#glad you sent this to me though!
neversetyoufree · 2 years
do you think it’s possible vanitas could somehow mark noé one day? cuz i was going through a few pics (vampire vanitas art and chapter 11) and i was wondering if you think this is a coincidence or not
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[Image Description: Two images of Noé Archiviste's hand and wrist. The first is a cropped section of the cover illustration for the Winter 2022 issue of エス Magazine. Noé is holding bright red rose petals, and blood is running from the petals down his wrist. The second image is a cropped section of a page from the Case Study of Vanitas manga. It shows Noé's hand below a text box reading "The regrets of that day..." Noé's hand and arm are spattered with blood. End ID.]
Oh interesting idea! I'm assuming by "wondering if this is a coincidence," you mean the double occurrence of blood on Noé's wrist?
If so, then as of right now, I don't think I'm inclined to read that as foreshadowing for a mark. In particular, in the chapter 11 example, both Noé and Vanitas's hands are pretty blood-covered in the full version of the image, so I don't think we can read into the blood on Noé in particular.
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[Image Description: A full version of the above Case Study of Vanitas page. It shows Noé reaching down toward Vanitas's hand. Both of their hands, as well as some of the surrounding space, are covered in spatters of blood].
If one specific bit of blood was meant to be significant, then why let it blend in with all the rest of the splatter, y'know?
As for the magazine cover image, then, I don't think you can make much of it without support. If there were other specific images of blood on Noé's (and only Noé's) wrist/hand, then that might be something, but since I don't think we have that, I'm inclined to read the blood in the vamp vanitas pic more as standard-issue bloody flower imagery.
However, I noticed that the version of the chapter 11 panel that you used (and the one that I used) has some funky white lines on Noé's wrist. I originally thought those were a quirk of the scan, since I couldn't find them in other versions, but @torterrachampion says they're actually a detail mochijun added for the volume reprint only. And that's really interesting! The fact that she went out of her way to add them suggests that they're important, but I couldn't begin to say what they are. They remind me a bit of both the Book's constellation motif and Vanitas and Misha's Mark cracks, so I suppose it's not out of the question that they could be a Mark from Vanitas.
So overall, Vanitas marking Noé is a neat idea, but I don't think the images you've provided work as evidence to prove it for sure (provided I've understood your meaning correctly, at least). It's possible those white lines could be something, but it's hard to say for sure what. I'd love to hear others' thoughts on the subject!
(Also, note that I did just rewrite a chunk of this post since Torterra pointed that out for me, so if you saw the older, more negative version. whoops).
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The diffriders are so fucking fascinating to me specifically flare trooper dumjid bc like. You take a dragon mercenary who has seen war and has actively watched many comrades die. His whole thing is that he’s a perfect guard and thus the only one who survived, leading to a fucked up conception of himself as above death. And then you have him possess the body of some kid who presumably agrees to let him see earth bc That’s His Favorite Card And He Thinks He’s Cool and who’s probably like 12 (sorry saori I have no clue how old you are I’m just guessing based off taiyou + hiroki) and just. Walk around on earth (where are saori’s parents btw. Like you could say this about most vanguard characters but where are saori’s parents/guardians/friends do they know what “saori” is up to?? Does anyone who knew him pre-diffride realize how different he’s been acting?). Play a card game where he commands his dead comrades bc shiranui is paying him (which. How is he paying him, earth currency or cray currency? And what IS cray currency for that matter?). The only thing he likes about earth is the music but he is specifically cursed to keep having his headphones break. When a unit who’s diffriding a human dies in the human’s body, both the unit and the human die on both planets, and besides the money dumjid is only on shiranui’s team bc antero/miguel DIED, a fact which he’s fully aware of and iirc derides him for (may be wrong abt that one though). He constantly tells people to die when he’s cardfighting them. He is laid-back about vanguard and doesn’t care much until he loses a cardfight and because loss and death are inextricably linked in his mind he proceeds to get Super Fucked Up About It bc he’s built his entire self image off being The One Who Survives and losing the cardfight is akin to confirming that it’s possible for him to die & he especially can’t accept that Some Random Humans have the ability to take him out. Sometimes he shows his opponents the battlefield and the bodies of his comrades and they really don’t seem to devote much thought to it (like. What??? I get that chrono & friends love vanguard and chrono does address it a little bit but mostly iirc just to say “I don’t think that’s what vanguard actually does/that’s not OUR vanguard”). He’s affected worse and worse with each loss and joins a group trying to end the world to get revenge on the humans who’ve beaten him (iirc unclear whether he knows the success of the destruction of the earth will destroy him too). He becomes the last of the original diffriders - chaos breaker dragon doesn’t count he was diffridden during U20 - to remain on earth, a point which he makes sure to bring up as proof of his superior survival abilities. The kid whose body he’s possessing expresses that he’s not happy about the way dumjid’s acting and dumjid doesn’t give a shit and continues to puppet his body around. Just, everything about him as a character is so fascinating in a concerning way and, like shiranui, he brings up the fact that vanguard is Real in a way that the earth characters don’t really consider - yes they have strong imaginations and genuine attachment to their units, but ultimately they’re playing a card game where even if cards get sent to the drop/damage zones they can come back for the next battle* whereas on cray they’re fighting Actual Battles and the units that die die For Real And Permanently. Unlike shiranui, who eventually began to see vanguard as a method of reunion with his dead friends and decided that what he’d been told about earth vanguard being a direct cause for his friends’ deaths might be wrong, Dumjid never changes his view on earth vanguard after “experiencing death”, so when he finally loses and goes back to cray he’s essentially dragged back clawing and screaming. I don’t know, there’s just something about him that’s sooooo soooo fascinating to me
