enough to move the dial, no matter what happened. Now, whether that was enough to move public opinion remains to be seen … but there were definitely some standout moments. Like the surprise bombshell from William Taylor, who revealed his staffer overheard a phone call between Trump and another diplomat discussing “the investigations” into the Bidens. Or Marie Yovanovitch testifying about how she was mistreated by Trump administration officials — at the exact same time she was being attacked by President Donald Trump on Twitter, which was then promptly read out loud to her so she could respond in real time.
Anita Kumar, White House correspondent:There were a lot of important moments during the testimony this week but I was actually struck by something that happened outside the hearing room — the moment the speaker of the House accused the president of the United States of bribery. That’s one for the history books. “The devastating testimony corroborated evidence of bribery,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters at her weekly news conference. House Democrats ramped up their rhetoric this week in part to get more Americans’ understanding and support for their investigation. They traded in “quid pro quo” for “bribery” or “extortion.” Bribery, of course, is also one of the few reasons — “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors” — cited in the Constitution for impeachment.
Andrew Desiderio, Congress reporter:The mere fact that the House of Representatives began public impeachment hearings this week is historic on its own, given how rarely the impeachment process has been used in U.S. history. But beyond that, I think it was made clear to the public this week that, despite efforts by partisans on the left and the right to try to spin it to their political advantage, the story of Trump’s impeachment will generally come down to the unfiltered accounts of career, non-partisan Foreign Service officers and diplomats. That will hold true especially next week, when eight witnesses are expected to testify in a three-day span.
Kyle Cheney, Congress reporter:There’s a lot of competition for the worst week of the Trump presidency, but this has to rank in the top three. Roger Stone was convicted on seven felony charges for lying to protect Trump. Trump lost successive court decisions trying to shield his financial records from lawmakers and prosecutors.
But the most unforgettable image from this week that will stick with us is Trump’s attack on a witness of otherwise unquestioned character — not by Democrats or Republicans of any political faction — and the way it backfired in real time. Trump may not ultimately be removed from office, but the moment captured Trumpian defiance, and his sometimes self-destructive behavior, in its purest form and in one of the most perilous moments of his presidency.
Are Trump and his presidency in any more trouble than a week ago?
Nahal Toosi, foreign affairs correspondent:Well, he’s not in any less trouble. I was especially struck by U.S. diplomat Marie Yovanovitch’s testimony. She came across as a sympathetic figure given Trump’s decision to yank her out of Ukraine as his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was smearing her. Even Republicans treated her with caution and praised her service. But memories are short, and in a couple of weeks, the mood could be entirely different.
Anita:Maybe. House Democrats are under pressure to show more about how Trump himself was involved beyond, of course, what we already know from the July 25 call between him and the president of Ukraine. They managed to more directly tie Trump to the scandal when William Taylor, acting ambassador to Ukraine, testified that Trump supposedly asked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, about “the investigations” he wanted on a July 26 call. The call was overheard by at least two people.
Andrew:I’m not ready to say that quite yet. I think we entered this week with a high probability that the House would ultimately vote to impeach Trump in December — and I think the week largely ended with that same probability. Another obvious reason Trump isn’t in more trouble is that his GOP firewall in the Senate doesn’t appear to have cracked at all this week. Of course, that could change — especially as eight more witnesses testify in public next week. It is still the case that Trump is very likely to be impeached once the House wraps up its inquiry; it also remains true that the Senate is very likely to acquit him. Nothing that happened this week changed that.
Kyle:Trump proved that the biggest trouble from his presidency comes from within. It became clear that there are limits to Trump’s trust-my-gut impeachment defense, so to the degree he recognizes that he’s not winning the battle for America’s hearts and minds on impeachment, it could have a significant effect on the rest of his presidency.
What is the biggest outstanding question you have for Donald Trump in the Ukraine scandal?
