#gender constructs
idkeither223 · 2 months
As an autistic individual; once you debunk and deconstruct the notions of gender to little smoking smithereens, and are generally nonchalant that it’s all a pile of poo, then eventually you have to accept that’s not the weird allistic cis allo heteronormative world we live in. So you happily settle for identifying as nonbinary as that’s the best fit, notions of boy and girl are alien to you. “How is gender meant to even feel?” you cry into the echoing cavern, no response. Little creeping mind demons whisper to you that you’re wrong and just a cis autistic overthinker. But you’ve come so far in societal revelations that that is unacceptable. Not true. Still, the tiny demons find you. Who cares, at the end of the day. When a student a century away reads your non existent diary, their opinion is only for their essay. More important is the loud bubble of emotion, swirling inside you as wrong pronouns cause internal commotion. People you love but don’t have the courage to correct. Forever feeling socially inept. Embrace their hugs but listen deep to your moment’s soul. How you approach, perceive, and process yourself, it really is only your call.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
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a-gay-poptart · 7 months
I have found the best ally
Straight and cis people will say that they are allies, but you will NEVER measure up to my dentist.
Me: "Hey, is it ok if I can change my name on my info from [DEADNAME] to Aspen?"
Random woman that I wasn't even talking to in the chair next to me: "Honey, if that's the name you had at birth, [DEADNAME] is your only name."
My dentist, very slowly turning her rolley chair towards the woman: "Shush."
Random woman: "Excuse me?"
Destist: *closes privacy curtain while staring bullets at the lady*
Me: *pissing myself laughing*
My dentist while changing my name in my info (reminder that English is not her first language, she immigrated from Russia): "There, Sai, you have pretty boy teeth. Smile and make all girls swoon."
Me not having the heart to tell her I'm not transmasc but I'm Agender, and still pissing myself laughing: "Thank you [DENTIST NAME]."
Edit: Ok, this has gotten alot of attention, but right now my other posts is what really needs attention. I have a few fundraisers for people trying to evacuate Palestine and Gaza, but also a diabetic who needs her insulin shot. Please please please, go to my page and at the very least repost those posts, have the day you deserve and free Palestine🇵🇸
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It is inherently fun and sexy to say statements that swap the traditional genders of pronouns and terms mid-statement, such as: "I'm going to make him my wife" "She's my boyfriend" "Who says a guy can't be a pretty princess?" "That girl's the coolest dude I've ever met" "She's a madman who has to be stopped" "It's not his fault he's a material girl" Gender is a set of watercolors and the prettiest shades come from mixing the paints together.
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taliabhattwrites · 23 days
The Third Sex
After months of research and painstakingly connecting the threads of transmisogyny theory, queer activism, and field-wide epistemic injustice, I would like to present "The Third Sex": my treatise on a third-world transfeminism.
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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queerism1969 · 4 months
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astralwashboard · 2 years
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autism just keeps winning
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it’s because gender is stupid and autistic people aren’t
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icarusxxrising · 1 year
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
In 2024 I will begin documenting my daily journey of joining a Batman-themed boyband
Stay tuned for details
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Hear Me Out
Yokai Amity. What are yokai? Japanese spirits. And not just ghosts, a majority of mythical creatures? Yokai.
So how did this happen? Well, like most things, it can be blamed on the ghost portal in the Fenton Basement. And a lot of ecto contamination. Because while they're a small city? They're also in the middle of nowhere, meaning a lot of their foods and crops, they grow themselves. And the ectoplasm? Started sinking into the ground first. Y'know, where every plant grows and then both humans and animals proceed to eat it? Made even worse when those like Overgrowth or Vortex came through? Yeaah, it'd be a miracle if they didn't get contaminated and no surprise that most don't notice their humanity slipping with time with how it's happening to everyone.
Which kind of makes the situation Danny has found himself kind of hilarious? At least to him. The trenchcoat dude seems to be having an aneurism or something similar.
"So... not a meta?" the tiny vigilante child clarified again, head tilting from where he stood at the head of his group. Honestly Danny was enjoying this from his place sprawled across the park bench Honestly Amity had spoiled him with benches designed for extra limbs.
The blonde man seemed absolutely done with everything, hands twitching as though about to cradle his head in his hands or grab something. "No," he wasn't shouting but it was close. "For fuck's sake- your all lucky not to be cursed or worse-" He turned towards Danny. "Why the fuck didn't you?"
The hainu shrugged, wings doing more of the motion than the rest of him. "They're babies-" Or at least one of them was, borderline liminal as they were. "You play along with toddlers." Honestly he saw why his old rogues found this fun, even if he'd never go as far as they did.
The entire team of vigilante children bristled, one opening their mouth to protest before trenchcoat-soul-dude glared at them all before turning back towards him.