#*not counting g zones in battles with zeroth dragons except that chrono’s g zone DID come back#though that was probably only possible due to his Singularity so that’s a special case ig#also saori is kinda fascinating too in that he’s just some normal kid who agrees to let dumjid puppeteer his body bc he looks up to him#and then dumjid brings all his baggage and Completwlg Fucking Spirals and saori’s like I Want To Get Off This Ride Now but he Can’t#and while he once let dumjid control him now dumjids controlling him by force#and saori Doesn’t Like What He’s Doing but he Can’t Control His Own Body and he’s moving and speaking but it Isn’t Him#and even after dumjid is sent back from cray he falls in a coma#and I’m pretty sure he was in the coma for the longest time out of the people that were diffriden#which makes sense considering how much longer dumjid was controlling him for#but imagine waking up and you’re finally you again#but you have to deal with the fact that someone who you thought was cool used your body to try to start the apocalypse#and it affected your physical health too + you probably remember feeling all the things that dumjid felt#like. what. and I think we only saw him non-diffridden that one time in the last episode on his team with taiyou and hiroki#which was very cute and all and I’m glad he at least got friends out of it but Good God#anyways all the diffriders are just Fascinating to me and I could probably talk like this abt all of them#but I probably think about dumjid the most bc of *gestures* All That#sorry I have Gotta Yap Disease but I think I’m done now probably.#cfvg#fuchidaka saori#kind of#flare trooper dumjid#guess we’re tagging units now
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fallenclan · 10 months
hi ok i just sent an ask but i have so many thoughts. ive been following since maybe around 110 moons? but i was not brave enough to send an ask! and Boy do i have Thoughts.
scorchstar. that entire character arc is wild and why i love trying to get bloodthirsty cats to be my leaders. its so dramatic i dont even remember what scorchstar's traits were but she sits in my head sometimes. did she grow to regret her actions. how does she feel about her son(?) continuing the cycle. what does she think being back in the same clan as sun(?) (forgive me im foggy on details). is she ok. is sun(?) ok.
lee. how did my guy live so long?? i know you reset a lot to keep him alive but iirc he was 170+ when he joined? bro is a fossil. i love him.
otterslip. does he even know his mother was a killer too? i forgot if it was a known fact in canon that scorch killed sun. or is he just a clueless coincidence and a profound analogy to the similarities we hold to our parents no matter how little or how much time we spend with them? if he knows, does he realize just how nuts his entire situation is? If not, he is probably the most tragic cat here and i am obsessed.
maplestar is a silly guy and i hope he lives long and prospers.
i might have more as updates come out or as i remember things idk but my thoughts are Here
-🫁 anon
YEAH scorchstar is such an interesting character to me. her trait was Responsible, though iirc it was also Strict at one point. i think she absolutely came to regret her actions (which is probably the only reason she got into starclan at all) and feels MONUMENTALLY awful about her son continuing the cycle. i also think she still loves him regardless, and is devastated knowing hes probably going to the dark forest when he dies, and she'll never have that reunion with him. currently in starclan she "Hopes she has been a good leader". Sunwish is "curious about what Blizzardfang is doing".
lee. sort of lived long because he's. magic? idk it's not Totally canonized, its more of a bit if im being honest, but the idea is fun to me. it started because he was the FIRST non clan founder that interacted with the clan in any way (seriously. his ID number is 1) and he outlived two clan leaders. i mentioned this offhandedly a couple of times and then people wanted me to add him to the clan, so i ended up doing it. absolute fossil fr (still not the oldest cat we ever had though--that title goes to Rum Tum Tugger, a whopping 258 moons when he died)
Otterslip does know his mother was a killer, yes. i imagine he had suspicions up until Stormsight told him--either in the heat of the moment during an argument, or when he told Otterslip that he wanted to give the truth to the clan. that was why he murdered Stormsight, to keep him silent. imagine if he thought Stormsight was lying though. could you imagine
haha yeah
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ari.. do you mind linking the tojinana fic for... research purposes.. please and thank you <333333
also as soon as i clicked on your ask box i heard a mouse (rat?) scuttle in my roof and it was both funny and terrifying
ANON YOU’RE VERY SWEET BUT I REFUSE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT’S SO OLD IT’S SO BAD. IT’S AWFUL. TRUST ME. i’d have to do a Thorough rewrite of it before posting but …. since you asked so nicely i will give you a tiny sneak peek :3 that i edited just for you. I HOPE THAT’S OK SOBS……
”i want a piggyback ride.”