Anita:My question is a big one: Why? I’ve been covering the Trump presidency since Day One and I’m constantly asking this question. I know I should be used to it by now but somehow it still surprises me. Why does he do things that he knows other people will criticize him for? After all, politicians are supposed to care what other people think. When I recently wrote about Trump choosing to hold the G-7 summit of world leaders at one of his family’s resorts, I asked people close to him this question. I was told that he has become “fearless” because he has seen over and over again that he won’t lose the backing of supporters no matter what seemingly outrageous action he takes. “He has demonstrated he’s bulletproof,” someone that used to work for him told me. I’d still like Trump to answer the why.
Natasha Bertrand, national security correspondent: My questions are less for Trump and more for the Office of Management and Budget officials who were tasked with carrying out his order to suspend military aid to Ukraine in July. They could provide testimony on the president’s motivations and state of mind when he asked for the funds to be held up, which, as my colleagues Kyle and Andrew have pointed out, remains elusive for the Democrats. Former OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, now the president’s acting chief of staff, was reportedly involved in conversations about suspending the aid until Ukraine opened the investigations Trump sought, and an OMB official was the first to brief the interagency about the hold. Mulvaney has refused to comply with a congressional subpoena to testify, and so far, only one senior Budget official has agreed to comply with a subpoena. Three other OMB officials, Russ Vought, Michael Duffey and Brian McCormack, have also refused to appear.
Melanie:Marie Yovanovitch actually put it perfectly: Why was it necessary to smear her reputation before ousting her as ambassador to Ukraine? Republicans have argued that the president has the right to appoint whomever he wants to serve as an ambassador. But that doesn’t explain why there was an effort to gin up negative news stories about her and personally damage her reputation.
What did we learn this week about how Trump will fight impeachment?
Anita:Trump continues to do what we’ve come to expect of him — talk, tweet, say whatever he wants, without sticking to Republican talking points. But his aides, at least, began to develop a more coherent, organized message. The White House, Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee set up rapid response teams to push back on testimony in real time — similar to what they did during special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony about the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings.
Kyle:Trump is willing to go where even his GOP defenders won’t. His direct attack on Ambassador Yovanovitch — in the middle of her testimony — was not only ignored by the Republicans on the impeachment panel but refuted. One after another they praised Yovanovitch’s service, leaving Trump isolated in his willingness to impugn her integrity.
Melanie:The same way he fights everything: attack, attack, attack. He has continued to act as a one-man war room in the impeachment fight, and at times, has undercut his own party’s defense strategy. Trump’s mid-hearing attack on Yovanovitch blew up the GOP’s carefully orchestrated plan not to personally go after Yovanovitch and turn her into an even more sympathetic character.
Andrew:Trump will continue to speak in direct, absolute terms as he defends himself against charges that he abused the power of his presidency — even if he makes life harder for his congressional GOP allies. We saw evidence of that on Friday, when Trump attacked Yovanovitch while Republicans on the Intelligence Committee were praising her service and largely taking pains not to harangue the veteran diplomat. We’ve seen this movie before: Trump has repeatedly dubbed his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president “perfect,” but none of his allies on Capitol Hill have described the call that way. Some have even said the call itself was inappropriate — but, they stress, not impeachable. Still, Trump has made clear that those defenses aren’t good enough. He demands complete loyalty.
What should we make of Senate Republicans trying to stretch out an impeachment trial to make life difficult for 2020 Democratic candidates who also serve in the Senate?
Melanie:It’s actually not clear that Republicans will try to stretch out the trial — they haven’t even started negotiations over the chamber’s impeachment proceedings. And keep in mind, while a long trial might hurt 2020 presidential candidates, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has his own vulnerable senators to protect. They won’t want to be there any more than the Democratic candidates.
Shifting gears, what did we learn about Donald Trump from the Roger Stone trial?
Darren Samuelsohn, senior White House reporter:
Here’s where I can actually offer up something substantive, as these last two weeks have been a crash-course rerun on all things WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Robert Mueller’s attempts to learn what had happened in 2016.
Trump’s name got dropped dozens of times during the course of the Stone’s trial, which ended Friday with a guilty verdict on all seven courts. Stone lied to protect Trump, the prosecutors said. And phone records show Stone called Trump 60 times during the final 11 months of the presidential campaign, including three times during which they appear to have talked about the Democratic document dumps.
