#glotta stomach
i-am-randomtrash00 · 4 days
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This bitch standing like this here serving cunt.
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meganechan05 · 3 days
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Beautiful but Psycho Girlfriends who fight with scythes
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mangolon · 11 days
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The villains of Gavv are capitalism!
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Crimson Ace Reviews: Kamen Rider Gavv Episode 3
This week, Shoma meets a thief, but sadly, he doesn't get a cool blue gun like a certain other Kamen Rider.
Let's get into Kamen Rider Gavv's third episode: Soda Punch Is a Guilty Pleasure
We start off with the twins Shita and Jeebh paying one of their employees for harvesting five more humans for their corporation, giving her five Dark Treats as a result.
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You know, those things still probably taste better than MrBeast's Feastables... and somehow, probably come from a less toxic work environment too.
The twins see a social media post talking about Gavv and decide to have someone investigate the guy possibly killing their employees. Speaking of Gavv, we cut to Shoma struggling to choose what to spend the last of his money on, and by “What”, I mean “What kind of candy should I get?” He settles on a pack of gummies, but after opening it in a way that flings the candy towards some guy, he passes out, still hungry.
After the opening, the man gets a bento box for Shoma, who reveals he spent most of his money on junk food. The man, naturally wondering how Shoma is still alive, decides to get him some more food to show him the value of a balanced meal.
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This is what happens when you grow up with a mom who spends more time talking about how awesome potato chips are instead of telling you to eat your damn broccoli.
After eating the second balanced meal he's had since he got here four weeks ago, Shoma feels full of energy, helping out a local construction team with his super strength. The man who gave him the meal, named Yahiko, asks for his help with a job.
We cut to Hanto and his mentor from the first episode, Kenzo. It's here where the term “Kamen Rider” is used in this season, this time as a moniker for Gavv by people on social media. This is a really strong scene, as it builds the characters of both Hanto and Kenzo. Hanto is determined to find the monster who killed his mom, while Kenzo helps reel him in by pointing out that Hanto can't jump to conclusions, but still supports him as the only other person to buy his story. That being said, Kenzo asks Hanto an important question: When he finds his mother's killer, what the hell is he going to do against a literal monster? And Hanto's just like:
But it's clear from Kenzo's concern that his and Hanto's relationship is more than just employer and employee, but father and son.
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Ten bucks says Kenzo's the killer. Calling it now. Trust me, when you watch Kamen Rider for as long as I have, characters have to either deal with losing their parents or fighting their parents.
Back with Shoma, he and Yahiko go to fix someone's water pipes, only to get no response from their client, meaning Shoma has to break down the door to make sure they're okay. Unfortunately, it turns out the client isn't here, Yahiko is ransacking the place for money, and Shoma just helped a man commit a felony.
Cut to Hanto, who goes to Sachika for help learning more about Gavv, while Ritsu, the victim of last week's episode, recounts her brief encounter with the Kamen Rider. This is Hanto's first indication that this particular “monster” may not be so scary after all.
Speaking of, Shoma asks Yahiko why they're not hiding from the cops—I mean, why Yahiko tricked him into helping him steal from an innocent person. Yahiko explained that he needs the cash to save the company of the man who took him in when he needed it, believing he has to do so to pay him back. Shoma points out how they still did something terrible, and the two part on rough terms, but Shoma sends one of his Gochizo to follow him. Apparently, Shoma can see the future, because the very next scene shows Yahiko getting captured by the Granute from earlier, who was working at the same bento truck he got Shoma his food from.
After a brief scene with Glotta to remind the audience what the Stomach Family does for a living, Shoma thinks back to an earlier scene where Yahiko told him about how snacks can help cheer someone up when they're feeling down. He tries a new flavor of gummy that I guess wasn't in the dozens of packages he ate earlier, a soda-flavored one. This creates a new Gochizo, the Punchin' Gummy Gochizo. Not long after, the other Poppin' Gummy Gochizo Shoma sent out comes back to inform him of the Granute. Shoma heads off to stop the Granute, Granute Bon, whose true form resembles the weapon Tasha Yar used in that one terrible Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.
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Shoma transforms into Gavv and the two fight, but I don't think I need to tell you the man with gummies for armor doesn't fare well against a giant wrecking ball. Zakuzaku Chips fares a little better, but after Granute Bon shoots spike rockets at him, Gavv just goes back to Poppin' Gummy form. More of Gavv's armor is blown off, and as he refuels, he takes the new Gochizo for a spin. This gives him a giant blue fist which gives him the power he needs to take down Granute Bon.
However, not only was Hanto watching the fight, not only was one of Stomach Inc's agents watching the fight, but someone else was watching the fight and stole two of Shoma's Gochizo. The same mysterious man butts heads with Hanto as they both want to know who or what Gavv is. Gavv quickly gets away before they can ask any questions.
Afterwards, Yahiko's worst fears come true and his father figure's company goes bankrupt. Yahiko apologizes to his boss for not being able to help, but the boss tells him that he never expected anything in return. Sometimes, people are that kind, and Shoma's words finally get through to Yahiko, who is convinced to apologize to the person he tried to rob.
The episode ends with the twins getting a better look at the mysterious Kamen Rider.
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Hey, come on! Why are you so fixated on getting pictures of his Gavv? And so what if it looks a little different? It still works, doesn't it?
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Shiny New Toy: For the Punchin' Gummy Gochizo.
This was easily the strongest episode so far. There were a lot of strong character moments that helped flesh out the cast while still furthering the mystery on Hanto's side. I like how the show is emphasizing the fact that Gavv is a mysterious vigilante in the eyes of the public, something that I feel the franchise doesn't do nearly as often as it should. Yahiko is a pretty solid guest character. He believes he has to do terrible things to help others, putting him in direct opposition to the idealistic Shoma. The fact that unlike the humans Shoma met in the last two epiodes, they don't really resolve their issues, but it's clear that they both learned something from the other. Overall, an episode that just knocks it out of the park.