you blurt it out with decision, a sleepy demand, disrupting the quiet sense of peace in the chilly air. a moment passes — and toji barks out a laugh.
”a piggyback ride?” he coos, a teasing lilt on his tongue, contrasting the rough timbre of his voice. his palm meets the crown of your head; ruffling your tousled hair. ”such a spoiled brat, huh? can’t even make it home on your own. poor baby.”
a pout slips into the curve of your lips, and kento elbows him — very gently — as if he’s made of glass. it’s a gesture he’s grown used to, a silent be nice. toji tries not to smile.
it’s cold out, even with kento’s coat around your shoulders, and you’re so tired you could fall asleep right here and now. you have two perfectly capable, big, strong fiancés with you, and yet neither of them are letting you climb onto their broad backs.
how terrible.
(they’re both about to offer, but you decide to be petty instead of waiting patiently.)
”oh, i see how it is.” you cross your arms and jut your bottom lip out, fully aware of how weak they are to your puppy dog eyes. and then, the final nail in the coffin; ”so you can’t even muster up the kindness to give your own spouse a lift home?”
they both stiffen.
”it’s fine. i get it.” you take two, three long steps ahead, brushing past the tall men. delighting in their sudden silence. ”guess i’ll just have to walk on my own. so much for that proposal —”
”get on.”
before you can blink, they’re in front of you. on their knees, backs towards you, like dogs at your heels. one head of blonde hair, one head of black, ruffled by the starlit breeze.
you can’t see their faces, can’t see their red ears — can’t hear their racing heartbeats. you know them, though. you know them a little too well.
(gosh, they’re whipped.)
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
Mass Effect: Andromeda - That time where Sara Ryder became an adopted mom to a Fiend 🤔🤣😉
This is the Elaaden mission where you're supposed to "tame" a Fiend by setting a smoke lure. It draws a Fiend and you fight it but instead of it dying, it's supposed to sit down by the smoke and ignore you after that. This Fiend, though, really wanted some Pathfinder skritchies and cuddles and followed Sara all of the way back to the NOMAD.
And then... Okay, please imagine the hysterical laughter I gave at the NOMAD part. You've got to see that for yourself, lol!
Sorry, as usual, for the lack of nice editing. This is the raw footage since I still have no Vegas to work with. I initially just wanted to capture how the Fiend was weirdly following Sara around and then it became one of my favorite moments so far in my over 600 hours in this game! 😍🤣
I seriously wish Sara could've kept her Fiend pal and brought him back to the Tempest to hang out in her quarters with her hamster and Pyjak, lol!
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I love Vetra at the end of that clip, commenting about the crazy rock formations as if we hadn't just had a FIEND sitting on top of the NOMAD, lol! 🤣🤣🤣
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Love you, FiFi, I'll never forget you, bud! 🤗🤗🤗
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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i think a lot about how teddie says sorry looking really apologetic and then yosuke immediately backs up and compliments him!!! i feel insane!!!!
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
last minute pre-grandparent-visit room deep cleaning has revealed that within the drawer i tend to assume just has old, off generic birthday cards and theater/concert programs there are also many, many going away cards and letters and things from the last couple of times i moved away. i guess i always thought of it as such a lonely thing, and i talk a lot about how i don't think i made Real friends until recently, and not to get choked up on main or anything but i think maybe i was completely fucking wrong
#Real friends = deep friends and admittedly it's hard to have deep connections with ppl when you're like 10#and also hard to have deep connection with people when you don't understand yourself at all (bc how could you share it?)#but i was so profoundly loved.#and it's not like the bday cards and stuff aren't a part of that they're just so.. obligatory? whereas such cards from friends is. guhhh#like they missed me. maybe they still do at least a little bit. ahhhhhhh#like i was a shithead but i meant something to a lot of good people and so many of these aren't from just one person#they're a bunch of them coming together and bringing along inside jokes i only half remember and drawing my fucking ocs like GUYS.#GUYS I LOVE YOU GUYS. i may not remember all of you but you were like. goddd i think you made this bearable#and im so glad i saved these. i didn't know there were so many#speaking of which i also found THREE count em THREE decks of cards i know for a fact i have never used bc i have a favorite deck and it's#not those. what off the wall madness was i planning where i needed three non-matching decks of cards within sleep-reach at all times#anyway im reorganizing bc like 10% of that drawer was stuff i actually needed regularly (literally Just the knives) and it's a nightstand#so it should be like. stuff i frequently need like pens and junk. idk#like it's not as if i don't think about how my moving away hurt ppl like i've been abandoning ppl against my will my whole life#but i guess ive been thinking of it as some kind of responsibility or guilt thing? or painful in a me-centric way. they sent me off#with well wishes though they poured their hearts into these. they drew and printed photos and made little crafts bc they loved me#and that's what you do when someone you love has to go away. waughhhhgghhghbn
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prncewilhelm · 21 days
hi i miss your writing like air but I hope you're good and well and peachy
thank you so much! honestly, i miss writing a lot too. life wasn't too easy for a long while and unfortunately despite how much i tried, my writing had to take the hit.