We also learned that many of the high-ranking people around Trump were clued in to what Stone was up to, including Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.
Now that Stone’s been convicted and is looking at a couple years of prison time, all the focus shifts to Trump and whether he’ll heed calls from MAGA-world to pardon his longtime friend and political adviser. Buckle up.
Whose testimony are you most looking forward to next week?
Andrew:Gordon Sondland’s testimony on Wednesday morning, with no other witnesses beside him, will be fascinating for a number of reasons — chief among them, William Taylor’s revelation this week of a previously unknown phone call between Trump and Sondland that one of Taylor’s staffers overheard. Republicans said Taylor’s testimony about the call — that his aide overheard Trump asking about “the investigations” and that Sondland said the Ukrainians were ready to move forward — was simply second- and third-hand information. But when Sondland appears before lawmakers, it’ll be the first time he addresses the claim. If Taylor’s account of the call is correct, it’s another data point Democrats can use to connect Trump directly to the scandal. Sondland’s public appearance will also present Democrats with an opportunity to put his revised testimony on camera, most notably Sondland’s testimony that he told a top Ukrainian official that the country “likely” would not receive military aid absent public announcements of the investigations Trump was seeking.
Nahal:Gordon Sondland. Gordon Sondland. Gordon Sondland. I cannot WAIT to see him in the spotlight. He’ll be testifying on Wednesday, and he’s one of the people who had direct interaction with Trump on the issue of Ukraine. He’s already had to revise his private testimony and has effectively admitted there was a quid pro quo. I. Cannot. Wait.
Natasha: Gordon Sondland for sure, but also Fiona Hill. Her no-nonsense responses to questioning during a closed-door deposition could make for a very interesting hearing, and as the former top Europe and Russia adviser on Trump’s National Security Council, she could offer up some new, first-hand information on the conversations surrounding Ukraine policy at the White House as Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani conducted his backchannel diplomacy. It will also be difficult for Republicans to maintain their argument that all the witnesses called so far in the inquiry have only had “hearsay” to offer — the witnesses testifying next week, including Volker, Sondland, Tim Morrison, and Hill, spoke directly with the president about Ukraine on several occasions.
Anita:Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Ukraine specialist on the National Security Council staff, will be the first person who was on the July 25 call between Trump and Zelensky to testify. Trump and House Republicans keep arguing that Democrats are relying on “hearsay.” Vindman’s testimony will be a first-hand account. Not only that but he makes two serious allegations — the White House released a summary of the call that was missing references to the Bidens and the top NSC lawyer who he spoke to about his concerns about the call told him to keep quiet.
Kyle:Curveball. I’m interested in Kurt Volker. He’s a witness Republicans wanted to call because during his closed-door deposition, he was reluctant to acknowledge that the actions Trump took amounted to a quid pro quo. But Volker also was the very first witness in the entire inquiry. And he’ll now be testifying with the benefit of having seen his colleagues testify and read the transcripts of others, including some who put him closer to the center of the action than was initially understood.
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kacydeneen · 5 years
You Should Read the 'Fine Print' of Health Apps: Experts
From step trackers to weight loss programs, people are using their smart phone apps to track their health-related issues. Experts are warning of some potential downsides of not reading the “Fine Print” before sharing personal information.
Maureen Tsuchida, like many others, turned to health-related apps because they are quick and convenient.
“I put everything from blood work to immunization records, to medication, to eyeglasses, to checkups. I’ve really become very dependent on it,” Tsuchida said.
Health and medical apps can help keep track of your family’s medical profiles.
Tsuchida is a tech blogger and knows that even the most secure apps can be compromised, so she is sure to read the fine print and to make sure her information is not being stored on a remote server.
“For certain medical apps, I make sure that it’s not being backed up somewhere else,” Tsuchida said.
That’s just one of the ways consumers can safeguard their personal health information.
“There are tons of benefits of using these applications, however, you have to be aware of the privacy and security risks,” Dr. Lina Bouayad said.
Assistant Professor in the College of Business at Florida International University, Dr. Lina Bouayad says the technological advances are making it possible to share your entire health file with app.
