#shouma stomach
meganechan05 · 3 days
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Beautiful but Psycho Girlfriends who fight with scythes
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areyoucheery · 17 days
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redrawings of my fav frames from the 1st episode!!
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asanjou · 7 days
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i'll take a potato chip... and eat it
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mirai-e-jump · 15 days
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salsmayonise · 14 days
had a moment of inspiration, not sure how to name this one
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ichippon · 1 month
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a few gavvs i drew then and there
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the-art-of-sanshoku · 22 days
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Bonus Shouma based on this tweet
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diamondchili · 22 days
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(id in alt text!)
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jitter-cat · 4 days
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i think fat and trans shouma would be pretty baller
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sakurai-keiwa · 18 days
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Happy 5th anniversary to Zero-One, and also welcome to the family, Gavv!!! 🥳🎉🎉🎉
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kamenridergaysex · 19 days
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lumothespadesman · 17 days
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Based off oomfies tweet shoutout to oomfie
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areyoucheery · 27 days
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asanjou · 21 days
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only two days left till he turns on his race because they turned his mother into a dark snack
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mirai-e-jump · 10 days
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TV Guide, 9/6/2024 Issue ft. Kamen Rider Gavv Cast Members (translation below)
Publication: August 28, 2024
Chinen Hidekazu x Hino Yusuke x Miyabe Nozomi
Chinen: Shouma, who I play, is a young man who loves eating. He actually comes from another world, and while he's friendly, there's an elusive side to him, so if you take your eyes off him, he might end up someplace else.
Hino: Karakida Hanto, who I play, is a freelance writer who's not afraid of taking risks. During the audition, they never gave me a detailed setup for the motifs or roles we'd be playing. The only thing I knew was that one character was a glutton, and that the other was a cool character. How was the audition for the female character?
Miyabe: I play Amane Sachika, a gyaru, but that wasn't disclosed to me during the audition…..
Chinen: Really?!
Miyabe: The impression I had was that she was a reliable person. Then, during the final audition, the Director told me, "Act alittle more like an aunt from Osaka."
Chinen & Hino: Ahahaha!
Miyabe: I wondered what kind of character she'd be, but I was surprised to find out that she was a gyaru.
Hino: I was together with Hide (Chinen) during the final part of the audition, and he was really interesting. We've got so many stories. Which one was your favorite?
Chinen: There's none in particular I like (laughs).
Miyabe: I wanna hear them! (laughs).
Hino: For example…there was "A," the gluttonous character, and "B," the cool character, and the Director would assign us by saying, "Alright, next, you play role A, and this guy will play role B," but when Hide was told, "Alright, you're next," he took role A without asking.
Miyabe: Eh! (laughs).
Hino: I couldn't help but say, "This kid's a genius."
Chinen: I cringe thinking about it now (laughs).
Hino: (laughs). Still, I thought, "These are the kind of kids who get chosen." I really felt that he was different from the other kids. I guess I've been drawn towards Shouma since then. That's why when I found out at costume fitting that Hide had been chosen to play the main character I thought, "Wow! That's great! I knew it'd be him."
Chinen: "I knew it" is what I also thought about Yusuke-kun. When I actually did a face to face performance with Yusuke-kun at the audition, I thought, "It'd be very easy to perform with this person"……
Hino: (said happily) Really?
Chinen: Yeah. That's why I wasn't surprised at all when we met at costume fitting. There were countless people left, but I knew that if I was chosen, the other person would likely be "him."
Hino: (totally embarrassed) Damn. No, that makes me happy! I think that the relationship between Shouma and Hanto will gradually deepen as the story progresses, so I hope you'll look forward to that part as well.
Miyabe: What I liked about the script was that even people who seemed cheerful were complex, and they grew as they struggled with themselves. I personally found these aspects encouraging, and I hope that it'll be conveyed to the viewers as well.
Chinen: When I saw the completed first episode, I thought it was really interesting, and I felt that I presented it with my whole heart. I hope that lots of people will watch it! _
Q: What sweets would you compare each other to?