i'm all well and good and peachy now though, so thank you.
hope you are too!!
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kris-mage-fics · 1 year
So frustrating that my body decided that I should have a flare up of a different condition now! (Not fibro, and I very rarely actually get full blown fibromyalgia flares anymore. Lots of other symptoms, but not actual flare ups.)
Not going to go into it, because I'd rather not. Just that if I hadn't eaten quite a bit of sugar a couple hours ago I wouldn't be in a position to even write this much. Which wasn't easy. Generally this issue is mostly under control too, but I guess it decided to have it's turn. At least I know what to do about it and should be feeling better tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.
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localgardenweed · 5 months
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Happy 420 everyone, i hope you all have a epic awesome sauce swagtastic days
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twelfth-dykector · 3 months
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HE WAS ALSO SAYING GOODBYE THO JUST LIKE JACK (I think although I can't remember)
I SWEAR HE MET JACK AND JACK WAS LIKE 'there was this guy it doesn't matter who he is but I kissed him and his friend on the lips to say bye and it made me look really cool'
and rogue was like 'woah that's a cool move I'll try it out when I get the chance'
sorry I will not stop having thoughts lol
also my friend texted me about it and I was scared he wouldn't like the episode because he didn't like good omens s2 ending T-T
but he LOVED IT
mainly because he likes dnd and also he said rogue was hot although I can't quite see it imo lolll
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lilac-melody · 2 years
Not to be mean but can people not send me asks, asking if they can "liph//yo beam" me?
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waddingham · 1 year
A different Anon a while back said HW scenes from Sex Ed were on YouTube and I looked them up today and these scenes (the first especially) *almost* make me want to watch the whole show: [YouTube]/watch?v=ejdy5KXLuTc&ab_channel=HannahWadFans
oh see......now if I tried to go watch all of her scenes in one fell swoop I think it would blow my tits clean off
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acotars · 1 year
(I have no idea if this will make sense—sorry I’ve had some wine this evening and so I’m rambling)
I think this is a “popular” opinion but not widespread—people need to understand that there is so much nuance to reading. Obviously there’s the “you can like things I don’t like” and vice versa, but also in HOW people enjoy things. Like take Fourth Wing (I know I know), but while I also agree with a lot of the complaints, I still was just like “that was a fun time, I totally ignored all the sex scenes bc I hate how they were written, but I was vibing the whole time.” And I feel like some people would still respond to my opinion like “okay but it was so horrible how did you even enjoy it at all??? Lame”
Like okay Betty, I love high fantasy as much as you, but sometimes I want something that just fucks, okay?
(and not to say you aren’t allowed to not like things, but there seems to be a fine line between “hey! I didn’t like this but that’s okay” and “I hated this and I CANNOT comprehend why ANYONE could find even an inkling of fun from this + I’m going to subtly implicate that I think people who like this are stupid”) (obviously not for books that are objectively hurtful or offensive)
And of course you can go so many different ways than just that example, but it’s a mix of gate-keeping, prejudice, lack of empathy, and a bit of a superiority complex that makes it so hard for the reading community to really be united.
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
💌 did you know that seeing you on my dash makes me so happy and I'm so glad that we're mutuals
i literally love you who are you loveletter anon
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gasterofficial · 2 years
Hey, it's the mass/matter anon again (sorry), and I just wanted to make sure you knew that was for you, too. I've been following you for a bit prior to all this, and I just wanted to say there's never been a time where one of your posts fails to brighten my day, even just a little. So, seriously, thanks!
(I also wanted to say that the way you characterize Gaster is SO fun. Like, I really appreciate how you've balanced the good and the bad, and made him into less of a villain or a hero, but just a person. Super cool!)
you guys are going to make me CRYYY FOR REALLLL seriously thank you 😭
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