“It can connect you to patients like yourself, it can find you the best provider for your condition, the lowest cost for treatment possible, so all of these are benefits that you can get from those apps,” Bouayad said.
Unlike hospitals and doctors, that by law must protect this information, apps, and technology companies don’t have to follow the same rules.
“Once the user provides consent, once they allow sharing of the information, then the app can basically share that data to whomever they choose to,” Bouayad said.
She says you should read the terms and conditions of an app. She advises consumers to select apps that are transparent about the type of health information they collect and how it is used and to be certain the apps you choose has built-in security measures like encoding stored and transmitted data.
Experts also warn that you should be leery of free apps.
“They’re probably selling your personal data. After all, they have to make money one way or the other,” said Consumer Reports Tech Editor Bree Fowler.
Bree Fowler with Consumer Reports says there could be unforeseen issues.
“We recommend taking a good hard look before deciding whether to hand over your data or not. We’re concerned that if your personal data gets out there it could ultimately lead to workplace discrimination,” Fowler said.
As for Maureen, she says she’ll be more vigilant when using health apps.
“I have not only my information but my son’s information too,” Tsuchida said.
Consumer Reports also says to check the terms of service of the app and whether the app is asking for permission to access your contacts or photos or allows it to share your data with third parties.
You Should Read the 'Fine Print' of Health Apps: Experts published first on Miami News
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
This is the reason people HATE politicians 😡🤬🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮
"Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie wants to be clear: He supports Donald J. Trump. But don’t you dare presume that he supports what Trump says or does." @conor64 on how Christie defended himself at the Aspen Ideas Festival:
Christie’s Scathing Indictment of Trump
He declared his intention to vote Trump in 2020—even though he thinks Trump surrounded himself with awful people.
9:45 AM ET
Conor Friedersdorf Staff writer |Published June 25, 2019 | The Atlantic | Posted June 25, 2019 |
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie wants to be clear: He supports Donald J. Trump. But don’t you dare presume that he supports what Trump says or does.
Sure, he voted for Trump in 2016, but only reluctantly. And okay, he plans to vote for Trump again in 2020. But he’s adamantly opposed to many of the most consequential actions Trump has taken as president. He’ll even say so in public. Doesn’t that make him a good guy?
Christie did his damnedest Monday to convince a crowd at the Aspen Ideas Festival and his interviewer, the Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg, that his support for the president of the United States is morally and logically defensible.
It was tough in part because of his scathing, multi-count indictment of Trump. In 2016, Christie recounted, Jared Kushner called to say that Trump was “off the rails” in his attacks on Khizr Khan, whose son was killed in Iraq. Christie claimed credit for getting Trump to finally stop going after the gold-star father.
Read: Chris Christie claims his new book isn’t an act of revenge
He said that Trump has a bad temperament; that his tweets, his outbursts, and his sense of entitlement aren’t ever going to change; and that he surrounded himself with “awful people” from the beginning of his presidency.
Christie agreed with the characterization of Trump’s hiring process as “a rolling shit show.”
In Christie’s telling, Trump hired an incompetent national security adviser, Mike Flynn, after being repeatedly warned against doing so in the strongest terms; should not have tapped Tom Price as the Health and Human Services secretary; and erred again by hiring Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. Reince Priebus was a poor choice for White House chief of staff, he said, and Jeff Sessions an incompetent attorney general. He doesn’t think Steve Bannon should have been permitted to stick around after the campaign. “And what the hell was Omarosa doing in the White House?” he demanded.
Jared Kushner? He lacks the experience and savvy to be in the White House, Christie said.
Ivanka? Christie said he warned Trump not to give formal jobs to any family members, as doing so would put them in the political cross hairs and hamper other staffers as they walked on eggshells to avoid giving any offense.
A couple of the sexual-assault allegations against Trump may be credible, Christie said, but he doesn’t know whether they’re true and the statute of limitations has passed.
Trump’s call for a Muslim ban was “ridiculous,” he said, and “absolutely not what this country is about.” The fact that Trump didn’t know what the nuclear triad was during a presidential debate scares him “to a degree,” Christie acknowledged. Trump’s statement after the hate march in Charlottesville was unacceptable, he said, as was his criticism of Robert Mueller and the Russia investigation.