Chinen: Miyabecchi is a marshmallow. She gives off the feeling of an older sister who watches out for us and embraces us with her softness. As for Yusuke-kun, he's fugashi.
Hino: Isn't that old fashioned?! Wait, there's only a two year gap between us! (laughs).
Chinen: He's well informed, and since he talks alot with his superiors, I chose fugashi since it's a veteran of the sweets world.
Miyabe: I think Hide's definitely a marshmallow.
Hino: Right, it's so him.
Miyabe: Isn't it? He's very soft, and I feel like he could absorb an impact (laughs). As for Yusuke-kun, he's dagashi.
Hino: I guess I'm that type after all (laughs).
Miyabe: It's because there's a familiarity to him (laughs).
Chinen: Ah~ I see.
Hino: I also think Hide's a marshmallow. He's fluffy, pure, and positive. His skin is also like a marshmallow (he pokes his cheeks). As for Miyabecchi…she's both girly and not girly at all, and is also quite mature. I wonder what she'd be.
Chinen: A high quality confection?
Hino: Right. Like a millefeuille! It feels like there are many sides to her, as it also has lots of layers.
Miyabe: Ah, I'm glad~ (laughs).
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hiyokosha · 11 days
Knowing tokusatsu and especially Komura’s love to name puns/lore (LuPat), and also Sachiko’s comment in episode 2, I decided to do some research and write the possible etymology to the main trio’s name.
Shouma’s fake(?) name, 井上 生真 (Inoue Shouma)
井上(Inoue) has the same pronunciation as above/on stomach 胃( I ) の (no)上 (ue) so it’s probably just a pun on that.
生 - It means to live, and also means raw. Maybe it represents how the Granutes need to eat the processed dark snack to feel happiness, while Shouma feels it himself just by eating regular snacks?
真 - It means the truth. So Shouma’s name basically means the truth of living. Would this show be about the joy of living? 
辛木田 絆斗 (Karakida Hanto)
辛 - It’s the character for ‘spicy’. It could also be representative of his passion and drive. At the same time, it also means pain, bitterness, and suffering, which is ironic since he’s the white chocolate rider, but also makes sense considering his past and the 18 years he spent looking for his mother’s killer/abductor. His ring also says ‘The Truth is Bitter’, so they are probably using both meaning here. 
木 - Maybe a reference to how cacao grows on trees
田 - I think this might be a reference to the shape of chocolate bars, but also it means a field so it makes sense with the tree.
絆 - It has the meaning of to shackle, but it probably means ‘bonds between people’ in this context. A major point of his character is probably going to be about the bonds he forms, and how he stops isolating himself and find more to life than getting revenge. 
斗 - It means a ladle but also it’s just a common character to add onto names.
甘根 幸果 (Amane Sachika)
甘 - It means sweet and pleasant, reflecting her character and the candy house aesthetic of Hapipare. 
根 - It means the root of a plant. 
幸 - As she said in the show, it means happiness. The kanji actually means a bit more than that, since it also means ‘good fortune’. Her wish is to bringing other happiness. I think this is interesting since her name basically means ‘sweet root, happy fruit’. She’s the root that can bring other people happiness. 
果 - The character for fruit, which connects to her family name, but also the Japanese for snack is お菓子, and 菓 is an alternative spelling of 果. So it also goes back into the snack theme of the show. 
Somethings I have noticed:
Hanto and Sachika’s names follows the same format of family name being flavour+plant, and given name being probably their character arc. Hanto’s name can mean ‘a field of spicy trees’, and Sachika’s means ‘sweet root’. Since Sachika’s given name is about her wish, Hanto’s name will probably also be about his character. Or they might be the two things that Shouma gains in the human world. By having Hanto and Sachika, he would have bonds and happiness. 
The character of 辛(bitterness) and 幸(happiness) is only one stroke a part. It will be cute if it’s Sachika and Shouma that gives him that one extra stroke and make him truly happy. 
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