#game of chairs
victusinveritas · 8 months
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The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
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schrl · 5 months
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a throne fit for a king
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henreyettah · 1 month
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03/10 🦊
More foxes here
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retrogamingblog2 · 5 months
frog on a froggy chair
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zephyrchama · 4 months
Being hunted down by Asmodeus with a hair dryer because you recently got out of the shower and your hair is still wet.
He's racing through the halls in his demon form, allowing his predator instincts to take over. The thrill of the chase has him more worked up than usual. He calls your name with a sugar-sweet trill, his breath hot and practically steaming with each exhalation. Anyone who dares to get in his way will be charmed aside. There's a tightness in his chest as he grips the hair dryer, parting his lips, seeking out your scent and the sound of your heartbeat. You drive him crazy.
He cannot wait to get his hands on you.
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jeeaark · 7 days
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After successfully romancing all the lovely ladies, was looking forward to what Bachelor Romance Drama would ensue during the Durge run.
Apparently, my Durge's love life was uh- very straightforward.
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love how Solar Opposites started out as a sitcom about two aliens who can't stand each other, stuck with their teenage clones (whom they also can't stand) & a toddler antichrist (whom they view as a sort of self-sufficient free-roaming hamster?) on a stupid planet they can't stand
and 4 seasons later it's a sitcom about a family of genderqueer aliens, headed by a gay couple in a happy & horny open marriage (with a graphic off-screen sex life, despite their canonical lack of genitalia?) teaching themselves to be okay parents to their 3 kids (whose Sci-Fi Antics now slightly-less-frequently revolve around wreaking havoc on human bystanders, and slightly-more-frequently revolve around alien-clone-sibling-bonding*), to the point that the central plot point becomes "We need to provide our toddler antichrist with a stable home environment."
(also the grumpy alien husband is too busy ingratiating his family with their suburban neighbors to even remember whom or what he dislikes. what is this show)
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amid-fandoms · 4 months
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space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get close
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primarinite · 5 months
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had to flip it because of his eye lol
textless version under the cut cuz i think it fucks
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nigellica · 5 months
I love the big, ridiculous, dramatic disasters on 9-1-1, but I'd really love to see an episode where they don't go to a single call.
And I don't mean, the focus is elsewhere and we just don't see the calls. I mean they don't get a single call. Like the opposite of the quiet episode.
I want like, Buck climbing the walls, Eddie trying to pretend he isn't also bored out of his mind. Hen trying to be responsible and do responsible things but getting sucked into shenanigans. Bobby suspicious he gets to cook and eat an entire meal. Maybe Chim trying to avoid a conversation with someone and having to find excuses around the station to escape. Or begging Maddie to send them literally any job so he doesn't have to listen to Buck whining (especially when Tommy can barely respond to his texts because he's so busy).
And maybe they get one call and everyone rushes to get ready, gets in the trucks to go and then.... Slowly and sadly reverse back into the shed when they're stood down because another unit is closer.
I want them running out of things to clean, playing stupid games like fuck, marry or kill, doing personality quizzes ('Which animal are you? Buck and Cap both got golden retrievers!'). Just... The levels of stupidity they could get into with nothing else to do.
(And Bobby somehow gets an entire month's worth of paperwork done before he emerges into the disaster that is the firehouse, smoke alarm going off, feathers everywhere for some reason and just the entire 118 looking like guilty puppies)
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What are you talking about I'm having a COMPLETE normal one and am spending a reasonable amount of time away from my desk!
Also me:
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marvel-lous-guy · 7 months
*in the lab*
Tony: Hey Pete could you stand up for a sec?
Peter: yeah, sure
Tony: *takes chair* thanks
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brave-symphonia · 10 months
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Turns out cancelling the patch for CCC gets you this message.
I love it.
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henreyettah · 1 month
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08/10 🦊
More foxes here
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the-meme-monarch · 1 month
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thinking abt chairiel(s). what if there was an old person who sucked
under the cut are my Working Through who they should be and their design
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originally I was thinking brown chairiel Stole blue chairiel’s identity or maybe it was a false prophet thing and they were unrelated, then Well what if they’re siblings and there’s some implied parallels with the chairiels and kris & asriel. bc blue chairiel kinda looked too human to me at first and Is Blue. also in these iterations i was thinking they could be a secret boss. i think every iteration and even my final design probably still does have some religious undertones. your annoying catholic grandparent that made you firmly atheist
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dustykneed · 4 months
i just think spock has great mom friend potential tbh. strong contender for the cutest thing i've ever drawn
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