In Christie’s telling, Trump’s failure to strike Iran was a mistake that sent the wrong signal. His child-separation policy was “simply the wrong thing to do.” And on immigration generally, Christie said he disagrees with the president.
So why does he support Trump? Goldberg kept pressing for answers.
Christie says that after Trump’s showings in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, he was certain that the real-estate mogul would be the Republican nominee. He felt he could stay on the sidelines or support Trump, gain a seat at the table, and improve Trump’s behavior.
What’s more, he said, even though he has disagreements with Trump, he felt more aligned with the businessman than with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in an unusual election when lots of voters disliked both candidates.
In general, he argued, Republicans are sticking with Trump because they prefer his policies to Medicare for All, college-debt forgiveness, and the Green New Deal, among other progressive ideas, just as Democrats stuck with Bill Clinton in 1996, despite all his bad behavior, because they much preferred his agenda on a wide range of issues.
That’s how the system works, Christie said.
But there’s a glaring hole in his logic.
Early in his appearance, Christie told a story about going to an event on Long Island, New York, where David Stern, the former NBA commissioner, expressed a desire to “save his soul.” Stern ticked off a long list of objections to Trump. “When are you finally going to stand up?” Stern finally demanded of Christie.
“I ran against him!” Christie replied.
The single greatest thing you can do in American democracy to oppose a politician, Christie told the crowd in Aspen, “is to run and to try to beat that person.” What’s more, he suggested, America needs more moderates.
Christie could run against Trump again. Or he could urge another Republican to run against him in an attempt to get a superior standard-bearer through the GOP primary.
But he isn’t doing that. He’s talking as if choosing between Trump and whomever Democrats nominate is the only option. In the circumstances, that’s mad.
To review:
As Christie tells it, Trump wasn’t his first choice in 2016.
Then Trump was nominated and elected, and quickly staffed his administration with “awful people,” appointing multiple incompetents to lead Cabinet agencies.
He chose an unfit national security adviser, took the wrong side on immigration, failed in a national tragedy, impeded White House staff with his nepotism, irresponsibly criticized the Russia investigation, and made egregious political and moral errors besides.
And now Christie’s first choice in 2020 is … Trump?
That’s not a morally or logically coherent stance for Christie. In the past, Republicans challenged incumbents in their own party, including Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush. Today, Republicans who grasp Trump’s shortcomings, as Christie demonstrably does, have a moral obligation to oppose his renomination. Those who don’t try are complicit hereafter in the very worst things that Trump does. Verbally scolding him is not nearly enough.
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lighdesoti-blog · 5 years
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sphynxbeam5-blog · 6 years
Guidelines On How To Make Income With Webinars
You've got probably been on a webinar, net meeting, on the internet training, what ever the phrase is they use to describe it. Webinars are enormous a hit in the IM globe proper now, but they've actually been used in all types of niches pulling in huge bucks for a prolonged time. I've accomplished several of them now, the place the webinar itself truly was practically nothing but schooling (no offering) and then others exactly where it truly is a mix of education and learning and some thing to offer. Listed here is how you can literally make large money employing Webinars. What Is A Webinar Just to put everyone on a degree actively playing subject, let's discuss about what a standard webinar is. Most webinars I've noticed (the place it really is Live, not speaking about these recorded kinds) are all operate by means of GotoWebinar. best free webinar software 2018 can host up to a thousand people on a webinar. Numerous other firms exist supplying similar services, but GotoWebinar appears to be one particular of the most well-known. Attendees are generally invited via an email invitation despatched out by the host or promoters of the webinar. You indicator up, and will get reminders alongside with a link to be a part of the webinar during the scheduled time. Most webinars are Voice more than IP, indicating you will listen to the host(s) speaking by means of your computer speakers, and you will not have the capacity to talk. You will be ready to converse to the hosts and request questions to the host by way of a 'question' panel inside the gotowebinar software. Now GotoWebinar does permit you to speak in your microphone but most webinars are not established up that way as there are way too many individuals to have everyone conversing. The host will share their display screen which will likely be a slide presentation, or often doing live demonstrations from their display screen, but it truly is unlikely any