"Though what the fuck do you need that for that you'd steal it- not that any artifact like that should be in a bloody museum and not locked away where idiots can't get to it."
He snorted, the sound more dog-like. Or really more yeti-like, what with how he was taking lessons from Frostbite which meant large chunks of time in the Far Frozen.
"Technically I don't need it, my kid does," Danny held up a finger, marveling slightly at the clouds. It was quite different compared to Amity, what with how everywhere was so ecto-infused that the sky was effected.
"And what does a hainu need with-" the trenchcoat man motioned to the cursed object, which honestly wasn't that bad. But...
"Oh no, he's not a hainu, he's furaribi." Danny honestly wasn't surprised that Jordan wouldn't turn out the same as he, de-aged or not. Not that he was memory-less or anything, cores didn't lose that easily, but he did still have the physical brain of a child.
"Nope," he hummed, going over the list of things he still had to do today before returning to Amity. Sam had asked him to get a few more flowers to test how ecto would effect them and he had to pick up some computer parts for Tuck.
"How the fuck."
"My sister's a kitsune, my other sister is a shirouneri, my mom is a shishi, my dad a baku, godfather's an itachi, my boyfriend a raiju, my girlfriend a kirin, and my other girlfriend a yosuzume," he ticked off his fingers, not seeing anything wrong with it. Not like people could get into Amity easily after the whole GIW thing.
"... what the fuck does your family tree look like, mate, because that should be bloody impossible."
Danny shrugged, giving a sharp toothed smile. Yeah, the realms didn't care about that with how malleable ecto was.
(In case it's not clear: Hainu Danny, Furaribi Dan, Kitsune Jazz, Shirouneri Danny, Lion Dog Maddie, Baku Jack, Itachi Vlad, Raiju Tucker, Kirin Sam & Yosuzume Valerie) (Also feel free to come up with what everyone else might be) (Highly recommend yokai.com for a quick summary of each creature)
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blazestar345 · 1 year
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blorbocedes · 11 months
when people try to argue that feminism is unnecessary, western import for bourgeoise women, that the wage gap doesn't exist, that civilisations are built solely by men in construction doing hard labour while the women are at home, show them the impoverished female bricklayers of India, who are 49% of the second largest industry (after agriculture) of 40 million constructors, and get paid less for equal work ($7/day for men, $4/day for women) because of gender discrimination and exploited due to being poor, illiterate, debt trapped, facing gender based setbacks (not being promoted to masonry or carpentry like men) and being unaware of their union rights
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this work in general is exploitative, getting paid pennies on the dollar while corporations that build their mega complexes rake in millions, hazardous to health, no safety equipment, regulations, breathing in fine dust and construction pollution for both men and women. but women in particular face gender based discrimination such as getting paid a lower raw wage and lack of opportunities to get promoted from this heavy duty scaffolding work, in fact they often do more work than the men but aren't respected by their male peers. and the idea that only men historically have done hard labour, built civilisations is a false myth that erases the plight of the millions of women in the Global South.
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lucidmagic · 11 months
Gender is a performance and we’re all just clowns
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chongoblog · 4 months
as it turns out there is a way to denounce transgenderism without being anti woke, or as you like to call it "transphobic" you see if you think sex or as you like to call it "gender" is a social construct then how can you identify as a women if according to you that "gender" isn't real but a mere social construct? By that logic we're all fruitless, or as you like to call it "nonbinary" either way it looks your pronoun wars are ending in defeat. Checkmate.
I feel like this is meant to be hate mail, but you're unironically advocating for abolition of gender roles, which is pretty based
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taliabhattwrites · 18 days
The most widespread form of transmisogyny within the queer community is denying trans women epistemic authority.
Which means: people do not believe us on our own experiences. They frequently assume any and all oppression we face must be mild or must simply be anti-effeminacy instead of "real misogyny". We are considered to be exaggerating the material consequences of bigotry on us and assumed to not experience various harms that we in fact do, including medical misogyny, sexual violence, CSA, being infantilized and dismissed, being inadequately represented (since most popular depictions of us are cissexist caricatures and do not authentically portray our lived realities!), and more besides.
Perhaps the most hysteria inducing aspect of this is being told that our testimony is not frequently dismissed, BY PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTIVELY DISMISSING OUR TESTIMONY ON HOW MUCH MISOGYNY AND DEGENDERING AND VIOLENCE WE EXPERIENCE.
We are not "new to oppression". We do not have to be taught what it is like to be feminized and dehumanized under patriarchy. We are painfully familiar with how misogyny operates and experience it regularly, in addition to having to justify even to "our" communities that we do in fact experience it!
That, my friends, is the core of transmisogyny: being dehumanized while being denied the right to even name one's oppression or have it be acknowledged as such!
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