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Next time on Kamen Rider Gavv: Shoma continues to prove how terrifying of a monster he is by channeling the power of one of the most diabolical beings in history: The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
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mangolon · 11 days
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So Zabaan Stomach (which I have decided is his name) is dead? There goes that theory for now. I wonder what the Stomach family's main dynamics will be? Maybe one will betray the others? Maybe Nyelv will be the final villain.
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crimson-ace-reviews · 12 days
Crimson Ace Reviews: Kamen Rider Gavv Episode 2
This episode reveals why Kamen Rider Gavv is a fantasy show: It portrays corporations as evil, and we all know how false that is, right?
Let's get into Kamen Rider Gavv's second episode: Happy Zakuzakuchips
We pick up right where we left off last week, with a woman named Sachika waking Shoma up. Sachika then offers to take him back to her place for some food.
It's here we get the show's opening theme, “Got Boost?” It's a pretty upbeat theme with some nice visuals. I especially like the one part where Shoma, Hanto, and Sachika are all singing along to the song.
After the opening, Sachika takes Shoma to the store she runs, Hapipare, or Happy Parade. Shoma mistakes a towel Sachika gives him for cotton candy, before being told to go take a shower. Make sure to wash your Gavv too, Shoma.
The next scene properly introduces the season's villains, the Stomach Family. These are the heads of the company which produces the Dark Treats, those things Granute Hound wanted more of last episode. Lango Stomach is the president of the company after the death of their father, Glotta Stomach is the head of manufacturing which involves those shrunken humans wrapped in Fruit by the Foot, Nyelv is in charge of research and development, and the twins Shita and Jeebh are in charge of getting supplies. It's a very effective scene that introduces the villains and gives the audience an idea of their goals and explains more about the Dark Treats. I also love how rather than an evil empire, the villains are structured like a corporation, sort of like the villains from Kirby: Planet Robobot.
Back with Shoma, he helps himself to some of Sachika's food, only to forget the whole “giving birth” thing.
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Damn it, Shoma! Do that in the bathroom for Gaim's sake! Or at least see a doctor about your Gavv if it keeps up.
Something of note is when Shoma tries a bento made by Sachika, he doesn't create a new Gochizo, showing that it's only snacks that affect his Gavv. After he struggles to hide the new Gochizo he created (including a few he made from eating potato chips for the first time), Shoma offers to help Sachika help a friend move. Because he has super strength, it's a snap for him, so they celebrate with soba and potato chips.
Meanwhile, Hanto gets a lead on the mysterious monster attack, taking him to Hajime's house.
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Oh hey, Hajime. We thought you were dead.
Speaking of monsters, we get our first look at this week's Granute, Granute Whipple.
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Damn, Squidward's been hitting the gym.
He gets a new assignment, to target the friend Shoma and Sachika just helped move out.
Back with Shoma and Sachika, the latter asks the former just why he goes so crazy over snacks. He explains that he gets it from his mother.
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You know, between this show and Dragon Ball Super, who would have thought junk food would be seen as humanity's greatest achievement by aliens?
After Sachika gives her full name, Shoma starts to reveal his last name, but because it's all but stated that he's a member of the Stomach family, he has to improvise and come up with a name that's less evil.
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Okay, not the best person to name yourself after, but at least Toshiki Inoue isn't a mass-murdering psychopath.
Cut to Granute Whipple, who wraps up the friend into the shrunken Fruit by the Foot form, which is seen by two of Shoma's Gochizo. After starting to write in a snack diary, Shoma is alerted to this, so he heads out and confronts the Granute, transforming into Gavv. Granute Whipple tries to bargain with Gavv by offering to split the profits, but Gavv tells him to shove it. Gavv gets the friend back, but his gummy armor is chipped away again, so he tries a different Gochizo, this one labeled “Zakuzaku Chips”.
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I like this form. The food motif is much clearer here, and I especially like the touch of his eyes being potatoes that are quickly sliced off.
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The weapons, a pair of swords called the Zakuzakuchipslasher, are really creative, looking like crushed bags of potato chips. Hopefully, these things won't break so easily like what happened last week.
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In all seriousness, Shoma is just as surprised before he figures out that the Zakuzakushipslasher's effectiveness depends on the angle, and even if they break, unlike the Poppin Gummy armor, he doesn't need to reload another Gochizo to make the blades regenerate. So Gavv goes to town on Granute Whipple, and just like the commercials say about eating chips, you can't just stop at killing one Granute. Gavv saves the friend, but she isn't grateful to be saved by him.
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Yes, because clearly the bright blue gummy-themed person is a terrifying monster.
Gavv rides off on his ATV, only to be seen by Hanto. We learn that the reason why Hanto is so obsessed with monsters was because a Granute murdered his mother when he was just a kid. Damn, that's two for two on dead moms this season. Somebody better get Sachika's mom to a bunker.
Just like last week, the episode ends with Shoma deciding to leave Sachika's place to continue roaming the world. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen, master of chewing and screwing.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Shiny New Toy: For the Zakuzaku Chips Gozhizo and the Zakuzakuchipslasher.
No Parents Allowed: For Hanto's mother, who was killed by a Granute.
This was a pretty okay episode. It had some strong character moments, a good introduction to the villains, and hints at future conflicts with the mystery Granute that murdered Hanto's mom. It's a good follow up to Episode 1.
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Next time on Kamen Rider Gavv: Shoma continues to scare the public that probably thinks Monster High is too graphic for them, given how he's still being called a monster. But hey, at the very least, he discovers soda-flavored gummies.
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