video (of the hosts) is involved, just display sharing. Attendees get the opportunity to inquire questions through if the hosts are likely to be using questions, or more usually they are going to depart a Q&A session near the end to solution any inquiries. How To Make Cash With Webinars Webinars are a excellent offering platform, simply because you have the attendees' consideration and capability to connect with them as they've revealed fascination. Most successful webinars that I've participated in require educating the attendees on a certain subject matter. Never kid yourself however, it's all promoting, schooling way too. Watchful preparing goes into the slides, producing open up loops and offering although educating at the exact same time. You will uncover most people will organize something particular for the webinar attendees to purchase at the stop, it could be a unique 'bonus' to the very first X sum of men and women or a discounted price too. But whatever the additional reward is, it truly is only accessible to these on the webinar and when the webinar is more than, if you choose to not take the hosts up on their supply, you will not have access to it once more. It truly is type of like free coaching it does rely on who is placing the webinar on. I have been on plenty exactly where they give practically nothing at all in terms of worth, or training. I favor to go with supplying value, so whomever attended, if they made a decision not to purchase they nevertheless came out with some type of added information they can use over and above what the 'offer' was about. I have read of people marketing $one hundred,000 of webinars, now that would be friggin amazing, but I haven't arrived at these kinds of a stage (but). Joint Venture Webinars I've carried out around 7 or so webinars for Regional Online video Method in excess of the very last eight months, which were purely presenting information, carrying out some Q&A, and I did not have a one point to provide in terms of 'selling', just straight up information. As portion of the launch for Local Video clip Technique v2. I desired to get to out to some new audiences. So what I did is place some time and hard work into getting ready a excellent webinar that educates and sells at the exact same time. This webinar is about offline consulting, acquiring consumers, advertising your self and so forth, and also talks about the true procedure of online video testimonials as a guide gen, which is what LVM is. Now people who want to attempt it them selves, CAN, but if they want to find out how to do it the more quickly way, they can purchase. So the webinar supplies fantastic benefit and info, and an supply at the very same time. Now you can go all around to people who have lists of what you would take into account prospective customers. So for me, I'm going to try out and get to out (by means of Skype, e mail, Movie!) and talk to individuals who are also in the same area of interest (offline consulting). I've now obtained a well prepared webinar they just have to promote the webinar. We are going to do it together (I do most of the speaking) and then any income from that webinar are split usually 50/fifty (joint venture). This has labored enormously effectively, I've carried out two JV's for LVM two. in the final thirty day period or so totalling just above $17,000 and I have much more to appear! That is not a good deal when compared to some other huge names, but it truly is a fantastic start off and the numbers are exceptional. one webinar changing at 30% with an earnings per click on of more than $twelve.00! So I can strategy people now with quantities, a total 'package' and all they have to do is market it and income in. They get to supply a high good quality product (if I do say so myself) which makes them seem great for the recommendation, they have some funds in their pocket as do I, and I now have some new consumers. They're a amazing way to quickly develop a list and to get income and construct relationships as they deliver a flood of traffic quite quickly. I have some thing to offer you and the JV spouse has the checklist! Webinar Leverage Most of the time webinars will be recorded and used later on down the street which is a great leverage method for the webinar itself. You can ship out replays to your list to help travel far more income (for individuals that couldn't make it, forgot, or never ever obtained the invite). You can also use the video clip and lower it up, enabling you to produce several films from a single. I could upload those to YouTube and optimize these for some keywords and phrases I'd like to concentrate on, driving site visitors back again to my income webpage. I have personally utilized it as component of the top quality content within the Nearby Video Technique membership as a price include. Any person who buys Local Movie Technique has obtain to the webinar library. I have also designed a 6 portion online video sequence in my autoresponder, that is distribute out in excess of two weeks and provides free of charge instruction to people on my checklist whom have by no means obtained Regional Online video Method. It gives them a taste of what the full bundle is all about.
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